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Why this Handbook? The Department of Agriculture, Government of Telangana is implementing different schemes and programmes for the benefit of farming community. The schemes are broadly categorized into two types viz., Normal State Plan Schemes and Centrally Assisted State Plan schemes (National Missions). Guidelines and other details of various schemes and programmes have been made available at www. The thought of preparing this Handbook is conceived to demystify the subsidy administration and make it simpler for extension workers & farmers to understand the admissibility criteria and financial norms for subsidies under different schemes by arranging information theme wise rather than in terms of schemes/programmes. The Handbook has been prepared by categorizing various activities in 11 different themes viz., Soil Health- Soil Conservation & fertilizers, Seeds, Plant Protection, Irrigation, Training & Extension, Farm Mechanization, Agricultural credit, Agricultural Insurance, Integrated Farming system, Horticulture and Agricultural Marketing. Further, each theme gets divided into three aspects viz., “What to do?, ‘ What can you get?, and ‘ Whom to contact?” The Handbook cover the subsidy plan of the components related to both central and state schemes being implemented in the State during 2014-15 in XII plan period. The following are the various central Schemes (National Missions) and State Plan schemes of our State: National Missions (Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes) 1. National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 2. National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) 3. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oilpalm (NMOOP) 4. National Mission on Agriculture Extension Technology (NMAET) 5. Rashtriya Krishi Vignana Yojana (RKVY) State Plans 1. Crop Insurance 2. Extension 3. Pavala Vaddi 4. Vaddileni Runalu 5. Integrated Nutrient Management 6. Supply of Seeds 7. Farm Mechanization 8. Land Resource Inventory of Telangana The beneficiaries will be identified based on the guidelines of the schemes and relevant quantum of financial assistance will be given based on the subsidy pattern of the component of the scheme.

Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

Mar 14, 2020



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Page 1: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

Why this Handbook?The Department of Agriculture, Government of Telangana is implementing different schemes and programmes for the benefit of farming community. The schemes are broadly categorized into two types viz., Normal State Plan Schemes and Centrally Assisted State Plan schemes (National Missions). Guidelines and other details of various schemes and programmes have been made available at The thought of preparing this Handbook is conceived to demystify the subsidy administration and make it simpler for extension workers & farmers to understand the admissibility criteria and financial norms for subsidies under different schemes by arranging information theme wise rather than in terms of schemes/programmes.The Handbook has been prepared by categorizing various activities in 11 different themes viz., Soil Health- Soil Conservation & fertilizers, Seeds, Plant Protection, Irrigation, Training & Extension, Farm Mechanization, Agricultural credit, Agricultural Insurance, Integrated Farming system, Horticulture and Agricultural Marketing. Further, each theme gets divided into three aspects viz., “What to do?, ‘ What can you get?, and ‘ Whom to contact?”The Handbook cover the subsidy plan of the components related to both central and state schemes being implemented in the State during 2014-15 in XII plan period. The following are the various central Schemes (National Missions) and State Plan schemes of our State:

National Missions (Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes)1. National Food Security Mission (NFSM)2. National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)3. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oilpalm (NMOOP)4. National Mission on Agriculture Extension Technology (NMAET)5. Rashtriya Krishi Vignana Yojana (RKVY)

State Plans1. Crop Insurance 2. Extension 3. Pavala Vaddi 4. Vaddileni Runalu5. Integrated Nutrient Management 6. Supply of Seeds7. Farm Mechanization 8. Land Resource Inventory of Telangana

The beneficiaries will be identified based on the guidelines of the schemes and relevant quantum of financial assistance will be given based on the subsidy pattern of the component of the scheme.

Page 2: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Always use appropriate fertilizer in

right quantity based on soil test � Must use organic manures to

maintain the fertility of soil � In order to get maximum benefit of

the fertilizers, always apply in root zone instead of broadcasting.

� Resort to judicious and efficient use of phosphatic fertilizers for proper development of roots/shoots and timely maturity of crops, particularly legumes which fix atmospheric nitrogen for enrichment of soil.

� Resort to reclamation of problematic soils. For acid soils, use lime and for saline/usar soils, use gypsum.

� In addition, to protect and retore soil fertility, use of organic manues is inevitable and hence organic farming is been given due significance by the Government and the type and pattern of assistance under organic farming is elucidated below.

What can you get?

S. No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for


componentORGANIC CERTIFICATION1 Incentive for supply of organic

inputs. 350ha/districtRs.2000/- per acre


2 Trainings (500 farmers per district –twice in a year)

Rs. 100/- per farmer

3 Exposure visits outside the state (20 farmers & 10 officers per district

Rs.600/- per farmer per/day

4 Honorarium to coordinators @ 1 coordinator per district

Rs. 9000/- per month

5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district6 Inspection & certification charges Rs. 1.00 lakh/districtESTABLISHMENT OF VERMI UNITS7 Establishment of vermi compost

units @ 20 No per district50% subsidy limited to Rs. 35,000/- per unit RKVY

8 Establishment of vermin hatchery units @ 9 per district

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 1,00,000/- per unit

Page 3: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

9 Supply of BIS MARK (IS 15907: 2010 specification ) HDPE woven beds for vermiculture @ 300 No/district

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 5,000/- per unit RKVY

10 Supply of biofertilizers viz. rhyzobium, phosphor bacteria

50% subsidy limited to Rs. 300/- per ha

National Food security mission & NMOOP

11 Supply of fodder seeds 100% subsidy Mission project to boost productivity in Rainfed areas of Telangana /RKVY

12 Supply of Zinc sulphate and gypsum

50% subsidy

13 Supply of gypsum to pulses and oilseeds

Subsidy @ RS. 750/ha National Food security mission

14 Supply of micronutrients to pulses and oil seeds

Subsidy @ RS. 500/ha National Food security mission & NMOOP

15 Supply of calcium and sulphur to pulses

Subsidy @ RS. 1000/ha National Food security mission

16 Reclamation of Problem soil Alkali/Saline soils - 50% of cost subject to a limit of Rs. 25,000/- per ha and/or Rs. 50,000/- per beneficiary Acid Soils- 50% of cost subject to a limit of Rs. 3,000/- per ha and/or Rs. 6,000/- per beneficiary

