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1 Miracles Written by Duke Campbell Updated 12-9-19 This book is dedicated to my wife, Caren. She gives me strength and love to carry on through each day of my life.

WELCOME TO MIRACLES OF THE MIND - · intended to help you make changes in your life that will help you realize your dreams

Sep 24, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Written by

Duke Campbell

Updated 12-9-19

This book is dedicated to my wife, Caren.

She gives me strength and love

to carry on through each day of my life.

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Table of Contents

Introduction .............................……………………..……..Page 3

Lesson 1 - Understanding How Things Work………..….Page 5

Lesson 2 - Dealing With The Past .................…………....Page 10

Lesson 3 - Dealing With Money....……………..................Page 15

Lesson 4 - Visualization and Belief.....…………........…...Page 17

Lesson 5 - Setting Goals & Stress..........…………............Page 19

Lesson 6 -Verbal Or Physical Abuse..........…..…………..Page 21

Lesson 7 – Tips for Success……………………………….Page 23

Lesson 8 - Making Sense Of It All....................…………..Page 24

Some Extra information…………………………………...Page 32

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You are meant to have an amazing life, but most of us don't know that or even how

to get there. This book will help you with that. You may be wondering what the heck is

this book all about? Why should I even bother reading this book? Wouldn’t you want the

tools and secrets of life to help improve your life if all you had to do is

read a book and follow some good principals? Have you ever wondered

why bad things or good things happen to you during the course of your

life? Have you wondered why you always have good or bad luck? Are

you confused or have too many unanswered questions? Are you caught up

in the negativity of life? Does it seem like social media is getting you

down? Do you sometimes feel like you are left out on a branch hanging

onto your dear life?

Do you feel like everyone is out to get you?

This course is designed to help you change your life for the better. That’s if you

want to do this change? It won’t work unless you are at a point in your life where you

desire real positive change. All the things that can and could go wrong in a person’s life I

have done it.

I understand what it’s like to have physical pain where you

wonder if it will ever end. I understand to have

mental anguish where life doesn’t seem to be worth

living anyone. With social media at our finger tips,

we spend more time there then actually talking to

someone face to face. I just want to stop here and

suggest finding someone you can talk with and trust.

Doing this would always be a good thing. With that

said, if things aren't going the way you'd like them to

go then this course is for you. It's an interactive course intended to help you with your


This course is designed to help you reach into your deepest feelings then help you

get rid of any bad feelings you may have picked up along your journey in life. It's

intended to help you make changes in your life that will help you realize your dreams and

goals in which they may have seemed impossible to achieve.

Are you ready to have a miracle happen in your life? Yes, a miracle can happen to

you. This course will help you understand and examine aspects of your life. At the end

of this program, you will feel a difference in the way you look at life itself.

Shall we get started? It is best to be by yourself and in a quiet place where you

can spend the needed time and effort to go through this course. It is important to

read the whole book. Why? You want a change for the better, don’t you? Read and

practice what’s in this book.

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I shall talk about this more later.

I would like to mention something that I consider important before you get started

on your journey. I gave this course to someone to read. I wanted to know if they liked it

or not. I sensed this person could use some of the techniques involved in this material.

They went home and read the whole thing in one night. They told me that they

agreed with everything in it and that was that. I liked what they had to say, but that

person didn’t put the techniques I talk about in this course into use for themselves. Since

they didn’t put the effort into this book, it didn’t truly work for them. That choice is


Yes, you can read this in one easy evening, but that’s not what this is all about. It

is designed for you to spend some quality time with yourself. It’s intended to allow you

to examine your past and present thoughts then apply the steps and lessons that I ask you

to do. It is recommended to do this course by yourself; alone and away from all others.

Anything doing that is worth while requires work on your part. There’s no getting around


To reach the best results, I would read the first lesson then spend that next day

listening to your inner thoughts then writing them down. In lesson two, spend the time

needed to write on blank sheets your most inner thoughts and feelings. In fact, it is best to

have a pad of paper to write your thoughts down on. These lessons, though they may

appear a little unusual, but are designed to help you reach feelings that may have been

lost deep within yourself for years. You want to bring those feelings to the surface in

order to deal with them. You have a tendency to accumulate excess baggage within your

mind. It’s a good idea to get rid of some that excess baggage that holds you back from

your miracle in life. I wish we had a delete button for some of the trash we hold in our

mind then all I’d have to do is click on that delete button when I want to get rid of

something from my mind; just like you do at a computer.

Please follow the techniques I talk about in this material. Take the time and do the


By doing these lessons and techniques, they will enable you to achieve the best

results possible. Otherwise, you could be wasting your valuable time. Spend some

quality time with this material. You can’t short cut life then why short cut yourself.

Also remember, results may not come over night. However, I have heard of instant

results, but they will vary from person to person. The effort you put into this course will

determine how much of a miracle will come your way. Remember, to take the time to

follow the instructions in this course. It’s wise to spend a day or a half a day by yourself

without any phones, TV, or radio. It’s your special time to reflect upon your life in order

to find your essence and to find your miracle, but don’t look for miracles. You are a

Miracle. It’s just a matter of understanding things then applying to your life which in turn

finds you your Miracle.

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Understanding How Things Work

There are basically three reasons why your life is the way it is today. First, is your

family genetics. As of now, we can't really do much to improve on that, but we will in

the future. Second, is the food you eat. I don't go into that here, but I have another

program that I talk about food. Third, is what you think in your mind and the deep

feelings you hold inside of yourself. That's what this course is designed to help you with

in that area.

You are here to deal with the third item. First, you will examine how you think.

What do you think about every day? Sometime, just listen to what you are thinking

inside your head. What are you saying about yourself? What are you saying about others

around you or your family members? Recently, I figured out that talking about people in

a bad way even if it is the truth is also not a good thing. It takes away from you when you

do this. What are your deep feelings you hold inside of yourself? Are those feelings good

or bad? Spend a quiet day listening to your inner thoughts and what you say out loud to

others and yourself.

You don't have to do this right now, but I recommend doing this before going onto

lesson two. I do want to emphasize that this is an important step towards realizing what

goes on in your life. During the time you spend listening to your thoughts, write down on

a pad of paper what are some of your inner thoughts. Keep these notes for yourself. We

will use these notes in later lessons. Keep a note pad or some other device that may work

for you while you do this course. This will help you achieve the better results.

Now that you know what you are thinking, lets discuss what happens with these

thoughts. Did you know that thoughts are energy? I’m going to discuss energy and its

life force (aura). Have you ever walked into a room then noticed you liked or disliked

someone in that room immediately? That is your aura communicating to the others

person’s aura without any spoken words at all. As you may or may not know, all things in

nature and life vibrate at certain frequencies. Your thoughts and things you say can take

away or add to your life force. Remember this point, because it is important. I’ll repeat it

again. Your thoughts, your spoken words and your actions can add or take away from

your aura. I’ll talk more about this later.

Atoms make up things in nature and cells make up living things. Each of which

has their own vibrating cycles. I use the word vibrate, because I feel it's something we

can all understand. In nature, things vibrate at different rates depending upon their

characteristics. The atoms in a piece of wood vibrate at a different rate compared to the

atoms in water. However, by changing the temperature of the wood or by changing the

temperature of water, their vibrations can decrease or increase. This can lead for water to

evaporate and wood to burn with a certain amount of heat applied to both. Every cell and

atom have his or her own aura. You may have heard of String Theory.

These particles are so small they can actually transcend between people, things and

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maybe beyond. Science has thought of this idea for awhile now, but had a hard time

proving it.

There is one more thing you might consider. You might have heard that your body

has an aura around it. I feel this aura is an accumulation of all your thoughts, beliefs, and

the feelings you hold within yourself.

Did you know that you affect things around you with your aura? You do this

whether you are aware of it or not. I'll talk about this in a later lesson.

