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New Energy for an Ultra- modern Vietnam What Investors & Businessmen Can Do for New Energy July 2014 Vietnam New Energy Group

What Investors and Businessmen can do for New Energy

May 09, 2015



We examine the role that investors and businessmen can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
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Page 1: What Investors and Businessmen can do for New Energy

New Energy for an Ultra-modern VietnamWhat Investors & Businessmen

Can Do for New EnergyJuly 2014 Vietnam New Energy Group

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Talking about Big Pharma brings to mind the role of the next group in society that can assist the New Energy revolution.

This group is:Investors

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In the Old Energy Economy, investors often played a negative role in society

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They used their capital to build businesses that exploited laborers and exacerbated existing social inequalities

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For this reason, investors were often labelled “speculators” and some countries in

the twentieth century even banned or severely limited the activities of investors

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New Energy is showing us that there is a way of investing that is simultaneously beneficial for society, fair for workers,

and profitable for the investor

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We call it “Socially Conscious Capital”

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Four main ideas of Socially-Conscious Capital include:

1) Higher Purpose: Recognizing that every business has a purpose that includes, but is more than, making money. By focusing on its Higher Purpose, a business inspires, engages and energizes its stakeholders.


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2) Stakeholder Orientation: Recognizing the interdependent nature of life and the human foundations of business, a business needs to create value with and for its

various stakeholders (customers, employees, vendors, investors, communities, et al.).

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Like the life forms in an ecosystem, healthy stakeholders lead to a healthy business system.

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3) Conscious Leadership: Human social organizations are created and guided by

leaders – people who see a path and inspire others to travel along the path. Conscious

Leaders understand and embrace the Higher Purpose of business and focus on creating value for and harmonizing the interests of the business stakeholders. They recognize

the integral role of culture and purposefully cultivate Conscious Culture.

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4) Conscious Culture: This is the ethos – the values, principles, practices – underlying the social fabric of a business, which permeates the atmosphere of a business and

connects the stakeholders to each other and to the purpose, people and processes that comprise the company.

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Instead of widening social inequalities, Socially-Conscious Capital narrows the gap and

empowers the workers in an enterprise as well as the consumers of the product or service

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We need to reverse this trend!

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Socially-conscious capital is the “leaven that leavens the whole loaf” by uplifting the entire society

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My friends, socially-conscious investing is really, really good karma

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How can socially-conscious investors find suitable investment opportunities in New Energy?

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Attend university conferences on New Energy & get to know New Energy scientists

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Meet with university leaders

and heads of corporations that

are working on New Energy

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Follow New Energy news

• • • • •

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Get to know other members of the socially-conscious investing community around the world

• Exemplar Zero:

• •

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Learn about new business and financing models that are part of the New Energy revolution

• Humanitarian business plans• Capping profits at a certain level of return and

then using “excess” profits to fund further New Energy research and development

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If New Energy science teaches us one thing, it is that the more you open yourself to the infinite energy in the Multiverse, the

more energy you will receive

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All the love you send out to the Multiverse through your labor, your capital, and your conscious intention will come back to you many fold.

This is an immutable law of the Multiverse.

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Speaking of investors brings us to the role of a closely related group in society which can also move New Energy forward:

Businessmen and Corporate Leaders

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One of the biggest problems in university education today is that our training efforts over

the last 20 years have been too heavily weighted towards a few capitalist subjects

• Business administration• Banking• Finance• Accounting• Marketing

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We’ve simply trained far more students in these areas than the labor market can absorb

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Moreover, many of the teaching materials in those courses were written according to the old, exploitative capitalist paradigm and have tried to

subtly influence students into thinking that greed and selfishness are normal and ‘OK’

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However, we think New Energy can do much to absorb that glut of expertise in business skills that exists in our society today

…as well as transform Old Paradigm thinking in business into New Paradigm thinking

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For businessmen, now is the time to start looking at New Energy as this century’s biggest driver of opportunities – not as a threat

to their existing business models

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Over the last half-century, the Vietnamese economy has seen many fundamental changes

• From war-time to peace-time economy• From a centrally planned economy to a market


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New Energy is just the next big, fundamental realignment

…so get ready to change the way you do business!

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If you currently own or operate a business, form a New Energy transition team internally

• Identify how New Energy will help you save money

• Identify what aspects of your business activities will become obsolete in the New Energy era

• Develop a plan for training or re-training your employees to thrive in the New Energy economy

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Offer internships to students to help you transition to New Energy

• Students are eager and don’t require a large expenditure to bring aboard

• Many students are better-versed in New Energy principles and values than older, more experienced workers

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Explore the possibility of filling government contracts in New Energy

• In agriculture• In health sciences• In national defense

• In construction• In the electricity sector

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Farm out New Energy projects to university teams

• Develop reciprocal exchanges with universities in which they consult for you on business strategy and/or technical matters

• In exchange, you can offer internships to the university’s students

• These exchanges can often be cashless• These exchanges offer a great boost to Human

Resource activities

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Experiment with new business models and work with those socially-conscious investors

• Remember that the idea of “getting as rich as possible and to hell with everyone else” is rapidly going out of style

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The Old Paradigm / Old Energy business model is parasitic –

Like a tapeworm, it enriches itself and prospers for a while, but only at the

expense of its host

The more successful the parasite is, the more likely the death of the host also

becomes – and with it, the death of the parasite too

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Don’t be one of the last holdouts of parasitic capitalism!

In the long run, it only weakens the investor along with the rest of society

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Vietnam has long taught that socially-conscious and communitarian values must guide free market economics