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Whose yourfather.june2014

Feb 16, 2017



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We need Fathers who will transform into Dad’s

Any male whose body is mature to produce can become a father. However, it takes a Man to become a Daddy. Dad’s are so overlooked because we get them confused with fathers. Now I have written about the ultimate FATHER who has given every man a wonderful example to follow. To The FATHER of Father’s our Creator, my Savior, my Healer, my Deliverer, my Counselor, my Everything to YOU; I write HAPPY FATHER’s DAY!

And to my wonderful Father who is also my wonderful Daddy; I write Happy Father’s Day to you.

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Who’s your FATHER?

HE is; the One who styled us from the manner in which we are made. HE is; the One that branded us by creating us with a spirit as HE is; Spirit. HE had given us HIS character and nature. We were to reflect HIS very nature. We have HIS image and likeness. Gen. 1:26

HE is; with us, HE blesses us and we are Abraham’s promise of being his descendant. Gen. 26:24

HE is; our Amazing Counselor, Strong GOD, Eternal FATHER, Prince of Wholeness. Is.9:6

ADONAI; the Redeemer , the one possessed of absolute control, our Living FATHER, Is.63:16

HE is; the potter, the sculptor, the worker. Is. 64:7

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HE is; the Savior. Jer. 31:7,9

HE is; the questioning FATHER. Mal. 1:6; 2:10

When we confess JESUS with our mouth that JESUS is the LORD and believe in our heart that GOD raised JESUS from the dead; we are saved and ADONAI say that we are HIS son’s and that on that day HE becomes our FATHER. HE is; a provider, HE will never walk away from us. HE is; the Rock of Salvation. HE is; Compassionate, sheer Grace and Mercy, calm and cool, Loving, forgiving, a separator from our sins, HE knows us intimately, Ps. 2:7, 27:10, 68:6

HE is; a disciplinarian, HE tells us that we must listen with respect to our earthly father. Prvbs. 3:12, 23:22

HE is; a promise keeper. HE is; blessed, great, mighty, victorious, majestic, ruler, the eternal FATHER, worthy of thanksgiving and praise just because of HIS name. 1 Chrn. 17:10-14, 29:10

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Our FATHER is too much for us to understand; yet we want to deny HIS existence. Well go to Job 38 and read that chapter in full. I will like to suggest that you read various translations such as the Complete Jewish, the Message, the Amplified and New King James Bibles. These will help in your understanding of who The FATHER really and truly is and who HE wants to be to you.

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Mt.5:16, 6:4,14-15, 18

In the natural children reflect character traits of their earthly father; they are just hard wired into their own personal character. It is that way in the spiritual also; we will reflect who our father is; be HE good or be he evil.

When our spiritual FATHER is the LORD GOD; we have an inner light that must be seen by others; this light will either draw people to praise the LORD GOD or the light will be too much for other to deal with and will cause them to repeal like roaches when a light is turned on and we see them scatter. In other words; our DAD is not to be kept a secret from others; too many of us tend to keep behind closed doors hiding JESUS as if we are ashamed of HIM. No, we are to allow our inner light to shine; to pierce through the darkness of this world. The light that our DADDY has placed within us shows our moral excellence and will cause praise to HIS name.

GOD your FATHER sees all that we do and HE will reward us accordingly. When we make a show of what we do to help others; what we are actually asking people to do is to look at us and we want their praise. Everything that we do must be for our FATHER‘s glory and not our own.

To be eloquent in speech when speaking with our heavenly FATHER is not a requirement. All we need to do is open our mouth and speak from our heart. Don’t be concerned with who can see you or who can hear you.

Our heavenly FATHER is forgiving. HE deals with recklessness and willfulness everyday and everyday HE forgives us.

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When was the last time your child bragged about you father/daddy? How does you child brag about you; does his / her face light up when your name of brought up or are they ashamed because you are not around? Or maybe you are around but you offer nothing but misery. Just what type of light have you given to your child to turn on; a bright; dim or blown out light?

Father / Daddy; when was the last time you spent time with your child teaching your child to do well not to be seen and admired by others but to do well in the helping of others and not looking for acknowledgments from others? When was the last time you watched your child from afar doing what they do without them knowing that you are watching so that you can see just who your child is when he or she knows that your eyes are not on him/her? And once you have come to see the real son and or daughter that you have; have you rewarded their endeavors accordingly? This helps to correct, encourage, inspire and teach them.

Do you make time or stop and take the time to listen to your child when they want or need to speak with you? Listening is the key; to sit there and actually listen to what he / she is saying to you and if need be respond. A child needs that communication with his / her dad; it’s so very important; it’s in these times that the child’s heart is truly revealed.

No matter what dumb thing your child does and says; forgive. Remember; there is nothing at all perfect about you anywhere. Discipline and teach consequences but most of all forgive and leave it alone.

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Mt. 7:11, 21; 10:32; 11:27

The heavenly FATHER keeps giving good things to those who keep asking of HIM.

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants.

The heavenly FATHER acknowledges HIS children.

The heavenly FATHER is the only One who truly knows HIS SON and sons and daughters.

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Children of the most High GOD; we have a heavenly FATHER who when asked will give us good things when we ask for them. After all; this is just one of the duties of a father and this is what a good father does. I get why we expect so much less from our heavenly FATHER if our earthly father has gotten this requirement wrong. However, the heavenly FATHER is not sinful like man; HE is completely perfect and HE is a promise keeper. We don’t have to bargain with our DADDY all we need to do is be direct with HIM.

