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Why Do You Garden I posed this question to an international online group of avid gardeners. Here are their responses.
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Why Do You Garden

I posed this question to an international online group of avid

gardeners. Here are their responses.

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Angela, from Washington state, writes

• I garden because----I love seeing things grow. When things start poking their little leafy heads up in the summer--it is one huge rush. I also garden to have some time away from my family, who at times, even though I am very fond of them--COULD DRIVE ME NUTS.

• Isn't it fun to see all the beautiful plants. I overheard my young neighbor boy, who is a very nice lad--saying to one of his companions as he walked by. Yeah, she's really nice, but she is kinda plant crazy. I can't afford to travel so have to bring pretty things to the garden to enjoy.

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Carolyn, from San Francisco writes: I garden because it makes me happy to see my yard alive and green and colorful, and to smell the fragrances -- and also because it gives me the chance to spend time in the sunshine and fresh air. It's a new pleasure each time something puts out fresh foliage or a new flower.

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Kath, from Scotland writes: I garden because I so love my garden and being outdoors. Also, I turned a hobby into paid job and tend ladies gardens. Also gardening is better than any paid gym. When you are outdoors in the garden you get a great work out!

I garden because I so love my garden and bein outdoors.

Also so much so turned a hobby into paid job and tend ladies gardens.

Also in my garden are many memories from cuttings or plants along a journey of long gone family or friends--each one tells a story .

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Denise, from Northern Wisconsin writes: I garden so that I can smell the Stargazer lilies, Nicotiana and Stock at night through my window.

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Denise added, I also garden to be humble. I'm always on my knees...

I love appreciating what the Creator has given. I "arrange" and "display" what has been created. Fragrance, texture, composition, color all are important to me as a gardener. Gardening is meditation and focus for me. Walking about my gardens and enjoying them is “feedback”.

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Alice, from Georgia, posted: I garden because it is a stress buster. I also love being outside in the sunshine and I love the feel of dirt on my hands. There is a great source of accomplishment "I did it myself!"

Sharing my plants is one of the things I enjoy most!

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Mark, from New Zealand says for me;sanity, away from work, so I can get "clean" dirty (I am an engineer so get quite greasy etc.)I am old fashioned, and like the gardens of old, many flowers mum is a gardenerIt allows me to get closer to God through His creation.

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Penny, from Oregon writes: I enjoy the challenge of gardening, it tests me, sometimes irritates me beyond measure but gives me far more pleasure than almost anything else in my life except for my family.

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Marie from Ontario, Canada posts: My gardening life began in earnest when my children were all finally in school. At last there was some time for ME. But as children get older, so do life's problems become more challenging, and so gardening became a time for me to think and try to work on those problems while at the same time working on beautifying my piece of land. I have added trees and shrubs along the creek, removed tires and glass, and even managed to alter government policies on our nearby gravel pit. So there has been a heavy feeling of obligation to the environment. Some of the trees and gardens are memorials, since part of life has been death; death of a good friend, our parents and an infant grandson.

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Here's the Reed memory far.

And of course, raspberries nearby are for Reed too!

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Georgia, from Canada writes: I garden because I enjoy it too. I like it mostly in the beginning of spring--watching the perennial’s peep their heads out of the ground. I like the exercise too. This year we had a real bad time with weeds and weeding gave me something to do.

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My other passion is growing the veggie garden and canning foods for winter, jams, apple sauce, pickles, pickled beets, green beans and any other thing I find. How sad that there are people in the world that think all veggies come from the back room in the grocery stores.

Linda, from Washington State says “I garden because, it makes me happy,(most the time). I love the perennials from spring to fall . My dahlias are my passion. I love going out when they are just starting to get color on new dahlia buds. I take those buds in my hand and feather back the petals just to see what is there. When I'm working in the flowers my mind can just wander, all stress is gone. (sometimes, it forgets to come back).”  

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Sharon, from Michigan writes “Gardening keeps me active and outside. I enjoy seeing things grow and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I pick a fresh, tasty, ripe, juicy tomato! Or cut a beautiful bouquet of roses. I think to myself, I grew those and they're good! Gardens are great for positive reinforcement and self esteem building.”

