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What Lies Ahead, Adventurers?


Jan 20, 2023



Khang Minh
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What Lies Ahead, Adventurers?



My Little Pony – Savage Adventures (MLP:SA) is an tabletop roleplaying game rulebook for a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic setting, based on the Savage Worlds core rules. If you wanna just dive in and go, here's the Quick Cheat Sheet (separate doc). If you're wondering why you should bother with these rules in the first place, I got 3 reasons right here. If you're wondering why the blazes anyone wants to play as cute little multi-colored ponies with a bunch of dice...uh well I can't help you. You either wanna play ponies or roll a lot of dice about ponies or someone really wants to play ponies with you. ;D My Little Pony – Savage Adventures is geared for rip-roaring adventures for you and all your friends, perfect for Daring Do hijinks and pulp-action fun. Built upon the Savage Worlds rules base, MLP:SA adds in abilities to help your friends as you forge on your adventures while following the golden rule of Friendship is Magic.

What lies ahead, adventurers?

Version Note: this is a prettified fancy pdf compilation of the online rulebook, taken July 12th, 2015. For the most up-to-date rules, reference the online version, or look at the Updates section for major changes since this compilation. You can also find a printer-friendly pdf version on the online rulebook website.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is © by Hasbro and DHX Media/Vancouver My Little Pony - Savage Adventures by Toboe LoneWolf Savage Worlds is © by Pinnacle Entertainment Group




About Savage Worlds .......................................................... 5

About My Little Pony ........................................................... 6

Why you should use these rules .......................................... 7

Create Your Character ......................................................... 8

Races ................................................................................ 9

Main Races .................................................................. 9 Additional Races ........................................................ 10 Integrating Races ....................................................... 13

Skills ............................................................................... 14

Athletics [Strength].................................................... 15 Fighting [Agility] ......................................................... 15 Gambling [Smarts] ..................................................... 15 Healing [Smarts] ........................................................ 15 Intimidation [Spirit] ................................................... 15 Investigation [Smarts] ............................................... 15 Knowledge (something) [Smarts] .............................. 15 Leadership [Spirit] ..................................................... 15 Lockpicking [Agility] ................................................... 15 Nature [Spirit, specialization: Land or Air] ................. 16 Notice [Smarts] .......................................................... 16 Perform (something) [Spirit] ..................................... 17 Piloting [Agility, specialization: Flying, Land, or Water vehicles] ..................................................................... 17 Persuasion [Spirit] ..................................................... 17 Repair [Smarts] .......................................................... 17 Shooting [Agility] ....................................................... 17 Spellcraft [Smarts] ..................................................... 17 Stealth [Agility] .......................................................... 17 Streetwise [Smarts, specialization: High Society or Commoner]................................................................ 17 Survival [Smarts] ........................................................ 17 Taunt [Smarts] ........................................................... 17

Hindrances ..................................................................... 18

From the Core Rules .................................................. 18 New Hindrances in MLP:SA ....................................... 18

Edges ............................................................................. 21

New Edges in MLP:SA ................................................ 21 From the Core Rules .................................................. 29 Creating New Edges ................................................... 32

Gear ................................................................................... 33

Currency ........................................................................ 33 Encumbrance ................................................................. 33 Armor ............................................................................ 33 Holding Stuff .................................................................. 33 Crafting .......................................................................... 34 Select Gear Notes .......................................................... 34

Required Tools .......................................................... 34 Basic Equipment ........................................................ 34 Weapons ................................................................... 35 Explosives .................................................................. 37

Game Rules ....................................................................... 39

Start with the Core Rules .............................................. 39 Non-Lethal Damage ...................................................... 39 Tricks and Test of Wills .................................................. 39 Withdrawing From Close Combat ................................. 40 Off-Hand (Off-Hoof) Penalty ......................................... 41 Multiple Actions ............................................................ 41 Unarmed Defender ....................................................... 41 Cooperative Rolls .......................................................... 41

Situational Rules................................................................ 42

Patter ............................................................................ 42 Tailing ............................................................................ 43

Short Tails .................................................................. 43 Standard and Extended Tails ..................................... 43

Gambling: Poker ............................................................ 44

Setting Rules ..................................................................... 45

Optional Setting Rules from the Core Rules .................. 45 Friendship Is Magic ....................................................... 45 Combined Attacks ......................................................... 45 With Power Points ........................................................ 46 Even More Action! ........................................................ 47

Heroic Healing ........................................................... 47 Really Heroic Healing ................................................ 47

For Small Groups ........................................................... 47

The Heroic Duo ......................................................... 47 The Lone Hero ........................................................... 47

Magic ................................................................................. 48

Arcane Background (Magic) .......................................... 48

Arcane Skill ................................................................ 48 Starting Powers ......................................................... 48 Backlash .................................................................... 48 Maintenance ............................................................. 48 Interruption ............................................................... 49 Undamped ................................................................ 49 Trappings ................................................................... 49 Inherent Spells .......................................................... 49 Spellbooks ................................................................. 50

Arcane Background (Weird Science) ............................. 50 Arcane Background (Alchemy) ...................................... 51 Magic Rituals ................................................................. 51

Powers .............................................................................. 52

Powers from Core Rules ................................................ 52

Ditched Powers from Core Rules .............................. 52 Changed Powers and/or Notes from Core Rules ...... 52



Summary of Available Powers from Core Rules ........ 53

New Powers in MLP:SA .................................................. 54 Example Trappings ........................................................ 55

Gallery ............................................................................... 56

Heroes (at Novice Level) ................................................ 56

Mane 6....................................................................... 56 Other ......................................................................... 58

Rogues (at Novice Level) ............................................... 58 Bestiary .......................................................................... 59

Mundane ................................................................... 59 Fantastical ................................................................. 60

Game Aids.......................................................................... 67

Thanks and Acknowledgements ........................................ 68




Savage Worlds is a generic tabletop rpg rules system, meaning it's "rules on how to roll dice to determine how well your character did X in the story you're all playing." Other big-name systems these days include Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPs, World of Darkness, FATE, Shadowrun, Dungeon World, etc. Savage Worlds's tagline is Fast! Furious! Fun! and is particularly known for being a fairly rules-light system (aka "a bit of crunch but not that much"), speed, pulpy-like settings, and a minimum of bookkeeping, for both player and Game Master. Savage Worlds is available as a pdf for a mere $9.99 via their own site @ Pinnacle or at DriveThruRPG, as well as in print via Amazon or perhaps your local gaming store. You can also just use the free Test Drive rules if you wanna get the jist of things. Viva la internet! Note that the current rules is called "Savage Worlds: Deluxe," (SW:D) which is the hardcover / pdf version, or "Savage Worlds: Deluxe Explorer's Edition," (SW:DEE) which is the paperback version. The paperback version has all of the typos and errata corrected from the SW:D version, but they're still the same rules. Pdfs may vary depending on when you got it (or where you got it). There's an older version of Savage Worlds called "Savage Worlds: Explorer's Edition" (SW:EE) which is now outdated (although some people still use the SW:EE version of Chase Rules). Basically just check the cover image to make sure we're all on the same page, so to speak.

Addendum Note: as of May 2nd, 2015, Pinnacle has made an official change to the Shaken rules for Savage Worlds that hasn't yet been added to the printed versions (here's the official errata pdf):

"At the beginning of their action, a Shaken character makes a Spirit roll to recover. On a failure, he remains Shaken. On a success, the character removes their Shaken condition and may take their action normally."

On this site, I refer to the current Savage Worlds rules (SW:D / SW:DEE) as "Savage Worlds Core", "Core Savage Worlds," or simply "Core Rules." Please note that this is a fan-made setting, as per the Savage Worlds fan-licensing rules. Therefore I cannot reproduce whole-scale the text from the core rules without getting my ass sued, or at least getting a talking to. Still, all you need is the SW core rulebook and this website/setting "book," and since everything can fit on a single page that's not too hard. ;D




Let's get this out of the way first: yes, it's a TV show that's primarily aimed at young girls. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a children's animated cartoon for Hasbro's My Little Pony franchise that has become wildly popular, both with kids and, surprisingly, The Internet. Somehow a cartoon about cute little multi-colored ponies has captured the interest of thousands around the world. For some it's because it's well animated, for others it's because it's a funny, well-written show that entertains both kids and adults. The end result has created a massive fandom following that's arranged multiple large conventions, a huge collection of fanart and fanfic, has a thriving remix music fandom in and of itself, and fans creating pony mods for hundreds of games and pretty much everything else in between. And all this around a show that has singing ponies and magical beams of friendship. I'm not making this up. I'm not going to try to convince you to "join the herd"; if you're reading this you've probably already got an opinion of MLP. If, however, you've managed to avoid the pony phenomenon and are wondering what this crazy pony craze is, the easiest thing is to watch a few episodes yourself - luckily the Internet Will Always Provide.




Why you should try using these rules instead of something else:

1. Lean, Mean, and Concise

This is straight up a MLP setting with the Savage Worlds Core rules, rather than heavily modifying them or creating a brand new system. Therefore there's a bare minimum of new rules, and all you really need to know can fit on a single page (beyond the core Savage Worlds rules, which is a mere $10 / centimeter thick book / 200pages). Everything else is just new Edges/Hindrances/Spells/Setting Rules beyond what the core rules offers and are totally optional. Fast, Furious, and Fun!

2. Play Whatever Species You Want

Using the Savage World's "Making Races" template, you can now play any species in the MLP:FiM universe. Zebras, batponies, griffons, changelings, and yes, even alicorns. Tired of waiting for other creators to create races for you, or them worrying about balancing issues? Ffffffffft it took me like ten seconds, eleven tops to whip up Savage Worlds races for MLP:SA.

3. It's Flexible

Because 99.9% of this uses the core Savage Worlds rules, it's really easy to add in new edges/hindrances/spells for whatever you want. Since there's virtually no change in how the core rules work, you don't have to worry too much about "breaking the game" or "balancing stuff" as long as you follow the basic Savage Worlds philosophy. Easy-peasy!

Also I wrote these rules to be fun to read instead of being all SRS BSNSS. I am all for the LOLs My Little Pony - Savage Adventures was built to emulate a pulp-action adventure a la Daring Do while incorporating the MLP theme of Friendship is Magic – a party of heroes working together is going to be more fun than a lone wanderer! MLP:SA adds to the Savage Worlds camaraderie by adding in more abilities to assist your friends, so that you can be adventurous, fierce, and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable. But since this is Savage Worlds, your foes are just as formidable… Yes, I know someone's already made a Savage Worlds MLP port: The Savage World of My Little Pony, 4th ed, by Giftkrieg23 / Rodger Marsh / IRanSoFarAway. Yes, I know someone's already created a tabletop system for MLP: Roleplaying is Magic by Roan Arts LLC. Among others. Whatever floats your boat, dudes. Check this out and see if this is your kind of cake. While my version and Giftkrieg23's version are both based on the same Savage Worlds core rules, they are two different ponies.

If you prefer high-powered fantasy, individualistic DnD-like play, and godlike powers, try Giftkrieg23's version.

If you prefer more tactical and team-based combat with a more Indiana Jones / Daring-Do pulp flair, and the flexibility to add in new abilities on the fly, try my version.

If you prefer a lot more fluff, try Roan Arts LLC's version

Or you can choose to use any of myriad other pony tabletop rules, like Ponyfinder or Heroes of Equestria or Courage Is Magic, etc!

The important thing is that we're playing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with a bunch of friends and some (hopefully lucky) dice. :D




For more information on how to create a character using the Savage Worlds rules, look at the core rules, or the Test Drive rules.

1. Choose a Race a. Get extra bonuses depending on your race! More skill points, more attribute points, the ability to fly or

do magic! 2. Choose your Hindrances (if desired)

a. You can pick 2 Major OR 1 Major & 2 Minor Hindrances. Or, if you prefer, just 1 Major, just 2 Minor, or just 1 Minor

3. Assign Your Attributes a. Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor b. You have 5 base Attribute points to use, plus any you get from your race or bought via Hindrance

points 4. Pick Your Skills

a. 21 total skills b. You have 15 skill points to use plus any you get from your race or bought via Hindrance points

5. Pick Your Edges (if applicable) 6. Calculate derived stats

a. Charisma, Pace, Parry, Toughness, # of bennies 7. Buy Your Gear 8. And Game On.

If you're new to tabletop gaming or Savage Worlds, I also made a Notes on Dice Rolling in MLP:SA reference guide.




In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, there are three main "races" : pegasus, earth pony, and unicorn. Races are built with the Savage Worlds "making races" template, with roughly a +4 value. This is to account for cutie mark talents and flight/magic being a starting basis for races, rather than the basic "human", which starts with 1 free Novice edge they meet the requirements for.



Sturdy As The Earth: Earth ponies are sturdier than other ponies, and get an additional Attribute point during character creation

Pony Of Earth: Earth ponies instinctively have a connection with the land and all the animals and plants that live on it. All earth ponies roll a d4-2 for untrained Nature(land) instead of the default d4-4

Cutie Mark Talent: Ponies with a cutie mark know what they're good at. For that reason, they start with a free Novice Edge that represents their cutie mark talent. This is typically a Professional edge, but if your talent can be described better as a different edge, then use that one! Optionally, use the Talent edge to better frame your pony's cutie mark skill.


Pony of Magic: Unicorns are able to actually use and control the magic power in the world. They start with the Arcane Background (Magic) edge, which includes 3 automatic Powers. (See Magic rules)

Cutie Mark Talent: Ponies with a cutie mark know what they're good at. For that reason, they start with a free Novice Edge that represents their cutie mark talent. This is typically a Professional edge, but if your talent can be described better as a different edge, then use that one! Optionally, use the Talent edge to better frame your pony's cutie mark skill.


Flight: Pegasi can fly at their Pace and walk on clouds, and thus ignore difficult (ground) terrain. It costs 2" (aka 12 feet) of movement to go up 1" (aka 6 feet), but while flying, the "run die" is a d8 (the default Pace is still 6", and the run die is d6 if the pegasus is running on the ground). If a pegasus is Shaken or suffers a Wound while flying, they must immediately roll Agility or fall 6" per round (and possibly take falling damage). For Chase Rule purposes, Pegasi have a Climb value of 0.

Pony of Air: Born to fly, pegasi inherently have a connection with the sky and manipulating the weather. All pegasi roll a d4-2 for untrained Nature(air) instead of the default d4-4

Cutie Mark Talent: Ponies with a cutie mark know what they're good at. For that reason, they start with a free Novice Edge that represents their cutie mark talent. This is typically a Professional edge, but if your talent can be described better as a different edge, then use that one! Optionally, use the Talent edge to better frame your pony's cutie mark skill.




Note: these races are generally not going to be common playable characters, but the option is there. You should confirm with your GM to see if it's okay to pick one of these races for the game, and perhaps the other players to make sure the RPG party will "fit" with each other. If you wish to create a different/new race, that's easy! Just use the Savage Worlds "Making Races" templates (Savage Worlds > Characters > Making Races) with a +4 value. Shouldn't take more than ten seconds, eleven tops. ;D


Mediation: Zebras are a highly learned folk and have passed down their knowledge and traditions for generations. They get 4 additional skill points to use at character creation.

Cutie Mark Talent: Zebras have cutie marks too! They also start with a free novice Edge that represents their cutie mark talent (see Talent and Professional edges) o Note: the Arcane Background (magic) edge is

available to Zebras, although they will have to spend an edge to actually acquire it, which can only be done at character creation. Obviously, the Trappings for Zebra Powers will need to be quite different than a typical Unicorn's powers. Zebras start with 3 Powers, but Inherent Spells are not available for Zebras (you'll just have to take those the normal way). Optionally, you may instead take the Arcane Background (Alchemy) edge, which matches the show a bit better but does require the SW Fantasy Companion.

Outsider: Zebras are, politely speaking, uncommon to Equestria, and oftentimes are viewed with suspicion or just plain misunderstanding. They have -2 Charisma when dealing with Equestrians.


Flight: Griffons can fly at their Pace and walk on clouds, and thus ignore difficult (ground) terrain. It costs 2" (aka 12 feet) of movement to go up 1" (aka 6 feet), but while flying, the "run die" is a d8 (the default Pace is still 6", and the run die is d6 if the griffon is running on the ground). If a griffon is Shaken or suffers a Wound while flying, they must immediately roll Agility or fall 6" per round (and possibly take falling damage). For Chase Rule purposes, griffons have a Climb value of 0.

Claws & Beak: Griffons have a beak and friggin' sharp claws. These are treated as natural weapons that cause Str+d6 damage.

Hawk Eyes: With their amazing eyesight, griffons get +2 to visual-based Notice rolls


(Like a Pegasus But Darker): Batponies have all the characteristics of a pegasus (Flight, pony of air, cutie mark talent, adaptable), plus these two additional qualities:

Low Light Vision: As nocturnal ponies, batponies are used to the darkness. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

I Am Your Worst Nightmare The Night: Batponies are kinda scary, okay. Also they're pretty unusual and normally are only around at night, so batponies have -2 Charisma when dealing with daytime folk (which is pretty much everypony)




Claws & Teeth: Changelings come with claws and teeth (the better to eat you with). These are treated as natural weapons that cause Str+d6 damage

Shape-shift: Changelings are able to transform into near-perfect clones of anypony they see. They have the Disguise spell from the core Savage Worlds rules, but a changeling rolls Smarts to activate instead of spellcraft, and there is no cost to maintain it.

Drain: Changelings feed off love. Or just feed. As an action, a Changeling can attempt to drain a target: this is an opposed Spirit roll with a -1 "spellcast" penalty for the Changeling; on a success, Changeling deals 1 level of Fatigue and recovers 1 level of Fatigue penalties (if applicable). No extra bonuses with a raise, though.

Flight: Changelings too can fly at their Pace and walk on clouds, and thus ignore difficult (ground) terrain. It costs 2" (aka 12 feet) of movement to go up 1" (aka 6 feet), but while flying, the "run die" is a d8 (the default Pace is still 6", and the run die is d6 if the changeling is running on the ground). If a changeling is Shaken or suffers a Wound while flying, they must immediately roll Agility or fall 6" per round (and possibly take falling damage). For Chase Rule purposes, changelings have a Climb value of 0.

I Wanna Suck You: Changelings...often just want to drain the love out of somepony, They have -4 Charisma when dealing with, well, pretty much anypony (especially if the changeling's not transformed)

Stuck in the Hive: Changelings (at least PC ones) have spent most of their (short?) life stuck in a hive mind where they didn't need to think for themselves, and so it's harder for them to break out of the mold. Changelings begin with the Illiterate Hindrance, and cannot take the following skills at character creation: Healing, Leadership, Perform, Repair. Changelings can buy off each skill with two skill points each, or as an Advance; buying off the Illiterate hindrance costs one skill point.


Tough: Grrr ruff tuff! Diamond Dogs get +1 Toughness.

Tooth And Claws: Sure, a dog's bark may be worse than his bite, but that doesn't mean the bite doesn't hurt! A diamond dog's bite and claws are natural weapons at Str+d6.

Bad Manners: Diamond Dogs are not, how do you say..."trained." A diamond dog begins with the Illiterate Hindrance; this can be bought off with a skill point.

Adaptable: There are a multitude of dog breeds; diamond dogs are no different. A puppy diamond dog gets 1 free Novice Edge







Solid: Buffalo have super thick skulls (great for headbashing) and are incredibly tough to sway from their position. They have the Hardy ability.

Large Bulk: Buffalo are big! And totally hard to tip over. +1 Size

Sharp Horns: All buffalo come with two sharp horns. Treat them as Natural Weapons with Str+d6 damage

Lots'o'Concussions: All that headbashing comes with a cost: It takes two Attribute points to increase Smarts during character generation


(As a note, from what we've seen in the show, Crystal Ponies don't have horns. But they're so pretty...)

Crystal Heart: The heart and soul of the Crystal Empire is protected by the light within the crystal ponies. Crystal Ponies start with a d6 in Spirit.

Haven't Been Out Much, Have You: Crystal Ponies have only just recently been unfrozen from time, and a lot of stuff has changed since then. Crystal ponies have a -2 penalty to Common Knowledge or relevant checks for anything that happened within the last 1000 years. Which is a lot.

I Got The Bling: Crystal ponies are shiny. Oh so very shiny. Pretty shiny. They get +2 Charisma for the shiny. ;D

Cutie Mark Talent: Ponies with a cutie mark know what they're good at. For that reason, they start with an Edge that represents their cutie mark talent. This is typically a Professional edge, but if your talent can be described better as a different edge, then use that one! Optionally, use the Talent edge to better frame your pony's cutie mark skill. o Note: You may take

the "edge" Flight for a Crystal Pony, although they will have to spend an edge to actually acquire it, which can only be done at character creation. This works just like the Flight ability of a Pegasus.


