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Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider Friday, November 6, 2015 22:43 (Before It's News) by Dane Wigington Contributor, The interview transcript below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago, but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of government scientists. They are all “compartmentalized”, they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious. They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man’s right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an insider’s perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in
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Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider Friday, November 6, 2015 22:43

(Before It's News)

by Dane Wigington


The interview transcript below is not new, though few have seen it. I first found and read it over a decade ago,

but have waited until now to post it. Though there is, of course, no possible way to confirm the authenticity of

the interview, the data is complex, articulate, and scientifically accurate in regard to specific verifiable points

mentioned. This being said, we must also consider that this is the view of an insider. One that has accepted the

rational of the spraying. There is an epidemic of big picture blindness that is rampant in the circles of

government scientists. They are all “compartmentalized”, they carry out their work in a bubble. I have previously

recorded my communications with another geoengineering insider, part 1 and part 2. In these conversations, the

rationalization of those involved with the spraying programs is all too evident. Their lack of knowledge regarding

the overall consequences of the programs they have helped to orchestrate is also shockingly obvious.

They have all been trained to believe that it is not only man’s right to interfere with nature, but his duty. It is

this kind of thinking that has put us on the current course of mathematically certain near term extinction. We

must change directions, beginning with fully exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity. The use of

polymer fibers is one of the first issues addressed in the interview below. The recent rash of filament fallout

incidents from the atmospheric spraying is of considerable concern. Webs have been utilized for biological

experimentation going back as far as the 1960s. The insider either does not know about this fact or is unwilling to

discuss it. There is a great deal of information presented in this interview transcript, but again, it is from an

insider’s perspective based on the information and conclusions he was given by the power structure he

served. Speaking out about such programs is a lethal violation. Those who break their silence will be dealt with in

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the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security. Converging Catastrophes are

closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? All are needed to stand and make their voice heard

for the greater good. What will you do?

Dane Wigington


“I received word early today that “Deep Shield” had committed suicide late last Sunday afternoon at his home in

the Emeryville/Berkeley/Oakland area of California.

The method used was to run a hose from his car’s exhaust pipe into the closed car in his garage. His wife found

his body and she says that there was no suicide note.

However her late husband’s behavior and mood for the past month had been extremely agitated and dark.

The police are not pursuing this as a homicide because it is, in their mind, a clear and cut case of suicide. There

will be the usual inquest/autopsy and most likely a very quiet funeral due to the nature of the death.

Our most sincere condolences are offered to his family.

Some may be wondering if further information will be forthcoming but at this time out of respect for the family

there will be no name or credentials given. Perhaps at a future date his widow will be asked if more information

should be revealed – it will be her decision. The individual featured appears to have an “inside track” on the

chemtrail spraying programme. There was an opportunity to ask specific questions relating to the aerial spraying

and the “insider” then answered the questions.

I am aware of the insider’s place of employment and the facts presented conform with the type of activities that

are carried out there.

The responses have the tone of someone with detailed inside knowledge but for reasons of confidentiality it is


Points To Ponder: The Shield Project

Here we quote the communication from “Deep Shield”:

Having read your email, I must say that you are full of questions. These questions I would dismiss immediately as

being the frustrated attempts of fringe groups to bring a halt to the project, however these reports of biological

material being part of the spray should be addressed. Therefore I will give as much attention to all of your

questions as possible.

What purpose do polymer threads imbedded with biological material serve in this scenario?

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Polymers are part of the mixture and they do form in threads and in `tufts’. The idea is simple and comes to us

from the spider. As you may know spider webbing is very light, some newborn spiders spin a `parachute’ to catch

the prevailing breeze to travel far from their place of birth. Spiders have been able to attain high altitudes and

travel great distances for long periods of time. Most of the elements used in the spray are heavier than air, even

in their powdered form they are heavier and will sink quickly. Mixing them with the polymers suspends the

particles in the atmosphere high above the surface for longer periods of time, therefore in theory we do not need

to spray as often or as much material. Since the suspended particles eventually do settle into the lowest part of

the atmosphere and are inhaled by all life forms on the surface there is an attempt to counter the growth of

mold by adding to the mixture mold growth suppressants – some of which may be of biological material.

Mold comes in spores that travel on the winds; the polymers can attract mold spores through static charges

created by the friction of the polymer threads and the atmosphere. Add a bit of warmth and moisture and mold

begins to grow. The polymer is stored in a liquid form as two separate chemicals. When sprayed they combine

behind the plane `spinning’ long polymer chains (threads). Much tinkering has been done which the chemical

matrix in past years. Many polymers (plastics) are non-biodegradable thus add to the problem of pollution.

Various formula have been used, some which even use biological agents. It would be great if we could reproduce

the same web material that spiders make, it is extremely strong, extremely lightweight and breaks down

relatively fast in the ecology.

If this spraying is to mitigate global warming, why does so much of it take place at night?

Though it would appear that the dispersal rate of the spray is fast, it is actually takes much longer to be an

effective shield. There is a desired concentration being sought. One that is thick enough to stem the UV and the

Infrared, while being thin enough to allow visible light through. A perpetual cloud cover would have disastrous

effects on plant life; the food chain thus disrupted would soon collapse. The desired effect wanted is a thin cover

that would theoretically create a daytime haze that allows plenty of sunlight while providing protection. From UV

radiation and also reflect enough infrared to maintain nominal temperatures.

The optimal condition is to use the least amount of material to provide the maximum amount of shielding. Ideally

that would be a one-time application which would stay suspended for years, however, as noted, barium and

aluminum and other trace elements are far heavier than air and they sink rather rapidly. The different

temperatures between day and night causes massive volumes of air to rise during the night, the warm air trapped

at the surface rises above the cooling air above. By strategically spraying in certain areas at night, we get the

advantage of the rising air, which not only pushes the material higher, but also causes the material to disperse

into a thin layer.

I would suggest studying on the subject of weather, namely highs and lows and how air moves to fully understand

the times of spraying. I note, it is not just global warming we are combating here, we are also combating UV

Summer. Global warming could effectively be treated by applications during the night, when the warm air rises.

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However the UV needs to be treated during the day. This is why on some days one finds that more spraying is

done during the day. The UV indexes are monitored constantly for local areas. If the problem were simply cooling

the earth, rockets would have been used to suspend particles in the high atmosphere. However the delicate

nature of the Ozone Layer precludes this method of shielding. More on this in the answer to Question 6.

What other military programs are in place involving the spraying of barium and what are their purposes? Do

you know and understand the chemical make up of the element?

A little knowledge will go a long way to understanding the need to use barium: Barium is often used in barium-

nickel alloys for spark-plug electrodes and in vacuum tubes as a drying and oxygen-removing agent. Barium

oxidizes in air, and it reacts vigorously with water to form the hydroxide, liberating hydrogen. In moist air it may

spontaneously ignite. It burns in air to form the peroxide, which produces hydrogen peroxide when treated with

water. Barium reacts with almost all of the nonmetals; all of its water-soluble and acid-soluble compounds are

poisonous. Barium carbonate is used in glass, as a pottery glaze, and as a rat poison. Chrome yellow (barium

chromate) is used as a paint pigment and in safety matches. The chlorate and nitrate are used in pyrotechnics to

provide a green color. Barium oxide strongly absorbs carbon dioxide and water; it is used as a drying agent.

Barium chloride is used in medicinal preparations and as a water softener. Barium sulfide phosphoresces after

exposure to light; it is sometimes used as a paint pigment. Barite, the sulfate ore, has many industrial uses.

Because barium sulfate is virtually insoluble in water and acids, it can be used to coat the alimentary tract to

increase the contrast for X-ray photography without being absorbed by the body and poisoning the subject.

Note what Barium Oxide can do, absorb carbon dioxide – one of the chief gasses causing the green house effect.

In my answer to Question 4 I will discuss the need to carry a current in the shield. I would like to point out that

barium and aluminum work together to diffuse and strengthen an electrical charge. Somewhat like the current

produced when acid is introduced between two dissimilar metals, such as iron and copper. There are military

applications for everything you can think of, can not a butter knife be used as a weapon? The same concept holds

true here.

What is the connection between ELF, EMF, VLF and Chemtrails spraying? Or is there one?

To understand the use of radio waves in the shield, one first understands how ozone is created. I cannot stress to

you how dire the situation really is. The shield in place is only a partial solution; we must counter the depletion

of the ozone- this means we must make ozone in the stratosphere. Ozone at ground levels does no good; indeed,

ozone pollution at ground levels it what is used to determine the air quality. Higher levels of ground level ozone

mean that air quality is bad. Pure ozone is an unstable, faintly bluish gas with a characteristic fresh, penetrating

odor. The gas has a density of 2.144 grams per liter at standard temperature and pressure. Below its boiling point

(-112?) ozone is a dark blue liquid; below its melting point (-193?) it is a blue-black crystalline solid. Ozone is

triatomic oxygen, O3, and has a molecular weight of 47.9982 atomic mass units (amu). It is the most chemically

active form of oxygen. It is formed in the ozone layer of the stratosphere by the action of solar ultraviolet light

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on oxygen. Although it is present in this layer only to an extent of about 10 parts per million, ozone is important

because its formation prevents most ultraviolet and other high-energy radiation, which is harmful to life, from

penetrating to the earth’s surface. Ultraviolet light is absorbed when its strikes an ozone molecule; the molecule

is split into atomic and diatomic oxygen: 03+ ultraviolet light ->0+02. Later, in the presence of a catalyst, the

atomic and diatomic oxygen reunite to form ozone.

Ozone is also formed when an electric discharge passes through air; for example, it is formed by lightning and by

some electric motors and generators. Ozone is produced commercially by passing dry air between two concentric-

tube or plate electrodes connected to an alternating high voltage; this is called the silent electric discharge

method. Since UV radiation is the problem, we can not use UV to produce more stratospheric ozone. Another

method must be found. The shield acts like one plate of the electrode, when tickled with certain radio waves; it

produces an opposite charge to stratospheric layers producing low atmosphere to stratosphere lightening.

Creating ozone where it is needed.

If this is being done for the reasons you say, then why are other chemicals being used, why are different

sprays being used?

Correcting the ecological damage that mankind has done has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. We are relatively new to

this notion of terraforming on a real scale. That is what we are doing, Terraforming. We are trying to recreate

the ideal life-sustaining conditions on a dying planet. We have never done this before, not intentionally. We are

testing and trying different methods. Granted, if we do nothing 89% of all species will go extinct and humanity

stands a high chance of not surviving through two more generations (or less). However the idea of 2 billion

casualties death and permanent injury is not easy to swallow either.

Several attempts to improve the application of Shielding material and getting the most out of each application

are taking place all the time. The combined resources of the nations of earth are not enough to allow constant

spraying. Though we have achieved a high level of technology, there is a great surface area that needs to be

covered nearly daily. Large sections of ocean are all but ignored; the remaining land masses are more than what

can be covered effectively. The Shield would work best if it was a single thin layer without interruption, however

due to the movement of air, weather patterns and the sad fact that we do not have the means to place ample

amounts of material at the same level at the same time we are getting a small fraction of the effectiveness from

our applications.