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

17 Vermi compost Units 50% of cost subject to a limit of Rs. 125/- per cubic ft. Maximum permissible assistance shall be Rs. 50,000/- per beneficiary

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

Whom to contact?For details, contact concerned Mandal Agricultural officer, Divisional Assistant Director of Agriculture and district Joint Director of Agriculture

Page 4: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Always use recommended variety of

seeds as per local climate and adopt recommended seed rate and other package of practices.

� Replace seeds of wheat, paddy, barley, pulses (except arhar), oilseeds (except rapeseed, mustard and sunflower) once in three years, seeds of maize, bajra, jowar, arhar, rapeseed, mustard and sunflower once in two years and hybrid/Bt seeds every year.

� Always procure certified seeds from authorized agencies and store the seeds in a cool, dry and clean place.

� Always use treated seeds for sowing and test for quality parameters like purity, germination, free from weed seed etc before sowing.

S. No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for the


Component1 Distribution of

foundation/certified seeds for production of quality seeds to improve the quality of farm saved seeds

50% subsidy for Paddy, other cereals. 60% subsidy for pulses, oilseeds, fodder and green manure crops

NMAET/ SMSP and Seed village Programme

2 Distribution of foundation/ certified seeds of pulses, oilseeds, fodder and green manure crops etc., for farmers, SHG etc.,

75% subsidy on cost of seeds NMAET/ SMSP and Seed village Programme

3 Seed certification charges 50% subsidy or Rs.600/ha NMAET/ SMSP and Seed village Programme

4 Distribution of hybrid paddy seed

Subsidy @ Rs. 5000/- per quintal or 50 % subsidy whichever is less

National Food security mission

5 Distribution of HYV paddy seed

Subsidy @ Rs.1000/- per quintal or 50 % subsidy whichever is less

National Food security mission

What can you get?

Page 5: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

6 Distribution of coarse cereals seed (hybrid)

Subsidy @ Rs.5000/- per quintal or 50 % subsidy whichever is less

National Food security mission

7 Distribution of coarse cereals seed (HYV)

Subsidy @ Rs.1500/- per quintal or 50 % subsidy whichever is less

National Food security mission

8 Distribution of oilseed seeds

50% subsidy or Rs. 1000/- per quintal whichever is less.


9 Production and distribution of Foundation or certified oilseeds seed

Subsidy @ Rs. 1000/- per quintal


10 Distribution High yielding oilseeds minikits

100% subsidy MM-I NMOOP

11 Distribution of certified seeda) Varieties of less than 10 yrs.b) Varieties of More than 10 yrs.

Rs. 2200/- per quintal

Rs. 1200/- per quintal

National Food security mission

Whom to contact?For details, contact concerned Mandal Agricultural officer, Divisional Assistant Director of Agriculture and district Joint Director of Agriculture

Page 6: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to Do? � Conserve soil and water through

Good Agricultural Practices � Harvest rain water through

construction of check dams and ponds.

� Adopt crop diversification, seed production and nursery raising in water logged areas.

� Adopt drip and sprinkler irrigation system to save 30-37% water and enhance crop quality and productivity.

What can you get?

S. No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for the activity Scheme/ Component

1 Supply of water carrying pipes (600 mts)

50% subsidy per unit or limited to RS. 15000/-

National Food security mission &NMOOP

2 Sprinkler irrigation Rs. 10000/- per ha. National Food security mission

3 Sprinkler irrigation for oil seeds

50% Subsidy to MF/SF/women and 40% subsidy to others


4 Drip irrigation for maize, redgram, cotton, sugarcane, castor etc

50% Subsidy to MF/SF/women and 40% subsidy to others limited to 98%

Drip irrigation scheme under RKVY

5 Lining of tanks/ponds 50% (cost of plastic/RCC lining limited to Rs. 25,000 per pond/ tank/well

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

6 Construction of Community tanks

100% of cost limited to Rs. 20 lakh /unit in plain areas, Rs. 25 lakh/unit in hilly areas) Cost for non-lined ponds/tanks will be 30% less.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

7 Construction of Tube wells/ Bore wells (Shallow/Medium )

50% of the total cost of installation limited to Rs. 25,000/-

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

8 Restoration / Renovation of small tank

50% of the cost of renovation limited to Rs. 15,000/- per unit

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

Page 7: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

9 Recharge of defunct bore well

50% of the cost of recharging limited to Rs. 5000/- per unit

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

10 Pipe/pre-cast distribution system

50% of the cost of system limited to Rs. 10,000/- per ha.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

11 Water Lifting Devices 50% of the cost of installation limited toRs. 15,000/- per electric/ diesel unit and Rs. 50,000/- per solar/ wind unit.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

12 In-situ moisture conservation: land leveling, field bunding

50% of cost limited to Rs.4,000/- per ha. limited to (2ha.)

