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Welcome to the Beehive A Beginner’s Guide to Conquering the World of Business By Robert J. Safuto

Welcome to the Beehive by Robert J Safuto

Apr 10, 2015



Robert Safuto

Welcome To The Beehive is a book dedicated to the worker bee in all of us. It’s for and about people who are working for a living and want to get more out of their working life.
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Welcome to the Beehive

A Beginner’s Guide to Conquering the World of Business


Robert J. Safuto

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Introduction: Welcome to the Beehive ......................................................... 1

Lesson One: Protect Yourself ................................................................... 12

Lesson Two: Be Tough ............................................................................. 47

Lesson Three: Make Mistakes Then Learn From Them ............................ 68

Lesson Four: Sell, Sell, Sell ...................................................................... 83

Lesson Five: You Gotta Have Heart........................................................ 101

Lesson Six: Leverage the Power of a Team............................................ 120

Lesson Seven: Constantly Evaluate........................................................ 137

Lesson Eight: Never Stop Learning......................................................... 153

Lesson Nine: The Power of Anticipation ................................................. 175

Lesson Ten: Believe In Yourself ............................................................. 199

Afterword: The Beginning ....................................................................... 226

Reading List ............................................................................................ 228

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Introduction: Welcome to the Beehive

I originally wanted this book to be a straight memoir. One day,

I just decided to start writing about my life, one story at a


In the process of writing, something unusual happened. I

began to see a common thread weaving through each part of my

life. That common thread happened to be related to all the

careers I’ve had. I realized that I have done a lot and had a

much more diverse work experience than anyone else that I know.

At the time I discovered this information I wasn’t sure that it

would make an interesting book, but it was sure interesting to


As I continued to write I came to another strong realization.

I realized that along the way in my experiences of working life

I had learned valuable lessons.

I learned lessons that propelled me forward and built on top

of each other like the LEGO blocks I played with when I was a

kid. Every time I thought I had learned all there was to know in

business I then began to learn a new lesson. I would walk

through one door and shortly thereafter another door would

appear in front of me. As I moved forward, I learned.

I thought back to the beginning of my work life and realized

that the vast majority of the things I learned were purely by

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chance. Throughout my teenage years and early twenties I’d

picked up a lot of information, but I was not able to link all

the information together well enough to use it to my benefit. I

progressed in my business knowledge slowly but surely. Over the

years, that slow processing of information has lead to many

larger breakthroughs. As a result of these breakthroughs I’ve

been able to increase my earning power and improve my lifestyle.

I’ve also been able to put myself in a position to make more of

the decisions to guide my life. By my own definition, I’ve been


I ended up asking myself why all of this information might be

so important to others. My personal breakthroughs aren’t

necessarily relevant to complete strangers. But it wasn’t the

breakthroughs themselves that I was drawn to. I was drawn to the

factors surrounding those breakthroughs. I was drawn to the core

lessons learned while working for each breakthrough. I wrote out

the major lessons that I’d learned and I settled on ten of them

as being the most important. These ten common-sense lessons were

the bedrock of my personal business successes. I did a lot of

investigating and pondering the meaning of these lessons. I

discovered that these lessons are everywhere in the world of


So why are these lessons that I’ve learned so important to

you? These lessons are important to you simply because they can

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help you improve your skills in business so that you may find

your own success. There’s proof of this not only in my life but

in examples set by many other individuals.

Consider the fact that most of us will spend at least a third

of our lives working. Shouldn’t you try to make the most of that

time? Don’t you deserve to harness all the tools available to

assist you in finding your success? Invest some time in this

book and you’ll have one more important tool to help guide you

to your success.

These lessons that I speak of weren’t always as clear to me

as they are now. To illustrate my point, I’ll take you back to a

definitive time in my life when I had yet to realize the power

of these common-sense lessons.


I remember the day I graduated from college. I felt like a large

weight had been lifted off my shoulders as the “burden” of

school had been put behind me. In my mind, full-time work was

going to be a breeze compared to sitting in classrooms for 15

hours a week in addition to a part-time job. After all, I’d been

working since I was twelve years old in some really tough jobs

that many people would never want to do, so I figured that

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things could only get easier. My education had prepared me to

take on the world, or so I thought.

After graduation I immediately began working full time for a

shipping company that I’d been working for over the past two

years on a part-time basis. I felt fortunate not to have had to

deal with a ridiculous process of interviewing with companies to

beg for a job.

In 1991 there weren’t too many opportunities available for

someone graduating from a non-prestigious school with a general

business degree. Within a few weeks of graduation I was in the

work force full time and I was working longer and longer hours.

Gone were the days when I could leave work after just five

hours. Gone were the days when things that didn’t get done on my

shift were done by people from the next one. I was no longer a

part-time worker and full-time student. I was a full-time

employee, work was the first priority and my bosses made sure I

knew it.

Things were moving fast, faster than I ever thought they

would so soon after college. I figured that I’d have a few

months to get used to my new responsibilities, with my bosses

giving me some breathing room. I was wrong.

In retrospect, it seems that it would have been worthwhile to

pause and take a couple of months off to travel, clear my head

and prepare for life in the working world. Unfortunately, the

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economic realities of the time made starting work immediately a

forgone conclusion.

At my new full-time job things seemed to move even faster as

I began to realize that the subjects I had been learning a few

months before only covered a small fraction of the knowledge

required to successfully make my way in this new world. In

short, I felt like an alien dropped onto a planet of worker

bees. I didn’t know the lay of the land and I didn’t speak the

language. I wasn’t sure what my goals should be or how I should

try to get ahead. In reality, I was beginning a second and much

more important education.

Does the situation sound familiar to you? Have you ever felt

like there was something more you needed to know to not only

survive, but to thrive in the world of business?


Millions of people enter the world of business on a daily basis.

There are children getting their first jobs, high school

students earning a few extra dollars for spending money and

college students trying to earn their way through school. Then

there are the college graduates.

Every few months a new university graduating class makes the

same transition from the campus to the cutthroat world of

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business armed with barely enough tools to survive the first few

months in the new world. If these folks are lucky, they’ve

already learned a good deal from previous jobs and have a good

frame of reference to start with. The frame of reference changes

completely, though, once you’re expected to make your way in the

business world and start a career.

Sure, there are plenty of valuable lessons learned and topics

covered in universities around the world, but the toughest

lessons we all learn involve dealing with what actually happens

when there’s real money on the line in a business and the bills

to pay are your own. It’s a tough, new world you’re in and

attending school is only a small part of your preparation.

In your life there will be many phases of learning and the

school phase is just one of them. Moving from the school phase

to the worker bee phase is a true lesson in reality. The halls

of knowledge tend to be an idealistic environment inside a

vacuum where studies are not putrefied by greed or anger. You

may read stories of corporate mismanagement and perform case

studies on unsavory business dealings, but that can’t approach

the reality of being involved in such a deal. Yes, it’s a jungle

out there.

The lessons that we have to learn are vital to our survival

on our own and they apply to everyone who works for a living.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, manager, artist, software

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developer, candlestick maker or everything in between you will

need to learn and apply these valuable lessons.

The folks who have a focus on non-business type programs may

even be at a deeper disadvantage than those who studied

business. Most liberal arts or technical curriculums barely

touch on topics that our young people will NEED to know in order

to survive in the business world. After all, even the greatest

painter, actress or computer programmer needs to know how to be

a business person in order to survive and thrive in this world.

Some people aren’t fortunate enough to be able to afford a

college education and for those people things can be much

tougher. Forced into the working world at a young age and a low

level of experience, these people may end up spending all their

time just trying to learn the rules to survive, while thriving

may always be out of their grasp. But some high school graduates

have been able to make it in business, succeed financially and

fare much better than those with college degrees. There are

certain skills to be learned and they’re not always learned in

the classroom. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve graduated from a

top university or just have a high school diploma. All of us

need to master certain abilities in the working world, the

beehive, in order to secure our future.

Here’s my main point: There are lessons to be learned outside

the classroom that can ONLY be truly learned outside the

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classroom. These lessons deal with topics that are very blunt,

stripping the sheen off of the subjects presented so eloquently

in school. I plan to pull back the curtain on the show and have

you take a closer look inside your life as a worker bee. It

doesn’t matter whether you’re still in school, have been out of

school for a day or 20 years. Wherever you’re at in your

business life, you need to learn (or re-learn) these lessons.


Before we go any further, I want you to answer this question:

Why do I work?

Be honest now. In fact, right after you answer that, then

answer another question: If I had $2 million in the bank, would

I still do the same thing for work that I’m doing right now?

If you’re a really lucky person, you answered yes to the

second question and didn’t give the answer that probably 90

percent of people would give to the first question, which is

MONEY. Let’s face it, most of us work so we can have enough

money not just to live but also to grow and thrive.

And if we had $2 million in the bank we’d probably do

something that we really loved to do like paint, write, make

music or volunteer for a good cause. These are facts. This is

life. You can’t stop the world.

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I couldn’t stop the world either and as quick as I realized

that fact I began to find ways to speed myself up a bit while

cultivating skills that would make the world around me seem a

whole lot slower.

A couple of years ago I heard a veteran NFL quarterback

describing the difference between being a rookie and a veteran.

As a rookie, he was dogged by the fact that he had only three

seconds to get rid of the ball before being crushed by

defenders. As a veteran, he relished the fact that he had three

seconds to get rid of the ball. The difference was a mindset

cultivated through experiences that lead to great skill.

In year one, those three seconds would fly by and the defense

would be on him in a flash. By year ten those three seconds held

enough time to drop back, scan the field and throw a pass. Those

are lessons he could never learn in school. He had to learn them

on the field of play.

Just like the rookie quarterback becoming a veteran, a rookie

in life needs to become a veteran to learn to speed up a bit and

develop a mindset that slows everything down so that you’re not

just keeping up, but gaining ground. Ninety-nine percent of us

will never get paid millions of dollars a year to throw a

football, which is why getting these lessons in our brain is so


That job, that business, that opportunity, that dream …

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All those things are our Super Bowl. They are our draft day,

our big movie career or our winning lottery ticket. In short,

they are the doorway to our dream of doing what we love and

controlling our own destinies.

Are you in? Can you see what I’m getting at? It’s important,

really important, that you get these lessons into your brain and

start taking them to heart. The sooner you take these lessons to

heart, the sooner you can start gaining ground and living your


In the 20 years since I first had that paper route I’ve

managed to learn these vital lessons. I’ve been able to speed

myself up while slowing things down around me. It’s been a

journey of learning and discovery with some highs and a lot of

lows. The journey began long before college graduation; it just

took me a while to realize it. From paper delivery boy to

factory worker to soldier to restaurateur and energy-market

specialist, with a healthy number of careers in between, I’ve

been building a solid foundation for achievement and success in

business. I’ve learned to control my business destiny and it has

unlocked a host of opportunities in my life, allowing me to feel

more confident than I’ve ever been.

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I want to share what I’ve learned with you. My sincere belief

is that these common-sense lessons will help you down the road

to business success in your life, whatever that may mean to you.

The adventure begins …

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Lesson One: Protect Yourself

“One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to

frighten wolves."


A few years ago a young woman walked into my restaurant to apply

for a job as a waitress. She couldn’t have been older than 19 or

20 and she had a fresh face, a nice smile and really short hair.

I commented that the short haircut looked really good on her.

She turned her head, touched her hair and replied in a very shy

manner, “Well, it used to be longer but I just had it cut.”

“Why’d you do that?” I replied.

Just as shy, she replied, “Well I was getting paid for it.” I

told her that it sounded like easy money to get paid for having

a haircut, but she didn’t look happy and after a short pause she

offered, “But the guy didn’t pay me. I was supposed to get


By the look on her face and the sound of her voice I could

tell that she needed the money badly. I could also tell that she

was ashamed of being taken by a guy she had just met who seemed

very nice and charming.

The young woman, who I’ll call Kelli, was a student at a

fashion school in Manhattan and very new to the city. She was

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looking for ways to keep her head above water while pursuing her

dream of being a fashion designer. I gave her the job, but she

had already learned lesson one the hard way.

Lesson one is this: Protect yourself in all of your business


You need to protect yourself because people will lie to you

and cheat you out of your dreams if given the chance. Sounds

harsh, I know, but please read on.

Honest people get beaten all the time in business deals and

you don’t want it to happen to you. It may have happened to you

before and it might happen again.

In your working life you’ll deal with businesses both big and

small. You’ll deal with individuals as well. You’ll deal with

people as an employer and employee. You’ll deal with people as a

service provider or service receiver. In every one of these

situations there is the potential for you to be taken advantage

of. Not everyone makes the choice to treat others so badly, but

the ones who do can make your life miserable and put a serious

dent in your plans for the future.


In order to properly protect yourself, you need to know

something about building trust. Knowing when and how much to

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trust someone else is a cornerstone skill for operating in the

world of business. You build trust with people like you build a

life savings.

Building trust takes time, effort and patience, but it’s

certainly worth it. It’s worth it because trusting someone too

much without having built trust can lead to great

disappointment. Kelli trusted her business counterpart too much

when she got her hair cut. Kelli didn’t think she needed to

protect herself, as do so many people who get shafted every day.

As a young man, some friends and I went to Times Square in

Manhattan to get fake identification so we could pass for 18

years old. We met a guy there who gladly would set us up if we

gave him $20 each. We were eager and easily sold. He asked for

the money and promised to return shortly with the

identification. He left and never returned. We didn’t even think

to protect ourselves and we got taken.

Similar circumstances occur every hour of the day with grown

(and supposedly experienced) adults being taken advantage of by

employers, business partners and acquaintances. The common

element in many of these situations is the fact that people

haven’t taken the time to build trust. In a world of light-speed

Internet, we’ve all become used to things happening so quickly.

This type of environment favors those who would hoodwink you out

of your hard-earned money.

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The folks who started the online auction Website eBay knew

the importance of trust when they created the blueprint for

their highly successful venture.

When doing business on eBay, users are encouraged to leave

feedback to indicate whether or not their interaction with a

buyer or seller was a positive one. By allowing users to leave

feedback for the people they do business with, the folks at eBay

created a trust “quotient” which allows potential buyers and

sellers to evaluate their counterparties and determine whether

or not they should trust them. That level of trust translates

into a willingness (or not) to do business with other users of

the site. Before making a buying decision an eBay user can

review another person’s feedback rating. Being able to view

other people’s feedback allows business transactions to take

place much quicker than in the conventional world where we must

build trust over time.

In everyday life you won’t have the luxury of quickly

reviewing feedback when you’re making business decisions. So you

might be asking the question: How do I build trust with someone?

Good thinking! Building trust in the world of business takes

time and it involves more than a handshake and some friendly

conversation. Here’s an important point.

In business you trust a person’s actions over their words

until you’ve developed a level of comfort in dealing with them.

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So if you’re a new employee at a company or are newly doing

business with someone you’ll want to rely on the results of

people’s promises until you feel comfortable that they are the

type of people who deliver on their promises.

It’s hard to know exactly when you can say that you “trust”

someone. There isn’t a point or a moment where trust exists.

It’s something that moves forward little by little over the

course of a relationship. And since there’s no clear answer as

to when you should fully trust someone, you should continue to

protect yourself while dealing in a business environment. My

golden rule on this subject is simple. Until you really feel

like you know someone, you should always err on the side of

safety and gain all necessary assurances before moving forward

in a business deal.

For many people, the first true “trust event” that occurs

after college involves accepting a job with an employer. Once

you accept that first job you’re likely to be extremely relieved

to know that you’ve got a job, but you might not have considered

all the details involved in accepting that job offer. Since my

first job after college involved me continuing with a company

where I was already working as a part-time employee, I thought

about few details when accepting my full-time position.

As a result, I had no idea what I was in for and probably

ended up a little bit poorer because of it. I never asked

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questions about my work hours or career progression. I didn’t

ask what other people would expect me to do. Hence, almost

everything that happened to me was a surprise. Surprising

situations at work never feel good.

Being careful and building trust become extremely important

once you make the jump from student to worker bee. And whether

you plan on working for someone else or plan on being an

entrepreneur, trust will always be an issue of supreme

importance. The level of trust that you allow in your business

dealings affects how you are compensated. It also affects your

ability to be successful by potentially putting a dent in the

faith you have in yourself when things go wrong. Read on to

learn more about how to protect yourself while building trust.


Asking questions is a very powerful way to protect yourself in a

business situation. More often than not you can detect warning

signs when you ask a few questions that your counterpart can’t

(or won’t) answer.

When Kelli made the deal to get her hair cut, she didn’t

think she needed to ask questions. She simply trusted that her

new friend would deliver as advertised. Unfortunately, things

just don’t work that way in the world of dollars and sense.

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Kelli was a rookie in the game of life and as such a rookie in

the game of making deals. Kelli didn’t have the time to build

trust since her rent was due soon and she needed to act quickly.

She wasn’t alone because all of us end up in desperate

situations at one time or another.

Have you ever been in a job interview and had the interviewer

ask you if you had any questions? Did you ever clam up and

forget what you wanted to ask? In every interview for a job that

I’ve ever been on I’ve been asked, “Do you have any questions?”

Every time in my first few interviews I would freeze up because

I didn’t know what questions to ask. Sometimes I was afraid that

my questions might upset my potential employer. The next thing

you know, complete strangers are offering you a job and you’re

accepting because you need a job and don’t want to pass an offer


Imagine making a decision that will have a great impact on

the majority of your waking life and not asking a few questions.

It sounds crazy to think about it, but people do it every day.

If you’re not the type to question others, change your ways now!

Pointed questions should not upset potential employers or

business partners. Good questions show your peers in business

that you’re a sharp person who cares about the details.

Kelli should have asked some important questions prior to

getting her hair cut off. One question that comes to mind is

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this: “How and when will I get paid?” In fact, the question of

payment is probably the most important one in any business

situation, next to how the product or service that will be

delivered. Kelli never did ask that question, although she did

ask how much she would be paid. It was a good start but not

enough to convince her adversary that this girl couldn’t be

taken for a ride.

If you’re catching on (and I know that you are) you’re

probably getting ready to ask, “What questions should I be

asking in business situations?” I’ll give you some more detail

on that in just a little bit.

Kelli’s first questions should have involved how and when she

would get paid. Hindsight tells us that she should have demanded

payment up front. After all, when the guy wouldn’t pay it wasn’t

like she could put the hair back onto her head! So if a

situation has permanent implications then you should get paid

SOMETHING up front. Smart business people take a deposit when

they know they will have to commit time and resources to prepare

for a job.

We’re just using common sense here. If you have no previous

relationship with a person or a company, then you want to be

thorough in your inquiries so that you can protect yourself and

keep the hair on your head!

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In school, most of the time we’re taught that every question

has one right answer. But in business you really want to focus

on hearing the answers that you know are wrong. There may be one

wrong answer to a particular question, with 20 right answers.

For example, you may ask a prospective employer how many weeks

of vacation you’ll be entitled to. You might be hoping to hear

something more than two weeks and anything more than two weeks

would be correct. But if you hear them say two weeks or below,

then you know they’ve got it wrong.

So you may be asking: “How do I know the right answer?”

Great, you’re catching on!

Knowing which answer is right will depend on your level of

experience. If you’ve achieved the right level then you’ll know

the answer to the question. If you’re not there yet the answers

to certain questions may lead to more questions. Time and

experience will ultimately guide you to the knowledge that you

need to have to decipher what answers are desirable and what

answers are just plain wrong.

Kelli’s level of experience jumped considerably after only a

few weeks in the city. She’d been hoodwinked more than once so

she was cautious about everything. Yes, she asked how and when

she would get paid for working in my restaurant BEFORE accepting

the job. She had learned the hard way before and lost a few

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dollars and a lot of hair because of it. Hopefully, as a result

of reading this book, you’ll end up better off then she did.

I’ve given you some general guidelines about asking questions

but that’s hardly enough information to make you an expert in

dealing with business situations. I’ve put together a list of

important questions that you NEED to get answered before getting

into a business situation.

If you’re entering into a business arrangement with another

individual or corporation, you might want to ask:

What product or service is getting delivered?

Who is delivering the product or service?

What are the payment terms?

What should be accomplished in the final outcome?

When should the final outcome be complete?

What happens if the product or service is delivered late,

incomplete or not at all?

What happens if the receiving party fails to pay on time?

Does the counterpart have references of people with whom

they’ve done business before?

If you’re interviewing with a prospective employer, you may


Exactly what duties will I be performing on a daily basis?

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Will I have a job title and how does that compare with

other titles in the company?

Who will be my direct supervisor?

Will I be responsible for other personnel?

How often do you appraise employees’ performance?

What are the health and retirement benefits?

These are just a few questions that you should be asking when

entering into a business agreement. If you don’t have answers to

these questions, then you aren’t ready to go forward. If the

folks you’re dealing with refuse to answer or dodge your

questions, then walk away and deal with someone else. Better to

deal with someone who’s eager and accommodating than deal with a

person that treats you like a jerk. As you move through the

process of your business deal, other questions may come up and

you should continue to get those questions answered. Even the

questions that may seem dumb to you are worth asking. The key is

that you must feel comfortable that all your questions are

answered and issues are resolved prior to moving forward in a

business situation.

Now I want you to start the first of many exercises to come

in this book. Don’t worry, none of them are hard and all of them

will increase your knowledge about how to succeed as a worker


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I want you to write down a short overview of a business

situation that you’ve been in recently or are likely to be in

soon. After writing that short overview I want you to think of

and write down questions that were relevant to that situation.

If the situation happened already, don’t worry about the

questions that you didn’t ask. I want you to write down all the

questions you can think of, including ones that you didn’t ask.

This exercise will help you to think about the questions you

should be asking and break down some barriers in your mind about

questioning others.


We’ve already established that our friend Kelli didn’t ask the

right questions and therefore failed to take the first step to

protect herself. Being so new to the city and business

situations, she couldn’t have been expected to know what was

happening when she got duped by her would-be hair thief. After

all, even if she had asked the right questions her lack of

experience might have led her astray anyway. It would’ve been

really helpful if she’d had someone to talk to about the whole

situation prior to the shearing that she ended up getting.

The next step to protecting yourself is to Engage Counsel or,

in other words, find someone who can give you solid advice.

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We all need someone to talk to. When we’re kids we talk to

our parents and maybe our older siblings for advice. Later in

life we may ask teachers or guidance counselors for advice. But

once we step off the slow-moving machine of higher education and

step onto the fast-moving alien planet of worker bees, we end up

short on advisers and long on adversaries. If you’re lucky

enough to stay close to your family and friend support network

then you have something great to fall back on. But if you’re one

of the many who takes the leap and heads to far-away places,

knowing who to talk to won’t be that easy. And besides, when

you’re fresh out of school the last thing you think you need to

do is ask someone for help. You just learned all you’ll need to

know, right?

Wrong! You need a counselor. You need someone with a little

bit of experience who has no agenda and can provide you with

bits of sage advice to keep you on track and away from the bad

guys who cut all your hair and stiff you on your end of the

deal. Say these words to yourself right now: “I don’t know as

much as I think I know about insert a subject here.” Saying

something like that is humbling and most of the time we avoid

thinking it, but the truth is that no matter who you are you can

always learn something from someone else.

The first step to engaging counsel is to find the right

person (or people) for the job. In order to find the right

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person you first need to open up to the idea that a counselor is

necessary. If you’re reading this book, I’d say it’s a safe bet

to say that you’ve already come to that conclusion.

You’ll need to have some criteria for a counselor in order to

begin your search. Any person providing you with counsel should

be someone you respect and trust. It should be someone who is

available when you’ll need them. And above all it should be

someone who has more experience than you in the areas where

you’ll be seeking advice.

Whether you’re just out of college or have 15 years in the

business world, you’ll need to be able to evaluate your

potential counselors prior to giving them the job. After all, if

you’ve just graduated college you might not get too much

valuable advice about work from your roommate who got out of

college with you. Evaluating the person’s level of experience is

important, as this person will provide input that guides your

life. Being successful at this step requires a skill that can’t

be taught in any school. That skill is being a good judge of


You may ask, “How do I know if I’m a good judge of people?”

That’s a good question and there’s no simple answer that works

for everyone. My simple guidelines for judging people are these:

Engage people who are honest with you and others

Engage people who encourage your endeavors

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Engage people who really understand you

If all the above are true, then engage people who are eager

and willing to help

Do you know any lawyers? For all the lawyer jokes that you

hear I’ve found my lawyer friends to be some of the most

intelligent and thorough people when it comes to assessing a

situation. Have you met any people recently who you like and are

a bit more experienced than you? There may be someone at your

job who you admire that could help you. Seek out this person who

will be your confidant and guide and they will probably end up

finding you. People who are experienced absolutely love it when

others come to them for advice. It makes them feel like they’re

respected and their efforts are worthwhile.

Do you have anyone in mind? Keep thinking. Take a couple of

days to assess the world around you and identify someone. Once

you’ve settled on someone, then you’ll need to approach that

person and ask them if they’re interested in helping you out.

OK, you might want to ask, what do I do if the person I choose

says no? No problem, move on and try to find someone else who’s

interested in helping you. You can’t be discouraged by a few

no’s because there will be a lot of them in your quest for

success. After all, you want to be dealing with someone who’s

enthusiastic about giving you advice. Anyone who says no to your

request for counsel is not a good fit anyway.

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Consider this your next exercise. Develop some basic criteria

and seek out a counselor for business situations in your life.

Once you’ve found your counselor and started this relationship,

you’ll be in a much better position to succeed in your

endeavors. Of course, having a counselor won’t be worth anything

unless you actually spend the time to get some counsel every

once in a while or as often as you need it. To not do so would

be like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute but not

using it!

Finding and utilizing a counselor is but one of the steps to

protecting yourself. There are still a few things that you’ll

need to do. Each new thing that you do is as important as the

previous thing, so read on.


When I was starting out as a paper delivery boy at age twelve,

business agreements were simple. I delivered the papers and all

that I wanted out of the deal was some spending money.

