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Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

May 25, 2015



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Page 1: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization





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Page 2: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization



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Page 3: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization




And checking

The data show

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Page 4: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

You may have noticed that I used the SQL trick below that has similar effect to the LAG function. This enables the query to get the start_value and end_value on a single row making it possible to get the delta value and apply the performance formula. The view DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT also acts as an ultimate reference of snap information that allows joining to the other DBA_HIST views to provide meaningful data on other subsystems or workload performance data.

AND s10t0.snap_id          = s0.snap_id AND s10t1.snap_id          = s0.snap_id + 1 

The query I’ve shown you is just one part of the story, that’s only giving the “IO Read MB/s” - an IO subsystem statistic. Ideally we must have a correlation on the following subsystems of the database server to fully characterize the overall workload and performance:

1) Oracle Oracle instance and database configuration

2) Operating System CPU, memory, IO, and network

3) Application SQLs and anything specific to the application

For the correlation we would be using the “3-circle analysis” technique [1] where each subsystem represents a circle and is diagnosed separately and then in combination. If the problem resides with the database server, the overlap of the 3 circles is the current performance problem. By doing this we will have a clear correlation of the workload and performance across subsystems and will have targeted efforts to improve the overall response time. In mining the AWR having a query in a time series layout and only the relevant statistics shown side by side can be very useful in various ways and even if it can’t be shown side by side each bottleneck period relates to a particular SNAP_ID so the correlation across various performance data is extremely possible!

Having this we would have the following advantages

Quickly notice trends for performance diagnosis We have the beautiful set of workload and performance data now in our control We have lots of data points for statistical and predictive analysis Faster analysis ever!

Page 5: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

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Page 6: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


AAS LIO/s DB Block Changes/s User Calls/s Parses/s Hard Parses/s Sorts/s Logon/s SQL*NET to client MB SQL*NET to dblink MB

This is a version of "Load Profile" but across SNAP_IDs with AAS metric. Useful to quickly notice the Oracle workload change. You may put additional SYSSTAT statistic you want to monitor here.


SQL_ID Plan Hash Value Module Elapsed Time (s) Elapsed Time / exec (s) CPU Time (s) IO Time (s) App Time (s) Concurrency Time (s) Cluster Wait (s) LIO PIO Direct Writes Rows Exec Parse Count PX Exec Time Rank AAS SQL_TEXT

The “SQL section” of the AWR report is usually segregated into sections ordered by the following:

Elapsed Time CPU Time Gets Reads Executions Parse Calls

Having separate data for a particular problematic SQL_ID spread over 1000+ lines of report makes it hard to find every detail about its performance. I feel there’s a better way to present the data. And here are the info/sections you'll get from the script and some short description: 1) snap_id, time, instance, snap duration The time period and snap_id could be used to show the SQLs for a given workload period..let's say you usual work hours is 9-6pm, you could just show the particular SQLs on that period.. there's a data range section on the bottom of the script you could make use of it if you want to filter. 2) sql_id, plan_hash_value, module You could make use of this info if you want to know where the SQL was executed (SQL*Plus, OWB, Toad, etc.).. plus you could compare the plan_hash_value but I suggest you make use of Kerry Osborne's awr_unstable_plans.sql script if you'd like to search for unstable plans. 3) total elapsed time, elapsed time per exec - cpu time - io time - app wait time - concurrency wait time - cluster wait time These are the time info.. at least without tracing the SQL you'd know what time component is consuming the elapsed time of that particular SQL.. so let's say your total elapsed time is 1000sec, and cpu time of 30sec, and io time of 300sec... you would know that it is consuming significant IO but you have to look for the other 670sec which could be attributed by "other" wait events (like PX Deq Credit: send blkd,etc,etc) 4) - LIOs - PIOs - direct writes - rows - executions - parse count - PX Some other statistics about the SQL.. if your incurring a lot of PIOs, how many times this SQL was executed on that period, the # of PX spawed.. just be careful about these numbers if you have "executions" of

