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Investigación sobre verde negativo WHAT CAN MINDSCAPE DO FOR ME? The techniques can enhance all aspects of your life, including: personal development gaining a deeper awareness of your self, your mind and your potential enhancing creativity expanding your intuitive abilities learning to relax and de-stress both body and mind working with the power of the subconscious mind to manifest success learning mental scanning skills as used by medical intuitives, with powerful applications for therapists learning mental training for mind over body, including healing and sports excellence In short, MindScape can open vast possibilities in every part of your life. The best news of all is that the techniques are easy to do - yet highly effective. You will leave this experiential workshop with mental abilities you never dreamed you could have. The subject matter draws on effective visualisation techniques, with a Jungian and field theory approach that expands their potential immensely. They function in line with quantum physics and cutting edge discoveries about the mind. MindScape can be done by anyone, no previous training or experience is required, and a detailed manual is supplied. It usually takes place over a weekend and is taught in several countries. MindScape was founded by Dr John Veltheim. More information on MindScape can also be found on the website of the International BodyTalk Association TAKE THE FIRST STEP TO UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL!
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Investigación sobre verde negativo

WHAT CAN MINDSCAPE DO FOR ME?The techniques can enhance all aspects of your life, including:

personal development gaining a deeper awareness of your self, your mind and your potential enhancing creativity expanding your intuitive abilities learning to relax and de-stress both body and mind working with the power of the subconscious mind to manifest success learning mental scanning skills as used by medical intuitives, with powerful

applications for therapists learning mental training for mind over body, including healing and sports


In short, MindScape can open vast possibilities in every part of your life. The best news of all is that the techniques are easy to do - yet highly effective. You will leave this experiential workshop with mental abilities you never dreamed you could have. The subject matter draws on effective visualisation techniques, with a Jungian and field theory approach that expands their potential immensely. They function in line with quantum physics and cutting edge discoveries about the mind.

MindScape can be done by anyone, no previous training or experience is required, and a detailed manual is supplied. It usually takes place over a weekend and is taught in several countries. MindScape was founded by Dr John Veltheim. More information on MindScape can also be found on the website of the International BodyTalk AssociationTAKE THE FIRST STEP TO UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL!



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Everything we do in life, and how well we do it, depends on how we use our mind. Yet we are trained to use mainly the logical function of our brain and we are not taught to use the immensely powerful faculties of the creative and intuitive mind. This means that you could be using only a small fraction of your mind's ability. It is not only possible but amazingly easy to expand the intuitive mind, just as ancient mystics and geniuses have done throughout the centuries, thus opening vast new possibilities for life. The key to unlock this potential is in your hands. It's called MindScape.

MINDSCAPE is a powerful and enjoyable workshop that teaches you to use your remarkable inner mind faculties. This happens through learning to firstly access a state of mind that opens the way to the flow of creativity and intuition. Then, we build a permament framework for these faculties through visualisation, much as an operating system gives the owner of a computer the ability to use that machine for various uses. Click the lock to DOWNLOAD A BROCHURE Exploring life, nature and our selves through the ancient metaphysics of form.

WHAT IS SACRED GEOMETRY? Plato defined it as “ knowledge of the eternally existent”. Since early civilization, humans recognised a oneness in nature and the universal forces that governed it, and came to realise that at the core of life, with all its manifestations and diversity, there lay certain core fundamentals. These fundamentals, which were both archetypal forces as well as laws governing the interaction and manifestation of these forces, were expressed in numbers, sounds, forms and symbols. Because it was understood that these archetypal elements and relationships were essentially the blueprint of life itself, God’s drawing-board as it were, they came to be regarded as sacred. The principles were inseparably woven into art, architecture and spiritual practises. This knowledge also gave rise to what today we know as mathematics and the sciences. However, with time a lot of the core concepts were forgotten as our minds became more rational and less intuitive, and subsequently ended up as esoteric lore. These ‘lost’ principles were a science in themselves, one not dealing with empirical laws, but those of energy, consciousness and holistic resonance. Sacred Geometry offers us the chance to revive this wealth of awareness about our nature and life itself. Its principles can be

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useful to us whether we are engaged in art, designing buildings, healing people, making technology more efficient or nurturing environment. This SACRED GEOMETRY Workshop offers you the chance to get a fascinating introduction of this ancient science that holds such potential for our modern times. It consists of

theory, supported with a visual collection of slides meditation exercises on some of the forms in order to tune in to their essence hands-on drafting practice on paper to manifest and understand the forms


DOWNLOAD a Sacred Geometry brochure.Check out our other related workshop on the subject SIGNS & SYMBOLS: From The Secret to the Sacred.


What is Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia A Historical Background

What is Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia is the science of using the vibrational fields of the human body to access information about other objects of animate or inanimate nature by establishing resonance with their energy fields, using specially calibrated instruments and a scale of qualitative measurement to decode this information

Vibrational Field

Matter, from which everything in the universe is a form of energy is an infinite arrangements of atoms made up of particles that are in a constant state of circular motion, i.e. energy interaction. The frequency at which this energy is vibrating determines the density of its expression as matter. Matter vibrating at a relatively slow frequency gives us the solid state of our physical universe. Super imposed on this solid state of matter are energy fields that vibrate at higher frequencies which are beyond our normal human sensory perception, but within the perceptual spectrum of other life

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forms (common house pets see, hear and smell stimulants that we cannot perceive) These energy fields are unperceived only because the technology which renders them perceivable has not been developed, very much like X rays and radio waves were not perceived not so long ago. These fields that surround all living systems are a series of multidimensional energy fields, that together with the physical state, form the total living body that should be dealt with as a holistic composition.

On the physical level, any interaction between objects can usually be observed, evaluated, tested, or corrected; if we hit an object, it breaks and we bruise;, we take a medicine it has a fairly predictable reaction and so on. Taking it a step further,; an interaction between emotional and physical is still fairly visible;, if we’re embarrassed we blush., Aany extreme emotion:; fear, happiness or, anger creates a rush of Adrenaline in the blood stream, alerting the system and mobilizing it’s reactionary potentials;, acute psychological trauma can cause physical illness (psycho-somatic) ……To many people, spiritual practice (e.g. prayer) or mental stimulation can have concrete manifestation on their physical bodies.

Given the nature of the extended body, there are also many interactions that exist at a threshold beyond the sensitivity of our perception that have no physical perceivable manifestation, but affect our whole multidimensional body system. When energy systems are in close contact, the resulting interaction will modify the vibrational properties of the systems. What radiesthesia does, is allow us to extend our perception to tune into an unperceived world beyond the normal range, thus giving us a view into the realm of vibrational interaction and opening unlimited avenues for research into understanding the true holistic nature, not only of our bodies, but of the universe. To the skeptics, this might be difficult to accept, but such is the nature of evolving sciences.

The Science Of Radiesthesia

In Radiesthesia, our body is the main instrument, because what we are doing is entering into a vibrational relationship with the object we are measuring and evaluating the quality of this interaction on our own body. The human spinal cord is like a wire with an electric current running through it;, the electric impulses generate a detectable electro-magnetic energy field around it. When two energy fields are in resonance (either by proximity, selective focusing or any other method ), they will modify each other, consequently affecting the current running through the central nervous system and its’s extensive nerve network that carriesy the impulses that controlling all the body functions., Aa sensitive person might feel an excess or a depletion of energy, but has no way of measuring, nor and evaluating the true quality of the relationship, very much like driving a car that has no speedometer or indicator;, we can use the car and feel if we are going fast or slow, but have no way to of properly calculateion for exact evaluation.

Another important aspect that happens when two energy fields are in resonance is a type of information exchange on a vibrational level, were a DNA like coded energetic signature of each is imprinted on the energy field of the other. Unfortunately we have no senses that can perceive this information even though it is in our energy field. This is very much like the radio and television waves that are all around us at a frequency beyond our perception, when we turn on the proper equipment these energies become translated into visible images and audible sounds within our perceptual range of sensitivity. Some people have the extra sensory ability to access this information, however distortion usually occurs in the process of translation because what they perceive will be colored by their own experiences.

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Information Exchange

In the practice of radiesthesia we are not bound by time and space. Initially this might seem absurd but if we remember that we are working on a vibrational level not necessarily bound by the limitation of our physical senses. To illustrate this concept, let us examine what happens when we use the sense of hearing. Sound waves move the air and hit the ear drum much as the wind hits a sail. Normally the stronger the wave, the more pronounced is the reaction of the sail. In hearing, the mechanical effect of stronger sound waves hitting the surface of the ear drum results in our hearing louder sounds; however, there seems to be a process that enables us to selectively tune out or tune in to any type of wave regardless of its strength, to react to that specific wave and alter our perception accordingly. This is usually achieved by an act of will in the form of selective focusing and can be illustrated by the following example. If a person is speaking in a loud voice, the listeners will usually hear that voice and not other voices which may be whispering nearby. However, if the listener chooses, he can concentrate on the whispering voices and hear them, in effect blocking out the louder voice of the speaker. Or consider the example of a person who is daydreaming about an occurrence in a far away place in the past. This person will actually hear the voices of the people in that daydream and his vibrational fields will be in resonance with them and not his immediate surroundings. These two examples illustrate how we can get information about anything we are in resonance with, irrespective of time and space boundaries. 


In order to establish resonance with an object either to gather information, to search or heal, etc…a sample of that object is needed. A sample in radiesthesia refers to something that has all the vibrational properties of the object or person we want to measure, just as samples of blood, tissues or urine are taken for laboratory testing in orthodox medical practice.

In radiesthesia however since we are dealing on the vibrational level, we have a wider range of samples to choose from.( in Dowsing, which is a popular application of radiesthesia that was used through the ages to detect water, the human body, two- thirds of its weight water, actually works as a sample ).. Saliva, and photographs(that reflect the geometrical composition of the features,displaying its unique vibrational quality) are commonly used as samples. Another possible sample might be an object that has been in close contact with a person for a long period of time and is therefore impregnated with that person’s vibrational energy, the choice of items potentially usable as samples are practically unlimited. Given the special versatile nature of radiesthesia, the object of measurement might be of subtle or abstract nature and symbolism or visualization techniques may be used to create a “mental sample” which would have all the vibrational properties of the object. A unique characteristic of vibrational samples is that they are “dynamic”, that is unlike orthodox laboratory samples that reflect the status at the moment the sample was taken,A vibrational samples, continue to reflect the energy status of its source over time and regardless of distance. This aspect is very important, especially, in healing as the practitioner is able to monitor and evaluate any changes on the sample.

“Tuning In”

The universe and everything in it is in a constant state of vibrational interaction on all levels, as the saying goes “You cannot cut a flower without disturbing a distant star” What we perceive visually (see) for example are an infinite number of images every minute, we selectively choose to focus on some aspects and the rest are mechanically

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registered in our data bank in the brain without us  being consciously aware, however, through hypnosis we can retrieve information that we never knew we perceived. 

In radiesthesia we need an “aiming” device so we can selectively focus on whatever aspect we wish. This aiming process is what we call mental tuning or selective resonance. Mental tuning can best be understood if we return to the example of our ability to selectively hear lower sounds or voices instead of louder ones. Normally the ear drum responds mechanically to sound waves moving through the air by sending impulses to the brain that translates to what we “hear”, however, if we choose, the brain is able to selectively amplify weaker waves and thus acts as an aiming device. A powerful analogy that might better demonstrate the power of focused selectivity is the laser beam; ordinary light waves from a light bulb, are incoherent waves traveling randomly in all direction, if this energy was to be made coherent, the resulting focused beam could probably cut through steel.

A scale Of Measuremt

A scale of measurement is needed to scientifically analyze the results of the interaction of vibrational fields. Traditionally scales of measurements are quantitative numerical scales ranging from zero to infinity, these are absolute in their mathematical structure. When we are dealing with vibrational interactions, we need a scale that is capable of measuring the “quality” of interactions in relation to the human vibrational field. Quality measurements have shown that vibrational energies have the characteristic of repeating themselves at higher octaves without losing the essence of the vibrational quality.

This can best be understood if we examine the law of harmonics in music, we find that, when we hit a cord on a musical instrument, every eight cord will vibrate, forming groups of octaves, in accordance to the law that similar qualities of sound repeat themselves infinitely, although, the vibrational frequency and sound we hear are different. A trained musician can easily identify the quality of every note wherever it is on the musical scale even though the sounds are very different to the lay person. This principle used for tuning instruments has been expanded by scientists of Ancient Egypt and presented to the West by Pythagoras who translated every vibrational quality in the universe to a proportion on a monochord instrument.

In order to systematize the taking of measurements in radiesthesia, instruments sensitive to the physical vibrational qualities of the musical scale are calibrated on the color scale. Each color that we perceive emanates a unique vibration that excites the optic nerve in varying degrees sending coded messages to our brain which decodes it into visible colors. Like musical notes that have repetitive vibrational qualities (WHERE every eighth note will vibrate even on a different instrument in close proximity through resonance); colors have vibrational properties that resonate on higher harmonics that are not visible to our perception. Using these characteristics of the musical and color scales interchangeably, instruments sensitive to vibrational qualities have been able to standardize a qualitative repetitive unit of measurement that is the basis of radiesthesia measurements, these units measure the impact of vibrational interaction of the body by the degree at which it excites or dampens the impulses running through the nervous system. These instruments range from very simple calibrated pendular instruments to complex electronic devices, however, they all ultimately function as extensions of the human energy system.

Once we have the proper instruments, the sample that needs to be tested , the aiming device or tuning in, the scale of measurement or decoding system; we are ready to start

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experementing in a whole new world.

Radiesthesia A Historical Background

   Radiesthesia, is a word of Latin origin meaning sensitivity to radiation. It is the science of using man's sensitivity to vibrations to obtain information from the energy levels that are not accessible to our five senses. Simple instruments are used as indicators to measure minute vibrational interactions between energy fields.

  Radiesthesia has its roots in Ancient Egypt, were it was practiced as a precise science. The applications of this science were infinite; in medicine for example it enabled the pharaonic surgeons to perform complex brain operations that now require highly sophisticated technology. In geology, every gold mine that modern satellites have discovered in the largely uncharted Sinai desert turned out to have been found and mined in earlier millennia by pharaonic geologists.

  Most striking, however, was the discovery that they used geometrical shapes as a form of energy manipulation to achieve functional goals. The Great Pyramid of Cheops on the Giza plateau near Cairo is an example of the powerful geometrical energy emitters created by the ancient Egyptians, its strange properties, about which hundreds of books have been written, continue to baffle researchers. Some Ancient Egyptian reliefs show persons using pendular instruments, in others we find their Gods holding powerful energy emitters in the form of scepters. A profound understanding of physics behind the science of physical Radiesthesia is a prerequisite for the development of Geometrical energy emitters such as these, so we must conclude that the ancient Egyptian knowledge was based on exact and precise scientific principles. The theories developed by the Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras, Plato and others in the field of Numbers and Sacred Geometry, are only fragments of the esoteric sciences that they were initiated into in Egypt. Unfortunately these sciences have been lost and only simplified misunderstood fragments have survived as ancient folklore and magical practices.  

An Arab dowser

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  Radiesthesia, however, is a precise science, which deals with vibrational relationships on a much broader scale, it is; in fact an; extension of traditional physics into new areas. Various names have been given to this branch of Radiesthesia by the modern pioneers of that science. The French physicists Chaumery and De Bellizal called it “Microvibrational Physics” in their book published around 1940 which is still the most important reference on this subject. More commonly, it was referred to as the science of “Energy (waves) of shape” and also as “Physical Radiesthesia”. Chaumery and De Bellizal also discovered that the ancient Egyptian “Wadj” amulet or the “Egyptian Pendulum” as they named it, emits a type of energy that has carrier wave properties, which makes it suitable for communication in much the same way as Hertz waves are used to carry sound across great distances. The Egyptian Pendulum is one of the most popular pendulums in Europe, and is mentioned in many books on the subject of Radiesthesia

   The German army used Radiesthesia for mine detection during the First and Second World Wars, as did the American military in Vietnam. It was this science that led Wilhelm Reich to the discovery of Orgone energy, which, although much disputed during his lifetime, has lately been the subject of serious study. Today many institutions all over the world are researching different aspects of this science. Radiesthesia was the launching pad for the science of “Psychotronics” pioneered by the work of Drbal and others in the eastern block. In the West, “Radionics” is another offshoot of Radiesthesia.

  In Egypt, the Science of BioGeometry uses Radiesthesia as an accurate means of measurement and research after a long thorough process of re-establishment and development of its scientific basis that has been lost for long. Back into its cradle, the science of Radiesthesia is preparing to take another long leap into the future but this time on stable scientific grounds. New measurement instruments are invented to convert quantitative scales into qualitative ones, which contribute to the discovering of BioGeometrical solutions to life threatening dangers of Modern Technology, turning our modern civilization into a human friendly one.

What is Energy?

The effect of our environment on our well being

As we are not completely isolated from our environment, then we should consider the effect of the natural and man-made environments on our well being. Our relationship with our family, friends, work colleagues and our social interactions in general also play an important part on our well being. Our personal economic problems and those

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of our country also affect us. Our cherished products of modern technology have harmful side effects. In order to tackle all those different aspects that actually include all fields of life, we have to find a common factor, which we can use as our starting point to understand all those different aspects of our well being.

Everything is energy

A common factor to everything would be ENERGY. Physics tell us that everything is energy, even what we consider solid matter is actually energy. All life functions are based on energy interactions. Energy interactions are the hidden dimension at the core of any perceivable physiological function. In all of the above areas, well being is the result of energy balance. Any disturbance of that balance produces either over or under activity, which manifests as a problem.

Does anybody really know what energy is?

First let us try to understand what ENERGY is? The famous American Physicist Richard Feynman talk about it in his famous 1960s Lectures on physics “ …In Physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy really IS!”We know energy through its manifestations in different forms: heat, magnetism, electricity… etc. We know how to use certain formulas to quantify and use the different forms of energy, that ultimately gave us modern technology, but we still do not know the essence of the energy that can take one form or another.The general scientific definition from the Encyclopedia Britannica: “ENERGY IS THE ABILITY TO PRODUCE ACTION OR EFFECT” defines energy not in what it really is but through one of its attributes. Besides the traditional types of manifestation of Energy in form of heat, motion…etc, many other ‘effects’ can actually be defined as manifestations of energy. We must include vitality, emotions, and thoughts, into the energy repertoire. A whole new picture arises which would need a whole new Physics to grasp it.

Energy was there before the " Big Bang "

Some Physicists tell us that the creation of the universe started with a “ Big Bang “, a sort of an explosion arising from a previous stable state of nothingness. The explosion “ released “ energy, it did not create it, because in Physics we know that energy cannot be created from nothing or destroyed back to nothing. So this energy must have been there within the nothing before the universe started. It was an attribute or ability existent in what we term as nothing. So energy is “ something “ that when dormant is perceived as “ nothing “ and when it moves then it becomes something.

Energy creates the primary motion

Energy produces the “ primary motion “, although anything we do that produces

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different types of “ secondary motion “ transforms that energy into the different forms by which we perceive it. The only difference between “ nothing “ and “ every-thing “ is just motion. But what is it that moves we do not know. All what we can know is that this motion creates the duality of opposites, and that this motion is balanced in a way that we could call “ geometrical “, a balance that creates complementarities out of opposites, which gives the possibility of all levels of creation, including our physical reality. Further more this balanced motion creates time and space that manifests on many levels according to its mode and level of perception. All attributes can only exist within time and space, because we need their opposites to perceive them. The actual essence of energy beyond time and space is therefore not possible through the attributes. We can try as we will, but will be still left with the unanswerable question: WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF ENERGY?

The essence of energy

The essence of stagnant “ sleeping “ energy before the big bang is beyond duality, time and space, and attributes. But the attributes already exist within it one way or another. Beyond duality every attribute in its extreme and its opposite would exist as one and inseparable. Existence-extinction, dead-alive, up-down, right-left would be meaningless to us.That means that our awareness that is based on duality and time and space cannot perceive or comprehend it. We can only perceive the attributes.

Balanced motion and consciousness

The first motion is however a very special big bang. It has within it a sort of a program that governs all aspects of this motion, just like the program that governs the growth of a seed to become a tree. To govern a motion one must be aware of it, and have a law to apply to the motion. Awareness implies consciousness. But consciousness is an advanced state of life. Laws to balance motion must have meaning of the balance, therefore not just intelligence, but wisdom, because intellect alone does not necessary produce meaning to create balance.Energy whether as nothing, anything, something, or everything, is the pure essence of consciousness and wisdom. Even in its primordial state of nothingness it is already on the highest and most sophisticated level of life.

Energy is conscious, actually UNCONSCIOUS-CONSCIOUSNESS

If energy is conscious and therefore “ alive “ then every manifestation or transformation of that energy is just a different action with all the properties of the essence manifested according to the type of motion. But before we go further we must understand that as we have shown above the attribute that manifests as consciousness within time and space is released from the original CONSCIOUS-UNCONSCIOUS state. So everything in the universe whether it is a stone, plant, or animal has the original essence of wisdom and consciousness tailored to its specific function. Even in

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the same being the consciousness and wisdom of a blood cell, an immune cell, a water molecule, or our human consciousness are just the original essence doing different functions. No Physicist can possibly know what energy really is because Physics has not yet acknowledged the effects of emotions and thought as a form of energy, not to speak of all the invisible realms and dimensions. It seems that spiritual doctrines were always nearer to the truth, and now alternative Sciences are catching up. In the beginning, there was THE WORD is more accurate, because it involves the meaning, consciousness, and wisdom, not found in the big bang.


If everything is energy, and energy means consciousness, awareness and wisdom manifesting differently then everything is aware of everything else. Everything is in a communication of some sort. But since energy manifests differently in different types of motion, the secondary levels of awareness formed in every type of creation are different. This makes awareness and communication difficult, just like people speaking different languages. The communication must be happening on an inner common level, in a common language, not necessarily understood by the “personalized” level of each type of creation. The so-called “ language of the heart “ that the mystics speak about is slowly merging to be more scientific than expected. This type of communication comes from the world of Music. Pythagoras, the Greek father of mathematics and music who spent 22 years in Egypt and was actually initiated in the “ Egyptian Temple Sciences “, described the motion of the stars in the sky as “ Music of the Spheres “ showing that there was a common language (spoken in Egyptian temples!) between music and astronomy.

Resonance: a universal energy language

Different levels of energy interact through resonance to produce harmony. Like the strings of a piano, if we strike one then every eighth string will vibrate producing a sound but our piano here extends in both directions to span the whole universe from the smallest to the largest. During resonance all the strings of similar quality in the universe interact. The change on each string is exchange of information, sensed as quality. We cannot separate the physical from the emotional or the mental levels of energy. The common factor between these levels is energy, which manifests differently on every level within us. But energy will also be affected by resonance with similar levels in our environment. These are what we call the collective levels. We are constantly affected by and in turn affect the collective vitality, emotional, and mental abstract energy levels around us. The Swiss psychologist Karl Gustav Jung has done a lot to make us aware of the effect of the collective levels on our psyche. He revived the hermetic ideas of the Gnostics of Alexandria, and the Arab philosophers and Sufis.

