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HOUSE ONMANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: TheHouse on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately 6 weeks Overview: This unit plan is for the novel TheHouseon Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Therewill be a variety of activitiesand strategies usedaswell as a final writing project and an evaluative exam.Students will learn several importantconcepts and will be ableto relatemuch of the content of the unit to their own lives. Importantly,one critical aspect of this unit is the implementation of the WzuTERS' WORKSHOP. Essential Question/ Concept to be explored: Identity. Who am I? Who am I in relation to the worlds in which I live? GOALS . To experience a pieceof great, relevantliterature as a whole class. . To provide opportunities for all students to articulate their knowledgeof this literature andtheir experiences throughwriting. . To both enhance students' canonof literacy vocabulary and their ability to purposefullyapply varioustechniques in their writing' OBJECTIVES ' SWBAT identiff a vignetteand other styles . SWBAT define and identi$ theme ' SWBAT ableto identifu anduse 5 literary devices . SWBAT converse with peers on topics relevant to their lives and draw text to self connections with Houseon Mango Street . SWBAT to write uninterrupted/on task for 20-30 minutes during WRITERS' WORKSHOP

WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

Apr 27, 2018



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Page 1: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately


WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit

Unit:The House on Mango Street516 grade60-minute periodsApproximately 6 weeks

Overview:This unit plan is for the novel The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.

There will be a variety of activities and strategies used as well as a final writingproject and an evaluative exam. Students will learn several important concepts and

will be able to relate much of the content of the unit to their own lives.Importantly, one critical aspect of this unit is the implementation of the


Essential Question/ Concept to be explored:Identity. Who am I? Who am I in relation to the worlds in which I live?

GOALS. To experience a piece of great, relevant literature as a whole class.. To provide opportunities for all students to articulate their knowledge of

this literature and their experiences through writing.. To both enhance students' canon of literacy vocabulary and their ability to

purposefully apply various techniques in their writing'


' SWBAT identiff a vignette and other styles. SWBAT define and identi$ theme

' SWBAT able to identifu and use 5 literary devices. SWBAT converse with peers on topics relevant to their lives and draw text

to self connections with House on Mango Street. SWBAT to write uninterrupted/ on task for 20-30 minutes during


Page 2: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

SUPPLIES NEEDED:Daily Lesson HandoutChapters recorded on disk or Itunes3 Computers for sPecific students2 Computers for students who sign up to usevariety of paper choice and writing utensils (markers, pencils,

paintbrushes. etc)Signs around the room re: Rules of Writers' WorkshopTypewriterPoster paper




Basic Daily Routine

' DO NOW Activities. SHARE, daily HOUSE ON MANGO STREET handout with class. READ/ LISTEN to chapter

' GROUP CONVERSATION or MINI LESSONGROUP CONVERSATONS will be structured as table, partner or

whole classMINI LESSONS will be 10-15 minutes long and focus on literary

elements and devices ( ie. theme, style, simile, metaphor, listing,juxtaPosition, etc)


Page 3: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

FKrytasffi ffim l'rtranga Strec€T"r*t Drr . , .€ j ' 'r.s u*rLc*u"Ll}'$ t





Students will be prepared to enter text "House on Mango" Street by SandraCisneros.

t lh lor 'afra/€rE-JIJJLLLr Y L*

I Students will hnne to understand unclerstanding of Inside Self/

Outside Self

Activiti.esI Students wil i bepirr reflecrive rreice


Book "House on l\{ango Street" rvill be on shelves-visihle.

2-3 pieces of adult modelirrg of art piece.


Other*rirccsh'l ini-I, i:sson II i]n:it l r i:: {nsir{o: S*lf i

#utsld* $*:lf lv.r Sli*l '*r*tt i i*lr oi

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**tside,r Whi.r rir.l ihr:y fitirtk

)';Lr art: l \\ ' 'h:tt

rtr i si,'cnreplit: n s {d*fi nc}

rlrigfit lhr:y ltav* aL:**f .vc:;1Wh.':i Pir-:c*l *i'3;*u cll )ii3illrlliri,v l:*:sf1* [i-: s**?

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l-) rr:ain r, n sg:it'alit:n s {i1*iite)l*r *ital:s t*|fl Wir* ;:lri:: ,Yfit!r**llvj

House on Mango Street Pre-Reading I

Page 4: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

F€meas# ilrl Mexrg* SfreecT)**^ E? ^ ^ .&.". "* * f\r*s€d*ra**-"{ teEY} { \ /

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*v*rvi*rv Materials

Students will be prepared to enter text "House on Mango" Street by Sandra ffi \,\t'rit';r's rirtriilltt:f ir:t *Irr all

Cisneros. First two sessions will be small group and all-class. hi nils ul'pitl:trt { ii ne '.: .

