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Welcome to Year 11 “We’re in it Together Evening” Potential… Project 20…

Welcome to Year 11 in it Together Evening” Project 20… Potential… · 2019. 9. 17. · KEY DATES: • Careers Evening Thursday 19th September –Aspiration. • Year 11 Mock

Oct 22, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
  • Welcome to Year 11 “We’re in it Together Evening”


    Project 20…

  • Opening prayer.

    God of the moon and stars, God of the fragile hearts, we come to you.God of our history, God of the future that will be;What will you make of me? We come to you.God of the meek and mild, God of the reckless and the wild;God of the unreconciled, We come to you.God of our life and death, God of our secrets unconfessed; God of our every breath, We come to you.

    In the midst of the most exciting but challenging year for our young people so far, we ask that you will bless them with all they need to flourish and achieve beyond their wildest imagination.

    Stay with us Lord on our journey.Amen.

  • Be(e) intentional

  • Mission

    Jesus Christ is our family role model

    Opening our hearts and minds to dream the impossible and achieve beyond our wildest imagination.

    Everybody is valued, nurtured and respected.

    Young and old will journey together to build God’s Kingdom.

    Striving for academic excellence and celebrating success in all we do.

  • Leah - 8 Grade 9s and 1 grade 8.

    Unimaginable Unthinkable

    Achieved beyond her wildest imagination…

  • Pre-Public Exams

    • They are not ‘mocks’ – not ‘pretend’

    • Doing badly in mocks means catchup for the rest of Y11.

    • Treat them like the real thing

    • Prepare for them like the real thing.

  • work togetherIf the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of

    hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the

    body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

    1 Corinthians 12:17-25 17

    Unlimited when we…


    • Careers Evening Thursday 19th September – Aspiration.• Year 11 Mock Interviews- 14th, 15th and 16th October 2019• Pre-Public Exams- 2nd – 13th December 2019• Pre- Public Exams Results Day- 24th January 2020• Parents Evening- 4th February 2020• First GCSE Examination (provisional) 11th May 2020 (RE and IT)• Exams due to end 12th June 2020, but students need to be available to sit examinations until

    26th June 2020.

    • Reports home to parents:18th October 201924th January 2020 (to include pre-public examination results)27th March 2020

  • Maths Catch Up

    Where your child is up to:

    • Currently your child has studied approximately 2

    3of their GCSE

    Maths Course.

    • After every exam that they have taken they will have a QLA (Question Level Analysis) sheet in their books, which will be coloured red, orange or green. This identifies if they are secure with this skill or need to work on it further to develop their understanding.

  • Example of QLA sheet

  • How can you help? • After every exam use the QLA with your child and

    focus on their areas for development using Mathswatch. This includes a video and interactive questions to help them consolidate their knowledge on that particular skill.

    • Going into Year 11 – As many exam papers as possible. Many of these will be provided by your child's teacher but below are some websites where you can find more and also online ones.

  • Over the Summer

    • Your child will have been provided with 3 exam papers by their teacher. These should have been completed and brought back in September.

    The only way to revise Maths is to practise the questions. Reading over notes will not be


  • How to use Mathswatch

    The following slides are for reference on how to use Mathswatch effectively.

  • Mathswatch log in details


    Username: [email protected] (e.g. [email protected] for John Smith) Password: pupil1[email protected]

  • Knowing your way around Mathswatch


    Click on videos

  • Knowing your way around Mathswatch

    Use the search box to type in the clip

    number or a key word of the skill needed.

  • Knowing your way around Mathswatch

    Click on the clip you want once searched and the clip will load

    ready for you to watch.

  • Knowing your way around Mathswatch

    There are some options across the top of the clip including:

    • One minute maths (video clip in one minute for things they only need a quick recap on)

    • Interactive questions (should complete at least 3 or 4 questions from this section to practise)

    • Worksheet (for extra practice if needed)

  • Interactive questions

    Questions to complete alongside the videos (without being assigned by your child’s


    Complete a variety of standard and harder questions

    Questions will be marked straight away and they will be

    able to ask their teacher on anything they are unsure of.

    Your child’s teacher will be able to see which questions

    they are completing so that they can help

    if necessary.

  • Your progress There is a progress

    section that will allow your child to keep track of which

    videos they have watched and which questions they have completed. It also

    gives an overview of which skills have

    been acquired and mastered.

  • How to use Mathswatch

    The following slides are for reference on how to use Mathswatch effectively.

  • English Language

  • English Language

    • Two examinations – each worth 50%.

    • The examinations test reading and writing skills.

    • A range of texts will be studied from the 19th, 20th and 21st


    • Both fiction and non-fiction texts will be studied

    • No coursework No controlled assessment No pre-released


    • Spelling, punctuation and vocabulary are very important.

  • English Literature

    MacbethJekyll & Hyde/ Christmas Carol

    An Inspector CallsPower and ConflictUnseen poetry

  • English Literature

    • Two examinations – Paper 1 (40%) Paper 2 (60%)

    • The examinations will test reading and writing skills.

