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WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business

Jul 23, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business
Page 2: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


For those in their second or third year of business who want to refine, hone and elevate their business and income to where they want it to be.

WHAT IS IT?A year-long “put your business on the map” program with Karen Knowler starting in

December 2018.

This program has been designed for men and women who are already in business, are clear on what they’re doing, who they’re here to serve, and want to drastically increase

their income, impact and visibility over the coming year.

The focus of this program is on personalised coaching within a group situation, with most of our emphasis and attention on reaching income goals, list building goals, your own top 5

business goals for 2019, and positioning your business for longer term success.

In short, this is the perfect program for you if you know that you have some solid foundations in place and now need to start making some serious money!

WHO IS IT FOR?Completely committed business owners who know there is no turning back. They are

committed to their dream, they’ve already put in a lot of work, and now they want to start seeing a return on their time, money and energy investment.

HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT?The group is limited to just TEN totally committed men and women who want to learn and

grow within a group environment.

There are projects, challenges and PRIZES within this particular group - so this is the group to be in if you love the spirit of play while also really going for it to reach and exceed your

most important goals.

Page 3: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


OVERVIEWBUSINESS MAGIC is a year-long “put your business on the map” program comprising of:

• Upon Sign-Up: You’ll receive a set of recordings and handouts from the “2019: Your Best Business Year Yet” live event that took place in London so that you can work through the workshop before we begin in January 2019.

• December 2018: 3 hour “Claim Your Spot” Welcome Call & Virtual Workshop to receive an overview of the program, meet your Business Magic colleagues, to claim your spot about where YOU want to be - inside and out - by the end of 2019, and to map out key goals for the coming year in terms of income, growth, development, lifestyle, impact and key achievements, so that you are clear on what your intentions are for your year.

• December 2018: 60 minute 1:1 call with Karen to discuss where you are now, your Business Goals for 2019, and for Karen to come up with the best customised strategy possible for you, so that your 2019 goals are reached or exceeded.

• 12x 45 minute 1:1 Coaching Calls – 1 per month, every month, from January - December 2019.

• 12x 2-hour Group MasterMind/Q&A Calls – 1 per month, every month, from January - December 2019.

• 2x 2-Day Retreats with Karen as follows: FEBRUARY 2019: 2-day live mapping, planning & implementation workshop in London SEPTEMBER 2019: 2-day mapping, planning, masterminding & implementation retreat in an English countryside retreat

• Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group.

• Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form.

• Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business from Monday 14 January 2019 until the end of the program.

* All private and group calls are held on InstantTeleseminar and are recorded for your benefit and future reference.

Program starts: December 2018 Program completes: Thursday 19 December 2019

Page 4: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


DETAILSEvery month will follow the same basic structure to keep things easy and organised. The curriculum can be found on the following pages. All group calls are recorded and downloadable immediately after each call completes. Please note that while we will do our best to stick to the first and second Wednesday of the month, sometimes this is not always possible due to other commitments. A full list of dates will be posted in the Business Magic Facebook Group which will open in December 2018.


• First Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm UK = 90 minute Group Training Call + handouts/assignments for that month

• Second Wednesday of the month at 5:00pm UK = 2-hour Group MasterMind/Q&A Call

• 45 minute 1:1 coaching call with Karen (recorded). This is completely personalised to whatever your own individual needs and requirements are for moving forward in your business and can be focused on whatever will most powerfully assist you. 1:1 calls are generally scheduled on a Wednesday, but some flexibility may be available.


There are two Retreats during the year. These take place for two days in February and September. Each retreat has a different theme and focus to evolve your journey powerfully over the course of the year.

RETREAT 1 | Saturday 23 - Sunday 24 February 2019 | London

Day 1: Your Detailed Plan - Finalised Day 1 is about reviewing what you have got clear on so far during January and February and making sure that it is rock-solid, watertight and exactly as it needs to be before you go any further. By the end of this day you will know that you have your Grand Plan, that it’s perfect and ready-to-go, and you are effectively all set for the rest of the program without having to second-guess or worry about anything.

