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Senator’s citizenship decision by November MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – The Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) is set to release its ruling on Senator Grace Poe’s citizenship case by early November, Sen. Loren Legarda said Thursday. “The timeline has already been set and E\ WKH ¿UVW ZHHN RI 1RYHPEHU , EHOLHYH D GHFLVLRQ ZLOO EH PDGH E\ WKH WULEXQDO´ Legarda said. *LYHQ WKDW WKH H[SHFWHG UHOHDVH LV ZD\ EH\RQG WKH 2FWREHU GHDGOLQH IRU WKH DVSLUDQWV¶ ¿OLQJ RI FHUWL¿FDWHV RI candidacy (COCs), Legarda said Poe “can VWLOO ¿OH HYHQ LI WKHUH LV D SHQGLQJ SHWLWLRQ´ RQ KHU FLWL]HQVKLS EHIRUH WKH WULEXQDO /HJDUGD ZKR LV D SDUW RI WKH QLQHPHP EHU 6(7 UHIXVHG WR IXUWKHU FRPPHQW RQ WKH LVVXHV DULVLQJ IURP WKH SUHVLGHQWLDO DV pirant’s case considering Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio’s earlier SURQRXQFHPHQW GLVSXWLQJ WKH QDWXUH RI Poe’s Philippine citizenship incurred him GHPDQGV WR LQKLELW IURP WKH FDVH ³, EHOLHYH WKDW LV DOO , FDQ VD\ IRU QRZ DQG ZKDWHYHU KDV EHHQ VDLG E\ ERWK VLGHV WKDW¶V VDLG DQG GRQH $QG LW¶V EHWWHU OHIW She confesses to have renounced her US citizenship, but Senator Grace Poe’s “real” nationality may be known in October. Sen. Poe is running for president in 2016. The Philippine Constitution says only “natural-born” citizens may run for the highest public RI¿FH LQ WKH FRXQWU\ IS GRACE POE AMERICAN OR FILIPINO? DNA results on Grace Poe expected by next week: lawyer MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – The UHVXOWV RI WKH '1$ WHVW RQ 6HQDWRU Grace Poe is expected either this or QH[W ZHHN KHU OHJDO FRXQVHO VDLG Thursday. ,Q D SUHVV FRQIHUHQFH ODZ\HU George Garcia said they are hoping WKH UHVXOWV ZLOO EH RXW EHIRUH WKH ¿OLQJ RI WKH FHUWL¿FDWH RI FDQGLGDF\ VODWHG on October 12 to 16. ³¶<XQJ UHVXOWV QDJGDUDVDO NDPL QD OXPDEDV EHIRUH WKH ILOLQJ RI FHUWL¿FDWH RI FDQGLGDF\ VLQFH DQJ ibinigay naman na timetable is 15 GD\V´ *DUFLD WROG UHSRUWHUV +H DGGHG ³¶<XQJ '1$ WHVW LV QRW really to prove anything [about the FDVH@ EXW LW¶V D SHUVRQDO VHDUFK IRU WUXWK RQ WKH SDUW RI 6HQDWRU *UDFH´ MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – Senate 3UHVLGHQW )UDQNOLQ 'ULORQ RQ 7KXUVGD\ said Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo should be given more time to discuss ZLWK KHU FKLOGUHQ WKH /LEHUDO 3DUW\¶V RIIHU IRU KHU WR EH WKH UXQQLQJ PDWH RI IRUPHU Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, the party’s standard bearer in the 2016 elections. ³'DSDW ELJ\DQ QDWLQ QJ SDQDKRQ VL &RQJUHVVZRPDQ /HQL QD PDNLSDJXVDS VD NDQ\DQJ PJD DQDN´ 'ULORQ WROG UHSRUWHUV ZKHQ DVNHG RQ WKH XSGDWH RQ WKH HIIRUWV WR FRQYLQFH 5REUHGR WR UXQ IRU YLFH SUHV ident next year. ³$Q RIIHU KDV EHHQ PDGH WR KHU DW DODP PR DQJ GHVLV\RQ NXQJ WDWDNER R KLQGL D\ SHUVRQDO VD EDZDW NDQGLGDWR´ KH DGGHG ,Q DQ LQWHUYLHZ ZLWK UHSRUWHUV DIWHU WKH LP national convention in Quezon City RQ :HGQHVGD\ +RXVH 6SHDNHU )HOLFLDQR Belmonte Jr said Robredo has already JLYHQ KHU µLQIRUPDO¶ FRQVHQW RQ WKH RIIHU DOWKRXJK VKH VWLOO QHHGV WR WDON ZLWK KHU children. +RZHYHU 5REUHGR ZLGRZ RI WKH ODWH Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo, denied LW ³:DODQJ JDQXQ NDVL NXQJ PD\ FRQVHQW DNR GDSDW VDQD QDJGHFODUH QD >DNR@´ VKH VDLG LQ DQ LQWHUYLHZ Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon of Pag-asa Municipality, Kalayaan Island Group, Palawan speaks before the members of the Fil-Am media and the community at the LA Rose Cafe against China’s bullying and island grabbing in the Spratleys. The forum in Los Angeles Wednesday was sponsored by LA US Pinoys for Good Governance led by Ms. Rocio Nuyda. By Abner Galino 6D\LQJ ZH ZLOO ILJKW ILUH ZLWK ILUH ZRXOG PDNH IRU D JRRG DFRXVWLF EXW UHDOO\ LPSOHPHQWLQJ LW DJDLQVW D IRUPLGDEOH IRH DV &KLQD LV VLPSO\ D IRRO¶V HUUDQG 7KLV LQ D QXWVKHOO LV WKH RSLQLRQ RI .DOD\DDQ PD\RU (XJHQLR %LWRRQRQ ZKR LV LQ WKH 86 WR SURPRWH WKH SURVSHFW RI EXLOGLQJ DQ (FR7RXULVP =RQH LQ KLV PXQLFLSDOLW\ RI VL[ LVOHWV WZR FD\V WZR UHHIV DQG UHVLGHQWV The municipal government has its seat DW WKH KHFWDUH LVODQG RI 3DJDVD WKH ODUJHVW RI DOO WKH LVODQGV LQ LWV MXULVGLFWLRQ It has a municipal hall, a health clinic, an Mayor promotes eco-tourism to battle Chinese incursions Drilon: Leni should be given time to talk to her children Who’s the real father? See GRACE POE, page 6 See DNA RESULTS, page 6 See LENI, page 6 See MAYOR PROMOTES, page 6 VOL. XXIII NO. 35 LOS ANGELES OCTOBER 3-9, 2015 THE LEADING SOURCE OF NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR FILIPINO-AMERICANS Ellen Adarna GHQLHV ÀLUWLQJ with Paolo Avelino See ELLEN ADARNA, page 15

Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

Jul 23, 2016



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Page 1: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

1Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015

Senator’s citizenship decision by November

MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – The Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) is set to release its ruling on Senator Grace Poe’s citizenship case by early November, Sen. Loren Legarda said Thursday.

“The timeline has already been set and

Legarda said.

candidacy (COCs), Legarda said Poe “can

pirant’s case considering Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio’s earlier

Poe’s Philippine citizenship incurred him

She confesses to have renounced her US citizenship, but Senator Grace Poe’s “real” nationality may be known in October. Sen. Poe is running for president in 2016. The Philippine Constitution says only “natural-born” citizens may run for the highest public


DNA results on Grace Poe expected by next week: lawyer

MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – The

Grace Poe is expected either this or


George Garcia said they are hoping

on October 12 to 16.

ibinigay naman na timetable is 15

really to prove anything [about the

MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – Senate

said Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo should be given more time to discuss

Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, the party’s standard bearer in the 2016 elections.

ident next year.

LP national convention in Quezon City

Belmonte Jr said Robredo has already


Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo, denied

Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon of Pag-asa Municipality, Kalayaan Island Group, Palawan speaks before the members of the Fil-Am media and the community at the LA Rose Cafe against China’s bullying and island grabbing in the Spratleys. The forum in Los Angeles Wednesday was sponsored by LA US Pinoys for Good Governance led by Ms. Rocio Nuyda.

By Abner Galino

The municipal government has its seat

It has a municipal hall, a health clinic, an

Mayor promotes eco-tourism to battle Chinese incursions

Drilon: Leni should be given time to talk to her children

Who’s the real father?

See GRACE POE, page 6See DNA RESULTS, page 6

See LENI, page 6



Ellen Adarna

with Paolo Avelino

See ELLEN ADARNA, page 15

Page 2: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

2 Visit Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015 Balita

Page 3: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

3Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015


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ensure that the account balances have all

contact the credit reporting agencies and

Methods of Re-Establishing Credit

card, usually a Visa or Master Card.

Typically, the limit on the card is based

the deposit to secure the account.

dition to building credit. Once you have

Kohls, etc.Other methods include buying a car

that source.

ing credit. This also includes mortgage

The reason these companies are inter

Bottom line – it’s a business, and a good business at that.

Caution in Rebuilding Credit

experience to avoid getting into the same

spend beyond their means, and resist the temptation to incur debt beyond their

selves can do by exercising their legal right to have their reports properly list their outstanding obligations.