As I got older, things got more complicated. My job wasn’t

just about spending money anymore. Working was more about

security than ever. When making my first decisions after college

I had absolutely no idea what I really wanted out of my new

career. I treated my job as though I was a paper boy who needed

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some spending money. Not knowing what I really wanted ensured

that my job wouldn’t really benefit me in a meaningful way.

Sure, I’d get paid some money for working but I wouldn’t be able

to create a solid future until I could envision that future. As

I stated in the introduction, we work for money or benefits so

that we can gain, be secure and shape our future. In order to

get those benefits you have to know what you want to get out of

your business arrangements.

In some situations, knowing what you want is second nature to

you. When you walk into a restaurant you may want a good meal at

a reasonable price. When you go to a movie, you pay to see

entertainment that you enjoy. But what about those times when

you’re looking for a job? Are you just looking for a job that

pays well or are you also interested in a special kind of

professional development? Do you want to lead a team, have an

office or get three weeks vacation? Do you want to try your hand

at running your own business? What about health care and other

benefits besides salary?

You could have many more questions about these things or

anything else. The key here is to understand that without

knowing what you really want to achieve in a given situation,

you’re lost even with all of your questions answered. In the

previous section I mentioned the importance of asking questions.

Knowing what you want helps you to ask the right questions.

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Maybe you’re a business owner or you aspire to own your own

business. Knowing what you want out of a business situation is

much more important when the business is your own. This is

because there’s usually a much higher financial risk involved

when you’re running your own business.

It may sound surprising to hear that many entrepreneurs fail

to know exactly what they want to get out of their business

arrangements. Some people are great at coming up with ideas and

getting those ideas off the ground in the form of businesses,

but that’s where the motivation and initiative stops.

When I was in the restaurant business I partnered with a

person exactly like this. As a result, I joined a business that

was merely surviving on inertia with no direction and no real

future. You could see in the bottom line that the business

wasn’t making a profit. In fact, the business was losing money

every month. I joined the business because I saw a diamond in

the rough and wanted to inject the business with my direction. I

knew what I wanted to get out of the business and those ideas

affected how I ran operations. This attitude resulted in

improved financial health for the business (and me) in just a

few months.

The key point here is that business owners who know what they

want in all situations are much more likely to be successful

than those who have a vague idea of their goals.

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I do understand that at times it can be extremely difficult

to pull it all together to know exactly what you want. You may

have just graduated school with a boatload of student loans and

high expectations from others. You may be in the middle of a

career and finding yourself unexpectedly unemployed. You could

be a single mom (or dad) trying to provide for your family while

still having a home life. You may be running a business that’s

struggling and be too involved in keeping things going on a day-

to-day basis.

Many high-pressure situations like these make it tough to put

it all into perspective. People who are successful in business

find a way to get that perspective. Like the veteran quarterback

who can avoid a sack and make the most of his short time, you

need to handle the pressure and find a way to make the world

around you slow down just a little bit. Is that very hard to do?

Yes. But with practice it is doable. People just like us are

doing it every day of the week.

I want you to work on a little exercise to bring it all into

focus. Grab a sheet of paper and think of all the business

situations that you are in now or may be involved with in the

near future. Write down a short description for each of those

situations. Leave space under each situation for some details.

Under each of the business situations I want you to write what

you hope to get out of the situation. Once you’ve decided what

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you hope to get out of the situation, expand on it by writing

down how you plan to ensure that you get what you want out of a

situation. Here’s a simple example of how this should work:

Situation - Calling on a client for a potential sale.

Expectation – I want the client to either continue the sales

process by requesting more detailed information or agreeing on

the spot to purchase my product.

Action Plan – I will prepare before the meeting by ensuring

that I understand the client’s situation and needs. I will

prepare and present material that addresses those needs. I will

show up on time for the meeting, and be very positive and very

responsive to the client’s questions. I will ask for the sale

or, at the very least, make my best attempt to move the sales

process forward.

You see, it’s a very simple thing to do. It just requires a

bit of thinking and some common sense. The key to knowing my

action plan was knowing what I wanted to get out of the

situation. Try this for as many scenarios as you can think of.

And remember, this isn’t school, so there are no mistakes on

this. Everything you write down has value.


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OK, so you’ve built a little bit of business savvy by completing

the previous exercises. You’ve got a good basis to move forward,

and move forward we must. These skills will inevitably lead you

to a point where you’ll be ready to enter into some kind of

business agreement. Agreements are just words and by themselves

they don’t really hold any weight when engaging in a business


Any agreement between yourself and your counterparty needs to

be legally verifiable in case something does not go as expected.

And as much as we’d like to think that people are all honest and

everything will happen as planned, it’s just not the case.

That’s why you’ll find that the best way to protect yourself in

a business situation is: Get your agreements in writing!

Now this may be a step that seems to be common sense but so

many people skip it because they think that it’s easier to take

someone’s word for something instead of putting it on paper.

This thought process is one hundred percent wrong.

Remember, we’re talking about ways to protect yourself here.

So imagine you’re engaging in a business agreement to provide a

service for someone and everything goes smooth on your end. You

get paid on time, you’re happy and they’re happy, end of story.

Now imagine the same scenario but your client now refuses to

pay. They may start making up reasons why you shouldn’t be paid

or that you should be paid less than what you agreed upon. You

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would probably protest that you delivered the agreed-upon

service completely and on schedule. The problem is that without

the terms in writing you have no way of proving that fact and

your claims against your client will be severely limited.

I never took a class in college that specifically dealt with

contracts because I was a business major. They do exist, but the

problem is that you probably only think about them if you’re

interested in law. Well if you’re in college I’d strongly

suggest choosing contract law as an elective no matter what your

major is. In fact, I think that a class on contracts should be

mandatory since we’ll all be in many situations where some sort

of contract is (or should be) involved.

I remember working as a tile and marble installer on a very

large job in a building for a very famous developer in New York

City. The job involved very expensive marble being installed in

a building that had a prime location, so it was bound to be very

lucrative. When the job was complete the developer tried every

trick in the book to defer and/or reduce the payments to my


This developer made up stories of defects and late work to

try to reduce our payment by tens of thousands of dollars.

Here’s the best part, the job had already been verified onsite

and the terms, which were met completely, were in writing! The

developer simply didn’t care and wanted to throw out the

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original terms AFTER the job was done. A dispute was brewing,

but could you imagine my company’s situation if we didn’t have a

written contract?

Luckily, my boss had gotten a deposit to cover all the

materials involved in the job prior to starting, so he wasn’t at

a total loss while he attempted to get paid for the work.

Eventually, my company got paid every penny of the original

price but we wouldn’t have had a chance of that without the

written agreement. Later, we realized that this particular

developer made his money by squeezing small contractors after a

job was complete, and I’m sure that many of them got squeezed

pretty hard.

In partnering with my wife in her photo business, we deal

with situations that require agreements all the time. I

introduced her to the concept of getting things in writing for

all of her business dealings. When people agree to have my wife

provide wedding photography services, the cost can run into the

thousands of dollars and the photography contract protects each

side from the other doing something that can hurt the other.

For example, there is a clause that requires the client to

pay a one-third deposit so that my wife can set aside the time

and not book any other jobs. There’s also a clause that requires

the client to provide a week’s notice for cancellation or

forfeit their deposit.

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These clauses prevent clients from double-booking

photographers while they wait until the last minute to make a

final decision. To protect the client, the agreement states

exactly what photo services will be delivered on the day of the

wedding. So by looking at the agreement you can see all the

details about the services to be performed.

The terms for the deposit are an important part of any

written agreement. If your business arrangement requires you to

set aside time in the future and/or commit other resources

before the job is done, then get a deposit for your services. A

deposit that is refundable under certain conditions is critical

to ensuring that the other party is serious about a business


From time to time, my wife will do photo shoots at cost in

order to test new equipment or lighting techniques. These shoots

are set up without deposits and nearly half the time the people

fail to show up for the appointments.

Conversely, when she collects a deposit for her services the

people show up one hundred percent of the time. When people are

paying a deposit it shows you that they are serious about

enlisting your services.

When you accept a professional job these days many employers

will require you the sign an employment contract prior to hiring

you. You should read these contracts and know what they say

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prior to accepting a job. You have the right to make this

evaluation and I would avoid any employer who tries to get you

to sign something without evaluation. You also have the right to

add anything to the contract that has been promised but is not

contained in the paper that you will sign. Oftentimes we’re

tricked into feeling that it’s “take it or leave it” in this

type of situation and that’s just not the case. Some employers

may give you that attitude and those are the employers that

you’ll want to run from.

I know that you’re getting smarter as we go and probably

asking the question: How do I know what terms should be in my


First of all, if you’re thinking about how your written

agreements should be worded and structured, then give yourself s

gold star because you’re grasping a very important concept that

will serve you well in business. Second, you should take some

time to try to assess your contractual needs.

If you’re someone who provides a product or performs a well-

defined service, you can probably write out a contract that will

cover most situations and leave space for the name of the person

whom you’re doing business with. If you provide a service that

varies greatly from client to client, then you may want to

include a few basic terms and fill out the rest as you take on


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Here’s another situation where your counselor will come in

handy. Your counselor can guide you on setting up some template

agreements. Another thing that the counselor should do is

recommend that you have a lawyer review your template agreements

to insure that they are legally binding. After all, spending the

time to get things in writing is worth nothing unless you can

enforce the agreement.

Sometimes people will try to beat an agreement that’s been

signed. Remember my example about the building developer. A

strong, legally binding agreement prevented my company from

being fleeced out of money and prevented us from being put in a

very dire financial situation. Taking the time to review your

agreements with a lawyer costs money but it will save you big-

time in the end.

For your next exercise I want you to get into the mindset

that you have the right (and the obligation to yourself) to put

your agreements in writing. I want you to think of a situation

where you should’ve had a written agreement but didn’t. It may

have involved a job that you accepted or a business deal that

you engaged in. You could also think of a situation where you

had a written agreement but it didn’t include all conditions

that you would have liked. Either way, use that situation to

think of all the conditions that should have been in the

agreement and write them out. Once you’ve done that, consider

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how your situation could have been improved by having some of

these conditions in writing.


Thus far, I’ve given guidance on ways to protect yourself while

you build trust in a business environment. All of this is great

in theory but must be practiced in order to provide the true

benefits that you desire. All of these measures lead up to your

written agreement. The written agreement is not the end of the

line here, though.

What if you make an agreement with someone and the other

party fails to meet the terms of the agreement? This is where

you need to take strong action. The next lesson is a very

important one: Be prepared to enforce your agreement.

If the other party in an agreement meets the terms of the

agreement and you do the same (which you should always do) then

both of you should be satisfied. If your counterparty fails to

meet the terms of the agreement, then you have to act;

otherwise, all your previous work and preparation are put in


This is one of the most difficult areas for people to take

action on. The reason people fail to enforce agreements is that

it requires that you engage in some sort of confrontation.

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Have you ever seen a class on confrontation in a college

curriculum? You probably haven’t unless you took some law

classes. Lawyers are trained in the art of confrontation,

whereas everyone else is left to figure out how to do it (or

hire a lawyer!) And while the thought of a confrontation may

seem unpleasant, it really doesn’t have to be. You also need to

remember that if you’re on this step then there is probably

either some money or a service that you are owed and there’s no

way you can make it in the business world if you’re getting

robbed of money or services.

From our youngest years on we are generally taught to be very

nice and avoid confrontations with other people. This thought is

so pervasive throughout society that we’re left feeling like

confrontations are a bad thing and should be avoided all the

time. I remember one time sitting on an airplane watching two

men argue over which seat number was the window or the aisle. A

man had gotten on the plane first and taken the aisle seat. A

few moments later another man got on the plane and said to the

first man that he had a ticket for seat 7B, which was definitely

the aisle seat.

The first man looked him directly in the eye and insisted

that 7B was the window seat. The man with the ticket for the

aisle seat protested once and the man actually in the aisle seat

rebuked him again. Without further protest the main with the

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ticket for 7B took seat 7A without another word spoken about it.

In this situation the man who took the window seat was obviously

looking to avoid a confrontation while the first man was really

looking for one. And while this certainly wasn’t a critical

situation it illustrates how some folks will try to impose their

will on others even in the most unassuming situations.

The key here is not to let others impose their will on you

without you having some say in the matter. Your say will involve

the action that you take to enforce your business agreement.

You may be thinking that enforcing agreements only applies in

situations where a person owns a company or is an employer of

others. This is not the case. As an employee, you should be

prepared to require your employer to follow his written

agreements with you. These days, even smaller companies have

employees sign some kind of standard agreement. If you sign the

agreement and the employer violates the terms, then you are well

within your rights to take action. After all, you are not an

indentured servant and you should never act as if you are one.

Stand up for yourself and you’ll get what you want, rather than

getting what others think you should have.

At this point you’re probably looking for guidelines on what

your possible courses of action are in enforcing your agreement.

The action that you should take will depend on the situation.

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In my wife’s photo business, she takes a one-third deposit

for all work performed and if the client fails to show up on the

day of the shoot, then the agreement states that she can keep

that deposit.

Now, she’d rather complete her services and get paid the full

amount rather than have a client who doesn’t show, but the

financial penalty for last-minute cancellations protects her

from wasting her time. And besides, the other person fully

agreed to forfeit the money if they failed to show up for their


I learned this lesson the hard way. In my years running a

personal training business I had gotten burned a few times in

the beginning by clients who made appointments, then failed to

show up.

After this occurred a couple of times I began enforcing a

twenty-four hour notice rule on cancellations, with the penalty

being the price of the session if the client failed to show up.

As a young paperboy, I had a few deliveries that failed to

pay me after the first week. My paper manager advised me to keep

delivering and that they would probably come around with a

payment. Well after I had to pay back the cost of those papers

for the second week in a row, I decided to take action. I

stopped delivering the paper to the homes that hadn’t paid.

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In both cases I took action to enforce agreements and as a

result I was able to quickly reverse the situation. My unpaid

newspaper deliveries tracked me down and paid their outstanding

balance so they could get their papers delivered again. As a

personal trainer, I had forgotten the lessons I learned as a

paperboy, but once I had to pay all the bills on my own I made

sure to remember to take action so that I’d have enough money to

pay the bills. My personal training clients had almost one

hundred percent attendance after I instituted my twenty-four

hour cancellation policy.

Now, if you are really averse to confronting others you

always have the option of accepting the short end of an

agreement. Of course, that would mean that you’d be moving in

the opposite direction of your goal to become a stronger

business person and achieve your dreams. You will also be a bit

lighter in the wallet, as you’ll be getting paid less and/or

paying more than once for services that are owed to you. All it

takes is a few of these situations and whatever business that

you’re in will not be a business too much longer.

I’m going to assume that you have grasped the importance of

enforcing agreements and that you are ready to take action. It’s

important that you understand what actions you will take prior

to having to take them.

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You should be asking yourself the following question prior to

making a deal with anyone: How will I react if the other party

fails to meet the terms of the deal?

Your action depends on the situation. In some instances

direct legal action may be necessary. In other instances you may

just need to communicate directly with the other party in order

to resolve the issue.

Sometimes people just forget to do something and need to be

reminded. One great example of using communication to resolve a

disagreement comes from my experiences buying and selling on the

auction site eBay. As a rule, I always provide feedback for

people who sell to me and require feedback from others who buy

from me. Since I always provide good service, the higher number

of quality feedback that I have, the easier it will be for me to

buy or sell in the future.

Whenever I sell something on eBay I will always request that

the winning bidder leave feedback after the transaction is

completed, while explaining that I will leave feedback for them

once they’ve posted mine. Even with this policy stated, some

people will still not leave feedback. In my earlier dealings on

eBay I always wanted feedback but never did anything about it,

so my feedback rating stayed pretty low even though I’d sold

quite a few items. I got tired of that situation, so I made sure

to create the written policy and follow up all sales with an e-

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mail a few days later specifically to request feedback if it had

not been left.

Since I’ve started doing this all of the people buying from

me have left feedback. These people probably would not have left

feedback otherwise, but all they needed was a reminder.

That’s a simple example of how direct communication can

resolve something lacking with an agreement. Other situations

that involve dealing with larger businesses will be more


If you’re an employee of a business, you may have few choices

in forcing a business to meet its obligation to you. The one

option you do have in that situation is to find another job.

Sometimes telling your employer that you’re ready to go

elsewhere will get him to honor his agreements with you.

You’ll definitely want to get your counselor involved in

deciding actions related to enforcing agreements. You should be

able to run through your business situations with your counselor

and come up with necessary action plans. Some of these plans may

involve direct communication, some may involve legal action, and

some may involve a little bit of both.

The key here is that you need to know what action you will

take if a deal goes wrong. Don’t obsess on the potential failure

of a deal, but know that you’re protecting yourself by taking

action. Following this advice will greatly increase your chances

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for success by saving you the financial loss and emotional

strain of broken agreements.

This is the perfect time for another one of those ever-

important exercises. As I stated earlier, your willingness to

enforce your agreements stems from your feelings about

confrontation. Because of that fact, this exercise focuses on

confrontation. You’ll write down a series of questions,

contemplate them and then write down the answers. Here you go:

How do I feel about confrontations in general?

When was the last time I felt like I confronted someone?

How did I feel about that confrontation?

Does a confrontation mean violent action or are there other

types of confrontation?

How important is it to me that I stand up for myself?

Have I ever suffered financial consequences from failing to

confront someone?

What are the details of a situation where I should have

stood up for myself but didn’t?

Why is it important to stand up for myself in business


Seeking counsel, getting your questions answered, agreeing in

writing and then enforcing agreements are the cornerstones of a

successful life in the new and alien world of business. But

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while these actions form the cornerstones, there is a lot more

to a successful life in the beehive, which is why you must read


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Lesson Two: Be Tough

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight

- it's the size of the fight in the dog.”


Back in the 1960s the Cuban Missile Crisis had many Americans

fearing a nuclear war.

In October 1962, American intelligence sources detected

Russian missile sites being constructed on the island of Cuba,

just 90 miles from the United States. The presence of such

missiles constituted a dire threat to the security of the United


In the days that followed, the United States and Russia were

locked in an intense game of chicken. President John F. Kennedy

ordered a naval “quarantine,” whereby the U.S. Navy blocked

Russian ships attempting to bring additional missiles and

construction materials to Cuban ports. Tension rose on both

sides of the conflict and many Americans feared that the country

would go to war.

After several days, Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev

rethought his position, turned his ships back for Russia and

agreed to tear down the missile sites in Cuba.

During that time President Kennedy had to make hard decisions

that affected the future of the United States. As a leader,

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President Kennedy needed to take action to show that the U.S.

would not tolerate such a threat to its national security.

Instead of giving in when America faced an imminent threat,

President Kennedy took action and stood tough.

Now there’s no way of knowing how things would’ve gone

without the so-called “quarantine,” but in this case the end

certainly justified the means.

It’s a rare situation in business where the outcome of a

situation can be life and death (unless you’re dealing with the

Sopranos!) But where our livelihoods are involved, standing your

ground is very important. President Kennedy’s actions were those

of a leader protecting the interests of the U.S. population. As

a business person, you must be ready to take tough stands in

order to protect yourself and your partners. If you learned

Lesson One then you know how important it is to protect your

interests. That’s why the second lesson you need to learn is

this: In business you have to be tough.

Many years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, I witnessed a few

tough stands while working on construction sites in New York

City. As a worker on a variety of jobs large and small I

witnessed businessmen in the construction industry fighting for

their business.

On one particular job a roofing contractor strongly objected

to some waterproofing work that my crew was doing in a shower

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room of a building. As we worked on the job, a guy busted into

the room demanding that we stop because, as he said, “That’s

roofers’ work!”

We were shut down for several hours as the head of the

roofers union engaged in heated negotiations with our boss.

After a while they came out of closed doors and we were allowed

to continue with our work.

That situation left a lasting impression on me. I remember

how passionate the roofers were about the fact that we might be

doing work that could mean a paycheck for one of their fellow

workers. And I remember how adamant we were about this work that

was putting food on our tables as well.

Both camps took a stand, with the roofers refusing to let us

work and us refusing to leave the room so the roofers couldn’t

take over. To both sides the business was worth it and we both

had our legitimate reasons for standing pat. In the end the

bosses worked it out, but not before they had a chance to air

their grievances and come to a suitable compromise.

These days you rarely read or hear about a management

philosophy that advocates being tough in a business environment.

The “Zen” approach of going with the flow and avoiding conflict

seems to be very popular in print. Don’t fool yourself into

thinking that the hallways of the shiny office buildings can’t

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be as tough as that shower room in what was to be the New York

Foundling Hospital.

Whether you’re involved in a small business or a salaried

worker in a large corporation, you must defend your standing in

order to persevere and get ahead. After all, our quality of life

depends on our business skills and unless you’ve got a great

curveball or are lucky enough to be a movie star then you’re

probably working for a living, which means all of this stuff is

extremely important to your financial well-being.

Right about now you’re probably thinking: What exactly does

this guy mean when he says, be tough?


Know your beliefs and principles and stick by them. Not having

defined principles is like a boat not having a rudder. The costs

of not having (or not following) your principles can be great.

Take the following example, for instance.

One of your life principles might be to be honest in all

situations. Now let’s say that you’re working in the marketing

department of a large corporation. Your boss has a meeting with

you and asks you to “pretty-up” the results of a marketing

survey of your company’s latest project because someone higher

up on the food chain needs the product to appear successful.

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Your boss makes it clear to you that jobs are on the line

(including your job) if the numbers don’t come out right.

BOOM! You’ve now got a personal dilemma, or maybe not. You’re

being asked to compromise your beliefs and fudge the numbers or,

in less diplomatic terms, you’re being asked to lie.

Depending on your previous experience you may not be able to

imagine such a scenario occurring in a reputable organization.

All you have to do is look at the business news on a regular

basis to see that this type of thing does happen, and quite

often. Major corporate flameouts like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom

have shown us that some folks in the corporate world work very

hard to deceive their co-workers and the public in order to

advance their financial position in society.

Back to your dilemma. When asked to do this particular deed,

you can hear it in your boss’ voice and see it on her face that

refusing to fudge the numbers a bit would greatly upset her or,

in less diplomatic terms, she’ll can you like tuna if you don’t

help out.

You’ve reached an important moment of decision in your career

and in your life. On one hand, you can help advance your career

in the short term, while on the other hand you might be taking

an action that may hurt others and you might have to pay dearly

for later.

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The real decision, of course, has nothing to do with your

career and everything about whether or not you’re willing to

stand by your principles.

The obvious decision here is to stick by your principles and

refuse to change the numbers, or so it seems. You see,

somewhere along the way you can lose sight of what’s real and

situations like this can become like a gray area where small

compromises are rationalized by saying things like, “It’s only a

small change, so how could it hurt?”, or “We’ll balance things

out correctly next quarter.”


Don’t listen to those voices, whether they’re coming from

your boss or inside your own head. Once you start breaking your

principles then you’re more likely to do it again and again.

Each little compromise can propel you down a quite slippery


Think about those executives who made what they thought were

small fibs and were so happy when they got the bonus and

promotion. Now think about how they felt when their names showed

up on TV connected to a corporate scandal. Financial penalties

and plea bargains inevitably follow and all of a sudden those

little fibs turned quite devastating.

You’ve got to be tough and weather the storm in the present.

Refuse to fudge the numbers and your boss will put all kinds of

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pressure on you like threatening to fire you, withholding a

bonus or passing you over for promotion. So be it. Sometimes

being tough means weathering the storm in the present so that

the future will hold brighter days. Never mortgage your future

for a little satisfaction in the present.

Get the picture? Stand by your principles!


At times, being tough can be a paradox because while you need to

be tough in business you also need to know when to compromise.

Knowing when and how much to compromise is an art in itself.

Once again, we find ourselves in an area where your counselor

can help you. Since your counselor is more experienced than you

are, he or she can help you find the right level of comfort with

compromise in a given situation.

My general guideline is that you should consider compromise

in all areas except ones where your principles are compromised.

You will find out that compromising your principles opens you up

to a world where you never know where you stand. On the other

hand, there are areas where you might want to give in a bit in

order to get things done.

In the Cuban Missile Crisis example that I began this lesson

with and the subsequent example of the construction site, both

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sides ended up compromising just a little bit in order to bring

the situation to a satisfying conclusion.

In each case, the satisfying conclusion was dictated by the

situation. In the Cuban Missile Crisis it was very satisfying to

have avoided all-out war while gaining the removal of the

missiles from Cuba.

In the construction example, both sides were able to continue

working on their respective jobs after only a short delay. After

all, no one gains if both sides blow up at each other and

progress gets stopped all together. You may have to compromise

with your business adversaries at some level. The compromises

involved in the earlier examples were relatively


In the Cuban Missile Crisis example, President Kennedy agreed

to forego any further military action and lifted the

“quarantine” in exchange for Russia removing their missiles from

Cuba. In that case the U.S. held fast on the basic principle

that we will protect our mainland in the event of a threat. But

there was a compromise in that we decided not to use force, but

strong persuasion. The result was successful for us but the U.S.

would have been well within its rights to defend itself more


In the construction example, our immediate livelihood was

threatened and we couldn’t ignore that, but at the same time our

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boss was willing to be reasonable as long as the terms were

discussed beforehand. In the end we were allowed to continue

working on the shower room while the roofers were given a chance

at some other work that we were scheduled for later on in the


In both cases, both sides adjusted their desires in the short

term in order to come to the compromise. You can’t always

convince the other side of a situation that a compromise is

necessary, but you can keep an open mind to the possibility of

meeting in the middle.

The actual situations that you deal with will be different

from my examples no matter what business you’re in. To make the

decision whether to compromise or not a little simpler, just ask

yourself this question: Does the following action violate one of

my guiding principles? If the answer is yes, then you’ll want to

stand your ground. If the answer is no, then a compromise is

probably in order.

As a tank platoon leader I dealt with situations that

tested my toughness and willingness to compromise on a regular

basis. Many times soldiers would challenge my authority to see

how far they could push the envelope and get away with stuff.

