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WHITE PAPER The Importance of High Availability Solutions Increases with the Changes in Next-Generation Platforms Sponsored by: NEC Mitsuhiro Iriya September 2011 IDC OPINION IT systems support on operations and services is a crucial challenge for enterprises and organizations, as well as increasing their availability. One of the most effective ways of improving availability is to make use of high availability (HA) solutions based on availability and clustering software. At NEC, the CLUSTERPRO (EXPRESSCLUSTER for international markets) is at the heart of an HA strategy that will bring higher reliability to enterprises and organizations. The following is a summary of the key points in this white paper: The availability and clustering software market continues to achieve strong growth in the Asia/Pacific region and the demand for HA is expanding. Shares of sales broken down by vendors for 2010 show NEC to be in the top position, with year-over-year (YoY) growth of approximately 30%. In a growing number of cases, Linux is adopted for mission-critical systems, expanding the installed base of availability and clustering software. NEC has been involved in the Linux market since early on and has a growing track record, particularly in projects for the financial services and telecommunications industries, and also for government agencies. In 2010, it had a 37.5% share (by vendor) of sales in Linux environments, ranking it as a leader in HA solutions. A major challenge for virtualization environments will be improving availability as server virtualization spreads. A crucial factor to meet this demand will be the provision of sufficient HA to physical machines and virtual machines, as well as the application layers that run on them. Enterprises always face unforeseeable risks, for instance earthquakes and other natural disasters. It is imperative that they improve business continuity with effective utilization of HA solutions in disaster recovery and similar situations. NEC's CLUSTERPRO HA strategy expands the potential for HA solutions in three key directions: fast response to a wide range of platforms; improved reliability through enhancements and expansions to core functions; and expanded scope of application in disaster recovery and similar situations. IDC forecasts the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market will continue to grow at high levels. Growth potential is particularly high for China, India, and ASEAN countries, all of which have extremely promising markets. Ensuring and managing integrated availability in environments that contain mixed OSs and virtualization platforms is a key point in cloud computing-ready HA IDC Japan 3rd Floor, Hulic Kudan Building, 1-13-5 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 P.81.3.3556.4760

WHITE PAPER The Importance of High Availability Solutions ... · PDF fileThe Importance of High Availability Solutions Increases with the Changes in ... a key point in cloud computing-ready

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T h e I m p o r t a n c e o f H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y S o l u t i o n s I n c r e a s e s w i t h t h e C h a n g e s i n N e x t - G e n e r a t i o n P l a t f o r m s

Sponsored by: NEC

Mitsuhiro Iriya

September 2011


IT systems support on operations and services is a crucial challenge for enterprises

and organizations, as well as increasing their availability. One of the most effective

ways of improving availability is to make use of high availability (HA) solutions

based on availability and clustering software. At NEC, the CLUSTERPRO

(EXPRESSCLUSTER for international markets) is at the heart of an HA strategy that

will bring higher reliability to enterprises and organizations.

The following is a summary of the key points in this white paper:

The availability and clustering software market continues to achieve strong

growth in the Asia/Pacific region and the demand for HA is expanding. Shares of

sales broken down by vendors for 2010 show NEC to be in the top position, with

year-over-year (YoY) growth of approximately 30%.

In a growing number of cases, Linux is adopted for mission-critical systems,

expanding the installed base of availability and clustering software. NEC has

been involved in the Linux market since early on and has a growing track record,

particularly in projects for the financial services and telecommunications

industries, and also for government agencies. In 2010, it had a 37.5% share

(by vendor) of sales in Linux environments, ranking it as a leader in HA solutions.

A major challenge for virtualization environments will be improving availability as

server virtualization spreads. A crucial factor to meet this demand will be the

provision of sufficient HA to physical machines and virtual machines, as well as

the application layers that run on them.

Enterprises always face unforeseeable risks, for instance earthquakes and other

natural disasters. It is imperative that they improve business continuity with

effective utilization of HA solutions in disaster recovery and similar situations.

NEC's CLUSTERPRO HA strategy expands the potential for HA solutions in

three key directions: fast response to a wide range of platforms; improved

reliability through enhancements and expansions to core functions; and

expanded scope of application in disaster recovery and similar situations.

IDC forecasts the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market will

continue to grow at high levels. Growth potential is particularly high for China,

India, and ASEAN countries, all of which have extremely promising markets.