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

13 Making of green fodder 100% subsidy for grass and for equipment limited to Rs, 1.25 lakhs

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

14 Green/poly house 50 % subsidy per farmer limited to 4000 sq-m

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

Whom to contact?For details, contact concerned Mandal Agricultural officer, Divisional Assistant Director of Agriculture and district Joint Director of Agriculture

Page 8: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


Extension Reforms (ATMA):What to Do ?

� Extension Reforms (ATMA) scheme is being in implementation in (9) districts of Telangana with 90: 10 central and state share. During the year 2005-06, (3) districts namely Adilabad, Nizamabad and RangaReddy were covered under ATMA scheme and during the year 2006-07, (6) districts namely Medak, Mahabubnagar, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nalgonda and Warangal were covered and resulting in coverage of entire state under the ATMA scheme.

� 353 functionaries dedicated for agricultural extension are being provided at the block level and below under the Extension reforms (ATMA) .Contact them or any other functionary of the State Government in Agriculture and allied departments to get answers for your queries , information about any programme / scheme and appropriate technologies for the area or individual farmer

� Extension Reforms’(ATMA) aims at making extension system farmer driven and farmer accountable by disseminating research oriented, proven, advanced technologies through organization of farmer oriented activities like Trainings, Demonstrations, Exposure Visits, Farmer Scientist interactions, Farm Schools, capacity building of Groups etc.

� Set up or participation in Farm school or Demonstration plot. � Participate in exposure visits , Trainings and Farmer Scientist interactions for progressive


S. No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for

the activityScheme/

Component1 Training of farmers outside the

state up to 50 mandays / Block Rs 1250/- per farmer per day which includes transportation , boarding and lodging of farmers


2 Training of farmers within the state -100 mandays / Block

Rs 1000/- per farmer per day which includes transportation , boarding and lodging of farmers


3 Training of farmers within the District -1000 mandays / Block

Rs 400/- per farmer per day which includes transportation , boarding and lodging of farmers for residential training Rs 250/- per farmer per day for non residential training


4 Organization of Demonstrations (125 Demonstrations per Block)

Up to Rs 4000/- per demonstration plot ( 0.4 hectares)


What can you get:

Page 9: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

5 Farm School( Training to 25 farmers per season at Six critical stages of crop growth, Exposure Visit to achiever farmer, Demonstration at farmers field)

Rs 29, 414/- per farm school ATMA (NMAET

6 Exposure visit of farmers outside the state for 7 days

Rs 800/- per farmer per day which includes transportation, boarding and lodging of farmers


7 Exposure visit of farmers within the state for 5 days

Rs 400/- per farmer per day which includes transportation , boarding and lodging of farmers


8 Exposure visit to other districts and out of state for acquiring advanced knowledge in oilseeds for 50

Rs. 1,50,000/- for each exposure visit


9 Exposure visit farmers within the District for 3 days (100 farmers per block)

Rs 300/- per farmer per day which includes transportation , boarding and lodging of farmers


10 Capacity Building , Skill development of farmer Groups (20 groups per Block)

Rs 5000/ per group ATMA (NMAET)

11 Seed Money To these groups as one time grant for taking up income generating activity

Rs 10000 / group ATMA (NMAET)

12 Food Security Groups Rs 10000/- per group13 Training to 50 No farmers on

seed production for 3 daysRs. 15,000 per training SMSP

(NMAET)14 Organizing Front Line

Demonstrations/HDPSRs. 7000/- per demo (FLD) Rs.9000/- per HDPS


15 Cluster demos in hybrid paddy (line transplanting/direct seeded rice/SRI)

Rs. 7500/- per ha NFSM

16 Cluster demos in hybrid paddy for 100 ha

Rs. 7500/- per ha NFSM

17 Trainings on paddy/pulses hybrids /HYVs

Rs. 3500/- per session and Rs. 14,000/- per each training


18 ICM FFS for 30 members farmers for one day per week

Rs. 26,700/- per FFS MM-I of NMOOP

19 2 day Farmer training programme for 30 members.

Rs.24,000/- per training for 2 days MM-I of NMOOP

Whom to contact?Project Director ATMA, Assistant Director of Agriculture ,Block Technology Managers, Assistant Technology Managers

Page 10: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Bio-pesticides should be given priority over

chemical pesticides. � Pest defender ratio to be assessed by farmers

before using any pesticide. Agro Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) based on Integrated Pest Management should be adopted.

� Grow such crops nearby the main crop (intercropping/border cropping) which attract beneficial insects which can manage/kill harmful insects.

� Resort to deep ploughing during summer season � Use pest resistant varieties of crops such as Bt

cotton and manage pests by adopting crop rotation, intercropping and trap cropping. � Use light trap/sticky trap/pheromone trap for monitoring and mass trapping of the pests. � Use parasitoids and predators for biological control of the insects, pests and antagonists

for diseases. � Use of chemical pesticides only if the above listed measures are not effective, that too as

per the recommendation of the experts and also take the following precautions:• Follow all the prescribed safety precautions while using chemical pesticides.• While spraying the pesticides, always wear safety gadgets like masks ,hand gloves etc.,• Always spray in the direction of wind and keep yourself safe from the spray drift.• Always keep pesticides, plant protection equipment etc. under lock and key away from

children and pets.• While purchasing, you must see the packing and validity date of the chemical.• In case of any pesticide poisoning, immediately contact a doctor, also carry the empty

container and information booklet of the pesticide used.• Pesticides should be used as per the instructions on the label.• Disposal of used containers should be as per the instructions given in leaflet.