Your life force (aura) inside of you also vibrates at a certain rate. Have you ever

noticed that when you were feeling really depressed, your whole body feels like a lead

weight or when you are laughing or happy, your body feels like it could fly away? Now

let’s take this a step further.

A speaker in a class that I took was able to make everyone in the room bust up

laughing. She held a heavy metal spoon in her hand as she did this demonstration. As

the laughter continued, the spoon was affected by the lightness of the vibrations within

this class. The light happy vibrations of the people’s laughter in the class made the spoon

heat up. The teacher was able to bend the spoon around very easily. She past the spoon

around the class for everyone to see. When the spoon came around to my way, I noticed

it was still warm. How can laughter heat up a spoon enough to bend it? The spoon was a

heavily built spoon that would be extremely hard for even me to bend normally.

The laughter caused everyone in the room vibrations to increase, thus enabling the

spoons vibrations to increase also. The faster something vibrates then the heat also

increases. This was a demonstration on how things in life could be affected by laughter

or sadness. Another way you can affect things is with your aura (your life force). Have

you ever noticed that you may instinctively like or dislike someone? It’s your aura

reacting to the other person’s aura. When you see someone sad or depressed, you tend to

feel empathy for that person. That person’s sadness (their aura at that time) affects your


Have you ever noticed in your life, when you are feeling down or depressed that

sometimes bad things happen to you, or when you are overly filled with joy and love, that

sometimes good things happen to you? Think about that for a second. Look back into

your life and see your good and bad experiences that you have had. Do you remember

how your state of mind was at those times? Take a moment to reflect.

I heard someone say that laughter was a gift from God. It's really hard to be

depressed when you are laughing. This is a tool you can use to help yourself. The state

of laughter raises the bodies cell vibrations to a higher level, thus enabling good things to

happen to you. You do want good things to happen to you? When you are depressed, try

telling yourself a joke or do something silly in which makes you laugh. It will help you. I

usually do something around the house to keep busy with something I enjoy doing.

The increase or decrease of their vibrations can affect all things in life. Actually,

why good or bad things happen to you are more than the vibrations itself. It runs a lot

deeper, but vibrations are a part of things.

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One of the things that make up your life force is the way you think about yourself.

Do you love yourself with everything you have? Can you look into a mirror, then say out

loud to yourself while still looking in the mirror, "I Love Myself."? If not, then why not?

I know this may sound a little silly to do, but it's an important step in understanding

where you are in your life. Go to a mirror then say out loud into the mirror that you love


One of the things you can do for yourself each day is tell yourself that you love

yourself and accept yourself for the person that you are right now many times during the


The more you do this, the better it is for you. You want to get to a point where you

feel totally comfortable with accepting and loving yourself. This is a tool for you to use

to change your life for the better. Anything good that you want to happen in your life then

visualize it and say it over and over again in your mind and believe it.

One of the areas to look is the power of the spoken word. Have you ever held

that the spoken word is very powerful? Think about that for a second or two. Remember

the last time you kept saying out loud that something was going to happen and it did

happen. Why is that you wonder? The spoken word is one of the most powerful tools at

your disposal. It can be used for good or it can be used for bad purposes. The choice is

strictly yours. Do want good things to start happening, then say what you want to

happen, instead of saying what you don't want to happen. I was in a casino when I

overheard a person say, “I never win.” I guess that was true for that person. Thinking bad

things is not a good idea, but saying those bad thoughts out loud provokes the law of the

spoken word. I know this from personal experience. I work on speaking what I want to

happen each and every day. I wrote this book a long time ago and I continue to practice

these techniques today.

I know we have all said bad things about people, or the things they were wearing,

or doing, or just what other people look like. It's an easy thing to do. It's a habit that

sometimes may be hard to get rid of.

I know this from my own personal experience. You might ask, "What's the big

deal?" It's only in fun or whatever! I don't mean anything by it. If you don't mean

anything by it, then don't say it in the first place. Recently, I realized telling other people

bad things about another person whether or not they are true may also not be a good

thing. You can’t like everyone. That’s a given, but you don’t need to act upon your

dislikes with a person either. I look at this way. If not saying bad things about another

person helps me get my desires then I can do that.

Saying bad things about other people or yourself sets up a condition that hurts your

spirit. It diminishes your aura. It takes away from you. If you don't want anything taken

away from you, then maybe try saying nice things about people. Try it sometime.

It may be hard to do at first, but you can get the hang of it. When I walk around

and see people, I always find something nice to think or say about that person. I make an

effort to say nice things instead of bad things. It's something I work at each and every

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day. I find myself slipping back into my old habit of criticism, but I remind myself it's

better not to do that. I'm not saying that you have to agree or say nice things all the time,

because there are some really bad people out there. Remember that they are in a stage in

their own life that may really need some personal help themselves. Just realize that all of

us are at different levels. Some levels are really good and some levels are pretty bad.

I think one of the hardest things to do is say something nice to a person whom you

absolutely don’t like. Try it sometime and see what happens but be sincere about it. The

best way to say something nice about someone you dislike is to look for something nice

about him or her to compliment. It may be something they are wearing or whatever.

You may not change or affect that person by being nice to them, but you may feel better

inside of you. Work on that, if you can. You will find that you may feel fantastic.

Are you sure you want to continue to speak badly of someone because in time it

will destroy you as a person. This doesn’t mean you have to agree and be happy with

everyone because everyone is at a different level then yourself. Remember, each time

you say bad things about someone or do bad things to someone, it takes away from your

life force. I don’t like things taken away from me, do you?

You aren’t going to like everybody. As I said before, this is a tool that you can use

and work on each day to improve your life. Remember, be careful what you speak out

loud, because it's a good possibility that it will come true. The choice is yours.

Another thing to think about is the collective whole of all our personal aura’s

combined together. I like what the Indians do and say about this area. They believe all

things in life, whether it is living things or the world around us, are connected together as

a whole.

What you do as a person affects this total connective energy. I find this rather

interesting because as I have enlightened my spirit, I have noticed people seem familiar

to me even though I know that I have never meant them before. Hasn’t anyone ever

come up to you and asked, “Aren’t you so and so’s brother or sister? You sure do look

like them.” This is an example of our spirits tapping into the collective whole of the

universe. Have you ever heard of master mining? It’s where two or more people come

together to discuss and talk about an idea in the hopes of generating a better idea or

thought. This process is done all the time in businesses, groups, churches, or whenever

two or more people join to collectively combine their thought energy. When they

achieve this higher state of mind, they are tapping into the collective whole of the

universe. Think about that idea for a second. Look back on a time when you and a friend

thought things out together and came up with a fantastic idea. Whether you realize this

or not, you have done this master mining several times in your life. This is another tool

at your disposal to use for yourself. You can affect the collective whole and it can affect


Let’s recapture what you have learned thus far. What you think and what you say

affect your every day life immensely. The thoughts and words you do today are your

reality tomorrow. Life is full of choices. The choices you make for yourself today will

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be your future tomorrow.

The teacher that did the spoon demonstration told us a story about her life. She

was in a really terrible relationship. Without going into a lot of detail, at night she would

go to bed, then actually live in her mind this better life. She would visualize what she

wanted. I’ll talk more about this in chapter 4. After some time, the better life she had

visualized each and every night came true for her. It can come true for you also.

Things happen to you, because of the thoughts you think and the things you say.

If you want to change your life for the better, then fall in love with yourself and

what you really want to happen in your life. The next lesson will be really intense. You

may want to take a break, then start the next lesson.

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Dealing with the PAST

Dealing with the past is one of the most crucial and one of the hardest areas to

work with. You will be asked to explore past events that may be really hard for you.

However, please bare with me, because your past greatly affects how your life is going

today. The reason for this exercise is to understand where your feelings are at. This is a

critical step, because understanding who you have negative feelings for can help you

towards the healing process.

