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While Shepherds Watched -… · (Mal 2:15). Our culture is changing and increasingly hostile to the family.

Sep 25, 2020



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Page 1: While Shepherds Watched -… · (Mal 2:15). Our culture is changing and increasingly hostile to the family.
Page 2: While Shepherds Watched -… · (Mal 2:15). Our culture is changing and increasingly hostile to the family.

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The Spirit of Yuletide is already sweeping across the world and we should rejoice that Christmas is the only festival that is celebrated all over the world. As we read the Christmas story, our theme for the year shows up here and there as in the case of the shepherds who were keeping “watch” over their fl ocks in the night (Lk 2:8). Let’s browse through the theme at the end of the year and retrospect all that we studied through the year.

The Bible warns us repeatedly to be sober and careful because even though we may be bubbly in spirit, we are prone to buckle in the body. Why? Because the spirit is ever ready and willing but our body is unable to cooperate as it is not as strong as the spirit. “Watch….the spirit is willing but the fl esh is weak” (Mt 26:41). We need therefore to take every effort to be alert so that we will not fall prey to the devil who goes around roaring like a lion looking for people whose eyes are half closed that he may pull them down and swallow them up.1.Alert in Daily Life

God had promised David, “If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before Me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel” (1 Ki 2:4). David passed on this information to Solomon. However, Solomon, though very good, was not watchful enough. This happens to all of us. “Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father David had done” (2 Ki 18:3). So much so God miraculously delivered Jerusalem from Sennacherib. But pride sneaked into his spirit subtly. His sickness

While Shepherds Watched...Dr. Mrs. Lilian Stanley

struck a cord in his spirit and he confessed, “I will walk humbly all my years” (Isa 38 : 15). But when envoys from Babylon came to enquire about his illness and recovery, Hezekiah showed them “everything.” He didn’t think much about it but God saw that his action was tinged with pride and pronounced a punishment (39:1-8). “In those days Hezekiah became sick and was at the point of death, and he prayed to the LORD, and he answered him and gave him a sign. But Hezekiah did not respond according to the benefi t done to him, for his heart was proud. Therefore wrath came upon him and Judah and Jerusalem. But Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart…”(2 Chr 32:24-26). See how easily the highly spiritual can slip! Pride is a universal sin that shows up before we know it. How our ears cock up when somebody praises us! How we take pleasure in boasting about our accomplishments like Haman! (Esth 5:10-12). Today let us decide not to talk about us but to speak good things about others. Watch out for pride.

a)Not just pride, we should be on the guard for every sin. “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin,” says David (Psa 39:1). Yes, we need to muzzle our mouth, a place where we frequently fail. If Zechariah had not been sceptical to Gabriel, he would not have lost his voice (Lk 1:18).

b)Jesus has warned us, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Lk 12:15). Covetousness makes you unhappy with what you have. There is a lot of difference between the early church believers and today’s believer. Most

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believers are made to believe that the more they have the more God has blessed them. So they clamber to collect possessions. Their love for money overrides everything else. Let us all pray the prayer of Agur every day and avoid extravaganza (Pro 30:8,9). Let us pray for the “enough” spirit (I Tim 6:6). Learn self-control in an age of excess. Adopt modest habits. Mother Theresa was “as simple a person as could be” remembers sister Clare. She mended her own clothes and darned her socks. John the Baptist was a prophet yet simple. Jesus called him the greatest. “When we learn to hold the world with a loose grip, we are learning to take hold of the world to come with a fi rm grip,” said Sinclair Fergusan. So let not your key bunch become bigger and bigger.

c)“So watch yourselves. If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them” (Lk 17:3). Watch out to do it even seven times a day. How many of us take the courage to rebuke our children, spouse, parents, friends when they sin against us? We just watch them go down the gutter. Take courage. This is one area where we wash our hands off the fate of our loved ones. If they feel sorry, embrace them. All of us should be bold enough to rebuke and humble enough to accept rebuke. That’s the way to walk the highway of holiness.

d)“If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (Gal 5:15). You don’t need to walk far in search of this sin. May be it is inside your family, neighbourhood, church or offi ce. Why can’t we just give up, trusting the Lord and avoid court room battles? It is in the context of giving up that Jesus said, “Do not fear, little fl ock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you

the kingdom” (Lk 12:32). When we get to heaven we’ll be ashamed of our bickering over nothing. Maintain peace at any cost. “Now that we have learned to fl y in the air like birds and dive in the sea like fi sh, only one thing remains – to learn to live on earth like humans,” said George Bernard Shaw. How true!

e)“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted” (Gal 6:1). We read so often in the news of people drowning while trying to save a drowning person. The devil is cunning. He tempts restorers who are on the job. Numerous counselors trying to restore someone have fallen in sin because they were not watchful. We are swimming against a current of temptations. The Spirit will keep on warning you. Heed His warnings and save yourself.

f)“Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim 4:16). Life and teaching should go together. Watching ‘closely’ is important. Never say, “Oh, it is a small matter, it is a slip.” Small pits in the path can tumble you down. Nip any dangerous thing in the bud. Ground yourself in the Word of God. So many so called ‘teachings’ are bogus and a mockery of God. Look before you leap. Don’t fall for any of the exciting teachings that are making their rounds these days. Those who are not grounded in balanced doctrinal teachings are sure to be swept away by these novelties. Many jump into it just to see what it is and drown in it. “Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet,” says an African proverb. Stay away from it all. Having no checks

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and balances with the rest of God’s people, and no accountability to other men of God outside our own little circle is dangerous.

g)“Above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it” (Prov 4:23). I talked to someone about the misunderstanding he was having with another brother. The fi rst sentence he defensively said was, “Oh, we are ok. Nothing is wrong with us.” But when I cornered him, he came out with the truth. What does this show? This shows that we have learnt to speak lies to ourselves without a twinge of guilt and cheat ourselves. Rightly did John write, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John1:8). We can bluff to ourselves, rationalize, make excuses or deny. Then we are cheating ourselves. The way to guard your heart is to learn to speak the truth to yourself. Honesty is speaking the truth to others; integrity is speaking the truth to yourself. When something goes wrong you’ve got one problem .When you try to cover it up you’ve got two. If the truth is unearthed you are in soup. Admit your faults openly and encourage your associates to do so.

h)“What does the one God seek? Godly offspring. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth” (Mal 2:15). Our culture is changing and increasingly hostile to the family. Unless we show utmost watchfulness without batting an eye, we will be slaughtered in this area. God seeks godly offspring – “So”… Unfaithfulness destroys your life and children. Husband and wife must hold on to one another faithfully against all odds to guard their brood and not let satan enter their fort. If you are not faithful to each other, how can you bring up godly children?

