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Welcome Workshop # 2 2013 Senior Promotion Workshop Series Barbara Stubbs, Professional Development Program Director, DFCM Lynn Wilson, Chair, DFCM Cynthia Whitehead, Vice Chair Education, DFCM Marie Leverman, Academic Appointments Coordinator, DFCM Christianne Green, Academic Appointments and HRIS Assistant, DFCM

Welcome Workshop # 2 2013 Senior Promotion Workshop Series

Jan 25, 2016




Barbara Stubbs, Professional Development Program Director, DFCM Lynn Wilson, Chair, DFCM Cynthia Whitehead, Vice Chair Education, DFCM Marie Leverman, Academic Appointments Coordinator, DFCM Christianne Green, Academic Appointments and HRIS Assistant, DFCM. Welcome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Welcome Workshop # 2 2013 Senior Promotion Workshop Series

WelcomeWorkshop # 2

2013 Senior Promotion Workshop Series

Barbara Stubbs, Professional Development Program Director, DFCM Lynn Wilson, Chair, DFCM Cynthia Whitehead, Vice Chair Education, DFCM Marie Leverman, Academic Appointments Coordinator, DFCM Christianne Green, Academic Appointments and HRIS Assistant, DFCM

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The first rule of Senior Promotions…..

The second rule of Senior Promotions …..

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Workshops # 1 - # 2 - # 3 Overview

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Workshops # 3 – Update:


(workshop # 3)

• The new date will be after the pre-applications are reviewed by the DFCM Senior Promotions Committee ( set for early April)

• Workshop # 3 will be scheduled in late April

• A list serve announcement will be sent out and you will receive an email from Marie confirming all details

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Workshop # 2 Agenda (in your binder)

3:30 - 3:40 Welcome: Dr Barbara Stubbs        

Overview of Workshops # 1 + # 2 + # 3Workshop # 2 Agenda

3:40 - 4:30 Guest Speaker: Dr Avrum Gotlieb      > Proposed topics: why consider promotion

> Creative professional activity, scholary activity, impact

> Discuss the pitfalls and struggles in the promotion process

> A handout will be provided after the presentation

4:30 - 4:40 10 Minute Stretch Break        

4:40 - 5:00 WebCV & your CV for promotion: Dr Cynthia Whitehead  > The WebCV > PP handout available

5:00 - 5:45 Group Activity: Drs Lynn Wilson, Barbara Stubbs, Cynthia Whitehead, Tony D'Urzo

In groups: review areas of excellence/competence

> Discuss CV format, structure, possible areas of excellence,

how to translate into a teaching dossier > Questions & answers

5:45 - 5:50 5 Minute Stretch Break        

5:50 - 6:15 Dos & Don'ts: Dr Lynn Wilson       

> The do's & don'ts when preparing your dossier> PP handout available

6:15 - 6:20 Closing Comments: Dr Barbara Stubbs        Take Home Message:        

  > Senior Promotion Timelines 2013-2014      

  > Pre-application package (due April 2 2013)                   

6:20 - 6:30 > Evaluations, Comment Cards & door prizes    

  > Christianne Green & Marie Leverman                     




PowerPointPresentationPowerPointPresentation Tab


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Goal of the Workshop

• To help you look at the work you are engaged in and evaluate the scholarly potential

• To help you feel (more) confident and motivated in your ability to apply for promotion

• Promotion to:

Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor

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At the end of this session participants will understand:

• The components of a WebCV

• The Dos and Don’ts in preparing an application dossier

• The promotion process (timelines)

• The required documents for a senior promotion pre-application

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In Your Binder You Have:

• Senior Promotion Timeline 2013-2014

• Senior Promotion Criteria Chart

• Manual for Academic Promotion

• Workshop # 1 - # 2 - # 3 Proposed Agendas

• Mainpro-M1 Credits

• Senior Promotion Pre-Application Package

• Senior Promotion Application Dossier

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Guest Speaker


Arum I. Gotlieb MDCM, FRCPC

•Interim Vice Dean, Graduate and Life Sciences EducationSenior Academic Advisor to the DeanActing Vice Dean, Graduate and Life Sciences Education

•Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of TorontoStaff Pathologist, Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health NetworkSenior Scientist, Cell and Molecular Biology, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network

Dr Gotlieb’s Presentation

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10 Minute Stretch10 Minute Stretch

Break Time

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CV Format (WebCV)Workshop # 2Senior Promotion Workshop Series

Reference: Manual for Academic Promotion Revised: June 2012Reference Page 26 - 4.1 Curriculum Vitae URL:

Dr Cynthia Whitehead

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• The University Policy stresses that the fullest possible documentation should be made available to the Committee.

• The preparation of the curriculum vitae is the responsibility of the candidate.

• The format of the curriculum vitae should be as outlined in the Manual for Academic Promotion:

Reference Page 26 - 4.1 Curriculum Vitae

The University Policy:

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WebCV in the DFCM:

• The senior promotion pre-applications are reviewed by the DFCM Senior Promotions Committee.

• Candidates that are “ready to move forward” in the application process will automatically qualify for the WebCV program

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2: Biographical Informationin reverse chronological order i.e. most recent first


1. Education | Degrees• Degree/year/institution/specialty• Postgraduate, Research and Specialty Training• Qualifications, Certifications and Licenses

2. Employment | Career and ActivitiesPresent appointment

• Rank and year appointed• Previous appointments• Rank and year appointed• All cross appointments• Number of years in each appointment• Date of award of tenure, if applicable• List of all research and teaching appointments held and other relevant experiences, giving

dates and institutions

3. Honours and Awards• Appointments of distinguished councils• Awards (Research/Teaching/Student | Trainee)

4. Professional Affiliations and Activities• Editor of journal, academic organizations• Professional Associations• Administrative Activities• Peer Review Activities• Other Research and Professional Activities• Innovations and Development in Teaching and Education

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3: Academic Historyin reverse chronological order i.e. most recent first


1. Research Statement: Name, subject(s) of interest and activity (see Section 3.1.3).

2. Research Awards: Types of grants, contracts, fellowships held during the past five years including: name of agency, date of award and duration, project title, total amount of award. List collaborators according to their contributions.