Page 7: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

let's say 8.. you have to divide these values to 8 as well as on the time section.. only the "elapsed time per exec" is the per execution value.. this is for formatting reasons because I can't fit them all on my screen.. 5) - AAS (Average Active Sessions) - Time Rank - SQL type, SQL text This is one of my favorites... this will measure how's the SQL is performing against the database server.. I'm using the AAS & CPU count as my yardstick for a possible performance problem (I suggest reading Kyle's stuff about this): if AAS < 1 -- Database is not blocked AAS ~= 0 -- Database basically idle -- Problems are in the APP not DB AAS < # of CPUs -- CPU available -- Database is probably not blocked -- Are any single sessions 100% active? AAS > # of CPUs -- Could have performance problems AAS >> # of CPUS -- There is a bottleneck so having the AAS as another metric on the TOP SQL is good stuff.. I've also added the "time rank" column to know what is the SQLs ranking on the top SQL.. normally the default settings of the script will show time rank 1 to 5.. this could be useful also if you are finding a particular SQL that is on rank #15 and you are seeing that there's an adhoc query that is time rank #1 and #2 affecting the database performance.. And.... this script could also show SQLs that span across SNAP_IDs... I would order the output by SNAP_ID and filter on that particular SQL then you would see that if the SQL is still running and span across let's say 2 SNAP_IDs then the exec count would be 0 (zero) and elapsed time per exec is 0 (zero).. only the time when the query is finished you'll see these values populated.. I've noticed this behavior and it's the same thing that is shown on the AWR reports.. you could go here for that scenario


SQL_ID Plan Hash Value Module Elapsed Time (s) Elapsed Time / exec (s) CPU Time (s) Cluster Wait (s) LIO PIO Rows Exec Parse Count PX Exec Time Rank AAS

Similar columns from awr_topsqlx but this time just showing the top 20 SQLs across SNAP_IDs.

awr_unstable_plans (by Kerry Osborne)


SQL_ID Executions Min,Max,Avg Etime Avg LIO STD_DEV

This script finds SQL statements with plan instability. I like the clever use of standard deviation to show SQLs with variable elapsed time.

Page 8: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

awr_parm_mods (by Kerry Osborne)


Parameter Name Old Value New Value

This script shows all parameters (including hidden) that have been modified.


DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY Network Minvalue (MB)/s Network Maxvalue (MB)/s Network Avgvalue (MB)/s Network STD_DEV (MB)/s

The data comes from the metric family of tables that shows “Network Traffic Volume Per Sec” Keep in mind that metrics are different from sysstat values. On sysstat you just get the delta and the rate, in metric the sampling is different let's say the snap duration is 10mins what metric does is it samples on per 60sec interval (num_interval) and get the max, min, avg, std_dev of those samples.

awr_est_gc_traffic (by John Kanagaraj)


Estimated Interconnect Traffic (KB)

This script is ideal for RAC environment and shows the interconnect throughput of an instance. Very useful if you want to check if the interconnect is being saturated.



AAS CPU IO WAIT Utilization OS Load Single Block R/W IOPS Multi Block R/W IOPS R/W MB/s Total R/W IOPS R/W Ratio HW Disk IOPS HW # of Disks

This script is ideal for monitoring the Oracle IO activity. Very useful for sizing and consolidating storage for Oracle databases. This can be used together with a storage monitoring tool to have a complete picture of IO performance. The last two columns have the corresponding formula that is used by storage engineers to determine the number of disk needed by the database. HW Disk IOPS = (IOPS * Read Ratio) + (IOPS * Write Ratio * RAID penalty) HW # of Disks = Total disk IOPS / IOPS per disk Of course the “HW # of Disks” is not the final number. There are other factors (bandwidth, throughput, service time, etc.) that need to be considered to determine the right storage for a particular IO workload but this can be your starting point. Also benchmarking will help a lot on the storage decisions.



Tablespace R/W IOPS Tablespace R/W latency

This script shows the IO performance of the tablespaces. This is the same as what you see in AWR but across SNAP_IDs. The latency formula is as follows latency (ms) = (readtim / phy reads) * 10 Keep in mind that on this script the IOPS and latency values are aggregated from all the datafiles of the tablespace. So diagnosing latency issues using this script may not represent the actual numbers but may warn you from the textual trends of high latency (ms) numbers that way you’ll be interested on particular workload periods to probe it with small duration samples.



