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Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 25

Feb 20, 2017


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Page 1: Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 25
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If you just came here rather than read Interlude 3 first, then away with you since this is a two part episode and the Interlude is sort of essential to understand what’s going on. If you already have then ignore me and carry on soldier. Because we’re going in deep

and fast so be prepared to swim…

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The shuttle to take them all to the airport arrived early the next morning. Everyone had a good night’s sleep after their Junior year finals and were eagerly looking forward to this trip. Peter was up first since he was too excited to sleep after Jane had agreed to come with them, he knew what he had to do as heir and the leader of his generation.

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Artemis: Wasn’t it daylight when got on the plane? Why is it dark here?

Agnes: Time zones; and also it was a seven hour flight, didn’t you notice?

Artemis: I noticed the hot steward on the flight, he was a fine piece of man meat.

Apollo: Aren’t you getting married to someone else?

Artemis: He’s not here, I can look if I want to.

Caryl: I can’t believe you actually want to marry that filth…have you no standards?

Artemis: I’m Romance, we have no standards, prude.

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Peter wanted to learn and do everything he could while they were in Twikki Island, he wanted to have the best memories of this trip. He was with his siblings and the love of his life Jane. Things couldn’t be better and this amazing hot stone massage was exactly

what he needed after a cramped flight and a long, stressful Junior year.

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John: Why the hell are you in a wetsuit? You look like a burrito.

Luke: Like you even know what a burrito is. I worked in a convenience store and you won’t believe how many stoned teens come it after ten and want those things. I hate the

smell, the look, even the thought of those nasty things now.

Jane: Umm so if you were the one who worked in the Slacker track as a teenager does that mean you can’t take the job again?

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Luke: Well that’s a good question, and I think you’re right. I can’t do that for my lift now.

Peter: Do what now?

Luke: Jane just asked a very important question, since I was in the Slacker track as a teen

can I still take it as my lift when we get home. I don’t think I can now.

Peter: I can take it instead, I was supposed to do Criminal but I took that as a job in high school too. We can switch it up, I’m sure no one will mind as long as they get done.

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Agnes: Has anyone ever had chili? I mean I just thought about it randomly for some reason.

Luke: Chili? Really? How did you come to that when we were talking about lifts? What

was your job in high school?

Agnes: Education, so I’m safe I can still be a Dancer like I wanted to.

John: And I took Athletic, did you really think I’d blow my shot at becoming a Media Magnate over some stupid high school job?

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Apollo: So what, do I get to see you at work now instead of Pete? I’m confused.

Luke: We had to switch, we’re the only ones who have to.

Apollo: Ah, okay that makes sense now.

Artemis: You all suck, I’m so glad I just get to string 20 guys along I don’t have some dumb career to do. Just because I’m getting married to appease father doesn’t mean I have

to be loyal.

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The night was young and Peter wanted to do everything he could so they were referred to the South Beach Boardwalk where you can learn how to do the Fire Dance.

Unfortunately, some others, Unsavoury types also liked to prey on hapless tourists at the Boardwalk and Jane happened to be his next mark. But a sign on the Fire Dancer’s blanket said he was done for the night and that he would be back tomorrow morning.

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Eventually they all turned in for the night since everyone was complaining. That didn’t stop Peter from taking a shot at the next main draw, the Surly Llama pirate

ship. It was captained by the legendary pirate Captain Edward Dregg, he and his crew found Twikki Island after they wrecked on the shores following a fierce hurricane. His

body is rumoured to be buried somewhere on the island, but no one has ever found it in the 300 years since he was shipwrecked here. That didn’t stop his ghost from haunting

his beloved ship, even in broad daylight…

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Peter: I didn’t know ghosts came out during the day, the brochure said you teach tourists who find you the Sea Chanty you and your crew always sang when you were at sea, I’d

like to learn it.

Dregg: Ah, shiver me timbers another lily-livered land lubber…alright, tell me some jokes and maybe I’ll teach you me song.

Peter: Jokes? Is that all? Don’t you pirates like gold and booty?

Dregg: I’m dead ya bloody scallywag, what use is gold to me now?

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Peter: Okay you ever heard the one about the lonely widow and the fire engine?

Dregg: Aye, no but do tell. Was she a mighty buxom lass?