This template is for young to perhaps teenager dragons (aka Spike, not Smaug)

Tough: Drop 'em, smash 'em, jump off a cliff into lava...dragons are tough! Dragons get +1 Toughness

Heat-Resistant: Dragons get +4 to resist heat, fire, and lava fatigue. If you're ever in a situation for lava fatigue, that is.

Claws: Don't let their adorable demeanor fool you; a dragon still has some sharp claws! A dragon's claws are natural weapons at Str+d6.


Glided Flight: Breezies are gliding-type fliers and have the ability to walk on clouds. They descend 1" (6 feet) vertically for every 2" (12 feet) horizontally, with a Climb value of -2, and have only a d6 for "running" while flying. Like with pegasi and griffons, if a Breezy is Shaken or suffers a Wound, they must make a successful Agility roll or fall 6". A successful Agility roll each round allows Breezy to stay level; a raise allows them to climb 1" but sacrifices 2" of horizontal distance. However Breezies are weak flyers so they have a -1 to all flight-related Agility rolls.

Freaking Tiny: Breezies are friggin' tiny. They have Size -2 and are Small, so their Toughness is reduced by 1. On the plus size though, normal-sized creatures (Size 0, ponies) have a -2 penalty to target a Breezy. Larger ones (elephants) have a -4, and Really Large (Adult Dragons) have a -6.

Fairy Talent: Breezies start with a d6 in Perform(something)

I Speak Bug Too: Not all Breezies can speak Equestrian, but yours can (otherwise the game would be a bit difficult). PC Breezies start out with d6 in Equestrian, which is enough to speak, but not replicate dialects or use complicated phrases.

Adaptable: Every Breezy is different! A breezy gets 1 free Novice Edge

o Note: the Arcane Background (magic) edge is available to Breezies, although they will have to spend an edge to actually acquire it, which can only be done at character creation. Breezies start with 3 Powers, but Inherent Spells are not available for Breezies (you'll just have to take those the normal way).




Note: you definitely should ask your GM and other players if you can start out as an alicorn. This template assumes you're a "young" alicorn who's just been endowed with Za Powah.

Cutie Mark Talent: You may be an alicorn, but you're still a pony! Ponies with a cutie mark know what they're good at. For that reason, they start with a free Novice Edge that represents their cutie mark talent. This is typically a Professional edge, but if your talent can be described better as a different edge, then use that one! Optionally, use the Talent edge to better frame your pony's cutie mark skill.

Flight: Alicorns, like pegasi, can fly at their Pace and walk on clouds, and thus ignore difficult (ground) terrain. It costs 2" (aka 12 feet) of movement to go up 1" (aka 6 feet), but while flying, the "run die" is a d8 (the default Pace is still 6" and the run die is d6 if the alicorn is running on the ground). If an alicorn is Shaken or suffers a Wound while flying, they must immediately roll Agility or fall 6" per round (and possibly take falling damage). For Chase Rule purposes, alicorns have a Climb value of -1.

Pony of Magic: Alicorns are also able to harness the power of magic like unicorns. They gain the Arcane Background (Magic) edge, which includes 3 automatic Powers. (See Magic rules)

Ascendance: An alicorn starts out stronger than everypony else. You begin with d8 in all attributes and may raise it to d12+2 via normal advancement; the Expert & Master edges may raise it to d12+4

A Long Way To Go: Now that you're an alicorn and may or may not be immortal, all attributes require 2 points per step to raise during character generation. Furthermore, an alicorn must dedicate 2 advances to raising the attribute during game play.

Hardy: Alicorns are hard to take down, son. A second Shaken result doesn't cause a Wound

Pony of the Law: Now that you've been endowed with alicorn gifts, you also have some major responsibilities and expectations. An alicorn must uphold the laws of Equestria, pursue Peace Not War, and obey the Princesses absolutely. You automatically have the Pacifist (Major), Obligations (Major), Code of Honor (minor), and Heroic (minor)

Hindrances, which you don't get any Hindrance points for. You're expected to be a princess! (Or prince, whatever floats your boat.)


A small design note: these races, as mentioned earlier, are based on a +4 value. This was largely to account for a pony's magic plus their cutie mark ability; as long as all the races come out to roughly a +4 value things are on par with each other. MLP:SA assumes that it is played within the world of My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic. If, however, you intend on dropping ponies into outside settings such as a Savage Worlds conversion of Dungeons and Dragons or one of the "native" Savage Worlds settings such as Deadlands, Interface Zero, or Hellfrost, you'll need to recalibrate the races back down to a +2 value. In this case, add/remove these characteristics:

Pony-types (Pegasus, Earth, Unicorn, Zebra, Crystal, Batpony, Changeling): Size -1 (Small); have -1 Toughness. Hey, you want to play My Little Ponies in a big pony world, you gotta acknowledge the fact that you're little

Griffons, Diamond Dogs, Buffalo: Have the All Thumbs and Short-Tempered Hindrances. Ponies have their magical abilities to manipulate objects, but these creatures get the short stick

Minotaurs, Dragons: lose the extra Toughness (well, Minotaurs their Size bonus, which is like Toughness)

Breezies: lose the free Novice edge

Alicorns: lose Hardy




In My Little Pony - Savage Adventures, there are 21 skills to choose from. Note that some of these skills use the skill specialization setting rules from the core Savage Worlds rules. When your character first selects a skill, pick one of the specialization options. When attempting to use that skill outside your specialization, you have a -2 penalty. For more details, see the core Savage Worlds rules.

Skill Linked Attribute


Athletics Strength Combines the Climbing and Swimming skills, and is a pony's ability to perform athletic feats

Fighting Agility Parry is 1/2(Fighting) +2

Gambling Smarts

Healing Smarts

Intimidation Spirit In MLP:SA, Intimidate Test of Wills are more effective. See Game Rules.

Investigation Smarts

Knowledge(something) Smarts

Leadership Spirit the "mental Wound" corollary to Healing, as well as inspiring your comrades. Special Ability: a success means allies adjacent to you get +1 to their next action for the rest of the round; no additional bonuses with a Raise or multiple leaders

Lockpicking Agility Note: includes disabling traps

Nature(specialization) Spirit Specialization: Land or Air (water depends on situation) Represents pony's ability to manipulate the physical world around them Land: talking to land animals, farming Air: talking to flying creatures, weather

Notice Smarts

Perform(something) Spirit Depending on the talent chosen, this skill may be linked to something more appropriate, like Perform(Dancing) linked to Agility instead

Persuasion Spirit

Piloting(specialization) Agility Specialization: Flying, Land, or Water vehicles Combines the Boating/Driving/Piloting/Riding skills

Repair Smarts

Spellcraft Smarts Note: non-unicorns can take this skill, although they can't cast spells with it. In this case, it merely represents their arcane knowledge

Shooting Agility Combined Shooting and Throwing skills

Stealth Agility

Streetwise(specialization) Smarts Specialization: Commoner or High Society

Survival Smarts Combined Survival and Tracking skills

Taunt Smarts In MLP:SA, Taunt Test of Wills are more effective. See Game Rules.




This represents your pony's general athletic abilities, and is used to perform athletic feats or sport activities (think Olympics). The Athletics skill combines the Climbing and Swimming skills from core Savage Worlds, and thus is used to climb mountains, ford rivers, win races, as well as fly through storms (Agility is just used to keep you fromfalling), run a marathon, and perform rodeo events. Note that as Athletics encompasses the Swimming skill, it also determines your Swimming "pace."


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. Note that the use of this skill is fairly dependent on the type of game you're playing; while it does have a distinct "Western" aspect, gambling is also frequently encountered in fantasy tavern carousing and espionage ("Or as he's known the spy world, Mane. Con Mane."). You never know when you're going to want to put some bits down and roll the dice!


Defined and used just like in core Savage Worlds.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. In MLP:SA, Intimidation Test of Wills are more effective. See Game Rules.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. Note that Knowledge(Battle) is used for Mass Combat, each language is a Knowledge(language) skill, and basic information is still covered by Common Knowledge and a character's background.


Leadership is used to inspire, encourage, or rally your friends and allies on. Aka this is the skill for every single sports movie speech ever. Never give up! Go! Fight! Win! (maybe without the newspaper) Thus, as an action, the Leadership skill can be used to inspire your friends. A success on a Leadership roll means allies adjacent to you get +1 to their next action for the rest of the round. There is no additional bonus with a raise (you need edges for that) and doesn't stack with different Leaders.

You can attempt to inspire your allies once per round during combat, but outside of combat (excluding "healing"; see below) it is once per session.

The Leadership skill is also the "mental Wound" corollary to Healing, used to treat "mental Wounds" acquired from Tricks and Test of Wills.

As with the Healing skill, you get only one Leadership attempt to heal a mental Wound (although multiple leaders can attempt to rally a single ally). On the plus side there is no Golden Hour and the attempt doesn't take 10minutes (so you can definitely pep-talk an ally within a combat round ;D).

Leadership also replaces the Knowledge(Tactics) skill (used for the Tactician edge).


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. Note that this is the default skill for disabling traps, although your GM may decide a different skill may be more applicable for a certain trap.




In MLP:SA, Nature represents a pony's ability to manipulate the elements of the world around them. Aka the pegasus and earth pony's version of "magic." This is the skill to use to whip up clouds, grow crops, talk to animals, spin up tornadoes, and create earthquakes. >D

Land specialization: talking to land/water animals, farming. Also includes "earth pony magic"

Air specialization: talking to flying creatures, weather-control. Also includes "pegasus magic"

There isn't a "water" specialization, unless for some reason your GM wants to include sea ponies. For the most part, Nature(land) covers animals that live in the rivers/ponds/oceans.

Note: "Pony of Earth" and "Pony of Air" for Earth and Pegasus ponies does not mean those races get their specializations automatically; it means if a character is completely untrained in the Nature skill (ie, rolling at d4-4 due to the specializations rules) they roll instead a d4-2 for their respective race. Upon taking the Nature skill, you could still choose the "opposite" specialization (ie, Earth pony choosing Nature(air) at d4, but still rolling a d4-2 for Nature(land)). Note 2: Even if an earth pony takes Nature(air) that doesn't mean they can suddenly control the weather, or vice versa. However, said earth pony would be experienced in working with birds and coordinating with pegasi for proper rainfall, etc.

After all, a pegasus could have a strong affinity to talking to creatures on the ground instead...

In addition, pegasi and earth ponies can use Nature to attack or defend: Pegasus-only

Buffet o You can flurry your wings so fast to create a

blast of wind at your foes. o Make a Nature(air) roll; a success places a Cone

Template (9" long, 3" widest point). Friends and foes in the template area may make an opposed Strength roll to your Nature(air) roll to avoid the blast or be Knocked Prone. If the targets can find some sort of cover, they get the Cover bonus to their Strength roll.

Lightning Bolt o If there's a cloud nearby (so you may need to go

get one or create it yourself via another Nature roll), a pegasus can use it to zap a lightning bolt on an opponent. Let's have a little shock and awe, shall we?

o Make a Nature(air) roll, and treat it like a ranged attack at 3"/6"/12" (with +1d6 damage on a Raise as usual). The damage of a basic lightning bolt is 2d4 points of nonlethal damage, with AP2 due to electrical strikes. >D

Earth Pony-only

Stomp o Stomp your hooves and do a little shake - or an

earthquake, in this case! Earth ponies can stomp the ground hard enough to cause the earth to heave and shake, spewing up rocks (meaning you can even hit airborne targets!).

o Make a Nature(land) roll. Anything in a straight line from your hooves (choose a direction to face) suffers 2d4+1 nonlethal damage if they're 1" away (adjacent to you), 2d4 damage if they're 2" away, and 1d6 damage if they're 3" away. This hits anything in the line of fire, whether friends or foe, so be careful! Targets may make an opposed Agility roll to your Nature(land) roll to avoid the upheaval. A Raise on your Nature(land) roll over their Agility roll gives +1d6 damage, as per normal Area of Effect attacks. look it's pokemon attack

Earthen Wall o Earth ponies can also use their surroundings to

make a rough barrier to defend themselves. Also I'm pretty sure there's a Captain Planet joke here I could make

o Make a Nature(land) roll; a success means you've cracked the ground enough to slam up a makeshift barrier, be it a slab of rock, pile of dirt or tangle of vines. This protective wall is 1" (6 feet) wide and counts as Light Cover. For Breaking Things purposes it has Toughness 5 and for Obstacle purposes it gives +1 Armor (see core Savage Worlds). It counts as Difficult Ground if opponents want to climb over it.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds.




The Perform skill is formally included in MLP:SA (rather than a small footnote in core Savage Worlds), to include all performance skills and a majority of the arts. Like the Knowledge skill, the Perform skill is a catch-all skill that requires a focus of some sort, like Perform (Dancing), Perform (Stage Magic), Perform (Cello), Perform (Poetry), or Perform (Dressmaking). It can be taken multiple times with different focuses, and basically represents a pony's professional ability in that particular performance skill. Although Spirit is used as the linking attribute, this isn't a hard and fast rule; the GM can decide if another attribute is more appropriate, like Perform(Dancing) [Agility]. Most musical instruments are their own focus (a piano player can't instantly play guitar, although they can probably strum a few bars with a penalty). A character with the Perform(skill) can usually ply their trade about once a week. With a venue or main customer, the performer can earn $1d4 x their skill in tips, earnings, and the like. With a critical failure though, the character does so poorly that they're banned from that venue or shunned by that customer until the character raises their skill by a die type.



In MLP:SA, Piloting combines the Boating/Driving/Piloting/Riding skills into one large skill, using specialization rules to distinguish between the types of vehicles:

Flying specialization: airship, hot air ballon, flying chariots (the base Piloting skill in Savage Worlds)

Land specialization: trains, carriages, chariots, tractor :P (the base Driving skill in Savage Worlds)

Water specialization: ships, boats, jetskis (the base Boating skill in Savage Worlds)

Also, in appropriate situations, the Piloting skill may be used to "ride" an animal, instead of Nature. Nature is used to talk to an elephant; Piloting(Land) is used to ride the elephant like a mûmak chaaaarge, and Survival is used to find the elephant in the first place. ;D


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. With the Silver Tongue edges, Persuasion can also be used as a Test of Wills, as opposed by Smarts.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds.


In MLP:SA, Shooting combines the Shooting and Throwing skills from core Savage Worlds.


The arcane skill for Arcane Background(magic), as defined just like in core Savage Worlds. Note: non-unicorns can take this skill, although they can't cast spells with it. In this case, it merely represents their arcane knowledge.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds.



Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. In MLP:SA, a distinction is made between the setting of information gathering: High Society settings (fancy parties, big businesses) versus Commoner (the streets, shady businesses, saloons). In addition, the Streetwise skill is also used to properly "act" in a setting; while proper manners at a Canterlot tea party include hoofshakes and correct soup spoons, accepted mannerisms in a back alley bar may include brohoofs and spitting in a kettle!


In MLP:SA, Survival combines Survival and Tracking skills from core Savage Worlds.


Defined just like in core Savage Worlds. In MLP:SA, Taunt Test of Wills are more effective. See Game Rules.





All hindrances from the core rules are available in MLP:SA: All Thumbs ("All Hooves"), Anemic, Arrogant, Bad Eyes, Bad Luck, Big Mouth, Blind, Bloodthirsty, Cautious, Clueless, Code of Honor, Curious, Death Wish, Delusional, Doubting Thomas, Elderly, Enemy, Greedy, Habit, Hard of Hearing, Heroic, Illiterate, Lame, Loyal, Mean, Obese, One Arm, One Eye, One Leg, Outsider, Overconfident, Pacifist, Phobia, Poverty, Quirk, Small, Stubborn, Ugly, Vengeful, Vow, Wanted, Yellow ("Skittish"), Young


Allow Code of Honor, Curious, Heroic and Loyal to be taken as Minor hindrances, instead of only Major. Come on, this is pony, you're playing the good guys, right? (Note that only the severity has been changed, not how the hindrance is treated, unlike 3.5ed of SW:MLP.)

All Thumbs is renamed as "All Hooves" and Yellow as "Skittish" for pony-flavor

Bad Eyes is considered to be a Minor hindrance, as most ponies can acquire eyeglasses or even contacts (giggle points if you get the multi-colored ones. You know the ones)

Lame may also apply to a wing for pegasi, in which case the reduction in pace/running applies when flying, and is treated as a minor hindrance with an affected wing (a pegasus still has all 4 hooves after all)


Ailing (Minor/Major) o Your character tends to get every single sniffle,

cough of the year, and spectacular bruises. As a minor hindrance, you have a -2 penalty to resist all Fatigue; as a major hindrance your character already suffers from a long-term chronic disease (see core Savage Worlds, Situational Rules > Hazards > Disease).

Allergy (Minor/Major) o Your character is allergic to some relatively

common substance, like pollen, cat fur, or peanut butter, imposing a -4 penalty to all Trait rolls when you're triggered. With a minor hindrance, you may roll Vigor (no penalty) to see if you can "tough it out" (GM's call on how long it lasts). With a major hindrance, you can't; better hope somepony has an EpiPen!

Arcane Weakness (Minor/Major) o For whatever reason, your pony has a lot of

problems resisting and shrugging off anything magical. As a minor hindrance, you have -2 to resist opposed spells. As a major hindrance, you have -2 to resist opposed spells and -1 Toughness if hit by a damage-causing spell. Ouch! You can't have both the Arcane Weakness hindrance and Arcane Resistance edge.

Backfire (Major, Arcane Background (magic) only) o You have a harder time wielding and controlling

arcane forces, and sometimes it feels like you're a lightning rod. You suffer a Backlash result when a natural 1 comes up on either the skill die OR the Wild Die.

Blank Flank (Major, ponies only) o Your character hasn't found out their special

talent yet, and may be a bit ashamed of the fact, or other ponies look at you funny. On the flip side, because of that you're always willing to try new things! Until you find your special talent, you have -4 to Charisma and 2 less skill points, but +1 benny.

Broken Magic (Major, Arcane Background (magic) only) o Your character no longer, or perhaps never

could, easily harness the magical energies around you. You have an additional -6 penalty on any attempt to spellcast. On the flip side, this Major hindrance counts as 4 Hindrance points instead of the regular 2.



Can't Hurt A Fly (Major) o No matter how much you practice or how much

you train, you're...really, really, really bad at hitting things. At least hard enough to matter. You have a -4 penalty to all Fighting rolls, although your Parry calculation remains the same.

o Design Note: This is to represent characters that are great at not getting hit (points in Fighting skill, which means points in Parry), but just aren't good at hitting their target or causing damage. Pacifist is the philosophical hindrance for not Fighting, Can't Hurt A Fly is the action hindrance for flailing away and missing every time, but at least being good enough to not get hit in the first place! ;D

Clipped Wings (Major, winged creatures only) o Your character, whether by birth or terrible,

terrible injury, can't fly all due to severely injured wing(s).

o With a prosthetic or other aid (presuming your GM allows this technological level), Clipped Wings works like Lame (for a wing): your flying Pace is 4" and you roll a d4 for "running while flying." A character's Pace may never be reduced below 1.

o Without a prosthetic or other aid, the character's flying pace is 0" (they can't fly). If for some reason your character needs to make a flying check anyway (they're falling off a cliff perhaps), you have a -4 penalty to your flying check.

o The fact that you can no longer fly can be a heavy weight; either you are uncomfortable with your flight status or other ponies are awkward around you. Because of this, you have -2 Charisma.

Clumsy (Major/Minor) o You might not be as clumsy as The Bubble Butt

Pony, but, well, you're kinda up there. You have a tendency to crash, drop, or trip over things. As a minor hindrance, you have -2 to resist Agility Tricks. As a major hindrance, you have a -2 to all Trait rolls involving balance or stealth as well as resisting Agility Tricks.

Cocky (Minor) o You know those shonen anime shows where all

the attack names are yelled? Yep, your character is a braggart who must announce his actions, possibly in ALL CAPS. Come on, it's the rule of cool, man! Even if it means your opponent knows exactly what's coming...

Disability (Major/Minor) o This is a catch-all hindrance for any physical or

mental affliction not covered by any of the other similar-themed Hindrances (Ailing, One Arm/Eye/Leg, Lame, Delusional, Quirk). Arrange with your GM on the specifics and severity.

Doubt (Major/Minor) o You should be good at this, but...well...I don't

know... Choose one Trait that everypony expects you to at least be competent in (so you need at least a d4 in it). As a minor hindrance, you have -2 to that Trait; as a major hindrance, -4.

Gullible (Minor) o Wait what's that? Squirrel! Your character is

distracted easily and has a -2 to resist Smarts Tricks.

Hopeless Romantic (Minor) o Whether you are an eternal optimist or

~forever alone~, your character tends to fall hoof over heels with nearly every dame or buck you face, and basically pushes too hard trying to nab a date. Your character has -2 Charisma.

o This isn't Brock from Pokemon wat r u sayin'

Impulsive (Minor) o The saying's "Leap before you think," right?