Ensuring and managing integrated availability in environments that contain mixed

OSs and virtualization platforms is a key point in cloud computing-ready HA


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solutions going forward. This is a major advantage for NEC, which will be able to

offer users highly reliable cloud platforms ahead of the competition.

H I G H AV A I L A B I L I T Y : T H E C O R E I S S U E

IT plays an important role in enterprise and organizational activities. For many

companies, the ability to provide services across national and regional borders

24 hours a day, 365 days a year is taken for granted, and IT systems are key support

for this. From a different perspective, this is also an indication of just how dependent

enterprises and organizations are on IT systems. Such dependency is driving the

need for increased availability of IT systems and making implementation of effective

HA solutions a key IT challenge.

More than anything else, IT managers must strive to avoid business disruption due to

unexpected system failures. A system failure can bring operations and services to a

halt, resulting in obvious loss of business opportunities, as well as untold damage to

credibility among customers, suppliers, shareholders, and other stakeholders. IT

managers must protect the data and application assets that are central to operations

and services, both from sudden failures of hardware, OSs, and applications and from

disasters like earthquakes and fires. They must ensure high availability for mission-

critical systems that provide core corporate services like financial accounting and

sales management, as well as Web-based customer services like e-commerce sites

and online transactions.

There are many approaches to increasing the availability of IT systems, but the most

important point is whether, when there is a failure, the workload can be switched over

to other hardware without disrupting operations and services. This can be ensured by

using HA clustering software. A wide range of solutions is possible for disaster

recovery and HA virtualization environments, for example, failover strategies that

switch systems from production servers to standby servers.

IDC defines availability and clustering software as HA clustering software and

other software with functions to increase system availability. In this white paper,

we examine trends in the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market

and consider future HA strategies based on NEC's CLUSTERPRO HA clustering


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In 2010, the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market was worth

US$313 million and growing strongly at 9.9% YoY. Users are becoming more and

more aware of IT system availability issues, and are investing more in availability and

clustering software as a result. The rapid spread of virtualization technology also

promotes market growth, as do initiatives to improve the availability of virtualization


Figure 1 contains shares of sales broken down by vendors for 2010 in the

Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market. NEC, which develops and

markets CLUSTERPRO, has the number 1 share at 21.6%. The company achieved

extremely high growth in 2010; sales were up 29.6% YoY.

F I G U R E 1

A s i a / P a c i f i c A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t S h a r e s

b y V en d o r s , 2 0 1 0

Note: Asia/Pacific includes Australia, China (PRC), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.

Source: IDC, September 2011

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M a r k e t T r e n d s i n L e a d i n g C o u n t r i e s i n t h e

E x p a n d i n g A s i a / P a c i f i c R e g i o n

Figure 2 shows the 2010 YoY sales growth rates for the Asia/Pacific availability and

clustering software markets in Japan, China, India and the five leading ASEAN

countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand). Growth in

Japan was 10.4%, China 2.1%, India 6.5%, and the five major ASEAN countries

17.0%. The following is a discussion of trends in national and regional markets.


The Japan market was worth US$221 million in 2010 and accounted for 70% of

Asia/Pacific as a whole. In a growing number of cases, availability and clustering

software is applied to Linux mission-critical systems requiring HA. The Linux market

grew in excess of 30% YoY. Growth is particularly high for online trading systems in

the financial services industry, primarily brokerages. Another key area to watch is the

move to HA for VMware, vSphere and other virtualization environments, where use of

availability and clustering software is growing.


The China market was worth US$15.62 million in 2010, ranking in third by size

in Asia/Pacific. The country is building large-scale mission-critical systems in the

banking, securities, telecommunications, and manufacturing sectors in preparation for

rapid economic growth and globalization. HA is crucial for these systems and the

demand for availability and clustering software is growing. The country is also making

progress on the virtualization of enterprise datacenters and is moving to virtualization

environments for databases, email systems, and other business-critical applications.

This is raising the expectations for HA solutions for virtualization environments and

expanding the latent demand for availability and clustering software.


The India market was worth US$15.51 million in 2010, ranking on par with China.

