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What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group [email protected]

What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group [email protected].

Dec 24, 2015



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Page 1: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices

Sean Puffett Developer & Platform [email protected]

Page 2: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

The slides for this eventwill be posted at:

Page 3: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group


Show me the ‘shiny’!

Visual Studio 2005 for Devices

.NET Compact Framework Where are we todayNew features in Version 2.0


Page 4: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Pocket PC SmartphoneSmartphone Portable Media Portable Media CenterCenter

Windows Mobile Products

Data-centric device

Touch screen and stylus

Integrated QWERTY

Applications Platform

Phone-centric device

One handed navigation

Keypad and joystick

Applications Platform

Media-centric device

Optimized media UIbased on MCE

Music, pictures, recorded TV

Dedicated Platform

Page 5: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Show me the ‘shiny’!

Sample fillcolor

Sample fillcolor

Sagem My-S7 Sierra Voq MDA III/XDA IIs Motorola MPX Symbol MC50 Garmin

HP Ipaq 63xxHTC TyphoonMPX 220T Mobile SDA

Page 6: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

VS2005 Device Initiatives

Page 7: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

VS2005 Device Initiatives

Extend the feature set, leveraging desktop features

Integrating Managed and Native development in same tool

Integrate with the Desktop code-base

Page 8: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Leveraging Desktop Features

NativeATL and MFC Class Libs and WizardsV8.0 CompilersResource EditorProject Properties and Settings

ManagedDesigner WYSIWYG


User/Custom Controls


Partial ClassesInherited Forms

BothVS Project System, MSI and CAB projects

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Native Development

Native C++ for Devices feature will include:Application and Class WizardsSDK integrationResource EditorRemote deployment/debuggingNative frameworks (MFC / ATL)EmulatorHelp

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My first My first Native AppNative App

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Managed DevelopmentLanguages: C#, VB .NETManaged/Native Projects in one solutionIntegrated Smartphone supportWYSIWYG Forms Designer

Catch inherited but unsupported properties, methods and eventsSupport for custom controls and inherited forms

More accurate IntelliSenseData Designer

SQL Mobile Data-Management ToolsNew EmulatorCAB and Setup ProjectsRemote Tools

Registry, process viewer, file viewer, heap walker, etc…

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Emulator Features

ARM CPU instruction set

ActiveSync support

Shared Folder support

Four COM ports

Portrait and landscape orientation support

Page 13: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Data FeaturesTools for SQL Server and SQL Server CE

Database/Schema Creation

Table Editor

Data Connection

Data Source DatabaseBusiness ObjectWeb Service

Drag/Drop Data-bound controlsTablesFields

Master/Details Form

Parameterized Form

Data Form

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CAB Project Features

CAB DesignerFile System Editor

Project Output




Custom Actions

One CAB format for Pocket PC and Smartphone

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My first My first Managed AppManaged App

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Compact Framework 2.0

Page 17: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

.NET Compact Framework Today…

Service Pack 3 ImprovementsDownload it today from MSDNFocus on Stability: WM 2003 SEFrom SP 2:

~ 40% faster XML~ 20% faster ADO.NETForeColor and BackColor!!!

Developer AdoptionFourth most active .NET newsgroupDeveloper Focused Web sites like

http://www.OpenNetCF.org direct from product team members

Page 18: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Compatibility And Performance.NET Compact Framework 2.0

Compatibility with full .NET FrameworkClassesInteroperability, Protocols

Compatibility with 1.0Side by sideApplication compatibility

Performance EnhancementsUnified JITImproved string handlingXmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter



.NETCF .NETCF 2.02.0

.NETCF .NETCF 2.02.0

Page 19: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Extensibility.NET Compact Framework 2.0

COM InteroperabilityRuntime Callable Wrappers (RCW) provide proxies for native COM objects

RCW support integrated into the Visual Studioshell

Enhanced Type MarshallingAdditional types – arrays, strings, structuresEmbedded arrays – structs with char[], array[]MarshalAs – type hinting

System.Windows.FormsControl.Handle – retrieve window handle

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Language Support.NET Compact Framework 2.0

New language features make youmore productive

GenericsAnonymous methodsIteratorsPartial Types

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Windows.Forms Controls





Notification Bubble





Page 22: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Clipboard support

Additional properties, methods, events by customer request including


ToolBarButton tooltips

More Treeview events

And more!

