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What is Raphaology® By Morning: Spirit: Wolf, Professor and Doctor of Raphaology Medicine Raphaology (pronounced rah-fah-all-oh-gee) is a unique healing system derived from the native and indigenous healers of Egypt, Viking, Incan, and Red Man worldwide. Each of these long standing cultures used plants as food and medicine, the knowledge of their bodies for detecting dis-ease, and the use of light as therapy. Their various modalities are recorded to be in use for over 6,000 years, keeping the ancients free of the illnesses that have come about through the loss of knowledge and use of nature's elements. Evidence of the prolific use of plants as medicine is published in various periodicals such as Ancient American , and documented by Egyptian hieroglyphs, cultural Red Man’s oral and written records, and Eastern medicine scrolls over the years. Raphaology brings this knowledge from obscurity to light, re-presenting ancient information for preventing and eradicating modern dis-eases. Raphaology reveals that every dis-ease begins in the digestive system, is ultimately a mineral deficiency, and that spectrum light contained in specific medicinal plants holds every property for unlocking and accessing innate cellular intelligence that powerfully repairs, restores, and revitalizes each part of the human body to achieve truly dynamic health. This is called Peak Frequency® Plant Medicine. Jonathan: Thunder: Wolf (deceased) and Morning: Spirit: Wolf are each self-healed through their cumulative knowledge of native healing modalities, and have combined over 55 years of their expertise in the field of practicing the perfect balance of: Peak Frequency Phyto-medicine; Herbs Peak Frequency Phyto-nutrient Foods Spectrum Light and Color Therapy Interactive Determination Therapy Raphaology Medicine uses unique formulas of Plant Medicines & Relaxing techniques to heal the whole body, allowing Awareness and Passion to enter the frequencies of mental and emotional peace. RAPHAOLOGY has been used since the dawn of time and was taught by the Pharaohs of Aeggyps (Egypt) as the most healing of all arts and sciences. Connected with the names of the ancient Pharaohs themselves, RAPHAOLOGY is the study and practice of: RA: the science of enabling the earth to progress to her peak frequency as a sun, and PHA: the knowledge of bringing peak frequency light to all matter.

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What is Raphaology® By Morning: Spirit: Wolf, Professor and Doctor of Raphaology Medicine

Raphaology (pronounced rah-fah-all-oh-gee) is a unique healing system derived from the native and indigenous healers of Egypt, Viking, Incan, and Red Man worldwide. Each of these long standing cultures used plants as food and medicine, the knowledge of their bodies for detecting dis-ease, and the use of light as therapy. Their various modalities are recorded to be in use for over 6,000 years, keeping the ancients free of the illnesses that have come about through the loss of knowledge and use of nature's elements. Evidence of the prolific use of plants as medicine is published in various periodicals such as Ancient American, and documented by Egyptian hieroglyphs, cultural Red Man’s oral and written records, and Eastern medicine scrolls over the years. Raphaology brings this knowledge from obscurity to light, re-presenting ancient information for preventing and eradicating modern dis-eases. Raphaology reveals that every dis-ease begins in the digestive system, is ultimately a mineral deficiency, and that spectrum light contained in specific medicinal plants holds every property for unlocking and accessing innate cellular intelligence that powerfully repairs, restores, and revitalizes each part of the human body to achieve truly dynamic health. This is called Peak Frequency® Plant Medicine. Jonathan: Thunder: Wolf (deceased) and Morning: Spirit: Wolf are each self-healed through their cumulative knowledge of native healing modalities, and have combined over 55 years of their expertise in the field of practicing the perfect balance of:

Peak Frequency Phyto-medicine; Herbs Peak Frequency Phyto-nutrient Foods

Spectrum Light and Color Therapy Interactive Determination Therapy

Raphaology Medicine uses unique formulas of Plant Medicines & Relaxing techniques to heal the whole body, allowing Awareness and Passion to enter the frequencies of mental and emotional peace.

RAPHAOLOGY has been used since the dawn of time and was taught by the Pharaohs of Aeggyps (Egypt) as the most healing of all arts and sciences. Connected with the names of the ancient Pharaohs themselves, RAPHAOLOGY is the study and practice of: RA: the science of enabling the earth to progress to her peak frequency as a sun, and PHA: the knowledge of bringing peak frequency light to all matter.

