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Wicca Course Imbolc Special Late winter, and the sparkling festivity of Yule is over. Winter seems to stretch on forever: the earth remains frozen, no green in sight. We are tired of the barren cold. It is time to call spring back to us! Deep in the dark soil, the baby seeds are stretching and yawning, starting to feel the pulse of the Mother again quicken them. Soon we'll see signs of renewed life, if we can just wait a few weeks more! Life - the return of the green. Especially if you have a connection to Ireland, this is a good time of year to honour the Emerald Isle: eating traditional Irish foods, listening to music and poetry of Ireland, remembering the British deities that peak in strength at this time of year. The all-giving, fertile pig is the creature of the moment, and she teaches us to have patience, sacrifice, and the coming Spring will mirror her abundance. Imbolc, (pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk"), also called Oimealg, ("IM-mol'g), by the Druids, is literally the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewes milk". Herd animals have either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders. It is the time of Blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. It marks the centre point of the dark half of the year. It is the festival of the Maiden, for from this day to September 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather and in many places the first Crocus flow The Imbolc Sabbat is variously known as The Festival of Lights. Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Aug 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St. Bridget's Day (Christian),

Wicca… · year. The all-giving, fertile pig is the creature of the moment, and she teaches us to have patience,

Jul 20, 2020



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Page 1: Wicca… · year. The all-giving, fertile pig is the creature of the moment, and she teaches us to have patience,

Wicca Course

Imbolc Special

Late winter, and the sparkling festivity of Yule is over. Winter seems to stretch on forever: the earth remains frozen, no green in sight. We are tired of the barren cold. It is time to call spring back to us! Deep in the dark soil, the baby seeds are stretching and yawning, starting to feel the pulse of the Mother again quicken them. Soon we'll see signs of renewed life, if we can just wait a few weeks more! Life - the return of the green. Especially if you have a connection to Ireland, this is a good time of year to honour the Emerald Isle: eating traditional Irish foods, listening to music and poetry of Ireland, remembering the British deities that peak in strength at this time of year. The all-giving, fertile pig is the creature of the moment, and she teaches us to have patience, sacrifice, and the coming Spring will mirror her abundance.

Imbolc, (pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk"), also called Oimealg, ("IM-mol'g), by the Druids, is literally the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewes milk". Herd animals have either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders. It is the time of Blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. It marks the centre point of the dark half of the year. It is the festival of the Maiden, for from this day to September 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather and in many places the first Crocus flow

The Imbolc Sabbat is variously known as The Festival of Lights. Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Aug 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St. Bridget's Day (Christian),

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Candlemas, Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop Festival. The Festival of Lights, or the Feast of the Virgin. {In the Northern Hemisphere their start of Spring festical is also celebrated as Groundhog Day}

All Virgin and Maiden Goddesses are honoured at this time

Usually celebrated on August 1st/2nd in the Southern Hemishpere - however some purists prefer it be celebrated on the exact cross-quarter day between Yule and Ostara (can be found on most lunar or Witch calendars)

It is the celebration of the return of the Maiden of Spring. Now the Crone undergoes her wonderful transformation into the beautiful Maiden of Flowers, Mistress of the Hunt. Imbolc is the festival of light in the darkness, the celebration of rekindled fire. Most witches light as many candles in their house or witch's room to bring on light and warmth and say goodbye to the dark. This is the time of individuation: within the measures of the spiral, we each light our own light, and become uniquely ourselves. It is the time of initiation, of beginning when seeds that will later sprout and grow begin to stir from their dark sleep.

This Sabbat also honours the moon as source of fertility for the months to come. The winter still cold reawakens and first feels the quickening of life. It is a time for changes below the surface of things, when solstice birth first begins to manifest. It is the time of year to make a commitment or recommitment to your spiritual growth. It is a time to look ahead in hope and joy for what is to come. It is a time of divination, looking into the coming year. It is a time for cleaning and purification. Self-dedication. It is a time for looking for earlyspring.

Lore: The Goddess recovers from the birth and the God is young. Imbolc is a purification, and a festival of light and fertility. This is the opening of spring .

Activities: Imbolc is celebrated with symbolic new beginnings and sweeping out of the old. Many like to have self-dedication rituals and re-initiations at this time. Traditional activities are making candles, lighting a candle in a window and burning it until morning, using candles in magick and divination, doing a "spring cleaning" of the house, blessing seeds that are hoped to produce good plants for food and other things, re-stocking the magickal cabinet, and going out looking for signs of spring, collecting pebbles and other natural trinkets. Some people like to put a wheel symbol on their altar at this time of the year.

Crossroads figure prominently in this Sabbat. This is a night that spirits of the dead are said to walk among the living. The Crossroads also represent an equal-armed cross which is seen as a symbol of balance and protection. On the eve before this Sabbat, go to a crossroad and bury negativity so it cannot escape.

