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When the Sun Was God

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 When the Sun Was God


    An Ancient Tale (novel)An Ancient Tale. Novel in Polish history (in Polish Stara ba. Powie zdziejw Polski) - historical novelby popular in 19th century Polish writerJzef Ignacy

    Kraszewski published in 1876 inWarsaw. Action of the novel is taking place in late pre-Christian times, during the reign of mythological rulerPopiel.

    The story was adapted for the screen by directorJerzy Hoffman in 2003, as An Ancient Tale:When the Sun Was a God.

    An Ancient Tale: When the Sun Was a Godtakes place in pre-Christian Poland, when variousSlavic tribes lived in lands that would later become the nation ofPoland; at a time when eachtribe worshipped its own deities. A cruel prince, Popiel, and his scheming wife will doanything in their power to pass control of this land to their son. (According to legend, Popielwill ultimately be eaten by mice.) The commander of Popiel's army, Piastun, opposed to the

    crimes and intrigues that Popiel orders him to commit upon the people to guarantee thesuccession, turns on Popiel.

    Popiel seeks revenge upon his old commander, but Piastun is rescued from death by a younghunter and warrior, Ziemowit Piastowic. Ziemowit has spent years living with the Vikingsand has only recently returned to his former homeland. Ziemowit falls in love with Dziwa,lovely daughter of Wisz, a wealthy local merchant; he wishes to marry her, but Dziwa's fateis sealed by her father she is to become a priestess in the local temple...

    Istoria Poloniei

    Naiunea polonez a nceput s se formeze n unitate i entitate teritoriale nsecolul al X-leasub dinastia Piast. Primul conductor istoric al Polonicmenionat n documenteMieszko I, a fost botezat n 966, adoptnd regilia cretincatolic ca nouareligie oficial a rii la care mulimea s-a convertit n cursulsecolului urmtor. n secolul al XII-lea, Polonia s-a frmiat n mai multe statemici care au fost mai trziu prdate de armatele mongole ale Hoardei de Aurn1241. n 1320Wadysaw I devine rege al Poloniei reunificate. Fiul suCasimir cel Marereface economia Poloniei, construiete noi castele i ctig rzboiulmpotriva Ducatului Rus (Lviv devine ora polonez). Sub dinastia Jagielonienilor,Polonia i construiete o alian cu vecina sa Lituania. O epoc de aur survine n

    secolul al XVI-lea n timpulUniunii Lublincu Lituania n Uniunea Polono-Lituanian. Cetenii Poloniei se mndresc cu libertile antice i sistemulparlamentar, dei Szlachta a monopolizat multe din beneficii. Odat cu aceaperioad, polonezii au privit libertatea ca cea mai important valoare.Polonezii de multe ori se numesc naiunea oamenilor liberi.

    La mijlocul secolului al XVIII-lea, o invazie suedez a trecut peste ar nvremuri tulburi denumite "Potopul" (pl:potop). Numeroasele rzboaie mpotrivaImperiului Otoman,Rusiei, Cazacilor, Transilvanieii a Prusiei Brandenburgice s-auncheiat n 1699. n urmtorii 80 de ani, lipsa de strlucire a guvernului iimpasul instituional au slbit naiunea conducnd la tendine anarhiste i crescnd

    dependena fa de Rusia.n cele din urm, Polonia a fostmpritntre Prusia,Austria i Rusia (Polonia Congresului), nerectigndu-i independena pn dup
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    Primul Rzboi Mondial.

    n democraia polonez orice membru al parlamentului avea dreptul ssuspende orice lucrare sau proiect strignd 'Liberum Veto' n timpulsesiunii.arulrus a reuit s transforme acest fapt ntr-un avantaj al acestei

    vulnerabiliti politice unice oferind bani trdtorilor parlamentari care nacest fel blocau consistent i subversibil reformele necesare i noile soluii.