Why is spraying found before storm fronts? Is it to cause drought?

Before a storm there is a front, the front clears the air before a storm, pushing particulate matter ahead of it,

leaving a space relatively clear of particulate matter. UV radiation levels rise in these areas, sometimes to

dangerous levels. The shield must be maintained. Since barium absorbs water as well as carbon dioxide,

precipitation has been affected. Other kinds of sprays are in development and testing which may reduce the

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affects on precipitation. As I stated above, this is a new technology we are working with, it is still in its infancy

and there are some problems with it.

What about the reports of sickness after spraying?

There are several causatives for this. Some people are more sensitive to metals, whiles others are sensitive to the

polymer chemicals. As stated in a previous email, people will get sick, and some will die. It is estimated that 2

billion worldwide will be affected to some degree by the spraying. Without spraying we have a 90% + chance of

becoming extinct as a species with in the next 20 years.

What is the relationship between these spraying programs and One World Order?

Personally I am against the move for globalization, and yes, there is potential to use the Shield to speed up the

process of globalization, there are several countries that are involved in this project: European Union Nations,

USA and Russia are the largest contributors to the project, many of the allied nations and UN Members

participate to one extent or another. The material (chemical spray as you may call it) comes from all of these


To insure that the chemicals are not tampered with, they are mixed and sprayed over random nations. This

means that chemicals produced in the USA has a good chance of being sprayed over Russia, England and the USA.

This random spray of material means that no nation would be certain that their chemicals will be sprayed over a

nation which they have issues with. Russian planes may be seen in USA skies, but so too will USA planes be seen in

Russian skies. The canisters used are sealed in a third nation that has no idea where its canister is going.

Participating nations have their observers at every station where canister loading is done. All of this to insure

that the shield is not used as a weapon. To further insure that the shield is not used as a weapon, non participant

nations are sprayed by participants who must spray in order to get enough material to maintain their nations

shield. It is understood that not spraying is as much a military offense as shooting at them.

Without the shield, UV poisoning would cause great death. The threat is a common one, which has brought

nations together in defense. The natural outcome of having a common enemy is to strengthen international ties –

a step toward globalization.

Is the Spraying related to terrorism?

Yes and no. Recent terrorist activity can be traced to resistance groups who feel that we should not interfere

with the natural order of things. As you know, there are many rumors out there as to what the Shield Program is.

Some believe that this is a population reduction scheme, designed to kill off ‘undesirable’ peoples. While others

hold that this is a mind control program. There are many theories which have sinister plots in them these are

propagated by the resistance groups in an attempt to stop the shield regardless of the consequences.

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The same delivery method could be used for biological and chemical warfare. It could also be used to inoculate

large populations, the effectiveness of these uses are low, there are better methods that can be used. As a

means to fight terrorism it is ineffectual, it is far easier to inoculate a population individually and would insure

full inoculation against germ warfare.

Why all the secrecy?

Due to the severity of the situation it is mandatory to maintain public calm for as long as possible. The Earth is

dying. Humanity is on the road to extinction – without the Shield mankind will die off with in 20 to 50 years. Most

people alive today could live to see this extinction take place. This means that an announcement of the situation

we face boils down to telling every man, woman and child on earth that they have no future, they are going to be

killed. People would panic. There would be economic collapse, the production and movement of goods would

collapse. Millions would die in all cities on earth, riots and violence would reduce civilian centers to rubble within

days. Half of the population in dense metropolitan areas would try to leave the cities seeking ‘safety’ in the rural

areas thinking that they would be safe. Those left behind in the cities would be at war with their neighbors,

fighting for the remaining supplies. We would be telling the world that the world is coming to an end, and even

with the Shield the chances of survival are small.

UV Summer and Global Warming are the immediate problems we face, there are far greater problems that are

raising their ugly heads and will present new problems which in some cases have no viable solutions at this time.

Ecologies are collapsing. The extinction rate of species is climbing. The amount of chemical pollutants in the

water and soil are fast approaching and in many places has surpassed the earth’s ability to heal itself. Crop

failure is on the rise, even in the USA the returns on crops are smaller than they were 10 years ago. Even with the

advances in genetically altered food crops, we are falling behind in our ability to produce enough to go around.

Throughout the 20th century chemical fertilizers and pesticides were used to insure the best yields.

Unfortunately many of these have contaminated ground water, killed beneficial insects along with the

undesirable insects. These chemicals have gotten into the food chain and are affected other species besides

mankind. It is only a matter of years before famine spreads like a cancer throughout the world.

Clean fresh water is in short supply, in many places well water is non-potable, containing the run off of

pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that have been used on crops and lawns. The water treatment facilities we

have are unable to scrub out all of the toxins we have placed in the soil and water supply. Many of the toxins we

find build up over time in the body, a long slow poisoning which has been making its presence felt in many areas

of the world in the form of cancers, leukemia, sterility, birth defects, learning disorders, immune deficiency

problems, etc. These are on the rise, any good researcher can find the records. For decades there was public

outcry for the end to pollution. For every small step we made to clean up our production, millions where born

who added to the problem. Yes, pollution is down per individual, however there are a couple more billion

individuals producing pollution, thus the real numbers have an increase in over all pollution produced. Name a

city that does not have problems with smog. You would be hard pressed to find one. Though smog controls on

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automobiles is higher than ever before, the number of autos on the road has increased thus the amount of smog

producing pollutants is higher than ever before. All the clean air acts passed to curb individual factory and auto

emissions did not address the production of more factories and more autos. Here an uneasy compromise was

made between the need to maintain the economy against the need to maintain the ecology. The ecology lost

since it was estimated to be a problem decades from now. The economy was a problem that would have dire

effects today.

All of these factors combined have produced a scenario that in shorts boils down to the end of the world in 50 to

75 years. Even if we were to stop all emissions of pollution today, the inertia of past decades is enough to carry

us over the brink in 100 years. However we cannot stop the production of pollution, to do so would mean shutting

down every factory, every auto, every train, truck, ship and every household on the planet. Electricity is used to

heat many homes in the Western World. The production of electricity produces fewer pollutants than heating all

homes with wood or coal. Cutting our power generation abilities down to hydroelectric and fission reactors would

leave a good chunk of the world in the dark. It is an impossible situation, our civilization is geared to the use of

energy, take away our energy and civilization will collapse.

When will spraying stop?

There are several factors governing this:

A. Should the Ozone layer repair itself or our active attempts at repair reduces the amount of ground level UV to

acceptable levels, spraying will stop. Present calculations place this between 2018 and 2024.

B. Should another method be found which is more effective, less costly or presents us with long-term solutions

the Shield Project would be replaced.

C. When the other problems become too big to make the maintenance of the shield worth the effort. The

estimated date for this is 2025 to 2050.

Since Global Warming and UV summer are the problem, why is the Government backing down on its pollution


Because they are ineffectual and will cause more economic problems than they would solve ecological problems.

We surpassed the threshold of Earth’s ability to absorb pollutants in the 1970’s. Since that time the earth’s

population has nearly doubled. Emerging Industrial nations have come into being, more pollutants are produced

now than back then, even with the stringent controls in place. The world is heading for economic depression,

more emission controls would add to the economic problems. This translates into our being unable to do anything

to start solving the problems.

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Unfortunately our technologies require a strong economy to advance. We need that advancement, we need the

trillions of dollars spent on research that a strong economy causes. Each corporation that produces a product has

a product development program in place. Many of the past products invented came by accident through other

unrelated products. There is a corporate drive to find methods to clean up the ecology, to reduce emissions, etc.

These goals have been in place for decades, many of the large corporations are in the know when it comes to the

ecological problems we face thus they are spending a great deal of money and time on finding solutions to the

problems we face. Take away the economy and their research stops.

How are you related to the Chemtrails? How do you know that this is what is happening?

I would prefer to not state who I am or how I am related to all of this. To validate what I say, would require a bit

of research on your behalf. I would recommend the following subjects to look up and study:

A. Population numbers for industrial nations and the tons of pollutants produced annually. Start with 1975 and

work your way up.

B. Number of emerging Industrial Nations.

C. Number of cases of Skin cancers worldwide.

D. Crop Production vs. land area dedicated to crop production. Simple math will show that more acreage is

needed to produce food per individual.

E. Automobile production from 1975 to present, estimated number of autos on the road and the average

emissions of later model cars produced as compared the emissions of earlier model cars. A little math will show

that though individual autos produce less emissions, the amount of emissions has risen due to the number of

autos on the road. Remember that many autos are the road that were built before present emission control

standards. 1980 is a cut off date – anything put on the road before then produces more pollutants than autos

produced today. I would include research in the number of diesel autos produced, diesel has not been under the

emissions control acts.

F. Severity of storms and the number of severe storms. Also include heat waves and droughts in that research,

you will find that the numbers are staggering when compared to data from 1950, 1960 and 1970.

G. Research how naturally occurring Ozone is produced in the stratosphere. Compare to how it is produced


H. Research political reforms in the past 30 years, see which political institutions have changed, which nations

have joined with whom. Concentrate more on these from 1982 onward. This would include the fall of the Wall

and Iron Curtain.

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I. Research polymers and how they are made, look at recent research done in biological polymers, medical

polymers and filaments.

J. Check out spiders and spider web and the way spiders use their different webs and threads.

K. Research clean fresh water estimates as compared to the 1970’s to today – world wide.

L. Research the following medical conditions per capita: Birth Defects Cancers Leukemia Immune deficiency

diseases (excluding virus borne ID illnesses such as HIV) Occurrences of Learning disabilities, including dyslexia,

ADD, and over all IQ tests Sterility for both male and females world wide Instances of glaucoma and cataracts.

M. Compare the history of UV indexes from 1970 to present. You may note that it was on sharp rise until 1997-99.

N. I would strongly recommend researching the reactions of different barium and aluminum compounds and how

they are used. Research how long it takes for these metals in pure form to oxidize, how they combine with

nitrates, carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons and water vapor.

O. Research how mold propagates, the conditions it needs to grow and just how abundant it is in the atmosphere.

If you pursue these lines of inquiry, you will see the Shield Project as it really is. At the time of the US-lead

invasion of Iraq I had the opportunity to ask a few supplementary questions. There has been no attempt to

integrate these questions and answers into the previous section therefore some may appear somewhat out of

logical order.

A couple of the questions have a Canadian approach. By the way, I came up with the name – have to call the

source something!

Here we quote the further communication from “Deep Shield”:

Could you, “Deep Shield” – be described as a scientist or…?

Scientist is a good generic term. I do study and research in a scientific manner. I carry papers and degrees. My

official capacity is in direct research of atmospheric issues in relation to pollutants. I also create models of

potential long-term effects of green house gasses on the climate. Predict wind patterns, weather patterns, etc.

I have spent a good many years working on the project calculating the amount of material needed and creating

models for dispersion patterns. I work other members who know the chemicals used and their interactions with

the atmosphere, pollution and water vapor. I am part of a team which itself is part of a larger team, which is

part of still a larger team. Government work with many chiefs and levels above the workers.