As a general proposition, older income

(less than 3 years old) cannot. A debtor/

is generally not dischargeable. Prior to


the debtor.In Chapter 13, income taxes can be

assessed at least 240 days prior to the

Income Tax Liability

Public utilities, such as the gas and electric company, are not permitted to

then the utility has the right to demand

and must be paid.

that government units and private employers may not discriminate against a

debtor has lost his driver’s license solely

Credit after bankruptcy – Yes you can!

should obtain credit reports

porting agencies, (Experian,

Page 4: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

4 Visit Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015 Balita

MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – Senate

etano tandem in the 2016 elections.

Mar Roxas, the Liberal Party’s (LP)

Minority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano,

tial bid.“Sa ngayon si Senator Alan ay

still push through.

that Camarines Sur Representative Leni

vice president but the latter said she has

Robredo, the Senate leader said: “Wala

(We have no plan B.)

still ongoing. (MNS)

MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – Former President and incumbent Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

on Thursday.“She is contemplating on running

2 in Pampanga because her constituents

said Atty. Lorenzo Gadon, a consultant

at the Veteran Memorial Medical Center,

detained, include mayors, barangay cap


MANILA, Oct 1 (Mabuhay) – Mim

date Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, Senator

the presidency.

essarily about the coming electoral race.

political plans.

Marcos said.

“We discussed that a long time ago, not

he lent advice to the younger politician,

“I promised Senator Marcos to get in

stressing that the country needs a real leader.

end that he needs more time to do some

other than death, nothing else can be

be until October 16.

he said, deadpan.

Social Weather Stations (SWS) and Pulse Asia surveys, behind Senator Grace Poe,

campaign. (MNS)

Roxas-Cayetano tandem ‘out of the picture’: Drilon

Gloria Arroyo eyeing third term despite detention, ‘frail health’

Marcos meets Duterte, seeks advice

Page 5: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

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BALITAThe leading source of News and Information

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Page 6: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

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GRACE POEFrom page 1

DNA RESULTSFrom page 1

LENIFrom page 1

MAYOR From page 1

The senator also said Poe’s case is a

positions in the government and even she said.

submit the results there.

the senator volunteered to undergo the

the meantime as the said person is not a

occasions, had earlier said the LP has no

ang sa aming tingin, ang modelo ng good

Jesse Robredo dito po sa pagtulong sa mga mahihirap at sa malinis na pamumu

The LP is set to announce its vice pres

Monday, October 5. (MNS)

elementary school and a dilapidated air

and shoals are being disputed by Brunei,

more besieged today than during the last

ing another island in the area.


includes birds, turtles and other marine

the intrusions.

Inhabiting the islands, the mayor said

over islands. “Each home, each citizen, each birth

croaching into the area.

Page 7: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

7Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015

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rican History Montah is commemorated

October is recognized as Filipino

community are celebrated across the

October as Filipino American History

year. Various states, counties, and cities have also established proclamations and

pino American History Month.The movement to obtain national rec

ican World War II soldiers across the

gain momentum during Filipino Ameri

can Caucus (CAPAC), including Senator

the Congressional Gold Medal to Filipino veterans. HR 2737 and SB 1555 are

“Filipino World War II veterans served

the Filipino Veterans Recognition and

to this country. Their’s is a national story

ter and FilVetREP Board member:

prosperity due in large measure to our veterans’ uncommon valor and unherald

to celebrate their achievements not only during Filipino American History Month

The initiative behind the recognition

War II veterans is the Filipino Veterans

(FilVetREP), a nonpartisan, communi

through academic research and public

Movement to award Congressional Gold Medal to Filipino veterans gains ground during Filipino American History Month

or clinical research. Neurosurgeons may

surgery and peripheral nerve and spine surgery.

considered a highly competitive specialty

she survived 13 grueling hours under the

loved ones.

Surviving neurosurgery and thankful for the journey of life

constant migraines, vertigo and even double vision.

BalitaThe leading source of News and Information for the

Filipino American Community

Page 8: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

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(1) Are you struggling to pay even the

calling you because you have accounts

by your creditors, it is in your best interest

your mortgage and could be a hindrance in trying to sell your home unless the un

Never ignore your debts because they

least expect them. I’ve seen this happen many, many times. At the very least, you

a last resort and that you need to exhaust

Angeles, Pasadena, Cerritos and Valencia.

situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has success

because everything they’ve heard about

Well, most people don’t even under

or getting credit again. These are the lies

To people who are considering bankruptcy but are unsure



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Seven things you should not do when served with divorce papers by your spouse

pen to you and start doing things that are going to be seriously detrimental to your divorce case later on in the proceeding. Here are seven things you should not do.

1. Do not confront your spouse and commit domestic violence

upset upon receiving the divorce papers. You may start blaming your spouse and

threaten, scream, or even physically assault

dren, child support, and spousal support.

abuse against the children. The incident may be reported to Child Protective Ser

2. Do not run to the bank and empty out all your bank accounts or sell assets except for funds necessary retain legal representation in the divorce.

petition and summons includes certain automatic temporary restraining orders

attorney.3. Do not cut off your spouse from

any insurance policies

ance coverage and other insurance policy.

so. You need to maintain your spouse on all existing insurance until the divorce is

4. Do not take off with your child and move out of state or out of the country

being served the divorce. Your spouse can

5. Do not use your child as a messen-ger to communicate with your spouse

children to communicate messages to your

spouse. In addition, you should not say

to your children.6. Do not stalk your spouse in social

medias such as facebook or tweeter.

it be.7. Do not quit your job voluntarily

to impute income on you. Your spouse may

deeper in the hole. Please note that this arSee REYES, page 13

Page 11: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

11Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015

originators has yet to be determined, but

closing times.

close is going to be about 60 days. All these changes are very time sensitive

ments. The good about this is that once

does not mean it cannot change but once

its next step. The upcoming disclosure rule change

45-day escrow closing period, the future norm when new regulation is in place

eliminate or discourage lenders that are

less sophisticated clients.

Industry players are still putting time

CFPB to create these materials so that both consumers and the real estate com

said in a release. “Our industry has been

everyone involved in the closing process

page cheat sheet that is meant to help cliSee KEN GO, page 13

Page 12: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

12 Visit Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015 Balita

again because debts have been erased.

that best serves their needs. They should her Chapter 7 petition because her sister

being garnished, and it’s her house that is

Eligible debtors should consider the

Based on debtor’s net income and expense analysis, debtor has no ability

So, it is morally and logically correct

longer pay debt. Mr. Trump’s businesses

Too much debt destroys the household’s ability to save and invest money to

$5,000 net a month but has to pay out all

saves nothing and invests nothing year in and year out. By the time debtor realizes

immediately correct his debt situation or

Minimum monthly payments do not

$5,000 a month but use $4,000 to pay your monthly overhead including mort

to be current on all minimum monthly

have paid $14,400 to your credit card masters in interest payments only, no

paid $43,200 in interest payments but you

companies. But it is obviously a bad deal

call you early in the morning and late at night, ten times a day, even at your place

Who should seek bankruptcy relief?

personal reorganization through Chapter 13, or business reorgani

business enterprise becomes productive

See YANG, page 13

Page 13: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

13Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015

including their integrity and humanity.

discharge. Sounds ridiculous but its true.

YANG From page 12

also no problem as long is the discharge has already been obtained.


Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and has been in Law practice for thirty years. He specializes in Bankruptcy, Business and Civil Litigation and has

-ful bankruptcy cases in California.

He speaks Tagalog and looks forward to discussing your case with you person-ally. Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave, MAILSTOP 58, Building A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 OR at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.

ticle is not legal advice and is not intended as legal advice. The article is intended to

to cover all the issues related to the topic

you. This article does create any attorney

This article is not a solicitation.Attorney Kenneth Ursua Reyes is a

was President of the Philippine American Bar Association. He is a member of both the Family law section and Immigration law section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He is a graduate of Southwestern University Law School in Los Angeles and California State University, San Bernardino School of Business Admin-istration. He has extensive CPA experience prior to law practice. LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH REYES, APLC. is located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 747, Los An-geles, CA, 90010. Tel. (213) 388-1611 or e-mail [email protected] or visit our website at

originator employees.


rising plus the anemic inventory in some

Riverside County and San Bernadino

home inventories are rising, the trend

REYES From page 10

KEN GOFrom page 11

Page 14: Weekend Balita October 3, 2015

14 Visit Weekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015 BalitaWeekend Balita, Sat.-Fri., Oct. 3 - 9, 2015 Balita

OPINIONDAVAO, Sept 30 (Mabuhay) -- Senator Alan Peter Cayetano on

Wednesday said he is backing calls for Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte to run for president in 2016, saying the country needs a real leader.

The Nacionalista Party senator said he and his sister, Senator Pia Cayetano, dined with Duterte for three hours on Tuesday night to discuss various issues including peace and order and developing the south.

He said that based on their talks, he feels that Duterte is feeling the burden that the next generation needs a real leader.

“Lahat po ng problema na natanong namin sa kanya, ang ganda po ng solusyon at kung hindi kayang ayusin, inaamin niya. So, tingin ko po, papunta doon sa pagtakbo,” Cayetano said.

“As I said, ayaw ko siyang pangunahan pero kung ako po ang

naghahanap talaga ng tunay na leader.”Cayetano announced Tuesday his plan to run for vice-president

in the 2016 election.He said he and his entire family are adding their voices to the

clamor for Duterte to run for president in 2016.He noted that he and Duterte share the same core values, being

both a supporter of federalism and ‘’real change.”Duterte, who ranked fourth in the latest Social Weather Stations

(SWS) and Pulse Asia surveys, behind Senator Grace Poe, former Interior Secretary Mar Roxas, and Vice President Jejomar Binay, remains undecided whether he will run or not for president.