Resonance, Communication, and Information Exchange: MEMORY

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When two energy fields are in resonance, and exchange information, something happens after the resonance is over. The two systems do not go back to their original state. A sort of vibrational “impregnation” occurs, which means that part of the new information leaves an imprint on the energy system. Systems then, are in constant evolution through resonance or interaction. But what is exactly implied by impregnation? There is a sort of MEMORY in every energy system.

Everything has an evolving PERSONALITY

If in every interaction between two energy systems, which we can also refer to as memory systems, an information exchange takes place, then these systems are in constant evolution and growth. Interaction, communication, memory, and evolution affect the quality of interaction between systems and what results is a certain mode of awareness and perception. That results in the creation of an individual reality to that system, which in turn leads to the formation of a personality that will characterize the communication and interaction of the system. So everything in the universe from the atom, grain of sand, plants, humans, to the solar system, up to the whole universe has a personality of some sort. This personality interacts within its own perception of time and space and might not be easily perceived by other systems within other time and space dimensions.

A new world view of a living universe

From these core concepts we will deal with holistic health as: ENERGY BALANCE on all levels internal and external to our system, individual and collective. We will understand that the collective levels are a form of life, and part of the psyche of the Earth Being, with which we interact. Once we understand that we are dealing with another form of Being with a personality that can interact and react, then our whole outlook to the environment and its reaction through nature’s forces will change. From the smallest virus or bacteria to the cells of life, the human being, the Earth, we find a form of Being living within another form of Being. The whole universe is like one great multilevel Being all the way down to the smallest particles within the atoms, which are alive in their own way and have their own memory and personality.

When we read in many religious scriptures, as those of Ancient Egypt, the holy Koran of Islam, or in many aboriginal beliefs what suggests that everything in the universe prays to Divine Being in its own way, we should take this as an indication that everything is alive and therefore conscious in its own way.

The science of BioGeometry

Balancing the activities of daily life, achieving harmony with our inner and outer environments, humanizing modern technology, integrating science and spirituality, and discovering the unified scientific reality behind all religions is the work of the science of BioGeometry®.

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Just two decades ago everybody was afraid that the end of life on earth would come as a result of a Third world War. We thought that the global extinction of life on earth would come from nuclear warfare and our carelessness towards our environment, endangering plant and animal life; the ozone hole and global warming causing natural disasters everywhere. However, the real potential danger is one that we are barely aware lurking just around the corner.

The age of information carries with it the potential to the global extinction of our civilization. We are continuously increasing the amount of carrier waves needed for the wireless technology of modern communication in the earth’s atmosphere every day. These electromagnetic waves are thousands of times stronger than the level used in the communication in our body cells. The problem is not the saturation of the earth’s atmosphere through quantity, but also a detrimental quality. Even people who avoid using high technology are not immune. No one is immune even if one lives at the far end of the world or on top of the Himalayas, because these are carrier waves with penetrating properties. It is like trying to move a breeze through a storm, our immune systems are continuously trying to correct the distortion in the transfer of inner information in our body; very soon the threshold will be reached when a total collapse of our body defenses will take place.

BioGeometry® is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape; it uses shapes, colours, motion, orientation and sound to produce a vibrational quality that balances energy fields. BioGeometrical shapes are two or three-dimensional shapes specially designed to interact with the earth’s energy fields to produce balancing effects on multiple levels on biological systems. They were developed and patented by Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim, D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, during research since 1968.

To understand the effects of BioGeometrical shapes on the human energy system, we have to recognize that the human body has an energy field around it, which has its own north-south axis. As we move around, the angle formed between our individual axis and that of the earth is constantly changing, and this in turn either strengthens or weakens our energy field. The positive range is very small, vulnerable most of the time, and is a major factor affecting our health and well being. BioGeometrically balanced energy, however, considerably strengthens our energy fields to such an extent that we are not detrimentally affected by changes of orientation. In fact, it appears to cancel obvious energy interactions predicted by currently accepted physical laws.

Research in BioGeometry® was and still is mainly dedicated to the development of a new form of architecture that would enhance the human biological system and give a new meaning to the concept of "Home". To upgrade the energy quality of existing homes and cancel the potentially harmful effects of unchecked energy fields due to the architectural design, furniture layout, electrical wiring and modern appliances, specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to neutralize negative energy and add a positive quality to it. BioGeometrical shapes when designed or engraved on jewelry have shown positive effects on the body’s energy field, and

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reduce considerably the potential health hazards caused by cellular phones, computers and all other modern appliances.

The impact of geometrical shapes on human energy systems has always been universally recognized. This awareness gradually disappeared, and our "modern" approach is to consider these ancient forms either as symbolic art without function, or attribute them to magical practices. Although the modern development and practices are not directly derived from Ancient Egypt, a very advanced know-how in this field is evident when we analyze and use the shapes that they have developed thousands of years ago.

They must have been able to interact with nature in a more advanced way than we do today, based on the study of the vibrational properties of the geometrical shapes they used in their monuments, art, statues, amulets, and many other aspects of life. The effects of energy went beyond the Pyramid shape; the Ancient Egyptians used it in a very practical way in all aspects of their life. Unlike our modern energy forms that are highly amplified states of energies occurring in nature, this science dealt with forces on a natural level as they occur in nature. That means that this Ancient Egyptian science was more like a language that they used to establish two-way communication with nature. This two-way information flow process was used to establish total harmony in all actions between man and nature, to acquire a deeper knowledge about anything by accessing information about it’s working principles on the energy level, and most important of all to influence any action in nature by manipulating its energy patterns to achieve the intended results.

Pythagoras was the first to introduce to the western world the ancient Egyptian way of correlating musical qualities with quantifiable, numerical values. The golden ratio of 1.618 expressed as the ultimate proportion of harmony, beauty and spirituality was used in the design of sacred buildings in Ancient Architecture to produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through resonant prayer. Popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named, negative green, (which acts as carrier, like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of negative green gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer. Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it very harmful under continuous exposure. Considerable research into this type of energy has been done by Dr. Karim, and the different components have been identified.

A revival of the Ancient Design Criteria or Canons in modern architecture was attempted by the Swiss pioneer of the modern architecture, Le Corbusier, with his "modular" system, which comprised two scales of dimensions based on the golden ratio.

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Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim has done extensive research and found that BioGeometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities:

1) Negative green.

2) A higher harmonic of ultra-violet.

3) A higher harmonic of gold.

Only shapes, which produce energy fields with all three components, are BioGeometrical.

The effect of BioGeometrical energy on health is not specific and not precisely predictable. It appears to amplify and balance the energy fields of the body on all levels, and thereby give the body greater power to heal itself. The healing process resulting from a strengthening and balancing of the immune system manifests differently from one person to the other; certain results, however, have been repeatedly observed.

BioGeometrical shapes balance the body energies on different levels; positive effects are usually felt on the emotional, mental, spiritual as well as the physical level. They have been found to be effective over a very broad range, including the protection against harmful radiation emanating from the earth (believed to be a major cause of cancer) and different types of man-made pollution. For specific healing purposes, research is being conducted in collaboration with medical doctors in the science of BioSignatures®, which deals with energy of shape in relation to specific functions of the body organs.


The Egyptians have impacted our culture on almost every level. Some of the greatest geniuses of the last 2,000 years have been taught there, including Christ, Pythagoras and Leonardo Da Vinci. How did this happen, where did all this wisdom come from, and how can we use it today?

Related Articles Why Crystals Have Healing and Ascension Properties Reincarnation in the bible - part 1 Glimpses of Esoteric Christianity Part 2 Syria Russia America (Beast's Head Wound): Tribulation/Rapture

The basis of Egyptian wisdom lies in the Nine Eyes of Light. To the Egyptians, just as we have our physical eyes and body, so too do we have eight other eyes or bodies that allow us to feel, navigate, and create the many astounding feats of technology, science, and spirituality of ancient Egypt that still baffle us today. Using them wisely, we too can

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navigate and unify all parts of our human and divine selves, culminating in becoming ‘A Shining One,' a living temple for Spirit to live in.

To see through all Nine Eyes and integrate them is to experience life through Nine different feelings and perceptions at different moments in your life, in order to reveal the whole you. Most people do not see through more than three or four of these lenses during one day; to see through all of them at different times is to become a multi-dimensional being.

The Nine are not linear: they are holographic. The standard definition of a hologram is that it is a picture composed of a number of small parts, all of which contain the picture as a whole. When we break up the hologram in many pieces, we end up with many small but complete pictures of the whole. Poetically speaking, we can take the ocean as another example of a holographic reality: since the ocean is nothing but water, we can say that the whole ocean is contained in every drop of water found within it. Similarly, a ray of the sun contains the sun itself. A similar situation we find in a seed: the entire structure of the tree is contained in it, and all future generations of the tree are contained in a single seed. An equally striking example of a holographic reality we find in ourselves: every cell of our body contains the complete information about the entire mind-body system. Each of the hundred billion cells that make up the body contains the complete version of the original DNA that was the source of the entire body!

The Nine Eyes effectively create and operate a multi dimensional, holographic reality. You come to "know thyself" by experiencing and becoming the Nine in physical form, becoming "A Shining One," a temple for Hu, or Spirit, to live in. Each one of us is composed of the Nine different bodies or eyes, and without the knowledge and experiential awareness of all nine, the Egyptian Pathway is incomplete, like a puzzle with pieces scattered everywhere.

The era we are living in now has been prophesized to be the revealing of all secret teachings, with the Egyptian arts and sciences being a big part of this revelation, revealing as they do how to create a "new" type of human being. The Nine Eyes of Light are like nine unique lenses, like putting on a pair of glasses, through which you view and interact with life differently, and create multi dimensionally.

Lens One: Khat/Aufu

Your Physical Body and Its Connection to Light

If we see just through the first lens of Khat and Aufu, the body and flesh, we think we are the body alone and follow what the body want, living solely in the third-dimensional world. As we step into the open, healed physical bodies of Khat and Aufu, we feel their transparency and ability to hold light. This new openness and sensitivity allows it to be informed by the other bodies of light. Our blood, brain, and spine changes, and the many ascension symptoms we experience allow the body to change, sometimes gracefully and sometimes not!

Lens Two: Ka

Your Holographic Connection to Soul

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Run on charisma, presence, personal power, intuition, and genetic resonance, Ka is our foundation for health and dynamic well-being, as well as being the first form of the soul that is most easily and readily available to us. The Ka body holds our vital connections to life, our family resonances and their gifts and lessons, and what we emanate, attract, and manifest to us. It is the first step into our multidimensional self, and our energy field, or aura. As we use the Ka, our power and ability to manifest rapidly increases. Everything comes to us. Our dynamic engagement with life in joy aligns with our ability to move, inspire, and transform others. We become connected to the web of life, and we create fluid, open, and clear relationships with all life.

Lens Three: Shew

Your Shadow as a Guardian to Source

The Shew, or shadow, explores and integrates our own subconscious, as well as the collective unconscious. It is the reflection of the world you create. To work with your shadow means connecting to the soul and the other bodies of light. Part of this is a mystical journey, part of it transpersonal, part very vulnerable, revealing and human. As we explore, embrace, and integrate the shadow as a valuable part of us, it opens up all our bodies to receive more light, and we become more loving.

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Lens Four: Ren

The Science of Vibration and Sound

Ren activates when we see the languages and structures of creation through vibrational arts such as sacred geometry, light, sound, color, and shape. Looking at life through these languages means we look at how our thoughts manifest our reality. In Egypt, the names of all things had a deeper significance as each object was seen to have many layers of meaning to it, from the physical form, to the colour form, the geometric form, and the emptiness of all forms. This multidimensional way of viewing every form allowed the Egyptians to create sacred architectures and multidimensional ways of using the powers of sound, vibration, and sacred geometry in order to enter the deepest states of consciousness.

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Lens Five: Ab

The Human Heart Conscience, the Heart's Desires, and Heart Intelligence

The Ab, or human heart, allows us to accept and embrace all that we are, becoming an honourable human being with an open, pure and cleansed heart. Ab is the seat of the still, small voice within; our conscience and our heart intelligence. As we come to think from the heart and feel with the mind, the domination of the mind and ego shifts and we become heart-centered. We feel others suffering, and do something about it from the place of sharing. Our moral values, the selfless and unconditionally giving aspects of our selves, arise from the human heart or Ab.

Lens Six: Ba

The Soul: Connector Between Individual and Universal Soul

Seeing through the soul, or Ba, we connect with, integrate, and embody our soul into our daily lives. We live and manifest our soul purpose, we feel the absolute purity of our soul, for the Ba is the part of us that is free like a bird, soaring without restrictions. It is inner freedom. As we fly with our soul Ba and the divine child, we play with our life and love more and more.

Lens Seven: Sekhem

Willpower, Bliss, and the Fuel for Love

Living through the life force, or Sekhem, we merge the power of life force with our soul to create transformation. This power can create dynamic change, inspiration, and the movements to transform. When Sekhem is unleashed, its fiery power dissolves all obstacles in its way, ruthlessly dissolving all attachments, needs, and obstacles to awakening. As we start to use Sekhem more, we enter more bliss and love in a deep, almost drunken way. We use our willpower to accomplish things, to blast through any and all obstacles in our work or our own healing and growth. We use the power of fire to manifest, activate, and ignite.

Lens Eight: Sahu

The Immortal and Universal Body

Living in the immortal, universal body of Sahu, is to merge with the Breath of Source, to become an embodied Human being, with your feet grounded in the earth, heart open, and head clear and wide open to the stars. As we enter Sahu, the body transfigures in order to contain the higher frequencies of light, and we actually become a different type of human being, genetically, structurally, and consciously different from most other humans. One could say that the Higher Self is Sahu, and as it awakens you become this.

Lens Nine: Akhu

The Shining One

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Living in the ninth lens of Akhu or God Consciousness, we live as a conscious cocreator with God, yet if we spend too much time in this state we cannot function in the 3 dimensional world. This state is beyond words as it encompasses all life, and that which is beyond manifest creation. The full power of Source manifests in us through the union of all Nine, with Akhu directing and guiding all nine. In Akhu, we simply sit, and Be … nowhere to go, nothing to do, no one to be, save a Shining One.

As we integrate the holographic reality of the Nine, multi-tasking in multiple dimensions, not just in one, becomes commonplace. One looks after the children, does the cooking, pays the bills, and interacts holographically at the same time. Time is seen as a form of energy, virtually unlimited. We grasp the essence of a subject, article, or book quickly and access instant knowing. We recognize other languages without having learnt them by working with their energy fields. Symbols and art are used to access other dimensions to download knowledge and increase our feeling /intuitive capacities. What once took months to learn can now happen in days as we learn on multiple levels simultaneously. Our creativity increases exponentially in multiple fields as we tap into vast pools of wisdom lying latent within us, that once were separate, but are now united.

To see through all Nine Eyes and integrate them is to experience life through Nine different attitudes, feelings and perceptions at different moments in order to reveal the whole you. Most people do not see through more than three or four of these lenses during one day; to see through all of them at different times is to become a multidimensional being. This is where humanity is travelling to as we race into 2012 and beyond.

thomas your post sparked my curiosity about "negative green". I didn't remember it being mentioned at my Level 4 seminar, so I did a bit of research.

"With the aide of a pendulum Chaumery and Bélizal claim to have discovered the complete range of electromagnetic vibrational energies extending way beyond established limits and have represented them in a circle graduated from 0 to 400 radians "

Chaumery and De Belizal named the energy emitted by pyramids and hemisphere "negative green"."The vibrational quality of the negative green gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer. This explains why popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres"

"Dr. lbraham F. Karim has done extensive research and found that Bio-Geometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities: (1) negative green, (2) a higher harmonic of ultra-violet, and (3) a higher harmonic of gold....Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it potentially very harmful under certain circumstances of continuous exposure.

Additional fascinating information about negative green energy can be found here. Apparently -G as a vertical wave harms health but -G as a horizontal wave provides

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powerful cures.

More information:from the following book: The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys from EgyptBy Padma Aon Prakasha

"Negative green is a spiritually intelligent carrier wave that creates resonance with many other dimensions through the bodies of light. It is an integral and important part of spiritual energy fields and increases with the spiritual evolution of the person (It is the resonance with gray, between white and black). It is at the core of the energy centers in the body and power spots in nature, with structures such as pyramids and domes producing this vibration along their central axis.

It is connected to green tourmaline, which acts on the nervous system to solidly anchor high levels of consciousness into the mind, anchoring powerful healing abilities and self-awareness. it raises our ability to carry light and is a highway for light to conduct into the spine and nervous system. Along this journey, it can heal the energy bodies and open the heart to infuse peace and patience. one needs more negative green and green tourmaline if you find it hard to bring higher consciousness into thought or if you are emotionally closed and lack peace, compassion and patience.

Together, the harmonics of green and gold create not only sanctified inner space within you but also out space in the architectures and temples that the Egyptians lived and worked in. To have both integrated is to be living in harmony with all your bodies of light, which is how the Egyptians designed their civilization, their architecture and their spiritual work. The best technologies are already working within us. As we evolve so too our bodies reflect this change. Our cell geometries change, our spine changes, our brains change, even our sexual organs become different as that become clear, light and free. this was all known as mapped by the ancient Egyptians..." p. 120

Thanks for the great info..I seem to recall that Richard said that Negative Green is present when a particular geometrical shape is activated and it has a neg-entropic effect on the organ, body part that we are working with.i posed the question on the Biogeometry fb and got several replies. This is Dr Karim explanation. " I would just like to clarify one point: when we use color in Radiesthesia we are using it as a scale of transcendental abstract qualities that also manifest in the visible colors but are not confined to them. Those qualities exist in a repetitive octave-like way in wavelengths from zero to Infiniti in a multi-dimensional way. negative green is therefore an energy quality that exists in many wavelengths or frequencies. On a sphere in front of the sun the reflected rays are perceived by our brain as colors and those that penetrate the sphere are not visible and come out of the other side. They are highly penetrative carrier waves that are referred to as Negative green as they are opposite the green quality on the sphere. All kind of waves with these qualities on any wavelength or frequency are therefore called Negative Green. Hertz waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays etc.... Are examples that we know and on a subtle energy level or any other we also find this wave quality. Any quantitative explanation is incomplete."

I used Neg Green in a distant session with a client yesterday who had a hernia op in the

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morning. the session was at 1pm and at 2pm or so he checked himself out of the hospital(without drs approval) and his wife said that he was doing fine. thanks for all who gave info."How does it get better than this"with gratitude for life

color:#33CC00]In other news I am now selling BIGometry devices that will protect human health from EMF and harmful man-made technology. Because mine uses capital letters and my own personal spelling it is more powerful. If you would like to live in a fear-state (not to be confused with beer-state ... WI) I will gladly sell you one.

You can program any rock, table, or wall with either his or my technology with a simple 2 point. If you utilize my technology for programing household objects, I request you mail me a check made out to my favorite charity. C.A.S.H. (Convicts Against Starving Horses)


This article was composed by Johan Keijser on the basis of texts from

Dr. lbraham F. Karim, Cairo.

M.A. in Architecture ETH Zurich ('67), Doctor of Science ('75).

Bio-Geometry is a science that deals with the effect of geometrical shapes on life functions and the design of shapes that interact with earth's energy fields on all levels to produce special pre-calculated effects on biological systems.

It was developed by Dr lbraham F. Karim D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, during research since about 1968.  The necessary tools for the measurement of the energy of geometrical shapes are based on the science of Microvibrational physics or Physical Radiesthesia as it was named by the French radiesthesists, Chaumery and De Belizal around the years 1930-1940, and later developed by Dr. Karim.  Dr. Karim is in the possession of all books, notes and instruments, which were left by Chaumery after his death in 1957. (Chaumery and De Belizal published two books: "Essai de Radiesthesie" and "Physique Microvibratoire et Forces Invisibles".)

Research in Bio-Geometry was, and still is, mainly dedicated to the development of a new form of architecture that would enhance the human biological system and give a new meaning to the concept of Home .

To upgrade the energy quality of existing homes so as to cancel the potentially harmful effects of unchecked energy fields due to the architectural design, furniture layout, electrical wiring and modem appliances, specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to neutralise negative energy and add a positive quality to it.

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Bio-Geometrical shapes when designed or engraved on jewelry have shown positive effects on the body's energy field, and reduce the potential health hazards caused by cellular phones, computers and other modem appliances.

Bio-Geometrical shapes produce a balancing effect on biological systems.  The impact of geometrical shapes on the human energy systems has always been universally recognised.  This awareness gradually disappeared, and our "modem" approach is to consider these ancient forms either as symbolic art without function, or attribute them to magical practices.

Pythagoras was the first to introduce to the western world the ancient Egyptian way of correlating musical qualifies with quantifiable, numerical values.  The golden ratio of 1.618 expressed as the ultimate proportion of harmony, beauty and spirituality was used in the design of sacred buildings in ancient architecture to produce spiritual energy that facilitated connectivity with spiritual realms through prayer.

Popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis-of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue).  These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named negative green (which acts as carrier like radio waves that carry sound information).  The vibrational quality of the negative green gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer.

Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it very harmful under continuous exposure.  Dr. Karim has done considerable research into this type of energy, and the different components have been identified.

A revival of the ancient design criteria, or canons, in modem architecture was attempted by the Swiss pioneer of the modem architecture Le Corbusier, with his "modular" system which comprised two scales of dimensions based on the golden ratio.  The Russian researcher, Scariatin, who wrote under the pseudonym of Enel, and published his first books on radiesthesia in Egypt in the forties, was the first to discover that one aspect of the negative green vibrational quality was an integral part of spiritual energy fields and increased with the spiritual evolution of the person.

Inspired by Scariatin's work, Dr. lbraham F. Karim has done extensive research and found that BioGeometrical shapes have three primary vibrational qualities: (1) negative green, (2) a higher harmonic of ultra-violet, and (3) a higher harmonic of gold.  Only shapes which produce energy fields with all three components are Bio-Geometrical.

·         The most important component in spiritual energy fields is a special type of the negative green. (This is a vibrational quality that is in resonance with the grey between white and black).  It is at the core of all energy centres in the body and power spots in nature.  Pyramids and hemispheres produce this vibration along their central axis.  In spiritual energy fields however only the horizontal component of this energy is found; the vertical component, which is the harmful part of this energy, is cancelled,

·      The second component is a higher harmonic of ultraviolet, an invisible light that is the environment of angels and other light beings.  It is a very purifying and relaxing

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vibration, which balances overactive organ functions and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

·      The third component is a higher harmonic of gold which, although on a much higher vibrational plan is in resonance with physical gold (it is depicted by the halos around the heads of saints); it enhances wisdom and prosperity in a broad sense.  On the physical level, it has an energising effect that balances the body's immune system.

·      The first Bio-Geometrical shape, which Dr. Karim developed, was designed to be put at the head of the bed to optimise the quality of sleep by overriding the effect of orientation.  He then evolved the concept into a system of architectural design, and later applied it to many fields of design, e.g. jewellery, household utilities, appliances, decorative and industrial applications.  In preliminary experiments Bio-Geometrical shapes have been used to protect plants from parasites, thus eliminating the need for pesticides.

The effect of Bio-Geometrical energy on health is not specific and not precisely predictable.  It appears to magnify and balance the energy fields of the body on all levels, and thereby give the body greater power to heal itself The healing-process resulting from a strengthening and balancing of the immune system manifests differently from one person to the other-, certain results, however have been repeatedly observed.

