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WEEKLY INDEPENDENT. bl'NDAY AI'UUST 14. 1S87. DAILY INDEPENDENT. 1asrr.t> Kvtar vxv, blndays ex. c. w. CROVER, KdlU.r and PruprUtor SUBSCHIITION KATES. 0u« ot|ijr, od« year.., flO 00 Ud« «*>;.)*. ail umuUm.. ft W For 't iiv yurri nl vmA -r all raouUia, ouo dollar per month. i'ajrabU* la uilvaace. y*llTc«rd bjr c arn«r iu JJk o at KiCcuta a weak. Al>V£KTUU KG K ATES. Will t>«» «!.> ».* low I* cooaUt«>nt with bo-.j u«-«m vrtmipb>«. Aj'j'ly al tL« of- Ac* foi U ruM. THE WEEKLY INDEPENDENT. I»ubli»liM « vt rv Huiiday. and aent to at»y a«l i|)o»U|;« paid), al <b* foitautuK rate#, pAjabl* it* #lvano«: One ?" (W Ilia muiiiLa 'J Ju For any |#rlo«l uu>ler >u iui«i1iii. Uioaitli. ( t'ron. Saturdays' Daily. ] NALMKUKDI. Kr&nk Fern ftIvl lias finished Li* liny crop. County Clerk Win-mull hfMi gone an a visit t'» I'lovcr Valley. The TuitearorA Htn<e took out cij<Lt passengerx this titoming. W. T. Siailfc «4ii|i|ir<l to-day three cut I ajs ill iv*r»l tsi Salt Kruticisro. Uegular neeting Elko Lodge No. 18, 1. O. O. V-, at their Hall to-night. Go to the (Jem H it to-ui;lit if yoa wish to <-«»j >y liue tuuaic and a social h<>|v Weatker wry wrixrm hml windy. Tli<- thermometer atocd 90 in the aliaUo lit IKIUit t'uluy. limit M A lurus list fallowed the e*- ample siit by S.itiij-s.Hi, he has hud hh» hair hliiup'.l, " i«-». are high, tliia yenr," said the small l> iy :»» he<liiukcd lor the jire- aervek uu the ij>|>er tJtelf. Mr ntld Mrs M. II fuley an A Mrs TUoma tame u]i Iron Hruo last eveuiujj uud left ibis moifciL^ (or Lunula. M >Hie llcrt ir., r>( lnililk, * ho hns l«eii here on a \isit lor the | win I three weeks. IW. tins morning lor Han Irau- Cl.ctl Attorney* t fi. Honey and Geo. W. linker t . t ur lied itnui T««rarili yerti-r- .lav H i id left iiy ti.i» utormng'u uaiu lor Lure) a. We regr>< that tVe mfnrf »1anrtt«T <if Mi. mi I Mrs t.mi Henderson is ijiuet ill. hut ti ant it will in the roarce j nf it lewr day a. The news froia tke Te*a* e>ertii»B Ir mi 4r.«) |Hillin^ prerir.rls clearly illfll- . lit- Uir.t the 1'iohilntion Amendment is defent- d by fiO.IMH. "\W hive uiiy nniiilxT of ilraininera 1'iit im lilcH," remarked O K tireen tin* laoming ft* the Tuw.iror* »ln|;f v., i liinJia.^ ti)< Willi commercial tr.ivel- cm. Tliour who jpairr lo wilneti* (In* epi*. I . linn of itinntrf irlnniii; till* combination (rnti' ahoald rill no Mr. W U. Anting J nt the comer nrit door to Ziiuiiu-ruiiin'a tailor ahop Wt; learr. thftt K. V. Peililnrt is rank- * it kT preparationa ti remove to P it. i. ' »'.. wkofA he Im* 1 (Wiled. We secret ti lo<o no e md it ritifi'ii, lit t wiih h.u aiiocraatu lit* new li "ii ii . Tlinc>i-U"view: froVm.or* N ivoni mi l i'etcr* will jive another concert unil .lance this eroding. 'I lieae prtiTieaien .ire iii 'ist »-t of the ihuaIcaI nrt an 1 tliriw who mill Ho well niter- tinned . Mr Ii, Wcdekinl, the piano timer. returned from Tiiaenrorii mi l will rc- main * day or two to fill nil »rilpri for Mork in hi* lino. Tkoao wV.. i hive in- filrsiNi nl i in tioed «f rtfitii r will 0 > well to |(ive him * 1'iitl. I Ju tpn Miller, of tho C. K. &oprcnv< Court, liar «ra'iteda writ of error in tho «»m> «f H'l^li M. ItmokH, nlinM Mm wi ll, tlie murderer of I'rollcr. Tliirt »tuj» j'toc icding ¦nlil tho 8uj*eiK0 Court iiii'o, m iii iMnlier. Tie I w»iri-*snriT la wndrr ohHqs. I io ii 4 tfherilT Jlulveiion, of Tre«ieott, Aria ma. for n eni4 (if tdmia«i<>« the MOruUM of JoIiiimii i.nd WlUoii, 4 1 1 .. <'le»ii>i;.T raurdorct*, who or.t to ho nont "i»«ru*a U... ri«oc" on Friday, tho Jitli inutiiut. Owing to circunmtiuirea .orer which, etc., it will ho iivpoaaiblr for iin to e-tijoy (»; tlie novel <Mitorl«iiiinc«t. Our murchiiut* n*d baainoa* men nre < nil iloiiiK it fair buniueaa, not witlmtntiil . iur the cuerratiag h«nt. The nn».ii of (bin in Hint thiy keep n Rood linn el «oo<U and Hell At te,i«ou ikki prteea. Do < not «eud your inou«jr oat of tlie Klnte when yon wnnt K<>of«, hat patronlro Ii nil" Airfc rprmea mid ttna hilp to build «p home institution*, mxt I hereby yon will >K<ueQt ) wwmclrna and your ui i»;li- biiri. Hy roqnewt of iinmercmi cilUeim of Klko J'rolr-HoiH J. W. .Vovoni mi l Mr.* I'etcra will k'*<" ot their pleon- ir « MUNical rntorliiiniiieuU the l»lu- iiiK UikMii of tho Hem Hotel 4<> - 1 1i « ;b t . \Vei1oea<t*| 'a Timen-lleview y«yn: " I'lit tntlNi« niveii by J'iofeii<iorH Nnvmil and I'eter* hiHti'Vejiiig;, in |iroiinnoril l>y colli- I'i'le lit juilijr'i to Iki the bent ever fen- «lero.| before n Tiinenrora .*idi«,iioe.*' An I'rof'a. Nuvoiii nlul I'riMn will Ito j naai«ted to-iii»;lit by Meanra. Ilutkim I nnd Hull, the mitorlnlnniPtit will bo rum ! "f nniianl iiitereKt lo which tho public in coiiUally invilud (.Froaa Monday's Daily ) UUiUl'XM. Mau U like * bod egg; all right till he it* broke. There are 2<!3 children *i achool age at Slio.shoue, Idaho. Shade «nd ornamental treca iu towu are doing tin . this year. Uenley Una lot o( flue watermelons. Tuke <>ol hvuiv with you. A d. siraUlo residence in Elko is off¬ end lor hale cheap. S.e For Sale. 1( you want to know what is goiug on here or elsewhere, subscribe for the In- Dtl'tMJK.NT. If yon want a ptir of So. 1 sewed or pegged boot* or shoes, flive Frank Uie- del your order. The Uouluiiger-Ferry "affair of hon¬ or" seems liable to eud »hero it legau in wiud. Cataou Appeal: . I', ii reported that a young girl in this city has bceu luissiug since the circus. John S. M*)btigh is improving his premises by building a new picktt lenoe uround the yatd. Tiic ittorm brewery is at woik and «« shall probably be favured with raiu withui a few iluvs. Orpheus wn» u musician whose music had power to draw rocks, etc., towuid huu. So it a cot. There is no excuse for you t" dress shabbily when you cub get cl<4liiug so cheap ut U'-Ulblirt's. The C'ai Amateurs were beaten by the LjUieraldas in n game of base ball nt Hawthorne last v.ctk. Mr*. Krdtr, formerly Miss Emma Cullen, will return to Kansas at the tl- pi rut ion of a two weeks' \i-it here. tttistiou is directs to the ndrer- ticintiit of the Sacred llent Aoaileuiy unJtr tho head of New To day. Sunday is generally a day of mount¬ ing to iluuibol It trout. A large number of the finny tribe were taken yesterday. The New York Star acknowledge* the receipt oi a contribution from citizeus of Elko coiiuty In the tlriuut Mouuuieut Fund. Tli» Silrrr Slate says the tax i^'.l of 11 imb.ildt county will shaw so increase of ever th# assessment lust year. 1 fornings since Mra. James Ciark count d »6 t Miming Uloriea in full blooiu on the Tints about her hoase . Tunes H'-virw There is a rumor rnrreiit up ill III" street of mi thip itsnt | (ierelopui nt in tho louer levels of th Navajo. A c ij»j <.! lb- l»e|*irtof the director of the Mint, with th" compliments of James IV Kimball, Dmctor, has reach¬ ed oar table. Eureka Sentinel:-' Tom came la fioiu Etby Valley last night, having Joliu r. Biker in chaige. They lift the "ghost" behind theui. S;vernl »peciineii» of Hie .V'/ki'v A "irrtt i hi kitve I mm* ii LJI: uk <*b.i\jon hitflt ciiiniviil within the pTrcinc-ta <>( riur town for llir p»Mt ft * nights. Michiul Hurley, it miner, while p.t work in it drift on the I "»(><. fool level of llir Coll I*. A \ u mine, dropped tlrud u( 3 o'd »i!