What can you get?

S No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for the activity Scheme/ Component

1 Supply of organic/chemical pesticides in paddy

Rs. 500/- per Ha. NFSM

2 Supply of organic/chemical pesticides in pulses

Rs. 500/- per Ha. NFSM

3 IPM in pulses and oilseeds Rs. 500/- per Ha. NFSM & MM-I of NMOOP

4 Supply of Biofertilizers Rs. 300/- per Ha. NFSM5 Supply of herbicides Rs. 500/- per Ha. NFSM & MM-I of

NMOOP6 Demonstrations on IPM for 30

farmers in 10 haSubsidy on Rs. 26,700/- MM-I of NMOOP

Whom to contact?For details, contact concerned Mandal Agricultural officer, Divisional Assistant Director of Agriculture and district Joint Director of Agriculture

Page 11: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Procure appropriate machinery/

equipment as per land holding size and crop

� Machinery & equipment can be used by custom Hiring/ sharing by group of farmers

� Conserve resources – use zero till seed drill, laser leveler, Happy seed drill rotavator etc.,

� Training is provided on proper use of farm machinery and its routine maintenance and servicing through Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institutes (FMTTIs), KVKs & State Agricultural Universities.

What can you get?S.

No. Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for the activity

Scheme/ Component

1 Tractor Drawn Implements

50 % subsidy RKVY & NSP50 % Subsidy for SF, MF/SC/ST/women limited to 63,000/-

SMAM (NMAET)40 % subsidy to others limited to 50,000/-

2 Tractors

i) Up to 20 PTO HP for individual farmer

50 % subsidy limited to 100000/- RKVY / NSP35 % Subsidy for SF, MF/SC/ST/women limited to 100000/-

SMAM (NMAET)25 % subsidy to others limited to 75000/-

ii) >35 HP for package50 % subsidy limited to 250000/- CHCs under RKVY/

NSP40 % subsidy limited to 250000/- CHCs under SMAM

iii) 4 wheel drive of >35 HP tractors under CHC land preparation package for paddy

50 % subsidy without any limitationNSP

Page 12: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

3Power tillers above 8 BHP & Groundnut digger

50 % subsidy limited to 75000/- RKVY & NSP50 % subsidy limited to 75000/- CHCs under RKVY/

NSP50 % subsidy limited to 75000/- SF, MF/SC/ST/women

SMAM (NMAET)40 % subsidy to others limited to 60000/-40 % subsidy limited to 75000/- CHCs under SMAM

4 Rotovator

50 % subsidy limited to 50000/- RKVY, NSP & NMOOP

50% subsidy CHCs under RKVY/NSP

40% subsidy CHCs under SMAM

i) 36 blade

50 % subsidy limited to 44000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women


40 % subsidy limited to 35000/- to others

ii) 42 blade

50 % subsidy limited to 63000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women40 % subsidy limited to 50000/- to others

5. Plant protection equipment

i) Hand Sprayers

50 % subsidy RKVY / NSPLimited to Rs. 600/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women SMAM (NMAET)Limited to RS. 500/- for others50 % limited to Rs. 600/- NFSM

ii) Power sprayers 50% subsidy limited to 3100/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women

SMAM (NMAET)a) 8-12 L capacity 40% subsidy limited to 2500/-to

others50 % limited to Rs. 3000/- NFSM

b ) 12-16 L capacity 50% subsidy limited to 3800/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women

SMAM (NMAET)40% subsidy limited to 3000/-to others

c) >16 L capacity 50% subsidy limited to 10000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women SMAM (NMAET)

& NMOOP40% subsidy limited to 8000/-to others

Page 13: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

iii) Tractor mounted sprayers

50 % subsidy CHCs under RKVY/NSP

40 % subsidy CHCs under SMAMa) < 20 BHP Rs. 10000 for SF, MF/SC/ST/

women SMAM (NMAET)Rs. 8000/- for others

b) < 35 BHP Rs. 13000 for SF, MF/SC/ST/women SMAM (NMAET)Rs. 10000/- for others

c) > 35 BHP Rs. 63000 for SF, MF/SC/ST/women SMAM (NMAET)Rs. 50000/- for others

6 Oil engines 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 10000/- NFSM7 Solar fencing 50% subsidy limited to 1000 meters RKVY / NSP8 Power weeder 50% subsidy RKVY / NSP

a)< 2 BHP Rs. 15000/- CHCs under RKVY/NSP

Rs.12000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women


b) >2 BHP Rs. 19000/- CHCs under RKVY/NSP

Rs.15000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women


9 Power Reaper & Power Harrow

50% subsidy limited to 63000/- CHCs under RKVY/NSP

40% subsidy limited to 50000/- for SF, MF/SC/ST/women


10 Supply of seed storage bins (10 Qtls)

Rs. 1500/- per bin for SC/ST farmers


Rs. 1000/- per bin for others11 Seed processing

machinery and supporting equipments

Limited to Rs. 7.56 lakhs SMSP under NMAET

12 Assistance to create processing and pre fabricated seed storage go down 150 sq.m @ 10,000/- per sq-m to process and store 2000 qtls capacity