Bio-Geometrical shapes balance the body energies on different levels; positive effects are usually felt on the emotional, mental, spiritual as well as the physical level.  They have been found to be effective over a very broad range, including the protection against harmful radiation emanating from the earth (believed to be a major cause of cancer) and different types of man-made pollution.  For specific healing purposes, research is being conducted in collaboration with medical doctors in the science of Bio-Signatures, which deals with energy of shape in relation to specific functions of the body organs.

All objects interact with the energy of the earth to produce a certain energy field around them.  When two energy fields are in proximity they modify each other.  Building on this energy interaction the science of Bio-Signatures was developed.  "Bio-Signatures" are linear diagrams that directly affect the energy of body organs and their functions.  These signatures have the same vibrational qualifies of different functions of body organs and through resonance can affect them.  When the signature is placed within the peripheral body energy, the energy is channeled through the linear diagram (like electricity through wires).  This flow of energy enters into resonance with the functions of the organ it represents, connecting the energy flow within the organ.  This correction is instantaneous on the energy level; to manifest as healing on the physical level however it may take longer, depending on the nature of the problem and the state of the organ concerned.

The Bio-Signatures is used for the development and research within the Bio-Geometrical Company's teaching and research departments.  This is done under the supervision of the medical professionals who are part of the research program.  Many of the members are presently using this system in their private lives with success, as part of the research program.  Until this moment the cases treated were individual cases and on

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a small scale, aimed at the testing and development of the science.  Large-scale testing for statistical evaluation is a step that will be done in collaboration with medical research institutions.

 © 1999 Johan Keijser

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!

 Table of Contents



COLORS OF THOUGHT VIBRATION IN lecture one we saw that in some of the temples of India there are colored figures and symbols. These played an important part in the occult history of that nation, and depict the forces of man and of nature; but the world has no record left concerning these teachings, and it is only students of mysticism who can read in those colors occult truths. In those Indian temples man is depicted as radiating from himself various colors; but what does that mean to the average mind? Among the ancient Europeans little was known concerning color. Coming down to more modern history, we find that among the Greeks there were no teachings regarding colors. Greek development ran more particularly to sculpture, arts, architecture and to the use of pigments, rather than to what we call science, and hence they had no knowledge of the nature of vibrations. Passing on to the Romans, we find that they, too, lacked in a large measure any knowledge concerning the nature of color. Seneca seems to be about the only Roman who wrote anything along this line, and he only went so far as to show that the primary colors of the rainbow were the same as the refraction of sunlight through broken glass, but he was not able to explain the cause of the identity of the phenomena. Then passing on to the Middle Ages, we find that those who had commenced to investigate this subject of color from a scientific standpoint, i. e., from the standpoint of light, accepted the theory that all light is the result of certain colors emitted from objects. But about 1665 Robert Hook, for the first time certainly in historic ages, formulated a theory of wave motions which Christian Huygens, in 1690, accepted and elaborated and made the basis of the vibratory or wave theory of light and color. But the great Newton threw his weight of opinion with the old emission theory; consequently the wave theory became heterodox and unpopular, and it was not heard of again for almost a century. Then once more the scientists began to talk about the wave theory of light and of color, and we find the old emission theory disappearing and the wave theory meeting with the acceptance of the scientific world. This is the predominating theory of our scientists at present; but it seems not to have occurred to many of them that there is an element of truth in both theories and that by blending parts

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of the cardinal ideas of both, an hypothesis might be formulated which would cover all facts and phenomena. We find a diversity of opinion concerning color among those who study from the standpoint of pigments and those who study from the standpoint of light, as well as some difference of opinion on this subject in each of these several schools. The modern scientist bases his hypothesis upon the wave theory, using for his basis the solar radiation, or the visible so-called white light. And yet he tells you that in point of fact there is no white light, meaning the sum total of all the solar radiation. He tells you that the great emission of light or electrical vibration, whichever it may be, that comes from the sun as a greenish-blue color, is refracted by our atmosphere and manifests itself to our eyes as prismatic colors. But he also says that as the sunlight comes into the world's atmosphere, large proportions of the blue and green rays are withheld by the atmosphere, which has a selective absorption for those colors. Starting with what must admittedly be largely a hypothetical premise, modern science advances a theory concerning colors based entirely upon such of the solar radiations as reach this earth and are not absorbed by atmospherical conditions, for it does not seem to have occurred to the modern scientist that there is a vibratory force in the earth itself which modifies the solar radiation. The Occultist has great respect for the indefatigable energy of the modern scientist, and appreciates the painstaking care with which he collects his facts; but he recognizes that the physicist is only working on the plane of effects and hence causes are but guesses with him. These guesses change from decade to decade as new facts are discovered by further research, and hence the Occultist does not feel bound to follow the orthodox theories of any particular decade relative to any branch of knowledge; because he has his own sciences, which have existed for ages, and have been verified by all who have studied along these lines. For this reason we shall not enter too far into the discussion of how near right the modern scientist may be. But the Occultist says this: he does not accept wholly the views of the modern scientist as to primary colors based upon visible solar light. The accepted prism, you know, consists of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet; and these are considered to be the primary colors. The Occultist says the color you call yellow in point of fact is not yellow, but is the higher rays of the orange, and that the human eye does not record the true primary yellow, because it is beyond the vision of the ordinary eye, even when assisted by mechanical devices. The physicist tells you that your eye cannot detect the ultra violet rays, and that on the other end of the spectrum it cannot follow the lowest vibrations of the red. The Occultist accepts that statement, but adds that you do not detect all the rays or shades of any one of the colors contained even in your spectrum. Again, he differs from the modern physicist in regard to the question of indigo and violet. The Occultist says that indigo and violet are not primary colors, but are only some of the higher and lower rays of the blue, which, in registering themselves upon the human vision, appear as separate colors. Nor does the Occultist agree with those who make a study of pigments -artists and chemists - who consider blue, yellow and red as the primary colors, and that all the other colors are but modifications or blendings of these primary ones. The Occultist says that here also the yellow pigment is not the yellow of the basic vibration, but is merely a modification of the vibration of the orange, and, moreover, that in limiting the

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primary colors to blue, yellow and red, you leave out entirely the orange and green which are both primary colors. So much, therefore, to show you the lines of divergence between Occultism and the present scientific conception relative to color. By primary colors, from the standpoint of Occultism, is meant those basic vibrations that appear at the beginning of time, and manifest throughout all planes of nature. Before discussing these, it may be well to enlarge upon some of the points of agreement between modern science and Occultism, which we touched upon in lecture three. First, you will remember that whatever is manifested must have form and color; nothing could manifest if there were a lack of these two qualities, because manifestation means a rate of vibration which parcels or separates a portion of atoms from the mass of matter. Therefore, vibration is the parent of form and color, and manifestation means that there must always exist these two qualities. Take, for example, the flowers; why do they have their various forms? Why do they have their peculiar pigments? Is it not the rate of vibration which determines the size, color and form of the flowers? You remember that when you went to school you were taught that form is the result of vibration, and the fact was illustrated by placing a quantity of fine feathery seed upon a drum head, and then prolonging the notes of a violin over it. The seed gathered into various forms, according to the vibration or sound which was given, and this illustration proved the truth of the teaching. Then you remember the illustration given of the hot poker which changed its color according to its change in vibration. These illustrations were given to show that the so-called inanimate things vibrate, and that their vibrations can be changed according to the will or desire of man. And now we will go a step further, and learn something about the vibrations which determine the form and color of man himself. Man, being an individualized manifestation of nature, must naturally have his form and color. When I speak of man, I refer to both the physical and mental man. Place the human body in an easy position, with feet together, and with arms at the sides; then draw a line around it, touching each extreme outer point of the body, and you will find that the line forms an ovoid. You remember when we discussed the subjective and the objective minds we found that the two interblended and ensouled the physical man. These two united minds not only fill the interstices of the physical body, and hold together all the physical molecules, and keep them in place, but also extend beyond and around the body to the distance of several inches. If you should draw a line around this inner or mental man you would find that it, too, is oval, or egg-shaped, which seems to be the best form for the highest and largest expression of individualized consciousness - as witness man, world, or sun. Into each center of consciousness flows the magnetic force called the life principle, and by reason of that inflow into all forms there is a constant pushing out of old atoms and a replacement of them with new elements. And this is true whether the form be on the subjective or objective side of nature. This passing in and out of the atomic life force, makes a fluidic sphere around each man and around everything. In electricity we call this fluidic sphere the electric field; in the sun we call it the photosphere; around a magnet we call it the magnetic field or field of attraction. Baron Karl von Reichenbach, through sensitives, re-discovered in modern times this magnetic field around men and animals, and even around minerals. This magnetic field he called "od," or "odic" force. His discovery is confirmed now by clairvoyants, by seers, and in France by sensitives under hypnotic influence. Persons from each of these classes of investigators have seen

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around each person, tree and mineral this field of light or color. This is one reason for that law of physics which says that no two masses can approach each other without being mutually affected, because, being brought into juxtaposition, there is an attraction and repulsion due to the flow of the life forces, and the exchange of atoms which is constantly taking place between them. There is essentially nothing in inert matter to attract; but the inflowing of the life force and the throwing off of old particles make a change of atoms between masses that are near each other, and they attract or repel according to their similarity or dissimilarity of vibration. It is the existence of the magnetic field of an animal or a man which enables a dog to follow the scent of either. As a physical animal body passes over the ground it throws off from itself particles or atoms with each effort or emotion. A certain quantity of these particles is left imprinted upon the earth; and since every individualized consciousness, possesses its own distinct odor or perfume - due to its condition of development or rate of vibration - it is not at all difficult for the dog to keep the scent of the creature he is following. The atoms left upon the earth are impregnated with the odor of that person or thing which the dog is able to distinguish from any other. When we come to the higher centers of consciousness, as in man, we not only have the life force as an element which builds, but we also have a thought force which is constantly manifesting, and by its vibratory flow is modifying, the life force. Each person radiates from himself not only the physical atoms which he has used, and which have lost his vibration, but also the finer forms of matter which go out with his thought force; and therefore there is a continuous stream flowing out from each individual to other centers, and these streams leave their impress upon everything the person thinks about or touches. A sensitive coming in contact with a part of the outflow from a man, can read his character as well as a scientist, by taking up a piece of coal, can tell you its chemical constituency, or its probable age and formation; and this faculty is now called psychometry. In ancient times, the sphere surrounding man was called the aureola when it encircled his whole body; when it only radiated from his head and shoulders it was called the nimbus. Later, this magnetic field in either aspect was called the aura by Western Occultists, while in the East it was called the sacred Auric Egg. The ancient masters of art always represented their saints with a nimbus about their heads and were accustomed to paint their most divine characters as surrounded by an aureola. In the pictures of Christ there is a radiation from the entire body, while in those of his disciples there is usually but the nimbus to be seen. And these old painters were right in their conceptions; they were sensitives and either had the intuitive knowledge of an occult fact, or they were clairvoyants and saw that according to the development of the ego was the extent of its emanations. The Occultist says that in the ordinary man this radiation extends from two to six inches from the body; but as man develops in thought, power and capacity to draw into himself cosmic forces, his radiations expand until they may extend from six inches to several feet outward. This aura is one of the chief causes for the unaccountable likes and dislikes that we have for persons whom we meet; for, if one is at all sensitive, one can feel very distinctly the auras one comes in contact with. If we meet with a person whose vibrations are very much higher than our own, we will be likely to either almost worship that person or dislike him for being so far in advance of us. We will be greatly disturbed by the higher

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vibrations proceeding from him, which will very likely call forth all the good in us, or bring all the sediment in our nature to the surface. Knowing this, and being sensitive to these sudden likes and dislikes for persons, you may save yourself much discomfort by keeping a good distance between yourselves and those who disturb you. A distance of three or four feet will be sufficient to prevent you from feeling so plainly the vibratory force of another. This aura will also account for the great depletion that many persons feel when they come in contact with other persons; for it is very true that there are human sponges who, unconsciously perhaps, maintain their own lives by drawing all the magnetic force or life they can get from others. This is what the Occultist calls vampirization. You may have observed that invalids are most anxious to have young, strong people about them. They will often take the hand of a healthy person and hold it for hours, if they are permitted to. It is pleasant for the invalid, but quite trying sometimes for the visitor, because with the blending of the auras the magnetic force flows from the stronger to the weaker. Old people are very fond of children, and often insist upon sleeping with them. This is very dangerous for the child, because of the demagnetization which must always follow so doing. There are several ways by which you may save yourselves from being demagnetized by others. The first is to spend much of your time alone. Another is by declaring positiveness for yourself and by keeping your mind on your own magnetism, and thus retain it within your own body. Again, you may save yourself considerably by letting your feet touch each other lightly, and by clasping your hands together when you are sitting near other persons; this is a means of closing your circuit and preventing your magnetism from flowing out. In the last-mentioned practice it is not alone the physical act of closing your circuit, but the mental attitude you take at that time which protects you from vampirization. The size and color of the human aura changes according to the intensity and quality of the thought. We have seen that all vibration is either the direct or indirect result of thought; and this is true from the first Divine impulse down to every thought of man. It can be demonstrated in a number of ways. Telepathy, which I believe scientists now accept as a fact, is the transmission of thought or vibratory force from the mind of one person to that of another without the use of material signs, using as the medium of communication the ether or Universal Consciousness. If there is a vibration or emanation that goes forth from you every time you think, and it passes to the point it is sent, then it is reasonable to suppose that according to the intensity of the thought is the emanation projected. If you sit quietly daydreaming, or thinking in an indefinite, incoherent manner, the emanation does not proceed far from you; but if your thought is definite and intense, then its vibration must proceed according to its own intensity. By intense thinking I do not mean that you should clench your fist, nor corrugate your brow while doing it; but I mean that your thought must be clearly held in mind and distinctly sent forth. I understand that Dr. Baraduct, a French physician, has invented a disk so delicately sensitized that it registers the vibrations of a human being brought in contact with it. If an angry man puts forth his hand toward the dial, the needle on it immediately registers the intensity of his vibrations. If the opposite hand of the same man is extended, the dial immediately shows the difference in vibrations between the positive and negative sides

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of his body. When a clear, distinct thinker tests the machine, there is a greater number registered upon the dial than when a negative person tests it, and thus we are fortunate in having a recently invented mechanical instrument which proves the claims of Occultism concerning the vibratory emanations from the human body. The intensity of the thought determines the size of the aura, and the quality of the thought determines its color. For example, you may have an intense vibration of a low color, which would cause your emanation to project for three or more feet from you, or you might have an intense thought of a higher nature which would reach the same distance. Its size would depend upon its intensity, but its color would be determined by its quality or rate of vibration, or its moral and intelligent degree of excellence. According to the Occult system in reference to mind or man, the spectrum, as applied to this particular planet, would include what is generally known as the absence of color at one end and the synthesis of color at the other, or black and white. But because neither of these has a practical bearing upon this course of lectures - nor will it have in your lives at this point in your evolution - I shall omit them from this course. Both colors indicate abnormal conditions of mind, and we do not desire to waste our time studying the abnormal. The Occultist says that red, orange, green, blue and yellow are the normal primary colors, and can be seen and known upon each inner plane of being according to the development of the investigator. The ordinarily developed person cannot see the pure yellow ray with his physical eyes any more than the ordinary American can see the many delicate colors in an Indian shawl that the specialized vision of an expert can distinguish. The inner man, usually called the soul or ego, the real man, always has a color as distinctly his own as has the outside man. Each individual has his particular color according to his quality of thought, character and development. During his first incarnation on the earth the normal color of the subjective mind was yellow or blue, and the natural color of the objective mind was green; therefore, when these two first came together, and united as one mind, and incarnated in a human body, the combined colors became a greenish blue or greenish yellow. This very quickly changed to lower rates of vibration, because sensation immediately commenced to manifest in the place of reason, in the newly incarnated man. The green predominated over the yellow or blue because the latter were the product of the subjective side of life, and the green was the product of the objective side which was stronger upon its own plane of development. But even these combination color vibrations were lost through the excitation of the emotional nature, which came quickly into the ascendency in man's nature. This was due to the great desire for the physical enjoyments of life, for in those days man was in his absolutely normal, animal condition. He had a new body, had not put into action causes which reacted upon it, and his power of thinking was limited, and therefore not likely to have much influence on his body during those first incarnations. So there was nothing for man at that time but the mere physical enjoyment of existence. Before we take up the study of the emotional nature and its colors, it may be well to examine that force which built man's physical form, and which builds all physical forms - the force we call "life." This force manifests as orange vibration. If life is a force, if it is something, then it must have a rate of vibration of its own to distinguish it from everything else in the universe. We speak of the Gulf Stream. It is a current of water

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which vibrates at a higher rate than the body of water through which it flows, and we call this current of water the Gulf Stream to distinguish it from the rest of the ocean. So in this great sea of consciousness there are certain definite and distinct currents of force which play very important parts in man's evolution, and that which we call "life" is one of them. I cannot prove this statement to you because of the limitation of your vision, but you can prove it for yourself - as you can prove every other statement I shall make in these lectures - if you develop to that point where your inner senses permit you to function upon that plane of existence where forces are visible as forces, as causes, and not as effects or phenomena. On this physical plane you see life as form; on the subjective or mental side you see life manifesting as a separate and distinct thing which is building the form you see with your physical eyes. Seeing life on the subjective side, it is an orange color, or a force which vibrates as orange, sweeping into everything and giving vitality to all forms. All physical bodies have this vital force manifesting in them according to the capacity of each to express it. You do not see the orange force permeating the invalid to the same extent that it does an athlete, because the invalid cannot express it so well. And now that you understand something about the force which fashions and preserves the physical body, let us turn to man himself and study the other forces expressed in him. The lowest force in psychic man is that which we designate as his distinct animal propensities, and these are red in their manifestation or vibration. You remember we found the four cardinal emotions upon which all the other human emotions were based, and the first three of these were red; therefore, when the animal nature is in the ascendency in man, when it dominates the intellectual side of his nature, the red vibrations become the dominating ones and permeate the entire man and his aura. If you strike a tuning fork upon the table, the sound produced is the vibration which emanates from that tuning fork. If you put a weight upon the fork the sound ceases, because the low rate of vibration which you bring in contact with the tuning fork causes its vibrations to be lowered, and finally to cease; thus the vibrations of the weight overcome those of the tuning fork. It is the same with thought; when the animal nature becomes intense it gives its lowering vibrations to every part of the man, and consequently the intellectual nature ceases its activity for the time being, and takes the color of the dominating emotion. When the emotional nature is in the ascendency, man's color is red, and according to the intensity of his emotions is the color intensified; but if he struggles to control his emotions there will be a change of colors in his aura. In the course of time man's lower intellectual nature began to be more prominent, and when his emotions were not over-stimulated it began to be something of a factor in his life; and as time went on what was originally the red in the psychic man, and the orange of his body, became tinged with the green of his objective mentality, and then he had the three colors blended, which gave him a brown vibration. This color, unfortunately, indicates the condition of the mass of men at the present day, because they have not developed beyond that point. The intellectual side of man is very weak as yet; even the objective mind is not well individualized, and as for the subjective mind, it is not active in one person in a thousand. After many centuries some men, for one reason or another, began to control their emotions somewhat. This may have been brought about by laws being enacted which said: If a person gives sway to his emotions, and kills another, or becomes too

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avaricious, and robs his fellow man, he shall be punished. Or it may have been because social life required the suppression of the emotions at times. As man began to control more and more his emotional nature, the green vibrations became more prominent. First in its deeper shades which indicate intense selfishness - and subsequently in its lighter shades, indicating individualization. Green is the color of the objective mind of man when he first begins to individualize as a permanent center of consciousness in Deity. It is the color of the manifested, lower, intellectual nature which is sometimes called the brain consciousness. Self-consciousness in the growing man was necessarily an evolutionary step; and when man, for his own purposes and his own interests, began to use his intellect even on a low plane, he began to control his emotional nature. This in itself helped to strengthen his intellectual nature and made his emotions more or less subservient to it. Green vibrations are desirable because no soul can mount very high in its evolution unless it becomes properly individualized. Then will come the time when our subjective minds, or the diviner portion of our natures, will fight for the ascendency as the lower intellectual is now fighting the emotional nature. At that time the original color of the subjective mind will begin to manifest itself and the blue vibrations will commence to tinge the inner man. At first there will be but occasional flashes of the blue in his aura; later, it will become suffused with the blue vibration. Raising the vibrations of the developing man is a slow process. Where his higher intellect and intuition begin to manifest, and where reason commences to overpower desire, there is the battle ground for the objective and subjective minds. This is where most of the progressive men and women are to-day; and if you were clairvoyant, you could see the auras changing from green to blue, with often a flash of red, and then back again to green, or perhaps to purple, a combination of the blue and red. I know of no better comparison than to liken the progressive inner man, in his appearance, to an electric fountain. One moment you may see the fountain all blue, at another green and blue mingling; then perhaps it will change to purple, with now and again a flash of red, or with red suffusing the whole. So man, according to his thought, is always radiating these beautiful colors which are in each human soul or mind. In the course of time, when his spiritual nature becomes awakened and his intuition becomes active, the yellow vibrations begin to interblend with the blue. You will see the well-developed man possessed of all the colors, properly regulated and controlled. The lower vibrations, the red, will then appear as a beautiful rose pink, and will be seen more particularly about that portion of the body where the generative organs are located. The orange vibration will suffuse the entire body. The green will be the individualizing band outlining the body, and the blue and yellow will blend and extend beyond the green, forming the outer border of the aura. There are two classes of these colors which may be designated as positive and negative. There is the positive yellow and the negative yellow, the positive green and the negative green. And when you see man's aura composed of negative colors you may know that the negative side of his nature is dominant. A man may be negatively good, and be neither wise nor strong. He may seem to control his objective mind and you may believe him to be a well-developed man, when really his objective mind is but a poor vehicle for his subjective mind. Or you may find persons with the negative blue and yellow vibrations, those whose intuitional natures are only partially awakened, but who have

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not the force aspect; neither has the higher intelligence become active in them. A person may be negatively good because he has not been tempted in this life to be otherwise; his environment may have been such as to guard him against temptation, and his nature being negative, he had not the desire to overcome. Some time in some life he must be tempted and learn to be positively good before lie becomes a perfected ego. There is a practical side to this lecture, as there has been to all the other lectures of this course. According to your knowledge of these forces or vibrations, and according to the intensity of your thought, will you have the power to use the Occult forces of nature, and become conscious upon other than the material plane, and to put yourself in touch with certain cosmic currents or forces. For illustration: A man with an emotional nature goes to the theater. There is a cry of "Fire!" and a wave of fear sweeps over the audience. Every mind in the house has become attached to the red cosmic current of fear. Having tapped this great current, waves of fear come into every center of consciousness in that house, and the emotional man loses his reason and rushes like a maddened brute to save himself, regardless of everyone else. He tramples upon women and children, and fights like a wild animal to liberate his body from the struggling mass of human beings around him. There may or may not be a fire, but this man has connected his objective mind, through thought, with this current of fear, does not control the emotion as it sweeps over him, and you see the result. These cosmic currents which surround our earth correspond in color and rate of vibration to each of the colors in the aura of men and animals; and all living creatures use these currents, either consciously or unconsciously. When man learns to vibrate harmoniously with the color or cosmic current he desires to use, then his development will be much more rapid than when he uses the currents, as the animals do, unconsciously and without a knowledge of what he is doing. It is according to the color of a man's vibrations that he connects himself with these cosmic forces; and some of the lower forces bring disaster to him when he uses them. Take the current of fear for example. If a man is constantly fearing something, or someone, he thus connects himself with the current of fear, and it constantly plays upon him. He never can gain success in anything he undertakes until he raises his vibrations above this current, and in this way disconnects himself from it. It is indeed of the most importance that man should learn to control his thoughts and his vibrations. There are also different planes of consciousness, and it is according to the rate of man's vibration that he can function upon them. As a man may be able to see no color but red, because his optic nerves are at so low a rate of vibration that they cannot record any color of a higher rate, so some men have a much broader apprehension of the laws of life than other men, because their vibrations are high enough to permit vibrations coming from other and higher planes to impinge upon their consciousness. A genius is a man whose consciousness has become expanded through his evolution until he can contact more planes of cosmic consciousness than other men. You remember the lines, 

"A primrose by a river's brimA yellow primrose was to him,

And it was nothing more." One man sees in a primrose nothing more nor less than a vegetable growth; another thinks what a pretty yellow flower; still another sees in that same primrose the secrets of

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the Universe; he sees in that flower the vibratory effect of the Divine Idea - that God has geometrized, as the scholars of Pythagoras were accustomed to say. There are forty-nine states of consciousness, but the minds of average men only function upon ten or twelve. There are a great many doors to knowledge, which we may open if we will; but if we continue to think in the lower states of consciousness, and never rise above them in aspiration, these other doors will remain forever shut to us. If we always live in the cellar of our house we will never see God's sunlight streaming into our upper rooms. The sun shines, but not for us because we will not go where it can reach us. All the world's great teachers have substantially taught the same rules for conduct and morality. Ethics is not founded on police regulations nor sentiments of moralists, but is established on the immutable laws of nature. "Love your enemies" was one of the precepts taught by Jesus, and it has puzzled many of his followers to find the reason for the teaching. Many persons think, if they do not say: What sense is there in loving one's enemies? This precept has a purely scientific basis. Love is not an indefinite sentiment, it is something real; it is the highest and greatest dynamic force on this planet, and is one that manifests on all planes. Since it is a force, it is something we can feel on this plane of effects and see on the mental plane, if we are able to function on that plane. When pure love is sent forth from the subjective mind, it manifests as a constructive force, having its own particular high yellow rate of vibration. Anger being an emotion, and proceeding from the objective mind of man, vibrates at a lower rate, which is red. A person who hates you - an enemy - sends a red current of thought toward you; but if you send loving thoughts in return, you are projecting a yellow rate of vibration which is infinitely higher and more forceful than the red, and the yellow vibration deflects the lower vibration so that it never reaches you. The higher rates of vibration will protect you from harm, and if you live according to ethical principles, a high quality of thought or vibration is attained. When we come to consider Spiritual Forces, we shall see how, by the control of our thoughts, we can use the cosmic forces.