< l»st Friil. ty iifti-iunon. Charley Kn-eli-tk it rery lui-loiichnlr. lieeuti«« ke c i»;t < (.." C-k inj nniiccount nf (lie tlnracc of kis partner, Chris . j who ir cnrmiiiiiuiy ike northern jt&il I of ll>e eotisly. A T Stcaraa, formerly principal of II. e Slut.- I'niveisily, arrived from Zn.ti by this morning's trniu nnii stopped uvtr in town Jo ility. Uo will fjo over la I' ll' I.* to morrow. W iirlri it! out how iniieh lli;- Cnited Ktit' H (i -v. i r. m iit h#ih the ( . iiintl I'uciflc Itulroiid Company? Wonder tvliy I lit: Ouvei iiiueiit tloeit not li<]nidnti t he ili.M out of tb- surplus revenue? Home olf* si\s the Intent fitJ with I Siiiw Vork K'rlM is t > practice hiuiIiiij; j before the mirror. Elko IkiJH h.tVc h en |irtoti' iii|{ tlnit for j e i in, nil our million's b in); furnirlii .1 a itU Inigi looking Kla->it- pn. Tim Report my* tin it tke streitit of Virginia City ale tilled with idle men. I key muni -certainly Ik- idle front pref¬ erence as there lire plenty of opening* for men who desire to l.ili >r, laid Otw Wllgl'U lire gnnd. .t negro living iienv Calera, A I it , lit « mMl* Kiit K" l>ito him lor it Mr.iw woitk li cent*. lie put it blue ekiy poiiltieo on Ik'' wot) ml, HUH II owe. I M>mn plug tobneco mid tlie next ility Htitrieil nlT for rnmp-urn-ting wit It tLe new Lit r,lnlit<<) WW kin left t*r. t*oeH anyone mippoiio that the nlTnir* »f lite Cent I III I'aoili . Uiilrosd Compa- Ity are conducted in Mioli n mntitier I lint tlnwo most ihte(ff>tfil "ilon't know" anything about i.V On' tvoti hi think km if ho believe* the testimony given be¬ fore Uio JJ mid of Uttllroatl C'otiim hmuii- en. Ve nVett'iwIt-lge the rcc.ipl of the Thumb rbtdt, it wetikly piper published in Hun I'rmieisro, of mill ouolio pro- eliviti"«. |>ri lieip't 1 r divoted lo boom¬ ing I'r <1. C < >' lbinln*il. "list. Inn! mi I nil the time," for Mayor of Hhii 1'imi- eisro. Dr. O'Doaiicll (kit editor of the Thumb rhohlt A mit 'i II audience »«*etvl>1cd n< tli" Dining room of the < lein Mold on Hut- utility evening to attend the acooiid con¬ cert given by I'rofesors V nv<»ni .tml Peter* who. Willi the hsmkIuikv of Ales- *r*. lloskins n ii it Hull, rendered anmt- tine innsle, I'rof. Nnvnni is it liint chins violinist, his itoloit mI. nie Ik* i lift worth the price of i|i|iiii**lou. The liiHkici.ili* left b) ln»t evening « train for the eniit (Prom Taetdijr'i Daily.] »Al.n*UII«l>l. Water melon* on i:e at Henley'*. M D . Foley nuti to go to Cuujjun. A. T. Steam left UiU morning (or Kureku. <! )*. Kletcumin want* to go to lti« I'uited Slutej SfUtlo. Wilwaukee bottled beer, wholesale aui retail, at HeckUart >V Froelich's. 1). m in, of I'uiou Oily, came up tu>t evening au'l returned this uioiu- isg. A gilt Wiy was born ou tin* cars a fe.v day* uiuce near Truckee ou the C. 1'. Railioad. For tlio pant week there has been au unusually large run o! suluiuu iu the Sacfuineuto river. The ubiquitous Pete Olsen hat been arretted agiiu; this time near i'ort l'owuseuj, \V. T : ltuy a can of Crystal 1$ ikiug l'owder ut Smith's au I get u piece o( Opalescent Glass Ware (lev. Shasta county autbciitic* aro after the parties who were responsible (or the recent (orest iir< s. A peach tree (orty y< nr* old. nt So- noma, liax produced 250 pounds o( (rait this season. M s Rosa Gardner lias finished her term <>f bvhool ut Ruby Vulley dutriet and returned home. I A colour i>( settlers (rout Holland probably be located ou the Maxwell I y,tnnl, iu New Mexico. It's an even bet that Shcrmau will bent Maim- (or the Republican nomina¬ tion (or President iu lb Mis* Garduer, one o( the Del Vorte's young 1 allies, recently killed a panther vrhich she ran across iu the woods. R< no Journal: . Senator Wui. M I Stewart, o( Cnli(oruia, passed through u yesterday uiu:niug ou u visit. Tin* C irsnn girls are wearing angelic I e .inplexiot)* this season, suiys the Reno Journal. Wiiat is the staudard Com- I I lexiou of ang Is this ye n'.' The Reno Journal Rajs: "Crnnk lloskouitais in town." Wonder how ' thi? atlip commercial traveler re¬ lishes beit.g calle I a *Vrank"? V Reno newspaper man ha* ordered a bushing suit (rum San Francisco. To such hbi(ts a re those put w'jo bathe in the i saw) dusty water of the Truckee. Iu Hi no "7ni;s" who refose to w< rk ure chained to Hau l carts, an I thus tr >t ftei vri.i 'les in p isra,;e though | the stii ' ts, a special le to both i i and ineu. An authority ou tJo-.k raising eaten- j late that the piulits on a sora'o steer OI three and a half Jears old will uot ex¬ ceed : i over the c»si of i-ir-MLg the . \V. \V It i. her. after a month's recrc- atiou in the hay Held, returned to (.-.lun; <^«ile w«-t< with the «i- I cepti mi of au twinge ot rlieu- ! la itisiki. A opening of the new hotel nt Wcllu will lie cimi about ihe I *l ol J ri'-pleinher. When completed it uill lit*. arc inform d, one <>i the It Hint hotcl-i | iu the State. School teichcr* whose certiflcut' h will »ooii expire. n* well ns thn«o who pro- j'.ik.* to lii* I ucherM, n r-* refeired lo the jiotjoe of Sii| intent Sioiic, pub- I k J elsewhere. !/ C. Calvin, u (Viin|i C'Jtk inu'-r. Silver How co inly, Moiitiui, w .1* (omul dead on Sunday I » t in one of hi* mice*, with a l.iiiio pound rock ou bun; | be beeli emitted to ti. A uniformed male member ->f llic vntioii Army wu.i a pas.ieug-.r by litis uj r n i i > n' h triin. II" iioqe of ihe satne litt!e which p.v.sed through < n route to Salt Lake City some two months since. S F. I'ost: . Tire Supreme Court of llic I'nilcd Stale* i<t goitig take a h'inil iu Ihe M m well rnw, wliieh meiim . i'Vi year* nioro ileluy. After all, there are Home ndvautugi.t* in the Co. liiKu method. The Silver State siys the font nil I'ii : do Company ha* i>ideti t > prevent Indians from riding on other than freight Imius. Ilcrit'-fore tliuy have been permitted to ride free on nil passenger trains. The 1'iiuce of Wale*, will keep* the wolf from the door by itn income of nbiiiit $l.t OO l»0i), has li eu wellnigli bankrupted by tint ripe use* of Ihe jubi. lee, and in a frei|neat borrower on the liomloii ' 'street." The lleno Jounml Riven Kollin M. I>,igi>ett a scorcher for nclling out hi* polil i nil friend* iu thn ln«t election III thin State. It claims thut the limiora- We ti-Ni'trmlii Cnngreistnan received J7.0OO iih the reward for hi.* perttdy. Judge lliirpir, of the Washington r .liee Court, hi* diolared that the t'lsli law is applicable to the l>i «li ict ol Columbia and ha* begun ihe healing in the case of A«*l<lnnt Surgeon Oruw* fo d, ehnrgeil witli improper intercourse with a girl 13 years ol age. II .ton (ilobe: . The Nova Hootlaim ar . liowli.ig foi rain. If they *ete not ho mighty mean down thero over a lit. tie I'imIi bait we would let tin tit have .