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Standard Project Report 2011 CHAD Project Approval Date 09 Nov 2006 Planned Start Date 01 Jan 2007 Actual Start Date 01 Jan 2007 Project End Date 31 Dec 2011 Financial Closure Date n.a. Approved budget as 31 December 2011 in USD Food Value 18,173,917 Indirect Support Costs 3,025,237 Other Direct Costs 25,043,761 Total Approved Budget 46,242,914 Approved Commodities Metric Tonnes 81% Cereals And Grains 32,140 0.02% Dairy Products 7 5% Miscellaneous 2,157 5% Mixed And Blended 1,923 7% Oils And Fats 2,730 2% Pulses And Vegetables 914 100% Total Approved Commodities 39,870 Country Programme - Chad (2007-2011) Project Number 104780 Project Category Country Programme Reporting Period 1 January - 31 December 2011 Country Progr Chad 2011 .gif 104780

WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Nov 10, 2014



Overall Summary of WFP Chad 2011 achievements under Chad Country Programme (2007-2011)
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Page 1: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Standard Project Report 2011CHAD

Project Approval Date 09 Nov 2006

Planned Start Date 01 Jan 2007

Actual Start Date 01 Jan 2007

Project End Date 31 Dec 2011

Financial Closure Date n.a.

Approved budget as 31 December 2011 in USD

Food Value 18,173,917

Indirect Support Costs 3,025,237

Other Direct Costs 25,043,761

Total Approved Budget 46,242,914

Approved Commodities Metric Tonnes

81% Cereals And Grains 32,140

0.02% Dairy Products 7

5% Miscellaneous 2,157

5% Mixed And Blended 1,923

7% Oils And Fats 2,730

2% Pulses And Vegetables 914

100% Total Approved Commodities 39,870

Country Programme - Chad (2007-2011)

Project Number 104780

Project Category Country Programme

Reporting Period 1 January - 31 December 2011

Country ProgrammeChad2011



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RESULTSBeneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution'Story Worth Telling'Enhanced Commitments to WomenOutputsOutcomesSustainability, Capacity Development and Handover

INPUTSResource Inputs from Donors, Government and PartnersFood Purchases

Food Transport, Delivery and Handling

Post-Delivery Losses

MANAGEMENTPartnershipsLessons Learned

OPERATIONAL STATISTICS (where applicable)Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors

Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and Handling

Annex: Commodity Transactions

FINANCIAL SPRContribution & Expenditure as a Proportion of Budget

Project Overview

Project Detail by Contribution

Status of Contributions Receivable

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Standard Project Report 2011 Chad Country Overview


Chad is a low-income food-deficit country, listed 183 of 187 countries on the 2011 UNDP Human Development Index. With apopulation of 11.2 million, 87 per cent of which, in rural areas, lives below the poverty line, Chad is vulnerable to recurrent shocks andexposed to high risks of food crisis and natural disasters. According to the 2010 Chad Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and the Nutrition and Retrospective Mortality Survey 2011, themalnutrition situation is critical in 11 of 22 regions with a global acute malnutrition (GAM) above 15 percent, and remains serious in 9other regions (GAM over 10 percent). Chronic malnutrition affects 39 percent of children of 6-23 months at the national level,surpassing the 40 percent "critical" level in almost all regions. The severe drought of 2009/2010 led to low agricultural yields, exacerbating an already vulnerable food and nutrition securitysituation. Although the 2010/2011 harvest was relatively good, vulnerable households have not recovered as revealed by the 2011Emergency food security assessment: 30 percent and 22 percent of households in the sahelian belt are severely and moderatelyfood insecure, respectively. The 2012 production forecasts are pessimistic, with mitigated outlooks in the traditionally productiveareas. The main factors limiting access to basic education are the lack of adequate infrastructure/teachers and food insecurity. Theselimitations lead to a net enrolment rate of only 36.5 percent (with the lowest rates in the Sahelian belt) and adult literacy rates of 21and 43 percent, respectively, for women and men. Furthermore, Chad is subject to the spill-over effects from crises in the neighboring countries of the Libya, Sudan and the CentralAfrican Republic. The country currently hosts nearly 350,000 refugees from Sudan and the Central African Republic. Some 130,000internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to violence among ethnic groups and rebel incursions in the east are expected to return in2012, in addition to the recently returned 85,000 Chadians from Libya.

Country Overview

The boundaries and names shown on the maps in this document do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

TCD.gif 2011


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Standard Project Report 2011 Chad Country Overview


Given the food insecurity and nutrition situation in a politically and socially fragile environment, WFP assistance in Chad focuses onthe most vulnerable and food-insecure people in 15 regions. To address multifaceted food security and nutrition challenges WFP isimplementing two EMOPs, a PRRO and a Country Programme. Through the EMOPs, WFP provides relief assistance to Sudanese refugees, IDPs and to food-insecure people among localpopulations in Eastern Chad and the Western Sahelian belt. Nutritional assistance is also provided to vulnerable groups. Through thePRRO, relief assistance to Central African Republic refugees and to food-insecure people among local populations in the south ismade available. Under the Country Programme, WFP is promoting primary education and adult literacy through a school feedingprogramme, HIV and AIDS and food-for-training components. In support of the humanitarian community in a context marked by poor road and transport infrastructure, WFP is managing the UNHumanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) providing a vital air link for more than a hundred UN agencies and NGOs as well as donorrepresentatives and journalists. It also provides evacuation services and transport of light cargo to remote areas. All WFP operations in Chad fall within the objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and are in line with the UnitedNations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Chad. The EMOPs and the PRRO directly contribute to achieving MDGs1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Country Programme contributes to achieving MDG2, as well as MDG3. WFP activities are also in line with theinitiatives in the framework of the New Partnership for Africa's Development and contribute to the achievement of four of the principalobjectives of the Poverty Reduction Strategy phase II in Chad.