After ‘’categorically’’ ruling out a bid for president, Duterte said over the weekend that he needs more time to do some ‘’soul-search-

mate of Liberal Party standard bearer Mar Roxas due to differences of opinion on some issues.

Cayetano said he had talks earlier with President Aquino and other LP members on the possibility of running as the party’s vice-pres-idential candidate.

“Nagkausap kami. Nagkausap din kami ni Pangulo, may sarili silang proseso. Kami naman po ng aking supporters sa grassroots, sa Christian community, lalo na sa pamilya ko, hindi na rin po naging komportable. Marami pong issues na magkasama kami pero marami rin pong issues na hindi. Alam niyo naman ako, kapag naniniwala po ako na mali ay lalabanan ko talaga. Asset and liability ko na outspoken ako sa ilang mga issues,” he said.

Cayetano admitted he has been an outspoken critic of how the

mess and the random inspection of balikbayan boxes. He, however, gave credit to the Aquino administration for doing a lot to curb graft

“I cannot please everyone pati sa Liberal Party...Hindi naman ako pwedeng tumahimik so that makasama ko sila sa eleksyon na ito,” he said.

“To be fair sa ating Pangulo, wala naman siyang dinikta. Wala naman siyang sinabi na dapat ang prinsipyo ay kailangan natin lamunin. It just didn’t really work out,” he added.

Cayetano earlier admitted that his own family and supporters felt more comfortable that he run as an independent “or with someone they are passionate about.”

Cayetano woos Duterte: We need a real leader

MANILA, Sept 30 (Mabuhay) – Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo has already given her informal consent to be the running mate of admin-istration presidential bet Mar Roxas in the 2016 elections, House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said Wednesday.

“I think she has more or less given her consent informally and I don’t think na binibitin niya or anything like that,” Belmonte said in a press con-ference after the national convention of Liberal Party in Quezon City. He said it is just a matter of making Robredo’s family comfortable with her decision. Robredo is the widow of the late Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo.

“We want all of her family to feel very at ease with the decision and to be fully supportive of

the decision and they are grown-ups na naman,” he said.

Asked why Robredo was not present during the LP convention, Belmonte just said, “Basta I’m very

Asked on her absence, Caloocan City Rep. Edgar Erice, LP vice chairman for political affairs, said he thinks Robredo is still discerning.

“Baka Monday na siguro, baka hinihintay. Baka nasa discernment process pa siguro,” he told reporters.

Former Quezon Rep. Erin Tañada said they are giving Robredo some space to think.

Earlier in the day, the LP formally selected Roxas as the ruling party’s standard bearer in next year’s presidential polls. (MNS)

Belmonte: Leni already gave ‘informal’ consent to be Mar’s VP

MANILA, Sept 29 (Mabuhay) – The Naciona-lista Party will support all three vice presidential candidates in its ranks if they all push through with their plans in the 2016 elections, Senator Cynthia Villar told reporters on Tuesday.

Villar is the wife of NP president Manny Villar.Villar made the remarks after Senator Alan Peter

Cayetano announced in Davao City that he would be running for vice president. Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has also expressed his intention to run for the second highest elective post in the country.

She said Cayetano’s decision to declare his vice presidential plans in Davao City was an indi-cation that he would run in tandem with potential presidential candidate Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.

As for Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Villar said he was unlikely to run for president and would probably cast his lot as well in the vice presiden-tial race. Villar said Marcos would probably run without a standard-bearer.

“Eh di tutulungan nalang natin silang lahat.

How can you choose from these three? Lahat sila ay miyembro namin at tutulungan namin,” Villar said. “Lahat sila matatapang at matitigas ang ulo. Iyan naman talaga ang trait ng party namin,” Villar said.

Villar also said the NP will not enter into a co-alition with any larger political party in the 2016 elections, rather, will remain independent.

Villar said her husband had been consulted by the NP members as regards their politicals plans and would support all three particularly in the

She, however, added that the NP would endorse no one.

Each NP member would also be free to support whoever they choose among the three Nacionalista vice presidentiables.

Villar admitted that some NP members would be switching parties but added that it was not a cause for concern since the party was more concerned about the quality of its members rather than the quantity. (MNS)

MANILA, Sept 29 (Mabuhay) – Vice President Jejomar Binay on Tuesday said former President and incumbent Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal

-rent condition.

“Pakundangan na lang (sa dating Presidente),” he said at a Manila Bulletin event, when asked what he would do about Arroyo’s current detention at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City should he win the presidency in 2016.

Binay mentioned that the conditions of Arroyo’s detention are unnecessarily strict, with her access to cellphone, radio, and television prohibited.

The vice president also made a jab at the current administration of President Benigno Aquino III, saying that there would be “no vindictiveness” in his administration should he be elected as president.


On Marcos’ remainsBinay was also asked if he would consider

allowing the burial of former president Ferdinand Marcos’ remains at the Libingan ng mga Bayani should he win next year’s elections.

The vice president stated that Aquino had pre-viously asked him to look into the situation and make a recommendation. Binay did not explicitly say what his recommendation was, though he did say that Aquino ultimately decided to not allow Marcos’ burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

If he wins and the topic comes up again during his presidency, Binay said he would reopen talks with Marcos’ living relatives, mentioning Senator Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and former First Lady and Ilocos Norte Rep. Imelda Marcos.

On his CabinetBinay mentioned that he would prefer that his

cabinet during his administration have no “learning curve” and instead be full of experienced individ-uals with “executive ability.”

NP to support all three VP bets: Cynthia Villar

MANILA, Sept 29 (Mabuhay) – The government peace panel in talks with the Moro Islamic Libera-tion Front (MILF) on Tuesday appealed to Filipinos to keep pushing for the enactment of a Bangsamoro law following Congress’ decision to push anew their deadline to December 16.

“There are many ways and means that we can still see this through. But we need to get our voices heard. We need that push coming from everyone,” Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer, chair of the gov-ernment panel, said.m Leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives have earlier agreed on a December 16 deadline on their respective versions of the Malacañang-proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), citing the need to prioritize the 2016 General Appropriations Act. While Ferrer expressed disap-

pointment over the decision of Congress, she said they are amenable to adjustments to effect a smooth transition from the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao to the envisioned Bangsamoro region.

-ities. We can adjust, say, the transitory provisions in the draft law. There can be room for adjustments there, [for instance in] how exactly the transition will play out given the delay in the passage of the law,” Ferrer pointed out. “We should not give up. We have to just keep on pushing,” she said.

Deliberations on the BBL have been delayed following the January 25 Mamasapano massacre, where 44 elite police troopers were killed in a gun-

Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters.

GPH panel asks Aquino to keep pushing for Bangsamoro law

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Ellen Adarna


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PHILADELPHIA, (Agosto 4, 2015) — Inanunsyo ngayon ng Comcast ang ilang makabuluhang pagpapahusay at milyahe para sa Internet Essentials, ang pinakamal-aki at pinakakomprehensibong high-speed Internet adoption program sa bansa. Sinabi ng kompanya na balak nitong doblehin ang Internet speed ng serbisyo sa pag-download, mag-alok sa mga subscriber ng WiFi router nang walang karagdagang gastos, at mag-sagawa ng ilang pilot program para sa mga low-income na senior citizen. Ipinapagtibay ng anunsyo ang pangako ng Comcast na tumulong sa pagwawakas ng digital divide para sa mga low-income na pamilya at ihatid ang nakapagbabagong kapangyarihan ng Internet sa mas marami pang tahanang Amerikano.

Mula nang mabuo ang programa, nak-agawa na ang Comcast ng 25 mahahalagang pagpapahusay sa Internet Essentials, at ito ang ikatlong beses sa apat na taon na nadag-dagan ng Comcast ang bilis ng Internet para sa mga kostumer. Ang kasalukuyang bilis ay dodoble sa hanggang 10 Mbps downstream, na sapat upang magpatakbo ng maramihang device nang sabay-sabay. Bilang karagda-gan, sa pamamagitan ng pag-aalok ng mga libreng WiFi router, ang mga kostumer ay makakapagkonekta ng anumang device na may Internet, kabilang ang mga tablet at smartphone, na tiyak na makakatulong makatipid ng pera sa buwanang bayarin sa wireless.

“Nakagawa kami ng makabuluhang pagsulong sa pagwawakas sa digital divide para sa mga magulang at anak sa buong bansa na nabibilang sa low-income class. Wala pang apat na taon, naikonekta na ng Internet Essentials ang higit sa 500,000 pamilya, o higit sa 2 milyong Amerikan-

ong may mababang kita, sa kapangyarihan ng Internet sa tahanan,” sabi ni David L. Cohen, Senior Executive Vice President at

-ration. “Sa pagdagdag sa bilis ng Internet nitong programa, pagdagdag ng WiFi at mas pinahusay na proseso ng auto-enrollment, mas maraming pamilya ang magkakaroon ng lalong mas madaling access sa Internet at sa mga nagpapabagong-buhay na re-sources nito para sa edukasyon, trabaho, pangangalaga sa kalusugan, komunikasyon at libangan.”