Day 2: Your First/Next Signature-System Based Offering On Day 2 we switch gears and you will be working on your first or next signature system offering. We are doing this live because you will likely need some assistance and the hands-on environment to actually get the planning and mapping done. By the end of this day you will have your signature-system based offering mapped out and you may even have started creating content or handouts for it.

Page 5: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


RETREAT 2 | Thursday 12 - Friday 13 September 2019 | UK Countryside

Day 1: Your Passive Revenue PlanDay 1 is your opportunity to create or develop your passive revenue plan for the rest of 2019 and beyond. Passive revenue is essentially any revenue that you can generate automatically via your online presence where people pay for online products/programs, and there is no additional input from you. You will be encouraged to set a monthly passive revenue goal for yourself, and to then explore all of the many different ways you could bring passive revenue in to your particular business. We will also look at the best marketing channels and delivery methods currently available so that you know exactly what you are going to do and how you’re going to do it. By the end of our first day you will have your financial goal, your final passive products list and your marketing channels and delivery method all planned out.

Day 2: Setting Up Your Passive Revenue Systems & Funnels On Day 2 we’ll move into actually setting up the Action Plan for all of this to come to life. There will be things that you can do immediately and you’ll do them! There will be funnels that you can already set up in your business to increase sales for existing products and programs in your business, and you may choose to write the copy and set up the emails based on what you learn and the templates provided. Today is all about setting things up, getting things moving and having a plan for how to maximise income in your business for the rest of the year and the years to follow.

Both retreats will comprise of training, workshop time, and the second one includes Masterminding. Travel and accommodation is not included. All lunches, snacks and refreshments are included.

Page 6: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business



JANUARY 2019: Own Your UniquenessIf you haven’t worked with me before and discovered your unique archetypal blend and dove deeper with it, then this is the month that this happens! This process is a complete game changer and for the past couple of years I have not worked with any private or high-end business client without the knowing their archetypes first. Knowing this will enable you to know exactly what makes you special, different and how to align your entire business with the truth of who you are. Game changing.

FEBRUARY 2019: What Do You Know For Sure?It’s time to get clear on what you know already, what’s working, what’s not - and much more. This second month is your opportunity to get clear and to remove anything from your business idea/reality that is not serving you and in fact, may well be bringing you down, or at least muddying the waters. You’ll come out of this month with your one-stop business poster totally completed or knowing what gaps you urgently need to fill.

MARCH 2019: Your Blissful BlueprintThis is where your money/income transformation journey really starts. This month you’ll discover what your Sacred Money Archetypes are (these are very different to your Brand Archetypes and utilised very differently), the blessings and challenges of them, what they are really all about, and how to work with your own unique archetypal mix to bring in the income you desire in 2019.


APRIL 2019: Make Your First/Next £20,000 (Approx. $26,000)So here’s your first individual and group challenge! This month you will - with the help of this month’s step-by-step training - come up with a plan for how to create your first or next £20,000. You will then have the rest of the month to pull it off! This will be the first Group Challenge of two during this year of Business Magic, to see who can generate the most income from their business by the end of April. VERY juicy prizes will be awarded for the member who generates the most income and for everyone who reaches or exceeds the £20,000 mark.

MAY 2019: Your Next-Level, Irresistible OfferChances are that right now, you are missing obvious or hidden upsell opportunities within your existing business. It is no secret that existing clients are the easiest ones to retain or continue on with because the Know-Like-Trust factor is already abundant, and if they’re enjoying what they’re already doing with you and getting great results, then why would they stop? In this month’s training our focus will be on you looking at your existing business model and seeing where the opportunities are for upsells, both at point of purchase and also during a class, workshop or retreat as well as towards the end of a program. This is crucial know-how that will pay dividends for your entire business lifetime.

JUNE 2019: Your Highest Ticket Offer (£20,000-£50,000) Yes! You CAN do it! It’s time. Time to create your highest ticket offer yet so that you can give the most value possible to one or more clients and truly be in your element. This level of strategy and creativity is so much FUN and of course the financial reward is a rather wonderful benefit of putting your best into one super-attractive package that the most committed will buy. This month you’ll receive a step-by-step process to create this for yourself and to do it in a way that feels easy, graceful, impactful and yes, fun!