Beneficiaries Male Female Total

Number of children below 5 years of age 299,967 286,397 586,364

Number of children 5 to 18 years of age 526,592 552,138 1,078,730

Number of adults 483,398 638,440 1,121,838

Total number of beneficiaries in 2011 1,309,957 1,476,975 2,786,932

Total number of beneficiaries in 2010 946,430 1,155,870 2,102,300

Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 385,604 499,102 884,706

Total food distributed in 2010 85,728 5,459 8,562 14,577 3,878 118,204

Total food distributed in 2009 69,252 3,868 6,374 8,291 2,762 90,547

Distribution (mt)

Project Type Cereals Oil Pulses Mix Other TotalSingle Country PRRO 6,981 364 1,762 406 140 9,653Single Country EMOP 65,453 5,382 7,399 19,854 3,808 101,896Country Programme 5,595 460 19 1,139 374 7,588

Total food distributed in 2011 78,029 6,206 9,180 21,399 4,322 119,137

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In line with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the Government's Poverty ReductionStrategy, the Country Programme (CP) was implemented in western and central Chad. Through the budget revisionapproved in November 2010, food-for-assets (FFA) and mother and child health (MCHN) activities (component 2 and partof component 3) were suspended but continued under EMOP 200112. WFP focused its support on basic education(component 1) and support to vulnerable children and ART clients and their households (part of component 3). Through component 1, the programme aimed to promote primary education, reduce disparity between boys and girlsthrough school meals and take-home rations for girls in grades 5 and 6, and increase access to literacy and numeracytraining, especially for women and adolescent girls. Furthermore component 3 aimed to address the food insecurity inhouseholds with vulnerable children and ART clients. These two components are in line with Strategic Objective 4. Crops losses and high livestock mortality due to lack of rains and grazing land in 2009 led to high increased acutemalnutrition prevalence in the Sahelian belt which included the covered regions. In response to the request for support bythe Government of Chad and in coordination with the UN country team, WFP decided to initiate an Emergency Operation(EMOP) in March 2010 in order to reverse the increasing prevalence of malnutrition and transferred some of the CPcaseload under this EMOP.


Beneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution

Through this operation, WFP provided food assistance to local populations in highly food insecure regions of Guera,Batha, Bahr El Gazel and Kanem in the Sahelian belt of Chad through school feeding, nutrition and HIV and AIDSprogrammes. Through component 1, WFP's assistance targeted primary school children who received daily school meals and take-home rations for girls in grades 5 and 6. The number of beneficiaries of take-home rations was overestimated in theproject document; as in 40 percent of WFP-assisted schools the grades 5 and 6 were non-functioning. This explains thegap between the actual number of children receiving take-home rations and the plan. In addition to school children, 2,127community teachers and 1,418 community cooks in WFP-assisted schools received a food ration on a quarterly basis asan incentive. The school meal individual daily ration was composed of cereals, oil, and sugar, as well as oil and salt for thetake-home ration. WFP also supported literacy activities, whose beneficiaries were predominantly women. More participants were reachedthrough food-for-training (FFT) activities thanks to the increase of the programme coverage for an additional 33 literacycentres in the Sahelian belt of Chad. This increase was in line with the ongoing dialogue and exchanges of experiencebetween the Government of Chad and other sahelian countries on how to improve the effectiveness of literacyprogrammes. Support through HIV and AIDS programme in southern Chad (Logone Occidentale and Orientale, and Tandjile) benefitedvulnerable children, ART clients and their families through component 3. Participants received a 2,100kcal family ration forfive persons consisting of Super Cereal, cereals, sugar, oil, pulses, and salt. Due to a limited availability of qualifiedcooperating partners and resources, the number of beneficiaries reached under this component was lower than planned.HIV and AIDS activities started with a four-month delay.

Operational SPR


Operational SPR

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Beneficiary CategoryPlanned Actual % Actual v. Planned

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

vCP/RegBreakTextACT1 - Support to Basic Education104780.1.C1Number of children below 5 years of age 14,942 14,942 29,884 6,206 6,991 13,197 41.5% 46.8% 44.2%

Number of children 5 to 18 years of age 91,575 54,540 146,115 88,837 79,508 168,345 97.0% 145.8% 115.2%

Number of adults 26,313 26,313 52,626 14,242 16,971 31,213 54.1% 64.5% 59.3%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2011 132,830 95,795 228,625 109,285 103,470 212,755 82.3% 108.0% 93.1%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2010 97,813 70,540 168,353 107,527 106,550 214,077 109.9% 151.0% 127.2%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 114,848 101,033 215,881 78,065 69,879 147,944 68.0% 69.2% 68.5%The total number of beneficiaries includes all targeted persons who were provided with WFP food during the reporting period - either as a recipient/participant inone or more of the following groups, or from a household food ration distributed to one of these recipients/participants