Please take out a pen or pencil along with a note pad for writing down your

thoughts or another device of your choice. Your past can take away from your future, if

you are not careful. Don’t let past events hold you down from flying like a great bird in

the sky.

Your past is catching up with you, but first I like what one friend wrote about

people who touch our life. Here is her quote. - People Touch Our


People move in and out of each other’s lives, and each leaves his mark on the

other. People important to us, our most beautiful people, the ones that move us

and inspire us, make a splash as they enter into our unassuming lives. They

arrive, they talk, they listen, they care. They rain love and bring joy

throughout everything. And damn it's hard, once you have someone that makes your life so beautiful, to

watch them turn and walk away ... and you breathe a deep, heavy sigh of sadness, and wonder why they

had to go and leave such a gaping hole.

People unimportant to you, cross your life, touch it with thoughtlessness, carelessness and indifference,

and move on. These are the people that leave you intact, and you breathe a sigh of relief, and you

wonder why you ever came in contact with them.

Lovers leave old lovers for new ones, friends make new friends and drift away, and acquaintances just

move on. Think on the many who have moved into your life ... You look on those present and wonder.

You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who have touched your life, and you are more

because of it, and you would be less if they had not touched you.

People and life, are fundamentally transitory. It's ever-evolving, and ever-changing, and a static life will

develop no one. People move, people shake, and sometimes we don't or can't all move and shake


Why it happens to us is their purpose in our universe is done for the time being. They have sparked the

cogs of change, or they have taught you to be something more. And perhaps to reap the benefit, you

have to stand on your own two feet ... and sometimes this means standing alone. People go for their own

reasons, but your reason is to learn from their existence in your life.

Why it is hard could also be answered, and maybe that's where I will add my thoughts ... When someone

is beautiful, or kind, or touch you deeply in some inexplicable way, you make room for them, they

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occupy a special space within you.

And when you are left, when they go on the wind without you, the space where they once were is still

there to remind you of what was lost.

There is an ache in that empty space when they are gone. I cling to the memory of them. I miss them. I

do not want a life filled with empty spaces. But life is transitory. And ever-evolving.

And, such is life. All that is left is to be grateful for the people that touched our lives.

And I am.

~R~ I liked what she wrote and holds a lot of how we look at our past and deal with

the present and future.

One of the first areas I ask you about is your parents or the people who raised you. How

do you feel about them? Have one of them betrayed you or have hurt you in some way?

Whether it is physical or mental abuse it matters to you. I’ve had some physical abuse

and some mental abuse to deal with as a young boy.

The following exercise may seem a little different to do or it may be difficult for

you to do or even seem a little bit weird to do, but please put forth your best effort into

this exercise. It's for your benefit that you do this exercise.

Now, write down on the paper or a device 10 reasons why you love your mother or

stepmother or the female that took care of you as a young person. Write it as, “I love

my….” Do it whether it seems silly or even hard to do. Take your time on this. Search

your feelings about this topic.

Now, write down 10 reasons why you hate your mother or stepmother, etc.

Remember, do it whether you think it's easy or hard to do. Again, take your time on this.

Write the phrase “I hate my….” may seem harsh, but they are designed for you to center

on any negative feelings you may hold against someone. You may not have 10 reasons,

but that is okay.

It’s extremely important to understand your feelings towards all the people in your

life. Understanding your positive and negative feelings will help you in the next exercise,

and it will help you with your overall understanding of where your feelings lie.

Now, write down on the paper 10 reasons why you love your father or stepfather or

the male person who took care of you when you were a young person. Do it the same

way as you did with your mother. Take your time on this also. Was it really hard for you

to do this exercise? It was hard for me.

Write down 10 reasons why you hate your father or stepfather. Did you have

trouble doing this? Take some time to look over and review your notes. Did it bring about

feelings you may not have thought of for a long time, or feelings that you carry with you

each and every day? Save these notes for later.

Continue on with this exercise, but do it with your sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts,

or any relatives or friends and even your boss or co-workers. I really hated this one kid I

knew when I was younger. My hatred flourished within my aura. I wanted to actually kill

that person or just beat the crap out of him. It was hard for me to release all that negative

energy I had stored up for him. I also hated this man who had lied about me then took the

girl I loved away from me. The hatred I had for him was really bad, but my hatred for

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him didn’t hurt him at all. However, it did take its toll on my essence. Who have you

hated now or in the past? It will take a little time to accomplish this, but it will prove

beneficial for you to put the energy into this exercise. You may want to take a break then

finish this exercise. Even though you may not finish this part, it is best to try and finish it

before continuing on. However, you may think of other people later on. That’s okay.

You can continue this process anytime throughout your life if needed. I did.

Now that you have written down all these thoughts, did they bring about any

negative feelings at all? If yes, then you are on the right track. If no, it's okay also. It

would be hard to imagine someone in your past that you didn't hold some kind of

negative feelings towards. Your past and present have a way of catching up with you.

I have an exercise for you to do, but first I want to explain why I want you to do

this exercise. Hate is powerful. To hate people and things only brings about destruction

within your own self and also with all the people around you.

Holding hate within your heart can cause you illnesses or other things like being

tired all the time. However, love is of a greater power than hate. Love is pure, and it has

everlasting healing affects towards you and all others that surround you. Love can go a

long way when it comes to healing all those bad feelings you may hold deep within

yourself. Learn to love yourself and love all the people in your life. I know it may be the

hardest thing to do, but it's for your benefit to put love into your life. Also, learn to share

and spread love to others around you.

Now, for the exercise. I call this a very special tool that will help you enrich your

life and free yourself from your past or from some of your present things that hinder you

from the riches you truly deserve in life. Take a look at your note pad. Take each one of

the people you hold negative feelings towards, then release them from your life with love.

Do each person one at a time. It's good to be alone in a private place for this exercise.

For example: Let’s say your father did you wrong in the past. You want to release the

negative feelings you hold towards your father from within your heart. You do this by

saying out loud, "Father, I do not agree with what you did to me in the past, but I release

you with love. You no longer have any hold on me. I release you with love, father." As

you say these words, make sure you give the same amount of feelings that you hold

against him, but with the feelings of love. The more intensity of your love to release him,

the better this technique works. Also, as you say these words out loud, use a motion with

your arms as an outward gesture. Move both your arms in a circular manner outward

away from your body. This helps with the technique. The moving of your arms in an

outward motion helps release the negative Chi (Aura) from your mind and body. I call

this process, “The Releasing Process” This process is the most important part of this

book. Make sure you put a lot of effort into releasing all those people who have hurt you

in your past and present. Another way to do this process is writing down their names on a

big sheet of paper. Once, you have all those names written down then I do the releasing

process again, except this time run the paper with their names on it through a paper

shredder. I call this my burn list. This process kind of adds to the finalization of getting

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rid of any of the mental junk in your head from bad past experiences. Believe me, do this

and you’ll feel so much better. Your Chi will be much lighter. Do this process as many

times as needed until you feel they are totally released from your heart. You’ll know

when you have accomplished this task by if you talk about them, you don’t have any

harsh feelings towards them, or you don’t talk about them at all anymore. It may take

some time to achieve the result, but you can keep doing this when needed.

This is a form of Tai Chi. You may say this may be a crazy thing to do, but believe

me it works, if you put the right effort into it.

You will feel like a tremendous amount of weight had been lifted from your

shoulders. You may feel tired or you may feel refreshed.

After you have done this with one person, now do it with all the others that you

hold deep negative feelings towards. You don't have to do this all in one day because it

may wear you out. You can set some time alone for another day in which to accomplish

this task. I used this technique with about 20 people in my life. Even after I thought I

had done this technique with all the people I had some disagreement with, another person

popped into my head at a later date that I needed to release with love. I released that

person also. You can use this technique anytime you feel the need, or when someone else

you remembered needs to be released. Remember, release all of them with love.