    De la regnum Poloniae la natio polonica

    Asemenea echivalentelor europene, geneza statului i a naiunii polonezesunt produse ale transformrilor structurale pe care le-a cunoscutumanitatea la nceputurile Evului Mediu. Micrile de populaie generatede migraia germanilor dincolo de frontierele lui orbis romanus a preliminatafluirea triburilor slave apusene din zona litoralului Mrii Baltice peactualul teritoriu al Poloniei, iar avntul pe care Occidentul medieval, cu

    structurile sale de putere nscute pe ruinele Imperiului Roman iconsacrate de biserica cretin, l-a cunoscut la finele primului mileniu, acreat cadrul n care s-a desfurat integrarea progresiv a slavilor nstructuri politice i spirituale similare. Procesul de dubl edificare, etatici ecleziastic, a fost unul relativ rapid, implicnd o gam larg demijloace, de la persuasiunea predicilor unor misionari entuziati, la actelede autoritate ale unor suverani locali i ameninarea cu expediiilemilitare. Caracterul spectacular al construciei i afirmrii noilor state alecehilor, polonezilor i maghiarilor pe durata vieii unei generaii a fostexpresia capacitii acestor comuniti de a asimila experienele dinproximitate, fapt plasat de contemporani n domeniul miracolului, iar de

    autorii pozitiviti n seria importurilor spirituale dinspre vestul civilizatctre naiunile lipsite de instincte politice i administrative. Chestiunea seafl n continuare n atenia studiilor medieviste, ns mai importantdect sursa impulsului spre integrare n christianitas este relativa vulnerabilitatea noilor state, purttoare nc a tradiiilor tribale precretine. Dacaderarea la noua credin nu a fost pus n cauz cu adevrat derscoalele pgne izbucnite la moartea fondatorilor, slbiciuneainstituional a fost o constant a acestor state pe durata Evului Mediudezvoltat. Tradiia succesoral a divizrii statului ntre membri familieidomnitoare, interesele patrimoniale ale principatelor teritoriale germanei opiunea proprie a conductorilor politici pentru construcii etaticevaste, imposibil de controlat datorit strii cilor de comunicaie[7], audeterminat eecul pe termen mediu al eforturilor de centralizare care au nregistratsuccese n Europa de nord-vest.

    n ceea ce privete Polonia, aceasta s-a format de la origini printr-un efortde confederare iniiat de ducele Mieszko I i consolidat de succesorulacestuia, regele Boleslav Hrobri (992-1028). Centrul politic al noului regats-a aflat n Vielkopolska, ducii de aici subordonndu-i entitateacristalizat n zona Krakoviei i documentat arheologic[8], fapt ce aconectat de pe acum evoluia Poloniei cu dinamica politic a lumiigermane. Din punct de vedere spiritual, cretinarea Poloniei a reprezentatun prim succes al parteneriatului ntre statele slave, alturi de ducii de la
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    Gniesno fiind implicai i Przemislizii din Boemia, iar expresia cea maicunoscut a devoiunii noilor credincioi este viaa Sfntului Adalbert,aprig disputat de discursul identitar al amndurora. ncoronarea luiBoleslav ca rege i succesele sale mpotriva mpratului german i-auasigurat acestuia ascendentul asupra elitei militare poloneze, iar

    ncercarea de a transpune n fapt drepturile sale la motenirea Boemiei aunsemnat o prim tentativ de unificare a celor dou ri, un adevratleitmotiv al istoriei lor medievale. Proiectul a euat datorit opoziieiconcertate a mpratului german i a unor reprezentani ai nobilimiicehe[9]. Iniiativele regelui i-au implicat pe polonezi n conflict cu o altnaiune slav, aflat la frontierele lor estice, odat cu expediia polonezla Kiev, din 1019. Campania nu a avut semnificaii naionale, fiindurmarea unor aranjamente dinastice obinuite n epoc, Boleslavsusinnd preteniile ginerelui su Iaropolk la tronul Kievului, ocupatatunci de Iaroslav cel nelept. Ulterior, cronistica rus va investi acesteveniment cu semnificaii etice i identitare, polonezii fiind consideraidumani ireductibili ai Kievului ortodox i complici ai asasinului cnezilorBoris i Gleb, sfinii naionali ai ruilor[10]. Aceast succesiune de expediiimilitare a avut urmri imediate n plan politic i social. n primul rnd,apelul frecvent la aportul militar al nobilimii i distribuirea de recompensedin partea suveranului a nsemnat creterea numeric a privilegiailor iascensiunea unor dinati locali, n msur la rndul lor s-i constituiepropriile fiefuri. Fora acestora din urm a nceput s o concureze pe cea aregelui, ct vreme voievozii asigurau cele dou atribute eseniale aleputerii n Evul Mediu, distribuiria de proprieti i arbitrajul unor litigii.Substituirea unitii regatului prin multitudinea de ducate guvernate