Colours and Spirituality

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For the human eye are infrared (heat) and ultraviolet (UV) invisible. There is another invisible radiation called 'negative green' by Chaumery and de Belizal because its position is opposite to green in the spectrum they used. The black, negative green and white do not fit in the "normal" electromagnetic spectrum. Below you find more information about the negative green, the ultra violet and the gold.

(Much on this page is the same as on the page about "What is BioGeometry?")

Negative green

Popular among spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque, a church or a synagogue). These particular shapes are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a type of penetrating carrier-wave which Chaumery and De Belizal named, negative green (which acts as carriers, like radio waves that carry sound information). The vibrational quality of negative green gives it very strong communication properties, which facilitate resonance with higher realms in prayer. Negative green turned out to have other properties, however, which make it very harmful under continuous exposure. In spiritual energy fields however only the horizontal components of this energy is found; the vertical components, which is the harmful part of this energy, is cancelled.

Note: we use here the words "horizontal" and "vertical" as in electromagnetic waves. The negative green is not an electomagnetic wave and the words horizontal and vertical are used to distinghuish two different aspects of the negative green, which can be measured with the so called "Cone fictive" pendulum.

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In the book "Essai de Radiesthésie", Chaumerie and de Belizal mention that the statues on the Easter Islands emanates the negative green. They experienced with a model of the statue that within 3 days meat was mummified and was reduced to 25% of its original volume.

They conclude that the function of the statues was probably to protect them against enemies. The authors report also about tablets called 'Keiti'. The photo in the book shows that it has about 1000 signatures/ characters. Small tablets were worn by women in their hair. The function of the tablets was to protect them against the negative green of the statues. The authors themselves have measured that a photo of the tablet on the ceiling of a room caused the disappearance of the dangerous radiation, although the effect diminished with time. This may be similar to the saturation of the 'chip' of Karim.

Vertical negative green plays also an important role in crop circles.

Ultra violet

You can speak about the presence of spirituality when you can measure three components. One is the above mentioned (horizontal) negative green, the second is a higher harmonic of ultra violet and the third is the higher harmonic of gold.

The higher harmonic of ultra-violet, an invisible light which is related to the environment of angels and other light beings. It is a very purifying and relaxing vibration, which balances overactive organ functions and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


The higher harmonic of gold, although on a much higher vibrational plane, is in resonance with physical gold. You can see it depicted by the halos around the heads of saints. It enhances wisdom and prosperity in a broad sense. On the physical level, it has energizing effect that balances the body's immune system.

If a person is praying, with radiesthesie you will find "gold" in the room. The easiest way is to take some gold (as sample) in one hand and the pendulum in the other.

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L. Chaumery, A. de Belizal


Note préliminaire




I. De la Préhistoire au Moyen AgeII. La radiesthésie chinoiseIII. La radiesthésie égyptienneIV. La radiesthésie indienneV. L'lle de Pâques



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I. La sphéreII. Le pendule universelIII. La demi-sphèreIV. La pile radiesthésiqueV. L'accumulateur radiesthésiqueVI. Le relais radiesthésiqueVII. Pendules spéciaux




I. Onde-matière. Ondes de formeII. La radiesthésie médicaleIII. Le faisceau.- Vert négatifIV. Les ondes nocivesV. Théorie des grands courant magnétiques - A la recherche de l'eau vivanteVI. Téléradiesthésie

Pendulum, Scepter and RadiesthesiaBelow you find 3 examples of pendulums and scepters and a short explanation of radiesthesia

"Cone fictive"

This very accurate and simple scientific pendulum was designed and calibrated by the French researchers Chaumery and Belizal in the late 1940's to be used for detection and measurements in Physical Radiesthesia, or Microvibrational Physics, as they called their science to differentiate it from the widely popularized Mental Radiesthesia, which was a form of dowsing based on the operators interaction with his subconscious, in a form of psychic activity, which was prone to autosuggestion, and was therefore not very accurate for scientific work.

More information of Ibrahim Karim.

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BioGeometrical Universal Pendulum/Scepter

is a special and powerful device based on that designed and used by Dr. Ibrahim Karim. It is very useful in all types of energy and spiritual healing. It emits a carrier wave from its lower tip, called the negative green vibration. It is however important that this amulet has the designs engraved on it as shown in the picture, that play a vital role in canceling the harmful vertical component of the negative green.

When used for measurements on an object, person, animal, plant or picture, it will start charging the object, so that after some time the energy quality of the object will become temporary balanced. For those working on interaction with the subconscious, higher consciousness, reincarnation research, or esoteric sciences this is a very sensitive and protective device.

BioGeometrical Djed-Wadj Scepter/Pendulum

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is a special and powerful pendulum/scepter put together by Dr. Ibrahim Karim based on a specific combination of two Ancient Egyptian symbols used as amulets and scepters.


Radiesthesia is a word of Latin origin meaning sensitivity to radiation. It is the science of using man's sensitivity to vibrations to obtain information from energy levels that are not accessible to the five physical senses. It utilizes simple pendular instruments to measure minute vibrational interactions between the energy fields of the person taking the measurements and the object of those measurements.

On a separate page you find a text from Ibrahim Karim about "What is radiesthesia?"

There are two types of radiesthesia and they are basically different.

The important books in radiesthesia are mostly in French because these ancient sciences were preserved through ancient times, preserved through temples, by Jesuits. The Jesuits preserved that because when they went for missionary to Africa or South America, they could do better than the local medicine there. If somebody has a problem they knew as herbalist what plant to use. But if the plant was not available, all of a sudden the European knowledge was useless. If he has his pendulum he could actually find available herbs. So for the missionary it was very important to go into an environment that he does not know and find harmony. So they kept radiesthesia over so many years. At the end of last century they started writing many books about radiesthesia and priests wrote many of those books.

Abbé Mermet was the most famous one. He was very famous for discovery water sources. If he discovered a water source he could tell you the depth, the speed of water there, the amount, the flow, the clarity and the quality.

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The book "Supersensonics" of Christopher Hills has a very good part about radiesthesia.

One type is the radiesthesia you are all familiar with; it is speaking (by means of your pendulum) with your subconscious. You take a pendulum and create a code with your subconscious. You take the pendulum (any shape or weight will do), move it and make an agreement with yourself (as if it is speaking to another person when it says yes or no). This is one way of entering into a dialogue with your subconscious. That means this type enters under automatism's because instead of doing it with the pendulum, you can arrange that the information comes with the twitching of your fingers or by writing. Any type of twitching of your body will, once you give it a meaning in agreement with your subconscious, give you the desired information and become your personal pendulum. For instance with somebody the twitching of the eyes will indicate something nice is going to happen. Or it can be a warning when he meets a person and goes somewhere, that something bad is announcing itself. When his eye is twitching it gives him a certain kind of information. These are all measurements of what is happening inside your energy-field, indicating to your consciousness, what is happening through this automatism. In this system you have to ask questions.Automatism is based on meaning and questions. It happens at a certain level. On the meaning level can be a problem that is highly subjective. What one sees has a certain percentage of personal colouring. All information goes through your own databank and every one of us has a different databank. In order to do proper research we have to go somewhere else. We use radiesthesia for many things and the use of our sub-conscience can perform wonders. Everybody is different. One person has more colouring or autosuggestion than somebody else does.See also the page "Dowsing humbug?". 

There is another type of radiesthesia that works in this area. Measurement of the qualitative scale as with the biometer. We want to work with an abstract scale without giving it any meaning at all. When you actually see colours, your brain wonders "what

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happens to my energy through this or that colour". We want to know what those colours do to your energy. I am just projecting the result of my colour-scale when I create my reality. I am measuring and projecting the results of my measurement on the objects outside. The body has so many scales of measurement, they all say the same thing and they are all abstract. Before they come into the meaning level they are abstract; so they are accurate. This depends on the fact that we are all the same. You all get the same measurement if you stick to this scale. If two people get differences in measurement they might be picking up different things. One is picking the energy of the material itself and the other the energy of the shape. Then you are wondering if you are making a mistake. But both measurements are correct, you just are picking out different things. This is a method of measurement of the qualitative scale. Because it is a scale that is telling me what is happening to me, to my inner quality and to my energy. There is a difference between qualitative scales and quantitative scales, but each one can be translated into the other. Like the monochord of the ancient Egyptians that we know from Pythagoras. When I play a tone on a string this is qualitative, but to get that tone I have to use a certain length of the string (a mathematical thing). You can actually translate the qualitative into the quantitative. The idea that science, which is based on quantitative measurements is more accurate than all other disciplines that are based on the qualitative, is not true because one is based upon the other. Only the qualitative is more natural because it gives a scale that gives you understanding

The important books in radiesthesia are mostly in French because these ancient sciences were preserved through ancient times, preserved through temples, by Jesuits. The Jesuits preserved that because when they went for missionary to Africa or South America, they could do better than the local medicine there. If somebody has a problem they knew as herbalist what plant to use. But if the plant was not available, all of a sudden the European knowledge was useless. If he has his pendulum he could actually find available herbs. So for the missionary it was very important to go into an environment that he does not know and find harmony. So they kept radiesthesia over so many years. At the end of last century they started writing many books about radiesthesia and priests wrote many of those books.

Abbé Mermet was the most famous one. He was very famous for discovery water sources. If he discovered a water source he could tell you the depth, the speed of water there, the amount, the flow, the clarity and the quality.

The book "Supersensonics" of Christopher Hills has a very good part about radiesthesia.

Géobiologie (radiesthésie)Aller à : Navigation, rechercher

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Géobiologie (homonymie).Cet article ou cette section est évasif ou trop peu précis.Améliorez sa qualité à l'aide des conseils sur les sources !

Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources (juillet 2012).Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». (Modifier l'article)

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La géobiologie est l'étude ésotérique de l'ensemble des influences de l'environnement sur le vivant, et notamment des ondes liées aux champs magnétiques et électriques, courants d'eau souterrains, réseaux dit "géobiologiques", failles géologiques, etc. Étymologiquement, il s'agit d'une association de la racine géo (la terre) et biologie (l'étude de tout ce qui est vivant).

Elle se distingue nettement de son homonyme, la géobiologie scientifique, branche de la paléontologie liée à l'histoire naturelle.

L'Association française pour l'information scientifique et en général les physiciens, les médecins et les géologues considèrent la géobiologie comme une pseudo-science 1 ,2. Ses méthodes d'investigation ne suivent pas une démarche scientifique et ses résultats n'ont pas de confirmations par les disciplines scientifiques3. Elle est vue par certains comme un champ d'étude irrationnel et, de ce fait, elle est souvent assimilée à un ensemble de croyances 4 ,5,6. Elle tente en effet d'aborder les liens existant entre un lieu et la vie humaine, animale ou végétale, avec un autre regard que celui des sciences exactes.

Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Une pratique sans fondement scientifique 3 Champs d'action de la géobiologie 4 Aperçu de quelques phénomènes telluriques allégués par les géobiologues

o 4.1 Réseaux telluriques o 4.2 Courants telluriques o 4.3 Cheminées cosmotelluriques o 4.4 Vortex cosmotelluriques o 4.5 Carrés magiques

5 Notes et références 6 Annexes

o 6.1 Bibliographie 7 Articles connexes

o 7.1 Liens externes


En 1929, le baron von Pohl utilisa des baguettes de sourcier pour déterminer des zones de perturbation et prétendit que tous les décédés par effet d'un cancer devaient avoir eu leur lit situé dans une de ces zones. [réf. nécessaire]

En 1934, le Dr Victor Rambeau, président de la chambre des médecins de Marburg, publia le résultat de mesures effectuées dans trois localités des environs de Marburg à l'aide d'un appareil mesurant l'intensité de champ dans le domaine des ondes moyennes appelé Géoskop du Dr Marts ou tektonomètre. Selon lui, les mesures effectuées ont permis de déterminer la coïncidence des lignes mesurées avec les failles figurant sur la carte géologique nationale et tous les malades atteints de manifestations cancéreuses et gravement affectés habitaient les zones précédemment déterminées7.

À la même époque, un ingénieur électronicien français du nom de Cody a effectué 10 000 mesures dans la ville du Havre, concernant l'emplacement des « lits à cancer » et

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leur environnement. Cody utilisa deux chambres d'ionisation fermées, l'une placée sur le lit suspect et l'autre dans une zone attenante. Le temps de chute des feuilles de l'électromètre placé à côté du lit à cancer aurait été souvent plusieurs centaines de fois plus long que lorsque l'appareil était placé sur le lit même8.

D'autres mesures ont été faites comme celles du physicien Wüst en 19559, Wiliams et Lorenz en 195710. En 1973, un chercheur allemand Stängle reprit les travaux de von Pohl avec un compteur à scintillation, selon lui il y a eu une nette augmentation du rayonnement tellurique en rapport avec les zones initialement trouvées11.

Une pratique sans fondement scientifique

La géobiologie est constituée de nombreuses affirmations non prouvées scientifiquement et, pour cette raison, est qualifiée de pseudo-science 3 . Plus précisément, pour ses critiques, la géobiologie invente des concepts non validés sur la relation entre un lieu et la façon dont la vie humaine, animale ou végétale se développe. Aucune expérience faite selon les critères scientifiques, qui limitent les biais comme le double aveugle, n'a montré l'existence de perturbations géobiologiques. La notion de courant tellurique utilisée par la géobiologie n'a rien à voir avec celle qu'a élaboré la géophysique, et aucune mesure ne permet d'identifier une distribution en maillage de points significativement riches en radioactivité (les géobiologues ne lient d'ailleurs pas non plus ces réseaux à la radioactivité). La corrélation de ces phénomènes allégués avec un effet négatif sur l'homme n'est pas non plus démontrée.

Des expériences ont été réalisées pour tester les capacités des radiesthésistes à détecter de l'eau, notamment à Munich et à Kassel. Réalisées dans des conditions scientifiques, elles ont montré que lorsque le sourcier connaît l'emplacement de l'eau il la détecte avec sa baguette. Lorsqu'il ne le connaît plus et qu'il n'a aucun indice extérieur (double aveugle), il ne fait pas mieux qu'une personne choisie au hasard. Voir la section expérience de l'article Sourcier pour plus de détails.

Champs d'action de la géobiologie

La géobiologie s'occupe de ce qui peut nuire au développement harmonieux de la vie (humaine, animale et végétale) dans un espace donné.

Elle traite aussi des phénomènes qui échapperaient aux disciplines classiques et qui auraient une dimension plus diffuse.

Aperçu de quelques phénomènes telluriques allégués par les géobiologues

Dans la pratique de la géobiologie sur le terrain, ce sont donc des méthodes de détection radiesthésiques qui sont utilisées par les géobiologues pour détecter les phénomènes. Ces méthodes sont malheureusement totalement invérifiables car elles reposeraient uniquement sur les capacités de perception de l'opérateur. Les résultats positifs obtenus par la radiesthésie sont l'équivalent statistique de ceux obtenus par le pur hasard, comme l'ont démontré les expériences de Munich et de Kassel. (Voir la section expérience de l'article Sourcier pour plus de détails).

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Réseaux telluriques

Pour les géobiologues, à chaque métal présent dans le sous-sol de la terre correspondrait un réseau particulier formant un maillage plus ou moins large12. Le réseau qui a le plus de notoriété est connu sous le nom de réseau Hartmann, qui correspond au nickel. Il n'existe aucune validation par le monde scientifique du réseau Hartmann13. D'autres réseaux, dont l'existence est aussi peu attestée, portent aussi le nom de leurs (re)découvreur modernes : le réseau Curry (diagonal) qui correspond au fer, le réseau Peyré qui correspond à l'or, le réseau Palm pour le cuivre, le réseau Wissman correspondant à l'aluminium, etc. Les réseaux les plus utilisés par les bâtisseurs qui seraient adeptes de la géobiologie14 sont le Hartmann et le Curry car ce sont les deux réseaux que l'on percevrait le plus facilement[réf. nécessaire].


minimumdes bandes


nickel 21 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouestfer 40 cm obliquezinc 36 cm obliquealuminium 36 cm obliquesilicium 72 cm obliquesélénium 36 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouesturanium 36 cm obliquemagnésium 36 cm obliquecobalt 20,7 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouestpalladium 38,7 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouestsidérite 36 cm obliqueor 40 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouestargent 36 cm obliqueplatine  ? Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest

plomb  ?différent des autres réseau, il fonctionnerait en point d'émergence et en concentrique.

cuivre 36 cm Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest

Les lignes de chaque réseau formeraient une trame[réf. nécessaire], analogue aux mailles d'un filet. Il existerait[réf. nécessaire] des réseaux orientés Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest, tel le réseau Hartmannn ou le réseau Peyré, et d'autres orientés à 45 ° comme le réseau Curry mais des variations seraient possibles dans l'orientation des réseaux, jusqu'à 30 ° en fonction du relief de l'endroit. Chaque ligne serait polarisée. Par convention, le géobiologue appelle ligne positive une ligne réputée provoquer une augmentation de l'énergie vitale des êtres vivants (force de croissance), et ligne négative une ligne qui provoque une diminution de l'énergie vitale (force de momification). Il existerait donc des doubles et des triples lignes positives et négatives. À titre d'exemples, dans le jargon de la géobiologie, une ligne Hartmann positive triple est en général appelée ligne H3+, une ligne Hartmann négative simple ligne H-, le nœud formé par la rencontre de deux doubles lignes Hartmann positives est appelé croisement H2+, le nœud formé par la rencontre d'une ligne Curry positive avec une ligne Curry négative est appelé croisement C+/C-, etc.

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Les géobiologues pensent que des bâtisseurs du passé ont tiré profit des croisements de lignes positives triples et quadruples pour implanter leurs lieux de culte[réf. nécessaire] (édifices incas, dolmens et menhirs, etc.), d'autant que les vortex cosmotelluriques (lire plus bas) affectionneraient ces points très positifs.[réf. nécessaire] Les sources historiques vérifiables manquent pour valider cette hypothèse.

La largeur des lignes du réseau du nickel serait au minimum de 21 cm. La distance entre les lignes serait de 2 m à 2 m 50. Leur orientation serait normalement Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest.

Les lignes du réseau du fer auraient une largeur minimum de 40 cm. La distance entre les lignes serait d'environ 5 m. Leur orientation serait à 45 ° par rapport aux directions Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest.

Les lignes du réseau de l'or auraient une largeur minimum de 40 cm. La distance entre les lignes serait d'environ 7 m. Leur orientation serait Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest.

Les lignes du réseau de l'argent auraient une largeur minimum de 36 cm. Elles seraient orientées à 45 °. Leurs croisement se superposent à ceux de l'or.

Les lignes du réseau du cuivre auraient une largeur minimum de 36 cm. La distance entre les lignes serait d'environ 5 m 50. Leur orientation est Nord/Sud-Est/Ouest.

Pour les géobiologues[réf. nécessaire], les réseaux du nickel et du fer, qui sont ceux que l'on ressentirait le mieux, pourraient avoir des effets néfastes, à l'emplacement des croisements de lignes négatives, d'autant plus s'il s'agit de croisements négatifs de lignes doubles ou triples. L'effet néfaste serait augmenté en cas de présence de faille ou de courant d'eau souterrain au même endroit, tandis qu'il serait atténué par certains cristaux.

Ces allégations ne sont pas prouvées scientifiquement.

Courants telluriques

Les courants telluriques seraient des flux formant un réseau qui ressemblerait au réseau hydrologique.[réf. nécessaire]

Cheminées cosmotelluriques

Les cheminées cosmotelluriques auraient des hauteurs différentes variant en moyenne entre 100 et 250 m. Chez certains auteurs, on trouve parfois l'appellation puits énergétiques pour désigner les cheminées.[réf. nécessaire]

Vortex cosmotelluriques

Comme les cheminées, les vortex seraient des entités éthériques.[réf. nécessaire]

Carrés magiques

Un carré magique serait une grille énergétique tridimensionnelle cubique formée de 27 cubes, délimités par des lignes Hartmann15. Les carrés magiques auraient été créés pour marquer certains hauts lieux énergétiques. La dimension des cases varierait entre 50 cm et 1 m de côté. Par rapport au bâtiment, un carré magique est toujours situé devant

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l'entrée principale. Chaque case est colorée d'une couleur différente, visible seulement par un clairvoyant. Les cases recentreraient le corps éthérique et rééquilibrerait les chakras 16 .