Limited to Rs. 15.00 lakhs SMSP under NMAET

Page 14: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

Whom to contact?For details, contact concerned Mandal Agricultural officer, Divisional Assistant Director of Agriculture and district Joint Director of Agriculture

13 Cono weeder 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 600/- NFSM14 Knapsack sprayer

(hand pump)50% subsidy limited to Rs. 3000/- NFSM

15 Power implements 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 50000/- NMOOP16 Power sprayers 50% subsidy limited to Rs.10000/- NMOOP17 Hands prayers 50% subsidy limited to Rs. 500/- MM-I of NMOOP18 Manual/bullock drawn

implements50% subsidy limited to Rs. 10000/- for SC,ST,SF,MF & Woman


19 Multi Crop Thrusher 50% subsidy limited to Rs.1,50,000/-


50% subsidy limited to Rs.63,000/- for SC,ST,SF,MF & Woman

SMAM (NMAET)others 40% subsidy limited to Rs.50,000/-50% subsidy limited to Rs.40,000/- NFSM

20 Turmeric Cooking Machine

50% subsidy limited to Rs.1,50,000/-


21. Laser Guided Land Leveller &Straw Baler

50% subsidy limited to Rs.1,50,000/-


50% subsidy limited to Rs.63,000/- for SC,ST,SF,MF & Woman

SMAM (NMAET)40% subsidy limited to Rs.50,000/- for others

22 Paddy Transplanter & combined harvester

50% subsidy limited to Rs.5,00,000/-


50% subsidy CHCs under RKVY & NSP

40% subsidy CHCs under SMAM50% subsidy limited to Rs. 75,000/- NFSM

Page 15: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � To save themselves from the clutches

of money lenders, farmers can avail loan facility from banks

� Loan facility is available through a large network of commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks and Co operative credit Institutions in the country to fulfill the crop loan and term loan needs of the farmers.

� Ensure timely repayment of bank loans

� Proper record of loan should be maintained by the farmer.

� Utilize the bank loan for actual purpose for which bank loan is taken.

What can you get?

S. No Type of Assistance

Pattern of Assistance for the



1 To mitigate the financial burden of the farmers, the additional relief to the farmers is being given by the Government by allowing interest free crop loans from Rabi 2011-12. All the farmers who have taken crop loans from commercial, cooperative, rural banks and repaid in the permissible time (max. of one year) are eligibleThe interest subsidy will be calculated on the crop loan amount from the date of its disbursement/drawl up to the date of actual repayment by the farmer or up to the due date of loan as fixed by the banks, whichever is earlier, subject to a maximum period of one year. Interest free loans to all the eligible farmers up to Rs. 1.00 lakh and pavala vaddi (3% interest) for crop loans from Rs.1.00 to 3.00 lakhs. State government will pay the interest to the respective banks as and when the farmers repay their loans.

1) Total interest free up to Rs. 1.00 lakh ( 0 %)

2) Pavala Vaddi (3% interest) from Rs. 1.00 lakh to 3.00 lakhs

Rythusri (Vaddileni Panta Rualau)

Page 16: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

2 Government of Telangana is convinced that a onetime crop loan waiver will enable the farmers to make fresh investments in agriculture. This scheme covers only institutional loans taken through commercial banks, co operative credit institutions, and regional rural banks.

1. Eligible amount for debt waiver is limited to the amount of loan (together with applicable interest), which is disbursed and outstanding as of 31.03.2014 or Rs. 1.00 lakh per farmer family whichever is lower. 2. Interest up to 31.08.2014 is payable.

Crop loan waiver scheme during 2014

Whom to contact? For details, contact concerned Mandal Agriculture officer, Assistant of Agriculture at divisional level, concerned commercial banks, regional rural banks and Insurance companies

Page 17: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Safeguard yourself financially

against non- preventable natural risks like natural disasters/calamities, pest and diseases and adverse weather conditions.

� Take benefit of appropriate crop insurance scheme applicable in your area. National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP) with two components namely Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS), Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) are being implemented in the State.

� Getting yourself covered under MNAIS/WBCIS is compulsory, if you avail crop loan for notified crops. Coverage is voluntary for non-loanee farmers.

What can you get?S. No Scheme Assistance

1National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)

10 % subsidy is allowed to small and marginal farmers. The subsidy portion will be shared equally by central and State Governments. To provide a measure of financial support to the farmers in the event of yield loss recorded by conducting Crop Cutting experiments.To restore the credit eligibility of a farmer after a crop failure for the next seasonTo encourage the farmers to adopt progressive farming practices, high value in puts and higher technology in Agriculture.To stabilize the farm incomes, particularly in disaster years.

2Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)

40 to 75% premium subsidy to all farmersCoverage of prevented sowings and post harvest lossesLocalized calamities (hail storm) covered on individual basis.District major crop under Village Insurance unitClaims processed based on past 7 years average yield by excluding 2 disaster years.On account payment: In the event of mid season crop failure, 25% of likely claim will be paid in advance to the farmers.

Page 18: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

3Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS)

25 to 50% premium subsidy to all the farmers irrespective of their categoryApplicable in case of Excess rainfall, less rainfallExcess temperature, less temperatureDeviations in the Relative HumidityWind velocity etc.,

Whom to contact?For details, contact Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and concerned Mandal Agriculture officer.

