Top Banner
f -- , i )i : r &tf ' .4. N J n - . ta &.! iwppippi Mpjwijpipi ,y;aiSfc3ft;gg8''J-Ww- g?S3!!2ES A'$;J Crto.$t.jP'' 33szss33. a m Trfc-- j jowm,,a mKftmji'a.,imitin.i-j.ijiijg'jij- r Lljas3JvmjAUM.uivAim7T: co3Mraoajaj,MMxjMia;arM3irTa'gMBKw.TgrjnT-ui- jiaj.tmj-- " ucrarsrcrw Voi,. XIV. No HONOLULU, IT. I., MONDAY RYRNTNO, MARCH .'J, ISflO. GO 0ENT8 ourtacrtiPTioN PEn MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed ami published al tho office, Queen Struct, Honolulu, li. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, DO cents per Month. Addro?3 all Communications Daily Bullktik. Advoillsonients, to ensure uiauillnn, should bo h.uidetl in bcl'oio one n'islmik r. m. WALTER HILL Cdiior anil Proprielut Bulletin Steani Piiutiug Office. Newspaper, Book nml Job Printing of all kinds done on Hie most f.ivoiablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 251! Mutual Telephone No. -- GO THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An inteiesling and compiehcnsivo publication, contains !W columiiB of icudlnu; matter on local topics, and a i omplcte resume or Honolulu and Island News. II is tlu best paper nubllshod in the Kingdom to send tu fi lends uhro.ul. SiiliHcrliilluii : Island ft 00 year Poiuiitn 5 00 " Commission Moronants. J &, o., I, lloncral CommisEioii Agents, Honolulu G. W. MACFARLANE &. Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llouolulu. JJ. I. Queen jtrcct, - - GONSALVE9 & CO., Wholcsalo Grocero &Wino Merchants Beaver Block, llouolulu. BUKWER & COMPANY, 0 (Limited) Oiskuual Mkuoaktilk ahd Commission Aciikub. LIST 01' Otri'ICKMB : P. 0. .Josi:s, .Ir. . .. President & Muuiigei J. O. Currum Treasurer & Secretary umiiCTona: Hou. C. It. Bisuoi-- . S. 0. Ai.i.kk, 11. Watijuiiousic. aaa ly T. WATEHHOUSK, JOHN Impoiter and Dealer in General Merchandise, Quo-'- u at., llouolulu. 1 ri. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Alhertou-- U. 1. Castle g OOOICI3, CASTLfc! Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Uuneral MwchauiP'se, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Oluub Spiccliclii. Vt'm. U. IBW1N & COMPANY, WQ. Sugar Factors aud Commission cuts, Honolulu. 1 &t CO., WILDKlt Denim in Lumber, Paints, 01b, Nails, SaP. and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Port and Queen sis., llouolulu. ! I.owors, P. J.Lowioy C. M. Uooku. &s Cooke, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers ami Dealum in Lumber and all Kinds nt Biuld'uiK Materials, Foit street, Honolulu I Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fori St., Upstairs. The undeisignpd bcs to inform the public of these Islands that ho is making Directions forEelf.nicasurcinent will be given on application. Whlto Slilrts, Overslilrts & Night Gowns A fit guaranteo by making a Bamplo Shirt to every ouler. Ulanil order solicited Bell Tclcphono 410 ftr.ty A. I!. llIKHilS. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station llotuc. Slutuul lX,olIion No. -- 1. 87 tf A. 11. BASEMANN, Bjok-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blauk-boo- k Mauufacturer. No. Merchant htrett. Up stniri). icH-B34- Proi'oasionala. JM. MONHABUAT, til Law & Notary Public 110 Merchant Street, Honolulu. if ALFRED MA GOON. J Attorney at Law & Notary public 17;l 42 Meichaut, btreot, Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will piai'tirn in Hip lnwi-- rouila of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect ing in nil Its branches, renting of houses and any other buttlm-i- i entru..ted to him OlhYc 01 King Street Up.tair-i- . l'eh 5.80 wL'l iooo. UIL' I?IO7STI0I0It mil CANDI FACTORY AM) JtA-lCJiilt- F. HOltN, Practical Confectioner, 1'astry Cool: and Baker. 71 Hotel St. 1SI3?- - Telephone 7-- WENHER & CO. .tlaiiuriictiir-lii- Jowi-lli'M- , no. oa troivv fc'x,ltIdl!:'x Constnntly on hand i large assoitmen of every dcHerlption of .Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. UBS ly Thomas Lindsay, Hanafactulng Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jowclry a Specialty. Kin;; StroH, Slonolulii, II. 1. Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Olllce. tST" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repaiis. jau-lO-S- Husiace & Roberison, DHAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-l- . tcnihd to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in traasit to tiic other Islands. Also, Dlack and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, next door to ,lii. V. Morgan's auction room. 0S21y Mutual Telephone No. 19. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contractor, Is prepared to design and contract for all classes of Extraction Maehi. nery. Irrigating Machinery, Jivapoiat. ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, ICniucs ol all kinds aud for all purposes, Watei Wheels, Water Conduits, both pipes aud lluuicsj, Steam Boileis of vaiious kinds, ltailrond Mntciial and Boiling Stock, Ktc, Dtc. Il I'FIISIOX IIACBMKStY, In all its brandies r. specially. Plantations supplied witJi Chemical and Analytical Appiratus of the very best desci iplion to order. Ztif Close uttculion paid to all orders and satisfaction to Hut putohaser gnu. runlccd. P. O. Box :!3Q."Foit ttiect, Honolulu. sept.0 80.1y J. Hopp Mo., 74 King st. tIM 74 King st Iinpottcrs of Rattan & Reed Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Movtd with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid, CORNICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. npMOSS $m& The Boat Lunoli in Town, Toa and Goffoo at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of Ma lllilJ. a JHSsJ'' SU&IVl '" Ulr;-sSjS- N Alwuiyx on llaml. la. .. NOSB'Sj; fi'rosu'h'tor. f Metropoiiian j&i t22SS&&ssa kCrSESS" MeatGompany 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Whole&alo & Retail Butchers AHU NAVY CONT11ACTOUS. 1717 ly Collector Wanted. A N active American, Enclislimaii or German, of good haliits hikI char actor, who also speaks Hawaiian, and can furnish tirst-chii- s lefeicnces, may obtain a permanent situation as Col. lector, by adducing P. O. Box No. ;i.")l, Honolulu. HOUSU3 to KENT. A LARGE 2 Story House, llrst class in evey res. pert, with nil necessary out. buildings, fine lavn, shade trees, llnwer beds, etc, veiy desirably located within 10 minutes' walk of the Post Olllce, will be leased lor one or more yeais, nt a reasonable rental to a select private f.imilv. Apply at HAWAIIAN Ill'SrXKSS AGENCY. Fiirnisliotl House To Lot A T Waiklki, a two story J.X. ll( ouse, containing bix rooms nicely furnished, with kitchen, lunai, bath and servant's looms. stihle, etc., to let for a low months at a reasonable rate. Or rooms will lie lot sinuly witli com! table board. HAWAIIAN UlTSINESS AGENCY. Valuable Property For Sale oa, A fN Niiuanu Avenue, a fcyPp v. newly furnislied ii.story pi.ff?l,a House containing 8 looms, kitchen, bathtonni, closets, carringc house, Etable, henery, etc. Grounds contain U 2 10 neies, well laid out in lawn", shade and fruit trees, llowcrs, etc. Will bo sold low, with or without furniture, horses, carriages, livestock, mid all the appointments needed in a first-clas- s resilience, as Hie owner in. lends leaving these Island. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Island Views. ALAKG E assoi tment of Photographs .Stereoscopic Views of tho most attractive scenery, buildings, etc , in these islands, for wile at ica.souahlu HAWAIIAN UlTSINESS AGENCY. Coiner Foit and Meichaut Mtieets. VMOS tf O. MULTjEII & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & L0CKSM1T1I8 Bethel Shoot, "Damon's Blrck," Coinci stole. Suigiral & Musical luttiiimeiits neatly repaired at reasonable lates Sewing Machines and lepairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds ot Safes & Scales lep.iiicd. Household Sewing Machines for tale. dec U 80 VETERINARY. Alt. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, aud pharmacy al Hawaiian Hotel Stables, comer Hotel and Hit-hau- l elieets. Scicntilic treatment in all dis- eases of domestic niilmnls. Orders foi plantation am) ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone li'4, P. O. Box 32G. mli.lH.SU PUBLIC NOTICE. THE undersigned having iicon agent for 11. Al. Queen Kaplniuni, notice is Iieieby given that all tenants, by lease or otherwise, are ordered to maku all payments to me, ho other leeeipt being valid. Olllce at the Pahice Bungalow. Hours from 0 a. m. to 4 I', m. II. C. ULUKOU, 4!!0 tf Agent for H. M. Hie (Jneen. O LU80 IIAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to eommunl with Hie PoitiiL'iiese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will tiiul it the most prolltablo way to advertise lu tho .win Uir.vdiiniio, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub- lished on Hotel sticet, ami only charge rftiifconahlo rates for ndvortisemciitA LADIES' NUItSE. c iinuiinv In, II.,.,! .,,,-.- ,. 1.,. J IV.J. illiyil Ifcl.J, I..IIIWO IIIIIOV, MUJ M removed to sxa, ;i, nuuui iuuu. Peb-- 180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES ! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu. JN. fS. SACHS. - - Proprietor. roBdsnes mDiogderses Direct Importation From Europe ! SWISS ami HAMBURG EDUEINGS In all widths and ipmlilios. HEMMED STITCH EMBROIDERY PLOPNCKS Tins is the l.itosl. Wo h.uo a good uoitim-ii- l .it very low pliers. ALL OVER KMBROIDEIUES-i-l- Swi.-,- s and Lawn. SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES In Skiit and lloloku Lengths. LACES, LACES, LACES, ImiiKMiM' Assoiluicntl Conn; and Evnniinc Our Stock' The Pliers Toll their Own Stmy' ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCES In Cioani, Wliilo nml Eimii. VALENC1ENNE LACE FLOUNCES Skiit Loiigtli niul Edgeing to M"ateli. Spanish Lace Flounces DON'T FORGET BEFORE ITRCIIASlXG.YOrR $3r Embroideries Sc T-dio- esi ! r;22 0 Call niul examine our .slock, and learn our piice. jgfll CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS, JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor. SOLE MANUFACTURERS "THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER" SARSAPABJXLA and IEO WATER, ALSO Ginger Ale, Sarsnpnrilla, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda. CHAM LA.a' t&T ALL AERATED WATERS GUARANTEED PURE jgff nt TCIXO STREET 1 Mutual Telephone 3 30 -- a o B6T Bell Telephone 298 )"I.slaii(l orders piomptly nttemU'il to. Uoll Tcloilono, r - Yjiajey No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND KIND IMPORTED INTO Our "PEDRO IS SIMPLY T Which will ho sold AT 2171 ! of n 13 CI DJSIC. r - Mutual '.IVIeplioiw, 7! THIS KINGDOM. JIMENEZ" SUBLIME. LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Mrtiin&ot , EVERY OF CALIFORNIA-WIN- ES TERP ST PLANING MILL, Alukt'.'l, BCHV JlU'l,J8 it 'Pfie nil our) Su. a"i. itSi WALKER & REDWARD, Contrnctoi'M As IJulltlerrt. Brick, Stone ami Wooden Buildings; given. .Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 7(1 King fctu-ct- . Bell Tele-phon- o No. !i. P. O.'B.tx, JM. up r. ly ni-ORG- LUCAS, V Contractor M, and n.ll,lCr,-i- iS Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, tiade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k finish. Turning, Scroll and Baud Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and 1 'Pul- ing, Morticing am! Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited '? HONOLULU IRON WORKS. SaSleaui mi I'ini's, sugar mills, boil era, coolers; iron, brass and leadrast-ings- ; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted ut short notice. 1 T. O. Ilox. .'131. -- 90i- Stell Trie. S7I. Hawaiian Business Agency Comer Foit & Merchant Sticcts, Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. you Tim-Haw- aiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department KOllTIIIC "ftSupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive ppeolal attci:-lion and returns pronijitly made. Real Estate bought, told and liascd. Taxes Paid and propel ly safely iiiMircd- - llouscs, Cottaocs, Rooms and Offices, leaded and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Lite Insurance) ctlcctul in llrst-cla-ss Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a ipccially Records searched and correct Abstiacts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carelully diawii and liuuiL somcly engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in Qcucinl use in this Kingdom. Custom House Uusincss transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated nt favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and :nld. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited for publb.hcifl. Any Article put chatted or sold on favor able tonus Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti- cular attention. To Let, rurnishcJ and Unlurnhhcd Col- lages In desirable localities al leaaouable rentals. Several Valusblo Properties in and around the city now lor sale and lease on easy terms. SeyAll business entrusted to our care will receive prompt ami faithful atten- tion at moderate oharnes Fob-4-S- WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, foil Street, ncxl Lucas' Mill, Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specialty. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-clas- s mauiier aud executed at f.liorl notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t35F Orders from tho other islands solicited. Will be pleased to see all our old customers us well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No f75. npr-l'J-S- W.W. Wright & Son j 70 &8I Boll Tele. King SI, No. 381. (TlicKosu Premises) All orders for wliutl vehicles of evciy dc'd'iptiou filled with promptness. First data mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty Tlt.Vll CAItH, OIIMItdKHi'.N, Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ok Carts, Made to order, nltcrcd or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, i.'ic, i:ii!., i.TC., r.ic. Our HORSESHOEING Deparlmont Is under tho manngciimnt of 1!. Cay. lord, who will collect and recilpts a'll hills duo tint branch of our business. (Signed): oct 15 am W. W. WlilOIIT X SON. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000.00 Facts aro Stubborn Tliinjis." A I every ago, on overy ptetniiini talde, and in ovciy year, tin: AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontino Policies of the Now York Lifo Insurance Co. have been LARGERtlian Hiopo OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. tJfr For particulars apply to C. . IIHIMJHK, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. i!S:i tf FIRE, LIFE, A MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Plro Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commorcin.1 Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South Btitisb Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Ilnw'n Islands. 1053 ly Prussian National Insurance Conwy ltSTAUT.IBUKD 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Ucichsmarks fpUE undersigned, having been op. X. pointed agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepareilto accept risks, against Eire, on Buildings, Furnituic, Merchandise, Produco, Sugar Mjlls etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payabla Honolulu. H. RIKMENSCHNEIDEH, jly-8- ly at Wilder &, Cos. FILTER PRESSES ! I'AAUIlAU Pjantaiion, ) Hawaii, March 0, ISS8. ) ItlHilmi Iron .V l.nrouiotivo AVorliM San I''raii'lHt'. We havu used too your Filter Presses tlil- - m'iihoii. They mo eoiivenient, eailv hamlled and aro woiklnp;eiiliiely to I can leeoinineiiil no ing piovemeiit on them. Veiy respeeilully yours, (Signed) A. MOORE, Manager l'aaubaii Plantation Hkkia, Sept. 23, 18S1'. Mu. .John Dvr.u, Agent Ititdon lion Worhs, Honolulu. Okaii Sin: Please ship us one of your o0 Compai tment Filler Presses, 'J 10 siptai o leet sui face, sainu as the ono suppliid us last season, which 1 am plensed to say has given us entiio satisfaction. Yours trulv, Gi:6. R.EWART, .Manager Heeia Agiiciillural Co. These Pixves aiu niatlo extra hea for high presiiies, occupy a ilooc pp.ieo it feet by I ftct, und'piesent a lilterlng suifaeo of 240 square lect. A limited number in slock in llouo- lulu and aro sold at very low prices. Risdon Iron & Loco. Works. Sail FraiieUeo. IKtY l''i' lnit!oiilars enquire of .JOHN DYEIt, llouolulu, Boom No. :i bpieekeh' Block. !2.iotf W. O. Irwin & Co,. Agent. Anderson &Lundy, Dentists. Arlillcial Teeth from one to an enlirj set inserted on gold, silver, allumiiium nml rubber bases. Crown and Bihlgu Work a specialty. To peisona weariug lubber plates which aro a constant hoiiii'u ol iiiitutlon to the mouth aid, we would recommend our Pir. pliylactlo Metal Plato. All operntiot s jierforined in nceordanco with the lato.t inprovemeiits in dental cdieiice. Teeth Kuiactcd without pam by the uteof Nllious Oxldodas. , t35"Ol!ieu at Old Tregloan Reside ncu Hotel street. i 4, .wfcWtoW. f . 3 J -- rfL 'T