Children receiving school meals 73,500 76,500 150,000 75,122 73,109 148,231 102.2% 95.6% 98.8%

Children receiving take-home rations 16,000 16,000 8,972 8,972 56.1% 56.1%

Participants in Food For Training 878 2,047 2,925 2,409 3,282 5,691 274.4% 160.3% 194.6%

vCP/RegBreakTextACT2 - Improve Food Security104780.1.C2Total number of beneficiaries in 2010 7,973 7,176 15,149 3,905 3,910 7,815 49.0% 54.5% 51.6%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 7,973 7,176 15,149 3,431 3,530 6,961 43.0% 49.2% 46.0%The total number of beneficiaries includes all targeted persons who were provided with WFP food during the reporting period - either as a recipient/participant inone or more of the following groups, or from a household food ration distributed to one of these recipients/participants

vCP/RegBreakTextACT3 - Improve Health & Nutrition104780.1.C3Number of children below 5 years of age 1,710 2,790 4,500 1,048 1,588 2,636 61.3% 56.9% 58.6%

Number of children 5 to 18 years of age 3,705 6,045 9,750 1,513 3,215 4,728 40.8% 53.2% 48.5%

Number of adults 4,085 6,665 10,750 1,369 3,134 4,503 33.5% 47.0% 41.9%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2011 9,500 15,500 25,000 3,930 7,937 11,867 41.4% 51.2% 47.5%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2010 10,662 40,588 51,250 3,972 25,561 29,533 37.3% 63.0% 57.6%

Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 3,743 11,808 15,551 4,448 18,143 22,591 118.8% 153.7% 145.3%The total number of beneficiaries includes all targeted persons who were provided with WFP food during the reporting period - either as a recipient/participant inone or more of the following groups, or from a household food ration distributed to one of these recipients/participants

HIV/AIDS and TB beneficiaries 9,500 15,500 25,000 3,881 7,986 11,867 40.9% 51.5% 47.5%

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Total reported in 2010 SPR 9,027 6,291 69.7%Total reported in 2009 SPR 7,144 5,259 73.6%Total reported in 2008 SPR 10,669 4,815 45.1%Total reported in 2007 SPR 7,151 2,975 41.6%

'Story Worth Telling'Ache Mbodou is a 35 years old woman who raises her children alone after the death of her husband few years ago. Shelives in Mokolo, one of the remote, poor and food-insecure villages in the Kanem region where drought is recurrent. Tosurvive, she works as a cook at the village school that benefit from WFP School Feeding Programme. Even if her financialincentive is low, what motivates Ache Mbodou is to be a model of independence and self-esteem to her three children,especially to Heretay Saley, her 13 years old daughter. "Yes, at one point, I was tempted to marry my daughter to a 40 years old man. However, with the high social status that Inow enjoy as a cook and with my daughter benefiting from the take-home ration programme, I had to think twice," saidAche. ''If my job as a cook gives me a higher social status compares to others women in the village, I believe that, with a soundeducation, my daughter will have more opportunities and enjoy an even higher social status. This is what I want for mydaughter and WFP is on my side to help me fulfill that dream,'' added Ache.

Commodity Distribution


Distribution (mt)Actual

Distribution (mt)% Actual v.


ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationCorn-soya Blend (csb) 0 1,012 -Iodised Salt 71 44 61.7%Maize Meal 2,500 2,563 102.5%Rice 647 477 73.7%Soya-fortified Maize Meal 2,500 1,659 66.4%Sugar 360 295 81.8%Vegetable Oil 541 393 72.7%

Sum 6,619 6,443 97.3%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionBeans 7 1 14.3%Corn-soya Blend (csb) 181 127 70.2%Iodised Salt 23 11 46.6%Maize 252 76 30.2%Maize Meal 800 568 71.0%Rice 400 252 63.0%Split Peas 220 18 8.2%Sugar 54 25 46.3%Vegetable Oil 91 66 73.0%

Sum 2,028 1,144 56.4%

Total for 2011 8,647 7,588 87.7%

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Enhanced Commitments to Women

Records in WFP-assisted schools showed that the ratio of girls to boys decreased through grade 1 to grade 4 butsubstantially increased in grades 5 and 6. This improvement in last grades can be attributed to the provision of the take-home rations to girls in these grades as an incentive for their parents in rural areas to keep their daughters in school. The percentage of women occupying leadership positions in distribution committees remained the same in 2011 due tolocal traditions and cultural practices. Posters with sensitization messages addressing culture-based gender bias wereprovided to schools during the last quarter of the year.