Ang pilot program para sa mga low-in-come senior ay dinisenyo upang mas maintindihan ang natatanging mga hamon sa pagtulong sa kanilang malagpasan ang digital divide at matutunang gamitin ang Internet. Ayon sa Pew Research Center, 47 porsiyento lamang, o mas mababa sa kalaha-ti, ng mga senior (edad 65 pataas) ang may high-speed na Internet sa bahay. Pagdating sa antas ng kita, 25 porsiyento lamang ng mga senior na may sambahayang kita na di aabot sa $30,000 ang may broadband sa bahay, kumpara sa 82 porsiyento ng mga senior na may sambahayang kita na $75,000 o higit pa.

Ang unang pilot program ay magaganap sa West Palm Beach, Florida, kung saan sinamahan si Cohen ng Mayor ng Lungsod ng West Palm Beach na si Jeri Muoio, ng School District Superintendent ng Palm Beach County na si Robert Avossa, at ng Presidente ng Urban League of Palm Beach County at CEO na si Patrick J. Franklin upa-ng gawin ang mga anunsyo ngayong araw.

“Maaaring huling naiisip ang mga senior citizen pagdating sa pagtugon sa kaalamang digital at paggamit ng Internet,” sabi ni Franklin. “Subalit, ang Internet ay may

napakalaking kakayahan upang tumulong na mapabuti ang kanilang mga buhay sa pamamagitan ng paggiba sa mga pader na inilagay ng heograpiya sa pagitan nila at ng kanilang mga mahal sa buhay. Maaari rin nitong tulungang maibalik ang paki-ramdam na sila ay kabilang sa komunidad, ang mga ugnayan na maaaring humina sa ating pagtanda.”

Upang matanggap ang mas mabilis na Internet speed, kailangan lamang i-re-boot ng mga kostumer ang kanilang mga cable modem. Ang mga kasalukuyang kostumer na gustong magkaroon ng WiFi router ay kailangan lamang tumawag sa dedikadong call center at hilinging ipadala ang isa sa kanila nang libre, o maaari silang mag-iskedyul para sa isang propesyonal na pagkabit, na wala ring dagdag na gastos. Ang mga bagong kostumer ay mabibigyan ng opsyon na makatanggap ng WiFi router kapag sila ay nagpalista.

Mga Pamumuhunan sa Internet Essen-tials

Sa pamamagitan ng Internet Essentials, ang Comcast ay namuhunan na ng higit sa $240 milyong pera at iba pang uri ng suporta upang tumulong na mapondohan ang digital na karunungan at pagsasanay sa kahandaan at edukasyon, na umabot na sa halos 3.2 milyong tao sa pamamagitan ng pambansa

komunidad. Hanggang sa katapusan ng Hunyo 2015, ang Comcast ay:

• Nakapaglaan ng higit sa $1 milyon sa mga grant upang gumawa ng Internet Es-sentials Learning Zones, kung saan ang mga

nagtutulungan upang mas mapahusay ang access ng publiko sa Internet at maparami ang pagsasanay sa digital na karunungan na

nakatuon sa pamilya, sa Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Fresno, Miami, at Seattle, bukod sa iba pa.

• Nakapagbigay ng higit sa 41,000 na-ka-subsidize na mga computer sa di aabot sa $150 bawat isa.

• Nagbahagi nang libre ng halos 46 milyong materyal ng programa ng Internet Essentials.

• Nagbalita ng higit sa 7 milyong anun-syong serbisyo publiko, na nagkakahalaga ng higit sa $90 milyon.

• Malugod na tinanggap ang higit sa 3.5 milyong bisita sa website ng Internet Essentials sa Ingles at Espanyol at sa Online Learning Center nito.

• Naipasa ang higit sa 3.2 milyong mga tawag sa telepono sa ating Internet Essen-tials call center.

• Ginawang available sa halos 48,000 paaralan at higit sa 5,000 distrito ng paaralan, sa 39 na estado at sa District of Columbia.

• Nakisosyo sa 9,000 organisasyong kumakatawan sa kanilang mga komunidad, mga ahensiya ng pamahalaan, at mga pam-pederal, pang-estado at panglokal na hinalal na opisyal para ikalat ang balita.

Tungkol sa Internet EssentialsAng Internet Essentials mula sa Comcast

ay ang pinakamalaki at pinakakomprehen-sibong programa sa bansa para sa paggamit ng high-speed na Internet. Nagbibigay ito ng murang serbisyo sa high-speed Internet sa halagang $9.95 sa isang buwan at karag-dagang buwis; opsyong bumili ng computer na may Internet sa halagang mas mababa sa $150; at maraming opsyon sa pagkakaroon ng libreng pagsasanay sa digital na kaa-laman na makukuha nang naka-imprenta, online at harapan.

Inaanunsyo ng Comcast ang ikalimang back-to-school kickoff para sa internet essentialsHigit sa 2 Milyong Amerikanong Kabilang sa Low Income Class, Mula sa 500,000 Pamilya, ang Ngayon ay Nalagpasan na ang Digital Divide sa Tahanan; Dinoble ng Kumpanya

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HEALTH & BEAUTYTuesday September 29 2015 (Relax-

news) – A diet rich in dried plums could reduce the risk of colon cancer according to a recent American study presented in Boston during the 2015 Experimental Biology conference. The fruit promotes

the colon.Researchers from the Texas A&M Uni-

versity and the University of North Car-olina based their study on preexisting research that demonstrated how one’s diet can modify the metabolism and the microbiota composition of the colon (the bacteria present throughout the colon and digestive tract).

According to Dr. Nancy Turner, among the trillions of gastro-intestinal bacteria present in the digestive tract, over 400 individual species have already been

Previous studies have shown that dis-ruptions to the microbiota are involved in

that can lead to the development of colon cancer.

“Our research explored the potential cancer-protective properties of dried plums using a well-established rat model of colon cancer,” explains Dr. Turner. “Dried plums contain phenolic com-pounds, which have multiple effects on our health, including their ability to serve as antioxidants....”

The experiment tested the hypothesis that the consumption of dried plums

microbiota and patterns of microbial metabolism throughout the colon. In or-der to do so, the researchers fed the rats either a diet that included dried plums or a control diet.

After having examined the intestinal contents and different segments of colon tissue, the researchers found that a diet of dried plums had increased the quantity of Bacteroidetes and reduced the amount of Firmicutes, two major kinds of intestinal bacteria found in the distal colon, with-out modifying the amounts found in the proximal colon.

On the contrary, the rats that were fed the control diet had a weaker amount of Bacteroidetes and a higher amount of Firmicutes.

In addition, the researchers noted that the rats that had consumed dried plums also presented significantly reduced numbers of aberrant crypts, generally observed in precancerous lesions.

For the research team, the reduction in aberrant crypts associated with an inverse ratio of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes support the hypothesis that dried plums appear to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

The phenomenon could be explained in part by their ability “to establish seem-

-positions in the distal colon” concluded Dr. Turner.

Both plums and prunes are considered anti-cancer foods thanks to their antioxi-dant properties.

Dried plums could reduce the risk of colon cancer

Sunday September 27 2015 (Relaxnews) – Pasta that’s been en-riched with a type of

encourages the growth of “good” bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract that could boost your immune system

and high cholesterol, among other health

For two months, scientists observed par-ticipants who ate the pasta for two months to find that they had increased populations of healthy bacteria and reduced colonies of the

Subjects’ low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – otherwise known as the “bad” kind – was reduced, according to the paper on the project that’s part of a broad effort to explore prebiotic foods.

Beta-glucans are sugars found in oats, barley, bran, baker’s yeast and some mushrooms and are often used as texturing agents in food processing and medically to ward off diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol and to boost immunity.

The human gut itself cannot digest them, but rather certain species of the gut’s bacteria digest them, say the re-searchers.

Working with fecal and blood samples from before and after the experiment,

increase in the health-giving Lactobacilli

bacteria such as Entero-bacteriaceae.

They also observed an increase in short chain fatty acids and a string of other compounds linked to

-ty, according to the paper.

Blood samples indicat-ed that LDL cholesterol had fallen from 107.4 to 93.8 mg/dl, on average.

The special pasta is a mix of 75 percent durum

according to the paper.S u b j e c t s a t e 1 0 0

grams per day, which provided them with the three-gram-recommend-ed daily dose of barley beta-glucans by both US

and European standards.Developed around 7000 BC in Central

Europe, durum wheat is a widely culti-vated crop today that’s commonly used in pasta, recognized for its high protein content.

Whole grain barely flour has been

to take away essential nutrients and barley itself has been associated with improved blood sugar, glucose levels and lower glycemic index.

on gut microbiota, and indirectly on human health,” says co-author Maria De Angelis of the University of Bari Adlo Moro in Italy. The paper was published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

Pasta has always come in different shapes and textures and a prebiotic type that promotes

bacteria could be right around the corner, now that a new study has

benefits. ©barbaradudzinska/

Sometimes, an illness or an injury is better treated at home, than in a hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility setting. Services of this kind are called home health care. Examples are: wound care for pressure

Medicare home health care

soles or a surgical wound; patient and caregiver education; intravenous or nutrition therapy; injection; monitoring serious illness and unstable health status. Generally, these are performed by home health agency staff workers.

Home health care is triggered by a doctor’s order.

Thru this order, home health agency staff schedules an appointment, comes to your house, talks to you about your needs, and asks questions about your health.

Home health agency staff also talks to your doctor and keeps him/her updated about your progress. It is important that the staff sees you as often as the doctor ordered.