Cliquez sur une vignette pour l’agrandir

Site de Machu Pichu, Pérou. Depuis la redécouverte du site, certains estiment qu'un usage s'est établi, pour les autochtones comme pour les touristes, de se coller contre la pierre pour ressentir la présence de la déesse Pachamama. La pierre aurait été retaillée, car sa pointe marquerait l'emplacement exact de sortie d'un courant tellurique.[interprétation personnelle]

Gravures préhistoriques du site d'Achnabreck, Écosse, marquant vraisemblablement l'emplacement de cheminées cosmotelluriques.[interprétation


Utilisation de baguettes rad-master (instrument des débutants) pour localiser le carré magique d'une petite église au Pérou.[interprétation personnelle]

Notes et références1. ↑ [archive] La géobiologie, une pseudo-

science en expansion2. ↑ [archive] Ondes et champs. Feng Shui et

géobiologie à grands traits3. ↑ a et b Ondes et champs. Feng Shui et géobiologie à grands traits - Afis - Association française

pour l'information scientifique [archive]

4. ↑ [archive] Les ondes en délire5. ↑ [archive] La géobiologie, la "médecine de l'habitat"6. ↑ [archive] Le Feng Shui7. ↑ Börner R. : "Das Geoskopverfahren" 1944 von Münchow'sche Druckerei Giessen et Rambeau

"Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen des Tektonik des Erde une dem Krankheitsproblem ?" Biol. Heilkunst, Jahrgang 15, Nr. 3 vom 20. Januar 1934, Verlag des Biologischen Heilkunst,

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Stuttgart-W, Holzgartenstr.7, Nachdruck : Wetter-Boden-Mensch Heft 7/1969, S.341-353, W. Krauth-Verlag 693 Eberbach

8. ↑ Cody "Étude expérimentale de l'ionisation de l'air par une certaine radioactivité du sol" juillet 1933-juillet 1939

9. ↑ Wüst J. : "Gammastahlenmessungen auf geopathischen Zonen", Erfahrungsheilkunde 2/1956, S. 52-62, Karl Haug Verlag, Heidelberg

10. ↑ World-Oil" April 1957, nach Kopp/Ebikon-Schweiz in Wetter-Boden-Mensch 1968 Krauth-Verlag Eberbach

11. ↑ Stängle J. : Grundstrhlenmessungen über geopathischen Reizstreifen" Wetter-Boden-Mensch, Heft 18/1973 Krauth-Verlag Eberbach

12. ↑ Stéphane Cardinaux, Géométries sacrées, Tome 1.13. ↑ La géobiologie   : Les courants telluriques n'existent pas   !  [archive], Dr Robin Marchant.14. ↑ Stéphane Cardinaux, Géométries sacrées, Tome 1 et 2.15. ↑ Géométries Sacrées, Stéphane Cardinaux, p9016. ↑ Géométries Sacrées, Stéphane Cardinaux, p90.



Clémence Lefèvre, Manuel complet de géobiologie, détecter et neutraliser les ondes nocives, éd. Exclusif, 2004 (ISBN   2848910135 )

Stéphane Cardinaux, Géométries sacrées, Tome 1 : Du corps humain, des phénomènes telluriques et de l'architecture des bâtisseurs, éd. Trajectoire, 2004 ; Géométries sacrées, Tome 2, éd. Trajectoire, 2006

Georges Prat, L'Architecture invisible, éd. Arkhana Vox, 1999 Jacques Bonvin, Dictionnaire énergétique et symbolique de l'art roman, éd.

Mosaïque, 1999 Michel Moine , Guide de la radiesthésie, éd. Stock, 1973 Stéphane Crussol, Manuel pratique du pendule, 40 planches pendulaires, éd.

Exclusif, 2003, (ISBN   2848910097 ) Philippe Bouchaud, La Géobiologie moderne, Collection Savoir et Comprendre

en 200 pages, 2006, (ISBN   2952651507 ) Philippe Bouchaud, Construction et santé, Collection Savoir et Comprendre en

200 pages, 2007, (ISBN   2952651515 ) Bernard Babonneau, Benoît Laflèche, Roland Richard Martin, avec la

collaboration du Dr. Jacques Pezé, Traité de géobiologie théorie et pratique, Préface de Peter Roche de Coppens, Sciences et traditions, éd. de l`Aire, 1987 (Suisse).

D. Semelle, ABC de la géobiologie, Grancher, coll. "ABC" Adolphe Landspurg, Comment devenir sourcier et géobiologue (La pratique de

la radiesthésie vibratoire), éditions Dangles, 2003 (ISBN   2703305532 )

Articles connexes Feng Shui Radiesthésie Champ de forme sourcier pseudo-science

Liens externes

Page 48: What Can Mindscape Do for Me

Critique de la géobiologie ou la géobiologie en tant que pseudo-science

Portail du paranormal

Portail du scepticisme rationnel

Crop Circles

There is a huge amount of information about crop circles although more often not a circle. A very good book about the subject is "Secrets in the Fields" of Freddy Silva.

When asked about crop circles, Ibrahim Karim gave during the seminar of 27 Feb - 1 March 1999 his opinion as given below. Note that this was his opinion in 1999.

When speaking about this, I am going to speak about something else that is linked to negative green. I have a picture that one of you gave me of a crop circle (see the simplified figure at the right).

Of course, any plant would have negative green coming from the centre. The energy direction of anything you see on earth depends on its linear direction. So you can understand, that the energy pattern of a plant that is going up is something between the centre of the earth and the centre of the sun, so it is a vertical energy pattern. If it is something that fits with a crawling thing, the energy pattern will go that way. So the form here shows the direction of the energy pattern.

The first impression of this crop circle is its anti-clock wise rotation. Most of the things that have an anti-clock wise rotation are not beneficent. The ones with a clockwise rotation are usually more beneficent, and that is very important for architecture. When we make an architectural plan, then we want to put a rotation. One of the ways of achieving BioGeometrical energy in architecture is through rotation.

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What if the crop circle had a "better" design, a proper design? There is a problem with crop circles. You can get a design for a crop circle and draw it on paper, sacred geometry, and it looks fine if you use a very simple design. You know that you can get a spiritual energy field when using the 'golden ratio' 1.6. If you do that, you start emanating spirituality.

But I found something very strange. I noticed that when there was a group who were doing measurements on crop circles. The crop circles had very good designs and all of a sudden some of the people started feeling bad. One of them had a heart beat, another had something else. So I checked them. We know that many people go in the circle they get alternate states, this alter state of consciousness. But the alter state of consciousness can come to you in so many different ways, by increasing your energy field so much or by decreasing it so much both ways you can get an alter state of consciousness. So I tested them and then found that there was vertical negative green coming out of a sacred geometry shape. This is very strange, because a sacred geometry shape drawn properly should emit spirituality and we should not have any vertical negative green. So the whole thing did not scientifically fit together.

After a lot of study and research into it, I found how it worked. The plant has at the centre this horizontal negative green coming up; this connection that has to do with the spirituality of the plant. If you bend a plant, the horizontal becomes vertical because the plant is not made to be bent like that. The plant was made to stand up. So when they bent it, this thing happened and the crop circle started giving vertical negative green and the alter state that you got into was at the same time with an alter state of your energy field and your health, and everybody felt very bad.

So you see the negative green nature, you do not play with nature, otherwise you may generate problems. You leave everything in the direction in which it is supposed to live. You won't be very happy if somebody came and said "you look nicer on your head".

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This is exactly, when you do that with the plant. When I did this research and found that, many of the people who were crop circle fanatics hated me for it. I tested the same crop circles; when they are done on the sand then there is no problem, it is only when they were done on plants, that gives this problem.

What is the cause, who made the crop circles? It is not easy to say, because once you make something with so much negative green coming out of it, it is a doorway for all possible dimensions. So even if somebody or something comes and does it as a trick; he makes a hook, comes at night and does a crop circle. If he has developed a certain machine to do it or whatever and he does it. Once it emits such a strong negative green, at the time people come there is so much psychic activity in there from the people who come from different worlds, because it has become a doorway, that if you tried clairvoyantly or psychically to find who did it, you would go crazy. There is so much information coming from everywhere that you won't know whether it was an alien, whether it was a spiritual thing, because there is so much negative green coming out, so automatically everybody will come with a different theory. There is no way to be able to assess it.


But you should not work on vertical negative green. This is a very very important warning; because when you start working with anything you sensitise your energy field to it. I want you to sensitise yourself to spiritual gold so that you become always in tune with spirituality. But if you sensitise yourself with negative green, you would be able to find it everywhere the vertical negative green. You would see somebody and you can tell him: you have cancer, you have this, you have that. But you have become vertical negative green with time, and you end up with any form of cancer or something like that, so it is very dangerous. I have seen myself people who went, it was an American lady she wanted with a pendulum to study the vertical negative green in the tomb and the mummy. We told her not to do that. She insisted and she took a friend of mine who was very advanced spiritually and in radiesthesia, etc. They went in the museum and I told him: do not follow what she wants, just tellher no. He said: no, do not worry I can protect myself. They went and did the measurements. Next day she was in her hotel room, he was in bed in a near coma for 3 days. We had to go and bring him back. Everything was upside down, his chakra's were closed, everything was a in a mess. The same thing was with her. That is at the basis of what we call the curse of the pharaohs. That is the next subject.

BioGeometry and related subjects

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The BioGeometrical Systems Institute Company was founded in 1993 by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, D.Sc., and Mrs. Rawya Karim, M.A. It was envisioned as a design center to research and implement the new science of BioGeometry, developed & patented by Dr. Karim. The BioGeometrical Energy system Ltd. is a multi-disciplinary organization working in the following fields:

A BioGeometrical design language used in architectural, planning decoration, industrial design and accessories.

Energy adjustment on all levels and protection from harmful earth radiation ranging from a building to a whole city.

The development and use of BioSignatures to support traditional and alternative medicine.

Environmental application and protection from side effects of modern technology. For example electronic and cellular devices

Agriculture research in organic planting eliminating pesticides and prolonging shelf life.



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BioGeometry deals with the design and effect of geometrical shapes that interact with the earth's energy fields to produce special, pre-calculated effects on biological systems.


BioSignatures are linear diagrams that directly affect the energy and biological functions of the body organ.


Examples with an explanation. A separate page deals with the pyramid and the earth's energy grid and maps.


Influence of shapes, biosignatures, sound and colour on health of biological systems.

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pendulum, scepter and radiesthesia

Radiesthesia as the science of using man's sensitivity to vibrations to obtain information from energy levels that are not accessible to the five physical senses. Bovis biometer.

Resonance 1

There can be resonance between colours, sound and geometry

Resonance 2

Relationship between musical notes, colours, metals and geometry


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An incomplete list of books that might be of interest for those that have interest in BioGeometrie. Also the books of the seminars.


Tips for daily life.


Links that might be of interest for those that have interest in BioGeometrie. As a general rule for external links, a new brower page is opened to present the link.


Information about seminars and other activities.


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To buy products related to BioGeometry.

Other subjects

There are many more pages that you will find when following the links from above pages. These include crop circles, the Energy Balancing CD, electromagnetic radiation.

See also the site map.


[email protected] for specific questions to Ibrahim Karim about BioGeometry, BioSignatures, etc. (in Arabic, English, German or French)

[email protected] (webmaster) for general questions and suggestions to improve the web-pages (including the English!)

[email protected] for the web-shop.

Geometrías de la Fuente de Luz

Geometría Sagrada. El mundo ideal.

Decálogo de la Geometría Sagrada

Cinco Toroides Humanos- Psicogeometria

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Semilla de la Vida y Ankh


La geometría es de siete círculos interconectados, la semilla de la vida se considera ser la unidad básica de la información necesaria para la formación de toda la sustancia material. En esta interpretación, la semilla de la vida se sobrepone sobre la geometría de una cruz de Ankh o de Ansate, a jeroglífico egipcio, significando vida, salud y felicidad. Esta cruz se ha utilizado en el simbolismo de la iglesia cristiana de los coptos.

Corazón Sagrado


Se dice que es fuente primaria de la intuición espiritual, y el asiento de la sabiduría verdadera. Su propósito es iluminar e inspirar y est+a conectado con la Mente

Arbol de la Vida

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El árbol de la vida es una de las enseñanzas más antiguas y más profundas del conocimiento de las energías universales de la fuerza de la vida y del cuerpo de luz. Junto con la semilla de la vida es parte de la geometría que es paralela a el ciclo del árbol frutal. Cuando estas dos formas se sobreponen sobre uno a que la relación llega a ser evidente. El árbol de la vida se reconoce como la geometría que es base para el Kabalah, el sistema antiguo del judaísmo mistico


Cubo de Metatrón

Uno de los sistemas informativos más importantes del universo y uno de los patrones básicos de la creación para toda la existencia. Dentro de el se encuentran los cinco sólidos de Platón.

Vésica Piscis

El crisol del proceso que crea. Una abertura a la matriz de la cual se llevan todas las formas geométricas. Un símbolo de la fusión de opuestos y un camino a traés de las polaridades evidentes de los mundos. La imagen geométrica con la cual la luz fue creada. También la geometría para el ojo humano.

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La primer forma emerge fuera del patrón de la génesis. Gobierna muchos aspectos de la vida incluyendo el corazón humano con sus siete músculos que formen un toro. El toro está literalmente alrededor de todas las formas de la vida, de todos los átomos, y de todos los cuerpos cósmicos tales como planetas, estrellas y galaxias. Es existencia en forma primaria.

Armónicas y 13 Chakras

Como la espiral, esta progresión geométrica no tiene ningún principio y ningún final . Es desde los armónicos de la música que todas las leyes de la Física pueden ser derivadas, revelando la naturaleza potente de esta forma. La música es una herramienta de gran alcance para abrir los charkas. Esta geometría artística simboliza esta relación.


Campos ElectromagnéticosEstrella tetraédrica

Origen de todos los campos geométricos alrededor del cuerpo

La creación de la vida es geométrica. La mitosis se mueve de la esfera al tetraedro, de la estrella teraédrica al cubo y de nuevo a la esfera, finalmente al toro en forma de tubo. Este principio geométrico de la vida no se detiene allí, continúa hacia afuera hasta una distancia de unos 198 metros alrededor del cuerpo , creando un asombroso e intrincado arrego de cuerpos geométricos de energía interconectados e interrelacionadosque serán usados con el tiempo por la vida, mientras ésta evoluciona.El cuerpo encaja en ella, un tetraedro apunta hacia arriba, es el masculino, Sol, El que apunta hacia abajo, a la Tierra es femenino, Tierra.

Sólo hay dos formas simétricas en las que un ser humano puede ver la forma de la estrella, con un punto

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d e la estrella por encima de la cabeza y un punto por debajo de los pies y con la alineación del cuerpo humano mirando hacia el horizonte.

El tetraedro estrella o estrella tetraédrica es la geometría sagrada en el centro de esta forma y es el patrón de la rejilla etérea que rodea cada uno humano. Las estrellas alrededor de los cuerpos físico, mental y emocional, rotancon códigos relacionados a la velocidad de la luz , creando un campo llamado Merkaba. Un vehículo de Luz. La energía universal del amor es el combustible para este vehículo. Si siguieras estas líneas de energía del campo de la estrella teraédrica hasta su origen dentro del cuerpo estarias viendo un pequeño campo de la estrella de las ocho células originales del cuerpo, el Huevo de la Vida, localizado exactamente en el centro geométrico del cuerpo.

La Flor de la Vida


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El símbolo geométrico que activa la codificación de la energía en la mente para tener acceso al cuerpo de Luz. Es el lenguaje principal de la forma y de la proporción del universo. Este diseño de círculos que se traslapan tiene la capacidad de abrir las memorias profundas dentro de nuestro ser porque es un patrón

primario de energia/lenguaje que tiene una resonancia con todas las cosas dentro de nosotros y alrededor de nosotros.

Sri Yantra

Un símbolo geométrico de la energía . Los yogis antiguos de la India lo consideraban el más poderoso de todos los símbolos geométricos conocidos de la energía. Representa la estructura geométrica del sonido del creacion ! OM.

La meditación en el Sri Yantra pone claridad en todos los secretos del universo que serán revelados a la persona que los medite en él hasta que su imagen se grabe en la mente. Esta forma también tiene la capacidad de enfocar, de balancear y de aumentar el nivel de la energía de la fuerza de la vida.

Imágenes de

[email protected]

Thomas Morton y Spirit Maat

La geometría sagrada es el modelo de la creación y de la génesis de toda la forma. Es una ciencia antigua que explora y explica los patrones de la energía que crean y unifican todas las cosas y revela la manera exacta que la energía de la creación se organiza sí misma. En cada escala, cada patrón natural del crecimiento o el movimiento se conforma inevitablemente unas o más formas geometricas. Cuando entras en el mundo de la geometría sagrada comienzas a ver como nunca antes la belleza maravillosamente modelada de la creación. Las moléculas de nuestro ADN, la córnea de nuestro ojo, copos de nieve, conos de pino, pétalos de flores, cristales de diamante, la ramificación de los árboles, una cáscara del nautilus, la estrella que hacemos girar alrededor, la galaxia , el aire respiramos, y todas las formas de la vida como los sabemos emergen de códigos geométricos. Ver y comtemplar estos códigos permiten que miremos directamente en las líneas de la cara de la sabiduría y en los funcionamientos internos de la mente universal y del universo sí mismo. Los Mayores creyeron que la experiencia de la geometría sagrada era esencial para la educación del alma. Sabían que estos patrones y códigos eran simbólicos de nuestro propio reino interno y de la estructura sutil del conocimiento. Para ellos el término"sagrado" tenía significación particular al implicar sentido y l misterio

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profundo del conocimiento..... la última maravilla sagrada. La geometría sagrada adquiere otro nivel de significación cuando está puesta a tierra en la experiencia. El regalo de la fuente luminosa es que permite realmente que usted experimente ese uno mismo esencial dentro de los diseños de la energía pura de la fuente. Mientras que los modelos vienen literalmente a la vida ante sus ojos, los propulsa el corazón de la creación. La parte tan lejana de los sólidos de Platonicos como el misterio griego de 2500 años, nos muestra como nosotros somos una especie a la que se le enseñó que hay cinco formas de 3 dimensiones perfectas - el tetraedro, el hexahedro, el octaedro, el dodecaedro, y el icosaedro. Éstos se conocen colectivamente como los sólidos de Platonicos -- y son la fundación de todo en el mundo físico. ¡Los eruditos modernos ridiculizaron esta idea hasta los años 80, cuando el profesor Roberto Moon en la universidad de Chicago demostró que la tabla periódica de los elementos -- literalmente todo en el mundo físico -- está basado en estas mismas cinco formas! Un hecho, a través de la física, de la química, y de la biología modernas, los patrones geométricos sagrados de la creación se están volviendo a descubrir, pero a menudo sin el mayor contexto de la comprensión espiritual que protege contra su uso erróneo. Una de nuestras intenciones con la fuente luminosa, es proporcionar un puente a una comprensión espiritual intuitiva que sea alineada con el uso apropiado de este conocimiento. La vuelta al contenido los elementos de las formas geométricas de la fuente luminosa representa realmente las etapas manifIestas de ' convertirse '. Ver y trabajar con la unidad y la integridad en geometría pueden ayudar a suprimir LA FALSA IDEA DE ESTAR SEPARADOS de la naturaleza y de uno . Con la geometría sagrada podemos descubrir la proporción inherente, el balance y la armonía que existe en cualquier situación, toda manifiesta realidad e incluso las circunstancias de nuestra vida cotidiana. Era Marcel Proust quien dijo que "el viaje verdadero del descubrimiento no consiste en buscar tierras nuevas, solamente el ver con los ojos nuevos." A tal efecto, la fuente luminosa ofrece visualmente trece diseños geométricos elementales de gran alcance traídos a la vida con arte tecnológico que revelan la magia y la orden inherentes en el juego del universo. La energía en la acción de Leonardo Fibonacci, quien era un matemático italiano que introdujo a Europa y popularizó el sistema de numeración Hindu'-A'rabe (también llamado la sistema decimal) y contribuyó grandemente para numerar teoría, y durante su vida publicó muchos textos importantes. También lo conocen para la serie de Fibonacci, una serie numérica encontrada con frecuencia en el mundo natural. La secuencia de Fibonacci es generada agregando los dos números anteriores en la lista juntos para formar el siguiente etcétera y tan on.(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...). Divida cualquier número en la secuencia de Fibonacci por el que esta' antes de él, por ejemplo 55/34, o 21/13, y la respuesta está siempre cerca de 1,61803. Esto se conoce como el cociente de oro, el número de oro.Una de las actividades más profundas y más significativas abarcadas dentro de la geometría sagrada y de la fuente luminosa es la ' espira de oro ', o espíral aurea usando el ' cociente de oro" La espiral de oro fue utilizada en el diseño de edificios sagrados en arquitectura antigua para producir la energía espiritual que facilitó conectividad con reinos espirituales y la estructura .La vida se estructura de hecho aún más. Ésta es sin embargo el reflejo de la naturaleza en la forma de geometría. La geometría es la misma base de nuestra realidad, y por lo tanto vivimos en un mundo coherente gobernado por leyes no vistas. Ésto se manifiesta siempre en nuestro mundo. La Espiral de oro gobierna la proporción de nuestro mundo y puede ser encontrada uniforme en las más aparentementes posibles formas vivas activas.. Ejemplos claros de la geometría sagrada en la naturaleza y la materia son t odos los tipos de cristales, naturales y cultivados. La geometría hexagonal de copos de nieve. Criaturas que exhiben patrones espirales logarítmicos: caracoles y varios crustáceos. Pájaros e insectos , exhibiendo proporciones claras en cuerpos y alas. La manera la que el relámpago forma brazos. La manera en que los ríos ramifican. Los patrones moleculares y atómicos geométricos que todos los metales sólidos . La manera en la que un árbol se estiende hacia afuera de modo que todas sus ramas reciban la luz del sol , del ejemplo quizás menos obvio pero la mayoría significativo de este cociente especial se puede encontrara en el (DNA) - la fundación y mecanismo y guía de todos los organismos vivos, la comprensión de la geometría pues una parte subyacente de nuestra existencia, y en hecho las formas de geometría se pueden considerar que encajaron en muchos de los monumentos antiguos que todavía existen hoy. La gran pirámide (la más antigua de estas estructuras) en Giza es un buen ejemplo de esto. La altura de esta pirámide está en el cociente de Phi (la espiral de oro) en su base. De hecho, la geometría en esta estructura particular es más antigua que se ha encontrado. Esto explica porqué son populares entre las formas espirituales significativas, son las pirámides y los hemisferios , las bóvedas, que son la base de edificios religiosos, sea un mezquita, una iglesiana sinagoga ). Estas formas particulares son emisores de energía; son las formas que producen un tipo de onda penetrante que Chaumery y De Belizal nombraron verde negativo (que actúa como portador-como las ondas de radio que llevan la información. La calidad vibratoria de la espiral da las características muy fuertes de la comunicación que facilitan resonancia con reinos más altos en oración. Vivimos en la 3ra dimensión, o el ' plano de la manifestación, La espiral de oro es un umbral intra-dimensional en el que la materia emerge en realidad tridimensional manifesta. Por ejemplo, cuando

