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West of England Nature Partnership 13 November 2019

West of England Nature Partnership · Nature Recovery Mainstreaming nature-based health services A thriving and well-connected natural environment in the West of England that A joined-up

Feb 06, 2020



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Page 1: West of England Nature Partnership · Nature Recovery Mainstreaming nature-based health services A thriving and well-connected natural environment in the West of England that A joined-up



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• Local Nature Partnerships are prescribed bodies as detailed in the Localism Act 2011.

• Drive positive change in the local natural environment, taking a strategic view of the challenges and opportunities.

• Contribute to achieving the Government’s national environmental objectives locally.

• Become local champions influencing decision-making relating to the natural environment and its value.

Defra 2012

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Working to restore the natural environment in the West of England through embedding the value of nature in decision making across spatial planning, public health and economic development

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Ajoined-upnetworkofmarineandterrestrialhabitatswherenatureandpeoplecanthrive.Anactive,adaptivespatialplanthatidentifiesthebestopportunities todelivernature’srecovery.

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Jointheconversationbyregistering (forfree) andsearchfortheNature,HealthandWellbeinghive.

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HowcanweincorporateNatureandHealthwithintheNatureRecoveryNetwork? [email protected] @WoENP

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NatureandHealthPractitionersNetworkSetuptooffersupport totheemergingserviceprovision inNatureandHealth

Exploring: QualityassurancePeerSupportEvidenceandmakingthecaseCommonLanguageTraining&ProfessionalDevelopment

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A:Campaignsandmessaging foraccessinggreenspaces




Healthfocusedgroups, caringfortheenvironment

Naturebasedinterventions thatoffershort termandlonger termsupport

A:Living inconnection withandactivelyvaluingthenaturalworld


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• Communicatingthebenefitsofnature- basedinterventions;Evidencegatheringandevaluationofinterventions

• Qualityassuranceandlogistics

• Funding

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• Spending timeinthenaturalenvironment– asaresidentoravisitor– improvesourmentalhealthandfeelingsofwellbeing.

• Itcanreducestress,fatigue,anxietyanddepression.• Itcanhelpboostimmunesystems,leadtoreductionofinflammatorybaseddiseases

encouragephysicalactivityandmayreducetheriskofchronicdiseasessuchasasthma.• Itcancombatlonelinessandbindcommunities together.

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Operatewithinarecognised constitution






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Competentin workingwiththelevelofinterventions offeredforthe healthandwellbeingbeingofpeoplein






Follows asetofprinciplesandethicsthatputthecareandsupportoftheparticipant






Legally andethicallycompliantwithinappropriate,insurance,


Followsa professionalpracticemodel








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Natural Academy 2019

Nature and Health Practitioners: Guidelines for spaces

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• Currentmodelunsustainableforscaling

• Needtodevelopacommissioningmodel

• Local• Regional• National

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Session month participants positive impact on scored statements?


Woodland Tai Chi Sept-Oct 11 100% 7

Woodland Mindfulness

Sept-Oct 10 100% 6

BCF wood carving Sept-Oct 7 100% 7

Lakeside Mindfulness

Sept-Oct 18 100% 12

Woodland wildlife walks

Sept-Oct 14 100% 2

woodland tai chi oct nov 9 100% 8

woodland mindfulness

oct nov 11 100% 5

lakeside fire cooking oct nov 17 100% 4

lakeside Mindfulness

Oct-nov 18 100% 5

woodland woodcraft nov-dec 17 100%

wildlife walks feb march 19 14 100 4

nature connection may june 19 10 95% 4

woodland creativity

may june 19 6 100% 4

Wild Art July Aug 21 100 7

Foraging Sept-Oct 23 100 9

Tai chi Sept Oct 15 100% 6

Mindfulness Sept-Oct 11 100% 5

Fire Cooking TCM sept -oct 10

total 242 95

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“I’m drawn to the woods

I feel like a plant that has been neglected,I have been repotted and my restricted roots can now

spread out,Slowly my confidence is coming back, and I can come to life

again,There is now meaning I have drawn from the woods,

and the people I have met there.I have been helped and inspired by them all,

I have learnt to stop, look and see; birds singing and wild flowers

the river flowing to the waterfall, the colour of the woods created from bluebells, trees,

leaves, logs and fungiThe kettle on the fire brought us together every week

I have now learnt not to rush around feeling downI now find time to look around and learn

When I come to the woods and the sky and light is all around

I feel unrestricted and free from life’s demands”

Woodland TaiChi

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“Rainy day in the woods

I walked into the house and saw all the jobs that needed doing and them looked at the weather outside and thought how easy it would be to stay indoors in the dry.But something made me put my wet weather gear on and get down the woods, I expected there to be one or two people there but nine were already here with big smiles and building a shelter, laughing and catching up, and I instantly knew I had made the right decision. So welcoming and easy and relaxing. Its another world where I am so at ease and comfortable.”