Weekly mil - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Peb--180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR-MILLINERY-HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu.

Oct 18, 2020



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Page 1: Weekly mil - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Peb--180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR-MILLINERY-HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu.


-- , i)i

: r







ta &.!

iwppippi Mpjwijpipi


33szss33. a m

Trfc-- j jowm,,a mKftmji'a.,imitin.i-j.ijiijg'jij- r Lljas3JvmjAUM.uivAim7T: co3Mraoajaj,MMxjMia;arM3irTa'gMBKw.TgrjnT-ui- jiaj.tmj-- " ucrarsrcrw




is printed ami published al tho office,

Queen Struct, Honolulu, li. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, DO cents per Month.

Addro?3 all Communications DailyBullktik.

Advoillsonients, to ensure uiauillnn,should bo h.uidetl in bcl'oio one n'islmikr. m.

WALTER HILL Cdiior anil Proprielut

Bulletin Steani Piiutiug Office.

Newspaper, Book nml Job Printing of

all kinds done on Hie most f.ivoiabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 251!

Mutual Telephone No. -- GO


Weekly Summary.

An inteiesling and compiehcnsivopublication, contains !W columiiB oficudlnu; matter on local topics, and a

i omplcte resume or Honolulu and Island

News. II is tlu best paper nubllshodin the Kingdom to send tu fi lends

uhro.ul.SiiliHcrliilluii :

Island ft 00 yearPoiuiitn 5 00 "

Commission Moronants.

J&, o.,I,

lloncral CommisEioii Agents,




llouolulu. JJ. I.Queen jtrcct, - -


Wholcsalo Grocero &Wino Merchants

Beaver Block, llouolulu.

BUKWER & COMPANY,0 (Limited)

Oiskuual Mkuoaktilk ahdCommission Aciikub.

LIST 01' Otri'ICKMB :

P. 0. .Josi:s, .Ir. . .. President & MuuiigeiJ. O. Currum Treasurer & Secretary


Hou. C. It. Bisuoi-- . S. 0. Ai.i.kk,11. Watijuiiousic.

aaa ly

T. WATEHHOUSK,JOHN Impoiter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Quo-'- u at., llouolulu. 1

ri. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Alhertou-- U. 1. Castleg OOOICI3,

CASTLfc! Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inUuneral MwchauiP'se, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Oluub Spiccliclii. Vt'm. U.

IBW1N & COMPANY,WQ.Sugar Factors aud Commissioncuts, Honolulu. 1

&t CO.,WILDKlt Denim in Lumber, Paints,01b, Nails, SaP. and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Port and Queen sis.,llouolulu. !

I.owors, P. J.Lowioy C. M. Uooku.&s Cooke,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers ami Dealum in Lumber and allKinds nt Biuld'uiK Materials, Foit street,Honolulu I

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fori St., Upstairs.

The undeisignpd bcs to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is making

Directions forEelf.nicasurcinent willbe given on application.

Whlto Slilrts, Overslilrts & Night Gowns

A fit guaranteo by making a Bamplo

Shirt to every ouler.

Ulanil order solicited Bell Tclcphono 410

ftr.ty A. I!. llIKHilS.



81 King Street, opposite the Old Stationllotuc.

Slutuul lX,olIion No. --1.87 tf

A. 11. BASEMANN,Bjok-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blauk-boo- k


No. Merchant htrett. Up stniri).icH-B34-


JM. MONHABUAT,til Law & Notary Public

110 Merchant Street, Honolulu. if

ALFRED MA GOON.J Attorney at Law & Notary public17;l 42 Meichaut, btreot, Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill piai'tirn in Hip lnwi-- rouila of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collecting in nil Its branches, renting of housesand any other buttlm-i- i entru..ted to him

OlhYc 01 King Street Up.tair-i- .

l'eh 5.80

wL'l iooo. UIL'



F. HOltN, Practical Confectioner,1'astry Cool: and Baker.

71 Hotel St. 1SI3?- - Telephone 7--

WENHER & CO..tlaiiuriictiir-lii- Jowi-lli'M- ,

no. oa troivv fc'x,ltIdl!:'xConstnntly on hand i large assoitmen

of every dcHerlption of .Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

UBS ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Hanafactulng Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jowclry a Specialty.

Kin;; StroH, Slonolulii, II. 1.Next door to tho Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Olllce.

tST" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repaiis. jau-lO-S-

Husiace & Roberison,

DHAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-l- .

tcnihd to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in traasit to tiic other Islands.

Also, Dlack and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, next door to ,lii. V. Morgan'sauction room.0S21y Mutual Telephone No. 19.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract forall classes of Extraction Maehi.nery. Irrigating Machinery, Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, ICniucsol all kinds aud for all purposes, WateiWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesaud lluuicsj, Steam Boileis of vaiiouskinds, ltailrond Mntciial and BoilingStock, Ktc, Dtc.

Il I'FIISIOX IIACBMKStY,In all its brandies r. specially.

Plantations supplied witJi Chemical andAnalytical Appiratus of the very bestdesci iplion to order.

Ztif Close uttculion paid to all ordersand satisfaction to Hut putohaser gnu.runlccd. P. O. Box :!3Q."Foit ttiect,Honolulu. sept.0 80.1y

J. Hopp Mo.,74 King st. tIM 74 King st

Iinpottcrs of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovtd with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


$m&The Boat Lunoli in Town,

Toa and Goffoo at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

MalllilJ. aJHSsJ''SU&IVl'" Ulr;-sSjS- N

Alwuiyx on .. NOSB'Sj; fi'rosu'h'tor.

f Metropoiiian j&it22SS&&ssa kCrSESS"

MeatGompany81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Whole&alo & Retail Butchers



Collector Wanted.A N active American, Enclislimaii or

German, of good haliits hikI charactor, who also speaks Hawaiian, andcan furnish tirst-chii- s lefeicnces, mayobtain a permanent situation as Col.lector, by adducing P. O. Box No.;i.")l, Honolulu.


A LARGE 2 Story House,llrst class in evey res.

pert, with nil necessary out.buildings, fine lavn, shade trees, llnwerbeds, etc, veiy desirably located within10 minutes' walk of the Post Olllce, willbe leased lor one or more yeais, nt areasonable rental to a select privatef.imilv. Apply at


Fiirnisliotl House To LotA T Waiklki, a two story

J.X. ll(ouse, containing bixrooms nicely furnished, with

kitchen, lunai, bath and servant's looms.stihle, etc., to let for a low months at areasonable rate. Or rooms will lie lotsinuly witli com! table board.


Valuable Property For Saleoa, A fN Niiuanu Avenue, a

fcyPp v. newly furnislied ii.storypi.ff?l,a House containing 8 looms,kitchen, bathtonni, closets, carringchouse, Etable, henery, etc. Groundscontain U 2 10 neies, well laid out inlawn", shade and fruit trees, llowcrs,etc. Will bo sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, livestock,mid all the appointments needed in afirst-clas- s resilience, as Hie owner in.lends leaving these Island.


Island Views.

ALAKG E assoi tment of Photographs.Stereoscopic Views of tho

most attractive scenery, buildings, etc ,in these islands, for wile at ica.souahlu

HAWAIIAN UlTSINESS AGENCY.Coiner Foit and Meichaut Mtieets.



Bethel Shoot, "Damon's Blrck,"Coinci stole.

Suigiral & Musical luttiiimeiits neatlyrepaired at reasonable lates SewingMachines and lepairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds ot Safes & Scaleslep.iiicd. Household Sewing Machinesfor tale. dec U 80


Alt. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,aud pharmacy al Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, comer Hotel and Hit-hau- l

elieets. Scicntilic treatment in all dis-eases of domestic niilmnls. Orders foiplantation am) ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone li'4,P. O. Box 32G. mli.lH.SU


THE undersigned having iiconagent for 11. Al. Queen

Kaplniuni, notice is Iieieby given thatall tenants, by lease or otherwise, areordered to maku all payments to me, hoother leeeipt being valid. Olllce at thePahice Bungalow. Hours from 0 a. 4 I', m. II. C. ULUKOU,4!!0 tf Agent for H. M. Hie (Jneen.