Most of the time, I stood my ground and refused to give an inch

but there were a few situations where compromise was necessary.

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I can remember one incident in particular where I got word of

a soldier who had stolen a part from one of our tanks on the

morning of a big inspection, causing my company to be missing a

crucial part while securing it for his company’s benefit. I was

furious and ready to turn the guilty party in to the Military


To me, theft within the U.S. Army was inexcusable and should

be punished harshly. I was ready to take action when a senior

Sergeant in our tank company pulled me aside and suggested that

we could use the information as a bargaining chip, thereby

gaining favors from the offending company and allowing internal

discipline to take place by the other Company Commander.

I was ready to bring down the whole house and report the

theft to the Military Police but luckily I stopped for a second.

The favors that we were being offered would more than make up

for the lost tank part and the soldier agreed to apologize to

the tank crew from whom he’d stolen the part from. So instead of

ruining the career of a young private who didn’t know better and

causing huge scandal, we came to a compromise that involved

acknowledgement of wrong doing and compensation for the wrongful

actions. (And unknowingly, I practiced the tenet of engaging

counsel that I mentioned in Lesson One.)

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are two people who know that being

tough and sticking to your guns can pay off big time. They sold

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their script “Good Will Hunting” for $600,000 to a major film


At the time, they were just struggling actors trying to get a

break in the film business. The film company wanted to make the

movie with two other actors in the starring roles. Ben and Matt

had the right of first refusal on the roles and they would not

let the movie go forward without being cast in the roles that

they wrote for themselves.

After all, their long-term goal wasn’t about being

screenwriters, but film actors, and the script was simply a

vehicle to help them get film roles. In addition to that, the

film company insisted that the movie be shot in Canada where

production costs would be much cheaper.

Once again, Ben and Matt stood tough and insisted that the

movie be shot in the Boston area, where the script was

originally set. While they insisted on some things, they were

willing to be flexible and compromise on adjusting some areas of

the story.

As a result of Ben and Matt’s tough attitude on their deal-

breakers, the script went unproduced for a year and a half until

Miramax agreed to purchase the script rights from the first film

company. The rest is history. Miramax agreed to make the film

with Ben and Matt in the starring roles and use genuine Boston-

area locations.

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“Good Will Hunting” went on to gross $138 million and win Ben

and Matt Academy Awards for Best Screenwriting. Even more

important for Ben and Matt, though, was the fact that they were

then seen as movie stars. In the six years since “Good Will

Hunting” they’ve both starred in multiple big-name projects and

earned sizable sums of money. Ben and Matt stood by their

principles while compromising a bit and probably even exceeded

their original dreams of Hollywood success.

These are great examples, but how you learn how to be tough

while compromising is entirely up to you. Your best chance is

not to be afraid of putting yourself in a situation where

conflict may occur.

Frankly, every agreement that you enter into has the

potential to end up in a conflict, just like all of your other

relationships. When the time comes, you just need to think about

how important a particular situation is to your business and

life, then act accordingly.

Right now what I need you to do is stop for a second, put

down this book and take a few moments to do some soul searching.

In the previous paragraphs I mentioned principles. The Merriam

Webster dictionary provides the following definition of the word


a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption b

(1) : a rule or code of conduct (2) : habitual devotion to right

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principles <a man of principle> c : the laws or facts of nature

underlying the working of an artificial device.

So in this case we’re talking about your personal rules or

code of conduct. Do you know what your guiding principles are?

Don’t be ashamed if you don’t. I can’t ever remember anyone

sitting me down to really think about principles but you find

that taking this step is as important as anything you can do

when entering the workforce.

Take some time with this, do some soul searching and even ask

your counselor if you have to. It’s that important. Return to

the book when you’ve got a list of at least five guiding

principles. The list will get larger as time goes on but for now

you should have a baseline to start from that puts the earlier

part of this lesson in focus.

Here’s an example of the start of my list of principles:

1. Honesty – conduct myself in a manner that is truthful

in all my business dealings.

2. Fairness – evaluate both sides of a situation before

making a final decision.

3. Responsibility – take ownership of any mistakes or

missteps and admit when I’m wrong.

Your list may have three principles or ten to start with. The

length does not matter as much as the intent and feeling behind

the principles on the list. You don’t have to complete the list

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now, but I do expect you to add to the list as your most

important principles become apparent.

Hopefully, it didn’t take you too long to come up with some

guiding principles because I don’t want you to lose the flow of

the book. There are many important lessons ahead.

Armed with the will to be tough when necessary and your

guiding principles, you’re ready to move on to the next facet of

this lesson. Because even as you’ve vowed to be tough, stand by

your principles and compromise, you still need to …


A major part of being tough involves handling those nasty

situations that come up out of the blue and throw our best-laid

plans into confusion.

As young children most of us get into routines that are very

comfortable and as a result we learn to loathe the unexpected.

Higher education isn’t always the best place for us to learn to

deal with change either.

Classes are scheduled for certain times of day and as the

student you show up to get your lesson. In the crazy world of

business, the lessons and challenges come at you without any

predetermined schedule and this can often be a harrowing


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In my first full-time job as a loading dock manager, I was

initially surprised and really frustrated when conveyer belts

broke down and trucks came in late, causing confusion and

increasing my work hours. I hadn’t yet opened up to the idea

that inconvenient and sometimes devastating events will occur. I

needed to keep my cool to get through them instead of being

angry and frustrated. My initial reactions to unexpected events

involved a good amount of yelling and cursing before I pulled

myself together and addressed the issue at hand. I’m not sure

how much time I wasted being frustrated, but it was too much.

The thing that you have to learn is that the unexpected will

occur and that you need to let it bounce right off you while you

keep moving forward. Being upset does nothing to change the new


On Aug. 14, 2003, a huge blackout occurred that left millions

in the Northeastern United States without power.

Within minutes millions of people in the city of New York

took positive action to deal with this unexpected event.

Commuters began walking home over bridges and stores began

having sales of perishable items so they wouldn’t lose

everything to spoilage.

New York is a tough city and one of the reasons it’s so tough

is that New Yorkers deal with unexpected events as much as

anyone. I’m sure there were also plenty of people who were very

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frustrated and angry that they couldn’t get home or couldn’t

conduct business as normal, but that’s negative energy and it’s


Unexpected events don’t always occur on such a grand scale.

The event may be something that takes place at your company.

Your company reports better-than-expected earnings and then also

announces a round of layoffs and reorganization. And guess who’s

part of the group being fired? That’s right, it’s you.

Or how about this. Your job is moved from the United States

to somewhere overseas and they’d like you to train your

replacement. It sounds crazy but this stuff happens to people

and seemingly calm lives can be turned upside down overnight.

You have to be ready to deal with the unexpected!

Life in the military is all about change. As a soldier, you

can be deployed all over the world if the need arises. My time

in the Army taught me all I need to know about dealing with

change. Accept it, evaluate the situation and move on.

I’d like you spend time thinking about some unexpected things

that could occur and imagine how you’d deal with them. You could

lose your job, or a family member could become ill or maybe

something great could happen like you’re offered a promotion or

you find out a new baby is on the way. There are many types of

unexpected changes and you need to be ready to deal with them in

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a way that’s constructive and keeps you on track. This approach

will help you to continue on to realizing your dreams.

Grab a piece of paper and write out a few examples of

possible events. Then think about and write down how you’d deal

with those events. The exercise isn’t designed to have you

predict the future but to merely get you into the mode of

thinking about dealing with change.

Some of the events could be perceived as positive, while

others you may perceive as negative. I’m sure you’ll be

surprised at the answers that you come up with and the feelings

that are associated with those answers. Put this book down until

you’re finished with the exercise and then come back and read



What will you have for dinner tonight? When will you leave for

work tomorrow morning? How will you make a living after you get

out of school? These are basic questions that everyone has to

ask at some point in their life.

We’ll all deal with these questions and many others. We deal

with these questions by making decisions. Some decisions are

routine and made in seconds, and there are some that are tough

and require lots of thought.

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Being able to make the tough decisions determines your level

of toughness and furthermore will affect your level of success

in the business world. There’s an old saying that goes like

this: “He who hesitates is lost.” You don’t want to be lost.

The more ambitious you are, the more tough decisions you’ll

have to make. After I got out of the military I had some very

tough decisions to make. While working at a large technology

consulting firm I felt underappreciated, underpaid and

dissatisfied with the work that I was doing.

I had some serious decisions to make about my future. At that

point there were simply two choices. One choice was to do

nothing and continue with the status quo. Another choice was to

make a change and do something else. I had already learned the

price of waiting around and not making a decision, so I knew

what to do. I chose a different path and did so quickly. I

didn’t want to regret every day that I went to work.

There are so many other situations that will require

important decisions in your business life. Should you take a

certain job? Should you ask for a raise? Should you buy from a

certain vendor? There are tons of questions and just as many

decisions. You need to master making these decisions in order to

have a chance at finding your success.

Many times people get paralyzed or ignore times of decision

because of fear. People fear that the decisions they make will

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be bad ones. These feelings are normal but you have to

understand something. A decision is very rarely bad on its own.

The actions that you take after making a decision will

ultimately determine whether your outcomes are positive or

negative. I’ll give you a strong personal example from my life.

At the point where I decided to leave my civilian life in

California and join the Army, many people thought it was a bad

decision. I was derailing a great adventure and a nice career

that I was building in the fitness industry. It could have been

a bad decision but I made sure to get as much out of my

experience in the Army as possible.

I traded one set of possibilities for another. A few years

later, after I had achieved my goals, I decided to go back to

civilian life. Again, people reminded me of my accomplishments

in the military and some thought it was a bad decision for me to

leave. I was decisive again and reentered civilian life. I lost

nothing in the process, as I was determined to use all that I

had learned in the military. This landed me in the technology

consulting job that I mentioned earlier.

I used the same process in that decision that I did with all

the rest. And while I was moving from decision to decision and

sharpening my skills, other people I knew were staying in their

same old situations and complaining about the ruts they were in.

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This process worked for me because I put in the effort and

made my decisions turn out positive. You’ll need to do the same

in order to be successful. Look around in your own life and

examine the business people whom you admire. Chances are these

people are not afraid to make tough decisions. That willingness

to make the tough decisions is undoubtedly a major reason for

their success.

What are the tough decisions that you have to deal with in

your life? Are you good at making decisions or do you have

problems making decisions? If you think you’re doing well, then

could you do better?

Do a quick exercise to find out about your decision-making

skills. Write down the last three important business decisions

that you made. When I say important, I mean to exclude those

decisions that you have to make every day.

To me, an important decision would be something that could

change the course of your career. Think of the situations that

you’ve been in. Even if you were in a situation where you

decided to stay with the status quo, it still qualifies as a


So write down three decisions and explain the situation.

Answer yourself the following questions for each situation:

Why did I make the decision that I made?

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Did I take too much (or not enough) time in making the


Did my actions after the decision make the outcome

positive for me?

Do the preceding exercise in earnest and you’ll find out more

about how your appetite for decision-making is affecting your


I hope I’ve given you an idea about what it means to be tough

and why it’s so important to have a certain amount of toughness

in your career and personal lives. The only thing to do now is

go out and practice what you’ve learned. It won’t be easy but if

you give it a chance you’ll find the right mix of toughness and

compromise to make things work for you. Sure, you’ll make some

mistakes, but then that leads us to the next tenet of my


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Lesson Three: Make Mistakes Then Learn From Them

“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing



When I first graduated from college I was terrified that I would

make a mistake. It really didn’t matter what the mistake was

since it could be related to any choice that I made at that

point in my young life. Sixteen years of graded education had

taught me that a higher grade was better and that perfection

was, well, perfect.

I began to feel like aiming for an A and getting a C would

never be acceptable. Hence, I decided not to take too many

chances and grabbed for the easy and safe B. After all, why

stretch myself and take a risk at the age of 21?

I also wanted to please my parents, who had a vested interest

in seeing me go on to a “normal” career that provided me

security. This way I could go on to owning my own home and

starting a family just like they had done. And so, for a short

while I adopted my parents’ version of the American dream.

Does this sound like a familiar story to you? The story

doesn’t necessarily get any better if you stay in school to

pursue an advanced degree, either. The high cost of advanced

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education can force a person into a very “safe” existence in

order to preserve income to cover student loans and other

educational expenses.

After all, people don’t feel good about taking risks when

they’re $40,000 in debt and just starting out in the working

world. Even if they are loaded down with debt, there are some

folks who still have the will to make risky moves and take the

chances that lead to being a successful business person and

achieving their dreams. Those folks are among the few but


It’s more likely that you are like I was right after college.

I was having second thoughts about pointing my career in a less-

certain direction.

It took me less than a year after I graduated from college to

realize that the “safe” route wasn’t the one for me. I was

working as an operations manager for a shipping company with

long overnight hours and low pay as my reward.

Day by day I felt my life slipping by and I couldn’t see a

very exciting future for myself. I was a bit depressed at my

prospects and as a result I was drinking too much and gaining

weight. It wasn’t a very productive time for me.

This daily malaise finally reached its peak in the Christmas

season of 1991. Something, and I’m still not sure what,

compelled me to make a change in my career. Maybe I just got

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sick of coming home tired and not feeling excited about

anything. Maybe I was watching a movie and saw something that

made me realize my life wasn’t headed where I wanted it to go.

That doesn’t matter, because all that’s important is that I

was compelled to make a move. I began researching possible

careers with no idea where I would end up. I wanted a positive

change in my life. I had gotten excited about physical fitness

in recent months so I began a deeper investigation of the

possibilities in the fitness industry.

Soon after I decided that I would start educating myself with

a goal of becoming a personal fitness trainer.

Let’s stop right here and ask a question. Have you ever been

compelled to make a change in your life? Have you ever felt like

it was time to make some new moves and open up new

possibilities? I would bet that the answer to both those

questions is yes. Reading this book may be one of the moves that

you’re making. Here’s another important question: Do we always

act when we feel strongly about making a change? The answer most

of the time would be no. The reason people hesitate is because

change equals risk and if you take a risk you just might make

mistakes and be considered a failure. And no one wants to be

considered a failure.

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What is failure? I once heard that the only people who fail are

the ones who fail to try something they are compelled to do.

This thought is counter to the popular thinking that it’s better

to avoid failure (or mistakes) than to welcome the chance to try

something new.

At the time I began making major changes in my life, many

people considered my thoughts to be grounded in insanity. I came

from a place where a steady job and certain income were highly

valued things. There were no big dreamers, artists or super-

achievers in my family, or my world growing up, for that matter.

There were simply people who were doing their duty and

raising their families. All of this was good and noble and

there’s certainly no shame in that approach, but my gut was

screaming for something different. I was compelled to act so I

embraced the following philosophy: The only mistake in life is

not following your heart.

Have you ever had the same feeling? Have you ever had the

feeling that you NEEDED to be doing something else or that you

needed to go in a different direction? I believe that these are

feelings that many people have but few express outwardly for

fear of being rebuked or ridiculed. There’s just too much

negativity happening for people to take that chance.

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Negativity be damned; I felt something and needed to act on

it. Once I decided that I wanted to be a fitness trainer, I

began planning some new moves, researching possibilities in the

fitness industry and teaching myself the principles of good

health and fitness.

I made some changes. By taking chances and making the jump

to a completely new industry I opened myself up to a world of

new mistakes. I knew nothing about the world of fitness. I had

no formal training in exercise science or physiology. This was a

very scary time, but it was also the most exciting time of my

life. I stopped listening to the naysayers and started taking


Slowly I began to realize that I could make mistakes, learn

from them and in turn increase my chances of success. And guess

what, I was happier. You’ll be happier too when you forget the

negative and take your best shot at whatever it is you want to

do. Gone were the nightmarish memories of the college “Career

Fairs” where professors encouraged students to interview for

jobs with major corporations.

People want and deserve more than jobs. People want an

exciting life that fulfills their dreams, and college was the

last place to cultivate thoughts about dreams.

I began learning the valuable lesson that it’s OK to make

mistakes as long as you learn from them and don’t keep repeating

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them. In fact, I’d say that making mistakes is an essential part

of maturing and finding out who you are in this life. I know

there are a million indications that point toward avoiding

mistakes but those indications are dead wrong!

I had plenty of chances to make mistakes during my first few

months as a personal trainer. This new world exposed me to new

people with different ideas and backgrounds than mine. Many

times I would say the wrong thing or lose training clients due

to my lack of ability in the area of sales.

Each time I made a mistake I would put the memory of what

happened into my mental toolbox and be vigilant about referring

to that memory when a similar situation would come up again. I

found that unlike the exams that we all took in high school and

college that there are re-tests with many chances to earn an A.

Higher education simply fools us into thinking that you have one

shot at every moment.


So where did I get the guts to start taking all these chances,

you ask?

The U.S. space program during the 1960s provided me with some

valuable examples of how taking risks and learning from mistakes

could pay off. The engineers and scientists working on the space

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program endured very long hours for years and years while trying

to perfect the first rocket that would go into space.

All that I remembered from school were the stories about the

successes of putting men into space and then on the moon. School

failed to teach me all the small and major failures that

occurred in the process of getting to those milestones. After

each crash and explosion the scientists would go back to the

drawing board and try again, processing what they’d learned from

their past failures until they finally created a new paradigm in

the field of space exploration. In short, their mistakes led

them to success.

After learning some more about the space program I took a

look at my own life and realized that I was avoiding challenges

in the mistaken belief that success involved avoiding mistakes

at all costs. The U.S. space program example teaches us that if

we strive to avoid mistakes then we can’t discover new things.

Without mistakes we can’t learn. I decided to look at things in

a new light and celebrate my mistakes as steps toward my future


Do you avoid challenging situations just to make sure that

you never take a misstep? If you do, then you must realize that

instead of trying to reach your goals in business you’re really

just expending a lot of effort trying to be perfect. You end up

just spinning your wheels.

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That’s not what we want at all. We want to move forward and

find our success. Remember this important point. Trying to be

perfect will not move you onward and upward in the beehive.


As I slowly absorbed these facts about the space program I had

less and less fear about putting myself in challenging

situations. I also learned that the whole process wasn’t just

about making mistakes and learning from them. Another valuable

lesson from the space program was this: You need to calculate

your risks when going into a venture. I call this measuring your


After all, the space program scientists didn’t put a human

into the first rockets that they were testing until they were

certain that an unmanned rocket could be launched into space and

recovered successfully.

The first astronauts went through thousands of hours of

rigorous and realistic training prior to being selected for the

manned space flight. So yes, there were great risks but at the

same time the scientists were smart enough to try to identify

the risks and deal with possible consequences before taking the

next step. Sounds a bit scary, but the important part is that in

spite of the risks they kept taking those steps forward.

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Making a big life change probably won’t require the same

preparation as the astronauts required. A person committed to

their dreams will understand that the willingness to risk

mistakes and learn from them along with the ability to measure

their swing can take them to very high places and give them an

edge that can’t be found at any school. Taking risks can

certainly lead to possibilities never thought of at the local

career fair.

I don’t expect you to be an expert at evaluating risks and

dealing with mistakes. I’ll go through a simple example from my

life and then give you the opportunity to work on a few examples

of your own so you can ease into the whole thought process.

Back when I was 18 I decided that I really wanted to learn

to play the guitar. I always loved listening to music and was

fascinated by people who had the ability to make great sounds

from their guitars. Thinking like the 18-year-old that I was, I

focused on the risk that the whole venture would be a failure.

You’re probably wondering what risks are possibly taken by

trying to learn the guitar.

First of all, a capital investment was required. I would need

to purchase a guitar in order to play and that would cost a

couple of hundred dollars. How could I afford to buy a new

guitar? How would I know which guitar was right for me?

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Then I would have to invest in lessons with a teacher,

because I had no idea where to start or what to do. How would I

find a teacher and once found how would I know the right one to


Next I would have to make time dedicated to learning and

practicing the instrument. What if I didn’t have enough time to

get good at it? What if, no matter how hard I tried, I never

played well? My family and friends might be really disappointed

in me.

That seems like a lot of brainpower going into what should be

a small decision. Frankly, it is a lot of brain power. The

thought process is focused on the obstacles to learning to play

the guitar and many people do not get past that stage when

making decisions.

After all, there are multiple opportunities to make mistakes

and face potential ridicule for failing. The key here is that

it’s okay to make such evaluations as long as we take it a step

further and deal with these risks.

How could I afford a new guitar? I investigated guitar prices

and determined the minimum amount I would need to purchase a

guitar. I was working and saved some money every week for a

couple of months to afford a low-cost starter guitar.

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How would I know which guitar was right for me? I went to a

couple of different guitar shops, talked with sales people and

tried some different guitars in my price range.

How would I find a teacher and once found how would I know

the right one to choose? I looked in local music newspapers and

inquired at guitar shops about teachers. I met with a couple of

different teachers and tried out a couple of lessons with each

to see if I was enjoying it.

What if I didn’t have enough time to get good at it? I made

time. I gave myself 30 minutes per day dedicated to practicing

the guitar.

What if, no matter how hard I tried, I never played well? I

gained comfort from the thought that everyone had to start from

scratch and if they could do it, then so could I.

Isn’t it amazing how many different lines of thought can go

into one seemingly simple decision? While these thoughts may

seem limiting at first they are only one step in the process of

taking risks to better yourself. These risks lead to mistakes,

but as I correct each mistake I get closer to success. If you

break each risk down into individual parts and address them as

such, you’ll see that they are easily dealt with.

What I’d like you to do now is spend a little bit of time

evaluating at least two situations where you feel mistakes can

be made. Break down each situation into smaller parts using my

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earlier example as a guide. Each of those smaller parts will be

an issue or potential area for mistakes. Decide how you’ll

address each issue. Be creative; you may come up with multiple

possibilities for each point of risk. The goal here is to

practice your ability to evaluate situations and give you

confidence in doing so.

And by the way, I’ve been playing guitar for sixteen years

now. I still have the first guitar I ever bought and play it

almost every day. I’d say that the investment and risk

definitely paid off.


If we look at the world of business we can find many individuals

who’ve taken big chances in order to reach their goals and be

successful. Michael Dell started his computer company out of a

dorm room on the University of Texas campus.

As a fresh-faced student, Michael left school to focus on a

company that would eventually become the No. 1 direct computer

sales firm in the world. If that’s not a risk, I don’t know what


Most parents would be mortified at the prospect of their

child quitting school to start a company at such a young age.

Ten years ago I didn’t know one person who had ever heard of

Dell Computer and now just about every adult person recognizes

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the name. Michael Dell understood the importance of vigorously

going after his dream, learning from his mistakes as he went.

After all, his goal in life wasn’t to merely have a college

degree, but to create a life that would fulfill his dreams.

Michael Dell took a big risk by quitting school in favor of a

small computer business. He worked hard to make his risk pay off

with huge rewards. Today, he’s the chairman of the most

successful computer company in the world.

There are plenty of other business examples of risk-takers

who’ve made mistakes in recent years. Earlier in the book I

mentioned eBay and its innovative system for building trust.

The innovative services introduced by eBay are only one

reason why it has been a very successful company in the Internet

sector. While many of the company’s contemporaries have been

acquired or run out of money, eBay has continued to grow more

profitable with each passing year, growing from profits of $7

million in 1998 to $250 million in 2002. This facilitator of

free trade on the Internet didn’t become one of a handful of

Internet blue chips by playing it safe, either.

Over the past five years eBay has been constantly moving into

new business areas and developing new offerings for its growing

customer base. Some of those moves, like moving into the

Japanese marketplace and the development of a customer payment

system, failed miserably and lost the company money.

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Other moves, like the purchase of PayPal, yielded high

dividends. So in order to find out what would work, eBay CEO Meg

Whitman and her staff had to activate some ideas that seemed to

have promise but failed. The key here was that the eBay team was

able to recognize their failures, adjust their plans and try

other things that eventually worked. Today, many people consider

eBay the most successful Internet company yet. I tend to agree.

Learn from their approach and you will be rewarded.

You may not be a CEO or even aspire to be a future CEO, but

taking those chances, making mistakes and adjusting is so

critical to finding even the least of your dreams.

What’s more important, though, is that you’ve grasped all the

philosophies that I’ve put forth up to this point in the book.

You’ll need to truly believe in what’s been presented in the

first few chapters in order to move on and get the full benefit

of what we’re trying to do here. So far we’ve talked about

concepts that you need to believe in, but as we move forward

we’ll explore the actions that you’ll need to take in order to

conquer your dreams.

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You’ve done well to come this far and I want to make sure the

message sticks. Take some time to reacquaint yourself with the

first three lessons of this book. Go through all the exercises

and re-examine your commitment to moving forward.

Once you’ve reviewed the first three lessons, come back and

start with the next lesson, where you’ll learn that people who

are succeeding in the professional world worry less about risks

and think more about how to sell their ideas.

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Lesson Four: Sell, Sell, Sell

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help

enough other people get what they want.”


Back when I was in my early teens my friends and I used to ride

the New York subway to Times Square in Manhattan. Once there, we

immersed ourselves in this totally crazy world of bright lights,

street hustlers, pinball parlors and adult-themed entertainment.

Mostly we’d just walk around like little tourists in a

crazed, adult version of Disneyland. We’d talk about getting

fake identification which hopefully would convince people that

we were eighteen years old. We’d eat pizza and just watch the

street. One Times Square staple from back then that has since

disappeared are the three-card monte dealers.

Three-card monte is a game where a person flips three cards

(two black and one red) around and when they’re done flipping a

player tries to select the red card. Back then this game was THE

street game in Times Square and it was also a big hustle.

Unsuspecting tourists or kids from Long Island would plunk

down forty dollars and try to pick the red card, with a hundred

dollar payout if they were successful. Of course, most of the

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time the tourists would lose and they’d have to fork over forty

dollars to the dealer.

The only winners weren’t really winners at all since they

were working with the dealers to give the impression that the

game could easily be won. Now this game was completely illegal,

but the zeal with which the operators plied their trade was

admirable. There they were taking this game that appeared to be

a total con and convincing people that they should actually

plunk forty bucks down on a street corner, with no guarantee of

a payout even if a real player won.