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“When I’m at home the thoughts and the negative emotions take over, I start the walk to the woods to meet the wellbeing group and my shoulders drop, my heart beat slows and I smile and laugh and feel lighter…..”

“It was our first time today, it was a bit nervous to start but everyone friendly, and such a beautiful site with the camp fire flames dancing. Very


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Nature Nurture

“Just had to say how great this morning was. Not only to be back in the woods but also with a bunch of people who demand nothing, and show their own joy. A warm and welcome reception, plus some beneficial newcomers. What more could a man ask for? Ta very much, Tim”

Interactions outdoors in the woods seem to be more genuine and heartfelt, simple and open … the levelling effect of the natural landscape helps people

relate better to one another

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Sorry I didn't make the last few sessions.. as you know I have been struggling recently. I'm getting there slowly tho and the woods is just what I need.This is an odd question, it completely doesn't matter if not, but would it be possible if I pass your number on to my social worker? …I had explained to her that I feel my most peaceful and at my best when I am in the woods and that your wellbeing group really helps me. She asked if you would mind speaking to her?

We feel our best when out in nature. When life is a struggle every day, access to nature tips the balance back in our favour

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1)NatureineverydaylifeWwN: Provideinformation,workshops andself-guidedresources.


2)NaturebasedhealthactivitiesWwN:Weoffersimpleeffectiveactivitiesthatencourageongoingconnectiontothenaturalworld.Designedtoprovideopportunities toimprovegreenspacesand/ortailorourwellbeinginterventionstospecificgroups.

Example:Over50’swildlife gardeninggrouptoimprovephysicalactivityandsocialinteractions.Example:LedWellbeingwalksExample: NaturalPathways(Bath)


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• Asixmodularcourse• Forpeoplewithalongtermhealthconditionsandthoseexperiencinglowmood,

anxietyandstress.• Structurednature-basedwellbeinginterventions- seekingclearhealthandwellbeing


Example:18weekcourse-FeedBristol&Dundry SlopeHartcliffeExample:6week-GenesisTrust,BathCarersExample:1day-Changes,Rethink

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Thestructureofthedayincludes:• Check-in

• Grounding -Naturebasedmindfulness• Wellbeing Interventions• Practicalactivities/wildlifeidentification

• 1-2-1mentoring• Reflectionandgroupdiscussion.

Wehaveproducedacoursefolderforparticipantsthatcontains• Weeklyhandoutsonthesessionoutcomes• Wildlifeandfoodgrowinglearningresources• Wellbeingwheelandpersonalgoals

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Wellbeinginterventionsencourageindividuals toexploretheirinteractionswiththenaturalenvironment.

Person;reflectonemotionalawareness,resourceful thinking,motivationandpurposefulactivities.


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• Outdoorcooking

• WildlifeIdentification

• Craftactivities

• Walks

• Conservationlandmanagement

• Bushcraft

• Foodgrowing

q Tasksareadaptedto individualsabilityandneeds

q Participantscangoattheirownpace

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70%participantshavegoneontofurtherpurposeful activities.

Volunteeringincl.Buddyrole Training Returntowork Secured

employment socialactivities otherpurposefulactivities

9 3 2 2 7 7



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“Youcangetisolatedveryeasilywhenyou’redepressed,andthenyoudon’tseeanybody.Sotocomeoutandseedifferentpeoplehelped….. I’mdoingdifferentthingsnowthatIwasn’t interestedinbefore.Istartedtofollowthingsupinmyowntime.

Ifeelthiswellbeingcourseguidesyouonhowyoucanusenaturetoalleviatestress,andenablesyoutocopebetterwitheverydayproblemsthateveryonefaces.It’ssomethingthatyoucanuse- athomeintheparkoroutdoorswhereveryouare.”

Formoreinformationcontact:[email protected]

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• Splitintomixedstakeholdergroups

• Identifythechallengesforincreasingthenumberofnature-basedsocialprescriptionsintheWestofEngland.

• decideonthree/fourkeychallenges

• suggestpossiblesolutionsforthesekeychallenges.