(into of Hie ruinfa'l that linn hcen enr- fying off da tin and biidges a'.nl commit- ling other depredation* In New Knglntid lately. The jury In ll.e Chicago hooiller rases returned a Verdict ol gui'ty in every Instance. Seven of (lie elcfcn were sentenced to I wu years impusoii- nient at hvrd I ibiir, while the other lour, thought to lw tool* o! the leading moiibrrs, wcro hi off with a flue of $ | ti KKI eseh [Prom VV«due<tl>y'> Daily.] ¦ALIAUIdOf. Joliu Matkay La? miivtU in New Yoik. Ask Walter who tore hi* hut last night. Mr. Jacob Ei'gler left by this morn¬ ing's stag'- (or 'I'uscarora. Mi- S. S. Seur* 'eft to-day by bu own conveyance fur u tup through ltuby, uu Clover Vatlcjm. J. I'. E l'jfl' urriveJ by la«t evening's train, stopped over to day and will leave lor the east this evening. Lowell Courier: . A pood American wiiie nieds 110 pu»li. AH that i* re¬ quired is a popular foreign label. It is wiid that the price of Los Ange¬ les renl ehtnte lias iucieused forty per ceut. within the past few wrecks. The assessment roll of Elko county tbis year will foot up some $200,000 uioie Ih in last year's assessment. 'lhe Sau l'ruucisco mining experts who have beeu examining the Tuscurora mines will return by to-ilay's stag -. President Cleveland *hs*es himself and wears a" bit. This is well enough for the hatter, but hard <u» the barber. Coutii r- Journal: If it he true that the spiritualists arc for Mr. IUiine, it «i!l Hot do to say that be hasn't the ghost of a chance. A I. adiitg physician recommends the community tu eut nil thu watermelon* they ciu us n preventative against scar¬ let fever. The Minneapolis Tribune iu slating "There is a female bru^s hand at Fre¬ mont, Nib ," adds: "Mess the little tooUie-woot-siis!" The Massachusetts code of 1 07 1 re- ipiir ml iiin-keep< isi to keep "good beer." If Hybscbmnn had beeu there they could have liiled the bill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell arrived from Cilifnrnia last evening on their uay to T iscaroin where Sir. l'owell pro¬ poses to locate permanently. Owing to an accident to the press the last issue of the Central Nevaduu was a diioinutive sheet. Accidents will hap¬ pen aud have to be borne, however nn- lioyiug. Times-Jteview: The new hoist nia- chinery for the North Hi lie Isle is being placed iu I'osi'iou. The pun ara very heavy. unit of them weighing upwards ol 'J.'jOO p JUIids. lie v. l'ortcr says that hereafter when he makes a call he desires the lady of th* l;oU*c to tie up her dog. lie is not afiti l of being bitt« u but he is u little nervous in meeting odoious felines. The Sage-lieu law expires to-day. and now y«n e n: clean up your firearms and M' for the- ni. Thu killing of pr.iiiie ehiekeus is prohibit- tl to« one mouth luuger, or until the 10th of September. A'ti:. I he hiisbnnd who murders bis wife appeared in three States this week. It has lveu a long time since the wife who inur. lots her husband has bad her inuillK* nn 1 >he Miould go to li..t pret¬ ty k.iou to e(|ialiss tin- score. ltrlinuut Courier: . Work i* pushed viuoriiii'ily iu lh" ISarcelona mine nt Spanish licit. It is ripiclnl tliat the mmnfiinit will noon ship more ore to Sul: l.ake City for reduction. Some of I In* ore extracted Iroiu tliia mine unsays very high. 1 5 i'D" i a I Spinner, formerly Treasurer of tl.o I* in till States, whose signature on the "Krcmliick" was once so famil¬ iar, is reported to be enj >ying t<*nt life at I'.iMo lit'imb. l'loiibi. lie eighty y t iih of age, but as anil hcucty .is ever. A few dava ninee the five-year-old son of I. <'li C -vert, of Secret Valley, fell (i la a wagou loaded with hay and two wlurl* ol the wagon naaseil over liis j hrennl. There wan a ton of hay and three men on the wngon hut Htiauge to j sa.ii the little fellow was but nlightly in- juti (I. Attn: Mr, Joli'i Tyh r, Ron of I*resi« .lent Tyler, was -un^truck in Washing¬ ton. lie is lie itly mventy years ohl, Hil l the alite-uioi tern statement* about him say tl.nt In' was hi* fathers private seen t uy in the While llonse, ami in a Knight of Labor anil a Member of the #*o i is of .lonadab. A tin illy clerk in the War Peparl n>< nt hired it PostolTice bo* under an as- mimed li inio uud a Ivortisc I that for $ltl hi' would Heiid applicants itiforuia- ti >n taut would enable them to get ein- |doyiueiit under thu Government. 'Alio r.iithoritieB recently discovered Ilia iden¬ tity mid I " wan discharged. The New York World call* I he clro- aiaigirinc lax "foolish." The lax Yielded $72:1.1)00 revenue during the llrst year of it» imposition, and rocov- ered the honest dairy business from hnnkillptoy, The result may seem foolish to World, but to the rt nt of the world lin y are wine and useful. Teincsciil, California, furnishes the latest bestial soatl lal. I'liilo II. Kiiuc*, a carrier on Die Oakland Knquircr, ha* lived for Home tiuio on Ihv corner of | Link ami Fortieth Sin. with bin wife and several children. He I* n in. in ft 5 years of nge and is charged with having com¬ mitted lin e nt w ith hi* thirli en j car-old daughter. I'iochc Hecord : lllshop Lee, of Pan- nea, looks ko contented since he heard thai John Tavlor dead. When he smiles his mouth (lie* open like n patent fly Imp and were it not for hi* cars, which look like guide pouts, he would lx> till month. Die bishop ha* some pretentions toward Ilia vac ml chair of the church, nud if there is any possible chance for him to gull the balurce out of it lie will do a i. If l<ee gel* to All the va-MUt President Cleveland will have to succumb, Why shouldn't he smile. [From Thur?lay*s Dsily.{ aALMtUI'SDI. J. R. llrnnr. of Uuiou City, ii in town to-day. Lorenzo Went came iu from Mound Valley to-day. Constable McAdaun wont up to Wells last evening ou professional busi¬ ness ami returned lliii morning. The puity which carnc down from Tuscarora brought with them a fine lot of aa-e-heua, killed ou the way down yesterday. A couple of passenger* on this morn¬ ing's overland train were overheard praising highly the excellent breakfast served at the Depot Hotel. Dili Nye aaja: "The earth ia the Lord's mid the fullness thereof. Borne men do not care who own the earth so lout; ns they get their fu'.tueas." II am McCain came down from Hal¬ ite* this morning, lie lias finished hiymg, having harvested a good crop which is nil put up iu good ahape. It is proposed b\ the people ol Trnckte to perpetuate the memory of the Don- ner party by erecting a suitable monu¬ ment on thu spot wlieie they peiished. Einma Nevada-Palmer iu talking to o reporter about her baby said: "Ob! yon men don't kuow what is to bo n mother." No, Emma, and »a trust wc uevcr will. Old Lady (in drrg store, to gmnll boy I What am I to take this msdicino iu, sonny? Sonny. -Take it in yotir month, mam. Taiu't to be rubbed ou. Coroner L. E. Morgan