Here is a lesson that even I have had to learn because I have always given people the benefit of the doubt. However, just because a person says Lord or will say it multiple times does not mean that they know the LORD and the LORD knows that person. Church’s are filled with religious people that know how to play church; they know what to say but they don’t know how or refuse to live in the manner in which our FATHER desires us to live. So let’s not get excited when we hear a person say all the right things but get excited in their obedience to the will of the FATHER. This is my personal opinion and no one need get on board with me; however, I sincerely believe that the reason most proclaimed Christians don’t understand who their FATHER is; is because they have not established a loving relationship with HIM and that they are too afraid to openly acknowledge HIM against the popular public opinion.

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Tell me what type of father in his right mind would not acknowledge his child? Key word being one who is not in his right mind. Sin destroys the mind; fathers deny their children and children are denying their fathers. However, a child denies their father out of rejection; either the child knows and understands that the father does not want him / her or the child knows nothing about his / her father. Either way; it’s rejection. It’s the same thing that we do with JESUS; because we don’t know JESUS we deny JESUS and because we deny JESUS we deny and reject the heavenly FATHER. Because of the love that The FATHER has for humankind; HE does not want to reject us. HE see’s that we are rejected, hurting and angry from being fatherless. So, JESUS; continues to come after us; the invitation to become a child of the heavenly FATHER is there for us all. Stop rejecting JESUS and be accepted. No one truly knows the SON except The FATHER and so it should be with the father towards his son or daughter. And just as our fathers should know us like no other does we should know our fathers as no one else does. Fathers, it is crucial that you build loving everlasting relationships with your children that will tell them and the world that you are not only your child’s father; you are also your child’s daddy.

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Mt. 16:15-17; 18:14

Who’s your child’s father?

Who’s father does not know where his child is?

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Even JESUS asked that question of HIS disciples; but when I ask you that question it’s to get you to understand that we as humans all have two fathers. One is our earthly father and the other is our spiritual father. In the natural we have no choice of who our father is; that decision belongs to GOD; HIMSELF. But in the spirit we do have a choice but the choice must be learned. Because when we were born of the flesh the choice had already been made for us by the disobedience of our earthly fleshly ancestor Adam. And we come into this world already marked with the curse of sin though we are innocent of any crime; yet according to Psalms 51:5; “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity (sin), and in sin my mother conceived me”. In the Jewish Bible the Word tells us that sin confronts us daily. One day we will hear the gospel or someone will want to introduce us to JESUS; this is the time when we will be able to choose. To keep the devil as our spiritual father and remain in darkness or to allow JESUS into our hearts so that HIS FATHER our Creator GOD to adopt us and walk in the light.

No father should have to ask where his child is. A loving father always knows where his child is because he has already established a relationship with his child that where ever his child will like to be; his child will ask and or inform his father of his / her where about.

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Mt. 23:9; 26:39, 42

Why do you call him father?

Is your child willing to go all out for you; to obey you with complete faith and trust?

What and why does your child have such great faith and trust in you?

If you could measure your child’s love; just how much love could you honestly say that your child have for you?

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Call no man your father on the earth; constitute no man the father of your relationship in CHRIST JESUS. No man is the author, director, founder, and governor, of it.

GOD only must be allowed as the FATHER of our spirits; Heb. 12:9. Our relationship must not be derived from or made to depend on any man. We are born again to the spiritual and divine life, not of corruptible seed, but by the word of GOD; not of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of GOD. The will of man is not the author of our relationship and must not be the rule of our relationship with CHRIST JESUS.

One is our FATHER, who is in heaven. GOD is our FATHER, and is All in all in our relationship with HIM. HE is the Life of it; it’s Founder; the Fountain of it and its LORD. HE alone, is the Original, our spiritual life is derived from HIM and HE is the One on whom we are to depend. HE is the FATHER of all lights that; One FATHER from whom all things are in HIM.

JESUS CHRIST having taught us to say, Our FATHER, who is in heaven.

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There is not one man on earth that does good and sin not. Therefore no one is fit to be called Father of our spirit. And because we only have one FATHER we should have a strong desire to want to please HIM. We may or may not understand what HE has in store for us; however, we are to trust in HIM completely.

Our FATHER is our LORD; our entire heart should belong to HIM; our FATHER is the only One who will successfully direct our paths. This is why JESUS did the complete will of the FATHER. Don’t believe that for one moment JESUS wanted to die; what man is every ready to die? However, because HE had complete and total faith in HIS FATHER; HE was able to restore mankind back to our creator so that we too may call HIM FATHER.

It’s acceptable to call the father of our flesh father for love and respect sake.

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Luke 2:48-49

When his parents saw him, they were shocked; and his mother said to him, “Son! Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been terribly worried looking for you!” 49 He said to them, “Why did you have to look for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be concerning myself with my Father’s affairs?” CJBV

How many of us know the difference between a father and a daddy? A father is the one which is your ancestor biologically. A daddy however; is the one who puts in the quality time; the one who is there for the child mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. JESUS has the best of both just as most of us do. Let me remind you of this fact; GOD is Spirit and those that worship HIM must do so in spirit and in truth; John 4:24. GOD the FATHER did not come down from heaven to do fatherly things as we know how a father is with his children. This is why HE gave JESUS an earthly father who would; his name is Joseph. How many of us have ever compared the two fathers up to see who lacked what?

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Joseph, the earthly father of JESUS.

Earthly provider

1. Clothes

2. Education

3. Food

4. Job skill

5. Shelter

Whatever JESUS needed in the natural; Joseph was there to see that his son received it.

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GOD The FATHER; JESUS biological Father.

Spiritual provider 1. Clothes

2. Education

3. Food

4. Job skill

5. Shelter

For every natural need that we have; there is a spiritual parallel equivalent.

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From what I studied; I did not see a lack on Joseph’s part; yet, Joseph is spoken of like a second class citizen from us and we need to stop this. In fact JESUS loves; obeyed and respected HIS earthly father. They were in the family business together;

Joseph and Son Carpentry


Makers of all your family furniture.