The market continues to achieve solid growth at 6.5% YoY. Finance,

telecommunications, government, and IT services are the leading sectors in the

market. Windows servers are the most common system platform and most of the

volume is Windows-based availability and clustering software. Progress is seen on

the implementation of failover-based HA for virtualization environments built with

Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V. However, over the past several years, there has

been a growing adoption of Linux servers — particularly among small and

medium-sized enterprises — and Linux environment HA solutions attract

considerable attention. Larger enterprises are also moving to adopt Linux and going

forward there will probably be demand for HA in environments that contain a mixture

of Windows and Linux systems.

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Five Major ASEAN Countries

The market in the five major ASEAN countries was worth US$16.53 million in 2010

with a 17.0% YoY growth rate, well above Japan, China, or India. Singapore drives

the growth and accounts for approximately 60% of the market created by the five

major ASEAN countries. In addition, its growth rate is a strong 17.7%. Singapore has

a large number of global enterprises, as well as of datacenters. Growth has been

particularly fast for cloud-oriented datacenters and awareness of availability is

extremely high. These trends in turn create rapid expansion in the demand for

HA solutions. Growth is also high in Malaysia and other countries, and the overall

demand for HA is rising in ASEAN.

F I G U R E 2

F i v e M a j o r A S E A N C o u n t r i e s Y e a r - o v e r - Y e a r S a l e s G r o w t h

R a t e s a n d t h e A s i a / P a c i f i c A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e

M a r k e t , 2 0 1 0

Note: The five major ASEAN countries are: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and


Source: IDC, September 2011

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G r o w t h o f H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y S o l u t i o n s f o r

L i n u x

Figure 3 contains YoY sales growth rates broken down by OS for the 2010

Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market. The growth rate for Linux was

33.4%, far larger than Windows or UNIX. Linux also accounts for 33.6% of the total

availability and clustering software market, giving it the largest share.

In many cases, Linux has taken over the mission-critical systems that require high

availability and used to be run on UNIX. For example, the New York Stock Exchange

and Tokyo Stock Exchange use Linux as the platform for their trading systems and

the London Stock Exchange has announced plans to make a full switchover to Linux.

In addition to these world-famous examples, many other enterprises and

organizations are adopting Linux for mission-critical systems and introducing

availability and clustering software, which is expanding the scope for solutions that

increase availability.

F I G U R E 3

A s i a / P a c i f i c A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t

Y e a r - o v e r - Y e a r G r o w t h R a t e b y O S , 2 0 1 0

Note: Asia/Pacific includes Australia, China (PRC), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.

Source: IDC, September 2011

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Figure 4 contains data that backs up the move to HA in Linux. We have calculated a

"HA deployment rate" that measures the degree of HA from availability and clustering

software in the Linux servers newly shipped each year. The data presented focuses

on Japan, one of the most "conservative" countries in the world. By "conservative,"

we mean "tends to use UNIX servers and mainframes for systems requiring

availability even though they are expensive and provide more support than

necessary." The sharp rise in the Linux HA deployment rate over the last two years in

this most "conservative" country indicates a growing number of cases in which

mission-critical systems are built with a combination of x86 servers running Linux and

availability and clustering software. This appears the optimum choice for developing

low-cost, high-availability systems.

F I G U R E 4

L i n u x E n v i r o n m en t H i gh - A v a i l a b i l i t y D e p l o ym e n t R a t e s i n t h e

J a p a n A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t , 2 0 0 1 – 2 0 1 0

Source: IDC, September 2011

Figure 5 contains share of sales broken down by vendor for Linux availability and

clustering software market in Asia/Pacific in 2010. NEC has the number 1 share of

the market as a whole and is also a market leader in Linux with a 37.5% share.

NEC saw the growth potential of the Linux market early on and move to launch and

enhance Linux products ahead of other vendors, for example, by supporting a

wide range of Linux distributions. These efforts really began to pay off in 2009

when the company reported a 90% increase in sales, followed by another 58% in

2010. The company has attracted a broad range of customers, from large-scale

Linux-based mission-critical systems in the financial services sector requiring more

than 100 nodes to telecommunications companies, government agencies, and

manufacturing firms.

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F I G U R E 5

A s i a / P a c i f i c L i n u x A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t

S h a r e o f S a l e s b y V e n d o r 2 0 1 0

Note: Asia/Pacific includes Australia, China (PRC), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.

Source: IDC, September 2011

Figure 6 contains forecast OS shares of Asia/Pacific server shipping volumes from

2010 to 2015. IDC forecasts the share of Linux servers will continue to increase.