Datafile R/W IOPS Datafile R/W latency

This script shows the IO performance of the datafiles. This is the same as what you see in AWR but across SNAP_IDs. Keep in mind that the IOPS and latency values may be normalized if the snap interval is too long (60mins above) compared to per 5seconds or 10 minute snap interval. (see Appendix)


Y and X values that can be plotted for Linear Regression

This is a performance toolkit that uses AWR data and Linear Regression to identify what metric/statistic is driving the database server’s workload. The data points can be very useful for capacity planning giving you informed decisions and completely avoiding guesswork!

You can also do the same kind of mining with Statspack. Each DBA_HIST view has a counterpart Statspack view and you can achieve similar results DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT = STATS$SNAPSHOT DBA_HIST_OSSTAT = STATS$OSSTAT

Page 9: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL = STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT = STATS$SYSSTAT The scripts mentioned are freely downloadable and more details on the math and performance formulas (rates, time, IOPS, CPU, latency, utilization, AAS) will be discovered when you look into the SQL code. I would also suggest that if you are serious on mining the AWR you must take time to play further with the DBA_HIST tables and the underlying data and you’ll appreciate that you have a better understanding on how the data are derived on the plain AWR report.

PART 3 - Visualization

Average Active Sessions (AAS) has become my default (golden) metric on finding the periods where the database could be having a bottleneck or just idle. Essentially AAS is the database load; this value should not go above the CPU count (NUM_CPUS in DBA_HIST_OSSTAT) and if it does then that means the database is working very hard or waiting a lot for something. Together, the AAS & CPU count is used as a yardstick for a possible performance problem [3]

    If AAS < 1        ‐‐ Database is not blocked      AAS ~= 0        ‐‐ Database basically idle       ‐‐ Problems are in the APP not DB      AAS < # of CPUs       ‐‐ CPU available       ‐‐ Database is probably not blocked       ‐‐ Are any single sessions 100% active?      AAS > # of CPUs       ‐‐ Could have performance problems      AAS >> # of CPUS       ‐‐ There is a bottleneck 

Just like a doctor, AAS could be your “stethoscope” when investigating performance problems but it doesn’t stop there. For it to be more useful you must be aware about the components of AAS much like drilling down on the time components and have this kind of data over a period of time (across SNAP_IDs). Well Enterprise Manager does this nice graphs on the “Performance and Top Activity page” and slicing the AAS components into different “Wait Classes” and it’s got a “Historical” view which you could go back and drill down on the past load activity.

But what could be the problem?

Page 10: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


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Page 11: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


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“Top Activitat their data so

n [3] on AAS

atistics” and ipevents.sql isU” from tim

of AAS

just by lookinhe database.


ty” Page youources are dif

(Average Ac

is actually frs doing… it

me model vie

ng at the AAFor the part

’ll see the AAfferent?

ctive Sessions

rom v$systemt unions theew DBA_HIS

S column weticular SNAP

AS compone

s) it says that

m_event + CPe output of ST_SYS_TIM

e would easilyP_IDs of high

ents are sliced

there are two

PU from tim“events” on


y h


e n L

Page 12: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization



and then fit look simAAS valu“CPU use AAS on thon a 15refresh toCPU from

So what’s the

On a highto Performsession (ththink) thaTime Stat If you waHistory of

Now time for

Finding thwe can cr

filter only themilar to the Eues will be coued by this sess

he Top Activ5sec refresh o Historical tm time model)

e effect?

h CPU activitymance Pagehe only way t

an v$sysstat “tistics (one of

ant more infof Session Loa

Perfsheet a l

he AAS compeate the same

e top 5 and doEnterprise Maunted. By thesion”.

vity Page usesrate… but

then it also st).

