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What can we remember about our last topic where we introduced you to the best type of exercise and how some forms of exercise are not only bad for you.

Dec 24, 2015



Shauna Bradley
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  • What can we remember about our last topic where we introduced you to the best type of exercise and how some forms of exercise are not only bad for you but wont get you into shape? 1.How many times a week do you need to exercise for good heart health? 2.What causes endorphins to be released and why are they good for us? 3.What job does Insulin do in the body?
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  • Y OU WON T TAKE IN ALL THE INFORMATION WE GIVE YOU IN ONE GO. No problem, just try and pick-up 1 or 2 things that you didnt know about before. You will get to go over this again at future Fast Tracks! Just commit to continuous learning.
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  • M OST PEOPLE DIET FOR PERIODS AND THEN GO BACK TO NORMAL LIFE . Today you will learn how moving from one extreme to another is damaging to your health and will not only shorten your life but also reduce your quality of life There is a better waybut first you need to learn a few things: 1.Y OUR WEIGHT IS IRRELEVANT 2.W HY LOSING WEIGHT MAY ACTUALLY BE UNHEALTHY 3.W HY LOSING WEIGHT WONT HELP YOU AGE BETTER OR SLOWER 4.T HAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY BORN WITH A CERTAIN NUMBER OF FAT CELLS AND THAT YOU CAN NEVER LOSE ANY OF THEM NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY 5.Y OUR METABOLISM CAN BE INCREASED AT ANY AGE
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  • The same person can actually be heavier and be healthier and in better shape. This woman weighs more today than she used to weigh - 3kg or 7lbs more in fact! - and is clearly in much better health and fitness. The man above weighs exactly the same now as he did in the before picture. Letting go of your weight as a metric you need to monitor is important for all of us.
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  • Body composition is what really matters. If you weighed exactly the same and 20% of that weight was fat or 40% was fat, do you think there would be a difference in health and appearance? All these women weigh the same but have a very different body composition. Both of these women are approximately 140lbs. The Scale may say one thing but the mirror will say another.
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  • Body fat is stored in fat cells and everyone is born with a specific number of fat cells. This number does not change When we gain or lose fat, the fat cells grow bigger or shrink in size but never disappear However, there are exceptions to every rule, and there are two instances during which there the number of fat cells can increase: During puberty when the number of fat cells increase Extreme obesity (> 60% body fat, > than 170% normal body weight) Fat cells would have reached their limit in terms of size and hence more fat cells are produced to accommodate the extra fat required for storage
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  • When adults lose body fat there is a reduction in the size of the fat cells of the body. The only procedure that can reduce the number of fat cells is their surgical removal, i.e. liposuction However, liposuction does not control the size of the fat cells left behind nor does it guarantee that growth/ re-growth of fat cells will not occur Liposuction is not only dangerous but can be of little use Fat cells are designed to store caloriesthey scream out for calories, they will attempt to find excess calories to store They are programmed to store calories by default and will only stop storing calories when your blood sugar levels falls within the Fat Burning Zone, at which point they release the calories for energy Y OUR G OAL : THE S TARVATION OF Y OUR F AT C ELLS S O THEY L ACK C ALORIES TO S TORE