Consider family sacrosanct. “When we are tempted to think it is hard to deny ourselves and to crucify fl eshly lusts, we ought to consider how much harder it will be to lie forever in the lake that burns with fi re and brimstone,” says Bible Exponent Matthew Henry. If you think you cannot overcome this temptation, then prostrate yourself before God and weep. Deliverance is sure to come.

i)“Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” (Lk 12:1). Hypocrisy is acting or cheating or showing ourselves to be somebody who we are not. We try to cover up our inner moral decay by outward grandeur. Basic honesty is lacking here. Let us not be charlatans trying to hide our true self from people. Let us learn to be open and honest. We have our failures, so what? Why try to hide our sicknesses for fear people will mock our faith? That is dishonesty. We are all fallible human beings and that’s an open secret.

j)Faith is vulnerable and prone to break down. That’s why Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith. We must stand fi rm in all situations of life, holding tight to our most precious faith with watchfulness. If a stalwart like Peter could be sifted like wheat by satan and his faith faced the danger of failing, and needed the prayer of Jesus to preserve his faith, imagine the dangers our faith could face! That’s why Paul warned, “Watch, stand fi rm in the faith; be courageous; be strong” (1 Cor 16:13). Life is a faith battle from A to Z. Fight the good fi ght of faith (1 Tim 6:12).

k)Watch over your family. Your family is your treasure. Many thieves will try to break through and steal away your children, peace, testimony and all the precious things you hold dear. “She watches over the ways of her household” (Prov 31:27). Yes, she is busy,

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no doubt, but she is alert where her child goes to tuition or the guests she entertains at home or the relatives who come to stay and an umpteen number of household affairs. She has an eye on everything.2.Alert to hear God’s Voice

There are many avenues through which God’s voice rings in our ears, and one is through our parents’ commands and laws. “When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you” (Prov 6:20-22). You need to be awake and alert to hear God speak to you. Many times Jesus shouted “Attention” before speaking important truths, using words like, “Verily, verily….He who has ears, let him hear…Beware….etc,. “I slept but my heart was awake,” says the Shulamite (Ss 5:2). Though we immerse ourselves in our daily duties, our hearts need to be awake to hear God’s voice any moment. Joseph slept but his heart was awake to receive God’s message (Mt 1:20). The magi were alert to detect “His star” and came to worship Jesus.

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live” (Dt 4:9). For Moses and the Israelites it was seeing; but for us it is reading. Let what we read in the Bible be ringing in our hearts through the day. “Watch yourselves carefully” (v15). “To obey is better than sacrifi ce, and to heed is better than the fat of rams” (1 Sam 15:22).

“Blessed are those who listen to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway” (Prov 8:34). When you open the Bible you are knocking at God’s door. Knock, watch and wait. The door will open and He will invite you in to sit at His feet to learn. He teaches those who are eagerly

waiting to learn. “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me” (Hab 2:1). Yes, unless you are alert to God’s voice, it will drown in the din of the world. So many voices compete for our attention. But the sensitive ear will hear the cock crow amidst the ruckus of soldiers. “Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life” (Prov 4:13).

“Keep My commands and live, and My law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fi ngers; write them on the tablet of your heart” (Prov 7:2,3). The apple of our eye must be guarded by the eyelids. Or else they will be injured and lost. So, the Word must be protected. They must be bound to us lest they fl y away. They must be engraved on our hearts for ready reference. Very few take the pains to write down their meditation. No wonder the birds swoop down and feast on them (Mt 13:4). Most Christians read a passage every day and are satisfi ed. That is not going to take you through the Christian journey. You must take pains, spend time, meditate, write down and absorb the truths so that you can put them to practice. “He who heeds the word wisely will fi nd good” (Prov16:20).

Say goodbye to casual reading of the Bible and seriously immerse yourself in studying it if you are interested in hearing the voice of the Spirit. “The Holy Spirit does not want to be a resident in your life; He wants to be the President of your life” says Dr. David Jeremiah. “Moved by the Spirit” Simeon came to the temple (Lk 2:27).3.Alertness in God’s Work

Listen to Jacob narrat ing his shepherding: “I have been with you for twenty years now. Your sheep and goats have not miscarried, nor have I eaten rams

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from your fl ocks, I did not bring you animals torn by wild beast; I bore the loss myself. And you demanded payment from me for whatever was stolen by day or night. This was my situation. The heat consumed me in the day time and the cold at night, and sleep fl ed from my eyes” (Gen 31:38-40). That is watchfulness. He spent from his own pocket and was alert day and night. This is how God watches over us and that is why He is called a Shepherd (Jer 31:10).

“And there were shepherds living out in the fi elds nearby, keeping watch over their fl ocks at night” (Lk 2:8). Note, they were ‘living’ out in the fi elds. They were keeping ‘watch.’ This speaks about their sacrifi ce and alertness. Small wonder God sent His angels to them. Remember how David killed a lion and bear to protect his sheep, putting his life on the line? Ministry means sacrifi ce and watchfulness. Each soul must be precious to us and safeguarded.

When it comes to God’s work, Paul cautions us to watch over two things a) Ourselves b) Our fl ock. “Keep watch over yourselves and all the fl ock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the fl ock. Even from your own numbers men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears” (Acts 20:28-31).

Shepherds are prone for attacks from the enemy. “Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flocks? ….You have not strengthened the weak or

healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally …”(Ezek 34:1-4). If you read the entire chapter you will know how to take care of yourselves and the fl ock. Temptations for “dishonest gain,” to “lord over them” and to be bad “examples to the fl ock” are real. Be alert like Paul who says, that he coveted not anybody’s silver or gold or clothing and how he was an example to them (Acts 20:33-35). Space will not permit me to write more, though thoughts tumble through my head. There are no brief answers to big questions. Keep watch over your fl ock because you must give account (Heb 13:17). “Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for” (2 Jn 8).4.Alertness about Satan

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour… sufferings” (1 Pet 5:8,9). The devil has a bagful of tricks to interest those who are suffering. So “resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” Suffering makes us vulnerable. It confuses our faith and fi lls our hearts with doubts. Pain is a reality. But don’t get hoodwinked by the devil in your weakness. Though we lament like Job, we can hang on to our faith like him. Bad times make our spine strong. Sometimes the greatest things in the world are born out of suffering and beautiful things arise from struggles.

