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8/14/2019 What the Ads Should Say 1/23   Truth in Advertising: What Alcohol Ads don’t tell you…

What the Ads Should Say

May 30, 2018



Jesse Franzen
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 Truth in Advertising:

What Alcohol Ads

don’t tell you…

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Myth #1: Everybody drinks!

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If everyone starteddrinking ‘moderately’(having 1-5 drinks a


•Alcohol companies would sell80% less alcohol every year.

•Do you thinkalcohol

companiesREALLY wantus to ‘drink


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Myth #2: Alcohol will help your love


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Ever heard of ‘Beer Goggles’ when someone looks a lot

more attractive to you when you’re drunk than sober?

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Well, it’s actually true.  The amount of light and smoke in the air

makes it even worse (Beware of the dimly lit smoky bar).

Researchers at Manchester 

University figured out a formula to

determine the extent of the ‘beer 

goggle affect’

Less than one: No effect

1-50: Person you would normally

find unattractive appears less

"visually offensive"

51-100: Non-appealing personbecomes suddenly attractive

More than 100: Someone not

considered attractive looks like a

super model

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Alcohol makes youmore likely to

make poor choicesyou wouldn’t

normally do whensober. Althoughmany people usealcohol to help

them ‘relax’ and‘have a good

time’, drinkingalso makes youmore likely to do

things that areunsafe, likedrinking and

driving, or as thisad suggests:

‘Bring theBartender Home’.

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• In 1997, 40 percent of convicted rape and sexualassault offenders said that

they were drinking at thetime of their crime. (Thisdoesn’t include statistics forunreported rapes)

• In 2002, more than70,000 students betweenthe ages of 18 and 24 werevictims of alcohol-related

sexual assault in the U.S.

Alcohol is the most commonly used

‘date rape’ drug. 

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When added torelationships,

alcohol often bringsalong violence.

• Communities and neighborhoodsthat have more bars and liquor

stores per capita experience moreassaults.

• Alcohol use is frequentlyassociated with violence betweenintimate partners. Two-thirds of 

victims of intimate partner violencereported that alcohol was involvedin the incident.

• Women whose partners abusedalcohol were 3.6 times more likely

than other women to be assaultedby their partners.

• An estimated 480,000 childrenare mistreated each year by acaretaker with alcohol problems. 

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Myth #3: Alcohol hurt you?Nah!

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 Today in the U.S.:

Over 40,000 people dieon the highways each


About half of the

fatalities involve alcohol.

Each year, drinking anddriving results in:

Millions of arrestsHundreds of thousandsof serious injuries

 Tens of billions of dollarsin alcohol related costs

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How it worksWhen you consume alcohol, 20 percentof it immediately passes through yourstomach walls into the bloodstream.

 The remaining 80 percent goes to thesmall intestine where it slowly finds its

way into your blood.

Invasion of the bodyOnce alcohol enters the bloodstream, itenters all of your body's organs withinminutes. This is due to the small andsimple molecular structure of alcohol,

which allows it to pass easily throughcell membranes.

 The body is designed to eliminateapproximately one-half ounce of 

alcohol per hour (equivalent to one

mixed drink, one beer, or one glass of wine).

If the average person drinks morerapidly, the alcohol content in the

blood increases and the intoxicatingeffects of the drug are experienced.

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Parts it affects...Brain

Alcohol is a central nervous systemdepressant. Based on how much you drink

and how often, alcohol causes bothtemporary and permanent brain injury. Areasaffected include memory, problem solving,

 judgment, behavior, insight, understanding of pain and pleasure, coordination, and

regulation of all body systems.

LiverAlcohol causes three types of liver injurywhen used over time. Fatty liver disease is

100 percent reversible when abstinence fromalcohol and with appropriate diet and

vitamins. Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious form

of alcoholic liver disease in which part of theliver dies and is replaced with scar tissue.When alcoholic hepatitis goes on over a

period of time, increasing death of liver tissuetakes place. Cirrhosis occurs when liver tissue

dies and is replaced with scar tissue.

Progression of cirrhosis over time results indeath from liver failure.

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It has long been clear that excessdrinking puts long-term health atsignificant risk and that increases

with the amount you drink. Thechronic health effects of alcoholcan affect numerous organs in thebody. These include:

o Liver cirrhosiso Cancero Strokeso Pancreatitiso Gastritiso High blood pressure

(hypertension)o Fertility Problemso Impotenceo Neurological disorderso Mental Health problems

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 Your bodiescan’tmetabolize

alcohol as wellas males.

When added tothe fact thatthe average

female is

smaller thanthe average

male, it makesit even moredangerous foryou to ‘drink

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Myth #4: Alcohol makes youhappy!

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 Your brain will not be done developing untilyou are about 25 years old.

 Take good care of it.

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Individuals who begin

drinking before age 15 arefour times more likely tobecome alcohol dependentthan those who begindrinking at age 21.

If the chemically dependentperson continues to abusealcohol, the addiction willeventually lead to death.

*Death due to liver,

heart, kidney, pancreas,and lung failure.*Death due to overdose.*Death due to suicide.*Death due to auto,

water, or fire accidents.

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percent of suicides by

children agesnine to 15 were

attributable toalcohol.

In 35.8% of adultsuicides, the

individual hadbeen drinking.

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So, thenext timeyou see the

unrealimage of 

an alcohol


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…Don’tforget whatit would

look like if it were thereal world .