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Page 1: What we’ve learnt about social media




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Creative Industries KTN: We are social!

We have a profile on the following sites:

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Social Media Strategy Planning

1. Define goals & objectives

2. Identify your audience

3. Learn from others

4. Choose the tools to use

5. Set the budget

6. Develop content & social objects

7. Define your KPIs

8. Determine your resources

9. Assign roles & responsibilities

10.Track & measure

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How we useTwitter

Twitter Lists

We found that people started adding us in lists like (funding, creative industries, organisations…) So we decided to follow those who had added us to a list as well as those who were also in the same lists. So now we follow who our audience feels is important as well. This gives us a steady stream of retweetable tweets too!

We will create our own lists soon

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How we useTwitter

Listening & responding

Tweeters expect a reply

We use software that alerts us when someone mentions (@replies) us and make a point of responding to every single one (by retweeting or replying) as soon as possible,

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How we useFacebook

We have created a Facebook page as well as a profile.

The profile is the owner of the page and that way we can share the log in details with the team. The profile accepts friend requests. We encourage people to ‘like’ our FB page.

We have claimed a vanity url for our page, to do this you need at least 25 fans/likes and go to

Most updates that go out on twitter go out on fb page as well.

Fb is great for posting up videos and other rich media

We could be doing a lot more with it (embed custom html like a newsletter sign up form or large graphics and branding, use paid advertising to promote the page)

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How we use Vimeo

We now record the talks from virtually every event now and post them on Vimeo. We prefer Vimeo over YouTube because of superior embedding options, nicer player and the fact that YouTube imposes the 10min limit.

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How we use Vimeo

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How we use Linkedin

Linkedin Groups

Linkedin Answers

Linkedin Events

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Automation & Productivity

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Automation & Productivity Twitterfeed

We started using this to automatically publish content to our twitter & Facebook profiles via RSS. At the moment it’s got the RSS feed of our blog and Vimeo account

Auto Connect: Facebook to Twitter, YouTube to Facebook etc

If you have a Facebook account or page you can turn on a feature that automatically publishes your fb activity to twitter in real time.

Similarly with YouTube if you connect your YouTube account with twitter or Facebook or Google Buzz.

Can be a real time saver. But not always appropriate.

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Automation & Productivity

HootSuite & Seesmic Desktop

Allows you to publish to multiple social media profiles/networks at the same time. Which is a great time saver.

Also essential for monitoring and listening across all your potential audiences.

Seesmic is totally free. HootSuite is free only for the basic level,

I <3 Seesmic!

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Automation & Productivity


Allows you to schedule updates in advance, randomise them so you don’t look like a robot! Auto follow those who follow you, and a massive amounts of other tools make this a huge productivity booster. US$30 a month. is a free Alternative. But not with nearly as many features as Socialoomph

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Measure Everything!

Stats can give real insight into what’s working and what’s not.

For Twitter use:

For everything else use Google Analytics (which you can embed in virtually any web page – even Facebook Pages)

Register with URL shortener to measure click throughs on any links you post. integrate with Seesmic, Hootsuite, Twitterfeed any may other tools

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Some Tips

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The Rule of Reciprocity

Who can you do nice things for?

Be nice, be helpful, and be friendly.

Chris Brogan follows the 12:1 rule.

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Make stuff that is shareable

Create content that can be used as social objects

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You need fire starters

Is your content interesting/thought provoking/humorous/new?

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Build it and they will come

‘Build it and they will come’ is a lie.

If you can’t beat 'em…

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Listen first, Talk after

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General Top Tips

Create content that can be used as social objects

You need a fire starters

Build it and they will come is a lie. If you can’t beat 'em…

When in Rome, do as the Romans. Use the relevant media, language and tone of voice

Find out where people are talking about your brand/product/service and then get involved in the conversation

If you have remarkable service/product/content that people LOVE then people will talk about it naturally. That is what makes things go ‘viral’ (i.e. Apple products, Seth Godin content).

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Creative Industries KTNAbout Us

We are the Knowledge Transfer Network for the UK's Creative Industries.

Our role is to accelerate innovation in this sector by creating a world-class community of innovators through our online network, Beacon reports and exciting live events.

Membership is free.

Produced by Kelechi Amadi

CI KTN Web Manager