    nominal de membri ai dinastiei Piast a fost favorizat i de interveniileunor fore externe, motivate de interese patrimoniale. Fenomenul nu esteo excepie de la regula general de evoluie a Europei medievale,specificul realitii poloneze este dat de consolidarea relativ timpurie apoziiei nobilimii mijlocii i mici, implicat n autoadministrarea entitilornscute pe ruinele regatului. Vulnerabilitile autoritii centrale aupermis structurilor colective ale leahtei i clerului o mai activ implicaren gestionarea treburilor de interes local, preliminnd naterea unuianume spirit public, n faz incipient. Informaii n acest sens ne suntoferite chiar de prima cronic redactat n Polonia, datorat aa-numituluiGallus Anonimus, care conine relatri amnunite despre cavalerii regelui

    Boleslav Gur-Strmb. Meniunile sale sunt considerate o expresie aconcepiilor medievale despre societatea tripartit ideal, compus dinoratores, bellatores etlaboratores[11]. Aceste schimbri i fragmentareateritorial n favoarea numeroilor membri ai dinastiei Piast au determinatslbirea puterii regale i, de la un moment dat, dispariia efectiv aacesteia. Avea loc o prim mprire a Poloniei, de aceast dat ntrecentre de putere ale polonezilor. Tema unitii naionale i politice aregatului se afirm n mediile ecleziastice, prima cronic a rii, redactatde episcopul Vincent Kadlubek al Krakoviei are finaliti dinastice iidentitare. Prelatul polonez face o nflcrat pledoarie n favoarea

    centralizrii statului, iniiat de regele Cazimir cel Drept[12], i chiar daciniiativa regal nu s-a ridicat la nlimea demersului livresc, avem de-a

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    face cu o prim manifestare coerent a naionalismului polonez medievali a ideologiei sale politice.

    Polans (western)Polans within the West Slavic settlement area, 9th/10th century

    The Polans (also known as Polanes, PolaniansPolish:Polanie, derived from Old Slavicpole, "field" or "plain", seepolje) were a West Slavic tribe, part of the Lechitic group,inhabiting the Warta river basin of the historic Greater Poland region in the 8th century.

    During the reign of King Svatopluk I ofGreat Moravia(87194), who subdued the tribes ofthe Vistulans andlanie (Silesians), the people settling the adjacent territories in thenorth united under the Polans, which however were not mentioned by the BavarianGeographer. Following the decline of the Greater Moravian realm, they were able togradually gain control over large territories between theOder(Odra) and Bug Riverriversand between the Carpathian Mountains and the Baltic Sea. By the late 10th century they hadintegrated the Kujawianlands of the Goplans.

    Archeological findings reveal four major strongholds orgords(Polishgrd) in the earlyPolans' state:

    Giecz - the place from where thePiasts gained control over other groups of Polans

    Pozna - the largest and probably the main stronghold in the state

    Gniezno - probably the religious centre of the state, although archeological findingsthat should prove this have not excavated so far

    Ostrw Lednicki - smaller stronghold halfway between Pozna andGniezno

    The tribal union led by the Piast dynastydeveloped into the Kingdom of Poland, whose namederives from that of the Polans. The first documented leader was Mieszko I (96092), whosignificantly enlarged the Polish territory of his Civitas Schinesgheby incorporating Masoviaand conquering Silesiaand the Vistulan lands ofLesser Poland. For more information, seePrehistory of Poland and History of Poland during the Piast dynasty.

    The Western Polans are not to be confused with Eastern Polans, a similarly named Slavic

    tribe. The latter lived near modern-day Kievand played a key role in the creation ofRus.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    The Iron Age commenced ca. 700-750 BC.[6] By the beginning of the Common Era, the IronAge archeological cultures described in the main article no longer existed. Given the absenceof written records, the ethnicitiesand linguistic affiliations of the groups living in CentralandEastern Europe at that time are speculativethere is considerable disagreement. In Polandthe Lusatian culture, spanning the Bronze and Iron Ages, became particularly prominent. Themost famous archeological discovery from that period is theBiskupin fortified settlement(grd), representing early-Iron-Age Lusatian culture.[7]

    The archaeological open air museumBiskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size modelof an Iron Age fortified settlement in north-central (Wielkopolska) Poland(Kuyavian-
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    Pomeranian Voivodeship). When first discovered it was thought to be early evidence ofSlavic settlement but archaeologists later confirmed it belonged to the Biskupin group of theLusatian culture. The excavation and the reconstruction of the prehistoric settlement has

    played an instrumental part in Polish historical consciousness.