Your Medicare Part A covers this ben-

With so much money at stake, many

Here is their modus operandi: Someone offers you (a Medicare and/or Medi-Cal member) $500 to join the program, even if you don’t need the home health care services. They send you to their contact (a doctor) who orders the services for you. This order is awarded to their contact (a home health care agency) who sends you a worker (usually a nurse or a physical therapist) to perform prescribed services. You are happy with the $500 bribe as well as with the services (which are not medi-cally necessary). But, you become part of

a conspiracy that defrauds the government of funds needed to care for the sick, the disabled, the aged, the poor…Medicare and/or Medi-Cal funds may dry up as a result of scams like this.

Report persons involved in this kind

General. Or, report anonymously by calling

toll-free number at 1-800-269-0271, Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm. Fax to 1-410-597-0118. Mail to Social Security Fraud Hotline, P.O. Box 17785, Baltimore, MD 21235-7783.

If you need help, call at 323-535-7373 or, e-mail at: [email protected].

Medicare Alert: Medicare Open En-rollment starts October 15 and ends on December 7 for effective date January 1, 2016. Special enrollment is open all year round to those who qualify. Obamacare Update: Open enrollment starts Novem-ber 1 and ends January 31, 2016. Avoid the 2.5% penalty and be healthy.

Zambales. He studied for his MBA and LAW at the University of the Philippines. He worked for UNILAB where his last position held was vice-president assigned as general manager of a division. He was a joint-venture partner of the San Miguel Corporation in an agri-business project.

Dried plums could help reduce the risk of colon cancer. ©HandmadePictures/

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The exciting reform story of the Philippine economy headlined the Doing Business with the Philippines Forum held at the World Trade Center Kansas City on 28 September 2015.

Philippine Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. led an economic di-plomacy delegation that briefed corporate executives and entre-preneurs from the Greater Kansas City Area, which encompasses a number of counties and cities spanning the border between the states of Missouri and Kansas. Aside from the Ambassador, the delegation included Consul General Generoso Calonge, Philippine Consulate General in Chicago (with jurisdiction over Missouri); Minister Jose Victor Chan Gonzaga, Philippine Embassy in Washington DC; and Trade Representative John Paul Iñigo, Philippine Trade and Investment Center, New York.

In his keynote address, Ambassador Cuisia emphasized that the country’s economic performance can be credited to the good governance model of President Benigno S. Aquino under his “Daang Matuwid” (“Straight Path”) program, as well as the sound macroeconomic fundamentals that have been achieved under the leadership of the economic managers.

“The positive developments in the Philippine economy during

story,” Ambassador Cuisia told the Forum.Even while noting a slowdown in the Philippines’ economic

was experienced by the Philippine Stock Exchange, Ambassador Cuisia reassured the Forum that stock investors were reacting to external factors rather than to problems with Philippine macro-economic fundamentals.

He also added that “recent declines and volatility in the Philippines’ stock market should be seen as an opportunity for investors as the Philippine economy is positioned better than

trends occurring regionally and globally.”Before the Ambassador’s keynote address, there were pre-

sentations made by Trade Representative Iñigo, and Director

City. Mr. Iñigo spoke about the various trade and investment opportunities in the Philippines, focusing on key sectors such as manufacturing, services, and infrastructure. He began his presentation with a detailed summary of the trade and economic

Philippine delegation tells PHL reform story in the American heartland

Sa isang kakaiba at pinakatampok na pagtatanghal na masasaksihan lamang sa teatro ng Pechanga Resort & Casino, sa Temecula, California, ang mga sikat na bituing sina Jericho Rosales at Maja Salvador sa isang Live Concert Tour sa October 31, 2015, alas 8 ng gabi.

Ang Pechanga Resort & Casino ay kilala sa pagtangkilik ng magagaling at mahuhusay na mga Pilipinong artista at mang-aawit kagaya ng international singer na sai Gary Valenciano, Mega Star na si Sharon Cuneta, ang singer/ak-tres at Tony Award winner Lea Salonga, pupolar na komedyante at aktor, Vice Ganda, winner ng ‘Star Power Search 2011’ Angeline Quintos, international actress at top endorser Anne Curtis, at Pop Star Princess Sarah Geronimo – na bigay todong umaaliw sa kagalakan ng mga manonood.

Bukod sa maayos na mga kainan, pa-hingahan at kasayahan, nais ng Pechanga Resort & Casino na mag-alay ng na-tatanging kaganapan lalo na sa Pilipinong mga patron. Kung kaya’t si Gary V, na may matibay na 31 taon sa larangang internasyonal na pag-awit at pag-say-aw ay ‘bubulaga’ sa publiko sa taong mag-uumpisa ng kasiyahan.

Tubong Quezon City, Philippines, si Jericho Rosales ay kilabot ng kolehiyala at kilala bilang aktor sa Destined Hearts (2009), Dahil sa Pag-ibig (2012) at Baler (2008).

Nakatatandang kapatid ng bagong aktor na si Jeremiah, ang kanyang band allbum ay unang inilunsad sa Kuala Lum-pur, Malaysia, noong Marso 2006. Bilang pangunahing singer ng pop-rock band na Jeans, si Rosales ay pumirma ng kontrata sa EMI Malaysia sa asiste ng kanyang kaibigang Malaysian na si Kish Ram.

Ang kanyang banda ay kinabibilangan nina Dan Serenado- guitar, Jude Manota- bass at Aaron Ace Manio- drums.

Kabilang sa mga sumikat na album nito ay ang ‘Loose Fit’, noong 2005. Siya mismo ang kumatha ng 14 na na mga kan-ta mula sa debut album ng banda. Sinulat rin ni Rosales ang ‘You’re Beautiful’ para sa sing-irog nitong si Heart Evangelista. Siya’s pumirma sa Manila Genesis En-tertainment and Management matapos lisanin ang ABS-CBN.

Si Rosales ay miyembro ng grupong

‘The Hunks’ kahanay ng mga sikat na idolong sina Piolo Pascual, Diether Oc-ampo, Carlo Agassi, at Bernard Palanca.

Photography ang paboritong hobby ni Rosales. Siya’y pumaimbulog sa larangan ng showbiz mula ng manalo sa ‘Mr. Pogi’ sa Eat Bulaga (1979) noong kalaunang 90’s. Ang kanyang pagkadiskubre sa Eat Bulaga ang nagbusod sa kanyang career sa dambuhalang kompanyang ABS-CBN.

Siya’y nagkamit ng tagumpay sa pag-arte sa Achievement in Acting sa ‘Breakaway’ (2012), Guam International Film Festival taong 2013.

Samantala, si Maja Salvador ay mula sa pamilya ng mga kilalang aktor. Siya’y singer, dancer, model at producer. Nag-mula sa angkan ng mga Slavador, si Maja ay pinsan ni Jobelle at Philip Salvador– sa kasalukuyan ay nasasa ilalim ng pamama-hala ng ABS-CBN’s Star Magic.

Tinaguriang ‘Dance Princess of the Philippines’- si Maja ang nag produce at gumanap sa title role ng pelikulang ‘Thelma’, kung saan nagwagi ito ng Ga-wad Urian Award sa Film Academy of the Philippines Awards bilang best actress.

Si Salvador ay nag-simulang umarte sa 2003 TV series ‘It Might be You’ kasama si John Lloyd Cruz at Bea Alonzo. Naka cast din siyang isa sa lead character ng ‘Spirits at lumabas sa ilang episodes ng ‘Maalaala Mo Kaya. ‘

Noong 2013, si Salvador ay pumirma ng recording contract sa Ivory Music & Video. Ang album na ‘Believe’ ay sumikat

na Gold Record sa pagbenta ng 7,500 na kopya sa buong bansa.

Noong 2013, si Salvador ay sumali sa kampanya ng PETA upang palayain sa pagkakahuli kay ‘Mail’ at maibalik ang elepante sa Manila Zoo upang mailipat sa Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary upang maalagaang mabuti at mapakain.

Saksihan sa pagkakataong ito ang kakaibang tambalang Jericho Rosales at Maja Salvadaor sa isang live concert na tanging hatid sa inyo ng Pechanga Resort & Casino.

Kaunti na lamang ang nalalabing panahon. Bumili na kayo ng tickets—mula $65, $60, $55 at $45. Ang tickets

kaya’y sa www. Ang room at show packages ay pwede

performance of the Philippines in the last

role that the Philippines may offer to American businesses that intend to pen-etrate not only the Philippine market but also the ASEAN and European markets, through the opportunities arising from ASEAN economic integration and Phil-ippines’ EU GSP-plus status, respectively.

ring bilhin. Upang makabili ng wheelchair

1-877-711-2946.Service Fees at Ticket Exceptions:Lahat ng tickets ay may $5 na Service

Fee. WALANG REFUND. WALANG PALITAN. WALANG EXCEPTIONS. Ang ticket ay limitado sa 6 na tickets kada Performer, kada tao, kada credit card, kada kasambahay.

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JOB MARKETFor advertising, call (818) 552-4503 402 • Fax (818) 550-7635 • email: [email protected]


DRESSMAKER WANTEDFor private party, must have own machine. 213-385-1734.

LIVE-IN CAREGIVERFor elderly facility in Orange County. 5 Days a week. Private room and good condition. Pls. call 714-639-5885.

CAREGIVERLive-in caregiver for board and care. Call Doug (562) 688-6820.

LIVE-IN CAREGIVERSMale / female. For board and care facility. 818-986-0035.