Enhanced Committments to Women Indicators Planned Actual

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationProportion of women in leadership positions in food management committees 50% 33%


To mitigate the 2009/2010 drought impact in the Sahel belt of Chad, coverage of the FFT programme was extended tolocal community-based training centres with technical support of the Ministry of Education, resulting in an increasednumber of training centres under the FFT programme. The number of WFP-assisted schools was slightly lower than originally planned due to the revision of the targeting criteriafor WFP-supported schools following recommendations of the December 2009 comprehensive school-feedingassessment. This assessment was conducted jointly by the Ministry of Education, WFP and UNICEF. The actual numberof feeding days was 9 percent lower due to delays in food delivery to schools by WFP, namely owing to late contractingwith private transporters in the midst of expectations of volatile fuel supply with the events unfolding in Libya. The construction of kitchens and food stores in WFP assisted schools did not start due to the slow procurement process ofnon-food items. Under component 1, WFP provided 5,600 attendance school registers, 10,100 plates, 50,000 spoons, 10,100 posters withsensitization messages, and other school-feeding management materials to all assisted schools. Sensitisation messageswere mainly related to health, hygiene and nutrition education. In addtion, under the P5 Initiative, an innovativepartnership with UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS and the World Bank, 148,231 deworming tablets were distributed to schoolchildren in WFP-assisted schools.

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Output Unit Planned Actual



ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationSO 4: FFT

Number of literacy centres assisted number 90 123 136.7%

Number of participants in beneficiary training sessions (literacy) participan 14,625 28,455 194.6%

SO 4: School FeedingBasic Education: Number of WFP-assisted schools benefiting from complementary contribution ofcurriculum development, teacher training or provision of school supplies and materials school 100 100 100.0%Deworming: Number of children in WFP-assisted schools who received deworming treatment at least onceduring the year child 148,231 148,231 100.0%

Number of feeding days as % of actual school days % 100 91 91.0%

Number of months THRs were distributed month 9 9 100.0%

Number of primary schools assisted by WFP school 728 708 97.3%School Infrastructures: Number of existing schools assisted with infrastructure rehabilitation or constructionworks school 6 0 0.0%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionSO 4: HIV/TB: Mitigation and Safety Nets

Number of beneficiaries of household food assistance for ART beneficiar 25,000 11,867 47.5%

Number of clients who received household food assistance for ART client 5,000 2,373 47.5%


WFP conducted the first standardized school feeding survey (SFSS) in April 2011 providing valid data on key outcomesindicators. Hence, careful interpretation is required on the comparison with data from previous years, when data fromcooperating partners was used as baseline and follow up values. The Country Office will use this SFSS 2011 data asbaseline values for the upcoming development project in support to primary education, planned to start in January 2012. The gender ratio in WFP-supported schools slightly decreased in comparison to the previous follow-up value but is stillrelatively high compared to baseline value and to the national average, 0.62 during the school year 2010-2011. The promotion rate of girls and boys in the last grade of primary school in WFP assisted schools was much above thenational average of 28 percent and 47 percent, respectively. The attendance rate of school children in WFP-supported schools has slightly decrease when compared to the previousfollow-up and the baseline value, but has stabilised at well above 90 percent, exceeding the national average of 85percent. It was not possible to report on the percentage of adults and children with HIV following ART, let alone on their responserate to the treatment six months after initiation of ART. Neither was it possible to report on the percentage of men andwomen regularly attending adult literacy and numeracy courses and skills training - both due to lack of reliable data.

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Sustainability, Capacity Development and Handover

Programme implementation is under national ownership of the National School Feeding Service (NSFS). WFP continuedto enhance capacity of the NSFS through provision of non-food items and training sessions. The NSFS was also involvedin the SSFS process. This process was an opportunity for its staff to realize how crucial was the records keeping at school.Six government officials participated in a WFP sponsored study tour to Mali's school-feeding programme. The national education strategy established in 2011 is bein drafted. WFP is committed to work with the Government tocontinue the process in 2012 and advocate for a national school-feeding policy.


Resource Inputs from Donors, Government and PartnersIn 2011, the project received financial assistance from donors which enabled project activities to be carried out until theend of the year. In addition, the Government of Chad provided kitchen utensils to most of WFP-assisted school for a totalcost of US$200,000. Under the P5 Initiative, about 150,000 deworming tablets were distributed to school children thanks to Government,UNICEF and WHO donations.


Resourced in 2011 (mt)Shipped/Purchased in 2011 (mt)

In-Kind Cash

Japan 1,480 1,480


Turkey 860 860

Total: 3,320 3,320

See Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors for breakdown by commodity and contribution reference number

↑See endnotes for information about data sources






(at start ofproject or


follow-up)(latest valuemeasured)

SpACT1 - Support to Basic EducationSp Strategic Objective 4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition

104780.1.C14 Attendance rate (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑1 97.6 98.8 95.7

Attendance rate (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑2 97.9 98.7 96.1Enrolment (boys): Average annual rate of change in number of boys enrolled in WFP-assisted primaryschools ↑3 19

Enrolment (girls): Average annual rate of change in number of girls enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑4 12

Gender ratio: ratio of girls to boys enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑5 0.7 0.8 0.84

Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑6 71.2 94.7

Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑7 58.1 64

Pass rate (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑8 71

Pass rate (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools ↑9 64.18

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Food Purchases

Due to food unavailability on the Chadian market, all food purchases were made on international markets.

