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/ White Orange Fleischmanns High School I Sports FHS vs. Franklin— Last Saturday, in their final home game, Fleischmanns defeated Franlmn for their league victory. The boys looked much better than they did at Treadwell and played a faster game. After kick- ing off to Franklin at the opening of the game they held the Blue and Gold for three downs and forced them to kick on the fourth. A nice run-back brought FHS into the visitors territory and a series of running plays gave them the first score a minute later. Jeff Kelly booted the extra points, and the quarter ended with the Orange and White leading, 8-0. In the second quarter the boj^ poshed over another score and added the extra markers to make the score 16-0 at the close of the half. At the beginning of the second half the Orange and White dialked up another six points but failed to make the additional counts. "Die second team then came into the game and did a nice j(A> of holding Franklin scoreless for the remain- der of the game. Several times the second-stringers threatened the Blue and Gold but each time a score was averted by intercepted passes. When the final gun went off FHS had their third consecutive league victory'under their belt by a score of 22-0. niis afternoon the Orange and White football squad journeys to Roxbury. "Hie game promises to be close and fast, so let's have a big crowd out to support the team. Senior Dance Last Friday evening found Fleischmanns high sdiool students and their friend dancing in the gym to the music of Bert Pease ' and his orchestra. The dance was sponsored by the seniors. Hie. theme for decorations was HaUoween, so the gym was ador- fuliy arrayed with cornstalks, orange streamers and blade gats. Unique window decorations were the pumpkins with various facial expressions painted by members of the art depiuiment. ITie most in- teresting of these was a cariaca- ture fo Hitler. Cider was on sale throughout the dance and refreshments were served during intermission in the cafeteria. ITie refreshment com- mittee included Ralph Hoffman, Thomas Beddoe, Clifford Bellows, Genevieve Stiles, Douglas Pultz, Steve Kierski, Louis Ocker, Clar- ence Dunham, Mary Alton and Elaine Hirsch. Bill Munro was in charge of tickets. Mamie Benja- min and Virginia Winnie were in charge of the check room. General News We are fortunate this week in being able to see a display of old books. They are located in the lower hall in a display case loaned to the sdiool by Mrs. Flisser. Sev- eral quaint books for children, pub- lished in the 19th century, are induded. Especially interesting are the Godey's Lady's Boc^ and Peterson's magazine. The first edition of the White Orange is now on sale. This au- tumn number contains several outstanding articles such as Ad- vice to the Freshman, Mother Goose Oddities, How to Use the Library and Susan's Diary. Ihe diefs dass in homemaWng has been preparing breakfasts and what meals these have been! We imderstand that the boys are be- ccHnins rather expert cooks. AD homemaking dasses are learning the art of entertaining this week by having Halloween I>arties. AMonblles Our assembly last week turned out to be more of a pep meeting. The state t n x ^ r who was sup- posed to give us tl^p hunting re- strictions and a few points on safety was imable to be there. Mr. Alexander made quite a few announcements concerning the magazine selling contest, the dance, etc., then asked the cheer- leaders to lead a few yells. They h«4 a Uttie difficulty with "The Ecdo" because for some reason the section representing the echo alwajrs seemed to yell the louder. Girt Soont Smn All the Girl Scouts are w(xider- ing what they are going to wear to our party. Tlie Christmas card sales are going along fine. The girls that sell ten get a subscription to the American Girl for one year. The American Girl is the Girl Scouts' magazine. We are searching the magazines for pictures of different types of houses and healthful foods. These are for our scrapbooks whidi we will be making the covers for next week. At the last meeting of the Science club we saw some movies. After that some of the boys ex- perimented with motors, others blew glass, or examined something of interest to them. We also saw a one-celled animal through a microscope. Since Bert left sdiocd we will have to elect a new presi- dent. Girls' Sports ^ Two of the girls' newcomb teams were omitted frtrni last week's issue of the Catskill Mountain News, niey were Olive Herdman, captain; Betty Decker, Doris KeUy, Marilyn Tyler, Peggy Osterhoudt, Angie Cirami, Rose Cirami; and Mugs Hummell, captain; Nellie Spickerman, Mary Rosa, Gloria