Jesus’ bold and straight forward teachings ruffled many feathers. “The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched Him closely to see if He would

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heal on the Sabbath” (Lk 6:7; 14:1; 20:20). As much as we are alert, our enemies are also alert. That’s why Jesus said, “Beware of men” (Mt 10:17). Paul also so warns us: “Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message” (2 Tim 4:14,15).

More and more opposers are rising against the message of the cross. Should we then shut our mouths and fold our hands? Never! We must go ahead with our message but be watchful. Jesus has promised to stand by us till the end of the age. So we must go on proclaiming till the end of the age.5.Alert for the Second Coming

“Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come” (Mk 13:33). How alert we are if we are told in the TV that robbers are around our town! How much more should we be if Jesus has said He would come like a thief, suddenly. “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back – whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If He comes suddenly, do not let Him fi nd you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (vv 35-37).

Speaking about His Second Coming Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Messiah, and will deceive many” (Mt 24:4). We are very close to these days. It will come like the deluge on Noah’s generation and the raining of fi re and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah. There will be no time to get ready. “Until” the fl ood came, they knew nothing (Mat 24:39). They knew after the fl oods came, but then it was too late. Let us not be like the sons-in-law of

Lot, thinking it all a big joke, taking matters lightly. The bad news is, time fl ies. The good news is, you are the pilot.

“Therefore keep watch…if the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch…so also you must be ready”(vv 42-44). Do we need more sirens? “Who then is the faithful and wise servant?... It will be good for that servant whose master fi nds him doing so when He returns” (vv 45,46). Let us be faithfully doing our work till the sky bursts forth in clouds of glory with our King coming. “So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time” (Mk 13:23). He has blown the whistle. Do we have an excuse to give if we are unprepared? “Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober” (I Thess 5:6). Let us not be like the foolish virgins who woke up right on time but had no time to get ready. Jesus gives us the fi nal warning in the Book of Revelations: “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed” (Rev 16:15). Stay blessed!6.Alert about False Prophets

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them” (Mt 7:15,16). Ministers of God are as soft and gentle as the sheep when they come incognito. We are enamored of them because we do not see the chinks in their armour. How to fi nd out they are sheep or wolves? We cannot judge immediately because we don’t see their fruits as such. Wait. Be good to them with a question mark drawn large in your heart. Observe their life, observe their teachings, observe everything about

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them. Till then wait without commitment. Trusting them without verifying leads to grave consequences.a)“Watch out” for people who choose to dress to make a show of their piety (Mk 12:38). b)“Watch out” for those who look for greetings from people in public that will boost their image in the eyes of onlookers (Mk 12:38).c)“Watch out” for those who get upset if they are not recognized, garlanded, given the VIP seat or even led to the stage (Mk 12:38).d)“Watch out” for those who exploit the weak and helpless (Mk 12:38).e)“Watch out” for those who cause divisions by teaching contrary to what you have learned. By their pious sweet talk they dupe unsuspecting innocents (Rom 16:17).f)“Watch out” for those whose teaching is centred around the Old Testament and not around the New Testament teaching of grace (Phil 3:2). g)“Guard” what has been committed to your care. Today so-called experts talk so-called high staff and hyper stuff leading people away from faith. Hold on to scriptural teaching and save your faith. (I Tim 6:20).h)“Be on your guard” so that you won’t be carried away by the error of wicked men, lose your footing and get swept off your secure position. Study more about the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. That will put you on fi rm ground (2 Peter 3:17,18). These are the bad trees producing bad fruits (Mt 7:15-17).

Midnight has fallen on this world. We are engulfed in gloom and darkness. Bur we hear a distant sound, “Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him.” Arise from your slumber. Trim your lamps and pour oil. Get ready to meet the Bridegroom!


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1. Evangeline Rajamani 1 Jan 19792. Gamar Kother Bhai 1 Jan 19803. Joseph Selvakumar 1 Jan 19814. Asthiri Paltoo 1 Jan 19815. Daitari Gollori 1 Jan 19826. Sanjay Sadu Khane 1 Jan 19837. Geetha Ben Kother Bhai 1 Jan 19848. Santhosini Deep 1 Jan 19859. Selvi Xavier 2 Jan 196610. Helen Lourdhu Xavier 2 Jan 198711. Rose Allen G M 3 Jan 197712. Sanjay Turuk 3 Jan 197713. Leence Joel Jaisingh 9 Jan 197614. Prabhasini Patro 9 Jan 198215. Bilendra Mandi 10 Jan 197516. Phulmani Santa 12 Jan 199017. Beulah Mohan 13 Jan 197918. Saravanan Paul S 15 Jan 197219. Laxman Tadingi 15 Jan 198920. Pragasam S 16 Jan 198521. Mallika D Murugan 17 Jan 197022. Vimala Rajasekaran 17 Jan 198823. Joice Anuradha Perumal 18 Jan 198324. Arul Gracy E. 19 Jan 198325. Dukhu Khosla 20 Jan 198626. Parasuram Netham 22 Jan 196827. Tanuja Kishore Kumar 25 Jan 198228. Elizabeth Subhanand Siddi 26 Jan 196929. Ganpath Prasad Diwakar 26 Jan 196930. Suchita Subhash Wagmare 28 Jan 198231. Evelin Kumar 1 Feb 198532. Daliom Chandra Barik 1 Feb 199733. Nethravathi Nagappa 2 Feb 198134. Kunni Goyaram Baghel 4 Feb 198435. Ida Devanesan 5 Feb 196236. Kanchan Kiran 5 Feb 198937. Laxmanan R 7 Feb 197338. Dhano Santa 8 Feb 1980

39. Ullasini Sagar 8 Feb 198440. Bhagya Paul D’souza 9 Feb 198041. Kunni Titus Paraja 9 Feb 198142. Sasmita Dhano Santa 10 Feb 198143. Ganesh Motiram Satvi 10 Feb 198944. Vidhya Priya John 10 Feb 198545. Jeyaraj S 15 Feb 196746. Beti Bai Komal Prasad 15 Feb 197447. Jason Prince Victor 16 Feb 198048. Pushpa Latha Suyambu 16 Feb 198549. George Allemby 18 Feb 197750. Albert Jeyaraj I 19 Feb 197151. Thalithakumi Ebenezen 25 Feb 196652. Murugan E 26 Feb 196853. Rita Selvaraj 26 Feb 196854. Sumathi Raghavan 26 Feb 197255. Tamilarasan Jeremiah M 1 Mar 197156. Malli Ramana 1 Mar 197257. Bhagya Lakshmi Brahmam 1 Mar 198358. Abigail Suresh Babu 1 Mar 198859. Therasa Selwyn 2 Mar 198160. Dolly Leence Joel 3 Mar 197861. Rathod Royalkumar Manilal 4 Mar 198162. Dhanapati Santa 4 Mar 198863. Chezhian P 5 Mar 196464. Umakanth Sagar 5 Mar 197365. Lourthu Xavier Raj 5 Mar 198366. Shashikanta Barik 7 Mar 198567. Shiny Suganya Zechariah 11 Mar 198968. Reddy Appalaswamy 14 Mar 197769. Mothis K Siddi 15 Mar 196370. Sanjay Pandurang Kamble 15 Mar 198471. Samuel Raju Sabbiti 17 Mar 198772. Bilod Mandi 20 Mar 197273. Gopan Chandra Bagh 20 Mar 198374. Ragu Varma 21 Mar 196975. Phulo Haro Rabindra Kusha 22 Mar 198776. Sanjukta Shashikanta Barik 23 Mar 1990

All the Missionaries of Blessing Youth Mission wish the Readers a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year 2020!