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  • THE MALE BODY ON THE LEFT WEIGHS MORE THAN THE MALE ON THE RIGHT BY 15lbs (7kg). The difference between these two male physiques is 15lb (7kg) of muscle Both are at 10% body fat That means the body on the left will burn an additional 200-300 calories per day at rest Building and maintaining your lean muscle mass is as important as reducing your body fat THE FEMALE BODY ON THE LEFT WEIGHS 12lbs (5kg) MORE THAN THE ONE ON THE RIGHT. The two female physiques are both at 15% body fat As you can see though their lean muscle mass is very different the body on the left will burn an additional 150- 200 calories per day at rest thanks to her additional muscle mass Your weight is meaningless as a metric for health and your appearance
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  • Muscle Burns Calories For every 1lb of extra muscle you have, 15-50 calories are burned up daily The more your body tends towards LEAN MUSCLE the faster your metabolism Fat Stores Calories And burns 0-2 calories per 1lb of fat Muscle Is Denser And More Compact Than Fat Making you appear slimmer & leaner the more muscular you are
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  • This requires the dual action of: B ODY F AT R EDUCTION L EAN M USCLE M ASS I NCREASE Decreasing BODY FAT without increasing LEAN MUSCLE will have a very limited impact The algorithm compares your metabolic rate with that of various age groups to calculate your metabolic age Boosting your metabolism above the average for your age group is the key way to de-age yourself
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  • As most people age, they dont protect their LEAN MUSCLE mass adequately with the right type of exercise and nutrition. As their LEAN MUSCLE declines, their metabolism slows and suddenly they find that if they eat the same amount of food as they did previously, they begin to store the excess calories no longer burned by their LEAN MUSCLE mass in their fat cells FACT: Storing just an extra 100 calories per day in your fat cells over and above what you burn will result in a fat gain of 10lbs (4,5kg) per year! Over a decade or two this can easily result in the accumulation an extra 10-25lbs of BODY FAT it just creeps up This is a key factor in the cycle most of the world is locked in and why obesity is so heavily on the rise
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  • Calorie restriction with poor balance of carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats and lack of physical activity leads to a loss of both LEAN MUSCLE and BODY FAT. As you lose LEAN MUSCLE, your metabolism slows further which results in fat gain once you go off your diet Most people progressively destroy their metabolism over their life time through a cycle of dieting and LEAN MUSCLE loss because they simply use unbalanced calorie restriction to induce weight loss without regard for body composition Next time someone tells you about some crazy diet that is based on fruit only or unbalanced in some wayyou will know they dont understand the way our bodies work and are likely to damage their metabolism O UR G OAL I S TO H ELP Y OU C ONTROL B ODY F AT A ND I NCREASE L EAN M USCLE M ASS W E W ANT T O A VOID U NHEALTHY W EIGHT - LOSS A T A LL C OSTS
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  • Correct balance of P ROTEINS, C ARBS, V ITAMINS, M INERALS, F ATS and F IBER to support your Immune System The right amount of P ROTEIN and the correct Protein Intake Frequency to maintain, and even increase, your L EAN M USCLE Mass Restricting Calorie Intake to reduce B ODY F AT The right type of Exercise to help increase L EAN M USCLE What you dont use, you lose! Adequate Sleep and Rest Good H YDRATION Education and Support from our Community
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  • 11 F OODS Y OU S HOULD A LMOST NEVER E AT Not all foods are created equal, some are clearly better than others for you. With the increasing number of health claims and the way food companies can make almost anything sound healthy its hard to tell what you should be buying regularly and what should be reserved for special occasions or just flat out avoided. Here are 11 foods that should rarely show up in your kitchen or on your plate. The more you eat them the less chance you ever have of getting the body you want.