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se lleva una estrella sigue las secuencias específicas o las reglas universales, las mismas reglas del número de la vida en el proceso de la extensión. ¡Entonces vemos la luz!. Así la espitral de oro es la "huella digital" de la creación. Cuando reconstruimos esta secuencia siempre que se amplía, tenemos - ' el movimiento exacto de la creación en el proceso de extensión '. Cuando la fuente luminosa está jugando, uno está encontrando y literalmente está siendo bañado en esta actividad... innegable .La vuelta al contenido, la magia de la Bio-Geometri'a es una ciencia que se ocupa del efecto de las formas geométricas en las funciones de la vida y el diseño de las formas que interactúa con los campos de energía de la tierra, produciendo efectos calculados de antemano especialemente sobre los sistemas biológicos. Fue desarrollada por el lbraham F. Karim D.Sc. de Dr en El Cairo, Egipto, que ha estado conduciendo la investigación en estas disciplinas desde 1968. Las herramientas necesarias para la medida de la energía de formas geométricas se basan en la ciencia de la física de Microvibracional, o Radiestesia física, pues fue nombrado por los radiestesistas, Chaumery y Belizal alrededor de los años 1930-1940, (y son desarrolladas más adelante por el Dr. Karim). La investigación en Bio-Geometri'a era, y sigue siendo, dedicada principalmente al desarrollo de una nueva forma de arquitectura que realzaría el sistema biológico humano y da un nuevo significado al concepto de hogar. Para aumentar la calidad de la energía de hogares existentes para cancelar los efectos potencialmente dañosos de los campos desenfrenados de la energía debido al diseño arquitectónico, la disposición de los muebles, el cableado electrico, los elementos decorativos especialmente diseñados se colocan en lugares estratégicos para neutralizar energía negativa y para agregar una calidad positiva a ellas. Las formas Bio-Geome'tricas, cuando están diseñadas o grabadas en joyería, han demostrado efectos positivos sobre el campo de la energía del cuerpo, y reducen los peligros potenciales para la salud causados por los teléfonos portátiles, las computadoras y otras aplicaciones modernas. De muchas maneras la ciencia y la disciplina metafísica de la Bio-Geometri'a proporción la ayuda qué muchos conocen hoy como Feng Shui. Armónicos mas altos dentro de la Espiral de Oro: La magia de las formas particulares de la geometría y del color son emisores de la energía; son las formas que producen un tipo de onda penetrante que Chaumery y De Belizal nombraron ' verde negativo ', que actúa como portador-como las ondas de radio que llevan la información . La calidad vibratoria del verde negativo le da las características muy fuertes de la comunicación, que facilitan resonancia con reinos más altos en oración . Un renacimiento de los criterios antiguos del diseño, o las Canon, en arquitectura del modernismo fue procurado por el pionero suizo de la arquitectura Le Corbusier , con su sistema "modular" que abarcó dos escalas de las dimensiones basadas en el número de oro. El investigador ruso, Scariatin, que escribió bajo el seudónimo de Enel y publicó sus primeros libros de radiestesia en Egipto en los años '40, fue el primero en descubrir que un aspecto de la calidad vibratoria verde negativa era una parte integral de campos espirituales de la energía en la evolución espiritual de la persona. Inspirado por el trabajo de Scariatin, el Dr. lbraham F. Karim ha hecho la investigación extensa y ha encontrado que las formas Bio-Geome'tricas tienen tres calidades vibratorias primarias: (1) verde negativo, (2) un armónico más alto de ultravioleta, y (3) un armónico más alto de oro. Solamente las formas que producen campos de la energía con los tres componentes son Bio-Geome'tricas. la fuente luminosa produce y emite los tres componentes: verde negativo, un armónico más alto de ultravioleta, y un armónico más alto del oro. El verde negativo resultó tener otras características, sin embargo, que le hacen ciertas circunstancias inferiores potencialmente muy dañosas de la exposición continua. El Dr. Karim ha hecho la investigación considerable en este tipo de energía, y se han identificado los diversos componentes. El componente más importante de campos espirituales de la energía es un tipo específico del verde negativo. (ésta es una calidad vibratoria que está en resonancia con el gris entre blanco y negro). Está en la base de todos los centros de la energía en los puntos del cuerpo y de la energía en naturaleza. Las pirámides y los hemisferios producen esta vibración a lo largo de su eje central. En campos espirituales de energía, sin embargo, solamente el componente horizontal de esta energía se encuentra. El componente vertical, que es la parte dañosa de esta energía, está cancelado. Dentro de todas las 13 formas sagradas de la fuente luminosa, solamente el componente horizontal del verde negativo es presente cuando las formas son activas. El segundo componente es un armónico más alto del ultravioleta, una luz invisible que sea el ambiente de ángeles y de otros sersutiles . Es una purificación y una vibración que relaja, que balancea funciones de los órganos y tiene un efecto que calma el sistema nervioso. El armónico más alto del ultravioleta está presente en las 13 formas de la fuente luminosa cuando las formas son activas. El tercer componente es un armónico más alto del oro, que, aunque en un plano vibratorio mucho más alto, está en resonancia con el oro físico (es representado por los halos alrededor de las cabezas de santos). Realza la sabiduría y la prosperidad en un amplio sentido. En el nivel físico, tiene un efecto de energización que balancea el sistema inmune del cuerpo. El armónico más alto del oro está presente en las 13 formas de la fuente luminosa cuando las formas son activas. La magia de la geometría y de los sonidos musicales cifrados también evocan diversos aspectos de la conciencia , el más valioso es el Amor. El ambiente acústico ofrecido por la fuente luminosa es la

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composición musical, sueño de Enos. Con el uso del Bio-sonido, una nueva tecnología desarrollada por Paul, la firma digital del amor se ha encajado en esta composición, ofreciendo al oyente una experiencia altamente realzada. El resultado puede ser absolutamente asombroso, especialmente cuando está combinado con la "respiración meditativa de las geometrias sagradas. Los seres humanos se componen de campos complejos de energía que contienen resonancia. Cuando está expuesta a un campo altamente complejo de energía que contiene resonanciasimilar a la propia - pero másfuerte atrae un ' estado vibratorio comprensivo ' con esa resonancia.Comienza a emparejarse con esa energía. Si este campo resonante de la bio-energi'a está vibrando más rápidamente que usted, sus vibraciones se elevan a ese nivel. Usted comienza a experimentar esas sensaciones; regocijo, extasis . El trabajo de Paul se basa en los conceptos de Juan Keely, científico que dedicó su vida a entender la energía. Keely encontró que toda la energía puede ser cambiada, y al descubrirlo escribió mucho sobre la forma más alta de energía,el amor. ¡El Elemento Final... Usted! Usted es el elemento mágico inesperado - el alquimista creativo, donde las geometrias que se mezclan, las gamas de colores y el sonido con el arte sorprende y siempre q revela su propio sentido. Confiando en las "reservas ocultaas" de su propia mente, emociones y alma creativos para dirigir su experiencia aquí, usted recibirá únicamente lo apropiado para usted en cada momento. Uno que evoca un arsenal ilimitado de interacciones dinámicas en el reino del movimiento, del color, de la forma y del sonido . Hay muchos informes de como usted ha Balanceado su ambiente, anecdótas que indican que hay energías más equilibradas dentro del ambiente cuando la fuente luminosa está jugando el arte cinética. Exploraciones multi- sensoriales de los orígenes de la realidad manifesta. Cambiando su frecuencia personal crea la realidad que usted desea.El Vehículo para la experiencia cinestésica del sonido, de la música, del patrón y del color. LA Herramienta transformacional es la meditación que ofrece un puente por el cual la mente puede alcanzar su nivel más alto del reino de la inteligencia pura: "la energía que buscamos es la energía con la cual buscamos." Las combinaciones exponenciales de las gamas de colores del color, de las imágenes y de las opciones ilimitadas de la música y del sonido crean experiencias únicas, sin par. Se encajan en estas experiencias las características asociadas a cada geometría. También, hay siempre un aspecto experimental y emocional asociado a cada forma geométrica sagrada. Estos aspectos particulares se convierten en un cierto plazo más evidentes. La vuelta a la meditación y de la respiración es una habilidad que se ha practicado desde épocas antiguas. Implica la relajación de su cuerpo, mente, y emociones como manera de liberar su mente y enfocarse, concentrandose en lo que usted elige. Aunque la mayoría de los acercamientos a la meditación se hacen con los ojos cerrados y un ambiente reservado, es también útil emplear vista y el sonido para alcanzar propósitos específicos, tales como experimentar las formas geométricas sagradas. El Sri Yantra, se ha utilizado por siglos de esta manera, con el meditator cantando la sílaba sagrada OM mientras que mira constantemente en la forma. Práctica:1. Lleve a ambas manos hacia adelante y sienta frente a usted.¿qué siente?2. Ahora, con sus ojos cerrados, EN cada respiración que toma imagínese que usted está respirando a través de la palma de su mano solamente, una de ellas. (para una experiencia más pronunciada respire a través de su mano no-dominante.) Haga esto durante cinco respiraciones completas, hacia adentro y hacia fuera. 3. Ahora lleve sus manos delante de usted otra vez, y sienta ¿Siente igual, o diferente?La diferencia que usted siente probablemente sus manos es el resultado de hacer una breve "meditación respiración" en su mano. Es indicativa del aumento de la energía que puede ocurrir respirando a través de las geometrias sagradas, contenidas en la fuente luminosa.Cómo utilizar la Geometriá Sagrada con la meditación una vez que usted haya aprendido el proceso básico sistemáticamente de relajar y de energizar su cuerpo, la mente y emociones es cuando usted está listo comenzar a hacer meditaciones específicas en las formas geométricas sagradas de la fuente luminosa1.De las geometrías que están en ésta página elija la que sienta.2. Elija en qué geometría focalizas : una sola geometría (para su primera vez sugerimos el Toro, debido a su energía de centrar y de enfocar su Sentido del Ser .) . 3. Elija qué música a utilizar: Paul White, Vivaldi, Mozart o Bach , una grabación de cuencos o campanas tibetanos, sonidos registrados del cuarzo de la naturaleza, Shamanes que percutenn y/o que cantan, rock and roll rítmicos que le sorprenderán en cómo los geometías parecen sincronizarse mágicamente con cualquier tipo de música.

Diviértase , experimente e intente con sus formas favoritas. Y recuerde... si usted desea maximizar los efectos, respire a través de las formas cuando las mira. )

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Geometría Sagrada. El mundo ideal Decálogo de la Geometría Sagrada


" Las Matemáticas son el alfabeto con el que Dios creó el Universo". Galileo Galilei


Animacion Dan WinterAnimacion Dan Winter

En el mundo ideal de la Geometría, el triángulo equilátero es la imagen simbólica de Dios, en la cual el que reconoce, lo reconocido y el reconocimiento constituyen una Unidad, Uno en Tres y Tres en Uno.Toda forma es una manifestación de la fuerza que la ha construído; por consiguiente, toda forma es también la imagen de la fuerza creadora que habita en ella y la constituye. En su estado primordial, descasando en sí mismo, lo divino se manifiestasiempre en forma de triángulo equilátero.El triángulo equilátero lleva dentro de sí la armonía absoluta y el perfecto equilibrio, pues sus tres vértices se encuentran a la misma distancia el uno del otro. Por el contrario, cuando este aspecto de Dios, que descansa en sí mismo, sale del estado inespacial e intemporal de la no-dimensión y entra en el mundo de las tres dimensiones, conviertiéndose en el aspecto creador de Dios, entonces se manifiesta siempre en el número 4. Mientras los números 1 y 3 forman una Unidad en la Divinidad, son siempre 3 en 1 y 1 en 3,

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y eso dá como resultado 4.El triángulo equilátero manifiesta los 4 triángulos equiláteros ocultos en él.En esta ley se esconde también el misterio del número clave del mundo tridimensional, el número 7.Cómo fue que la primer energía manifestada del estado de la No-dimensión a las 3 Dimensiones?Para que una fuerza salga de la no-dimensión y pueda manifestarse necesita un punto de partida.El punto no posee dimensiones, aún no ha salido de la Unidad, pero es necesario para la manifestación.Consta de un solo factor, lleva en sí mismo al 1.La fuerza sale de la no-dimensión cuando el punto se mueve..............y surge una línea ______________________________El punto se convierte en una línea Ha nacido la primera dimensión, el largo ___________________________La línea es en sí misma infinita ________________________________Es como manifestación el número 1.En el mundo de las manifestaciones, existe principio y final, la línea constituida de tres factores:El punto inicialEl punto finalEl espacio entre ambosPunto............espacio.............PuntoLa línea lleva en sí misma el número 3, el número clave del mundo unidimensional.Ahora puedes observar que no existe posibilidad para que el número 2 se manifieste en la Unidad.Después de la primera manifestación del punto surgen 3 factores, sin pasar por el número 2Cuando surge la línea desde el punto, aunque esta sea muy pequeña, los factores son 3.Si la línea se encuentra en el infinito, el número continúa siendo 1. pero si tiene un principio y un final, llevará necesariamente el número 3.Para que surja el 2 es necesaria la división de la Unidad. Solo ocurre cuando dos unidades son representadas una al lado de la otra. Pero como fuera de la Unidad no existe nada, la Unidad emite un reflejo de sí misma para que así surja la división, una separación que implica la muerte de la Unidad. Ese es un estado que se llama dual, es de escición del Almatodos los idiomas lo expresan como la otredad del número 2.De la primera dimensión surge la segunda.La línea está compuesta por una sucesión de puntos......______________Si la energía creadora actúa en cada uno de estos puntos con la misma fuerza y durante el mismo espacio de tiempo, estos puntos pasan a la Segunda Dimensión, cada uno de ellos forma un línea y del conjunto de estas líneas surge una superficie; un cuadrado.Ha nacido la Segunda Dimensión: el ancho.El cuadrado es 4 en 1 y 1 en 4; por lo tanto consta de 5 factores; las 4 líneas manifestadas: la línea inicial, la final, las laterales, derecha e izquierda y el quinto factor, la superficie no manifestada encerrada entre 4 líneas.El número clave del mundo bidimensional es el 5.

Y las fuerzas creadoras continúan actuando y las superfiies también están formadas por puntos y si sobre cada uno de estos puntos actúa la misma fuerza durante el mismo lapso, estos puntos pasan a la Tercera Dimensión y de la superficie surge el Cubo.Ha nacido la Tercera Dimensión, la altura.

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El Cubo es 6 en 1 y 1 en 6; las 6 superficies limitadas manifestadas y el séptimo factor, no manifestado; el Volumen interior del Cubo. El número clave del número tridimensional es el 7.Como vemos, la forma básica de la materia es el Cubo. Los cristales se construyen según esta Ley y en ellos podemos encontrar la forma misma del Cubo, en la sal, por ejemplo o los elemntos básicos del Cubo, en diferentes variantes y aspectos. Si examinamos la esencia del Cubo, se comprenden las leyes que rigen las diversas variantes.Partiendo de uno de los vértices del Cubo, podemos encontrar una figura que contiene las 3 D del Cubo. Si trazamos una diagonal, se obtiene solo una superficie, solo dos Dimensiones. Para obtener una figura de tres dimensiones tenemos que hacer un corte en la diagonal desde uno de los vértices del cubo hacia dos vértices opuestos, separando una esquina del cubo.Al repetir este procedimiento más se una vez se le cortan al Cubo, cuatro esquinas y queda una figura radicalmente distinta; un tetraedro formado por 4 Triángulos equiláteros.Se puede ver entonces como dentro del cubo está oculta una figura muy distinta, pues no está formada por cuadrado, sino por 4 triángulos sobre una superfice en la que forman un único triángulo equilátero, la representación simbólica de Dios.

El Tetraedro es la encarnación de la armonía y el equilibrio.Sus vértices se encuentran a la misma distancia unos de otros. y en consecuencia en el tetraedro no existe ninguna tensión, sino un equilibrado estado de quietud.Los vértices del cuadrado y del cubo no se encuentran a la misma distancia unos de otros, por ende, en ellos existe siempre una tensión insalvable.La materia del mundo tridimensional se organiza en forma de cubos, pero esconde dentro de sí al tetraedro basado en el equilibrio divino.La materia no existe sin contener lo Divino.

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Todo el mundo tridimensional está construído según la misma Ley, tanto si se trata de materia inerte como de materia animada. Las plantas, los animales y los seres humanos presentan un cuerpo que está sometido a leyes del mundo tridimensional. En el cuerpo se encuentra oculto lo invisible, el Yo Divino Superior, la Vida, el Ser Eterno. Unicamente el Ser Humano es capaz de manifestar su Yo Superior, es decir, a Dios mediante pensamientos, palabras y acciones y esto se consigue en la no identificación de conciencia y cuerpo, sino con el Espíritu que este contiene, su Yo.El ser humano que se identifica con su cuerpo material solamente es como un cubo opaco que muestra solo algunas caracteríticas de la materia, desplazando lo Divino, creador, lo mafestado, sin sospechar que dentro de si lleva el Tetraedro, el Yo Divino.Pero también existe la figura del Cubo Tallado, la pirámide que simboliza el HombreDios, quien permite que su naturaleza divina brille realizando a Dios en la Tierra.El Yo Divino, el creador se sienta sobre su trono y reina sobre la materia.La Cruz, formada por 6 cuadrados de la superficie del cubo o la tau en la cual es crucificado el Yo Divino que se oculta en el hombre.Si cortas 8 esquinas del cubo encuentras dentro de el dos tetraedros opuestos y simétricos incrustados uno dentro del otro.Es la representación de la Ley mas profunda del mundo visible, la unión indivisible de las dos mitades complementarias , la positiva y la negativa, las que constituyen un perfeco equilibrio y como espíritus creadores están sentados a la derecha y al izquierda de la Divinidad.Gobiernan la creación como dos leyes opuestas ; la ley del espíritu y la Ley de la materia.Espíritu en Vida, Materia en ResistenciaLa Ley del Espíritu es irradiación,don,desinterés.La Ley de la Materia es contracción, enfriamiento, solidificación.Solo existe una criatura viviente que encarna concientemente ambas leyes, el Ser Humano.Es el eslabón de unión entre ambos mundos.Sin la resistencia de la materia la Creación sería imposible. En la Divinidad todas las fuerzas se encuentran en la Unidad.La Creación se inicia cuando una fuerza sale de la Unidad y ejerce resistencia. Es el hijo primogénito, el espiritu de la resistencia, que el Padre emite para que se formen los polos opuestos a El, positivo y negativo.

Toma una piedra en tu mano, mírala, siéntela.Qué es lo que hace que lo que tienes en la mano sea una piedra?Cómo se mantiene unida como materia?Es la Ley de resistencia, que todo lo enfría, lo contrae, lo solidifica.Mientras esta ley se manifieste en la materia como materia, estará actuando en el lugar que le corresponde y por lo tanto será Divina,.La materia inerte se convierte en materia viva cuando el Yo, el Espiritu Divino se reviste de materia haciéndose carne.


Toda la creación, el mundo de la inquietud, del movimiento, descansa sobre el equilibrio Divino simbolizado por la estrella Tetraédrica o Tetraedro Estrella.


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Decálogo de la Geometría Sagrada De un poema del libro II de Dan Winter

El alfabeto del Corazón dela Tierra

Traducido y editado por Arturo Ponce

1) El universo esta hecho de una sola sustancia: el Campo Unificado.

2) La sustancia universal tiene una única forma de onda la onda sinoidal.

3) El universo puede ser descripto como una geometría de anidación.

4) En un universo hecho de ondas, solo el Foco Atencional es el medio que crea.

5) La forma es lo único que el universo tiene para conservar. Todos los cambios cualitativos vienen de diferencias en la forma, no en la sustancia.

6) La única manera de conservar la forma es manteniendo el nido de proporciones que contiene longitud, profundidad y volumen.

7) El mejor camino para mantener un nido de Razones es la Proporción Dorada.

8) La coherencia en cualquier nivel es coherencia en todos los niveles.

9) El ADN es la semilla de cristal de un cuerpo de luz de mayor dimensión.

10) La luz, cuando es doblada sobre si misma, se conoce a si misma.Comentarios1) El universo esta hecho de una sustancia: el Campo Unificado.Todos conocemos la formula básica para esto E=MC2. La materia es solo mucha energía moviéndose tan lentamente que puede tocarse. La energía es solo poca materia moviéndose tan rápido que tenemos problemas para encontrarla. Son polaridad de la misma sustancia que se está moviendo o fluyendo en proporciones diferentes, constantemente. Esta alta compresibilidad es lo que almacena la forma y la memoria en su forma de onda.2) La sustancia universal tiene una única forma de onda la onda sinoidalEste principio de Fourier de transformación de registro de frecuencia significa que incluso la forma más compleja es una simple suma de ondas sinoidales de longitudes diferentes.3) El universo puede ser descrito como una geometría de anidación.La geometría puede ser pensada aquí como la creación básica de simetría. Cualquier estructura simétrica crea un lugar donde las ondas que convergen. Aquellas que viajan en direcciones contrarias, pueden permanecer, eso es, estar en fase y en cerradura de fase. La permanencia de ondas da la ilusión de solidez que es la segregación del momentum que hace posible el nacimiento de la materia. La anidación ocurre donde las ondas convergen.Solo la proporción es sagrada: la escala es mundana. La información es lo único universal en nuestro universo holográmico, cada parte contiene la información del todo. Entonces, compartir la forma en que las ondas convergentes crean formas sustentables, se vuelve una propiedad de la estructura inherente que emerge naturalmente del proceso mismo.En un mundo hecho solo de ondas, solo debe haber dos formas geométricas, el toroide, o vórtice, y la espiral de proporción dorada. La forma del Tubo Toro, o dona, es la única estructura en un mundo de ondas que puede volverse coherente, es decir, que puede retener una forma regular como anillo de humo. Tanto como más de estos anillos de humo son creados y quieren relacionarse al primer anillo de humo, deben anidarse en un patrón correcto