As this takes place, more of the applications running on Linux servers will be

mission-critical, and the demand for Linux environment HA solutions will expand

even further.

One must also be aware of the potential for the introduction of Linux environments to

other environments that already have large installed Windows platforms. Enterprises

and organizations using x86 servers often use Windows and Linux side-by-side.

There is also the potential that cost and expandability considerations will cause

locations currently using Windows-servers only to install Linux servers when building

new systems. It would be inefficient to manage Windows and Linux availability

individually when they make use of the same hardware platform, and this will raise

the need for integrated management and the efficiency gains it will achieve.

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F I G U R E 6

F o r e c a s t O S S h a r e s o f A s i a / P a c i f i c S e r v e r S h i p p i n g V o l u m e s ,

2 0 1 0– 2 0 1 5

Note: Asia/Pacific includes Australia, China (PRC), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.

Source: IDC, September 2011

G r o w i n g I m p o r t a n c e o f H i g h - A v a i l a b i l i t y

S o l u t i o n s i n t h e E x p a n s i o n o f V i r t u a l

E n v i r o n m e n t

Server virtualization using hypervisors and other virtual machine software is in the

process of rapid expansion. Figure 7 contains forecasts for the Asia/Pacific virtual

machine software market. Growth is surprisingly strong; in terms of sales, the market

grew five times between 2006 and 2010. We forecast continued growth for this

market, with a 2010–2015 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.0%, and

anticipate a steady increase in the number of systems built on virtualization


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F I G U R E 7

F o r e c a s t S a l e s f o r t h e A s i a / P a c i f i c V i r t u a l M a c h i n e S o f t w a r e

M a r k e t 2 0 0 6—2 0 1 5

Note: Asia/Pacific includes Australia, China (PRC), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.

Source: IDC, September 2011

Driving the rapid expansion of server virtualization are substantial cost-savings on the

hardware that integrates physical servers and its operations and maintenance.

However, the risks associated with physical servers also become larger because

multiple applications are concentrated on a single physical server. If, for example,

a physical server stops, so do all the virtual machines running on it. The greater the

extent of server virtualization, the greater the risk, and therefore the greater the

demand for HA.

To virtualization software packages that include hypervisors and other virtualization

environment management function modules, basic HA function modules may also be

included but they are inadequate to address sudden failures as they do not allow

monitoring of applications on a guest OS and they lack many other features for

effective HA. This makes it important to provide HA for all layers ― the physical

machine, virtual machine, and applications ― by using third-party availability and

clustering software.

There are a number of different hypervisor options available, including VMware

vSphere, Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, and the open source Xen and KVM.

All offer distinctive functionality, performance, and pricing; and in some cases users

will have different choices depending upon the purposes of the system. Like mixed

Windows/Linux environments, there will probably be more mixed hypervisor

environments in the future. As that happens, one must be aware of the need for

integrated availability management of virtualization environments comprising multiple,

different hypervisors.

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B u s i n e s s C o n t i n u i t y a n d H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y

On March 11, 2011, Japan was struck by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The

destruction was immense; between the shaking and the subsequent tsunami, more

than 20,000 people were dead or missing. The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi

Nuclear Power Station also plunged the Greater Tokyo area into an electric power

shortage. Most enterprises had strengthened quake-proofing their datacenter

structures in preparation for disaster, but no one anticipated power shortages.

Enterprises quickly began to move systems to other areas in Japan where power is

available or offshore their datacenters. They also began to create and review disaster

recovery systems and to formulate new business continuity plans.

Such unforeseen circumstances are not limited to Japan; they can occur anywhere in

the Asia/Pacific region, and indeed, anywhere in the world. It is imperative that we be

aware of the risks threatening enterprise activities: earthquakes and other natural

disasters, terrorism, riot, war. Asia is a particularly earthquake-prone part of the world

and the potential for damage is higher from the secondary impacts of disaster, such

as loss of electric power and other lifelines, than from direct impacts. Corporate IT

departments must create datacenter disaster recovery systems that mitigate all

significant risks to business continuity.

The most important point in building a disaster recovery system is to minimize the

downtime after disaster occurs. Backups and similar strategies might be used to

move data and applications to other datacenters, but they are of no value if too much

time is required to restore systems to normal operations. The opportunity costs are

great and impossible to recover. Advanced mechanisms are required to enable

operations to continue at recovery datacenters with minimal downtime.

