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Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

Jun 10, 2020



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Page 1: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS
Page 2: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS
Page 3: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting


Welcome to COLLNET 2019

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 20th COLLNET Meeting

(COLLNET2019) will be held on 5-8 November 2019 in Dalian (China). The meeting is hosted by the WISE Lab at

Dalian University of Technology (DUT).

COLLNET2019 is a major event attended by about 100 registered participants from more than ten countries and

regions all over the world.

The conference includes a special virtual presentation of science mapping organized in collaboration with the

“Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center”at Indiana University.

After two rounds of reviewing by the program committee only 45 out of the 120 previously submitted papers

were retained as full paper for oral presentation, while authors of further 30 submissions were invited for poster


The conference program has plenary sessions every morning of 6 to 8 November during which eleven invited

lectures covering a wide range of topics will be presented.

For Wednesday, 6 November we have scheduled the following presentations:

• Rodrigo Costas (CWTS, Leiden University, Netherlands)

New perspectives to study science-society interactions: altmetrics and social media metrics

• Pascal Cuxac (CNRS) and Jean-Charles Lamirel (LORIA)

From massive databases to the Web of data: disambiguation and alignment of geographical entities in

scientific texts

• Ronald Rousseau (KHBO /KU Leuven/University of Antwerp)

Recent developments involving the discrete h-index algorithm and its continuous analogue

On Tuesday, 7 November we will have five presentations:

Jin Chen (Tsinghua University, China)

Evaluation system of world-class research institutions

• Katy Borner (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)

Visualizing Education,Science,and Technology

• Wei Zhang (Alibaba, China)

Alibaba Cang Jing Ge: The Framework to Build Vertical Knowledge Graphs and Their Applications

• Jinshan Wu (Beijing Normal University, China)

Seeded creativity, reliability, and hotness tracing of papers

• Lin Wang (Clarivate Analytics)

Profiles, not metrics

Plenary sessions


The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

Full papers and research-in-progress papers have been assigned to the following five topics:

1. Altmetrics (5 papers)

2. Science of science (7 papers)

3. New indicators (7 papers)

4. Patent and technology innovation (10 papers)

5. Country and regional studies (9 papers)

These papers will be presented in two parallel sessions organized in 7 slots: four on Wednesday, 6 November

and three on Tuesday, 7 November. The venue of the parallel sessions will be WISE Lab (5th floor, Block C, Science

Park Building) nearby the DUT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER at the Dalian University of Technology

Main Campus. A map included in this conference material indicates the exact location of these rooms.

A poster session will be organized on 7 November during the afternoon Coffee/Tea break on the 5th floor of the

WISE Lab building.

The Best COLLNET Papers Award ceremony and the announcement of the next COLLNET 2020 will take place

in the closing ceremony at the end of the conference.

A conference dinner will be organized in the evening of the 2nd conference day (7 November).

In the first place, we wish to thank the WISE Lab in Dalian University of Technology, Professor Yue Chen,

and the lab staff for providing the university infrastructure to host this conference. We also thank all authors for

their contributions. Special thanks go to all Committees and Program Committee members. We also thank our co-

organizers, the Specialty Committee of Science of Science Theory and Discipline Construction (CASSSP) and the

Association for Soft Science of Shandong, and our sponsors, Clarivate Analytics and the Research Center of Big Data

and Intelligent Decision in DLUT, for their strong support that represents an important contribution to the organization

of this conference.

On behalf of the organizing committee and the program committee.