When an idea takes you, more often than not, you run with it. You're not overconfident; you just don't always think things through before taking action.

Obligations / Quest (Minor/Major) o Your character has responsibilities or a goal

they must fulfill or achieve. Whether it's external (Obligations) or internal (Quest), you are either financially, legally, ethically, or otherwise bound to your vow.

o As a minor hindrance it's generally constraints on time and the responsibilities are occasionally inconvenient. As a major hindrance, your character's obligations are crucial and can even put you in harms way.

o Design Note: This is an optional slight reskinning of the Vow hindrance



Pushover (Minor) o Sometimes it feels like you've always got a "Kick

Me" piece of paper taped on your back, and more often than not you cave to peer pressure. You have -2 to resist Intimidation Test of Wills.

Short-Tempered (Minor) o It's incredibly easy to rile you up; insults have a

way at digging into you like none other. Your character is -2 to resist Taunt Test of Wills.

Slow (Major) o Your character's reaction speed is a bit slower

than average. When you draw for Initiative, draw two cards and act on the worst. If the first card is the Joker, you may use that card.

o You cannot both have the Slow hindrance and the Quick edge. Level-Headed allows you to draw one card and act normally. Improved Level Headed grants you two cards and you act on the better of the two.

Smart Mouth (Minor) o True, you may be a master of witty banter, but

you do it all the time, which annoys someponies at the best of times, and worst of times, you're "poking the angry gorilla." Your character's sharp tongue gives -2 Charisma.

Trouble Magnet (Minor/Major) o Where you go, trouble follows. Weird stuff just

happens to bestow its dubious grace upon your character, like always tripping over cats, rain, and falling pianos. As a minor hindrance it's annoying or unsettling; as a major hindrance it could be downright dangerous (I see dead ponies; attack of the falling anvils).




In Savage Worlds, Edges are what really make your character unique. For edge requirements with skills that have specialization options, if it's listed simply with the skill that means it doesn't matter what specialization as long as you at least have the skill rank necessary. If it lists a specialization, you need at least that specialization (you can have others as well).


Design Note: A majority of the new edges in MLP:SA are to expand the non-lethal combat capabilities of Savage Worlds - in other words, increasing the capabilities of Tricks and Test of Wills. It also includes edges that aid in defending allies (rather than beating up enemies) and more Professional edges that aren't focused on combat.


(Although in SW:D you're free to take them at any time, background edges are generally only to be taken at character creation. Your GM may want you to rationalize it if you're taking it much later in time.)

Best Young Flier o Novice, Pegasi-only, Agility d8+ o Whether you won the national competition or

are just the best flier in your hometown, you are exceptionally good at flying, bet it for speed or graceful dancing. You have a +1 bonus to all flying-related Agility rolls.

Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns o Novice, Unicorns-only, Smarts d8+ o At a young age, you had the opportunity to

receive specialized tutoring and training in the arcane studies of magic. You may increase your Spellcraft and Investigation skills one die-type higher than your Attribute without having to spend a full Advance (up to skill d12)

o In addition, you have +1 to resist opposed rolls against magic, or any magical effects

Fame / Infamy o Novice o You have done (or ponies believe you have

done) a great or notorious deed in the past. Ponies that recognize you and what you did either look at you favorably (+1 Charisma) or with wariness (-1 Charisma), depending on the tale and their own viewpoint.

o You may take this edge multiple times, with each one providing an additional +/-1 Charisma bonus, to a maximum of +4/-4. That's one tall tale going around...or is it?

Iron Pony o Novice, d6+ in Agility, Strength, and Vigor o You are a natural athlete; it's easy for you to

pick up new sports and other skills of balance and strength. You may increase Agility/Strength/Vigor linked skills one die-type higher than your Attribute without having to spend a full Advance (up to skill d12)

o You are also used to pushing through pain to win the game. You have a +1 bonus to resist Fatigue and all Hazards (typically Vigor or Agility rolls; see core Savage Worlds > Situational Rules > Hazards).

Stand Firm o Novice, Earth ponies-only, Strength d8+ o You are as solid as the earth, and have the

muscles to prove it - nothing's too heavy to lift for a friend! You have a +2 bonus to all Strength rolls to lift, push, bend or hold down stuff (including Push maneuvers), and a +1 bonus to all other Strength rolls (including damage).




Analyze Foe o Novice, Smarts d8+ o Knowledge is power! Especially if you can take

advantage of it. o With a successful Smarts Trick, you learn a

single Immunity, Invulnerability, Weakness or Hindrance of the Target (if such exists).

o You may learn multiple Immunities/Invulnerabilities/Weaknesses/Hindrances via this edge, but only one at a time per Smarts Trick, and that's assuming the opponent has multiple weaknesses.

Beat Back o Novice, Strength d6+, Fighting d8+ o Sometimes half the battle is getting your

opponent exactly where you want 'em. o If you hit with a raise in melee, you can forgo

the usual extra 1d6 of damage to instead push your foe 1" away in the direction of your choice; if the opponent strikes a solid object they are Shaken (this can cause a Wound). You can then follow up on the shove to occupy your enemy's previous position (this is only possible if you must push the opponent into an empty space). In addition if the defender is pushed into

Difficult Terrain they must make an Agility roll to avoid falling down and being knocked Prone

o A defender who is beaten back doesn't trigger a free attack from the attacker when they're moved away, but all other rules for leaving melee still apply (ie, other attackers can make a free attack instead).

Dauntless o Veteran, Improved Frenzy o The vision of your incoming fast and furious

attacks is a terrifying sight to behold. At the beginning of combat, you can make a free Intimidate Test of Wills. This is a normal Intimidate (cannot be combined with Forbidding Presence).

Evasive Maneuvering! o Novice, Agility d8+ o Move move move! As an action, you may make

an Agility roll. On a success, there's a -1 penalty to target you until your next action. On a Raise, there's a -2 penalty.

Fool You Twice o Novice, Smarts d8+ o "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,

shame on me." But all's fair in love and war! o With a successful Smarts Trick, you get a +1 to

your next action to directly effect the Target and the Target suffers a -1 penalty to Trait rolls on their next action to directly affect you.

The Glomp o Novice, Fighting d6+ o Let Me Hug You To Death, or, "I Will Love And

Tolerate The Shit Out Of You." The ability to come flying out of nowhere in an aggressively "affectionate" tackle is known as The Glomp and is feared universally. Beware, you ponyfolk. Beware.

o You have a +2 bonus to grapple (and keep them grappled) and to disarm opponents, as well as +2 to damaging your grappled victim...I mean hug plushie.

o In addition, you receive +1 to Stealth rolls to either Grapple or Push an opponent

Got Your Back

o Novice, Fighting d8+, Spirit d6+ o 99% of the time, action hero duos get at least

one scene of fighting back to back against a massive horde. As long as you've got an adjacent ally who also has this edge, your opponents halve their gang-up bonus (round down).

o In addition, your allies count you as an additional ally when calculating Gang-Up bonuses (even if your ally doesn't have this edge), as long as you're adjacent to them. This still can't exceed the normal maximum of Gang-Up bonus of +4. Let's get 'em, boys!



o Herd Fighting Heroic, Got Your Back, Fighting d10+ You've got a friend in me~ And these friends

hit hard. You can add your Gang-Up bonus to damage for melee attacks (regardless if your allies have Got Your Back or not).

Hit And Run o Novice, Agility d8+ o Dine'n'Dash with a splash of audacity. Reduce

the multi-action penalty by 2 for doing an Agility Trick while Running.

o Ex: While running, you do an Agility Trick and a Taunt. The Agility Trick is at -2 and the Taunt is at -4.

o Note that the free attack from withdrawing from melee still applies even with this edge

Nature's Fury o Novice, Pegasus/Earth ponies only, Nature d8+ o You have strong ties to the physical elements

around you, and when you get angry, they get a little restless themselves...

o For pegasi Beware, you're amped up! The damage

from Lightning Bolt increases to 2d6. Wind Power! with your powers combined i

am captain planet Buffet will also push back friends and foes 1d4". If they hit an obstacle, the target is Shaken.

o For earth ponies: Get ready to rumble! The damage from

Stomp can optionally be wrecked as a radius around you, instead of a straight line. This still can hit friends and foes alike.

...Or duck and cover, that's cool too. The strength of Earthen Wall can optionally increase to Toughness 6, gives +2 Armor, and counts as Medium Cover, OR Earthen Wall can extend 2" (12 feet) wide.

Protector o Novice, Fighting d6+ o When you're around, your friends know they've

got a great ally to cover them. (Never going to give you up, never going to let you down...) Your Full Defense action result, including your shield parry, may also apply to one adjacent ally (which can be different than Shieldwall).

Shieldwall o Seasoned, Block, medium/large shield o "Stand side by side, and not fall." You know how

to use your shield to its full advantage, especially to help protect your allies. When wielding at least a medium or large shield (small shields like bucklers don't count), your Parry bonus applies to 1 adjacent ally (which can be different from Protector).

Strong Legs o Novice, Shooting d6+, Strength d6+ o Your character has exceptionally strong legs

(perhaps you too have named them akin to "Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee"). The range of how far you can throw/buck things is increased by 50% (round down), which includes muscle-propelled distance weapons. In other words, the range of things like

cannons is not increased (while ranged, it's not muscle-propelled). Fixed-damage ranged weapons (ex: bows) also don't count (a bow's range is primarily due to its draw weight, not your muscle). Strong Legs is for primarily how far you can chuck something.

Tag-Team o Novice, Agility d8+ o Give them the old one-two! You can discard

your Initiative card to act on an ally's card instead. You must declare this intent at the beginning of the round before cards are drawn; otherwise you act on your own card as normal.

o If your ally has the Joker, you act at the same time as your ally (whenever they decide to act) but you do not have the +2 Joker bonus or the automatic Interrupt capability (you will have to roll Agility to Interrupt).

o Design Note: To act alongside an ally a character may have to go on Hold, which has the risk of being Shaken before acting and losing the Hold status since they then have to act right then and there (starting with the roll to recover from Shaken). This edge eliminates the necessity of going on Hold, at the cost of losing the chance of a Joker and the interrupt capability of being on Hold.



Tricky Fighter o Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Agility or Smarts d10+ o Reduce the multi-action penalty by 2

when using a Trick in the same round as a Fighting attack. You must choose which type of Trick this Edge applies to (Agility or Smarts) and must have a d10 in that Attribute. You may take this Edge twice to apply it to both kinds of Tricks.

o Ex: If you wish to do a Trick, a Fighting attack, and another action (for example a Taunt), the Trick & Fighting attack would be at -2 and the Taunt at -4.

Try And Catch Me o Seasoned, Agility d8+, Pace 6+ o Why bother with words when you can turn 'em

dizzy? As long as you freely move at least 6" of new movement in a round (aka no, you can't just go back and forth between two squares), you may make an extra Agility Trick per round.

o Design Note: normally in Savage Worlds you only get 1 type of action per limb per round. This is the Agility Trick version of Frenzy.

o Catch Me If You Can Seasoned, Try And Catch Me Now you can make three Agility Tricks, all at

-1 penalty to all Agility rolls. Ha ha, take that, suckers!


Bolster o Seasoned o Whether rallying your friends to fight on or

pleading for them to hold on just a little while longer, with a successful Leadership roll all adjacent allies can ignore 1 point in Wound penalties until their next action, in addition to any Leadership bonuses your roll may inspire.

Galvanize o Novice, Leadership d4+ o Your words greatly inspire and galvanize your

comrades, leading them on to victory! Now with each Raise on a Leadership roll, your (adjacent) friends get an additional +1 bonus to their next action, up to +4. This doesn't stack with other character's Leadership rolls.

Team Leader o Novice, Smarts d8+, Leadership d4+

o Come on, let's all work together! When a character with this Edge is present when a Cooperative Roll is made, the lead character does not have to be designated beforehandhoof. The participant with the highest total is automatically considered to be the lead.

Through the Gates of Tartarus o Veteran, Hold The Line! o The character is beloved

and trusted by his troops, so that they would literally follow him to the Gates of Tartarus and beyond.

Whenever any Extras need to make Fear checks or Spirit morale during Mass Combat, as long as this character succeeds on his Spirit roll, all Extra troops under your character's command automatically succeed as well.


Arcane Trickster o Seasoned, Arcane Background (magic) o In a pinch, you can use your magic on the fly to

cause a different effect. When casting an Inherent Spell (doesn't include their core Powers if you've taken them as a full spell), you can take an additional -2 Casting Penalty (or the victim has a +2 to their resistance roll, if it makes more sense) to describe your spell with a twist. If successful, the Inherent Spell works as usual and the intended Trick from the following Trick List (see table) is triggered as well.

o Any effect can be used with good rationale and the GM's permission, and you don't have to choose the same effect each time. It's all about the description and the narrative - a light sticking of the target's hoof (via simple telekinesis) might delay the opponent just enough for somepony else to act (Delay or Lower Trait(Agility)), a flash of bright light from your horn (via simple light) could momentarily blind a nearby opponent (Lower Defenses), or making a small target glow with magic (via detect magic) to help somepony nail the opponent's weak spot (Setup).



Arcane Trickster Edge: Trick List

Delay The victim must trade their current Action Card with the next character lower than them (they can't trade with a character on Hold). If the victim already acted this round, the trade occurs on the following round unless the victim gets the Joker, which nullifies the delay effect.

Lower Defenses

The victim has -2 Parry until his next action. This is basically like a regular Trick, except in MLP:SA for this Arcane Trickster's case a Raise doesn't cause a mental Wound.

Lower Trait

One of the target's attributes and all linked skills have a -2 penalty on their next action


All allies get a +2 bonus against the target until the target's next action. This is basically like a team Test of Wills, except the bonus applies to your allies and not the caster, and in MLP:SA for this Arcane Trickster a Raise doesn't cause a mental Wound.

Slow The target's Pace is halved on their next action

Natural Caster o Novice, Arcane Background (magic), Smarts

d10+ o Of the spells that all unicorns know, your

character is naturally attuned to casting them. You have a +1 bonus to casting all Inherent Spells. This doesn't include their core Powers should you have chosen to learn them as a full spell: telekinesis, light/obscure, and detect/conceal arcana

Spell Finesse o Novice, Arcane Background (magic), Spellcraft

d6+ o Your character is particularly skilled in casting a

single spell. Choose 1 spell with a particular trapping that you know. You get +1 to cast that spell. You may take this edge multiple times, each time for a different spell, but only once per rank.

Spell Juggler o Novice, Arcane Background (magic), Spellcraft

d6+ o Multi-tasking is the name of the game! Reduce

the Fatigue penalties for maintaining a spell by 1. You can take this edge multiple times for a cumulative effect, but only once per rank.


[Talent] o Novice, d6+ in the affected skills and attributes o This is a catch-all Professional edge for cutie-

mark talents or background skills that don't already have an existing edge.

o You have a particular talent for some activity or area of expertise that isn't covered by the existing skill system or edges. You get a +1 bonus to two or three specific Skills or Attributes, but only when using them in a manner consistent with your area of talent.

o Roughly speaking, you get a +2 bonus if you have a d8+ in the relevant Traits when you take this edge, and +1 bonus if you have a d6+. This more or less follows other Professional edges

o Your GM must approve the talent, and should veto any talent that doesn't make sense or seems too powerful (in particular, the +1 bonus should never apply to attack rolls or checks to activate arcane powers except in very select situations; in MLP:SA's case, that's Fighting, Shooting, Agility, Smarts, Taunt, Intimidate, Spellcraft and Persuasion with the Silver Tongue edges). Remember that bonuses from Professional edges don't stack with each other.

o Based on the talent edge by 77IM (also see some examples in linked post) Ex: Camouflage: You get a +1 bonus to

Repair, Stealth, or Survival rolls made to conceal something or someone as part of the environment.

Ex: Free Running: You get a +1 bonus to Athletics checks, Strength checks to jump, and Agility checks to balance, but only in an urban environment.

Ex: Tactician: You get a +1 bonus on Knowledge (Battle) checks to lead a mass combat, and to Fighting checks when you participate in a mass combat.

o You may only take this edge once



Aerial Superiority o Seasoned, Pegasus-only, not Clipped Wings,

d12+ Agility, Fleet-of-Hoof o If you're not a Wonderbolt already you're

definitely on the "to-call" or "watch for" list. You have +2 additional Pace, +2 to Agility for all flying-related rolls, and your Climb value increases to 1 (meaning you're even better at Chases now). I believe you can flyyyyyyyy

Engineer o Novice, Smarts d8+, Repair d8+ o Your character knows how to take something

apart and put it back together again. Especially the latter part. Your character has +2 to Repair rolls; with a raise, they halve the time normally required to fix something.

o This means if a particular Repair job can be accomplished in half the time with a raise, an engineer could finish the job in one-fourth the time.

o (This is basically the Mr. Fix-it edge without the Arcane Background (Weird Science) part.)

Entertainer o Novice, Perform d6+, Spirit d6+, Smarts d6+ o On with the show! You're either a party pony, a

storyteller, or a waxing poet. Whatever your choice of entertainment, you have a way of making ponies feel, be it happy or sad or thoughtful.

o In appropriate situations, you can use your Perform skill instead of Leadership, Taunt, Persuasion (including Test of Wills; Persuasion still requires Silver Tongue edge). Your foe's opposed roll is whatever your Perform's linked Attribute is (typically Spirit). This is limited to cases where your talent

can be used effectively: composing a mocking rhyme to taunt an opponent (replacing Taunt), winning the hearts of a crowd of fans via a rockin' song (replacing Persuasion), trumpeting a battle song to rally your friends (replacing Leadership) make sense; singing a love song during a heated court battle probably isn't. unless the defendant actually is your true love and you're trying to save them from certain death hey it could happen The GM has final say on what's appropriate for skill substitution.

o In addition, you receive an extra benny whenever the GM runs an Interlude. If your character is the focus of the Interlude, you get 2!

Explorer o Novice, Vigor d6+, Survival d8+, Streetwise d6+ o Adventure! Excitement! Your character is well-

used to travel and living in new places...and surviving them, if need be. You get +2 to Survival and Streetwise rolls as well as +2 to resist harsh environments (Heat, Cold, etc)

Guardian o Novice, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Notice d6+ o This character might be a professional

bodyguard or just intensely devoted, but in either case they can jump in front of attacks intended for another and take the blow instead. A character with this Edge must declare whom they are guarding at the beginning of any combat. As long as the guardian stays adjacent of the chosen character, any Fighting attack aimed at that declared ally (or maybe even former enemy!) is automatically rolled against the guardian instead. A guardian can switch charges during a battle, but doing so requires an action to refocus their attention. If the guardian ever takes a Wound (not just Shaken) while defending another character, the guardian receives a benny

Knight o Novice, Spirit d6+, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+,

Fighting d8+, must swear an oath to patron o Some ponies only dream of becoming a knight

of the realm; you actually are one. In order to become a knight you must swear an oath to a patron (an order or noble) and must answer the call when summoned, even if it means certain death. HONOR!

o For your oath, the common pony pays you greater respect; attain +2 Charisma. (Unless you happen to be a knight of evil, then -2 Charisma. Hey, you swore an oath, man)

o For your service, you are gifted a free suit of chainmail armor, lance, longsword, and medium shield emblazoned with the symbol of your patron. Design Note: Usually the collective material

goods of a knight breaks the bank of a PC; this edge saves that.



Medic o Novice, Spirit d6+, Healing d8+ o Your pony is either trained or highly skilled in

patching up other ponies, including yourself...which may be more necessary than you'd like! You get +2 to all Healing rolls, including Natural Healing. As a medic, you can also save an Incapacitated Extra (returning them to just Shaken) if you can reach them before the end of the round in which they were wounded and make a successful Healing-2 roll; the attempt takes an action.

One With Nature o Novice, Vigor d6+, Nature d8+ o Every team on Winter-Wrap wants you! You

have a particular skill in managing the natural elements around you, whether it's making sure the sky stays right on their cloud-schedule, taking care of animals, or a "green hoof" at growing plants. You get a +2 to all Nature rolls, as well as +1 to resist harsh environments (Heat, Cold, etc)

Sleuth o Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+ o You've got a knack (or a nose) for sniffing out

clues that other ponies miss. You can spend a benny to have your character find any and all relevant clues in a scene, no roll necessary.

Street Rat o Novice, Spirit d6+, Survival d8+, Stealth d6+,

Streetwise(commoner) d4+ o You've either grown up on the streets or know

your way around a city. You know how to sneak pass the cops, survive in the alleyways, and find the local tipsters; the urban corollary to the Woodspony edge. You have +2 to Survival/Stealth and Streetwise(Commoner) rolls in urban areas.