Platte, Anne Ford, Dorothy Kelly. Music News The senior band will parade again this year for the annual Halloween party. The costume mardi will proceed from the school to Aronowitz's comer and back. "Rie band will provide music in the gym after the parade. Mem- bers of the band are as follows: Arnold Bell, drums; Clifford Bel- lows, trombone; Mildred Arono- witz, alto sax; Frank Avgry, tuba; James Fuller, daripet; Robert Ford, trumpet; Russell Fox, cor- net; Herbert Herdman, sousa- tdione; Rdaert Johnson, darinet; Norma Lou Judd, darinet; Doris Kelly, drums, (mardiing band); Robert Kelly, darinet; Sheridan Kelly, trombone; Helen Moran, melody sax; Robert Munro, flute; WiUiam Munro, dnmi, (marching band); Charles Pultz, bass drum; Carol Reynolds, cymbols, (mardi- ing bandh Douglas Storie, trum- pet; Patricia Tervay, comet. The orchestra will appear for -the first time in public Nov. 14 at the senior play. ITiey will play three numbers, "Songs of the South" by Seridy, "Valse" by Schmidt and a march, "The Com- mander" by Brockton. Hie group is working espedally hard to get ready for this occasion. Members of the orchestra will be listed next week. 7th and 8tli Grade News Regina Maxim visited her mother at the Kingston City hospital. Some of us went to the football game Saturday. We are very sorry that Junior Pultz injured his arm while prac- ticing football. In art we are making cats from black paper for Halloween. Carol Reynolds went to New York Saturday to attend the rodeo. She went to the Army and Navy parade and went shopping. She was also in Chinatown. Betty Humphrey had company over the weekend. Notice of Completioa of AssessmMit BOH Village Law, Section 105 Hearing of Complaints Boys 400-Afire Tract Paul nie of Mtmroe has pur- diased the Henry Oldadi farm and the Bruce Ford tract in the head of the Vega valley, comprising about 400 acres. Mr. Hie wil spend part of the fall at the new prt^ erty to enjoy the excellent hunting there and will use it as a summer home. Notice of Annual Meeting ot Plot Owners Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of plot owners of the Kelly Comers Cemetery Association, Inc., will be held at the Kelly Comers school house at Kelly Comers, New York, on the 8th day of November, 1941, at one o'dodc P. M., for the purpose of electing a director and transacting such other business as may prop- erly and legally come before the meeting. Datea Kelly Comers, N. Y.. October 29th, 1941. J. R. HUBBELL, n7p Secretary NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessors of the Village of Fleischmanns, N. Y., have com- pleted the Assessment RoU for the year 1942, that a copy thereof has been left with the undersigned Village Clerk T»^ere it may be seen and examined by any persMi interested therein until the 18th day of November, 1941, and on such day from one o'dock until five o'dock in the aftemoon, said Assessors will meet at the Village Hall in said village to hear and examine all complaints in relation to such assessments on the ^pli- cation of any person conceiving himself to be aggrieved thereby. Dated this 30th day of October, 1941. RUTHERFORD H. BROWN, Clerk of the Village of Fleisdimanns, N. Y. n7c being the southwesterly comer of said Homestead; thence North 33* east 34 diains 12 links to said Beadle's northeasteriy comer; thence along the Patent line south 56' aff east 20 diains 77 links to a stake and stones; thence south 32" 31' west 34 chains 41 links to Blish's line; thence nwth 56* 6' Notice to Creditors Pursuant to an order of Hon. A. Lindsay O'Ctonnor, Surrogate of the County erf Delaware, notice is hereby given to all persons having daims against Scudder T. Whipple, late of the town of Middletown, in said County, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Executrix (rf the said deceased, at the office of Ives A Griffin in the vUIage of Roxbury, New Yoric, on or before the 25th day of November, next Dated May 12. 1941. INA W. SMITH, Executrix. IVES & GRIFFIN, Attomesrs for Executrix. Rexbury, N. Y. ml6-n7 SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE Leslie Handler, plaintiff, against L. and S. Hotel Corporation, et al., defendants. IN pursuance of a jud^ent of foredosure and sale, duly made and entered in the above-entitled action and bearing date the 7th day of May, 1941, I, the under- signed, the Referee in said judg- ment named, will sell at pubuc auction, at the front door of the Supreme Court House located at the Village of Delhi, County of Delaware, State of New York, on the 3rd day of December, 1941, at 12 o'dock noon on that day, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lymg and being in the Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and State of New York, in Great Lot No. 8 Harden- burgh Patent, subdivision No. 4, known as the William KeUy Home- stead Farm, boimded and described as follows: BEGINNING on the easterly line of the old Abm. Beadle farm. west 21 chains 3 links to the place of beginning, containing seventy- one acres of land, more or less. ALSO one other piece or parcel of land situate as aforesaid, bound- ed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake and stones, the notherly comer of the old Blish Farm; thence south 33* west 34 chains 26 links to Blish's westerly comer, and the same course 14 chains 50 links to a pile of stones 11 links easterly from an ash tree marked P. P. W.. 1838; thence north 56® west 10 chains 29 links to a stake and heap of stones 7 links easterly from a small ash tree marked P. P. W., 1838; thence nor^ 33' east 48 chains 76 links to a stake and stones; thence south 56° east 10 chains 29 links to the place of beginning, contain- ing fifty acres (rf land, more or less. ALSO one other piece or parcel of land situate in Middletown aforesaid and further described as follows, viz: COMMENCING at the south end of a stone wall, near the Catholic Burying Ground at Clovesville near a race-way and running east to a stake and stones on the flat, the northeast comer of the Waterbury lot; from thence south to high water mark on the south side of the stream in range of two birch trees to the place of beginning, containing three or four acres of land, more or less. TOGETHER with all furniture, furnishings, fixtures and equipment and other personal prc^rty now or hereafter contamed in said premises or used in connection therewith. BEING the same premises i ^ d i were conveyed to Charles Lieb- mann by Edward Kelly, farmer, and who was then unmarried, bearing date Septeipber 25th, 1891, and recorded in Delaware County Clerk'5 office on September 28th, 1891, in Book No. 115 of deeds at page 365 and sub^t to all excep- tions and reservations contained in said deed and which reservations were made in favor of the grantor in said deed named, except any reservati<ms personal to the said Edward Kelly and which, termi- nated with his death in the year 1894. Said premises shall be sold sub- ject to the following: SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate survey may show. SUBJECT to the requirements of any Public authorities. SUBJECT to covenants, restric- tions and easements contained in prior deeds. Dated, October 17th, 1941. JOSEPH H. FORMAN, Referee. Friedman, Marx & Handler, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 233 Broadway, New York Qty. LEGAL NOTICE State of New York Department of State Certificate of Record of name, trademark, label or other private mark, pursuant to Article 24 of the General Business Law. I certify that the following name, trademark, label or other private mark has been duly registered in this department in behalf of Charles Bednar, Fleischmanns, New York, pursuant to a description thereof filed on the 14th day of October, 1941. The name'VRESTO GAS'' Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of State at the City of Albany, this 14th (Seal) day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-one. DORRIS L BYRNE, Deputy Secretary of State. Busmess Directory First National Bank of FtoiThnMums member Fedend Dq^ortt Inawanee Ovrpw Tbe Bank of Friaidly Swvtoiw t Happy Oooidng with ESSOTANE GAS AND GAS BANOES Electrical AppUaaoei Services MarfaretvUIe Kleo. * GM. Ctob G. W. Merritt Lbr. Co. I«mher, Shinglem Sssb, Doera, Frameil, Plarter, Plaster BoMd, _ Brick, Cemeat W« f^predato year patronan. Fh. Blafsantvlli^ N. *. M. H. WILTSIE COMPLETE REPAINTING TWO-TONE COMBINATION8 Bridge St. Margarvtviito Pbone 49-F-8 CONVENIENT TEBMS PRESTO GAS The Perfect Econondcal Mbden Foel Gaa Banges * Hotel Eqolpuwl CHARLES BSDNAB Td. FMadmuuiBa 4-F-4 ROYAL BAR & GRILL FleiaGhmamis, N. T. GOOD FOOD WINE BEEB LIQUOB OPTOMETRIST O. I. Blederman wUI he at tte resldttice of Mrs. Cecil Polley in Margaretville Nov. 4 and 18. Special readaption of viskm actions for bettor seeing and comfort of visual uses of the e^ea. 9 A. BL to 4 P. BL Home Office: 404 Main Street Oneonta TelepbiMie When Death Occurs MMgaretville SS Complete Funerals $175 No Extra ClMrfe fer Purihits LATTIN'S FUNERAL HOME MUn Stieet Bfarpuetvill% Jf, Y. C. GREEN PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL SHOP MavgaretvilH N. T. I am Bop^ jmt wUh aU material and do Iho work at s nice saving to you. Too doB*t have t» send away. Keep your mooey at hmne and save. PIP* FITTINGS FIXnZBBS PUBfPS OIL BUJtNEBS COFFER TUBING Let me give joa ti •May leoal Mkt U^ satlsfactery