Page 19: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district


What to do? � Promote crop/cropping system

suitable to agro-climatic conditions. � Diversify crop/cropping system

incorporating livestock, fisheries, horticulture, dairy, agro-forestry etc.,

� Create source for protective irrigation through checkdams, tanks, farmponds, shallow/medium tubewells, dugwells etc.,

� Technologies for improving water use and moisture conservation measures like efficient water application system, land leveling, field bunding, contour bunding, trenches, mulching, ridge & furrow method etc to be adopted.

What can you get?

S. No Type of Assistance Pattern of Assistance for the activity


1 Coarse cereal based 50% of input cost limited to Rs. 10,000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

2 Oil-seed based 50% of input cost limited to Rs. 10,000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

3 Fibre based 50% of input cost limited to Rs. 10,000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

4 Pulse based 50% of input cost limited to Rs. 10,000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

5 Horticulture Based farming system

50% of input costs limited to Rs. 25000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

Page 20: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

6 Tree/Silvi-Pastural 50% of input costs limited to Rs. 15000/- per ha with Maximum permissible limit to 2 ha per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

7 Livestock based farming system

50% subsidy maximum limit is Rs. 40,000/-

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

8 Fishery based farming system

50% subsidy maximum limit is Rs. 25,000/-

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

9 Agriculture (Bee Keeping)

40% subsidy Limited to 50 colonies/hive per beneficiary.

NMSA/ Rainfed Area Development

Whom to contact? For details, contact concerned Mandal Agriculture officer, Assistant Director of Agriculture at divisional level and joint Director of Agriculture at district level.

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What to do? � Grow horticultural crops for higher

income from lesser area � For Healthy crop use high quality

planting material � To keep fruits and vegetables fresh

for longer period, use cold storage facility/cool houses.

� Earn maximum profit by adopting correct method of harvesting, cleaning, grading, processing and packaging.

� Produce off-season vegetables and flowers in poly houses, low tunnels.

What can you get?Sl. No.

Name of the Component Pattern of Assistance

1 2 3NORMAL STATE PLAN (NSP) 1. Promotion of Horticulture ActivitiesA Onion storage

structuresThe subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost not exceeding Rs.40,000/unit

B Plastic Crates The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost or Maximum of Rs.122.50/- whichever is less for each plastic crate and maximum ceiling is 40 crates per farmer.

C Development of Floriculture

Unit cost Rs.40000/Ha, in which 50% is provided as subsidy towards material/ inputs cost under Development of Floriculture.

D Improved model of Turmeric Harvesters

The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost not exceeding Rs.2.50 lakhs/unit

E Naturally Ventilated Green Houses

The subsidy will be allowed at 75% of the cost not exceeding Rs.21.00 lakhs/acre

F Plant Material for High value Vegetables and Flowers

The subsidy will be allowed at 75% of the cost not exceeding Rs.4.20 lakhs/acre

G Drip Irrigation The subsidy will be allowed at 90% of the cost not exceeding Rs.0.63 lakhs/acre

H Solar Fencing against Wild Boars

The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost not exceeding Rs.0.225 lakhs/acre

I Solar pumpsets The subsidy will be allowed at 90% of the cost not exceeding Rs.1.00 lakhs/pumpset

Page 22: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

J Tractor Mounted Polishing Drums

The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost not exceeding Rs.2.00 lakhs/unit

K Farm Mechanization The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost to SC & ST farmers and 40% for others

L Portray seedling supply

The subsidy will be allowed at 50% of the cost

M Seed Vending machines

Unit cost at Rs.3.00 lakhs/unit and installed at Rythu Bazars

2. Micro irrigation The subsidy will be allowed at 100% of the cost to SC & ST farmers and 90% for SF & MF


Units (Banana)100% of total cost to public sector, Maximum Rs.250.00 Lakhs per unit and in case of private sector, credit linked back ended subsidy @ 40% of cost, Maximum of Rs.100 Lakhs per unit

2. ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GARDENS i) High density planting

(mango, guava, pomegranate, Acid lime citrus etc). (Maximum limit 4 Ha per beneficiary)

Subsidy 40% (Papaya – RS.48022/- per ha, Mango – Rs.29960/- per ha, guava – Rs.52691/- per ha, pomegranate – Rs.40232/- and citrus – Rs. 29561/-

a) Integrated package with drip irrigation

40% of the cost, maximum of Rs. 60,000/- per ha. in 3 installments of 60:20:20 subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year.

b) Without Integration. 40% of the cost, maximum of Rs.40,000/- per ha in 3 installments (60:20:20) subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year.

3. Rejuvenation / replacement of senile plantation and canopy management

50% of the total cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 20,000/ha limited to 2 ha per beneficiary, based on the nature and requirement of the crop to be rejuvenated.


Structure)50% subsidy , with a range of Rs.422 per Sq.Mt to Rs.530 per based upon the size of the green house and in accordance with MIDH norms. For a maximum area of 4000 Sq.Mts per beneficiary.

Page 23: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

B Cost of Plant material & inputs for High value vegetable crops grown in Poly houses

50% subsidy, Maximum Rs.70 per and in accordance with MIDH norms. For a maximum area of 4000 Sq.Mts per beneficiary.

c Cost of Plant material & inputs for High value flowers crops grown in Poly houses

50% subsidy , with a range of Rs.213 per Sq.Mt to Rs.350 per based upon the type of plant material and in accordance with MIDH norms. For a maximum area of 4000 Sq.Mts per beneficiary.