Upper Crust o Novice, Persuasion d8+, Streetwise(High

Society) d8+, Charisma 0+ o If you're not the type of pony every pony should

know, you at least know how to make your mark in high society. ;D You get +1 Charisma, as well as +1 to Persuasion and Streetwise(High Society) rolls (which typically stacks with the Charisma for a net +2 bonus).

o In addition, if you roll a natural 1 on the skill die on a Persuasion or Streetwise (High Society) roll or any roll to act properly in high society settings, you may re-roll it once (but just the skill die, not the wild die too).

Virtuoso o Novice, Perform d8+ o You're not just talented at showbiz, you're

gifted! Choose a Perform(something) when you take this edge (you can take it multiple times). You get +2 to all your rolls with the chosen specialization. Also, in general you're able to find a club or theater willing to give you the stage once a week. Whenever you do, you earn $5 x total of your skill. This edge doesn't guarantee fame, but you're on your way!


Barbed Wit o Novice, Taunt d10+ o Your zingers are so sharp they could cut glass.

With a raise on a Taunts Test of Will, lower one of the Target's Traits by one die step (which can affect derived stats, like Toughness) for the rest of this round. A Trait cannot be lowered below a d4 and this effect does not stack with multiple Raises or Taunts (although multiple Traits could be lowered via different Taunts).

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS YAY o Novice, Blank Flank hindrance, Spirit d6+ o You've got a gang of buddies, and you're out to

change the world! Or at least have a bunch of fun in it. ;D All crusaders (aka characters with this edge) have a benny "pool" among themselves. For each ally also with this edge, there is +1 benny in this pool (ie, two characters with this edge have 1 benny in the pool, three characters have 2 bennies, etc). This is a shared pool, renewed each session, that any crusader can use, with the agreement (or argument!) of their fellow crusaders. ;D In addition, the GM can add a benny to the pool for trying a new crusader activity! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER ARCHAEOLOGISTS, YAY!

o In addition, crusaders get +1 to Fear checks for each adjacent crusader (to a maximum of +4)...but if just one crusader fails, all crusaders fail and run!



Friends Together o Wild Card, Veteran, Common Bond o When you've got your friends with you, you can

stand against anything! Characters with this edge gain +1 Toughness for each friend with this edge within 6", to a maximum of +5 For instance, if six friends *cough*Mane6*cough* stand together, they each gain +5 Toughness.

Forbidding Presence o Novice, Strength d10+, Intimidation d6+ o Maybe it's your steely gaze, brazen yell, or large

hulking bulk, but you can intimidate everypony around you. You may use a Intimidation Test of Will with a -1 penalty on multiple targets within a 2" radius of you. Design Note: this is effectively the Sweep

edge, Intimidate style, with a slightly larger radius

HULK SMASH o Novice, Intimidate d8+, Strength d6+ o Formally called "the beefcake edge," you know

exactly how to leverage your weight around to get what you want. You get +2 to Intimidate Test of Will rolls and to resist Spirit-based Test of Wills, and you may use your Intimidate skill to resist Intimidate Test of Wills as well

I Laugh At You o Seasoned, Taunt d8+ o Aka "I Mock Your Pain," characters with this

edge know how to poke fun at an opponent's mistakes. Once per round (if not Shaken), the character may make a free Taunt Test of Wills against one adjacent foe who failed a Fighting attack. This Taunt is a normal Taunt (cannot be combined with Barbed Wit)

Is That The Best You've Got? o Seasoned, Intimidate d8+ o Aka "Bring It," characters with

this edge shake off attacks with such a menacing effect it's downright scary. Once per round (if not Shaken), the character may make a free Intimidate Test of Wills against one foe who failed to Shake or Wound this character. This Intimidate is a normal Intimidate (cannot be combined with Forbidding Presence)

Motor Mouth o Veteran, Taunt d8+, Smarts d6+ o You talk so fast it might be incomprehensible,

but that doesn't mean the verbal beatdown is going to stop coming! You may now make two Taunt Test of Wills per round, each at a -1 penalty.

Moxie o Novice, Taunt d8+, Spirit d6+ o Your character knows exactly the right words to

put together a real zinger. You get +2 to Taunt Test of Will rolls and to resist Smarts-based Test of Wills, and you may use your Taunt skill to resist Smart-based Test of Wills as well.

Reputation o Veteran, Intimidate d8+, negative Charisma o Playing nice is for sissies. You're mean, you're

scarred, you've got a surly attitude, and with that you're gotta intimidate that sucker. Your negative Charisma from basically being a meanie-pants now counts as a bonus to Intimidate Test of Will rolls.

Silver Tongue o Novice, Persuasion d8+, Smarts d6+ o You have a way with words or maybe even body

language, and know how to craft a particularly great argument...or sell. You may use Persuasion as a Test of Wills, as opposed by Smarts, against a single opponent within a 5" radius of you. Your charisma bonus does not apply to the roll.

o Improved Silver Tongue Veteran, Silver Tongue, Smarts d8+ Now your Charisma applies to the

Persuasion Test of Will roll, up to a maximum of +4. I smell a great salespony...or a con! ;D

This Is For My Friend! o Novice, Spirit d10+, Common

Bond o Whenever one of your friends

gets hurt badly, you get really, really, really mad. To put it politely. Whenever a Wild Card ally is Incapacitated, your attacks against the opponent who struck the blow inflict an additional 1d6 damage.



o Nopony Hurts My Friend! Veteran, Spirit d10+, This Is For My Friend!,

Common Bond Nopony, and I mean nopony, hurts your

friends, buster. For each Wound any adjacent Wild Card ally has, your attacks get a +1 damage bonus.


Intuition o Novice, Spirit d8+ o Perhaps your hero is related to Pinkie Pie,

because you are known to have sudden flashes of insight. You may spend a benny and make a Spirit roll; if successful, you may ask the GM a single, simple question which your character might theoretically know the answer to.

Oops Gotta Go! o Novice, Agility d6+, Notice d6+, Spirit d8+, Pace

6+ o Your character is pretty darn good at escaping

bad situations and running away really fast. At the start of every Chase sequence (either being pursued or in pursuit), you get a free Benny. You also get a free Spirit roll at -2 to instinctively find your way to the nearest exit, even in pitch darkness. Note that this doesn't mean it's the safest exit, just that it's the closest and probably the fastest!



all the Power Point ones (since we're using the No Power Points setting rules): Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain

all the Arcane Background professional edges (since we don't have those Arcane Backgrounds anymore): Adept, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, Mr. Fix It, Wizard

Healer (see new MLP:SA professional edge Medic instead)

Ambidextrous and Florentine (doesn't make much sense with 4-legged creatures; however, see Multiple Actions in Game Rules)

Strong-Willed o it's been split into two edges due to Tricks and

Test of Wills now becoming more effective: Moxie and Hulk Smash


Brawny is +2 Significant Items (if you're using the simplified Encumbrance rules)

Command expands the radius of the inspire Leadership roll from just adjacent allies to also 5"

Command Presence similarly expands the radius of the Leadership roll effect to 10"

Fleet-of-Foot ("Fleet-of-Hoof") also gives a d12 "running" die for flying, instead of a d10 while flying (so Flying with this edge is 8" / running d12)

Improved Martial Artist also gives a +1 Parry bonus, to make up for the fact that the Unarmed Defender rule doesn't apply in MLP:SA

Tactician uses the Leadership skill instead of Knowledge(tactics) skill

Two-Fisted ("Rodeo Bucking") doesn't apply to hands anymore (duh), but instead whatever two pairs of limbs the GM agrees with (typically forehooves and backhooves; see Multiple Actions in Game Rules)



Slightly changed requirements due to merging of skills: o Beast Master ("Animal Companion") needs d6

Nature instead of d6 Survival o Thief needs d6 Athletics instead of d6 Climb o Woodsman ("Woodspony") needs d8 Survival

and d8 Nature instead of d8 Survival/d8 Tracking, and gives a +2 bonus to Survival/Nature/Stealth rolls in wilderness

Rename some edges for pony-flavor: o Assassin to Sneaky Pony o Beast Bond to Animal Bond o Beast Master to Animal Companion o Fleet-of-Foot to Fleet-of-Hoof o Killer Instinct to Hates to Lose o Marksman to Markspony o Scavenger to In Case Of X Emergency o Steady Hands to Steady Hooves o Two-Fisted to Rodeo Bucking o Woodsman to Woodspony



Note that as per Savage Worlds fan-licensing rules, I can't replicate the whole text here. For Edge requirements and full details, please see the core Savage Worlds rules. I'm just listing the names and a brief description of what it does here.

Ace* : Bonus to all vehicle skill rolls; can make Soak rolls for vehicle

Acrobat* : Bonus to Agility rolls when making acrobatic maneuvers; Parry increased when unencumbered

Alertness : Bonus to Notice rolls

(Arcane Background) : let there be magic

Arcane Resistance : Magic of all sorts less effective o Improved Arcane Resistance : Magic of all sorts

even less effective

Attractive : Possess good looks, improving Charisma o Very Attractive : u r v.pretty; even more


Assassin ("Sneaky Pony")* : bonus to damage rolls if caught foe unawares

Beast Bond ("Animal Bond") : Character may spend bennies for his animals

Beast Master ("Animal Companion") : You gain an animal companion

Berserk : When wounded, Strength, Fighting, and Toughness benefit while Parry is reduced

Block : Increase Parry o Improved Block : Increase Parry even more

Brave : Bonus to Fear checks

Brawler : Bonus to bare-hooved attacks o Bruiser : on a Raise with bare-hooved attacks,

roll a larger raise die d6

Brawny : Increased Toughness and load limit

Charismatic : Charisma is increased

Combat Reflexes : bonus to recover from being Shaken

Command : Allies recover from being Shaken more easily o Command Presence : increase Command radius o Inspire : Same as Command but better

Common Bond : May give bennies to companions in communication

Connections : Call upon powerful friends with Persuasion roll

Counterattack : free fighting attack against opponent that failed their Fighting attack against you o Improved Counterattack : same as

Counterattack but better

Danger Sense : Always has a chance to Notice ambushes and similar unpleasant surprises

Dead Shot : Inflicts double damage on a ranged attack

Dodge : Become harder to hit at range o Improved Dodge : Same as Dodge but better

Elan : Benny effects are stronger

Extraction : Agility roll to dodge one opponent's free attack when you disengage from melee o Improved Extraction : dodge all opponents

Fast Healer : Bonus to natural healing rolls

Fervor : Allies inflict extra Fighting damage

First Strike : Automatically attack one foe who moves adjacent per round o Improved First Strike : Automatically attack all

foes who move adjacent

Fleet-of-Hoof : Increased Pace and running die

Followers : Attract 5 henchponies

Frenzy : May make an additional Fighting attack every round o Improved Frenzy : Same as Frenzy but with no


Giant Killer : Extra damage against larger opponents



Hard to Kill : Wound modifiers not applied to Knockout Blow and Injury tables o Harder to Kill : Has a chance of escaping death

Hold the Line! : Toughness of allies increased

Improvisational Fighter : no penalty to use improvised weapons

Investigator* : Bonus to Investigation and Streetwise rolls; also Notice rolls made searching through evidence

Jack of All Trades* : Unskilled penalty involving Smarts-based skills reduced

Killer Instinct ("Hates to Lose") : win tied opposed rolls

Leader of Ponies : Allies roll a larger wild die

Level Headed : Draw extra action card and keep best o Improved Level Headed : Same as Level-

Headed but better

Linguist : Starts with additional languages; can figure out unfamiliar languages on a Smarts roll

Liquid Courage : You're tougher after drinking alcohol

Luck : Moar bennies o Great Luck : even moar


Markspony : Bonus to Shooting rolls when not moving

Martial Artist : Bonus when making an unarmed attack; never considered to be Unarmed Defender o Improved Martial Artist :

Increased bonus when making an unarmed attack, +1 Parry (in MLP:SA) Martial Arts Master : even more damage

with bare-hooved damage

McGyver : No penalty for using makeshift tools; can jury-rig one use devices in an emergency

Mighty Blow : Inflicts double damage on a melee attack

Natural Leader : May share bennies with allies.

Nerves of Steel : Able to partially ignore the results of pain o Improved Nerves of Steel : Character doesn't

need Novocaine

(New Power) : Character gains one new power

Noble : Has high status with society, increasing Charisma and wealth; offset with responsibilities

No Mercy : May spend bennies to reroll damage

Professional : Gain a bonus for one d12 Trait o Expert : Increased bonus for one d12 Trait

Master : Increased wild Die for one d12 Trait

Quick : May redraw low action cards

Quick Draw : May draw and use weapon on same action without penalty

Rich : More starting funds and a salary o Filthy Rich : u r a pony even more starting funds

and a whopping huge salary

Rock and Roll! : Ignore recoil penalties

Scavenger ("In Case of X Emergency") : 1 small useful item per session

Scholar* : Bonus to two different Knowledge skills

Sidekick : Characters gains a Novice WC sidekick

Steady Hooves : Penalty for fighting on an unstable platform negated

Sweep : can make an attack against all adjacent targets on one action; may not be used in conjunction with Frenzy

Improved Sweep : Like Sweep but better

Tactician : Can modify initiative

Thief* : Bonus to Athletics, Lockpicking, and Stealth rolls made in an urban environment

Tough as Nails : Increased Toughness

o Improved Tough as Nails : Even more increased Toughness

Trademark Weapon : Gain a skill bonus when wielding a specific weapon o Improved Trademark Weapon : Increased skill

bonus when wielding a specific weapon

Two-Fisted ("Rodeo-Bucking") : reduce multi-action penalty for two Fighting attacks

Weapon Master : Increased Parry o Master of Arms : Even higher Parry

Woodspony* : Bonus to Survival, Nature, and Stealth in wilderness environments

*Professional Edge - bonuses don't stack with other Professional edges.




If the gamut of existing edges from Savage Worlds and the new ones listed here in MLP:SA aren't enough for you, then you can create your own! Here are some guidelines, but if you're lazy and don't want to click the link: General advice on creating new edges: 1. Make sure an existing edge doesn't already fit. If all

it needs is a different name, then do that! 2. Avoid excessive bonuses.

a. This can't be emphasized enough. Unlike DnD, in Savage Worlds a +1 bonus is HUGE, because the default TN is 4.

i. A +1 bonus bumps up a d4's Wild Card success rate from 63% to 83%.

ii. A +2 means you practically never fail. Which is why +2 bonuses are reserved for Professionals; they make sure Mr. Ranger doesn't accidentally eat a poisoned mushroom.

b. As a rule of thumb, a Professional Edge has d8+ requirements and can give a +2 bonus to 2-3 non-combat/arcane skills, while a Combat Edge might negate 2 points of penalty or grant a +1 bonus to a specific use of a combat skill.

3. Minimize the need for additional rolls and bookkeeping, particularly for combat-oriented Edges, as they can significantly slow down combat resolution.

4. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Don't view Edges in isolation, consider the impact they'll have in combination with other Edges, abilities and setting rules. This is also why +2 skill bonuses should generally be limited to Professional Edges, as it avoids potential stacking.

5. Don't create no-brainer choices. If an Edge is so good that everyone feels obliged to take it, it actually reduces the overall choices (because players will take that Edge before diversifying).




Yay stuff! Lots of stuff! Okay, not really. Honestly the show is all over the place on Things A Pony Can Hold/Manipulate With Their Hooves/Mouth/Tail, so whatever your GM allows goes. (seriously are their hooves magnetic marshmallows how do they even) The show is also all over the place on the technology level, so again, whatever your GM allows goes – depending on your technology level, you can also use gear (and more!) described in any of the Savage Worlds Companions (Super Powers, Science-Fiction, Horror, or Fantasy).


For simplicity, stuff is measured in Bits. Gold Bits = $1, Silver bits = $5. As is standard in Savage Worlds, characters begin with $500. This means you can just use the default cost in the core Savage Worlds rulebooks. Whatever you can buy in the real human world can also be easily converted for pony use ;D


For simplicity, MLP:SA recommends using the "significant item" method of calculating encumbrance:

Significant Item = an object that is roughly 5-15lbs o Some objects may count as two or more

Significant Items due to how bulky/heavy they are (like full-blown plate armor)

o For an amusing example, a newborn human baby weighs 5-8lbs, and in six months doubles their weight. A baby is, of course, a Significant Item. The infamous example is also a 10lb bag of flour. Try carrying that for several hours.

A pony can carry (Strength/2) number of Significant Items, plus any number of smaller "insignificant" items: o A pony with d4 Strength can carry (4/2) = 2

Significant Items o A pony with d12 Strength can carry (12/2) = 6

Significant Items o A pony with d12+1 Strength can carry (13/2) =

6.5 Significant Items

A saddlebag/backpack/packs in general can be stuffed with any number of random little insignificant items as would conceivably fit in a day backpack (no, we're not talking mountain backpacks or your little brother's oversized five-textbook backpack), and the pack as a whole counts as 1 significant item (2 if you stuffed it to absurd capacity)

o However, getting stuff out of the pack in the heat of battle would require an action, just like readying a weapon


Also for simplicity, treat the armor values/locations in core Savage Worlds for humans the same as for ponies. Ie:

Leather armor: covers torso and all four legs, +1 Armor, weighs 15 (1 Significant Item), costs $50

Plate Corselet: covers torso, +3 Armor, weighs 25 (2 significant items), costs $400

Plate Arms (vambrace): covers forelegs of pony, +3 Armor, weighs 10 (1 Significant Item), costs $200

Plate Leggings (greaves): covers backlegs of pony, +3 Armor, weighs 15 (1 Significant Item), costs $300

Armor takes time to don and take off. Leather/Light armor takes 1d6 minutes to don; Chain/Medium armor takes 2d6; and Plate/Heavy takes 2d6 x 5 minutes to attach (half that with assistance). Discarding armor takes a number of rounds equal to twice the armor's bonus (ie, plate mail takes 6 full rounds). An armor's bonus is also subtracted from all swimming Athletic rolls, which is in addition to any penalties from the armor's weight. Leather/cloth armor in particular doubles its weight when wet.


Despite it being super-awkward in real life, there is no penalty for ponies to hold and keep things in their mouths. Because the show doesn't, so neither shall we!




Let's face it: crafting rules in tabletop games are either as complicated as grappling rules, extremely exploitable, or so underutilized in the actual game you wonder why you bother. As such, there are no formal crafting rules in MLP:SA. (Gasp!) Whether crafting is going to be a significant factor in the game and how it will be incorporated will be up to your GM, so ask them first. In general, if the item is going to have a mechanical benefit, the task should probably involve dice, statistically be harder to achieve, and take longer. If it's mostly narrative then less or no dice-rolling is necessary. Potential options range from using a Dramatic Task method (5 rolls with potential Complications to achieve Item Success or blow out) or the Mass Combat method (must acquire a certain # of tokens to achieve Item Success, potentially over a set period of time or blow out). Relevant dice rolls range from Repair, specific Knowledge skill, the lower of either Repair/Knowledge, or specific Knowledge providing a bonus to a Repair roll.



Armor kits, Tool kits, and Lockpicks are required for their respective Knowledge (armorsmithing) [for fitting armor], Repair, and Lockpicking rolls. Without them, the user has a -2 penalty. Likewise, if a user attempts Healing without basic supplies as per Core Rules, the healer has an additional -2 penalty.


You'll find basic adventuring gear in the core Savage Worlds book. What follows are some select items that, depending on the technology level and game atmosphere your GM wants, you can also use on your quests. ;D

Item: Basic Equipment Cost Weight* Notes

Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Camera, Candle, Canteen/waterskin/ flask, Crowbar, Flashlight, Flint&Steel, Grappling Hook, Hammer, Lantern, Lighter, Lockpicks, Oil, Quiver, Rope, Shovel, Soap, Tool Kit, Torch, Umbrella, Whistle, Whetstone, Winter Gear, Trail Rations, etc

varies varies see core Savage Worlds, Mundane Gear

Armorer Kit 100 10

Auto Grapnel 500 5 See below Gear Notes

Binoculars 250 2 See below Gear Notes

Compass, Professional 30 - See below Gear Notes

First-Aid Kit 25 1 See below Gear Notes

Hammer 1 2

Hatchet 2 2.5

Journal 1 1

Map, Local 50 -

Map, Atlas 300 - (it's expensive because Daring Do goes into unmapped territories!)

Matches (box of 100) 1 0.25

Pick 4 12

Rebreather 250 1 See below Gear Notes

Two-way radio / Walkie-Talkie 50 1

Whistle 5 - * assuming you're using the regular SW rules instead of the modified encumbrance rules; also here as a reference for said modified encumbrance rules




A common video-game item, this is a climbing device that shoots out a grappling hook automatically attached to a fine nylon line (80 yards long, or 40" in tabletop), strong enough to support 400lbs of weight. Fancier models allow the user to activate the winch action and zoom off towards the grapnel's hold - hang on for the ride! The auto-grapnel has a range of 10/20/40, weighs 5lb/1 sig item, and costs $500. The advanced model that allows the wielder to be pulled along at a rate of 10" per round adds in an additional $100.