Commodity Local Purchases (mt) TriangularPurchases (mt)

Other InternationalPurchases (mt)

Corn-Soya Blend 0 0 400

Iodised Salt 0 30 0

Maize Meal 0 2,021 0

Split Peas 0 0 184

Sugar 0 425 22

Vegetable Oil 0 239 0

Total: 0 2,715 605

Food Transport, Delivery and Handling

Commodities for the project were received from the Douala Port Corridor and were transhipped at Ngaoundere inCameroon before entering Chad. Ndjamena received 88 percent of the cargo before transferring it to extended deliverypoints (EDPs) while 12 percent were directly forwarded to EDPs. Some 99 percent of internal transfers to EDPs anddeliveries to final delivery points were done by private transporters, while the remaining 1 percent was undertaken by WFPvehicles.


Metric Tonnes %






ClosingStock (In-Country)*¹



Loss vsHandled

104780.1.C1ACT1 - Support to BasicEducation 2,942 2,817 1,729 7,870 6,443 1,031 1,232 15 0.2%

104780.1.C2ACT2 - Improve FoodSecurity 825 384 -1,209 1,209 0 0 0 0 0.0%

104780.1.C3ACT3 - Improve Health &Nutrition 195 603 736 2,036 1,144 386 385 3 0.1%

Project Total: 3,962 3,804 1,256 11,115 7,588 1,417 1,616 17 0.2%* The projects closing stock is presented in two formats: ¹ describes COMPAS closing stock (WFP in recipient country + cooperating partner/s), while ² describes the InternationalPublic Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) compliant closing stocks, which are total stocks (inside and outside the recipient country and on high seas) as reflected in the AnnualFinancial Statement. Further information on these two values are available on the SPR Guidance webpage.

↑ Where applicable, see Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and Handling, Annex: Commodity Transactions, and Endnotes for information on opening and closing stocks

Post-Delivery Losses

Post delivery losses represented only 0.2 percent of total quantity handled. Packaging deterioration of vegetable oil inwarehouses and during transportation was the main reason for the loss. Loading and stacking conditions are being morecontrolled to minimise this type of loss.

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Under component 1, WFP maintained close partnership with the Ministry of Education, namely through the P5 Initiative, apartnership including UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS and the World Bank, which successfully provided essential learningpackage in 100 schools and ensured that targeted schools received integrated services for enhanced impact. Theseintegrated services included the provision of school meals, training materials for teachers, deworming tablets, theconstruction of school infrastructures and the training of teachers. Through component 3, WFP collaborated with other UN agencies, including UNAIDS, and NGOs within the UN Joint Teamon HIV and AIDS. While with limited technical capacity, cooperating partners provided valuable contribution to theachievement of HIV and AIDS programme objectives, including in the area of ART patient counseling and treatment.

Lessons Learned

The P5 initiative served as a bridge between school children and education stakeholders and provided a platform forpartners to maximize synergies and facilitate targeting for non field-based actors. Through the P5, five UN agenciesdelivered together their respective inputs to the same schools, on a systematic basis, providing focus to eachorganization's interventions and comparative advantages.

NGO Data Collection

Total number of International NGO Partners in the project 1

Total number of Local NGO Partners in the project 3

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104780.1.C1IODISED SALT↑10 Correction in physical inventory of 31 December 2010 on batch# 82302101 by Mongo Magasin1 .

104780.1.C1SUGAR↑11 Correction in physical inventory of 31 December 2010 on batch# 82452201 by Mongo Magasin1;

Replacement of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner Ministere de l' Education Nationale.

104780.1.C3MAIZE↑12 Correction in physical inventory of 31 December 2010 on batch# 81297501 by Mongo Magasin1

104780.1.C3RICE↑13 Correction in physical inventory of 31 December 2010 by Mongo Magasin1(to fix the confusion in cerreals CERRIC batch# 80294813 of project

104780.1.C2 and CERRMAZ batch# 00005589 of project 200112).

104780.1.C3SPLIT PEAS↑14 Reception of waybill # MAOX001100119026P in COMPAS after the 2010's PSR was frozen.

104780.1.C3VEGETABLE OIL↑15 Correction in physical inventory of 31 December 2010 by Mao Magasin1 on batches# 81149112, 81931909 and L0000164.

Endnotes X 1

104780.1.C14 Attendance rate (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑1 Base value: Dec-2008, School reports, Programme monitoring. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, School reports, Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up:

Apr-2011, Standadized School Feeding Survey, WFP survey.

Attendance rate (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑2 Base value: Dec-2008, School reports, Programme monitoring. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, School reports, Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up:

Apr-2011, Standadized School Feeding Survey, WFP survey.

Enrolment (boys): Average annual rate of change in number of boys enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools↑3 Latest Follow-up: Apr-2011, Standadized School Feeding Survey, WFP survey.

Enrolment (girls): Average annual rate of change in number of girls enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools↑4 Latest Follow-up: Apr-2011, Standadized School Feeding Survey, WFP survey.

Gender ratio: ratio of girls to boys enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools↑5 Base value: Sep-2006, Programme Monitoring, Programme monitoring. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2009, Comprehensive school-feeding assessment

report by WFP, UNICEF, MoE, WFP survey. Latest Follow-up: Apr-2011, Standadized School Feeding Survey, WFP survey.

Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑6 Base value: Dec-2006, Direction de l'analyse et de la prospective (du MEN), Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Jul-2007, Direction de l'analyse et de

la prospective (du MEN), Secondary data.

Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑7 Base value: Dec-2006, Direction de l'analyse et de la prospective (du MEN), Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Jul-2007, Direction de l'analyse et de

la prospective (du MEN), Secondary data.