D Shadenet House (Tubular) / Net house

50% subsidy, Maximum Rs.355 per and in accordance with MIDH norms. For a maximum area of 4000 Sq.Mts per beneficiary.

E Mulching 50% Subsidy, Maximum of Rs.16,000/- per ha. Limited to 2 Ha per beneficiary.


IPM30% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs 1200/- per ha limited to 4 ha/ beneficiary.

6. ORGANIC FARMINGA Vermi compost

Units / organic input production)

50% of cost conforming to the size of the unit of 30’x8’x2.5’ dimension of permanent structure to be administered on pro-rata basis Maximum Rs.50,000/- per Vermi compost Unit. For HDPE Vermibed, 50% of cost conforming to the size of 96 cft (12’x4’x2’) and IS 15907:2010 to be administered on pro- rata basis maximum Rs.8000/- per Vermi bed.


system for individuals- for storage of water in 20mx20mx3m ponds/tube wells/dug wells @ Rs.125/- per cum

50% of cost maximum Rs.75,000/- per unit including 300 micron plastic/RCC lining. Cost for non-lined ponds/tanks (only in black cotton soils) will be 30% less. For smaller size of the ponds/dug wells, cost will be admissible on pro rata basis depending upon the command area. Maintenance will be ensured by the beneficiary

8. HORTICULTURE MECHANIZATIONA Tractor (upto 20 HP) 25% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 75,000/- unit

for general category farmers, and in the case of SC, ST, Small & Marginal famers, women farmers, 35% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakh per unit.

B Power tiller (below 8 BHP)

40% of the cost, subject to a maximum of Rs.40,000/- per unit for general category farmers, and 50% of the cost in case of SC, ST, Small & Marginal farmers, women farmers and beneficiaries in NE states, subject to a maximum of Rs.50,000/-per unit.

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C Power tiller (8 BHP & above)

40% of the cost, subject to a maximum of Rs.60,000/-per unit for general category farmers, and 50 % of cost in case of SC, ST, Small & Marginal farmers, women farmers and beneficiaries in NE states, subject to a maximum of Rs. 75,000/- per unit.

D Self-propelled Horticulture Machinery

40% of the cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakh/unit for general category farmers, and 50% of the cost in case of SC, ST, Small & Marginal farmers, women farmers and beneficiaries in NE states, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.25 lakh/unit.


iManual sprayers(Knapsack/foot operated Sprayer)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.500/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost, maximum Rs.600/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.


Powered knapsack sprayer /power operated Taiwan sprayer (8-12 lts.Capacity)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.2500/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost , maximum Rs.3100/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.

Powered knapsack sprayer /power operated Taiwan sprayer (12-16 lts Capacity)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.3000/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost , maximum Rs.3800/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.

Powered knapsack sprayer /power operated Taiwan sprayer (above 16 lts Capacity)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.8000/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost , maximum Rs.10,000/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.


Tractor mounted / operated sprayer (Below 20 HP)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.8000/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost , maximum Rs.10,000/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.

Tractor mounted / operated sprayer (Above 35 HP)

40% of the cost, subject to maximum of Rs.50,000/-per unit for general category farmers and 50% of the cost , maximum Rs.63,000/- per unit for SC & ST category farmers.

9 INTEGRATED POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT A Pack house 50% of the capital cost. i.e Rs.2.00 lakhs for 9 x 6 sq.m


Page 25: Why this Handbook? · coordinator per district Rs. 9000/- per month 5 Organizing Trade fairs Rs. 50,000/district

B Cold storage units Type 1 - basic mezzanine structure with large chamber (of >250 MT) type with single temperature zone) (Maximum 5000MTs)

Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 35% of the cost of project in general areas and Maximum Rs.2800/- per MT, subsidy @ 50% for Scheduled areas, Maximum Rs.4000/- per MT.

C Ripening chamber (300 MTs)

Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 35% of the capital cost of project in general areas up to Rs.35000/- per MT and subsidy @ 50% for Scheduled areas, Maximum Rs.50000/- per MT.

RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA (RKVY): A Strengthening value of Vegetable Production along with infrastructure and

assets. A Hybrid Vegetable

Seed Distribution Programme

50% subsidy not exceeding Rs. 3,000/- per Ha. Up to a maximum of 2 Ha. Per farmer.

B Pandals 50% subsidy not exceeding of Rs. 1,00,000/- per acre up to a maximum of 2.5 acres per beneficiary.

C Cultivation with Trellies

50% subsidy not exceeding Rs. 7,500/- per acre up to a maximum of 2.5 acres per beneficiary.

D Shadent houses of 200 & 1000 sq.mts.

50% subsidy with a unit cost of Rs.710/- per sq.mts. with a maximum limit of 4000sq.mts per beneficiary.

E Pack Houses (9Mx6M) 50% subsidy not exceeding Rs.2,00,000/- per beneficiary 1 unit .

F Plastic Crates 50% subsidy not exceeding Rs.120/- per crate and maximum of 40 crate per farmer.

B Vegetable Initiatives for urban clusters: Production Centers Vegetable Initiatives for urban clusters in the districts of Medak, Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy,

Assistance is provided to the farmers vegetable clusters on Hybrid Vegetables Seed, Inputs, Shade net houses for nursery, vegetable production in off-season and also high value vegetables, Pre and Post Harvest interventions like collection centers and HRD.