    The Museum is situated on a marshy peninsula in Lake Biskupin, ca. 90 km northeast ofPozna, 8 km south of the small town ofnin. It is a division of theNational Museum ofArchaeology in Warsaw

    The archaeological open air museumBiskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size modelof an Iron Age fortified settlement in north-central (Wielkopolska) Poland(Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship). When first discovered it was thought to be early evidence ofSlavic settlement but archaeologists later confirmed it belonged to the Biskupin group of theLusatian culture. The excavation and the reconstruction of the prehistoric settlement has

    played an instrumental part in Polish historical consciousness.

    The Museum is situated on a marshy peninsula in Lake Biskupin, ca. 90 km northeast ofPozna, 8 km south of the small town ofnin. It is a division of theNational Museum ofArchaeology in Warsaw

    The model

    In 1936, the first life-size model (open air museum) was built on the peninsula, inspired bythe Unteruhldingen-pile dwellings in Germany. After the war, the ramparts and one streetwith houses on both sides were added.

    In the 2000s, a film prop "medieval" timber castle has been constructed on a part of theoriginal site.


    Lech, ech, and Rus is a legend of three brothers Lech, ech (orCzech), and Rus who founded three Slavic nations: Lechia (Poland), Czechia (Bohemia;modern Czech Republic), and Ruthenia (Rus', modern Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). Thereare multiple versions of the legend, including several regional variants that mention only oneor two of the brothers.

    Piast dynasty

    The Piast dynasty was the first historical rulingdynasty ofPoland. It began with the semi-legendary Piast Koodziej (Piast the Wheelwright). The first historical ruler wasPrince Mieszko I (tenth century). The Piasts' royal rule in Polandended in 1370 with the deathof king Casimir the Great. Branches of the Piast dynasty continued to rule in theDuchy ofMasovia and in the duchies ofSilesia after 1370, until the last maleSilesian Piast died in1675. The Piasts intermarried with several noble lines of Europe, and possessed numeroustitles, some within the Holy Roman Empire.

    Origin of the name

    Although the early dukes and kings of Poland regarded themselves as descendants of Piast,the term "Piast Dynasty" originated in the 17th century: [1][2]historians working for a numberof rulers who governed duchies in Silesia invented the concept. In a historical book the term'_people'_people'_people
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    was first used by Adam Naruszewiczin hisHistory of the Polish Nation (178086).

    Country Poland, Duchy of Mazovia, Duchy of Silesia,

    and several Duchies of Silesia

    Titles Duke of the Polans, Duke of Poland,King of

    Poland, King of Rus',Duke of Mazovia,

    Duke of Silesia, and several other ducal titles

    (see Dukes of Silesia)

    Foundersemi-legendary Piast, son of legendaryChocisko


    Casimir the Great, in the Kingdom of Poland,

    andGeorge IV William, Duke of Leignitz, inthe Silesian duchies


    Dissolution1370, in the Kingdom of Poland, and 1675, inthe Duchies of Silesia



    Silesian Piasts, later became the oldest

    surviving branch of the dynasty

    History of the dynasty

    Piast Koodziej (Piast the Wheelwright) was the legendary founder of the Piastdynasty. His name is first mentioned in the Cronicae et gesta ducum sive principum

    Polonorum ofGallus Anonymus, written c. 1113. The last Silesian Piast George William ofLiegnitz-Brieg-Wohlau (Brzeg and Legnica) died in 1675, although numerous families linktheir genealogy to the Piasts. His son August Freiherr von Liegnitz (1628) and Graf vonLiegnitz (1664), the last legitimate male, died in 1679 and the last male through illegitimateline Ferdinand II Freiherr von und zu Hohenstein of the Dukes of Teschen died in 1706.

    Another illegitimate branch, the Grafen vonKarlinsmarckzu Friedland und Strehlitz, born ofBernhard of Silesia-Oppeln, duke of Falkenberg, by a lady Karlinska of Karlowice, died outat the beginning of the 19th century in a French family.