Wolfgang Glanzel

Programme Chair COLLNET 2019

Finally for Friday, 8 November we have scheduled three plenary talks:

Lin Zhang (Wuhan University, China)

Gender, age and broader impact

• Tao Jia (Southwest University, China)

Science knows no country, but citations do: the west and east of science community

• Zhigang Hu (WISELab in Dalian University of Technology, China)

Four pitfalls in normalizing citation indicators: An investigation of ESI’s selection of highly cited papers

Parallel sessions of paper presentations


Closing ceremony

Social Program

Special thanks



Page 4: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting


The organising committee

The programme committee

Program committee members

General Chair:

General Co-Chair:

Organising Chair:

Organising Co-chairs:

Giovanni Abramo

Per Ahlgren

Isola Ajiferuke

Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro

Aparna Basu

María Bordons

Lutz Bornmann

Hamid Bouabid

Kevin W. Boyack

Guillaume Cabanac

Yue Chen

Yunwei Chen

Pei-Shan Chi

Rodrigo Costas

Pascal Cuxac

Torres-Salinas Daniel

Cinzia Daraio

Nicoláshrobinson Garcia

Raf Guns

Xiaojun Hu



University of Western Ontario

INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) - Universitat Politècnica de València

Formerly NISTADS


Max Planck Society

Mohammed V - Agdal University

SciTech Strategies, Inc.

IRIT - Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3

Dalian University of Technology

Chengdu Library of Chinese Acadademy of Science

Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance

CWTS - Leiden University


University of Navarre

University of Rome La Sapienza

Institute for the Management and Innovation of Knowledge (INGENIO)

University of Antwerp

Zhejiang University

Programme Chair:

Regional Chair of Africa,

America, Australia and Europe:

Regional Chair of China:

Regional Chair of India:

Regional Chair of Iran:

Hildrun Kretschmer (Germany)

Bernd Markscheffel (Germany)

Yue Chen (China)

Jean-Charles Lamirel (France)

Xianwen Wang (China)

Zhigang Hu (China)

Deming Lin (China)

Wolfgang Glanzel(Belgium)

Valentina Markusova (Russia)

Yue Chen (China)

P.K. Jain (India)

Farideh Osareh(Iran)




Zhigang Hu

Milos Jovanovic

Kayvan Kousha

Benedetto Lepori

Grant Lewison

Jiang Li

Deming Lin

Zeyuan Liu

Xiaojuan Liu

Wei Lu

Domenico Maisano

Bernd Markscheffel

Raul Mendez-Vasquez

Martin Meyer

Carlos Olmeda-Gomez

José Luis Ortega

Mariaantonia Ovalleperandones

Bulent Ozel

Gangan Prathap

Ravichandra Ik Rao

Ronald Rousseau

Shivappa Sangam

Shushanik Sargsyan

Edgar Schiebel

Christian Schloegl

Torben Schubert

Robert Shelton

Cassidy Sugimoto

Yuan Sun

Mike Thelwall

Bart Thijs

Eck Nees Jan Van

Ludo Waltman

Xianwen Wang

Dietmar Wolfram

Jinshan Wu

Siluo Yang

Houqiang Yu

Chengzhi Zhang

Lin Zhang

Xing Zhao

Dalian University of Technology

Fraunhofer Institute

School of Technology - University of Wolverhampton

Università della Svizzera italiana

Kings College London

Nanjing University

Dalian University of Technology

Dalian University of Technology

Beijing Normal University

Wuhan University

Politecnico di Torino

Ilmenau University of Technology

Fundacio Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

University of Kent

Library and Information Science Dpt. - Carlos III University


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universitad Jaume I - Valencia

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Documentation Research and Training Centre - Indian Statistical institute

KHBO/KU Leuven/University of Antwerp

Karnatak University

Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems - Center for Scientific

Information Analysis and Monitoring

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Institute of Information Science and Information Systems - University of Graz

Fraunhofer ISI/CIRCLE - Lund University


Indiana University Bloomington

National Institute of Informatics - Japan

University of Wolverhampton

ECOOM, MSI - K.U.Leuven

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) - Leiden University

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) - Leiden University

Dalian University of Technology

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Beijing Normal University

Wuhan University

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Wuhan University

East China Normal University

Page 5: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting


(in alphabetical order)

