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MANILA, Apr 2 (Mabuhay) – The five “citizen leaders” tapped by President Benigno Aquino III to review the contro- versial proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law clarified Thursday that they are not a pres- sure group as feared by some lawmakers. “We would like to emphasize that we are not a pressure group or a political movement,” Manila Archbishop Luis An- tonio Cardinal Tagle, former Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Ambassador Howard Dee, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, and Bai Rohaniza Sumndad-Usman said in a press statement. Some lawmakers believed the creation Stadium at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) at 7:30 a.m. and immediately started running around the track. He did 10 rounds, for a total of about five miles. “Training is good. We’re on schedule. Los Angeles, United States, AFP, Thurs- day 4/2/2015 – Boxing legend Muhammad Ali isn’t in the prediction business when it comes to the May 2 mega-fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather. A report on celebrity website TMZ this week quoted Ali’s daughter, Rasheda, as saying the former heavyweight world champion and civil rights activist “is Team Pacquiao all the way.” “He knows Manny’s a great fighter...but it’s more about what he does outside the ring. He’s such a charitable person,” the website quoted her as saying. On Thursday, however, a statement from an Ali publicist posted on the Mu- hammad Ali Center website denied that the Beijing, China, AFP, Tuesday 3/31/2015 – China’s air force has carried out its first ever military drill over the western Pacific Ocean, state media said, highlighting Bei- jing’s growing military reach. Several aircraft from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday flew over the ocean via the Bashi Channel, which runs between Taiwan and the Philip- pines, the official Xinhua news agency said. “This is the first time that the PLA Air Force conducted such drills in an airspace far offshore from Chinese coastlines,” Xinhua cited army spokesman Shen Jinke as saying. The drill aimed to “level up the PLA Air Force’s mobility and combativeness” over the “high seas”, Xinhua reported. Territorial tensions have increased in recent years between Beijing and its neigh- bours around the South China Sea – which By Jannelle So The public sees the mansions, jewelry, and expensive purchases; but behind the picture of life in luxury, 8-division world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao lives to train for his fights, investing blood and sweat. Pacquiao usually starts his day with a run. Last Monday, he arrived at the Drake Manila, Philippines, AFP, Thursday 4/2/2015 – The FBI confirmed Thursday that a senior Malaysian militant believed to have been involved in the 2002 Bali bombings was killed in a January raid in the Philippines that also left 44 police commandos dead. Zulkifli Abdhir, who was on the bureau’s most-wanted list with a $5-million reward on his head, was killed in the January 25 operation that plunged President Benigno Aquino’s administration into crisis and jeopardised efforts to end a decades-long Muslim separatist insurgency, the FBI said. “After a thorough review of forensic data and information obtained from our Philippine law enforcement partners, the FBI has assessed that terrorism subject, Zulkifli Abdhir, also known as “Marwan,” is deceased and has been removed from the FBI’s list of Most Wanted Terrorists,” the FBI Los Angeles office said in a statement. The national police said the confirma- tion “validates” their earlier insistence that the botched raid, which caused Aquino’s approval rating to tumble to its lowest level since he took office in 2010, was a success despite the huge death toll. “We have got our man and (the opera- tion) was a success,” Philippine national police spokesman Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo said in response to the FBI confirmation. Poor planning and coordination had been blamed for the deaths of the com- mandos sent to the troubled southern island of Mindanao to get Zulkifli and a senior LOS ANGELES VOL. XXIII, NO. 9 THE LEADING SOURCE OF NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR FILIPINO-AMERICANS APRIL 4 - 10, 2015 See TERRORIST, page 9 See PACQUIAO, page 9 See OFFSHORE, page 11 See SUPPORT BBL, page 11 See ALI DENIES, page 9 FBI confirms death of terrorist Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle (right) sprinkles holy water to devotees waving palm fronds after the Palm Sunday mass at the Manila Cathedral in Manila. Millions of Filipino Catholics trooped to churches nationwide to observe the beginning of the Holy Week. (MNS photo) Legend Ali denies picking Pacquiao over Mayweather Two days in Pacquiao training camp First China air force drills in ‘far offshore’ Pacific Tagle, other citizen leaders deny they will pressure public to support BBL Killed in Maguindanao bloodbath was ‘Marwan’ who carried a $5-M bounty Oh no, he di’nt…Boxing legend Muhammad Ali clarified reports saying he favored Manny Pacquiao over Floyd Mayweather. Through his publicist, Ali said he is not siding with anyone in the “Fight of the Century” that will take place in Las Vegas on May 2 at the MGM Grand Arena. Photo: Benny Uy A man acting as a Roman centurion hits JR Galves, who is portraying Jesus Christ, as residents reenact the passion and death of Jesus Christ in Mandaluyong Thursday. Religious groups perform reenactments of the passion as many Catholic devotees visit churches during Holy Week. Reports said a half dozen “penitents” were also nailed to the cross.(MNS photo)

Weekend balita april 4, 2015

Jul 21, 2016



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Page 1: Weekend balita april 4, 2015

MANILA, Apr 2 (Mabuhay) – The five “citizen leaders” tapped by President Benigno Aquino III to review the contro-versial proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law clarified Thursday that they are not a pres-sure group as feared by some lawmakers.