The Maiden is honoured, as the Bride, on this Sabbat. Straw Brideo'gas (corn dollies) are created from oat or wheat straw and placed in baskets with white flower bedding. Young girls then carry the Brideo'gas door to door, and gifts are bestowed upon the image from each household. Afterwards at the traditional feast, the older women make special acorn wands for the dollies to hold, and in the morning the ashes in the hearth are examined to see if the magic wands left marks as a good omen. Brighid's Crosses are fashioned from wheat stalks and exchanged as symbols of protection and prosperity in the coming year. Home hearth fires are put out and re-lit, and a besom is place by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and

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welcoming the new. Candles are lit and placed in each room of the house to honour the re-birth of the Sun. Another traditional symbol of Imbolc is the plough. In some areas, this is the first day of ploughing in preparation of the first planting of crops. A decorated plough is dragged from door to door, with costumed children following asking for food, drinks, or money. Should they be refused, the household is paid back by having its front garden ploughed up. In other areas, the plough is decorated and then Whiskey, the "water of life" is poured over it. Pieces of cheese and bread are left by the plough and in the newly turned furrows as offerings to the nature spirits. It is considered taboo to cut or pick plants during this time.

Imbolc Colours : White, Orange, Red, Yellow, Pink , Brown Imbolc Herbs : Angelica, basil, bay, chamomile, cinnamon, red clover, crocus, dandelion, dill, first flowers of the year, frankincense, heather, myrrh, nettle, orris root, primrose, rosemary, rowan, saffron, snowdrop

Imbolc Incense : Rosemary ,Cinnamon , Wisteria, Frankincense, Myrrh, Basil, Jasmine, Camphor, Lotus Imbolc Decorations : Lamps, Besom (witch's broom), Yellow flowers, Candlemas Candle Wheel, Brigit's Bed, Brigit’s Crosses, Iron decorations like horseshoes, Seeds, Wells, Fire Creatures : white cow with red ears, snake, swan and lamb Talismans : Shining Mirror to Otherworld, cauldron, and Holy Grail Imbolc Foods : All dairy products, Curries, Onions, Chives, Garlic, Spiced wines, Seeds, Honey cake, Sacred breads, Shortbread, Apple cider, White cookies, Iced spring water Buttermilk bread, Herbal teas Imbolc Sacred Gemstones : Amethyst, Garnet, Onyx, Turquoise, Spellwork appropriate for Imbolc :Catalytic spells, Spells for beginnings, Rejuvenation spells, Purification spells, Spells for good luck for future endeavours

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Imbolc the start of Spring –

Example Ritual Elements that can also be adapted for solitary use

Imbolc ritual is often centred around the Goddess Brigid, who in her triple aspects represents: Goddess of Inspiration - poets, poetry, creativity, prophecy, arts

Goddess of Smithcraft - blacksmiths, goldsmiths, household crafts

Goddess of Healing - healers, medicine, spiritual healing, fertility (crops, land, cattle)

WOMEN’S TRIBE Dress in White to honour the Goddess Brigid in Her maiden form. We will hold counsel as to whether or not we will invite men in.

MEN’S TRIBE Make Candle Crown as an offering to the Maiden and the women’s tribe.

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CIRCLE/ALTAR Rocks in centre of circle with fire logs, White Candles around circle, Brigid’s Bed on altar


(Maiden with rattle) Spirits of Wind Spirits of Fire Spirits of Sea

Spirits of Stone!

(Mother with candle flame) Power of Breath

Power of Life Power of Blood Power of Bone!

(Crone with salt)

As I Will This Circle is cast

So Mote It Be! So Mote It Be!

In a break from our usual custom of casting the circle three women cast the circle before the ritual began. They followed each other in line, rattling, carrying a candle flame around, and spreading salt. These are women of great spiritual intensity. There are more ways than one to approach Goddess. At our Sabbats, no method of ritual is graven in stone. Departure from our usual practice just means that someone was inspired to do it, and was given the chance to follow their vision.

We enter the circle through a tunnel of arms raised like children playing London Bridge. We called this a birth canal. Why a birth canal? Because Imbolc, the time of quickening, is a traditional time of initiation in European nature traditions, and in our coven, and there were some new members we wanted to welcome into our circle. They and the circle casters entered first. Then, the outermost couple of women holding hands up like London Bridge entered, then the second to last, and the tunnel grew shorter. The last two women dropped arms and entered. We had made a mysterious journey and were inside the cast circle. As we entered, we sang: We are the flow, we are the ebb, we are the weavers and we are the web We are the weavers and we are the web, we are the Witches, back from the dead.

