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An open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ December 3, 2017 10:00am First Sunday of Advent Service of Holy Communion Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for refreshments and time for fellowship immediately following the service. Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath On the stiff twig up there Hunches a wet black rook Arranging and rearranging its feathers in the rain. I do not expect a miracle Or an accident To set the sight on fire In my eye, not seek Any more in the desultory weather some design, But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, Without ceremony, or portent. Although, I admit, I desire, Occasionally, some backtalk From the mute sky, I can't honestly complain: A certain minor light may still Leap incandescent Out of the kitchen table or chair As if a celestial burning took Possession of the most obtuse objects now and then -- Thus hallowing an interval Otherwise inconsequent By bestowing largesse, honor, One might say love. At any rate, I now walk Wary (for it could happen Even in this dull, ruinous landscape); sceptical, Yet politic; ignorant Of whatever angel may choose to flare Suddenly at my elbow. I only know that a rook Ordering its black feathers can so shine As to seize my senses, haul My eyelids up, and grant A brief respite from fear Of total neutrality. With luck, Trekking stubborn through this season Of fatigue, I shall Patch together a content Of sorts. Miracles occur, If you care to call those spasmodic Tricks of radiance miracles. The wait's begun again, The long wait for the angel. For that rare, random descent.

Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for … · 2 PRELUDE Haru No Umi Michio Miyagi Bruce Goody - flute, Jonathan

Aug 11, 2018



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for … · 2 PRELUDE Haru No Umi Michio Miyagi Bruce Goody - flute, Jonathan


An open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ

December 3, 2017 10:00am

First Sunday of Advent Service of Holy Communion


Welcome to our worship service. Please join us for refreshments and time for fellowship immediately following the service.

Black Rook in Rainy Weather

by Sylvia Plath

On the stiff twig up there Hunches a wet black rook Arranging and rearranging its feathers in the rain. I do not expect a miracle Or an accident To set the sight on fire In my eye, not seek Any more in the desultory weather some design, But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, Without ceremony, or portent. Although, I admit, I desire, Occasionally, some backtalk From the mute sky, I can't honestly complain: A certain minor light may still Leap incandescent Out of the kitchen table or chair As if a celestial burning took Possession of the most obtuse objects now and then -- Thus hallowing an interval Otherwise inconsequent

By bestowing largesse, honor, One might say love. At any rate, I now walk Wary (for it could happen Even in this dull, ruinous landscape); sceptical, Yet politic; ignorant Of whatever angel may choose to flare Suddenly at my elbow. I only know that a rook Ordering its black feathers can so shine As to seize my senses, haul My eyelids up, and grant A brief respite from fear Of total neutrality. With luck, Trekking stubborn through this season Of fatigue, I shall Patch together a content Of sorts. Miracles occur, If you care to call those spasmodic Tricks of radiance miracles. The wait's begun again, The long wait for the angel. For that rare, random descent.

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PRELUDE Haru No Umi Michio Miyagi Bruce Goody - flute, Jonathan Moretz - guitar WELCOME SONG (see insert) Soon and Very Soon (Andrae Crouch) Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We’re going to see the King! No more crying there, we are going to see the King!... No more dying there, we are going to see the King!... Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King!... WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Jim and Rev. Heike CONGREGATIONAL GREETING OPENING PRAYER Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. *OPENING HYMN (see insert) Christ Our Light ANTHEM Come and See the works of the Lord J. Paul Williams Joyful Noise and Hallelujah Choirs TIME FOR CHILDREN CHILDREN’S HYMN #165 (Black, New Century) Love Came Down at Christmas

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ADVENT WREATH LITURGY - The Candle of Hope   This world we live in longs for hope - Hope that all God’s children have enough food, shelter, health, and love; Hope that resources are shared fairly and all are being good stewards of this earth; Hope that no one should die anymore because of war, disease, or natural disaster; Hope that political unrest and uncertainty do not guide our moral compass; God, we call upon you to come. In a world where so many have lost hope, we call upon you, Lord of Hope, to come. In this season of Advent, we wait for the coming of Hope into our world. We await the birth of the Christ-child, the coming of God into our lives in a new way. Come, Messiah, come, help us, save us. Light the first purple candle. Prayer: Dear God, we pray for the hope that is in Christ to come into our lives in a new way. May we become hope that is alive in our world. Amen.