The three-card monte operators knew something that all

successful business people know. You’ve got to sell whatever it

is that your business or dream is.

The three-card monte operators could have stood there on the

street corner with cards waiting to be shuffled, but instead

they put on a show which gathered crowds and then those crowds

got sold on the idea of trying to make a buck by picking a card.

Since three-card monte is not a legitimate business, I certainly

wouldn’t recommend that kind of selling to anyone. Still, the

concept is the same when you’re promoting your business or



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If you have a dream, idea or business on your mind then you have

to be the first and foremost salesperson in order to make it

happen. You can do everything else right but without sales

skills your efforts to forward your ideas will be severely


Here’s a very important question: How did we get to the point

where so many business people, young and old, have forgotten the

importance of being good at selling? Remember when you were a

kid and you wanted to stay out past a certain hour and your Mom

or Dad would object? Did you ever start countering their

objections with, “But Mom, all the other kids are staying out”?

Or “Dad, please, if you let me stay out I’ll come in early


Between staying out late, going to the movies and staying up

to watch TV shows, I must have had thousands of debates with my

parents. Each one of those debates was a sales session. I was

selling my idea on leisure activities and answering their

objections one by one. Most of the time the parent wins the

debate but the times that you do win feel great.

Somewhere along the way I lost that zest for selling and so

do many other people. It’s probably because we get more

independent as we get older and have less to sell. Once we have

jobs and cars and reach college age the last thing we want to do

is have to convince people of what we should have or do. School

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doesn’t help much either. Teaching young adults how to sell is

not a priority in high school. I’ve never met a person who’s

been taught anything about the importance of sales in high


You may get some exposure to sales in college, but then the

focus is usually marketing, which isn’t nearly as important as

the ability to sell. Artists have it even worse because most

fine arts curriculums abandon sales altogether, leaving artists

at the mercy of large corporations to sell their work. These

corporations then give the artists pennies on the dollar.

Compounding the lack of emphasis on the importance of sales

in business (and life) is the fact that we come to view the

sales profession as a sleazy group of old men going door to door

trying to sell vacuum cleaners or useless life insurance. How

about those folks who call you up in the middle of dinner or

your favorite TV show trying to get you to buy a time share or a

satellite TV system? Those unsolicited types of sales definitely

give the profession a bad name because they are annoying people.

Coming out of college, and even after that, I thought of

sales as a dirty profession not worthy of my time. I wanted to

be an executive and be in charge of things while leaving sales

to the salespeople. Many people I’ve talked to feel the same way

about sales, but they haven’t learned the simple fact that

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everyone is a salesperson to some extent and if you’re not then

you probably need to be.

It took me a little while in the business world to re-learn

the importance of selling ability. I realized that my ability to

sell would make the difference between working for someone else

and being able to work for yourself. Like many people, I came to

this conclusion the hard way.

When I started my personal training business I had never been

in a position where I really had to sell in order to make a

living. So while I was focusing on learning to be a great

trainer I wasn’t making much money because I couldn’t sell to

clients. I quickly learned that I would have to sell in order to

survive in my new profession.

Everywhere I went after working as a personal trainer I found

that sales skills were essential. In the military I had to sell

my troops on training strategies so that my tank platoon could

be successful. As a technology consultant I had to sell clients

on our services while selling my bosses on my abilities so I

could move up in the organization. As a restaurant manager I had

to sell potential patrons on the idea that they would enjoy my

restaurant. My wife is an amazing photographer, but she never

really had a steady business on her own until I talked to her

about the importance of selling. By learning to focus a certain

amount of her time on selling skills she’s been able to gain

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more clients than ever. In all these situations, selling is a

common key to success.

This tenet of my philosophy even applies to folks who have

more traditional jobs working for large businesses. In the last

few years working for corporations as a consultant I’ve learned

that you need to sell in order to meet your career objectives

within a corporation. If you’ve got an idea that will benefit

the company or would like to move into a different area of the

business, then chances are you’re going to have to pitch that

idea and overcome the objections of someone higher up the chain

of management.

Without the ability to sell you’re likely to languish in

dead-end positions, with your best ideas never getting

implemented. I define dead-end positions as ones that fail to

challenge you and fail to fulfill your everyday needs as a

professional. If you’ve ever been in one of these positions then

you know what I’m talking about. It makes it hard to get up in

the morning and even harder to imagine your dreams coming true.

And this is why you have to sell!

My personal examples about selling may seem simple because

they are on a small scale. But when you start thinking about

selling in situations where hundreds of thousands of dollars are

at stake, then things really get complicated.

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As a consultant to the energy industry I became involved in

situations where that kind of money was at stake. It’s good to

realize the importance of selling early, and with small amounts

of money involved, so you’ll be ready to capitalize when the

bigger challenges arise.


My first step toward becoming a salesperson was recognizing that

I needed to be one. The second step was going out and getting

some knowledge. I read books and listened to tapes talking about

sales techniques and dealing with clients’ objections. I can

still hear Zig Ziglar’s voice from his sales tapes that I bought

and listened to a hundred times.

The next step was actually applying these methods and finding

out what worked. During this process I made mistakes and

adjusted. There were plenty of frustrating moments but I was

getting better by the day.

By now I trust that you’ve bought in on the concept that

you’ll need to sell to be successful. Otherwise, I haven’t been

a very good salesperson! Next, you’ll need to know how you can

begin to build your own sales skills.

Unfortunately, there are very few lessons that can accurately

depict the situation of really trying to sell to someone who

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needs to be convinced that your product or idea is worthwhile.

In school, people discuss sales techniques and learn to analyze

target markets. This preparation is nothing compared to dealing

with a live person who has many objections to what you’re

offering. This is all good because there are many “real world”

opportunities to hone your sales skills.

Real world situations are the best training grounds for

salespeople. You probably have many opportunities to practice

selling but you might not know it.

As a young paper delivery boy I focused on delivering the

papers on my route without ever thinking that I should be

stopping in on folks who didn’t get the paper to try to sell

them on the idea of receiving it. In this way I could have built

up my paper route and earned more money. I just wasn’t thinking

of selling. As a military officer I learned that I had to sell

ideas to my superiors in order to get approval for my plans.

Many times I fell short of convincing my bosses but I learned

from each attempt and honed my skills.

There are other options available to help you improve your

sales skills. When my wife started advertising her actor’s

headshot business I advised her on improving her sales skills.

One powerful technique for building sales skills is to go

through mock sales scenarios. Mock sales scenarios involve role

playing to simulate a sales situation. In my wife’s case we

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practiced situations where people would call her to ask about

photo services. I’ve also done similar exercises where I’ve sat

alone and talked myself through an upcoming sales discussion.

These mock sales scenarios allow you to identify weaknesses

or areas where you may stumble in presenting your ideas. They

also help you to build confidence in presenting a particular

topic. If possible, do some sales exercises alone to build your

confidence and then have other people work with you so that they

can give you their impressions of your approach and demeanor.

Between the mock scenarios and your work in real situations,

your sales skill should improve and give you a better chance at



Even with good sales skills there are still some very important

aspects of selling that you will need to master. All the skills

in the world won’t help you if you don’t know what you’re


Imagine if you’ve got an idea that you want to pitch to your

boss and at the last second before the pitch you were told that

instead of talking about an idea to improve revenues in your

department you would have to sell your boss on the idea of

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purchasing a new type of software that you know little about.

You would probably have a very rough time making the case.

It’s important to be as knowledgeable as you can be about

your idea, product or service. People feel confident when you

speak from a position of intelligence on a particular subject

and they are more likely to see it your way.

Besides just knowing a lot about what you’re speaking on,

you’ll also need to know any issues that aren’t directly related

to what you’re proposing but might affect the folks who agree to

your idea. If you have a proposal to reduce revenue in your

department you need to know how that proposal might affect other


If you’re trying to sell a product to someone you need to

know if it will have an impact on any other products a person

may already be using. As a personal trainer I had to keep in

mind how a specific exercise plan would fit into a person’s

lifestyle or personal preferences. You see, the more you’ve done

your homework, the better equipped you will be to deal with the

questions that you’ll be asked.

Yes, people will ask questions. Some will ask very few

questions and others will ask a lot of them. Either way, you

need to be able to answer the questions right away or at least

get the answers in short order. Your ability to answer people’s

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questions will be a major factor in determining whether or not

you’ll be successful at selling.


Questions can be easy to deal with compared to objections. It’s

highly likely that almost everyone you sell to will have some

objections. Objections are the reasons why a person has doubts

about buying what you’re selling. Objections don’t mean that you

can’t sell to the person; they just mean that you need to

provide more information.

The key to dealing with objections is being ready for them.

So when you’re selling anything you need to think about the

reasons why someone will reject what you’re offering. Once

you’ve done that, you need to think of rebuttals, or reasons why

their objections should not stop the sale. If you’ve followed

the last two tips by being knowledgeable and ready for

questions, then you should be able to handle this step provided

you’ve thought out potential objections along with the proper


There will be situations where you may hear a rebuttal that

you hadn’t thought of before. In that case you’ll need to think

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on your feet and come up with a rebuttal on the fly while

remembering that objection for any future sales discussions.

I recommend keeping a detailed log of objections that you can

refer back to before each sales call or presentation. Having

such a log allows you to be well-prepared for dealing with

objections in the sales process.


The last (and most important part) of selling is closing the

sale. To close the sale you simply need to ask for the sale.

There are many different ways to close the sale. If you’re

pitching an idea, you might summarize your key points and state

the chief reasons why you think the idea will be successful. If

you’re selling a product you might say something like, “So how

many of these would you like to order today?”

Closing the sale can be tough because it involves getting a

decision from someone in the moment. At the time you attempt to

close the sale there may be additional objections and questions.

The more experience you have in selling, the better you’ll be

when it comes to closing sales.

One word to the wise is not to try to close the sale too

early in the process. Make sure you’ve provided a decent amount

of information about your product, service or idea. The danger

in trying to close too quickly is that the other person (or

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people) might think you’re trying to get a quick sale without

considering their needs. Keep in mind that smart business people

will always ask questions and want solid information.

Learning to close takes time and effort. You’ll make mistakes

but you’ll learn from those mistakes. Whatever you do, don’t

forget to ask for the sale.


Once you’ve closed the sale, you haven’t finished your

responsibilities. Any good business person knows that the

closing of the sale is where your greatest responsibility


Once you’ve sold you have to deliver on your promises. So if

you’ve sold your boss on a new idea, then you’ve got to work to

make that idea pan out. If you’ve sold someone on a product,

then you need to deliver a product that does just what you said

it would do. Failing to deliver will hurt you in the long run,

as you might fool someone once but they will rarely allow you to

fool them twice.

While working as a technology consultant I saw too many

situations where companies promised big things for projects

worth millions of dollars and then failed to deliver on those


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As a business person you should always be aware of your

ability to deliver on a promise, and if for some reason you

can’t deliver, then you should be upfront about it. It never

feels good to admit when you’re wrong but it’s better to swallow

your pride than to cover it up.

With this approach people will respect you and just may give

you a second chance if you mess things up.

I’d like you to do a practice exercise that you should repeat

every so often to keep your sales skills sharp. Write down three

sales situations that you either have found yourself in or are

likely to find yourself in. The situation can involve a product

or service you want to sell. The situation can also involve an

idea that you want to sell. Write down a few things about the

situation first by answering the following questions: What is it

that I’m trying to sell? Who am I trying to sell to? What will

the people I’m selling to get out of my product, service or

idea? What are some objections that people might have to my


Once you’ve answered those questions for each of the

situations, imagine yourself trying to sell to someone who knows

nothing about what you’re selling. Tell the whole story and try

to imagine what questions you’ll answer, how you’ll answer

objections and how you’ll try to close the sale. This type of

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creative visualization will boost your confidence for selling in

real situations.


Even with the preparations that you’ll make for selling, you

will still hear the word “no” from people. I’ve heard a lot of

no’s for a variety of reasons and this leads me to an important

point about sales, persistence: To be successful at selling you

have to be persistent.

You may hear a dozen no’s or even a hundred no’s before you

hear the word “yes.” This will challenge your ability to deal

with rejection. Most of us are horrible at being rejected in any

situation and this is the reason why so many people avoid

selling their ideas. Remember, the word “no” doesn’t mean that

your idea is garbage; it just means that someone else doesn’t

have the same vision that you have. You must be persistent and

power through. If you quit after just a few no’s then you’ll

never know if you could have realized your dream.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon heard plenty of no’s when trying

to sell their script for the film “Good Will Hunting” but they

believed in their dream and kept adjusting and pressing on until

they got a “yes.”

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You hear stories all the time about business ideas that got

passed on by one company only to be picked up by another company

and become successes. Sure, many ideas and initiatives fail to

gain acceptance, but a good salesperson learns and moves on.

There’s another key in sales that allows you to persist even

in the face of mass rejection, belief.


You absolutely have to believe in your idea, dream, art (or

whatever) to sell them effectively. As the part owner of a small

restaurant I hustled more than any employee ever would. And I

sold the restaurant to anyone I though might want a good meal,

which was everyone, in my opinion. Belief and passion gave me

the ability to keep going and try new things even after my

restaurant was empty for three nights in a row.

Ask yourself this question: What do I believe in?

You will always be good at selling something that you truly

believe in. Think of the difference in your energy when you’re

speaking about something that barely interests you. Then think

about your demeanor when you’re talking about something you

really believe in. It’s amazing to see someone’s face change

when the topic changes to a subject that really interests them.

Their eyes light up, they start to talk a bit faster and get

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really excited. Their body language tells people that they’re

behind the topic one hundred percent and as a result everyone

around them is uplifted. That’s what you need in order to sell.

Anything less is just faking it and everyone will know it.

Take this moment and start writing down some things that you

strongly believe in. Include topics or hobbies that you really

love and enjoy. Imagine how you would sell each one as an idea

to a total stranger. I bet that you’ll have no problem getting

your energy up for this task.

Successful people learn to sell, persist, believe and make

things happen. The harder you work at it, the more positive

changes will happen faster.

A young man named Myles Kovacs is a shining example of a

business person who understands the value of sales. In the past

three years Myles has turned his passion for custom cars into a

multi-million dollar a year business that has gained nationwide


He started a custom car lifestyle magazine called Dub on a

shoestring investment of ten thousand dollars and has used his

magazine as a vehicle for selling car customization products and

services. He turned his passion into a successful business that

he loves. He’s also selling to and making deals with major

corporations to insure that his dreams continue to grow and

thrive. Myles has done all of this without a college education.

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Myles is living his dream and his ability to sell with passion

is making that dream happen.

Your goals may be more modest or they may be even more grand

than Myles’ goals, but you’ve got to sell to make it happen.

Even with great sales experience all of us have come to

understand that just about anything can happen even if you’re

educated and strictly following the lead of this book. Bad days,

weeks and even months will pop up when you just can’t seem to do

anything right. Our business and personal lives can be fraught

with pitfalls. That’s why I need you to read on and find out why

it’s so important to have heart.

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Lesson Five: You Gotta Have Heart

“Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success.

They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute

of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.”


As a kid growing up in the 1980s, I used to watch the New York

Jets play football on TV every Sunday during the season. The

Jets lost a lot more than they won, but no matter what the score

of the game I would always stay tuned for the two-minute warning

at the end of the fourth quarter.

At the two-minute warning the TV station would play a segment

called Fantastic Finishes. The segment was sponsored by a large

corporation and featured video clips of teams making amazing

last-minute comebacks to win games. The clips were fun to watch

but they were also very inspirational. You got the feeling that

amazing things were possible if you gave it your best shot in

the face of likely defeat.

One thing I’ve found to be true is that just like those

fantastic finishes, you too need to give it your best shot even

when the odds are against you. Many people call this having

“heart.” Whatever you call it, it’s essential for success in the

world of business.

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Remember these words: You will be judged in life not by your

actions during times of success, but rather you’ll be judged by

your actions during a time of adversity.

It’s easy to feel good and face the world when things are

going great. When things start to turn for the worse, that’s

when you’ll truly be tested. Inevitably, most new ventures or

ideas traverse rough ground at the start and then get better

over time. Some situations have longer cycles of failure and

success then others. Some ideas become successful and then

suddenly have a major setback and you’ve got to start all over


In your quest for something greater in life you’ll be in a

few adverse situations due to a personal or professional event.

And let me emphasize that everything I’ve covered up to now is

important, but without heart none of it will mean anything.

Tough times will arise and you’ve got to be prepared to stand

and meet them or be relegated to obscurity. Your ability to

react to adversity will ultimately define your existence and

determine whether or not you will reach your dreams.

I wish that my university had a class called Adversity 101,

where we would go through a variety of very difficult scenarios

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to help deal with future problems. It probably wouldn’t have

been very realistic but it would have been something. Just once

I would’ve loved to have heard a professor say to me, “The odds

are against you and you’ll need guts and strength to make a

difference in this world.”

At this moment, I want you to ask yourself a very important

question. How do I handle adversity? The answer to this question

will lead you to a very interesting place. This place will

identify how you’ll react when your business, idea or ambition

hits the rocky ground that I spoke of earlier. Do you sulk and

wallow in your problems? Do you gain resolve and take action to

improve your situation? Do you do a combination of these things?

You don’t have to write anything down yet but I’d like you to

take 30 seconds to think about this question before reading my

example of how not to react during adverse times.

One tale of adversity that begs to be explored is that of the

once-great Enron Corporation. Enron originally existed as a

pipeline company that changed its name and acquired a myriad of

other interests in highly speculative industries such as energy

and data bandwidth trading.

The leaders of Enron were ambitious and determined to build a

large, powerful and financially formidable corporation. For a

decade Enron enjoyed steady and profitable growth while

promoting a culture of backstabbing and greediness amongst its

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employees. Life inside Enron could be defined as a survival-of-

the-fittest culture. Weakness was not tolerated and high

performance was rewarded. Even as this dog-eat-dog culture was

being criticized, Enron’s stock price was high and this made

many people very happy, especially the thousands of people whose

pensions were fully invested in Enron stock.

In the fall of 2001, Enron fell apart like a house of cards.

It slowly came to light that revenues and profits had been

inflated for years through a variety of complicated schemes that

were completely illegal.

As Enron’s stock price fell, the company leadership prevented

employees from converting (selling) their Enron stock in the

pension plan. By the end of November 2001 Enron stock tanked to

less than a dollar a share from over $70 a year earlier. The

company declared bankruptcy, which effectively made its stock

worthless. As a result, thousands of people lost hundreds of

millions of dollars in life savings.

All the while, the architects of these sophisticated

schemes, including the CEO and CFO of the company, insisted that

they were innocent and vowed to fight any government charges of

fraud even with an ever-growing boatload of evidence against

them. The executive team of Enron made themselves poster

children of how not to deal with adversity.

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In their zeal to build a powerful corporation, the Enron

leadership team created a monster. The goals were so lofty that

any setback would seem like a major disappointment to

shareholders and the business world. Afraid to deal with these

setbacks head-on, key leaders devised schemes to cover up losses

while maintaining the veneer of a corporation continually on the

rise. These activities constituted one big lie. Even worse, as

things were collapsing around them, Enron’s leaders took actions

to make the situation worse for employees and shareholders by

preventing sales of stock.

The leadership of Enron showed their mettle in the face of

being caught red-handed. And their mettle did not include an

ounce of heart. Enron’s leaders faced moments of adversity when

they realized they could not grow the company by honest means

and then later when they were caught lying to the business

world. Faced with making hard decisions, they were dishonest,

which in this case lead to a very hard fall.


You cannot succeed in business or in life if you don’t have the

heart to move forward, and do it honestly, when you’re faced

with tough times. You have to be honest with yourself and you

have to be honest with the people around you.

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Being honest with yourself means that you have to

acknowledge your problem, whatever it may be. In the case of

Enron, one of its early problems was the fact that the company

could not continue to meet its lofty goals. Instead of

acknowledging this fact, the leaders chose to lie. The leaders

of Enron decided to fool themselves by denying the obvious.

In that case, the obvious move would be to change plans and

readjust expectations of growth. The business world is a hard

one and although there would have been criticism and doubt for

the new plans, in the long run the company would have probably

been saved. Enron’s leaders didn’t have the heart to make the

changes and handle the criticism; thus, everyone suffered.

Being honest with others is essential as well. The two really

go hand-in-hand because people who can’t be honest with

themselves will rarely be honest with other people. These folks

will continue to perpetuate a cycle of half-truths and outright

lies in order to cover up their indiscretions. The leaders of

Enron excelled in covering up to the business world and their

own employees. They created companies that looked legitimate

while they were really just instruments to help Enron be

dishonest. Had these folks been honest, there may have been more

than a few employees with the heart to step up and pitch in with

practical ideas on how to keep the company moving toward its

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goals. Instead, the executive leadership led thousands of

employees down the road to disaster.

Being honest takes real heart because it can often mean

that you’ll have to expose your missteps. Somehow, we’ve all

been conditioned to be afraid to acknowledge our mistakes. If we

live with this fear then we’re building our own walls between us

and our dreams. You already learned in Lesson Three that

mistakes are a part of life. Have the heart to admit your

mistakes honestly and you’ll stay on the path to your dreams.


My first real test of dealing with adversity in the business

world came only a few months after graduation from college. I

was miserable with my position as an operations manager for a

shipping company. The hours were long and the job was more about

survival than growth into a career.

One day I decided to confide in one of my bosses that I was

about to quit due to the heavy workload and stress of the job.

My boss, a guy named Doug Hartman, was a good person and I felt

like he would respect my feelings. I laid out my feelings while

he listened intently. When I was finished he said these words,

“Do what you feel is right for you because this life is your

own. But do yourself a favor and think for a second about how

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you’re going out. The job has you beat and you’re walking away.

That’s a bad way to go. Why not give it a little bit more time

and try to turn things around? Then you can go out knowing that

you don’t have to walk if something gets tough.”

Maybe Doug was being a good salesperson and selling me on

the idea to stay in my job, or maybe he just cared enough to

give it to me straight. Either way, I took Doug’s words to heart

and I devoted myself to leaving for a new career on my own

terms. I spent the next three months working to turn things

around and do a better job. It was a tough time and I was

challenged in every way but I walked out to begin my next career

feeling like I could handle any tough times ahead. Without that

speech from Doug Hartman and my acceptance of it, I would have

had none of the success that I’ve had to this day.

That first experience of standing up for myself and walking

out feeling good about things turned out to be the cornerstone

of dealing with adversity in my life. As the next adverse

situations arose in business, I looked back to my time as an

operations manager and gained resolve that I could deal with

things and continue to be successful. Each adverse situation was

stamped in my memory and created what some people call a frame

of reference.

A frame of reference is information in your brain that you

can mentally refer to when dealing with adverse situations. I

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learned more about frames of reference during my extensive

military training. In the Army I endured some of the toughest

physical and mental training that you can imagine while

preparing for real-life missions.

Often I would be taxed to my physical and mental limits,

going for extended periods without sleep while being extremely

active physically. There’s no way to truly create a fully

realistic combat situation in a training environment but you can

condition someone to go back to a frame of reference to assist

them when the time comes.

Someone who’s done something once will always be more

confident when they find themselves in a similar situation at a

later time.

And so it is in the world of business that the more times you

hurdle problems, the more heart you will have for dealing with

them in the future.


Remember, you can be humbled in this life and more than likely

you will face a few tough situations as you make your way. You

have to stay in the game and deal with it.

One specific example of dealing with adversity while I was in

the military was when I joined the U.S. Army as an infantryman.

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As a newly enlisted combat soldier in the Army I faced

challenges that I would never have seen otherwise. The mental

and physical stress that a person is put under in basic training

can’t be replicated by anything in civilian life. Me and the

fifty-three other recruits in my platoon slept little and worked

to exhaustion as the Drill Sergeants controlled our every move

throughout the day and night. While many saw no point to this

exercise, I could make a direct correlation to making it through

basic training and succeeding in the civilian world.

After a few days there were some people who wanted nothing

more than to get out of there. But where would these people go?

They weren’t thinking ahead and they certainly weren’t looking

to their left and right to see the others persevering with them.

They had lost the heart needed to go further and would never

know how far they could have gone. You see, in business and in

life quitting is a disease. Taking the easiest way out is a form

of quitting. Losing heart and quitting do not challenge you to

go one step further in your existence.

In the weeks to follow I would find my own theories tested

numerous times, but they couldn’t have been tested any more than

on the final road march of basic training. The infantryman must

complete a fifteen mile march in full battle gear with a weapon.

As we started to walk very early in the morning the rain began

to pour down. Everyone was soaking wet. After the rain stopped

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the sun came out and it became very hot. By the halfway point I

was drying out but my feet and back were beginning to ache. By

the ten-mile point I was hurting pretty bad. We would stop every

few miles but I was now unable to remove my boots since I feared

that my feet would swell and I wouldn’t be able to get the boots

back on. A truck drove up and down the line to pick up soldiers

who “fell out” of the march.

I wanted to stop really bad, but stopping meant quitting and

quitting meant going through this all over again. I thought back

to Doug’s speech. I made it back then, so why couldn’t I make it


There was one person on the truck but I would never go on

that truck. I was taking the hard road, but often the hard road

can deliver the greater rewards. I finished the march even

though I was in tremendous pain. I couldn’t walk straight for

three days afterward but I felt like a million dollars. I felt

like I could do anything and that’s the way you need to feel to

be successful.

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you wanted to

“get on the truck” and quit during a challenge? I’d be willing

to bet that the answer is yes. We’ve all had moments like that.

Had everything in my life come easy I probably wouldn’t have

learned those early lessons. I did learn those early lessons and

you shouldn’t be afraid to learn them too. The going will get

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tough in life and you will need to have the heart to move

forward in response.

Once again, there’s a direct correlation between your

willingness to take the hard road and your success in business.