Keynote Speakers

Jean-Charles LamirelWISE Lab / LORIA

University of Strasbourg

Jin ChenTsinghua University

Katy BornerIndiana University


Tao JiaSouthwest University

Lin Zhang

Rodrigo CostasLeiden University

Liming Liang Ronald RousseauHenan Normal University KHBO /KU Leuven

University of Antwerp

Wuhan University

Pascal CuxacINIST/CNRS

Xin WangClarivate Analytics

Jinshan Wu

Beijing Normal University

Wei Zhang


Conference Program

Wednesday 6th November

14:00-21:30 Registration (DUT International Convention Center)













Registration (Baichuan Hall B301)

From DUT International Convention Center to Baichuan Hall by bus

Opening Ceremony

Plenary Session I (Baichuan Hall B301)

Coffee/Tea break

Plenary Session II (Baichuan Hall B301)

From Baichuan Hall to DUT International Convention Center by bus

Lunch (DUT International Convention Center)

Parallel session I & Parallel session II (WISE Lab)

Coffee/Tea Break

Parallel session Ⅲ & Parallel session Ⅳ (WISE Lab )

From DUT International Convention Center to Waterside Restaurant by bus

Dinner (Waterside Restaurant)


Tuesday 5th November

Page 6: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting













From DUT International Convention Center to Baichuan Hall by bus

Plenary Session Ⅲ (Baichuan Hall B301)

Coffee/Tea break

Plenary Session Ⅳ (Baichuan Hall B301)

From Baichuan Hall to DUT International Convention Center by bus

Lunch (DUT International Convention Center)

Parallel session Ⅴ & Parallel session Ⅵ (WISE Lab)

Coffee/Tea Break and Poster session

Parallel session Ⅶ & The places & spaces exhibition(WISE Lab)

From DUT International Convention Center to Waterside Restaurant by bus

Welcome conference dinner (Waterside Restaurant)





From DUT International Convention Center to Baichuan Hall by bus

Plenary Session Ⅴ (Baichuan Hall B301)

Plenary Session Ⅵ (Baichuan Hall B301)

From Baichuan Hall to DUT International Convention Center by bus

Thursday 7th November

Friday 8th November











Opening Address: President of Dalian University of Technology

Opening Address: Hildrun Kretschmer, General Chair

Group photo

Invited lecture 1: Rodrigo Costas (CWTS, Leiden University)

New perspectives to study science-society interactions: altmetrics and social media metrics

Invited lecture 2: Pascal Cuxac (CNRS) and Jean-Charles Lamirel(LORIA)

From massive databases to the Web of data: disambiguation and alignment of geographical

entities in scientific texts

Invited lecture 3: Ronald Rousseau (KHBO/KU Leuven/University of Antwerp)

Recent developments involving the discrete h-index algorithm and its continuous analogue

Invited lecture 4: Jin Chen (Tsinghua University)

Evaluation system of world-class research institutions

Invited lecture 5: Katy Borner (Indiana University Bloomington)

Visualizing Education,Science,and Technology

Invited lecture 6: Wei Zhang (Alibaba)

Alibaba Cang Jing Ge: The Framework to Build Vertical Knowledge Grpahs and Their


Plenary Session I: Wednesday 6th November 09:00-09:30

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Yue Chen

Plenary Session II: Wednesday 6th November 09:50-11:35

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Grant Lewison

Plenary Session III: Thursday 7th November 08:30-10:15

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Jean Charles Lamirel


Page 7: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting








Invited lecture 7: Jinshan Wu (Beijing Normal University)

Seeded creativity, reliability, and hotness tracing of papers

Invited lecture 8: Lin Wang (Clarivate Analytics)

Profiles, not metrics

Invited lecture 9: Lin Zhang (Wuhan University)

Gender, age and broader impact

Invited lecture 10: Tao Jia (Southwest University)

Science knows no country, but citations do: the west and east of science community

Invited lecture 11: Zhigang Hu (WISE Lab, Dalian University of Technology)