That's important. All those negative feelings you've held within yourself all these years

have only destroyed your potential for greatness. You are special. You are loved.

If you still feel that you hold negative feelings towards anyone, feel free to

continue with this technique. Practice what I have told you to do. You can change some

of the words in this technique to fit your own personal style, but make sure in essence

you say basically the same thing with love. Remember to love. Also, something to

remember, this is a good gauge to understand if you need to release negative feelings. If

you find yourself talking about a negative experience with feelings then that tells you,

you need to work on releasing those feelings. The secret to a healthy mind is when you

talk about a negative experience that you don’t’ have any feelings attached to your words.

It’s like that negative experience was not a big deal in your life even though it was a big

deal. When you can do this with all the bad things that has happened to you in your life

then you are on your way for great things to happen to you.

Now, to an earlier question, "Do you love yourself?" You may ask why does this

question even matter? It's because the way you feel about yourself will dictate how your

life will become in the future. That is why I have you look at the past and the present to

find any obstacles that will interfere with you loving yourself.

Can you accept yourself the way you are now and love yourself with all your heart?

It's okay to want to try and improve your physical appearance, if you aren't crazy

on how you look. First, you must love and accept yourself as you are now before any real

changes can ever occur for the better. The key is how your mind and body react with

each other. If you don't accept yourself as you are now, then start telling yourself over

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and over again each and every day how you do accept yourself. Keep doing this until it

feels right with you. Loving yourself as a person should be a natural thing.

Can you forgive yourself? This may be one of the hardest things to do for you.

You might have done something in your past that you consider unforgivable. Loving

yourself is also forgiving yourself. You tend to be the hardest judge upon yourself. That

is a natural thing to do, but learn to forgive yourself. To forgive yourself is in the healing

process of the mind. Please forgive yourself and love yourself. Judging other people is

another area to talk about. Why do we judge people? We all do it one or time or another.

When you judge someone is it because you wanted to say something good about that

someone or say something bad about that person? I have been told not to judge people at

all, because when you judge someone, then you set yourself to be judged. If you judge

someone and say that they are a good person in your assessment, then I don't see anything

wrong in that. You are promoting good feelings.

One of the worst things you can do is judge yourself. It's one of the best ways to

destroy yourself. You may be too hard on yourself for something you may have done in

the past. Forgive yourself and move on. To have regret over the past only keeps the past

ruling your future. Learn from your mistakes, but move on to bigger and better things.

I have actually heard of people dramatically changing their life for the better. All

they did was love themselves and accepted themselves with all their heart and soul. Can

you do this? I hope so. It took me years to change the way I thought about myself.

I see a lot of hate within people every day. I'd love to walk up to them, put my

arms around them, then tell them that they are truly loved and they are special. Don't you

know, if you carry hate within your heart that it will destroy you in the long run. Get rid

of hate within yourself and be free. You will actually feel like 50 pounds has lifted off of

you. Hate is one of your worse enemies. It will destroy you from the inside out until

your body will no longer be able to live. I see people caught up with the disappointments

of their life and the bitterness they hold deep inside of themselves. Get rid of those

things. It will only kill you as a person. Use the releasing technique to mend your soul.

It's a tool for your use. Release yourself of all the envy, jealousy, dishonesty, bitterness,

and most of all, hate. Where as love is just the opposite. Love will heal you and

revitalize your mind and body. Learn to love yourself. Things may actually change for

the better over night if you learn these secrets, or it may take some time for you to

assimilate these ideas. Work every day on loving and accepting yourself as the special

person that you are. Things will start to improve in your life. Are you ready for a


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Dealing with Money

Lets talk about the money issue. Ah the evasive all mighty dollar. Do you have all

the money you need or does it seem that every time you try to get ahead, the money gets

taken away from you for some reason or another? Do you want money to be attracted to

you or have money go away from you all the time? I prefer money coming my way all

the time.

There are basically two reasons why money may not be as abundant in your life.

The first reason is that you don't care enough about yourself. Remember I talked about

loving yourself enough. You don't love yourself enough for money to be attracted to you.

However, now you know what to do about that, right? The second reason is you may

believe the old phrase, "Money is the root of all evil."

A lot of religions teach that money is evil. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking

religions. However, I'm sure you have heard how money is evil. Actually, all money is a

piece of paper or coin that is used to trade for goods. That's it. Money in no way shape

or form can cause anyone any harm. It's just paper. It's the person that uses money for

evil purposes that is the evil one. Not money. If you had lots of money, just think of all

the good things you could do with it. You have heard about people winning the Lottery,

then their life ends up ruined. It wasn't the money. Their life and their state of mind

were already in bad shape before the money came their way. Think about it. If you won

the Lottery tomorrow, do you really believe money will help you, if your life is in a state

of ruin. Money won’t change your ruined life. You will eventually lose all that money

because of the way you feel about yourself. If you steal things, then you cheat yourself. If

you do bad things to accumulate money then you take away from your aura. That’s not a

good thing. In my past, I have done things that have cheated the system, but it has also

taken away from my future earnings. Think about that one. Not a good thing either.

Change the way you feel about yourself. I know what you might be thinking.

What about all those rich people that do evil and bad things all the time, and they still

have tons of money? That's a good question. It’s not a goo thing to be like them. I'm

sure you've heard the saying, "What goes around comes around." Evil only produces evil.

Also, I don't want to validate the evil people anyway. So, enough on that subject.

Now, do you want money to come your way? Think of all the good things you

could do with it. The teacher that I talked about in the earlier lesson once said, "We

should love money." One of the students in her class had a really hard time accepting the

fact that she should love money, because of her religious beliefs. I don't want to infringe

upon your religious beliefs at all. All I can say is have a good feeling towards money.

Please don't think money is evil in anyway, because if you do, then money will always

escape you. Also, please don't worry about money.

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Worrying about money will only have money taken away from you. Believe

money is something you are some kin to.

Money is your friend. Having money is a good thing. In your mind visualize

money is all around you in an abundance. Please get rid of any negative feelings towards

money. If a friend of yours or someone you see has a lot of money, then be happy for

them. If you are envious of other people's money, then money will elude you. Envy of

other people's money will destroy your relationship with money.

When you talk about money, there are some other things to consider. A few

examples to stay away from. "If I had money, I would...., or "I need money to do this....,

or "I'm broke all the time.", or I never have any money." Talking about money using, "If,

when, I need", will only detour money away from you. That's not what you want to

happen. Right?

Speak about money as if it is in the present tense. Speak of money as if you

already have all the money you could ever want or desire. For example, "I'm a

millionaire, I have won the Lottery.", or "I have lots of money to spend." , or "I'm

rich!", or “I have plenty of money to pay all my bills.” Even if you know that isn't

true, it will set up the condition to happen in the future. Also, believe it and own it with

feelings, when you speak of having money in this manner. Your feelings will create

money to come your way. I'll talk about belief in a later lesson.

Another key to become successful with money is to save some money each and

every month. Put some money away each month and don’t touch it. It doesn’t even

matter the amount you save. It can be a dollar a month. It’s the principle law of success

of saving money that will set up the condition for money to come your way. The last

thing to remember is to respect money. Pay your bills on time and try not to spend more

than you can afford to spend. If you gamble away money that you don’t have then money

will elude you as well.

Recently, I was over come with joy. I felt a great presence with me. Though, I

practice what’s in this book everyday, I am by no means perfect. I sometimes slip into my

negative way of thinking. You don’t want that to happen, but sometimes it happens.

Don’t be hard on yourself. Step back into the light by practicing all that is good within

this book. Good things will happen to you as well. As I was saying, I needed some

money. That day some money came my way. I realize now, that when you walk in the

presence of the light good things will happen to you. I will talk more about this towards

the end of this book.