“We would like to emphasize that we are not a pressure group or a political movement,” Manila Archbishop Luis An-tonio Cardinal Tagle, former Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Ambassador Howard Dee, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, and Bai Rohaniza Sumndad-Usman said in a press statement.

Some lawmakers believed the creation

Stadium at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) at 7:30 a.m. and immediately started running around the track. He did 10 rounds, for a total of about five miles.

“Training is good. We’re on schedule.

Los Angeles, United States, AFP, Thurs-day 4/2/2015 – Boxing legend Muhammad Ali isn’t in the prediction business when it comes to the May 2 mega-fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather.

A report on celebrity website TMZ this week quoted Ali’s daughter, Rasheda, as saying the former heavyweight world champion and civil rights activist “is Team

Pacquiao all the way.”“He knows Manny’s a great fighter...but

it’s more about what he does outside the ring. He’s such a charitable person,” the website quoted her as saying.

On Thursday, however, a statement from an Ali publicist posted on the Mu-hammad Ali Center website denied that the

Beijing, China, AFP, Tuesday 3/31/2015 – China’s air force has carried out its first ever military drill over the western Pacific Ocean, state media said, highlighting Bei-jing’s growing military reach.

Several aircraft from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday flew over the ocean via the Bashi Channel, which runs between Taiwan and the Philip-pines, the official Xinhua news agency said.

“This is the first time that the PLA Air Force conducted such drills in an airspace far offshore from Chinese coastlines,” Xinhua cited army spokesman Shen Jinke as saying.

The drill aimed to “level up the PLA Air Force’s mobility and combativeness” over the “high seas”, Xinhua reported.

Territorial tensions have increased in recent years between Beijing and its neigh-bours around the South China Sea – which

By Jannelle SoThe public sees the mansions, jewelry,

and expensive purchases; but behind the picture of life in luxury, 8-division world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao lives to train for his fights, investing blood and sweat.

Pacquiao usually starts his day with a run.

Last Monday, he arrived at the Drake

Manila, Philippines, AFP, Thursday 4/2/2015 – The FBI confirmed Thursday that a senior Malaysian militant believed to have been involved in the 2002 Bali bombings was killed in a January raid in the Philippines that also left 44 police commandos dead.

Zulkifli Abdhir, who was on the bureau’s most-wanted list with a $5-million reward on his head, was killed in the January 25 operation that plunged President Benigno Aquino’s administration into crisis and jeopardised efforts to end a decades-long Muslim separatist insurgency, the FBI said.

“After a thorough review of forensic data and information obtained from our Philippine law enforcement partners, the FBI has assessed that terrorism subject, Zulkifli Abdhir, also known as “Marwan,”

is deceased and has been removed from the FBI’s list of Most Wanted Terrorists,” the FBI Los Angeles office said in a statement.

The national police said the confirma-tion “validates” their earlier insistence that the botched raid, which caused Aquino’s approval rating to tumble to its lowest level since he took office in 2010, was a success despite the huge death toll.

“We have got our man and (the opera-tion) was a success,” Philippine national police spokesman Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo said in response to the FBI confirmation.

Poor planning and coordination had been blamed for the deaths of the com-mandos sent to the troubled southern island of Mindanao to get Zulkifli and a senior



See TERRORIST, page 9

See PACQUIAO, page 9 See OFFSHORE, page 11

See SUPPORT BBL, page 11

See ALI DENIES, page 9

FBI confi rms death of terrorist

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle (right) sprinkles holy water to devotees waving palm fronds after the Palm Sunday mass at the Manila Cathedral in Manila. Millions of Filipino Catholics trooped to churches nationwide to observe the beginning of the Holy Week. (MNS photo)

Legend Ali denies picking Pacquiao over Mayweather

Two days in Pacquiao training camp

First China air force drills in ‘far offshore’ Pacifi c

Tagle, other citizen leaders deny they will pressure public to support BBL

Killed in Maguindanao bloodbath was‘Marwan’ who carried a $5-M bounty

Oh no, he di’nt…Boxing legend Muhammad Ali clarifi ed reports saying he favored Manny Pacquiao over Floyd Mayweather. Through his publicist, Ali said he is not siding with anyone in the “Fight of the Century” that will take place in Las Vegas on May 2 at the MGM Grand Arena. Photo: Benny Uy

A man acting as a Roman centurion hits JR Galves, who is portraying Jesus Christ, as residents reenact the passion and death of Jesus Christ in Mandaluyong Thursday. Religious groups perform reenactments of the passion as many Catholic devotees visit churches during Holy Week. Reports said a half dozen “penitents” were also nailed to the cross.(MNS photo)