Four pitfalls in normalizing citation indicators: An investigation of ESI’s selection of highly

cited papers

Excellent papers

Summary of WIS & COLLNET2019

Presentation of COLLNET 2020

Closing Ceremony

Plenary Session IV: Thursday 7th November 10:35-11:45

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Xiaojun Hu

Plenary Session V: Friday 8th November 09:00-10:00

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Xianwen Wang

Plenary Session VI: Friday 8th November 10:00-11:30

(Baichuan Hall B301) Chair: Bernd Markscheffel



Country & region analysis-1

Bernd Markscheffel & Jiangbo Li

WISE Lab 506

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 16 Bernd Markscheffel and Shihao ZhaoData Science Aspects of Bibliometric Analysis An Example for

TU Ilmenau

2 74Yuanyuan Shang, Lin Zhang, Ying

Huang, Tim C.E. Engels and Gunnar Sivertsen

Internationalization of the social sciences in Mainland China 1978-2017

3 93Menghui Yang, Guancan Yang, Qun

Zhao and Hua LiuResearch trends on Big Data in Government Governance

4 96 Chao Song and Yue ChenWhich factors drive the increased usage of newly published


5 100Jiangbo Li, Liang Zhang, Wenqian Hu,

Jing Yang and Chunlin JiangDo online book reviews correlate with citations? Comparison of

academic book’s altmetric indicators with citations from

Wednesday 6th November 13:30-15:30




Masaki Nishizawa & Zhichao Fang

WISE Lab 502

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 48 Masaki Nishizawa and Yuan SunAnalysis of the relationship between press releases and news

coverage - Focusing on external factors

2 55 Mingkun Wei and Wei QuanApplying Altmetrics to Assess the Scientific Impact of Open

Source Software

3 72Yuanyuan Wang, Yang Zhang and

Jianhua HouResearch of Core Journal Identification Based on Altmetrics


4 106Zhichao Fang, Jonathan Dudek and

Rodrigo CostasThe stability of Twitter metrics: A study on unavailable Twitter

mentions of scientific publications

5 118 Siluo Yang and Yonghao YuComparison of altmetric Indicators with citations from a

multidisciplinary perspective based on SSCI&AHCI and BKCI

Parallel Session I

Parallel Session Ⅱ

Page 8: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting


Wednesday 6th November 15:50-18:20



New indicators

Lu An & Zhigang Hu

WISE Lab 502

Patent and technology innovation-1

Deming Lin & Siluo Yang

WISE Lab 506

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 Invited Jean-Charles Lamirel Temporal factors in science analysis

2 104 Zhiqi Wang and Yue ChenWhat are the driving forces on preprint publishing?: An

empirical analysis in Mathematics

3 15 Xiaojun Hu Do “rejuvenated” articles exist?

4 19 Pallavi Karanth and Kavi Mahesh Semantic Betweenness Centrality: Analysis of Citation Network

5 64Zaipu Tao, Zhigang Hu and Zeyuan

LiuDepicting growth process of human activities related on Logistic


6 107Pascal Cuxac, Nicolas Kieffer and

Jean-Charles LamirelSKEEFT: indexing method taking into account the structure of

the document

7 119 Lu An and Ning AnTrend research of international academic cooperation based on

the TransE model

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 2Qiang Liu, Lingjing Cao, Yunwei

Chen, Xie Li, Lanxuan Qi, J. Gulín González and Zhiqiang Zhang

Patent-based Mapping of the development of biotechnology in China

2 89 Kai Song and Yue ChenResearch on Construction of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Tree Based on Hierarchical Clustering

3 24Jiangang Gong, Yutao Wei and

Zikang HuResearch on the International Ranking of China’s Innovation

Capability Based on GII

4 76 Shuo Xu and Liyuan HaoReview on Emerging Research Topics with Key-Route Main

Path Analysis

5 85 Yang Yang and Lili WangPolicy Change of S&T Talents in China –Based on the Outline

of S&T Planning for 1956-2020

6 17Shaocong Guo, Yue Chen,

Xiaoxi Xiao and Wenbin LiuModelling for the Transformation Time in the Process of

New Drug Research and Development

Parallel Session Ⅲ

Parallel Session Ⅳ



Science of science

Jiang Li & Zhongkai Yang

WISE Lab 506

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 65Linqing Liu, Ziruo Chen, Shiye Mei

and Yilin DengVisualizing and Modeling the Sustainability of Collaboration

Networks with ERGM

2 32Yukai Wang, Zhongkai Yang and

Xianwen WangGender Bias in Frequently Collaborative Invent Team

3 58Shilpa Dhoble, Sudhir Kumar and

Leena ShahStatistical distribution of collaboration pattern in groundnut

research in the world, a t-test analysis.