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77. Reena Bavathees Siddi 24 Mar 198778. Jeba Thinakaran M 26 Mar 198179. Santanu Kumar Korada 29 Mar 196380. Sandip Bhaskar Nadge 29 Mar 198781. Periasamy K 1 Apr 197682. Brahmam Chella 1 Apr 197883. Stephen J 1 Apr 199384. Chandramani Sabar 2 Apr 197785. Bavathees Siddi 2 Apr 198986. Kumar A 3 Apr 197487. Devarani Vijayakumar 4 Apr 196988. Sadhuram Choudhary 4 Apr 196989. Mercy Antony 5 Apr 197790. Mary Mothis Siddi 5 Apr 197191. Daisy Dhanaraj 6 Apr 196992. Mercy Simon 7 Apr 197293. Daniel Masih Walter 7 Apr 197694. Ushagini Pintu Bagh 8 Apr 199295. Solomi Gollori 9 Apr 198996. Manjula Mohendra Pal 10 Apr 197297. Bama Milton 10 Apr 197898. Parbati Suresh Santa 10 Apr 197899. Bagwan Pangi 11 Apr 1970100. Sunanda Siddappa 12 Apr 1976101. Juliet Kannaki Joseph J 12 Apr 1986102. Sarathi Mohan 13 Apr 1991103. Paul David R 15 Apr 1973104. Montue Kar 15 Apr 1983105. Nabina Netrananda Dongri 16 Apr 1981106. Samuel Vasant Rahute 17 Apr 1972107. Rajasekaran S 17 Apr 1987108. Komal Prasad 20 Apr 1970109. Sunita Ashok Kumar 20 Apr 1977110. Priscilla James 20 Apr 1981111. Joseph Samuel Raja 20 Apr 1993112. Subedita Jena 21 Apr 1983113. Suganthini Saravanan 22 Apr 1973114. Madhulika Daniel Masih 22 Apr 1982115. Pabitra Kumar Bagh 25 Apr 1983116. Zechariah Sasikumar S 26 Apr 1986117. Anitha Pushparaj 27 Apr 1970118. James Immanuvel 28 Apr 1980

119. Ramdas Andher 28 Apr 1984120. Xavier Babu S 30 Apr 1987121. Mylappu K 1 May 1979122. Vadivel James 1 May 1980123. Jharana Dayadan Patro 1 May 1985124. Meera Suryakant Sagar 1 May 1986125. Pushparaj L 2 May 1969126. Moti Chaitan Pangi 3 May 1981127. Ebenezer Jeba Thinakaran 3 May 1982128. Chandra Barik 3 May 1989129. Sam Madasamy A 4 May 1978130. Mathaiyan R 4 May 1978131. Porkodi Rajan Babu 5 May 1981132. Saritha Somasundaram 5 May 1983133. John Pandian 5 May 1984134. Bharti Ganesh Satvi 5 May 1987135. Paul Abraham A 6 May 1974136. Sudhakar A 6 May 1976137. Kumar A 6 May 1980138. Johnson Christian, I. 6 May 1991139. Latha Ramanathan 7 May 1972140. Esther Ruben Koilpitchai 7 May 1982141. Prabhudas Patro 8 May 1978142. Jeyajothi Jeyaraj 10 May 1968143. Imrat Ahirwar 10 May 1976144. Mohan, A. P. 10 May 1976145. Sakthivel A 10 May 1976146. Kailash Nag 10 May 1977147. Santi Amos Bagh 10 May 1977148. Yuvaraj R 10 May 1977149. Jeya Lalitha Yuvaraj 10 May 1987150. Revathi Mohan 10 May 1992151. Rabindra Kusha 12 May 1986152. Kadhirvel A 13 May 1977153. Sakuntala Bilendra Mandi 13 May 1978154. Reuban Koilpitchai 13 May 1982155. Vaishali Ganapat Madavi 14 May 1991156. Jesudoss Moses D R 15 May 1972157. John Milton 15 May 1976158. Seema Saron Prakash 15 May 1979159. Nithya Kadhirvel 15 May 1982160. Sakuntala Solomon Das 16 May 1965

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161. Selvi Paul Abraham 16 May 1968162. Mercy Jeya Rani 16 May 1991163. Noni Bai Sadhuram 17 May 1980164. Prakash Nag 20 May 1966165. Durai K 20 May 1972166. Jeyasudha Sam 20 May 1983167. Dhanaraj T 21 May 1966168. Rashmi Kuldip 21 May 1982169. Ramanathan V 22 May 1967170. Smeeta Samuel Vasant 23 May 1979171. Suyambu Selvam 24 May 1980172. Anantharaj E 25 May 1967173. Rabindra Kumar Jena 25 May 1973174. Perumal K 25 May 1980175. Bharathi Saroj Apat 25 May 1982176. Antonysamy V A K 26 May 1975177. Ganapat Parasuram 26 May 1992178. Kumari Gopan Bagh 27 May 1992179. Ashok Kumar Rana 28 May 1981180. Jayakumar M 29 May 1973181. Elson M 29 May 1988182. Nitin Tukaram Nadge 29 May 1990183. Simon Peter V 30 May 1970184. Robin Sam R 1 Jun 1962185. Jancy Anantharaj 1 Jun 1964186. Reshma Pawar 1 Jun 1972187. Raju D. Kurane 1 Jun 1973188. Paul Manuel D’souza 1 Jun 1973189. Anita Arun Bhoyir 1 Jun 1976190. Shantgouda Biradar 1 Jun 1975191. Sadu Chintaman Malakari 1 Jun 1978192. Samuel Navalya Vasava 1 Jun 1979193. Jitendra Tukaram Nadge 1 Jun 1980194. Veena Kalpesh Pared 1 Jun 1982195. Suma Shantgouda Biradar 1 Jun 1984196. Madhura Sadu Chintaman 1 Jun 1985197. Geetha Sanjay Khane 1 Jun 1987198. Devakumar S V 2 Jun 1964199. Kokila Xavier Babu 2 Jun 1987200. Sanjip Deep 3 Jun 1966201. Jerisha Melbin 3 Jun 1984