received a dis¬ patch from Tuscarora sayiug thnt Jack llartou had been fonnd dead this morn¬ ing, supposed to be a cujc of suicide by shooting. No particulars were given. Stanley Tuber, a typo in the 1km- fKMSi office, left this uioruing for a month's visit to frieudj and relations at Austin. Stanley is a good, steady boy and deserves the vacation which we hope he will enjoy. A convict Fays he was sent to prison for being dishonest, and yet he is com¬ pelled every day to rut pieces o{ paste- hoard, which are put between the Holes of the cheap shoes made there, nnd paised off on the innocent public ns leather. . [ Ex. Virginia lleport: . The ICeno Journal says some very harsli things of the Couistock press, but, by jimtniiiy, there is more tiuth than poetry in whut it says, (jo it, brother Powniug. This paper will support >ou for Ouveruor yit it i:: better than Congress. A cap" of the Investigation of the Charges Preferred by Wui Thompson! ngunst Or Bishop, Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, h is reached our table. It is n book of 30H pngvM and contains the charges, the evidence in full and thu finding* of the Cjiniuis- siuin ts. The Jersey Lily, according to current rumoi, li is bought real estate »t nearly every town in the conutry except Elko, <.nd tlm probabilities are she will iuviht here iu the near future. We nd- vise the Lily to nmko haste and take nu intcrekt iu the most henllhy and pleasantly located tovvn iu Nevada. The Tacitic ltailroad Co'niuiasion proposes to llui»h iu exa ui°! nation iu Sun Francisco thin week. Next week will he given the Central Pacific Com¬ pany to Iny such matter* before the Commission ns it chosen. The entire in- quiry will close on the '21st, when the member* go to Orcgou. Genoa Courier:. ltubt. nnd Eva Mc- Ginley nnd J. II Taylor were here Monday evening and gave nn cicellent show iu Cctitrul Hull. McGinlcy uud Tuylor nre n ten-horse team and n pair of hi.ries behind the wagon iu the show business. The h ill trim well filled, and after the show there wis a dance. In the Hiiiup pew iu n church nt Des Mom ¦*, Iowa, sit ea;b Humi.iy two women, one of whom is the widow of four, nnd the other o( three minister*. The I tter is anxious to tnckle another preacher to make the score even, but owing to her previous record disposers of the Gospel are a little conseieneious about placing themselves iu her keep¬ ing. Amatenr Artist (to friend). What do you think of it, Charley? ltteprescnl* two urchins gathering apple*. 1 call it "A Day iu June." Friend.Well, my opinion in, old boy, thut if those urchin* cat any of the ap¬ ple* they are gathering in Juno Home¬ body will ha\o to get up iu the middle of the night and run for the doctor. Gubc HosUins returned last evening from a tiip to Fniou City, lie say* the camp i* lively, a largo amount ol good work i* being done, and if the result* are not satisfactory It will not be the fault of the enterprising men who have charge of nfl'aira nt tho tiew milling camp. We trust that their most snu« gtiino expectation* miijr bo fully rent- ized. A Little lot who lmd advanced to woids of four letter*, wa* told thai when spelling word* like good, or wall, he wrt* not to say o o or 1-1, but double o, and aiiil so on. 0>ie day in hi* read* Ing lesson, occnrnd the sentence: "Up! tip! Ned, for the sun is up," wheu the bright little fellow electrified hi* tuatu- ma by reading, "Double up, Ned, for the nun is tip." Additional advieca from Millrock, K*., which wa* Ktruok by a cyclone on Thursday evening, nro lo tho effect that Ihe pluco was practically deniol ished. Seventy-nine building*, includ¬ ing hotels. ¦ehooMjoUao*, churches, Morn* and residence*, were wholly or neilrl.v destroyed. The losse* foot up $f.|,ooo. Tho people are in great di* tr.kx, nnd a coiniuittee ha* been ap¬ pointed |n solicit aid for IliWll. . ?roM FiMay'i Dilty. xuAtirxm. It ia a pity that our neighbor* tlo not know as well ns «. do what is bent (or tbeur. Mm. Binks remarks that her husband is ulways ku tifcbt that be is |«-itivtly waterproof. Jo. Gardner returned from Writs this moruiug. having finished the carpenter work on the new hotel. The weather c mtinues remarkably warm and dry. A Shower of rain would be highly appreciated. A message of condoleuce, signed by numerous residents of Elko, wiui wired o Mr*. J . 11. ltaud to da)'. Laborers are excavating for W. T. Smith's Water Works ou the side bill iu the rear of bis residence. H-tuk Kuerr, at one liiue City Mar¬ shal of Austiu, is now at Cherry Creek, a charge upon White l'ine county. The natiouat banks of the country have been culled upon fur u report of their condition at the closc of business August 1st. Sagebrush Stockman:- -Nevada cli¬ mate will Hell »o:uc day at fancy prices. The ouc-lungcd tourist cau find no bet¬ ter liavcu of rest than be had in the Sagebrush State. The State Agricallnril Society dis¬ bursed $7,000 last week $'J,000 being puid to Governor Stevenson on the pa¬ vilion property, and 45,000 to Uusacll li Bradley, as part payment ou the race truck and grounds. It i* reported that J. C. FloaJ, of the b<>unnza firm, President of the Neva- da Hank, i< d*itig at bis residence at Mfulo l'ark. His pirtn r, J. W. Mirk ey, is hurrying to Cal fornia bet whether tor thu purpo.o of visitiug Flood or sliaighteniug out the complications in the recent wheat deul is not stated. The Oakland Times savs the belief is general that Msckey individually and the Nevada Bank t>unk $6,000,000 in wheat market. The diepatch to the Examiner in referenoe to the Cleviuger murderers, which cirne to our notice after the arti¬ cle in reference to their being hanged to-day was iu type, and which is re¬ produced elsewhere, puis tire subject iu a different light; and although it seerus that u tuuu ou the eve of death would nut luukc a statement exonerating bis partner with no benefit to himself unless it were true, stilt it might be that the confessiou was made for the purpose of guiuiug a lease of life with the bope that ultimately a eomaiutaliou of the death pe nalty might Le H;iU..d. Nevada's Agricultural Interests. The remark is often made that Nov. "'a*1 "n agricultural State is a failure; that farmers, alter ruining two or three crops of graiu, have given up iu disgust slid turned their intention to more proli table pursuits. The latter assertion is a correct on.;. but a is easily tx_ [>luiueJ away. It has been demonstrated lhat ull kinds of :ereal« can be grow u iu this Stale successfully; but in the ab- lence of cheap trauspoitation facilities there l;aa be> n found to bo but little profit iu farming. Our wheat has a reputation such as any agricultural country iu the InuJ might be proud of; uur potatoes and other products have a national reputation; our fruits surprised Ihe couutry at the Woriii'a Fair at Sew Or. cant; ami yet, despite their acknowl- edged excellenco, but -litilo of the nuiount e.