y period you. Simply becto see CPU u“CPU used byf two ways to

o about the dad [5] and AA

la Enterprise

ponent that’s e visualization


o this across thanager Perfore way, on 10g

s “Sampling”as I have tarts to behav

’ll notice thatcause ASH s

usage real timy this sessioncalculate AA

etails aroundAS investigati


driving the wn like the Ent

ed area chart

he SNAP_IDrmance Page

g below the lo

and by defauobserved wh

ve like the Pe

t there will besamples everye) while the t

n” there couldAS) which cou

d the Performon [14]

workload is aerprise Mana

t AAS compo

Ds but for grapI have to inc

oad chart is co

ult is taking ahen you swerformance P

e a higher AAy second andtime model Cd still be somuld be affecte

mance and To

a lot easier inager broken do

onents – wai

phing purposeclude all of toming from v

advantage of Awitch from age (pulls da

AS on the Tod it does tha

CPU althoughme lag time aned by average

p Activity pa

n graphics. Thown into “Wa

it class

es on the Perfthe “events” v$system_eve

ASH (samplethe Real T

ata from v$sy

p Activity Paat quickly onh it updates qund it will stils.

age this is wo

he image beloait Class”.

fsheet to makso that all th

ent + v$syssta

es) and does iTime 15 seystem_event +

age comparedn every activuicker (5secs ll be based on

orth reading

ow shows tha

e e


it c +

d e I n



Page 13: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

Even morgraphs. Bis mostly

Ooops, douses couldview and compare chart view Compare it’s on the Then comhappening1.6 on SN

re, we have telow is brokeconsuming th

on’t get too exd hide importsee the data

the above anw could tell a

the wait clase range of 0.1

mpare the waig.. but on 3D

NAP_ID 335 a

the data now en down into he AAS.


xcited.. important informatia clearly sepand below cha more meanin

ss chart… ab1 (hidden bet

it event charyou can see

and 336. Yes,

in our contro“Wait Events

ked area chart

rtant remindeion and sometarated into thharts, you’ll kngful story.

bove notice thtween CPU an

rt… notice ththat only the, you will also

ol. So we cous”, aside from

t AAS compon

er… the 2-dimtimes could b

heir respectiveknow what I

he blue (Othend System IO

he big differendb file sequ

o not be foole

uld play aroum being more

ents – wait ev

mensional Stabe misleadinge componentI mean.. Wa

er wait class) O)… that’s a b

nce on the chential read aed when you

und with the colorful it let


acked area chag [13] and it rts, rather thanait Class and

on the rangebig difference

hart? above yand direct palook at the ra

data and creat’s you see wh

art that Enterpreally helps ton being stack

d Wait Event

e of AAS of 1e!

you can’t realath read are oaw data… but

ate interestinghat wait even

prise Manageo have anotheked… As youts in 3D area

1 while below

lly tell what’on the AAS ot visualization

g nt

er er u a


s of n

Page 14: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


is much e

AAS through

On my tedata. YouSNAP_IDdatabase. beyond mthere you

asier and the

out the AWR

st machine I u can see fromD 335-339) ha

You could amy maximum

could use AS

way to go bu



R retention pe

have 365 daym the chart bappens to be also see the p

CPU which SH, run the A

ut you must be

D area chart A

D area chart AA


ys retention pbelow (stackethe highest l

period of shutcould justify

AWR report, ru

e able to sens

AAS componen

AS component

period. This eed area chartoad period ftdowns (negathe drill dow

un ADDM, o

e and validate

nts – wait clas

ts – wait even

enables me tot), that what from all the Aative value) awn on the speor make use o

e if it’s drivin



o have a data we are focus

AAS samples and other timecific SNAP_f your high ca

ng you to bad

warehouse ofsing on (6:20for the lifetim

me period whe_IDs or time aliber scripts!

d conclusions.

f performanc0 to 7:01 AMme of my tesere AAS wenframe… from!

e M st nt m

Page 15: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization



The good

RT 4 - Capa

Utilization is

Capacity expected will fit inmeasuremand presen

Measuring H E E

On the InexplainedRequirem Essentiallformula

Utilization = 

As shownwater” andecision tinto the sserver capmuch or i

thing here is

acity Plann

the ultimate m

planning plaand unexpec

nto the availabment [7]. Goont the in a mo

g the workloaHave enough cEnable us to quEnable us to qu

ntroduction tod in detail whaments, and U

ly what we ca

Requirements / C

n on the imagnd “another pto purchase therver. And o

pacity. And wt could be the

, you are not



ays a very imted workloadble capacity od thing the d

ore meaningfu

ad will give ucapacity and nuantify the reuantify the be

o Oracle Servat information


are most in C


ge below the pitcher with bhe database sf course, the

when this doese other way ar


mportant role ds. The primaof the databaata collectionul and useful

us the followinnot over buyesults of respoenefit of work

er Consolidatn you need to

Capacity Plann

“empty pitchbeer” are theerver that is tapplication r

sn’t occur nicround where t

to ensure prary principle se server. An

n process is amanner.

