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Why Do Scientists Advise to Sleep on the Right....

May 29, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Why Do Scientists Advise to Sleep on the Right....


    Why do scientists advise to sleep on the right

    Side?Sleeping on the right sidevote com_content 187 http://w w w .qura

    Bas du formulaire

    Lying down can be on the back, on the abdomen, on the left orright side. Which of these positions is the best for the

    functioning of the organs?

    When lying on the abdomen, as Dr Attarsays, a person will feel after a while shortof breath as the backbones mass

    prevents the chest from contracting andthen relaxing during inhalation andexhalation. Moreover this position leadsto an obligatory bending in the neckvertebraes. Also, the contact of thereproductive organs with the bed leadsto masturbation.

    The resulting respiratory crisis results inbrain and heart fatigue as well.

    An Australian researcher noticed the increase in the likelihoodof babies sudden death when they sleep on their stomachcompared to those who sleep on one of the sides. It isinimitable that these modern studies agree with what ourprophet said as narrated by Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleasedwith him): When the prophet (peace be upon him) saw a manlying on his front, He said (Allah and his prophet dislike thisposition in lying) (Reported by Al-Tirmdhi)

    Another Hadith is the one narrated by Abu Umama (May Allahbe pleased with him) he said: When the Prophet (peace beupon him) passed a man sleeping on his front in the mosque hehit him with his feet and said: wake up and seat as this is adiabolic sleep

    Lying on the back, on the other hand, causes the respiration tobe through the mouth. Dr Attar sees that the mouth opens upwhen lying on back as the inferior jaw relax.

    However, the nose is the one prepared for respiration, as it

    contains hairs and mucous that act to purify the air entering


    Sleeping on the right side

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    during inspiration, and as it has dense blood vessels that makethe entering air warmer.

    Respiration through the mouth then makes the person prone tocolds, especially in the winter, and also to gum dryness and its

    resulting inflammation.As well as it evokes potential situations of dissemble excess orgumic hugely.

    So these positions the jaw and uvula oppose the wideness ofnose and prevents current of breath.

    So snoring will increase.

    Moreover, in this case, the person wakes up with an abnormalwhite layer covering his tongue and an undesirable

    mouth odour.

    Sleeping on the left side is not favoured either, as the heartwould be then under the pressure of the right lung, the biggestof the two lungs, and this would affect its contraction especiallyif the person is old. The full stomach which itself is under thepressure of the heaviest organ in the digestive tract, the liver,which delays its emptying, would also impose a pressure on theheart.

    A group of experiments done by Galteh and Butseh found thatthe passage of food from the stomach to the intestines takesfrom 2.5 to 4.5 hours if a person is sleeping on the right sidewhereas its takes 5 to 8 hours if he is sleeping on the left side.


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    Thus, sleeping on the right side is the correct position as the leftlung is smaller than the right one and the pressure on the heartwould therefore be less, the liver would not be suspended, andthe stomach would be on it and so emptying its contents would

    be quicker.

    Moreover sleeping on the right side is one of the best medicalinterventions to facilitate the excretion of the mucoussecretions of the left respiratory bronchioles.

    That is what was said by Dr Al Rawi who added that the reasonfor the expansion of the airways in the left lung and not theones in the right one is that the right lungs bronchioles arelaterally positioned to a certain extent, whereas the ones in the

    left lung are vertical and so it is harder to push the secretionsupwards to be excreted. This leads to their accumulation in theinferior segment, leading to the expansion .The symptoms atthis stage is excessive phlegm discharge in the morning whichmay exacerbate and lead to serious illnesses such as lungsapse and urinary disease, and one of the most moderntreatments for those cases is sleeping on the right side. Dr Mohammad Nezar Al Deker

    (Translated by R.C)


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    control and guidance) whereupon the criminal becomes as mildas a child obeying the orders of anyone.

    The Anatomical structure of the upper region of the foreheadshows that it consists of one of the bones of the skull, called the

    fronted bone, which protects one of the lobes of the brain calledthe frontal lobe, which contains several neural centers invarious locations and with various functions.