Page 2: Weekend balita april 4, 2015

2 Visit Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 BalitaLOS ANGELES

Page 3: Weekend balita april 4, 2015

3Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 LOS ANGELES

to find a job, how much you owe, and whether your creditors will actually sue, and garnish your wages. Generally speaking, if payments to your credit card debts are more than 30% of your take home pay, you’re in trouble. There are several things you can do. (1) Do nothing – thats easy, but in the long run, does little to solve the issue that just gets bigger, in the sense that your credit report and fico score continues to escalate downwards. (2) Call creditors, tell them your wife has lost her job, try to get them to forgive part of the debt. (3) Since your wife is unemployed, you could also consider filing bankruptcy. With only one wage coming in, you undoubtedly qualify, and the threat of a possible bankruptcy gives you and your attorney a lot of leaverage in negotiating with creditors.

Also bear in mind, that when your wife finds a job, and contributes to household income, you become more vunerable to judgement lawsuits.

Q: Will filing for bankruptcy ruin my credit forever?

A: No, in fact it will actually start to im-prove it. If you cannot make ends meet, your debt to income ratio is too high. At that point your prospects of getting more credit is zero. A bankruptcy cures the debt to income prob-lem, discharging debt and leaving income. This gives you access to a number of credit card providers and other lenders who literally target people with bankruptcy discharges. See next question!

Q: Will anyone issue me with a credit card, when I have a bankruptcy on my report?

A: Yes, there are many banks and other lenders who specialize in doing business with bankruptcy debtors. You can qualify for loans secured by collateral, such as auto loans, home loans, even credit cards, secured by a savings account. Their main motivation is targetting a niche martket for higher inter-est rates. They want to charge you a little extra, and there is no real risk involved. After bankruptcy, you cannot file again for eight years. You have no other debts, which gives an excellent debt to income ratio. Bottom line – you can afford to service a new loan.

Q: How long does it take to get unse-cured credit at the same cost as before my bankruptcy?

A: Anywhere between 60 days and two years, depending on what you are looking for.

Several department stores will give you a store account, if you have a major credit card. You can easily start out with a secured visa card, then open a store account. Within a short period of time, your fico score starts to climb. Mortgage companys are looking for two years of some credit history from the date of a bankruptcy discharge.

Q: How long does it take to get a bank-ruptcy off my credit report?

A: The law permits credit reporting agen-cies to report your bankruptcy for up to 10 years. This does not mean that is has to stay on for ten years though. By using special credit repair strategies, you is sometimes possible to get the credit reporting agencies to delete all reference to your prior bankruptcy, before the 10 years are up!

Q: We were just sued by our neighbors who are claiming $60,000 in compensatory damages. We just want to move away. Our house is up for sale, but I was wondering, if we don’t sell it on time, before the judgment, can I quitclaim the house to my mother. Will this protect our equity? (about $50,000.00).

A: No. You cannot give away your assets as a way of protecting them from a lawsuit. The court will rescind any such transfer, and you may end up in far worse trouble – accused of a fraudulent conveyance. Your best course of action is not to sell the house at all, at least not yet. The house is the best “bank” you have, because you can protect your equity as a homestead exemption. If you sell the house and get the money, it may be seized or at-tached by the plaintiffs. By keeping the house, you could file a bankruptcy on the judgment, and then sell the house. House sale proceeds that come in after the bankruptcy are all yours.

BANKRUPTCY OPTIONSAdmittedly, most people filing bankrupt-

cy, file under Chapter 7, (The real bankruptcy) that discharges all unsecured debt. However, there are people with problems that are best

resolved through Chapter 13. This chapter is used primarily by those who either have problems making payments on secured debt, and want to keep the collateral (House, Auto, other) , or perhaps, have plenty of assets that are very difficult to liquidate. Chapter 13 is also used by individuals who simply earn too much money to qualify for a chapter 7, (based on the cost of living index and other criteria, but not enough money to service their bill).

This type of bankruptcy can provide creditors with a partial payment plan over 60 months. Depending on the debtors disposable income after approved living expenses, the plan could provide a 5% or more, for the dura-tion of the plan. The balance of the debt is then discharged, just like in a regular bankruptcy.

Most of the chapter 13’s filed in my office, are clients who are late on their mortgage, and want to avoid losing their home through foreclosure. Since the mortgage is a secured debt, they only two choices, pay the debt or give up the house, but there is help. Chapter 13, enables you to amortize the mortgage arrearages in a 60 month plan, and in most cases, discharge unsecured debt at the same time. By discharging unsecured debt, your ability to service the mortgage is improved, and hopefully, you can stay in your home.

Q: Can I make lower house payments if I file a Chapter 13 repayment plan?

A: If you have a second mortgage, we might be able to strip that off the property, which would lower your monthly payments. As far as the first mortgage is concerned, you may also be eligible for one of several loan modification plans that we work with. If you are not eligible for a loan modification, you must make the regular scheduled payments.