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para que ellas puedan recordar su forma y compartir su estructura. El mejor camino para hacer esto es la razón que nosotros llamamos proporciona áurea.Solo una forma de simetría de proporción Áurea va a permitir a las ondas convergentes añadir y multiplicarse al mismo tiempo. Solo en esta forma, de esta manera, las ondas pueden anidarse sin interferir con las demás y sin cancelar sus memorias. Una espiral de proporción Dorada puede anidar triángulos, cuadrados y pentágonos, creando un dodecaedro. El dodecaedro es la anidacion de razón Dorada perfecta para cambiar la información en una estructura coherente. Esa es la razón por la que también es el patrón de la molécula trenzada del ADN. Cuando la proporción Dorada ocurre, la dona icosaedrica y la dona dodecaedrica generan naturalmente los únicos otros dos números: PI y E.De esta forma simple, y de estos tres números irracionales, que ocurren naturalmente, esta construido el universo. Sin ninguna duda los antiguosEgipcios llamaron a estas cualidades las fuerzas cosmológicas.4) En un universo hecho de ondas, solo el Foco Atencional es el medio quecrea.La Atención, intensidad directa de la conciencia, ocurre cuando los nidos excitados de anillos de humo se vuelven fractalmente atractivos en los patrones creados por PHI, PI y E. Cuando esto ocurre también se vuelven materia, y la cualidad de atracción es entonces vista como gravedad. La intención, como gravedad, es una lente que dobla la luz. La atención en la forma de los grandes arquetipos geométricos genera una sensación de gravedad simbólica.5) La forma es la única cosa que el universo tiene para conservar. Todos los cambios cualitativos vienen de diferencias en la forma, no en la sustancia.Todo en nuestro mundo, toda la materia, eso es, todos los patrones fractalmente atractivos de densidad informacional, están compuestos de átomos, que son descritos por los físicos como un núcleo rodeado por electrones en capas de orbitales. Estas capas son el patrón, la forma y la proporción que es lo único que el universo debe conservar para conocerse a si mismo. Estas capas o formas son creadas por la anidacion de donas de energía o anillos de humo. Así, la Tabla Atómica se vuelve un simple equipo de patrones de ondas que describe su valencia como simetría. Todo puede ser creado de la anidacion de una dona, con un par de vértices; tres donas, con seis simples vértices de dirección; cinco donas, con diez vértices; y siete donas, con catorce vértices. Cuenta los vértices y tienes el número de electrones en cada capa de orbital.Estos patrones de forma regular son llamados sólidos Platónicos porque Plato fue el primero que escribo de ellos: el tetraedro, un par de vértices; el octaedro/cubo, tres pares; el dodecaedro, cinco pares; y el icosaedro, siete pares. Estas formas básicas son importantes para transmitir la estructuraíntima de ondas de la materia, mejor entendida como plantillas que generan la atención o intensidad necesaria para volverse fractalmente atractivas, eso es, doblar el flujo recto de energía de la luz en un círculo de materia atómica estructurada.6) La única manera de conservar la forma en un camino es manteniendo el nido de proporciones que contiene longitud, profundidad y volumen.El nido mas elegante de proporción es aquel en el que interviene Phi, Pi y E como en la espiral del ADN. Podemos pensar en esto como una simple prueba que el ADN es una estructura que esta codificada para transmitir información a lo largo del camino de la evolución temporal de la vida física de las formas del planeta. Todas las formas de vida en la superficie del planeta son los instrumentos y actores de una antigua opera épica fuertemente tejida en la estructura de nuestras células.7) El mejor camino para mantener un nido de Razones es la Proporción DoradaTorciendo un cubo cinco veces a 32 grados en el mismo espacio visual se crea un dodecaedro. Torciendo un dodecaedro 32 grados nos da las potencias de Phi; Phi al cuadrado, al cubo, etc. El camino de la proporción Dorada le permite a la información (la forma) moverse sin la perdida de momentum (mente). Tan cerca como nosotros podemos estar para crear esta forma y camino, tan grande nuestra conductividad es. Es decir, mayor energía puede fluir por nosotros. Cuando enfocamos nuestra intensidad en estas formas y patrones de flujo, creamos una especie de energía súper conductiva, un intercambio súper coherente de energía.8) La coherencia en cualquier nivel es coherencia en todos los nivelesUn arreglo ordenado entre las longitudes de onda establece una conexión entre las frecuencias y los campos. Pero para que esta conexión perdure, debe resonar en todas las frecuencias y los campos. Esto puede ser solamente logrado por la estructura de resonancia de los caminos de la Proporción Dorada. La cascada armónica de la inter-conectividad es la estructura de nuestro universo holográfico, percibible como éxtasis.9) El AND es la semilla de cristal de un cuerpo de luz de mayor dimensión.El ADN, un cristal de estructuras perfectas de Phi que conecta las ondas largas con las ondas cortas, es un patrón de tercera-dimensión diseñado para transmitir información, en una forma de ser viviente, por el espacio y el tiempo, la cuarta dimensión. Su meta parece ser la creación de una inteligencia de quinta dimensión, capaz de ponerse en fase con la información del universo almacenada en el código cristalino de la geometría del ADN.10) La luz, cuando es doblada sobre si misma, se conoce a si misma.Una conciencia de quinta dimensión, que nosotros podemos categorizar como una que puede ver todo el espacio y el tiempo, la energía y la materia, como componentes de la forma de onda original, dobla la Luz en el circulo de la auto-conciencia. Esto crea la explosión de energía rica en rayos UV (azules) que acompaña el levantamiento de Kundalini, la cerradura de fase de las energías biológicas en el flujo de la

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información universal del flujo de energía. Este doblamiento crea la iluminación, un estado donde la conciencia de la mente universal se junta consigo misma en cada cruce de onda. Artículo original por el Equipo del Corazón Coherente, "Armonic Explorer"

Fuente: Traducción y edición para Psicogeometria: Arturo Ponce ...............................................................................Toroide

Todos los campos y todas las cosas están hechas de dominios, de formas toroides.La manera natural de permanencia de una onda es en un tormnado (vórtice), aprende apermanecer en cada una de las cabezas y a estar en equilibrio, obtiene donas, el mapa de 7 colores.En el estudio de la ciencia de los fluídos se dice que la única forma autoorganizable es un Campo Unificado, sería este tubo toroide la forma de todos los dominios magnéticos y el efecto de campo.Campo:

Un campo es una región de influencia organizada.Un lugar donde se almacena energía.

La Física particular puede alejarnos del poder creativo de la imaginación enfocada. Viendo el principio del fluído de auto-organización en el universo, nosotros podemos comprender que la mente es como un foco que lo mantiene unido al centro del vórtice de la dona que construye la materia. El Universo es auto organizado en un Campo Unificado , Sustancia única.El vórtice en el flujo resuelve los pares de vórtices porque la forma es la única cosa que tiene un Campo Unificado para almacenarlo como memoria.Esta forma es la única forma que las ondas recuerdan para encontrar estructura constantemente, volteándose para anudar un nudo corredizo desde adentro hacia afuera.La física de la hidrodinámica clásica, presión y flujo, nos dice que solo los pares de vórtices de las donas toroides pueden existir en un contenedor teniendo solo una sustancia en ella. La forma es inspirada para auto-recordar.

Las ondas sinusoidales revolucionan para volverse donas, y como donas en 3D son el vórtice toroidal o el Agujero Gusano o la naturaleza de las Cuerdas en la Física actual.Los fotones también viajan como donas o toroides y cuando llegan a un embotellamiento .El arco iris / el origen del color causado por el ordenamiento de los fotones toroides de auto organización por compresión.

Agujero Gusano:

Una región en el espacio con la forma de un tubo que conecta una parte del universo con otra. Distorsión en el tejido espacio-tiempo que permite el movimiento y desplazamiento de cosas materiales de un punto a otro.Conectan puntos separados en el espacio y distintos puntos en el tiempo. Los átomos son agujeros de gusano.El pensar implica asciar ideas separadas por la lógica, esto es una manifestación de la existencia de´los Agujeros gusano en el cerebro.

Qué es un Atractor Fractal?

Los fractales proporcionan a la onda un camino de masaje para la forma, la onda y la vibración en los más altos patrones evolutivos, un hilo codificado uniendo espirales mas largas en espirales mas pequeñas hasta lal infinidad. Los ejemplos de formas naturales tienden a ser fractales, autosimilares,. La autosimilitud significa que la estructura interna tiene el mismo patrón que la estructura externa. Una conífera o un helecho o la gándula pineal tienen una forma que incluso en 3D podríamos acercarnos hacia el centro y siempre estaríamos viendo la misma cosa. como las muñecas rusas, todas ellas están formadas para que la familia entera de muñecas encaje perfectamente una dentro de otra.

L a razón esencial de por que las forma que son fractales, que crean atracción, es importante por razones psicológicas y espirituales, de manera insospechada por los matemáticos.Si se le pregunta a alguien en las

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matemáticas por qué un fractal atrae, el dirá que un patrón de ondas tiende siempre a regresar al mismo centro, incluso luego de diferentes excursiones fuera de ese centro.Las matemáticas del patrón que autocentra son llamadas como un Atractor porque la onda siempre parece ser atraída a un lugar del cual reiniciar.Para entender la naturaleza de la conciencia y la gravedad ésta se vuelve una pista por razones incluso más profundas d e por qué las formas fractales, hechas de carga eléctrica, crean atracción.

Para la Física , desde la técnica todo está hecho de carga.

Carga: Habilidad de almacenar potencial eléctrico

Carga Radiante:Campo de Vida:Cuando el camino de emisión para la carga, sonido. luz,o cualquier espectro, se vé como un corazón dentro de otro corazón . La radiación de esa carga puede continuar para siempre con ninguna resistencia. El corazón aprende a formar su campo. Con un interior perfecto el exterior es el mecanismo de la Felicidad

Dios es quien le enseña a la onda como almacenar inercia.La resistencia de ser empujada , para una onda, es inercia.La Fuerza Centrante añade autoreferencia y mantiene al tornado pequeño centrado dentro del más grande., la relación entre Conciencia y aquella que fabrica gravedad, es íntima.

Qué es Coherencia ?

Es la diferencia entre una linterna eléctrica y un láser.Todos los soldados marchan por el puente, marcando el paso.La coherencia es cuando la diferencia armónica en una onda compleja, como el latido del corazón, está musicalmente cerrada en fase, es disciplina de fase.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matríz Causal y Explorador ArmónicoUn recorrido científico en la Phisica de la Vida "... toda la Creación no es sino un océano de ondas - y ahora nosotros comprendemos que literalmente es el corazón y la mente lo que le da el SENTIDO a ello..." LA MATRIZ CAUSAL Y LA FÍSICA DE LA VIDA 1. La Matriz Causal es un sistema de frecuencia auto-contendido infinitamente conectado en la forma de un régimen de frecuencia física no-linear y linear. 2. La fuerza expresiva de la Matriz Causal funciona proyectando dimensiones y simetrías, en operaciones simétricas cortas 3. La forma manifestada existe en la forma de coherencia y fusión, donde sus transformaciones físicas incluyen un estado nominal, un estado transicional y un estado objetivo. 4. La causa nominal es la trenza que conecta toda la realidad manifestada 5. La coherencia en un régimen no-linear crea un incremento en la manifestación de la física linear 6. La fusión del régimen linear resulta del decaimiento de la física linear. 7. Las formas diferentes de coherencia en el proceso de fusión crean las diferentes formas de objetividad. 8. La fuerza de vida es el nombre colectivo para las formas diferentes de coherencia entre los regimenes no-lineares y lineares. 9. Mas fusión une la física linear en las operaciones de la simetría pura, y después, de regreso en la causa nominal infinita. 10. Por lo tanto, la causa nominal esta más allá de toda objetividad y de todas las transformaciones.

1. Introducción - explorando la ciencia eterna del corazón El Explorador Armónico te lleva a un viaje introductorio y dinámico en la armonía oculta de la Creación. Te muestra como las dos fases eternas e internas de la Creación han sido repensadas como regimenes no-lineares y lineares de la física de las ondas, explorando juntas en la creación eterna del universo viviente. El Explorado Armónico no te mostrara nada que tu no puedas realmente aprender de las palabras y las imágenes. Pero la experiencia interactiva de que tu mismo juegues con las frecuencias y las ondas que forman los verdaderos trabajos internos de la cosmología y la biología te darán un sentido y un sentimiento de la otra dimensión de la física, la verdadera ciencia del corazón, y al mismo tiempo la física de lo que tradicionalmente se ha llamado "auto-conciencia" - las físicas interna de la conectividad infinita. La Creación es en sí misma una exploración eterna de las manifestaciones infinitas de la coherencia (interna) entre lo que podemos escuchar o ver, y aquello que podemos sentir. La física tradicional solamente toma en cuenta las

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consecuencias de la primera parte, donde la parte "sensorial" ha evolucionado en varias disciplinas intuitivas, como se enseña por ejemplo en las tradiciones vedicas y yoguicas. Pero como han sido ampliamente separadas, han dejado al planeta Tierra y a sus habitantes con una herencia de la ciencia, la tecnología y la industria masiva controlada por mentes profundamente esquizofrenicas. Además, las tradiciones espirituales son indudablemente muy precisas, y útiles en el nivel individual y muy compartibles con sus límites culturales, aunque pueden carecer de un lenguaje preciso necesario para llevarlo al futuro como una fuente colectiva científica. Cualquier necesidad de Misterio y Magia es el resultado de un problema de comunicación, no solo del lado de la parte receptora sino de ambos lados. El lenguaje de una Nueva física emergente es aquel que es la Vida misma, de la Fuerza de Vida como un principio de creación medible, con profundas implicaciones para otras muchas disciplinas. Una cosmología emergente basada en esta física es aquella que no esta enraizada en relatividades, "choques" y limitaciones de una realidad "entropica", ni tampoco en las leyes tradicionales de la física. Es una cosmología inalienable basada en la física verdadera de la fuerza de vida y la conciencia misma. Un lenguaje verdaderamente científico de la conectividad infinita, sabiendo que la vida no es una mera casualidad de suerte sino la piedra fundamental de la Creación tal como la conocemos. Por ejemplo, el Explorador Armónico contiene algoritmos que buscan estados coherentes naturales que emergen entre las frecuencias tomados conjuntamente tanto en los regimenes lineares como en los no-lineares. Aun así en un estado muy temprano, estas clases coherentes son esperadas a apuntar a las huellas digitales del armónico universal para el universo viviente entero de la "familia" de átomos, células, órganos, seres vivos, ecosistemas, estrellas y galaxias. Todo esto junto construye la física de un universo viviente y vibrante, donde los triángulos de Fuerzas de los regimenes mutuos de la física están tocando conjuntamente como uno solo. Esto necesariamente conlleva a que el viaje de la ciencia te lleve a un recorrido interno y externo dentro de esta nueva física - relacionándolo con las cuestiones de la cabeza y el corazón. El software del Explorador Armónico así como esta introducción están dedicados a la profunda practicabilidad. Cualquier vínculo o paralelo con los estándares físicos así como con las filosofías tradicionales y contemporáneas son dadas por el cúmulo de perspectiva. La intención es no añadir, o comparar al valor intrínseco de cualquier disciplina con los campos de su perspectiva. Atte. Equipo del corazón Coherente 2. Creación de vinculo plateado entre lo que era tradicionalmente llamado "materia" y "espíritu" Imagina el Universo entero dominado por un sistema de frecuencias invisible, auto-contenido y auto-empoderado. No uses la palabra "energía" aquí, porque entonces perderás el punto. La energía viene después. Ahora, piensa en toda y cada entidad viviente, cada estrella o planeta, cada célula, cada átomo, y en cada galaxia como perfectamente entonadas, o igualmente "embonadas" en esta red de frecuencias. Esta sintonía perfecta es lo que crea la vida, mas allá, es la misma causa y sustancia de su creación, su mantenimiento y su desaparición final. Hay un hermoso ejemplo practico donde puedes ver (y medir) el resultado de esta red de frecuencias "invisible", aunque un poco simplificado. Esto es llamado "cristalización sensitiva", que se volvió muy conocida pro la investigación hecha por el Dr. Masuro Emoto. Pero antes de que podamos ir a los cristales, hay todavía un ejemplo mas simple donde literalmente el sonido es usando para crear diferentes formas en la materia. Esto el llamado "cymatics". Es hecho por la aplicación de una frecuencia (o frecuencias) a un disco de metal donde la arena, o el agua es dispersado. Incluso con este principio relativamente simple, los resultados son algunas veces muy similares a las formas naturales y biológicas: Con el Explorado Armónico puedes hacer un rastreo a través del espectro armónico, mostrando la Fourier lineal del heterodinamo para cada razón. Abajo hay un ejemplo en pantalla, la proporción armónica es horizontal, la Fourier aquí es vertical. La situación de razón = 1 no es realista porque todas las frecuencias son iguales. Es claramente visto que en la razón Phi el número de frecuencias es mínimo. En términos filosóficos, este es el lugar con menor índice de desorden con en un régimen linear ("la menor entropía") donde el Universo viviente se siente mas contento y se manifiesta en creación sustentable. Esto es llamado: "coherencia armónica", o "coherencia simple". Aun hay todavía hay razones de actividad reducida, aunque menos significativos. El segundo ejemplo muestra un algoritmo encontrando otra proporción, la "familia de Phi". El régimen linear de interferencia es llamado "fusión".Ya fuimos lejos con la introducción, y con las simples matemáticas en las frecuencias armónicas en los regimenes lineares y no-lineares. En suma, un sistema infinito de frecuencias puede ser completamente auto-contenido y perfectamente coherente dentro del régimen no-linear si las frecuencias están en armónicos de razón Phi. Además, este mismo sistema llevado al régimen linear, inalienablemente implica un número mayor de otras frecuencias, y este régimen es llamado "fusión". Mas matemáticas acerca de Phi las encuentras en el articulo "porque Phi" abajo, donde esta ampliamente discutidas sus sorprendentes implicaciones. 3.3 La matriz causal: radicalmente una nueva forma del pensamiento acerca de la física. El titulo hace alusión a la oración ya mencionada "las ondas tomadas juntas como el régimen linear (en respuesta al no-linear) crean la física" que es parte aguas en el pensamiento acerca de la física,

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y nunca antes fue propuesto de esta manera. En una nueva física de la vida los fenómenos que eran tradicionalmente llamados "conciencia" (sujeto) y del "mundo material" (objeto) naturalmente emergen de la física de la embonacion perfecta, súper luminosa e infinitamente conectada en el sistema de frecuencia: la matriz causa. Ahí no puede haber malentendido hasta este punto. Ambos aspectos, "coherencia" y "fusión", se explican abajo:

1) La armonía interna de la Creación El aspecto interno del Universo es un estado eternamente armónico e infinitamente conectado. Esto es llamado "coherencia" y envuelve todo lo que es creado por la física pura de Phi. Es dominado por la tendencia a formar inercia. En un sentido un poco relativo puede ser visto como la huella digital del armónico interno de la familia entera e interconectada de las entidades vivientes, cósmicas, biológicas o atómicas. El nombre "microcosmos" también es apropiado. La coherencia armónica es la causa primordial de los estándares de la física en los principios exóticos de la gravedad y la inercia, la fuerza de vida y la emoción. Por lo tanto, la coherencia es la causa materia del Universo, y la causa nominal del mundo objetivo. 2) Objetividad y física relativa El segundo aspecto de cómo las ondas se arreglan en la Naturaleza, es llamado "fusión". La fusión no es sino el termino de la re-unificación de las ondas individuales con la física de Phi, en varios sentidos. Es dominada por una inclinación más allá de la conectividad infinita. La fusión forma la matriz de la realidad objetiva, cósmica y biológica. En retrospectiva la fusión puede crear la memoria y un sentido del cuerpo y los sentidos, y últimamente la relatividad del tiempo, el espacio y la causacion en forma explicita. Psicológicamente, la fusión puede crear una mente individual y una sensación de separación. En el universo tal como lo conocemos, la fusión y la armonía de coherencia siempre están juntas. La fusión es la causa eficiente del mundo relativo.

4. La creación de la mente cósmica y la mente individual La coherencia (la tendencia a crea inercia) y la fusión (la inclinación hacia la conectividad infinita) son ambos principios dominantes, y juntos crean un sentido de realidad objetiva. Así, en la creación de la objetividad, la coherencia y la fusión son necesariamente mezcladas, lo cual es una clave del porque por ejemplo una galaxia tiene forma espiral, las formas algorítmicas de la ramificación de las plantas que forman la serie Fibonacci, o una montaña tiene figuras fractales. No es sino la expresión de la física interna de la gravedad y la fuerza de vida formando el estado transicional entre la matriz causal primaria y el mundo objetivo. Si la coherencia es predominante en la expresión física, es llamada la mente cósmica. Dentro de la mente cósmica, el aspecto objetivo es de hecho también dominante y la diferenciación entre coherencia y fusión es un poco teorética. El alcance de la mente cósmica no tiene límites. De cualquier forma, la coherencia y la fusión puedes surgir de una esfera limitada, en retrospectiva, en una forma de una combinación de una respuesta biológica nuclear ("chakras") y de facultades sensoriales y motrices, juntas desdobladas en el mundo muy especifico de la mente individual. En este caso, la fusión es predominante en la expresión física. El cuerpo biológico con su sistema nervioso, glandular, sus sentidos externos y su cerebro es la porción objetiva de una expresión específica. El cuerpo biológico le corresponde a la mente cósmica y es, además de las facultades inferenciales, creada de la misma forma que cualquier otra cosa. "La mente" en el sentido mas amplio es la combinación de la objetividad y la conectividad infinita. La postura de la física interna de Phi, así como el estado de creatividad transicional en la mente cósmica y la individual son la misma, y solo diferente en teoría. Así, ahora la pregunta, "cual es el principio que toma el océano de frecuencias por la respuesta no-linear del régimen linear" esta contestada: LA MENTE - cósmica e individual. "La Mente" no es sino un término filosófico para el efecto de la inercia y la conectividad infinita operando juntas. Esto es simple, y aun tiene implicaciones sorprendentes en la física de Phi. Tanto los físicos antiguos como los contemporáneos siempre han profetizado: toda la Creación no es sino un océano infinito de ondas - y ahora nosotros entendemos que es la mente, y el corazón, literalmente quien hace SENTIDO en ello. 5.Un nuevo paradigma de la percepción sensorial En la física de la vida, la percepción sensorial tiene una causa nominal, esto es, no es sino la función interna de una matriz causal. Incluye los principios de tanto el órgano sensorial físico, como aquel que percibe en el cerebro (la red neural mas las neuronas encendidas). Todos los aparatos sensoriales juntos crean fisicalidad funcionando como el régimen linear a través de la fusión armónica. Así, aunque es un principio singular, tiene aspectos internos diferentes: la descomposición espectral linear, la fusión real armónica, y la mezcla de regreso en el régimen no-linear. En retrospectiva, la fusión puede ser entendida como una evaluación secuencial, y su factor vinculante es la memoria. Por ejemplo, si yo junto dos palos, y te pregunto lo que ves, dirás: "dos palos". Pero científicamente la respuesta correcta debería ser "dos-palos". En otras palabras, la percepción es siempre singular, solo la evaluación secuencial crea el "uno mas uno son dos" y crea todo la física relativa de la causacion del espacio-tiempo. El espectro de percepción esta