Are you prepared to comment upon your personal motives for sharing this information?

Not at this time, no.

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Have you signed a non-disclosure or Secrets Act document that specifically relates to this project?


To your knowledge what categories of individuals officially know of the Project and are expected to remain

silent? For example, my list of suspects includes government down to the county level, military especially air

force, meteorologists, health specialists, mainstream media etc.

All those who know are expected to remain silent. All of those who suspect are either faced with trying to prove

the virtually unprovable or are faced with good enough reasons to remain silent. I would assume that this

situation is worldwide and could be considered one of the dangers of this project.

It was presented to me as a matter of national security. I can see the reasons why there is a desire to repress the

information not that spraying is taking place but the hard little fact that we are facing a period of human history

which might be the end of civilization.

Is the mainstream controlled media specifically ordered to avoid any mention of chemtrails? If so, have you

anything further to add such as how was this done?

I would assume that the Media is controlled by its own desire to make money from what it reports. Since there is

enough debunking out there, which says that contrails are part of the normal use of jet engines in the

atmosphere, this would leave a reporter with very little to report unless there was solid evidence or pictures or

something that could not be explained away.

You must know by now all the debunking methods that have been employed. The ‘official’ announcements are

the media’s main dish. The rest they regulate to the realm of the National Enquirer.

What government agency or agencies control this program? Is it under international control?

It is an international program. Many nations contribute in different ways. Measures have been taken to insure

that what is sprayed over all countries is the same through triple blind deliveries; which include not knowing

where a certain canister will end up, not knowing which aircraft a certain canister will be flown, and not even

knowing who (in military craft) will be piloting a craft which has the purpose of spraying (Note: in today’s world

there is usually a mixed crew of different nationalities flying any one military aircraft on a Shield mission). I

believe the Media caught Canadians in Iraq recently when Canada’s official say on the matter was that Canada

was not giving any support to the military might.

The fact remains that there were Canadian military with the USA forces. Some on aircraft carriers most being

pilots. I think you can connect the dots.

How is the project funded – who pays for it? Have you any idea of the total direct operating cost? Also, does

Canada make a funding contribution for the activities in our skies?

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Most governments tend to over charge themselves to cover for their black operations (unofficial operations). That

money comes out of the collection of taxes. So in effect the taxpayers of the world are paying for this project.

I would assume Canada does contribute funding to the Project. Canada is one of the top nations contributing

time, material and funding to this project. Most of the Free World, the Western World, has taken on most of the

burden of the costs.

Is the Shield Project the only such aerial spraying program?

Is it the only project designed to avert ecological disaster? Then yes. There are countless other projects that

could be taking place which include spraying of some sort or another. Pesticides are usually sprayed. There has

been great interest in weather control such as bringing rain to arid regions and taking the punch out of hurricanes

and typhoons.

Weather control may be one of the final options left to us. Considering the amount of global warming that has

taken place. There is a strong need to deflect a storm’s fury, or to bring rain back to those regions which have

been suffering drought.

What Mother Nature has done for millions of years automatically may now require mankind’s hand to keep the


It is possible that the Military does have a use for similar sprays. I cannot speak for the Military. However, my

own personal research has come across these things as well. Are they possible? Yes. Are they practical? Only in

the small scale say over the battlefield, or in the case of say the Iraq War, over Baghdad. Global application

would be far too expensive and would require an obvious flight pattern of grids, circles and other heavy spray


Is all the spraying done using the “tank kits” described earlier or are the KC-135R and KC-10 types filled to

the brim? Such aircraft have a load capacity of 200,000 pounds or more for refueling missions.

No. Several types of craft are used. Commercial jet airliners are used and they are not diverted from their flight

paths to do so. How the canisters and the spraying is done on this kind of craft is unknown to me exactly. I do

have my suspicions. I know best that which is my field; this is not to say that we do not talk around the water

tank. So I know more than just my area and am able to think the matter through to its logical end.

I do know that even all the commercial jetliners in use are not enough to insure complete coverage all of the

time. My computer models require knowing how much material needs to be sprayed. Certain conditions cause

wide areas to suddenly (over hours) open up in the Shield. Then and only then is mass spraying done – and would

be done with the most logical craft, a tanker.

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Why not spray more from individual jetliners? That is one of the problems. Jetliners do not carry much material

(100 to 500 gallons) because the material has to be spread out thinly.

Look at the kinds of material being used, aluminum, barium, titanium, etc. Most are highly reflective; in some

instances the material is an absorber of gasses. In the case of reflection the desire is to reflect X amount of heat

and X amount of UV while still maintaining acceptable (nominal) levels of UV and heat reaching the planet’s


Life requires a certain amount of both UV and Heat too much will kill – so will too little. The apparent amount

looks like a lot more than what is actually being sprayed per volume of air it is covering. Most of the whitening of

the sky is not the material per se, but the collection of water vapor, which forms into suspended ice crystals. The

introduction of the material causes the water vapor to collect like rain collects on individual particles of dust.

Too much material would cause a “mud fall” of sorts where the naturally occurring water vapor would precipitate

carrying the material with it.

Spraying is done in such away as to “layer” the material through a volume that will allow an acceptable level of

UV and heat through along with all the other wavelengths of light. Photosynthesis is the foundation of life on our


Only when all the material is removed in a local area does it require a massive spray, this is usually in the front of

a weather system, or after a heavy period of precipitation. Then a tanker is flown, fully loaded.

Is there any truth in the story that some of the spraying is done by jetliners with modifications in the

“honey” or waste compartment?

The technology used for spraying is rather simple. It requires at least two tanks under pressure, each carries half

of the mixture which is sprayed at the same time forming a complete compound which is designed to be

lightweight (so as to be suspended for longer periods of time).

There have been attempts to incorporate the materials in jet fuel, however the material binds with unburned jet

fuel, water vapor, etc and does not have the added buoyancy of the polymer threads. The end result is a spray

that is less than half as effective and is more dangerous since it can lead to sulfates, acids and other mixtures,

which are more lethal than the spray.

It is very possible that the “honey” compartment is used. The amount of material needed is small compared to

the payload of any given commercial airliner.

However, there is a good deal of fuel tank that is not used. Airliners only fuel their craft for the journey ahead of

them; they rarely top off the tank. This has become public knowledge in light of 9-11. It was this small fact that

caused the terrorists to pick pan-continental flights so they would have a plane fully loaded.

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The majority of flights are short range and do not require the full capacity of an airliners fuel tanks. Any

adaptations needed could easily be done during routine maintenance, and could be easily explained away as

being a modification for safety and-or pollution controls.

This last is my own theory.

We can assume that any means possible to deliver the material is tried. Independent nations may favor one way

of doing so over another.

Where are the official sources that state that a certain number of people (worldwide?) will sicken and

possibly die as a result of the spraying? In other words, what *internal* studies have been done on the health

issues and who carried them out?

WHO (World Health Organization) carried out most of the studies. Other nations have carried their own research

on the matter. Some have said the ill effects will be minimal – along the lines of a million or so, while others

have found the numbers to be far higher – 3 to 4 billion.

Some of the organizations include the CDC and independent labs. We are dealing with a situation where the

amount of contamination is estimated to be far higher than what would normally take place but is far lower than

historical instances of industrial contamination. This is important to note, the only real history we have with

barium/aluminum/titanium etc. contamination is through factory workers, miners, etc, who receive a far greater

dosage of the material than what is to be experienced by the populace under the Shield.

The amount of spray is very small compared to the volume of the space that is covered. Most of the harmful

chemicals that are used are being dissipated over vast areas. Near coastal regions the fall out is not reaching land

at all, but is being carried out to the oceans. The addition of polymers to make the material remain suspended in

the air longer means that less material is being used.

Today the material used and its application is nothing like in the early days when it was sprayed in greater

quantities and settling far faster to be inhaled by all.

The accepted Estimated Casualties (from WHO) is 2 billion over the course of 6 decades. The majority will be

either the elderly, or those who are prone to respiratory problems. These numbers are based on the current

estimates of the general health of the population, the average age and the occurrence of respiratory problems as

a health issue. All are estimates since there are no solid numbers to work with.

Could you summarize the root causes of the initial destruction of the atmosphere that requires this “repair”

work? Did it perhaps result in part from fluorides released/produced by the nuclear weapons programs?

In a word – Industry. Most fail to understand that the products we use, wear and live with are made in a manner

that dumps CFC’s and green houses gasses into the atmosphere. There is no one single causative in this issue. It

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goes way back to the Industrial Revolution and the use of coal to power steam engines. Since that time we have

consumed greater and greater energy resources, dumping the waste where ever we wanted.

Up until very recently refrigeration was a big contributor, imagine all those hundreds of millions of households

that owned and operated freon cooled refrigerators from 1940 to 1970. Not just one refrigerator per household,

but over the course of time often multiple freon units. This doesn’t include the various air conditioner systems or

industrial refrigeration systems.

For a long period when the refrigerator or air conditioner unit was replaced, the old one was taken to the dump

and thrown into the heap – the freon was free to escape and make its way up into the stratosphere to eat away at

the ozone layer.

You can add to that list. Think of all the cars that had air conditioners, think of all those hair spray cans with

their propellant gasses – the amount of those alone were enough to do great damage.

Styrofoam is another industry and product that has contributed to the problem. In the scheme of things atomic

energy has contributed little compared to the consumer goods that have been manufactured during the past


Think of all the cars on the road today. In the late 1970’s smog controls started getting stronger. Think of all the

pre-1978 cars on the road – they are still producing a good many chemicals that leech into every corner of the

globe. Points to Ponder: Conroy Penner, British Columbia.

Here is the second item mentioned above:

Conroy Penner, of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada contacted me directly with his story. He told me that some

years ago he used to work for a certain company in Western Canada and along with another person who was a

qualified aerospace welder/fabricator he was assigned to work on construction of some special spray equipment

for the United States Air Force.

The workers were told that the USAF contract involved equipment to be used to spray insects at airforce bases in

the States. The spray systems incorporated exotic alloys and specially machined parts with large holding,

pressure and surge tanks along with pumps. Penner became suspicious of the actual purpose of the whole project

as, in his opinion, things simply did not “add up”. He resigned after there were confrontations with the US

military people and the management over the true purpose of the equipment.

Penner provided this photograph, that was taken in 1988 of some finished spray equipment on a flat bed

trailer. There are parts carts in the foreground.

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The description states that the green tank sections are coated aluminum and the others are stainless steel for

certain other chemicals. The smaller tanks are for the solution for purging the system. The large tanks are some

15 feet long and approximately 3 feet in diameter. The box seen at the right side of the photograph is the

control panel, and the plumbing and pumps are underneath the tanks. It is said that these units were designed

for use with Hercules C-130 aircraft and it is understood that in total eleven systems were to be made, this being

the first.

I have on hand many other specifics from Penner but that is the general outline. All of this took place in


Comments: There are obviously some problems with this – it would be great to have the exact dates along with

the names of the company management involved. Also the names and rank of the US military personnel involved

is lacking.