ALL persons who want to eommunlwith Hie PoitiiL'iiese, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will tiiul itthe most prolltablo way to advertise lutho .win Uir.vdiiniio, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-lished on Hotel sticet, ami only chargerftiifconahlo rates for ndvortisemciitA

LADIES' NUItSE.c iinuiinv In, II.,.,! .,,,-.- ,. 1.,. JIV.J. illiyil Ifcl.J, I..IIIWO IIIIIOV, MUJM removed to sxa, ;i, nuuui iuuu.

Peb-- 180




POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,101 Fort Street. Honolulu.

JN. fS. SACHS. - - Proprietor.

roBdsnes mDiogdersesDirect Importation From Europe !

SWISS ami HAMBURG EDUEINGS In all widths and ipmlilios.

HEMMED STITCH EMBROIDERY PLOPNCKS Tins is the l.itosl.Wo h.uo a good uoitim-ii- l .it very low pliers.

ALL OVER KMBROIDEIUES-i-l- Swi.-,- s and Lawn.

SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES In Skiit and lloloku Lengths.

LACES, LACES, LACES,ImiiKMiM' Assoiluicntl Conn; and Evnniinc Our Stock' The Pliers

Toll their Own Stmy'ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCES In Cioani, Wliilo nml Eimii.

VALENC1ENNE LACE FLOUNCES Skiit Loiigtli niul Edgeing toM"ateli.


$3r Embroideries Sc T-dio-esi ! r;22

0 Call niul examine our .slock, and learn our piice. jgfll


JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Ale, Sarsnpnrilla, Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.CHAM LA.a'


Mutual Telephone 3 30 -- a o B6T Bell Telephone 298)"I.slaii(l orders piomptly nttemU'il to.

Uoll Tcloilono, r -Yjiajey

No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.






T Which will ho sold AT





13 CI DJSIC. r

- Mutual '.IVIeplioiw, 7!





FRANK BROWN,Mrtiin&ot ,




Alukt'.'l, BCHV JlU'l,J8 it'Pfie nil our) Su. a"i. itSi


Contrnctoi'M As IJulltlerrt.Brick, Stone ami Wooden Buildings;

given. .Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 7(1 King fctu-ct- . Bell Tele-phon- o

No. !i. P. O.'B.tx, JM. up r. ly

ni-ORG- LUCAS,V Contractor M,

and n.ll,lCr,-i- iS

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,tiade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k

finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing and 1 'Pul-

ing, Morticing am! Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho othersolicited

'? HONOLULU IRON WORKS.SaSleaui mi I'ini's, sugar mills, boil

era, coolers; iron, brass and leadrast-ings- ;

machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted ut short notice. 1

T. O. Ilox. .'131. -- 90i- Stell Trie. S7I.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Comer Foit & Merchant Sticcts,Honolulu, II. I.


GENERAL Tim-Haw- aiian

Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentKOllTIIIC

"ftSupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive ppeolal attci:-lion

and returns pronijitly made.Real Estate bought, told and liascd.Taxes Paid and propel ly safely iiiMircd- -

llouscs, Cottaocs, Rooms and Offices,leaded and rented, and rents collected.

Fire and Lite Insurance) ctlcctul in llrst-cla-ss

Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a ipccially Records

searched and correct Abstiacts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carelully diawii and liuuiLsomcly engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin Qcucinl use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Uusincss transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

:nld.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited for publb.hcifl.Any Article put chatted or sold on favor

able tonusInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attention.To Let, rurnishcJ and Unlurnhhcd Col-

lages In desirable localities al leaaouablerentals.

Several Valusblo Properties in andaround the city now lor sale and leaseon easy terms.

SeyAll business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt ami faithful atten-tion at moderate oharnes Fob-4-S-

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,foil Street, ncxl Lucas' Mill,

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a first-clas- s

mauiier aud executed at f.liorl notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t35F Orders from tho other islands

solicited. Will be pleased to see allour old customers us well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No f75.


W.W. Wright & Sonj

70 &8I Boll Tele.King SI, No. 381.

(TlicKosu Premises)

All orders for wliutl vehicles of evciydc'd'iptiou filled with promptness.

First data mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

Tlt.Vll CAItH, OIIMItdKHi'.N,Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ok Carts,

Made to order, nltcrcd or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,i.'ic, i:ii!., i.TC., r.ic.

Our HORSESHOEING DeparlmontIs under tho manngciimnt of 1!. Cay.lord, who will collect and recilpts a'llhills duo tint branch of our business.

(Signed):oct 15 am W. W. WlilOIIT X SON.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000.00

Facts aro Stubborn Tliinjis."

A I every ago, on overy ptetniiinitalde, and in ovciy year, tin: AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontino Policiesof the Now York Lifo Insurance Co.have been LARGERtlian Hiopo OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

tJfr For particulars apply to

C. . IIHIMJHK,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

i!S:i tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Plro Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000Commorcin.1 Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South Btitisb Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Ilnw'n Islands.

1053 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Conwy


Capital 9,000,000 Ucichsmarks

fpUE undersigned, having been op.X. pointed agent of the above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepareiltoaccept risks, against Eire, on Buildings,Furnituic, Merchandise, Produco, SugarMjlls etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayablaHonolulu.

H. RIKMENSCHNEIDEH,jly-8- ly at Wilder &, Cos.


I'AAUIlAU Pjantaiion, )

Hawaii, March 0, ISS8. )ItlHilmi Iron .V l.nrouiotivo AVorliM

San I''raii'lHt'.We havu used tooyour Filter Presses tlil- -

m'iihoii. They mo eoiivenient, eailvhamlled and aro woiklnp;eiiliiely to

I can leeoinineiiil no ingpiovemeiit on them.

Veiy respeeilully yours,(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager l'aaubaii Plantation

Hkkia, Sept. 23, 18S1'.Mu. .John Dvr.u, Agent Ititdon lion

Worhs, Honolulu.Okaii Sin: Please ship us one of your

o0 Compai tment Filler Presses, 'J 10 siptai oleet sui face, sainu as the ono suppliidus last season, which 1 am plensed tosay has given us entiio satisfaction.

Yours trulv,Gi:6. R.EWART,

.Manager Heeia Agiiciillural Co.

These Pixves aiu niatlo extra heafor high presiiies, occupy a iloocpp.ieo it feet by I ftct, und'piesent alilterlng suifaeo of 240 square lect.

A limited number in slock in llouo-lulu and aro sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works.Sail FraiieUeo.

IKtY l''i' lnit!oiilars enquire of.JOHN DYEIt, llouolulu,

Boom No. :i bpieekeh' Block.

!2.iotf W. O. Irwin & Co,. Agent.

Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Arlillcial Teeth from one to an enlirjset inserted on gold, silver, allumiiiumnml rubber bases. Crown and BihlguWork a specialty. To peisona weariuglubber plates which aro a constanthoiiii'u ol iiiitutlon to the mouth, we would recommend our Pir.pliylactlo Metal Plato. All operntiot sjierforined in nceordanco with the lato.tinprovemeiits in dental cdieiice. Teeth

Kuiactcd without pam by the uteofNllious Oxldodas. ,

t35"Ol!ieu at Old Tregloan Reside ncuHotel street. i

4, .wfcWtoW. f .



-- rfL


Page 2: Weekly mil - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Peb--180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR-MILLINERY-HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu.

1" JU 13

WmUpwpy mpi)Ui, u JMil MWIWfi' flWiyjilgpipptp u m m ywt"y j.a Wfft: yw5Wrwmi 'VT J,""iwu" '?t- - Vf" IH''""I'I"TW" CTWB' ""SPIV v

gailU $u!TfintoA


Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,Hut ettabllihrd for the benet'U of till.

MONDAY, MAIL , 1890.

It took twenty mt'ii winking on uit

Nuiulay, u steam roller operatingor some days afterwaul, anil seven

trips in a hack for a dollar, to refutethe llui.unis's brief reference, re-

cently, to the Punchbowl hill road.

The editor of the Hawaiian

Hoard's department of the Fiietul,referring to llev. J. N. l'niluili'selection cases, says, "IL is notcharged even by his accusers thatlu did commit, or meant to commitintentional wrong."

Among things yet lacking in ourinducements of tourist trawl is a

.system of making visitors acquaintedof all institutions as veil as placesof interest in and about Honolulu.

Many strangers, it is to bo feared,go away after being here for weeks,

without having seen all that mightbe assumed to be of general inter-

est, or even objects of especial at-

tractiveness to persons of peculiarproclivities.


Iti'i.i.r.ns reviews of Advcitisereditorials are seldom agreeable to

that journal, but our caustic expose

of the vindictivpiiess of its vindica-

tion of the election law is the occa-

sion of unusual impotent writhings.1'osing as "moderate and non-partis-

in the extreme" it deprecatesthe epithet of "organ," and ar-

raigns us tor reading in its own

words "a sense utterly foreign to

them."The term "organ" has been earn-

ed by the Advei User's unhesitatingand unblushing advocacy of everymeasure emanating from the Ciov-eiiiine-

Whether or no it laudedthis particular act as a ministerialmeasure is beside the question. TheIbiu.KTix is not utterly at sea with

regard to the prosecution. Theconclusion of our editorial reads,"A lingering suspicion exists thatthe employment of Mr. Kinney as

counsel removes the case from the

arena of a just prosecution to thatof a partisan stratagem." Our in-

ference was and is that the employ-

ment of Mr. Kinney as sole counsel

(not as the Advertiser asserts, "toassist") stamps this prosecution asan outburst of partisan spite, ratherIhan of outraged justice. And ly

enough the Governmentjournal arrives at the conclusionthat in this case "the machinery oflaw was set in motion by privateparties." It repudiates the prose-

cution as a ministerial measure.The Ilri.i.ETix sees no cause for

felicitations over the issue of a pro-

secution inspired by partisan spite.It, is evident the Clovernment wash-

ed its hands of the matter and leftMr. Kinney to play a lone hand.What the Government failed toopenly participate in, the Advertisercordially endorses. And its verdictof "desirable consequence" soundsforth as a triumphant whoop.


The Ftiend .ays, regarding thosegregation of lepeis: "The pres-

sure for a relaxation of piesentstiiotness is veiy severe fiom thenative people. Only a Cabinet whoare wry positive and determinedon this matter will resist such a

piessiirc. On this question the Na-

tional I'cform platfonn was signifi-

cantly silent. Should any of theirmoil Mile, we may look for lepers atlarge once more."

The Friend is disingenuous in itspartisanship. It was tho ReformParty's platform that was "signill-cantl- y

silent" on the matter in ques-

tion. That "document entirely ig-ti- oi

ed the question of public health,while that of the National Reformparty made a distinct utterancethereupon. The National Refonnpatty's, platform contained tho fol-

lowing section: "Dim attentionmust be given to the general educa-

tion, with liberal supiMHt of publicschools; to tho health of the coun-

try at large, and to the. nanitary con-

dition of the city of Honolulu."This was adopted by a ma6

meeting of the National Reformparty on January '2. The Reform

party's nominating convention washeld two weeks later, so that theleaders of that parly had ample

time in which to formulate u decla-

ration of policy in regard to thepublic health, if they wished to

a superior attitude to that ottheir opponents in the matter. Tlie

Jjt J .v'. ..,'.

Reform Tarty, however, preferredmaintain a "significant silence."periodical occupying the positionthe Friend, :i religious denomin-

ational organ, ought to be far re-

moved above the control of a pattyspirit that would dictate absoluteinisieptoseiitutioii. Tim Friend is

guilty of this nllenso not only in the

mutter above dealt with, hut when

falsities the results of the election,which it does by saving the NationalHeform paily -. in a niinoiily nttwenty-tw- o to twcnt-s- i


Km ton Bn.iXTtx: The Antisha-imi- s

essay on .Juries brought to ourmind the' decision of the native juryon the Wilcox case and with it anold chestnut about a negro who wasa good member of the .MethodistChurch, but a source of annoyanceto other members because he otlenshouted "amen" in the wrong place.lie was expostulated with andagiecd to keep silent, but it washard woik, and he would wiggle inhis scat with his efforts to suppresshis feelings. Eventually an elo-

quent brother became too patheticand our unfortunate brother, spring-ing to his feet, shouted, "Amen I

hit er miss!" If that decision wasnot "hit cr miss," the feeling wasthere.