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  • #1 Certain Lunch Meats and low quality proteins Certain Lunch meats and cold cuts are heavily preserved and have a very high percentage of sodium along with some other preservatives compared to the amount of protein they provide Preserved meat is loaded with nitritesnitrate consumption has now been linked to a much higher incidence of stomach cancers Lunch meats, hot dogs & processed meats in general are an inferior choice compared to real fresh cuts of meat that dont have all the extra sodium & nitrites Eat lunch meats on occasion but they shouldnt be your main source of protein as there is far too much sodium, and preservatives that come along with the small amount of protein they provide Tip: Cook up a whole chicken, turkey, ham, or eye of round roast, slice it up thin, and use this superior source of protein as your lunch meat
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  • #2 Low Fat Cooking Spray By law any product that has less than 1 gram of fat per serving is allowed to make the claim of low fat or fat free - Cooking sprays however consist of almost 100% fat! Thats right, basically the whole can is fat, yet they can get away with making the claim low fat and fat free This is because their recommended serving size is a 1/4th or 1/3rd of a second spray which ends up being less than 1 gram of fat per serving The ridiculous labelling laws we have allow companies who sell a product that is entirely made of fat to claim that it is fat free This is an obvious trick intended to deceive you as a customer - On top of that who actually only uses a 1/3rd of a second spray at a time Cooking sprays are made of fat just like anything else you use to help prevent food from sticking to your pans - Dont let the label fool you If you use a cooking spray keep in mind this is adding to the fat content of your food no different than if you put some oil or butter in the pan Tip: Use an oil superior for cooking at high temperatures, that wont degrade into nasty trans-fats, such as Coconut Oil or Macadamia Oil
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  • #3 Canned Soup Most canned foods are designed to have a long shelf life which requires them to have a very high preservative content and a whole load of sodium This is the only way to prevent everything in the can from going bad Most of the ingredients in a can of soup would go bad in a week or two if it were in a non preserved fresh state The added salt and preservatives that go into a can of soup make it seem a lot less like real food and more like a facsimile of what that food used to be like The extra sodium can cause you to retain water ruining any definition you might have had as well as the other associated blood pressure problems that come with a high sodium diet Canned soups sacrifice food quality for convenience Tip: Cook your own soups in bulk, using fresh, natural ingredients - Package them into individual servings and stick them in the freezer to be re-heated when youre in a jamor try our own tomato basil soup loaded with protein. Ask your Coach about our Protein Rich Gourmet Soup
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  • #4 Less Sugar or Now Sugar Free Foods Sounds great rightnot so fastin reality theyve either just reduced the serving size or replaced the sugar with an artificial sweetener such as aspartame which has its own health concerns Each spoonful may have just as many calories in the less version as the regular version, they just made the servings smaller but they still have the exact same amount of calories and sugar per bite as the regular version This is another clever packaging and labelling trick to make you think the product is somehow better for you than the original As a rule never read what is written on the front of a label as this is where all the flashy marketing claims are, the real info you need is on the back of label in the nutritional facts panel and ingredient list Tip: Ingredients are listed in descending order, so the ingredient that was used in the greatest amount will appear first on the list.
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  • #5 Flavoured Milk and Juice (processed and concentrated) All kinds of juice including your favourite fruit juice is just sugar and water and some flavouring to make it seem like it comes from whatever fruit you like Fruit juices dont get as bad of a rap as soft drinks because they seem more healthy but this is just a disguise The next time youre in the supermarket compare the amount of sugar in 100g of your favourite fruit juice compared to a soft drink - youll be disappointed to find out that most of your favourite fruit juices have just as much sugar as a soft drink Flavoured milk is commonly marketed as low fat and healthy for you, however it is loaded with sugar In fact a 472ml bottle of chocolate milk (Yazoo) has 44g of sugar, approx. 9 teaspoons, only around 8g less than the equivalent measure of Coca Cola, plus the chocolate milk has 7 grams of fat! Tip: If youre going to drink milk, then regular milk is the ticket
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  • #6 Breakfast Cereals Almost all cereals are very high in added sugar Even the ones that dont seem very sweet have almost as much sugar as the blatantly sweetened ones Next time you go to the shops have a look at the sugar content and ingredient list of three of the sweetest cereals you can find and then compare that to three cereals you think would have less sugar You may find that they have almost identical sugar and carbohydrate content per serving Muesli even home made is extremely high on the glycaemic indiex Cereals pack a lot of sugar into a small amount of space and they are very easy to overeat If youre going to have cereal in your house then be very careful how much you eat Tip: If you are going to have cereal, look for ones that are high in fibre and low in sugar Steel cut oats is the lowest glycaemic impact and ensures hours of energy - 5g of fibre or higher per serving is great for your body as it helps lower your cholesterol - Ideally though you should be having your Herbalife Formula 1 Meal!