As for the equipment itself – it looks much as if it could be ordinary aerial spraying systems – that is because

indeed it may be just that with suitable modifications for the specialized USAF requirements. At this time the

aerial spraying programme (chemtrails) was in the early stages of experimental development. Certainly at first it

was reported that the C-130 was seen being used for aerial spraying (of unknown substances) and only later were

the large refueling tankers seen spraying “chemtrails”.

Further comments: Added 26 March, 2003 – is an addition from (and confirmed by) the source of the main item


The canisters that are shown above are similar to what is known to be incorporated into this program.

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Two large ones are carried, one carrying one part of the chemical mix, the other carrying the other part, when

combined they form long polymer chains – threads if you will. Even the green tint finish is typical.

However, the way it is understood here, is that the small tank provides the propellant (compressed gas) which is

released into the larger tank. Much like a large aerosol can, except the compressed gas is stored in a separate

tank which is much stronger, and able to sustain a far greater pressure than a larger tank.

Further confirmation of this particular aerial spray system is found at this United States Air Force Reserve, 910th

Airlift Wing of Youngstown, Ohio website: Air Force Reserve – MASS. This page will open in a separate window

and may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here. Here the first page is quoted in part:

“Six Modular Aerial Spray Systems (MASS) are available at the 910 AW to conduct aerial spray missions.

Each system can be configured with up to four 500 gallon tanks for a total volume of 2000 gallons.


The Aircraft. Four C-130H aircraft are modified to perform aerial application. Modifications consist mostly of

ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) and LV (Low Volume) wing line installation and electrical modifications.

Spray System. The MASS is built by Lockheed/Conair. One of the major design criteria of the MASS was that it

had to be a “roll-on/roll-off” system allowing the aircraft to be reconfigured for spray or airlift in under an

hour. To accommodate the Roll-on/Roll-off design, the full MASS is designed in 3 modules, each attached to

modified standard (463L) aircraft cargo pallets. The operators console, pumps, catwalks, and cradles for flush

and chemical tanks are all secured to these modified pallets. The pallets lock into the C-130’s dual rail system.

Once the MASS is loaded, interconnecting plumbing and electrical circuits tie the MASS modules together. To

contain any spillage of spray materials, a 1.5″ lip (drip pan) surrounds the pallets. The dry weight of the MASS is

ca. 10,500 lbs.”

The 910 Airlift Wing webpage continues with more technical and operational details.

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The post Why Are They Spraying? Answers From An Insider appeared first on Zen Gardner.


Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider

September 8, 2014 44 Comments

By Dane Wigington

The conversation below involves a veteran engineer and architect of the climate engineering programs. This person was a

part of geoengineering effort on certain levels since 1980s. The contact came through former congressional candidate

Greg Pallen who then connected me with this person. The insider reached out to Greg as he felt Greg was trustworthy, he

was correct. I recognized the name of this individual from documents I had seen in the past. All this being said, the dialog

below truly sheds light on the mentality we are dealing with on the inside of the circle of insanity. I had a lengthy phone

conversation with this contact who then decided to limit his communication to only Mr. Pallen again. Below is the first of

two such dialogs (the second dialog will be posted soon). The writing in black italics is the original communication made to

Greg Pallen by the insider shortly after the insider’s conversation with me. The statements in red are my initial response to

the insider’s communication. These statements were later read by him and are the basis for the second communication

already mentioned above from this contact. The statements below in blue were added for additional information on this

posting. I gave my word to keep the identity of this insider confidential in addition to the name of a specific government

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facility named in the letter (now redacted). I will not violate this commitment, but the publishing of this letter (and one

more) is my responsibility.

Hi Greg,

For Dane’s sphere of observation—he is close—-but he is not considering the larger models.

For instance, when climate change effects drive up RH—due to ocean heating and loss of natural cloud cover—–the

power of the atmosphere to spawn huge and damaging storms is increased—-more storms and higher damage level








As you may have taken note, the El Nino warm ocean effects drive up humidity levels over oceans and over land masses

that cause areas like the US lots of damage due to storm frequency and energy. High El Nino patterns did extensive

storm damages in Tennessee.






One way to affect that increase is to cause rain-out of the humidity by inducing nucleation and rainfalls. It will take away

from California’s typical weather patterns.





But for the other parts of the US that driver effect off the oceans causes less storms for most of the US, less floods, less

severe storms.



So, California inherits more wildfires and other problems and the rest of the US nets cooler summer temps, less flooding,

and less serious storms. The weather here in East Tn has been much cooler and the storms fewer and less damaging.

One storm at the height of the El Nino about ten years ago knocked out the power to the Y-12 plant because it twisted off

the huge TVA 4-leg power towers feeding parts of “XXXXX” (redaction).

Like I told Dane on the phone—–the larger models move toward the larger balance equation of the entire US and if they

have to kill off many trees in California to lower damage factors across expanses of the US——the trees there are going

to take a hit.



It is akin to the “XXXXX” (redacted Gov. facility name) thinking to get rid of Uranium Oxyfluoride liquid storage problems

from Uranium Enrichment—-they burned and de-watered the compound using the TSCA incinerator at K-25 to the

destruction of the Pine trees on almost the entire Oak Ridge Reservation.

This is why you don’t want National Security issues being run by Mason elements, as they will spin the truth and keep the

people in the dark so they remain confused and not enlightened.

The truth is spun often in “XXXXX”(redacted Gov. facility name) and likewise the truth on Climate Change moderation

issues are not shared with the public. As the public would demand most of them that caused these serious problems be

hung or shot by firing squad.

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I don’t blame Dane for complaining for what is happening to his back yard, as I would be up in arms also. Which is why

they just need to tell all the people what is going on with climate change moderation methods and all decide on what

measures are fair to all——yet serious enough to control Methane Boil off risk issues.

Most of the Simple Simon types that depend in the Govt to make decisions for them would not even be able to keep track

of the issues and they would grid lock the system and make matters worse. Dane looking at only his back yard issues

and not the whole view of disaster control sort of falls into that area.



When you have a serious disaster, like this, it is impossible to keep all happy. And some areas are going to get hit harder

to protect larger areas. They are also working a lot in uncharted areas and surprises keep happening.




Oak Ridge and the Manhattan Project screwed up a lot and most never knew about any of it, and the deal with Climate

Change remediation is about the same mess.

44 Responses to Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider

1. Matt says:

October 10, 2014 at 12:04 pm

I live in Massachusetts and have seen plenty of chemtrails in the past but seen very few in the last couple months.

Wondering if this is the case in other parts of the country.


o Dagaan says:

November 6, 2015 at 2:49 pm

I'm in Oregon and just moved here from California where I lived for the last five years. There are lots of chems over the

foothills ov the Sierras east of Sacramento. Here in Eugene there are regular chems. But my brother lives in Tennessee

and doesn't see any chems.

There's a scuttlebutt going around that chems are being sprayed West of California to prevent the moisture from falling on

California so as to fall more on the rest of the continent. This is killing California. Most of the greens that feed America are

grown in California and the forests are increasingly at risk. The Rocky fire burned some 60,000 acres in 24 hrs. This was

in part due to drought but also due to the nano aluminum content in the trees FROM CHEMTRAILS. Aluminum is an

ingredient in rocket fuel as it burns at 3000 something F. and once begun has a tremendous expansion rate – The Rocky

fire may have been due to aluminum accelerating the burning.

The 'scientists' running the geoengineering may themselves be dupes of Masons or other agencies that could want

something like the liberal West Coast becoming empoverished because if they were financially strong they could have the

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power to follow through on the sessesnist talk going around. How do we penetrate the secrecy of this destructive mind


2. anthony barrett says:

October 4, 2014 at 11:07 am




3. anthony barrett says:

October 4, 2014 at 11:06 am




4. Jenny says:

October 4, 2014 at 8:06 am

We should not think around this and disperse our power. We must understand only one thing: these people and

everything they do is so EVIL that it is not understood by us. We think pulling the wings off flies is evil. This is the trick:

take EVIL to the max level and people won’t comprehend it. So they can get away with it because you and I will say:

“They wouldn’t do that”. The sheeple still think the Satanic entities have their best interest at their pitch fork. Wake up

people this is as bad as it gets before we start dropping dead.


5. ak says:

September 25, 2014 at 3:06 pm

I think this member of the weather modification professiency is really in his backyard. we never had so many records of

floods like in the past 10 yrs. and this in europe! I have seen temp. differences locally that were unbelivably high!

this in Europe, Germany! germany is used to some variety of weathers but not to severe storms and floodings. and

average temps aren’t even rising. the whole mitigation thing is to blind the people who work in this imo. it doesn’t make

sense otherwise. The sun shining through an artificial cloud feels stingy and atleast two times brighter. I did observe this

in the morning when I could compare. we didn’t have any blue day anymore. at max some days blue until noon.we used

to have some blue days in a row. I am observing daily since almost 3 yrs now.

I believe that there is a lot of psyop involved.


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6. Malcolm Pritchard says:

September 18, 2014 at 4:44 pm

Oh and I forgot to mention I have just washed the car and it is now covered in visible particulate matter, there has been no

wind today so it can only have come from the planes overhead.


7. Malcolm Pritchard says:

September 18, 2014 at 4:39 pm

The insider is obviously as insane as the rest of the psychopaths who are currently steering planet earth into destruction.

Here in the UK they have been spraying heavily for the last 3 days, the sun feels very hot and the atmosphere is more like

a chemical smog. It is alarming to see the air thickly contaminated with particulate material and then there is a strange

wall of mist over the sea. I am not an atmosphere scientist or one of those white coated priests at the top who claim to be

an expert but it is obvious to me particularly this year that the situation is getting very serious. Unfortunately over here

there seems to be few people awake to this issue.


8. Torben svare says:

September 17, 2014 at 7:42 am

To Elaine Brown : those Warriors of the Rainbow will not use Monsanto seeds??? will they i hope not! seeds that

make green that make no AC power.


9. Elaine Brown says:

September 17, 2014 at 12:59 am

When the earth is Ravaged and the animals are Dying, a new tribe of people shall come onto the earth from many colors,

creeds, and classes and who by their Actions and Deeds shall make the earth green again. They shall be known as the

Warriors of the Rainbow.

Hopi Prophecy


10. C.Bell says:

September 11, 2014 at 11:44 pm



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11. James C.Y. says:

September 11, 2014 at 9:45 pm

Hello from southern ontario,canada.Sept.10 much of our region was deluged with excessive rainfall,50 to 80 mm from a

large weather front that crossed ontario.On sept.11 evening news a local farmer was interviewed and stated that his late

summer crop of white beans is in jeopardy.He said the unseasonably cool temperatures put other food crops at risk

also,they need sunshine and warmth yet.With unfortunate ignorance he said we are at the mercy of mother nature.There

has also been an early taste of winter snow in southern alberta.And the average person does not view these events as

unusual or abnormal.Weather has unquestionably become a weapon of mass obstruction/destuction of the

gansgters/banksters through the usa military industrial complex.Disrupt or destroy the food chain,and turn normalcy into

organized chaos to keep the sheeple off balance and distracted.And now terminator Obama will destroy on any sovreign

country’s soil the terrorists the west and the oil sheiks funded and put there in the first place.The controllers are not

concerned with internet trouble makers.They control the media flow and the politicians and can keep the sheeple asleep

until they make the end game of full global control.Is the collective consciousness of all of us opposers and the Cosmic

Overlords(Gods) symbolized and energized by the Sun which they also work hard at diminishing be enough to forestall

their efforts?YES YES YES or they would not be ramping up their efforts the way they are.Dane keep up the great work

for a better tomorrow.We all must find our inner God use that power and strength to bring our Earthly Home back to the

beautiful,diverse,harmonious and safe place it should be.Our Gods be with us.