However, as mentioned above, the de-linquent portion can be spread out over the chapter 13 plan that gives you 60 months at a nominal interest rate.

Q: What does Chapter 13 do to my credit card debts?

A: That depends on your income level. For most people, their unsecured debt, like credit card debt is wiped out. This in turn helps to pay the mortgage arrears.

Q: Can a Chapter 13 stop lenders repos-sessing my automobile?

A: Yes, it will stop the repossession, and your monthly payments can be lowered, based on the depreciated value of the automobile.

Q: Can a Chapter 13 help me with debts to the IRS or student loans?

A: A Chapter 13 can be very helpful with debts that are not dischargeable in a regular Chapter 7. These types of debts can only be discharged if they are past their respective statute of limitations. A chapter 13 will allow you to pay these debts over a period of time, and limit future interest accruing on the debt.

Q: What’s the main difference between Chapter 13 and Chapter 7?

A: Chapter 7 will discharge all unsecured debts, but does not resolve problems associ-ated with arrears on secured debts. (Such as late payments on the mortgage or car).

Q: I filed Chapter 7 last year, can I file Chapter 13 now?

A: Yes. Although Chapter 7 bars you from re-filing again for eight years, a Chapter 13 can be filed every three years.

Q: I own a house together with my brother. We want to file a Chapter 13 to stop a fore-closure, do we both have to file?

A: No, only one of you need file, prefer-able the party that owes the most in unsecured debt, and thereby has the most to gain.

Q: I have no equity in my home. I just want to stay here as long as possible. What can be done to stop a trust deed sale and prolong my occupancy?

A: There are several good seasoned strategies available. Consider a Short Sale or bankruptcy as a possible solution, but talk to an experienced bankruptcy lawyer first.


Need advice on a financial problem? Don’t let creditors intimidate you. For immediate help, call my office and schedule an appoint-ment. Two offices to serve you. Glendale and La Palma. Call now at 818-552-4500. Con-sultations are free, but by appointment only.

Reestablish your creditBanks and credit card companies have told us how important

it is to maintain our credit, honor our obligations, pay on time, but what if we suddenly can’t pay on time, then what? What if I lose my job, and can’t pay anyone right now, where does that put me? The answers may surprise you:

Q: My wife recently lost her job. My income goes to food and rent. We haven’t paid our credit cards for several months, and one account is with a collection agency. What can we do?

A: That depends on how long you think it will take for your wife

Page 4: Weekend balita april 4, 2015

4 Visit Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 BalitaLOS ANGELES

two years on his opponent and flashes a dynamic, offensive, and always attack-ing style.

The “Fight of the Century” which has a shared purse of $250 million is one of the most anticipated clashes in the history of the sport.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather lives up to his monicker and has always been driven by his great desire to maintain his unbeaten record intact and make it known that “he is fighting for the legacy he will leave in the sport and for the reputation of his children”.

Like most parents, Mayweather desires also to “get his children the best educa-tion”.

“That’s what’s mainly important to me,” he was quoted as saying and doesn’t worry about the fight because “he knows what he can do and knows what he brings to the table.”

The tons of money that Mayweather has earned in his boxing career can assure him of his dream for his children coming through unless other factors intervene to negate it.

Meanwhile, Manny Pacquiao who has been dubbed as the “giant killer” is determined to add Mayweather in the list of his victims. Pacman put an end careers of some of his victims in the ring with his convincing performances earned him the ticket to the big league where the money is.

The road to greatness for the Filipino hero had not been easy having to face bigger and experienced opponents on his

way to the top. He fought bigger men that required

more from him to offset the physical ad-vantage they had. His formula was simply to train harder and “pray harder” and let His will be done.

His no-nonsense boxing style, his big heart and his simple demeanor earned him millions of admirers from many parts of the world who paid good money to see the guy from an obscure town in Southern Philip-pines slay boxing giants one after another.

There are at least nine “giants” who fell victims to the fury of the 5’61/2” boxing dynamo whose source strength is a puzzle to the millions who saw him in action.

Erik Morales, Oscar de la Hoya, Joshua Clottey, Antonio Margarito, Shane Mosley, Brandon Rios and Chris Algieri are on the list of “giants” that Pacquiao slew on his way to fame and some these had their careers abbreviated after the encounters.

The giant killer is still at it and many predict of adding Mayweather to the list of his victims.

Pacquiao has been vocal in his spiritual attribution as the source of his strength and motivation and has used the ring platform to chronicle his belief. He once said that “God has made something out of nothing in him” and he is giving back the glory to Him in each fight where millions come to know God through his physical gift.

The pair joined up for a press confer-ence on Wednesday, and will now not meet again until the fight, per Gareth Davies of The Telegraph. This means there’s plenty

of time for both men to prepare and get ready.

Here’s a look at the pair’s stats and what to expect when they finally step into the ring.Key StatsManny Pacquiao Floyd MayweatherAge 36 38

Height 5’6 ½” 5’8”Reach 67” 72”(

Though neither boxer no longer remains at his peak, the fight will be a fascinating climax to years of speculation. So how will the two match up? I guess we’ll know come May 2nd.