Page 7: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business



JULY 2019: Your Epic List Building ProjectWe all know that list building is crucial and should be an ongoing focus given constant attention, however, we also all know that list building takes time, isn’t always a huge success if no real strategy is employed, and lists just don’t build themselves! One of the best things you can do for your business is to create an annual or twice-yearly list building event that really attracts big numbers of new prospects and sign-ups to your email list, and simultaneously puts you and your business on the map. This training will give you all you need to decide what epic list building project you are going to focus on next, and to put a big amount of time and energy towards it. This will be the second Group Challenge to see who can increase their email list by the most subscribers in a certain period of time. Prizes will be awarded to those who increase their list the most, and also those who gain more than 2000 new subscribers in the allotted time. It’s time to get your game on!

AUGUST 2019: Your MEGA-WOW Project By this point in the program you’ll be clear enough and ready enough to make much bigger magic happen inside your business. This is the time to start working on your first or next WOW project - with this one being your MEGA-WOW Project - the one that really pulls out all the stops and takes you to your creative and gift-giving edge! The WOW Project Formula will be shared with you, together with how to turn a WOW into a MEGA-WOW so that you really go for it and don’t play safe! This piece alone is worth your entire investment in the training!

SEPTEMBER 2019: Master ONE Marketing Channel Being “Jack of all trades, master of none” is not a happy or healthy place to be when it comes to your business marketing approach! At this juncture you should now have a very good feel for where is the best place for you to show up brilliantly online and where you can really shine in front of your ideal clients. This month you’ll pick a channel - new or existing - and create an in-depth roll-out plan for it for this month and the rest of 2019, so that you can put some intense focus and value into this channel and really start growing your following in the most impressive and effective way.


OCTOBER 2019: How to Make Yourself Indispensable There is being loved and wanted, and then there is being indispensable! The two are very different. Being indispensable to your tribe means that they can’t (and don’t want to) imagine life without you. You have become so valuable to them that you are invaluable, and they will do all that they can to stay in your orbit and to work with you ongoingly. This first training of two will teach you what being indispensable translates to in your particular business, what all clients suffer from, what three things you must provide for your tribe and what people need to feel good about their future. It also goes into how to provide incredibly value for your clients and how to start being indispensable right away.

NOVEMBER 2019: How to Make Yourself Indispensable Part 2 In this training we take last month’s work further into a clear plan of action, and also discuss the concept of your tribe wanting to grant you a monopoly. This is advanced training, but comes not a moment too soon. In order to secure your place of being indispensable, your tribe do need to feel that they wouldn’t want to look anywhere else for what you provide because they only want and need what you and/or your business provides.

DECEMBER 2019: How to Deepen Your Relationship with Your TribeDeepening your relationship with your tribe is a necessary rite of passage, and will also increase everything that you’re looking to increase in your business - income, impact, reach and real-world transformation. The more you deepen your relationship with your email list, your social media followers and your listening and viewing audience, the more they will feel safe, loved and eager to spend more time with you, thus investing more deeply into your programs, products and services. This training will not only teach you how to deepen your relationship with your tribe in a myriad of very doable ways, but also enable you to create your own personalised game plan for how you’re going to create more intimacy within your own unique tribe.

Page 8: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


INVESTMENT & BONUSESPlaces are limited to just 10 men and women and are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis,

subject to a conversation with Karen and being a fit for this program.

BUSINESS MAGIC INVESTMENT Pay-in-full on or before Friday 16 November 2018 (BEST DEAL)£13,997 (Approx. $18,070)

From 17 November 2018 £14,997 (Approx. $19,365)

Instalment optionDeposit of £3997 to secure your place, followed by 12 monthly payments of £997 (Approx. $5161 + 12x $1287)

BONUSESAs additional bonuses to this program, you will receive:

TRAINING MODULE 1: How to Get Out of An Income Generation Funk It’s not at all unusual to have times in your business where cashflow takes a dive because your mindset isn’t what you want and need it to be. This training module addresses this right out of the gate so that you know how to shift your mindset every time you need to have a breakthrough and get back on the income generating wagon. This is crucial training and understanding especially as you start making larger amounts of income.