4 77Pablo García Sánchez, Jose A. Moral-Munoz, María Gutiérrez-

Salcedo and Manuel Jesus Cobo Martin

Collaboration level and scientific impact: the example of the Spanish Universities

5 46Ashkan Ebadi, Stéphane Tremblay

and Andrea SchiffauerovaAre female researchers underrepresented in Canadian natural

sciences and engineering?

6 95 Zhenyue Zhao and Jiang LiScientists’ early collaborators are most likely to collaborate

with them again

7 54Farideh Osareh, Shiva Farahmand, Shima Farahmand and Mahdieyh


Mapping and analyzing intellectual structure of migration on co-authorship and co-word network on articles in Web of Science

during 1983-2018

Thursday 7th November 13:30-15:30


Patent and technology innovation-2

Jiping Gao & Guancan Yang

WISE Lab 502

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 90Guancan Yang, Menghui Yang,

Xiaobin Lu and Ding YueCan We Predict Which Cancer Related Patents will be

associated with FDA approval?

2 56Ji-Ping Gao, Cheng Su, Lu Wang,

Wen-Wen Zheng, Zheng-lu Yu and Yun-Tao Pan

Research Fund Evaluation based on Representative Work Performance Analysis : an example from China

3 113Li Xie, Cheng Tao, Yuehong Zhang, Yunwei Chen and Zhiqiang Zhang

A Bibliometric Method to Evaluate Pioneering and Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements from Macro to Micro

——Taking the Novel Fermions in Solids as an Example

4 73Ying Huang,Zou Fang, Lidan Jiang,

Alan L. Porter, Lixin Chen and Lin Zhang

Technology Life Cycle Analysis: From the Dynamic Perspective of Patent Citation Network

Parallel Session Ⅴ

Parallel Session Ⅵ

Page 9: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 71 Sichao Tong and Ting Yue Multi-affiliated authorship and its role in scientific production

2 84 Yanqi Zhai and Xiaohui LiuDetecting key scientific topics for the evolution of science with

disruptive index: a case of AIDS field

3 20 Ruixian Yang and Lu WangAn Empirical Study on the Knowledge Structure and Evolution

of the Cross-discipline from the Perspective of the Subject and the Journal

4 78Fang Chen, Chenjun Ding, Xiaoyan

Wu and Yamin HuInnovative and socioeconomic indicators and methodology for

emerging bioeconomy in China

5 4Zhengyin Hu, Leilei Liu and Rong-

Qiang ZengMining hot research topics in biomedical literature by combining

text mining and scientometrics

6 94 Ran Zhang and Yan QiAnalysis of worldwide patent cooperation in the field of Hepatitis

C research

7 101 Yu-Peng Zhu and Han-Woo ParkEvaluating blockchain research trends in China using

scientometric methods

8 114Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Maryam Derakhshan and Mohammad H Nekoofar

Journal Metrics for the Identification of Core Knowledge of Journal: A Case Study on Plos One


Thursday 7th November 16:00-17:30


Country & region analysis-2

Yunwei Chen & Zavarukhin Vladimir

WISE Lab 502

Slot # Paper # Authors Title

1 53 Wen Lou, Wei Chen and Jiao ChenMany faces of scientific methodology: Scheme construction and

the use in LIS

2 110Valentina Markusova, Levan Mindeli, Alexander Libkind, Anna Zolotova and

Mark Akoev

Comparative Analysis of Russian and industrialized countries performance on Energy and Fuels, WoS, 2008-2017