Pacquiao, Mayweather Fighting for their good reasonsThe richest purse in boxing history that unfolds at the MGM

Garden in Las Vegas on May 2 will feature two hardened gladia-tors with two different styles and different motivations to annex the crown of supremacy over their heads.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. unbeaten in his 47 professional fights, is “a master in defense, ducking, weaving and blocking his way out of trouble time and again” and Manny Pacquiao, 57-5-2 (38 KO’s) 47-0 (26 KO’s) has

Benjie and Kobe Paras: Benjie Paras of the Philippine Basketball Fame and his son Kobe visited Manny Pacquiao at his Los Angeles residence. The younger Paras, plays with the varsity team of Cathedral High School of LA. The trio shares common interest in the game of basketball.

Pacquiao Thumbs Up: Manny Pacquiao fl ashes a thumbs up to acknowledge his fans who waited hours for a glimpse of their idol or have their items as he leaves the Wild Card Gym where he practices in earnest for his May 2 encounter with Floyd Mayweather in Las Vegas.

Page 5: Weekend balita april 4, 2015

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Prospective applicants are hereby ad-vised that the deadline for the submission of applications to the 4th Filipino American Youth Leadership Program (FYLPro) has been moved from March 30, 2015 to April 15, 2015.

The 16-day extension is in response

to the clamor from interested parties for more time to prepare their applications. The program, open to Filipino Americans in the U.S. aged between 25 and 40, will take place in the Philippines this year from July 2 to 10, 2015. More information may be found at

MANILA, Apr 1 (Mabuhay) – A fine as high as P200,000 and jail time of up to 20 years await those who will obstruct the apprehension and prosecution of criminal offenders should the bill filed by Albay Rep. Fernando Gonzalez becomes a law.

House Bill 5521 filed last March seeks to amend Presidential Decree No. 1829, entitled “Penalizing Obstruction of Ap-prehension and Prosecution of Criminal Offenders.”

The bill seeks to increase the penalties for the obstruction of justice from prision correccional in its maximum period of six years to reclusion temporal in its maximum period of 20 years.

The maximum fine will likewise be raised from a maximum of P6,000 to

P200,000, while the minimum fine will go up from P1,000 to P50,000.

The penalties shall be imposed on any person who prevents witnesses from testi-fying in any criminal proceeding or from reporting the commission of any offense or the identity of any offender/s by means of bribery, misrepresentations, deceit, in-timidation, force or threats.

In the bill’s explanatory note, Gonza-les said the penalties imposed under PD 1829 have remained unchanged since it was enacted by then-President Ferdinand Marcos in 1 981. The decree was issued to penalize any person who knowingly or willingly obstructs, impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension and prosecution of suspected criminal offenders.

Solon wants fi nes up to P200K for obstruction of justice

Deadline for submission of applications to 4th Fil-Am youth leadership program moved to April 15

CLIENT NO. 1Looks like I signed up two clients in opposite ends of debt

last week. Client no. 1 is 55 years old and divorced for 10 years. She lives by herself in a house that she owns. The house has no equity because she has 2 mortgages on the residence. The second trust deed is for $200K, which she used for her busi-

Client fi les Chapter 7 to discharge $500k mostly credit cards; Client fi les Chapter 7 to discharge $10k credit cards

ness enterprises, which have all failed in the last 8 years. Client still has a lot of drive and am-bition. She still works as an independent sales contractor but doesn’t make much from it. Since she hasn’t had much income from work or business in the last 8 years, she has defaulted on the 2nd trust deed for a long time. Since the house has no equity, it doesn’t make sense for the 2nd to foreclose. If the 2nd forecloses, creditor would have the sell the house so the first can be paid off, or creditor would have to keep the first mortgage current by paying the monthly mortgage payments to prevent the first from foreclosing. It only makes sense that the 2nd will bide it’s time until the value of the property increases to such value that a foreclosure sale of the property will pay off both the first and all of the 2nd, so that the 2nd will recover it’s loan to client completely.

Client is a businessperson who was engaged in several businesses in the past. She had 3 companies, which were all profitable before. But with recent changes in the world economy, all her businesses eventually started losing money. To keep them afloat, client borrowed from all avail-able resources, including credit cards. With

credit cards alone, client owes $300K to $400K. The amount owed already reflects interest and penalties for the last 8 years, so the principal owed as of the last payment probably was about $200K. Several credit card companies have sued her in the last couple of years and there are judgment liens on her residence for about $100K.