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Visualization and Belief

Visualization is another tool for your use. You use it every day whether you know

it or not. The key here is to visualize what you want to happen, and not what you don't

want to happen. I told you about the teacher visualizing being in another surrounding

with a beautiful home and having lots of money instead of being in an abusive

relationship with her husband. Her marriage was a total disaster. She realized she needed

somehow to get out of it, but she didn't know how. She visualized, and in her mind

actually lived this visualization of hers. Her visualizations finally came true with some

time. It almost came right out of the blue. She felt it was like magic, but it wasn't. It was

real. Her constant visualizations of being in a better place and her belief in that

visualization made it happen. Kind of hard to believe, right? I didn't know when she was

in the abusive relationship, but I knew her when she was doing great in her new home.

Your mind is very powerful source for you to use. Probably more powerful than any of us

could or ever imagine. Who's to say something like that couldn't happen? However, when

you practice visualizing what you want to happen, remember to put feelings of love with

your visualizations. Give your visualization lots of passion. If you want a new car, then

sense how a new car would smell and feel sitting inside of it. How the new car's seats

would feel around your body. Enjoy the sights and sounds as you drive your new car

down the road. How much you put into your visualizations will determine your results.

If you want a new home, then see and feel what it would be like actually living in

that new home.

I recently listened to an audio speech by a quantum physics person. He talked

about when you visualize-image within your mind whatever it is good or bad the mind

then goes to work and tries to make that happen for you. It actually causes your blood

cells to change in order to work for you or against you even without you knowing

this is happening. Another thing is fear. I spent my whole life in fear of something. I

understand now why my life and physical health wasn’t the best. I’ve decided not to live

in fear anymore plus hold as much love as I can within my mind. I’ll let you know later

how this works. Today is May 7, 2019. Visualize and fall in love with what you want to

achieve in life then your mind will put it into play and the universe will help make this

happen for you. However, it doesn’t always come to you as you think it might come to


A person once said, "What you can conceive and believe you will achieve." That

brings me to another point to talk about, and that is belief.

This is another tool you can use to benefit yourself. I have talked about

visualization. Now, let’s talk about belief. This is one area I work a lot on. Belief in

yourself and belief in your visualizations will open up your life for fantastic changes.

Work on the belief of having good things actually appear in your life, and guess what,

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things will start to improve for you. One of my favorite sayings is, "Miracles do happen.

All you have to do is believe."

It would be nice if everyone liked us. Are you one of those people who want

approval or acceptance from everyone? Do you want everyone one to like you? I use to

feel that way. I wanted and I felt like I needed everyone to like me. However,

realistically, there is no way everyone you come in contact with will like you. Remember,

we are all at different levels in our life. Not everyone will say and do good things towards

you. No matter how hard you work at pleasing everyone, not everyone will like you.

That's a fact. Live with it and move on.

If you believe that everyone must like you then you set yourself up for

disappointments and heartaches. All you can do is be an excellent example of yourself to

others that are around you. That's about all you can do. A person will only change if they

desire to change. I have found when you have used these tools in this book, life will

eventually change dramatically better for you. I know this from personal experience.

There is one thing to add. When you have changed for the better, people will notice it

without you ever saying a word. I have seen the look in people’s eyes as they have looked

at me. Also, since everyone is at a different level, there will be people who hate you,

because of the good person that you are. There’s not a whole lot you can do to change

this hatred of you, (it’s their problem to live with), but what you can do is show them the

example of love that’s within your heart. Do nice things for everyone, including that

person who hates you. You probably won’t change that person from hating you, but

you’ll feel better as a person yourself.

Sometimes in life a bad thing will happen to you because of someone who cannot

handle your goodness. I have had this happen to me more than once after I had changed

for the better. I have been fired from a job, because someone didn’t like me for some

reason or another. Usually I find they don’t understand or cannot stand be to be around a

good person. That’s their problem even though you get fired because of that person. I

have lost jobs I thought were great because of being lied about. However, I ended up

finding a better job in the long run. I had a neighbor from hell at one time. I ended up

selling my beautiful home, because of him. However, because I sold my home, I got an

even better home. I don’t hate that person. I actually thank him, because I wouldn’t be in

my fantastic new home if it wasn’t for him.

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Setting Goals & Stress

Let’s talk about goals. Do you ever feel like you are just going nowhere? Do you

feel like you aren't going to end up where you would like to end up? A lot of people go

through life that way without any regards to where they are going to end up.

If you don't have any goals then how do you know where you are heading? To not

have any goals is like a ship without a rudder. I've heard, when you write your goals

down on paper then read them out loud and use visualization with belief, that your goals

will be achieved a lot easier. I personally have a visualization board with goals written on

it. All my desires are on that board, no matter what I want in life. I even put pictures on a

board in order for me to look at and view each day. When you set a goal, also put a date

that you will achieve it. Make your goals reachable, but not too easy. If for some reason

you don’t achieve your goal, please don’t be hard on yourself. Re-write the goal with a

new date on it. As your body needs to push itself when you work out, your mind needs to

be pushed a little. Exercise of the body and mind will help keep you fit. If you don’t use

it, you will lose it. Practice these steps with goal setting after you have done this course.

It will help you.

How are you dealing with stress? This is one of the things that most of us have to

deal with. So, how do you deal with stress? There are a few things you can do to guard

yourself against a stressful life. The first thing I would advise is to get a normal amount

of sleep for your body to recover itself. Eat foods that have good nutrition. That may be

hard to do because of the fast pace you may be doing.

That will help you understand things about foods and nutrition, or you can E-mail

me at “[email protected]”.

You can also exercise to relieve stress. This is one of the best ways to relieve stress

and increase you bodies metabolic rate. However, listen to your body when you work out.

Too much exercise can harm you. Let your body be your guide in this matter.

Another way to relieve stress is to get a massage. Maybe you can get your husband

or boyfriend or who ever to give you a total body massage. You can always do the same

for the person who gave you the massage. This will help your body and mind relax. This

can also lead for a better understanding of your own body and how it can be sensitive to

different places you may not have even thought of. Try it sometime.

One of the ways I like to relieve stress is to sit in a hot Jacuzzi until my body floats

away. Relaxing in a hot tub for awhile will not only relieve stress, but also relax your


The only thing to consider here is the heat and how much heat can your body take

before your health is affected. For people who have heart problems it may be wise to talk

your doctor before taking a real long Jacuzzi.

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Another way is to cry, but this may not be appropriate at the time or place you are

at. However, crying is a very good way to relieve stress. If it is inappropriate to cry

where you are at then go to the powder room then sit in a stall to let your emotions go. If

you can’t do either of these things and you feel the urge to cry, one of my teachers

suggested keeping your eyes level. Don’t look downward. Look straight ahead or look

up. This will help in times of need. Looking downward will draw the sad feelings to the

surface. I know this works because I have used this technique myself. When I taught

school, it was stressful sometimes and I felt like crying over a bad situation. It happens.

If you can’t avoid stress then learn one of the ways I’ve suggested to relieve it.

Stress can and will lead you to an unhealthy life. Stress will make you sick over a period

of time. I don’t like the idea of being sick. What about you? Let your stress go. Give

your stress unto the light. Release your stress as you have released all the other bad

feelings you’ve held for other people. Use the technique I have talked about. Just say out

loud as you use your arms in an outward circular motion, “I release all my worries, my

pain, my sorrow, my anguish unto you, with love.” Repeat this over and over again out

loud until you feel better. This may sound silly. But it works, doesn’t it? Nice huh?

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Lesson 6

Verbal, Or Physical Abuse, Or Both

I would like to address this issue, because I have had a lot of questions asked about

this issue. As far as I can remember, I was physically abused by my father and mentally

abused my Stepmother. Abuse of any kind takes its toll on you and you need to deal with

it before your life can blossom and grow like the beautiful flower that it can become.