    • No coursework No controlled assessment No pre-released


    • Closed book

    • Essential to be doing a small amount often – start now!

    • The key to a good mark is knowing the texts well.

    •Revise character, theme, plot.

  • Ways you can help

    English Language• Encourage your son or daughter to read


    • Discuss articles/news items with them.

    • Highlight interesting non-fiction articles.

    • Encourage them to practise questions and access revision sessions (starting this term).

    • Seneca Learning and YouTube masterclasses.

    English Literature• Encourage them to reread the texts.

    The more they know them the better. Alternatively use revision resources (YouTube, Bitesize, Seneca) to go over the texts.

    • Quotation tests.

    • Use revision and booster sessions to catch up on missed notes. The earlier the better.

    • Practise questions.

  • The courses we study are AQA Combined Science: Trilogy OR AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Separate Science)

    Recall questions make up 40% of the marks in the papersApplication makes up 40% (but you will need to REMEMBER the science behind these questions)Evaluation makes up 20% (but again, for most of these, you will need to REMEMBER the science bit!)

    This means that knowing the content is important.

    FIRST Start by reviewing each of the Paper 1 units studied in Year 10, and creating a summary e.g. mind maps, cue cards:• Biology units 1-4• Chemistry units 1-5• Physics unit 1-4

    HOW? By using your exercise books, a revision guide, BBC bitesize, Seneca Learning or watching a summary video (links to lots of places on Epraise) .

    NEXT quiz yourself – e.g. by asking parents to question you, or completing the end of unit quizzes in revision guide, or activities

    When you can remember the key ideas, THEN attempt exam-style questions (like the ones in the booklet you have been given) that ask you to recall and apply these ideas.

  • Working Scientifically skills make up 15% of the marks.

    This means that knowing the Required Practicals is important.

    FIRST Start by re-reading the practical methods, or watching videos of each of the practical (links in Epraise)

    NEXT write a summary of each. e.g. What is the independent variable?What is the dependent variable? What are the control variables?What results would you get? How can you explain the results using scientific ideas?

    When you can remember the key ideas, THEN attempt exam-style questions - that ask you to apply ideas about the practicals.

  • What resources are there to support me?

    P6 Revision classes – targeted at specific individuals, but if you’d like to come please speak to class teachers about the most appropriate session for your needs.

    Revision guides – available to buy in school (though other versions are available)

    BBC Bitesize – is incredible for Science. Make sure you have selected the right course.

    Epraise – lots of resources have been put on by staff, and these are updated regularly.

    Seneca Learning – the link to join the correct class is on Epraise.

    Mind map templates, summary sheets, knowledge organisers – available from class teachers / Miss Miller.

    Exam questions & papers1) AQA website: 2) Available in school from class teachers / Miss Miller

    YouTube – lots of videos available, but please make sure the ones you choose are for the correct course. Including Required Practical Activities, summaries of each of the topics e.g. Primrose Kitten.

  • Past Papers

  • Link to the list of exam boards used by each subject with links

    to past papers

    Links to revision guides for each subject, many have links to

    useful websites for that subject

  • Seneca

    A tool for learning and revision:

    • Website packed with revision materials and it’s mostly free.

    • It covers material for 16 GCSE subjects

    • Hyper learning link- aimed at grades 7-9

    • Premium paid content £2.99 per month for 3 subjects or £3.99 per month for all subjects with extra coaching, exam questions, memory training and parent summaries

    • Another service to motivate students £11.99 per month

    that guarantees GCSE grade 7-9 or your money back.

  • Revision techniques• Have a revision timetable and stick to it

  • Revision techniques• Have a revision timetable and stick to it

    • Read and summarise

  • The Nervous System

    Reflex Action

    A receptor is stimulated by a stimulus. This causes

    electrical impulses to pass along a sensory neurone into

    the spinal cord. The spinal cord or brain coordinates

    response without conscious thought. Electrical impulses

    are then transmitted via the motor neurone. The muscles

    (effectors) contract.

  • The Nervous System

    Reflex Action

    A receptor is stimulated by a stimulus. This causes

    electrical impulses to pass along a sensory neurone into

    the spinal cord. The spinal cord or brain coordinates

    response without conscious thought. Electrical impulses

    are then transmitted via the motor neurone. The muscles

    (effectors) contract.