Client decides that it’s about time for her to get a fresh start with no debt. Her chapter 7 bankruptcy will discharge all of the $500K unsecured debt. She will also be able to cancel the $100K judgment liens on her residence in the bankruptcy via mo-tions to avoid judgment liens. She will not be able to strip or avoid the 2nd t. deed of $200K, but most certainly, that mortgage will be discharged. This means that creditor cannot sue her to collect on the mortgage, but creditor still holds the house as col-lateral. So, creditor still has the remedy of foreclosure. However, because the property is so upside down at this point, there is no incentive for creditor to foreclose. CLIENT NO. 2

Client is young at 37. For me anyone be-low 60 is young. So if you’re 59, I consider

you young. I started counting backwards 15 years ago. I mean, what’s the point of counting your real age. As long is one is healthy and can think clearly, one does still feel young. To tell you the truth, I still feel like I’m 25. But I digress. Client only owes $10K of credit card debt. She used to work full time, but now works part time. So, $300 a month to keep $10K of credit cards current feels like a heavy burden. I actually told her to hang in there and hold the fort. But given the fact that her credit will be perfect again when she becomes 47, with high credit scores starting at age 40, client is inclined to file for Chapter 7 for a fresh start with no debt.

All she needs to do is handle her new credit well and she will build up her credit score very fast. There are banks that issue credit cards that have just gone through bankruptcy. I suggested that she gets these cards when these are offered to her but that she should pay them in full after each use.

Each case is different. For one, she can carry a $500K debt loan for 8 years and receive $100K of judgment liens on her house and keep that burden in her mind for a long time. For another, a $10K credit card debt is a big burden when she loses her full

time job. So whatever your debt burden is, come and make an appointment to see me for a free analysis of your financial situa-tion. You won’t regret it. Once you decide, you will feel that a heavy burden has been lifted from your chest, and you will become productive again. I am telling you the truth.


Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and has been in law practice for thirty years. He specializes in bankruptcy, business and civil litigation and has handled more than five thousand successful bankruptcy cases in California. He speaks Tagalog and looks forward to discussing your case with you personally. Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave, MAILSTOP 58, Building A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 OR at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.

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*We are a designated debt relief agency operating under Federal Law. If necessary, we help clients obtain debt relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


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finances often feel the same way. They’re lost in a “money fog”.

What exactly is a “money fog”? Money fog means that you’re in a state of being disconnected from your money. Here are some of the symptoms: (a) Having no idea about your real bank balance (2) Always broke at the end of the month no matter how hard you work (3) You’ve lost track of how much you owe (4) Chronic debt that just cannot be paid off, and (5) Zero savings- and yet, having a lot of expenses

that cannot be accounted for or explained. I meet with a lot of people who are in

denial about their situation and will try to rationalize by saying things like: “Well, it’s really not that bad”, “It’s only money” or (here’s one that I always hear) “Maybe, I’ll win the lottery.” Often, it takes an eye-opening event to wake them up. This could be a nasty collection letter they get in the mail, a threat of a lawsuit, foreclo-sure, wage garnishment or a notice of bank levy. Or it could be a sudden realization

one day that their bank account has been consistently overdrawn month after month, they are drowning in debt, and they have nothing to show for all the money they’ve borrowed.

Clearing the fog can sometimes be an uncomfortable process because it involves looking honestly at the financial behaviors that contributed to our present financial crisis. But unless we become aware of what we may be doing wrong, we may never get out of the fog.

Financial recovery cannot begin while your finances are cluttered, messy and disorganized. Start tracking your monthly expenses and create a monthly spending plan that allows you to live within your means. Spend some time working through an accurate picture of your total income af-ter tax, your realistic expenses and current debt repayments. Then work through some ways of reducing unnecessary expenses

and use the money you save towards debt repayment. If filing bankruptcy is your only solution to get out of debt, consult with an experienced attorney who can help you understand the pros and cons of such a solution. Whatever you do, have a clear goal and a defined purpose in order to maintain the level of motivation that you need to become debt-free.

If you need help in figuring out your debt solution options, please call Toll-Free 1-888-752-8211 or (661) 775-4880 and let us review your situation. We have offices in Pasadena, Cerritos and Valencia.

(None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped over 5,000 clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call Ray Bulaon Law Offices at TOLL FREE 1-888-752-8211).

Are you lost in a ‘money fog’?Maybe you’ve experienced this before: You’re driving

down the road one cold, chilly day and before you know it, you find yourself surrounded by a thick white wall of dense fog. How did you react? If you’re like most people, perhaps you felt momentarily lost and confused or perhaps even pan-icked, not knowing what was in front of you or the direction you were going. People who have lost control over their

A second batch of new board members sworn in, from left: Rowena Khan, Annie Cuevas-Lim, Erlinda Granada-Sabah, and Rosalie Caratao.

Kalayaan Incorporated, a 501©(3) California Non-Profit Corporation, with the support of the Philippine Con-sulate General in Los Angeles, contin-ues its tradition of commemorating the birth of the first Republic in Asia with a Grand Ball on June 6, 2015, at the Ana-heim Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, Calif. A page in our historical saga, an epic of courage, valor and profound love of country unfolds as Kalayaan celebrates the 117th anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine Independence from Spain.

