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Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? When were the Apocryphal books written? Page of 1 7

WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Apr 13, 2020



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Page 1: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?


When were the Apocryphal books written?

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Page 2: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

The Apocryphal Books:

These books derive their name from a Greek word, apokruphos… …which means "hidden."

They are so called because they are... Hidden Of unknown authority Spurious (borderline nonsense)

The Apocryphal books were not recognized as inspired books by the Jews.

The Jews regarded them as being a valuable history of their nation.

They were given a place by themselves between the Old & New Testaments. But with the distinct statement that they were not to be regarded

as of equal authority with the books of the canon

Divine authority is claimed by none of the Apocryphal writers, and by some actually state they are not inspired (2 Mac. 2:23; 15:38).

None of the Apocryphal books are written in Hebrew.

Apocryphal books all originated after the cessation of prophecy

The Apocryphal books are never cited by Christ or the apostles

The Apocryphal books contain statements that don’t match up with historic facts (Baruch 1:2, compared with Jer. 43:6,7)

The Apocryphal books are self-contradictory

The Apocryphal books oppose the doctrines and precepts of Scripture. The Apocryphal books were not allowed a place among the sacred books,

during the first four centuries of the Christian Church.

We find the Apocryphal books in some Bibles today... ...especially in Roman Catholic Bibles, since they are regarded by the Roman Catholic Church as inspired books.

The Roman Catholic Church did not officially canonize the Apocrypha until the Council of Trent (1546 AD).

This was in part because the Apocrypha contained material which supported certain Catholic doctrines, such as purgatory, praying for the dead, and the treasury of merit.

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Page 3: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.)

Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine after Babylonian Exile

Draws much from Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah

Much legendary material is added

2nd Esdras (about 100-200 A.D.)

Is a collection of 3 works containing 7 visions supposedly from Ezra

Martin Luther was so confused by these visions… …that he is said to have thrown the book into the Elbe River

Tobit (early 2nd century B.C.)

A short novel with a strong Pharisaic tone

It emphasizes… The law Clean foods Ceremonial washings Charity Fasting Prayer

Teaches that almsgiving atones for sin !

Judith (late 2nd century B.C.)

A fictitious Pharisaical novel about a beautiful Jewish widow

When her city was besieged, she went out to the tent of the attacking Assyrian general. He was taken by her beauty and gave her a place in his tent. Fortunately he got drunk, and fell asleep. Judith took his sword and cut off his head. As a result the leaderless Assyrian army was defeated!

Additions to Esther (about 100 B.C.)

Esther stands alone as the only book in the Old Testament that makes no mention of God. To compensate for this lack Additions to Esther…

Has long “prayers” that are attributed to Mordecai & Esther

Several “letters” supposedly from Artaxerxes are also included

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Page 4: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

The Wisdom of Solomon (about 40 A.D.)

Written to keep the Jews from falling into… Skepticism Materialism Idolatry

Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Sirach) (about 180 B.C.)

Shows a high level of religious wisdom like Proverbs

For example… “Speak concisely; say much in few words; act like a man who knows more than he says”

Ecclesiasticus 32:8

Baruch (between 150 B.C. - 100 A.D.)

Supposedly written by Baruch - the scribe of Jeremiah

It apparently attempts to interpret the destruction of Jerusalem in either… 587/586 B.C. ?

or 70 A.D. ?

The book urges the Jews not to revolt against the emperor.

Chapter 6 contains the so called Letter of Jeremiah with its strong warning against idolatry.

Susanna (around 100 B.C.)

Supposedly a 13th chapter that was added to Daniel Susanna was the beautiful wife of a leading Jew in Babylon who was falsely accused of infidelity. Because of Daniel’s wisdom she was rescued.

Apparently, Daniel asked each of her accusers separately under which tree in the garden they found Susanna with a lover. When they gave different answers, they were put to death & Susanna was saved.

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Page 5: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

Bel & the Dragon (around 100 B.C.)

Supposedly a 14th chapter that was added to Daniel

Its main purpose was to show the folly of idolatry

It contains two stories…

King Cyrus asked Daniel why he did not worship Bel, since Bel showed his greatness by consuming much flour & oil. Well, Daniel scattered ashes on the floor of the temple where the food had been placed that evening for Bel. In the morning, Daniel showed the king the footprints of the priests who had entered secretly and consumed the food. The priests were slain and the temple destroyed.

The story of the dragon is of the same legendary character and may be classified as Jewish fiction. It has of little religious value - obviously !

The Song of the 3 Jewish Children (it is impossible to fix the date definitely)

Describes what supposedly happened to… Shadrach Meshach Abednego

The Prayer of Manasseh (2nd century B.C.)

Was composed in Maccabean times

Was the supposed prayer of Manasseh, the wicked king of Judah.

1st Maccabees (1st century B.C.)

Is probably the most valuable book in the Apocrypha

Describes the exploits of 3 Maccabean brothers… Judas Jonathan & Simon

…during the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid Empire in 167-164 B.C.

With Josephus, it is our most important source of information for this crucial & exciting period in Jewish history

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Page 6: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

2nd Maccabees (1st century B.C.)

Is not a sequel to 1st Maccabees, but rather a parallel account.

Deals only with the victories of Judas Maccabeus.

It’s considered to be more legendary than 1st Maccabees.

Questions about the Apocrypha & the Old Testament Canon

Did the Apostles use the Septuagint, that included the Apocrypha?

All the writers of the New Testament made use of the Septuagint.

The claim that the Septuagint of apostolic times included the Apocrypha is not certain.

The earliest manuscripts we have of the entire Septuagint are from the 4th century.

If Jesus used the Septuagint, it may or may not have included the extra books.

Also remember that although the 4th century copies do include the Apocryphal books, none include the same list of books.

Did the writers of the New Testament refer to the Apocryphal books?

The New Testament writers did allude to and refer to a few texts in the Apocrypha. However that alone does not give the Apocrypha Scriptural Status.

The New Testament also quoted non-bilbical works that are not in the Apocrypha, & no one claims that those other non-biblical works are inspired.

For example: In Acts 17:28 Paul quotes from the Cretan poet Epimenides.

In Acts 17:29 Paul quotes line five from Aratus' Phaenomena

In 1st Corinthians 15:33 Paul quotes a proverb by the Greek poet Menander.

Titus 1:12 Paul quotes Epimenides a 600 B.C. Greek Poet & native of Crete.

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Page 7: WHAT IS THE APOCRYPHA? - Paarl Vallei Baptiste Gemeente · 2019-10-25 · Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha? 1st Esdras (about 150 A.D.) Tells of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine

Lesson #4 - What is the Apocrypha?

No one claims that these works are inspired.

Of all the Apocryphal books that groups over the centuries have pushed for inclusion into canonicity, none have ever been quoted or referred to be Jesus or the Apostles.

Jesus makes clear reference to all but four Old Testament books from the Hebrew canon, but He never directly refers to the Apocryphal books.

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