  • Nerve Pathways

  • Revision techniques

    • Have a revision timetable and stick to it

    • Read and summarise

    • Use a diagram or a mind map

  • Revision techniques

    • Have a revision timetable and stick to it

    • Read and summarise

    • Use a diagram or a mind map

    • Checklist of key questions which they should be able to answer

    • Teach someone else

    • Crib cards or key words

  • Maths- things to remember

    PRIME NUMBER- can only be divided by itself or 1

    AREA OF A TRIANGLE – ½ base X Height

    Speed = distance


    1 Litre =1000cm2

    1 Metre = 3.3 feet

    1Kg = 2.2 pounds

  • Revision techniques

    • Have a revision timetable and stick to it

    • Read and summarise

    • Use a diagram or a mind map

    • Checklist of key questions which they should be able to answer

    • Teach someone else

    • Crib cards or key words

    • Record themselves

    • Mnemonics

  • Vertebrae

    • Cervial, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx

  • Vertebrae

    • Cute teddies love some cuddles

    • 7, 12, 5, 5, 4

  • Revision techniques

    • Have a revision timetable and stick to it• Read and summarise • Use a diagram or a mind map• Checklist of key questions which they should be able to answer• Teach someone else• Crib cards or key words• Record themselves• Mnemonics• Past Papers• Practise extended answers and use success criteria (mark scheme) to self-assess• Ask your teacher for WAGOLLs if you struggle to achieve full marks• Do things with your notes, don’t just read them!!!• FIND YOUR OWN REVISION STYLE• TURN OFF SOCIAL MEDIA• NO MUSIC

  • What can Parents do to help?

    • Success in exams is a team effort which involves you, the school and your child working together and so you will play a variety of roles



  • •Go Between

    •Study Buddy

    •Provider of Tools

    •Project Manager

    •Attendance Officer

  • Power&ved=0ahUKEwi6--zxu8vkAhViUBUIHbIRBNUQMwhXKBMwEw&iact=mrc&uact=8 Power&ved=0ahUKEwi6--zxu8vkAhViUBUIHbIRBNUQMwhXKBMwEw&iact=mrc&uact=8

  • The statistics are clear…

    • Your child is 80% more likely to succeed if you are actively involved in their studies.

    • You need to know what they are learning;

    • What they struggle with;

    • You need to sit with them, test them;

    • Don’t let them shut you out!

  • What can parents do to support?

    • Communication- If you have any concerns please contact the school as soon as possible

    • Support good attendance and punctuality- attendance should be at least 96%

    • Speak to them about future plans and aspirations. Encourage them to aim high

    • Encourage good study habits at home– Quiet working spaces– Revision timetables- do this together– No electronic devices at night

  • ‘School Elite Pupils’

    • Pupils who are on or above target across at least 7 GCSE subjects

    • Who also demonstrate outstanding attitude and behaviour

    • Who are an excellent example to our younger pupils

  • Why have ‘School Elite Pupils?’

    • We want to encourage all of Year 11 to strive to meet or beat their target grades and we want to recognise the pupils who are doing this.

    • We want the best behaviour to be rewarded.

    • We want the focus to be on the pupils who behave, who focus, who try their very best to get their target grades.

    • We want the younger pupils to emulate the attitude and behaviour of our ‘School Elite Pupils’.

  • The benefits of being a School Elite Pupil

    • Goodie bag

    • Letter home

    • Recognition on school Facebook and around school

    • Additional rewards

    • The first activity is bowling on Friday 20th September, 12.45-2.30pm.

  • Reviews

    • There are currently 24 pupils who are School Elite

    • They system will be updated after each data drop

    • New pupils will join the group by improving their progress in more subjects throughout the year

    • We want as many pupils as possible to become School Elite

  • Progress to Date!

    • 95% of students in Year 11 are currently making positive progress

    • Year 11 are on target to achieve above National (at this moment in time)

    • Achieving the BASICS (Both English and Maths)Measure BASICS 2019


    English 2019 resultsEnglish

    Maths 2019 results Maths

    Grade 7+ 23.2% 10% 31% 21% 25% 17%

    Grade 5+ 59% 36.4% 65% 61% 63% 41%

    Grade 4+ 73.2% 63.6% 82.9% 77% 75.6% 69.8%

  • What additional support do the school offer

    • Intervention sessions

    • Mentoring

    • Additional English and Maths lessons

    • Horsforth Quadrant- ensures the students get the right support and encouragement

    • Rewards and Achievement Celebration assemblies

    • Passport to the Prom

    • Careers and Information Guidance

  • Quadrant 1

    High Progress 8Low ATL

    Quadrant 2

    High Progress 8High ATL

    Quadrant 3

    Low Progress 8High ATL

    Quadrant 4

    Low Progress 8 Low ATL

  • Year 11 Intervention ScheduleLunchtime After School 2.45-3.45pm


    MathsWk A – HistoryWk B – GeographyOCR Sports Science


    Wednesday IT and iMediaScienceTechnology

    ThursdayMusic and Drama RE

    EnglishMusic and DramaIT and iMedia


    MFL – French and Spanish

    Intervention is targeted for Y11 pupils and pupils will be invited to attend by the Head of Department.If pupils would like to attend intervention sessions, please speak to the Head of Department.

  • “Mirror, mirror on facebook, tell me the way my life should look”Karen is feeling happy with Lisa

    and Pam

  • “Mirror, mirror on Instagram, tell me who they think I am”

    “Mirror, Mirror on snap chat, tell me, really …am I fat?”

  • Aim High

  • • Adam Peaty: 1st person under 57 seconds in 100m breaststroke• The only person under 58 seconds• 100M WR:56.88 (semi final world champs 2019)• Was 168TH in the world (2012), 111TH in (2013), No1 (2014) • “Do it once, do it twice, do it better!”


  • PROJECT 20