President and event chair Zeny Sabocor is at the helm of the foremost celebrant of Philippine Independence in the Southland with Josie E. de Jesus as vice president and co-chair – a dynamic tandem of Los Angeles’ Filipino American community leadership with an impressively long and successful participation in FilAm commu-nity activities and Kalayaan celebrations.

Sabocor is former chair of the United Bicolandia Los Angeles Board of Directors while de Jesus is president of the Philippine Heritage Institute International.

“Kalayaan Incorporated is a special or-ganization,” stated Sabocor. “Its members are long on selflessness and patriotism and short on self-motivating interest. To be a member is an honor, but over and above that, it is a responsibility.”

Other stakeholders of Kalayaan are: Ar-cherie G. Calunod, secretary; Violet A. Mislang, asst. secretary; Lanie Berrei, trea-surer; Virginia Vivas, asst. treasurer; and Teresita Emperador, auditor. Board mem-bers, in addition to the new inductees are: Naomi Palma-Armada, Ner Azaula, DDS, Myrna Baculi, Lolita Frialde Bandong, Ar-nold Bejasa, Marc de Jesus, Susan Dilkes, Bituin Francisco, Rene Galano, Benel Se-Liban, Willie Manacsa, Carmelita Paule, Lady Hope P. Robillos, and Ed Ronquillo.

“These officers and board directors,” said Deputy Consul Gen. Imelda Panolong, “will build on the legacy bequeathed to them by their illustrious predecessors

Profound love of country unfolds at Independence Day Gala

and be guided by the principles that have steered Kalayaan Incorporated in the direction that it has followed throughout the years of its existence and which has brought Kalayaan to where it now stands – a respected organization in Southern Cali-fornia composed of leaders and officers from various organizations representing the biggest Filipino American community in the United States with close to a million constituents.”

The “illustrious predecessors” of Kalay-aan are the ex-officio chairpersons: Chito G. Mandap, 2004; Lucy Babaran, 2005; Bobby Reyes, 2006; Lydia Soriano, 2007; Noel Omega, 2008; Gil Mislang, 2010; Leo Maranan, 2011; Antero L. Pagunsan, 2012; Teresita Emperador, 2013; and Joveno De La Vega, 2014.

Kalayaan Incorporated leaders will bring together, in the spirit of bayanihan, the various professional, faith-based, service-oriented hometown, neighborhood and alumni-based Filipino American as-sociations in celebration of freedom in a manner that showcases to the people of the United States the richness and beauty of Philippine cultural heritage.

The commemoration of the 117th anni-versary of the proclamation of Philippine Independence from Spain will highlight the sublime efforts of our heroes which liberated our people and built our nation through the values of devoted sacrifice, moral integrity and nationalism.

Everyone is invited! For more informa-tion, contact Zeny Sabocor at (323) 717-2841 or Email: [email protected].

Zeny Sabocor swears in newly-elected Kalayaan board members, from left: Ed Anciano, Esq., Jose Relson Banas, Benito Miranda, and Bonnie De Los Santos.

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7Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 LOS ANGELES

you miss work for part of the day. Such docking policy is incompatible with the salary basis rules and the concept that exempt employees are paid for the value of their services, not their time.

For an employee to be truly exempt from overtime, they must be employed in an executive, administrative, or profes-sional capacity. Thus, true exempt status is determined by the exempt employee’s primary duties. For example, executives or managers must perform primarily manage-rial duties, such as hiring, firing, deciding on employee salaries, and creating work

policies and procedures. These duties must take up more than 50% of their work time. Hence, if managers work 8-hour days, they must spend more than 4 hours per day on managerial work.

True exempt employees must also be paid at least twice the state’s minimum wage for full-time employment. An em-ployer is allowed to break down an exempt employee’s salary into an hourly rate for payroll purposes. The employer may also ask salaried employees to record their time, as long as their compensation is not actu-ally calculated based on the recorded hours.

Generally, with some exceptions, ex-empt employees must receive their full salary for any week in which they perform any work, without regard to the number of days or hours worked. Because salaried employees are paid for the general value of their services rather than the precise amount of time spent on the job, employ-ers may not dock their pay for partial days missed or for unsatisfactory performance.

Additionally, deductions may not be made for absences caused by the employer or the operating requirements of its busi-ness where the employee is ready, willing and able to work. Similarly, deductions generally may not be made for absences during part of a workweek resulting from jury duty, attendance as a witness, or tem-porary military leave (offsetting amounts received by employees as fees for these activities is allowed without losing exempt status).

Generally, employers may reduce a salaried employee’s salary if the employee missed one full day or more of work for

personal reasons, sickness, or disability as defined by law.

An employer who makes improper deductions from a salary will lose the ex-emption status if the facts demonstrate that the employer engaged in an actual practice of making improper deductions, which shows that the employer did not intend to pay employees on a salary basis. If the exemption status is lost, the employee may become entitled to additional wages.