I hear a lot about women being abused one way or another when they were young

or during marriages, but men have been abused also. This lesson talks about abuse in

general whether you are male or female.

Some guy asked me one time why I am attracted to the wrong kind of women.

Women have asked this question also. They say, “Do I have a sign on myself, saying,

“Abuse and use me?”“ I can understand this because I was with a woman for sixteen

years. She pretty much drained me of my spirit. After the relationship, I was nothing but

a shell of a person. I was dead spiritually, mentally and physically. Why me? Why did it


A lot of the things that I have already talked about and have shown you what to do

will pretty much take care of this issue for you, but I want to go over some things again.

So, here’s the answer to the big question, Why? The condition of your spirit will

dictate who is attracted to you. Did you get that one? Huh? In other words, how you truly

feel about yourself, your inner self is what determines who is attracted to you. Example.

If you feel that you don’t deserve a good loving relationship deep down within yourself

then you won’t get one. I know what you are saying, “But, I do deserve a good

relationship.” These thoughts are only on a conscious level.

These thoughts don’t get to the heart of the matter, which is the condition of your

spirit. Getting to the root of this takes work and effort on your part. Just saying that you

deserve good things doesn’t necessarily make them happen for you. It’s a continual

process of truly loving and accepting yourself as the person that you are now.

A lot of times people who abuse people have been abused themselves at an earlier

age. They do this to their kids or spouses and this pattern probably will be repeated again

and again.

However, you can stop this pattern by choosing not to behave in this manner and

start loving and accepting yourself for how you are now as a person. Those types of

abuse are patterns that can on through generation after generation unless you take a

conscious effort to stop it. You see, because you have been abused in the past, your spirit

now accepts the fact that you need abuse in the future. It doesn’t have to be that way. You

may say, that you don’t think that way, but it’s so deep rooted within your spirit that you

don’t even know that it’s there.

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There are those that what I call plant, “The Negative Seed.” They say or do bad

things to you in which the seed starts to grow within your mind. If you have arrived at

loving yourself then their actions or words won’t affect you. However, I haven’t got that

far yet in which the negative seed sometimes dwells within my mind poisoning the soul.

If it gets to that point then realize what’s going on then change how you think about the

situation. I figure if you are a good person and do what is right by folks then you want to

keep that positive frame of mind. The folks that say and do bad things to you is their

problem not yours and you have no control over what they say and do. All you can do is

pluck that negative seed from your thoughts and keep being the special person that you


Also, if you had abuse from the past or present, you’ll need to release them as

described in Lesson 2. If you don’t release those harsh feelings or hatred from within

your heart towards them, you’ll never be able to find true happiness and fulfillment with

love. I know that it’s sometimes hard to do, but believe me it’s worth getting rid of any

bad feelings that you hold within yourself towards those people that have abused you.

Life is full of choices and the choices you make today will in fact create your

tomorrow. Learn to love yourself unconditionally. Learn to be good to yourself and I’m

not taking about being selfish. When you truly love yourself, you probably won’t be

selfish. Selfishness is a sign that you have problems that need to be worked on. Learn to

care about other people’s feelings that are around you, not just your own feelings. The

world doesn’t revolve around you.

To summarize this issue, learn to love and accept yourself with all your heart and

spirit then things will start to work out better for you in relationships and life itself. I

know this to be true, because I now have a wonderful relationship that is very loving,

fruitful, with caring, passionate and just plain fun.

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Lesson 7

Tips for Success

You do want to be successful don’t you then the following steps will help you with

that. I may have covered a few items in here before but it doesn’t hurt to put them in a

perspective and steps that will help you achieve success in your life.

No matter what you are trying to do then become the best at it. Learn what it takes

to understand and do all the aspects of your work, dreams, goal, etc. Use the tools that are

there for you. Whether it be with a program or whatever. Figure out the tools and fully

understand how to use them for your benefit and success.

Show up on time or even early. No one likes a person coming in late. Being there

is half the success.

Figure out what the other successful folks are doing in what you are trying to

achieve then emulate them just as long as they are doing positive things to succeed. There

are a lot of folks that do negative things to succeed, but that’s their problem. Some folks

might say it’s better to cheat, steal or whatever to succeed then don’t succeed. All I say is,

“Really.” Do you really want to be a part of that negativity? And if you can’t succeed

where you are at because of negative folks then maybe find another place where your

talents can be truly appreciated.

I told my students to figure out what they are good at and what they love then try

and make money with that legally.

Dress for success. You can never go wrong be dressed appropriately for you work

or anything for that matter.

Believe in yourself. This is important. The power of belief goes a long way in

achieving success.

Save money each month. It doesn’t matter how much you save each month. It can

be $5, but save it each month. Why do you ask? Doing this allows the universe to open

doors of opportunity for you. Wouldn’t you want that?

Procrastination is a big one. Don’t a lot of us know we should do something, but

we don’t or don’t do something because we know it will benefit us. I am guilty of this

one, but now if I see something that needs doing, I try to do it.

Be prepared. If you have something that is important coming up in your life then

properly prepare for it. When I was younger, I had to give a speech in front of the class

on history. I tried the morning before to get it done. Needless to say, I was the laughing

stock of the class and the teacher. Be prepared.

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Before I make sense out of everything for you, I would like to share a little bit of

my life with you in order for you to see where I had come from.

As a young boy, I lived with my Dad and my Stepmother. My brother and I lived

with my Step-mom's two other kids, (a boy and a girl). My Step-mom was really one

sided as far as her kids were concerned. She favored her own kids while mentally abusing

my brother and myself. Today, I can understand why she did these thing to my brother

and myself. It was survival for her and her children. I was told by my Step-mom that I

would end up a bank robber, a killer, or in jail. I wasn't a bad child, but I was playful like

the rest of family children. Verbal abuse came to me from my Step-mom throughout my

stay with them. By the time I moved back to live with my real mother at the age of 15, I

was a shattered shell of a young boy. I had no self-confidence at all. I was so shy that I

wouldn't even answer or use the phone. I was extremely depressed all the time. At one

time in my life, I thought because I had saved someone's life that I was worth something

as a person. I thought about suicide all the time. I felt that I should die. I wasn’t worth

anything. I was an angry person. I committed hatred against a lot of things. I spoke only

negative things towards everyone. I was totally unhappy. I wanted to die.

So, what did I do to change my life around? I had tried several different religions.

They were all pretty good but they didn't tell me what I needed to get my life back into

sync. I joined a business group that shared ideas and principles of success with me. I

started incorporating these principles into my own life. I was introduced to the teacher I

talk about in this program. I paid a lot of money to attend her classes. I learned a lot more

about life and how I could improve on my life.

A lot of what she taught me is shared with you in this course and a lot of what I

have learned on my way through life is in here also.

After a few years of using these principles, I started to improve. I read some books

then put some of those ideas into practice. I am happy with myself as a person. I am no

longer suicidal anymore. I actually love myself for who I am. I love life and I love

people. I use to be called Mr. Accident. I was extremely accident-prone. I have been run

over by a car twice. I have had numerous accidents that I could keep you entertained all

day with stories of my accidents. I am no longer accident-prone. I really like that part

because I was really tired of getting hurt all the time. As far as money goes, I'm still

working on that. That is one of the areas I work on the most. I have been improving. I

have come a long way from where I use to be. Today, I still work on my money issue. I

figure I still need work on my self image somewhat, because I have done things to

actually hurt my financial situation. Don’t get me wrong. I have a great life now, but I

still notice that I do some of my old bad habits. I reread this book to this day.

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I practice these principles in my daily life, because I want good things to happen to

me. I really needed to dig myself out of the deep hole I had buried myself in. I still have

work to do and it is always a continuing process, because I want my life force to be even

better. I guess you kind of get the idea. Do you think I needed help? I sure did. I kind of

felt it was destiny how I found my way into the right kind of people that cared about me

and wanted me to succeed in life. I thank these people from the bottom of my heart.

