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Why Humans Don't Manifest Perfection Like They Naturally Should and as All Nature Does - Simona Rich

Apr 15, 2017



Simona Rich
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Page 1: Why Humans Don't Manifest Perfection Like They Naturally Should and as All Nature Does - Simona Rich
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Why Humans Don’t Manifest Perfection Like They Naturally Should and as All

Nature Does

by Simona Rich

(July, 2016)


Feel free to share this work with links intact.

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God-in-action, the Creator, gives us the impulse to keep progressing so that It would

manifest ever more perfectly through us.

But most people misinterpret these impulses because their awareness is focused on

the lowest chakras.

Being filtered through these chakras of selfishness, Divine impulses become

distorted, sometimes to the degree of ugliness. For example, the impulse to

love, filtered through the chakras below the root chakra, becomes distorted as

a violent desire to rape, or the impulse of creation turns into the desire to vandalize

public places with distasteful slogans.

It’s important to understand that the impulse born from within is always

Divine. But since most humans are incapable of channeling it undistorted, we get

many interpretations of that One Force of Unconditional Love.

When our awareness continuously dwells in four higher chakras, we stop being

animal-humans and become Divine humans. But how hard it is not to engage the

lowest chakras! The entire media is designed to keep activating the lowest, reptilian,

human impulses. So only when a human being really wants to progress does

she refuse to be exposed to low-vibration influences no matter how tempting

they are to the physical body or to a strong habit that wants to survive and thus feeds

itself with such influences.

You know that your awareness no longer dwells in animal-human chakras when you

stop feeling sorry for your little self and your little problems, and you become

concerned with the destiny of humanity or this planet at large. Then when you cry,

you cry for humanity and not because you feel sorry for yourself. High emotions

remain, but they are no longer centered on your life. At such a stage, every tear you

shed purifies and gets you ever closer to your Source.

Having arrived at such a stage, a person always chooses to dedicate his life to be of

as much benefit to the progress of humanity as it is possible with his capabilities,

whether it hurts the little self or not. It’s not always convenient to tell the truth, and

the messenger of truth is hated by the ignorant; the little fearful self would never

choose such a way of being, but when you know what’s right, and you’ve been living

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in that truth that is God, you do what’s right to do, and not what the little self

considers pleasant.

As your awareness continuously rises as a result of the way of living that’s based on

truth, you have God on your side at all times. Self-willed action, born of separation,

becomes too effortful and too alien to engage in. Living, thinking and speaking only

the truth, you become the representative of God on this earth.

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Why humans don’t manifest perfection – an uncomfortable truth

Humans should easily manifest perfection, having been created to do just

that. But they are continuously prevented from doing so by the negative influences of

the parasitic people behind the elite of every developed nation.

They are the Edomites, the pretenders claiming to be the children of God. They are

NOT the children of God, having come out of the cursed seed of Ham and which, by

breaking the law, got intermixed with the seed that was destined for destruction. So

they are double-cursed and of the seed of the serpent (what is evil but self-willed


Please understand that in this duality we are the ones that are the children of

God! Deprived of this understanding, we become disheartened and see no purpose

in our existence. The pretenders know about our Divine heritage but want us to

believe that they are the ones that will be saved, when the facts show quite the

opposite. They get away with their false claims because people don’t research their


I cannot go into detail about these parasites because it requires a book to cover. I

hope to write more about this in the future, though if I do, it will be very politically

incorrect! And at this time I don’t even know how to start this kind of writing, as

there’s just so much to cover and people are likely to misunderstand and maybe

even call me a racist, as the truth is sometimes uncomfortable to hear. But let me

briefly mention a few points.

The Edomites (I call them this way because not all Jews came from the serpent

seed) are absolute enemies of the children of God in this duality. They are to us

what the parasite is to a plant. They cannot, and do not want to make any positive

contribution to our well-being or the world at large. They are the ones behind the elite

of every advanced country trying to put in action the plans for our destruction.