    About 1295 Przemys IIused for arms a white eagle a symbol later referred to as the Piastcoat of arms (see depiction) or as the Piast Eagle.[3]

    For more information about the history of Poland under the Piasts, see History of Poland(9661385).

    Pre-Piast rulers of Poland

    LechKrakWandaPopielPiast the Wheelwright'',_Czech_and_Rus',_Czech_and_Rus
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    Piast kings and rulers of Poland

    Name Reigned

    Chocisko (legendary)9th


    Piast Koodziej (legendary)9thcentury

    Siemowit/Ziemowit (semi-legendary)9th 10thcentury

    Lestko/Leszek (semi-legendary)9th 10thcentury

    Siemomys/Ziemomys (semi-legendary) 10th

    Mieszko I (first historical ruler, see Dagome Iudex)ca.96092

    Boleslaus I of Poland (the Brave) 9921025

    Mieszko II Lambert 102534

    Bezprym 1031

    Casimir the Restorer 103458

    Boleslaus II the Bold 105879

    Ladislaus Herman of Poland10791102

    Zbigniew and Boleslaus III of Poland (the Wrymouthed) 110207

    Boleslaus III of Poland the Wrymouthed 110738

    Ladislaus the Exile 113846

    Boleslaus the Curly 114673

    Mieszko the Old 117377

    Casimir the Just 117794

    Leszek the White and Ladislaus Spindleshanks11941202

    Ladislaus Spindleshanks 1202
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    Leszek the White 120210

    Mieszko IV Tanglefoot 121011

    Leszek the White 121127

    Ladislaus Spindleshanks 1228

    Konrad of Masovia 122932

    Henry the Bearded 123238

    Henry the Pious 123841

    Konrad of Masovia 124143

    Boleslaus the Bashful 124379

    Leszek the Black 127988

    Henry IV Probus 128890

    Przemysl II 129091

    Ladislaus the Short 130633

    Casimir the Great 133370

    The history of the Polish state begins with the founding of thePiast dynasty byMieszko I in the second half of the 10th century. The indigenous Piastruling housewas largely responsible for the formation of the Polish state and ruled until thesecond half of the 14th century. Mieszko chose to bebaptized in the WesternLatinRite in 966, which established a major cultural boundary in Europe. Mieszkocompleted the unification of the West Slavic tribal lands fundamental to theexistence of the new country of Poland.[1]

    Following the emergence of the Polish nation, a series of rulers converted thepopulation to Christianity, createda strong kingdom and integrated Poland into theEuropean culture. Mieszko's son,Bolesaw I Chrobry, established aPolishChurch province, pursued territorial conquests and was officially crowned in 1025,

    becoming the first King of Poland. The first Piast monarchy collapsed with thedeath ofMieszko II Lambert in 1034, followed by its restoration underCasimir I.Casimir's son, Bolesaw II the Bold, brought back the militaryassertiveness of Bolesaw I, but became fatally involved in aconflict with Bishop Stanislaus of Szczepanw, and was expelled from thecountry.[1]

    Bolesaw III, the last duke of the early period, succeeded in defending his countryand recovering territories previously lost. Upon his death in 1138, Poland wasdivided among his sons. The resulting internal fragmentation eroded the

    initial Piast monarchy structure in the 12th and 13th centuries and causedfundamental and lasting changes.Konrad I of Masovia invited the Teutonic
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    Knights to help him fight theBalticPrussian pagans, which led to centuries ofPoland's warfare with the Knights and the German Prussian state.[1]

    The Kingdom was restored underWadysaw I the Elbow-high, thenstrengthened and expanded by his son Casimir III the Great. The western provinces

    ofSilesia and Pomeraniawere lost after the fragmentation, and Poland beganexpanding to the east. The period ended with the reigns of twomembers of theAngevin dynasty. The consolidation in the 14th century laid the base for the new

    powerful Kingdom of Poland that was to follow.[

    Casimirs death, however, brought an end to his line of the Piast dynasty. Havingdeveloped the newly reunified Piast lands into a stable, prosperous, and powerfulnation, he left his kingdom to his sisters son,Louis I of Hungary. After ruling from1370 to 1382, Louis was succeeded by his daughterJadwiga and her husbandJogaila (Wadysaw II Jagieo), the grand duke of Lithuania. This successionmarked the founding of the Jagiellon dynasty in Poland.