White Orange - Orange Fleischmanns High School I Sports FHS vs Franklin. — Last

Feb 10, 2019



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Page 1: White Orange - Orange Fleischmanns High School I Sports FHS vs Franklin. — Last


White Orange Fleischmanns High School

I Sports FHS vs. Franklin—

Last Saturday, in their final home game, Fleischmanns defeated Franlmn for their league victory.

The boys looked much better than they did at Treadwell and played a faster game. After kick-ing off to Franklin at the opening of the game they held the Blue and Gold for three downs and forced them to kick on the fourth. A nice run-back brought FHS into the visitors territory and a series of running plays gave them the first score a minute later. Jeff Kelly booted the extra points, and the quarter ended with the Orange and White leading, 8-0.

In the second quarter the boj^ poshed over another score and added the extra markers to make the score 16-0 at the close of the half.

At the beginning of the second half the Orange and White dialked up another six points but failed to make the additional counts. "Die second team then came into the game and did a nice j(A> of holding Franklin scoreless for the remain-der of the game. Several times the second-stringers threatened the Blue and Gold but each time a score was averted by intercepted passes. When the final gun went off FHS had their third consecutive league victory'under their belt by a score of 22-0.

niis afternoon the Orange and White football squad journeys to Roxbury. "Hie game promises to be close and fast, so let's have a big crowd out to support the team.

Senior Dance Last Friday evening found

Fleischmanns high sdiool students and their friend dancing in the gym to the music of Bert Pease

' and his orchestra. The dance was sponsored by the seniors.

Hie. theme for decorations was HaUoween, so the gym was ador-fuliy arrayed with cornstalks, orange streamers and blade gats. Unique window decorations were the pumpkins with various facial expressions painted by members of the art depiuiment. ITie most in-teresting of these was a cariaca-ture fo Hitler.

Cider was on sale throughout the dance and refreshments were served during intermission in the cafeteria. ITie refreshment com-mittee included Ralph Hoffman, Thomas Beddoe, Clifford Bellows, Genevieve Stiles, Douglas Pultz, Steve Kierski, Louis Ocker, Clar-ence Dunham, Mary Alton and Elaine Hirsch. Bill Munro was in charge of tickets. Mamie Benja-min and Virginia Winnie were in charge of the check room.

General News We are fortunate this week in

being able to see a display of old books. They are located in the lower hall in a display case loaned to the sdiool by Mrs. Flisser. Sev-eral quaint books for children, pub-lished in the 19th century, are induded. Especially interesting are the Godey's Lady's Boc^ and Peterson's magazine.

The first edition of the White Orange is now on sale. This au-tumn number contains several outstanding articles such as Ad-vice to the Freshman, Mother Goose Oddities, How to Use the Library and Susan's Diary.

Ihe diefs dass in homemaWng has been preparing breakfasts and what meals these have been! We imderstand that the boys are be-ccHnins rather expert cooks.

AD homemaking dasses are learning the art of entertaining this week by having Halloween I>arties.

AMonblles Our assembly last week turned

out to be more of a pep meeting. The state tnx^r who was sup-posed to give us tl̂ p hunting re-strictions and a few points on safety was imable to be there.

Mr. Alexander made quite a few announcements concerning the magazine selling contest, the dance, etc., then asked the cheer-leaders to lead a few yells. They h«4 a Uttie difficulty with "The Ecdo" because for some reason the section representing the echo alwajrs seemed to yell the louder.

Girt Soont Smn All the Girl Scouts are w(xider-

ing what they are going to wear

to our party. Tlie Christmas card sales are

going along fine. The girls that sell ten get a subscription to the American Girl for one year. The American Girl is the Girl Scouts' magazine.

We are searching the magazines for pictures of different types of houses and healthful foods. These are for our scrapbooks whidi we will be making the covers for next week.

At the last meeting of the Science club we saw some movies. After that some of the boys ex-perimented with motors, others blew glass, or examined something of interest to them. We also saw a one-celled animal through a microscope. Since Bert left sdiocd we will have to elect a new presi-dent.

Girls' Sports ^ Two of the girls' newcomb teams

were omitted frtrni last week's issue of the Catskill Mountain News, niey were Olive Herdman, captain; Betty Decker, Doris KeUy, Marilyn Tyler, Peggy Osterhoudt, Angie Cirami, Rose Cirami; and Mugs Hummell, captain; Nellie Spickerman, Mary Rosa, Gloria Platte, Anne Ford, Dorothy Kelly.