The executives at Enron took the road that afforded them the

easiest path, in their eyes. They tried to take a shortcut to

success. They failed because there are no real shortcuts. You

have to put in the time and the sweat like I did on that road

march. The time and the sweat will pay off if you stay the

course, even if things get tough.

There is probably no greater testament to the power of heart

to overcome adversity on the tough road than the action in the

hours after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The city of

New York was gripped in fear with thousands dead and massive

damage downtown. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani marshaled forces from

all walks of life to begin a rescue and recovery effort unheard

of in the modern era.

Thousands of ordinary people took on the unthinkable task of

clearing away the World Trade Center wreckage alongside

coordinated efforts with the Police and Fire Departments, Red

Cross and dozens of other agencies. All the while, order was

kept in the city even though most police were assigned to the

area near Ground Zero.

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Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his inner circle had the heart to

make tough decisions at the city’s darkest hours. As a result,

millions of people knew that all was not lost and immediately

began a very difficult rebuilding process.

The mayor’s actions on that day did not go unnoticed. Leaders

of business recognized that someone with so much courage and

heart has the potential to make things happen in ways never

thought possible. Mayor Giuliani’s skills shouldn’t have been a

mystery. Over the past eight years he had helped to transform

New York from a down-and-out metropolis into one of the world’s

great cities.

Through his firm, Giuliani Partners, the Mayor now provides

crisis management, emergency preparedness and leadership

services to cities and corporations around the world. When

speaking praise for Mayor Giuliani, few cite his advanced

education but rather his experience running the city and ability

to handle even the toughest tasks as his strongest traits.


Henry Ford once said, “Obstacles are those frightful things you

see when you take your eyes off your goal.” The rewards that you

get from having the heart to face adversity can be elusive.

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Many times you probably won’t be able to see the end in sight

when you’re working through a difficult idea or dealing with

tough times in your career.

One thing that keeps me and many other successful people

going is vision. Having vision allows you to feel and experience

your outcome while still in the midst of your journey. I liken

it to believing in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Although the pot of gold is only a legend, your goals in

business can be achieved if you allow yourself to focus on the

outcome as a motivator through hard times.

Focusing on the outcome that you can’t see requires great

effort. Earlier in this chapter, I mentioned some of the

hardships I endured during military service. Those times are

some of the most relevant memories of times when it was

difficult to see the end of the rainbow.

My first military test was a fourteen-week infantry basic

training course at Fort Benning, Ga. Instantly, my life changed

from being a civilian with all the say over my time to being a

soldier in training with every moment decided by Drill


The first few days of this training were some of the toughest

times at that point in my life. There were a number of young

recruits who decided to quit training and return home. On one of

those days early in the training, the Drill Sergeants sat

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everyone down to talk about the people who wanted to go home.

One of the Sergeants urged everyone to remember why they came

and what their goals were. I took this message to heart, as I

was having my own doubts about the whole situation. I thought

about my original goals in joining the military. I wanted to

accomplish something in my life, learn about leadership and

serve my country. To quit at the very beginning would always

leave me wondering if I could have achieved those goals.

These goals were my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

A couple of years later I had the same feelings during my

fourteen-week stint in Officer’s Candidate School (OCS). Once

again, I thought about my original goals in wanting to become an

officer and those thoughts helped me to get through OCS and earn

my commission. To this day I’m not sad that I stuck around to

accomplish my goals in the military, as the journey itself

provided me with valuable knowledge and a strong frame of

reference for what hard times are about.

What I learned during my first few weeks in the military and

continued to learn throughout my military career and afterward

can work for you. If you allow yourself to visualize your

outcomes, you have a much greater chance of success.

The key to being able to visualize your outcomes involves

remembering why you undertook a particular venture in the first

place. You will have days when you will be working hard and

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working late into the night. At those times your morale may get

low. You may think about giving up. It’s during those moments

that you need to stop and think about the overall goal and also

think of the alternatives if you abandon your efforts. Great

champions and successful business people are all able to harness

their vision. It is essential that you do the same.

Take a moment to perform an exercise that involves

visualizing your goals. Think of a goal in your life right now

that you’d like to achieve but haven’t been able to complete as

of yet. It’s preferable to think of a goal that’s been difficult

to achieve. Write down some of the things you’ve been feeling

while you attempt to reach your goal.

Ponder these thoughts for a few moments and then write down

all the reasons why you initially set out to achieve your goal.

Take a few more moments to ponder these reasons and then ask

yourself if it’s still worth it to keep trying. I think you’ll

find that the answer almost all of the time is yes.


So how do we learn about heart? There’s no school out there that

can teach it. Even this book can’t give you a true idea of the

emotional strength that it takes to get through tough times.

Heart is an intangible trait that can’t be measured. Thus, it

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does not fit into the A, B, and C grade structure of higher

education. Heart doesn’t find its way onto the evaluation forms

you’ll encounter while working at a big corporation. And while

this fact may seem frustrating, it gives hope to people who

never fit into the system in the first place. And since this is

an intangible trait there’s no simple way to go out and “get”


I do believe that you can develop heart like one develops any

discipline. Being willing to face challenges is the first step

to building this inner strength. You simply need to want

something bad enough and then go after it. Test yourself.

When I was lifting boxes on a freezing loading dock in the

middle of a winter night I was learning about heart and I didn’t

even know it. I wanted something (money for school) bad enough

and I saw the goal (a fulfilling, financially independent

future) clear enough to keep moving forward.

The same goes for when I was marching those 15 miles in the

rain and heat. Each time I took on a serious challenge in my

life I learned something about myself and what I was made of on

the inside. Each time I completed a challenge I felt stronger

and surer of myself than the last time. I’ve slowly built on my

heart by taking on challenges and using them as a frame of

reference for future challenges. You will benefit by doing the


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Ask yourself this important question: Are you the kind of

person who takes on challenges or avoids them? Avoiding

challenges is usually called the path of least resistance. The

path of least resistance may get you further ahead in the short

term, but it won’t help in building heart.

Somewhere along the line you will run into an obstacle that

you must go through. When that time comes you need to be ready

for it. Take some time to ponder this issue. Do you look for the

path of least resistance or do you face challenges? Be honest

with yourself and decide how you will conduct yourself from this

day forward. Your decision to face challenges will have an

enormously positive effect on your life.

I understand that you may still have doubts about your

ability to persevere through very tough times and be successful.

I’d like you to take some time to think of situations where you

faced a hardship. Write the situation down and then consider

your reaction. Write down your reaction as well. You should have

a handful of these situations on the page. Look closely at them

and try to determine if there’s anything that you would have

done differently.

If you did persevere through a tough time, then remind

yourself what it took to get through. Remember the motivations

that you’ve had to come through adversity. Those same

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motivations will serve you well in the future. When you’re done

with this exercise, come back to the book and read on.

Hopefully you’ve got a much better idea of what “heart” means

to you now. Remember that tests of your heart in this life won’t

happen just once, ten times or even a hundred times. There may

be hundreds of situations in your lifetime where you’ll need to

exhibit that inner strength and courage which guides you to a

greater goal. Don’t fret because you can do it. In order to have

the ability to sustain through tough times it helps to focus on

the next tenet of my philosophy…

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Lesson Six: Leverage the Power of a Team

“Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a

team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”


Remember those three-card monte dealers that I talked about in

Lesson Four? Every time I went back to Times Square I would see

them running the same con in the same spot. After all those

years I figured that they must have been successful since the

average small business startup in New York City lasts for less

than a year. Their secret to staying in operation for so long

was this: Teamwork.

The three-card monte crews used teamwork to leverage their

efforts and outsmart the police as well as the unsuspecting

tourists who lost their money. You see, in addition to the

dealer and the patsy who would play as a show for the crowd,

there were always at least one or more lookouts who kept a

watchful eye for the police.

If an officer was approaching the game then the lookout would

make a signal and the dealer would scrap the game immediately

and walk away. As crazy as it may sound, their consistent

teamwork allowed them to keep operating and generating income

over a long period of time.

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The dealer himself could not run the game since without the

patsy it would be harder to generate interest in playing their

game. Even the dealer and the patsy could not do it alone

because if they got caught in the act of the game they’d be

arrested and that would definitely cut into their profits. So

the three-man team worked.

At least, it worked until Mayor Giuliani decided to have the

police force use some smart teamwork of their own to rid the

streets of these hustlers. In a city like New York there’s

always a bigger fish that can come along and swallow you up.

The three-card monte example may not seem like a practical

one, but it underscores the following fact: No matter what

you’re doing, you’ll need to build a solid team in order to


David Ogilvy, who turned $6,000 into an advertising empire,

once said, “Surround yourself with partners who are better than

you are.” Many other successful business people follow that

sentiment and focus on surrounding themselves with a quality

support team.

I first learned about the true value of teamwork while

dealing with dozens of complicated situations as an officer in

the Army. I was a platoon leader in a tank company, involved in

operations where groups of soldiers from five to 200 worked

together to complete a mission or solve a problem.

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One of the most important tasks we performed on a daily basis

was maintenance on our tanks. As a platoon leader, I was one of

the least-experienced people in my platoon in the area of tank

maintenance. At the same time I was ultimately responsible for

the mechanical health of the vehicles in my platoon. I simply

could not succeed in this situation without leveraging the power

of a team.

I knew that the Sergeants in my platoon were very

knowledgeable about the mechanics of the tanks so I put them in

charge of day-to-day maintenance of the vehicles.

While the Sergeants handled the day-to-day items that they

were skilled at, I focused on planning for our maintenance needs

and determining the items that our platoon would focus on in

each maintenance session.

All the while, I continued to build my proficiency in tank

maintenance by watching and listening. This approach resulted in

a higher quality of operation for our tanks, which meant we were

ready to handle our core mission.

I watched as some other people tried to take on too much

responsibility. Their results were not as good, as you can

imagine, because they were overwhelmed with details. By

utilizing teamwork as a necessity, I realized that using the

knowledge and motivation of people around me was the way to go.

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I kept these experiences in mind when I was running a large

New York City restaurant. There’s a lot more going on in a

restaurant than what is seen by the customer. When I started

running the restaurant I learned fast that the restaurant

business required the leverage of a great team in order to have

a chance in hell of surviving.

I immediately knew that my areas of strength were around

leadership, logistics and customer service. Obviously, the food

had to be great, so the first thing I did was evaluate my chef

and his kitchen staff. Lucky for me, the chef was first-rate and

I could trust him to run the kitchen.

Then I evaluated my servers who, thankfully, were very

reliable and friendly with customers.

Next, I looked at the bar staff and realized that they were

very weak and that we needed a newer and more motivated bar


I also identified weaknesses with our after-hours cleaning

crew and started work on finding a new group for that effort. I

leveraged my abilities as a good evaluator who can manage


I left the setting of the tables and the choice of décor to

my head waiter, who had a lot more style then I did. By focusing

on my strengths and weaknesses, evaluating each area of need and

adding (or replacing) the necessary team members, I was able to

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create a business environment where the restaurant had a strong

chance of success.

Take a few moments to assess the level of teamwork that you

utilize in your business life. Ask yourself a few pointed

questions. Am I using a quality team to insure that I get the

best results? Do I try to do everything myself? Am I overwhelmed

by the tasks I need to perform on a regular basis? Does quality

suffer because of my lack of experience in certain areas of

skill? Write these questions and the accompanying answers on a

piece of paper. Take a few moments to ponder the answers, then

read on.


While utilizing teamwork seems like such an obvious practice, I

keep meeting many people who get focused on trying to do

everything themselves. I’ve been one of those people.

I got used to doing everything I could in all my jobs as a

teenager since teamwork was rarely needed or stressed by my

employers. Later on, as an operations manager for a shipping

company, I tried to do the same thing and it drove me crazy. I

spent hours on tasks that would have taken me a fraction of the

time if I’d been smart enough to use some of the folks that I

had working for me. Utilizing a team makes sense because it

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lightens your load and gives you that much more chance at being


People who are running small businesses often try to carry

the complete load themselves. Imagine yourself running a

business and dealing with sales, marketing, accounting, customer

service, clerking, etc.

The simple fact is that it’s just not possible to do all

these things by yourself and still run a business effectively.

Maybe that’s why many small businesses fail within the first

year of operation. There are so many intricacies involved in

business that if you try to do everything yourself, then some

really important things will fall by the wayside.

One reason that many entrepreneurs try to do it all involves

money. It’s hard to enlist a lot of help when the budget is

tight and you need to make your dollars go far. You have to be

creative financially and really know the areas where getting

assistance brings you the most bang for your buck.

When I first started to assist my wife with her photo

business, I explained the facts to her so she would understand

and fully respect the enormity of the task of starting your own

venture. I wanted her to imagine having to do all the important

things a business owner needs to master while still having to do

the photo work as well.

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After taking a close look at the situation, we decided that

she should account for her own money but hire an accountant to

insure that she was in compliance with the tax laws and

regulations. We also decided that we’d consult a lawyer to make

sure that there were no potential legal problems with her

contracts for photo services. And I agreed to be her webmaster

and deal with marketing on the Internet.

Whenever she has a big photo job, we hire an assistant to

make sure that she can focus on the photography and the

assistant can focus on the less technical aspects of the photo


What we’ve done is put together a small but highly effective

team that allows my wife to manage a quality small business.

Without the assistance of a team she would have a great deal of

difficulty fulfilling all the needs of her business while still

producing quality products and services. Running the business is

still difficult but it’s manageable and very, very rewarding for


Looking around New York City, it’s easy to find other

examples of people utilizing teamwork to thrive. You can’t walk

down a major thoroughfare in Manhattan without noticing the

dozens of street vendors selling everything from coffee and

donuts to hot food cooked to order. These savvy entrepreneurs

make a good living working from their food carts but they

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certainly don’t do it alone. They have suppliers for all of

their food items and dry goods. They have storage spaces nearby

where they place their carts overnight and they have repair

shops where they take the carts for service. All of this allows

them to focus on the tasks of preparing and selling food.

Leveraging a team isn’t only important at the small entrepreneur

level, though. My example from the previous lesson about Mayor

Giuliani’s team illustrates how powerful effective use of a team

can be in larger organizations.

Mayor Giuliani was able to leverage the experience of the

commissioners of the police and fire departments when figuring

out how to make the city a safer place. He would consult with

the heads of the Parks Department and Department of Community

Affairs when dealing with issues related to improving the

quality of life for the city’s millions of citizens. Mayor

Giuliani knew the value in having the best people advising him

in each of these areas. He put a premium on taking the time to

select the right person for each job.

The mayor’s use of a team paid off nicely for the city of New

York. During his tenure, New York City experienced a renaissance

that defied everyone’s expectations.

Leveraging a great team made it all possible.

In the corporate environment the concept of teamwork can be a

puzzling paradox. I’ve experienced more than a few situations

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where people failed to work together as a result of petty

bickering or jealousy over someone who was in line for a

promotion over another person. Large corporations are very

competitive, with many people vying for a few big promotions

every year. Fostering teamwork in these kinds of competitive

environments is challenging, to say the least, but it can happen

if you’re smart and resourceful. I’ve seen both good and bad

examples of teamwork in the corporate environment, and when it’s

working right everyone feels good about it.

One of the reasons that people in corporate environments fail

to properly utilize teamwork is related to entrepreneurship.

People who are running their own businesses feel like

entrepreneurs and as such they value the leverage that a team

gives them. I know I’ve felt much more empowered and motivated

as a small-business owner than a corporate employee.

The fact is that many corporate employees aren’t empowered to

think like entrepreneurs. As a result, they shun teamwork in

favor of completing big tasks with minimum help so they can take

the credit for themselves. This is understandable since most

folks are just trying to make sure they get credit and have more

opportunities for the future. Lifting the whole load at the

office may seem achievable in the short run, but in the long run

it will wear a person down and reduce motivation. It certainly

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wore me down when I tried to run the whole loading dock by


Do you feel motivated to utilize teamwork in your work

environment? If the answer is yes then you might want to

consider selling your bosses on the power of teamwork. Either

that or you might want to find a workplace where you’re

encouraged to leverage a team. Remember, your working life is a

marathon, not a sprint, and you can’t win a thing if you burn

yourself out in the first half of the race.

Focus on your strengths, lighten your load and you’ll be well

on your way to brighter days!


In order to field the proper team to assist you in your business

endeavors, you need to evaluate your needs. Earlier I explained

the areas where my wife needed assistance with her photo

business. I helped her to determine those needs by asking some

questions. The following three questions went a long way in

evaluating her needs.

What area of my business do I do best?

What else do I do well?

What are things that I need to do that I can’t do well or

learn in short order?

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These three simple questions will go a long way in

determining where you need the assistance of a team. They

allowed us to easily identify that my wife would do all the

photography, picture editing and organization of photos. We also

decided that she would keep track of all her income and


By answering the first two questions, we had a clear focus on

what my wife could do best. The third question helped us to

identify where she would need help. In this case we immediately

identified that my wife needed help with marketing and Web site

construction and maintenance. I had some free time and the right

knowledge, so I offered to help with that. This question also

helped us determine that it was worth it to engage the services

of a lawyer and a tax accountant. Armed with a good vision of

her team, my wife was ready to move to the next step in her

business life.

While the previous example of evaluation works very well if

you’re an entrepreneur, you may feel a bit helpless if you’re an

hourly employee or in a large department of a corporation.

Strangely enough, the same example can still apply. The

difference is that instead of evaluating only your needs, you’ll

want to try to gather where the strengths are among your co-

workers. An easy task this is not. Evaluating people takes time,

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patience and a lot of observation. It pays off, though, when you

know where your strengths are and act accordingly.

You should evaluate your peers, subordinates and even your

bosses. Many companies don’t have a formal process to evaluate

up the chain. That doesn’t matter a bit. Know the strengths and

weaknesses up the chain and you’ll be able to react accordingly

when a situation comes your way that could leave you hanging out

to dry.

I like to think of myself as a manager of a baseball team.

Whenever I’m in a situation that requires a certain expertise I

think of the people available on my roster of possible helpers.

I remind myself of each of their skills. Then I get the right

person in the game to help my team win.

It’s time for an exercise about evaluating the need for a

team. First I want you to think of a current job, project or

idea that you are working on. Write down the details of the

situation as much as you can. Then think about the necessary

skill areas and write them down. For each area of skill, notate

next to each one whether you’re weak or strong in each area.

Isolate the areas where you are weak. Figure out which of the

weak areas you can learn in short order. This exercise should

help to show you what you do well and where you need assistance.

Now ask these two questions of yourself: What kinds of people

can help me? Are these people in any way available? If you have

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problems coming up with good answers, then ask for advice on the

matter. Remember Lesson One and find a good counselor on the

subject. In almost every situation there’s a way you can add

people to your team so you can focus on what you do best.


Once your ideal team is identified, you then have to set out to

bring the right people together. This may be the hardest part of

teamwork. Many people fall into the trap of picking team members

just to fill the roster and say your team is complete. This

approach is a bad idea. When assembling your team you’ll want to

keep in mind that the quality of your team members matters as

much as anything. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

and the same goes for your team.

Use some very basic rules when assembling your team and

you’ll be much more likely to have a good group. Choose people

who you can get along with. Choose people who have the skills

that you really need. Choose people who are motivated and want

to be a part of your team. Choose people who meet all of the

previous three criteria.

If you’re thinking that finding people who meet all the above

criteria is hard, then you’re right on. My best advice to you is

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to leverage the power of friends and people you trust to

recommend those folks that you might not know already. And if

you make a mistake and pick a poor team member, don’t hesitate

to find someone who better suits your needs. You don’t want a

weak link in your team to bring you (and your dreams) crashing

to the ground.

Once you’ve assembled your team, you’ll need to manage the

team. You manage the team in order to make sure that you’re

getting what you want out of the situation. Knowing what you

want was an important point in Lesson One, so don’t hesitate to

look back to that lesson to freshen your mind on the topic.


If you’re on track with me you’re probably asking the question:

How can I become better at utilizing teamwork to lighten my load

and make positive things happen?

First of all, you need to know how to relate to a team. As I

said earlier, in the corporate world I’ve seen many situations

where getting people to work together seemed impossible. In the

military I faced the challenge of getting people of a large

variety of social backgrounds and mindsets to work together

under a myriad of terrible conditions.

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There’s no definite formula for team success but there are

three things essential to having a chance at managing well:

1. Know your team members.

2. Respect your team members.

3. Don’t play favorites.

If you know your team members’ abilities, then you’re more

likely to put them in the spot that helps you the most. This

creates positive results. If you respect your team, you’re much

more likely to get that respect back and that leads to strong

performance. If you treat everyone equally and maintain an open

system where people feel like they count, then your team members

will feel unthreatened and be much more likely to give it their

all. This advice is good in theory and difficult in practice.

You build this expertise over time with a combination of

experience and an open mind.

When I started work on the shipping dock I had no idea

about how to make teamwork happen. I was a good worker at

loading trucks so I was quickly promoted to managing the team.

To me it was all about getting the freight out the door, so I

focused on that. I also ended up spending many hours after

shifts loading boxes.

One of the more experienced managers came in early one

morning and told me, “You’ve got to use your team.” I took those

words to heart. I made many mistakes like not following the

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three essential tips that I mentioned above to pull the team

together. I wanted to get better so I took the time and learned.

The key message here is that achieving success with even a

great team can be difficult. Think of all the sports teams

packed with great players who failed to win a title. In 2003,

the Florida Marlins shocked the New York Yankees to win the

World Series. The Yankee team was stacked with stars but was no

match for a solid and cohesive unit of hungry and not very well-

known players.

The 2003 Florida Marlins proved that a well-managed team can

make great things happen. Manage your team well and you can make

things happen for you.

You’ll see that you’ve greatly improved your chances for

success in business and in life by taking this advice and

leveraging the power of a team rather than trying to do

everything yourself.

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Three more lessons complete. You’re doing great. Review lessons

four through six to reinforce the material you’ve learned so

far. It’s critical that you grasp the previous lessons before

moving forward. These checkpoints are important in evaluating

your progress. Once you finish your review you can read a lot

more about the importance of evaluation in the next lesson.

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Lesson Seven: Constantly Evaluate

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”


Back in my early twenties, I started this process of self-

evaluation. I read a great book by a guy named John Bradshaw

called “Creating Love.”

In the book, John advocates examining your life to figure out

your motivations and true goals. This exercise of life

examination was also designed to improve personal and business

relationships, which hopefully would lead to some sort of

breakthrough. I was sold on the whole concept so I decided that

a true evaluation of my life was in order. As a part of this

evaluation I took a look at my current situation and asked

myself where I wanted to be in five years. I made an action plan

and set out to achieve my goals.

Five years passed and I realized that I had been where I

wanted to be for several years but had no idea where I wanted to

go from there. I thought that this whole evaluation thing was

something that you did every so often but not all the time. I

realized that I had a lot more work to do to get to the next

place I wanted to be.

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Here’s a key point: You need to be constantly aware of your

situation in order to insure that your career is heading in the

right direction.

In other words, you must constantly evaluate your situation.

You might be screaming at the pages right now, “But I’m

living my life and I don’t have time to stop and evaluate every

step of the way!”

Do you remember the introduction where I gave the example

about the rookie NFL quarterback feeling rushed with only three

seconds to throw? You may be at a point where you feel like

there’s no time, but one of your goals should be to develop the

poise necessary to take the time to evaluate. Most of us are

really good at evaluating the small day-to-day things but we get

caught up and don’t evaluate the BIG things. I’m sure you’ve

heard someone say, “so and so has lost sight of the big


Unfortunately, we all tend to lose sight of the big picture

and this jeopardizes our chances for success in business.

Let’s go one step further with this and do a quick exercise.

I want you to write an answer to the following question: How was

the last day of my life? Think of the last twenty-four hours of

your life, consider everything that happened, and then write

down your feelings about it.

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How long did it take? Probably only a few minutes. Now

consider the answer to this question: How has my whole life

gone? WHOA! That’s pretty heavy and likely to take hours or

longer to work on. It’s a difficult task, but only if you rarely

step back and evaluate where your life is headed.

Most of us, including myself at one time, rarely look at the

big picture. We get lost in the small details and we go off

course. Before we know it we’re in the wrong place and the

journey to where we need to be seems insurmountable. No worries

though, because if I can rediscover the importance of

evaluation, then anyone can. Besides, regular folks like you and

me aren’t the only ones who need to evaluate things.


American auto companies learned the importance of repeated

evaluation in the 1980s. With soaring gasoline prices and a

downtrodden economy, people became very aware of the costs

involved in purchasing and maintaining their vehicles.

Vehicles with large, gas-guzzling engines and high

maintenance costs were the norm from the big U.S. automakers.

Between the high cost of purchasing the vehicles, the small

warranties, and the cost of gas and regular maintenance, people

were getting fed up. So while the big U.S. automakers were

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coasting down the river, assuming that they could set demand by

producing the cars that they wanted, Japanese automakers like

Honda were preparing to shake things up.

Honda began to introduce smaller, less-expensive cars with

better gas mileage. On top of those things, Honda’s cars had

much better warranties than U.S. vehicles. What started out as a

trickle turned into a flood and within a few years the big five

automakers were losing tons of money, laying off workers and

generally causing a shocking ripple effect throughout the

economy of the United States.

It took over a decade for the U.S automakers to adjust and

recover from their sales slump, but the damage had been done.

Meanwhile, Japanese automakers kept evaluating and adjusting.

After the U.S. created import quotas in 1983, Japanese

manufacturers began moving production to the United States in

order to continue to increase their market share.

The U.S auto industry learned the hard way that not taking

the time and spending the money to evaluate things is a huge and

unacceptable risk. The Japanese auto manufacturers had an edge

because they were focused on constantly re-evaluating their


It has become increasingly clear that from the biggest

corporation down to the single individual, constant evaluation

is essential to success in business.

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Read the news every day and you’ll see that business is

changing. Your business is likely to change as much as any

other. Without evaluation of your situation, assets and goals

you will be lost. Still, many folks don’t take the time to

evaluate and insure they’re heading in the right direction.