    Monarchs of Poland

    Legendary and semi-legendary

    LechKrakWandaPopielPiast the Wheelwright



    Mieszko IBolesaw I the BraveMieszko II LambertBezprymMieszko IILambertBolesaw the ForgottenCasimir I the RestorerBolesaw II theBoldWadysaw I HermanZbigniewBolesaw III Wrymouth,_Czech_and_Rus,_Czech_and_Rus
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    Fragmentation period

    (Supreme Princes)

    Wadysaw II the ExileBolesaw IV the CurlyMieszko III the OldCasimir II the JustLeszek I the WhiteWadysaw III SpindleshanksWadysaw OdonicMieszko IV TanglefootKonrad IHenry I the BeardedHenry II the PiousBolesaw V the ChasteLeszek II the BlackHenryk IVProbusPrzemys II


    Wenceslaus IIWenceslaus III


    Wadysaw I the Elbow-highCasimir III the Great


    Louis I the HungarianJadwiga


    Wadysaw II JagieoWadysaw III of VarnaCasimir IVJohn I
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    AlbertAlexanderSigismund I the OldSigismund II August


    Henry of ValoisAnna the JagiellonianStephen BthorySigismund III VasaWadysaw IV VasaJohn II Casimir VasaMichael KorybutWiniowieckiJohn III SobieskiAugust II the StrongStanisawLeszczyskiAugust III the SaxonStanisaw August Poniatowski


    Alexander INicholas IAlexander IIAlexander IIINicholas II

    PopielPrince Popiel (or Duke Popiel) was a legendary 9th century ruler of theWest Slavic ("proto-Polish") tribe ofGoplansand Polans, the last member of the

    pre-Piast dynasty, the Popielids. According to the chroniclers Gallus Anonymus,Jan Dugosz and Marcin Kromer, as a consequence of bad rule he was deposed,besieged by his subjects, and eaten alive by mice in a tower in Kruszwica. Somealso speculate that the legend of carnivorous mice (myszy in modern Polish) mightcontain a grain of truth as the word bears semblance to the name of the firsthistorical ruler of the Piasts,Mieszko (whose name meant bearin old Polish, butsee thename section of the article on Mieszko I for controversy on the subject).

    Popielids (Polish:Popielidzi) was a legendary[1] ruling dynasty of either thePolans,Goplans or both tribes. They were to rule the lands of Poland prior to the start ofthe Piast dynasty.

    The only document mentioning the dynasty, as well as the last of its members, isthe medival chronicle ofGallus Anonymus[2] . According to it, Popiel was ousted
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    by certain Piast the Wheelwright, who in turn gave the power to his son,Siemowit.According to a popular legend, Popiel was then eaten by mice in his tower on theGopo lake[3].

    Because of lack of tangible archaeological proofs of the dynasty's existence[4], little

    is known of it. Some scientists speculate, basing mostly on the linguistic analysis ofpersonal names, that thePiasts (whose name in Slavic means the one to care fororthe one to educate) were initially Popielid mayors of the house responsible foreducation of the princes, in a similar relation as the Carolingians andMerovingians[5] . Some also speculate that the legend of carnivorous mice (myszy inmodern Polish) might contain a grain of truth as the word bears semblance to thename of the first historical ruler of the Piasts,Mieszko (whose name meant bearinold Polish, but see the name section of the article on Mieszko I for controversy onthe subject).

    As the legend goes, Prince Popiel was a cruel and corrupt ruler

    who cared only for wine, women, and song. He was greatly influenced by his wife,a beautiful, but power-hungry German princess[1]. Due to Popiel's misrule and hisfailure to defend the land from marauding Vikings, his twelve uncles conspired todepose him; however, at his wife's instigation, he had them all poisoned during afeast (she might have done it herself). Instead of cremating their bodies, as was thecustom, he had them cast into Lake Gopo.

    When the commoners saw what Popiel and his wife had done,they rebelled against their rulers. The princely couple took refugein a tower near the lake. As the story goes, a throng of mice andrats (which had been feeding on the unburnt bodies of Popiel's uncles)

    rushed into the tower, chewed through the walls, and devoured Popiel and his wifealive. Prince Popiel was succeeded by Piast Kolodziej and Siemowit.

    Popiel's wife is sometimes called Ryksa (Hilderyka, orBrunhilda); however, her name wasnever specified by medieval chroniclers.