Sometimes you need something a bit more high-tech than a simple spyglass. In this case, high-end binoculars provide magnification up to 500x. Fancier, even more expensive ones can even provide a digital readout of distance and compass direction, or even see with low light or infravision with a press of a button (eliminating Illumination penalties; add +$250 to cost). Binoculars can give +2 to vision-based rolls to see things at a distance.


These high-end compasses work when held at any angle or while moving quickly – far

better than a magnetized iron needle or when you don't have any lines of sight! It adds +2 to

Survival rolls to navigate (this doesn't stack with the bonus from a survival knife).


This contains basic bandages, tape, Band-Aids, antibacterial spray, and aspirin. This adds +1 to Healing rolls for four uses, but may not completely negate the Healing penalty for inadequate supplies. Depending on the severity of the injury (ex: bad burns, broken legs), you may need a more compete healing kit. These cost $50, weigh 5lbs (1 significant item), and completely negate the penalty for lack of supplies.


Another common video-game item and pulp-adventure gizmo, this is a face mask with a small oxygen tank that provides two hours of breathable air. It also adds +2 to Vigor rolls to resist airborne or gaseous toxins.

WEAPONS Weapons that have armor-piercing or in general pokey qualities are considered to be "lethal" weapons, and thus have a -1 penalty to cause non-lethal damage. (Unless it clearly makes no sense and will always cause lethal damage, like a spiked maul. Why are you using a spiked maul in a pony-game anyway?) If you wish to use unique weapons that aren't listed in the core Savage Worlds book, its Companions (Super Powers, Science-Fiction, Horror, or Fantasy), or any of its setting books, try the Savage Armoury.

Item: Weapons Cost Weight* Notes

*Sword/Axe/Spear/Bow/etc varies varies see core Savage Worlds on basic weapon/armor options

Chakram / Boomerang 100 1 Str+d4, Range 4/8/16; RoF 1, Min Str d4; see below Gear Notes

Foodstuff, Small varies varies Str+d4, Range 3/6/12, RoF 1, Min Str d4; see below Gear Notes

Foodstuff, Large varies varies Str+d6, Range 2/4/8, RoF 1, Min Str d6; see below Gear Notes

Lasso/Lariat 4 3 Parry -1, Reach +2, no damage but see below Gear Notes

Horseshoes 20 1 Treat like Brass Knuckles from core Savage Worlds; see below Gear Notes

Whip 10 2 Str+d4, Parry -1, Reach +2; see below Gear Notes

* assuming you're using the regular SW rules instead of the modified encumbrance rules; also here as a reference for said modified encumbrance rules




On one hoof, you have Daring Do. On the other, you have Xena, Warrior Princess a long-ago earth pony warrior maiden who fought in the great wars before Equestria was founded shut up i think this is hilarious. A chakram is a small circular metal hoop with a sharp edge. It is mainly used as a throwing weapon like a Frisbee, but it can also be used in melee. However, it requires a skilled Fighter to fully take advantage of this weapon's potential. A fighter with at least a d8+ in Shooting can ignore up to 2 points of Cover modifier, as the disk is thrown with an arced trajectory and hits from an unusual angle. With an additional d8+ in Smarts, the chakram can be thrown in such a way that the disk returns to its user (provided it isn't purposely embedded in something). For those that like angles instead of circles, a boomerang uses the same basic stats as a chakram.


Foodstuff can be considered as a legit weapon (Apples in Dragonshy, pies in Over A Barrel, cakes in Secret of my Excess) and thus do not suffer a -1 Fighting / Parry penalty under the Improvised Weapons rule.

Small Foodstuffs (ex: apples, cupcakes) o Range: 3/6/12 o Damage: Str+d4 o RoF 1, Min Str d4

Larger Foodstuffs (ex: pies, cakes) o Range: 2/4/8 o Damage: Str+d6 o RoF 1, Min Str d6

Stats can and should be tweaked based on food characteristics, like cheese fondue doing something like Str+d6+2 damage (that stuff goes up to 200F / 93C that's hot, man), or a jar of strawberry jam bursting and making everything slippery and sticky, for 2d6 grenade damage in a Small Burst Template >D


Horseshoes are treated like Brass Knuckles (a set of 4 Horseshoes costs just as much as 1 Brass Knuckles in Savage Worlds, aka $20) and therefore cause non-lethal damage. However, as appropriate you may have a penalty to Stealth rolls on the ground and to hide your tracks, and rolls for manipulating fine objects, as applicable. Horseshoes give no bonus to avoiding Bumps & Bruises. They count as Insignificant Items.


Okay, let's face it: guns are cool. That said, we've yet to see them in the show and they certainly don't fit the Friendship is Magic theme. Therefore, by default in MLP:SA, guns do not exist. If you include them as is in your game (by whatever method you choose to explain how hooves/mouths work with triggers), guns are inherently lethal except by way of a default Called Shot penalty to limbs (-2 modifier). On the other hoof, we have seen party cannons in the show, so gunpowder in and of itself exists in pony-verse. There also is another option: air guns (which include BB guns and pellet guns; things that are spring-piston, pneumatic, or CO2 powered). Gun aficionados can debate over airgun stats and how they can be converted to tabletop use. For ease of conversion at the moment, take a standard Savage Worlds gun, reduce the range brackets in half, and remove half of its damage dice; all other stats remain the same. Therefore, an "airgun" version of a 1911 is 6/12/24, 1d6+1 damage.


YEE-HAW! With a lasso in mouth, you can perform an Agility Trick using the wielder's Fighting skill. Success means the opponent has -2 Parry until their next action; a Raise means the opponent falls Prone, has -2 Parry, and is Shaken to boot. If need be, a rope can be turned into an impromptu lasso via an action.




What's Daring Do without her whip (or her hat)? If the wielder scores a raise on her attack roll, instead of the standard +1d6 damage, the victim has -2 to his Parry until his next action.

EXPLOSIVES It ain't pulp action if something doesn't explode! These are notes ripped from Deadlands about explosives. If you're playing a more modern game, you can change the names (ex: Dynamite to your standard explosive level, such as TNT and Nitro to your standard "omg if you breathe on this u will die" reagent).

Item: Explosives Cost Weight* Notes

Blasting Cap 1 -

Detonator, Plunger 10 10

Detonation Wire (per 50')

2.50 1

Dynamite 3/stick, 65/case of 24

0.5/stick 1 stick: Range: 4"/8"/16"; Damage: 2d6 @ SBT; RoF 1

2 sticks: Range: 4"/8"/16"; Damage: 3d6 @ SBT; RoF 1

4 sticks: Range: 3"/6"/12"; Damage: 4d6 @ MBT; RoF 1

8 sticks: Range: 2"/4"/8"; Damage: 5d6 @ LBT, AP4, Heavy Weapon; RoF 1

See below Gear Notes for info on settin' stuff alight

Grenade, Special 50 0.25

Pepper Spray 10 0.5 Range 1/2/-; Damage: Special; RoF 1; see below Gear Notes

Fuse (per foot) 0.05 1/50ft Range 5/10/20; see below Gear Notes

Nitro 1.25 per 8oz (half pint)

1/pint 8oz: Range 4"/8"/16"; Damage 3d6 @ LBT; RoF 1

See below Gear Notes for info on carrying Nitro around

* assuming you're using the regular SW rules instead of the modified encumbrance rules; also here as a reference for said modified encumbrance rules


You can throw up to eight sticks of dynamite as a single, throwable weapon. For increments not listed in the gear stats, add +1 to the base damage per additional stick. Eight or more sticks exploding at once is considered a Heavy Weapon.

For example, 3 sticks of dynamite inflict 3d6+1 damage, and 6 sticks inflict 4d6+2 damage.

The more fun part though is that exploding dynamite triggers any other dynamite (or other explosive material) in the blast radius. Center the explosion on the original target (assuming you hit your target >D), and any secondary on the locations of the triggered secondary dynamite.

For example, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are hoping for a cutie mark in pyrotechnics (MLP comic, issues #9-10). While setting up their fireworks catapult contraption for the the fair's craft show, Sweetie Belle mishears the trigger word, so she accidentally sets off the pack of 10 canisters (sticks) of fireworks already attached to the catapult. Unfortunately Apple Bloom tosses 8 sticks of fireworks over to Scootaloo nearby, which means there's going to be two explosions - one damage roll for 10 sticks doing 5d6+2 in a Large Burst Template, and another one for five sticks at 4d6+1 in a Medium Burst Template. Quick, launch those fireworks somewhere before your cute little hindquarters get toasted! It won't hit anything explosive...right? Just a gazebo, maybe...



And that's right - the secondary explosion can trigger more dynamite in the expanded area and cause a cascading effect. Do try to keep the evil cackling to a minimum...unless you're playing a mad scientist. Treat throwing dynamite like throwing a grenade, which includes the Area of Effect rules (core Savage Worlds, Situational Rules), allows it to be thrown back or covered (core Savage Worlds, Selected Gear Notes), and does require an action to ready and light the fuse before actually tossing it.


Wee! More fun projectile explosives - and these are designed to be thrown! While you can continue to use the grenade stats from the core Savage Worlds rulebook, those will inflict traditional lethal damage. However, there are also some non-lethal grenade options as well, such as the "flashbang" / stun grenade, smoke grenades, EMP grenades (if you're running a sci-fi game), or even pepper spray. (Note: Molotov cocktails would best fall under the following Oil rules.) The following stat descriptions are for some common non-lethal grenades, but since grenades covers anything that's basically "throwable explosive," it's up to your creativity and your GM! (Beware the cake frosting grenade launcher)

Flashbang: anypony caught in the blast template (typically MBT) must make an Agility roll or be effectively Blind (-6 penalty for physical tasks; -2 penalty for social task) for 1d6 rounds

Pepper Spray: if you don't have Fluttershy's skill in wrestling, you can also carry around a can of Mace! These micro-aerosol cans shoot out very strong eye-irritant spray. On a successful Shooting roll, the target must make a Vigor roll at -2 (-4 with a Raise). Failure means the target is Shaken for 1d4 rounds before they can recover as well as taking a level of Fatigue. This Fatigue can Incapacitate but not lead to Death; it is recovered every 10 minutes or every minute if the target can flush out their eyes with lots of clean water.

Stun: anypony caught in the blast template (typically MBT) must make a Vigor roll or else they fall Prone and are Shaken. They can't attempt to recover from being Shaken for 1d6 rounds.

Smoke: creates an area of smoke in the blast template (typically a LBT) that obscures vision (-4 penalty to physical tasks in the template)

Cake Frosting (you thought I was joking?): anypony caught in the blast template (typically SBT) must make an Agility roll versus the Shooting roll to launch it or be caught in a morass of sticky, fast-hardening cake frosting. The cake frosting is more-or-less permanent until eaten (it doesn't taste very good; hey it wasn't made for its edibility), water is applied, or it suffers one wound (Toughness 10; blunt/cutting attacks only). o and let's not talk about the honey grenade


Be careful there filly, you're toting the twitchy stuff. If your character rolls snake eyes on any Agility roll while carrying nitro, the bottle explodes and inflicts damage.


Okay, oil isn't technically a true explosive, but it can be used as one, and that's what we're talking about! Besides being used in lanterns, oil can be used as a weapon by putting oil in a breakable container (such as a ceramic flask) with a lit fuse. The flask is then thrown at the target where it breaks and the fuse sets the oil alight. Lighting a fuse requires 1d6 rounds with flint and steel (1 round with open flame), so it's best to light fuses before a fight begins (a fuse stays alight for 10 minutes). The flask's range is typically 3/6/12, as a thrown object. Anything it hits is set alight on a d6 roll of 5-6, causing 1d10 damage per round, and the fire has a chance of growing each turn as described in core Savage Worlds.




There's only one change to the core rules you really need to know about My Little Pony - Savage Adventures, and that's this:

Tricks and Tests of Wills now cause the Shaken condition on a simple success on the opposed roll,

and a "mental Wound" on a Raise on the opposed roll. That's it! That's all! Go forth and play now! Okay, a few more details if you must.


Just like, to remind you. If that's okay. eep Remember that we're starting with a clean slate: MLP:SA begins with the core Savage Worlds rules and forgets any other module, supplement, DnD conversion or whathaveyou. If you want, you can add them back on later, but MLP:SA chooses to let the core Savage Worlds rules do all the heavy lifting. This leaves you free to do things on the fly! If you're a cheap-ass (not judging, I am too) and don't have the Core Rules, you can use the official free Test Drive Rules provided by Pinnacle as a substitute, but be forewarned that you'll miss out on a lot of nuances without the full rules.


All attacks in MLP:SA are considered to default to non-lethal damage unless stated otherwise. Come on, this is pony, dude. In other words, if you are using a edged weapon, you automatically have a -1 to all Fighting rolls for that weapon to cause non-lethal damage (as you must now use the flat of the blade) unless you state your intention is to cause lethal damage, in which case there is no penalty, but now ponies are sad ): (Use that lethal sword for intimidation, not actually whacking off heads.)

As all damage is considered non-lethal by default, opponents that are Incapacitated are "knocked out" for 1d6 hours and not dead. just like pokemon Default "weapons" for non-lethal damage are your bare hooves, your bare hooves + horseshoes, blunt weapons, and foodstuffs. ph34r teh apple pie If your weapon is intended to poke or slash things, or in any way draw blood, it's a lethal weapon. This is to discourage blatant use of weaponry in MLP:SA, and to encourage more hoofdicuffs and less "and now I attack with my sword." In addition, due to reduction in weaponry-use, the damage-output of the Fighting skill is curtailed, leading to an increased use and tag-team use of what should be the initial and perhaps even primary form of combat in MLP:SA – Tricks and Test of Wills.


As stated earlier, Tricks and Tests of Wills now cause the Shaken condition on a simple success on the opposed roll, and a "mental Wound" on a Raise on the opposed roll. "Mental Wound" is treated exactly like a regular Wound in Savage Worlds, except they're "healed" by the Leadership skill instead of the Healing skill. In all other aspects they are treated the same (including using Vigor for Soak rolls, Incapacitation save rolls, and Natural Healing rolls). Consider it to be mental "fatigue" or confusion, or a blow to a foe's pride.



What are Tricks and Test of Wills?

Tricks, as the word implies, are stunts and maneuvers to put a foe at some sort of disadvantage - sand in their eye, drop a rug over them, "look behind you!", playing dead, kick a spray of mud. To distract, confuse, disconcert, or observe your opponent, making it easier for you and your friends to hit the opponent.

Test of Wills mess with an opponent's mental state - make 'em flinch (Intimidate), mock their hair (Taunt), cow them into submission (Intimidate), egg them on to make them lose their guard (Taunt)...making it easier for you to take advantage of them next time!

Note that if you want to persuade an opponent to "play nice" via the Persuasion skill, that'll require the Silver Tongue edge. You can also use your performance/art skills (singing, poetry, music) as a Test of Wills in select situations via the Entertainer edge. To sum up mechanically:

Tricks o Basic success on opposed roll: Target has -2

Parry until their next action and is Shaken o Raise on opposed roll: Target has -2 Parry until

their next action and has a "mental Wound" o Multiple Tricks on a foe don't inflict more

penalties to Parry, but can lead to more "mental Wounds"

Test of Wills o Basic success on opposed roll: Attacker has +2

to their next action against the Target, and Target is Shaken

o Raise on opposed roll: Attacker has +2 to their next action against the Target, and Target has a "mental Wound"

This makes Tricks and Tests of Wills far more effective in combat. In addition, Tricks and Tests of Wills are already used in core Savage Worlds to aid other characters and as a combat tactic; now in MLP:SA Tricks and Tests of Wills are even more potent. Tag-teaming has never been so..."lethal." ;D

Design Note: As listed in the Savage Worlds Combat Guide, Tricks are useful for the entire team, and Test of Wills have a rolling effect that can also benefit the entire team. In MLP:SA, it's expected that Tricks and Test of Wills are the first plan of action in combat, followed up by any Fighting

hitters - it's a team-based effort! Tricks and Test of Wills are now also more effective for characters that use more non-violent approaches, especially with edges such as Moxie, Hulk Smash, and Acrobat.

If you look at the dice probabilities (and more under Game Aids), you'll see that in general you have a better chance of success of defeating Wildcards with Fighting and Extras with Tricks/Test of Wills. However, by default you can do multiple Fighting attacks; Tricks/Test of Wills requires edges for that. There's pros and cons to each approach!


Due to now Tricks and Tests of Wills becoming more "lethal" in MLP:SA, withdrawing from close combat now requires a slightly different definition: Whenever a character withdraws from Doing Stuff To An Opponent, all adjacent non-Shaken opponents get a free immediate Fighting attack (but only one). This means if you draw in close to perform an Agility or Smarts trick or get in their face to pull a Taunt or Intimidate Test of Wills (since if you get in their face with your big-ass sword, you can get a Intimidate bonus ;D), then attempt to withdraw, the opponent gets a free attack on you. If all you did was run past them, a free fighting attack is not triggered (unless the opponent has the First Strike edge).




In core Savage Worlds, characters have a -2 penalty whenever they're doing things that require precise hand-eye coordination with their non-dominant hand (like Fighting/Shooting). However, we're playing ponies, so due to having four hooves -- plus the fact that ponies also use their mouths and tails a lot to manipulate objects -- attempting to apply an off-hoof penalty for anything other than the right front hoof is downright silly. Therefore the Off-Hand / Off-Hoof penalty more or less doesn't exist in MLP:SA. The GM may decide it applies in select situations such as attempting to use a pony's mouth/tail for an action or when a pony is tied up somehow, but for the most part in MLP:SA ponies effectively have the Ambidextrous Edge for free.


In core Savage Worlds, characters cannot make more than one Fighting attack with the same weapon in one hand in one round (unless you have the Frenzy edges). Aka if a character has a weapon in each hand, they can do two Fighting attacks (with penalties for the multi-action as well as being their off-hand), or just one Fighting attack with one weapon, with no multi-action / off-hand penalty. But again, due to ponies having four legs, a mouth, and a tail, multiple actions in MLP:SA works a little bit differently: 1. Remember, there is no off-hand / off-hoof penalty

a. I'm pretty sure a difference in hoof preference doesn't matter as much because getting bucked in the face usually means two hooves at a time.

2. As default, you can make two Fighting attacks per round, at the standard multi-action penalty of -2 a. In general, the front hooves count as "one limb"

and the back hooves count as "another limb," effectively acting like left/right hands on humans in core Savage Worlds

b. Although if you want to describe it as a buck with the front hooves and a tail whip lash, that's cool too. It's still effectively two Fighting attacks

3. As default, you can't make more than two Fighting attacks per round, even though you have four hooves. You need Edges for that: a. Sweep / Improved Sweep, Two-Fisted ("Rodeo

Bucking"), Frenzy / Improved Frenzy edges, and possibly First-Strike / Improved First Strike, Counterattack / Improved Counterattack, along with the edges that combine Tricks/Test of Wills with Fighting

b. To clarify: it's basically two actions to attack per round - not 2 Fighting, and 2 Shooting


Because we're dealing with ponies, the Unarmed Defender rule also needs to be technically tweaked. Strictly speaking, in core Savage Worlds all animals and monsters are considered armed due to natural weapons such as claws and teeth. In MLP:SA, we're all ponies/animals the Unarmed Defender rule just doesn't exist. You get no bonus to Fighting rolls if you're waving a weapon around and your opponent doesn't. Because they probably have hooves and they can still trample you to bits. Now, Intimidate bonus, on the other hoof...


As this is a game based on the MLP:Friendship is Magic show, it'd make sense to help your buddies out in the game too, right? Cooperative Rolls are already part of the Core Savage Worlds rules (Game Rules > Trait Tests > Cooperative Rules), and they're built-in with the Gang-Up bonus concept, but for MLP:SA I'd also like to explicitly say you can also make Cooperative Trick/Test of Will rolls too. This requires one or more characters to be on Hold in order to act at the same time as another character (which therefore runs the risk of interruption, unless you have the Tag-Team edge).




MLP:SA was built to have a pulp-action, Daring Do feeling. In addition, because MLP:SA was also built on the flexible Savage Worlds foundation, you can take inspiration from other Savage Worlds settings for other situations that may come up in your MLP:SA game.


As taken from the Deadlands Noir Savage Worlds setting, available via Pinnacle, DriveThuRPG, Amazon, or your local game store. Also a great setting for an investigative game with a lot of sleuthing; includes rules for interrogations.