202. Govindammal Mathaiyan 3 Jun 1984203. Laxman Padmakar Shelar 3 Jun 1985204. Periasamy Selwyn 4 Jun 1978205. Shadrach K 4 Jun 1978206. Malliga Durai 4 Jun 1980207. Yacobu Namburi 4 Jun 1983208. Bharathi Namburi 5 Jun 1984209. Kalpesh Jeevan Pared 6 Jun 1988210. Jeya Julies 7 Jun 1971211. Rajamani 7 Jun 1975212. Mohan G 7 Jun 1986213. Belbin Jothi Victor 8 Jun 1983214. Premalatha Chezhian 9 Jun 1969215. Kalaben Samuel Vasava 9 Jun 1985216. Rebecca Bilod Mandi 10 Jun 1978217. Silas Khosla 10 Jun 1971218. Suman Latha Ganpath 10 Jun 1973219. Suryakant Sagar 10 Jun 1977220. Susmita Mohanty Takri 10 Jun 1979221. Ambiga Mylappu 10 Jun 1983222. Gomathi Elson 10 Jun 1990223. Yeminedi Srikanth 10 Jun 1991224. Srikanta Barik 12 Jun 1981225. Golapi Rusav Sagar 12 Jun 1982226. Darshana Laxman Shelar 12 Jun 1983227. Kiran Valku Dhanwa 12 Jun 1984228. Prabhati Susant Digal 13 Jun 1975229. Sudha Arun 13 Jun 1978230. Siddappa H S 14 Jun 1969231. Abhimonue Bhatra 14 Jun 1972232. Kalpana Rabindranath Das 14 Jun 1977233. Nand Kishore 14 Jun 1987234. Esther Rani Kesavan 15 Jun 1966235. Rusav Sagar 15 Jun 1976236. Hariram Ahirwar, B. 15 Jun 1983237. Lalita Kishore Kathe 15 Jun 1992238. Sulochana Royalkumar 17 Jun 1983239. Sharon Srikanth 18 Jun 1995240. Promodini Bhatra 19 Jun 1976241. Sunitha Samuel Sabbiti 19 Jun 1994242. Ukiyabai Parasuram 24 Jun 1972

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243. Pradeep Rajwadi 24 Jun 1978244. Sathiyavathi Raghumanda 24 Jun 1994245. Solomon Das 25 Jun 1963246. Shivram Roshan 28 Jun 1975247. Balchand Prasad 29 Jun 1971248. Meena Kailash 30 Jun 1979249. Raghumanda Jagadeesh 30 Jun 1981250. Nabin Kumar Nanda 1 Jul 1971251. Hariram A 1 Jul 1972252. Pasala Ramana 1 Jul 1972253. Hariram K 1 Jul 1974254. Gowrabai Hariram 1 Jul 1975255. Mamta Leelan 1 Jul 1977256. Hanamantha Ramappa 1 Jul 1983257. Ramprasad 1 Jul 1983258. Ribika Ebinesar 1 Jul 1985259. Kishore Suresh Kathe 1 Jul 1989260. Ruby Devakumar 2 Jul 1967261. Susant Digal 2 Jul 1972262. Smita Allemby 2 Jul 1984263. Shiromani Gautam 3 Jul 1987264. Raja S 3 Jul 1989265. Leelan Banskar 4 Jul 1972266. Goyaram Baghel 5 Jul 1980267. Karthika Kailash 5 Jul 1980268. Chintamani Bagh 5 Jul 1980269. Manjula Sachin Havare 6 Jul 1991270. Ratnakar Rao G 7 Jul 1967271. Selina Sanjay Turuk 7 Jul 1988272. Vijayakumari Paul David 8 Jul 1980273. Kesari Raju 9 Jul 1984274. Mohendra Pal 10 Jul 1970275. Evangeline Sudhakar 10 Jul 1978276. Lalitha Neelappa Harijan 11 Jul 1985277. Amos Bagh 12 Jul 1975278. Nirmala Gilbert 15 Jul 1969279. Paul Vasantharaj 15 Jul 1974280. Ajay Suna 15 Jul 1977281. Paltoo 15 Jul 1977282. Mohanty Chandra Takri 15 Jul 1978283. Premika Hiran Khosla 16 Jul 1977

284. Neelappa Siddappa Harijan 17 Jul 1984285. Kumodini Pabitra Bagh 18 Jul 1988286. Nagappa 20 Jul 1972287. Arun Jeyaraj 20 Jul 1973288. Nibedita Nabin Nanda 20 Jul 1976289. Chaitan Pangi 20 Jul 1976290. Netrananda Dongri 20 Jul 1978291. Esther Bercy Jason 20 Jul 1981292. Kailash K. Mane 21 Jul 1977293. Sagamoni Bagwan Pangi 22 Jul 1972294. Subhash Nalavade 22 Jul 1975295. Kunthala Silas Khosla 22 Jul 1980296. Julies D 24 Jul 1967297. Victor Jayakumar W 24 Jul 1972298. Ebinesar R 24 Jul 1985299. Kumar M 25 Jul 1970300. Channamma Tukaram 25 Jul 1978301. Ashish Deep 26 Jul 1976302. Angel Sangeetha 27 Jul 1992303. Japlin Berni Stanly 30 Jul 1991304. Deepak Babu Varatha 30 Jul 1994305. Stanly Thomas D 31 Jul 1990306. Sumangali Jeremiah 1 Aug 1974307. Suresh Babu Kondetti 1 Aug 1982308. Geetha Nitin Nadge 1 Aug 1993309. Sunita Imrat Ahirwar 3 Aug 1984310. Reshma Ramdas Andher 3 Aug 1990311. Vijayakumar B 6 Aug 1968312. Rabindranath Das 6 Aug 1972313. Susmita Dukhu Khosla 6 Aug 1987314. Esther Samidoss 10 Aug 1966315. Sada Nag 10 Aug 1975316. Maily Laxmanan 10 Aug 1982317. Yishu Das 11 Aug 1987318. Devanesagi Vinayagam 14 Aug 1967319. Sarojini Ajay Suna 15 Aug 1979320. Suraj Bai Shivram 15 Aug 1980321. Sachin Chintaman Havare 21 Aug 1987322. Baishnab Bagh 22 Aug 1977323. Manda Naresh Chaudhari 23 Aug 1975324. Harsamani Manding 26 Aug 1982