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completamente evolucionado por la fusión creando subsecuentemente: 1. ondas lineares fuera del régimen no-linear (órgano sensorial) 2. objetos fuera de las ondas lineares (locus neuronal sensorial, por ejemplo, la corteza visual) 3. eventos desde los objetos (cerebro - red neural) 4. significado de los eventos (cerebro - neocorteza) 5. régimen no-linear de los significados (cerebro - actividad de las neuronas) Así, estos aspectos, (la descomposición espectral, la fusión secuencial y la mezcla en el régimen no-linear) juntos crean la objetividad, en la maduración de la mente incrementándose hasta llevar a cabo el estilo individual, y por tanto evolución en las distintas relatividades de tiempo, espacio y causacion. De esta forma, la experiencia conciente es creada. Así, a pesar de que los elementos físicos puedan ser percibidos como tremendamente caóticos, su esencia interna es siempre y en cada momento un ejemplo de la fusión armónica como el régimen no-linear, perfectamente en tono con toda la creación. : "tu nunca antes habías visto los sonidos como esto" " Cymatics , el estudio del fenómeno del sonido, es una ciencia iniciada por un doctor medico Suizo y científico natura, Hans Jenny (1907-1972). Por 14 años el concluyó experimentos animando polvos inertes, pastas, y líquidos en formas parecidas a la vida, que espejeaban patronos encontrados en la naturaleza, el arte y la arquitectura..." Excepto cymatics, la cristalización sensitiva no esta hecha con sonido "real" sino con frecuencias que forman las capas físicas de la intención pura. Y, por supuesto, necesitas un medio receptivo que sea capaz de mostrar el resultado. Hay varios métodos, el principio usado por el Dr. Emoto es "imprimir" (o como quieras llamarlo) en agua pura con una cierta expresión-pensamiento, y una vez que se ha asumido que el agua ha asimilado de alguna forma esta expresión-pensamiento, toma una gota de ella y la congela. El resultado es una amplia variedad de patrones de cristalización para las diferentes expresiones-pensamientos (o impresiones) : "El Mensaje del Agua " Dr. Maseru Emoto "Nosotros podemos ver claramente en los ejemplos arriba como el agua definitivamente responde a diferentes acciones de "hado" casi como un espejo" Ahora nosotros tenemos aquí un ejemplo de la idea que la intención pura, o el "espíritu" pueden realmente influir y moldear la materia. ¿No es esto un poco similar a lo que es llamado "psico-somático" en medicina? El siguiente paso es darse cuenta de que la materia por si misma, y todo lo material en el universo y en la vida están creados por un "espíritu" puro único. El hecho de que, como seres biológicos, no lo percibamos literalmente no es sino un aspecto especial de la misma creación. El termino tradicional "maya" (ilusión) es fácilmente puesto en perspectiva una vez que nos damos cuenta del principio puro físico que subyace a nuestra percepción sensorial. Pero primero, van a ser discutidas la física interna de la "armonía oculta de la Creación" y sus matemáticas bastante simples. 3. La física de "Phi" y la armonía oculta de la Creación 3.1. El significado verdadero de "phi", la Proporción Dorada "Phi" es la abreviatura de la "Proporción Dorada" (1.618...), conocida desde tiempos inmemoriales por su papel clave en la física interna de la Creación. La importancia de la Proporción Dorada con su propio régimen nunca podrá ser sobreestimada, pero como sucede, es algunas veces generosamente sobreestimada con respecto a otros campos. Claramente, "Phi" es solo relevante como una proporción, no como un numero absoluto. La única cualidad de "Phi" es que es la razón armónica que hace a las frecuencias en el régimen no-linear (también llamado "heterodinamo") que se levanten para formar una entidad auto-contenida, que uno podría decir, una "singularidad". Aquí hay imágenes populares de Phi:

... Algunos ejemplos de la infinita variedad de "Phi" y la relación con los números Fibonacci en la naturaleza, las matemáticas, y la Geometría Sagrada.... La física de Phi usa el lenguaje de las matemáticas para expresar la idea de que la Creación que soporta la causal primordial existe como un estado de conectividad eterno e infinito. Es descrito como un estado donde todas las frecuencias internas forman un conjunto perfectamente auto-contenido. Esto es lo eterno, el océano vibrante, conectando todo lo que existe en una perspectiva única, exaltada. Ahora nosotros tenemos una herramienta matemática para ver como con este océano primordial también existe otro real de frecuencias, esto es, tomado como otro régimen. Son estas frecuencias lo que forman el comienzo del mundo manifiesto, relativo. La armonía interna de la Creación El aspecto interno del Universo es un estado eternamente armónico e infinitamente conectado. Esto es llamado "coherencia" y envuelve todo lo que es creado por la física pura de Phi. Es dominado por la tendencia a formar inercia. En un sentido un poco relativo puede ser visto como la huella digital del armónico interno de la familia entera e interconectada de las entidades vivientes, cósmicas, biológicas o atómicas. El nombre "microcosmos" también es apropiado. La coherencia armónica es la causa primordial de los estándares de la física en los

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principios exóticos de la gravedad y la inercia, la fuerza de vida y la emoción. Por lo tanto, la coherencia es la causa materia del Universo, y la causa nominal del mundo objetivo. Objetividad y física relativa El segundo aspecto de cómo las ondas se arreglan en la Naturaleza, es llamado "fusión". La fusión no es sino el termino de la re-unificación de las ondas individuales con la física de Phi, en varios sentidos. Es dominada por una inclinación más allá de la conectividad infinita. La fusión forma la matriz de la realidad objetiva, cósmica y biológica. En retrospectiva la fusión puede crear la memoria y un sentido del cuerpo y los sentidos, y últimamente la relatividad del tiempo, el espacio y la causacion en forma explicita. Psicológicamente, la fusión puede crear una mente individual y una sensación de separación. En el universo tal como lo conocemos, la fusión y la armonía de coherencia siempre están juntas. La fusión es la causa eficiente del mundo relativo.

Cinco toroides humanos


Toroide Sexual o Tetraedro


Toroide Motriz o Hexaedro


Toroide Emocional - Icosaedro (Phi)

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Toroide Intelectual - Octaedro (Phi


Toroide Instintivo - Dodecaedro (Phi)

El toroide, o tubo toro, es una figura geométrica construida con espirales doradas, circunscrita en una esfera, semejante a una dona o una manzana. El toroide es la forma que tienen los átomos, los fotones y toda unidad mínima constitutiva de la realidad. En la figura del toroide encontramos reunidos todos los principios de la Geometría Sagrada, a saber: el Gran Vació, la Ley de Unidad, la Ley de Dualidad, el Principio de auto-sustentación, los tres números pilares matemáticos de la Geometría Sagrada: Phi, Pi, Euler.


Imágen por Grupo Implosión - Dan Winter


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Es la imagen que contiene dentro de sí misma una gama infinita de posibilidades de combinación, y por tanto de significación y es la llave maestra de acceso a la ciencia de la Implosión. La dimensión psicológica de esta figura es trascendente: en ella convergen simultáneamente los pares de opuestos aparentemente irreconciliables: yin y yang, blanco y negro, bien y mal. Su geometría deviene del Gran Vació. El Gran Vació es literalmente un punto en el espacio. De esta imagen se desprende simultáneamente espirales doradas que se desdoblan hacia "abajo" y hacia "arriba" para dar la vuelta sobre si mismas y encontrarse en una Zona Horizonte en lo mas alejado del punto de inicio. Esta imagen sustraída de la realidad nos muestra el principio del Uno, el principio de la ínter conectividad de todas las formas, de todas las estructuras. Cuando se le relaciona con los 5 sólidos platónicos forma la tabla periódica de los elementos, la sustancia tal como la conocemos. El toroide tiene dos vértices. Un vértice que va del centro hacia fuera en el sentido de las manecillas del reloj y otro vértice que va del centro hacia fuera en el sentido contrario a las manecillas del reloj. Estos pares de opuestos van configurando la noción psicológica de interacción con la realidad por medio del cual el ser humano entra en contacto con la materia o sale de contacto de ella. En el mismo toroide un giro implota la realidad y el giro contrario la explota. La misión de la ciencia de la Implosión consiste en llevar lo exterior, lo mas alejado de nosotros mismos siempre dentro de nosotros mismo, hacia el punto cero o Gran Vacío de cada toroide.



Cada uno de los 5 sólidos platónicos, por relación con sus caras, tienen diferente numero de toroides que parten del centro exacto de la figura. Por ejemplo, encontramos en el octaedro, figura de ocho caras triangulares, cuatro toroides con sus respectivos pares de opuestos. Y así sucesivamente con el resto de los sólidos platónicos: en el icosaedro, figura de 20 caras triangulares, encontramos diez toroides con sus respectivos pares de opuestos. Asi, las funciones de cada Toroide Humano estan determinadas por la cantidad de toroides fractales contenidos en la estructura de cada sólido platónico. El Toroide Intelectual

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tiene 4 toroides, cada uno con dos vértices que tocan las 8 caras del octaedro. Esto implica que el Toroide Intelectual tiene 4 funciones básicas con sus respectivas polaridades. A saber, la capacidad de análisis y síntesis que integran el primer toroide fractal; un segundo toroide fractal tiene las funciones de resolver contradicciones y de crearlas y así sucesivamente. Es importante mencionar que de los 5 sólidos platonicos solamente en 3 de ellos encontramos el número áureo: en el octaedro (toroide intelectual), en el icosaedro (toroide emocional), en el dodecaedro (toroide instintivo). Los otros 2 sólidos platónicos, el tetraedro y el hexaedro o cubo, no tienen el número áureo en su construcción. Recordemos que el número áureo es la fórmula matemática viva que utiliza el universo para compartirse y compartirnos. Aquellos sólidos platónicos que no contienen a Phi en su geometría tienen la función de generar estructura, de cerrar, de no compartir.


Soy  el Intento !Dentro de mi  hay una  forma perfecta,

la Forma  Divina.Yo ahora Soy  todo lo que  deseo  Ser.

Yo imagino,percibo,veo,Visualizo.siento a mi Bello Ser hasta que le doy  Vida.

Yo soy una Niña  Divina!.Todas mis necesidades están siendo  provistas!

Ahora y para  Siempre...El Amor Infinito llena mi Mente,

Estremece mi cuerpo con su vida  perfecta,Hago todo brillante y hermoso  a mi alrededor,

Cultivo mi humor,Disfruto de la Alegría y el Brillo del Sol.

Este día sucede debido a mi Digo adiós a la víctima

Estoy y Soy en el ConocimientoSoy Belleza, Salud y Alegría

Permito que sucedaCreo lo que quieroAmo lo que creo

Yo Soy mi AventuraLo que quiero para miCrear es mi privilegio

Yo Soy una Entidad Divina Vivo para descubrirloAdoro a Dios en mi

Por eso vivo como una Diosa Respiro...

Me veo en tus ojos Diosa A...



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Nací en San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina, seis décadas vividas desde que mi madre me llamó Nora, mis guías, en 1998 me sugieren Dana, que en celta es Madre y Tir, Tierra.


Nieva, en el relato de mis abuelos, ¡Nieva y nace la primera de las nietas! Después de 20 años .... blanco nieve!!!

Respiro...abro los ojos,huelo,siento...

A mi hogar de la Tierra lo encuentras en la Patagonia, en el Sur de América...Y es la vida quién dispone que sea contigo con quién transite el camino de regreso a casa, al espacio sagrado, en el corazón.

Hace unos años, buscando en el estante de una librería, se desliza hacia mis manos un texto y veo, por primera vez, ¡Veo La Flor de la Vida!. Primera vez? Ese mismo día, una amiga insiste en que debo tomar un taller.

Esto ocurre a diario, a cada instante. ¡Sincronicidades! Si dormimos...¡ nos las perdemos!.

Antes...Encuentro en otra librería, el día de mi cumpleaños,otro libro, el primero de Lee Caroll, Kryon, Los Tiempos Finales.

Todo se articula en una perfecta trama de luz, lo que somos.Agradezco cada día esta oportunidad a Padre Madre.

Y llegaron Masaru Emoto y Jasmuheen

Marcela Lobos y Alberto Villoldo

Conocimientos y Sabiduría

Agradezco este momento, este paso de a dos, este paso de todos hacia una conciencia en ascensión.

Me presento...

Me gustan los atardeceres en el mar, charlar largas horas con mis amigos, saborear un

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buen queso y gustar de un vino tinto o un burbujeante y dulce blanco, cosecha tardía.

Leo de a dos o tres libros y me envuelve la música, paso mucho tiempo seleccionándola, bailándola, llorándola, riéndola... Los blues pesados y la clásica, la étnica y el saxo, la flauta y el violín son mis activadores de sueños... de memorias del futuro y del pasado.

Soy peregrina, llevo el mensaje, y me agrada juntarme, abrazarme, mirarme a los ojos de cada uno y de todos.

Hay algo más, ¡dicen que mis abrazos son de osaballena!

¡Aquí estoy! ¡Disponible!Y sé que estás ahí y que en alguna curva del sendero nos encontramos a recordar quienes somos.

Vamos de la mano hacia nuestro rostro primitivo, la chispa de luz que nos hace uno en nuestra memoria.

Recordar y fluir...El Milagro cotidiano!

Cuando me reconozco, sonrío y siento ... como cuando nací..siento...

Que emoción!

Dudo entre quedarme o salir disparada ¡todo ante mis ojos!

Cuando toco a los guías detrás del velo Sé, por un instante Sé que eso está sucediendo.

¡Se trata de tomarlo o dejarlo! atreverse o claudicar.

Solo tenemos que vivir el sueño de libertad.

Miro hacia atrás, allí están... los senderos, los que me traen a este momento, a este lugar, contigo....

El Agua irrumpe en mi vida de la mano de Drunvalo Melchizedek en Chile/98, , con él y su esposa se abren las puertas,..

Claudette trae un libro a Argentina, El Mensaje del Agua.

Masaru Emoto y el libro son el empuje amoroso y nace ContacTo, mi proyecto y mi acción personal en el océano de las aguas del cuerpo en contacto con el Agua Madre, la Fuente.

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Honro El Dorado-Platino de EMF Balancing y la técnica de Peggy Dubró.

Analía me muestra Diseño Humano. Gratitud!Entro y descubro la mecánica de mi Tipo, Generadora Manifestante 5/2.

Y Magadalena junto a Mónica me revelan TFT, Tapping, golpecitos, meridianos, campos mentales, Nace ContacToToc Toc! Siempre Toc Toc!. Llamados...Otro giro de Gratitud Espiralada y Munay Ki y La Rueda Medicinal,Serpiente Jaguar Colibri Cóndor...

El Infinito en mi corazón, la Geometría Sagrada de, la Idea de Unidad, Salud, Amor... El corazon Iluminado , Viviendo en el corazón.Ajijijic, Drunvalo y otro giro de rueda Todo para compartir!

Con infinito amor, te invito a avanzar con valia hacia el reencuentro, soñemos juntos. ¡Hagámoslo!

Se trata de Unidad, Amor, Sanación.Te ofrezco mi corazón, palabras, silencios...

Por la Vida! SonríoDana TirMadre Tierra


Como Chamana, facilito la recolección de datos sensibles y una variación de lo que los científicos llaman el principio de la causalidad. Planteo la unión de lo práctico (sanación ) con lo teórico (clasificación de los niveles, atributos y órdenes de piedras, hongos, plumas y plantas). Un sistema de reconocimiento alrededor de todas las criaturas, un método, un modo de aplicar y conservar dentro de patrones que permanecen entre ambos saberes: el científico ( reconocimiento) y el Natural .

Facilitadora de las enseñanzas de Drunvalo Melchizedek

Formadora y Creadora de ContacTo® TTCP , Técnica Psicoenergética de los Campos del Pensamiento

Profesional THFT

Profesional EMF Balancing Technique Fases I a VIIIMaestra Supervisora Fases I a IV

Page 82: What Can Mindscape Do for Me

Co-autora del libro EMF Balancing, La Ciencia del Amor Conciente - Ed. Kier Colección Infinito

Editora de Amerrikua,revista virtual de la Vibración Indigo.Comunidad en Línea en Servicio Planetario

Chamana Tamborera Ceremoniante

Matrona del Agua

Operadora en Grupos


Psicóloga Social

En el mundo ideal de la Geometría, el triángulo equilátero es la imagen simbólica de Dios, en la cual el que reconoce, lo reconocido y el reconocimiento constituyen una Unidad, Uno en Tres y Tres en Uno.Toda forma es una manifestación de la fuerza que la ha construído; por consiguiente, toda forma es también la imagen de la fuerza creadora que habita en ella y la constituye. En su estado primordial, descasando en sí mismo, lo divino se manifiestasiempre en forma de triángulo equilátero.El triángulo equilátero lleva dentro de sí la armonía absoluta y el perfecto equilibrio, pues sus tres vértices se encuentran a la misma distancia el uno del otro. Por el contrario, cuando este aspecto de Dios, que descansa en sí mismo, sale del estado inespacial e intemporal de la no-dimensión y entra en el mundo de las tres dimensiones, conviertiéndose en el aspecto creador de Dios, entonces se manifiesta siempre en el número 4. Mientras los números 1 y 3 forman una Unidad en la Divinidad, son siempre 3 en 1 y 1 en 3, y eso dá como resultado 4.El triángulo equilátero manifiesta los 4 triángulos equiláteros ocultos en él.

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En esta ley se esconde también el misterio del número clave del mundo tridimensional, el número 7.

Cómo fue que la primer energía manifestada del estado de la No-dimensión a las 3 Dimensiones?

Para que una fuerza salga de la no-dimensión y pueda manifestarse necesita un punto de partida.

El punto no posee dimensiones, aún no ha salido de la Unidad, pero es necesario para la manifestación.Consta de un solo factor, lleva en sí mismo al 1.La fuerza sale de la no-dimensión cuando el punto se mueve..............y surge una línea ______________________________El punto se convierte en una línea Ha nacido la primera dimensión, el largo ___________________________La línea es en sí misma infinita ________________________________Es como manifestación el número 1.En el mundo de las manifestaciones, existe principio y final, la línea consta de tres factores:

El punto inicialEl punto finalEl espacio entre ambos


La línea lleva en sí misma el número 3, el número clave del mundo unidimensional.Ahora puedes observar que no existe posibilidad para que el número 2 se manifieste en la Unidad.Después de la primera manifestación del punto surgen 3 factores, sin pasar por el número 2Cuando surge la línea desde el punto, aunque esta sea muy pequeña, los factores son 3.Si la línea se encuentra en el infinito, el número continúa siendo 1. pero si tiene un principio y un final, llevará necesariamente el número 3.Para que surja el 2 es necesaria la división de la Unidad. Solo ocurre cuando dos unidades son representadas una al lado de la otra. Pero como fuera de la Unidad no existe nada, la Unidad emite un reflejo de sí misma para que así surja la división, una separación que implica la muerte de la Unidad. Ese es un estado que se llama dual, es de escición del Alma y todos los idiomas lo expresan como la otredad del número 2.De la primera dimensión surge la segunda.La línea está compuesta por una sucesión de puntos......______________

Si la energía creadora actúa en cada uno de estos puntos con la misma fuerza y durante el mismo espacio de tiempo, estos puntos pasan a la Segunda Dimensión, cada uno de ellos forma un línea y del conjunto de estas líneas surge una superficie; un cuadrado.Ha nacido la Segunda Dimensión: el ancho.El cuadrado es 4 en 1 y 1 en 4; por lo tanto consta de 5 factores; las 4 líneas

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manifestadas: la línea inicial, la final, las laterales, derecha e izquierda y el quinto factor, la superficie no manifestada encerrada entre 4 líneas.El número clave del mundo bidimensional es el 5.Y las fuerzas creadoras continúan actuando y las superfiies también están formadas por puntos y si sobre cada uno de estos puntos actúa la misma fuerza durante el mismo lapso, estos puntos pasan a la Tercera Dimensión y de la superficie surge el Cubo.Ha nacido la Tercera Dimensión, la altura.El Cubo es 6 en 1 y 1 en 6; las 6 superficies limitadas manifestadas y el séptimo factor, no manifestado; el Volumen interior del Cubo. El número clave del número tridimensional es el 7.Como vemos, la forma básica de la materia es el Cubo. Los cristales se construyen según esta Ley y en ellos podemos encontrar la forma misma del Cubo, en la sal, por ejemplo o los elemntos básicos del Cubo, en diferentes variantes y aspectos. Si examinamos la esencia del Cubo, se comprenden las leyes que rigen las diversas variantes.Partiendo de uno de los vértices del Cubo, podemos encontrar una figura que contiene las 3 D del Cubo. Si trazamos una diagonal, se obtiene solo una superficie, solo dos Dimensiones. Para obtener una figura de tres dimensiones tenemos que hacer un corte en la diagonal desde uno de los vértices del cubo hacia dos vértices opuestos, separando una esquina del cubo.Al repetir este procedimiento más se una vez se le cortan al Cubo, cuatro esquinas y queda una figura radicalmente distinta; un tetraedro formado por 4 Triángulos equiláteros.Se puede ver entonces como dentro del cubo está oculta una figura muy distinta, pues no está formada por cuadrado, sino por 4 triángulos sobre una superfice en la que forman un único triángulo equilátero, la representación simbólica de Dios.El Tetraedro es la encarnación de la armonía y el equilibrio.Sus vértices se encuentran a la misma distancia unos de otros. y en consecuencia en el tetraedro no existe ninguna tensión, sino un equilibrado estado de quietud.Los vértices del cuadrado y del cubo no se encuentran a la misma distancia unos de otros, por ende, en ellos existe siempre una tensión insalvable.La materia del mundo tridimensional se organiza en forma de cubos, pero esconde dentro de sí al tetraedro basado en el equilibrio divino.La materia no existe sin contener lo Divino.Todo el mundo tridimensional está construído según la misma Ley, tanto si se trata de materia inerte como de materia animada. Las plantas, los animales y los seres humanos presentan un cuerpo que está sometido a leyes del mundo tridimensional. En el cuerpo se encuentra oculto lo invisible, el Yo Divino Superior, la Vida, el Ser Eterno. Unicamente el Ser Humano es capaz de manifestar su Yo Superior, es decir, a Dios mediante pensamientos, palabras y acciones y esto se consigue en la no identificación de conciencia y cuerpo, sino con el Espíritu que este contiene, su Yo.El ser humano que se identifica con su cuerpo material solamente es como un cubo opaco que muestra solo algunas caracteríticas de la materia, desplazando lo Divino, creador, lo mafestado, sin sospechar que dentro de si lleva el Tetraedro, el Yo Divino.Pero también existe la figura del Cubo Tallado, la pirámide que simboliza el HombreDios, quien permite que su naturaleza divina brille realizando a Dios en la Tierra.El Yo Divino, el creador se sienta sobre su trono y reina sobre la materia.La Cruz, formada por 6 cuadrados de la superficie del cubo o la tau en la cual es crucificado el Yo Divino que se oculta en el hombre.

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Si cortas 8 esquinas del cubo encuentras dentro de el dos tetraedros opuestos y simétricos incrustados uno dentro del otro.Es la representación de la Ley mas profunda del mundo visible, la unión indivisible de las dos mitades complementarias , la positiva y la negativa, las que constituyen un perfeco equilibrio y como espíritus creadores están sentados a la derecha y al izquierda de la Divinidad.Gobiernan la creación como dos leyes opuestas ; la ley del espíritu y la Ley de la materia.Espíritu en Vida, Materia en ResistenciaLa Ley del Espíritu es irradiación,don,desinterés.La Ley de la Materia es contracción, enfriamiento, solidificación.Solo existe una criatura viviente que encarna concientemente ambas leyes, el Ser Humano.Es el eslabón de unión entre ambos mundos.Sin la resistencia de la materia la Creación sería imposible. En la Divinidad todas las fuerzas se encuentran en la Unidad.La Creación se inicia cuando una fuerza sale de la Unidad y ejerce resistencia. Es el hijo primogénito, el espiritu de la resistencia, que el Padre emite para que se formen los polos opuestos a El, positivo y negativo.

Toma una piedra en tu mano, mírala, siéntela.Qué es lo que hace que lo que tienes en la mano sea una piedra?Cómo se mantiene unida como materia?Es la Ley de resistencia, que todo lo enfría, lo contrae, lo solidifica.Mientras esta ley se manifieste en la materia como materia, estará actuando en el lugar que le corresponde y por lo tanto será Divina,.La materia inerte se convierte en materia viva cuando el Yo, el Espiritu Divino se reviste de materia haciéndose carne.

Toda la creación, el mundo de la inquietud, del movimiento, descansa sobre el equilibrio Divino simbolizado por la estrella Tetraédrica o Tetraedro Estrella.

Dana Tir-Talleres [email protected]

Dana [email protected]

Dana [email protected]


Sesiones a distancia de calibracion del Cuerpo de Luz


Viajes del Alma

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Emf Balancing Technique

ContacTo Vida


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Dana TirBuenos Aires