Peter: Er, I don’t know but anyway here goes…

Luke: Either my brother is suffering from heat madness or there really is a daytime haunting ghost behind me…

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Artemis: Luke was right, Peter is losing it. He’s been here all day trying to learn that damn song. Now we’ll never hear the end of it. I might just have to

drag his ass out of here myself.

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Dregg: Ye be a slow learner, I need my beauty sleep.

Peter: Oh, I learned it hours ago. I just like singing with a dead pirate captain.

Dregg: ARGHH!! I’m out of here, if I was still corporeal I’d make you walk the plank.

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Apollo: Can we go yet? This Townie behind me is stuck on a loop of pirate cackling, I may have to kill her soon.

Luke: He’s having fun, I’ll get him in a moment.

Jane: I think that top hatted guy stole my wallet yesterday, I can’t find it.

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Jane: Guys? Really my wallet is gone…

Apollo: Either you go get him or I will, and I won’t be so nice about it.

Luke: Alright fine, I think that ghost would vanish out of existence if it meant he could get away from Peter.

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Jane: And they wouldn’t even listen to me, did I do something to make your brothers hate me ?

Peter: Don’t worry about your wallet Jane, I have money and your passport so he didn’t

get everything. I put everyone’s passports in the hotel safe as soon we got here.

Jane: Thank you Peter, I was so worried I’d be stuck here.

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Peter: I’d never let that happen, in fact I did have another reason for asking you to come on this trip with me…

Jane: Peter…are you? I mean really, are you going to do what I think you’re

going to do?

Peter: If you mean…

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Peter: Ever since I saw you in class, I’ve been so conflicted on what to say to you, I thought all I was going to have was a close friendship but after you told me how you felt on that date at Londoste, I knew. You’re the one I want to be

with, at the end of the Apocalypse there is no one else who even comes close to you, your shy smile, those adorable faces you make when you concentrate on

work, these are only a few things I’ve learned about you Jane Stacks and I want to know so much more…

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Peter: Will you, Jane Stacks, marry me? I can’t think of anyone better to have at my side to see the end of this nightmare than you.

Jane: Oh, Peter….*sniff* that was beautiful. How can a girl say no after that? Of

course I will!!

Peter: You have no idea how relieved I am, though my jeans are getting wet from the ocean.

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Jane: Oh look how the moon catches the sparkle, it’s sublime.

Peter: It’s a family heirloom, all heirs have used this ring.

Jane: Oh my, that’s just so…so touching…I think I might cry.

Peter: Then go ahead, I’m sure it will be just one more thing I can learn to love about you.

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Jane: *cries tears of joy*

Peter: This is truly the best time of my life, so far. I can’t wait to see what else is waiting for me at the end of the Apocalypse.

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Jane: You think we can head back to the room now? The night breeze is chilly coming off the ocean. I’ve got goosebumps.

Peter: Sure, I’d like to get out of my wet jeans too.

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There must be something in the air down in Twikki Island, the atmosphere seems to be bursting with happiness and joy.

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The next morning there was more to do since Agnes had managed to dig up a map to a place called the Mysterious Hut where it was rumoured that if you are brave enough to

visit the crazy old Witch Doctor, he would reward you with a unique gift that was designed to make all your wants and desires come true, even the not so nice ones.

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Peter: Oh sure they don’t tell you that is just a way for this crazy loner to get some free labour for his busted ass crap he purposely bought just so he could

dupe helpless tourists into fixing them…but that gift, I want to know what it is and how it works so I’ll grin and bear it…

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Peter: It’d better be worth it, that’s all I’m saying. And what’s with that creepy stone carving over there? It looks like the thing mom said was too dangerous to

leave out at home. She got it from work or something…another mystery I am going to solve when I get back.

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Peter: Really? Bamboo pipes? Can’t he at least afford metal plumbing out here? Man, I really need to stop talking to myself when I’m alone someone

might think I’ve gone loopy…

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Witch Doctor: Oh hey thanks for fixing my stuff, I swear just because I live out here and wear a mask people think they can take advantage of me, it’s criminal

if you ask me.

Peter: Umm, right well it’s all fixed now.