Pass rate (boys) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑8 Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Programme monitoring.

Pass rate (girls) in WFP-assisted primary schools↑9 Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Programme monitoring.

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Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors Resourced in 2011 (mt)Shipped/

Purchased in2011 (mt)Donor Cont. Ref. No Commodity In-Kind Cash

Japan JPN-C-00145-09 Maize Meal 946 946Japan JPN-C-00145-09 Sugar 425 425Japan JPN-C-00145-09 Vegetable Oil 109 109MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Corn-Soya Blend 400 400MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Iodised Salt 30 30MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Maize Meal 215 215MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Split Peas 184 184MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Sugar 22 22MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Vegetable Oil 130 130Turkey TUR-C-00020-03 Maize Meal 860 860

Total: 3,320 3,320

Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and HandlingMetric Tonnes %






ClosingStock (In-Country)*¹



Loss vsHandled

ACT1 - Support to Basic Education

104780.1.C1ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationCorn-soya Blend (csb) 623 255 147 1,026 1,012 11 11 2.3 0.2%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationIodised Salt ↑10 22 29 29 93 44 36 36 0.8 0.9%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationMaize Meal 0 1,816 1,460 3,277 2,563 713 914 0.5 0.0%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationRice 405 0 134 651 477 60 60 2.3 0.3%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationSoya-fortified Maize Meal 1,657 5 0 1,661 1,659 0 0 1.9 0.1%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationSugar ↑11 14 425 -71 624 295 72 72 0.6 0.1%

ACT1 - Support to Basic EducationVegetable Oil 221 287 30 538 393 139 139 6.2 1.2%

Total: 2,942 2,817 1,729 7,870 6,443 1,031 1,232 14.6 2.8%

ACT2 - Improve Food Security

104780.1.C2ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityBeans 1 0 -1 1 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityIodised Salt 3 41 -44 44 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityMaize 99 0 -99 99 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityMaize Meal 233 343 -576 576 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityRice 377 0 -377 377 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecuritySplit Peas 17 0 -17 17 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecuritySugar 3 0 -3 3 0 0 0.0

ACT2 - Improve Food SecurityVegetable Oil 92 0 -92 92 0 0 0.0

Total: 825 384 -1,209 1,209 0 0 0.0

Page 15: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Standard Project Report 2011 Chad Country Programme - 104780

Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and HandlingMetric Tonnes %






ClosingStock (In-Country)*¹



Loss vsHandled

ACT3 - Improve Health & Nutrition

104780.1.C3ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionBeans 0 0 1 1 1 0 0.0

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionCorn-soya Blend (csb) 30 399 -284 632 127 18 17 0.1 0.0%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionIodised Salt 1 0 15 17 11 6 6 0.1 0.6%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionMaize ↑12 50 0 99 149 76 73 73 0.0

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionMaize Meal 0 0 574 576 568 6 4 1.2 0.2%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionRice ↑13 76 0 257 333 252 80 80 0.7 0.2%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionSplit Peas ↑14 3 183 12 203 18 180 179 0.3 0.1%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionSugar 27 21 -1 49 25 22 22 0.1 0.3%

ACT3 - Improve Health & NutritionVegetable Oil ↑15 7 0 61 75 66 2 2 0.4 0.5%

Total: 195 603 736 2,036 1,144 386 385 2.9 1.9%

Project Total: 3,962 3,804 1,256 11,115 7,588 1,417 1,616 17.4 4.8%* The projects closing stock is presented in two formats: ¹ describes COMPAS closing stock (WFP in recipient country + cooperating partner/s),while ² describes the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) compliant closing stocks, which are total stocks (inside and outsidethe recipient country and on high seas) as reflected in the Annual Financial Statement. Further information on these two values are available on theSPR Guidance webpage.

Annex: Commodity Transactions

CommodityCommodityTransaction Going out Coming in

To project mt From project mt

ACT1 - Support to Basic Education104780.1.C1Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 200060 0

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 5

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 200112 142

Iodised Salt Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 41

Iodised Salt Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 12

Maize Meal Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 1

Maize Meal Repayment 200060 1,459

Rice Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 232

Rice Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 112

Rice Repayment 200059 14

Sugar Loan 200112 0

Sugar Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 3

Page 16: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Standard Project Report 2011 Chad Country Programme - 104780

Annex: Commodity Transactions

CommodityCommodityTransaction Going out Coming in

To project mt From project mt

104780.1.C1Sugar Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 1

Sugar Repayment 200060 76

Sugar Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 2

Vegetable Oil Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 24

Vegetable Oil Repayment104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 7

104780.1.C1 Total: 201 1,930

ACT2 - Improve Food Security

104780.1.C2Beans Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 1

Iodised Salt Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 3

Iodised Salt Reallocation104780 (Support toBasic Education) 41

Maize Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 99

Maize Meal Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 576

Rice Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 145

Rice Reallocation104780 (Support toBasic Education) 232

Split Peas Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 17

Sugar Reallocation104780 (Support toBasic Education) 3

Vegetable Oil Reallocation104780 (ImproveHealth & Nutrition) 68

Vegetable Oil Reallocation104780 (Support toBasic Education) 24

104780.1.C2 Total: 1,209

ACT3 - Improve Health & Nutrition

104780.1.C3Beans Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 1

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 5

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 105100 33

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 200059 11

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 200060 345

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 200060 110

Iodised Salt Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 3

Iodised Salt Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 12

Page 17: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Standard Project Report 2011 Chad Country Programme - 104780