F.niTOit A writer in

the Advcitiser of Feb. 21th, whosigns himself thus .. digs up thebloody shirt long enough to get inhis mud slinging and ditty insinua-tions at the National Ueforni pattythat he was capable of, then slinksback to his den dtagging the bloodyshirt after him, winding' up w'ln lllfollowing lamb-lik- e iciiiarks: "Theresult of the election cannot be al-

tered anyhow, and it would be muchbelter to bury the hatchet than tokeep pouring oil onto the lire." I

think the friends of little dots shouldinstruct hint as to the proper modeol burying the hatchet himself, be-

fore he' undertakes to protl'er adviceto others on the subject.

.SiMi't.i: Simon.


Km rot: IJii.i.r.riN : --A correspon-dent in the Hawaiian Waettc of2."ilh tilt, advocates to "bury thehatchet," after throwing out someinsinuations, that a certain personwho is under arrest for perjury wasinduced to commit such perjurythrough the inllueiice of NationalReform money, rum, or intimida-tion. The National Reform partyon Maui had during the last electionneither money nor gin, and themeinheis of the patty are not in po-

sitions which would enable them tointimidate. Why does the corres-pondent not mention the trial pend-ing against the Wailuku plantation'shead hina for corrupt piaeticcs?Perhaps that will show the use ofintimidation, etc., on the part ofthe Reform patty. The men whovoted for the National Reform ticketrepresent the independent votersof the island, and a comparison withthe votes cast at the election in 1SS7shows, that then the Opposition onlygot 38 votes on their Noble ticket,while this lime the opposition to theReform party polled about 200.Wherefiom and why this change?

In 1SS7 the opposition did notelect one representative, while in1800 lliey carried four solid menand one independent. There i3 nodoubt here that if the voters, par-

ticularly on Baldwin's and Spreck-cl- s'

plantations, had been left aloneto vote as they pleased, the resulthere would have been the same ason Oahii. And there it is, wherelegislation is wanted. The revisionot the election law is the most ne-

cessary act to be performed by thecoming Legislature. The secret bal-

lot will help a great deal, but stepsshould bo taken to elllciently prevent the plantation managers frombulldozing their men into votingtheir way.

The law in regard to challengingof votes is also very unsatisfactory,at least as carried out by the Minis-terial Inspectors of Flection here.In case of a challenge, tho burdenof proof, that the would-b- e voter isnot. entitled to vote, ought to tall onthe man challenging, and all thatshould be asked of the voter is hisoath to the effect that he is entitledto vote or considers himself so, suchstatement to be investigated it necessary after the election. In .SouthWailuku an instance happened,which called for a great deal ofcomment. On the election day avotet a well known peddler of longtesidencc here was challenged byn gentleman, who is now elected asNoble, no other cause being giventhan that the challenger was morally(sic!) convinced, that the voter hadnot an income sufllcictit to entitlehim to a vote for Noliles, and if heliad such income, ho did not deriveit from legitimate sources. A num-

ber of persons were present, andeverybody know, including the chal-

lenger, that the objection was highlyfrivolous and simply caused throughspite on account of the peddler'sactivity as a runner for the NationalReform party. Instead of adminis-tering an oath to the voter and stat-ing a cause for flic challenge, thechairman of the Hoard of Inspectors

of course the obedient servant olthe challenger began an examina-tion and n of thevoter, wanted to see his books, etc.Tho man Uvea about three milesfrom the polling place. Finally thovoter was aljoivdl lp deposit his


voles and depart, after tho challeng-ing parly with his insinuations andslurs hail succeeded in leaving animpression upon. the minds of tliosopresent, that the peddler derived hisincome in a dishonest manner,' whichcertainly was not to the advantageof the man in his business capacity.The possibility of such perform-ances ought to be stopped and thequicker the better. At

In Noith Wailuku the chairm.tnof the l'.oanl was furnished with a


list of "doubtful" volei.s made outin the Uailul.ii Plantation idl'ieo.All these "doubtful" nlcrs beloii"- -

cil to the .National ueiorm patty,and all were for the second timesworn as to their income on the dayof election. This action was illegal ;

mot cover, tho Hoard neglected toenter the challenge and its resultsiu tlie Journal as ptesciibeil. Allthis would not have been known Itthe public if il had not conic out ina trial in court, where the Hoard ap-


as witnesses.The most remarkable combination

appearing during this election isthe IJahlwiu-Sprecke- Partictt-lail- y

on Maui, the feelings whichthe' "Colonel" used to enteitainagainst the Baldwin faction arewell known, and it is highly doubt-ed hcte that tho Colonel's repre-sentatives acted in his spirit. The"linn" sent a clerk here to iullii-enc- e

the tenants on Sprockets' land,and the young man with his autocratic ways barely escaped gellinginto trouble through his rather freshthan prudent acts. Perhaps as aresult of his failure in iulluencingthe native tenants, we now find Chi-

nese occupying some of the landsand even hear about leases beinggiven, while it always has lieci thei tile tliat no leases should be givenlor Spieckels' Wailuku lands, andthat Hawaiians always should bepreferred as tenants. Very likelythe "linn'' will have to depend onChinese votes in future electionsand lor a renewal of the steamersubsidy. Surprising Is it that the"linn" seems to have been unableto control the Katt election, wherethe Reform Nobles only got threevotes. Perhaps the manager of theKati plantation lias a mind of hisown and is not o easily led as hisMaui colleagues.

There are many rumors about ar-ics- ls

to be made on account of elec-

tion business from both sides. Wetrust it will come to nothing, nt il

would he tiresome lo have the elec-

tion with all its trouble over again.Nvi-i:iii- .

Maui, Mar. 1.


Ah Wai for malicious iojuiy bythrowing hot water on a dog waslined S20atid Sit.iiO costs.

Along for assault and battery wasdischarged.

Ah Kit, for assault and batteryon a wahine named Alio, and Peter,for larceny of papers, were remand-ed lo the Villi.

Akana for larceny of lumber wasremanded to the litli.

The following worthies forfeitedSO each bail for drunkenness:Malm, M. I.arscn, Daniel, .Joe, lva-ohe- le

and Makuc. James ISrownstood his trial for being drunk andwas assessed a line of $" and SIcosts.

M. J. Allen lor affray, John An-

derson for ditto, 11. Cameron for in-

toxication and James Sanderson andWin. Tear for like offence, discharg-ed. Jno. Eskichcllo was tciiiandedtill and I). W. Pua con-

spiracy, nolle pros'd.


rpili: animal meeting of the TiiliMiL Club will lie l on MONDAY.

the:iid ofMatvli, l&ilO, at 7 :!) o'clock

nonFitr.Y intowx,Seeietary.

Iloiinluhi, Felt. 'J.'., 1S00. I.s7 01


rpiIK rcRithir iimtiuil meeting nf the.X stoRltholdi'M ol tin; Jntur.InlaiiilSioniu Nnviirnthin Co, (I.M;, will lieheld on TUESDAY, Match Uh nio.,at 1(1 o'rloek A. M , at tlielr olllcc onQiuen btrcet. .1. T.XA,

Secretary I. I. . ft- - ''Unuohllll, Fell. IS, 18!)(), 481 l'Jl


f"pjIK annual incetiiitj of tlie ttncl:.L liolilcth of the IVoplc'n Ice A He.

fiini'fiilor Co. will lie held on Tt'Kri-DA-

March ), 1WI1, at l:!iO o'uhw kI', m., at the fillleo of W. (). Smith.

xv. v.. rosTi:i,Sccreliiry P. I. & It. Uo.

Honolulu, Fell. CO, 180. 1S.1 1(11


AT the regular annual mcolliif; of Ihultoyal Hawiiilaii lintel (Jo. held

hole y, the follow hi olllccr weiuapiioluted 'for the en-iil- n

(i. XV. .Maefarlane I'ic-iili'i-

V.. 0. Maefiulaiie..XV. M. (iiiihimi Tieiiwuer,It. CaPou Nciciiir.

J!. CATION,Seeietaiv It. II. II. Co.

lloiiohilu. Feb. ail, lhdn. IMi It


COIMKSof the DAil.v lii ..;.ti.n, olhelow, i'O cent-- a

copy will he paid for the aiuc 011

delivery ill thK ollice:.1 unitary l'-i-. JKStl, :i CoplcH.Icl.iuiiiy l, isst. i t'mili'H.


.J r fiM li.Krir.iiri, Vl'.l -vf1" on; Maud MucK pie-- U

.11 frii-fil- . Annlv at IliU" ollice, ' J 87 l!iv

INGii)y"" Mutual Telephone forIV OiIoiIosh K.scaviUlon. IS'JIf

wtaflttKiimitMJiLiMmaimi"iWiHilM'Wnw ww wfiyw:

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.



OiiWBI)NKSlAY,Mnvi'iAT 10 OTI.OCK .i M..

the lenience of Mils. COVIVOToN,No. Hit! Niitiaiiu avenue (at nf theiciileiiec ot til" K.N. .Innulli.m A t i 0 .

wiO 'I'll at I'nhlii Auction I lit'

IJouGchoftl -:- - Furniture

Upholstered Lounge & Cbairs,

Veranda Chilli,Black Walnut tS. Chain,

Black Walnut Marblelop Table,

Cm lain- - & Cornices,

B. W, Marbletop Sideboard,

Crockcty, Glii-wai- c.

Bedsteads, Wardrobes,.!( Hie., i:tc F.te.

,IAS. F. MOKtiAX,till :!t AticlloiKi'r.

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor &Z? & Builder.

Estimates (iiven oa Brick, Iron. Stone &

Wooden Buildings. JobbingAttended To.

M.f.fs i on sai.i.

Bfick, Lime, Canunt, Plaster of Paris,

Miulile HiM, Wiin T.alh.

California North lkacli & Santa Cruz

HA ' l.(Jii.ury Tiles (Siiivd. while unit hlue,Minimi, I'l.i-ll- e ami Ihie.iu-ll- e 'tiles inViiiiuii palleiu-- . all l.iiuls nf )iabiMiWan-- .

tSjrOrnn: SniilhcM cm hit Al.ifken anil juerii Micei-- .Mutual -- yiuTELEPIIOKESj'Bcll 351


Departure ay


i ui: si.r in

l!HJ Xti. S'.' King Mirct.


Demure Bay Goal !

K Hail. '('. n. Wliiliiime."

rni: m i 'i'

ALLEN &. ftOBJNSON,lllll Xo. llUliU'Cii'.lici'l. till




nut mi.i: nv 'i in:

UNION FEED GO.17'i tin

J. Ea BROWN,Old Capllol Building.

Agent to take Acknowledgment to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In the DMiict of Honolulu, orOaliu. IMi lm

California : LandsFOB HAT-il'- J I

Cq)'" Apply In

A. lOESUrElbs if 12 MciYhaiil st lloiiohilu.

TO fi!3T or LtiASE

NM.A "N Yoiiiur clifet, op odlefih'Sm J -u Works, a SmallgS!SsH CnttaKo contaliiiiiK ! looms;lai;u iind yntil, nile-lii- u waterliiidoii; ciy ilesii.ililu for Intel; or iltaylnuiiics. Apply lo

Ann. I'KItNAN'Di:.,IOlf At K. I). Hull &.V111.

3o:il Itattita For Sale.

riWO Houses and Lots on1 ltolicllo l.'inc. I'uluniu.

lJiii3 Convcnii'iil to stdim and trunicms. Veiy licaitny loruiitv. i.ot onh'lnu' rl reel, near llaiiiiiuKuV Juic. Forpailieiiliiis apply to

IOIIN F. HOWLER.Or Chiis. T. (litllek. tHOilni

fffHE Faclllc llnnhvtun Co. liiivo Just1. Mcclved a l:ii(;u lot of ltiihacti In

hull;, which they me. hellinfc low.tS'v' tf

K NG up 220 Muliiid Tclephdiie forOiloiless Kxcivallon. toy tf


MAKTFT 3, 1800.aBAmiBTfmfiirntcrtriWicaToaaMiiufH mgauMMaatcowtt

&JPissuing a new form of instil ante which provides, in the event of death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad-

dition lo the amount or the policy, or, should the Insured stitvlvc a given nuiiiber of years, the Company willMill it all the piemittnm paid with iuteicsl ; or, instead of accepting the policy and prrttlt"- in cash the lentil holdermay, WIT1 lOlTMKIMCA I. EXAMINATION and W1TIIOIT PAYMENT OK" 1'HKMll'MK, lake inlieu llieteof the amount of policy and piollls in 1TL1.Y I'All.) UP insurance, paiticipaling annually in dividends,

He member, this contract is issued by the oldest Lite Insurance Company iu the United Slatts, and the l.arget Financial Institution iu the Woild, its assets exceeding (bio Hiiudieil anil Twenty Six Million) of Dollais.

