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WESTERN PACIPIC FEATI-IER,DIVER, · 2017. 5. 27. · Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake

Aug 07, 2021



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Page 1: WESTERN PACIPIC FEATI-IER,DIVER, · 2017. 5. 27. · Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake



Page 2: WESTERN PACIPIC FEATI-IER,DIVER, · 2017. 5. 27. · Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake


Splits Bottle

WHITE ROCK WATER .20 .30APOLLINARIS WATER .20 .30ORANGE DRY (Carbonated) .25LIME RICKEY .25POLAND WATER (Sti l l ) .25FRENCH V ICHY .30GINGER ALE (Dry) .30COCA COLA .10BEER, Local o r Eastern .25GRAPE JUICE (Individual) .15ORANGE JUICE (Glass) .25LEMONADE (Glass) .15CITRO-NESIA (Citrate of Magnesia) .20RED RAVEN WATER .20PLUTO WATER .20BROMO SELTZER (Individual) .15ASPIRIN TABLETS (Box) .25

A Select Assortment of Imported and Domestic Cigars

No Cigars, Cigarettes or Tobaccos Sold t o Minors

No Cigarettes Sold in Nevada or UtahNo beer sold in Utah



It is the earnest desire o f the Management that you be pleased wi th theservice in this diner. Should any of the employees fail i n any way, pleasedo not hesitate to make the fact known to the Steward in charge, so that

he may personally see that you are entirely satisfied.

J. L. s c a n - , General Passenger Agent, San Francisco, CaliforniaVV. P. STILES. Superintendent Dining Cars, Oakland, California

Page 3: WESTERN PACIPIC FEATI-IER,DIVER, · 2017. 5. 27. · Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake


Good Morning

Orange Juice 2 5 G r a p e f r u i t Juice 2 5 T o m a t o Juice 1 5California Prunes 2 5 P r u n e - n i p 20 O r a n g e Marmalade 25

Whole Orange 15 P r e s e r v e d Figs with Cream 3 5Half Grape Fruit 2 0

Oatmeal with Cream or Cream of Wheat with Cream 3 0Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies, Bran Flakes with Cream 3 0

Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Post Toasties 3 0

Sirloin Steak 1.50 L a m b Chops on Toast 75Small Breakfast Steak 1 .00

Grilled Ham 7 0 H a m or Bacon with Eggs 75Breakfast Bacon with Wheat Cakes 6 5

Eggs Boiled 3 5 F r i e d 3 5 S h i r r e d 3 5 P o a c h e d o n Toas t 4 5Minced Ham and Scrambled Eggs 5 5

Omelet, Plain 4 0 T o m a t o Omelet 5 0Jelly Omelet 5 0 H a m Omelet 5 5

Potatoes, Hashed Brown 25 Lyonnalse 25 F r e n c h Fried 25

Whole Wheat Muffins 15 T o a s t e d Ry Krisp 15 B r e a k f a s t Rolls 15Dry or Buttered White, Graham or Raisin Toast 15

French Toast with Currant Jelly 4 5 M i l k Toast 3 0Wheat Cakes with Maple Syrup 3 5

Coffee, Pot 2 5 O r a n g e Pekoe or English Breakfast Tea, Pot 2 5Milk or Buttermilk, Bottle 2 0 K a f f e e Hag, Pot 2 5 P o s t u m 2 5

Chocolate or Cocoa, Pot 2 5

Parents i f desiring, may divide their orders with children without extra chargeReduced portions may be ordered for children at half price

5 ' 3 r G u e s t s will please pay on presentation of checks only

Service by waiter outside of Dining Car, 25c extra for each person served

Page 4: WESTERN PACIPIC FEATI-IER,DIVER, · 2017. 5. 27. · Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake


Across the Western Gardenof Allah

Great historical and geological interest attaches t o theterritory traversed by the Western Pacific in Northern Nevadaand Western Utah because the route traces the bed of twolakes which existed in times far remote from the coming ofman now known as Lake Lahontan and Lake Bonneville.

Lake Lahontan, once 880 feet deep, covered a great ex-panse of western Nevada and washed the eastern slope of theSierras. Former beaches and shore lines o f this prehistoriclake are to be seen high above the railroad track. Sand Passis at the southern end of one of the Lahontan deserts—SmokeCreek desert. Pyramid Lake, lying to the south, is a remnant

Between Silver Zone Pass (Toano Range) and the Wa-satch Mountains lay Lake Bonneville, which at one t ime hada maximum area of 19,750 square miles and a depth of 1,050feet.

This lake had an outlet to the Pacific Ocean via the Snakeand the Columbia rivers. I t s powerful waves fashioned i tsshores into an elaborate system of cl i ffs and benches whichare still clearly outlined.

Great Salt Lake, the southern arm of which is crossed bythe Western Pacific, is a remnant of Lake Bonneville. GreatSalt Lake is one of the natural wonders of the western hem-isphere and has been called the "Dead Sea of America." I t saverage salinity is about 51/2 times that of the ocean and i thas been estimated that i t contains 400 million tons of salt.Consequently, i t is extremely buoyant.

These vast expanses of the Great Basin have been termedthe "Western Garden o f Al lah." I t s beauties are i n sharpcontrast t o those o f the Sierras, nevertheless they recordintensely interesting stories of countless ages of the past.