Students are dismissed for Children’s Chapel and will join their families for Communion.

SELECTION OF READINGS Gospel Mark 13:24-37  But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see “the People’s Representative” coming in clouds” with great power and glory. Then that one will send out the angels, and gather the elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.  

From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that Coming One is near, at the very gates. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 

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But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Beloved, but only the One who Sends the Beloved. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come. It is like someone going on a journey, when they leave home and puts others in charge, each with their work, and commands the doorkeeper to be on the watch. Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the one in charge of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn, or else that one may find you asleep when they come suddenly. And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake. HYMN #112 (Black, New Century) Keep Awake, Be Always Ready SERMON “Watch!” Rev. Jim Mitulski OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS

In each of our pews today is a black friendship book which we encourage you to fill out and pass to the person next to you during the offering. If you have been with us before, just put down

your name, but if you are new today, please let us know who you are. Thanks!

Offertory Anthem Gloria in excelsis Deo Antonio Vivaldi Chancel Choir Section Leaders *Doxology Pilgrim Hymnal #128 v. 4, adapted Text: Christina Rosetti (1872) Tune Gustav Holst (1906) What shall I give thee, poor as I am 

If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;  If I were a wise one, I would do my part;  What I can I give thee, give my heart.  

Prayer of Dedication CELEBRATION OF COMMUNION Invitation Words of Institution Prayer of Consecration Sharing of the Bread and Cup

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EVERYONE is welcome to receive the Bread and Cup. You don't need to be a member of this church or any church. Come forward at the direction of the usher. Pick up a piece of bread, gluten or non-gluten, and dip it in the cup. If you are not sure what to do, ask, and we are glad to explain. The cup contains grape juice. Children of any age may receive if their parents are comfortable, or you may bring them for-ward and we will give them a simple blessing. Everyone is welcome, without exception.\If you would like communion brought to you, let the usher know and we are happy to bring it to you in your seat. Communion Music (You are welcome to sing these hymns during communion) Hymn #116 (Black, New Century) O Come, O Come Emmanuel   Hymn # 125 (Black, New Century) Angels We have heard on High Communion Prayer CLOSING HYMN (see insert) Canticle of the Turnin g BENEDICTION POSTLUDE What Child is This Traditional English Bruce Goody - flute, Jonathan Moretz - guitar

Thank you to Bruce Goody and Jonathan Moretz for sharing their gift of music with us this morning.

Worship Assistants: Teresa and Leyna Blume Deacons: Rick Devereux, Kevin Blume Communion Servers: Paul Brown, Sue Cotton, Lee McNally Altar Guild: Denice Koljonen, Jane Clayton-Matthews Ushers: Jim Leighton, Robert Kennedy, Phil Gotwals, Rich Weitzel Flowers: Connie Kaufman Flower Delivery: Amy Kennedy

The flowers on the alar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Binna Mann by her family.

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As an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ we support the Weekend of Prayer for LGBTQ Justice. Churches and individuals around the Country are praying this prayer this weekend in anticipation of the Supreme Court ruling in regard to Masterpiece Cakeshop. you are invited to pray this prayer in your personal prayers this week:

Loving God, source of all creation, you endowed all people with inherent dignity and worth, and you invite us to treat each other in ways that honor and value that worth. In this season of Ad-vent, as we wait for a time when your Divine Justice will be made incarnate, we commit to seeking justice in our lives and our communities. This weekend, as the Supreme Court prepares to hear a case that will affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people across the country, we pray that your justice will prevail. We lament that too often the lives, rights, and freedom of LGBTQ people have not been valued in our communities and our society. We pray for LGBTQ people as they await a decision from the court on whether their rights will be pro-tected. We also lift up the justices of the Supreme Court. Give them a spirit of wisdom and un-derstanding, that they may discern what is right. Guide us all as we seek your justice here on earth, and give us the courage to reconcile with those who have been harmed by religion. We ask your blessing as we seek to co-create a world where people are free from injustice, violence, and discrimination. Amen.