And JESUS loves, obeys and respects HIS biological FATHER as well. They too are in the family business together;

FATHER and SON adoption.


To redeem; save; heal; deliver and provide you with a living eternal life filled with an eternal inheritance.

From the very beginning JESUS explained that HE must be about HIS FATHER’s business and HE never once strayed from that goal and vision. JESUS fulfilled every task set before HIM from HIS FATHER.

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Please read the scriptures below to see how many times JESUS acknowledge that HE is the SON of the Living GOD? And then go on a greater adventure and search throughout the gospels to find out if I omitted any.

Matthew 18

Mark 2

Luke 9

John 56

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And GOD the FATHER acknowledged JESUS as HIS SON several times also. Just as before; do you think you will read further through the gospels to see if I omitted any scriptures that will show just how many other times The FATHER acknowledged that JESUS is HIS SON?

Matthew 2

Mark 3

Luke 3

John 9

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Throughout the gospels JESUS kept referring to HIS FATHER as our or The FATHER. I think that HE wanted us to get used to the fact that HE is someone with we can have a loving relationship with. Some of us may not have a living father; others may have to deal with the shame of having an absent father. Because our heavenly FATHER knew that this will be the case for some; he has blessed us with dads. These great men of honor fill in that gap left on us by our fathers. This is so that there will not be this large hole in our hearts in the shape of a father. These dads are there for us emotionally, financially, mentally and physically much like Joseph was there for his son JESUS. JESUS biological FATHER was not an absent FATHER; HE did not clothe HIMself to be a Father to HIMself [in a sense]. However, GOD did cloth HIMself to be a son; JESUS being full man and full GOD took on the likeness of sinful flesh; yet HE knew no sin. Romans 8:3, GOD sending HIS own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh; 1 Timothy 3:16, GOD was manifest in the flesh. You know every person who claims to be a son or daughter of the Living GOD can call HIM FATHER. However, many of us don’t feel comfortable to do so. Why is that? Also many of us who claim to be Christians; don’t follow what the FATHER has for us and many of us don’t share what the FATHER has in store for others. If we are to take on the title Christian; then we must be about our FATHER’s business in every way.

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1. We must first become obedient to the FATHER’s will.

2. Secondly, live a life of forgiveness, grace, love and mercy just as the FATHER gives to us all day and every day.

3. Lastly, we must tell others of the FATHER’s love; ensure with others how the FATHER sees life for us; speak in the manner in which our heavenly FATHER desires us to speak; hear HIS words. Take on HIS character and people will see your integrity as being befitting of a kingdom child and citizen of heaven.

JESUS never did anything for HIS own pleasure because HIS pleasure was to fulfill the will of the FATHER. We must always take self inventory so that we can question ourselves as to which father are we serving. Hopefully; each day we will willfully fulfill the will of The FATHER.

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Luke 6:36; 22:29

Father’s you must be compassionate.

Our FATHER in heaven is a compassionate FATHER. And the product of HIS children should live and produce compassion as well. Sometimes it can be difficult to be compassionate to people; believe me I know. Bless those of you who have this anointing that oozes from you. I had a god-mother like this and during her final service of life; many who spoke of her; testified about the compassion and love she placed on others. Then there’s us folk who require a diligence to make up our minds daily to be compassionate and loving towards others. We will have to make it up in our minds to reflect compassion just as our FATHER shows us compassion according to our thoughts; what we give our sight to; our ears to; what we speak and what we do. None of us are perfect not even the ones who go around with these exalted titles which come across as if they have it altogether. We all must spend quality time reading and seeing how JESUS showed compassion on all. Even when HE showed anger at the temple; HE turned around and began to heal those who were sick; Mt. 21:14. When we move in compassion towards others; we are more apt to do those things that JESUS has done and do them far greater; Jn.14:12, HE would have not done those great works had HE no compassion. Here is another example at how I'm certain JESUS was amazed with people. JESUS would say “you of little faith”? Meaning that JESUS was telling them that they did / do not trust HIM. And this is that same fact today; where is our faith; why don’t we trust HIM in everything?

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Father’s what appointments have you set up for your children?

When children have father’s present in their lives together they build a loving relationship that can’t be destroyed. They share intimate details with one another that goes from one heart to another. In this together a father works out an appointment for his child’s future. What kind of future are you preparing for your child? Your child’s destiny can be formed positively or negatively by your absence or presence father. When I studied this verse of scripture I came to realize this for myself and others with me. We have a divine appointment that should be kept with The Savior? Is there anyone reading this magazine that does not know what that appointment is? JESUS has given us all an appointment to dine with HIM at HIS table in HIS Kingdom and to judge with HIM and the twelve. That’s right count them; the 12 tribes of Israel. Bet you thought that was a done deal didn’t you? Well, the twelve tribes of Israel still exist they may or may not know themselves; I don’t know. However, my question to you is; do you plan to keep your appointment with JESUS? How do you plan to keep this appointment and do you know what it means to keep this appointment? The answer is completely found in our believing solely on JESUS The CHRIST alone as the beloved SON of the FATHER and that JESUS is the one who took our sins onto HIMself; JESUS is the one who died for us and JESUS is the one who rose from the dead for us.