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325. Priyanka Nand Kishore 27 Aug 1994326. Swati Sanjay Kamble 28 Aug 1989327. Catherine Krishnan 29 Aug 1972328. Pawar R S 1 Sep 1965329. John Melbin Jose J 2 Sep 1976330. Julie Periasamy 6 Sep 1978331. Philomina Sam 6 Sep 1988332. Pintu Bagh 6 Sep 1992333. Sanju Sada Nag 7 Sep 1979334. Shaila Sandip Nadge 13 Sep 1990335. Mary Stella Shadrach 14 Sep 1978336. Kishore Kumar Jagat 15 Sep 1975337. Dhaneswar Jena 15 Sep 1978338. Subarnalatha Korada 16 Sep 1967339. Titus Paraja 16 Sep 1975340. Satai Samuel Hantal 18 Sep 1986341. Gnana Pravina A 21 Sep 1989342. Roothamma Nalavade 23 Sep 1985343. Victoria Albert 25 Sep 1974344. Ganesh Tukaram Kadam 25 Sep 1974345. Jeyanthi Sakthivel 25 Sep 1976346. Suresh Santa 1 Oct 1974347. Bharath M Vasava 4 Oct 1981348. Evangeline Packiavathan 7 Oct 1979349. Monica Allen 8 Oct 1979350. Deepai Tadingi 8 Oct 1994351. Soudamani Sabar 8 Oct 1994352. Shanthi Sundaramurthy 10 Oct 1964353. Raveendra Raj N 10 Oct 1971354. Indra Jhitku Santa 10 Oct 1977355. Hiron Khosla 12 Oct 1975356. Kalavathy Premkumar 13 Oct 1970357. Mercy Moses 13 Oct 1973358. Jesudason Selvaraj J 16 Oct 1962359. Tanuja Raju Kurane 16 Oct 1980360. Somasundaram D 17 Oct 1979361. Christodas Kuldip 20 Oct 1974362. Saroj Kumar Apat 23 Oct 1981

363. Dermista Rajwadi 25 Oct 1990364. Rebeccal James 26 Oct 1980365. Yashoda Balchand Prasad 29 Oct 1978366. Mariyam Dhaneswar Jena 31 Oct 1982367. Easwari Appalaswamy 1 Nov 1983368. Robinson Gilbert 2 Nov 1969369. Dayadan Patro 3 Nov 1989370. Sudama Prakash Nag 6 Nov 1971371. Vijaya Vadivel 10 Nov 1986372. Florence Jaisankar 14 Nov 1962373. Raju Ahirwar 14 Nov 1986374. Shanthi Ebenezer 20 Nov 1964375. Jancy Jayakumar 22 Nov 1978376. Jyothi Ratnakar Rao 25 Nov 1972377. Subhash Wagmare 25 Nov 1975378. Samuel Kumar Hantal 26 Nov 1980379. Guru Prasath 27 Nov 1989380. Venkattamma Joseph 4 Dec 1964381. Sakila Bharath M Vasava 4 Dec 1987382. Prakash L M R 5 Dec 1974383. Subhanand Siddi 5 Dec 1969384. Anita Montue Kar 8 Dec 1983385. Solomon Manding 10 Dec 1975386. Subasini Srikanta Barik 10 Dec 1983387. Shoba Hanumanth 10 Dec 1993388. Chanda Devi Shiromani 10 Dec 1994389. Meena Hariram, B. 15 Dec 1984390. Baghavathi Hariram K 20 Dec 1977391. Aparna Raja 21 Dec 1991392. Packiavathan A 22 Dec 1975393. Asha Deep 22 Dec 1975394. Mohana Krishnan S 23 Dec 1967395. Hemalatha Johnson 23 Dec 1991396. Premkumar D 25 Dec 1967397. Hanna Samuel Gently 28 Dec 1963398. Esther Shanthi Robin Sam 28 Dec 1970399. Esther Shanthi Inba Kumar 31 Dec 1978

Pray that Missionaries should be prevented fromDiseases, De�ilements, Divisions,

Depressions and Dangers.

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Have you ever noticed how willing Jesus was during His three years of public ministry to be interrupted and inconvenienced by those in need, and even willing to face criticism in order to help them? Here are just a few such examples:

In the midst of teaching to a wall-to-wall crowd in a home, Jesus took time to forgive and heal a paralytic lowered right in front of Him, though it caused some present to criticize Him (Mk 2:1-12).

He spent time with tax collectors and “sinners” and showed them mercy, though the religious leaders criticized Him for doing so (Matt. 9:9-13; Lk 15:1-2).

While speaking to a large crowd, Jesus was willing to leave at the request of Jairus in order to go and help his daughter who was dying. While on the way to deal with this pressing matter, Jesus took time to interact with a woman who had pressed through the crowd and touched Him for healing (Mk 5:21-43).

On one occasion when so many people were coming and going that Jesus and His disciples did not even have time to eat, they tried to get away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place. However, many people ran on foot and got there ahead of them. When Jesus landed, He had compassion on the large crowd and began teaching them many things (Mk 6:30-34). Later that day He took time to feed them through a miraculous provision of fi sh and bread (Mk 6:35-44), and then the next morning, after crossing over into Gennesaret, He was again mobbed by people and He took time to teach them and heal their sick (Mk 6:56; Jn 6:25-40).

When Jesus entered the vicinity of Tyre, He entered a house not wanting

Pressing On In Serving OthersRich Carmicheal

anyone to know where He was. However, He could not keep His presence a secret, and a Canaanite woman came to Him and begged for mercy because her daughter suffered from demon possession. Although Jesus wanted to be alone with His disciples, and although the disciples urged Him to send her away because she kept crying out, and although Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel, He still took time to speak to the woman and to deliver her daughter from the demon (Mk 7:24-30; Mat 15:23-24).

Even though His disciples tried to discourage people from bringing little children to Him, Jesus told them to let the children come to Him and “He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them” (Mk 10:13-16).

When interrupted by a rich young man, Jesus did not push him away, but felt compassion for him and took time to talk with him about what the young man really needed (Mk 10:17-22).

When Jesus and His disciples, along with a large crowd, were leaving Jericho, Bartimaeus shouted for Jesus to have mercy on him. Although many people rebuked Bartimaeus and told him to be quiet, Jesus stopped, took time to ask him what he wanted, and then restored his sight (Mk 10:46-52).

