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33 Why Do Cats Purr? 3 Lesson purr [p^\R] 教科書紙面紹介 21

Why Do Cats Purr?33 Why Do Cats Purr? /HVVRQ 3 purr [cRPF] 教科書紙面紹介 教科書紙面 21

Jan 03, 2020



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Page 1: Why Do Cats Purr?33 Why Do Cats Purr? /HVVRQ 3 purr [cRPF] 教科書紙面紹介 教科書紙面 21


Why Do Cats Purr?3Lesson

purr [p^\R]




Page 2: Why Do Cats Purr?33 Why Do Cats Purr? /HVVRQ 3 purr [cRPF] 教科書紙面紹介 教科書紙面 21

34 35

Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?




greet [grí\t]owner(s)[óun6R(z)]rub(bing)[r%b(i©)]lip(s) [líp(s)]chin(s) [tƒín(z)]tail(s) [téil(z)]


Cats are so mysterious, aren’t they? Do you know

much about them?

How do cats say hello?

Cats will often greet their owners (or other friendly

cats) by rubbing their heads, lips, chins, or tails against

them. Why do they do that? By rubbing their bodies

against people and things, cats leave their own smells on

them. By leaving their own smells on people and things,

cats are claiming their territory to other cats. Cats are

happy when their favorite people and things have a

familiar smell.


1 Cats are~, aren’t they? ネコは~ですね。(付加疑問) cf. You are going to the gym, aren’t you?4 will~ ~するものだ(習慣・習性) e.g. Babies will cry when they are hungry.5 rub~against ... ~を…にこすりつける  7 leave~on ... e.g. Someone left an umbrella on a bench.

6 themは何を指しますか。 6 do thatとはどうすることですか。 8 themは何を指しますか。

catを使った慣用表現にrain cats and dogsというものがあります。さて,どんな意味でしょうか。

1. ( T / F ) 2. ( T / F ) 3. ( T / F )

1. How will cats greet their owners or other friendly cats?

2. Why do cats leave their own smells on people and things?

a. I like watching baseball.

b. Reading books makes me happy.

c. By rubbing their bodies against people and things, cats leave their own

smells on them. [ll.6-8]

◆「~すること」という意味を表します。動詞の ~ing形 p.143表④

( )内の語句を並べかえて,意味の通る文を作りましょう。

1. My ( English / good at / is / sister / speaking ).


2. I don’t ( bag / carrying / home / mind / your ).


3. My ( enjoys / father / golf / on Sundays / playing ).


4. Ms. Brown’s ( English / is / job / students / teaching ).



Listen & Choose

Read & Answer



例にならって,あなたの趣味などについて発表してみましょう。Last week I enjoyed fishing in the river. I caught five fish.

I like playing the guitar. I would like to play on stage in the future.

Let's TRY!



p034-041_Lesson03_0308.indd 34-35 16/03/08 13:31

34 35

Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?




greet [grí\t]owner(s)[óun6R(z)]rub(bing)[r%b(i©)]lip(s) [líp(s)]chin(s) [tƒín(z)]tail(s) [téil(z)]


Cats are so mysterious, aren’t they? Do you know

much about them?

How do cats say hello?

Cats will often greet their owners (or other friendly

cats) by rubbing their heads, lips, chins, or tails against

them. Why do they do that? By rubbing their bodies

against people and things, cats leave their own smells on

them. By leaving their own smells on people and things,

cats are claiming their territory to other cats. Cats are

happy when their favorite people and things have a

familiar smell.


1 Cats are~, aren’t they? ネコは~ですね。(付加疑問) cf. You are going to the gym, aren’t you?4 will~ ~するものだ(習慣・習性) e.g. Babies will cry when they are hungry.5 rub~against ... ~を…にこすりつける  7 leave~on ... e.g. Someone left an umbrella on a bench.

6 themは何を指しますか。 6 do thatとはどうすることですか。 8 themは何を指しますか。

catを使った慣用表現にrain cats and dogsというものがあります。さて,どんな意味でしょうか。

1. ( T / F ) 2. ( T / F ) 3. ( T / F )

1. How will cats greet their owners or other friendly cats?

2. Why do cats leave their own smells on people and things?

a. I like watching baseball.

b. Reading books makes me happy.

c. By rubbing their bodies against people and things, cats leave their own

smells on them. [ll.6-8]

◆「~すること」という意味を表します。動詞の ~ing形 p.143表④

( )内の語句を並べかえて,意味の通る文を作りましょう。

1. My ( English / good at / is / sister / speaking ).


2. I don’t ( bag / carrying / home / mind / your ).


3. My ( enjoys / father / golf / on Sundays / playing ).


4. Ms. Brown’s ( English / is / job / students / teaching ).



Listen & Choose

Read & Answer



例にならって,あなたの趣味などについて発表してみましょう。Last week I enjoyed fishing in the river. I caught five fish.