They are the ones behind the campaigns for free lewd lifestyle, they are the ones

who have confused humanity into thinking that smoking, drinking and having one-

night-stands somehow equal freedom and self-expression; they are the ones who

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replace real art with the ugliness created by depressed or in other ways mentally-

imbalanced people.

They are the ones behind the excessive promotion of the inter-mixing of races (as

seen done by their puppet movie stars, the idols of the masses). They want to

exterminate beautiful God-given races each possessing a set of unique-to-race

qualities. They want to make people into only one type, because what’s self-willed,

not of God, and what’s the same, is easier to predict and therefore control; these

parasites are very, very fearful of God-created beings, and therefore they want to

exterminate or change them so that they no longer pose a threat. It’s hard for a

healthy mind to understand the way the reptilian, psychopathic mind functions.That’s

why most people never suspect of this plan of extermination, thinking that deep

inside every person has a kind heart.

The Edomites’ plan of destruction applies to all the creations of God, and not

only humans. In developed countries the variety of fruit and vegetables is no more.

People are supposed to be happy with one genetically-modified (self-willed) type of

banana or mango. The hundreds of varieties of rice are also attempted to be

destroyed, by selling farmers GMO seeds which cannot reproduce and later on

become the cause of farmers’ suicides (read about Vandana Siva, the third woman

mentioned in this post, to know more about how natural biodiversity is attempted to

be destroyed in India, for example).

Would you really feel happy and creative to see one type of people, one type of fruit

in stores, identical homes, and large supermarkets visiting which is supposed to be

the highlight of everyone’s day? Would you like to find that each city you visit is quite

the same as the one you live in, everyone is interested in the same things (movies,

pop music and fast-food), everyone dresses in the same way, and the culture of

each land is forgotten? Would your soul feel like singing, or would you feel absolute

terror? Know that your every agreement to spend money on or engage in the

edomite-engineered lifestyle is bringing this destiny closer; your every refusal to

engage in such a mindless way of living is a step towards the rediscovery of a God-

given way of life, and a positive example for others to take steps in this right


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How you can personally help your community and the world at large

People, please wake up! We are faced with the war of wars, yet because it’s done

so subtly, we do not recognize this as the battle of battles, an insidious way to

completely destroy our cultures, our morals, our values – what makes us humans.

What makes humans degrade is elevated, promoted, and made widely available;

most debasing occupations, like that of a club dancer, are highly paid. The

occupation of a teacher is underpaid.

What makes humans develop is under-funded and made difficult to engage in; what

makes humans get closer to God is made to look ‘uncool’, ‘outdated’, so that people

would be shy to share or discuss such things, like the belief in the Christ, or the fact

that they pray. You can find many facebook posts about stupid jokes and pictures of

drunk parties or women showing off their figures and make-up; yet how many people

share the words of holy writings or spiritual images? What kind of content do youpost

– what kind of example do you set for others?

But although it’s easy to engage in mindless entertainment and harm yourself with

drug use or the like, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to lead the Divine lifestyle. You

are supposed to contribute to the betterment of mankind. You are supposed to

express God in your own unique way. Make all the required arrangements to

make this possible.

This probably means that you’ll have to drastically reduce your wishes and only

leave basic needs, so that you’re no longer a slave to money and therefore have

freedom of time and enough funds to cover basic expenses for you to understand

your gifts to be expressed. I wrote this inexpensive book to help you escape the

system by using the system, so that you’re no longer a slave of the rat race, but are

financially independent and are free to choose how to live.

What’s more, you may wish to start organizing meetings to discuss things of God,

be it sacred scriptures, human morals and values, ancient heritage and culture. You

don’t need to be an expert on the subject – simply organize gatherings to discuss

what’s human. There are many, many soul-starved individuals desperately searching

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for any humanness left in this artificial system. Be that Light to them, so that they

don’t give up.