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Repeat x 3 times around circle We designate four women to summon quarters/wearing appropriate garland colour for each.


Hail to thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, the powers of Earth.

Now the time has come to call for the powers of mountains and of trees,

celebrate with us the things that are to be. The warming of Spring will soon bring the abundance of

summer. The breezes will be warmer and the days longer.

Powers of leaf and flower and thorn, join the children of the light as we celebrate.

Light torch: Hail & Welcome


Hail to thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, the powers of Air,

you who blow crisp, clean, and cold, with swirls of blistery winds.

Bring the warm, soft breezes that herald the beginning of Spring.

Smell the sweet scent of lilacs. Breathe in the air.

Become refreshed with new thoughts, new knowledge, new projects.

Join the children of the light as we celebrate.

Light torch: Hail & Welcome

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Hail to thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the East,

the powers of water. We see the sun's rays bouncing off the ocean tides,

smashing into the rocks. Our emotions are high as we get ready for Spring,

in the anticipation of the Sun's return. Waters of Life, give us birth, and the knowledge to grow as the seeds grow in the Earth from your nourishment.

Join the children of the light as we celebrate.

Light torch: Hail & Welcome


Hail to thee, Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, the powers of Fire.

Now as we stand in the fullness of winter, yet on the threshold of Spring,

we await the seed which is awakening in the Earth. We ask for your Divine spark to ignite our Sacred Fires

as we gather this night to rejuvenate the flames of the sun. Join the children of the light as we celebrate.

Light torch: Hail & Welcome

CHANT Earth my body (bending at knees with palms facing the earth) Water my blood (making a huls motion with hands at womb level) Air my breath (hands reaching up) And Fire my spirit (passing hands above the head in a clap) Repeat to build energy Women of the Sacred Grove ~ will we invite the men to circle ~ what say you (if more say yes than no then the men can enter if the candle crown has been made for the maiden)

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By the flowers of the field, O Lady of delight, by the crops thy blessings yield, Oh Maiden clear and bright. We evoke thy presence in kernels and sheaves. We see thy face in the moonlit leaves. Come now to us, extend thy grace, Come into our circle within this holy place. Daughter of the Earth, drinking sunlight. Queen of plants, sister of night. By leaf and twig, by root and bough By water and earth, come to us now! Bring us your grain, the staff of our lives, Bring us your fruit, wherever it thrives. Mistress of herbs unlock your power And lead us into your leafy bower. In love and joy we call your name, With comforting hope, you ease our pain. We see thee in the swelling bud, We feel thy stirring in our blood. O Lady clear, we feel thee near, In Spring a Maiden with flowers crowned In summer and harvest, the Mother renewed, In Autumn and winter the Hag holds sway, Yet the Maiden remains but months away. Great Triple Goddess, the seasons flow And ebb to thy will as you come and go. Light the candle for the Goddess: Hail & Welcome Close eyes: Now see the Goddess-a brilliant maiden with a wreath of candles adorning Her head. She is young, fresh, glowing with potential and unbridled enthusiasm. Yet, at the same time, she is not a person at all: she is the unfathomable deep of the consciousness of our world. She is Gaia, mother of all things, trembling with her own might and majesty as another springtime (the season of lust) arrives. Call to this-the very essence of the Universe-from your heart. She will be present.

As Maiden comes to the SW quarter of the circle, everyone acknowledges her with a nod or bow. She circles 3 times deosil and then kneels at the altar. Leader of the men’s tribe crowns her and lights the 13 candles (birthday candles are easiest), she stands by his side while he evokes the Horned One.

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We call upon you 0 Horned One, at this time of the feast of torches, when every lamp blazes and shines to welcome your rebirth as the Sun. All the land is wrapped in winter. The air is chilled and the Earth lies barren beneath her mantle of sleep. We call upon you to return, Lord of the Sun. The spark of life is within you, as is the darkness of death. For you are the gatekeeper at the end of time. We call upon you whom all must face at the appointed hour. Yet you are not to be feared, for you are brother, lover, and son. You teach us that death is but the beginning of life and we honour you. You who holds the key of life and death. Light the candle for the God: Hail & Welcome

Welcoming of the Season of Imbolc

The chosen one walks slowly and with dignity around the circle and speaks with power about: The season of Imbolc The coming of growth – not yet, but soon Dedication to change that such newness inspires The time to forge new links and to re-examine old ones Are they still good? Are they worth repairing? What should be carried forward? and what needs to be shed? Finally, she speaks of commitment

Sweeping of the Circle – women only

Smudging of the Circle – Men only

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Passing the Flame – done if needed