'- - For full particular call on ni addtcsnS4. .115. I&O.S1C,

Dec-21-.S- (Icnotal Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

esn CakesJ s5

Mill Hiead,(ir.iliam liicad,

Itye1'ii'iii'b llii'.ul,

Kiimilv Miead,Twist

in i Mm Mi,



g.2 And will be hKMVKKKD FIIKK of OHAKCiN to anyor FAKE:

Tea, Chocolate S; Milk,Pig's Feet, Ham,

Tongue, Ucef, Salads, Ktc.


all nicht. Itell

&' Oin'im'Ho TobiM'uo,fl",?" Open finin IMiO a. m.

Mutual Trlephmie 'J . I'usl Olliee

f i P s w fe a I

fiiftiH R ' Bm0 SuBSS a a

u. rr.



Bin Hi LSHRf JwbjI VII MllSlsUQS aWW fPIHItP UvlllSi I





fidr All anil ordors should


ii i " -- "

Bed" M U J)

miMmmTVTOW that the rainy noason is uponJ. u, wiiiiih a door unitI It it wi II In' nil oiiniliit'iit at tlie limitilniir, 'inil ill tlioro'ijjlily do llic winkiciiuircil of I: Tliu

N iuM the thing. I ciniiot ljienmeMniUciI Ii ta'ii, :'B U lit c im- - ith llliertint", iinil il I way-- . Keeps t Heing

of (ialviini'.-- d uc

As-d- many of tlie w'ue mat now inue. Tlici nri) t'.ir supeiior to fariiioiii ditiiilili) lliati HliL'i or iiililivr. Canliu ot Sltcl Wire at

Hawaiian C.,Oppcsile apuckelsiV Co'n IS ink,

H2 tl Foil Muet, Iliinoliihi.


A1 Ve-- i'l will he ih'sp.ilchcd forAN to Mill fiom NewYoiKIn all the iiioitlh of Ajnil. Orders forfjooilx to lie shipped hy vcs-e- l

houhl he forwaideil as early si poo'd-hl- n

to re fchipmeiit furtheruailleitlar- - Inuiilie of the Agents.

lloiiohilu. II. I.Or, W. ltltO.,.

77 iV. "! street,!,--. 2n New YoiK City.


i.uiii: ('onsionmi'.-n- t or



. imt.l.l MftSm tiUtitXn






Doughnuts, Picnic Roils.5

Cinckers,litilter Crackers,

Ibeiiil, I

Crackeia,(.ili'iin f!'ti.


Soured ColdSpiced Spiced




lliend, I

Jiiiiiiilus, Www Urn,


l'ipcs, Cignr &until iv. m. night, nui

l!o. ITS.


Si sAIflllSffvr PliillfilKHWla &&!EbgaSyQyBiQDaJr&a firaliS








rand-- :



GiDpr All, Alt, Greiiailie, Riirryaie, Sarsaparilla, Waters,

TELEPHONEconiiiHiiticatioitH lie JuUlrossi'd (o


yuan Steel Wire Mat!

They Rust










Zealand Oats













GolfGB Etc..

pail the city --stf


Ji'oi't Htfecl.



Psi agi'l esHjs


Frond, Eailisli American Dry Goods,

CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHINGllnvo juct received hy ln.- -l Australia a lino

Cotton Challis at 15 cents per Yard.Just tlie material for


"is S2y

ew of Hats


Chas. J. FBSMELS,Tho Leading Millinery House, Corner Fort &. Hotel sis.






ouler jialr--

All my OIN01IAMS I'licc.

atKKAD TIILS- - --A laiKO

-- "TiTfiinii(nimirMhiiijf.niiiiriirt1







llolilci'M, fold Drinks, E(c.Telephone


?im SODA,

Sniing anil Summer Wear.27 80




anfl anil

GOODS, ETC.line of



Stock Ladies


reat Reduction SaleHAVE HKDL'CKI)(iOOI)S.


124 pair of Undressed Kid Glove? I

Scoich Ginghams





(I rent Hjiicaiiip,

110 to Bclect from mo olVeied atA .suiiill line of

a Great Reduction !

iiK.soitmcnt of HEAD THIS

(1 ami 8 HutloiiB in peifcel al II a




iOIfcEWSSuch an riiiie.s, Kinhroideicd Swiw-cs- , India Linen, I'hiin Swiss, Xuinool; ami

many other lines of White d'oodn. I will coll at Mich aiieo tlpil cvcryliody will liny litem.

B.& Hemi'niior, Fchruary Ifith will cIom) thin Sale. J0(Jo -

1 Fch 1.J10

; i f,..t

"- -

- -


S. EHKLICH,Corner Ifotol & Fort Wfi-eolH-


7 TO


Page 3: Weekly mil - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Peb--180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR-MILLINERY-HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu.


"l"ini ItW''rjrr'''1"fry1111mum iw Liiniini'wipffiw ni"ii'i"iMHWir"""ri?3rT'r7V4MUiMHlHflBSflHHlHHlVflflfllVlHflflHHl "Tier--





r i i

-- ...., - II.

r ii tc

i. IfttuTlqfiit

MONDAY, AlAK. a, lftDO.



lil.UI'I.Ai: IIIMI.S.

A. M. I'. l.Leave lliiiinliilif i : 'JinnAllH-- i M.ui:ut:i !i:IH '.':ISLl'IIVl JIlllUlIU I'.IMJ

AlllM' Honolulu 11:1: 1:1s


A. M. V. M. I'. M.I,fine Honolulu... '.:::) 'Itt'oAriivu.Miumim.... 10:18 1:18 :IHLeave Miiutitiii.... 11,:ID 1:11 I:".".Arrive Hunnlulu...1l: IS i:'M lul:!



tun- Mlkahala from IC:ui:ilMtiiirLlUclike from Mauijstnir ICanlii from Kllaue.i ami llnunlcl

V:iIi'lin from IC:ui:il.Miir'1

Selir Mary from llaualctSelir liuli l!o Iroiii Hun

OEI'ARTURCS..Mar it --

Ktmr Khiau for lllloniiil way ports atI p m

.Stmr.l A Cummin' for Koolau al II :i in

.Stinr Moknlll for Molokal at ,"i p inHchr ICa Moi for HawaiiSehr lliileakala for llneloSehr Kealil for KauaiStmr Wiilnlcnlo for Xawlllwlll and

Hanamaiilu :il." p tit


Stinr I.'kelike for Maul at ." p m"Stun Mlkaluiln tor Iviiual at ." p mSttur.las Makee fur ICnpaa at I p in

iSelir Mary for Haiialcl'Selir Waleliu for Hiinapepi

Mclir Hob Itoy for liiPASSEKCERS.

Trout ICanai per flinr Mil.ahala, MarI'-- llon f! X Wllco. M .1 Unwell, Missi: liarris, !'(' Damon and wife, MlsAValsli, 10 Kruc. .1 Hlck-o- n. It Kalaand wife, Mr.lnliu-n- n, S L ICckmuaiio,K Kalsura, A TNumi, Jlr ralnc, MiI'.i'ihoii, Mr I.arsen, 'I Clduoso and oildeck.

From ICaitai per stinr Walaleile, Mar-tt'K Unwell and J deck.

Maui per stinr l.lkelll.e Mar'Jl)r Hall, h Potty ami wife, A

Mr I'Viei'sou and wife, L' Cld-lies- c,

2U deck.I'm- - windward pints per stmr ICInau,

March :i Hon H I'aiker, .1 1 J'arUormul wife, Mrs V I lanualiolliei, Mlsse.Low ('J), Mrs K r Low, Hon W II(.'oruwell. Mrs.l II Maliv, 11 II Webb,i: n'l'euney, l'ev I S 'Policy. MrslMiVlerra. N' l.oel.wood, A (Jroiiluer andwife.


'Plie "lim" MIkaliala lirtmlil Sundayniorniiiy;. Mar L", from Kauai, I,.'I7 bys'.uar, ii bead cattle, I'M haj;s riee mid!i m'cen hides.

The stinr Wala'eale brought on Salur-da- v

iiiorniiij;:i,li!."i bajjs imar for Hietier bark 11 llackfelil.

The stinr l.lkelike brom;!it Sunday,Mari, !l::i(i bags suar. (!1 lias iiota-tu- c,

(it) lin-- s and li'J pkif.s siindiU's.Tin ship Merom anil the litigant ilie

Couucln are unluailln at Kaliiilui.The stinr Kiiiau leaves at I o'clock

this afternoon for windward ports.Tins tern Alcalde has been moved

hack from the FNh MiuKet to Allen &tnl)hi:on'- - wharf to (lNcliar! lumber.

Tlui'-tni- r ICaala Inouht 1,11s h;gMitfar from Kauai on Suuihiy.

TIib schih Mary and Wa'.t'hu brought100 and L',':() bags rice respectively liomICaual.

The stinr W (' Hull is dueafternoon.

The bark Xewsboy, Capt Johnson,sailed from Kahulul lat Wcilncidavwith sugar for .San Vranei-c- o, The selirChallenger, Capt Thniiip-o- n, will nllIroiii there next Wednesday for Sanl'Yancleo.


The author of the following;Imllail is Lieut. Sherman, now navalinstructor on the V, S. training shipNew Hampshire. He is known lomany people in Honolulu.

hiaiVINU is tiii: NAVY.

Air: Marching Through (icorgla.

Oh! Wo are gay Apprentice boys.To the Xavy we belong.

Through gathered from Ihu city orThe tann we'io young and strong.

And we can box the conipn-- s, icefAnd steer, or -- lug a song,

While we are serving in the Xavy.

citonrb.Hurrah! hurrah! right jolly tars aio weIlmiah! hurrah! our homo the deep

blue sea.We'll servo our time in every clinic,

And cruise o'er every sea.Willie we me serving In the Xavy.

There's lots of fun before ii- -, boys,Wherever we may go,

We'll till t with the Kanaka ghl- s-Thn niuhlsof C'nl-la-- o.

We'll learn to dance the hula andThe .iiiniieiiecii, too.

, While we me serving In the Xavy.

lint, though bewitching sirens -- eel,Out hearts with lovo to hind.

I'm sun we never will forgetThe girls we've left behind.

Tlnugh jovs enchant mul pleasiucshuc,Our love' Is their.-- , they'll Ibid.

While we me serving In the .Navy.

'J he honor of our Hai; we'll guaid,The Hhiiloii. .slrlis mid murs,

Prbi'eet It with our lives if we're5

Involved In foielgn wars.We'll r'cadv for llo battle and

WimIouoi fear the scars,While we arc serving in tin Xavy.


Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. K,

Hand concert at Kmma Square,at 7 : at).

Meeting Staff and Line OllieersHonolulu Utiles, 7:!l0.

Hawaiian Lodge No. 121 I and A.if.', at 7:110.

Jlrilish Club, annual meeting,? :!t0.

6 I NO up'J'.'il Miituid Telephone for.IV Oiloilcm Jl.seiiviilloti. Wi tf

'. ....

' " ... . ' I



A cook v.'nnU ii pnsiiimi.

jMlti .lusliei lliel.'orloii pre-ide- s tilKiipieino Com! chambers, litis week.

Tin: annual meeting (,f ms lnloi-lslun- d

Kleani Navigation t'o. will litheld at JO o'clock

- .

'I'm: Fiiend for March is vcty in-

teresting hi runic of ils content'',Imlh news mill i'oiiI iiii'I,m:'I mallei.

IiCI'AIIIM on the Knlihi hawliccii dragging "f ''itc Atioiil ninetyloot ll.lW been euM'Iril ill Weeks.

'I'm: .'le.inier Ati'.tr.ili.i will he ilnefiom Fi.iui iseoiiot l'Yida , nl.-- n at In Llcanrr Alameda fiom the I'nlo-liic- stone building ha latelybeen added to tin' ICiiiiichnmchnSchools gtoup. 'I'he structure is de-

signed for cl.if--s looms.

'I'm: lime tabic of the O.ihn Rail-way mid Land Co. appears in thisissue and will ho kept pornuiiienllyin a pioiiiiiient pari of the paper.