Availability and clustering software-based HA solutions can be used to build these

kinds of disaster recovery mechanisms. A clustering system that uses failover to a

remote datacenter can create the same environment that was operating in the

primary datacenter. There are many different solutions for disaster recovery, but this

is one of the most practical, least expensive and most reliable solutions available, and

a growing number of enterprises are taking advantage of it.

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L e a d i n g C o m p a n y i n A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d

C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e

NEC x86 servers boast the top share of the domestic Japan market. A report

published by IDC in April 2011 found that its share of domestic x86 server shipping

volumes was 24.7% (refer to Japan Server 2011–2015 Forecast and 2010 Analysis:

The Effect of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, IDC #JP1573103T, June 2011).

As was already noted, through its development and marketing of CLUSTERPRO HA

clustering software, NEC achieved a number 1 ranking in the 2010 vendor sales

league table for the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market.

It has a particularly strong track record in Japan, with number 1 shares of both the

Windows and Linux markets, and the market as a whole (refer to Japan System

Software 2011–2015 Forecast and 2010 Analysis: The Effect of the Great Eastern

Japan Earthquake, IDC #JP1677102T, August 2011).

This track record in Japan gives NEC a basis for expanding its products to the North

American, European, and global markets under the EXPRESSCLUSTER brand name.

Asia/Pacific has been a point of focus in its marketing efforts over the past several

years. Results are expanding in China and Southeast Asian countries, and the

company is also moving into India. It is eyeing future expansions into the potentially

high-growth markets of Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

N E C ’ s H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y S o l u t i o n s S t r a t e g y

NEC is moving forward on three vectors in the development of its core

CLUSTERPRO products as it takes its HA solutions strategy global:

Expand supported platforms. Supporting rapidly growing new OS,

new virtual platform, and cloud infrastructure.

Enhance core functions. Support for warning sign detection, enhanced failure

detection, and shorter switchover times

Expand solutions applications. Application to disaster recovery, support for

network devices, support for appliance products, and so forth.

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©2011 IDC #202133_EN 13

Expansion of Supported Platforms

A growing number of the IT systems at enterprises and organizations are a mixture of

different OSs (Linux and Windows) and different versions of the same OS (Windows

Server 2003–2008). Another potential complexity in IT system management is the

creation of virtualization environments with different hypervisors. NEC is expanding

the platforms supported by CLUSTERPRO to adapt to platform environments in

which there are compound combinations of OSs and virtualization platforms. It is

unknown at the current point in time what will emerge as the dominant platform in

cloud computing, but NEC is able to adapt to all major options.

Enhanced Core Functions

System failures are caused by many different factors. It is important to perform broad

monitoring and reliably detect failures when they occur, whether they are in the

hardware, the OS, or the application. System availability is only maintained with fast,

reliable failover in response to failure. CLUSTERPRO detects warning signs and

switches over to a stable server to reduce system downtime. The company continues

to strengthen core functions like failure detection, warning detection, and failover to

provide more reliable HA functions. The effect of this will be particularly significant in

mission-critical domains.

Expansion of Cluster Applications

NEC's goal is to use HA clustering software to develop high value-added HA solutions.

Disaster recovery is an area of particular emphasis. CLUSTERPRO has functions to

cluster across remote sites to enable the recovery of both data and applications in the

event of disaster. The company will continue to develop a wider range of clustering

applications and offer higher value-added HA solutions.


A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t

F o r e c a s t

The Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market will continue to grow at

high levels. Asia/Pacific forecasts a CAGR of 6.1% for the 2010–2015 period.

Figure 8 contains our YoY sales growth forecast for 2011–2015. The figure indicates

growth rates for Japan and Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan).

Growth will be extremely high for Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan). The area will

maintain growth rates in excess of 10% after 2012, and indeed growth rates will be

increasing. IDC forecasts CAGR of 12.2% for the 2010–2015 period. We anticipate

that China, India and the ASEAN countries will accelerate deployment because of the

high demand for availability and clustering software-based HA. Japan will experience

a temporary economic slump as a result of the East Japan Great Earthquake of 2011,

but will maintain solid growth thereafter. As an overall trend for Asia/Pacific, we

forecast a continued contraction in the UNIX market, and continued high growth in the

Linux and Windows markets.