12. Ana Santos says:

September 10, 2014 at 8:49 pm

Seems to me that they are hiding something much bigger besides these already known criminal acts that they are doing

to the planet and to us and that they seem to be authorized to raise slightly the veil sometimes about certain facts to not to

rase more suspicions !(maybe my feelings are wrong…but i feel something destructive but expectable to them is coming

in the way for us …when? i don´t know …of course they will call it natural causes(or terrorism act?) and cataclisms to

people give them more power and they are suposed to be our protectors and the ones to maitain the order afther a

cataclism ) i think they (the people in charge of doing these experiments or programs allover the world)know the big

consequences are going to “arrive” above all of us (they must knew it long ago),they must have already probable dates

and seems to me they are just gaining time to avoid unecessary confrontation with public critical masses riots if they

would tell us the truth of what is happening with the world by their own credits(instead of a well assembled lie).Maybe

having the control/knowlede in hands they know what to do to protect/save themselves(just a exclusive number of them i

guess) and perhaphs that is their philsophy :to sacrífice countries/regions/ populations for their bigger porpouses of

controling the world and the damages they inflicted against the planet already or hiding these big damages they already

did to envyroment (by greed and power),maybe damages even donne to our entire planet and space system around the

globe .I think our planet no longer will be the same (maybe even our no longer predictable solar radiation is being

affected),if people will do nothing I think we will live in a hell of an artificial and sickening world and with no minimum

control in our lifes anymore til our probable extintion one day. And please don´t tell me that it is the Military controling or

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owning the weather (as i already saw in a comment once in you tube) cause governments/politicians can´t be inocents in

these things going on above their heads in their own countries (in their controled air spaces)and we know there are

private companies on this “business” too.Governments pay the salaries to militaries ,governments suposely possesse

their armies and not the oposite in western countries…or am i wrong?

I never was sick before and i was almost sufocating everyday for about two weeks with my throat closing(swollen) and i

went to several doctors and they could not found anythimg in my throat that could justify my complains ,then later i had to

take cortisone for about a month from to 8 in 8 hours cause i felt i was going to die and could not eat in order to breath(to

survive ,is overwhelming)soon we will pay well them to give us the right to breath or to give us sun protection (fake

clouds)cause they destroyed our world´s natural protections ,they seem to have all the power in their hands when they are

messing with our air and with all the life cicle on Earth and they became literally the Gods that decide how many people

they will sacrífice or kill here or there today by spraying this or that or doing less tests or doing more tests or changing the

weather and clima by making floods here or making deserts there…something very dangerous to us is going on with

these experimentations in the air and destroying our soils and water and the sun. They weaponized space and

weather.Even the sun seems to be changing in his emissions of rays or reflectivity to space and in envyroment (for me is

becoming letal,that´s what i feel in my skin and eyes and i´m used to hot shining climas-that´s where i was born but thatá

how i feel with clean skies now,sorry ,i´m being honest!)with this experimentations seems that there´s no longer natural

clouds ,even those looking natural clouds are strange they can even look like fire behind them and dark like if a storm is

coming and look scary when two kilometers away you will find clean sky again.Now they stay with the planes stoped in

the air for minutes and then go on leaving some more trails and then they stop again ,one(plane) once was reflecting the

sun that i thought maybe was a ufo but then i saw was just the plane stoped near a suposely natural cloud but then he

started making trails and stoped again and i was driving and couldn´t look more(it was in early morning when the sun

started rising on the horizont …with my experience now i felt that i can be killed like a bug and i never felt like this in my

whole life(sufocating) and it hapened in August of this year of 2014 …I get amazed when people like jess Ventura just

look at his own belly button when he should know that a fact today might not be the same fact tomorrow …

Thanks Dane for your good work! and loved that last article of Greg Pallen


13. Earth Angel says:

September 10, 2014 at 3:20 pm

Jo, I agree with your sentiments but wait- ‘given amnesty and protection’?.. by who?.. The government? the police?

They’d have to go to an organization like Oathkeepers for protection, or find out Edward Snowden’s contacts.. Just sayin’!

Still, I agree they should come forward regardless of the consequences. I don’t know how they can live with themselves

every day- I couldn’t look myself in the mirror knowing what a coward I was destroying all life on earth for personal gain.


14. mim says:

September 9, 2014 at 9:59 pm

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California is our food basket. Hello! I can’t believe they would destroy the ability to grow food by creating man made

drought. For a fat bank roll? UG


15. Bella_Fantasia says:

September 9, 2014 at 9:21 pm

For Greg Pallen:

Doesn’t that just say it all? Someone else talked about inheriting the Earth but losing one’s soul, I recall.


16. Bella_Fantasia says:

September 9, 2014 at 9:11 pm

Thank you, Dane, Russ and everyone here who is trying desperately to shine a light on these crimes.

We’re dealing “yes men” who subvert their own agency, buying into the deceit and lies. How bad must things become

before a reassessment of their benign acceptance gob smacks them?

We should move on to support genuine whistle blowers like Kristen Meghan, those with a conscience who will speak



17. earth moving??? says:

September 9, 2014 at 4:54 pm

What a dimwit!! This is exactly what we are seeing with all those who are the ones responding to the issues of the


I live in the Sacramento area and we have been having trees fall within the same line (one was an oak, one a pine) one

right after another. Today my neighbor told me that her pool water was tested and had high amounts of nitrogen!


18. Frieda Nelson says:

September 9, 2014 at 1:36 pm

I agree totally with you. Stop the pychopaths…take care of everything else but never forget to stop those who are out to

put us down and out of the picture. That will be by any means.


19. Athena rage of the warrior says:

Page 26: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

September 9, 2014 at 1:19 pm

Cognitive dissonance in action! He is not fully awake yet!

We are out of time….they are killing us.

This is not a coincidence!


20. Athena rage of the warrior says:

September 9, 2014 at 1:16 pm

Not stupid…classic case of cognitive dissonance!


21. Ken says:

September 9, 2014 at 11:26 am

Great comments, I read them all. I think that what this guy is saying really can’t be trusted.

If you connect the dots, there is a different version of truth coming into view.

* Why do the elite have a seed vault in Northern Europe?

* Why have terminator seeds and GMO’s that harm people being pushed on us?

* Why does Bill Gates talk about reducing P(people) in his equation to reduce CO2?

* Why do they keep spraying California so it won’t rain there and the crops will be decimated?

* Why is UN Agenda 21 being pushed on every city?

* Why are Farmers and Ranchers being targeted?

This is Weather WARFARE. Part of the “bigger picture” of population reduction and Privatization.

Weakening us to the point where a full takeover by the UN and NATO is possible. They MUST be stopped.


22. Jo says:

September 9, 2014 at 11:05 am

Re: “I don’t blame Dane for complaining for what is happening to his back yard, as I would be up in arms also.”

What is he talking about? It is affecting the WHOLE PLANET!!!! The whole planet is our back yard!

I live in Bournemouth in the United Kingdom and they cover the sky pretty well every day with geo-engineered trails.

Sounds like Ken Caldeira…..

Page 27: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

Whoever it is, if he has any conscience at all, which it sounds to me he does…. he’d say, to hell with it, I’ve made a huge

mistake going up this path with these psychopaths. I don’t like it. I’m not happy. I will make at least some amends by

speaking out now, for my family’s sake. I’m prepared to take the consequences and for what it’s worth, I’m going to help

try and do the right thing now.

Say it like it is……

Come into the open and tell the truth. You might even end up being a hero if you were prepared to share all you know…

Obviously it is dangerous, but no doubt, due to the fact you are a valuable witness, you would be given amnesty and

protection if you were prepared to tell the truth and bear witness to the people involved in this unspeakable crime that has

been/is being committed against humanity and all life on the Earth.

Have courage and help us save the Earth and humanity now!

The information you hold is invaluable!


23. Dkblue says:

September 9, 2014 at 4:55 am

Yeah well it’s happenening in my back yard also – the most isolated city on the planet. No one asked anyone here if we

would like to be part of a biological warfare experiment. The sheer and unspeakable arrogance and complete disregard

for the systems of life on our unique planet is impossible to fathom for a person of conscience – for most of humanity. And

we watch in horror and try to spread the word not just for humanity, but for the inumerable other species, the other beings

with whom we share this earth, with whom we are inextricably related and who cannot speak…. Karma is a bitch and

those who perpetrate these crimes and who are complicit WILL suffer the consequences of maiming and murdering us all.

Cause and effect, simple.


24. Michel B says:

September 9, 2014 at 4:03 am

Let me get this right. As long ago as the 1940s, governments and their scientists and the military started experimenting

with weather modification to start protecting us by the the late 1990s? Why didn’t they just work on developing carbon

neutral technologies in the last half of the last century instead? The answer: Because Geoengineering is not about

quelling a problem with climate change/greenhouse effect, but is a military and economic weapon with no positive effects

for the population at large. The conversation with the insider above is unsatisfactory as to the motives and severe effects

of geoengineering, but it is at least a further admission that these programs are happening.


25. James says:

Page 28: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

September 9, 2014 at 3:33 am

This a shocking, eye-opening exchange. The first peak into the inner workings of the collective mind running the

operation. CA is collateral damage, bigger problems need containment (read methane). Yes the military is managing our

weather, they know best anyway. Wow. Well, I guess we all intuitively understood that must be the view from somewhere

near the top, but then to hear someone actually utter the words..

And “surprises keep happening”, like the Calgary flood, the Toronto flood, the Sask/Manitoba flood, the ice storms over

80% of our country’s population last winter. and on and on. But this is going on all over the world. We have entered a time

of climate chaos, and ‘they’ are the driver’s seat.

Are these the same people that took down the world trade center? The answer is obvious. And of course it began well

before that milestone day, however, their attempted control over this planet now includes the climate, the food and water

we eat and drink, and finally the air we breathe.

We plebs are in very dire straights. Why can’t the general population just catch on? Its happening right above their heads.

It’s a hard question to find the answer for. The hypnosis runs deep. The skies will be crisscrossed for days at length, and

then revert back to clear blue and fluffy cumulus for a brief period of a few days, before it begins again ushering in a new

frontal wave, guided by those geometric lines in the sky. Don’t people ever once ask themselves why their skies are

striped one day, but not the next? Did all air traffic suddenly stop? Unfortunately no, it doesn’t occur to them. The species

has a blind spot there.