Mi:. I.oebcnstein, sin vcyor,of I lib,is engaged by the Oaliit I'adway v

I, ami Co., to l.i nil a town plot alMamma, pie-e- ul teiniiiius if tin-- i

ail way. "

Tin: payiuciil of Draft .No. I'JS bythe lloiioiiiti Sugar Co., ol date l'cb.10, lS'.MI, i slopped and all pattiesaic caiilioncd against tin negotiationof same.

MA'rniits and cases for heating lie-fo- io

the presiding .litslice at chmn-ber- s

aic : Malioc ct al. vs.ICaiihi, 10 a. in., and Instate of Kulaii-iin- i

(w.), II n. in.

Tilt: hand will play at ThomasSiptaic and Wednesdayevenings, and at the Hotel on Fridayevening. This evening there will liea conceit at Kiiitmi Square. linos, of I lilo, teali.ingthe benelit of introdiieiiig themselveslo noticn in a liist cl.iss advertisingmedium, inform the public gcnciallyin Humxti.v of their livciybusiness. Cauiage and saddle horsesfurnished on shot test notice for tripsto Volcano or elsewhere.

Timm: is a novel wiie-pull- to Inpceii at CnMlc it Cooke's. It - them is nothing politicalabout it. The win is grasped at eachend by a cam grip. A lever winkingalong a bar of iion in a ratchetplictclics tin wiie at will. This: in-

genious device will Ik uppiccinlcdby fence builders.

In rcgaid to the indestructibilityof the I'liuchbowl road it ia learnedthat prior to tho seven historicaltrips in a back by tho Advertiser

and subsequent to the damagealleged to have been wrought by tinstorm, about twenty men and a Mon.niroller had put the load into propercondition for that join mil's hack-neyed pull'.

SatI'UDAY afternoon a liie engineon Foil street cither going to or ic-- t

uiiiing from a drill blew its whistle.Fred. llnnisouV horse attached lo abrake and bitched in front of hishop became frightened and bolted

into a yaid whcie liu ia iiMinlly fed.The whistling was lopealed, causinghim such flight that he ton) downHie street, reducing the brake lo atotal wreck and completely ruiningtho liaiiicrs.

Tm: following ollieers of the Kca-li- :i

Lodge, No. ."i, K. of P., have beeneleclcd and installed:

P. (!., H. P. liugus, M. I).C. C, II. U. Wishnid.V. ('., A. Lindsay.P., Win. Hlaisdell.K K. and S., (ico. II. Faitehild.M. '., 10. K. Wade.M. K Win. Kassic.T. (!., Win. Hciiniug.O. ti., S. (!. King.

KisTint H()(' (icrtriule willanivo inilonoliilii on tho Sth and will pio-ece- d

immediately to Molok.ii. Ac-

companying the young lady partlyas an escort and paitly on other af-

fairs of tho Hoard will bo Dr. Kim-ball tho President, Jlr. (ico. C. Por-ter the .Sccrclaiy, and others. Thoappioachiiig Mwinn of tho legisla-tiit- e

leudcis this liip advisable toK'ciirc the necct-tar- data for an

icpoit to tliat body.

Tin: Union Ico Works are nowseemingly in full lihust. The i ooni lloor was covered withblocks of ice, this morning that couldnot bo excelled in quality. ThoK'cond Her of Morago rooms is de-

voted to lliii pio.sorvatinn of beef,butter, vegetables, etc. The tumper-atui- c

of the apartments is calculatedto congeal the fur on a cat's back. AMiinll wicket window indicates tinlow teiiiperaluic of tho interior by avNilile coating of fiost.

I'kom last year Hiero will ho onlytwo leap yeaih in fifteen years. Thoday added lo ovety font Hi year in the(licgoiiati calendar lo balance PatherTime's accounth is a shado too niiich,wdiicli in a bundled years uninuuWlo a surplus of about one day. There-foi- o

tlio iilllli of 'Vliiary iswith in Iho IhhI year of the

century nllhbugh a. fourll' or leapyear. Poisons bum on robrunry UntilWill only owe their fiicnds two biitl-ija- y

mi lies ii) Hi next tiltcep,,vcav,

- -- w

What proved a very enjoyabledinner paily was given at Hie ltranchHotel, Vnikiki, Saturday evening, inhonor of Miss McOon'ilm, of SiinKraneifiiio. The company had ad-

journed from an afternoon picnic atWnialao. Mrs. .1, T, White, luanagcrof tho Draiich, did herself gicalcredit with tho dinner. After leaving(iiiiio Iho coiiipauy', niiuilieriiigtwenty to thirty ladiea and gentle-men- ,

Idled tho balance of the even,ing with diiiieing and general nicia-bilil-

, &AILX BULLETINS HONOLULU,-- !. IdtlMMttMMhnM"" """ """ .


"C'neknltfiie," Hip London corri"poiident of the San Francisco Argo-unti- l,

writes an interesting letter onthu late "eccenlriu Sir Percy Shelley,Hart., and his sueees-or.- Sir Petcywas Hie only son of Percy llyssheShelley, and . by his death "litemale line of descent from the fatu-

ous poet becomes extinct, and thebaronetcy devolves upon Sir Petcy'snephew, Kdwanl Shelley, of Aung- -

ton, in tlm county of liampsliiic." j

'i'lii1 piesenl baronet lias been :i

great roamcr wlto tinVeied lite earthlor adventure. He joiucil llic'l nil.Mi P.ashi-ilT'.oul- .s in the ( iimcanwar, for Ids set vices being created

pasha by lite Sultan. He spenttwo years hunting and osploring inAlrica and is mentioned in one oftloi don C'liininiug's works. Clolngnext to America In sought excite-ment on Hie prairies, was capturedby Indians, whose ways he adoptedsi) heartily that they made him theirchief. When alter two years ofehiefship he made his escape andreadied Chicago, he visited Chinaand Japan wlieic lie had many ad-

ventures. It was on his way toJapan that he stayed awhile in theHawaiian Islands, :i fact, for whichwe are indebted to the recollectionof Hon. John O. Domini9. It. wasabout the year lfillS and the (!ov-crn-

remembers the visitor as show-ing Hie spirit that made his adven-turous record. He was advised notlo take the bhip on which he hadengaged passage to China,asshe wasan old hulk not very seaworthy. Hisreply was that the captain was agood soit of a fellow and he thoughthe should have a llrstratc time.


The new Uoyal Saloon buildingHearing coinplelton is :t beauty. Itoccupies the site of the old buildingat Hie corner nf Nuiianii and Mer-chant streets. The structure is ofone story and is built of brick. Thestreet facings are relieved and orna-mented by nine stuccoed pilasters.Skew backs, for the imparling ofcorrect arches above the tops of thedoors and windows, project fromthese. Commencing with the top ofthe verandah is the cornice, com-posed of series of stop blocks ofbeautiful architectural design sur-mounted by a stucco railing ofsemi-mullio- against a backgroundof brtckwoil;. llns ratling is crown-ed witli a lilting cap of stucco. Tin.summits of the pilasters are appro-priately topped witli ornamentalheads. The. corner of the buildingon Nuitaun and .Merchant streets issplayed siillieiently to allow oflarye double doors. There aredouble doors also in the front andon the Merchant street side. Thewindows are large and lastetnllyarched. The verandah extendsalong Hie street facings covering Hiestone pavement in width.

The interior is graced witli wains-coting and linisli of Kasllakc style.The saloon room lias dimensions of."7 by 1)5 feet. In the rear of thisis a store-roo- m 21 feet by '22 feet.Separated from Ibis by a partitionare a hall room Hi feet by '22 feetand two card rooms taking up Hiebalance of the building. The con-

tract for the construction of thebuilding is in the hands of Walker& Hedward. It will probably beready for occupancy the last ofthis week.


Last uiglit a house near lvamoilitliCliurcli was the theatre of anotherof those celestial suicides which ap-pear in the papers semi-yearl- y. Thehouse and a llsh pond known as

were leased by the deceased.This morning a Chinaman called atthe house about half-pa- st six. Find-ing the door locked he called an-

other Chinaman named All San ; to-

gether Ihey entered the outer door.Ah San then threw open the bed-

room door exposing to the amazedduo the ghastly sight of a corpsesuspended by the neck. It appearsthat on Saturday the Chinamanwas out after a horse. Climbingover ;i stone wall, he slipped ami.sustained severe injuries. The in-

tense pain suffered drovo the unfor-tuna- te

man to the desperate act. Aninquest will bo held byCoroner Hopkins.


The Uoyal Hawaiian Hand willplay this evening at 7:;I0 o'clock atICniina Square. Following is theprogramme :

I'AHT i.March --The. Volunteer.. I'.tltorsonUvet lino -- Struggle tor Piiituiin..i-iiipp-i

riuale Oliiranientn .SauelllPanliisla Kniperor's Hdvlew.Klk'tibeigLtpollpo. Malnual. Maldiia Malatua- -

lama.I'Aitr ii.

Medley Noilh and Soiillj Tih)i.l''.uit)sla Mill pi Iho rore.l..i:ienberg

yalt,-Tee.i- ilor ltellet'ialop Vlvat Zikotf

Hawaii l'onol.


DKAKTNo. 4.'s, drawn bv theCo. Feb. In, lS'.M),

for ?','M has been lost or stolen, Allpaitles aie lietcby warned againstnegotiating same. I 'a J I m


X)' a man of cNpetiPiieo, a position mlook for ptlvale family, hotel,

boat ill lit; boii-i- or ranch. Apply althis olllee, I'.U lit

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPER1. "Tlio Dallv lhilli'lln." .V) cents

per month.


Gate City Slonc Filler !

yrfrv, ,.


These I"dlcr are e.i-ll- cleaiiJed.and XKVI'U become CltACKKD orCI'AXr'l) by change of k'nipcrntuie ofthe water.

The Filleting Medium Is a XATVUA I.STOXC, mined fiom Ibecailb. II isunlike any other stone,

H Does Jfol AliHorb iintlHucoiuo J'onl !

IMITItlTIKS ncer I'KVKTKATKit, lint lie on the sin face, anil luterinillythe tone leiualns as pure and whiteafter years of it-- e tis when taken fiomthe mine.

The Onte City, Stone Killer is a per-fect sinless, li fs the only leal tiller I

have ocr seen. I would not be withoutone fur any consideration. It couveitsour lake water Into the best drinkingwater In the woild.

HkxkvM. I.ymax, M. 0.,.I:::; West Adams su Chicago.

HT For Sale by


Op mile Spicckels it Co.'s Punk,tUt tl Fort struct, Honolulu.

VOLCANO STABLESWaiauuetuie Slice!.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

Also, Saildto Hortes,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts,

day hi- -..-ur-


WILSON BROTHERS,Proprietors, 1 lilo, Hawaii.

JS2r" Olders reeeiwd bv Telephone "$&nib


1Y a gentleman who is temporarilyengaged as bookkeeper in one of

the leading houses a permanent nosl-th- m

asMieh. Applv ISri.l.urtj. Olllee.mi ::t

FOR SALEKINK NormanA. well

broken lo carriage ot--25S& dray. Until antceil

sound ; a bargainFor pailbailais inquire ofnoil Ca it. CLUNKY.


I IIKKKUY give mulct! AttliurWhile holds ntv full power of at- -

tornev to transact all tuv business untilfin liter notice. ll. 1,. MilTO.

Honolulu, I'cb. i!S, lS'.Kt.I'.iO'll-l."- .) It

NOTICE.OSP.OUNK is now piei.ireil loMItS. instructions In Fancy Work

at 'The Arlington," Itnom tl. ClassLessons: .Mondays, Wednesdays andl'rhl.iys. Private" lessons by specialarrangement. Stamping and unletspromptly attended lo. fcb:M-l- y


NOTIC Lis hereby given todeposlrors.Savings Jtanl; Deirirtment

of Clans .Spreekels ifc Co. thai, from andafter the 1st day of Apiil, o, the in-

terest allowed on deposits will beto four (I) percent per annum

Depositors will be allowed to withdraw(heir deposits up to that date withoutgiving tins usual notice, but, if allowedlo remain after April 1st, said depositswill bo con-ldoi- as subject lo the rulesand legulatlons published In the Pns.sHooks.

f'LM'.S SPUP.C'IJKLS .t CO.ts'.i lm


HAVING bought out Mr, II,In the "Honolulu Caiiingu

Jlanufnetory," at lys Foil street, Iainprepared to continue the above businessunder the old immu ol Honolulu Car-riage Munufnetoiy, and being an oldcqiuilutu-c- cauiage builder I solicitthe puttoiiagu of my old fi lends and thepublic in geneial, nnd with my thoroughKnowledge of Iho busiiieij and witli c;ncrienced wnrkineii and using y,uly thebest nuterial I ipmnudco geni'iul fcft'is.faction. PleasR cull atul sec nui Indolegoing clRcwiiero.

