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What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Jan 01, 2016



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Page 1: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?
Page 2: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

What’s beauty in your eyes?

Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Page 3: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Have you ever heard this Chinese poem?——

“楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死。”A beauty should be slim!

Page 4: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Tang Dynasty

A beauty should be fat!

Traditions and fashions change with time.

Page 5: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Long neck!

The criteria of beauty is changed and adapted with culture.

Page 6: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Page 7: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Beauty is quite different in the eyes of different people.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. --- Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

In Chinese, it means “ 情人眼里出西施” .

In English, we can say “ the eyes of lover are blind.”

Page 8: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Step1. Pre-reading

Page 9: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

A. Please match the key words with correct definition.


subjective dimension

1. a person’s mind or soul 2. concerning material thin

gs 3. standard by which sth. is judged 4. go together with 5. never changing 6. part of situation 7. become adjusted to new conditions 8. a personal view or opini


Page 10: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Step2. While-readingDo you want to

know more?

Page 11: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?


Please read the text as quickly as possible and decide the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).

Page 12: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

True (T) or False (F) questions

1. Margaret Wolfe believed that the standard of beauty always keeps the same.

2. Nowadays, if you wear corsets to achieve a body shape, it will be considered unhealthy.

3. In all cultures, the beauty should be always slim.

4.The human race would soon die out if we could

only see beauty within a set of limited criteria.





is not consistent

some culture

Page 13: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?


Please read the Please read the paragraph2 & paragraph2 & 33 carefully and fill in the carefully and fill in the blank.blank.

Page 14: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

adapt with

Example Supporting details


Culture weight

In In 19th 19th centurcenturyyIn the In the pastpast

In some In some countriescountries

In other In other cultureculturess


woolen woolen shawlsshawls

to achieve a body to achieve a body shapeshapeto be attractiveto be attractive

tattoo tattoo or or body body artart

as an addition to as an addition to costumescostumesto show family to show family associationsassociationsto mark criminalsto mark criminalsYoung women follow Young women follow slimming diets to lose slimming diets to lose extra kilos in extra kilos in preparation for wedding preparation for wedding daydayLooking a little Looking a little overweight is overweight is considered more considered more attractiveattractive

Fill in the blank:

Page 15: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Please read the whole passage again and answer the questions.

Activity3: Further understanding

1.According to the writer, what three things influence people’s ideas of beauty?

2. What’s the relationship between physical beauty and inner beauty?

3. Why is inner beauty more difficult to determine than physical beauty?

Page 16: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

1. According to the writer, what three things influence people’s ideas of beauty?According to the writer, history, society and culture influence people’s ideas of beauty. (para1. 2.)


2. What’s relationship between physical beauty and inner beauty?Physical beauty must be accompanied by a person’s inner beauty; Judging inner beauty is much more subjective and important than physical beauty. (para5.)

Page 17: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?


3. Why is inner beauty more difficult to determine than physical beauty?

Because inner beauty is found in a wide range of personal qualities. Judging the appeal of a person’s inner beauty is much more subjective. (para5.)

Page 18: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

After reading the passage, how can we judge a person?

A: Discussion Work in groups

Step3 Post-reading

Page 19: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

Who is the most brilliant star in your eyes?

B. Speaking: Voice your opinion

Your description should include physical beauty and inner beauty.

Page 20: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?
Page 21: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

handsome; good-looking; attractive; brilliant; beautiful; pretty; attractive; glamorous; elegant…

kind-hearted; patient; hard-working; confident; gentle; humorous; generous

Basic adjectivesPhysical:


Page 22: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

childlike face; smooth and white skin; in/out of fashion; dressing/hair style… ; looks cool/sweet/cute; smile is sweet/gentle; … smile likes sunshine; … voice is gentle/attractive;

… has a great sense of/talent for humour. … bring us a lot of laughter/joy/happiness/energy… devote oneself to the cause of education/performance/music/’s devotion to sth. moves me.… be willing to help the poor/disabled

Phrases and expressions Physical:


Page 23: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?


Page 24: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?


Put your summary into a short passage after class.

Page 25: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?
Page 26: What’s beauty in your eyes? Do you think they are beautiful or handsome?

楚王好细腰典故出自《墨子 . 兼爱中》 原诗是:“楚灵王好细腰,其臣皆三饭为节” 后汉书写作:楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死。后来流传开来。