Telangana State Micro Irrigation Project (TSMIP)1 Drip & Sprinkler

Irrigation Systems100% assistance to SC / ST farmers, 90% assistance to small & marginal farmers, 80% assistance to the medium farmers, 60% assistance to the big farmers. Maximum of 5 acres or Rs. 1,00,000 BOQ value in respect of SC/ST, small & marginal, medium and big farmers. 40% assistance to the farmers who opting the system cost with more than Rs. 1,00,000 Maximum 12.5 acres.

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National Mission On Oil Seeds & Oil Palm (NMOOP) 1 Planting Material 85% of the cost of planting material limited to Rs. 8,000/-

per ha for entire land holding of the farmer 2 Maintenance Cost 50% of the cost during gestation period for 3 years with a

ceiling of Rs. 14000 per ha.2nd Year - Rs 3500/ha3rd Year - Rs 4500/ha4th Year - Rs.6000/ha

3 Drip Irrigation As per National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) guidelines.

4 Distribution of Pump sets

50% of the cost limited to Rs 15000/- per pump set as per the norms of SMAM.

5 Bore wells The assistance as per the NMSA guidelines i.e. for construction of bore wells /tube wells, assistance @50% limited to Rs. 25000/- per unit

6 Inputs for Intercropping in oil palm

50% of the cost limited to Rs. 3000/ha for purchase of seeds/fertilizers/ INM/ IPM/ fertigation/ tree guards and PPchemicals etc

7 vermi-compost units 50% of the cost limited to Rs.15000/unit 8 Machinery & tools Equipments/tools as provided under to State

Department of Agriculture/ Horticulture(i) Manually handled/high reach oil palm cutter - Rs. 1500/- per unit,(ii) Oil Palm protective wire mesh - 15000/- per unit,(iii) Motorized Chisel - Rs. 10000/- per unit(iv) Aluminium Portable ladder - Rs. 3000/- per unit(v) Chaff cutter for chaffing of oil palm leaves (oil palm farmers only) - Rs.7000/- per unit.(vi) Small tractor upto 20 HP along with trolley: 25% of the cost of procurement subjected to a ceiling of Rs. 0.75 lakh

9 Farmers’ Training Rs. 24000/- per training for a batch of 30 farmers for 2 days (@ 400/- per participant per day).

10 Training ofExtensionWorkers/ Officers / input dealers

Input dealers included. Rs.36000/- per training for a batch of 20 officers for 2 days. (@ 900/- per participant per day).

Whom to contact?For details, contact the concerned Assistant Directors of Horticulture, Horticultural officers of the district.

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What to do? � Farmer can get the price information

of their produce which is available on Agmarknet website ( or through Kisan Call Centers or SMS.

� Buyer Seller Portal available at

� Harvesting and threshing should be done at appropriate time.

� Proper grading, packing and labeling should be done before sale for better prices.

� Transport of produce to proper market/mandi for getting remunerative prices.

� Storage of produce should be done, for sale during off season, for maximum profit. � Avoid distress sale. � Farmers in a group may form marketing cooperatives for better marketing facilities. � Marketing cooperatives may open retail and wholesale outlets. � Farmers may also operate cold storages and ware houses to store the produce in order to

avoid distress sale.

What can you get?S.

No. Scheme Scheme particulars

1 e- tendering Marketing department has initiated this scheme to bring the transparency in the marketing transactions with the assistance of NCDEX. This scheme is launched on pilot basis in Nizamabad and Khammam markets and the process of introducing to the markets of remaining districts is in pipeline. E-tendering system enables price fixation of the produce on quality norms automatically and avoid manual way rate fixing and also encourage competitive spirit among buyers. Further it avoids middleman in market dealings and also keep formation of buyers syndicate at bay.

2 Mana Kuragayalu

Marketing department has initiated this scheme with the assistance of Horticulture department to cater the vegetable requirement of twin cities people at affordable prices to people and good price for farmers. This was introduced with the formation of 10 villages of Medak, Mahabubnagar and RangaReddy districts. as a group for this purpose.

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3 Rythu bandu pathakam

� Facilitates farmers to store the farm produce when the rate is low until to get a good price.

� Enables to store the farm produce in market godowns, and avail loan to the 75%of produce value or to the maximum limit of Rs. 2.00 lakhs.

� Envisages storage as well as insurance facility to the produce and there will be interest free period upto 180 days for the loan availed in this scheme.

� The card issued in this scheme has to be renewed for every 5 years.

4 Free Health camps for animals

Market Committees organizes the free health camps for animals by veterinary specialist.

5 Health camps Market committees in their jurisdiction with the assistance of District health Department, will organize health camps in remote villages & Tribal areas providing treatment to poor farmer families, pregnant women, children and people suffering from heart, lungs diseases.Market committee has allocated 40,000/- every year in its budget for the above purpose.

6 Farmer Insurance Scheme

Provides insurance facility to the farmer, if he has met any accident while doing his regular farming activities, or while he is on his way to sell farm produce to Market committee or Rythu Bazar.

7 Govt. of Indias’ Village Go downs Scheme

� Facilitates to provide storage facilities in villages to the farm produce.

� Increase marketing facilities. � Promotes Quality produce by grading.

8 Rythu Bazar � Farmer can directly sell their produce to the consumers without any interference by the Middleman.

� Farmer is benefited by getting good income for his product and also consumer is benefited by getting quality product at reasonable price.

Whom to contact?For details, contact the concerned marketing department officials in the divisional and district level.