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We have got to believe this in the core of our heart and be able to confess this as effortlessly as we confess our very own name. Oh, what kind of FATHER do we have that will forgive us for the unjustly trial; the lies; the unmerciful beatings; the character assassination; the parading of a beaten man; the serving of feces and sour wine then the act of murder towards the man? It was an action because man can’t kill JESUS. This is why in the scripture we are informed that JESUS gave up HIS Spirit; meaning that HIS Spirit was not taken from HIM. Yet, the FATHER of JESUS who wants to be our FATHER stands with HIS arms open and a heart filled with LOVE to forgive us; all because JESUS asked HIM to; and because JESUS completed HIS work successfully here on earth. So if we will believe in JESUS completely we will be forgiven of everything in our past, present and future. This is what Grace is all about. Without the Grace of the FATHER we don’t stand a chance. And it’s because we don’t understand grace that we don’t exercise grace towards others; especially our fathers for being lousy fathers. Look, it’s hurtful to have a father who abandons you; it’s hurtful to have a father who abuses you; it’s hurtful to have a father who does not spend any quality time with you or lies to you. But as crazy as this sounds; that’s none of your business how your father treats you; it’s your business how you treat your father. The Word of GOD informs us to “honor our fathers”.

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John 3:35; 4:23; 5:18-21, 23

Father’s do you love your children?

When a father loves his child; he will always place something in his child’s hands that is beneficial. This in and of itself proves that the father is not a stranger but a friend and a daddy because benefits continually give. A fatherless child has empty hands; detriments are found in the hands of a fatherless child; because they have strangers coming and going in and out of their lives continually taking away. So many people want to down play who JESUS is but the FATHER does not down play who JESUS is. The FATHER makes it very plain as to the authority that JESUS possesses by letting us know that HE has placed everything into HIS hands. Now here is a little definition lesson for those of us who don’t understand just what the word everything is.

Everything: all, all in all, all things, each thing, every little thing, lock-stock and barrel, sum total, the works, universe, whole.

I think that takes care of that; there is no way-no how anyone can take the definition to everything and mess it up unless they want to by not accepting that The FATHER has placed everything into the hands of HIS SON; JESUS.

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Who are you worshipping

When we think of worshipping another; what usually comes to mind? The adoration of our favorite entertainer be they actor/tress; sports; singer or someone who is in the lime light. And you wouldn’t be wrong; the adoration for those we greatly admire are shown outwardly with cheers; the purchase of merchandise; the attendance to go see them perform and so on. We get so involved in their ability to entertain us that we believe that we actually know the person as an individual and not as an everyday guy or gal who sleeps eats, baths and works. Yet, when they do something that is too far to the extreme; then we are ready to dethrone them and we no longer want to worship them. This is why an all knowing GOD who is a caring FATHER lets us know that we must not worship HIM outwardly but inwardly. Our worship must come from our spirit. A spirit that has been awakened by JESUS can’t help but to worship The FATHER with more than the mouth. We read the Word of GOD and we are prone to worship; we speak about the goodness, the grace, the mercy, the forgiveness, the favor and so on that we get and have from our FATHER and we are prone to worship. We can’t just sit back and think about GOD as being our FATHER and not worship HIM it’s totally impossible; it’s like trying to live without oxygen. Do you realize that whoever your father is makes you equal with him?

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Being the son/daughter of your father gives you privilege or shame depending on the character of your father. Now if your FATHER is the same FATHER of JESUS; you are in the greatest company and you are equal with The FATHER just as JESUS is equal with The FATHER. There is no better character than the character of The FATHER. It was this knowledge of equality that people wanted to kill JESUS. It was not for the good that HE was doing at all; why would it be, after all people were benefiting from HIS good works. But going around proclaiming that you are the Son of The Most High GOD was just more than they could bear. However, this example set for us is what we too are to follow; stop calling HIM the man upstairs and respect HIM as your FATHER. Those who refer to HIM as the man upstairs don’t know who HE is. But you do. Tell people who your FATHER is and follow in your FATHER’s footsteps. JESUS only did just what HIS FATHER did. Just as The FATHER showed JESUS everything; JESUS has shown us everything through HIMself. Nothing is hidden from us. We can do everything that JESUS did and I do mean everything if we only believe and walk by faith and not by sight. In this and in obedience; we obey The FATHER because by following that which JESUS has left us with; we are showing honor towards HIM. And in honoring JESUS; we honor The FATHER.

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John 6:32, 57

Father’s how are you providing bread to your children to sustain life for them?

In what way does your child live through you?

In most cultures fathers don’t realize that they place their seal on their child. That seal is like a signet ring; for example; the movie Ben Hur. Judah Ben-Hur was taken prisoner; enslaved; set free to race horses; became victorious as a charioteer and then becomes the adopted son to the one who once held him captive. Well, so that everyone will know that he has the full authority of not only his father but the power of the office that his father possessed in Rome a signet ring was placed on his finger. Then came the time when Judah Ben-Hur came before his once beloved best friend who has now become his worst enemy. The once long time friend who has now become an enemy is familiar with the name of the Charioteer from Rome but has no idea it’s his onetime childhood friend; Judah-Ben Hur. He has never seen the face of the man associated with the famous name [Judah-Ben Hur was using his adopted name]. Once face to face Judah Ben-Hur gave his enemy an order that now his enemy had to obey and placed utter fear in his heart. However, before he followed through with this he wanted to know how and why he should do as Judah Ben-Hur requested; he took a tablet that was coated in wax and bared his signet ring which is the seal of the authority in which he walked. How much more authority do we who are the children of The Most High GOD have because we are sealed by HIM?

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It’s the exact same as that in which JESUS has because just as JESUS is in heaven so are we here in the earth. Now if that is difficult for you to understand let me use another example; when a man and woman marry she takes the name of her husband. Why? Because now he cloaks her in his authority, he gives to her the same right and privileges that he has. His credit is now her credit; his problems are now her problems; his praise is now her praise; his success is now her success. His name means something; that is if he has a good character. And it’s the same for the child of that father; that child has full freedom to be and to do because he or she is the son or the daughter of this father. A neighbor; a co-worker; a student; a stranger does not have the privilege that your child has because they don’t have your seal. A father is a provider; he does not sit around seeing a need and does nothing about it. He will work twenty hours on one job if he has to or work two, three or more part time jobs just to make sure that his family is well provided for. He does not place his family in danger; he is a protector and a teacher. A father always makes time for his children; nothing is more important than spending time with his children when he’s at home. He realizes that children are young and impressionable for such a short time and he must make the most of this precious time. GOD The FATHER is the ONE who draws us towards HIS beloved SON and places us in HIS care. A father makes definite sure that his children has food to eat. When your earthly father follow these examples; provides, protects, teaches, approachable, cares and feeds you; he is an alright dude in my book. I hope that you remember to honor him.