Witch Doctor: Oh yes, your reward. I would not be a good host if I didn’t give you a parting gift now would I?

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Witch Doctor: Here you are, a genuine Mr. Mickles. Be careful he can be dangerous.

Peter: Christmas paper? You celebrate Christmas out here?

Witch Doctor: Hey, I take what I can get alright? The store had a surplus, who

would have thought that a Polynesian island would celebrate a Christian holiday huh?

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On their last two days here, Peter wanted everyone to go back to Angel’s Haven knowing the same Sea Chanty he learned. And they had to admit, it was catchy. It had

a tune you could tap your feet to.

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John: I get he’s all excited about learning his new thing but does he really have to make faces too?

Jane: It’s just who he is, he likes to have fun. It’s one thing I love about him.

John: Right…if you say so.

Caryl: John, be nice…for once in your miserable life.

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John: I am not miserable, I mean look they’ve all got their hands up now…

Caryl: Artemis is meaner than you and she at least is enjoying herself, why can’t you?

John: I do enjoy myself, just not the same way you do.

Caryl: Look, don’t ruin my vacation with your negativity.

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Luke: Seriously? On my last day here I get a nasty sunburn while everyone else gets a nice tan, just tell me how can you get sunburn wearing a damn wetsuit?

In what world does that make sense? Someone please tell me!

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Apollo: Sweet, Leah is gonna love my awesome new tan.

Luke: Oh come on!! Even he gets tanned!!

Apollo: Sorry big brother, I guess the sun gods hate you.

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Agnes: This is nice, do we really have to leave so soon?

Luke: Soon? It’s been five days already.

Agnes: Has it? Huh, how time flies eh Lobster Boy?

Luke: Shut up!!

Peter: Well you can come back on your honeymoon if you want. It’s open now to everyone.

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Jane: Oh wow, look at that spray. What a nice wave.

Peter: Well, it’s getting late we should check out and head back home. Spending the last day on the beach together was a great way to end this vacation don’t you guys think?

Luke: You don’t have to go back with a painful sunburn and on a crowded seven hour

flight no less. It can’t end soon enough for me.

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Senior year passed in a blur after that and one by one the kids finished their college experience with perfect GPA’s and horrible transition outfits. Luke left first since he was the

oldest and headed back home to do his new lift of Criminal.

Luke: This makes me glad that Aunt Mary allowed us all to change these terrifying outfits. I’d freeze if we still had a winter, but we don’t so that’s even better.

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John: I can’t wait to get out of here, this has gone on long enough. I’m so ready to take the media world by storm. I just hope I can get out

of here with a halfway decent outfit.

Well, this is okay but I look too

much like dad does so I’ll be getting rid of this as soon as I get

back home. Thank God we’re rich.

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Caryl: Pleasebedecentpleasebedecent…

Crap on a stick…I clash something

horrible in this get up. Mama would laugh if she saw this on

me…oh wait, she will…

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Apollo: Ah, the march of bad transition clothing, it’s hilariously

sad…but surely I won’t be so pitiful…

Apollo: I should really learn to hold my tongue before I say anything…I

hate this, I look like a caramel wrapper.

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Artemis: My image will be ruined if I come out looking like a grandma…

Ughh, soccer mom is SOO much worse than grandma…I will never let Charlie see me like this.

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Peter: So you’re next huh? It’s actually sad that this place is suddenly so quiet. I kind of got used to the noise of seven people in this house.

Agnes: Not to worry, there will be eight of us at home once we get back so it won’t last

long. Are you coming to see me off?

Peter: Yes, but I have some things to do first, mom told me how she made sure to sell everything back to the college once everyone else was gone, it’s kind of an heir’s tradition

now I think.

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Agnes: Tradition? Ha, how can a two generation thing be called a tradition? It’s not like there’s going to be anyone else after you to come here. You are the last one.

Peter: Yeah, seems strange to call it that but it just feels right to do you know? I’ll see you at home.

Agnes: Sure. And…even if I don’t say it enough, or ever, I’m glad you’re my twin and I really like

Jane too. It’ll be nice to have another sister.

Peter: Thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that. We’re twins and as much as I love our brothers and sister, you are always the one I love the most.

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Agnes: Time to go, I have to Dance my heart out and I look forward to it.