Every moment of every day we’re all evaluating something. Right

now I’m evaluating whether this sentence I’m writing makes sense

to me. This morning as I opened my eyes I evaluated whether or

not I was too tired to get up. You’re probably evaluating

whether or not to keep reading or put this book down. All these

things are part of our unconscious evaluation process. This is

the evaluation process that we go through every waking moment of

our lives and it’s second nature to us.

In order to be successful in business we all need to tap into

the conscious evaluation process that deals with the more

complex and abstract issues in our lives. My reading of John

Bradshaw’s book helped wake me up about consciously evaluating

things. Once I began to take the time to examine the things

happening in my life I realized where the gaps existed between

my actual life and the life I wanted.

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A very important area of that life was my career. It didn’t

take much examination for me to realize that my career was

falling short of my expectations. I began to evaluate the status

of my career and positive changes followed. Without taking that

time for evaluation I would’ve never been able to move forward

and make the changes necessary to keep my business life moving

in the right direction.

In business as in life people get used to their everyday

tasks and much evaluation can fall into the unconscious realm.

This is a dangerous situation for a business to be in because it

is essentially on autopilot. When you’re on autopilot in

business there are many ways that the forces of the world can

act upon you and cause bad things to happen. The big U.S.

automakers set their business on autopilot for years and the

market forces of the auto industry acted upon them and they lost

market share.

I meet so many people who are on autopilot in their careers.

As a business consultant I meet hundreds of new people every

year and get to spend some time in their work environment. For

every motivated planner who’s thinking of the future, there are

three people muddling through in the present. These folks are

just trying to get through the day.

They are generally unproductive and certainly don’t appear to

be very happy. I totally understand where these people are

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coming from. Daily tasks and the pressures of life can force you

into autopilot mode. I’ve been there myself and that’s why I

recognize the importance of getting conscious and making the

choice to plot your course.

Are you on autopilot in your business life? When was the last

time you really thought about your current situation and

direction? Ponder the answers to these questions for a moment,

then read on.


Looking back at my high school and college years, I could see

that my ideas and perceptions about any kind of evaluation had

been skewed.

To me, an evaluation was something that occurred for a

specific instance or piece of work and nothing more. The way

people are graded in school on a class-by-class basis lends

itself to people focusing on individual classes instead of the

big picture of a total education.

In fact, after four years of college I still hadn’t pulled

together the meaning of all those different classes that I had

just taken. Because of the grading philosophies I had viewed

them as individual exercises when they were really supposed to

be one collective lesson. I learned this fact over the next

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couple of years as I was learning how to make a living for


The necessity for constant evaluation didn’t really start to

hit home until it began to affect my personal training business.

The freelance nature of personal training required me to

constantly evaluate or lose out on desperately needed cash.

Within a few months of getting into this exciting new industry I

was training a handful of clients and making a nice wage. I

thought I was doing very well since my clients were looking

better and commenting on how much better they felt. I was

focusing on what I was seeing on the surface, the small picture.

Then in one week I lost two of my five clients, who decided

to stop working with me. One former client decided to start

working with another trainer in the same gym. I was highly

distressed since these losses were going to take a toll on my


After some inquiries I found out that the clients had been

happy with my service and the results initially but then became

bored and wanted different and more strenuous workouts to keep

them excited about the routine. Like the big U.S. automakers, I

had assumed that my clients would accept what I gave them and I

never took time to talk with them to elicit detailed feedback.

As a result of these events I immediately re-evaluated how I was

dealing with my clients. The last thing I wanted to do at that

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point in my life was lose money. I realized that I had been

treating my clients like a class from college.

Once I had attained their business and showed them some

results I felt like I had earned that “A.” I didn’t learn about

constant evaluation in school but once it began to affect my

life and cash flow I gave the concept a good hard look.

Are you focusing on the big picture all the time in your

business life? Do you achieve things and then continue to follow

up to insure you’re on the right track? If you answered no to

either question then you should readjust your priorities to

include constant evaluation.


You use constant evaluation to lead you to success by evaluating

everything around you, whether it seems like a big deal or a

small deal. You evaluate the things that you are choosing to do

and you evaluate the forces that you can’t control.

My current business as an energy market consultant provides a

perfect example of how important it can be to evaluate

everything that affects you. My job is to advise companies on

the rules of regional electricity markets and provide guidance

on how they can better conduct business in these markets.

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In order to do this effectively I need to evaluate the rules

of the market, which are constantly changing. I also have to

evaluate the effect that rule changes will have on my clients’

businesses. I have to evaluate changes in technology to see how

they might affect a particular market as well as my clients. I

have to evaluate my level of knowledge on the energy markets and

my clients. There are more evaluations that I have to make on a

regular basis. Without these evaluations I would quickly become

a non-valuable resource in my industry.

Unfortunately, for many people the task of setting goals and

evaluating is one that seems to fall by the wayside as life gets

busier and we get wrapped up in day-to-day living. Living and

running a business day to day is one of the simplest traps to

fall into, but luckily it’s also easy to get out of that trap.

You can stop at any point in the process and evaluate your

current situation.


The process of evaluation begins with a few questions, continues

on with action and never really ends. An exercise is in order to

get your brain jumpstarted on the process of evaluation. You can

start by taking stock of where your life is at this moment. A

powerful exercise involves some open-ended statements that allow

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you to elaborate and understand how you feel about your current

situation. Try working through these statements:

My life is…

My career is…

My family is…

My finances are…

My love life is…

Write down the continuation of these statements and you may

be surprised at what you find out about your life, or more

exactly your perception of your life. Our focus here is mostly

on evaluating your business life, so I’d like you to follow up

with some more direct questions that will address specific

business issues. Some relevant questions are:

How do I feel about my current career?

How many clients do I want to have?

How knowledgeable am I about my business?

What other fields of endeavor am I interested in exploring?

How knowledgeable am I on the latest trends in technology for my


What promotions or incentives would I like to receive at work in

the near future?

Be as detailed as possible when addressing each question.

Include suggestions for building on the positive areas and

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improving on the negative areas. Write it all down, then take

some time to ponder it and review.

Ask yourself these questions and as many others that you can

think of. You should keep asking questions until you feel like

you have enough answers to paint a realistic picture of your

current situation. When I had my personal training business

dilemma I asked myself some of these questions:

Do I have enough knowledge of fitness to provide my clients

with varied workout routines?

Have I paid enough attention to the needs of my clients?

How many clients do I want to have three months from now?

These questions and the resulting answers shined a light on

my weak areas and allowed me to take action, and action must be

taken. The big U.S. automakers had to act in the 1980s or they

faced a possibility of extinction. Their evaluations led to

changes in the their approach to the car business. The

evaluation of my training business resulted in information that

allowed me to improve my business situation and get a better

grasp on my future goals.

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The first part of my discussion on evaluation deals with

questions and answers. The second part deals with action. The

process of evaluation is indeed an action in itself, but

following up on the information gained by evaluation is what

makes the effort worthwhile.

Once I evaluated my personal training business, I took action

in order to change the direction of my business. You’ll need to

take action to change your situation as a result of your


Taking action is a critical and very rewarding part of the

complex evaluation cycle. You’ll notice that I referred to

evaluation as a cycle because it’s a continuous process that

ends when you quit growing, which should be never!

The cycle goes like this: Evaluate, take action and evaluate

again. It may sound like you’re going round and round but you’ll

actually make great progress because you’ll have a much better

idea about what critical issues need to be addressed in order to

keep moving in the direction that you want to go.

After evaluating the changing auto industry, U.S. auto

companies built smaller cars that required less maintenance and

had longer warranties. I took specific actions to save my

personal training business. I changed my training philosophy and

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re-evaluated my clients’ workout routines every six weeks. I

devoted more time to studying exercise science so that I could

offer clients more varied and exciting workouts.

The moves paid off and I was soon able to get and, more

importantly, keep clients for a longer period of time. The net

effect was a steadier flow of income and the ability to continue

in a business that was much more desirable to me than a nine to

five job.

Let’s start an exercise on taking action with the results of

the exercise from the previous section. You asked yourself a

number of questions aimed at evaluating your current situation.

Armed with those answers, I want you to spend some time thinking

about the actions that you should take as a result of your

evaluation. Here are a few examples from situations in my life

to get you rolling on taking action:

Question: How do I feel about my current career?

Answer: Good, but I’d like to explore other opportunities.

Action: Perform research on other careers that might interest


Question: Do I have as many clients as I like?

Answer: No, I’d like to have more clients.

Action: Create a new marketing plan. Make it a daily priority to

talk with people about my business.

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Question: Am I as knowledgeable as I need to be about my


Answer: No, I need to learn more about my business.

Action: Seek out more knowledge by reading a new book each month

on topics related to my business.

These are very simple examples but they can be as complex as

you need them to be. I recommend that you start working on

evaluating the simple things before you move on to more complex

issues. This approach will help get you used to the cycles of

conscious evaluation and action.

Go through the cycle of evaluation and action at least every

month from this point forward. Identify areas for evaluation and

continue to monitor them. Once you’re in the swing of evaluating

your business situations, I recommend evaluations on a quarterly

basis just like companies evaluate their finances. Regular

evaluations will keep your ship heading in the direction of your


As you go through continuing cycles of evaluating and

adjusting you’ll notice that your goals will always seem more

attainable. You will know where you stand and you will have the

opportunity to consciously plan your future. At the same time,

it will be hard work because evaluation will force you to look

at things that would otherwise go unresolved.

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I liken the evaluation cycle to facing a tiger that lives in

your closet. You know that the tiger has to go if you want to

feel safe. You figure if you keep the door closed maybe the

tiger will leave your house on its own. Facing the tiger is

tough, but removing the tiger is very rewarding.

I hope you’re excited about self evaluation. You should be,

given that it will change your life in a very positive way and

open the door for the next liberating tenet of my philosophy…

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Lesson Eight: Never Stop Learning

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone

who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to

keep your mind young.”


I woke up one morning in May of 1991 and breathed a great sigh

of relief. “That’s it,” I thought. “I’m finally finished with my


It was my graduation day from college and I was to receive my

Bachelor of Science in Business Management. I had been worn down

by sixteen years of schooling while trying to grow up. I was

ready to put education by the wayside for the rest of my life. I

was ready to practice everything that I had learned and do great

things out in the world.

I had a problem, though. The problem was that I wasn’t even

mature yet. I knew very little about what was in store for me in

the business world. I may have been a graduating college senior

but I was still a freshman in life.

Like many young people I thought that I knew it all and was

ready to move forward in life without investing any more time on

the pursuit of knowledge. What I was primarily interested in was

the pursuit of some money and a chance to live on my own.

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This philosophy seemed to work for a short while, as I earned

a regular salary and gained a small measure of financial

freedom, but then I hit a hard wall. You see, the knowledge I

gained from high school and college was enough to get me my

first job, but it wasn’t enough to help me achieve the continued

goals that I would have in life.

I wanted to get a place of my own, do things that were

important to me and, of course, make more money along the way.

After a few months of full-time work I felt like I wasn’t making

any progress. I had a lot more to learn before I could start

moving in the direction of my goals. I needed to embrace the

following fact: You can never stop learning if you want to

succeed in the world of business.

My journey to a renewed attitude about education came around

the same time that I wanted to leave my job at a shipping

company and pursue a more fulfilling career. Having already

spent four years in college with my parents eager to see me make

it for myself, I had no choice but to embark on a journey of


Frankly, I had neither the money nor the time to go back to

college. One positive note that helped me move forward was the

fact that I had taught myself to play guitar over a period of

about three years. Knowing that I had some ability to learn

effectively without a teacher in my face spurred me to go out

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and gain the knowledge needed to get in on the ground floor of

personal fitness training.

Take a look at your own situation for a moment. Have you

reached a point in your life where you’re coasting on the

knowledge you gained five or ten years ago? Are you actively

seeking out new learning experiences? If you don’t have a plan

for continued learning, your business skills will erode and your

possibilities will be limited.


If you take a look at the events in this world over the last ten

years, there are some pretty powerful illustrations of the need

for ongoing personal education.

Since the early 1990s the technology revolution has swept

over the world like a massive tidal wave, turning paper-based

communications into a flood of bits and bytes. The Internet,

high-speed and wireless networking have enabled an information

superhighway that has transformed virtually every industry on

the planet.

Back when I graduated from college the computer skills that

were being taught focused on programming in languages like BASIC

and using non-graphical spreadsheet programs like Lotus 1-2-3.

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Twelve years later, you probably couldn’t find three people out

of ten who even know what those things were.

In 1991 the Internet was something that was only used by the

government and the military. Now everyone is aware of the power

of the Internet. And of course, there’s e-mail, which has become

the single most efficient and cost-effective communication

method in modern society.

While technology changed, industries changed along with it

and people’s perceptions about how business can be conducted

changed. As a result, the expectations of people’s knowledge

have changed as well. So now a secretary is not just expected to

know how to type and file, but how to use Microsoft Word,

navigate the Internet, manage e-mail, and maybe a database or

two. This expectation is all fine and dandy for someone who’s

been to school in the last few years, but what about the people

who graduated in 1991?

The answer is simply that you must continue learning or face

extinction in business and in life. Without continued education,

it’s impossible to keep up with all the changing trends and

standards in the world of business. The people who turned their

backs and refused to recognize the technological revolution have

become marginalized, downsized and phased out.

It’s a horrible thing to realize that people can be pushed to

the edges of society by technology, but similar circumstances

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have occurred in every era. People in the early 1900s who did

things by hand were replaced by people who operated machines.

Those people who operated machines were replaced in the 1990s by

people who programmed computers that operated machines. Anyone

who was resting on their laurels thinking that they could coast

along for twenty or thirty years to retirement got a big shock

when their boss let them know that they were being replaced by a

newer model that never takes a coffee break or has to use the


The skills that the average person needs to continue working

on to be successful go far beyond technological ones.

Interpersonal and communication skills need to be honed in order

to deal with people in the myriad of situations that you’ll

encounter in your business life. Do you think you learned all

the interpersonal skills you needed in college? Wherever you’re

at now, do you think you know everything about these types of

skills? Or any other skill, for that matter? The masters of any

subject know that there’s always more to learn.


The process of going through high school and college with big

fanfare at the end of each fosters what I call “The Graduation


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The graduation concept involves the impression of finality

given by the completion of structured educational programs.

Graduation is portrayed as coming to the end of a road. This is

not reality, though.

In reality, the end of one learning experience is the

beginning of another in a process that goes on and on until you

die. If we adjust our thinking, we can realize that the purpose

of higher education should be to learn how to learn rather than

trying to learn as much as you can in a four to six-year period.

After all, you’ll spend much more time out of school than in it.

I once read a Zen proverb that said, “Before enlightenment,

chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and

carry water.” To me, this statement reflects the exact opposite

of the graduation concept and it’s exactly the attitude everyone

needs in order to succeed in business.

I could beat you over the head all day with quotes about the

importance of ongoing learning. You might even be thinking that

what I’m saying is simply common sense. Yeah, it is common

sense. But how many people stay on course and follow through on

this common sense throughout their lives? Are you continuing to

learn by actively taking steps to expand your knowledge and

understanding in this world? Do you feel like you’ve “graduated”

and have no more need for seriously educating yourself? If you

feel like you’ve graduated then you’ve got some work to do. Even

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as you read this the world is changing. Your ability to adapt to

those changes will be a major factor in determining your

business success in the future.

Remember, the brain is a muscle. Like any other muscle, the

brain needs exercise to stay strong.


If you’re like most people you lead a busy life. So you might

have some objections like, “But I’ve got to work and raise a

family and I don’t have time to be a student of life.” That’s a

good point and leads us to an important question. How do we

continue meaningful learning while functioning in the world,

meeting our responsibilities and forwarding our goals?

In response to that question I’ll feed you some more common

sense for dinner and tell you that like anything else, you need

to make time for learning. Think about it. We make time for so

many things in this life like television, magazines, extra hours

of sleep, overtime at work, vegetating, spending time with our

family, etc. Now some of that time is very well-spent and some

of it is not. You need to find the time that is not well-spent

and carve some of that out and make it learning time.

As children we made time for learning without even knowing

it. Take a look at kids playing and you can see them using their

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imagination, asking questions and repeating things that they

hear. Children are like sponges that absorb all kinds of

information. And as a result they learn things at a rate that

most of us can’t comprehend as adults.

Take language, for instance. Children will learn the basics

of a language just by listening and observing. A child can learn

to speak just about every language that they’re exposed to

during their formative years. As adults that learning curve

takes a lot more time. Part of this is because we’re so used to

speaking and hearing our native language, but it’s partly a

result of the fact that we’ve denied our ability to continue to

learn rapidly even as we get older.

As adults we have to work a little harder and consciously

make time for learning. All successful people make that time and

there’s no reason that you can’t. When I started my personal

training business I used to read fitness books while on the long

subway ride from Queens to Manhattan. Things like audio books

allow us to gain knowledge while driving our cars or listening

to a portable music device. Leveraging technology is a great way

to make sure that you have more time for learning. Of course,

you have to take time to learn about new technology in order to

get the benefits.

Take a few moments to think about how you use your time.

Write down a time overview of the last few days of your life.

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How many hours did you spend watching TV? How many hours did you

spend commuting to work? How much time are you spending with

family and friends? Do you have a steady routine or does your

routine change on a regular basis? How many hours are you

sleeping a night?

Seriously take the time to evaluate how your time is used.

Then find what I call “moments of opportunity.” These are times

when you can afford to make time for learning. You might watch a

little less TV. You could wake up half an hour earlier. You can

listen to an audio book while commuting to work. Commit some

time to mapping out how you use your time and you’ll have a much

better chance of utilizing moments of opportunity.


Once we realize how important it is to embrace continued

learning in our lives, we’re presented with an important

question. What things do we need to continue to learn? The

answer to that question really depends on the person. I believe

there are certain areas that everyone should continue to develop

no matter what your goals in business are. These are areas that

I call general knowledge areas.

On the other hand, each person has individual goals and

interests that don’t necessarily relate to what other folks are

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trying to accomplish. I call these areas specific knowledge


The most important general knowledge areas are the ones that

will support the possibility of success in business no matter

what your goals are. No matter what business you’re in or what

your goals are, you’ll always need to be highly skilled in the

management of people and money.

Owning up to the reality of the high-tech landscape has

caused me to dedicate myself to building skills in the area of

computer technology. The simple fact is that any job or business

that you’re involved with will require strong computer skills in

order to be successful. In addition to computer skills, sales,

marketing and customer service experience have proved to be

important general knowledge areas which have helped keep me

competitive in the business world.

Let’s make quick list of the general knowledge areas that

will make the greatest impact in your business life.

Management of people

Management of finances

Computer skills

Sales and marketing ability

Customer service

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I want you to spend some time thinking about your background

in each of these areas. Make an honest assessment about how much

time you’ve been spending in trying to gain the skills that you

need. I wouldn’t expect you to become an expert overnight, but

you must consider these skills in your action plan for continued


The general knowledge areas will support you no matter what

business you’re in, but the specific knowledge areas will make

the difference between you and your competitors.

When I became a personal trainer my specific knowledge area

involved physical fitness. This differed greatly from my job as

a shipping manager, which required me to have strong logistical

skills. I was very motivated to make a change and I spent many

hours cracking the books and learning about physical fitness in

order to make the switch from one career to the other.

My ability to learn made the move possible and gave me the

freedom of choice in my profession.

Your specific knowledge is your bread and butter. If you want

to change industries or careers, then you need to figure out

your new specific knowledge area right away. If you want to

improve on your current situation, then you’ll need to shore up

on your existing specific knowledge area.

Take a few moments right now to think about what specific

knowledge is required for either your present career or the

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career that you want to move into. Write down a summary of this

information and keep it in mind as you continue your lifelong

learning process.


When you’re learning new things it’s a fact that the process

requires a serious commitment. In most cases you will be engaged

in learning activities while practicing your chosen craft and

earning a living. This balance can be a difficult one, but it’s

hard for most people to forego a paycheck for a few months while

they learn a new discipline or refine an existing one.

More than likely you’ll need to learn on the fly and you’ll

need to be smart in the first place to make that happen. The

good news is that you can do it! I’ve been involved in six very

different careers since college graduation. In addition, I’ve

learned to play the guitar and build Web sites. I learned all

the skills needed for my endeavors while I was working, dealing

with everyday responsibilities and forwarding my goals in life.

If you ask me how I did it I can tell you simply that you

need to: Create a culture of learning in your life.

Whole companies have learned that creating a culture of

constant learning can provide enormous benefits and give their

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business a decided edge over their more stagnant thinking


General Electric Corporation (GE) is a perfect example of a

company that has developed a culture of learning, which has in

turn fostered success in the world of business. GE is a large

company with multiple business units and they’ve promoted a

learning culture in order to continue to diversify and grow

their business.

Some might see a diverse array of businesses as a difficult

environment in which to foster a culture of learning. The

leadership at GE realized that they could use this diversity to

their advantage. GE views their diversity as a limitless source

of learning opportunities and a storehouse of ideas.

Besides just having the ideas and sources of knowledge, GE

has taken action to insure this information is spread across the

organization. They do this by bringing together people from all

levels of the organization to work on problems, share knowledge

and create action plans to help in all areas of the company.

GE’s leadership makes sure that these types of learning and

sharing events occur across all the diverse business areas,

calling it “Horizontal Learning.” There’s no doubt that this

approach has been a major factor in GE’s growth and success over

the past twenty years.

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As an individual, you need to believe that you can learn

continuously in order to break through to a culture of learning

in your life. It also helps to have good reason to want to keep

learning. Once I started on the personal training business I

quickly realized that in order to be competitive and make good

money, I needed to be highly knowledgeable in not only specific

knowledge area of physical fitness, but the general knowledge

areas of marketing, sales and customer service as well.

I learned bits of all these areas over the years while

working on many jobs during school but this was like a master

course because there could be no excuse that this was just a

“part-time” job. I needed to learn in order to survive in this

new world, so I went out and found information where I could. I

scoured books, audiotapes and magazine articles for relevant

information, filtering out things that seemed counterproductive

and applying information that made sense. I also learned much-

needed personal training and business skills from other

successful trainers in the gym.

I left no stone unturned in my post-college education aimed

at achieving my goals. Knowledge will not necessarily find you.

You need to seek out knowledge wherever you can find it. All

kinds of knowledge are freely available if you’re willing to

take the time and the effort to go out and find it.

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My culture of learning involved absorbing learning into every

aspect of my life. Using this technique, I was able to process

large amounts of information and get smart on a lot of important

topics very quickly. This approach took up a lot of my spare

time, but I was at a place in my life where I was willing and

able to make those types of sacrifices.

My experience creating a culture of learning in my life came

in handy during my time in the military as well. One of the key

missions that we had as soldiers was to constantly learn and get

better at the basic skills as well as our military specialty.

From basic training to officer candidate school to my time as an

armor officer in Germany, almost everything I did involved

learning something new.

When I was in charge of maintenance for my tank company, the

weekly maintenance day was not only about insuring that our

vehicles were in great shape. Every week we would focus on a

different part of the tank and have a training class about it

that involved hands on training and lectures. Each week,

different people were assigned to lead the class so they

themselves would learn about preparing and delivering training.

This process insured that everyone in the unit was knowledgeable

about the vehicles, which were our lifelines during combat.

This is just a single example from my military experience but

there are hundreds more. Given the way I saw the culture of

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learning embraced in my military experience, it’s no wonder that

our armed services are able to do incredible things while under

amazingly short deadlines.

Chances are that you’re in a different place in your life

right now then I was at the start of my personal training or

military careers. That’s okay because no matter what your own

situation is like now you always have the time to decide how you

will shape a culture of learning in your life.

You might be wondering exactly how you can begin to shape

this culture of learning in your life. The best advice that I

can give is first and foremost to make every part of your life

about learning.

I’ve frequently put myself in positions where continued

education was not only helpful but completely necessary. From my

time as a personal trainer to my stint in the military, the

restaurant business and then consulting I’ve been challenged to

master new concepts. I recommend that you take the same approach

and take advantage of challenges to help spur learning in your


You should seek out the most relevant and available sources

of information on the things you want to learn. These days there

are so many learning options, with the Internet, books,

magazines and even continuing education learning classes as

viable options. You need to take the time to evaluate these

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sources to see if they can fit into your learning culture.

Evaluate these sources based on the time you have to spend as

well as their cost.

Another very important way to help build your learning

culture involves people. Just like I recommended a counselor in

Lesson One for advice on important issues, I recommend

surrounding yourself with people who know more than you do and

learning from them. These people could be friends, co-workers,

employees or simply people who share the same goals as you do.

Just as GE uses diversity to their advantage, you too can use

the diversity of people’s knowledge to help you be more

successful in business.


Getting the knowledge you need starts with making a commitment

to lifelong education and then following up on it. After all,

everyday life has a way of nudging its way into our best-laid

plans. Before you know it, months and years go by.

For me, the commitment came at the point where I realized

that my school education alone wasn’t going to take me as far as

I wanted to go. You might commit under similar circumstances or

you might be the one who ends up laid off (or downsized) and in

need of a new profession.

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You might also be at a point in life where everything is

going well but you feel like you want to expand your horizons.

Whatever the reason, you can see that a commitment to ongoing

education is essential to being successful in any business. The

toughest part, though, is the execution of the action plan for

educating yourself.

First, you need to decide on the areas that you feel need

improvement. Then you need to be able to access the proper

knowledge and set aside the necessary time to learn. Finally,

you need to teach yourself or work with others who will teach


Next, you need to find your best sources of knowledge and

mine them for all they’re worth. You just have to take the time

to seek out knowledge. You can’t take for granted that knowledge

will just come to you. You must be on the hunt, period.

My experience in the lifelong learning process is that if one

has an open mind, one learning experience will lead you to the

next one. I’ve also learned that you can’t learn everything at

once, so patience is a key here. Your skills in a particular

area of knowledge will be limited as you start to learn

something new, and it can be frustrating. Don’t worry. Lean on

your stronger areas of knowledge until you learn what you need

to in other areas. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so be patient and

learning will pay off.