If you manage to gather a strong, parasite-free circle of people who really care about

human values, encourage everyone to support each other and to love each other,

like Jesus advised His disciples to do. In the Bible it’s said that the wheat will be

separated from the tares on the day of harvest. You can do this now! Don’t buy into

the edomite-promoted false idea of everyone being the same. Some people are truly

loving, whilst some are parasites. “Don’t cast pearls before swine”, as it’s said in the

Bible, “lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you”.

To gather such a community, be aware which people in your gatherings really care

about the world (not mental people talking empty theories from the head to show off

their learning, but the ones that care from the heart whose speech might be very

simple); when you recognize such people, mark their names and contact details (that

should be collected from all before the start of the meeting). Invite them for private

meetings to discuss how to help the world, and to exchange information, which is

almost ‘forbidden’ to do these days, as we are advised to be suspicious of everyone

and to only turn to TV and newspapers to gain information, so that we do not know

what’s happening in the world, and we are trained to have opinions that are in

harmony with the plans of our destruction.

Our strength lies in the unity of the children of God, the scattered sheep of the

Christ. When we are united in God, we are indestructible. When we are confused

and scattered, and led by the wolves in sheep’s clothing, our destruction is very


Set great example for others to follow. Treat everyone with kindness, allow only

soft, vulgarity-free words to leave your mouth. Do not engage in useless chatter, do

not back-stab, but be the Light of your community. You do not need to loudly

proclaim your values when you live according to them, because every action and

every word of yours will clearly show what you stand for. That’s how you set real

example, and that’s what makes a real impact in the community.

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To further set great example, develop your intelligence along with the increasing

reliance on God. Both can be done without cancelling each other out (“Be as wise as

a serpent and as innocent as a dove”). To develop your intelligence…

1. learn to think for yourself,

2. get into the habit of making independent decisions based on your own logic

(and learn from your mistakes),

3. carefully and with deep concentration follow the logic in the writings of deep

thinkers of humanity (questioning their validity by independent thinking),

4. avoid simplistic and dumb shows designed to keep the masses ignorant.

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Refuse things that change your nature

Anything that’s not of God is an obstacle. It obscures your understanding of

reality and yourself. So watching movies that are about any kind of immorality

obscures your understanding of who you are. Any drug that makes you be no longer

you obscures your understanding of who you are. Any addition that alters your

appearance makes you not at one with yourself, like make-up.

You may be thinking that being natural, totally at-one with yourself, cannot make you

realize your self and God, as it can’t be that easy; but how can you really know,

having so many artificial additions in your life and even your body?

I so much hope you won’t take this message lightly. I really mean what I say.

Willingly watching violence and lewdness on TV obscures your nature, because your

nature is that of absolute harmlessness and real love. Wearing skimpy clothing is

vulgar and not of God. Distance yourself from such artificialities and instead try to get

close to nature, appreciate works of art that portray human or nature ideals, and stay

with people who are still human and haven’t sold their souls to the idol of money or

have flabby cores and so no real morals.

Stay in nature. Stay in silence. Meditate. Pray. Open your heart to allow the Christ to

enter it, and be the servant of God. Ask God to work through you, and relax into the

surrender to the Divine.

Focus on harmony and avoid man-made disharmony. Trust yourself. Find that True

Measure in your heart. Once you find it, you cannot lose it. And when you cannot

make mistakes, nobody will be able to mislead you.

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To express God, you firstly need to fully heal

People who don’t heal their psyche from the artificial system of living by spending

time in nature, becoming simple and fully opening up to heal, will not be able to

express God. I see many imbalanced individuals getting into spirituality and giving

into weird trances and frenzy dances thinking these are divine experiences. They still

remain slaves to sensations, giving into self-abandon to forget their troubles, and

they get lost in departed spirits’ summonings and other black magic rites or in

their own created astral worlds.