< r finds its way out of the Slate. The reason for this is plain. Iu the ahsenue of cheap transportation facilities to tide-water, the grain, iu some PAses, has been allowed to stand in the fields; the fruit has rotted on tho Itrouud, or has been fed to tho hogs, lhis continued discrimination has dis¬ heartened our producers, and they have bees: compelled, in sclfdefeuce, to seek other pursuits. When thu railroad mngnates are brought lo terms our lagging agricul¬ tural industries will receive an impetus that will Nevada on tho toad to become one of the most prosperous boo- Hons of tho Union. .[Sagebrush Stockman. omrt'AHv. Attorney J. \V. Dorsey received a dispatch last evening announcing the iloiith of John H. Rand at ban Frunois- co vestereay afternoon. Mr. Hind was a native of Maiue, tmiwo to California about the year 1852 anil settled nt Sawyer's Uar, Klamath county, whoro he was for several years engaged ill mining and teaching school, iu the mean time studying law which he Anally made his profession. While in California he alao Served a term sa Jus¬ tice of the I'eaco. From California he went lo Idaho where ho remained (our or five years engaged in rainiu« and practicing Uw. In 1809 ho come to K'ko where lie has resided duriug tb< past eighteen years. Mr. Kaud was a man of sound judgo. nient And sterling quftliUea who during liis long residence amongst us endeared himself to hosts of fiietids who are uiioved and aaddeue I by tho news of his death which, although not wholly unexpected, has cast a gloom otcr the community whose htsitfelt sympathies arc i vended to llie bereaved widow in her sore affliction. * Mew Feature. W ith this issue of the f MDKPKNOKNT we inattuurate a new feature which is th< publication each week of the portrait and a sketuh of soma prominent Alum oati of to-day in whom th« general pub lie have an interest. Wo trust that onr renders wilt appreciate onr -efTorU to interest them. We coinmenca with the portrait of Joseph F. Smith who will, In all prob.ibabilitv, be the next President of Ihe Mormon Chtltch. HOTSfc AJISIVALS - -. % \ '-If ? Oat II(niL-ll«rtl«t( £ OatnkU#*, '! trojriatocs. M A AirJrrnoa, Thc>» J>yca, Ifliitw, Bullion; K IIoBuv, C My.r, 4*0 MiU*». Fred Wilson, Gvotttoktr, E C McCI*»- len. E Brown/ Tt«carora; G«o U Clay¬ ton. J it Hi my, L West, Uoud V»U l«.y; Mrs It Ward A ohild, Halt Lak* City; Janio Slants, Mtrjr't llivrr; OIim Kilpatrick, Clover Valley; i P Edoff. Oakland; John Boarue, Well*; Jadsc* Dakin, Lamoill*, Cba* Greenburg, 11*1. leek; J J Cochrane. Juo F Cussell, P O llyiuau, J F Ticheuor, II K Woodward, Sau Fraueitco; Ztck Harde»ty, Souih Fork; Wm ltolling, Ariaona; Cba* N'ofsiuger, Wiunemncca; E J Stotxy, Sao Frauciaco; J M Dorssy, Fort Hal- leck. Cbas GreeuberR, Halleck; J Phillip*, A M McAfee, Bullion; Tbos Lynn, A Mucker, C Lurisiuo, Austin, Max E A i aliold , Ed Kavanaugh. J E Wbolen, J'W Gail, Mouud Valley; John Alvar, Wifueiuucea; J P Dunne, Virginia City; Muj McDaughton, Ororille, Cali¬ fornia. Geo Brwwer, Juo T McDermott, La- rroille; G T Suttle. Mound; S 'Curuley, Tule Flat; T Jeffry, 11 Hilt, J Nettle, Lewia; It Stoker, 11 1'hillipN A 11 Tra- ver, Bullion; E Gevorest, J J Cochran, J F Cnrroll, P C llaymnn, J F Licbe- uor, It 11 Woodward, P N Fehltiuan, It Schocn, Li Liebiunn, H F; J A McClin- tock, Cariiu; G W Baker, Max Peter*, J M Nutoui, Eureka; F J.ohus, lieu"; A B ltiebl, l'rauk Nnsh, Jas Munaban, Winnemuecn; J E Yonug, E Gray. To- coma; Dr A S lliil. Columbia, Al*. Dkpot IIotkl. Clark & Green Proprie¬ tor*. Fred Lovelock, Columbia; Tho* Har¬ ris, Huntington; It 11 Bangs, W V Smi¬ ley, 11 llaight, A Korn, Baa Francuoo; E M I5auua, It 1* Yateii, Union City; Frauk Taylor, Oxford, Idaho; E A Sehertr, 11 Hull, Mra_F Kennedy, Car- lin; F .M ll iyt, Jauics Lowery, Uelena, Mont; Harry Keymid*, J W Powell & wife, Jobu Weilaud, i'nscarora; Joseph Heunnen, Hank Sncll, Lamoille; P Hansen, Wells; Frauk Crossen, Colusa, Cal; W Seotl, White Itock; M Murks, San Fraucitco; J U Shepherd, South Fork. 1' Hansen, Wei's, W W Seaver, Win- ueiDucca; Aarou V Wheeler, C S Bel¬ linger, Aurora, III'; A M McAfcfc, Mr* A M McAfee, Mrs Clark, Bullion; E P . Sawtcll, Wilsoa Armstrong, James Kid¬ dle, Dcetb; C I' Fry, Spruoeuiont; Fred Pluukelt, Virginia City; Frank B lUte- man, George Sawyer, ltutle, Montana; G T lleushuw, Huntington; AT btearas. Eureka. J Kiehard, J Crosse, Spruceroout; It D Fullmer, J Sanders, S F; Dr A S Hill, Columbia, Ala; 1' S Witciwr, Hal- leek; A 1) Faruswort'u & wife, South Fork; II Halo, Jag Margou, Cariiu; M D Foley A wile, F O Gorman, T Con¬ ner, Eureki; Mrs G 11 Thoma, Reno; Geo Kjd, Missouri; J Nettie, Tbos Jef¬ frey, K E Welch, J Travascus, Lewis; .. Frank Gotdan, Springfield, Mo. FOR SALE! A FINE PROPERTY. Tlie well improved and finely watered ranch situated two miltm west-of Fort Hullcck i* offered for Male nt n bargain. I litve twice been offered my price aud refused to Nell, but approacbiug, ago warns me that I will soon be unable to perform the nctive duties of much life, hence I hiive concluded lo veil thin Qne properly consisting ot 830 ACliES LAND, nil under fene*, 150 HEAD FINE ORADED CATTLE, 60 HEAD HOUSES, together with AuRICUL- TUItAL IMPLEMENTS mid MAC11I - Eli V. The ranch it well watered by first right to two streams pausing through the premises. Near the resi¬ dence, which is a good ndobo building of in rooms well furnished, fturrouuded with nil necessary out buildingM, includ¬ ing n blacksmith shop furnished with nil neee.«stiry tools, is n highly cultivated vegetable garden, and the gioaudn about the houso are planted iu fruit trees aud shrubbery making a fine resi- denco. Payments will bo luadu easy. From :iQ0 to 100 tons bny can be cut on the place each yar. For farther pox- ticu'ais call ot' o address. J. 1). ABEL. Fort llalleck, Nevada, The Nevada State University will be reopened at lie no, Nevada, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 18»7, Prof. Le Roy D. Hrown, President, with a full 0'<rps of instruct ir«. There will ho n Normal Department for tbo in* slruclion of Poacher*, aud an AcAdemlo Course. Tuition free to Nevada Stu¬ dents, E a ay terms to those frotu abroad . Ample accviuuiodatious can bo hitd <u Iteno. For further particulars inquire ot the undersigned. '. C C.BTr.vrv«o», J 'Boird Joiix M. Dommk*, V of W. C. Dovr*. ) Regents. Carson City, inly 89, |k87. Spring Nnniplff* 1 hitvrjnsl received over two hundred new samples for spring and Hammer Clothing. and can truly say that . finer assortment has never before been ex¬ hibited hi Elko county, all beln$ of the latest design i ntvl patterns. Recogniz¬ ing t he gene I desire of my customers for Summer clothing at cheaper rates tliau linte heretofore been eustomAiy, 1 hitvn made innte fi (lucthiiU . III prices aud all custom nfhde Summer dotnirtf, trusting that the decrease tu ( rcftl *»ll be fol. lowed by n ootre«pot.ding Increase of patronage. Remember, I guarantee perfect fit. [ M RXlffillt,,,