Annex: Commodity Transactions

CommodityCommodityTransaction Going out Coming in

To project mt From project mt

104780.1.C3Maize Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 99

Maize Meal Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 576

Maize Meal Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 1

Rice Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 145

Rice Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 112

Split Peas Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 17

Split Peas Repayment 200059 5

Sugar Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 2

Sugar Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 1

Sugar Repayment 200060 0

Vegetable Oil Reallocation104780 (ImproveFood Security) 68

Vegetable Oil Repayment104780 (Support toBasic Education) 7

104780.1.C3 Total: 409 1,144

Project Total: 1,819 3,075

Page 18: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Financial Section

Financial information is taken from WFP's financial records which havebeen submitted to WFP's auditors.

Page 19: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

Standard Project Report 2011

Direct Project Costs 2011

Figures Based on Project Overview of Financial Section

CHAD Country Programme - 104780

Commodity37.75 %

Transport4.09 %

LTSH50.65 %

ODOC4.06 %

DSC3.45 %

Commodity47.16 %Transport13.11 %LTSH31.02 %ODOC1.32 %DSC7.39 %

Cumulative Direct Project Costs until 31 December 2011

Page 20: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme



CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account for the Period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)

Approved Budget ConfirmedContributions

Expenditures Balance ofContributionsPreviously Reported During the Period Cumulative Total

Direct Project Costs

Commodity 18,173,917 13,778,416 11,747,851 1,891,546 13,639,397 139,019Transport 4,754,769 4,122,117 3,588,199 205,015 3,793,214 328,904LTSH 15,902,222 10,536,169 6,435,142 2,538,064 8,973,206 1,562,963ODOC 967,332 468,084 178,115 203,514 381,629 86,455DSC 3,419,438 2,552,021 1,963,663 172,627 2,136,289 415,732Unprogrammed Project Costs 100,355 100,355

Total Direct Project Costs 43,217,677 31,557,163 23,912,970 5,010,766 28,923,736 2,633,427

Indirect Support Costs 3,025,237 1,848,856 1,695,585 153,270 1,848,856 0

Total 46,242,914 33,406,018 25,608,555 5,164,036 30,772,591 2,633,427

Anthony TyrrellChief

Contribution and Project Accounts Branch

The project has been operationally and financially closed. This financial report is final.

End of Selection: 31/12/2011Page 103/02/2012 10:40:22

Page 21: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)

The following donors have provided multilateral contributions for this project: DEN MOFAGER BMZ (BERLIN)GER BMZ (BONN)NOR MOFASPA MOFADEN MOFA GER BMZ (BERLIN) GER BMZ (BONN) NOR MOFA SPA MOFA

PROJECT DETAIL BY CONTRIBUTION 1234567891234567 12345678912345678 FRA MOFA

Incoming and Outgoing Total Subtotal FRA MOFA

Total Transfers Multilateral Directed 10001406

Multilateral FRA-C-00029-02

FRA2007-009HQ 02

Confirmed Contributions 104780

In Kind 7,773,549 1,559,260 0 6,214,289 0

Cash 25,632,469 2,521,268 5,410,748 17,700,453 682,982

Total Confirmed Contributions 33,406,018 4,080,529 5,410,748 23,914,742 682,982


Project Costs

Commodity 13,639,397 2,894,482 1,926,653 8,818,262 240,289

Transport 3,793,214 1,074,839 219,838 2,498,537 14,259

LTSH 8,973,206 111,208 1,501,030 7,360,968 269,607

ODOC 381,629 0 22,836 345,955 11,422DSC 2,136,288 0 566,905 1,568,622 102,725

Total Direct Project Costs 28,923,735 4,080,529 4,237,262 20,592,344 638,301

Indirect Support Costs 1,848,856 345,254 1,503,602 44,681

Total Expenditures 30,772,590 4,080,529 4,582,516 22,095,945 682,982

Balance of Contributions 2,633,428 0 828,232 1,818,797 0

Page 2

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

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World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)



10002993 10002994 10000984 10001912 10002586

FRA-C-00053-01 FRA-C-00053-02 ITA-C-00062-02 ITA-C-00064-03 ITA-C-00077-03

FRA2008-016HQ 01 FRA2008-016HQ 02 ITA2006-011HQ 02 ITA2007-003HQ 03 ITA2008-002HQ 03

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

Cash 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369

Total Confirmed Contributions 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369


Project Costs

Commodity 321,689 288,015 195,573 150,748 201,196

Transport 65,164 72,032 35,228 20,974 31,910

LTSH 222,964 260,069 165,109 149,654 213,459

ODOC 9,951 10,386 7,409 15,676 20,857DSC 112,120 101,024 76,756 49,107 71,241

Total Direct Project Costs 731,889 731,526 480,075 386,159 538,663

Indirect Support Costs 51,232 51,232 33,605 27,031 37,706

Total Expenditures 783,120 782,758 513,680 413,190 576,369

Balance of Contributions 0 362 0 0 0

Page 3

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

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World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)