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John 8:28, 38

To father’s who have young kids; what are you teaching your children to say? What do your children repeat that they have heard you say from your mouth? Most people have it wrong; I grew up with this from my elders; “do as I say not as I do”. However, this is not how people operate; people learn not only from sound but from sight. What is shown and told is imperative. So remember to show and tell what you want your child to learn.

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John 10:17-18, 29, 30, 36, 38

JESUS is so Wonderful; HE tells us in plain terms as to why HIS FATHER loves HIM so. It’s because JESUS lays down HIS life in order for HIM to take it up again! There is no question as to why HE has to die; no reasoning to find another answer; just pure, unadulterated faith in HIS FATHER to not leave HIM there in hell and in the grave to rot. JESUS volunteers to lay down HIS life; it’s HIS own free will; HE’s not killed; HE’s not murdered; because no human has the power within them to remove the Spirit from JESUS. [I mentioned this before on a previous page]. Only JESUS can dismiss HIS Spirit. And only JESUS has the power to rise again of HIS own free will and this is what HE did. No devil could contain HIM. The FATHER gave HIS Son a commandment and JESUS carried that out to the very end. It is imperative to know who your father / FATHER is meaning your earthly and spiritual Father’s. Every human is born with an earthly father; some great; some good; some bad; some rotten. Every human is born with a spiritual father; the devil because we are all born into sin and he is the father of sin. Many of you will like to think that GOD is your FATHER but you will be wrong; GOD is the Creator of us all without any doubt. However, to have GOD become our FATHER; we must accept, believe, confess and have faith in JESUS The CHRIST. Once GOD becomes our FATHER then we can proclaim with assurance that HE is our FATHER and not blaspheme this fact. A true father and his children are always united. And vice-versa.

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John 14:6-13, 16, 20-21, 23-24, 26

When JESUS begins to speak HE says “I AM”. Now this should mean something and bring excitement to bible students. Take a quick flip to Exodus 3:14. The way of escape was provided for the Israelites with Moses and Aaron through JESUS by the FATHER then and nothing has changed today. We all need away of escape and it’s not found in the abuse of this world and all that it has to offer as it drags us down as we fulfill the lust of our flesh. When we come to truly know JESUS then we will come to truly know The FATHER; it’s impossible to know one without the other. Father’s you need to be the I am in your house hold. You see when The FATHER told Moses that HE is the I AM; what HE was saying is that I AM all that you need for your every need. Father’s your child need you; when I was growing up my father was strength; funny; bank; driver and so on. You can be the I am to your child but what you don’t want to be is the I am not. I am not there; I am not reliable; I am not honest; I am not trustworthy; I am not employed; I am not educated;; I am not a provider and so on. I’m sure that if you have read this far into the magazine you have seen the rhythm of who The FATHER is and you can be a follower of HIS example if you truly want to be. Don’t allow the fact that you yourself is fatherless cause you to hand down that same curse to your child.

When JESUS was preparing to leave this earth; HE gave HIS disciples a promise which has been going strong for centuries. HE said that HE asked The FATHER to give us a Counselor who is just like HIM. He is the Spirit of Truth and He will remain with us forever. This means to me that once He comes to me that He will never, ever leave me.

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In the scripture JESUS said that seeing HIM is seeing the FATHER. Well that was good when HE was physically here on earth. Today, JESUS is physically sitting on HIS throne on the right side of HIS FATHER. So how are we to see The FATHER now when JESUS is no longer physically here. Simple; the closer we walk with JESUS the better we see JESUS and the better we see The FATHER. The deeper our relationship with JESUS is developed we will be able to look in the mirror and recognize that JESUS is looking right back at us. Didn’t the Word of GOD tell us that we are created in HIS image? No we don’t look like HIM physically; however, the Word washes us clean and we are transformed daily and it is possible to one day look in the mirror and see that you look different. Better, youthful, less sin on your face and more righteousness is coming through; your eyes are brighter. I'm so very thankful to have such a compassionate and caring FATHER; HE has been looking out for me since before HE hung the first star in the sky.

There are so many readers who are reading this magazine who are hungry and thirsty to be loved. JESUS and HIS FATHER is the purest LOVE. LOVE this pure is The FATHER and JESUS. JESUS had twelve disciples and only one disciple named John knew how greatly he was loved. John was the only disciple who stuck it out to the bitter end; it was him and the women. Now the others were loved by JESUS and The FATHER the same but it makes a difference when you know that you are loved. So you can say that you love someone until you turn colors randomly; however, if you don’t show that you love; how true is it? The FATHER and JESUS loves us and we can say that we love The FATHER and we can say that we love JESUS but if we are not being obedient we are only fooling ourselves. What commands have you read from JESUS? What commands are you keeping that JESUS gave? JESUS, HIMself has said that keeping HIS commands is a reflection of our love for HIM. So if we want to be loved by The FATHER and see JESUS; just do as HE ask.