(riiKnctl); GIDKON WKsT.Honolulu, Oct. '2H, lbS!. hill If


1011 lite more satisfactory aceotninc.L dation of our patroiH we beg to

sugncul to Ihein thai in cases wherediays tire inquired for (.hipping goodslo bteainei's and eoanters, orin any case wliete leiptlrcd, at 1 o'clockeliarn ol'lltc day, ihey will Km! Unit byilii!liig up Miituid Telephone No. 'Jli'l,between 1 'J ; 1 5 unit lo in tho noonhour that .Mr. llewell will bo thero inpoison to irreive all older?, and ourIrliimls will thereby .really facilitatehithhicBH to the beltct sutlsfactlou ol ailconcerned.


ING ui Wl Mutual Tcli'phniie forIV OiloiK'st Uvea MH loi Wl tl

- -mmwrvW'mSHIWWjlwJfW''. l'VW"WIW ''"T"."75JP'XTT

.pjp-- i - , . - 1 , -

MAT? Oil 185)0.MjrQHQB

Ba If in L s

The uiiilurdgiuil having been nppo'ntedagents lor the Hawail'ili Isbiuds

For tho Cclcbiatcd

Baldwin : Locomotives

Fiom tin vml.s of

liurnbam, IMny, Williams fi Co.,

X'lilliKli'lpliln. I'ciin..

Are now rcpaicd lo give estiiuites andreceive orders for tl co engines, of anysi.e anil style.

The IlAi.mvt.N I.ocomotivi: Woiiks r.renow iiianiibictiirlin: a style of l.oconio. belive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have reecr.tly hemtcceived at these lala'iili, mul we willhave pleasure ia furuhhing plantationagents and nuiuagerj withnf fame.

The superior'!) of tlirse Iincnuiotivcsover all ot her makes is not only knownhero but is Acknowledged throughoutthe Unhid Stales).

"Win. G.lKWlX&Co.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

102 (1.124



Cor. tuccii .V .iiuanu NIm.

tsJT (binds of all di'scripliieis fold oncommission.

Mutinl Telephone liill. fcbS.ilO


TIN.S3IIT1I and I'LTJMHEII,Comer of King and Alukea sltccls,

Honolulu, II. 1.

TKI.KIMION K:WoiUliop.-Mu- l 2GI - Residence--Mu- t 23G

fuilin-hc- on all ebiffesof nluiuliiiu: and tiiiPir.iiliiiiL' wotk.FirH ehcs worktunushlii and ui'iteiialgiiaiantccil in all the above branchesol my business at reasonable rates.

Ifil IJni


Just Hie Thing for Hie Holidays

-- AT Till

Pacific Hardware Co.4'JI tf

The Lessees of Lotssiu'Aii; in iiir.

KapioSani ParkAre hereby notified Hint the Association

h prcpnred to

Grunt a. Renewal of their LeaBo lot30 Yenra from date,

Upon presentation of proper title deulsand thu mmct'.t of a nomi-

nal riutal.

tApplie.iilnns to be miiile to W. M.CIPFAItl), Secretary.

A.S. f'LKOHOKN.President ICapioliuit Purl; Asso'a.

Ilonohibl, Dec. lb8). .t!l tin

IMacIiiuu Madt! I'oi !

IAliTlKK wishing to get MuchlniPoi can do so by leaving

their containers plainly marked ctHenry Divis's tlrocoty Store, on Foristreit. Pol will bo delivered on Tutv.days and Friilayi". Containers niust behill not inter linn the dav!9 lm KALIIII POI FACTOKY,

ftcriiiuii Sausage nrarkot"I Util" opened in "A rinM long's Dlnek,"tt mar King Street lirldge. For hale

ficBh dally Head C'heese.Viiiiikluiter,IloloRita, FryliiL', Liver, Smoked findother Sausages.

.lACOIt IMIILIPP,4f.0 1m I'lopiietnr.


'JMIOS. .I.KING having this day, Feb.X. itiury 1, Pi)!, cold his interest in

Ihu binincsH of King lhothen, dealersin fancy ijoimIh nud at list's materials, onHotel Mre.d, Honolulu, V. ('. King willcmiiinuo to carry on tho business on histole account, under the tiiiu mime ol"King litos," (itil will collect allainounlH due, mid pay nil claims againsttlio linn of King Hro". In. m anil albathe above mentioned d ite.

Tuos.J. KING,W. V. KING.

Honolulu, Feb, 17, ISM ISO Iw


HAVING sold otil my inlereit in tlmit MoieA". Co to .1. N. H.

Williunis, all persons indebted to sahllinn are icipilied lo piy Hio iiiuoiinls oltheir indebtiducsi to me, and all havingtirriiiuiiH against linn will prmentthem to inn lm- - piyuient al tlm olllco ofK. Mure A Co.

Titos. It. LUOAS.Ilonohdll, Feb. 1, 1H)0. IS'.' lm.




of the





Y ,.

United States.

"IIKNHY 15. lIYDi:,"President.

Extract From .nnuul Circular to Agents.

"We purpose placing in your hands to oli'er lo the public an Indem-

nity lJond. Many will lie attracted by the fact that you are selling thebonds of a life insurance society with stssests over SlO.'i,000,000.00, andwill not fail upon examination to see its intrinsic merits.

"This, with our various forms of Tontine Policies will, (at you an:now able to quote the icsults of twenty year Tontines) give you greatadvantages over others, as no oilier company will for a number of years,

able to show actual results on similar Policies.

test' Send forsigned.

pamphlet, or call u. per ion on the under--

ALEX. J.General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Kquilable Life Assurance Society

of the IT. H. Jan-l-U- o


NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND,-- a l'ui.i. assoi:tmi:nt ok--

Colgate .'s Celebrated

.w,.viJioyJs-j- '




Photographic Goods of All Kinds.


K. it. Ilr.NMtv, President & Manager.linowN, Secretary A Treas'trer.

l'ciliiincs tl Toilet Soaps,

.ronv K, Yice-Prcside-

CiU'ii. ISinnvN, Auditor.


Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.



Oppn. Wpvocki'ls ISmik, : Vort Stroot, llonolnln.IMl'OKTKKS and DKALKRS IN

en'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Qsnutuo Ilavilanil Chtua, plaia and decorated; nnd Wcugowjoti

Ware,Piano, Library A Stand Limps, (MundiTters A Klccloliers,Limp Fi.vluics of all kinds, A complete of lhills V Files,


The "G.izcllo" ::-- heeled Killing Plow & ICqualier,Hluebeaid Kicc Plow, Planters' Sicel & Gooscnockcd Ho-- c,


Paints, Varnishes it Brushes, Manila. &. Sisal Hope,1IANDLKS OF ALL KINDS,

Hose,, Howe,, WlltK-nOUN- of sup-n- or iuality, it STKAM,

Agate Iron Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Table ,fc Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot A Caps, Tito Celebi.ited"Cluli" Machine-loade- d Caitridgcs,

AGMNT) ITOltHaitV Patent "Duplex" Die Slock for Pipo .t Holt Threading,

llai (mail's Sled Wire Fence A-- Steel Wire Mats,Win. G. Fisher's Wrought Steel Hangcs,

Gate City Stone Filters,"New Pioccss" Twist Drills,

nov-2!)-S'- .) Neal's Carriage Paints.llPel:J'l!' - ( r-- n'if- .yi ,r.F.n.i,, inm ,f n

CASTLE" &" COOKEix.Aii'oji'i'iarj,

Shipping & Commission Merchants,


-- i)i:.i.i:i(S i.v- -

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

I'li.VN'I'ATIllN SUI'I'I.I l:w,

C.irpeuteirt', IllickKinillis', Maehiiii.slf.' ,t. Pliiinbeis' Toils,


Ivilclien Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods and

Tweiiornl .ftEcro-listiulirte- . ,.i

Blake's Slfliui rumps, Waston's Ceutrifogals,

Yilcox S Glb'js, fi Remington Sewing Machines, .' '

Mi, Jjyne fi Sons Family

, ii3.ttfSWail.i.a-j- -' i.-- i. k--j

I :.i-..- .. Jatoidi$fX,--sto-- -

Page 4: Weekly mil - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · Peb--180 LARGE BAflFORTATiOft OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR-MILLINERY-HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu.








r "Mywj,,, --s f,n 'mrfjmgfimmt",simw--' twi"? '"; wp ""py.!TT"R nTwm5ir'wr)TF.mTT'',f,1',w,'y'''!'

DATLY BUtLMTNi HONOLULU, H. J,, MA.KOH 0, lSflO...t&tSStnfi 9m nm tiMWift'iMfcMni iratoiiaaii'iOTCTKcwj itvtii'yqtry jayv '''igiqMMg'MAW'

Pacific Hardware Oo., Ld, Baltlwiu LocomotiYos JWt-k-W-V-- Fll8B,H.Mw&Co. Uciiiiiilc nteuiip (itii'F. HonoluluANJJ.


Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,


wtiwj-t- j

ClaGBware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;Galvanized Fence Who, Mack Steel Keiico Wiie, !alvanied SI iplc

lllael. Staples, Spetial Quality Fcnco Staple.


In nil lines ly Lite nnhals. Agent' fm

Itublu-- r Garden, AVire Bound Hose, Steam Host,01 VliltV Ht'l'llHIOIt l'l .U.I Y.



President. Mntuigor & Soorotiuy. Tte.isiiicr,

B. F. EHLEES & CO.m .voicjr

Great Bargains ! Great Bargains !


All Boofls Solfl at Cireatly Reducefl Prices !


Dicssmaking DepartmentCLARK.


Ghas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Kits Al.uku Sea Tiont, Kits Mackeiol, Kits Palmon Bellies, Kits Tonguesmid Suiiml.s, Can's Vienna Sausage, Ham Sausage, Salmon in 1 and 2 Iktins, lliini, Bacon, Codfish, 'J'inH Poured Mackotel, Boiled Maekeiel in To- -

niatn Sauee, Top O'Cun Brand Butter, Boned Chieken and Tin key, Twin.Brothers' Yeast Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Cei.iliue Flakes, CJeimea, Bieakfait Gem, White Oats, Highland Boiled,Dtied Apiieots, Diied Poaches, Prunes, Table FitiiK, J).ilc-- , Figs, KidgcVFood, tiel.itino, S.udines, Wheat, Oats, Hr.ui, I'otatoe-- , Onion, and a

( of ( IVpul.n pi ice- -.

Leave youi ordei, or ling up Xo. UK.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAST COHNKR KORT AND KING STItllKTS.


New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Hlatca and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended tc.and Goods delivered to any part or the city freo of charge. Island orders poli.cited. Satisfaction uuaranteed. Post Oillco liox 145. Telephone No. U2 f nov.4-8- 5

'I'elephone 840.- - WJol

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, II. I.,


tsr-- o :

under the management, of MISS

-- P. O. Hox 297,

i c ic


Cor. & Queen Sts.

NOTT,iir Si UT Ifiiifr HtrM't.

,.l--f- t


Uy each steamer of the O. S. H. Uo. from California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala, Fruits,

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwcll's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

4iieriii:iii l'atos Ac l'ottod Aleuts Jk. Itoltloil J'rcHcrviMl I'm its,Lewis t Co.'fl Maltese Hr.ind Sugar Cured Hams & liacoti,

New lireaktasl Ceieals, Oream Oat Flakea A Cream Wheat Flakes,Bicily Lemons ii Cala. Kiverside Oranijee,

Oregon llurhauk Potatoes, Ktc, Etc., Etc.

np-1- 0 SatiMfation Oxaixi-aiiiteoc- l. 87


oCalifornia Hay, Oats, Bran,

OH Cnlco 3Ioa1, Linsuud Meal,Harlojj Ilollert lJavlo.Yi

UlitUlliii"- - Ground Barley,"Wheat ami Corn Flour.