While passing through Jericho, He took time to go to the home of Zacchaeus the tax collector, and as a result of the time Jesus spent visiting with him, Zacchaeus received salvation (Lk 19:1-9).

He took time to discuss spiritual birth with a Pharisee named Nicodemus who came to Him at night (Jn 3:1-21).

After spending time with a Samaritan woman whom others would have avoided,

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Jesus stayed for two days with the people of her village as they urged Him to stay and share with them (Jn 4:1-42).

Why was Jesus so willing to be interrupted, inconvenienced and criticized in order to meet the needs of others? One reason is because He came to earth as a servant: “…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mat 20:28). He willingly set His own rights aside and “made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant…” (Phil 2:7). Therefore, when He encountered people who needed His help, He willingly gave them His time, energy, love, and ultimately His very life. He realized that as a servant, His calling was to give of Himself so that others might receive physical and spiritual blessings. He became poor so that through His poverty others might become rich (2 Cor 8:9).

Another important reason why Jesus so willingly adjusted to the needs of those around Him is because He sensed His Father leading Him to do so. As He shared, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does…” (Jn 5:19-20). Jesus was not a man-pleaser who was pulled here and there at random by the whims of those around Him. Instead, He was fully in control, and His service was always very intentional. He simply joined in what He saw His Father doing.

Jesus was able to discern the opportunities His Father placed before Him because He was completely devoted to His Father and His Father’s will, and because He often spent time in prayer with His Father (see Mk 1:35; 6:45-46; Lk 5:15-16; 6:12; 9:18; 22:41-42). In other words, His

service to others was the natural outfl ow of His relationship with His Father. From that relationship Jesus received direction, strength, wisdom and power for ministry, and was prepared for every encounter with others.

I recently heard someone say that “Jesus never went out of His way to help others…” I was taken aback by this until I heard the rest of the statement: “…because helping others was never out of Jesus’ way.” Helping others was not out of Jesus’ way because the course of His life was set toward serving needy people. He did not view such people as interruptions and inconveniences, but as the very people His Father sent Him to serve. He took these many encounters in stride because of His servant’s heart and because of His desire to walk in loving obedience to His Father.

We Are Called to ServeAs in all things related to our

Christian walk, Jesus serves as our perfect model of servanthood. We are called to serve just as He did:

“…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be fi rst must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” (Mat 20:26-28).

“Do nothing out of selfi sh ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who…made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant…” (Phil 2:3-7).

Just as we are called to serve as Jesus did, we can also expect challenges similar to those He faced. Serving others will often mean interruptions and inconveniences to our schedule, as well as the possibilities

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of criticism. As in the case of the Good Samaritan that Jesus used as an example of one who loved his neighbor, service requires self-sacrifi ce and costs us time, energy, and our resources (Lk 10:30-37). It means that we must lay selfi sh ambitions aside, and look to the interests of others, considering others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3-4).

Because it is often very demanding to serve others, the Word of God encourages us to persevere:

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Gal 6:9-10).

“God…will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end…” (Heb 6:10-11).

Of course, to develop and maintain such a servant’s heart, we must follow Jesus’ example and spend much time with our Father seeking direction, strength, love, encouragement and power for ministry. “If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides…” (1 Pet 4:11). It is the time we spend with Him that prepares us to serve the people He sends our way. “…If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit” (Jn 15:5).

The Christians in Macedonia modeled this as they gave themselves fi rst to the Lord and then to others in keeping with God’s will. As a result, they were able, even in the midst of severe trial and poverty, to serve other saints by giving “as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability” (2 Cor 8:1-5). Likewise, the Apostle Paul sought fi rst to please God (1 Thess 2:4) and

out of this relationship was able to delight in sharing not only the Gospel with others, but his life as well, being willing to make signifi cant personal sacrifi ces in order to serve others (1 Thess 2:7-9).

Joining in Our Father’s WorkFriend, press on in serving others.

Just as God worked through Jesus’ ministry to bless others physically and spiritually, so will He work through you to touch the lives of those around you. As you serve others you are indeed “faithfully administering God’s grace” (1 Pet 4:10). Through your service you will be able to do such things as lead others to salvation (1 Cor 3:5), supply needs (Rom 15:26), refresh (1 Cor 16:15-18), build up (Eph 4:12-13), encourage (Eph 6:21-22), sustain through prayer (Col 4:12-13), instruct (2 Tim 2:24-25), and provide a good example for others (1 Pet 5:2-3).

Our Heavenly Father is at work all around us. He has people, both near and in far off places, whose physical and spiritual needs He wants us to help meet. He desires that we maintain close communion with Him so that we might enter into His work more deeply. He longs to give us strength, direction and wisdom, and to fi ll our hearts with His love so that we may be instruments of His grace toward others. Through us, He wants to impact other people’s lives both now and for eternity.

“Lord, I offer my life to You today for Your service. Guide my steps according to Your perfect will. Lead me to those You want me to serve. Help me join You today in Your work. Give me Your heart and strength for service, and allow Your grace and love to fl ow through me. Help me take advantage of every opportunity You provide, even if it seems like an interruption or inconvenience. My life and my time belong to You.”

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Showers In The Hills!(Report of Revivo held in Tamil Nadu)

‘Revivo 2019’ was organized at Sitteri Hills from 6th to 8th October. A total of 563 women participated and were challenged by the messages given by Mrs. Minvelli Sapphire, Mrs. Baby Raja, Mrs.Princess Brighton, Mrs. Shanthi Natarajan and missionary Bercy Jason. There was also a talk show on family life led by our senior missionary Mrs. Lilian Kingsley.The Holy Spirit anointment session was led by Mrs. Rachel George. The sermons were based on this year’s theme, “Watchfulness.” The activities of Deborah team was elucidated through a drama led by Mrs. Emerald Isaiah. A separate gathering for the 131 children was conducted by Bro. Joseph Datchanamurthy and team. The singing sessions were made lively by the Tanjore team led by Mrs. Sumathi Jason. The cultural programme was led by Mrs.Susheela Godwin. The Gospel Partner project was lauched by the National Bless Bharat Coordinator, Mr. Samuel Rathnasamy. A total of 155 offering boxes will be issued and the amount collected will be directed to reach the unreached villages of our country. As an outcome of the camp, 90% of the participants committed their lives to involve in ministry. Monthly pledge amount of Rs.6200/- was promised by the participants. 66 new Deborah prayer cells were formed. All Glory to Him!