    On the shore ofLake Gopo stands a medieval tower, nicknamed the MouseTower; however, it cannot be the site of the events described in the legend as it waserected some 500 years thereafter.

    ChociskoChocisko (Polish pronunciation:[x t isk ] ) is a legendary figure in aPolish

    prehistory, father ofPiast the Wheelwright, the founder of thePiast dynasty. Hisname occurs in the first Polish chronicle, Cronicae et gesta ducum sive principum

    Polonorum[1] byGallus Anonymus, where the author refers three times to Piast asthe son ofChocisko.

    Chocisko's name is probably derived from Old Slavonicchostorchwostmeaning tail.

    Piast the Wheelwright
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    Piast Koodziej (Piast the Wheelwright) was a semi-legendary figure inprehistoric Poland (9th cent. AD), the founder of thePiast dynasty that would rulethe future Kingdom of Poland.

    Legend and aftermathPiast makes an appearance in thePolish Chronicle ofGallus Anonymus[1] , alongwith his father, Chocisko and Piast's wife Rzepka.

    The chronicle tells the story of an unexpected visit paid to Piast by two strangers.They ask to join Piast's family in celebration of the 7th birthdayof Piasts son,Siemowit (a pagan rite of passage for young boys). In return for the hospitality, theguests cast a spell making Piast's cellarever full of plenty. Seeing this, Piast'scompatriots declare him their new prince, to replace the late Prince Popiel.

    If Piast really existed, he would have been the great-great-grandfather of Prince

    Mieszko I (ca. 93092), the first historic ruler of Poland, and the great-great-great-grandfather ofBolesaw Chrobry (9671025), the first Polish king.

    Two theories explain the etymology of the wordPiast. The first gives the root aspiasta (hub in Polish), a reference to his profession. The second relates Piast topiastun (custodian orkeeper). This could hint at Piast's initial position as a maiordomus (majordomo), or a "steward of the house", in the court of another ruler, andthe subsequent takeover of power by Piast. This would parallel the development ofthe early medieval Frankish dynasties, when the majordomos of the Merovingiankings gradually usurped political control.

    The termPiast dynasty

    , referring to the early rulers of the Polans and Poland, waspopularized by historian Adam Naruszewicz (173396). However the Silesian lineof Piasts, such as the last Piast George IV William, duke of Legnica and Brzeg(died in 1675), referred to themselves asPiasts before Naruszewicz.

    SiemowitSiemowit (also Ziemowit) was, according to the chronicles ofGallus Anonymus,the son ofPiast the Wheelwright and Rzepicha. He was considered one of the fourlegendaryPiastprinces, but is now considered as a ruler who existed as a historical


    He became the duke of the Polans in the 9th century after his father, son ofChocisko, refused to take the place of legendary DukePopiel. Siemowit waselected as new duke by thewiec. According to a popular legend, Popiel was theneaten by mice in his tower on theGopo lake.[2]

    The only mention of Siemowit, along with his sonLestko and grandsonSiemomys, comes in the medival chronicle of Gallus Anonymus.[3]

    Ziemowit (zhe-MAW-veet) - is a Polish male given name ofSlavic origin, acorrupted version of name Siemowit which is derived from words: "Siemo" -

    family and "wit" - ruler, to rule. The name may mean: "The head of the family".Nicknames: Ziemko, Ziemek.
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    Siemowit's grandson Mieszko I of the Piast dynasty is considered the first ruler ofPoland to bebaptized, though evidence ofArian Christians predating his reign wasdiscovered in south Poland.


    Lady MacbethLady Macbeth is a fictional character in Shakespeare's Macbeth (c.16031607).She is the wife to the play's protagonist, Macbeth, a Scottish nobleman. Aftergoading him into committing regicide, she becomesQueen of Scotland, but latersuffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime. She dies off-stage in the last act, anapparent suicide.

    The character's origins lie in the accounts of Kings Duff and Duncan in Holinshed's

    Chronicles (1587), a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. Shakespeare's LadyMacbeth appears to be a composite of two separate and distinct personages inHolinshed's work: Donwald's nagging, murderous wife in the account of King Duff,and Macbeth's ambitious wife in the account of King Duncan.