FLOUR 5rAllu. (ioldcn Gate & Salinases FLOURFelophonoB, No. 175.

JOHN" UliuniMl Jiloflf," Koh.





' i

' - wr ., v 7 -

' i i






-- --


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND0!:t sheet Iron Work.

'I lie undci.sigucd having been nppninto.1llgCIltS 1(11 tllU UllVMlllllll Islands

For tho Colcbratcil

Baldwin -- : Locomotives

Fioin the vniks nf

Biirnliam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

I'lillmlol pliln. I'uiiiim

Aie now prejmcil to ivc ostliii iti-- s milllceelve onlcrs for these engine, f,f anysize nml Mlc

Tin- - Baldwin l.o(OMoiir. Woiii.k aienow iiiHiiiitiiciiiiliu: u n'ylc ol pailloidarly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A iiiniilier of which have rewi.tly beenleceivoil at tlu"-- Islands mid we willhave pleasure in fiunl-diin- ptanlnlioiiagents and lii.ui.igt'u with purileulaisof same.

The supptinrity of tlirtc Lnrmnntlvcsover all ol her makes Is not only knownhere hut U acknowledged throughoutthe United Slates.

Wm.d.IllWIN&Co.,AgenlB for Hawaiian Islands,

lift d.l'J4



'ur. lui'i'ii A Xiiiinmi HtH.

iy Goods of all deseriptlons fold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 0.11 feh 8.110


TINSMITH and PLUMKISli,Comer of King and Al.ikei stieel1",

Honolulu, II. I.

'V lil jlillHVi IdsWoik'hop--Mu- l 2CI Residence--Mu- l 23G

83yuKMlmales furnished on all classesol plumbing and tinsmithitig umk.First class workmanship and niHlciialguai antted in atl the above branchesol my business at reasonable lates.

KU ilm



Just the Thing for the Holidays

--at null- -

Pacific Hardware Co.4121 tf


The Lessees of LotsstTtiAii: in Tin:

Kapiolani ParkAie hereby notified lhat the Asfociatlon

is piepared to

Grant a Renewal of their Leaso lot30 Years from date,

IJwin prcfentation of pioper title deidsand the payment of a nomi-

nal rental.

tSTApplleations to be made to W. M.GIFFAKI), Secretary.

A.S. CLKOIIOUX.President Kapiolani I'mk Akmi'ii.

Honolulu, Dec. L7. 188'. 4:J!) 1m

Machine Mil do Vol !

13ARTIKS wishing to get Maehiiu1Pol can do to by having

their containers plainly m.'nked i.lHenry Davis,' Greeety Sloie, on Foitstreet. Pol will bo delivered on Tindays anil Friday?. Containeis must il-licit not later than the dav befoie.ltl'Jlm KALIIII I'OI FACTORY.

German Stmsim-- Marliot"T UST opened In "Armstiong's lilock,"tf near King Street lh idge. For salefiesh dally Head Cheese, Frankluiter,llologna, Frying, Liver, Smoked andother Sausages.

JACOB I'lIILIi'l',400 1111 Fropiielor.


NOTICP. N heieby given to allHint on the :iHh day Decem-

ber, ISM), a meeting of Hieof tho Hawaiian l'aeille Cable Co washeld al Iheollleeof CO. Hall A Son,Limited. Honolulu, ami at Mild meetingit was voted by said Mneklmldeis toaccept a nliailer of lucoipoiatioii gi.uil-e- d

to them under the eoiporate nameand style of Hawaiian P.icille Cable( o '" November Ifi, 18!i, and that theeoipoiatlon under Mild ehailer iheie-upo- n

oigauled lheinilen mid eleeicdtho tollouiiigolllcois:.1. Slieniiau JtailliolouiL'wof Honolulu

PleldentHon. Kdgar Ciow Il.ikcr, M. P., ol

Vieloila. 15. C Yiee-I'iehle- iit

H. (). Vhite of Honolulu SeeietmyFiitiik A. Dudley of N'lugara rails. X.

Y TiciMiicrWin. W. Hall of Honolulu Audltoi'

Xotleo is liirther given that l

to thntennsof falil eliailer, "No stock-holder Mull individually ho liable forthn drill of the Coipm.itlon beyond theamount which shall bo due upon thethe hhaie or Mi.ucs held or owned bvhliUBell." j:. 0. WII1TK,til lin SiTielaiVi


t Mfr4-M- j

) Ki- orf


i $ !

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w 1

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CD -l

CDr-- h



9WXrWWM4vM $WVV--H--

Per "Deanfield"131 Diys from Liverpool.

In addition to our regular impor-tiition- s





Lie, Lie, Ktc, Ktc.

W'v have received special lots of


do' kerywaie.Fine Widgewoodware,

Fancy I'mhiella Slaud?,Fancy Flower I'nts,

Fine (Jhissware

Gut TumblersCut Wine Classes,

Cut Decaiitcre,Fancy Vases,

liasket Trunks in all size.',

In New Design & Latest Pattern.



American andPoitugiicae



Dressing Cases,

Dress Coods,Ml l'l'O I'M,


Fine Itibbons,

Kiubio'nlcied Diefpcs,




rFsillo Jiiion,A l'iiiei'e'eelion.



Lawn Tennis Shoes,


Nets & Rackets,CKOQIT.T RI'VI'S.

Theo. H. Davies & Co.,HONOLULU.

TIME TAItLU:From San Franoiaoo,

Leavo Due nlH. V. llonoliitu

ealandiii Mar S jlur ITi

Alatneda Apr o Apr 12.Maiipoj:i ,My :i .May 10Zeal.indb May !H Juno 7Alameda June i!8 ...July 5Maiipon July 2(i. . Aug 2y.eal.tndi.i. . Aug 2!! Aug !M)

Alatneda . . Sept 2tl. Sept .

. . .Oct IS del 25Zeal.india Xov l."i Nov 22Alatneda Dee III Deo 20

For San Francisco.

Leave Due atSvdnev Honolulu

Alatneda Feh P.I....M:ir 8Matipoea . .. .Mar 111... .Apr 5Zealandia Apr Hi . May liAlatneda May M. . May IIIMaiipOMi. . .Julie II June 28Zeal.tiuli.i .July !l July 20Alatneda . ...Aug ! . .Aug 2:'.Maiiposa . .. Sept I!.. Sept 20Zealandi.t . .Oct I.. Oct 18Ala la Oct 2'J Nov 15

Mutipiwa Nov 2li Dee LIZo.iUndia Dee 21 Inn 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

Leavo S. F. Leave Honolulu.Fridav Feh 28 Fiidav.. ..Mar ItFriday. Mar 28 Fnday .AprilFtiday . Apr 25 Fiiday ..May '.) .Mav 211 Fiidav .June 0Fiiday. June 20 Friday. July J

Ftiday July 18 Fiiday. .Aug 1

Fiiday .Aug 15 Ftiday. Aug 2(1

Ftiday Sept 12 Fiiday Sept 2dFiiday. ..Oct 10 Ftiday Oct 24

Fiidav. . Nov 7 Fiidav. Nov 21

Fiiday .Dee. fi Ftiday ..Dee 18

Australian Mail Service.

FOIt MAN PltANCIMCO,The new and One Al steel steamship

" Alameda,"Of the Oceanic. Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu irom byilueyand Auckland on or about

March 8, 1890.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or parage, having SU.PKIUOK ACCOMMODATIONS, npply

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Agenti.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and flue Al steel stcMnalitp

it Zealand.a,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

he due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

March 15, 1890.And will have prompt dippatch withmalls and pas&cugers for the above porta

For freight or passage, having SUPKIUOK. ACCOMiMODATIONS, appljto37 WI1 0. IRWIN & CO.. Afrentt

LOVEJOY & CO.,1.1 .Vim an it Mt., Honolulu.

Offer for alo at unusually low pi lees, afull a'snitmeiit and IicaI brands of

Ales, Wines, Beers, Spirits, &c.

fiGir '.'aving been appointed by Messrs.lailiman it Jacob! of Sail Ftauei'-c- o

llieir tfole Agenis for Hawaiian Island,we aie enabled to offer their justlyCelebiated Wines to our tileuds and lli'epublieat veiy low rales, i:i ltu

The Thonvnghbred Stallion

. i- -

IU Lixl

"MARIN"Will stand at seivlce at

B mill m Insurance.

Itr.coiit) 2:22J, Sacramento, Sept. 15,1887.

PKDioitEn: Mai In was ulred byQuinn's Patohen, ho by Geo. M. Pat-uhe-

Jr.; Marin's dam bv Emigrant, heby Hilly McCracken; Billy McCrackenby McCraekeu's Black Hawk, 707, (thesire of Lady Dohley, and of the dam ofOverman, !2:1U1). - McCracken's BlackHawk, 707, by Vermont Black Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, hoby Easton's Black Hawk. Tho dam ofQnluu's Patehen by Stookbridgo Chief,he by Vermont Ulnck Hawk, 0.

It. T. Carroll of San Francisco, thoformer owner of Marin, vouches, lhatout of thirty.Blx mares terved by thishorso during his last season in Call,fornla, ihlrty-fiv- o proved with foal.


Rcadinq Room Association.

Cur. Hotel & Alnken Sli-erin- .

Open cery Day mid Evening.

The Library consists at the piesenilime of over Five Thousand Voliinicfi.

The, Heading Knout Is Mlppllcd Williabout llfty ot the leading uevvpapeiHand nriiodlcnls.

A I'.ulor is piovided for conversationtinl games.

Tei nit of membership, Hfy cents a.nontlt, iiaj'able qimi icily In advance.No fotmalliy lcqniied In joining exceptBlgnlng the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tho other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all limes as guests.

This Association having no legnlarmeans of support except the dues olmembers, it is expected that leshlcntsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its ptlvlleges. nml all who feelmi Intcicst in maintaining an institutionof tills kind, will put down their nnmc3and become icgiilar eoiittibiitor.s.

A..I.('AIt'nV!UnHT, Plea.,M. M. KOO'IT, Vlee-l'ieshle-

H. A. PAUMF.LK1C, Sceielary,A. I,. SMITH, Tieasiuer,O. T. RODUKUS, M.D.,

Chairman Hull unil Llbriuv Commlltco

Conliuoulal nud Colonial

AGENCY.36 Ruo do Dunkevquo, . Patio. fExecutes Inilolitiifor ivii'v ilncpiinltnn

of French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturcis' Lowest Fiice.s.

Commission, Two.aml a Half per cent.All Trade and Caah Dhruuuta allowedto Clienla. Original Invoices forwaidedwhen requested.

Hemittances, through a London orParis Hanker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents ; or, dluet to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Finns.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Paia&ols, Itabeidashcry,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearl,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-war- e, Clocks, 'Watches,Jovvelliy, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical amiOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Hooks Artistic.Furniture, Stationery,Chromo , Machinery, &c., &c.

: v S,

Union, Firo & Marine

Insurance Co., L'dOf Xcw Zenlnml.

Capital - - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sugarand Itice Mills, Machinery, Etc, fctc.

Mnriue Iiinm-niie-e

On Hulls, Cargoca and Freights. Losspaid here.

J. S. WALKEB,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


CASTLE & COOKE,im'oirrr.its,

Hardware, Shipping

Commission Merchants.iii'Ai.rns i.v s

General Merchandise T

Plantation Agents,Life, Fire & Marino

Insurance Agontr.

Jan !5 HONOLULU, II. I. 1800


Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !

AOr.NIS l'Olt:

New England Mutual Life Ins, Co,,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,'lro A aiuriiir.


Dr. M. E. GUOSSaiAN,lJiIa-,lla-

Itcturiicd on the Australia and has remined practice at his former oillco, OH

Hotel street. 40(111


Has removed from Fort street to I'o- -

hello Lane, Palania.OkkicK Houuh: 0 a. m. to 12 m. and

is st. to y p. u.Mutual 60afJ3aTELEPH0NESAr-Bcl- l 47G

410 tf

A Cure for Iiilliiciizn !

DR. LOZIER'S HAWAIIAN CHEBRY COR.DIAL, one of the best remedies

ever prepared for coughs, asthma, lungami chest trouble, and a great relieflo whooplnc cough and throat aireetion.Ask for Or. Loticr't Hawaiian Cherry Cordial sold at


i i!i Unt

'JUtmSmikmttmh nfinittfri..,K

v. MlMmmmmmmmVtmm ui!. A --,j, , yK i . tiiuisizx , i