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  • #7 Salad Dressings A balsamic vinaigrette or a light oil and vinegar mix is fine, but most of the other cream or oil based dressings can pile up the calories fast, and most of those calories are fat The point of eating a salad isnt to make it a bowl of high fat cream dressing, but that is precisely what it turns into if you overdo it with many of the popular dressings you can get at the shops High fat salad dressings can drive the total number of calories in a salad so high that you might as well just get a sandwich, or slice of pizza or anything else that is more satisfying to eat Salads are one of the best ways to get fresh vegetables in your diet Burying all of those vegetables in high fat dressing basically erases the benefit of the salad Tip: Prepare your own salad dressings using Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic; they will keep well in your fridge, taste great, and offer a good source of fats without extra sugar and calories.
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  • #8 Fancy Coffee-like Drinks These so called coffee shops are just ice cream parlours masquerading as coffee shops If you like coffee by all means have it, but just coffee, plain old coffee with a bit of milk - when you start ordering things like Vanilla Frappucinos what youre really doing is getting a coffee flavoured milkshake that is loaded with sugar and fat, you might as well just admit that you just want ice cream and go have it A Starbucks Grande Vanilla Frapuccino (no whipped cream) 242 calories, 49 grams of sugar (about 9 teaspoons)! Add whipped cream and it shoots up to 370 calories with 14 grams of fat! There are also espresso type drinks that range in calories from as low as 6 calories for a caffe Americano, all the way up to 613 calories for a peppermint white chocolate mocha whip. Both of these drinks are categorized as espresso on the Starbucks nutrition menu, but the amount of calories in each is hugely different. Tip: Stick to Regular Coffee, Americanos, or Espresso. The only thing you should be adding is a bit of milk. This way, you still get the pick me up, but without the calories.
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  • #9 Popcorn Air popped with no salt or butter and youre doing ok, but who eats popcorn like that? As soon as some butter and salt is added popcorn turns into a high calorie disaster of a snack And because popcorn is so light (even when covered with butter) we all tend to overeat it without noticing Tip: Save the popcorn for the cinema, a small bag at the movies should be enough for you and your 5 best friends.
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  • #10 Salted Nuts This should be reserved as a treat on special occasions or for dinner parties Nuts a very high in calories and fat Sure they have some protein in them, but not enough to make up for the amount of fat you get from them as well. Be very careful if youre going to snack on nuts as it is very easy to overeat them without even noticing Also, the satiety of nuts is very low Eating a few hundred calories worth of nuts does not suppress your appetite compared to eating other foods Tip: If you do include nuts into your daily regime measure them so you get a good understanding of how many calories you are consuming. Also, soak nuts like almonds for 12 hours before consumption as nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts, grains and seeds can be minimized or eliminated by soaking.
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  • #11 Muffins A muffin is just a cake pretending to be something healthier In fact if you go to your local donut shop and compare all the muffins with all the donuts youll find that across the board virtually all the donuts have less calories than the muffins If you ever buy a muffin instead of a donut because you think its healthier, think again - the muffin is almost always the higher calorie choice Muffins are another example of a food that gets a pass based on looks Dont be fooled, use the internet and food labels to find out what youre actually eating, youll be surprised to know how many of the foods you thought were a better choice really arent Tip: If you end up grabbing a muffin on the go, as weird as this may sound, just eat the top! Its still high calories, but its the tastiest part, and youll still be keeping your plan in check! A ND NOW
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  • Stop worrying about your weight Focus on keeping your Body Fat % down and building your Lean Muscle Mass by following our protein protocol and exercising appropriately Avoid processed and pre-packaged and processed meats wherever possible Also try to eat fruit & vegetables that are grown locally, and in season, to have greater nutritional value content Read product labels rather than relying on the marketing Avoid products with hidden sugars and calories like premade salad dressing, fancy coffees and Frappuccino's, muffins, breakfast cereals
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  • 1.Community Engage in the social events we organise on a weekly basis 2.Education You dont know what you dont know! Continue to attend these FTTL10 sessions The internet is full of contradictory information so beware! 3.Exercise 80% Nutrition, 20% Exercise You cant exercise your way out of a bad-eating day See you at FitClub Who are you bringing? 4.Nutrition Stick to your plan Dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions or difficulties
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