I look forward to the next installment explaining this nightmare. Let’s hope this communique is genuine and not another

targeted hit. I trust your judgement Dane.

All the best!



26. manor dweller says:

September 9, 2014 at 12:58 am

informant, so far you present the obvious


27. Robin Rich says:

September 9, 2014 at 12:41 am

We all need to keep talking and educating people.Three years ago even my own family thought I was crazy, but now they

are all believers and are helping spread the word. Dane did a great job with LaMalfa, I saw him studder a few times!

Dianne Feinstien is hopeless. She still thinks a 900′ barrier for GMO;s to Organic fields is just fine!


Page 29: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

28. Steve says:

September 8, 2014 at 8:28 pm

This man’s hubris is astounding, well nigh pathological and certainly frightening. The utter casualness he seems to adopt

is bizarre. “Ho hum, we screwed California, oh well, another day at the office” And the last statement, about Manhattan

Project and Oak Ridge “screwing up”, and being in “the same mess”category with geoengineering, makes me thank God

we’re still alive at all down here on planet Earth.It certainly is NOT thanks to the highly-paid maniacs in



29. Randy says:

September 8, 2014 at 5:39 pm

The evidence of damage from this insanity is everywhere.

The trees everywhere are tell the damning story.

The effects are compounding as on the Richter Scale.

Soon, very soon…All will see.

We are in the 11th hour.


30. Carol says:

September 8, 2014 at 4:25 pm

Wow! This is typical jargon for a government controlled robot. Dane, we applaud you for your “big picture” thinking. We

know your concern is for the whole planet, not just California. This is just a disinformation tactic to undermine the

seriousness and scale of their insane weather experimentation. True government compartmentalization.


31. blue says:

September 8, 2014 at 3:54 pm


Please do an article on oxegen depletion..

The barium used in geoengineering an oxygen scavenger… we are running out of it!!!!



32. Laura Sutton says:

September 8, 2014 at 3:48 pm

Page 30: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

This man wouldn’t happen to live outside of California by any chance? Even that is irrelevant….where are the IQ tests for

these people? How about the concept of the follow-through of thinking? i.e. NOT solving a problem by not (DUH!!)

creating a bigger problem (DUH!!!) somewhere else or sometime else. There is such a lack of the old fashioned trait

called WISDOM in this geoengineering strategy … if you can call it that. The term ‘STRATEGY” is too big of a compliment

for this riddled-with-holes thinking. Immediate gratification is for children, not policy makers.


33. Håkan says:

September 8, 2014 at 2:42 pm

The killers in the sky must be stopped. California a paradise on

this planet is being turned into hell. Just spraying us like we are rats all over the globe. Thanks Dane and your partners for

doing such a good job to stop this genocide.


34. Jan says:

September 8, 2014 at 2:13 pm

I don’t believe for a minute that this guy knows the real reasons behind climate engineering. He’s just a cog in a big

machine and the machine operators have plans he has no idea of. He does seem stupid, but I think he has merely forced

himself into tunnel vision in order to live with himself and what he’s helped do to life on this planet. In his heart he knows

how very wrong this activity is. There are so many factors the intentionally insane seem never to consider, yet I think they

do. I think California is being targeting not least because we contribute about 50% of the FOOD in the USA. And the most

organic food in the US. Cause our agriculture to die and you’ve got a pretty good start to a major famine.


35. bully says:

September 8, 2014 at 1:41 pm

If I did not know better I would say this insider was made up to advance our debate. I mean, how could anyone be so

obtuse? But alas I fear he is not made up and is merely a sad, sick reflection of the type of psychopaths that have risen to

the top of nearly every organization in this centrally planned system now in control.


36. Paul Potter says:

September 8, 2014 at 1:41 pm

You cannot get a straight answer from anyone in Government on this issue.Senator Feinstein sent me an email telling me

how great HAARP was and that there was no evidence of harmful effects to the earth or the population.Every local

politician says it is not their jurisdiction so they cannot comment on SRM and weather modification.They “will look into it”I

Page 31: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

also agree that this guy was looking to discredit Danes opinion and research and that it seems that California will have to

die for the greater good of the rest of the United States.”propaganda I agree”keep up the great work Dane”You have

informed and inspired me to study and share this with all my associates and contacts.These people make me sick.They

have to be stopped.


37. Doug baugh says:

September 8, 2014 at 1:11 pm

The root of all evil!


38. todd says:

September 8, 2014 at 12:05 pm

I recently saw a video showing the absence of life in the tide pools on the west coast.I took my children to tide pools ,so

I’m aware of what a normal tide pool looks like. Went to Monterey last weekend , hoping the video was a hoax.To my

horror it was true. Almost totally void of life. only small snails.gone are the star fish,crabs,seaenmies.ect. I read this

Geoengineers comments with awe.We must sacrifice California/ the west. for the greater good of the reasoning

is storms cause damage and cost money.

But this Spraying is happening everywhere . So that argument is pointless.What about food production when the soil

become’s infertile?He’s right if the public knew what they were doing He and his employers would be swinging from a

rope for crimes against humanity.


39. eve says:

September 8, 2014 at 11:16 am

the criminally insane are at the helm . . . keep spreading the news . . .


o Allan says:

September 16, 2014 at 7:50 pm

How Fluoride Affects Consciousness and the Will to Act

In Lies We Trust

When truth becomes conspiracy, reality becomes an illusion.

The world as we know it, is an illusion based on lies and deceit.

Page 32: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

If the world seems insane, it’s because it is run by insane people.

Money talks and people can be bought

Jobs at all cost, cost us all.

So stop going along to get along, because it is wrong and it does cost us all.

Ignorance is not bliss, it is how we are all being used and abused.

Blind trust will be humanities undoing.

So stop believing blindly and question everything.

You may think you are free, but really you are only free to conform.

Truth is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Knowing the truth will set you free.

People say they love their (grand)children.

Talk is cheap.

Actions speak louder than words.

This world is in a sad state of affairs and needs fixing.

So grab a cause and get involved.

Be the change you want to see.

If you do nothing, nothing will happen.

You can make a difference now

by sharing this message.

Deal with reality, before it deals with you.

How Will the 99% Deal with 70 Million Psychopaths?

What can we do collectively to contain and manage this small minority of … Can we contain the 70 million psychopaths in

the world today?

Psychopaths Rule Our Entire World – Politicians and Bankers are all Psychopaths

Look at their eyes and you can see something is unnatural in there! I was thinking that it has always struck me, that

when studying politicians and businessman in media they always seems to be totally out …


40. Jason Foust says:

September 8, 2014 at 11:02 am

Wow! I see the nonchalant impassiveness in this guy’s attitude… He would have us all believing that climate engineering

is benignly inevitable and to have little concern as they keep experimenting and letting the chips fall where they may. If a

Page 33: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

few trees or folks die in this process, oh well, because this is the lesser of a necessary evil, so to speak! Self-centered

insanity to the extreme!

One possibility here is a particular characteristic of ego, hence an attempt by the ‘clinically insane’ to quell the effectuality

of Dane’s ambitious exposure of these crimes, through this channel, Idk? As if WE who know would ever be deterred by

this brand of equivocation… This guy also conveniently circumvents the myriad of other aspects of their ‘holistically’

obscured agenda. I see this insider’s subtle correspondence as intentional propaganda. JF


41. Terri says:

September 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

These monsters are insane! What gives them the right to make those decisions for every living thing on the planet? They

are capable and willing to wipe out the trees, planets, food, life support in favor of corporate interests. That is what it is all

about. greed is the creed.


o Greg Pallen says:

September 8, 2014 at 10:27 pm

This is my contact’s last message….

“Do keep in mind—–profits”

Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider (Part 2)

September 16, 2014 30 Comments

Page 34: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

By Dane Wigington

Below is the second and last response from a government scientist and engineer that was inside the climate modification

programs. The letter below was sent to former congressional candidate Greg Pallen after the insider communicated with

me in a phone conversation. Just as in the first letter from this insider, his self certainty is evident. Like so many that are

inside the global power structure, they rationalize their actions. They don’t seem to ever even consider the possibility that

playing God with the planet’s life support systems is doing exponentially more harm than any perceived good. This type of

person seems to feel that taking such actions without public knowledge or consent is their right. Who gave them this right?

The insider’s statements are in italics, my response to each of the insiders statements is in red below the point being


Part 1 of Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider

Part 2 is below

Hi Greg,

One can tell Dane is running in extreme mad mode. Which tends to make me shy away. He tended to take the

conversation and run away with it on the phone, and I can tell he is most upset. So, I do better with you—–perhaps due

to your political expertise on difficult issues where there is no serendipitous solution at the moment.

Why would I not be in “extreme” mode when the biosphere, on which my children (and all others) depend, is being torn

apart by climate engineering? Why wouldn’t I be upset? This “insider” did not seem to have any real knowledge of many

aspects of the climate engineering destruction. This was especially true in regard to issues like the ozone layer damage

that is being caused by the atmospheric spraying. Compartmentalization appears to be a factor in this case.

Tell Dane to advocate for turning off all these climate mediation systems off, if he takes all the responsibility for the

looming disaster that will kill off 3/4 of the population of the world. Point out Southern Africa video—-he wants to just let

those folks die? Or do some mediation tactics? In this case, they have one technique that is less polluting.

The statement above must be carefully considered. The insider clearly reveals what I believe is the programed mindset of

so many that are participating in the climate engineering insanity. They are told (and seem to believe) that they are saving

the world, or at least delaying its destruction. All available data indicates a completely different conclusion in regard to the

ongoing geoengineering programs. The climate engineering is decimating the planet’s life support systems and the entire

web of life from the clouds to the ground. Though there will be severe climate rebound (or backlash) if and when the

atmospheric aerosol spraying is halted, this is the only way the planet can respond to the damage already done. Climate

engineering over the last 65 years has made an already bad situation exponentially worse. The insider also mentioned

Africa, but does not seem to know that Africa has been the victim of weather warfare for many decades already.

He wants nature to correct for these man-made problems due to Ozone and it will but it takes a hundred years. In the

mean time, the methane hydrate issues can make for a much hotter world. The planet is pumping up the humidity or

vapor water, but the aerosol mechanism needs to be returned—but the damaged factor there won’t return for many


As I mentioned above, the insider does not seem willing to recognize the countless aspects of climate engineering that

are destroying the atmosphere and biosphere as a whole. What about the total contamination of the entire planet? He

never even goes there, no mention whatsoever. I am extremely aware of the threat from Ch4 release, and have covered

this factor in most presentations for many years. Climate engineering is making the methane situation worse, not better.

Dane can get a lot of attention and I am all for opening things up—-but I am not for doing nothing. That activism will be

Dane’s and potentially your greatest good deeds. On either side of this issue, it needs openness for better decisions and

to allow stakeholder issues to be vented. There are more honest ways to deal with the issues that only come with

openness. Openness might even put enough exposure to the public heat to cause them to do less damage to California.