Weekly independent. (Elko, Nev.). 1887-08-14 [p ......Eureka Sentinel:-' Tom came la fioiu EtbyValley lastnight, having Joliu r. Biker in chaige. They lift the "ghost" behindtheui.

Jan 27, 2021



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    bl'NDAY AI'UUST 14. 1S87.

    DAILY INDEPENDENT.1asrr.t> Kvtar vxv, blndays ex.

    c. w. CROVER,KdlU.r and PruprUtor


    0u« ot|ijr, od« year.., flO 00Ud« «*>;.)*. ail umuUm.. ft W

    For 't iiv yurri nl vmA -r all raouUia, ouo dollarper month. i'ajrabU* la uilvaace.y*llTc«rd bjr carn«r iu JJko at KiCcuta a weak.

    Al>V£KTUUKG KATES.Will t>«» «!.> ».* low a« I* cooaUt«>nt with

    bo-.j u«-«m vrtmipb>«. Aj'j'ly al tL« of-Ac* foi U ruM.

    THE WEEKLY INDEPENDENT.I»ubli»liM « vt rv Huiiday. and aent to at»y a«l

    i|)o»U|;« paid), al i;.T raurdorct*, who or.t to honont "i»«ru*a U... ri«oc" on Friday, thoJitli inutiiut. Owing to circunmtiuirea.orer which, etc., it will ho iivpoaaiblrfor iin to e-tijoy (»; tlie novel

    or" seems liable to eud »hero it legauin wiud.