LIVE-IN CAREGIVERLive-in caregiver full-time. 5 days a week. For board and care fa-cility in Cerritos area. With or w/out experience. Pls call 562-864-7814.

COUPLE CAREGIVERSLive-in, in a beautiful home, and provide caregiving duties for the elderly. Must cook and clean. Free rent and meals. 6 Resi-dents facility in Thousand Oaks. Call 805-207-7791reuse. recycle.reduce.

MALE CAREGIVERElderly Board and Care in Valen-cia is looking for a part- time male caregiver. Saturday and Sunday, and experience is a plus. Please call 818-391-3907 for details.



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HOLLYWOOD APT.Single $950. Furnished: Refrig-erator, gas stove & microwave oven, bed, sofa, table, chairs & cabinet. Free utils. Remote con-trol parking. 1 Person only. No pets allowed. Pls call Rolly 213-384-9788.

PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRITHoly Spirit Thou who make me see everything and show the way to reach my ideal, thou who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank You

separated from Thee no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with thee and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. A person must pray this for 3 consecutive days without stating his wish. After the 3rd day, the wish will be granted

as your favor has been granted. God Bless - jv


Holy Spirit Thou who make me see everything and show the way to reach my ideal, thou who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank You

separated from Thee no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with thee and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. A person must pray this for 3 consecutive days without stating his wish. After the 3rd day, the wish will be

as soon as your favor has been granted. God Bless - DENNIS


For advertising, call (818) 552-4503 402 • Fax (818) 550-For advertising, call (818) 552-4503 402 • Fax (818) 550-7635 • email: [email protected]

APT. FOR RENT1 BR/1 BA. Good for 1 or 2 per-son. Burns Ave. Near Santa Monica Blvd. & Vermont. Inside Compound. 1 Parking. $900/mo. Call Joel 323-304-1136.


JB HANDYMAN SERV.Plumbing, rotor rooters, electri-

-stallation, bath & kitchen renova-tion. Iron works bench & gates. Washer/dryer repair any brand. Centralized a/c maintenance. 818-416-0516

ROOM FOR RENTIn Baldwin Park $450/mo. util-ities included, w/ parking. Call 626-254-3591.

ROOM FOR RENTFemale only, $600 utilities in-cluded. Nice and quiet neigh-

Canoga Park area. (818) 307-0587.

WEST LA ROOMAvail. now. Big room in a house, Filipina prefd. Semi furnished, close to bus stop, frwy, train sta-tion, mall, Fairfax & Wilshire Bl. $480/mo. free utils. Call Maria 323-549-0119 home or lv msg 323-481-4641.

ROOM FOR RENTWith parking & TFC, near Mc-Donalds & Pollo Loco. Near Alvarado & Temple. For single female. No parking, room only. $450/mo. Call 213-595-8212.

ROOM FOR RENTBig bedroom, house in Mid-Wilshire area, furnished , closet, gated parking. Female pref’d. Close to transpo, church, grocer-ies. $400/mo. (213) 382-5762 or leave a message.


[email protected]

APT. FOR RENTSecurity bldg., 1 BR, 1 BA, new

air conditioner, laundry facilities, assigned parking space. Call (323) 667-3194.

ROOM FOR RENTFemale only. $650/mo. Own entrance & bath. Utilities paid, kitchen priviledges. No smoking, no drugs. Must see! Near every-thing. Call 818-997-9770 text message 818-438-9866.

ROOM FOR RENT Share bathrm, includes utilities except a/c & heater. L.A. West-ern/Melrose: 323- 868- 8333.No parking.



PRAYER FOR SAINT THERESEOh Glorious Saint Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I invite your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul, Our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a “Prodigy of Miracles”. Now fervently beseech you to answer my petition: (mention here) and carry out your promise of doing good upon the Earth of letting fall from heaven a shower of roses. Henceforth, Dear

and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen (Say prayer every day for 9 days. By 4th day, you will see a rose in a magazine, TV picture or receive roses. You can also get strong scent of roses in home even if no roses present. Must promise publication. Thank you Saint Therese. anita


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2015 – The award-winning Hyundai Sonata lineup heads into 2016 offering more features, minor styling updates, suspension upgrades and improved fuel economy on models equipped with the 2.4L engine. The 2016 So-nata starts at $21,750, excluding $835 freight charge, and is arriving in dealerships now.

2016 Sonata Highlights:– Adds Automatic Emergency Braking

(AEB) functionality on models previously equipped with Forward Collision Warning

– 7-inch color touchscreen Display Audio with Android Auto applied on SE, Sport, Lim-ited, Eco and Sport 2.0T

– Application of aluminum suspension components to reduce unsprung mass for improved handling

– Conventional sunroof available on Sport (optional) and Limited (standard)

– New 17-inch wheel design and applica-tion of Sport front fascia on Limited trim

– Limited 2.0T add heated function for D-cut steering wheel

Following its launch last year, the sev-enth-generation Sonata has garnered such accolades as being named “Best Midsize Car for the Money” by U.S. News & World Report and “Most Affordable Midsize Sedan” by

For 2016, the Sonata’s interior adds more content including Hyundai’s 7-inch color touchscreen Display Audio system, Android Auto and rearview camera system. In addition, a conventional sunroof is now available on Sport models and standard on Limited trims. Limited 2.0T models also add a heated function for the D-cut steering wheel.

Visual enhancements to the Limited include

a more aggressively styled front bumper from the Sport model with a 3-bar grille, a new 17-inch alloy wheel design and updated woodgrain pattern interior trim on vehicles with the beige interior.

To reduce unsprung weight and improve handling, some of the Sonata’s suspension components are now crafted from aluminum instead of steel. The steering knuckle and the lower control arm in front and the upper control arm and assist arms in back are now aluminum.

The 2016 Hyundai Sonata continues with its all four-cylinder engine lineup. A 2.4-liter Theta II GDI engine producing 185 horsepower and 178 lb. ft. of torque powers the SE, Limited and Sport models.

A 2.0-liter Theta II turbocharged GDI mo-tivates Sport 2.0T and Limited 2.0T models with 245 horsepower and 260 lb. ft. of torque.

Changes introduced last year are a smaller turbine and compressor wheel helped provide better responsiveness and more torque in the low and mid RPM range. Both Theta engines are paired with a six-speed SHIFTRONIC ® automatic transmission.

The Eco model remains the fuel economy champion of the non-hybrid Sonatas with its 1.6-liter turbocharged Gamma four-cylinder with 177 horsepower and 195 lb. ft. of torque paired with a seven-speed dual-clutch trans-mission.

Eco models receive a 28 mpg EPA fuel economy rating in the city and 38 mpg on the highway for a class-leading 32 mpg combined.

Standard features include remote keyless entry with alarm, body color heated exterior power mirrors, LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL), steering wheel-mounted audio and

cruise control and Bluetooth hands-free phone system. Premium features such as HID Xenon headlights, panoramic sunroof and 10-speaker

subwoofer are options. To simplify the Sonata lineup, the black leather interior with orange accents and brown leather interiors are no lon-ger available and Urban Sunset exterior paint has been discontinued.

Standard safety equipment on the 2016 Sonata lineup includes Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) with Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Traction Control System, seven airbags, including a driver’s knee air-bag, four-wheel disc brakes and ABS with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist and Tire Pressure Monitor-ing System (TPMS) with indicators for each tire. Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Smart Cruise Control with spot/start capability, Rear Parking Sensors, Blind Spot Detection (BSD)

Assist and Forward Collision Warning (FCW) are available as options.

Whether you prefer a Sonata or other Hyundai vehicle, Hyundai is one of America’s sought-after car brands.

And if you would like to check out why Hyundai is among the best selling cars, call our kababayans Jun Milan or

Jay Trinidad, Filipino Sales & Leasing professionals at Win Hyundai of Carson at 1-888-718-7473. Better yet, drive down to Win Hyundai and feel the luxury of Sonata

Win Hyundai is conveniently located at 3462 N Peck Road, El Monte, CA 91731 in San Gabriel Valley and at 2201 East 223rd St. in Carson, CA 90810.

New features, upgraded suspension components and styling revisions highlight 2016 Sonata

As market reaches one million vehicles, report outlines agenda for expanded collab-oration

NEW YORK – Broadening its efforts to

economy, California is joining with 10 Eu-ropean and North American governments as founding partners of an international alliance to accelerate global adoption of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).

Members of the International ZEV Alli-ance, which together account for more than a third of global electric vehicle sales, will cooperate to set ambitious targets to drive ZEV deployment, share data and best practice poli-cies, and encourage other governments to join them. An agenda for expanding collaboration is outlined in a report released by the Interna-tional Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT).

In addition to California, founding mem-bers of the alliance include The Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom in Europe; Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ore-gon, Rhode Island and Vermont in the United States; and Québec. The alliance was launched last month, and the founding members were an-nounced today at a signing event at the Québec

“Limiting the impact of climate change is only possible if we transition to cleaner, more

-retary for Environmental Protection Matthew Rodriquez.

“We’re very pleased to be joining with many of the leaders in this growing market, and we look forward to working with them to put more drivers at the wheel of zero-emission vehicles,” he added.

Global Alliance accelerates transition to zero-emission

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Tuesday September 29 2015 (Washing-ton-AFP) – New automotive safety technol-ogies available today could sharply reduce road accidents in the United States, saving thousands of lives and billions in societal costs, researchers said Tuesday.

The study by Boston Consulting Group said available systems like automatic braking and lane control assistance technology could reduce the number of accidents by 28 percent.