Music News The senior band will parade

again this year for the annual Halloween party. The costume mardi will proceed from the school to Aronowitz's comer and back. "Rie band will provide music in the gym after the parade. Mem-bers of the band are as follows: Arnold Bell, drums; Clifford Bel-lows, trombone; Mildred Arono-witz, alto sax; Frank Avgry, tuba; James Fuller, daripet; Robert Ford, trumpet; Russell Fox, cor-net; Herbert Herdman, sousa-tdione; Rdaert Johnson, darinet; Norma Lou Judd, darinet; Doris Kelly, drums, (mardiing band); Robert Kelly, darinet; Sheridan Kelly, trombone; Helen Moran, melody sax; Robert Munro, flute; WiUiam Munro, dnmi, (marching band); Charles Pultz, bass drum; Carol Reynolds, cymbols, (mardi-ing bandh Douglas Storie, trum-pet; Patricia Tervay, comet.

The orchestra will appear for -the first time in public Nov. 14 at the senior play. ITiey will play three numbers, "Songs of the South" by Seridy, "Valse" by Schmidt and a march, "The Com-mander" by Brockton. Hie group is working espedally hard to get ready for this occasion. Members of the orchestra will be listed next week.

7th and 8tli Grade News Regina Maxim visited her mother

at the Kingston City hospital. Some of us went to the football

game Saturday. We are very sorry that Junior

Pultz injured his arm while prac-ticing football.

In art we are making cats from black paper for Halloween.

Carol Reynolds went to New York Saturday to attend the rodeo. She went to the Army and Navy parade and went shopping. She was also in Chinatown.

Betty Humphrey had company over the weekend.

Notice of Completioa of AssessmMit BOH

Village Law, Section 105 Hearing of Complaints

Boys 400-Afire Tract Paul nie of Mtmroe has pur-

diased the Henry Oldadi farm and the Bruce Ford tract in the head of the Vega valley, comprising about 400 acres. Mr. Hie wil spend part of the fall at the new prt^ erty to enjoy the excellent hunting there and will use it as a summer home.

Notice of Annual Meeting ot Plot Owners

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of plot owners of the Kelly Comers Cemetery Association, Inc., will be held at the Kelly Comers school house at Kelly Comers, New York, on the 8th day of November, 1941, at one o'dodc P. M., for the purpose of electing a director and transacting such other business as may prop-erly and legally come before the meeting.

Datea Kelly Comers, N. Y.. October 29th, 1941.

J. R. HUBBELL, n7p Secretary

NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessors of the Village of Fleischmanns, N. Y., have com-pleted the Assessment RoU for the year 1942, that a copy thereof has been left with the undersigned Village Clerk T»^ere it may be seen and examined by any persMi interested therein until the 18th day of November, 1941, and on such day from one o'dock until five o'dock in the aftemoon, said Assessors will meet at the Village Hall in said village to hear and examine all complaints in relation to such assessments on the ^pli-cation of any person conceiving himself to be aggrieved thereby.

Dated this 30th day of October, 1941.

RUTHERFORD H. BROWN, Clerk of the Village of Fleisdimanns, N. Y. n7c

being the southwesterly comer of said Homestead; thence North 33* east 34 diains 12 links to said Beadle's northeasteriy comer; thence along the Patent line south 56' aff east 20 diains 77 links to a stake and stones; thence south 32" 31' west 34 chains 41 links to Blish's line; thence nwth 56* 6'

Notice to Creditors Pursuant to an order of Hon. A.

Lindsay O'Ctonnor, Surrogate of the County erf Delaware, notice is hereby given to all persons having daims against Scudder T. Whipple, late of the town of Middletown, in said County, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Executrix (rf the said deceased, at the office of Ives A Griffin in the vUIage of Roxbury, New Yoric, on or before the 25th day of November, next Dated May 12. 1941.

INA W. SMITH, Executrix. IVES & GRIFFIN, Attomesrs for Executrix. Rexbury, N. Y. ml6-n7


Leslie Handler, plaintiff, against L. and S. Hotel Corporation, et al., defendants. IN pursuance of a jud^ent of

foredosure and sale, duly made and entered in the above-entitled action and bearing date the 7th day of May, 1941, I, the under-signed, the Referee in said judg-ment named, will sell at pubuc auction, at the front door of the Supreme Court House located at the Village of Delhi, County of Delaware, State of New York, on the 3rd day of December, 1941, at 12 o'dock noon on that day, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows:

ALL that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lymg and being in the Town of Middletown, County of Delaware and State of New York, in Great Lot No. 8 Harden-burgh Patent, subdivision No. 4, known as the William KeUy Home-stead Farm, boimded and described as follows:

BEGINNING on the easterly line of the old Abm. Beadle farm.

west 21 chains 3 links to the place of beginning, containing seventy-one acres of land, more or less.