ng advantages

onse time optikload reductio

tion paper [6o get for you

ning is the da

her” represent Oracle workthey define threquirement mcely, there canthe capacity i

roper resourcis to ensure

nd with this walready being

s and benefits

imizations in on

] and Chapteto be able to

atabase server

ts the databaskload requirehe capacity. Tmay or may n be an excesis not enough

es are availathe applicati

we need to hadone by AW

s [7]:

the savings o

er 9 of Craig define the Da

r utilization a

se server capaements. TypicThen they stanot fit nicelys of capacity,

h for the requi

able and be aion workloadave a facility

WR. We just n

of system reso

Shallahamer’atabase Serve

and it is repre

acity while thcally the IT sart pouring thy on the avail, which meanirements at ha

able to handld requirementy for workloadneed to extrac


’s book [8] her’s Capacity

esented by thi

he “glass withshop makes

he applicationlable databas

ns IT spent tooand.

e s d ct

e y,


h a s e o

Page 16: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

This simppresented

Having thperiods w

ple and very uin a manner

he data presenwith high work

useful concepthat we can e

nted this waykload requirem

pt can be appasily abstract

y, we can easiments.

plied as well it the performa

ily apply filte

in AWR. Usiance statistics

er to the data

ing the awr_gs to the Utiliz

set and imm

genwl.sql scrzation formula

mediately find

ript the data ia.

d the workload



Page 17: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


And we c

AAS range     Per SNAP_ID        Oracle CPU U    OS CPU Utiliz    Particular Wo  AND TO_CHA AND TO_CHA AND TO_CHA AND TO_CHA AND s0.END_ AND s0.END_

CPU sizing re

Having th The data server is aoccurred. needed to The formu

core need = #

The data collocatedcan virtua

ould do other

aas > 1 

or range of SNAPid in (336) where id >= 3

Utilization oracpupct > 5

zation oscpupct > 50

orkload periods 



his data outpu

points belowa dual core mThe manage handle the w

ula used to de

# of cores * utilizat

points were d to a data cenalize it to a ne

r filtering as w


36 and  id <= 340 

VAL_TIME,'D') >= VAL_TIME,'D') <= 7VAL_TIME,'HH24MVAL_TIME,'HH24M>= TO_DATE('2010<= TO_DATE('2010


ut can be easil

w came from amachine and bement would workload of th

erive the “CPU

tion * 1.25 

very useful nter, we could

ewer hardware


1     ‐‐ Day of week7 MI') >= 0900     ‐‐ HMI') <= 1800 0‐jan‐17 00:00:000‐aug‐22 23:59:59

y used as inp

an actual probeen used forlike to know

he database.

U core need”

to characterd opt to just ue.

k: 1=Sunday 7=Sat


','yyyy‐mon‐dd hh9','yyyy‐mon‐dd hh

uts to CPU si

oduction server almost 8 yea

w what would

[9] is as follo

ize the curreupgrade to a n


h24:mi:ss')    ‐‐ Dath24:mi:ss‘) 

izing of a data

er that needs ars and there

d be the ideal


ent utilizationnewer model

ta range 

abase server.

to be migrate have been a l machine and

n of the databut not the la

ted to a new couple of had how many

abase server. atest and the g

machine. Thardware error

cores will b

Since it wagreatest or w

e s e

s e

Page 18: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


But noticesummarizignore the

Validatinga year. Hprocess waffect the

Storage sizing

Having th

e the outlier (zing the data e outlier just l

g with the appHaving this inwill run again

overall conne

g recommend

his data outpu

(shown in redwill tell me tlike that becau

plication ownnformation, won the new seected users.