The researchers said broader adoption of these technologies could pave the way for fully autonomous vehicles and lead to a 90 percent reduction in accidents over time.

“Because the vast majority of crashes in the United States are caused by driver error, the lack of adoption of these technologies

-portunity,” said Xavier Mosquet, a co-author of the study funded by the Motor & Equip-ment Manufacturers Association (MEMA).

The report noted that roughly 33,000 people are killed and 3.9 million injured each year in automotive accidents in the United States – at a cost to society of $910 billion annually.

As a result, the researchers said adopting these available technologies would save 9,900 lives and $251 billion in societal costs.

The study focused on auto features which are available in many vehicles as options such as forward collision warning, surround view, adaptive cruise control – which adjusts speeds to maintain a safe distance, blind spot detec-tion, night vision, lane departure warning and parking assist.

Adoption of these “Advanced Driver Assistance Systems” or ADAS has been slow because many consumers are unwilling to pay the extra costs.

For example, car owners in a recent survey said they would be willing to pay $100 to $400 for blind spot detection, but the current cost is nearly $600.

The report calculated that the available technologies would add $8,240 to the cost of a vehicle, but would save $16,307 in societal costs over 20 years.

“We possess the know-how and technol-ogy to save nearly 10,000 lives on America’s roads annually,” said Steve Handschuh, pres-ident and chief executive of the association of auto equipment manufacturers.

“What’s lacking is the urgency to increase consumer education and the political will to get it done today. The way forward should include a mix of federal tax incentives and discounts on insurance premiums to steer consumers toward available safety technol-ogies.”The study said additional systems are expected to become available in the coming years including “traffic jam autopilot,” “highway autopilot with lane-changing,” and “urban available.”

But the report noted that “at current adop-tion rates, making these partially autonomous features affordable to consumers poses a challenge.”

More auto tech could curb road accidents: researchers

TORRANCE, Calif., Sep 11, 2015 – The stylish and versatile 2016 Honda HR-V has received a 5-Star Overall Vehicle Score, the top score available in the National Highway

Car Assessment Program (NCAP).“Using Honda’s packaging magic, pow-

ertrain innovation and safety engineering expertise, the HR-V delivers a high level of occupant safety protection along with class-leading fuel economy and interior space,” said Jeff Conrad, Honda Division senior vice president and general manager. “True to Honda’s commitment to the safety of all road users, the HR-V is designed to make the vehicle more compatible with other vehicles and to help to mitigate injuries to pedestrians in the event of a collision.”

Blending the styling of a coupe, and the space and utility of a SUV, the 2016 Honda HR-V utilizes the latest generation of Hon-da’s Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure. The ACE™ body structure improves frontal crash energy management through a wider range of offset and oblique collision modes. In addition, other body reinforcements work in tandem with the strengthened body structure to better maintain the occupant compartment volume during frontal collisions by providing additional crash energy pathways to help mit-

igate the forces transmitted to the passenger compartment.

Key Safety and Driver-Assistive Features:In addition to the application of Honda’s

ACE™ body-structure, the 2016 HR-V fea-tures a host of standard active and passive safety features and offers many standard and available driver-assistive technologies, such as:

SmartVent Front Side AirbagsSide Curtain Airbags with Rollover

SensorLower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren

(LATCH)Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) with Trac-

tion ControlMotion-Adaptive Electric Power Steering

(EPS)Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)Honda LaneWatch (EX, EX-L Navi)Hill Start Assist (HSA)Expanded View Driver’s MirrorMulti-Angle Rearview Camera with

GuidelinesMeanwhile, if you want to belong to the

select group of Honda owners, all you have to do is visit the Diamond Honda of Glendale and get in touch with our kababayans Tito Adriosula, and Orly Roque, who are more

Honda Hybrids or any other Honda vehicle

as safety and maintenance.These are just some of the reasons why

Pinoys come to the dealership. Above all, at Diamond Honda of Glendale, customers are treated like Diamonds! That statement is backed up by General Manager Philip Keung, who has endeared himself to Filipino customers because of his professionalism and his recognition and vast understanding of Honda’s multi-ethnic market.

“He is a great anchor. We rely on his wis-dom and professional savvy all the time. He is very helpful to the Filipino salesmen and customers alike,” says Tito. Diamond Honda of Glendale is located at 138 S. Glendale Avenue, Glendale, CA 91205. Its toll-free number is 1.866.237.7092.

2016 Honda HR-V achieves highest overall score for collision safety

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Honda’s new $210-M vehicle paint

environmental impactsInvestment at Ohio plant reduces CO2

emissions, water use, paint sludge, and volatile organic compounds

MARYSVILLE, Ohio, Sept. 25, 2015 – Honda’s oldest auto manufacturing plant continues to be environmental leader.

Honda of America Mfg., Inc. announced today a $210 million investment in a new, state-of-the-art paint line at its Marysville

auto plant in North America – to further its commitment to reducing its environmental footprint while improving on the already high quality of its products.

The new MAP Line 1 paint facility will utilize numerous new technologies to sig-

chemical emissions from the vehicle painting process while at the same time, improving the quality of Honda and Acura vehicles produced at MAP using domestic and globally sourced parts. When complete, the new paint shop

Honda’s U.S automobile production network. Auto body painting can account for upward of 60 percent of an automobile plant’s total energy use.

“Honda is committed to delivering products that have outstanding quality and low environ-mental impact,” said Tom Shoupe, executive vice president and COO of Honda of America Mfg., Inc. “With this new investment, our Ohio operations are once again raising the bar for quality and environmentally responsible manufacturing operations.”

Construction of the new paint line will be-gin this December and is slated for completion in December 2017. The new Line 1 paint shop will have a capacity of 229,000 units annually. The 300,000 square foot facility will replace the existing facility built in 1985. The Marys-ville plant’s Line 2 operation received a major renovation in 2006.

Short Process and New Primer CoatThe new paint shop will use a more com-

process – versus the 4-coat, 3-bake used on the current line, eliminating one primer-coat curing oven. To facilitate the new short process, the line will also use 2K waterborne primer designed exclusively for Honda in conjunction with its paint material supplier.

The combination of the new 2k waterborne primer coat and waterborne base coat will reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions nearly 66 percent compared to ex-

isting Line 1 operations.Dry-Booth TechnologyThe new paint line will use “dry-booth”

technology, which uses limestone dust in place of water to capture paint overspray, reducing water use by two million gallons annually. Eliminating water used to capture paint par-ticulates will eliminate paint sludge as a waste byproduct, resulting in the elimination of more than 255 tons of sludge. Additionally, the new booth will reduce CO2 emissions by 18 percent (12,000 metric tons annually). Based on Honda research, the new MAP Line 1 paint shop will be the highest-volume application of dry booth automobile painting technology in North America.

Two-Step CuringThe new paint shop will also advance

vehicle appearance by using a new two-step temperature curing process with more auto-

improvements.Honda’s Environmental CommitmentBased on its vision of “Blue Skies for our

Children,” Honda is working to advance tech-nologies that address society’s environmental and energy concerns, resulting in a broad ap-proach that addresses emissions, energy, water use, waste and other environmental impacts in all phases of its products’ life cycles. In the manufacturing realm, this includes a 97 percent

America. Honda is also working to extend its “green factory” and “green purchasing” initiatives to its more than 650 parts suppliers in North America and is also pursuing more environmentally responsible business practices among its U.S. dealers.

Honda is advancing technologies that address environmental and energy concerns through a diverse lineup of products and

gasoline engines, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and fuel-cell vehicles (FCEVs).

These activities reinforce Honda’s goal to voluntarily reduce its total corporate CO2 emissions by 50 percent by the year 2050, compared to 2000 levels. In 2006, Honda

publically commit to global reductions in its CO2 emissions. In pursuit of its vision for a lower-carbon future, the company is advancing electromotive technologies in many forms and will introduce an advanced new fuel cell car in 2016.



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When Nissan rolled out a series of futur-istic auto show concept vehicles a few years ago, few people believed that the boldly styled designs would ever see the light of a Nissan showroom. Yet against the odds they started coming.

First, there was the Nissan Resonance Concept, a wild mid-size crossover concept that evolved into the 2015 Murano. Then Nis-

the radical new 2016 Nissan Maxima. And, the new Nissan design language is making its way into more and more vehicles – including Nissan’s best-selling vehicle in the United States, the Nissan Altima.

For the new 2016 Altima the design team adopted key aspects of both the exterior and interior styling themes to give the popular mid-size sedan a fresh new appearance, in-cluding the “Energetic Flow” exterior styling theme and “Gliding Wing” interior layout.

The front end of the 2016 Altima offers the most dramatic change, since all panels and pieces forward of the A-pillars are new – fascia, bumper, fenders, hood and lights. Two key elements are the redesigned V-Mo-tion grille and boomerang-shape headlights, similar to those found on the Murano and Maxima. The look is dramatically different from the 2015 Altima design, with a wide, deeply sculpted lower bumper, integrated fog lights (SR, SV and SL models) and prominent chrome-trimmed grille.

The reshaped headlight units incorporate halogen high beam and projector low beam lights. LED projector low beam lights and LED signature Daytime Running Lights that sweep into the wide raised hood are standard on Altima 3.5 SR and 3.5 SL grades (late availability) and available on 2.5 SR and 2.5 SL. Altima SR adds smoked headlight bezels.