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But you said that we are loved because JESUS and The FATHER are pure LOVE. We are; however, the best way to explain this type of love is to look to the conversation between JESUS and Peter in John 21:16-17. JESUS asked Peter if he loved HIM; however, Peter though his response was that he does; he actually heard a judgment; a deliberate choice and this is why he responded in the manner in which he did. So when JESUS asked the question the third and final time; Peter no longer heard the judgment but the attachment and the peculiar, personal affection that JESUS has for him. It’s the same with us; we don’t know the attachment that The FATHER desires to have with us; we don’t know the peculiar and personal affection that HE wants to lavish on us. What we experience is a love of judgment because we are guilty of being in the wrong. Aren’t you tired yet of always feeling guilty? When The FATHER sends us HIS Holy Spirit to remind us of all the teachings of JESUS The CHRIST we will be able to stand against the adversary.

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John 15:1, 8-9, 15-16, 23-24, 26

Father’s your children are your vines; they are to cling to you by means of support. However, if you the gardener is missing in action what happens to these vines. They dry up and blow away! A gardener is skilled as he cultivates; as he cares for his garden. He works to take care of his garden; he does not leave it for another gardener to tend. And what happens when the vine is well cared for? That vine produces appealing fruit.

If there are any readers of this magazine who has not made a decision to trust GOD as his/her FATHER because of the father you have on earth. I beg you; not from experience, because my father was my daddy. But because; I want you to trust that every Word spoken from The FATHER to you through JESUS is True. You are loved and it’s time that you stop being a slave to your spiritual father the devil. Look at your life; aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Don’t you want better? The FATHER desires only the very best for you; this is why HE sent us HIS only begotten Son who was born of a virgin woman; who took on the entire sins of this world onto HIS flesh; who was buried and who rose for you and now sits at the right hand of The FATHER. At this very moment HE is praying for you; HE wants you to come to HIM; HE wants to be your big brother; HE wants you to have the same FATHER that HE has. JESUS wants to call you HIS friend; HE wants you to know all there is to know about HIM and The FATHER. JESUS is coming after you because HE knows that you will never come after HIM and HE wants you to become appealing fruit and HE wants you to come to The FATHER asking HIM whatever in JESUS name that HE may give it to you.

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John 16:15, 23, 25-28; 32

When it comes to my earthly father; I would like to think that I'm an heir to what he desires to leave to me and my four siblings. However, it’s not a guarantee; because he has a divided heart. Does he have less love for me or my four siblings? No. However, truth be told; though my father as loving as he was and is and as much as he saw that all my needs where met; all I had to do was ask. He did not raise me but the children of other men. And though my blood siblings and I are the rightful heirs legally and we have his DNA; he has the full right to dole out his possessesions however he sees fit. I don’t know if he has a will; he’s not discussed that with me being that I'm the eldest born and that he is not married. However, I do have a FATHER who has left a will and I do know what I have a right to and I joyfully share them with my blood siblings all over this world who share the same DNA as I do with our heavenly DADDY. Everything that The FATHER had HE gave to JESUS who in turn gave to believers in HIM.

Believers, The FATHER Loves us because we love JESUS and believe that JESUS came from The FATHER.

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There are times when every human experiences being lonely but here is the difference. A believer will experience being lonely for a short while; yet, will never be alone. Because The FATHER will always be right there with HIS child. A non-believer will experience being lonely for a short while; yet, will be alone. Because their father will never be right there with them; unless it’s to laugh and ridicule them. To throw accusations at them to cause them to feel a deeper sense of anger; anxiety; bitterness; depression; exhaustion; frustration; guilt; hate; isolation; jealousy; meanness; nastiness; oppression; passive aggressiveness; quarrelsome; resentfulness; sully; tumultuous; unsettled; venomous; worrisome; just to name a few.

It is true with JESUS towards HIS relationship with HIS FATHER and it’s true with our relationship with our fathers. How we glorify our fathers is based on how our fathers glorified us. It is so evident which child has a father who is attentive in his or her life; in a perfect world the father would reside in the home with the mother and child; providing and protecting. However, we don’t live in a perfect world and I will use myself as an example as I so often do.

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My daddy at some point in my life actually lived in, provided for and protected his family in which I am a product of. I know this because like I stated earlier I am the first born of more sibs; unfortunately, I don’t have any remembrance of his living in the home with me. What I do have a remembrance of was seeing him always; of him providing for me; of me making request and he fulfilling them; of him listening to me when I talked; of his coming to events he was invited to or visiting me when sick. He glorified me and I in turn; glorify him. Dear ones; for whatever unfortunate reason our fathers are absent from our homes that does not mean that they must be or need be absent from our lives. We are here of no effort of our own; it is up to our fathers to guard us just as The FATHER guards us in the power of the name of JESUS to be one with each other. We begin by being united to our mothers via the umbilical cord then detached. The mother’s role from the beginning was to nurture us and that is it outside of the womb also. Fathers; it’s now up to you to unite yourselves to your children. Fathers; you need to understand that through your actions the result is not a mistake; GOD desired for you to be the father of this child for some reason. HE gave you, your child or children so that the world will see your glory. Don’t pump your chest out in self pride thinking that you are a man because you made a baby; any mature body boy with a mature body girl can do that. Being a man who is a father whose child brings him glory will give his daddy praise and honor.

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John 17:11, 24-25

Father’s; you can be like The FATHER when it comes to your children. Even when you are not able to be with them; let’s be realistic; no parent can be with a child twenty-four hours a day. However, during those times when you can’t be with your child; your very name should have positive power for your child. When I was a child and an adult wanted to get my attention; all that had to be said was “do I need to call your father”? Attention received. I did not fear my dad; but I did respect my dad and I did know that my dad spoke with authority in my hearing and without yelling or cussing me out. Honestly, I only have one memory of my daddy giving me a spanking; for what I don’t recall. Remember, GOD has given you, your child for whatever reason HE wanted you to have that precious gift from HIM. So even in your absence your children should be present with you in your heart. This means from time to time; you will be proned to think about them. What is it that they stand in need of; how can you improve in a particular area; what can you do to make life more enjoyable and memorable for them? What is it that your child has said or done that you remember that brings a smile or laughter to your heart that is shown on your face or heard from your mouth? This is a reflection of your glory, fathers.