Sometimes you can't solve everything with a punch to the face (sad, I know). If you need to defuse a tense situation, wiggle your way out of a hoofdicuff fight, or convince somepony to step aside and give you access to Restricted Information, you can frame it as a Social Conflict (core Savage Worlds, Situational Rules) with a few modifications. You want to talk the talk? Well pony up, partner. Your character chooses what skill to use: Intimidation for tough talk, Persuasion for a softer or more reasoned approach, or Taunt if you're lookin' to talk in circles. Each round, you roleplay your speech and make your roll, which is opposed by your target's appropriate attribute: Spirit for Intimidation/Persuasion, Smarts for Taunt. As usual for a Social Conflict, the GM can award bonuses/penalties for a particularly good point or shoddy line; Edges and Hindrances also count. Cooperative rolls are possible, with applying all relevant modifiers - these aren't also opposed rolls. At the end of the third round, compare the number of successes you got with the Patter Results Table:

Margin of Victory


0 (Tie) The target(s) is less than impressed and stands their ground

1-2 Extras without a personal stake in the matter, or without an allied wildcard, are likely to step aside or allow your character's request. If it comes to a fight, for the first round your character and allies are treated as if they got a Joker, including the +2 bonus.

3-4 Extras without an allied Wild Card back off and try to avoid a real fight - your heroes get their way. If it comes to a fight, for the first round the losers get no Action Card.

5+ Only Wild Cards with everything to lose refuse to back down or give in to the heroes request. If it comes to a fight, for the first round the winners are treated as if they have the Drop on the losers.

Since we're playing heroes, your regular pony (Extras) back down pretty easily to a hero that can snap a good punchline, although they'll stand up a bit if they've got a big name on their side (Wild Card). If you're trying to talk down Mr. Big Britches Himself, well that's gonna be a lot harder. Regardless of the outcome, if you do decide to punch 'em in the face, they'll still fight back.




As inspired by the Deadlands Noir Savage Worlds setting, available via Pinnacle, DriveThuRPG, Amazon, or your local game store, as well as the Beasts & Barbarians: Jalizar, City of Thieves Savage Worlds setting, available via RPGnow, Amazon, or your local game store

Every so often, you may need to follow another character without being noticed. In this case, you can frame it as a Chase, with some modifications. As usual, the GM decides how long it takes to tail the schmuck to their lair: Short (≤3 rounds), Standard (5 rounds), or Extended (10 rounds). The rounds can have any time increment, from a few minutes to an hour each, and represents an occasion to be spotted or spot the spotter! Each round an opposed roll is made between the shadower's Stealth vs the victim's Notice. If the surveillance involves a vehicle, the shadower uses the lower of the appropriate Piloting skill (Flying, Land, Water, or even Nature if you're riding another animal) or Stealth opposed by Notice. Modifiers: A target that suspects they're being followed gets a +2 to their Notice roll next round; one who knows they've got a tail gets +4! The target doesn't necessarily get this bonus for all subsequent rounds; it depends on how suspicious or lax the target is. In addition, if the target is moving faster than their tail they may also get a bonus (as with the Speed advantage in Chases). Cooperative Rolls: multiple ponies tailing a target can make things a lot easier, but also riskier. The helpers roll their relevant Stealth/maneuvering skill trait; for each success and raise they give a +1 to the primary shadower. However, if any helper fails their roll, the leader's roll has -1 penalty; if the helper gets a critical failure, the helper exposes themselves - and now the target knows they're under some sort of surveillance (+4 to the next round's Notice rolls)! Luckily the exposure doesn't reveal any of the other heroes who are participating, so duck down low!


For a Short Tail, all the shadower has to do is make sure they keep on their target's trail without getting caught. In this case, if the shadower wins the opposed roll that round and gets a success on their roll (TN=4), the shadower manages to tag along unnoticed this round. However, if the shadower wins the opposed roll but doesn't get a success on the roll (TN=4), he loses the target but at least doesn't get spotted.

If the shadower loses the opposed roll that round but at least got a success on their roll (TN=4), the victim starts to suspect they're being followed. However, if the shadower loses the opposed roll and didn't get a success on the roll either, he loses the target and the target gets a good look at their tail! Depending on the situation, the victim can flee (turning the scene into an actual Chase), set an ambush, or react in whatever way the GM feels is



If you're going to have to sneak after the target for some distance, there's going to be a bit of give and take, detective. Give the shadower three Shadowing Tokens and the target none. For each success and raise with the opposed Stealth/Notice roll per round (again, Standard @ 5 rounds, and Extended @ 10 rounds), the winner takes a Token. If at any point the shadower has no Shadowing Tokens, they've been spotted, and the target now knows they've got somepony on their trail! As before, Depending on the situation, the victim can flee (turning the scene into an actual Chase), set an ambush, or react as GM's discretion. If the shadower still has tokens by the end of the last round, he has managed to stealthily follow the victim to their destination.




As taken from the Deadlands: Reloaded Savage Worlds setting, available from Pinnacle, DriveTruRPG, Amazon, or your local game store. Also has cool Dueling rules and a wickedly expansive world.

While the rules for gambling in core Savage Worlds work just fine for a brief session with lady luck, at some points you may wish to include a bit more verisimilitude to the gambling game. In which case, you can run the Gambling skill roll as a very mini-poker game, as detailed in Deadlands: Reloaded: 1. Each participant puts in their bet or agrees in the

stake 2. Each participant at the table is dealt two cards 3. Each player makes a Gambling roll (modified if they

cheat as usual) a. For each success and Raise, the player is dealt

an extra card 4. The table deals three more cards in the center. 5. Everyone looks at their hand: from their two initial

cards, any extra cards they got from their Gambling roll, and the three cards open at the table, and tries to make the best poker hand possible, combining at least two cards from their hand with those revealed at the table. Otherwise they fold (and lose the stake).

6. The winning hand gets the amount of $ equal to the stake, multiplied by the hand's value. Everyone with a losing hand pays that amount to the winner, split equally among the losers.

Hand Cards Hand Value

Ace High One Ace 1

Pair Two cards of the same value 2

Jacks or Better

A pair of Jacks or better 3

Two Pairs Two sets of two cards 4

Three of a Kind

Three cards of the same value 5

Straight Five sequential cards 6

Flush Five cards of the same suit 7

Full House Three cards of one value, two of another


Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same value 9

Five of a Kind

Five cards of the same value (requires use of the Joker)


Straight Flush

Five sequential cards of the same suit


For example, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle are playing a game of Appleloosa Hold 'Em, with a stake of 10 bits ($10). Applejack wins with a Straight (6 points), while Rainbow Dash had three 10s, and Twilight two Queens and two Fours. Applejack wins $60 (10 x 6), and Rainbow Dash and Twilight lose $30 each (60 / 2).




Other than typical Setting Rules options from the core Savage Worlds, there are other optional setting rules you can use for MLP:SA, described below.



Other than the No Power Points setting rule for MLP:SA, you may wish to incorporate other setting rules to your game, such as Heroes Never Die, Joker's Wild, and Critical Failures; depending on the campaign type, you can also use Born a Hero, Fanatics, Multiple Languages, or High Adventure.


Right, so you're playing ponies inspired by the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic show, and thus there's a general expectation of having that general atmosphere of "love and tolerate" (to take a line from the early days of fandom). As such, in MLP:SA, deliberate excessive violence (particularly of the lethal variety) is frowned upon. It's up to the GM/the group to agree beforehand on what connotes and what the consequences should be for resorting to heavy violence (tip: I do not recommend being murderhobos in a MLP game). What consequences applies will depend on your GM/group; you could go with 0xp for the group, gaining a new hindrance (Bloodthirsty, Mean, Mean Meanie Pants, etc), making a Spirit roll or taking a retaliatory mental Wound (or even permanent Wound, representing the ~deep scarring~ on your psyche for the violent act) when it occurs in a session. (In this case, the setting rules Gritty Damage and Blood and Guts are not used.)

As always, each group will have its own definition on what constitutes excessive "violence" and what falls under "tough love." Consider that the show canon has its own level of cartoon violence: Rarity's "I Know Kung Fu," the all-out brawl versus Changelings in A Canterlot Wedding, wrestlemania Fluttershy in Lesson Zero, party cannons, showdowns with apple pies, and Daring Do hoofdicuffs. In addition there's also the comics, where actual weapon play comes into action a la pirate adventures in Issues #13-14. My personal rule of thumb is "Would Captain America do that?" For a gritter game, it's "Would Batman do that?" This is, after all, Savage Worlds, and My Little Pony - Savage Adventures. ;D


In keeping with the whole "MLP:SA cooperative fighting" tactic, heroes (and enemies!) can coordinate and combine their attacks together for devastating effect. Because as we've seen on the show, when you've got your friends to help, you can do amazing things together. Like rainbow beams To combine attacks, the group has to tell the GM their plan. If the GM agrees, each character spends a benny and chooses a lead character - the one who's going to deal the final blow. (Note: the lead character must inflict Heavy Weapon damage to affect a target with Heavy Armor, regardless of the final damage value.) The group then acts on the slowest participant's Action Card (faster characters will need to go on Hold and thus may be Interrupted!) When it comes to enact The Plan, all supporting characters make their respective attack rolls against the target (Fighting for melee, Shooting for ranged attacks; whatever best fits the narrative). The lead character, assuming they successfully hit their target themselves, gets a bonus damage die starting a d4 and increasing in size with each success and Raise from the supporting characters.



Ex: "Here's the plan," Twilight says, "Rainbow Dash and Applejack flank on either side of us, moving in to make sure the lead diamond dog doesn't get away. We need that key! Pinkie Pie and Rarity, you'll be on ranged duty with me. Fluttershy, we need you act first to distract him." And then there was agreement so we don't make this longer than it needs to be. Fluttershy acts first, hovering overhead and successfully pulling off a Smarts Trick on the diamond dog (Parry -2). At that, Rainbow Dash and Applejack charge in and flank from the sides, Rainbow Dash flying in with a double backkick (successful Fighting, with a Raise!) and Applejack throwing down with a massive Stomp (successful ranged Nature(land)). Pinkie Pie flings cupcakes (successful Shooting) and Rarity throws the diamond dog in a tizzy with a shower of gem shards (cast Elemental Manipulation(earth)). Finally Twilight Sparkle prepares for a truly massive array of magical beams: a successful mega-bolt strikes for not just 3d6 damage, but 3d6+d12 damage!


Instead of MLP:SA's standard No Power Points setting rule, you may decide to return to the native Savage World's core rules and use Power Points for magic. In this case, the defaults for Arcane Background (Magic) return back to their default rules in Savage Worlds, summarized as follows:

Arcane Skill: still Spellcasting, linked to Smarts o Activating a Power: spend Power Points, roll

Spellcasting (no spellcasting modifiers, unless you're maintaining a Power) with standard TN=4; if you fail nothing happens (other than your PP being spent)

Starting Power Points: 10 o Recover Power Points at 1 per hour

Starting Powers: 3 (plus Inherent Spells)

Backlash: if you roll a natural 1 on the skill die, you are automatically Shaken; if this would cause a Wound you instead take a level of Fatigue that is recovered by 8 hours of rest

Maintenance as default PPs per round, penalties to future Spellcasting rolls

Disruption (Interruption) as per standard SW rules

Inherent Spells remain unchanged

A number of Power Point related edges (from the Core Rules) return for the taking:

(more) Power Points (duh) - can be taken only once per Rank

Rapid Recharge

Improved Rapid Recharge

Wizard Design Note: MLP:SA's default setting is to use No Power Points because it A) reduces bookkeeping and B) emphasizes magic outside of combat. Since there's no limit to how many times you can attempt casting a spell with the No Power Points rule (other than the risk of Fatigue), especially with spell preparation, you can cast Beast Friend all day long and amass a horde of bunnies, or Fly as long as you'd like. However, for that simplicity you face higher risk with the combat magics such as Bolt and Blast, due to the greater risk of failure from spellcasting penalties. In other words, high risk, high reward. Since this is pony, non-combat magic should theoretically get more emphasis. However, your game may wish to incorporate more combat, and if you don't like the "high risk, high reward" model then you can choose to instead use the regular Power Points rules, which greatly reduces the risk (no spellcasting penalties, lighter Backlash rules) at the cost of limiting how many spells you can spam in a short order of time. Note: you must choose one method or the other for a character; you can't have a character that can switch between using Power Points or not for the same spell. All for one and one for all!




My Little Pony - Savage Adventures is already geared for action-packed, pulpy-like games. However, if you want to go full-on Rambo or want an even more cinematic game, you can use the following setting rules to up the ante.


After a fight, each hero is allowed a straight up unmodified Vigor roll. With a success, he recovers a Wound (or a Fatigue level; player's choice), two with a raise. This represents the character "shrugging off" wounds (either regular Wounds or mental Wounds) and acts in addition to normal Healing rolls.


Like Heroic Healing, but the character automatically recovers one Wound with a failure, two with a success, and three with a Raise. Only with a critical failure does he recover no Wounds.


Most RPG games are played with 4-6 players. Savage Worlds is pretty darn flexible, especially with the concept of Extras, but very small groups requires a little bit more tweaking.


A lot of action movies and pulp stories depict the story of two partners fighting alongside each other. If your group includes only two heroes, you may consider using the following rules: 1. The heroes automatically benefit from the Common

Bond edge 2. Use the Heroic Healing rule (from above)


On the other hoof, a lot of action movies and pulp stories also depict the story of a single hero on their quest against all odds (Daring Do, anyone?). In that case, you may consider the following: 1. The lone hero begins with an additional benny 2. Halve (rounding down) gang-up bonuses against the

lone hero 3. Use the Really Heroic Healing rule (from above




Oh, oh, oh it's magic~ Magic can only be performed by those with the Arcane Background (Magic) edge, aka unicorns (and a few of the other races). Those without it can still take the Spellcraft skill, but it only represents their arcane knowledge and can't actually perform spells (except perhaps in certain situations the GM allows, like Arcane Background (Weird Magic) or rituals (see below)). Magic in My Little Pony - Savage Adventures uses the No Power Points Setting Rule, to reduce on bookkeeping. Optionally you may decide to use the standard Power Points setting rule instead.


In My Little Pony - Savage Adventures, Arcane Background (Magic) works as follows:


As is standard in Savage Worlds, the skill used to activate Powers via Arcane Background (Magic) is Spellcasting, which is linked to the Smarts Attribute. Twilight ur an egghead Activating a spell works as usual with the No Power Points rule:

Success (after spell modifiers): Power activates

Raise (after spell modifiers): Power activates; gets any extra bonuses as stated in description

Failure: all currently maintained powers are canceled and the caster is Shaken


You get 3 free starting powers. In addition, all unicorns automatically 3 "freebie" powers; see Inherent Spells below. Each new additional Power (and associated Trapping) is one Advance, as per usual Savage Worlds rules.


If your spellcraft die rolls a natural 1 (regardless of the Wild die), you suffer a backlash effect:

the spell automatically fails

you automatically suffer 2d6 damage; although if this would cause a Wound you instead take a level of Fatigue that can be recovered via 8 hours of rest (aka overnight).

o This type of spell Fatigue cannot lead to Incapacitation, but if you're hit by any other source of damage or Fatigue, that can push you over to Incapacitation.


Spells cannot be (easily) maintained indefinitely. Maintaining a spell beyond its duration imposes a -1 Fatigue penalty (cumulative with each extended duration). (Why else would Cadance and Shining Armor get tired keeping up their respective shield spells?). This "spell" Fatigue doesn't lead to Incapacitation by itself, but over time it will make it very, very, very difficult to do anything else, and if you're hit by any other source of damage or Fatigue, that can push you over to Incapacitation.

Example: Cadance is maintaining her "make love not war" (Boost Trait: Spirit) spell over the Crystal Empire to stop King Sombra from taking over. To be extremely generous, her "Make Love Not War" spell has a 1 hour duration, so every hour she keeps that spell up she gets an additional -1 Fatigue penalty. As Shining Armor states in The Crystal Empire pt1, Cadance doesn't sleep and barely eats: after 3 days of this she has a whopping -72 Fatigue penalty to do anything else. And that's why her husband had to chuck her off the balcony. :D …i mean D:

Casting another spell while maintaining another also imposes a spellcasting penalty as usual with the No Power Points rule; for each current maintained spell it's -1 to the Spellcast roll. Once you stop maintaining the spell, the spell Fatigue penalty goes away at a rate the GM feels is appropriate (~1 Fatigue/hr).




Interruption in MLP:SA works as usual with the No Power Points setting rule.


Your horn must be uncovered (and for the most part, unbroken) in order to cast magic (at least one inch freedom). So basically if you saran wrap a unicorn's horn, no spells. No, dropping a bag over a unicorn's head doesn't count. See Hearth's Warming Eve; it's implied that if "Clover's" horn had been fully encased in stone they all would've frozen. If a unicorn's horn is broken or otherwise damaged, they have a -6 additional penalty to spellcast.


All powers start with the generic unicorn "oooh glowy" trapping, but at first taking a Power a player can also choose a single optional trapping that the character can use on and off. For instance, Rarity can take the Entangle spell. Generically the spell just magically ties an opponent down, but Rarity can also use her Trapping to make it so it's the clothes of her target unraveling and restraining her target. Trappings are the life and soul of magic in Savage Worlds; use Trappings to make your spell unique to your character! Every pony is unique, and your spells should be too. It's not called Bolt, it's called Twilight Party Cannon! :D For some inspiration, check out the Savage Spellbook and the Example Trappings for MLP:SA. Note that Trappings can also give your spell additional effects, like Light, Sound, or Electricity, for the cost of additional spell penalties or smaller effect radius. See the core Savage Worlds rulebook.


Every unicorn knows some inherent basic magic, which are basically three things: lifting things with their magic, create light, and knowing when something is magical in the first place. Inherent Spells represent these basic concepts, and saves unicorn characters from "wasting" spellslots. ;D Inherent Spells have these characteristics:

They have no spellcasting penalty, but you still need to take an action to cast it in the first place o It's a simple TN=4 to cast o (If you're using the regular Power Points rules,

they cost 0PP) o Caveat: If you've got the Young hindrance, you

do have a -2 penalty This is because you are effectively

"untrained" in the Power. Remember, with the No Power Points

setting rule, you can spend a round to prepare a spell and reduce the spellcasting penalty by 2.

You only have the generic unicorn "oooh glowy" trapping. o Ie, Inherent Spells are not personalized for each

pony, except by the particular magic color that's unique to a unicorn. Inherent Spells are powers that every unicorn can do. If you want to personalize it, you'll need to take it as a full Power.

The ranges/duration/abilities are reduced from its base Power



In return, you get these "spells" effectively for free as Inherent Spells:

Simple Telekinesis o Range: Smarts; Duration: 3 (1PP/round) o Lift only 1lb per Spirit die; 5lb with a Raise;

cannot use to fight with a weapon This is the basic unicorn skill of magically

lifting simple objects, like Twilight's hairbrush or Rarity's sewing needle. It is based on the core Telekinesis Power from the Core Rules, but modified to be lighter and simpler.

Simple Light o Range: Self; Duration: 30 minutes (1PP/10

minutes) o Soft magical light emanates from your horn,

fully illuminating within a Medium Burst Template (4" diameter) around you, and dimly illuminating out to the distance of a Large Burst Template (6" diameter) around you. This is the basic unicorn flashlight skill (mah

horn is glowing), as seen by the guards in It's About Time. It's based on the core Light/Obscure Power from the Core Rules, but modified to only create light. This light is magical and in a setting with vampires and other such creatures, it is not equivalent to natural sunlight; you'll need to take the full power for that!

Detect Magic o Range: Self; Duration: Instant (0PP/minute) o You gain the ability to sense the presence, type,

and approximate location of magic or other supernatural phenomena within 12". This is just as fallible as any other sense, and may require Notice rolls in certain situations. This is the basic unicorn skill of knowing

what's magic and what's not. i sense magic This is based on the Detect/Conceal Arcana Power from the Core Rules.

Also remember you can take the Power straight up and attain its full ability, which means that you get to personalize the Power with Trappings (which means it can have additional effects) and tailor it to your character's spell repertoire.


Unicorns can also cast spells they've learned from spellbooks, without having to actually take the Power as an advance. In order to do this, they must be 1 rank higher than the Power, and when they acquire the spellbook they have to make a successful Investigation check, which takes 1 day for Novice, 1 week for Seasoned spells, 2 weeks for Veteran, and 1 month for Heroic spells. If failed, you'll have to make another Investigation check and spend additional time. Afterwards, to cast from the spellbook, you must make an additional Investigation check right before casting, to make sure you remember everything. This means you need to carry the spellbook around with you. Each time you cast, you must first reference the book (and make an Investigation check, which takes an action), then make your Spellcast skill check.