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The process for making the commitment to learning happen also

hinges on your ability to follow the evaluation steps laid out

in Lesson Seven. Taking the time to properly evaluate your

situation will give you the necessary information to move

forward with your learning action plan.


When I decided to make the move from the military world back

into the civilian world, I came up with an action plan for


The first question that I asked myself was, “What do I want

to do for a career after the military?” I tried to think of

areas that I found interesting that could also provide a source

of income. Computer technology quickly came to mind since I

really enjoyed working with my home computer and using the


The second question I asked myself was, “What do I want the

job to be like?” My answer was that I didn’t want to be in a

normal nine-to-five office job. I wanted more autonomy and a

flexible schedule. Basically, I wanted something very unlike the


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After deciding to focus on a computer-related industry I had

to do some research on the types of jobs available in the field

of computer technology.

I read a few books, magazines, looked on the Internet and

asked advice from friends who were working in the civilian

world. There were so many job possibilities like programmer,

designer, database technician, Web developer, technology

architect, and on and on.

I was completely puzzled and a little frustrated. One day a

friend mentioned the field of technology consulting, where

companies work with clients to assist them in meeting their

computer needs. I was immediately interested because this work

involved computers as well as customer service. I’ve always been

very excited about serving people. Other components of the job

included travel and the possibility of having Fridays off. All

these things appealed to me, but I still had more learning to


I began to research the different companies in the field to

try to find out more about what they did for their clients.

Knowing facts about a company is key to getting in the door. I

asked myself another question: “How do I go about landing a job

as a technology consultant?”

Within a few weeks I was able to find a company that

specialized in placing former military officers with consulting

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firms. They even gave me homework to increase my chances of

having a successful interview with my prospective employers.

This whole process took place over the two months before and

two months after my discharge from the military, and it involved

non-stop evaluation and learning. I wasn’t able to save too much

money as a military officer and I needed to pay for a place to

live back in New York, so I was motivated. The motivation paid

off because within two months of my discharge I was starting a

new position as a technology consultant with a very large and

well-respected firm.

Without taking the time to evaluate and develop a learning

action plan, the results that I achieved might not have been

possible; at least, not so quickly. I’ll never really know how

things would have gone differently without the preparation but I

don’t think that they could have gone better.

Here’s the big question for you. Do you think that your

future is as promising without an action plan to continue your

education? We both know the answer to that question. Today is

the day to start a learning action plan. Take this on as an

exercise and write an action plan before moving on to the next

lesson. Ask yourself those important questions, come up with a

simple plan and execute!

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I’ve done well on my journey so far and none of it would have

been possible without a commitment to continued learning.

Experience has also taught me that I would need to keep my eyes

open for new learning experiences if I wanted to continue to

have success.

Once your horizons start expanding you’ll also be ready to

make some more moves in your career and in life.

Although a time like this can be very exciting, it can also

be stressful because a lot will be happening that you’re not

used to. That’s why you’ll need to follow the next tenet of my

philosophy and beat the world to the punch.

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Lesson Nine: The Power of Anticipation

“Change is coming in your life. Sometimes it comes quietly and

sneaks up on you. Sometimes it bowls you over like a sudden

storm. Either way, change is coming, change is happening and you

need to be ready to deal with it.”


Back around the time I was searching out a new direction after

college I took the time to read a few books about management and

organization. My plan was to try and find a few nuggets of

information that made sense to me and then apply them in my

endeavors. It seemed to me that the information I had gotten

from my college business textbooks was very sterile and didn’t

really apply to any of the situations that I found myself in

after college. I found a book called “Seven Habits of Highly

Effective People” by Stephen Covey. Unlike my college textbooks,

“Seven Habits” contained plenty of common-sense knowledge that I

could apply.

There was one particular nugget of information from “Seven

Habits” that ended up being really valuable to me. That nugget

was the directive to “Be Proactive.” I had never even heard the

word proactive in high school or college. I was intrigued by

this new concept.

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Being proactive means getting things done before they need to

be done. It’s about using your mind to anticipate activities and

take action to deal with them.

As a student I was very used to being reactive. Situations

just seemed to pop up and I would handle them as they occurred.

I wouldn’t focus hard on a particular class until right before

an exam, at which point I would cram for two days before the

test. Immediately after the test I would do a complete brain

dump so I could focus on the next class with an exam coming up.

It would get pretty rough around final exam time when I’d

usually have back-to-back tests. I’d usually end up with B’s and

an occasional A grade.

While all this was going on I don’t think I was learning the

subjects of my classes as much as I was learning to react. As I

stated earlier in the book, higher education rewards you based

on your performance on tests and not your overall approach. This

convinced me that I was succeeding at my studies since my Grade

Point Average was a solid B.

Success becomes redefined as you get older, though. In

college I was somehow able to work out juggling a job loading

trucks and going to school with my reactive approach to things.

As my responsibilities grew, the reactive approach became more

and more difficult to sustain.

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When I started working a full-time job as a shipping manager,

I began to realize that every day was a test. I couldn’t do a

brain dump nightly and start fresh in the morning like I did

when I was taking classes or loading trucks. I had

responsibilities that carried over from day to day and more

often than not things occurred that forced me to address

unforeseen issues.

If I couldn’t locate a particular missing package, instead of

passing the responsibility off to the next shift I would have to

stay until I tracked the package down and gave the customer an

answer. If one conveyer belt had a breakdown I would have to

figure out a way to keep the packages moving and get the belt

fixed. If on a certain night, there was a higher volume of

freight than another I needed to adjust and handle the increase

in volume of packages in the same amount of time as any other

night. And I would have to handle these things in addition to

the daily tasks that I was expected to complete. It all became a

bit overwhelming for me.

The fact that I was learning was this: Effective business

people anticipate situations rather than reacting to them.

Life, more often than not, conditions us to react rather than

plan something out and prepare for all the actions necessary to

be successful. Take a look around society and you’ll see what I


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Have you ever talked to a bride who wants to lose weight so

she can look better for her wedding? Instead of starting an

exercise plan months earlier to help get her into shape,

inevitably she ends up cramming all the diet and exercise into a

short period just before the wedding so she can fit into her

dress and look “good” for all of the wedding guests.

The resulting stress from trying to cram a six-month plan

into two months throws off her equilibrium and makes the poor

bride miserable. This misery causes the bride to react and eat

like crazy when the frustration peaks. I saw this scenario more

times than I would like when I was a personal fitness trainer.

If you’re having trouble dealing with the many curveballs

that life can throw at you, then you’re probably reacting rather

than anticipating.

Anticipating in life and in business will make the difference

and give you an edge over your competition. Anticipating is all

about knowing what you’re going to face in any situation,

deciding how to prepare and then taking the appropriate action.

In short, you cannot be a success unless you learn to


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Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion, was a master

of anticipation in the early days of his career. He trained hard

for each opponent and easily beat them every time he stepped

into the ring. Mike had this great knack for eyeing his opponent

and beating him to the punch every time.

Mike’s early career was made of anticipating and taking

action, while his opponents had no choice but to react to his

punishing blows. Like everyone else who makes a habit of

reacting, Tyson’s opponents were behind the power curve and at a

serious disadvantage.

Mike Tyson rode the power of anticipation and preparation to

a world boxing title and great financial fortune. Unfortunately

for Tyson, he failed to maintain his great anticipation skills.

He looked like a poorly prepared, slow fighter while defending

his title against Buster Douglas in 1990. Instead of beating his

opponent to the punch, Tyson was the slow fighter who ended up

on the receiving end of a bad beating.

I ended up with some bad beatings working twelve-hour days

trying to handle all the unexpected situations at my job as a

shipping manager. When things got really bad I sought out the

advice of some older managers. They suggested that I actually do

some planning prior to each night’s work.

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The idea to plan was a new one to me but I immediately gave

it a shot since I needed help badly. What I found was that the

planning added more tasks onto my daily activities and initially

this frustrated me. After all, I was trying to reduce my

workload, not increase it.

As time passed I realized that all the preparation was

actually saving me time. I began to analyze the freight patterns

so a big volume day wouldn’t catch me by surprise. I discovered

that I could expect a big spike in volume on the Friday before a

holiday weekend. Businesses wanted to get all their shipments

out the door so their employees could take the following Monday

off. This helped me plan for the number of personnel that I

would need for a given shift.

I also began checking the conveyer belt system long before a

shift to try to identify any maintenance problems. I put

measures in place to deal with the loss of any particular belt.

For the first time in my life, I was anticipating rather than

reacting. Problems that usually took hours to get straight were

being dealt with in a fraction of that time. It certainly wasn’t

a concept that I completely embraced overnight. It took me a

couple of months of making mistakes, learning and trying new

things to get it right at that particular job. Getting it right

and learning to anticipate gave me the power to control my


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I can’t tell you what it felt like the first time that I was

actually able to leave work on time on a Friday night so I could

meet up with friends and relax. Having that kind of freedom is

what the power of anticipation is all about.


All this talk of anticipation brings us to a very important

question. How does a person learn to anticipate in a business


The first step to using anticipation effectively involves

knowing your business inside and out. This knowledge not only

covers what happens at your business on a daily basis, but also

understanding all the forces that act upon your business to

cause situations to change. Let’s look at a simple but effective

example of how knowing your business is an essential factor in


When I was running a restaurant in New York City I realized

how quickly I could be overwhelmed by business problems. In

other types of industries, situations develop in hours, days,

weeks or even longer time periods. I learned fast that when

you’re dealing with the public providing an immediate service,

situations can develop in a matter of seconds or minutes. That

piece of knowledge alone allowed me to anticipate a myriad of

situations, but understanding that things could occur quickly

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wasn’t enough. I also needed to know what situations had the

highest probability of occurring.

At least once an evening a customer would become unsatisfied

with one aspect of our service. When you’re serving hundreds of

people each evening one of the things you learn is that

sometimes there are folks who won’t be pleased know matter how

hard you try. These situations occur quickly and must be

addressed immediately in order to limit their effects on the

overall situation.

The goal at my restaurant was to please the customer, so my

challenge was to watch for a dissatisfied customer, understand

why they were dissatisfied and then find a way to address the

situation to bring about a positive result for both the customer

and my business. Finally, I needed to record or remember the

situation so I’d have a frame of reference to deal with such a

situation in the future.

By using this technique I learned the following information.

On a given night we were likely to have at least one customer

who would express some level of dissatisfaction. That customer

would most likely express dissatisfaction in one of two areas:

speed of service and the noise level of the restaurant. I

learned that customers liked to be served quickly and wanted a

quieter atmosphere.

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Luckily, I had a good chef and a floor staff or there could

have been a lot of other service issues to anticipate. Knowing

these facts, I took steps to make sure the process of ordering

and delivering food made sense. I also dimmed the lighting and

played more relaxed music to give the restaurant a more intimate


When dealing directly with customers I learned to be as

attentive and accommodating as possible, even if their requests

were a bit unreasonable. Utilizing these techniques resulted in

generally happier customers and a much smoother process from

night to night, allowing me time to focus on situations that

were not as foreseeable.

The key to learning about your business involves watching,

understanding, addressing and remembering. By doing these four

things you can get to know your business quickly and stay on top

of all the forces that can cause a situation to change. If

you’re able to answer the following three questions then you’re

doing well at knowing your business.

How fast can a situation change?

What events are most likely to occur that will affect

my business?

How can I best address the events that will affect my


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Ask yourself these questions. If you can’t come up with

answers right away, you should take the time to investigate this

information before moving on with this book.


Knowing your business is one great step to mastering the power

of anticipation. The next step is to take the time to plan.

Planning is the action that creates value from knowing your

business. Good planning makes the act of anticipation possible.

Just like everything else that is necessary, planning takes some

more time out of your day. Planning takes time out of actually

executing your business. Many people are great at executing but

not nearly as good at planning.

Even if you are not a natural planner you must take the time

to plan. You can learn better planning skills. The most

successful business people are the ones who learn that taking

the time to plan can make all the difference in a tough business


In order to help you internalize this concept I want you to

take a moment right now. Close your eyes and think of all the

little things taking time away from you on a daily basis. Think

of the things that cause you to end up catching a later train or

cause you to have to go in to the office for a couple of hours

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on Saturday. Think about those things that happen in your

personal life that end up throwing everything out of whack.

Now for each one of those things think about how you could

anticipate them. Think about how and why these events occur. For

each event, think of one thing you can do to anticipate and deal

with it.

This exercise is a microcosm of the planning process. Take

this simple exercise to heart and use the information to head

off situations that would otherwise take time away from you. By

doing this you’ll be using up some time in the short run but

saving yourself a lot of time for more important things in the

long run.

Planning to win in business is what separates two groups of

people, anticipators and firefighters.

Anticipators are the folks who are planning and easily

handling all sorts of situations. They are the folks who take

bumps in the road in stride and keep on going.

Firefighters are business people who fail to plan properly

and get stumped by tough situations. They are the ones who have

to stop everything in order to deal with an issue. While the

firefighters are stuck trying to deal with obstacles, their

competitors are forging ahead and winning.

Examples of planning to win are everywhere.

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Consider a football team as an example. Every college and pro

football team has a game plan that they follow. The game plan

focuses on each opponent, taking into account the opponent’s

strengths and weaknesses. The game plan also takes into account

the planning team’s abilities.

The abilities of both sides are fed into the game plan. The

weather outlook may feed into the plan as well. The coach may

also throw in adjustments to the plan based on his or her

personal experience. The coach of one team has probably scouted

the other coach to see how that person reacts in different game

situations. Basically, everything that the coaching staff knows

about the game, the teams and the forces that can create

situations are fed into the game plan. A strong game plan can

make the difference between a team that is cohesive and

effective and a team that is sloppy and ineffective.

In business, game plans are just as important as they are in

sports. I’ve seen the benefits of planning (and the pitfalls of

not planning) in every venture I’ve been involved with.

As a consultant to the energy industry, I create a project

plan as the first order of business in every engagement. This

plan lays out the major tasks, which are then broken out into

smaller sub-tasks.

Based on my knowledge of the business I estimate the amount

of time each task will take and think about potential pitfalls.

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I evaluate the plan as a whole and I evaluate its parts,

anticipating the events that could alter situations. Taking

these steps allows me to be ready for the challenges that each

engagement offers.

When most people get started in the world of business, they

focus on production and execution. They eschew detailed planning

in favor of attempting to get immediate results. That’s OK,

we’re a results-oriented society and I know that I felt like my

duty was to produce first and plan later. Your industry or

profession of choice does not affect your need to plan. You

simply must take the time to plan to be effective in business.

Successful business people know that the planning time is time

well spent in the long run.

Say you take an hour at the end of each day to plan for the

next day. If you work a ten-hour day, this reduces your

production time by ten percent. A lot of people would be upset

at that lost ten percent. But the ten percent is not really

lost, it’s invested.

That time you spend planning at the end of each day could

save you several hours of dealing with situations that you

weren’t ready for. That’s how the investment in planning pays


Take a few moments now for an exercise on the value of

planning. Think about the top five events that take time away

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from producing in your business. For each one of those events,

write out how and why they occur. Then follow that with some

ideas to deal with each type of event.

These events can be very simple or very complex but it’s

important that you be truthful about what’s getting in your way.

By evaluating these examples you have begun a planning process

that will power your ability to anticipate the most critical

situations and give you an edge in business.


It’s very important to more clearly define the planning process.

Planning involves analyzing your needs in a situation. Planning

is something that definitely needs to be practiced and perfected

over time. Planning takes time but it’s the key input to

anticipation. Simply put, without planning you will not be able

to anticipate a thing!

In the examples above I described specific situations where

planning led to positive results. In all situations there are

certain factors that need to be taken into account in order to

make the planning process an effective one.

I define an effective planning process as one that allows you

to anticipate nearly all potential issues so that less than ten

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percent of your production time is spent on reacting to


Determining the factors to be considered in planning must

happen first in the process. We can start by breaking the

factors down into two categories: Forces that are under our

control (inside the circle) and forces that are out of our

control (outside the circle). Distinguishing these forces from

one another is a very important part of the process. Many

inexperienced business people will spend too much time fretting

about circumstances out of their control while not spending

nearly enough time on those things that can be controlled. To be

an effective anticipator, you need to spend the majority of your

time focusing on things that are inside the circle.

Let’s take a moment to look at the forces that are outside

the circle. These are the things that we should plan for but

can’t control.

The weather is a great example of a force that’s outside the

circle. Many people are in professions that are greatly affected

by the weather. When I was in the military we always had to

consider the weather when we were planning an operation. Weather

affects visibility and the condition of the ground, which in

turn helped us decide how and where we would move our forces.

In the energy industry, the weather can give an indication of

a very high or low demand situation. The weather can indicate a

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possible energy emergency. As a result, energy industry planners

will prepare to meet the changing needs caused by the weather.

Weather also affects outdoor sporting events. Major league

baseball teams must monitor potential bad weather in making

decisions whether or not to play a game. These decisions have

decided financial effects on their teams.

I’m sure that you could come up with a number of ways that

the weather can affect your business. And even though the effect

on your business may be different from the effect on the

business of the next person, for all of us the weather is

outside of our control.

The simple rule of thumb for dealing with the forces like

weather that are outside the circle is to plan but not dwell. As

a young business person, I would get upset by too many things

that were out of my control. I would spend valuable time

fretting over situations that I had absolutely no control over.

I should have spent my time thinking and planning for the next

event but my inexperience kept me focused on being frustrated.

Over time I learned that if I spent my brain power focusing

on things I could control that I would manage my business in a

much more effective manner. Successful business people know that

being angry or upset at circumstances out of their control

accomplishes nothing. Instead, they accept the situation and

plan to deal with it.

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In order to successfully plan for outside forces, you must

take at least four steps.

First, know the force. Second, know as much about how it can

affect you as possible. Third, make an action plan based on the

best information available and the forces that you can control.

Fourth, make changes as the situation develops.

The key to dealing with forces outside the circle is being in

control of the forces inside the circle. The forces inside the

circle are under your control and you should spend the lion’s

share of your time planning so that these forces can work for


The forces that are under your control involve the quality of

the product or service that you deliver. They involve how you

deliver your product or service. They involve how you create

what you create. No matter what your business is, you must

consider these forces in your planning process.

Back in the days when I was managing a loading dock I had

absolutely no control over the amount of packages that came

through on a given day. I could only plan based on the time of

year and past experience. This was a factor that was outside the


The number of packages certainly affected how I would run

things, but not as much as the quality of my team. If one or

more of my team members failed to show up for a shift, or if

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everyone showed up but didn’t perform well, it could be a long

night. The quality of my team was a factor inside the circle. I

had the power to hire, train, evaluate and fire my personnel. I

came to know very quickly that even on slow days things wouldn’t

run very well if the team didn’t perform. I had some rough days

at work until I started to realize that I needed to focus my

planning around the team and spend less time worrying if people

were going to ship a lot of freight that day.

Do you ever spend time worrying about forces out of your

control? Do you know all the forces within your control that

should be a part of your planning process? Think about these


I want you to take the time right now to think about your

business and list the major factors that are inside and outside

of your circle of control. Describe how much of an effect you

can have on each of these factors. If you can’t have any effect

on something, then it’s outside the circle. If you can, then

it’s inside the circle. Once you’ve made these determinations

you’ll know where you need to focus your efforts and you’ll be

more prepared to continue with an effective planning process.

Once you’ve considered which forces are under your control,

you need to think about some important constraints on your


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The four key general constraints are time, money, people and

technology. Each of these areas must be addressed for a proper

planning process to occur. They are simply addressed by asking

yourself some questions and considering the answers.

For time:

How much time do you have available?

Is it possible to extend the amount of time available?

For money:

What are the costs involved in this situation?

What are the limits of my budget?

Will I have enough money to complete the project?

For people:

How many people do I have to assist me?

What skills do the people on my team have?

Do I have enough people to get the job done?

For technology:

What technology is available to assist me?

Do I have the knowledge to make use of the proper technology?

Is there technology that I need to acquire in order to get

the job done?

These questions are just a start. You need to come up with a

list of questions specifically for your situation in order to

make the planning process worthwhile.

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With the planning process started, you’ve got a big advantage

over many other folks who are neglecting to take the time to

plan. But planning isn’t foolproof and it isn’t the end of the

process. That’s why you need to make sure that you follow up

your planning by taking action.

Action is the common thread throughout all these concepts,

but it’s not always apparent to people that they should pull the

trigger and get something done. How many times have you heard or

said, “Well I was planning to get this done, but…”


Everyone does that some time or another. Some people skip the

action step all the time and they’re left wanting. Some people

fail to take action because they have a fear of mistakes.

Remember Lesson Three: It’s OK to make mistakes as long as you

learn something from them.

I got a master course in the action part of this concept as a

tank platoon leader in the U.S. Army. We would spend hours every

day at the motor pool checking, rechecking and performing

maintenance on our M1A1 tanks. Soldiers would constantly

question how many hours we were spending on preventive

maintenance and maintenance training. Of course, all those

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thoughts would go out the window as soon as someone experienced

a breakdown in their vehicle.

In training and on the battlefield, an armor soldier’s life

happens on his tank. A broken-down tank is a depressing

situation that you want to move past as quickly as possible.

Those hours and hours of preventive maintenance and training

greatly reduced breakdowns and gave soldiers confidence that

they could quickly deal with situations that could not be


It was all about avoiding a situation where they would have

to be caught off-guard and react at an inopportune time. Sure,

there will always be events that you have to react to, but if

you’re constantly evaluating your situation, learning, looking

for pitfalls and taking action, then you will be way ahead of

the game.

Action makes the difference between a talker and a doer.

Talkers make big plans and are always preparing for their next

action. Doers always take their plans to the action step and

deal with the results one way or the other. Talkers never have

to worry about negatives because they rarely take a chance on a

course of action. Talkers are likely to be very critical of

folks who act on their plans. Doers handle the results and make

the necessary changes in order to be successful. The talker

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gains in the short run by lack of effort. The doer gains in the

long run via hard work and experience.

In business you need to be a doer and you should ignore the

talkers. As a doer you’ll run the risk of being criticized, but

you’ll be respected by those who know what’s really important.

From my earliest working experiences I’ve been a doer. My

first paper route at age twelve taught me the rewards of taking

action. Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to recognize the

talkers in action. In general, folks who fail to follow up on

plans develop bad reputations and command little respect in the

world of business.

In the corporate world I’ve heard people espouse grandiose

plans that they would never follow up. I remember being at a

team-building event for a large technology corporation I was

working for and listening to an executive hold court about his

plans for improving things in our business unit.

Everyone was excited and hopeful that these changes would

take place and improve the workplace. Months passed, nothing was

changed and this caused me and other employees to get very

upset. In a nutshell, that executive lost our respect when he

failed to follow up on his plans.

The simple point here is that you need to be a doer in order

to be successful. Don’t talk about a plan unless you intend to

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try to make it happen. Remember, the only failures in life are

those who fail to try.

You also need to avoid talkers. Recognize the talkers and

avoid them. People who fail to follow up on their promises will

cause you problems, either by failing to meet a commitment to

you or by other people’s view of you because you are aligned

with the talker.

I want to wrap up this lesson with an exercise about action.

I want you to identify situations in your life where you have

gone through the effort of planning and then failed to take

action. Write down a few examples of these situations and try to

figure out why you held off on taking action. Did you talk about

your plans to others? If you did talk about the plan, did you

follow up later to explain why you hadn’t moved forward? You

want to recognize whether or not you’re acting like a doer

instead of a talker.

Honesty in this exercise will help you to recognize your

tendency for taking action. It will also help you to understand

what’s holding you back from taking action on your plans.

Remember the power of anticipation to propel you forward in

business. Know your business, make detailed plans and take

action. By taking this to heart you’ve taken a great step


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Congratulations on completing Lesson Nine. It’s time for another

checkpoint. Look back at lessons seven through nine to reinforce

the knowledge that you’ve gained. Make sure that you take the

time to do this. The final lesson is extremely important but it

will not have a major impact unless you’ve truly grasped the

concepts in all of the previous lessons.

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Lesson Ten: Believe In Yourself

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours.”


I’m not ashamed to say that as a young man I suffered a crisis

of confidence. I had doubts about everything in my life, from my

physical prowess at sports, to my attractiveness to women, to my

ability to succeed in a career of my choosing.

That fact is a shame because knowing what I know now I could

have had a different and much more fulfilling past. As we all

know too well, the past cannot be changed. We can only change

our present and future.

Over the years I have gone through a slow, but steady

transformation of learning to believe in myself. My past fears

have created some disappointments in my life. That’s fine by me

because I feel very lucky to have learned to believe in myself

at any age. Many people go their whole lives without really

understanding their potential.

I realized that I had turned the corner a year after I was

discharged from the Army. I had taken a job working for a very

large and prestigious technology consulting firm and I was not

happy with the experience. I decided to leave my job and strike

out for a new experience. When I announced my intentions to my

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boss, she immediately made an impassioned plea for me to

continue working at this company. The last thing she said to me

was this, “You’re so very valuable because you can do anything

you set out to do. People like you are in short supply.” I

thought about what she said later and realized that it was true.

Because her words rang true I knew I was destined for better


Lesson Ten is the lesson on which all the other lessons are

balanced: The greatest goals in life can only be achieved if you

truly believe in yourself.


I want you to say the following statement out loud. I can only

achieve if I truly believe in myself. Does it sound silly to

you? There was a time when I thought it sounded real silly to

me, but that was my ego getting in the way.

Your ego is that little voice that pops into your head any

time you attempt to pursue something new, different and

challenging. Left unchecked, our ego will run roughshod over the

best of our plans and greatly limit our potential. The ego tells

us that something we want to do is too hard or will take too

long. The ego convinces us that our ideas are ordinary and our

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dreams are out of reach. When our ego has consumed us we wake up

in the morning feeling helpless and hopeless.

Our potential is limited and one day bleeds into the next.

Imagine a prizefighter who can’t answer the bell for the next

round of a fight. When the ego has taken over, a person is not

ready to deal with the next round of life.