* $1lilr1J, *{1,1,'Si}l l n t,

#bj*ceir,*= ;lX-iil'li,li';,.* li,;,;,,-,',r Students will continue to understand concept of Inside Self/ Outsiile in{ltrr ';l !ti:; i:il;tt t p;r1:rt:'

Self i ) { l l i r t r . r ; i r " i , r i i . . j n.} ! . r . )

I Stucients will st;:"rt engaging in Writer's Workshop. Will be introc{ucec{

to ww time and styles. ' w {-hhi:ir'"1'riting u:;rlt'rt'i+1s

(1:r:r:s, i:*rt:i: il s. r:r;l+lt,:i.J

1:i lnciis]

Activici*sN {:{} f i lFrJ i t : fb, l : : ; tVl :* r : l i t

1 . Sfudents will continue art piece "Inside Self/Outside Self ' (told that {1,;,.r,:",.a'riri:rthis must be finished by next day)

2. After 35 minutes. Students will reconvene for Writer's Workshop ffi Sigr:: l\'ritrr;g ir irit:ii ivl|k'

Intro w/ small snack

3. Rules for writing workshop overview, adults will have written on *th*f R-*gn*f**S

strips of paper. Students will post.

4. Students will explore new things in Writers Workshop. Maybe

generate list ofthings they need.

Additir:nal SmpS:*r"tr Snrdents cal have rnore time f'rrr art piece during lunch,/ recess


Rules for Writing Workshop

1. You must be writing, talking about writing, or consulting a writingresource

2. Talking is ok but don't disturb other students3. Don't interrupt an adult when s/he is conferencing with another

student4. Ifyou need help, use conferencing sign up sheet5. Use sign up if you want to use computer (or typewriter?) for writing6. You can write anywhere in the classroom, but use the Quiet table if

you don't want to be disturbed.

House on Mango Street Pre-Reading2

Page 5: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

7 . No talking during the first five minutes of independent writing time.

House on Mango Street Pre-Readtng2

Page 6: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

F{waxs# #sa Ev€axng* Str*etFre-R-eadirag 3



ilvervi*w h{aterials

Students will be prepared to enter text "House on Mango" Street by Sandra n Writers workshop materials

Cisneros. r Brainscr:tm wo:rksheet

*bje*tives Olher R"esc$rce$

I Students n'ill hone to understand underst;rnding of Inside Self/ h,'Ji*i-i.*ss*n i Itjmri*] rc:

Outside Self through :refiective piece il.J:1,I:.i'liilTtrYil f'Jgci: ,"v." *xlr.npltr

" Si:rr* mighl si,rc tT:t: as ti l tglrt ing l"*l

Activities r*rtlv t;;m r-;hy", *rr:

r Sfudents lvill prrt art pieces r:n table for others to s€te. Short gallery Cr*:*t!ng ;.r sh*l.t Fi*,.i: ri:ii.nii ,.* | pi**:walk with no talking. {5 minutes) i1s ;r rcs*rtrile" {}nt: .,rir;rci fifl* ,.:i il

I Share out w/ ohssrvations rvr-rrc.j Ii:it{ rn*xl e{*lq:rih*$ yr}}t,f Writer's Wr:rkshop |ergins with mJni-lesscn ancl assignment"T


Book "House on Mango Street" will be on shelves-visible.

Fxamplc of reflective piece pr:sted extremely visible.

House on Mango Street Pre-Reading 3

Page 7: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

${*essffi ffi m WKmffiffiffi Str**e Rmmding 4

I i t^v+ r" t1. . . ,1LLasuJ




Students will enter text "House on Mango" Street by Sandra Cisneros.


Students will rend chal:ter titlcs in small reacling ancl wlin group anticipate

rvhat each chapter might be atrout"

Actir,'itie s

I Stucients get book and write name inside

r Explclre cover/" inside cover within srna1l grr:up. What clu you knolv

alrearly about this book?G Exp.lort chapter titles. Anticripate what you think $ome lray be about.

Have students sharc obscrvations abclut the titles, rvhiclt chaptcrs thcy

are most interested in reading and why, predict lr'lrat they will find in

those chapters, ctc" IJiscuss the crerativity of Cisnercls' "chapte:r titles"

and the impact of a title such as "The Rice Sandrvich" r+'/ regard to

interesf level anrtr curicsity.n Givc assignmentE Writer's Workshop at I 2:15


Example oi ivr i t ing dcsircd in big pr int .