ALSO one other piece or parcel of land situate as aforesaid, bound-ed as follows:

BEGINNING at a stake and stones, the notherly comer of the old Blish Farm; thence south 33* west 34 chains 26 links to Blish's westerly comer, and the same course 14 chains 50 links to a pile of stones 11 links easterly from an ash tree marked P. P. W.. 1838; thence north 56® west 10 chains 29 links to a stake and heap of stones 7 links easterly from a small ash tree marked P. P. W., 1838; thence nor^ 33' east 48 chains 76 links to a stake and stones; thence south 56° east 10 chains 29 links to the place of beginning, contain-ing fifty acres (rf land, more or less.

ALSO one other piece or parcel of land situate in Middletown aforesaid and further described as follows, viz:

COMMENCING at the south end of a stone wall, near the Catholic Burying Ground at Clovesville near a race-way and running east to a stake and stones on the flat, the northeast comer of the Waterbury lot; from thence south to high water mark on the south side of the stream in range of two birch trees to the place of beginning, containing three or four acres of land, more or less.

TOGETHER with all furniture, furnishings, fixtures and equipment and other personal prc^rty now or hereafter contamed in said premises or used in connection therewith.

BEING the same premises i ^ d i were conveyed to Charles Lieb-mann by Edward Kelly, farmer, and who was then unmarried, bearing date Septeipber 25th, 1891, and recorded in Delaware County Clerk'5 office on September 28th, 1891, in Book No. 115 of deeds at page 365 and sub^t to all excep-tions and reservations contained in said deed and which reservations were made in favor of the grantor in said deed named, except any reservati<ms personal to the said Edward Kelly and which, termi-nated with his death in the year 1894.

Said premises shall be sold sub-ject to the following:

SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate survey may show.

SUBJECT to the requirements of any Public authorities.

SUBJECT to covenants, restric-tions and easements contained in prior deeds. Dated, October 17th, 1941.


Friedman, Marx & Handler, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 233 Broadway, New York Qty.


State of New York Department of State

Certificate of Record of name, trademark, label or other private mark, pursuant to Article 24 of the General Business Law.

I certify that the following name, trademark, label or other private mark has been duly registered in this department in behalf of Charles Bednar, Fleischmanns, New York, pursuant to a description thereof filed on the 14th day of October, 1941.

The name'VRESTO GAS'' Witness my hand and the seal of the Department

of State at the City of Albany, this 14th (Seal) day of October, in the year one thousand

nine hundred and forty-one. DORRIS L BYRNE, Deputy Secretary of State.

Busmess Directory First National Bank

of FtoiThnMums member Fedend Dq^ortt

Inawanee Ovrpw Tbe Bank of Friaidly Swvtoiw



Electrical AppUaaoei Services

MarfaretvUIe Kleo. * GM. Ctob

G. W. Merritt Lbr. Co. I«mher, Shinglem Sssb, Doera, Frameil, Plarter, Plaster BoMd, _ Brick, Cemeat W« f^predato year patronan. Fh. Blafsantvlli^ N. *.


TWO-TONE COMBINATION8 Bridge St. Margarvtviito


PRESTO GAS The Perfect Econondcal Mbden

Foel Gaa Banges * Hotel Eqolpuwl


ROYAL BAR & GRILL FleiaGhmamis, N. T.


OPTOMETRIST O. I. Blederman wUI he at tte resldttice of Mrs. Cecil Polley in Margaretville Nov. 4 and 18. Special readaption of viskm actions for bettor seeing and comfort of visual uses of the e^ea.

9 A. BL to 4 P. BL

Home Office: 404 Main Street Oneonta

TelepbiMie When Death Occurs

MMgaretville SS

Complete Funerals $175 No Extra ClMrfe fer Purihits


MUn Stieet Bfarpuetvill% Jf, Y.



I am Bop^ jmt wUh aU material and do Iho work at s nice saving to you. Too doB*t have t» send away. Keep your mooey at hmne and save. PIP* FITTINGS FIXnZBBS


Let me give joa ti •May leoal Mkt U^ satlsfactery