The statement above could be read a number of ways. If this insider was truly about honesty, he would speak out in an

open forum, not from the shadows to which he has again disappeared. He defends the climate engineering insanity and

Page 35: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

then admits that public pressure could cause the geoengineering juggernaut of insanity to back off on the engineered

drought catastrophe being inflicted on the US West? Does this add up?

No doubt he is giving some of the military missions a serious hot foot, and they’ll either have to get less obvious or come

clean at some point.

I can only hope that many of the honorable men and women in the US military are in fact truly considering what they are

involved with in regard to the climate engineering insanity. I can only hope that they are realizing that they have been lied

to and used as pawns in a game of global ecocide and genocide that will eliminate any hope of a future for themselves

and their own children along with the rest of us. The military industrial complex could do away with me or any of the rest of

us anytime they wished. It is my hope that those in the US military and government who have retained their honor are

listening and considering that the anti-geoengineering movement is trying to save what’s left of the planet for all of us,

including them and their children.

Coal emissions changed the rainfall patterns all across the US, so in like fashion does Dane want to give up coal fired

electric generation ? I don’t think so. He appears to have voted for scrubbers and in California some coastal nuke

plants that have risk problems too.

Here the insider is truly grabbing at straws to justify his actions and participation in the climate engineering insanity. The

effect to rainfall patterns from coal emissions are minuscule in comparison to the intended disruption being caused by

geoengineering which can only be termed weather and biological warfare against all populations of planet Earth. Burning

coal is not in our best interest, neither is nuclear power, but both subjects are simply a diversion from the subject at hand,

the climate engineering insanity.

Under more Govt openness a lot quicker turn around might be possible, and then we begin to see why some are

beginning to do better things for Southern Africa’s somewhat like problems to California’s.

Here the insider is clearly living in an alternate reality. Climate engineering/weather warfare is not about the common

good. Not in Africa, and not in California. It’s about power and control. It always has been and always will be.

There isn’t an instant fix for the problem and Dane seems to think that doing nothing will fix things, when in the next

decade he might find his house under water or some dark days from volcanic effects gone wrong from his fix. One can

see what doing nothing is doing for Japan—basically because no one can get close enough to change the issues due to

radiation. We also can’t get to the atmosphere problems to fix those directly either.

In the statement above we have a crystal clear look into the mindset that has brought all life on Earth to the brink of total

extinction. The arrogance is beyond belief and is certainly an underlying factor with so many involved in the

geoengineering programs. These people believe that they know better than nature, and are wiser than the natural

systems that have sustained life on our planet for a very long time. From the GMO foods to our now dying GMO planet,

they will continue if not stopped until all is completely destroyed beyond any recovery. Those at the very top of the global

power cabal certainly have many nefarious agendas that are likely aspects of the spraying operations. But the vast

majority of those carrying out the programs are peering through the same looking glass as this insider. A very colored,

dangerous, and distorted lens.

Mankind treated the atmosphere and oceans as a dump, and it found the breaking point. XXXXXX (name of facility

redacted) screwed up worker health and I and others forced the changes on fluorine systems, even forced closure of K-25

and getting all the DUF-6 cylinders in XXXXX (name of facility redacted) out and making conversion to metals that store

long term much better.

Here the insider is trying to convince himself again that he is working for the common good. It is unlikely people like this

will ever truly take responsibility for all that they have participated in.

No one wanted to do nothing there, and this climate change issue is an even more important thing to not do anything.

In the statement above, arrogance and insanity is again very evident. The government scientist’s mentality of doing

“something” even if that something makes the entire situation exponentially worse. This is the same mentality that has

detonated 2000+ nuclear bombs, blowing up once pristine islands in the South Pacific and contaminating everything on

Earth. It’s the same mentality that has constructed enough nuclear weapons to mathematically exterminate life on Earth

12,000 times over.

Page 36: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

Time will tell, but somewhere along the line when Dane discovers some of his ideas might end lots more than trees in

California he will change and he will learn slowly.

Here, yet again, the insider only seems capable of seeing reality through his own lens. The arrogance of attempting to

justify playing God with the Earth’s life support systems is apparent. This type of people live in a reality where they believe

they know better how to sustain life, than life itself. There is no acknowledgment whatsoever of the endless list of

catastrophic effects to the planet and all life which can be directly linked to the climate engineering programs. I cannot

say for certain what the motive was for this scientist that came out of the shadows long enough to communicate a bit. I

recognized his name from documents I have seen. I and Greg Pallen promised to protect his identity and we must keep

that promise, but the day will come when all is in the open. When that day does come, all those that participated in the

geoengineering insanity should be held accountable for their actions in a court of law set up by the citizens of the world.

30 Responses to Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider (Part 2)

1. cursichella says:

October 7, 2014 at 3:58 am

The man (in a former life, maybe…) you are quoting is Patrick Clawson, the “Director of Research” at the Washington

Institute of Near East studies.

According to Wikipedia, he is an “American economist and Middle East scholar” (Why differentiate? To perpetuate the

illusion that these two subjects are not one in the same?) and also directs the Iran Security Initiative. Basically, the W.I. is

an arm of Israel (in the form of a spinoff of AIPAC) that dictates U.S. Policy in the Middle East.

And this is how the guy speaks in public. Speaking of Chutzpah… Just imagine what he says in private. Unbelievably


Democrats? Republicans? That’s an illusion. It is guys like this who call the shots. For a good hurl, here’s a link to his

infamous press conference:


2. anthony barrett says:

October 4, 2014 at 10:51 am




3. Jeanne says:

September 23, 2014 at 12:36 pm

Why does he keep talking about “doing nothing”! No one is advocating that!! He is all about CONTROL, instead of trusting

the earth to respond to people living in accord with nature, caring for it as if it is our personal body. The LIVING planet can

and WILL sustain life, when it is LEFT ALONE and respected! Not using her as a garbage dump; no toxins in the air,

Page 37: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

water, agriculture! The planet can and will heal itself once we stop pillaging and destroying her. There IS much to do;

replacing all of our systems with natural alternatives!


4. James says:

September 23, 2014 at 3:32 am

Thank you kindly for your reply Dane. It implies there is a sub-structure, one of operations where the insider may belong,

detached from his controllers by whatever means, say compartmentalization, military, family caste, and so on. At the top

there is a plan, the scope of which we are left pondering.

James-in Ont


5. James says:

September 21, 2014 at 9:00 pm

I have a question. Do you Dane, believe this man represents the power structure?

Whoever it is, whoever is at the top, they have a plan. Its left to us to figure it out. Do you sir believe this man represents

that level of thinking, control, and management. Your answer is important to me.


James-in Ont


o Dane Wigington says:

September 22, 2014 at 1:16 am

Hello James, yes, I believe available data supports the conclusion that this insider thinking is common in the framework of

these programs. I do not believe those at the top are in this category. Those that pull the strings know full well what is

coming down and they will try to hide and confuse the totality of what we face till the last moment. All the while the climate

engineering itself fuels the fire overall. Those at the top will never turn from their insanity, they must be exposed and


6. Ange Denuit says:

September 21, 2014 at 9:51 am

Good Job, thanks. How can I send you picture of chemtrails ?


7. Abigail Delany says:

Page 38: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

September 18, 2014 at 12:08 pm

What a most kind note from you, J! Yes, I agree with what you have said. Not very many people want to speak of the

eternal life, and ‘most’ certainly don’t want to mention Jehovah God, Yeshua Hamashiach. Yes, we must pray that their

eyes will be opened. Their spiritual eyes for sure! All the government sees is ‘power for themselves.’ But all this is passing

away, yet the Word of God abides forever. Thank you, J, for not being ashamed of the gospel, and the Lord’s words. “Set

your house in order, lawlessness abounds, and the love for Truth is fading away. In the last days, many will turn away

from the truth.” God Bless America!


8. SkywatcherGrandma says:

September 17, 2014 at 10:54 am

Don’t these so called scientists realize that all that crap they spray we have to breathe? My windows are covered with it.

So tiny you can only see it when the sun hits directly on the glass, but boy can you see it! Plus all the little 2 inch

iridescent thin fibers. Cobwebs have never been colored. I see it on my plants, leaves on the trees, etc. The places I see

bare soil it sparkles too. The snow use to sparkle like clear diamonds and now the sparkles are colored. Kids eat the

snow, does he tell his kids or grandkids not to eat it? I washed my car last week and the next day drove about 30 miles

and when I came home driving in the sun late in the afternoon I could see sparkles all over the windshield. The air is

saturated with this crap all the time. Every breath we take we are sucking it in, for Gods sake don’t they think about this?

It’s in our hair, on our clothes, on our pets, every time you open a window or a door it comes in. It’s everywhere, how can

we avoid it? We can’t!


9. Jo says:

September 17, 2014 at 2:53 am

I totally agree with Grace. Your feedback is right on track. He seems to talk/think gobbledy-gook.

Are there any honest people at the top of the military?

Re the video you posted the other day, namely:

This was the transcript of the man speaking at the end of the first video about the necessity to create false flag events to

achieve the end goal of war. People are just expendable pawns. Who is he?

“I frankly think that crisis initiations are really tough and that it’s very hard for me to see how the United States President

can get us to war with Iran.

Which leads me to conclude that if, in fact, compromise is not company, that the traditional way that America gets to war

is, what would be best for U.S. interests?!

Some people might think Mr Roosevelt wanted to get us into WW2, as David mentioned, but you may recall, he had to

wait for Pearl Harbour.

Page 39: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

Some people might think Mr Wilson wanted to get us into WW1…… you may recall, he had to wait for the Lusitania


Some people might think that Mr Johnson wanted to send troops to Vietnam… may recall, he had to wait for the Gulf

of Tom kin episode.

We didn’t go to war with Spain until the U.S.S. Maine exploded. And may I point out that Mr Lincoln did not feel he could

call up the Federal Army until Fort Sumter was attacked, which is why he ordered the Commander at Fort Sumter to do

exactly that thing which the South Carolinians had said would cause an attack.

So, if in fact the Iranians aren’t going to compromise, it would be best if somebody else started the war. One can combine

other means of pressure with sanctions. I mention that explosion on August 17th……. We could step up the pressure!

I mean look people….. Iranian submarines periodically go down! Some day one of them might not come up! Who would

know why?!

We can do a variety of things, if we wish to increase the pressure. I’m not advocating that…. But I’m just suggesting that

this is not an either/or proposition. It’s just sanctions have to succeed or other things!

We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians……. We could get nastier!!!!!”

And re the Ebola virus, was it created to destroy great masses of the world population? Is this really the Ebola virus

patent? :


10. manor dweller says:

September 17, 2014 at 12:26 am

hopefully it won’t survive in our environment much longer


11. JR says:

September 16, 2014 at 10:15 pm

We are being sprayed over Bellingham, WA daily. I’m taking pictures of this and sending to the department of ecology

almost daily and cc’ing other legislators. I’m being rational and sane when discussing this threat per Dane’s suggestions.

I’ve told numerous friends and they tell me how they’re now looking up and seeing the spraying overhead. Curious that

I’m not being pegged as nuts or a conspiracy theorist. I’m going to keep hammering and spreading the word.