I like playing the guitar. I would like to play on stage in the future.

Let's TRY!



p034-041_Lesson03_0308.indd 34-35 16/03/08 13:31



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Page 3: Why Do Cats Purr?33 Why Do Cats Purr? /HVVRQ 3 purr [cRPF] 教科書紙面紹介 教科書紙面 21




total [tóutl]darkness[d!\Rknis]hunt [h%nt]

sensitive[séns6tiv]layer [léi6R]tiny [táini]crystal(s)[krístl(z)]reflect(s)[riflékt(s)]glow [glóu]headlight(s)[hédlàit(s)]

Can cats really see in the dark?

Cats can’t see in total darkness. No animals can.

But since cats usually hunt at night, their eyes can

take in far more light than yours can. This means that

cats can see far better than you can after dark — in

fact, about six times better.

Cat eyes are very sensitive to light. There is a layer

of tiny crystals inside them. This layer reflects light

very well. Because of this, cat eyes glow in car

headlights at night.


1 in the dark 暗がりで   2 in total darkness 真っ暗闇で  4 take in〜 ~を取り入れる4 far〜 (比較級を強めて)ずっと~  5 after dark 日が暮れてから  5 in fact 実際のところ6 〜 times ~倍 e.g. Tokyo is five times bigger than my hometown.7 layer of tiny crystals ごく小さな水晶質の層  9 because of〜 ~のおかげで

5 you canのあとに省略されている語は何ですか。 8 themは何を指しますか。 9 thisは何を指しますか。

「ネコの目のように変わる」と言いますが,英語では “as changeable as a weathercock” などと言います。


layer of crystals



Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?

1. (T/F) 2. (T/F) 3. (T/F)

1.Why can cats see better than you can after dark?

2.How much better can cats see than you can after dark?

a. This means (that) cats can see far better than you can after dark.


b. I think (that) cats are cute.

c. I believe (that) you have the wrong number.

◆ that節は「~ということ」の意味を表します。thatが省略されることもあります。

( )内の語句を並べかえて,意味の通る文を作りましょう。

1. People in the past ( believed / earth / flat / the / was ).


2. I think ( people / Spanish / speak / that ) in Mexico.


3. I ( disappear / most of / the rain forests / think / will ) in the next century.


4. Do ( coming / he / isn’t / mean / you ) today?



Listen & Choose

Read & Answer

S+V+O (= that節)Grammar


例にならって,あなたが将来について予想していることを発表してみましょう。I think [expect, believe] (that) more Japanese will speak English in the future.

Let's TRY!



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38 39

Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?


lap(s) [l@p(s)]express[iksprés]happiness[h@pinis]

deeply [dí\pli]

instance[ínst6ns]trill [tríl]


Why do cats purr?

Most people think

cats purr because

they are happy. They

certainly do purr for

this reason. Cats

purr when they are

eating food or resting

on our laps. But purring doesn’t always express

happiness. Cats also purr when they are sick or

injured. Cats purr when they are feeling something

really deeply.

Cats make other sounds, too. They use up to 16

sounds meaning different things. For instance, a little

trill means that cats are

pleased to see you, and

hissing means that they are

feeling threatened.

Now, do you understand

cats a little better?


5 do~ 確かに~する(動詞の強調) e.g. I do want to see you.9 not always~ いつも~とは限らない(部分否定) e.g. I’m not always at home on Sundays.13 up to~ ~までもの e.g. You must read up to 20 pages every day to finish the book in one month.14 for instance 例えば  18 feel threatened おびえる,身の危険を感じる

6 this reasonとは,どのような理由ですか。9 doesn’t always express happiness とありますが,それ以外には,どのような場合があるのですか。14 different thingsの例を2つあげなさい。


1. ( T / F ) 2. ( T / F ) 3. ( T / F )

1. What do cats do when they feel something really deeply?

2. What does a cat’s little trill mean?

a. The old man told us an exciting story.

b. The hospital was full of injured people.

c. Cats use up to 16 sounds meaning different things. [ll.13-14]

d. There is an old church built in the 15th century in this town.