Depending on what kind of pony-universe your group wants to play in, you may want to include some Arcane Background (Weird Science) elements as well. This would cover things like Flim Flam's apple cider machine (something magical powering something mechanical), Pinkie Pie's flying gyrocopter (by all counts that thing is held together by candy canes and bubble gum and defies physics), or the cloud-producing machine of Cloudsdale. Your character may have invented some super cool awesome gizmo, and instead of just leaving it lying around in your inventory, you're going to use it! Creation and use of any Weird Science gizmo should be up to the GM, as well as how you want to mechanically categorize it. Your GM may require the actual Weird Science skill to create/activate the device, or use a related skill instead. Depending on the extent your GM wants to include Weird Science to the game, Edges such as Gadgeteer and Mr. Fix It may also be included or tweaked. Under the standard No Power Points setting rule, Weird Science has a backlash malfunction occur on a natural 1 on the skill die, where the device blows up for 2d6 damage to the attempted user, and will require a Repair roll of 1d3+1 hours to fix.




Since we've seen Zecora brew potions before in the show, it would be remiss to not mention the option of including alchemical components to MLP:SA. Due to the nature of needing to brew potions before using them, Alchemy requires the use of the regular Power Points rules (rather than No Power Points) and is best mechanically categorized as Arcane Background (Alchemy) as described in the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion (available via Pinnacle, Amazon, DriveThruRPG, or your local game store), summarized as follows:

Arcane Skill: Alchemy, linked to Smarts o Activating a Power: get thee to a Alchemy Lab.

Spend Power Points, roll Alchemy (no spellcasting modifiers, unless you're maintaining a Power) with standard TN=4; if you fail nothing happens (other than your PP being spent). Each potion takes 1hr per rank to brew.

Starting Power Points: 10 o PowerPoints are not recovered until the potion

is spent/consumed/used, at which point they recover at 1PP/hr

Starting Powers: 3 (no Inherent Spells)

Backlash: if you roll a natural 1 on the skill die, you roll on the Alchemical Backlash table (chemistry be dangerous yo)

Maintenance can't be done; you're making a potion beforehand, after all. However, the Duration can be extended beforehand if the alchemist spends the additional Power Points right when they're making the potion.

Disruption (Interruption) as per standard Savage Worlds rules

Range is limited to how far you can throw or launch your potions.


While unicorns can cast spells via their horn, there's also the typical fantasy tradition of elaborate complicated rituals with fancy arcane drawings that can have even greater effects. For simplicity, the GM can run this as a Dramatic Task. For more options, you can refer to the Savage Worlds Horror Companion (available via Pinnacle, Amazon, DriveThruRPG, or your local game store) or the setting East Texas University (available via Pinnacle, Amazon, DriveThruRPG). In there, you'll find options describing how rituals can:

reduce the spellcasting penalty

extend the spell's range

extend the spell's duration

increase the spell's damage or effect With rituals, you can have additional casters/participants, extended casting time, or required materials. But be warned: with the potential power also comes with dangerous risks - see the Savage Worlds Horror Companion! (Don't worry, you don't have to have failure mean a portal to the netherworld is opened...unless you want to. :P)




Powers are the generic description used in Savage Worlds for magical effects. Remember, a Spell is really a Power with a certain type of Trapping. While all the Powers listed here can just have a generic "ooh glowy" magic trapping, it's strongly encouraged that you create a Trapping that uniquely fits your character. For inspiration, check out the Savage Spellbook (it's a bit more combat-orientated than would be fitting for a pony game, but it has a lot examples on how to use these Power templates to craft a spell). Powers are just a framework: a plain skeleton for mechanical effects. This is a Power. This is a Power with Trappings. In general, the Savage Worlds mindset is "pick a Trapping, then build a Power around it." See the section on Example Trappings for ways spells in the show are revisioned as Savage Worlds spells, and the Powers listed here are used as a template. Remember, it's 1 Trapping per Power taken; if you want an additional Trapping, you'll need to take the Power again. Note that if you make your Trapping purposefully lethal (like "sharp whirling blades" for a Damage Field spell), you're going against the Friendship Is Magic goal. Also, all duration, ranges, and spellcasting modifiers are as stated in the core rules unless changed here.



Drain Power Points (because we use the No Power Points Setting Rule)

Summon Ally (jars a little too much from pony-canon shown thus far)

Puppet and Zombie (we don't go for that here in pony-verse)



Beast Friend is renamed Animal Friend for pony-flavor

Dispel: you need at least line of sight with an object to undo the spell (See Lesson Zero)

Divination: depending on your GM's view of the pony universe, this may or may not be allowed

Elemental Manipulation, Environmental Protection: choose an element/environment upon taking this spell (ex: you don't get all four elements or all the environments with one Power) o For Elemental Manipulation, if your GM allows,

you can choose more varied elements such as Ice, Wood, Darkness, etc as appropriate.

Healing: as with the Healing skill itself, a character may only attempt to cast Healing on fresh wounds

on a given patient once within the Golden Hour they were sustained. o This is to remove treating Wounds as a triviality

with the No Power Points setting rule, because as is a character can cast Healing 600 times in the Golden Hour (1 casting per round @ 6 seconds each), which is wildly different from the original intention of the Power with PowerPoints.

o So the Healing Power is still near-instantaneous (assuming you don't change that with Trappings; it can be used during combat, rather than the skill which takes 10minutes) and as such Healing can be cast right after each Wound is taken, since each Wound has a different Golden Hour - this means it can still be used to heal all of the Wounds from combat; you just have to be fast!

o If you decide to use the regular Power Points rules, these limitations are removed since now you're limited by Power Points instead.

Greater Healing: akin to the changes made to the Healing Power, you can only cast it two times per day (as based on the 10PP original requirement) o Again, if you decide to use the regular Power

Points rules, these limitations are removed

Shape Change: as per standard Core Rules, it's 1 animal Trapping per taking of the Shape Change power. If you want to change into a dog and a cat, you will have to take the Power twice.





Note that as per Savage Worlds fan-licensing rules, I can't replicate the whole text here. For Power requirements and full details, please see the core Savage Worlds rules. I'm just listing the names and a brief description of what it does here, tweaking slightly to account for the No Power Points Setting Rule.

Armor : get Armor 2 with success, Armor 4 with a raise

Banish : send ghosts/elementals/demons/etc back to their plane of existence

Barrier : create a 1" wall for every -2 multiple spellcasting penalty

Beast Friend ("Animal Friend") : allows caster to speak with creatures with animal intelligence

Blast : area effect attack; medium burst template for 2d6 damage, Heavy Weapon

Blind : temporarily blind opponents and Shake them

Bolt : ranged attack (aka "magic missile"), 2d6 damage per missile, range 12/24/48

Boost/Lower Trait : increase/lower one Trait by one die type with standard success; two die types with a raise

Burrow : dissolve into the ground and reappear elsewhere

Burst : cone-template attack for 2d10 damage

Confusion : target makes opposed Smarts roll or be Shaken

Damage Field : caster deals damage to anyone who contacts them in close combat

Darksight : reduce darkness penalty

Deflection : misdirect incoming melee and missile attacks from the user

Detect/Conceal Arcana : sense or hide supernatural/enchanted stuff

Disguise : assume appearance of another pony/being

Dispel : negate enemy spells

Divination : contact otherworldly being to gain information

Elemental Manipulation : perform basic "tricks" with the chosen element (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)

Entangle : restrain a target

Environmental Protection : protect target from one hazardous environment

Farsight : reduce ranged penalties

Fear : cause overwhelming dread and horror; Fear check within Large Burst Template

Fly : fly at basic base with Climb of 0 for 9 seconds (see MLP:SA's Gossamer Wings spell for a longer duration)

Greater Healing : restore Wounds more than 1hr old. Can also attempt to heal Permanent Injuries

Growth/Shrink : double or reduce Size of target

Havoc : area effect attack; throw targets in every direction

Healing : heal Wounds taken within Golden Hour

instantly; also cures poison and disease within 10min

Intangibility : user becomes incorporeal

Invisibility : user becomes transparent or

completely invisible

Light/Obscure : negate or create any

darkness/obscurement penalty

Mind Reading : read another's thoughts for 1 round

Pummel : cone-template attack; knock down multiple foes

Quickness : GO FAST (multiple turns per round)

Shape Change : turn into an animal for 1minute

Slow : movement for target is now an action (instead of a free action)

Slumber : area effect attack; targets fall asleep

Smite : increase weapon damage

Speak Language : target can speak, read, and write a language other than their own

Speed : the other GO FAST spell (increase Pace)

Stun : area effect attack; targets within Medium Burst Template roll Vigor or be Shaken

Succor : remove Fatigue

Telekinesis, Simple : lift 1lb per Spirit die; 5lb with a Raise; cannot use to fight with a weapon

Telekinesis, Greater : lift 10lb per Spirit die, 50lb with a Raise; can now wield telekinetic weapons

Teleport : disappear and instantly reappear in another location with multiples of spellcasting penalty

Wall Walker : stick on surfaces and walk on walls

Warrior's Gift : attain effect of one Combat Edge for free, temporarily




BEAM OF POWAH o Novice, Spellcasting Modifier: 0 (or 1PP), Range:

Smarts, Duration: Instant o Blast them with sheer magical force! This is

basically the Push maneuver using magic, with an opposed Spellcraft roll against vs the Target's Strength. You can "magically push" within a range of your Smarts, but you do not get a bonus for running (as with a normal Push maneuver).

Charm o Novice, Spellcasting

Modifier: -1 (or 2PP), Range: Smarts, Duration: 3 rounds

o The object of all your desires (Or not.) With this Power, the Charisma of the Target increases by +2; with a Raise, an additional +2

Empathy o Novice, Spellcasting Modifier:

-1 (or 2PP), Range: Spirit/2, Duration: 3 rounds

o Za Truth Spell (ish). Within the spell's range, the caster gets a +2 bonus to detect if the speaker is lying and basic surface emotions

Fortune o Novice, Spellcasting Modifier: -1 (or 2PP),

Range: Smarts: Duration: 3 rounds o Roll dem bones, I feel lucky today, boys. With a

success, the target may make one re-roll during the duration of the spell, exactly as if they had a free benny. On a raise the target may make two re-rolls.

o The effects of this spell may be stacked, though the user must keep track of individual durations.

Gossamer Wings o Veteran, Spellcasting Modifier: -2 (or 3/6PP),

Range: Touch, Duration: 1 hour o This is basically a Trapping of the Fly spell. In

return for having a much longer duration, the wings are extremely fragile. They'll go poof in extreme heat or if character is physically hit. At all.

Mend o Veteran, Spellcasting Modifier: Special, Range:

Touch, Duration: Instant o Unicorns with this spell can instantly repair

damage to vehicles (this doesn't apply to other objects). The spellcasting roll has a base penalty equal to a quarter of the vehicle's Toughness (round down) plus an additional penalty equal to the vehicle's Wounds.

o Success repairs 1 Wound; Raise mends 2; the Mend spell has no effect on critical hits, nor can

it be attempted multiple times on an object. You'll have to go to a real mechanic then!

Object Reading o Seasoned, Spellcasting Modifier: -1

(or 2PP), Range: Touch, Duration: Instant o Object Reading is the ability to see

the past of a specific, inanimate, discrete object you can hold, discovering who held it, where it has been, and such like.

o A success allows the caster to see previous owners of the object, starting with the most recent and working backward. A raise provides more

accurate details. The caster sees only images - they can't learn the owner’s name or current whereabouts through this power.

Transfiguration o Special, Spellcasting Modifier: Special, Range:

Touch, Duration: 1 minute o We've seen Twilight turn apples into oranges,

now you can too! This is the Shape Change spell for inanimate discrete objects.

o As is standard, you get one Trapping per Power, which in this case is the final object. (Aka you can turn an apple, donut, and coffee mug all into an orange with 1 Trapping of the Transfiguration Power.)

o The relative sizes of the Before and After object must be similar, and the Before and After objects must be a single, inanimate, discrete object. (Things with multiple parts don't count.) The After object is always the same (ie, you can't alter the color, or transfigure anything into any key you want). A critical failure means the two objects are mashed together.



o The spellcasting penalty is based on the After object: Novice: 0: tiny things, like candy pieces and

pens and matches Seasoned: -1: slightly larger things, like

oranges, mustaches, horseshoes Veteran: -2: volleyballs, cake pans Heroic: -4: small bush, chairs Legendary: -5: door panel (but not the

doorknob, since that's a separate part), small trees

Sanctify o Novice, Spellcasting Modifier: -1 (or 2PP),

Range: Spirit, Duration: 3 rounds o You. Shall not. Pass! Sanctify imposes a barrier

that keeps out unwanted ghosts, ethereal enemies, or other Bad Supernatural Creatures.

o A successful casting centers a Medium Burst Template around the caster, where entities that wish to cross the barrier must make an opposed Spirit check against the caster's Spellcraft skill; if they fail, they cannot pass the barrier. Sanctify doesn't prevent entities from normal actions such as Intimidation or throwing physical objects.

The Sixth Element o Seasoned, Spellcasting Modifier: -1 (or 2PP),

Range: Spirit, Duration: 3 rounds o With this power you may spark the friendship of

magic to all your friends! o A successful casting increases your Command

range by 5": o Ie, if you don't have the Command edge (aka

your Leadership rolls only inspires adjacent allies), your Leadership rolls now have a range of 5" for the duration of this Power. If you have the Command edge, it increases to 10" (as with Command Presence), and with Command Presence it increases to 15".

o In addition, during Combat, all your Leadership rolls get a +2 bonus, or +4 with a Raise on the casting of this spell.


Cloudwalking Spell - simple Trapping of Environmental Protection

Shadow Walk - Luna's version of the Burrow spell ;D

Rapidash - Twilight's fire Damage Field effect in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" 8D

Bad Fashion Sense - Rarity's use of the Entangle power to tie up those that offend her fashionista sensibilities

Gem-Finding Spell - Rarity's use of Elemental Manipulation (Earth) to find precious gems

Come-To-Life Spell - Twilight's attempt in "Winter Wrap-Up," this is basically a trapping of the Greater Telekinesis spell

Flaming Horseshoes - Smite with a fire trapping on yon horseshoes

Let There Be Chocolate Rain - Flood the area with chocolate rain, throwing everypony every which way with the Havoc power

Dangerous Decibels - Vinyl Scratch, oversized speakers, and the Pummel power with a Sound trapping to blow you away

Anti-Gravity Spell - Twilight's version of the Wall Walker spell in "The Crystal Empire, pt2"

Want It Need It - a spectacular over-use of the Charm spell ;D

Look, Puppies! - Everypony loves adorable cute puppies. Quick, distract them by create a momentary illusion cute furry fluffy puppies of d'aww and distract the opponent with the Confusion power!

Celestia's Blessing - draw strength from the sun and endow the target with its protection; a form of the Armor spell




Let's populate the world of Equestria! Here are some examples of heroes and rogues you may encounter in your games.




Race: Unicorn (yeah the regular unicorn version :P)

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Investigation d8, Knowledge(Arcana) d6, Leadership d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Spellcraft d12, Streetwise(High Society) d4

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 2, Toughness 4

Hindrances: Curious (Major), Quirk (must be on time, perfectionist), Heroic

Edges: Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns, Natural Caster

Spells: Forcefield (armor), Magical Beam Spam (bolt), I Read This In A Book (boost/lower trait), All Things Magical (detect/conceal arcana)

Inherent Spells: Simple Telekinesis, Simple Light, Detect Magic

Design Notes: Twilight's set up to cast spells, and a lot of them. Along with picking up her signature spells (Teleport & Spell Finesse, The Sixth Element, Wall Walker, Damage Field) and the other Power edges, she'll also pick up some Leadership skills to help guide the mane 6.


Race: Earth

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Leadership d4, Nature(land) d8, Notice d6, Repair d4, Survival d4

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Obligations(Major: apple farm), Stubborn, Code of Honor

Edges: Stand Firm, One With Nature Design Notes: Applejack, solid and true. Applejack is the heavy hitter of the group; she'll pick up quite a few Combat edges and possibly run through the Intimidation Test of Wills track, while making sure everypony has their apples to much on!


Race: Pegasus

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6

Skills: Healing d8, Fighting d4, Nature(land) d8, Notice d4, Perform(singing) d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d8

Charisma: 0, Pace 6"/Flying d8, Parry 4, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Skittish, Doubt (minor; Agility-flying rolls), Cautious

Edges: Woodspony, Animal Companion ("Angel") Design Notes: Fluttershy's the healer, of course. ;D Fluttershy also serves as the "ranger" of the party (with AJ as backup), with the Nature/Survival skills and her animal companion Angel. That is, if she can convince him to do it...




Race: Unicorn

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Fighting d4, Investigation d4, Notice d4, Perform(Dress making; Smarts) d8, Persuasion d8, Streetwise(High Society) d8, Taunt d8

Charisma: 4, Pace 6", Parry 4, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Arcane Weakness (Major), Quirk (exaggerate everything), Code of Honor

Edges: Attractive, Upper Crust, Virtuoso (Perform: Dressmaking)

Spells: Gem Finding Spell (elemental manipulation(Earth)), IDEEAA!!! (disguise), You Need New Clothes (entangle)

Inherent Spells: Simple Telekinesis, Simple Light, Detect Magic

Design Notes: Rarity is set up for A Lot Of Charisma and the Pony Everypony Should Know; as she advances she'll eventually take the Silver Tongue track and the Taunt Test of Wills track, which will mean she's very dangerous with her words. Watch out for this socialite dress-maker!


Race: Earth

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Lockpicking d4, Nature (land, air) d4, Notice d6, Perform(comedy; Spirit) d6, Piloting(Flying) d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise(commoner) d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 4, Toughness 4

Hindrances: Delusion (Major; 4th wall), Gullible, Impulsive

Edges: Intuition, In Case Of X Emergency, Entertainer

Design Notes: Pinkie Pie is the wildcard. Don't let that pink smile fool you; Pinkie has her hooves in a lot of different things, and so she's the skill monkey of the party. In combat she'll turn you dizzy with Smarts tricks or party jokes; out of combat she's the go-to pony for anything her friends can't handle!


Race: Pegasus

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Leadership d6, Nature(air) d6, Notice d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 8"/Flying d10, Parry 5, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Arrogant, Loyal, Short-Tempered

Edges: Fleet-of-Hoof, Best Young Flier Design Notes: Rainbow Dash is built for a need for speed! She's gunning for the Wonderbolts (Air Superiority edge), and in combat she'll either turn you dizzy with Agility Tricks, kick you in the head (Fighting), or laugh at you (Taunt Test of Wills). They'll never know what hit 'em.





Race: Earth

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Skills: Healing d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Investigation d6, Leadership d4, Nature(land) d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Streetwise(commoner) d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 5, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Obligations (Major; teaching), Trouble Magnet, Heroic

Edges: Alertness, Command Design Notes: Everypony's favorite teacher, Cheerliee has cultivated many skills in her work as a teacher, such as herding her students in the generally correct direction and making sure little rascals don't get away with too much stuff. In her free time, Cheerliee lifts weights >D


Race: Pegasus

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Investigation d4, Knowledge(dungeoneering) d4, Lockpicking d4, Notice d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise(commoner) d6, Taunt d4, Survival d6

Charisma: -2, Pace 6"/Flying d8, Parry 5, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Enemy (Major: Ahuizotl), Mean, Code of Honor

Edges: Explorer, Elan, Oops Gotta Go! Design Notes: Wherever Daring Do is, you're sure to find some adventure! This build is for when Daring Do already has a few adventures under her belt, but there's always more to explore! She's got a gruff exterior but when the chips are down you know Daring Do will pull through - after all, she's undeniably unquestionably unstoppable.



Race: Unicorn

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Gambling d4, Investigation d6, Lockpicking d4, Notice d4, Perform (Stage Magic; Smarts) d8, Spellcraft d10, Taunt d8

Charisma: -2, Pace 6", Parry 2, Toughness 4

Hindrances: Arrogant, Cocky, Smart Mouth

Edges: Entertainer, Moxie

Spells: Let Sparks Fly (confusion), Rope Manipulation (entangle), Show and Awe (elemental manipulation (Fire)), Roll the Wheel (fortune)

Inherent Spells: Simple Telekinesis, Simple Light, Detect Magic Design Notes: Watch and be AMAZED by the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie! Trixie will BEDAZZLE you with her INCREDIBLE magic skills! And if you dare be a neigh-sayer to her AWESOME abilities...well. We'll just SEE about THAT!


Race: Unicorn

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Gambling d6, Leadership d4, Nature(land) d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d8, Repair d4, Spellcraft d8, Streetwise(commoner) d8, Taunt d6

Charisma: 2, Pace 6", Parry 2, Toughness 4

Hindrances: Overconfident, Big Mouth, Cocky

Edges: Charismatic, Silver Tongue

Spells: Sell You A Deal (charm), Make a Bet (fortune), Quick Brother Run (blind)

Inherent Spells: Simple Telekinesis, Simple Light, Detect Magic

Design Notes: Our slick and snappy duo (eh they're pretty much the same amirite okay no), Flim & Flam are adept at manipulating the masses. With the Silver Tongue edges they'll hook, line, and sinker every sucker that comes their way.