    Cataou Appeal:. I', ii reported that ayoung girl in this city has bceu luissiugsince the circus.John S. M*)btigh is improving his

    premises by building a new picktt lenoeuround the yatd.

    Tiic ittorm brewery is at woik and ««shall probably be favured with raiuwithui a few iluvs.

    Orpheus wn» u musician whose musichad power to draw rocks, etc., towuidhuu. So it a cot.There is no excuse for you t" dress

    shabbily when you cub get clito him lor it Mr.iw li.itwoitk li cent*. lie put it blue ekiypoiiltieo on Ik'' wot) ml, HUH II owe. I M>mnplug tobneco mid tlie next ility HtitrieilnlT for rnmp-urn-ting wit It tLe new Litr,lnlitri lieip't 1 r divoted lo boom¬ing I'r ' lbinln*il. "list. Inn! mi Inil the time," for Mayor of Hhii 1'imi-eisro. Dr. O'Doaiicll i» (kit editor ofthe Thumb rhohlt

    A mit 'i II audience »«*etvl>1cd n< tli"Dining room of the < lein Mold on Hut-utility evening to attend the acooiid con¬cert given by I'rofesors Vnvl.

    Water melon* on i:e at Henley'*.M D . Foley nuti to go to Cuujjun.A. T. Steam left UiU morning (or


    I'uited Slutej SfUtlo.Wilwaukee bottled beer, wholesale

    aui retail, at HeckUart >V Froelich' 1).m in, of I'uiou Oily, came up

    tu>t evening au'l returned this uioiu-isg.A gilt Wiy was born ou tin* cars a

    fe.v day* uiuce near Truckee ou the C.1'. Railioad.For tlio pant week there has been au

    unusually large run o! suluiuu iu theSacfuineuto river.The ubiquitous Pete Olsen hat been

    arretted agiiu; this time near i'ortl'owuseuj, \V. T :

    ltuy a can of Crystal 1$ ikiug l'owderut Smith's au I get u piece o( OpalescentGlass Ware (lev.

    Shasta county autbciitic* aro afterthe parties who were responsible (or therecent (orest iir< s.A peach tree (orty y< nr* old. nt So-

    noma, liax produced 250 pounds o((rait this season.M s Rosa Gardner lias finished her

    term f bvhool ut Ruby Vulley dutrietand returned home. IA colour i>( settlers (rout Holland

    probably be located ou the MaxwellI y,tnnl, iu New Mexico.

    It's an even bet that Shcrmau willbent Maim- (or the Republican nomina¬tion (or President iu lbMis* Garduer, one o( the Del Vorte's

    young 1 allies, recently killed a panthervrhich she ran across iu the woods.

    R< no Journal:. Senator Wui. M IStewart, o( Cnli(oruia, passed throught» Car.iou yesterday uiu:niug ou uvisit.

    Tin* C irsnn girls are wearing angelic Ie .inplexiot)* this season, suiys the Reno

    Journal. Wiiat is the staudard Com- II lexiou of ang Is this ye n'.'The Reno Journal Rajs: "Crnnk

    lloskouitais in town." Wonder how 'thi? atlip s« commercial traveler re¬lishes beit.g calle I a *Vrank"?

    V Reno newspaper man ha* ordereda bushing suit (rum San Francisco. Tosuch hbi(ts a re those put w'jo bathe inthe i saw) dusty water of the Truckee.

    Iu Hi no "7ni;s" who refose to w< rkure chained to Hau l carts, an I thus tr >tftei vri.i 'les in p isra,;e though |the stii ' ts, a special le to both i i and


    An authority ou tJo-.k raising eaten- jlate that the piulits on a sora'o steer OIthree and a half Jears old will uot ex¬ceed : i over the c»si of i-ir-MLg .

    \V. \V It i. her. after a month's recrc-atiou in the hay Held, returned (.-.lun; ,igi>ett a scorcher for nclling out hi*polil i nil friend* iu thn ln«t election IIIthin State. It claims thut the limiora-We ti-Ni'trmlii Cnngreistnan receivedJ7.0OO iih the reward for hi.* perttdy.Judge lliirpir, of the Washington

    r .liee Court, hi* diolared that thet'lsli law is applicable to the l>i «li ictol Columbia and ha* begun ihe healingin the case of A«*lhe Miould go to li..t pret¬ty k.iou to e(|ialiss tin- score.

    ltrlinuut Courier:.Work i* pushedviuoriiii'ily iu lh" ISarcelona mine ntSpanish licit. It is ripiclnl tliat themmnfiinit will noon ship more ore toSul: l.ake City for reduction. Some of

    I In* ore extracted Iroiu tliia mine unsaysvery high.

    1 5 i'D" i a I Spinner, formerly Treasurerof tl.o I* in till States, whose signatureon the "Krcmliick" was once so famil¬iar, is reported to be enj >ying t< nt hired it PostolTice bo* under an as-mimed li inio uud a Ivortisc I that for$ltl hi' would Heiid applicants itiforuia-ti >n taut would enable them to get ein-|doyiueiit under thu Government. 'Alior.iithoritieB recently discovered Ilia iden¬tity mid I " wan discharged.The New York World call* I he clro-

    aiaigirinc lax "foolish." The laxYielded $72:1.1)00 revenue during thellrst year of it» imposition, and rocov-ered the honest dairy business fromhnnkillptoy, The result may seemfoolish to World, but to the rt nt ofthe world lin y are wine and useful.

    Teincsciil, California, furnishes thelatest bestial soatl lal. I'liilo II. Kiiuc*,a carrier on Die Oakland Knquircr, ha*lived for Home tiuio on Ihv corner of |Link ami Fortieth Sin. with bin wife andseveral children. He I* n ft5 yearsof nge and is charged with having com¬mitted lin e nt w ith hi* thirli en j car-olddaughter.

    I'iochc Hecord : lllshop Lee, of Pan-nea, looks ko contented since he heardthai John Tavlor i« dead. When hesmiles his mouth (lie* open like n patentfly Imp and were it not for hi* cars,which look like guide pouts, he wouldlx> till month. Die bishop ha* somepretentions toward Ilia vac ml chair ofthe church, nud if there is any possiblechance for him to gull the balurce outof it lie will do a i. If lluiueJ away. It has been demonstratedlhat ull kinds of :ereal« can be grow u iuthis Stale successfully; but in the ab-lence of cheap trauspoitation facilitiesthere l;aa be> n found to bo but littleprofit iu farming. Our wheat has areputation such as any agriculturalcountry iu the InuJ might be proud of;uur potatoes and other products have anational reputation; our fruits surprisedIhe couutry at the Woriii'a Fair at SewOr.cant; ami yet, despite their acknowl-edged excellenco, but -litilo of thenuiount e.< r finds its way out of theSlate. The reason for this is plain.Iu the ahsenue of cheap transportationfacilities to tide-water, the grain, iu somePAses, has been allowed to stand in thefields; the fruit has rotted on thoItrouud, or has been fed to tho hogs,lhis continued discrimination has dis¬heartened our producers, and they havebees: compelled, in sclfdefeuce, to seekother pursuits.When thu railroad mngnates are

    brought lo terms our lagging agricul¬tural industries will receive an impetusthat will Nevada on tho toad tobecome one of the most prosperous boo-Hons of tho Union. .[SagebrushStockman.