12. Allan says:

September 16, 2014 at 7:58 pm

How Fluoride Affects Consciousness and the Will to Act

Page 40: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

In Lies We Trust

When truth becomes conspiracy, reality becomes an illusion.

The world as we know it, is an illusion based on lies and deceit.

If the world seems insane, it’s because it is run by insane people.

Money talks and people can be bought

Jobs at all cost, cost us all.

So stop going along to get along, because it is wrong and it does cost us all.

Ignorance is not bliss, it is how we are all being used and abused.

Blind trust will be humanities undoing.

So stop believing blindly and question everything.

You may think you are free, but really you are only free to conform.

Truth is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Knowing the truth will set you free.

People say they love their (grand)children.

Talk is cheap.

Actions speak louder than words.

This world is in a sad state of affairs and needs fixing.

So grab a cause and get involved.

Be the change you want to see.

If you do nothing, nothing will happen.

You can make a difference now

by sharing this message.

Deal with reality, before it deals with you.

How Will the 99% Deal with 70 Million Psychopaths?

What can we do collectively to contain and manage this small minority of … Can we contain the 70 million psychopaths in

the world today?

Psychopaths Rule Our Entire World – Politicians and Bankers are all Psychopaths

Look at their eyes and you can see something is unnatural in there! I was thinking that it has always struck me, that when

studying politicians and businessman in media they always seems to be totally out …



13. citizen in California says:

Page 41: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

September 16, 2014 at 6:44 pm

The insider is just like all the rest of them that want to keep people “confused”. The guy needs his paycheck and continue

to be a talking head that makes no sense and tries to throw “cure balls” whenever possible. People on this website and

those who respond seem to see this horrific game that’s being played. It’s up to the public to raise their arms in protest

and say “enough”.


14. J says:

September 16, 2014 at 5:54 pm

I truly applaud Dane, Gregg and Russ and everyone thats fighting this fight and please,never give up on it and I say if

more ppl were like them, we may not be in this mess in the first place but here we are. Just please dont forget to please

get your house in order and you heart back to Jesus. It is so true that lawlessness abounds and so manys love has grown

cold and so so many are totally unaware of whats going on around them. Pray for them that there eyes as well as there

hearts will open.

Thank you all for all that you do and may god bless and keep us in whatever is yet to come.


15. Blue Sky Lover says:

September 16, 2014 at 4:09 pm

Seem that English is not the native language for this “insider”. Lots of insight when read between the lines. H is connection

of Africa and California?

The last sentence was very odd and a bit creepy. What else was he referring to?

Thanks DW


16. Nick Eisenhauer says:

September 16, 2014 at 3:58 pm

Dear Carol, you hit the nail on the head. This guy and his conversation are soooo disjointed it hurts my head. He is now

breathing his own poison, thank GOD. Dane is a saint for even trying to respond to this but I understand why, this is the

first fish to bite regarding anyone attempting to justify the implementation of the Geo Program by the powers, if this is

really where he comes from, which I am not sure who he is and what role he has played. He keeps mentioning the former

South Carolina Uranium Enrichment Plant Facility, what role did he play there? He seems to have a grudge about working

there and I do not see the connection to GeoEngineering or the Artic Melting in terms of his time at the nuclear facility and

his statements about these activities other than his feeble attempt to support the spraying. Anyway my mind is not working

much better these days either. With the spraying and the microwaving of the masses they are getting what they want

which is zombie behavior, muddled thinking, confusion, lack of decision ability, passivity, etc, etc. If it is working on me it is

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working on everybody. I am only 55 and used to be tough as nails and sharp as a tac, now I can barely get out of bed and

don’t remember what I just read anymore. I can only pray for the day when all are saved from anymore despare and pain

and that all is done. I pray for all of humanity and the future it holds. I love my kids and I hope everyone does the same.

Love your children like never before and be nice to those you know are not involved with the insanity. Best to all.


17. doc noss says:

September 16, 2014 at 12:45 pm

I was going to make the same exact points about this “insider” being a very poor writer and communicator, but I see you

already said it much better than I could.


18. Gene Maynard says:

September 16, 2014 at 12:31 pm

Dane, I could be wrong but this “insider” seems to be just that; simply one who is privy to information, but only the

information the elite want him to be privy to. He comes across as an immature employee who wants to please his boss.

He believes he is part of an organization that is trying to save the world from its own ignorance. His job is to convince us

of this and distract us from the true agenda of world domination and total control of; Food, Water, Money, Military,

Government, Weather, Space, etc. etc. He has drank the kool-aid and desires we drink from the same cup until it’s too

late. What is happening is real and the true agenda is not to save us from ourselves. The true agenda is to halt our

advance as a people, neutralize and manage us, then destroy us. I’m afraid this will also be this “insiders” fate when they

are finished with him. Please consider; All of earth’s life supports that are currently being destroyed by these people could

not have possibly been initially put in place by man or dumb luck. The God who placed them there is our only hope.


19. Ken says:

September 16, 2014 at 12:23 pm

Shameless! I think that the powers that be may have allowed him to leak this propaganda on purpose, knowing that you

would repeat it.

They are hoping that some will believe him…that they are doing it for the “better good”.

I don’t believe a word that is coming out of his mouth and I think the “Global Seed Vault” in Svalbard has something to do

with it. Why else is this program TOP SECRET? Look what it is doing already to life on earth. Isn’t that the goal of the

psychopathic Eugenicists? Population reduction through starvation. Think they wouldn’t do it? Look up what happened in

the Ukraine Holodomor. The Zionist elite in charge now come from the same tribe and WOULD do it. Look up the

SAMSON OPTION and see how crazy they are for power.

Page 43: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf


20. Håkan says:

September 16, 2014 at 11:52 am

Thank you Dane!

Dialog with a madman, sad but true , we are victims of the largest crime against humanity in human history.


21. Jay says:

September 16, 2014 at 11:51 am

This is no scientist, it’s a brainwashed Nazi terrorist, the likes of which were imported to every university and research

facility in this country by our own administration, directly after the war, under the name “Project Paperclip.” With all these

Nazi collaborators guiding our scientific community, under the cloak of secrecy and with practically unlimited funding, is it

difficult to then imagine Nazi Amerika fostering an agenda that is best described as Hitler and Orwell’s love child?

Welcome to the Fourth Reich. Game, Set, Match….


o Charles says:

November 6, 2015 at 8:42 pm

The only question there is to ask is "What is the impact that this can have on Earth?" Can our industrial activities ie.

CO2 emissions truly cause the Methane Bomb to take off and get beyond our control and actually push the planet climate

towards Venus Syndrome ? Part of me believes it can, yet part of me thinks the Earth is bigger then human civilization's

impact to self destruct ourselves. But the rational part of me reads some very smart sounding writings that puts our time

frame to somewhere from 10 to 50 years !! And I know that I am not nearly smart enough to think otherwise !!

22. Robert Exter says:

September 16, 2014 at 11:41 am

Obviously this scientist is sure he is right and we should submit to his ideas. How many of us have thought we were right

only to find out we were wrong later? Just look at history and you can see how smart we’ve been. We should be

observers only, but not make a big mess. I say the scientist has been lied to by his pears to make him believe he is doing

good and that we are not smart enough to know what is right for us; he is arrogant. He reveals in his letter that the

programs do exist, which proves that Dane is right. I say that these arrogant scientists need a real job like working at

MacDonnalds where their abilities would be helpful and not damaging. I say MacDonnalds because they apparently know

how to do things on command without really thinking. It is obvious that we are in big trouble as with these ongoing

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programs our oceans will not be creating the natural evaporative cloud cover we need. Instead we are being poisoned

with chemicals by these government stooges and paying for their stupidity with tax dollars. Also, what does a US

Representative of have Senator have upstairs that makes them honorable or wise? We are in real trouble.


23. Francis Reps says:

September 16, 2014 at 10:41 am

Should we curse the Wright brothers for inventing powered flight ?. If not aircraft; these fools would be using Krupp

cannons to saturate our skies with chemicals.All of these disastrous activities have their funding from the central bank

FICTION of creating money from NOTHING with the blessings of all governments in our world.The astronomical costs of

geo engineering activities can only be met by spending FAKE money created out of thin air. Madison, Jefferson and

Jackson as well as the timid but accurate Ron Paul warned about the dangers of central banking . When these institutions

fail { and they will }, normal times will return, if there is a world to return to.


24. Gene Maynard says:

September 16, 2014 at 10:20 am

Dane I realize the game plan is to galvanize as many as possible and bring attention to the geoengineering travesty which

is calamitous. This is a noble plan and would to God it would be successful. History is not exactly replete with would-be

world conquerors/destroyers that have suddenly found their scruples and changed their ways. Neither is it replete with

men who have had their murderous ways exposed and then suddenly grown fearful. Men who undertake such endeavors

seem not to be subject to scruples or world opinion.

From what I can tell in the Bible, this is destined to get much worse. We are only in the beginning stages. Global dimming

is going to turn to total darkness. UV levels will spike and men will be scorched worldwide. All sea life is going to die. The

world’s trees and plants will not survive. Morgellon type diseases will be rampant.


25. Carol says:

September 16, 2014 at 9:49 am

I’m surprised that anyone can even understand what this person is saying! His sentence construction and communication

skills are terrible. He seems confused about the points he is trying to make, and his comments are garbled. I hope it isn’t

just me who is having difficulty understanding what he’s trying to say.


26. Kathleen Gabel says:

September 16, 2014 at 9:47 am

Page 45: Why Are They Spraying- Answers From An Insider.pdf

Our Earth Systems were Created in Perfect Balance. Earth has always Made its own Corrections to Maintain

Homeostasis. Business As Usual with No Regard for the Life Support Systems of Our Planet has brought us to the

Present Moment. These Programs are Operated Under Total Dishonesty. The Fact that the Global Power Structures

Condition The Populations with Intensive Propaganda so that The Public Wont Think There is Anything Unnatural

Happening in the Skies Speaks to the Cataclysm of These Programs. If GeoEngineering is Helping, then why Are they

LYING and HIDING it? If it is for the Public Good, it should be Celebrated. CLEARLY THESE PROGRAMS ARE BEING




27. Alarmed says:

September 16, 2014 at 9:40 am

my god. the level of evil and insanity is beyond belief. This creature has worms on the brain. He is insane. Evil beyond our

understanding of the word. Wait until their own family and friends. Their own property starts to die due to their own hand

and what they have done. The sounds just like the nazi’s in germany justifying the experiments they did to humans

because jews were not considered human. it is amazing how easy it is to convince a man that evil is good.

he reached out to you Dane because somewhere in his insanity is a small spot of logic. He wants you to tell him he is

doing good. he wants to be patted on the back for being the global ”hero” who is saving the planet. Him and his fellow

demons. He wants his ”accomplishment” to be approved and applauded. He wants ”thanks” from his victims.He wants his

victims to be grateful for being killed and sickened. A symptom of insanity.


28. Grace says:

September 16, 2014 at 9:14 am

This guy makes me sick! Your feedback is right on track with my thoughts as I read his propaganda!!