◆ 分詞が名詞を修飾しています。現在分詞の場合は「~している…」,過去分詞の場合は「~された…」の意味を表します。動詞の ~ing形 p.143表④,動詞の変化 pp.143-145表⑤⑥

( )内の動詞を適切な形にかえましょう。

1. Titanic is a very ( move ) story.

2. Who is the girl ( wave ) her hand?

3. There were ( excite ) crowds in the streets after the match.

4. My teacher has a watch ( make ) in Switzerland.


Listen & Choose

Read & Answer



例にならって,文を作ってみましょう。The boy watching TV is Mike.

例) 1. 2. 3.

Mike Mrs. Brown Mr. Green my aunt

Let's TRY!






p034-041_Lesson03_0308.indd 38-39 16/03/08 13:31

38 39

Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?


lap(s) [l@p(s)]express[iksprés]happiness[h@pinis]

deeply [dí\pli]

instance[ínst6ns]trill [tríl]


Why do cats purr?

Most people think

cats purr because

they are happy. They

certainly do purr for

this reason. Cats

purr when they are

eating food or resting

on our laps. But purring doesn’t always express

happiness. Cats also purr when they are sick or

injured. Cats purr when they are feeling something

really deeply.

Cats make other sounds, too. They use up to 16

sounds meaning different things. For instance, a little

trill means that cats are

pleased to see you, and

hissing means that they are

feeling threatened.

Now, do you understand

cats a little better?


5 do~ 確かに~する(動詞の強調) e.g. I do want to see you.9 not always~ いつも~とは限らない(部分否定) e.g. I’m not always at home on Sundays.13 up to~ ~までもの e.g. You must read up to 20 pages every day to finish the book in one month.14 for instance 例えば  18 feel threatened おびえる,身の危険を感じる

6 this reasonとは,どのような理由ですか。9 doesn’t always express happiness とありますが,それ以外には,どのような場合があるのですか。14 different thingsの例を2つあげなさい。


1. ( T / F ) 2. ( T / F ) 3. ( T / F )

1. What do cats do when they feel something really deeply?

2. What does a cat’s little trill mean?

a. The old man told us an exciting story.

b. The hospital was full of injured people.

c. Cats use up to 16 sounds meaning different things. [ll.13-14]

d. There is an old church built in the 15th century in this town.

◆ 分詞が名詞を修飾しています。現在分詞の場合は「~している…」,過去分詞の場合は「~された…」の意味を表します。動詞の ~ing形 p.143表④,動詞の変化 pp.143-145表⑤⑥

( )内の動詞を適切な形にかえましょう。

1. Titanic is a very ( move ) story.

2. Who is the girl ( wave ) her hand?

3. There were ( excite ) crowds in the streets after the match.

4. My teacher has a watch ( make ) in Switzerland.


Listen & Choose

Read & Answer



例にならって,文を作ってみましょう。The boy watching TV is Mike.

例) 1. 2. 3.

Mike Mrs. Brown Mr. Green my aunt

Let's TRY!






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Page 5: Why Do Cats Purr?33 Why Do Cats Purr? /HVVRQ 3 purr [cRPF] 教科書紙面紹介 教科書紙面 21


Cats rub their bodies against people and things to 1( ) their smells on

them. These smells claim their 2( ) to other cats. Cat eyes can 3( )

in more light than ours. Their eyes are also very sensitive. A layer of crystals

inside cat eyes 4( ) light very well. Cats make 16 different 5( ).

Each expresses a different feeling.

1. Cats are cute, ( ) ( )?


2. I ( ) the book ( ) the table.


3. He passed the examination ( ) ( ) hard.


4. I was able to finish my homework ( ) ( ) your help.


5. The rich are ( ) ( ) happy.


1. 名mystery ̶̶ 形mysterious

The old man was very ( ).

The police finally solved the ( ) after many years.

2. 動 reflect(s) ̶̶ 名 reflection

The girl looked at her ( ) in the mirror.

The lake ( ) the trees very beautifully.

3. 名 threat ̶̶ 動 threaten(ed)

The president was faced with a death ( ).

The big dog ( ) my little sister.