Glimpses of His Glory! (A Brief Report of AP Blesso)

By the grace of God Blesso 2019 was held at AMG High school, Rajahmundry, AP from October 6-9 2019. God used His chosen vessels, Bro.P.A.Swamy, Bro. Robinsam, Mr.& Mrs.Manivannan, Dr.Jebasingh, Bro. Sanjeevi & Pastor Sam Benny to address 500 plus God’s people. The Theme for this camp was “Watchfulness” and messages were straight to the point. The local youth choir led the singing along with Gospel singer Bro.Vincent Joel. 70 kids participated in the Kids Blesso where Mr. Sandeep and his team ministered.

Missionaries from Odisha glorifi ed the Lord through their cultural dance. Bro.John Alex and family from Visakhapatnam donated a LCD Projector for Dhanpur Training Center, Odisha. A Missionary drama on the life of Missionary Dr. Graham Staines was presented by Antioch Church Youth.

Little Stories for Little Hearts (Vol 1)in Telugu was released and dedicated for the Glory of God. 26 delegates decided to pray regularly for the ministry of BYM. 24 decided to support fi nancially for Missionary Work. 15 have subscribed for our magazine.

The involvement of Andhra laymen and partners is commendable. The total expenses of nearly 3 lakhs was raised locally. We are thankful to ‘The AMG Management,’ who gave their campus for these meetings.

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field fragrance!gujarat

Praise ➢ 56 children are attending the children

class at Padara. ➢ Ethri was vomiting profusely for the

past 7 years. He is miraculously healed after prayers.

➢ Chikku and Indhu escaped from snake bite.

➢ Jala and Sunitha have sickle cell anemia. By God’s grace they have delivered a boy baby.

➢ Healings received – Jaising (Dengue); Esther (Boils) and Arpetha (Depression).

➢ Prabath has come back to the fold. ➢ 80 New Testaments were distributed in

a village.Pray

➢ Healing : Fathek (Jaundice); Kalpesh (Swelling & pain in eye); Dhurna & Rashitha (Mental Illness); Himmath & Nitha (Sickle Cell).

➢ Salvation: Deepak, Premila, Hitesh and Ethri.

madhya pradeshPraise

➢ Reha, Ramsaki, Radha and Dalsha were delivered from evil spirit.

➢ 23 missionaries were blessed in a Workers Training Programme.

➢ 12 partners attended the Bible study.Pray

➢ Healing: Swarthi (Unable to talk); Saroja, Pooja & Ramkali (Problem in

uterus); Narendar (Unable to walk even after operation); Nanni & Anita(Swelling in the body); Chandrani (TB); Kavitha (Chest pain); Ganpat (Liver problem); Varsha & Neetesh (Unable to see); Daniel & Ajay (Kidney problem); Minakshi & Masih (Back ache); Ashvini & Kumudhini (Cancer); Ooth (Fracture in her leg) and Reena (Brain Tumor).

➢ Suitable life partner: Ashvin, Mayur, Samuel, Aline, Ankita, Ashish, Sanjana and Vipul.

➢ Blessing of the womb - Priyanka, Sheela, Anitha, Sweety, Pinky, Neetal, Neelish, Kamakshi, Akhansha Morvin, Akhansha Theophil, Paridhi, Sheela, Madu and Kalpana.

➢ Sweeta and Elina are in their family way. ➢ Vanita and her family members are

affected with spinal cord weakness. They are unable to stand and work for long hours. Pray for God’s healing touch.

➢ Arpit, Ankit, Abhishek, Apurav to get a job.


➢ 40 students are attending the newly started tution classes in Tarlakota.

➢ 16 youths heard the Good News. ➢ Healings received : Gopal (Kidney

problem); Santosh (TB) and Laxman (Cancer).

➢ 9 were added to His Kingdom. ➢ 150 youth attended the Youth Retreat

at Balimela. Missionaries Saroj & Kishore were the resource persons.

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➢ 600 people were blessed in an Inter Church Revival Meet at Rayagada.

➢ 174 youth participated in a Youth Meet at Rayagada.

➢ 12 new villages were visited.Pray

➢ Salvation - Families of Sanjay & Manoj. ➢ Healing - Dhanae (Chest pain);

Kamla(Tumor in abdomen); Kanchanmoni (Kidney problem) and Dayanidhi (Mental illness).


➢ 65 participated in a Youth Retreat in Aladipatti.

➢ 30 attended the health awareness programme in Neymalai.

➢ After a period of 25 years Rasathi is able to sleep well.

➢ 90 were benefi ted in a Medical Camp. ➢ Chenni, Kantha, Darshani have started

to attend the Church. ➢ Lakhsmanan is healed from knee pain.

Pray ➢ Amutha, Sasikumar and Nithya to

confess their faith publicly. ➢ Healing – Palanisamy (Mental Illness)

and Raman (Piles). ➢ Kavitha & Mathesh to have children. ➢ Backslidden: Venkatesh, Kanthi and

Venkatesan. ➢ Safe delivery for Roopa who is suffering

from Hepatitis B. telangana

Praise ➢ 90 women attended the retreat in Beulah

Prayer Fellowship. ➢ 50 were blessed in a retreat at Berakha

Prarthana Mandhiram.

➢ Missionaries Jyothi & Ratnakar shared the Word of God in NTPC Union Church. `1470/- worth books were sold.

➢ 9 member team from Tanjore visited Hyderabad and Secundrabad partners and shared the Word of God in Zion Church.

➢ 180 people participated in a Deborah Camp at Kurnool. Missionary Jyothi Ratnakar shared the Word of God.Pray

➢ New contacts: Parimala, Santhosh, Suhashini and Sureka.

➢ Monyraj, Prashanti, Bhindhu, Ribika and Kalyani to have children.

uttar pradeshPraise

➢ 100 believers were blessed in a Believers Retreat. The Word of God was shared by our partners in Tamil.

➢ 10 people confessed their faith publicly. ➢ 12 people committed for ministry. ➢ After prayers, Asha and Akilesh are

able to see clearly. ➢ 12 young people attended the Youth

Meet at Grace Bible Church and 25 in Full Gospel Church.

➢ 26 were blessed in a Premarital Seminar.Pray

➢ Jothi to be delivered from evil spirit. ➢ Healing: Preethi-missionary Ganpath’s

daughter (Breathing problem); Rukman (Severe head ache); Premalatha (Heart problem); Sudharsan (HIV) and Harikesan (Fluid in lungs).

➢ Shati and Gudia to have children. ➢ Harikesan to be delivered from alcohol

addiction. ➢ Suitable life partner - Bunny, Akansha,

Amrit and Miriam. ➢ Sumit to get a job.

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