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Acts 13:33

If you are fatherless; I'm sure it hurts. Some of you are adopted and angry because of that. But I have great news for you both.

1. First for the fatherless ones; today you no longer need to be fatherless.

Today, you can get a FATHER and a DADDY all at once if you want; the decision is yours and it all opens up for you when you;





that JESUS is the Son of the Living GOD.


JESUS did die on the cross for you.

JESUS was raised three days later from the grave.

JESUS Is sitting on the right hand of HIS FATHER praying for you.

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2. For those who have fathers but you are upset to find out that your father is not your

biological father.

For whatever reason there is; your adopted father,

found you

has you for his child

loves you

cares for you

protected or protects you

provided for or provides for you

You are double blessed because not only where you loved enough not to have been aborted; you were loved enough to have been chosen from all the other babies and children surrounding you. When JESUS finds us lost and abandoned; HE rescues us; cleans us up and presents us to HIS FATHER who will adopt us as HIS very own son and daughter.

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Whatever JESUS has a right to; we have a right too. Whatever JESUS can do; we can do also. There is no differential with our FATHER; HE does not call us HIS adopted son or daughter; HE calls us HIS son or daughter. We are heirs to all of HIS promises. We have access to those promises right now; we don’t have to wait until we die to have it; what good will that do us then? Actually, life will be far greater once we get to be with HIM in the manner HE deems fit when the time comes. So enjoy the promises that our FATHER has given to us now and live in the freedom of being his son or daughter.

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Romans 4:17; 8:15

GOD is a FATHER who gives life to dead things. GOD does not kill to have; no, HE gives life in order to have. HE gives life so that we can have. Dear fathers your role as dad maybe dead; you may think that there is no hope and that all is lost. That you just can’t repair the destruction that you caused. Well, you are right; you can’t. But GOD The FATHER can; nothing is impossible for HIM. HE will give life to that dead relationship between you and your children. Just believe and trust in HIM. Will it happen overnight; in a week; in a month; probably not. However, anything worth having is worth sticking around for with staying power and never giving up. Your father may have given up on you but you don’t have to give up on your child. That nonexistent relationship will exist just believe; trust in JESUS to make it so.

Dear fathers, this is one of the many things I find cool with The Heavenly FATHER. HE does not give you a reason to fear HIM; HE does not want you to fear HIM; HE will not place a spirit of fear in you, on you or anywhere near you. HE does not want you to become a slave to fear; HE does not want you to return to the hell that you are so very familiar with. What HE does want you to have is HIS spirit that will enable HIM to call you HIS son. What HE does want you to have is HIS spirit that will create that ease for you to call HIM, FATHER. What HE does want you to have is HIS spirit so that you will come to HIM with boldness to ask of HIM or just talk with HIM or to tell him one of your corny jokes with total ease like speaking with a friend. HE not only wants to be your FATHER, fathers. HE wants to be your DADDY.

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2 Corinthians 1:3; 6:18 Galatians 4:6 Fathers are compassionate; they encourage and

they comfort their children. Fathers, if you did not have a father like this; don’t you want to be a father like this to your child? I know that your children will be honored to call you their father with traits like those.

Now to be sons and daughters of The Most High GOD; we must first come to know HIS Son JESUS. Only through HIM are we to hear and see The FATHER as we are to. Once we receive JESUS in full then we will want to receive the same Spirit that’s within JESUS. By having HIS same Spirit; we will have the boldness, the confidence to call The FATHER of JESUS our FATHER as well.

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Ephesians 1:17; 2:18; 4:6; 6:2

As stated before; a father is a provider. One of the definitions to the word provider is to take careful precautions. In order to take precautions you must be able to see clearly and no one can see clearly if their eyes are closed or if there is an obstruction which prevents clear vision. Another way to take precaution is to be able to take instruction through advisement. Now because The FATHER is a provider HE wants HIS children to have also the spirit of wisdom which will arm us with the ability to see clearly and the ability to listen and follow instructions.

I’ve got some great news; all over the world we have sisters and brothers that we can communicate with. We all have in common the fact that we all have access to our FATHER because of one Spirit. The GOD who created all; HE does not have step-children or grandchildren, we are HIS children. HE works through us all; HE is ruler over all.

Dear readers, GOD has a promise for you that truly benefit you. Honor your father; you may have a million plus reasons and then again you may have only one for not honoring your father. Before I go on allow me to clarify something for you. Your anger and hurt is justifiable. However, holding on to that anger and hurt harms no one but you. You are the one being held captive as a prisoner to your emotions of the past. You may have been able to inform your father of how he has caused you to become angry with him or how he has hurt you; then again, not. Either way; you are the one who has the key; you are the one who can set yourself free. So what must you do? First, forgive your father for all the things he has done to anger you and forgive your father for all the things he has said or did to hurt you.

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1. After you have forgiven your father and if you have to do this for your own sanity for awhile; you may need to love your father from afar until you allow GOD to deliver and heal the relationship between you and your father. So what does this mean; does this mean that you are letting your father off the hook? Absolutely not. If possible by informing your father either orally or by a hand written letter; you let him know what he has done to you. This puts him in a position to first evaluate his mistakes and make room for change. However, this does not mean that he will.

2. Secondly, you can now be healed and receive the ability to honor your father .

Though you may think that you are not ready to see or hear him; your FATHER will place your father on your heart; you will think of him; you will [if you know where he is] go to catch glimpses of him; you will make sure that he is not suffering; you will make sure that his later years are comfortable. And it maybe during this tender moment in time that your father will finally ask you to forgive him and you will without hesitation simply say; yes.