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Tanya, from Michigan, writes “Gardening is an option.. not something I 'have-to-do.' I think that's why I like it. It is a wonderful hobby. A friend and I were comparing notes online not so long ago and said how much we enjoy driving in our respective driveways and seeing the fruits of our efforts. It's a pleasure to come back from anywhere.”                                                 

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I garden.. because I love the natural world and the things living in it. I love to keep them and learn about them day by day. I like to surround myself with things that are beautiful, I’m not gonna get any better looking with age, but my garden can! It shows off the beauty inside, sometimes expressing my character in a better way than I can with words.

Margaret from South Australia

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I love medieval stories, so I collect medieval herbs and dragons. My dragon collects bones and gold as all worthy dragons do!

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Margaret continues “A garden, unlike housework, can actually improve if you leave it alone for a few weeks and do nothing to beautify it.I love to cook and do crafts and grow my own ingredients and materials. Use what I grow and grow what I use.”

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I sometimes wonder why I persist, especially after a difficult summer when I was trying to save plants after a big chill in early May, fighting aphids and mold... but overall I love it because: it's a great way to relieve stress, clear my mind of trivial troubles, helps me cope with pain, great excuse to be outdoors (and there's no place I'd rather be) and I can skip dusting, vacuuming etc. with no guilt. It's nice to see the fruits (or vegetables        ) of my labour, and also great to have a plentiful supply of basil for my homemade pesto.

I sometimes wonder why I persist, especially after a difficult summer when I was trying to save plants after a big chill in early May, fighting aphids and mold... but overall I love it because: it's a great way to relieve stress, clear my mind of trivial troubles, helps me cope with pain, great excuse to be outdoors (and there's no place I'd rather be) and I can skip dusting, vacuuming etc. with no guilt. It's nice to see the fruits (or vegetables        ) of my labour, and also great to have a plentiful supply of basil for my homemade pesto.

I sometimes wonder why I persist, especially after a difficult summer when I was trying to save plants after a big chill in early May, fighting aphids and mold... but overall I love it because: it's a great way to relieve stress, clear my mind of trivial troubles, helps me cope with pain, great excuse to be outdoors (and there's no place I'd rather be) and I can skip dusting, vacuuming etc. with no guilt. It's nice to see the fruits (or vegetables) of my labor, and also great to have a plentiful supply of basil for my homemade pesto.

Patricia, Toronto, Canada

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Mara, from Germany, writes “I garden because my garden reinforces the principle of hope. There is always something to look forward to. Unfortunately, reality seldom lives up to what I had envisioned - but there's next year. And hope.Even after several decades of gardening, I still haven't caught on to the obvious truth that next year will be no better than this...

Also I garden because I like mucking about in the soil and watching little plants grow into bigger plants. On rare occasions something really beautiful comes of my efforts. What a joy that is! “

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I like to work in the garden and see how the flowers grow. It is not to believe that a small seed can become a large flower. Try it yourself at home.

Roelie from the Netherlands

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I garden to be outdoors.

I start the garden for the flowers but ultimately I get distracted by the hummingbirds, dragonflies, spider weave webs, monarchs, robins, cardinals and yes, even the rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks because then I get to watch the hawks do their thing. It's worth the damaged and dug up plants to see a hawk on the prowl.

I, too, am plant crazy but suspect that the neighbors think I'm just crazy.

Janet from Missouri

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I've only really become very interested in gardening in the last few years. Whilst I've always had a garden ... they tended to take a back seat to everything else in my life. Then as I said, a few years back, I started taking a real interest in the garden and found it to be a restorative antidote to all the stresses of life ... family, work and just the everyday grind!

Now I find I'm happier, healthier and much more keen to start each day! Gardening is great for you mind, body and soul!

Bernith—Northern Australia

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I have always gardened - not only for the pleasure it gave me but also for the pleasure it gave to others.....many passers-by would stop and admire my handy-work as my garden is a woodland one - quite different from anything else in this area!The back garden was the working bit -and provided the fruit and veg. and I can think of no better reason to garden than to wander into the greenhouse and feast on freshly grown tomatoes....LOLCarol from England

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Maureen writes “I love to garden because its possible the best free workout you can get, and the best possible feeling of satisfaction, seeing what can grow from a tiny seed into something so beautiful.....”

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I garden because I love new beginnings.Seeing "my friends" arrive, right on time, year after year gives me joy.

Mary, Georgia

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Thank You To My Friendsfrom MissAlice