    Lady Macbeth is a powerful presence in the play, most notably in the first two acts.Following the murder of King Duncan, however, her role in the plot diminishes.She becomes an uninvolved spectator to Macbeth's plotting, and a nervous hostessat a banquet dominated by her husband's hallucinations. Her fifth act sleepwalkingscene is a turning point in the play, and her line, "Out, damned spot!," has become a

    phrase familiar to most speakers of theEnglish language. The report of her deathlate in the fifth act provides the inspiration for Macbeth's "Tomorrow and tomorrowand tomorrow" speech.

    Analysts see in the character of Lady Macbeth the conflict between femininity andmasculinity, as they are impressed in cultural norms. Lady Macbeth suppresses herinstincts toward compassion, motherhood, and fragility associated withfemininity in favour of ambition, ruthlessness, and the singleminded pursuit of

    power. This conflict colours the entire drama, and sheds light on gender-basedpreconceptions from Shakespearean England to the present.

    The role has attracted countless notable actresses over the centuries, includingSarah Siddons,Helen Faucit, Ellen Terry,Vivien Leigh, Glenda Jackson,Francesca

    Annis, Judith Anderson,Rene O'Connor, Judi DenchandKeeley Hawes.JeanetteNolan played the character in Orson Welles'1948 film adaptation.


    Macbeth (character)Macbeth is the title character inWilliam Shakespeare'sMacbeth (c. 16031607).The character is based on the historical king Macbeth of Scotland, and is derivedlargely from the account inHolinshed's Chronicles (1587), a history ofBritain.

    Macbeth is a Scottish noble and a valiant military man. He is portrayed throughoutthe play as an antagonistic anti-hero. After a supernatural prophecy, and at the's_Chronicles's_Chronicles's_Chronicles'Connor's_Chronicles's_Chronicles's_Chronicles's_Chronicles'Connor's_Chronicles
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    urging of his wife, Lady Macbeth, he commits regicide and becomes King ofScotland. He thereafter lives in anxiety and fear, unable to rest or to trust hisnobles. He leads a reign of terror until defeated by Macduff. The throne is thenrestored to the rightful heir, the murdered King Duncan's son, Malcolm.


    Shakespeare's version of Macbeth is based upon Macbeth of Scotland, as found inthe narratives of the Kings Duff and Duncan inHolinshed's Chronicles (1587).[1]

    Role in the play

    Macbeth is Thane of Glamis, laterThane of Cawdorand thenKing of Scotland. Heis the central protagonist of the play.

    The tragedybegins amid a bloody civil warwhen Macbeth is first introduced by a

    wounded soldier, who gives a colourful and extensive exaltation of Macbethsprowess and valour in battle. When the battle is won, largely due to Macbeth andhis lieutenant, Banquo, King Duncan honours his generals with high praise andrewards Macbeth with the title of a traitor awaiting execution, the Thane ofCawdor.

    After the first meeting with the witches in Act 1 Scene III, it soon becomesapparent that Macbeth has already begun to consider murdering Duncan and takinghis place. (In medieval times and in the Elizabethan era, plans to murder royaltywere punishable by death). Also, in an aside at the end of Act I Scene III he statesIf chance may have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir and

    Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day thisdemonstrates that he is considering the possibility that the kingship will fall into hislap by luck alone and that he will not have to take any action in order to fulfill thelast prophecy. Macbeth continues thinking about the prophecies; ignoring Banquosadvice that oftentimes to win us to our harm these instruments of darkness tell ustruthsto betray us in deepest consequence.

    At home with his wife Macbeth displays another dimension to his character.LadyMacbeths plan is to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan. This is apparent when shesays I may pour my spirits in thine ear; and chastise with the valour of mytongue all that impedes thee from the golden round. Macbeth has concluded not to

    kill Duncan. The decision however, is short lived. Here Macbeth shows a verydifferent side to his character. The cut-throat, strong, confident general has no retortfor his wifes degrading accusations. Could this mean that Macbeth wasmanipulated by both the witches and his wife? Or did he act on his own free willintending to kill Duncan all along? The driving forces behind Macbeths decisionremain an ongoing debate.

    He also hears voices that say Macbeth shall sleep no more. Macbeth does murdersleep. He acknowledges that only the innocent sleep and that sleep is the balm ofhurt minds. His innocence is forever lost and his actions hereafter will be eternallytainted. Despite his many murders on the battlefield, Macbeth is too afraid to go

    back to Duncans chamber and frame the guards as per the plan. It is Lady Macbethwho must complete the crime.