All this is very dangerous, and that’s why I urge you to first heal yourself. Do not lie

to yourself about your condition. Any dark spot, any unhealthy condition

leaves an opening in your being which destructive influences will surely seek to

exploit. Only complete purity is absolutely immune to demonic forces – nothing else.

“God is not mocked” – you cannot think that some “guilty pleasure” will be

overlooked and you’ll be okay.

If you are not at peace with yourself you haven’t healed yet. You must be able to

remain absolutely calm, silent, and okay with yourself in the times of solitude. This

being at peace with yourself when doing nothing, simply sitting in quiet and thinking

nothing, is a great sign of your healing. If you cannot face yourself in total silence,

you haven’t healed yet, and so Perfection won’t be made manifest through your


When you heal, you’ll manifest perfection effortlessly, naturally. You won’t think

about it – it will simply happen. Everywhere you’ll go you’ll create beauty and

harmony; people who will talk to you will feel more at peace and uplifted. Your loving

words will be like a soothing balm to the unhappy humanity, and the work you’ll do

will make it easier for people to remember their Source and attempt to reach it.

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Another obstacle to Divine perfection

I’ve already discussed the inability of humans to express the Divine correctly due to

their focus on the lower chakras. I would like to discuss the low-chakra related

aspect of selfishness as it should be considered as an obstacle in its own right.

The Creator cannot work miracles through your hands if you are selfish.Selfish

people are the ones who haven’t emotionally grown and are incapable of bringing

real benefit to mankind. Some selfish people misinterpret spirituality as sacrificing to

idols for them to give humans earthly blessings, or they pray to God for some

worldly benefit to their petty selves or their families, but not humanity at large.

Such people cannot gain access to Divine powers and wisdom because this

isa natural and very important protection against the misuse of such powers. Only

people who are dead to their little selves are allowed, through grace, into the

storehouse of God, because only when your little self no longer rules you, will you be

able to use powerful Divine gifts without any harm to humanity.

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A plant doesn’t struggle to grow and reveal its perfect blossoms. A fruit tree doesn’t

make an effort to bear delicious fruit. A human being, too, isn’t supposed to struggle

to express God. It should be natural, and much more grand than any plant’s ability.

Our destiny is to be greater than angels; we were created completely in the image

and likeness of God. We are supposed to grow into physical gods in this world.

I urge you not to miss out on witnessing yourself working wonders on

earth. To make this possible, you must stop activating lower chakras that are

supposed to work without human interference. You can do this by detaching yourself

from all that’s not natural to you or that which activates reptilian responses. You must

have absolutely nothing to do with the false values and lifestyle of today engineered

by the Edomites, the parasites that are against humanity’s discovery of their Divine


You need to heal your mind so completely from this onslaught of artificiality and low-

vibe suggestions, that there be no ‘gaps’ left in you for any anti-christic influence to

enter. Because if you haven’t yet become totally pure and accessed that True

Measure which would totally protect you from any deception, it would be very easy

for the dark forces to mislead you into thinking that things that are of anti-christ are

actually of God, like frenzied dances of self-abandon, drug-taking or sexual orgies.

Finally, you must totally transcend any sort of selfishness if you want God to entrust

you with Its abilities. Any sort of remaining selfishness can and will be exploited by

the dark forces to turn you into yet another tool contributing to the destruction of the

planet and mankind.

When you become totally immune to the low-chakra temptations to please the little

self, and you get established in the center of your heart where the True Measure lies

making you clearly see what’s right and what’s wrong, you become the

representative of God on this earth, and all you say and do becomes a Divine Idea

perfectly expressed in matter.

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About the author

Simona Rich is a spirituality blogger sometimes

referred to as a modern mystic. She lives in South

India and is originally from Lithuania.

She leads a celibate life of contemplation and

meditation, rarely engaging actively with the world, but

instead being an observer of it. This allows her to

objectively view the world, and from this objective

observation, life’s lessons become obvious, and then

she shares them with readers in her blog posts and


You can read her story in her about page.