    The prefrontal cortex constitutes the bulk of the frontal lobe ofthe brain, and its function is involved in the making of onespersonality. It is also considered as a superior center among thecenters of concentration, thinking and memory. It plays asignificant role in the persons emotion and it is somehowconcerned with initiative and discrimination.

    The cortex is situated directly behind the forehead; it is hiddendeep in the front of the head. Thus the prefrontal cortex directssome of the human behavior that reflects ones personality,with respect to being truthful, lying, right, wrongetc. It alsodistinguishes between these virtues and vices and urges one totake the initiative whether with good or evil intent.

    In a joint research on the scientific miracle ofnasiyah by Keith L.Moore and me, presented in an international conference held in

    Cairo in 1980, Keith L. Moore did not talk about the function ofthe frontal lobe of the human brain only, but talked about thefunction of thenasiyah in the brains of various animals.Demonstrating pictures of the fronted lobes of a number ofanimals, he said: The comparative anatomical study of humanand animal brains shows that thenasiyah has the samefunction: It is the center of the control and guidance in bothman and animals that have brains.

    His saying drew my attention to the saying of Allah (SWT):

    (There is not a moving animal but He has the grasp of itsnasiyah. Verily, my Lord is on a straight Path.) (XI:56)

    I also called to mind some of the traditions of the Prophet(Peace be upon him), such as: O Allah! I am your servant andthe son of your servant and the son of your bondmaid,mynasiyah (front of the head) is in Your Hands and: I seekrefuge with you from the evil of everything whosenasiyah is in

    Your Grasp. and: Horses have goodness embedded in theirnasiyahs, till the Day of Resurrection.


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    From the meanings of these texts we can conclude thatthenasiyah is the center of control and guidance of both humanand animal behavior.

    The linguistic meaning of the Verse and the sayings of

    the commentatorsAllah (SWT) says: (Let him beware! If he does not stop, We willtake him by thenasiyah (front of the head), a lying,sinfulnasiyah!) (96:15-16)

    Al-Nasiyah: the front of the head.

    The commentators sayings:

    Most commentators have interpreted this Verse metaphorically,saying that describing thenasiyah being lying and sinful is not

    to be taken literally; the description is attributed to the owner ofthenasiyah and not to thenasiyah itself. Other commentatorssuch as Al-Hafiz ibnKathir left the Verse without comments.

    From the sayings of the commentators (May Allah bestow HisMercy on them) we understand that they did not know thatthenasiyah is the center of deciding to tell a lie or commit a sin;therefore, they interpreted the Verse metaphorically, while thetext literally describes thenasiyah being lying and sinful. Theyattributed the description to the owner of thenasiyah althoughthe grammatical structure of the utterance does not permitthat; otherwise, the structure would have been the genitiveconstruction which is completely different from the adjectivalconstruction.

    Other commentators did not comment on the Verse sparingthemselves the involvement in something beyond theirknowledge and the knowledge of their age.

    The Aspects of the Scientific Miracle

    Professor Keith L. Moore, illustrating this Scientific Miracle, says:The information we now know about the function of the brain,was not mentioned throughout history, nor do we find anythingabout it in the medical books. Should we survey all the medicalliterature during the time of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)and several centuries thereafter, we would find no mention ofthe function of the frontal lobe (nasiyah), or an explanation of itor a statement about it except in this Book (the Holy Quran),which indicates that such information is of the Knowledge of

    Allah, the Almighty, Who knows everything, and thatMuhammad is Allahs Messenger.


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    The first time the function of the frontal lobe was known was in1842, when a railway worker in America was hit with a bar thatpierced his forehead. That affected his behavior leaving theother functions of his body intact. Only then doctors came to

    know the function of the frontal lobe of the brain and its bearingon human behavior.

    Doctors, up to then, had thought that this portion of the humanbrain is a mute region with no function. Who, then, informedMuhammad (Peace be upon him) that this portion of the brain(nasiyah) is the center of control and guidance in both peopleand animals and that it is the source of telling lies andcommitting sins?