The quarter torches or candles are released from their service, thanked the final time and asked to pass the power, love & knowledge to the next set of torches/candles. This ensures that the flame remains immortal and the knowledge gained during each circle is passed on to the descendents of the original torches/candles. Pass incense over new torches/candles 3 times tuathail to cleanse them of any negativity: Cleansed Be Safe Be Any negativity leave thee West, South, East & North – holding onto old torch/candle: True and valiant Ally, Protector and Light of my Realm With all my Heart I give you praise for your strength that never wanes 8 Sabbats passed and you never failed While round about us minions wailed Your light stood firm when others fell Go in peace and sleep thee well. Handmaiden presents new torch/candle to each quarter Each quarter lights new torch/candle from the old and says: Lessons learned we pass along This new torch/candle now just as strong Takes the place of one now gone. Pause a moment for the old torch/candle to impart its knowledge to the new … see them both burning together … the tired old warrior and the new fresh knight with the knowledge of the veteran. Then when you are ready, blow out the old torch/candle for the final time. Music: light a candle

Leaping the Cauldron Now it's time to raise a little fire energy! Each of us took a turn leaping the flames to engender our new dream for the coming season. The spirit in which you do ritual is everything; exactly how, physically, you approach the cauldron doesn't matter. All the time we do this, we sing: We will rise with the fire of freedom, Truth is the fire that burns our chains. And we can stop the fires of destruction, Healing is the fire running through our veins. When the fire had filled our spirits, we began a spiral dance, which ended up as concentric circles around the altar.

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The Spiral Dance

Spirit fire, spark of freedom, Kindle in our hearts the flame. Light the eyes of women warriors, Give us strength to break the chains. At the peak, we raise our arms and howl to Brigid and to all the Fire Goddesses. We kept howling. It would die down, and then someone would start it up again, and we all felt the energy coursing again. We made a tremendous noise. Then, finally, we released. We sank down, and returned the excess energy back to the earth.

Cakes and Ale

We feasted to Bri'gid with mulled wine and pavlova. We had some apple juice handy for those who had dairy allergies. Again, it's the spirit that counts, not the form of the ritual. The new members served the feast. We all thanked the Goddess for her gifts and her bounty. Libation: pouring of milk & honey onto the ground to yield a good crop: May our harvests be bountiful May our desires be fulfilled.

Passing the Basket

We share a little of our wealth with a lucky dip. (each member receives a corn dolly dressed in white to represent the corn maiden)

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Dismiss the Watchtowers NORTH Hail to thee Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, the powers of Fire We thank you for the smouldering embers that have lain dormant through the winter and are now on the verge of flaring forth into flowering spring. We thank you for your participation and your protection. As you depart to your mighty realms, we bid thee Hail and Farewell, and harm ye none on your way. Snuff torch ~ Hail & Farewell EAST Hail to thee Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, the powers of Water. We felt your presence this evening as you washed away the winter's chill. Stay with us as we grow in the coming months. Continue to water our plants and our minds so they grow to be strong and healthy. As ye depart to your mighty realms, we bid thee Hail and Farewell, and harm ye none on your way. Snuff torch ~ Hail & Farewell SOUTH Hail to thee Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, the powers of Air. We thank you for the turning of the seasons, the cold of winter, the growth of spring, and Autumn harvests. As you leave us, leave us with new inspiration for the new spring. As you depart to your mighty realms, we bid thee Hail and Farewell, and harm ye none on your way. Snuff torch ~ Hail & Farewell WEST Hail to thee Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, the powers of Earth. The powers of mountains and trees, you have celebrated with us the things that are to be. Powers of leaf and of thorn, we look forward to longer days and warmer days. We thank you for joining us in our rites. As you depart to your mighty realms, we bid thee, Hail and Farewell, and harm ye none on your way. Snuff torch ~ Hail & Farewell We sing: The earth, the air, the fire, the water Returns, returns, returns, returns

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Maiden Goddess

You who are the bright Queen who rides in the morning You are the light

You whose flame brings warmth and life You are the seed of new beginnings.

You who are the mute stone on the barren, windswept hill You are Creation

You who are the poet whose words fly on the wind You are the song.

You who are the flutter of moonlight in the forest You who are Magik.

Brigid, We thank you for your attendance at our rite - your power and your magik

Hail and farewell (Handmaiden extinguish Goddess candle on altar)


He who will stir in Her womb, Growing and gaining strength with each passing day,

As the seeds stir in the ground And the first flowers of the new season emerge

As the first shoots crown, The symbol of creativity, new beginnings

The innocence of the babe. Seed, Bud, Blossom Grow!

We thank you for attending our space Your gentle unfolding as you greet the new year

Hail and farewell (extinguish God candle on altar)

High Priestess

Spirits of Wind, Spirits of Stone, Spirits of Sea, Spirits of Fire, This Circle is open, but unbroken

Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!

Song: The Circle Is Open

Members move into centre and collect their candle to take with them to keep throughout the coming year and to light as required.