Explanation about the Special Abilities of the creatures in the Bestiary can be found in the core Savage Worlds book, in Chapter 7, Bestiary, Monstrous Abilities.



(Note: the Savage Worlds core book and its official settings contain stats for a number of regular (and not!) animals, listed here for reference) Alligator/Crocodile, Bear (Large), Bull, Cat (Small), Dog/Wolf, Dire Wolf, Horse (Riding, Warhorse), Lion, Mule, Shark (Great White, Medium Maneater), Snake (Constrictor, Venomous), Spider (Giant), Swarm


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 5, Toughness 7

Special Abilities: o Berserk: When a boar is Shaken, it goes berserk.

It gains +2 to all Fighting and Strength rolls and its Toughness, but Parry is reduced by 2

o Gore: if a boar can charge at least 6" before attacking, they add +4 to their damage total

o Tusks: Str+d6


These are basic stats for the numerous small little woodland critters that ponies take care of in Equestria (aka Fluttershy's Little Friends). These would include bunnies, squirrels, mice, etc. For simplicity, they're listed here as a single entry with different special abilities depending on what different critter types can do. Of course, since this is Savage Worlds, feel free to stat your critter as you like! (Just, you know, be sensible. A hummingbird isn't going to burrow anytime soon)

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

Skills: Athletics, d4, Notice d8, Stealth d6,

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 2, Toughness 2

Special Abilities: o Size -2: Super cute means super small! All

critters have Size-2 o Small: Attackers substrate 2 from their attacks

to hit any cute little critter o Burrowing (ex: badgers, ferrets) (6"): A

burrowing creature may tunnel on its action, and may erupt from the ground at any point within its Burrowing Pace in the same round if desired. For more info on Burrowing, see the Core Rules

o Flight (ex: hummingbirds, songbirds): Kind of a given if you're a songbird! As a note, predator birds (ex: hawks, falcons) would probably be better stated separately. For more info on Flight, see the Core Rules

o Low Light Vision (ex: mice, moles): Nocturnal animals and those that primarily live underground are used to living in the dark - as such they ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lightning.

o Tree Climber (ex: squirrels, some lizards): These critters can scale nearly any wall with their clever little paws. Basically they've got the Wall Walker ability from the Core Rules

o Tooth & Claw (ex: raccoons, weasels): Be forewarned - some critters bite when cornered! These critters have Natural Weapons that deal Str+d4 damage

o Agile (ex: bunnies, squirrels): just try catching these critters! This critter benefits from the Quick edge




The following are suggested stats for various fantastical creatures we've seen thus far in the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic world. There are, of course, other creatures and beasts not listed: Ahuizotl, Centaurs, etc. Since some have had "speaking" parts in the show I felt it would be better to let you craft its stats, giving you the option of them being more "monstrous" (who have no limit on abilities other than what GM says) or to craft them using the Race Creation rules and allow them to be run more like a Character.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 6" / Flying 8", Parry 6, Toughness 9

Special Abilities: o Claws/Bite: Str+d6 o Flight (8"): When bears fly, man o Frenzy: With its multiple arms, a bugbear can

make two Fighting attacks each round, with a -2 penalty. This cannot be combined with its Poison Sting attack.

o Poison Sting: Str+d6. Anypony wounded by a bugbear's sting attack must roll Vigor. Success means the victim shakes off the effects; failure means they're paralyzed for 1d6 hours. Uh oh!

o Size: +2: It's a giant flying bugbear!


Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 3", Parry 6, Toughness 15 (4)

Special Abilities: o Armor +4: Thick, scaly rocky skin o Bite: Str+d6 o Semi-Aquatic: Pace 4" in the water o Size: +4: Cragadiles are bucking huge, man o Snapping Bite: A cragadile that hits with a raise

has bitten deep. The opponent may only attempt to escape the bite on their action, which requires a raise on an opposed Strength roll


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Stealth d4

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 6

Hindrances: Short-Tempered


Special Abilities: o Family Issues: a chimera nearly always has a

head free to keep an extra eye on things: a chimera benefits from the Alertness edge as well - although it does mean sometimes there's a debate on what to do about it, thus also having the Short-Tempered hindrance

o Monster of the Fire Swamp: a chimera benefits from the HULK SMASH edge, and gets +2 to resist Fatigue from Heat or damage/Fatigue from Fire

o My What Big Teeth You Have: a chimera always has a number of Natural Weapons at their disposal, which all deal Str+d6 damage

o Seriously Really Scary Teeth (Poison, -1): and speaking of teeth, the snake-head also has a venomous bite. If the snake-head successfully bites and Shakes a victim, the victim must make an immediate Vigor roll at -1 or suffer the effects of Paralysis Poison




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 4, Toughness 5

Special Abilities: o Claws: Str+d4 o Fear (0): The stories of a cockatrice are

legendary...and not in a good way o Quick: A cockatrice has the head of a

chicken and body of a snake, and snakes are notoriously fast. They may discard Action cards of 5 or lower and draw another. They must keep the replacement card, however.

o Stone Gaze: A cockatrice can turn any living into stone with its terrifying gaze. As an action, a cockatrice focuses its gaze upon its target, who must make an Agility roll to avoid the cockatrice's eyes (at which point, the target is effectively Blind as per the hindrance). Failure means the target slowly turns into stone in 2d6 rounds. For each successive round as the target is turned to stone, the target's Pace is reduced by 2 (until it is 0) and all Agility and Strength-based skills/Traits have a successive -2 modifier. The cockatrice can release its stone effect as a free action, or the effect is automatically dropped if the cockatrice is Incapacitated.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6

Skills: Notice d6, Nature(land) d6

Charisma: 0, Pace -, Parry 4, Toughness 5

Special Abilities: o Colony: Parry +2, and the swarm of vampire

fruit bats fills an area equal to a Medium Burst Template, and attack everyone within every round. In addition, since this colony of bats is composed of hundreds of bats, cutting and piercing weapons do no real damage. Area-of-Effect weapons work normally.

o Flight (6"): Vampire fruit bats fly at a rate of 6" with a Climb of 0

o Split: Some colonies of bats will split apart (into smaller families of Small Burst Templates) to harass their target. The Toughness of these smaller swarms is lowered by -2 (to 3 each)

o Voracious: Eating apples both day and night / They rest for a minute, maybe three / Then they're eatin' every apple in your apple tree ... a swarm of vampire fruit bats will decimate an orchard of apple trees (or any fruit really), inflicting 2d4 of damage to everyone in the template (yep, even ponies - hey, when these vampire bats spit out apple seeds, they hurt!) Damage is applied to the least armored location.


Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+5, Vigor d10

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 19 (4)


Special Abilities: o Armor +4: Scaly hide. o Bite: Str+d8 o Fear (0): it's a giant hydra monster, what's not

to be scared of? o Huge: yeah it's not going to be that hard to hit a

hydra; the hard part is actually making a difference! Hydras are Huge and thus suffer +4 to attacks against them, but a Hydra's attacks count as Heavy Weapons, and their Armor is Heavy Armor.

o Multiple Heads: you might take out one head, but there's still the other three to deal with. And those are some long heads - a Hydra has Reach 2".

o Pony!Godzilla: what, they have to exist somewhere in MLPland. A Hydra most certainly will have the HULK SMASH edge. ;D

o Size +8: The hydra we saw in Froggy Bottom Bogg was buckin' huge man




Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 9

Hindrances: Short-Tempered

Special Abilities: o Fear (0) o Fiery Temper: Manticores have a notorious

short temper o Flight (4"): Manticores can flight at Pace 4"

with a Climb of -1 o Teeth & Claws: Beware this

kitty's bite and swipe, which deal Str+d6 damage

o Size +2: Manicores can rise up to twice a pony's height

o Stinger: Str+d4 damage with Poison (Paralysis, 0). A manticore's tail stinger can inject a paralyzing poison strong enough to take out pony-sized creatures...or even larger!


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d10

Charisma: 0, Pace 8", Parry 5, Toughness 5

Hindrances: Gullible

Edges: Alertness

Special Abilities: o Alertness: with two noses, an orthros' senses is

twice as sensitive! o Bite: Str+d4 o Failed Obedience Class: Orthros are notorious

for being hard to train, and thus have the Gullible hindrance

o Fleet-Footed: Orthros roll a d10 when running instead of a d6

o Go for the Throat: This totally ferocious puppy dog will instinctively go for an opponent's soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, an orthros hits its target's most weakly armored location


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d10

Skills: Notice d6, Fighting d4

Charisma: 0, Pace -, Parry 6, Toughness 7

Special Abilities: o Flight (12"): Parasprites fly at a breaknecking

pace of 12" with a Climb of 0 o Multiplication: if a parasprite swarm consumes

enough material, it can sprout even more parasprites. If a Medium Burst Template size, the swarm can either expand to a Large Burst Template (which takes 2 rounds) or sprout another Single Burst Template (which takes 1 round)

o Ravenous: a swarm of parasprites can and will eat anything in its path - and I mean anything, and woe betide any pony caught in the feeding frenzy as debris flies everywhere! A parasprite swarm inflicts 2d6 of damage to everyone in the template; damage is applied to the least armored location. o Split: Parasprite swarms are

smart enough to be able to split apart into smaller swarms of Small Burst Templates to continue their eating spree. The Toughness of these smaller swarms is lowered by -2 (to 5 each)

o Swarm of the Century: Parry +2, and the parasprite swarm initially fills an area equal to a Medium Burst Template, and attack everyone within every round. In addition, since a parasprite swarm is filled with a bunch of fuzzy eating furballs, cutting and piercing weapons do no real damage. Area-effect weapons work normally.

o Weakness (Music): as long as a continuous musical tune is played that the parasprites can hear, all Traits for the Parasprite are lowered by 1 die type and all of its Trait rolls have a -2 modifier




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8

Skills: Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d12, Fighting d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 4", Parry 5, Toughness 6

Edges: Fool You Twice, Try and Catch Me, Catch Me If You Can

Spells: Healing, Greater Healing, Damage Field

Special Abilities: o Flight (10"): while a phoenix can run on ground

on its talons, it can fly much faster o Magical Bird: a phoenix's tears have healing

properties (healing and greater healing spells) - as long as you haven't irritated the phoenix (damage field, fiery aura)

o Prankster: with its near-immortal life, a phoenix needs to find fun where it can: an adult phoenix benefits from the Fool You Twice, Try and Catch Me, and Catch Me If You Can edges


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 13 (2)

Special Abilities: o Armor +2: tough scaly hide o Bite: Str+d8, AP2 o Drag: on a successful opposed Strength check,

the Quarray Eel draws its prey 1" closer to its maw. Each raise on this roll increases the distance dragged by 1". If the victim beats the Quarray Eel with a raise, they manage to break free from the eel.

o Quick: Quarray Eels are fast! On initiative draw, they may discard Action cards of 5 or lower and draw another. They must keep the replacement card, however.

o Reach 2": an eel has a long, thin body that it uses to its advantage

o Sensitive: Quarray Eels can sense approaching prey (or encroaching creatures on its territory) up to 5" (10 yards) distance with a Notice droll (opposed by Stealth if the explorer's being sneaky). When the prey gets within its 2" (4 yard) reach, it attacks

o Size +5: Most of the Quarray Eel hides within its rocky nest. Who knows how long it actually is...


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d8

Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Nature(land) d8, Persuasion d6

Charisma: 0, Pace -, Parry 5, Toughness 15 (4)

Special Abilities: o Aquatic: Pace 12" o Armor +4: Scaly hide o Large: Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls

when attacking a sea serpent due to its large size. Assuming you think that's a good idea though...

o Size +5: its body can scan the entire length of a river and then some

o Slam: Str+d6, nonlethal damage o Water Rage: a sea serpent can thrash water so

hard, projecting a torrent of water using the Cone Template. Those in the area may make an Agility roll opposed by the sea serpent's Nature(land) roll to avoid it or suffer 2d8 nonlethal damage. This puts out any normal fires.




Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d8

Charisma: 2, Pace 6", Parry 5, Toughness 6

Edges: Very Attractive, Improved Silver Tongue

Special Abilities: o Aquatic (6"): In their natural state, sirens are

natural swimmers o Siren Song: A siren can sing a very special song

that is like a sedative. When first heard (about 100 yards), any creature that hears this song must make a Spirit roll. Those that fail become completely complacent, following the song towards the siren to wherever the siren is and obeying its commands, even if that means drowning. Every time the victim suffers a wound or a Fatigue level from any source, they get a Spirit roll at -2 (plus the Fatigue penalty) to realize their peril and break the spell.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Skills: Athletics d6, Noticed6

Charisma: 0, Pace 10", Parry 4, Toughness 6

Special Abilities: o Bite: A stirred up star-spider

swarm inflicts hundreds of bites per round, hitting automatically and causing 2d4 damage to everypony in a Medium Burst Template

o Split: A star-spider swarm can be smart enough (or spooked enough) to split into two smaller swarms (Small Burst Templates). The Toughness of these smaller swarms is lowered by -2 (to 5 each)

o Poison: Star-spiders use poison for killing their prey. Anypony wounded by a swarm must roll Vigor. Success indicates the victim shakes off the effects; failure means they're paralyzed for 1d4 hours. A star-spider's poison is only effective on pony-sized creatures when administered by a swarm; a single bite is painful to a pony, but nothing more.

o Swarm: Parry +2. Because the swarm is composed of hundreds/thousands of spiders (AAAAAAH!!!) cutting and piercing weapons do no real damage. Area effect weapons work normally, and a character can stomp to inflict their damage in Strength per round. Star-spider swarms can be evaded by jumping in water.

o Wall Walker (8"): These creepy-crawlies can walk on vertical surfaces at Pace 8.




Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+10, Vigor d12

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10, Stealth d10

Charisma: 0, Pace 6", Parry 5, Toughness 22 (4)

Special Abilities: o Armor +4: Scaly hide; Heavy Armor o Bite: Str+d8 o Burrow (20"): Tatzlwurms can disappear and

reappear on the following action anywhere within 20"

o Fear (-2): IT'S A GIANT WORM o Gargantuan: the worms are Huge (and

terrifying) and thus suffer +4 to attacks against them. Their attacks count as Heavy Weapons, and their Armor is Heavy Armor

o Hardy: The tatzlwurm does not suffer a wound from being Shaken twice

o Icky Spit (Range: 3"): If you don't get eaten, the tatzlwurm can leave with a parting spit spray that can cause sickness. A character makes a Agility roll or get sprayed with the tatzlwurm's icky spit - at this point, the victim must make a Vigor roll on touching the spit. If successful, the character avoids getting sick; on failure, the character suffers a level of Fatigue that lingers for 2d6 days

o Pounce: to make matters worse, these wyrms can jump. A tatzlwurm can leap 1d10" to gain +4 to its attack and damage. Its parry is reduced by -2 until its next action when performing the maneuver however.

o Seismic Sensors: tatzlwurm's sense their prey by vibrations in the ground. They can detect the movement of a pony up to 100" (200 yards) distance. This is an opposed Notice versus Stealth if the prey is trying to step lightly

o Size +10: the tatzlwurm are extremely long - well over 50 feet long and 10 feet or more in diameter

o Tentacles: tatzlwurms' mouth tentacles are 5" long, and they have 3 of them. Once they grapple a target, they begin dragging them towards their maw. Each success and raise on an opposed Strength roll draws the victim 1d6" closer to the hungry month. Each tentacle can take a single wound, but has a Toughness of 12. Wounds inflicted on tentacles do not harm the tatzlwurm.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6

Charisma: 0, Pace 10", Parry 6, Toughness 7

Special Abilities: o Bite: Str+d6 o Slow Regeneration: Timberwolves can

reassemble themselves. They may make a natural healing Vigor roll once per day

o Fleet-Footed: Timberwolves roll a d10 when running instead of a d6

o Go for the Throat: Wolves will instinctively go for an opponent's soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, a timberwolf hits its target's most weakly armored location

o Size +1: Timberwolves are typically larger than a pony




Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12

Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8

Charisma: 0, Pace 10", Parry 6, Toughness 11

Special Abilities: o Bear Hug: an Ursa that hits with a Raise has

pinned their foe, allowing the ursa to rend them with their claws and teeth (and probably bad breath). The pinned foe can only attempt to escape the hug on their action, which requires a raise on the Strength roll.

o Claws: Str+d8 o Size +3: Ursa minors are the size of a small

house. Don't even think of an ursa major...


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12

Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d12, Intimidation d12, Nature (land, air) d10, Notice d10, Spellcasting d12+2, Stealth d10, Shooting d10, Survival d10

Charisma: 0, Pace 8", Parry 8, Toughness 8

Edges: Nature's Fury

Spells: Elemental Manipulation (Ice), Blast, Boost/Lower Trait, Entangle, Fear, Slow, Teleport

Special Abilities o Fear (-2) o Elemental: no additional damage from called

shots; Fearless; Immune to disease and poison o Ethereal o Dissension: Windigos sow the seeds of disunity

to cause schisms. Leadership rolls within 10" (20 yards) of a windigo have a -4 modifier

o Ice Spirit: as magical creatures, windigos also have the power to cast various powerful spells, all with cold/ice-based trappings

o Immunity (Cold): Windigos are immune to cold and cold-based attacks

o Manipulator: Windigos can affect the weather around them with ease - they can use the Nature skill to turn the local weather around to a barren winterscape, and use both a pegasus' or earth pony's special Nature skill abilities of Lightning Bolt, Buffet, Stomp, or Earthen Wall, with the strength of the edge Nature's Fury.

o Night Vision: Windigos can see in all but complete darkness as if in bright light




Some helpful game aids (these all link to pages on the internet):

My Little Pony – Savage Adventures Aids o Online rulebook version of My Little Pony – Savage Adventures o Notes for Dice Rolling in MLP:SA o Combat Flowchart for MLP:SA o Tactics (work in progress)

Savage Worlds Aids o Savage Worlds Combat Guide o Savage Armory o Savage Spellbook o Default Savage Worlds Character Sheet

More flavors of SW Character Sheet can be found on Pinnacle's website: via the tag, under the SW category, or under various SW settings (get fantasy, Noir, piratical, etc flavors)!

You can also view fan-made SW Character Sheets on Savagepedia o The official Savage Worlds forums (check out the Official Answers on How The Core Rules Work - since

MLP:SA runs with the core rules, it's a great source to get a better handle on how the game works and various popular strategies)

o Savage Worlds Test Rules - if you don't want to pony up ten bucks for the entire core rules, this'll at least get you started!

o Unofficial Savage Worlds wiki - lots of great fan-based stuff and other game aids

Dice Stuff o - for all your online dicerolling needs! o How to Use Rolz cheat sheet o Dice Probabilities in Savage Worlds

Probability to hit a static TN Probability of Opposed Rolls Probability of Opposed Rolls for a Wildcard vs an Extra Savage Worlds Dice Simulator (javascript dice roller in html file)

simulates opposed rolls, damage output, and lists TN probability table Calculate your own dice probabilities via!

Quick Tip: check out using the [explode] function to get probabilities of acing aka exploding dice in Savage Worlds




A head bob to Hasbro for keeping the My Little Pony franchise alive into the 21st century and bringing it to a new generation, and more-or-less allowing the fandom to ponify nearly everything under the sun. A huge thanks and star-eyed admiration for Lauren Faust, who revitalized the show for not only young girls but the world at large, and teaching people that friendship is magic through adorable talking multi-colored ponies. Respect. Major props to DHX Media / Vancouver, for producing beautiful fluid animation about said adorable talking multi-colored ponies. And all of the funny expressions. And songs. And dealing with the craziness that is fandom. A shout-out to the pony fandom in general, who have put "pony" into the lexicon of the internet. Because the internet never dies, friendship is magic will live on forever. A salute to Pinnacle and the Savage Worlds RPG, for supporting a great RPG system. Another head nod to Giftkrieg23 / Rodger Marsh / IRanSoFarAway, who made the first Savage Worlds MLP conversion. Though I have taken my version in a different direction, without this I never would've gotten into tabletop gaming in the first place. I spent over $200 on gaming books because of you Showers of tears and thanks and sheepish apologies to my playtesters, who endured my many many many changes and tweaks and inanities: Hunterwolfdog, Hecmanstar, and Page Turner. Without you guys this wouldn't exist in the first place. You guys are awesome, and please continue to kick ass. :D And to you, the reader and future gamer, who's still reading this after all of my terribad puns and meme insertions. That's the end of it! So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends, some dice, and get ready to game! After all…

What lies ahead,