    Attorney J. \V. Dorsey received adispatch last evening announcing theiloiith of John H. Rand at ban Frunois-co vestereay afternoon.Mr. Hind was a native of Maiue,

    tmiwo to California about the year 1852anil settled nt Sawyer's Uar, Klamathcounty, whoro he was for several yearsengaged ill mining and teaching school,iu the mean time studying law which heAnally made his profession. While inCalifornia he alao Served a term sa Jus¬tice of the I'eaco. From California hewent lo Idaho where ho remained (ouror five years engaged in rainiu« andpracticing Uw. In 1809 ho come toK'ko where lie has resided duriug tb<past eighteen years.Mr. Kaud was a man of sound judgo.

    nient And sterling quftliUea who duringliis long residence amongst us endearedhimself to hosts of fiietids who areuiioved and aaddeue I by tho news ofhis death which, although not whollyunexpected, has cast a gloom otcr thecommunity whose htsitfelt sympathiesarc i vended to llie bereaved widow inher sore affliction.

    * Mew Feature.

    W ith this issue of the fMDKPKNOKNTwe inattuurate a new feature which is th<publication each week of the portraitand a sketuh of soma prominent Alumoati of to-day in whom th« general publie have an interest. Wo trust thatonr renders wilt appreciate onr -efTorUto interest them. We coinmenca withthe portrait of Joseph F. Smith whowill, In all prob.ibabilitv, be the nextPresident of Ihe Mormon Chtltch.


    -. %\ '-If ?Oat II(niL-ll«rtl«t( £ OatnkU#*,

    '! trojriatocs.M A AirJrrnoa, Thc>» J>yca, Ifliitw,

    Bullion; K IIoBuv, C My.r, 4*0 MiU*».Fred Wilson, Gvotttoktr, E C McCI*»-len. E Brown/ Tt«carora; G«o U Clay¬ton. J it Hi my, L West, Uoud V»Ul«.y; Mrs It Ward A ohild, Halt Lak*City; Janio Slants, Mtrjr't llivrr; OIimKilpatrick, Clover Valley; i P Edoff.Oakland; John Boarue, Well*; Jadsc*Dakin, Lamoill*, Cba* Greenburg, 11*1.leek; J J Cochrane. Juo F Cussell, P Ollyiuau, J F Ticheuor, II K Woodward,Sau Fraueitco; Ztck Harde»ty, SouihFork; Wm ltolling, Ariaona; Cba*N'ofsiuger, Wiunemncca; E J Stotxy,Sao Frauciaco; J M Dorssy, Fort Hal-leck.Cbas GreeuberR, Halleck; J Phillip*,

    A M McAfee, Bullion; Tbos Lynn, AMucker, C Lurisiuo, Austin, Max EA i aliold , Ed Kavanaugh. J E Wbolen,J'W Gail, Mouud Valley; John Alvar,Wifueiuucea; J P Dunne, VirginiaCity; Muj McDaughton, Ororille, Cali¬fornia.Geo Brwwer, Juo T McDermott, La-

    rroille; G T Suttle. Mound; S 'Curuley,Tule Flat; T Jeffry, 11 Hilt, J Nettle,Lewia; It Stoker, 11 1'hillipN A 11 Tra-ver, Bullion; E Gevorest, J J Cochran,J F Cnrroll, P C llaymnn, J F Licbe-uor, It 11 Woodward, P N Fehltiuan, ItSchocn, Li Liebiunn, H F; J A McClin-tock, Cariiu; G W Baker, Max Peter*,J M Nutoui, Eureka; F J.ohus, lieu"; AB ltiebl, l'rauk Nnsh, Jas Munaban,Winnemuecn; J E Yonug, E Gray. To-coma; Dr A S lliil. Columbia, Al*.

    Dkpot IIotkl.Clark & Green Proprie¬tor*.

    Fred Lovelock, Columbia; Tho* Har¬ris, Huntington; It 11 Bangs, W V Smi¬ley, 11 llaight, A Korn, Baa Francuoo;E M I5auua, It 1* Yateii, Union City;Frauk Taylor, Oxford, Idaho; E ASehertr, 11 Hull, Mra_F Kennedy, Car-lin; F .M ll iyt, Jauics Lowery, Uelena,Mont; Harry Keymid*, J W Powell &wife, Jobu Weilaud, i'nscarora; JosephHeunnen, Hank Sncll, Lamoille; PHansen, Wells; Frauk Crossen, Colusa,Cal; W Seotl, White Itock; M Murks,San Fraucitco; J U Shepherd, SouthFork.

    1' Hansen, Wei's, W W Seaver, Win-ueiDucca; Aarou V Wheeler, C S Bel¬linger, Aurora, III'; A M McAfcfc, Mr*A M McAfee, Mrs Clark, Bullion; E P .Sawtcll, Wilsoa Armstrong, James Kid¬dle, Dcetb; C I' Fry, Spruoeuiont; FredPluukelt, Virginia City; Frank B lUte-man, George Sawyer, ltutle, Montana;G T lleushuw, Huntington; AT btearas.Eureka.J Kiehard, J Crosse, Spruceroout; It

    D Fullmer, J Sanders, S F; Dr A SHill, Columbia, Ala; 1' S Witciwr, Hal-leek; A 1) Faruswort'u & wife, SouthFork; II Halo, Jag Margou, Cariiu; MD Foley A wile, F O Gorman, T Con¬ner, Eureki; Mrs G 11 Thoma, Reno;Geo Kjd, Missouri; J Nettie, Tbos Jef¬frey, K E Welch, J Travascus, Lewis; ..Frank Gotdan, Springfield, Mo.


    Tlie well improved and finely wateredranch situated two miltm west-of FortHullcck i* offered for Male nt n bargain.I litve twice been offered my price audrefused to Nell, but approacbiug, agowarns me that I will soon be unable toperform the nctive duties of much life,hence I hiive concluded lo veil thin Qneproperly consisting ot 830 ACliESLAND, nil under fene*, 150 HEADFINE ORADED CATTLE, 60 HEADHOUSES, together with AuRICUL-TUItAL IMPLEMENTS mid MAC11I -Eli V. The ranch it well watered byfirst right to two streams pausingthrough the premises. Near the resi¬dence, which is a good ndobo buildingof in rooms well furnished, fturrouudedwith nil necessary out buildingM, includ¬ing n blacksmith shop furnished withnil neee.«stiry tools, is n highly cultivatedvegetable garden, and the gioaudnabout the houso are planted iu fruittrees aud shrubbery making a fine resi-denco. Payments will bo luadu easy.From :iQ0 to 100 tons bny can be cut onthe place each yar. For farther pox-ticu'ais call ot' o address.

    J. 1). ABEL.Fort llalleck,


    The Nevada State University will bereopened at lie no, Nevada,MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 18»7,

    Prof. Le Roy D. Hrown, President, witha full 0'