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Colossians 1:12

2 Thessalonians 2:16 We need to take a moment to thank our FATHER;

because HE made it possible for us to fit into HIS plans; HE made it possible for us to share in the inheritance. Think about it; right at this very moment there is a great hype about a movie and a book in regards to hell being real. HeLlO! There is also a book called the Bible that tells us the unadulterated truth about hell and that hell was never designed for humans and that GOD does not want us to go there. However, if this movie and book are getting people to believe that hell is real great; if this movie and book is pointing people towards JESUS better and if The FATHER gains another child out of this superb. All in all; we must be reminded to thank our FATHER that we were included and not left out.

Our FATHER Loves us by HIS Grace we have eternal comfort and a good hope. Oh, let’s break this way down. In our DADDY’s Grace we have HIS mercy, clemency, pardon, favor, immunity, moral strength, goodwill, help, kindness, friendship and forgiveness just to name a few. In our DADDY’s comfort we are soothed, consoled, reassured, cheered, encouraged, supported, relieved, strengthened, eased and made well. In our DADDY’s hope we have confidence, the ability to believe and desire the best, trust, rely and to look forward to something.

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Hebrews 12:7

Fathers, another avenue to show your children that you love them is to discipline them. Now children are knuckleheads; every child including you was brain damaged at one time and it took some good old fashioned discipline to help us all out. Now understand dear fathers that there is a world of difference between discipline and abuse. I watch my son in-law in how he disciplines his son this is his method. He first yells at him then he wallops him. Now my suggestion would be as follows with some slight changes;

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Ask the child to help you to understand why he / she did or said whatever.

After the two of you have a good understanding of why your child did or said, whatever

Apply discipline

I have also learned that the best times to not discipline is when you are running red hot; you may need to cool off then deal with the situation later. The child may think he / she is off the hook but you will know better. Always keep those little buggers guessing. The whole lot of them is against us grown-ups anyway. We gotta stand together; (lol).

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1 John 2:1; 3:1, 9; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18

Besides The FATHER showing us just how much HE Loves us by offering up HIS only begotten Son. And JESUS being obedient not only for the Love of HIS FATHER but for the Love that HE too has for us. Died for us and raised from the dead for us; now is the Advocate for us with The FATHER when we sin though we don’t have a need to sin or are no longer slaves to sin. This is the assured hope that The FATHER is not sitting up in heaven mad at us when we mess up.

What type of love is this that we have from our FATHER that HE, HIMSELF calls us HIS children? This is the very reason why we can be bold and say that we are HIS son or daughter because HE calls us HIS son or daughter. Those in the world that call themselves Christians yet are disobedient to The FATHER’s Word; they are disobedient towards JESUS. They can’t tell you anything about the personality of CHRIST JESUS or The FATHER; these are not Christians; these are not children of The FATHER, these are not our sisters and brothers. Here in America; it is widely known that this young country was built on Christian principles so this is why the majority of Americans consider themselves Christians. However, being an American makes us no more a Christian than you working in a hospital make you a Medical Doctor. Those kinds of people don’t know HIM and HE does not know them. Nobody who has a FATHER such as we have will want to willing continue to sin; it’s just impossible. Can an orange seed produce grapes? No. Righteousness produces righteousness and sin produces unrighteousness meaning GOD The FATHER produces righteousness and the devil; another father produces unrighteousness; sin.

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Our FATHER encourages us to love one another; HE teaches us to love one another and not only that; HE teaches us to love those who hurt us; who are our enemies and to do good to them.

Dear friends, again I ask you to ask yourself the question; “Do you believe that JESUS is the MESSIAH? If you can say yes without any reservation; there is no doubt hidden anywhere within you than you can be assured that you have the same FATHER as JESUS. And because you love JESUS you love The FATHER and because you love The FATHER you love your siblings all over this planet be they known to you or not.

We belong to GOD who is our FATHER and because of this fact we are Overcomers of this world. What makes us Overcomers of this world? Simple trust.

Here is another trusted assurance from our FATHER that our father should be reflecting towards his children; protection. No father will allow evil to come near the ones he loves; the ones who are weaker; a father is seen in the eyes of his children as the strongest man ever. In my day it may have been Hercules; Popeye or some fictitious superhero that won the fight each and every time. The thing is dad; you want to be your child’s hero in real life; though they may explain to their buddies if they still do these things; that you are like (whoever the big hero is today).

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2 John 1:9

Stop or don’t fool yourself; don’t be a wanna be. Like Coca Cola Soda be the Real Thing and truly be a child of the KING so that you can boldly call HIM, DADDY. Why am I writing this? Because if you are not remaining true to the teachings of CHRIST JESUS; if you are continuing to do your own thing; if you are continuing to say and justify your actions with the man upstairs knows my heart. You are only fooling yourself and GOD The FATHER is truly not within you which mean that JESUS is not in you at all. Are you going to get it right all in one fell swoop; nope. However, you are more likely to be on fire for the righteousness of JESUS than for your own desires. And you will want to read the Word, you will want to obey and apply the Word to your life and you will want to change from what you are doing to what The FATHER desires us to do.

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In this month’s magazine I hope I was able to share how The FATHER of heaven is; how our earthly father ‘s can be and how the father of hell is.

The heavenly FATHER desires that we return to HIM. Some earthly fathers miss what it means to be a good or great father in the eyes of their children; because they were never given an example by their father. And the devil is the ultimate worst father; he tells his kids what to do and though they are obedient; he rewards them with anger, confusion and pain.

Look at the glory of The heavenly FATHER, see where you maybe missing it and get it right with your son and or daughter. It’s never too late to love; forgive and be forgiven.

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Contact: Elder Shawn Briscoe

888-623-7277 POB 90700

Washington, DC 20090

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