More Keyboard Support


TabIndex, TabStop

More Windows.Forms Features


Integrated Integrated keyboardskeyboards

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Smartphone Features.NET Compact Framework 2.0

Data SupportSQL MobileDataGrid

Textbox IME switching


Enable multiple menu items on left softkey

Page 24: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Future Device



Displays And Layout

.NET Compact Framework 1.0 Service Pack 2 (&3)Automatically provides scrolling Form contents for non-portrait displays

Form.Resize event

Automatically provides pixel doubling for high resolution

White paper on MSDN:Developing Screen Orientation-Aware Applications

Developing Orientation and dpi Aware Applications for the .NET Compact Framework

Page 25: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Displays And Layout.NET Compact Framework 2.0

Orientation SupportDocking and Anchoring

Tip – use panels to group controls

AutoScroll property – forms, panelsSuspend/Resume Layout methodsChangeOrientation method

Resolution SupportAutomatic scalingGraphics DpiX/DpiY

Page 26: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

System.Drawing.NET Compact Framework 2.0


png, jpg, bmp, tif, gif

Bitmap Pattern Brushes

Create font from LOGFONT structure

Custom Pens

Rotated text Rotated text using LOGFONT using LOGFONT

Page 27: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Networking And Web ServicesSystem.MessagingWeb Services

Performance boost from faster XmlSerializer

Support for new standard: SOAP 1.2

Enhanced AuthenticationAdding Kerberos and NTLM

Automatically select most secure authentication method


WebService service = new WebService();service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);

Page 28: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

System.Xml And System.Data


live objects like application settingsSchemas

Validate XML against schema constraintsGenerate schemas on the fly programmatically

XPath 1.0

DataPowerful tools integrated into Visual Studio 2005

Data Designer

SQL Mobile (“SSCE 3.0” or “Laguna”)SqlCeResultSet (Updateable scrollable cursor)Storage Engine - Multi-User and Multi-Connection support

ADO.NETAdding features to match full .NET Framework

Page 29: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Class Libraries

Serial PortFour ports nowSupported in the emulator

Generic collections

CryptographyaZ#S- ghro @*rw --v<E[1~Encrypt System.Messaging messages, passwords

Page 30: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Control.Invoke.NET Compact Framework 1.0

.NET System.Windows.Forms requires use of Control.Invoke to marshal a delegate from a user thread back to the GUI thread

Otherwise your user interface will stop responding. More on MSDNInvoking Method Parameters on a ThreadMultithreaded Windows Forms Control Example

1.0 supported type EventHandler delegate only

// on a thread you (the user) createdEventHandler x;x = new EventHandler(this.UpdateProgressBar);this.Invoke(x); // marshal back to GUI thread

void UpdateProgressBar(object o, EventArgs e);{ // this needs to execute on the GUI thread


Page 31: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Support for custom delegatesReturn valuesCustom parameters

Asynchronous supportBeginInvoke/EndInvoke

Exception for cross-thread GUI callsunique to .NET Compact Framework

Control.Invoke.NET Compact Framework 2.0

IAsyncResult result = this.BeginInvoke(myDelegate,

new object[]{“hello”});// do other processing here while thread

runsint returnCode = (int)this.EndInvoke(result);

public delegate int myDelegate(string s);

Page 32: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group


You can make great device applications today with Visual Studio .NET 2003

VS2005 introduces large improvements in device application design, unifying it with desktop experience

.NET Compact Framework 2.0 is about next generation features and productivity enhancers.

Page 33: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Additional Information

Try Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2

Mobile Developer Center

.Net Compact Framework v2.0 FAQ

Page 34: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

Additional Information

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Page 36: What’s New in Visual Studio 2005 for Devices Sean Puffett Developer & Platform Group

© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.