These ideas in this program do work. I am living proof of that fact. I wouldn't be

here today if it wasn't for those people and these ideas. I probably would have committed

suicide or got into a bad accident that would have killed me. These ideas can help you

become the person you desire to be.

Now, what have we learned? We have learned that things and people are affected

by our aura. In fact, did you know that if you were in Las Vegas and your aura was in a

state of pure love and joy then you could affect the Slot machines with that aura of love. I

do not encourage gambling at all, but I use these stories as a means to illustrate my point.

The things we hold inside of us with deep feelings will either heal or enlighten us,

or they will destroy us and literally kill us. This brings to mind someone I know. I could

easy tell this person held a lot of bad feelings within her heart. I wasn't at surprised when

I found out she had a very bad disease. She died at a young age, because she didn’t love

herself enough. Though she was attractive, her lack of love for herself lead her to destroy

herself in the end. Remember to release all bad feelings like: hate, envy, jealousy,

bitterness, and others like these. These feelings will destroy you as a person.

Utilize the skills I talk about in this course every day. Put these techniques and

skills in use for your benefit.

Practice the releasing technique I talk about. Release people and things with love;

even if you don't agree with what they have done to you because it's okay to not to agree

with everyone. I have forgiven and released my step-mother. I have forgiven her for what

she did to me. I can actually talk about her now without any bad feelings develop within

my body. That’s a good thing. One of my favorite release processes is the Burn List. You

could create the list then tear it into shreds. I do something else with the list and it feels

great when I do it.

There’s something I would like to add. Sometimes, life can be rough on you. You

first reaction may be to just give up. That’s when you reach deep down inside of yourself

and hang onto your goals. You want to hang onto you dreams.

Your belief and love of yourself is the foundation by which makes all things

come true. Grab onto to your love of yourself and the love you share with the people

around you.

Life does have its challenges. Sometimes a negative experience can actually lead

you to a positive one. Things will not always go the way you wish. It’s kind of the way

you grow as a person. If everything was great all the time, you wouldn’t appreciate the

good. Therefore, you must have some challenges in your life to appreciate the good and

be able to grow as a person. If things are in a total mess for you, then take a deep breath

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and appreciate any good things you do have in your life. Never, never give up. For life

can be totally beautiful amongst its heartaches and sorrows.

Your miracle may be just over the next hill. This reminds me of a story that

someone told me. This is a story about two boys. One boy is a pessimist and the other

boy is an optimist. They put this pessimist in a room full of brand new toys then they put

the optimist boy in a room full of horse manure. They came back later to check on the

two boys. They found the pessimist boy crying with a room full of broken toys. They

checked on the optimist boy and found him shoveling away at the horse manure.

They stopped the boy then asked, “What are you doing?” The boy smiled then

replied, “Well, with all this horse manure in here, there has to be a pony in here also.”

How do you look at life?

I sincerely hope this program has helped you in your every day life. Keep it for

future reference. Go back to it from time to time. You can practice these techniques in

your everyday life. Now that you know how things work, you can no longer call yourself

a victim because with the knowledge in these pages, you know how things work and you

know what to do to get your life back into sync.

I have noticed a trend that disturbs me a little and I would like to address this issue

somewhat. I have noticed people think it’s cool to be bad. A lot of our newer music and

movies tend to support the idea that you need to be bad to be considered with the in

crowd or to be cool. Some people would consider being a nice person to be a sign of

weakness. Actually, being a good person and doing good things is harder to do than

being a bad person. Being a good person shows a strong character within yourself.

Anybody can do bad things. It takes no courage or strength to promote bad things.

However, it takes a lot of fortitude, strength and courage to always promote what is right

and what is good and what is positive.

Let’s discuss what happens if you pursue the idea of being a bad person to be

considered hip or whatever name you may give it for being accepted with the bad people

you may hang around with. When you support the idea of being a bad person in order to

be accepted with your own group of people, you promote negative energy.

When you promote this negative energy for a long period of time, it will destroy

you not only mentally, but also physically. Your life force (Chi) will be of the dark side.

That’s when bad things will be attracted to you. Then you may wonder why life isn’t

going the way you would like it to go for you.

When you strive to do good things and promote what is right then your life force

will become purer in a sense. You will then walk in the light. The light will surround

you. Good things will be attracted to you. Isn’t that what you want? Don’t you want

good health; not only in your mind, but also good health of the body. So, remember to

promote what is good in order for your life force (aura) to become pure. We are all like

magnets. We are different magnets, but magnets indeed, because we attract things to us,

good or bad.

It’s too easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of our society today because

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society as a whole sometimes shows us too many of those negative aspects.

I don’t believe society really means to do that, but the need to accumulate fame

and fortune sometimes gets in the way from doing what is right and pure.

I’m not saying that fame and fortune are bad or evil, but when you do wrong or

bad things to get this fame and fortune, you only make things worse for yourself.

Another thing to remember is that happiness comes from within yourself. No

person or thing on this earth will create happiness for you. A person or thing can bring

you great moments in your life, but not happiness. Happiness is the state at which your

spirit is peaceful and in harmony with the greater universal energy, with the light.

Cleanse your spirit of all it’s troubles, hate, jealousy, etc. You can use these techniques I

showed you to accomplish this task. Remember, I said that life is full of choices. When

your spirit is clouded with hate, envy, etc, then your spirit cannot make the right choices

in life. On the other hand, when your spirit (or energy, aura) is free and full of love then

you tend to make the right choices in your life. How do you want to live your life? You

want good things to happen to you. Another thing to remember is that you can choose to

promote what is good or choose to promote what is bad. That choice is strictly yours to

make. However, one choice leads to death and destruction and the other leads to eternal

peace and happiness. Which road do you care to choose?

What you don’t usually see or hear about are all the good and beautiful things

people do for others each and every day. There are a lot of good things happening around

you. Sometimes, you are only blind to see the truth and beauty that life has to offer you.

Sometimes, you may lose your faith. You may even lose everything you have, but

please never lose faith within yourself. You can triumph over what is bad or evil. Just

put your faith in the greatness of yourself. Believe in yourself and all that is good.

Remember, the string theory. Your essence transcends everything. Everything you come

in contact with and everything you do makes a difference. Whether it be good or bad.

You do have greatness within you. You may not have found it yet. Your spirit is

like a seed that wants to be planted. Your spirit wants to grow into a beautiful flower that

will enlighten all the people you come in contact with each and every day. The bad and

evil things of this world would like to destroy the beauty you hold within your heart.

Please, never, never let evil stand in your way.

Let your spirit shine like the sun in the early morning sunrise. Let the power

within your heart reach its greatness. It’s there, just waiting to bloom like a flower

blooms when the sun rays hit it with warmth.

Your aura wants to bloom like the flower. The Chinese believe in this thing called

Chi. As I have stated earlier it’s your life force. When your body and your mind are in

harmony, then your aura (Chi) will be able to achieve fantastic unbelievable things. You

will walk in the presence of all that is good, the light.

You only use a small portion of your mind. I believe when you are in total

harmony with your body and your mind then this ultimate level of Chi can truly be

expressed and that the possibility of using more of your mind will also come into play.

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Can you image what great things you could accomplish in this high level of harmony.

Why do you think many people strive for a higher level of consciousness? It’s all

up to you. Practice to achieve this higher level of harmony by using the techniques I

have described in this course. I have heard meditation is a way to purify your mind, just

as drinking only water for a day is like a purification and cleansing of the body. I plan to

continue with my growth towards a higher harmony by starting to meditate at least once a

day and use the techniques that I have learned also.