The fact that you’ve gotten this far in the book tells me

that you’ve overcome some important obstacles, but that doesn’t

mean there aren’t many more obstacles to overcome. The doubt and

fear engendered by our ego is powerful.

When I was still a teenager I realized that even the simplest

decisions were frightful ones. I agonized for months over

wanting to learn to play the guitar. All the usual thoughts

popped into my head. It will cost a lot of money. It will take

so long to learn. People will laugh because I’m not good at it.

The ego was talking to me big time and running the show. Somehow

I mustered the will to get started with guitar lessons and I’ve

continued to play for the last sixteen years.

How did I fight past my ego?

Maybe I’d reached the point where I was so paralyzed that I

had no other choice but to try something new. Whatever it was,

something clicked. Unfortunately, that experience wasn’t the end

of my belief issues.

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Making the move to go from my first job after college to the

personal training business was like jumping the Grand Canyon. It

was very scary and I didn’t think I’d make it. I thought about

it for a long time prior to finally making my decision. I didn’t

believe in my ability to change and this cost me precious time.

I finally did make the change and after all of my trepidation

about the move I realized that it was something that I could

handle all along. I slowly began to believe that I could choose

the path for each day of my career and my life.

What spurred me to belief is still unknown to me, but I can

tell you that finding your belief in self is an endless process.

Like everything else that requires discipline, you start small

and continue to develop it every day for the rest of your life.

There are stops, starts and moments of doubt but if you’re

committed to creating your version of success (and I know that

you are) then you’ll stay on track.


Before we go any further, I want you to honestly assess your

level of belief in yourself. The only way I know to do that in a

short period of time is to examine goals that you want to

accomplish but haven’t. Take a few minutes to think of things

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that you’ve wanted to accomplish in your career but haven’t yet

done so.

Better still, think of things that you haven’t even started

to act on. Make a list of all the things that you can think of.

Then select the top five most important goals in the list. Some

possible examples could be: Wanting to learn a new skill,

approaching your boss about a promotion, wanting to go into a

completely new line of work, trying to promote an idea that you

have, making more money or wanting to start your own business.

Whatever your choices are, they’re your goals and they’re very

important to you.

Now that you’ve chosen your top five unachieved goals I want

you to write down the answer to the following question after

each one: Why haven’t I achieved this goal yet? After you’ve

written that out, I’d like you to write down the answer to this

question: What have I done recently to forward the possibility

of achieving this goal?

After you’ve done this, I want you to really study your

answers. If the reason that you haven’t achieved any of these

goals has to do with doubt or fear, then you have some personal

belief issues. If you’re not regularly taking steps to achieve

these goals, then you have belief issues even if fear or doubts

aren’t readily apparent to you.

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Let’s say that you work at a Wal-Mart, make $6.50 an hour,

you have a goal of raising your wages to $8 an hour and you

really need this extra money. But you haven’t thought about or

made any serious attempt to get a raise for months now even

though you really need more money.

You may say that you have no fear of making more money, nor

do you have doubt that you need to make more money. So why

haven’t you been taking steps to make more money? The reason is

that you don’t fear the goal itself, but you fear the steps that

you’ll have to take to achieve that goal.

These steps will likely require some kind of change and we

all have a certain amount of fear and doubt with regards to

change. Once again, the ego is working overtime.

The difference between those who achieve their goals and

those who don’t is this: People who achieve their goals find a

way to diminish their fear and doubt through belief in


This example is just one type of example and there are

thousands of other possibilities, some of which will apply

directly to situations happening in your life. I want you to

examine those situations as honestly as possible. That said, if

you have a belief problem and acknowledge it, you’ve taken an

important step to unlocking the possibilities contained in this


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At this point in the book there should be no long faces on you,

the reader. This should be a happy moment. Jump up and scream

like a kid who’s learned that they’ve got a snow day because

every second that you step forward in this process is one step

closer to achieving your goals.

Although this chapter isn’t so much focused on goals as it is

in believing in yourself, I need to take a moment to explain why

goals play such an important part in self-belief. After all, if

you really believe in yourself then the goal shouldn’t matter,

right? Wrong!

Too often I’ve seen my own (and other people’s) hopes dashed

by ill-conceived goals. The fact is that no matter how much you

believe in yourself you will start to lose faith if you’re met

with consistent setbacks.

What I’m getting at is the important point that you need to

set yourself up for success by setting goals that are, first and

foremost, realistic. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid

shooting for the moon, but it does mean that you should consider

intermediate goals prior to getting to the moon. Your goals have

to support belief in yourself, and in order to do that your

goals must BE REALISTIC.

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As a personal trainer I saw many people come into the gym

with strong belief in themselves but unrealistic goals. A person

would come in and state that their goal would be to lose thirty

pounds in six weeks. Without much investigation they begin an

ill-conceived program and after only the first week and two

pounds of weight loss they express frustration and begin to lose

belief in their ability to get fit.

How do we make sure that our goals our realistic? For

starters you can talk about them with your counselor. Do you

remember your counselor, that very important person that I

introduced you to way back in Lesson One? If not, then take a

little time to go back to reacquaint yourself with the

importance of this person. Your counselor should be able to help

put you on the right track.

You can also do your own independent research to figure out

if your goals are realistic. For example, if you want to become

an astronaut, you might want to consult the NASA Web site to get

more information on the program and any educational or age

requirements that exist. Read the biographies of past astronauts

to find out their experiences and to get a better idea of

whether outer space is where you want to go. In the meantime

you’ll also need to SET INTERMEDIATE GOALS.

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Whether you want to be a college graduate, business owner,

professional musician, sports star or astronaut, you’ll need to

set goals that you can reach in the short term.

Turn a journey of a thousand miles into individual steps and

it becomes much more palatable. Michael Dell didn’t wake up one

morning in his dorm room and say, “I want to be the CEO of the

world’s largest direct marketer of personal computers by the end

of the month.”

He probably starting out by wanting to build and sell a

couple of systems, then later move into a small office and build

the company one step at a time. This approach helps us build our

skills and achieve goals while reinforcing a belief in


Let’s stop for a short time here and take a look back at

those five real important goals that you chose in the last

exercise. I want you to build on each of those by adding several

incremental goals to each ultimate goal. Write in time frames

for each intermediate goal as well, starting with things that

you can accomplish sooner and moving toward the more complex

goals that will take longer. The more you break a larger goal

down into intermediate goals, the better you will feel about the

process and your belief in self will be greatly strengthened.

As a tank company executive officer in the U.S. Army, I can

remember being responsible for understanding all the systems in

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the M1A1 tank. The M1A1 tank is a large and very complex piece

of machinery, and considering the whole vehicle at once made my

stomach turn. I had no choice but to learn so I broke the tank

down (in my mind of course) into a number of logical sections

and spent a week focusing on each section.

I read manuals, asked questions and generally absorbed all

the information I could handle on that area of the tank. Within

a couple of months I had an incredibly strong knowledge of how

the vehicle worked from top to bottom and I felt very confident

that I would continue to be proficient to the level of expert.

The same philosophy of breaking goals down into smaller parts

has helped me immeasurably in the areas of playing and writing

music on my guitar. I like to break songs down into smaller

parts, mastering each part before moving on to the next part,

until I have the whole song down pat.

Whether you’re deciphering the inner workings of a tank,

writing songs or training for the space program, breaking larger

goals down into smaller ones will help you to believe in

yourself while pursuing larger goals.

If you’ve heeded the advice I’ve given so far you should be

in pretty good shape, with some goals identified and a good idea

about how to make those goals seem more attainable. There is one

more pitfall in the goal process that can’t be ignored.

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In Lesson Seven I discussed evaluation and its importance in

this philosophy, so naturally I expect that you’ll be evaluating

the progress that you make on these goals. There is a huge

pitfall in goal setting that many people, especially those with

crises of confidence, fall into.

I’ve seen (and personally experienced) this pitfall in so

many different situations from my days as a paperboy to my time

as a personal trainer and in my stint as a restaurateur.

The pitfall goes like this: You set goals for yourself but

you look at other people or businesses to measure the results.

Let me explain this with some examples. When I was a

newspaper delivery boy I wanted to deliver as many papers as

possible. My goal was to have a bigger route so I could make

more money. I’d see other delivery boys with baskets full of

papers, a lot more papers than I had, and I got very frustrated,

even though I was steadily increasing the number of deliveries

on my route.

It felt like I was running on ice since I couldn’t catch up

to some of the other deliverers. Years later, when I was running

a restaurant, I had several plans happening to increase

business, including one for Sunday brunch.

We started out with only a handful of customers for brunch

and after a few weeks we had more than doubled that number to

around 15 customers. I should’ve been satisfied that we were

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moving in the right direction, but I looked over at a restaurant

down the street and noticed that they were hosting over a

hundred customers for every Sunday brunch. I was frustrated and

for a moment I started to think my plans were hopeless. I had to

stop and remind myself that we were steadily improving. My plans

were working but they would take some time.

My point here is this: If you measure the success of your

goals based on someone else, then you always feel like you’re

failing. People who’ve moved to the next level and have strong

belief in themselves know that it pays to MEASURE AGAINST


Have you ever set goals for yourself and then gotten

frustrated because someone else appeared to be ahead of where

you wanted to be? I think that everyone does this at some point

in their life and it can lead to great frustration.

In the gym people say, “I’m not as slim and toned as she is

and I’ve been exercising for months. It’s just hopeless.” At

work they say, “He just got his second promotion since I’ve been

here and I haven’t been promoted yet. This is a dead-end job.”

Business owners say, “They’ve got twice as many customers as we

do. We’re doing everything wrong.” At the university students

say, “She’s in the best sorority on campus and has a GPA one

point higher than mine. I can never compete with that.” This

goes on and on.

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Measuring your progress based on others will definitely sap

your belief in self and give you an unclear picture of YOUR true

progress. The main reason why this is the case is the fact that

everyone’s circumstances are different and as a result the state

someone else is in has nothing to do with you.

Other people who appear to be doing better (or worse) than us

are in a different place with different circumstances and, as

such, don’t portray an accurate picture of our situation.

Let’s take the slim woman in the gym, for example. When the

person who wants to reach a certain level of fitness sees that

woman and gets frustrated, there are a load of things that she

probably doesn’t know, like how long she’s been exercising or

what her eating habits are like.

Maybe the woman who looks more fit uses drugs or other

shortcuts to make herself thinner. In the meantime, all this

time and brainpower used up on envying others could be focused

on positive things like an honest evaluation of your progress

and actually doing some exercise.

The business owner who frets over the competition’s apparent

success would be better off spending her time refining her own

business plan and not worry about how her competitor did this

week. Remember, YOUR GOAL IS TO MAKE YOU BETTER, and not try to

engage in some sort of a horse race.

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If all of this seems quite distracting, then you know that

it’s a function of the ego involved here. Our ego does its best

to keep us away from change and improvement and measuring

against others is one way that the ego achieves this.

The only way to defeat this is to make a conscious effort to

measure all of your goals based on yourself. Work on your

intermediate goals and achieve small victories every week. Stick

to your plan. Talk to your counselor. Avoid considering what

others are doing with regards to your progress. These are your

goals, so live them for yourself.


The next key ingredient to believing in yourself is your

environment. When I say environment, I don’t mean your physical

environment but rather your emotional environment. This is the

environment that is created by family, friends, co-workers and

anyone else whose opinion matters to you.

Does your environment foster belief in yourself, or does it

foster doubt and fear? This is a tough question to ask because

oftentimes people with a belief problem are hindered by those

closest to them.

When I was first developing my goals and dreams as a teenager

I always valued the opinion of my parents and they always seemed

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to steer me in the direction of the route that they felt was

safe. As I got older, the safe routes were usually counter to my

adventurous goals. Mom and Dad didn’t mean me any harm, but in

their own way they were reinforcing my erroneous belief that I

had limited capabilities.

Later in life, my friends and co-workers were key figures in

shaping my emotional environment. I had grown up around a group

of kids who became abusive adults in a way that seemed innocent

at first but then turned very ugly.

My close group of friends seemed to be bent on tearing each

other down to the point where there would be fistfights over the

slightest comment about someone else. I didn’t fit well into a

group with that attitude but I’d grown up with these people and

didn’t know what I would do socially without them. Once again,

my emotional environment caused me to be fearful and doubt


The negative attitudes that cause you to doubt yourself will

find you at work as well. My varied work experiences over the

years have exposed me to a wide variety of negativity from

people who obviously felt helpless themselves.

At times this negativity has dragged me down and it can

certainly drag you down, too. Most of us don’t even realize how

damaging our work environment can be to our psyche. The fact is

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that if you’re not confident at your chosen profession, then you

won’t be able to have the success you want.

You can identify a bad situation at work by paying sharp

attention to your co-workers and business associates. Listen for

the people who are always complaining. Look for those who yell

and berate people while doing their business. Watch out for

folks who put down your ideas without any rational reason for

doing so. These are the people who are eroding your confidence

in the workplace and you should avoid them.

Do any of the things I’m describing sound familiar to you?

Ask yourself this question once again: Does my environment

foster belief in myself? Ask the question three times and each

time I want you to place the following words in between the

words “my” and “environment”: work, home and social. Write down

the answer on a piece of paper. This is another important

exercise and it may be the most valuable one of all.

You see, in order to be able to believe in ourselves from the

inside, we first have to identify the forces that are acting on

us from the outside, then take action to defeat those forces. If

it all sounds very serious then you’re right on track because,

as I said earlier, learning to believe in yourself will unlock

all of your potential and change your life.

To take the exercise a step further, I want you to focus on

the areas where you answered “No” to the above question. You’ll

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focus by answering the following question: What is it about this

situation that is stunting my ability to believe in myself? More

specifically, you’ll want to focus on the people who make you

feel less than you are. How do feel when you’re in this

situation? What is it about the situation that makes you feel

this way? Focus on these questions and put the answers down on

paper. Our feelings always seem so much more real when we see

them in print.

I’m willing to bet that this exercise brings out some strong

emotions. Keep those emotions with you because you’ll turn them

around and use them to build your belief back up to where it

needs to be.

Before we get there, though, I want you to look at the areas

where you answered “Yes” to the question, because while it’s

important to examine the negative areas, it’s just as important

to examine the areas where your belief is reinforced.

Ask yourself the same questions: How do feel when you’re in a

positive situation? What is it about the positive situation that

makes you feel this way? Internalizing and remembering the

positive moments is just as important as letting go of the

negative moments.

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At the end of these exercises you should create a list of belief

allies and belief enemies.

Your belief allies are people who make you feel strong and

confident, while your belief enemies are people who tear you

down and make you feel helpless. You’ll get the best results for

improving your belief in self if you increase your exposure to

your allies and decrease your exposure to your enemies.

I know that this may sound too simplistic, especially if your

belief enemies are involved in the most important areas of your

life. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t expect you to just up and run from

all the people who give you negative feelings. And while you may

not be able to decrease your physical exposure to these people,

you can decrease your emotional exposure to these folks.

You can decrease your emotional exposure by setting filters

in your mind. Now that you’ve identified your belief enemies you

can place your mind on guard and tell yourself to disregard the

negative vibe of those who make you feel bad. In the meantime,

you can also tell yourself to pay more attention to your belief

allies, thereby gaining more benefit from their positive vibe.

It’s important for me to stress that just because someone is

a belief enemy doesn’t mean that they are your enemy in life. It

does mean that they don’t share the same vision that you have

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for your potential. You can still have a relationship with a

belief enemy, but you don’t allow them to influence your belief

in self in a negative way.

This is serious stuff here because it involves re-thinking

your relationships and making great CHANGES in your way of

being. As serious as all this is, it’s very necessary because

you’ve got a plan for success and can’t afford any freeloaders

on the train. The bottom line here is this:

Surround yourself with people who make you feel better about


Your next question is probably, “How do I go about

surrounding myself with allies?” That’s a great question.

After all, there are some people out there who may have no

belief allies to start with. That’s okay because I’ve been there

and I’m here to tell you that you can make it happen even if

you’ve haven’t got one belief ally at the moment.

Way back in Lesson One I stressed the importance of finding a

counselor to assist you in your journey through the business

world. The counselor, in effect, could be your first and primary

belief ally. If you’ve recently started the process and haven’t

found that person yet, it’s OK. It’s not how fast you find your

counselor; it’s having the right person that counts. Belief ally

is only one role that your counselor will take on but it’s

probably the most important one.

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In order to be able to find belief allies you have to be on

the lookout for your allies. In this case, the famous quote

“Seek and ye shall find” fully applies.

You want to be keeping an eye out for like-minded

individuals. Look at work, look at home, look at school, and

look at your church or any other place where you interact with

people. These people could be all around you right now. Think of

the people in your life who make you feel good about your

decisions. Think of the people that you wouldn’t hesitate to

talk to about a new idea or venture. These people are your

belief allies and you need to recognize them as such because

you’ll want to keep them around and continue to build your

relationship with them.

A light bulb may have popped into your head because you

realized that there are some belief allies that you’d originally

overlooked. Or you may be thinking, “No, I still don’t have

anyone in mind.” If you answered the latter, then don’t fret.

Remember, seek and ye shall find. But rather then just dumping

you off there I’ll provide you with an exercise that can help

you to find and recognize your belief allies.

Ask yourself this question: What type of person helps to

foster belief in myself? Write down the qualities that such a

person has and even write down some things that they might tell

you when you come to them with a new idea, plan or dream.

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Next, you’ll ask yourself: Who do I know that fits my stated

criteria? Write down all the names that you come up with. If you

came up with no names, that’s fine because regardless of whether

you have one name or twenty on the list you should still

complete the exercise.

Your next task is to answer the following question: How can I

find belief allies to take along on my journey? Think about

where you could go and what you could do to bring these types of

people into your life. You have to be open to the possibility

that new belief allies can show up anywhere and at any time,

because they can. If you keep the set criteria in mind you’ll

know when someone fits the bill. Mark my words, once you

recognize the first one then many more will follow.

You’ve done a lot of work so far while reading this book. You

have a pretty impressive set of tools to work with. You’re ready

to slay the ego and break through that invisible barrier to

belief in self. I want you to go back to the beginning of this

chapter now and read it again.

Read the chapter and continue to absorb the concepts put

forth in it. Do the exercises again and see how you feel. I’ll

bet that you feel stronger the second time around. Read the

chapter a third time if you like. It can only help. Once you’ve

reinforced the material contained in this chapter we can take

the last few steps on this journey.

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At the end of the day, believing in yourself is ultimately about

victory over fear. The ability to defeat fear stands solidly

between you and your success in life and in the world of

business. We take our fears with us wherever we go and our

places of work are no exception. Even if you follow all of the

lessons in this book, fear can still hold you back. It’s that


As a child, I can remember having the same ridiculous fears

that all children have. I was afraid of the dark. I was afraid

of certain scary movies. I was afraid of the monster under my

bed. We all have fears like that as children.

As we grow older we get braver about those things but we tend

to replace the child fears with other adult fears. That’s

exactly what I did. I gradually replaced my childish fears with

things like fear of failure or fear of being ridiculed by

others. Fears such as these tend to feed on themselves. They are

heartily assisted by the ego and people never naturally grow out

of them.

My fearfulness led me to make decisions that pulled me away

from the things that I really wanted in life. As I reached my

late teens and early twenties I could feel myself being pulled

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further and further from my dreams at a time when I should’ve

been as confident as ever.

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever been driven by

fear to make a choice that was counter to everything you really

wanted? Read the news to see so many examples of other people

turning away from all that is right for them as a result of


People turn to drug abuse because they fear both emotional

and physical pain. People turn to ruthless business practices

because they fear losing their jobs and their status in the

world. People ignore their families and focus on work without

any balance in their lives. All the while they are being drawn

away from the things that are right for them in this life.

Is fear holding you back from achieving in business? If

you’re not careful, fear can and will hold you back. Fear will

have you turn to decisions like taking a job you know is wrong

for you just to please others. Fear will prevent you from

speaking your mind on a situation that you truly believe in.

Fear will prevent you from striking out on your own to start a


How has fear held you back in business? Think about it.

All this talk about fear can make things sound pretty dismal.

Fortunately, things are going pretty well for you. If you’ve

gotten this far in the book you’ve achieved a lot and you’re

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obviously motivated. The good news is that you can beat fear and

open up amazing possibilities in the process.

Beating fear is not an easy task. It takes not one battle,

but a series of ongoing battles. These battles, or

“confrontations with fear,” take place throughout your whole

life. They continue to take place because fear never really goes

away. It just manifests itself in different forms as you grow

stronger and your life changes. Confronting fear requires

stamina, belief and a whole lot of heart.

I first confronted my fear out of sheer frustration. It seems

as though extraordinary circumstances are required in order to

jog us out of our pattern of accepting fearful circumstances.

For me, the extraordinary circumstances involved feeling

completely helpless at my first job after college. I felt like

my whole life had been decided and that really depressed me.

This helplessness had a very strong effect, though. It

spurred me to want to investigate other options for my future.

These options would include a different path than the one that I

saw as inevitable. Fear still held me back. I hesitated for

months as I slowly began to get ideas of things I could and

should do to move my life in the right direction. I slowly began

to take action. I gained confidence from small successes.

You can use the same techniques I’ve used to beat the fears

that are holding you back. Set small, realistically achievable

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goals. Once you achieve a few small things it becomes much

easier to move on to bigger endeavors.

Once I had a few small successes, the confidence I gained

allowed me to spend more of my time figuring out what I wanted

and less of my time worrying about what other people wanted from

me. It was around this time that I began to think in earnest

about new career choices. For you, this means starting to take

personal control over your life situation and making your own

choices. The things that everyone else wants you to do are not

as important as what you know is good for yourself.

Just knowing that I had some sort of control over my life

made me happier and less fearful. I was able to then trust my

instincts and take the next step to actually decide to leave my

job as a shipping manager so I could become a fitness trainer.

Many people might not consider this step a big deal, but any

person who’s been paralyzed by fear knows that it is a huge

accomplishment to make a bold career change while in a fearful


This step signified a victory in the battle over my fear of

changing paths. I later realized that the previous steps allowed

me to confront my fear of changing my life’s path. So the next

step for you is to confront the fear that is holding you back

and take a big step forward.

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Confrontation of your fears is probably the hardest part of

this process. Have you ever had to speak in front of a large

audience? Have you ever had a serious illness that threatened

your life? These are situations where people must confront some

of the more acute fears known to humans, public speaking and

death. These are moments where big steps are taken and important

decisions are made.

If you talk to people who have faced situations like speaking

before a large audience or facing the possibility of death, they

will tell you how relieved and excited they were after facing

these fears.

Once you face a fear, it doesn’t mean the fear is gone

forever. It just means that the fear has been defeated for the

moment. You see, the same fears are likely to come back again,

but your knowledge of beating fear in the past will propel you

the next time around and the time after that. The more you

confront fear, the less of an issue it turns out to be in the


Your victory over fear should be on your own terms and on

your own timeline. Only you can have a true understanding of how

you are feeling about a certain situation. Now go out and face

the world, practice these lessons and watch as a whole new world

of possibilities opens up before you.

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Afterword: The Beginning

Every time I get to the end of a book I always think, “What

next?” When I enjoy a book I always seem to be left wanting


My hope is that this book has left you wanting more. If this

book has left you wanting more then I feel like I’ve done my

job. This book is not intended to be the last book you read

about business skills. Rather, this book is intended to spur you

on to gather further knowledge and achieve further growth. The

ten lessons presented here are very important, but there are

many more lessons that you will need to learn. You have to start

somewhere, though, and this was an excellent start for you.

My recommendation for the first next step is simple. Read

this book again from the start. I’m a very strong believer in

reinforcing any information that I find to be helpful. The

information contained in this book constitutes the basics for

success in business. In life you can never get too much of the

basics. The basic things are the ones that you fall back on when

times get tough and you’re stumbling. So don’t hesitate to pick

up this book whenever you get into a rut and want to break out

of that rut.

My next recommendation is to continue your quest for

knowledge and take action to move closer to your version of

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success. To help you in your quest I’ve included a reading list

that contains a number of very valuable sources of information

on different topics. You can’t go wrong by taking a look at some

of the books on this list. Somewhere along the way I’m sure that

you’ll start a good list of your own. The important thing is

that you continue to gain knowledge and move towards your


I don’t consider this part of the book to be the end of

anything. I consider this to be a beginning for both you and me.

I wish you the best in your quest and hope to meet you sometime


Robert J. Safuto

August 2004

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Reading List

I’ve found the following titles to be extremely helpful in

guiding the development of my business knowledge over the last

fourteen years.

The Artist’s Way. Cameron, Julia. Tarcher/Putnam, 1992.

The Road Less Traveled. Peck, Dr. M. Scott. Simon & Schuster,


Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey, Stephen R. Simon

& Schuster, 1990.

Principle Centered Leadership. Covey Stephen R. Simon &

Schuster, 1992.

The Winner Within: A Life Plan For Team Players. Riley, Pat.

Putnam, 1993.

All I Really Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. Fulghum,

Robert. Ivy Books, 1989.

Follow Your Heart. Matthews, Andrew. Price Stern Sloan, 1997.

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. Bach, Richard.

Dell Publishing, 1977.

Ziglar On Selling. Ziglar, Zig. Ballantine Books, 1991.

The One Minute Manager. Blanchard, Kenneth Ph.D. and Johnson,

Spencer M.D. Berkley, 1982.

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The Greatest Salesman in the World. Mandino, Og. Bantam Books,


Made in America. Walton, Sam with Huey, John. Doubleday, 1992.

Losing My Virginity. Branson, Richard. Virgin Publishing, 1998.

Leading the Revolution. Hamel, Gary. Harvard Business School

Press, 2000.

Awaken The Giant Within. Robbins, Anthony. Summit Books, 1991.

First Break All The Rules. Buckingham, Marcus and Coffman, Curt.

Simon & Schuster, 1999.

Leadership. Giuliani, Rudolph. Miramax Books, 2002.