Peter: Be careful sister, I love you.

Agnes: I love you too.

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Agnes: This is so not me but at least it’s nice. I’ll still change though.

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Once the house was cleared out of things, even the quietest sound roared

like a jet engine. It was really unnerving to hear after not noticing how big this place really was for four years. Peter could not get home fast enough, he

needed noise around him. It just felt safe…

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Peter: Well, it could have been worse. I could have gotten the fuchsia pimp suit like Cousin Saturn did. A purple shirt that doesn’t even meet my pants is just


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When Jane’s final Senior year exam was over and she couldn’t wait to leave and start her new life with Peter. Allegra and Martin just started their Sophomore years and they wanted to wish her the best but their classes conflicted with her departure time. So she had to leave with no one to say good

bye, she did promise to keep in touch with them after she left however. They were more than just her roommates, they were also her good friends. They would be invited to her wedding for sure.

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Jane: Oh this feels different than I remember, or maybe it’s just the fact that I wanged my knee on this coffee table…either way. Here goes nothing!!

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Jane: I feel grown up, finally. I can’t wait to meet Peter’s parents and grandparents, they are living legends around here. I’m honoured to be a part of their mission.


However, the mission might not be as glamourous as Jane would like to believe it would be. She

doesn’t know everything that that the Angel family has had to face over the last six generations…

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Danava: You summoned us my Prince? What can we do for you?

Xylen: Do we finally get to kill those damn gods? I so want to, I’ve been waiting for a decent shot at revenge.

Lucifer: You know that the final generation has graduated college right? That means the time to act is now. They can’t be allowed to lift those last four restrictions, or everything

I’ve worked so hard for will be ruined…

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Danava: Who do we kill first? The oldest? The jealousy ridden second son? The girl?

Lucifer: No, you needn’t worry about the girl, Charlie has her taken care of. Or should I say Chaos Ruination has her taken care of. He and his brother Anarchy are my best double agents, I could not have asked for better sleepers to infiltrate the Angels than them. I want you Danava, to focus on the other girl Jane. She is my best card to play

against the heir if he tries to defy me.

Xylen: And me? Who do I get to kill?

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Lucifer: You, Xylen will stay here and help persuade the heir to see things my way with a few choice spells designed to illicit total cooperation from him. I can’t think of a better

way for you to get revenge against the Peace Goddess who destroyed your other body in Hidden City, than to turn her grandson against her and the mission. Curare already has

her influence working in the background to control his mind. She has been at him for years, subtly just like she was trained to do.

Xylen: Sound good, I can’t wait.

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Danava: Do you want me to turn the girl? I need another obedient thrall under my control. I also want a little pay back for losing control over Cain because of that blond


Lucifer: If you lost control over Cain it was because you were a failure as a Sire, don’t go blaming your lack of control on someone else. And yes, turn the girl. She’s

Family/Fortune and I know she will hate it, all the better to torture Peter with. Now go get Curare, I want to talk to her.

Danava: Yes my Dark Prince.

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Curare: Yes my Prince?

Lucifer: It’s time, bring me Peter Angel. He will see my side of things this time around.

Curare: I shall my Prince, and if there is any trouble along the way?

Lucifer: Then deal with it, I’m not going to do all the work here. That’s what minions are for.

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Curare: I shall not fail you my Dark Lord.

Lucifer: Let’s hope not, otherwise it’s the Pit for you. I don’t give failures second chances.

Curare: Yes my Prince.

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“It’s happening now, the Devil is making his move. Are we ready to reveal ourselves?”

“We have to be my love, that’s all there is to it. We were not sent back to Earth just to live in this idyll.”

“I just hope that they are ready for this, I don’t even know if I’m ready for this…”


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Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread:

Well next episode is the last one, I can hardly believe it’s nearly over. For those of you who don’t read my spoiler replies, I started this Apocalypse on October 1st 2013, I

missed both the one year and two year Apoca-lega-versaries which is something I didn’t expect to do. And now here we are 27 months later and it’s 2016, I will probably finish

before my birthday which is a large berth since it’s on April 13th. I could finish sooner, it all depends on when I get hit with the inspiration and plot resolution, that’s how I roll

see? I don’t plan, I go on the fly.

See you next time for the finale!