3.Patents awarded and applied for since date of last promotion (see Section 3.1.3).

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4: Publicationsin reverse chronological order i.e. most recent first


1. Most significant publications2. Peer-reviewed3. Non Peer-reviewed publications4. Submitted publications

Each list of publications should be subdivided into works published or accepted for publication, and works submitted for publication.

For each peer-reviewed publication, indicate CLEARLY the level of contribution of the candidate. Categorization of publication as follow will serve reviewers in assessing a candidate’s role:

• Senior responsible author• Principal author• Co-principal author• Collaborator

List the FIVE most significant publications since last publication, providing a brief description of each publication to the field.

All authors should be indicated in the order in which they appear in the publication followed by title, journal, volume #, inclusive page #(s) and year. Include editors, publisher and place of publication.

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5: Presentation And Special Lecturesin reverse chronological order i.e. most recent first



1. Peer reviewed PAPERS/POSTERS/ABSTRACTS presented at meetings and symposiums (list dates, locations)

2. Invited lectures listed separately from papers presented See Section 3.1.3 for further detail

3. Other (Media Appearances, etc…)


• Same categories as for International

Provincial/Regional• Same categories as for International

Local• Same categories as for International

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6: Teaching And Design


• Indicate CLEARLY, in each case for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and CE courses taught, whether there was major responsibility for design of a course, and the number of hours of direct teaching

• Clinical and research supervision may be included, but should be clearly indicated as such

• Summary of teaching evaluations and letters from current and former students and from faculty colleagues

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7: Graduate Student Thesis Supervision

Research supervision: list student name, thesis or research project title, dates of supervision and your role

•Indicate whether primary or secondary supervisor or committee member

•Master and doctoral students: name, theses, topic, dates, including period of supervision

•Postdoctoral fellows: names, topic, dates

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Group Activity

1. Introductions2. Discuss:

• CV format• Areas of

excellence/ competence

• 5 publications3. Q&A

Allow 45 minutes

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5 Minute Break

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Dos and DON’TSWorkshop # 2Senior Promotion Workshop Series

Dr Lynn Wilson

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DOs (General)

• Meet with your Chief or Division Head to determine if you are ready for promotion

• Book an appointment with Lynn and Marie soon

• Pay full attention to the Manual for Academic Promotions

• Give yourself adequate time to prepare your application

• Request administrative support from your local site Chief of FCM

• Review promotion applications of individuals

• Use central DFCM resources – UG, PG, library, Marie Leverman

• Choose your CPA, teaching & education, research categories very carefully

• Consider asking for peer letters (note distinction from referees)

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DOs (CV)

• Ensure your CV is in the recommended format - WebCV

• Suggest “perfecting” WebCV first

• WebCV divides your presentations into “invited”, “peer-reviewed” and “other”, and indicate if they are:

– Local/provincial– National– International

• Consider reviewing your chosen teaching & education, research and creative professional activity (CPA) categories on WebCV with a senior mentor, eg. member of the DFCM Senior Promotions Committee

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DOs (Other)

• Summarize your Teaching Effectiveness Scores and other evaluations

• Use the data summary tables provided in your application dossier (mandated by the Decanal Promotions Committee)

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• Throw out anything!

• Ask friends and recent collaborators to act as internal or external referees– Reference: Manual for Academic Promotion, 4.3.1, Page 29

• Worry that a referee doesn’t know you personally – his/her job is to objectively evaluate your work

• Approach referees directly– You supply names– DFCM asks them

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Closing Comments …

Your Take home message….

Dr Barbara Stubbs

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Take Home Messages

At this point, you should have made arrangements to:

Meet with your Chief/Division Director to determine your

readiness for promotion

Meet with Dr Lynn Wilson

Start to:1. Update your CV 2. Identity 5 pieces of work that your are particularly proud of

Friendly Reminder:1. Deadline for the pre-application is April 2 2013

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Any Questions?

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iclickers will be

handed out

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Please wait for instructions…..

Power “ON” your clicker

Wait for instructions please……..

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Please wait for instructions…..

Do you have an iclicker in your hand?

• A – Yes

• B – No

• C – What is an iclicker?

• D – This is fun!

• E – I do not understand…





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Testing – one, two, three

Does your iclicker have a green power light?

• A – Yes

• B – No

• C – What is an iclicker?

• D – This is fun!

• E – I do not understand…





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A real question …..

Upon completing Workshop # 2, I have a better understanding of the senior promotion process:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

I have a better understanding of the components of a CV and their importance in applying for a senior promotion:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

The group activity to discuss the WebCV was valuable:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

I found the DOs & DON’TS presentation to be helpful in preparing for a senior promotion:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

I found the presentation by Dr Gotlieb to be informative and helpful in going forward in the senior promotion process:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

I plan on applying for a senior promotion in the near future (one – two years):

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

I plan on submitting a pre-application for this academic year (by April 2 2013):

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

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A real question …..

Overall, I found the workshop to be:

• A – Very informative and helpful

• B – Somewhat informative and helpful

• C – Okay

• D – Just Okay

• E – Won’t come again

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See you at Workshop # 3!

Power “OFF” your clicker

Please leave on the table ……..

Thank you.

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Comment Cards….please complete

Comment cards have been placed on the table:

•Please let us know how this workshop will make a different to you in the future?

 •Any suggestions for next year?