10011642 10013799 10011285 10012553 10014122

ITA-C-00095-02 JPN-C-00145-09 SWE-C-00058-01 SWE-C-00073-01 TUR-C-00020-03

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 50,274 25,027 0

Cash 575,448 2,000,000 0 0 1,000,000

Total Confirmed Contributions 575,448 2,000,000 50,274 25,027 1,000,000


Project Costs

Commodity 128,782 900,092 0 0 377,540

Transport 22,992 95,635 0 0 52,448

LTSH 290,458 628,212 0 0 0

ODOC 16,255 65,129 0 0 0DSC 64,356 77,329 50,274 25,027 0

Total Direct Project Costs 522,843 1,766,397 50,274 25,027 429,988

Indirect Support Costs 37,646 130,841 0 0 65,421

Total Expenditures 560,489 1,897,238 50,274 25,027 495,408

Balance of Contributions 14,958 102,762 0 0 504,592

Page 4

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

Page 24: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)



10002958 10003731 10011374 10001636

USA-C-00144-03 USA-C-00220-04 USA-C-00434-05 WPD-C-00218-01

USA2008-064HQ 03 USA2008-147HQ 04 WPD2007-080HQ 01

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 2,325,078 2,198,853 1,615,057 0 0

Cash 3,035,767 3,336,276 3,995,800 4,701 0

Total Confirmed Contributions 5,360,846 5,535,129 5,610,857 4,701 0


Project Costs

Commodity 2,325,078 2,198,853 1,490,406 0 0

Transport 643,367 842,976 601,553 0 0

LTSH 1,732,800 1,769,200 1,659,437 0 0

ODOC 25,400 31,900 131,569 0 12,838DSC 288,900 348,000 201,762 0 762

Total Direct Project Costs 5,015,546 5,190,929 4,084,728 0 13,600

Indirect Support Costs 345,300 344,200 334,400 308 0

Total Expenditures 5,360,846 5,535,129 4,419,128 308 13,600

Balance of Contributions 0 0 1,191,729 4,393 (13,600)

Page 5

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

Page 25: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)


Incoming and Outgoing Total Subtotal FRA MOFATotal Transfers Multilateral Directed 10001406

Multilateral FRA-C-00029-02FRA2007-009HQ 02

Confirmed Contributions 104780

In Kind 7,773,549 1,559,260 0 6,214,289 0

Cash 25,632,469 2,521,268 5,410,748 17,700,453 682,982

Total Confirmed Contributions 33,406,018 4,080,529 5,410,748 23,914,742 682,982

Contribution Received

In Kind 6,089,638 0

Cash 15,440,834 682,982

Total Contributions Received 21,530,473 682,982

Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 124,651 0

Cash 2,259,618 0

Outstanding Contribution Receivable 2,384,269 0

Page 6

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

Page 26: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)


FRA MOFA FRA MOFA ITA MOFA ITA MOFA ITA MOFA10002993 10002994 10000984 10001912 10002586

FRA-C-00053-01 FRA-C-00053-02 ITA-C-00062-02 ITA-C-00064-03 ITA-C-00077-03FRA2008-016HQ 01 FRA2008-016HQ 02 ITA2006-011HQ 02 ITA2007-003HQ 03 ITA2008-002HQ 03

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

Cash 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369

Total Confirmed Contributions 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369

Contribution Received

In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

Cash 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369

Total Contributions Received 783,120 783,120 513,680 413,190 576,369

Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

Cash 0 0 0 0 0

Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 0 0

Page 7

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

Page 27: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)


ITA MOFA JPN MOFA SWE SRSA SWE SRSA TUR MOFA10011642 10013799 10011285 10012553 10014122

ITA-C-00095-02 JPN-C-00145-09 SWE-C-00058-01 SWE-C-00073-01 TUR-C-00020-03

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 50,274 25,027 0

Cash 575,448 2,000,000 0 0 1,000,000

Total Confirmed Contributions 575,448 2,000,000 50,274 25,027 1,000,000

Contribution Received

In Kind 0 0 50,274 25,027 0

Cash 575,448 2,000,000 0 0 1,000,000

Total Contributions Received 575,448 2,000,000 50,274 25,027 1,000,000

Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

Cash 0 0 0 0 0

Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 0 0

Page 8

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011

Page 28: WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2011: Chad Country Programme

World Food Programme


CP-TCD-(2007-2011)Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011

(Amounts in US dollars)


USA USDA USA USDA USA USDA WPD D CATCH10002958 10003731 10011374 10001636

USA-C-00144-03 USA-C-00220-04 USA-C-00434-05 WPD-C-00218-01USA2008-064HQ 03 USA2008-147HQ 04 WPD2007-080HQ 01

Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 2,325,078 2,198,853 1,615,057 0

Cash 3,035,767 3,336,276 3,995,800 4,701

Total Confirmed Contributions 5,360,846 5,535,129 5,610,857 4,701

Contribution Received

In Kind 2,325,078 2,198,853 1,490,406 0

Cash 3,035,767 3,209,721 1,862,737 4,701

Total Contributions Received 5,360,846 5,408,574 3,353,142 4,701

Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

In Kind 0 0 124,651 0

Cash 0 126,555 2,133,063 0

Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 126,555 2,257,714 0

Page 9

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

03/02/2012 10:42:48

End of Selection: 31/12/2011