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RAPHAOLOGY combines this ancient, timeless knowledge and practice with present day research for bringing state of the art techniques to the total healing level; integration of all memory, experience, and forms. In a nutshell:  

1. What is Raphaology? Raphaology is the combination of healing practices derived from indigenous and native Red Men, Egyptian, Oriental, Viking, and Incan natural healers worldwide. 2. How does it work? Phytoceuticals from herbs containing the properties that repair damage to human organs plus Nutriceuticals from foods with the ability to boost organ function are combined with light/frequency energy to restore complete health for body, mind, and spirit. Hundreds of nerve endings are accessed on the soles of the feet as they are connected to gland, organ and system functions, to determine the state of hormones, digestion, circulation, toxicity, blockage, impaction, or pathogens. Then the individual body determines the proper repair and balance work that is needed to restore health through detoxification, regeneration, and health maintenance. 3. What Scientific basis does it have? Raphaology is based in the science of frequencies which have been used by world renowned doctors and scientists of esteemed medical repute, such as Hans Jenny of England, inventor of Cymatics, and Royal Raymond Rife of America; the builder of the world’s most powerful microscope in the 1920’s. Rife, a pleomorphic cellular biologist, also determined the frequencies of morphological bacteria and viruses; eliminating their presence in human bodies, curing cancer, tuberculosis, and many other diseases with his frequency Rife Ray technology. Alongside such greats, Jonathan: Thunder: Wolf (deceased) and Morning: Spirit: Wolf, Professors and Doctors of Raphaology Medicine, use the frequencies present in herbs and foods to repair damage done by pathogens and parasites, thus eliminating their diseased symptoms, and restoring complete health all from the organic resources nature offers us.

Raphaology brings balance and health to the entire body on all its levels. First, by recognizing the body for what it really is: light. Then, by communicating directly with the body via foot testing (similar to reflexology) to determine which light frequencies are sufficient or deficient in the body. Once a deficiency is determined, an herb and/or food which carry the missing frequency can be taken for a few weeks until balance is restored. It is no great mystery to many natural healing therapists (or even to modern scientists) that all matter, even the human body is made up of energy (E=mc2). Energy is light, plain and simple. Once one realizes that properties of light are information (i.e.: DNA, genetics, etc.) and communication (ie: intuition, electronic transmissions, cell based action, etc.), it should, not come as a surprise to learn that whenever illness, disease, stress, emotional or mental imbalance is present in the body, a corresponding deficiency will show up in foot testing of the subject. For example, take a common ailment like a kidney infection: when there is any kind of problem with the kidneys, foot testing will invariably reveal not only tenderness in the kidney test point on

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the foot but also point out a deficiency in the violet frequency of light. Where it gets interesting, however is that very likely the subject will have an interpersonal relationship problem or imbalance with another person in their life because, as it happens, violet is the color of relations in the human body. After determining such a deficiency, how do we supplement the missing "frequency"? That is where herbs and foods come in. Contrary to what we may vaguely think, we do not eat food, we eat light! It is actually the light (commonly called enzymes) in the food which our bodies need to survive, the rest is discarded. Plants and animals are not just plants and animals but living, feeling, communicating beings and as hard as it may be for some of us to perceive, (due to thinking with our brain and not our heart) these plants and animals carry awareness just as humans do. Further, many of these plants and animals, being aware of the current disharmonious and imbalanced condition of humanity, have agreed to help us by absorbing, holding and delivering the light and information we need to restore order and evolve spiritually. Throughout 55 combined years of careful testing and research on thousands of patrons, Doctors of Raphaology, Morning and Jonathan Wolf determined exactly which organs belonged to which frequency and which herbs and foods carry those frequencies. In the search for excellent health, it is vitally important that one come to terms with the harsh realities of the nutritional (light) content of modern processed food and genetically engineered food. Everything that comes in contact with the body, inside or out, is either nutrition or it is toxin. Processed, preserved, engineered, enzyme or light deficient food and synthetic ANYTHING (i.e.: synthetic vitamins, flavors, colorings, chemically enhanced baby formula, etc.) are a toxin to the body! Overburdening one's body with toxins for years on end will not make one beautiful and healthy but rather sap strength, use up precious nutrients and create even more toxins. The result: one grows tired, sick, overweight, aged, unsightly, and most importantly, critically ill! Stressful conditions inside the body, such as an overabundance of toxins can create stressful conditions outside the body, which in turn create more toxic waste inside the body…it is not hard to see then how a vicious negative health cycle can begin even at an early age and may even shed some light into problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder, arthritis, allergies, infections, or any of a myriad of other health problems. Through many years of testing, Jonathan and Morning Wolf-Doctors of Raphaology Medicine have put together a food list called the "Peak Frequency Foods" which sets forth the foods having been found to contain the highest concentrations of light and enzymes. It may take a little getting used to, but the foods on the list are very agreeable and will make virtually anybody healthier given a little dedication and time. I challenge anybody to try it for a month and see for yourself how you feel! A return to living with, by, and from nature, and reclaiming our organic and biodynamic roots is our path to health.

2013 Raphaology® Medicine