TRAINING MODULE 2: Income Generating Activities Even though you will already have income streams or ideas for what you want to create in 2019, there is still the possibility that your focus is not quite where it needs to be, or that you are missing opportunities. This module will give you 50 examples of Income Generating Activities, and how to make sure that your focus is on them as much of the time as possible. You’ll also receive a list of 15 different ways that you can bring in income quickly and easily, all of which are completely relevant and doable.

TRAINING MODULE 3: How to Create a Signature System for Your Business A Signature System (also known as a Proprietary System) is your own unique way of walking your client/student from where they are now to where they want to be. It is based on your own personal methodology, style, experience and personality, and creates a step-by-step process that is yours and yours alone. Having your own Signature System is not only necessary from a procedural standpoint, but it is also what enables you to confidently “do your thing” without worrying that anyone is going to be able to copy you! It adds so much to your business that it is hard to imagine any business without! This is what we will be focused on during our first 2-Day Retreat in February so that you bring your system to life.

Page 9: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business



Pay-in-full and you will receive the 5-day writing retreat in Mexico that all Enlightened participants receive as part of their program!

This is your opportunity to spend five days in a truly heaven-on-earth location writing your first or next book under Karen’s guidance. During this time it will be totally reasonable for you to have written your first draft of a 15,000-25,000 handbook or starter guide (the size of Karen’s “Raw Food Made Simple”). Alternatively you may decide that you want to work on a book proposal for a publisher under Karen’s tutelage, or start writing a more conventional sized book of 50,000-65,000 words. This will be discussed closer to the time. Your retreat location will be the same location where Karen wrote the first section of her book, “The High Vibrational Woman”. The resort is truly magical and additional excursions to the Mayan Ruins and the Sweat Lodge ceremony may be organised, subject to demand. For this retreat all you need to pay for is your flight. Your transfer from Cancun to Tulum and back again are covered, as well as full-board buffet dining throughout your stay, and large twin-room accommodation (sharing with one other group member) for six nights. You will arrive on Sunday and leave the following Saturday. Additional nights or single rooms can be organised subject to additional charges. This retreat will be in November 2019, exact dates TBC.

VAT is chargeable on all EU orders, however this training is a tax-deductible expense from your business. If you are VAT registered you will of course be able to claim all VAT back.

Page 10: WHAT IS IT? · • Weekly Online Accountability via the Facebook Group. • Monthly Accountability via End of Month Check-In Form. • Complimentary pass to High Vibrational Business


WHAT TO DO NEXTIf you have decided that BUSINESS MAGIC is perfect for you, or you feel 90%+ sure but have some questions, your next step is to book a call with Karen.

Click here to book this call with Karen


• When you click on the above link, you will be taken to a page where you are asked to put down a £200 (refundable) deposit for the call - this is a.k.a. “skin in the game”, and also ensures that only serious parties move on to have this conversation with Karen.

• Upon payment you will receive a link to Karen’s calendar to book in a 30 minute conversation with her.

• When you click on the calendar link you will be able to select a time that works best for you. Please note that if you are interested in any pay-in-full or fast action bonuses (remember the price goes up on 17 November 2018), you will want to book the time for as soon as possible.

• You will then be asked a series of questions so that Karen can best prepare for your call together. Your booking will then be confirmed, and details of how to meet Karen on the line will then be emailed to you automatically. (Calls happen on InstantTeleseminar, so you can use your usual method to connect.)

• Once you come to have your call with Karen she will address everything you’ve shared on your booking form as well as any new information you want to share, and, of course, all of your questions will be answered. She will then have her own questions to ask you pertinent to what matters most to you and how she can best support you as an individual.

• If at the end of the call you both agree that BUSINESS MAGIC is perfect for you, then your deposit will be put towards your program investment.

• If one or both of you decide that BUSINESS MAGIC is not for you, your deposit will be refunded within 3 working days, and your refund will be confirmed in a follow-up email.

If BUSINESS MAGIC is for you, we look forward to welcoming you with open arms very soon!