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F I G U R E 8

Y e a r - o v e r - Y e a r S a l e s G r o w t h F o r e c a s t s f o r t h e A s i a / P a c i f i c

A v a i l a b i l i t y a n d C l u s t e r i n g S o f t w a r e M a r k e t , 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 5

Source: IDC, September 2011

F u t u r e H i g h A v a i l a b i l i t y S o l u t i o n s

Enterprises and organizations are continually confronted by the threat of system

stoppage from unexpected events, whether they be hardware and software failures,

natural disasters or even terrorism. The electric power shortages in the wake of the

Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and nuclear power plant accident were indeed

beyond what anyone had envisioned. IT systems are the basis for the services

provided to customers, suppliers, and employees; and it is not overstating the case to

say that their reliability is an indicator of the organization's performance. Availability

and clustering software-based HA will therefore take on even greater importance in

the future. There will also be a wider range of higher value-added solutions that can

be achieved, disaster recovery not least among them.

Meanwhile, the environment for IT systems is constantly evolving and changing to

keep pace with technology. Virtualization has had a particularly large impact that has

changed how platforms are built and operated. As this takes place, one of the key

challenges to tackle will be the improvement of the availability in virtualization

environments. The importance of HA will only increase as virtualization environments

expand to mission-critical domains. The management of availability, however, will

only grow more complex as different combinations of virtualization platforms and

guest OSs proliferate — something already seen with hypervisors. In many cases,

Typical OS and virtualization platforms do not provide adequate HA reliability and

management efficiency. This will increase the need for third-party availability and

clustering software that provides multi-platform support.

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©2011 IDC #202133_EN 15

The same point can be made with respect to cloud computing. Many different forms

of cloud computing are being attempted — for example, public cloud and private

clouds — but whichever prevails, the availability of the cloud platform will be the most

important factor. Availability and clustering software-based HA will play a major role in

this. Studies are currently being done regarding the OSs and hypervisors to use in

cloud platforms, but regardless of the outcome, it is highly likely that a wide range and

variety of platform environments will be built to deal with the wide range of user needs.

Support for multi-platform environments that contain combinations of different OSs

and virtualization platforms will translate into support for cloud computing platform



This white paper observes NEC's market opportunities and challenges in the HA

solutions business, and makes recommendations to users.

M a r k e t O p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d C h a l l e n g e s o f N E C


NEC can expect further expansion in its HA solutions business. Continued

growth is forecast for the Asia/Pacific availability and clustering software market,

and the company has already solidified its position as a market leader in Linux

environments. Its strong track record in Japan, where high levels of availability

are required, has given it a foundation of expertise from which to earn the

confidence of customers around the world for its HA solutions.

Virtualization environments and cloud environments are multi-platform in nature,

containing a wide range of OSs and virtualization platforms. NEC emphasizes

quick response to many different platforms, which will have significant impact for

the company as the cloud comes into its own. By combining this with disaster

recovery and other high value-added HA solutions, the company can achieve a

robust cloud platform.


HA functions added to some OSs and virtualization software packages may bite

into the market opportunities for third-party availability and clustering software.

NEC will need to offer users valuable HA solutions that supplement and integrate

with these functions.

Page 16: WHITE PAPER The Importance of High Availability Solutions ... · PDF fileThe Importance of High Availability Solutions Increases with the Changes in ... a key point in cloud computing-ready

16 #202133_EN ©2011 IDC

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s t o U s e r s

HA measures in a virtual environment. Some applications that operate in

virtualization environments pose significant risks to reliability. Users are

encouraged to study their plans carefully and give full consideration to HA in

virtualization and cloud environments, such as what applications to virtualize,

which virtualization platforms and guest OSs to use (including the potential for

mixed environments).

Investment in reliability. Different enterprises will require different levels of

availability from their IT systems depending upon their form, size, operations, and

services. There can be no compromise on HA for systems that require high

levels of availability. Even a seemingly minor compromise can often lead to

significant losses. It will be important to invest sufficiently in HA, including the

availability and clustering software that will improve reliability.

Effective utilization of diverse HA solutions. No one knows what will happen

when. It is necessary to be constantly prepared for unforeseen and

unforeseeable events. The scope of application for availability and clustering

software is expanding into areas like disaster recovery. Within that, there are

large numbers of HA solutions that can be achieved at lower cost than other

approaches without harming reliability. Different possibilities should be explored.

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