    Prominent commentators had to interpret the explicit text

    metaphorically because they did not know this secret, in orderto safeguard the Quran from being accused of lying by peoplewho were ignorant of this fact throughout the past centuries.

    The fact that thenasiyah is the center of control and guidance inboth men and animals is clearly mentioned in Allahs Book andthe Sunnah of his Messenger (Peace be upon him).

    Who, then, told Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in particular,of this secret and this fact?

    It is the Divine Knowledge that no falsehood can approach frombefore or behind it. It is a witness from Allah that the Quran isfrom Him and was revealed with His Knowledge.

    TheCoccyxRate vote com_content 181 http://w w w.qura

    Bas du formulaire

    The Coccyx is the last bone in the vertebral

    column. It was mentioned in many Hadithsthat this bone is the origin of humans and theseed from which they will be resurrected onthe Day of Judgment and that this partdoesnt decay in the earth.

    The honoured Hadiths:

    1. Abu Huraira reported that The Prophet(PBUH) said: All what of son of Adam

    will (be eaten???) by the earthexcept thecoccyx from which he was created and


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    from which he will be resurrected Reported by Albukhari,Al Nassaii, Abu Daoud, IbnMajah and Ahmad in hisMousnad and Malek in his Mouattaa.

    2. As was reported by Abu Huraira the prophet (PBUH)said:There is a bone in the Son Of Adam that the earthwill never eat. They said what is it Oh Prophet of Allah? Hesaid: It is the coccyx Reported by Albukhari, Al Nassaii,Abu Daoud, Ibn Majah, Ahmad in his book alMousnad and Malek in his book Al Mouattaa.

    So the previous Hadiths are clear and contain the followingfacts:

    1. Human are created from the coccyx.2. The coccyx does not get decayed.

    3. On the Day of Judgment, the Resurrection will be from thecoccyx.

    Stages of foetus formation:

    When the sperm fecundate the ovule, foetus formation starts.The fecundated ovule or the zygote divides into 2 cells, andeach cell divides into another 2 cells. Cells division and growth

    continue until the formation of the embryonic disk that contains2 layers:


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    The vertebral column andthe last vertebrae

    External Epiblast: contains the cytotrophoblasts that fixthe embryo in the uterus wall and enable its nutritionfrom the blood and the secretions of the glands of theuterus wall.

    Internal Hypoblast: From which the foetus is formedwith the Will of Allah The Almighty. On the day15 theprimitive streakappears in the dorsal aspect of theembryo with a pointed end called the primitive node.

    The side on which the primitive streak appears is known as theback of the embryonic disc. From the primitive streak and nodeall the foetus tissues and organs are formed as follows:

    The Ectoderm: gives the skin and the central nervoussystem

    The Mesoderm: gives the digestive tract smooth muscles,the skeletal muscles, the circulation system, the heart, the

    bones the sexual and urinary systems (except thebladder), the subcutaneous tissues, the lymphatic system,


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    the spleen and the cortex.

    The Endoderm: the linings of the digestive tract and therespiratory system, the organs related to the digestive

    tract (ex: liver and pancreas), the bladder, the thyroidgland, the hearing canal.

    After that, the primitive streak and node become emaciatedand reside in the sacral zone, in the last vertebrae, so that thecoccyx is formed.

    Therefore, the primitive streak and the primitive node representthe coccyx that the prophet (PBUH) told us about.(1)

    Foetus malformation is a proof that the coccyx contains

    the mother cells for all the human tissues:

    After the creation and formation of the foetus from the primitivestreak and the primitive node, those reside in the last vertebraeof the sacrum (the coccyx) and retain their characteristics. Ifthose are motivated somehow, they start to grow similarly tothe foetus growth and so give a tumour (Teratoma) thatresembles a defective foetus with some organs fully formed(hands or feet with nails) (see the picture). Therefore thesacrum indeed contains the mother cells and what the prophet(PBUH) said about the Resurrection of humans from theircoccyx on the Day of Judgment has been proved.