3 5 Hamideh AsadiScientific Collaboration between Iran and Middle East countries

Using Co-authorship

4 115Maryam Derakhshan, Mohammad Hassanzadeh and Mohammad H


The academic productivity of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences as assessed by their number of citations and

manuscripts published

5 117 Grant Lewison and Aihua LiChinese Cancer Research in 2009-18: Provincial Outputs and

Wealth, and Comparison with Disease Burden

Poster(WISE Lab 502)

Parallel Session Ⅶ


General Information


a. Time: Tuesday 5th November 14:00-21:30

Place: International Convention Center, Dalian University of Technology

b. Time: Wednesday 6th November 07:30-09:00

Place: Baichuan Hall B301

2.Hotel information

Place: International Convention Center, Dalian University of Technology

Breakfast: 7:00-8:30(2F Restaurant)

Check in time:24 hours

Checkout time:12:00



a. Get conference materials, representative certificates, meal coupons, etc. with the invoice

for the conference fees at the registration desk.

b. Check in at the hotel reception.

c. Please wear a representative card during the conference;

d. Delegates are invited to attend the meeting in accordance with the schedule of the


e. During the meeting, delegates and accompanying persons should pay attention to

personal, transportation and food safety and keep valuables safe.

f. Emergency contact(only in the case of healthy problem)

Fire: 119 Ambulance: 120 Police: 110

4.Contact us


Yue Chen

Jean-Charles Lamirel

Xianwen Wang

Zhigang Hu

Deming Lin


Binbin Li 0411-39940949

Page 10: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting


Friday 8th November

TimeStarting Station Terminal Bus Number

8:15 DUT International Convention Center Baichuan Hall 2

11:50 Baichuan Hall DUT International Convention Center 2

Thursday 7th November

TimeStarting Station Terminal Bus Number

7:45 DUT International Convention Center Baichuan Hall 2

12:00 Baichuan Hall DUT International Convention Center 2

18:30 DUT International Convention Center Waterside Restaurant 2

Wednesday 6th November

TimeStarting Station Terminal Bus Number

8:15 DUT International Convention Center Baichuan Hall 2

11:50 Baichuan Hall DUT International Convention Center 2

18:40 DUT International Convention Center Waterside Restaurant 2

Shuttle Bus Time Table


Page 11: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting




Page 12: Welcome to COLLNET 2019 - · The 15 th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics WIS

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

The 15th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics,& Scientometrics (WIS) & the 20th COLLNET Meeting

19 20

Introduction to WISE LabWISE lab of Dalian University of Technology is a leading research center of Science of Science in China.

“WISE” stands for Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics and Econometrics. WISE Lab devotes itself to explore

the theories and methods in assess and mapping research output, and to support scientific and technological strategic

policy and decision making.

WISE Lab of Dalian University of Technology was established on September 21, 2005, founded by Professor

Zeyuan Liu and Doctor Hildrun Kretschmer. The current director of the laboratory is Professor Yue Chen.

WISE Lab offers both Doctoral and Master's degree programs in Science of Science and S&T Management, as

well as Master's degree program in Regional Economics. More than 80 students are studying in WISE Lab at any time.

At present, there are 14 Master's supervisors and 6 Doctoral supervisors who are committed to fostering talent with

both wide knowledge scope and good professional skills.

As a leading research center of Science of Science in China, WISE Lab is dedicated to employ methods of

scientometrics and science mapping to investigate the rules behind the development of science and technology, and

to support the evaluation and management of scientific research.

Zeyuan Liu

Founder,Honorary director

Hildrun Kretschmer

Founder, Permanent honorary member

Yue Chen


Zhigang Hu

Deputy director

Deming Lin

Deputy director

Xianwen Wang

Executive deputy director

Science of Science

and Scientometrics

WISE Lab Organization Overview Research Interests

Management of

Intellectual Property

and Inovation

Scientific Evaluation

and Research Policy