The rear of the new Altima is marked by a new sculpted bumper with a dark lower accent, a new trunk lid – with integrated rear spoiler on Altima SR models – and lower, wider boomerang-shaped combination lights that help provide a more expressive, higher quality appearance when approaching the vehicle from behind. The four-piece com-bination lights incorporate the tail- and stop lights, turn lamps and backup lights.

Along with the revised appearance, the new Altima also offers a 10 percent improve-

the previous 0.29 Cd*. The changes come from the addition of an active grille shutter

additions (three percent) and the new front

and rear fascia and windshield designs (four percent).

The already extensive Altima color palette adds a new Deep Blue Pearl color for 2016, along with Java Metallic, Brilliant Silver, Gun Metallic, Super Black, Cayenne Red, Pearl White, Glacier White and Storm Blue.

Finishing off the new exterior appearance are dramatic new 17-inch and 18-inch ma-

But you need not go farther; all these and more you can have at Nissan of Mission Hills and Mr. Manuel Lava is “on mission” to make it happen for you. Manuel added: “We serve all AAA, Costco, AARP, Credit Union, and Sam’s Club members. So, see them for yourself: Call us today 888.588.7635 or you can check us online at

technology ethics, is one of over 100 experts attempting to address these questions at a special symposium, “Autonomous Driving, Law and Ethics”, this week in Germany, or-ganized by Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler.

Theoretically, autonomous cars could cut road collision deaths, congestion, pollution and driver stress levels overnight while simultaneously boosting many people’s quality of life.

Yet until there is a consensus regarding not just liability but, for instance, how a self driving car is programmed to act in an

and potentially uses personal data, progress towards reality will be slow.

“The safety of every road user is our top priority for automated driving as well. Just as important as technical developments is that our customers have legal certainty and security when it comes to ethical and data protection matters,” said Dr. Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible

for Integrity and Legal Affairs.What isn’t open for discussion at the

symposium, however, is the technological feasibility of self driving cars; everyone is in agreement that it is simply a question of when, rather than if. Dr Hohmann-Dennhardt is convinced that the advantages offered are so great that autonomous cars will become a

by every major carmaker at this month’s Frankfurt motor show.

When asked to describe the current landscape from a technological point of view, Renault Nissan Alliance CEO Carlos Ghosn described the industry as being in search mode -- i.e., evaluating the different approaches and technologies available to deliver what consumers are expecting.

“We are all eager to move quickly but are also cautious about if we are going in the right direction. Are we with the right partner, are we using the right technologies? So we obviously want to move quickly but we want to make sure we are moving quickly on the right road,” he said.


Sunday September 27 2015 (Relaxnews) – If a tree falling in a forest hits an autono-mous car and there’s no one there to see it, does it make a sound? It may seem like a bizarre question; but as well as technological challenges, the road to autonomous cars is littered with ethical, moral and even philo-sophical obstacles that need to be overcome before self-driving vehicles can take to the streets.

“Who is responsible for autonomous driving – the driver, the vehicle owner, or the manufacturer? Since robots cannot act like humans or be treated like them, we must clarify how to assign our criteria from criminal law, civil law and common morals to the new technologies,” said Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Professor of Philosophy at LMU Munich.

Manuel Lava of Nissan of Mission Hills

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Wednesday September 30 2015 (Relaxnews) – A sharper design and a longer list of standard equipment should help the car really stand out among other compact sedans currently on sale in the US

“[It] not only looks good with its updated styling, but it drives and performs at a level well beyond its value-oriented price point,” said Mitsubishi North America executive vice president, Don Swear-ingen. “The new 2016 Lancer builds upon the legacy of challenging what a compact car can be in terms of design, technology and per-formance, all at an affordable price.”

Even in entry-level ES trim, the Lancer offers hands-free smart-phone connectivity, automatic climate control and alloy wheels as standard while all-wheel control and a CVT8 transmission are now available as options.

Prices for the 2016 Lancer will start at $17595. “The 2016 Lancer not only looks good with its updated styling,

but it drives and performs at a level well beyond its value-oriented price point,” said MMNA executive vice president, Don Swearingen. “The new 2016 Lancer builds upon the legacy of challenging what a compact car can be in terms of design, technology and performance, all at an affordable price.”

Beyond its new design, the 2016 Lancer boasts an updated list of standard features at the ES trim level such as FUSE Hands-free Link System®, automatic air condition climate control, fog lights, alloy wheels and new LED daytime running lights, further enhancing the compact sedan’s value story.

The SE trim level features all-wheel control, heated front seats, rearview camera and display audio with HD radio, while the new SEL trim level adds leather seats, rain sensing wipers with auto on/off headlights, auto-dimming mirror and more. The GT trim level is even more fun-to-drive with sport-tuned suspension, larger disc brakes, 18 inch two-tone alloy wheels, sunroof and rear spoiler, and is available as a 5-speed manual or with the new generation CVT8. Sportronic Steering wheel paddle shifters are available for the GT trim.

Other additions for the 2016 Lancer include new seat fabrics, a newly designed center console with built-in USB port, and two new colors – Diamond White Pearl and Alloy Silver. Mitsubishi’s

Mitsubishi launches new-look Lancer

Monday September 28 2015 (Relaxnews) – If you want to know if your VW-built car is one of those with a diesel engine with a ‘defeat device’ and what the company plans to do about it, Volkswagen has launched a dedicated website to keep you informed.

The website – – offers a full frequently asked questions section to try to help put owners’ minds at ease regarding their cars and of course, is very apologetic in tone.

The site is also where updates will be posted regarding the action the VW Group will be taking to remedy the problem.

On September 18 the US Environmental Protection Agency charged the Volkswa-gen Group with manipulating software on 500,000 diesel engine cars in the US in order to’cheat’ on emissions tests. In the days that have followed VW has admitted to using a defeat device and installing the software in as many as 11 million vechicles worldwide.

The company’s CEO Martin Winterkorn has already resigned over the crisis and fur-ther resignations as well as potential criminal charges are possible as the investigation, which is now international, continues.

-lution scam

Volkswagen revealed Tuesday it has

in a worldwide pollution-cheating scam, as its new chief vowed to act ruthlessly to overcome the “severest test” in the car giant’s history.

The German government has given VW until October 7 to explain how it will resolve the scandal, which has rocked the industry and wiped 29 billion euros ($33 billion), or 38 percent, off VW’s market value in 10 days.

Chief executive Matthias Mueller, who took over the Volkswagen steering wheel on Friday, told senior management that technical solutions would be submitted in October.

Once approved by the German authori-ties, Volkswagen will inform customers and

managers late Monday, according to remarks

Volkswagen, the world’s biggest carmak-er by sales, has admitted that up to 11 million

that can switch on pollution controls when they detect the car is undergoing testing.

They then switch off the controls when the car is on the road, allowing it to spew out harmful levels of emissions.

CEO Mueller insisted that the software was not activated in all 11 million vehicles, however, and the number of vehicles actually

Nevertheless, with the embattled auto maker facing incalculable costs and a po-tential tidal wave of litigation, CEO Mueller described the crisis as “the severest test in (VW’s) history.”

and manipulation,” the 62-year-old manager said.“The inconceivable misconduct that has come to light in Volkswagen over the past days pains me and angers me immensely,” Mueller said.

VW’s upmarket subsidiary Audi and its Czech arm Skoda have admitted that more than three million of their vehicles were

Seat has said 700,000 of its cars were also equipped with the technology.

A spokesman for VW’s trucks division said that 1.8 million light commercial vehi-cles were involved.

Setbacks expectedThe carmaker, which in the first six

months of this year overtook Toyota to be-come the world leader in terms of sales, need-ed to win back the trust it has lost, he said.

A YouGov opinion poll revealed that VW’s image among German consumers has taken a severe hit and is now no better than Daimler’s city runaround, the Smart.

Volkswagen launches website for

Wednesday September 30 2015 (New York-AFP) – Volkswagen has lost its “Green Car of the Year” prize for two models that employed technology at the heart of German giant’s pollution-cheating scandal, US prize organizers said Wednesday.

Green Car Journal announced it was rescinding the 2009 prize for the Volkswa-gen Jetta TDI and the 2010 prize for the Audi A3 TDI in the wake of Volkswagen’s acknowledgement that it intentionally de-ceived government regulators overseeing air emissions rules.

“These models were selected as Green Car of the Year above others for compelling reasons, including high fuel efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, a fun-to-drive nature, and the ability to meet 50 state emis-sions requirements with advanced diesel technology,” said Ron Cogan, editor and publisher of the Green Car Journal.

Rescinding the awards is “unfortunate but appropriate,” he said in announcing the

program. Both Audi and Volkswagen agreed with the decision, according to a Green Car Journal statement. “Audi has won hundreds of races and thousands of awards throughout its history,” said Audi of America President Scott Keogh.

“But we only want to win fair and square. Therefore, in light of recent developments, we believe the only right thing to do is to return this important recognition of envi-ronmental stewardship.”

US environmental regulators announced on September 18 that the company had violated

air-quality rules by installing software on nearly 500,000 diesel cars intended to evade US emissions limits for nitrogen oxide and other dangerous pollutants.

Volkswagen, the world’s biggest car-maker by sales, has admitted that up to 11

so-called “cheat devices” that can switch on pollution controls when they detect the car is undergoing testing.

the US Environmental Protection Agency over the fraud, and a growing number of lawsuits.

Mitsubishi is located at

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