Homework: Complete f inal draft of Chapter Tit les


n Wri ters rr , r r rkshop matr i ' ia ls

#ther K*s*Larc*s

lr, {"} hIiri" I i:s:ri:r'i'r,rclnr..

i l t" lt lr:ts r.:{ 'Lri,cl is i. i f--\{:r}ri i l {r-r l; i l l lr: L:l

i:i)'rr l crtf ri ii isi:iii'it'rii.


Sgr$s$*litgs .$fuar#Rqt $lil;?i:$t${llrH* ;c Ai${ {-} :

I{} -qilT:LIAf

, sigctifie*.*t svcriss f*:r ext

{}r*:frr iivqrs rvl"gi*fo fur:{p*ti str*Xs* $}:*ir

lisxls* lr$'$*f *rrciey {{$r* ru*t'*

i*{*r*s{ictg ;r*+{ E:*rxt*rr*l{* ttx*

rlir.$?trl3! qh* bet{qrl} a*d tiE.l* {it*ttr

;r*:c*rr$ir:g{v. {"-}crc{: {.}rt: r*isg&r +i*^*{1 *i

e$rh s { x.c{* $:lt} s " {-' Elar gr { * r'l'it}*s " }t :p-u;

ir*:e rn ap glr"e+ r, eci, s $ it$ s*{-s *r"f ;tt*r ;}

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'*'i$r ;t t.{gls f'c}r'rfuq:iff d$b{* ,trf

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ixx'ti tti * a ? 3'" 1 *: v"* ilti v s $)' *{ i sp E n l' **l *.* *t

i l$$E{r$(*q$.

House on Mango Street Reading 4

Page 8: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

The House on Mango StreetBy Sandra Cisneros

ChaPter 1DO NOW:

' Write 3 words for an old house

' Write 3 words for a dream home. If you still have time, draw a picture of the inside or the outside of a



ChaPter 7: The House on Mango Street

GROUP C0NVERSATION [Everyone takes a turn):

See page titled CHAPTER 1: C}NVERSATIONS



A. Look at the example provided on the last page of your packet,

then:use the chapter titles you created last Friday to make a Tableof Contents.

: l*f{ifi$;*-".*****fuT::;::il**r""Homework"

B. WTK (Words to know): Mea"ning and Spelling

L. cei l ing2. landlord3. crumbling4. ordinary

5. garage6. laundromat7. temporarY

Page 9: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

Full Name:

DO N0wWhat are 3 words for an old house?




Full Name:

MAY B, 2014

DO N0wWhat are 3 words for a dream home?




Page 10: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately

The House on Mango StreetBy Sandra Cisneros

Chapter 4: My NameDO NOW:

. Put your homework in the Literacy Bin

. Write 3 first names you really like; that you think are cool.

. Sit at the table with your group.


Chapter 4: My Name


As a group take on 2 or 3 of these questions. If you have time, you should do more. Youmay need to use a computer to research one of the questions. Not every group needs tovisit the 2 computers at the back table at the same time. Also, some groups havemembers who already have a computer at the table.

WRITERS' WORKSHOP:Write about one of the following OR chooseyour owntopic:

aJ What does your name mean in English, Spanish, or any other language? Doyou think your name fits you?

b) Whose name did you inherit? What do you know about that person'

c) Do you like your name and why?

dl If you were to change your name who would you become and why?

e) What is the statement that your name makes about you?

fJ There are a lot of songs that name people. If you were to write songabout your name what would the song say about you?

e) Write a poem that uses your whole name as an acrostic. Write a first draftand a second.

Page 11: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately


A. WTK (Words to know): Meaning and Spelling

1. cousin2. counter3. danger4. skinny5. refrigerator

5. inherit6. baptize

Page 12: WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit The House on Mango Street … · HOUSE ON MANGO STREET 5/6 Grade WHOLE CLASS Literacv Unit Unit: The House on Mango Street 516 grade 60-minute periods Approximately


Group Members'Names:



With your group, please discuss and fill out this form together:'My Name"

1) In the story "My Name," the young girl's name in English means ...and inSpanish it means....

2J The narrator says she is named for her

3) Who is the young girl's great grandmother? Look at the text and see what you can

infer / figure out about her.

4J In what years were the Esperanza and her great-grandmother born.? ......'."'.........'&

[Look up Chinese Astrology)

5) Who is the author of House on Mango Street?

6) What is it that the Esperanza does not want to inherit from her great-grandmother?


7) The young girl wants to be baptized under the name