本文の内容に合うように,( )内に1語ずつ補いましょう。Review

( )内に1語ずつ入れて,日本語が表す内容を英文にしましょう。Use It

( )内に適切な語を入れましょう。Enrich Your Vocabulary


Lesson3 Why Do Cats Purr?




1.When did Shoko’s pet, Chako, come to her house?

2.What does her pet, Chako, like?

あなたが大切にしているものを紹介してみましょう。例) My treasure is a CD by the Beatles. One of my best friends gave it to me when

I was a junior high school student. I always feel happy when I listen to it.

Listen & Answer


Let's Communicate!

Sound Right! 英文も単語のように発音



1. breakfast See you. / Thank you. / Take it.

2. Japan Take care. / Watch out. / Sounds great.

3. tomato I like it. / You made it. / I’ll miss you.

4. engineer I like cats. / See you later. / Thanks a lot.



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出典)Cat Fanciers’ Association, American Kennel Club, Veterinary Pet Insurance(それぞれ2013年のデータ)

1 Persian

2 Exotic

3 Maine coon

4 Ragdoll

5 British shorthair

6 Abyssinian

7 American shorthair

8 Sphynx

9 Siamese

10 Devon rex

1 Bella

2 Max

3 Chloe

4 Oliver

5 Lucy

6 Charlie

7 Sophie

8 Lily

9 Shadow

10 Tiger

ネコの品種 ネコの名前

1 Labrador retriever

2 German shepherd

3 Golden retriever

4 Beagle

5 Bulldog

6 Yorkshire terrier

7 Boxer

8 Poodle

9 Rottweiler

10 Dachshund


1 Bella

2 Max

3 Bailey

4 Lucy

5 Molly

6 Daisy

7 Charlie

8 Buddy

9 Maggie

10 Sophie


ネコやイヌの人気品種Take a Break 3




● 健太がアメリカで,英語版のマンガを買おうとしています。[聞き返す,確認する]

Clerk: May I help you?

Kenta: Well, I’m looking for some Japanese (a)manga in English.

Clerk: We have a lot of those over there. Please follow me.

Kenta: Wow, you really do! Do you have (b)Astro Boy?

Clerk: Pardon me?

Kenta: (b)Astro Boy. It’s (c)a story about a robot boy.

Clerk: Oh, do you mean this one?

Kenta: Yes, that’s it. Thanks for your help. I’ll take it.

Clerk: Thank you very much.

● 下線部をそれぞれおきかえて,上の会話を練習してみましょう。

Useful Expressions

・May I help you? ̶̶ I’m looking for~ . [I’m just looking. Thank you.]

・Pardon (me)? / Do you mean~?

wow うわぁ(驚き,喜びなどの叫び)  robot ロボット

① (a) comic books (b) Doraemon (c) a story about a robot cat

② (a) novels (b) Botchan (c) by Natsume Soseki

I’m looking for some manga in English.unction in Use ❷F


現 在 過 去

基本形 ① She writes a letter every day. ② She wrote a letter last night.

進行形 ③ She is writing a letter now.④ She was writing a letter at eight

last night.

完了形 ⑤ She has just written a letter.⑥ She had written a letter before


(A) 最も自然に意味が通るように組み合わせて,文を作りましょう。

1. She is ・ ・ when we arrived at the school.

2. Japanese food has ・ ・ listening to music on the radio now.

3. They traveled ・ ・ a high school student last year.

4. The class had already started ・ ・ a book when the phone rang.

5. John was ・ ・ spread all over the world.

6. I was reading ・ ・ to Britain last year.

(B) ( )内の語句を並べかえて,意味の通る英文を作りましょう。

1. My mother has ( finished / her work / not ) yet.


2. She ( before / Chinese / had / studied ) she went to China.


3. We ( in / running / the park / were ) yesterday morning.


4. Tom ( bike / by / goes / school / to ) every day.


5. My ( cat / is / sleeping / the table / under ) now.


6. We ( didn’t / have / in / much snow / Tokyo ) last winter.



さまざまな時間表現rammar Focus ❷G


① What should we have lunch?② I’m looking for some manga in English.③ I’m here for sightseeing.④ The concert starts at 3 o’clock.⑤ Can you tell me the way to the hotel?

① 助動詞のまとめ② さまざまな時間表現③ 形容詞の働きをする句や節④ 名詞の働きをする句や節⑤ 副詞の働きをする句や節


場面別 会話表現




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