    The conclusion: the coccyx contains the primitive streak andprimitive node and those are able to grow giving the threelayers that form the foetus: ectoderm, mesoderm andendoderm and so can give all the organs as the surgeon whenopening the tumour previously mentioned found fully formedorgans inside it like teeth, hair

    Humans can be then recreated from their coccyx that containsthe primitive streak and node of the overall potential. (2)


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    And so the coccyx can not get decayed:

    Researchers found that foetus cells formation and organisationare exerted by the primitive streak and node and before theirformation no cells differentiation could have taken place. Oneof the most famous researchers who proved this was theGerman scientist Hans Spemann.

    After his experiments on the primitive streak and node hefound that those organise the creation of the foetus and so he

    called them The primary organiser. He cut this part from onefoetus and implanted it in another one in the primary embryonicstage (third and fourth week). This lead to the formation of asecondary foetus in the guest body due to the influence andorganisation exerted by the surrounding guests cells on theimplant.

    The German scientist started his experiments on theamphibians by implanting the primary organiser in a secondfoetus, which led to the growth of a secondary embryo. The

    implantation of the cut primary organiser was in another foetusof the same age under the Epiblast layer and lead to theapparition of a secondary embryonic anlage.

    In 1931, when Spemann crushed the primary organiser andimplanted it again, the crushing did not affect the experimentas again, a secondary embryonic anlage grew.

    In 1933, Spemann and other scientists conducted the sameexperiment but the primary organiser was boiled this time. A

    secondary embryonic anlage grew in spite of the boilingshowing that the cells were not affected. In 1935, Spemann was


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    awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the PrimaryOrganiser.(3)

    Dr Othman Al Djilani and Sheikh Abd Al MajidAzzandani didsome experiments on the coccyx in Ramadan 1423 in SheikhAbd Al MajidAzzandanis house in Sanaa.

    One of the two vertebras of 5 coccyx bones were burnt onstones using a gas gun for 10 minutes until their totalcombustion (the bones became red then black). They put thecarbonised pieces in sterilised boxes and took them to the mostfamous analysis laboratory in Sanaa (Al Olaki laboratory). Dr alOlaki, the professor in histology and pathology in SanaaUniversity, analysed the pieces and found that the cells of thebone tissues of the coccyx were not affected and they survivedthe burning (only the muscles the fatty tissues and the bonemarrow cells were burnt while the coccyx bone cells were notaffected). (4)

    by Dr Othman Aljilani(Translated By R.C)

    References :(1)Primitive Streak

    During the development usually on day 15, a thickened linearband of

    Epiblast known as the primitive streak appears caudal in themidline of the

    dorsal aspect of the embryonic disc

    It is clearly visible as narrow groove with slightly bulgingregions on either



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    KEITH L. MOOR. The DevelopingHuman, page 54HumanEmbryology, 4th edition, page 69

    (2)Teratoma: Contain representative cells from all three

    embryonic layers(Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm) and containing hair, teeth,


    The precise origin of teratoma probably from migrating

    totipotential cellsfound in proximity to the hensens node in the early embryo.

    The peak

    incidence is in the third and fourth decades.

    1-SHO practice of surgery page 1022- Sabiston-text book of surgery 16th edition page

    (3)Human embryology 4th edition page 196

    (4)Summary of research work presented by Dr Othman Aljilani inthe 7th

    conference of scientific miracles in The Koran and The Sunna(Dubai 2004)

    The Effect of Prayer on the HumanBody

    Bas du formulaireBy :Dr Noha abo-krysha

    Translated By : NassimDhaher

    Revised By MagdyAbd Al-ShafyIn fact , prayer is a strong connection to God .In prayer , one can find many meanings thatbeggar description , man can find out the basic

    reason behind his existence .