ut can be easil

d above) reprethat I’m mostuse there mig

ner, she confiwe can safelyerver we just

y used as inp

esenting a SNt of the time

ght be a critica

irmed that it wremove the have to make

uts to storage

NAP period haon the 10 %<al application

was indeed anoutlier from

e sure that it’

e sizing of a d

aving high CP< CPU utiliza

n process on th

n adhoc procethe data poi

s being run o

database serve

PU utilizationation but we hat workload

ess that is beiints and even

on an off-peak


n. Statisticallydon’t want to

d period.

ing done oncn if the adhok period to no

y o

e c


Page 19: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization

The data mentionedcan be usmeasured

Also take determinewill help a For storag

points belowd above. Thissed together w

data easily tr

note that thee the right stoa lot on the st

ge sizing purp

w came froms shows the Iwith a storagransforms req

re are other forage for a patorage decisio

poses, I strong

m awr_genwIOPS requireme monitoring

quirements to

factors (bandwarticular IO wons.

gly recommen

wl.sql as welments needed tool to havecapacity.

width, throughworkload but

nd using the a

l, sizing stod to run the de a complete

hput, service this can be y


rage for thedatabase on tpicture of IO

time, etc.) thyour starting

same produthe new envir

O performanc

hat need to be point. Also b

uction systemronment. Thi

ce. Having th

considered tobenchmarking

m s e

o g

Page 20: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization



al World Ex

Diagnosing a

The graphprocessingdone any performan So it’s a plotted inwas able visualizat

On this impeaks aresuspect orparticular and OS sproblem. If it weren This is the


and Resolving

h shown was g so it’s the mchanges on t

nce problem s

sudden slow one graph…to apply the

ion and I was

mage above ye the particular possible culdatabase ses

statistics (CPU

n’t for this vis

e image after

g GC Block L

a sudden slomost critical wthe database eso the tasks o

down, and I that would ae things thats able to achie

you can see tar periods wlprit for the pssions runningU, memory,

sualization th

replacing the


ow down on aweek of the menvironment…f finding whe

I was thinkinanswer a lot ot I have leareve what I hav

the where, whe are interest

performance pg critical modnetwork) we

he troubleshoo

e network inte

a client runnimonth. Interv… well that were/when/why

ng… if I can of questions. ned. So I mve envisioned

hen, and whyted in. And wproblem. Drildules that are

e were able c

oting would h

erconnect swi

ing 2 nodes oviewing the Dwould be the y it went wron

have time seComing from

made use of Pd.

y. Most of thwhat wait evlling down fue slow plus cconclude that

have taken lon

itch… this sh

of RAC and DBA, he wou

majority of thng is all left to

eries performm Tanel PodePerfsheet and

he load is on vents are conurther on thoscorrelating it t it was a ne


ows their nor

it’s a period ld insist that he customerso us.

mance of bothr’s seminar ind played aro

the first nodentributing on se peak periowith the data

etwork interco

rmal workload

of month endthey have no

s will say on

h of the noden Singapore, ound with th

e. And on ththe peak is

ods and on thabase advisoronnect switch


d ot a

s I e

e a e s h

Page 21: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


Linear Regres

Mining thtargeted re The graph8core HS2respectiveat >80% t On the drihigh load componenwhen lookreduction, If the servseems to b

ssion of AAS

he AWR backesponse time

h shown below21 Bladeserveely which shothe AAS also

ill down showSQL greatly

nt being utilizking at the SQ, response tim

ver’s workloabe low. Also


S and CPU on

ked by solid soptimization

w is a scatter er on a DS48

ows a strong cshoots up!

wn below on taffecting the

zed is on “CPUQL details on me optimizatio

ad is on the you will notic

de 1

n 2 node RAC

statistical anans and worklo

plot of a prod00 SAN. Not

correlation be

the peak periooverall perfoU” hence youawr_topsqlx.

on, and huge

AAS value oce the top SQ


alysis [10] [1ad reduction.