Did you know that at night when you dream, it’s a way for your mind to try and

get rid of the trash you pick up in your daily life? It’s a way for your mind to sort things

out after a long day’s work.

When you practice these techniques and also do some meditation, then you

help your mind. When I relax in the jacuzzi, I let my mind think of good things.

You are consciously trying to get rid of all the junk your mind gets a hold of each

day. You may not even realize the things your mind picks up each day. With all those

various and numerous inputs your mind comes in contact each day, it’s no wonder

sometimes you feel you can’t take anymore. That’s where using the course material with

some meditation each day will help you cope with life as a whole.

However, wouldn’t be nice to achieve this higher level of harmony and be able to

contemplate greatness? Remember, you are at a different level than anyone else. Each

of you will achieve different results. Your level of success will depend upon solely upon


However, no matter what higher level you achieve, it’s greatness in itself. The

more you put into these ideas and use them with your everyday life, then you will see

better results.

I have come a long way from where I was and I know I can greatly improve. A

friend of mine wanted to know why I looked so different from just a few months before.

He couldn’t believe how I had changed for the better. I have spent a few years

working on this course and revising this course. The principles in this course are for real

and they do change your life for the better. Recently, I had something that I considered

bad happen to me. However, this negative event prompted me to do something. The

result of my actions was a very positive experience. Another thing happened recently. I

work for a company. They hold raffles at their parties. There are about 90 people

involved in these raffles. In those last two raffles, I won both times. Luck, you might

say. Yes, I consider myself to be lucky. However, that wasn’t the case years ago. What

made the difference? This brings me to something I ran across on FaceBook. This man

was prompting being positive and changing your life for the better. However, he stated

that you can’t change who you are; your essence; your soul. I don’t know if this is true or

not, but by me using the techniques in this book I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I’ve changed. I think you can change if you truly desire and believe you can. I

practiced these techniques and I still practice these techniques, because sometimes, I

forget what I have written here and I to need to go back and reread these ideas and use

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these techniques in order to refresh my mind and soul.

I like to add some events that have happened to me recently with a little thank you

from the past. I wish to thank Glenda Feilen, Carol Dore, Gloria Wooten, Rhonda

Wooten, Natalie Johnson and Debbie Keithly. It’s a very good chance that without me

knowing these people, that I surely wouldn’t be here today. By me knowing these

fantastic people, has greatly changed my life. This book is dedicated to them and I owe

them my life. Thank you.

I moved to Las Vegas to find work. Not only did I find a great job, but also, I

recently bought a new car and now I own a new home. All of this has happened within an

eight-month period. For the last three or four years since I have taken Carol Dore’s

course and have been influenced by these great people, I have used these principles of

success to change the way I think and the way I even view life itself. To this day, I

practice promoting what is right, what is good and what is positive. It’s your choice. How

do you want to live your life?

Note: It has been almost 30 years since I was first exposed to these people and

ideas in order to change my life. I have run into some difficult times, but things overall

have been great for me. I still to this day reread this book to renew my spirit and my love.

To this day, I’m living my dreams. Without going into detail, all my goals and dreams

have come true for me. I have a beautiful wife, who loves me dearly. I kind of count my

blessings each day. For life is really great. Not bad for guy who was once on the edge of

suicide. Life can and will change for the better for you when you put these techniques

and ideas into work for you. I have finally realized my purpose in life. It is to enrich the

lives of people I come in contact with. I like that idea. What if everyone or most of us did

that in this world? Wow, what a change that would make.

Remember you are special and truly unique as a person. Your uniqueness can

add value to this world and to other people. Be the special person that you are and

that will be good. Believe in yourself and love the person that you are now.

I wish you all the love that life can offer you. My love goes

with you. I would like to add that when you are in church, you sometimes feel a lightness come

over you. That is the light touching your spirit. I have been in many religions hoping to

find this light. I’ve found out that you can tape into it anytime or anywhere, by practicing

the verbal techniques I talk about in this book. Though, the basis of all religions is good

and if you get good feelings from them then that’s a good thing. I’d rather walk in the

light then walk in the darkness. Though I don’t preach religions, but some of the positive

things they say are good. The choice is yours.

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One other thing to consider though I have talked about it before. Your mind is powerful.

Science is just starting to figure out how your mind truly works. Yes, doctors know a lot

of how the mind works, but not in depth. Use your mind to your benefit. A negative mind

will in the long run destroy you, but a positive mind will truly enrich your life. Your


Disclaimer: Like anything in life, what effort you put into things will determine how

things change for you. Following any of these good ideas probably will help you in

some way. Granted, I am not promising you a Miracle by reading this book, but you

never know what good things are in store for you. Believe and sincerely love


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Some Extra Information that may be Useful.

Rise: Don't get angry or enraged or insulted. Rise above the bullshit. Flick your light back on

and shine it brighter than ever then fall so deeply in love with your own life that anyone who tries to wrong you becomes a laughable, ridicules distant memory.

I have been on opioids for about 20 years with back problems. Though I have been fortunate enough not to get addicted since I have an addictive personality. However, I wanted to get away from using them. I live in California where you can buy CBD/THC products. I use a

combo of CBD/THC liquid since I care not to smoke. For me it has helped me to take a lot less oxy. I rarely take that now. I can’t recommend using CBD/THC and I am not recommending it, but I did want to convey what I have done.

Below is some useful info as well.

Conscious Living by Sophie has some great articles on her Facebook page. Worth a look. Hand reflexology is a powerful healing therapy that encourages whole-body health and wellbeing. By working various parts of the hand, you stimulate meridians, the spine, the lungs, the shoulders, thyroid, stomach, and so on. One significant benefit of hand reflexology is that the hands are easily accessible, and therefore, you can efficiently conduct a self-massage. I love to remind my friends and clients that they can do self-care on their bodies every day.

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There’s more hype about CBD today than ever. So many people are becoming more familiar with the benefits Of CBD but when asked, have no idea what it means

What exactly is CBD? Cannabidiol, more popularly referred to as CBD, is a compound derived from hemp and cannabis Sativa plants. CBD is considered a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids have two types: endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that naturally occur inside the human body and phytocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are produced and derived from plants. CBD falls into the category of phytocannabinoids.

CBD is an entirely different compound from THC, and its effects are very complex. It is not psychoactive, meaning it does not produce a "high" or change a person's state of mind, but it influences the body to use its own endocannabinoids more effectively.

CBD can be combined and mixed with a lot of products for a more holistic approach. It can be added to lotions, creams, and even processed so that it can be used for vaping. CBD does not make you high. CBD is primarily used for wellness and medicinal purposes.

Along with the benefits I shared in the photo above, Cannabidiol may also limit inflammation in the brain and nervous system, which may benefit people experiencing pain, insomnia, and individual immune-system responses.

Continued… next page

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Some good ideas.

Find balance in your life. Work hard, but don’t let work take over your life for you will

lose yourself. Love, but love for the right reasons. You may ask yourself that question

when you feel you love someone. Know who you are and know that you are worthy of

reaching your dreams and that it is never too late to start creating that life you have

always dreamed of. Do not compare yourself to others; that’s just deadly. No two souls

are the same. You are your own person; you are beautiful and you are unique. Put your

trust in the universe. Some things are just meant to happen and some are not. Let go of

whatever is stealing your happiness (especially hate), it’s hard, but worth it. Embrace

change. It gets hardly to do as you get older, but change can be good. Embrace life.

Everything happens for a reason but sometimes you just need to breather, trust and let go.

Below is something to also consider for yourself.

It's never too late to look after yourself. Never too late to eat healthily, get more rest, exercise regularly, and look after your skin. To me, the best way to connect with others is to learn how to connect with yourself first with self-care. Self-care involves our ability to switch off, be present, and do something we enjoy. It is also about replacing self-judgments and comparisons with self-compassion, kindness, and acceptance. When we look after ourselves, we create ripple effects for others.