    Allah the Exalted says in the Holy Quran what means :

    { Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfactionin the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the

    remembrance of Allah do hearts findsatisfaction} Sura Arraadverse28


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    God also says in the Holy Quran what means :{78-Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till thedarkness of the night, and the morning prayer andreading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry

    their testimony. 79-And pray in the small watches of themorning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritualprofit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Stationof Praise and Glory!} Sura Al-israa verses78,79

    Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) used to say , when somthing distress him :(Oh Bilal(the prayer caller ), call for the prayer, relax us

    by it) [SunanAbiDawud]

    The Scientific Study

    It has become clear , through the results of severalstudies, the great effect that prayer and devotion haveon brain stability and mode of function, and it has alsobecome clear that several changes occur in the body;among these is the effect that happens during bloodsystematization to certain parts in the brain

    prayer effect on cerebral activitiesThis research was carried out by Dr. Newberg, theassistant Professor at X-Ray division of the PennsylvaniaUniversity Medical Center, on a group of faithful peoplewho have faith in God , practice their prayers and comefrom different religious backgrounds.

    This as done using Single Photon C.T. scan that showsthe flow of blood in the cerebrum using colors which are

    based on brain activity where the color Red representshigh activity and Yellow and Green represent lowactivity.


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    The First Image

    The image shows the brain before meditation andprayer(on the left) and during prayer (on the right)where we see that during the envolvement in prayersand meditation, blood flow has increased , frontal loberegion is responsible for controlling emotions andagitations in humans and a region also important for theacquisition and practice of complicated percetion-

    movement abilities.

    Terms used in the image

    Baseline: normal state without meditation

    Meditation: as nameimplies

    The Second Image


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    The image shows aa blood flow decline in the theParietal lobe at the region where humans sense theirtime and space limits. It was concluded from theseresults that during prayer, contemplation and seeking

    Allah, the limits of self-conciousnessdissapear and afeeling of peace and freedom starts in the person andone feels closer to Allah in a way that no words candescribe.

    Verses from The Quran

    Many are the verses that talked about the importance ofprayer (Assalat), devotion and praise Allah the Almighty.The Quran has made a link between patience and prayerto make sure one does not get agitated.

    Allah The Exalted Says in the Holy Quran what means:

    {Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance andprayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring alowly spirit} SuraAl-Baqara verse 45

    There are other verses that linked between prayer andtranquility.

    Allah The Exalted Says:

    {When ye pass (Congregational) prayers, celebrateAllahs praises, standing, sitting down, or lying down onyour sides; but when ye are free from danger, set upRegular Prayers: For such prayers are enjoined onbelievers at stated times.} Sura An-Nisa verse 103

    {Successful indeed are the believers , Who are humblein their prayers} Sura Al Muminun verses 1,2


    It becomes clear after these verses of the Noble Quranand scientific studies the importance of prayer in the lifeof the faithful, and the importance of devotion andglorification during the application of those prayers.From here the wisdom of Islam is apparent in focusingon the danger of ceasing to do the prayers.

    If experiments show stability of the brain during prayersfor non-Muslims who dont even read Al-Quran duringtheir prayers, How then is it when one prays to Allah and

    reads the Book of Allah? Undoubtedly the stability willbe greater.


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    We remember this noble verse that confirms theimportance of the channels of communication towardsAllah, ie ,piety, submission, heart purification, andputting things in Allahs command.

    Allah The Exalted Says in the Holy Quran what means:{Be guardians of your prayers, and of the midmostprayer, and stand up with devotion to Allah.}

    Sura Al-Baqara verse 238

    Let us remember also the supplication of ProphetAbraham (peace be upon him)

    My Lord! Make me to establish proper worship, andsome of my posterity (also); our Lord! and accept my


    Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and believers onthe day when the account is cast.


    The Noble Quran

    Why God Wont Go Away,

    (w/ Eugene G. dAquili, MD), 2001

    -Drs. d'Aquili and Newberg: "Religious and MysticalStates: A Neuropsychological Substrate" (Zygon 28: 177-200, 1993).

    -Newsweek, May 7, 2001

    "Religion and The Brain

    In the new field of "Neurotheology," scientists seek thebiological basis of spirituality. Is God all in our heads? "

    Author: Sharon Begley with Anne Underwood

    Edition: U.S. Edition

    Section: Science and Technology