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Covenant We strive to be a joyful, welcoming Christian Community. We seek to be faithful in a world torn by suffering, injustice, oppression, and war. We are inspired by God, Christ’s Ministry, and the examples of other faithful people. We join together in worship and song, fellowship, study, and mission to embrace the risks and challenges of continuing Christ’s ministry We struggle to live out our faith in the world by furthering justice and peace, witnessing to the truth, and proclaiming God’s love and mercy for all people. Open and Affirming Statement As a covenant community we are committed to the belief that all people are created equal before God. In affirmation of the inclusive love of Christ Jesus, we welcome persons of any race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability and economic circumstance to full participation in our community life and ministry. We strive to reflect these beliefs in the language and content of our worship and in our lives together. (This statement adopted in 2000, reflects the welcome of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and their friends and families.)

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Welcome to all who are new or here for the first time! If you are interested in learning more about our church, please email Rev. Jim at [email protected], Rev Heike at [email protected] or call the office at 781-444-2510 to set up a conversation. For updates on church life, our family ministries, Christian Education and Youth Ministries follow us at: @NeedhamUCC on Instagram Congregational Church of Needham UCC on Facebook @needhamucc on Twitter Please silence your cell phone before attending the service. You can Check In on Facebook and let peo-ple know you are here. Feel free to Tweet, Snapchat, or Instagram during the service. If you would like or need a hearing device an usher will be able to assist you. Children’s Childcare is offered for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers in the Nursery located downstairs during the service.

Rev. Jim Mitulski’s Office Hours Please contact the church office to schedule an appointment during his office hours of   

 Tuesday & Wednesday 2‐6pm; Thursday 2‐5pm Evening hours are also available by appointment. *If these  mes do not work for you please contact the office for alternate availability.  

Interim Senior Minister—The Rev. Jim Mitulski [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 106  

Church Administrator—Danielle Jurdan [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 101 

Associate Minister—The Rev. Heike Werder [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 105  

Office Assistant & Bookkeeper—Cindy Sullivan [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 100  

Director of Children &Youth Ministries—Madelyn Downer [email protected] 781‐444‐2510, ext. 104  

Music Director—Valerie Becker [email protected] 

Organist/Accompanist—Sangyoung Kim  Handyman—Bill Donovan  

Housekeeper—Sanira Alchaar   



www.needhamucc.orgFacebook: Congrega onal Church of Needham UCC   Twi er @needhamucc  Instagram: needhamucc 781‐444‐2510of [email protected]

    The Rev. Dr. Paul Clayton, Pastor Emeritus


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December 3, 2017 

TODAY: Begin the Holiday Season with our Christmas Concert: The church's annual Christmas Concert will be held Sunday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. with a reception to follow in Fellowship Hall. We encourage you to support this event— provided by Music Director Valerie J. Becker, the Chancel Choir, the Friendly Chimers and guest harpist Martha Moor. Invite your friends and neighbors and support this fun event with your presence and your mone-tary donation. Checks may be made payable to the Congregational Church of Needham with “Christmas Concert” noted on the memo line. A good will offering will be accepted at the con-cert. Christmas Flower Offering Envelopes Are Now Available We are collecting donations in memory of loved ones for the poinsettias that decorate the church at Christmas time. Christmas Flower Offering envelopes will be available in the church pews and the church of-fice. Please return envelopes to the office by December 18. After the Christmas Eve services, many of the plants will be given to people in our congregation who are sick, homebound or in need of a little extra attention. Friendly Society Meeting - Thursday, December 7th at 1:30pm Calling all Friendly Society members and friends! On December 7th after Rev. Heike’s deli-cious Soup lunch, we will gather to make Cheese Balls to sell for Holiday festivities. The Wom-en's Morning Fellowship members have the expertise and experience and we'll enjoy their guid-ance as we revive this tradition. We'll meet at 1:30. If you have a food processor to bring or that we can borrow, please let Rev. Heike or Martha Lamb know at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE - Friendly Christmas Luncheon and Advent Lunch on December 14th. Details to follow. Mindfulness Meditation December 10th and 24th at 11:30am in the Chapel. The Mindful-ness Practice Group meets twice a month on the second and fourth Sunday’s for Mindfulness Meditation in the Chapel. The Transition Team has several goals in the process of preparing our Church Profile. While the survey completion was critical, we also are striving for as much transparency as we can achieve. With that in mind, we will be putting blurbs into the bulletin each week with updated information. A lot of this will be generated by questions that we get from the congregation, so thank you for your interest and involvement.