duction envirotice the strongtween AAS v

od with AAS ormance of thu will see larg. Tuning the hsavings on sy

of 2.2, the CPQL from AAS

1] [12] lets y

onment with g correlation cvs. CPU utiliz

value of 10 ie database. A

ge LIOs and mhigh load SQLystem resourc

PU utilizationof 10 is not t

you do foreca

2 nodes of 11coefficient (Rzation. Also w

it shows that tAlso note that most of the elL will result tces.

n, latency, Athere anymore


ast that can gu

1gR1 RAC ruR2) of .97 andwhen CPU sta

the workload the large chu

lapsed time spto great work

AAS componee.

de 2

uide you with

unning on d .89 arts to queue

is driven by unk of AAS pent on CPU


ent on “CPU


Page 22: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


The perfodatabase sinformed The toolk - CREAT - DROP - CREAT - POPUL - ANAL - POPUL - R2 REP

ing down o

1) General W

2) Tablespa

3) Top Ti

ormance toolkserver’s workdecisions and

kit contains 7 TE USER - cTABLES - d

TE THE r2 TLATE y data YZE r2 VALLATE x and rPORT - gene

on the peak

Workload repor

ace IO report

med Events

kit uses AWRkload based ond completely

sections, see breates the r2to

drop the tablesTABLES - cre

- y data is theLUES - get theresidual data rate the textu



R data and Linn AAS. The davoiding gue

brief descriptoolkit user s for a fresh seate the main e "dependent e stat names w- x data is the

ual report and

. with AAS o

near Regressiodata points casswork!

tion below:

tart tables value", variabwith high r2 ve "independenr2 values wit

of 10

on to identifyan be very use

ble whose vavalues, to havnt value", useth or w/o outl

y what metric/eful for capac

lue is to be prve a more accud to predict thliers

/statistic is dricity planning g

redicted urate analysishe value of y

iving the giving you


Page 23: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


4) Top 20

6) Top 5 SQ

w on the low

0 SQLs


w workload

D 8631.. which b

period… wi

y the way got a

ith AAS of 2

n AAS of 10


Page 24: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


1) Genera

2) Tables

3) Top Ti

4) Top 20

No entry – t

6) Top 5 SQ

erences [1] Craig [2] r2proj [3] Kyle H [4] Tanel [5] Histor [6] Craig [7] Andy [8] Craig [9] Husnu

http://husn [10] Forec [11] Statis

al Workload rep

space IO report

med Events

0 SQLs

the top SQL fro


Shallahamer ect - http://ka

Hailey SeminPoder – Perfs

ry of session lShallahamer Rivenes – OrShallahamer

u Sensoy - Danusensoy.filecasting Oraclstics Without


m AAS of 10 is

D 8582

- Oracle Perfarlarao.tiddlysnar – AAS presheet http://wload - http://si- Introduction

racle Workloa- Oracle Perf

atabase Consos.wordpress.ce Performanc

t Tears

not here anymo

formance To Oracle Sad Measuremformance Fireolidation Bestcom/2010/05/ce


efighting - Chproject Consol

ment efighting - Cht Practices /database-con

hapter 1


hapter 9


p e-session-hist




Page 25: Whitepaper: Mining the AWR repository for Capacity Planning and Visualization


[12] Neer [13] Neil

http://arxi [14] AAS Other refe

o hto Sto hto ht

endix - Ave The IO lat

latency (ms) =

The imagshorter shttp://ww

raj Bahatia – Ll Gunther &

S investigationerences: ttp://karlarao.torage IOPS, ttp://karlarao.ttp://karlarao.

erage Laten

tency formula

= (readtim / phy re

ges below shonap intervalw.freelists.or

Linear RegresTanel Poder

09.2532 n

.wordpress.cocapacity, per

ncy Issue

a used in AW

eads) * 10 

ow that latencls. Also reag/post/oracle-

ssion Paper r - Multidim


om rformance, coom/#Statisticsom/#OraclePe

WR is as follow

cy values maad on this l-l/Disk-Devic

mensional Vis

ost - http://goos erformance


ay be normalilink for thece-Busy-Wha

sualization of

ized if the sne effects of at-exactly-is-t

f Oracle Per

nap interval iCPU sched


rformance us

is too long asduling issues

sing Barry007

s compared tos on latency


o y