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Look for a “Transition Team” page on the Church’s web site, to find all archived messages. Refer back to it for information that you may have missed. Stop by the Transition Team table each week during Fellowship hour to ask questions. Thanks to everyone who put in the Time and Effort and Prayerfully completed the survey over the past 4 weeks. The Transition Team looks forward to meeting with a Representative from the Holy Cow Survey Company on Saturday, December 9th. At that time, the company will pro-vide the statistical analysis for all but the long answer questions. The Transition Team will re-view and summarize the responses to these questions. We continue to need your thoughts and input, so various small group meetings will be set up based upon the results of the survey. Not only do we appreciate your input, but also your pa-tience as we go about the detailed work of creating the Church Profile. Have a question for the transition team? Want to set up a meeting with a transition team mem-ber? Here’s the address to do so. All opinions are welcome! [email protected] Calling all Bakers! As part of our Membership care efforts, the desire has been expressed to improve upon our coffee hour offerings. And what better way than to offer home baked and nut free goodies, including also gluten free items. Rev. Heike invites anyone to a monthly after-noon of baking at the church. The next date is December 20, 2017 in the 1154 GPA kitchen. We can bake a lot in one afternoon and then freeze the goods for Sunday’s coffee hour. If you wish to contribute to coffee hour but cannot help us bake, we gratefully accept donations. Please contact Rev. Heike if you want to help or donate. Lost and Found There are a few items in the lost and found basket located in the office copy room. Please stop by to see if any of the items belong to you. Any items not claimed by Decem-ber 31st will be donated or thrown away. Giving Tree: Give a little Christmas to a family in need! Through our Giving Tree, we col-lect donations of new, unwrapped toys and gift cards for the Elizabeth Stone House in Jamaica Plain. This year, ESH has asked us to provide new, unwrapped gifts and gift cards so that the parents they serve might be able to shop for gifts for their children through the donated toys or shop for gifts using gift cards. You are invited to take an ornament from our Giving Tree and put it on your own tree as a thank you for your generosity. Find the numbered tag attached to the ornament and fill in your name on the signup sheet. During church hours, you can drop the gifts off in Maddie’s office. Toys can also be placed un-der the tree - please use a post-it to mark them with your name! Gift cards that are dropped off outside of office hours can be placed in the black lock box on the door of the main office. Your


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ministry through this project helps to fill Christmas with an abundance of joy for so many fam-ilies. Thank you for your participation! Calendars on Sale to Benefit Santa María Tzejá: Please stop by the Guatemala table during Coffee Hour on Sundays in December to purchase a colorful NISGUA calendar for yourself or as a gift. Cost: $20. Note: Ali Durbin's youngest daughter appears in one of the monthly pho-tos that focus on human rights/social justice issues. Alternative Giving: Looking for a meaningful gift to give? Consider a donation (in any amount) to the Guatemala Partnership and receive a card to give to a loved one (or teacher) showing that your gift was given in his or her honor. Your donation will support education in our partner village, Santa María Tzejá. See the gift cards at the Guatemala table after worship in Fellowship Hall during December. Partner Family Letters to Guatemala: Ho, ho, ho, it’s time to write your letter to your partner family in Santa María Tzejá. Fill in the family about your Christmas celebrations and tradi-tions. Deadline for letters is January 2, 2018. Please send to: [email protected]. NEEDHAM UCC FAMILY COOKBOOK: Submit Your Recipes Now! Our Youth Groups will be compiling recipes through January for a new Congregational Church of Needham cook-book! You are invited to contribute your favorite recipe to be included. You can email the reci-pe to [email protected] or bring a printed copy and put it in Maddie’s mailbox in the copy room! Additionally, if you’d like to share one or two sentences on a memory related to your recipe we will include that as well! Recipes will be collected through January 31. The cookbooks will be released in time for preparing your Easter dinner! Bible Study Please join us in the reception room from 11:30-12:30 for Bible Study. We gather to read and discuss a few chapters of the Bible each week. This fall we will be reading Revela-tions. No advance reading required, so please drop by if you would like to try us out! For ques-tions, contact Sunu Yeh at [email protected]. What are you doing next Sunday? Would you like to contribute to the life of our church, but are worried that you might not have the time? Consider ushering! Ushers serve one Sunday per month, and need to be in the sanctuary from about 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after ser-vice. Interested? Please speak with Eric Slosser or email him at [email protected].


Advent Workshop & Lunch: Today following worship in Linden Hall Each family will get to make an Advent wreath to celebrate Advent at home!

Enjoy Christmas cards, ornaments, and cookie decorating along with a delicious sandwich bar lunch. Join in the Advent fun in Linden Hall following worship!


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CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Christmas Pageant Rehearsals & Service Sunday, December 10: 11:30 AM: Lunch & Rehearsal Sunday, December 17: 11:30 AM: Lunch & Rehearsal, Costumes distributed Sunday, December 24: 2:00 PM: Dress rehearsal Sunday, December 24: 4:00 PM: Family service COOKIES WITH SANTA: Saturday, December 17, 11:30-1:30 PM Join Santa Claus in the reception room for cookies and pictures. Parents, bring your phone or camera to take a picture of your little with the jolly old elf himself! Santa’s favorite snack of milk and cookies will be served to all! Gluten-free and nut-safe options will be available.


Today: JR & SR High go to see Elf. Meet here at 2:00 PM and we’ll walk over. Pickup here at

6:00. Tickets are needed in advance.

Next week: JR High 4:00-5:30, SR High 6:30-8:00; Baking for Cookies with Santa

Youth Group Christmas Parties: Sunday, December 17 Please bring a gift for Yankee Swap, $10 limit (no gift cards). Christmas snacks, carols, and games! JR High 4:00 & SR High 6:30 UPCOMING: SR HIGH LOCK-IN: Friday, January 5-Saturday, January 6, 2018 Senior High Youth Group students gather for their winter lock-in here at the church at 7:00 pm on Friday. On Saturday, we will head to snow tubing at the Nashoba Valley Tubing Park before returning at 2 PM. Meals: Students will eat dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Satur-day. The cost to students is $50. If this event is cost-prohibitive for your student or family, please reach out to Maddie at [email protected]. Friends of youth group members are welcome to join! RSVPs for this event are due Sunday, December 3, 2017. We are in need of 1 adult chaper-one for overnight on Friday and 2 drivers on Saturday.


11/26/2017 Collections* = $3,244 11/26/2017 Worship Attendance = 116 people October Electronic Pledge Amount: $13,581.93 Please contact the church office 781-444-2510 or [email protected] to find out how you can give electronically. *Collection amount does not include additional pledges received elec-tronically. Our current pledge amount for 2017 is $367,804.00. This represents a budget short-fall of $56,459.00 for the year.

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Sunday December 3rd

10:00 am 11:30 am 4:00 pm

Worship, Sanctuary Chimer Practice, Sanctuary Guatemala Meeting, Library

Family Advent Wreath Workshop, Christmas Concert, Sanctuary

Monday December 4th

9:00 am 2:00 pm 7:00 pm

Cancer Support Group, Reception Room Property Committee, Library

Board Meeting, Library

Tuesday December 5th

6:00 pm Community Dinner, Linden Hall

Wednesday December 6th

7:00 pm Advent Vespers, Chapel

Thursday December 7th

12:00 pm 1:30 pm 7:30 pm

Advent Lunch w/ Heike, Library Friendly Society Meeting

Choir Practice, Linden AB

Saturday December 9th

9:00 am Transition Team Meeting w/ Holy Cow Consultant: Survey Results, Library

Sunday December 10th

8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 4:00 pm 6:30 pm

Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Worship-Membership Sunday, Sanctuary

Meditation w/ Sue Findlay, Chapel Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, Sanctuary

Junior High Youth Group Senior High Youth Group

Monday December 11th

9:00 am 7:00 pm

Cancer Support Group, Reception Room Finance Team Meeting, Conference Room

Tuesday December 12th

7:00 pm Board Meeting, Library Outreach Meeting, Conference Room

Wednesday December 13th

7:00 pm Advent Vespers, Chapel Deacon’s Meeting, Library

Thursday December 14th

7:00 pm 7:30 pm

EMT Meeting, Reception Room Meditation Book Club, Library

Sunday December 17th

8:15 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 4:00 pm 6:30 pm

Men’s Breakfast, Library Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary

Worship, Sanctuary Meditation w/ Sue Findlay, Chapel

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, Sanctuary Junior High Youth Group Senior High Youth Group


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