[C. Joe Sayas, Jr., Esq. is trial attorney who has obtained several million dollar recoveries for his clients against insurance companies and employers. He has been selected as a Super Lawyer by the Los Angeles Magazine, featured in the cover of Los Angeles Daily Journal’s Verdicts and Settlements, and is a member of the Million Dollar-Advocates Forum. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center Washington, D.C. and the Univer-sity of the Philippines. Visit his website at or contact his office at (818) 291-0088 for a no-cost inquiry.]

What is a true salaried employee?Q: I am a salaried employee exempt from overtime. Last

week, due to a personal emergency, I was able to work for 6 hours only. Whenever I work less than 8 hours in a day, my employer deducts from my salary an amount equivalent to the number of hours that I was out. Is this right?

A: If you are a true exempt employee, and paid on a sal-ary basis, then your employer should not dock your salary if

New York, United States, AFP, Wednes-day 4/1/2015 – Fast-food giant McDon-ald’s announced Wednesday that it would increase the wages of 90,000 employees in company-owned restaurants in the United States and offer them paid time-off.

The pay rise, however, will not apply to workers in McDonald’s restaurants owned by franchisees, which comprise some 90 percent of the 14,000 McDonald’s outlets across the country.

McDonald’s USA said that from July 1 this year, the starting wages for full and part-time workers in its own restaurants will be one dollar above the local official minimum wage. The company gave no average for that, but based on current state standards, the new pay scale could range from $6.15 an hour in Georgia and Wyoming to $11.50 in Washington, DC.

Some cities have even higher local stan-dards, so that a worker at a McDonald’s-owned restaurant in Seattle could earn $16 an hour.

On the other hand, five US states have no minimum wage, and it was not clear how McDonald’s would set pay in those.

The company said it expected that by the end of 2016, the average wage it pays workers at company-owned restaurants will be more than $10 an hour.

It also said it will begin offering paid time-off to full and part-time restaurant crew with at least one year on the job, and expand educational support for employees at all restaurants irrespective of ownership.

“We’ve been working on a compre-hensive benefits package for our employ-

ees—the people who bring our brand to life for customers every day in our US restaurants,” McDonald’s president and chief executive Steve Easterbrook said in a statement.

“We’ve listened to our employees and learned that—in addition to increased wages—paid personal leave and financial assistance for completing their education would make a real difference in their ca-reers and lives.”

McDonald’s said the 3,100 franchisee companies that operate most of the brand’s outlets around the country will make their own decisions on wages.

The move comes as pressure mounts on large employers in low-paid service industries, from retail chains to fast-food businesses, to increase wages that have effectively not risen for decades, when measured against the cost of living.

In February the country’s largest private sector employer, Walmart, long criticized for low wages that forced workers to seek welfare assistance, said it would boost the pay of 500,000 US workers to at leat $9 an hour.

Workers’ groups quickly assailed the announcement as too limited, and far below the target of a national campaign to get $15 an hour for fast food workers.

“We know that McDonald’s can do much better,” said Kendall Fells, director of the Fight for $15 campaign.

“This barely affects 5 percent of Mc-Donald’s workers in this country. There are still millions of families living in poverty due to McDonald’s not raising the wages

McDonald’s to boost wages for 90,000 US employeesto $15,” he said.

Cathy Ruckelshaus of the National Employment Law Project said that because of low pay, McDonald’s workers cost the government over $1 billion a year in public

assistance. “McDonald’s is in a position to take

leadership on providing living wages for its workers, it has plenty of profits and revenues,” she said.

The Philippine Disaster Relief Organization will hold its “1st Annual Golf Tournament” fundraiser on Saturday, May 9, 2015, at the Lakewood Country Club (3101 Carson Street, Lakewood, CA 90712). Registration is at 8 a.m. and start time is 10 a.m. sharp.

“Your participation as a player, a donor, and a sponsor will benefit our cause,” says PeDRO president Myrna M. Baculi, “which is to assist victims of disaster and calamity, both here in the USA and in the Philippines. We try to help ‘Rebuild Lives When Disaster Strikes.’ Your support to PeDRO is very much appreciated!”

Lakewood Country Club is home of the original “Long Beach Open” built in 1933 and features an 18-hole historic course and 11 acres of lakes. The fee of $100 includes green fees, carts, range balls, raffle, snacks and reception.

“Win prizes for closest to putting pin, longest drive and Hole in One,” says tournament director Benito Miranda, “and have fun, meet wonderful people and support scholarships, and humanitarian and community projects.”

You can reach Miranda for more information at (310) 600-5675 or email: [email protected]

Philippine Disaster Relief Organization (PeDRO) rebuilds lives when disaster strikes

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8 Visit Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 BalitaLOS ANGELES

These questions she asks in her book are the same questions we can reflect on this Easter season. After all, for Christians like myself, Christ rising from the dead signals a rebirth, new hope, new life.

For Jones, who has a condition called Long QT Syndrome, a type of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome, her journey back to life began when she suffered a sud-den cardiac arrest at the age of 30, while working a high-powered a job in London.

In “Heart of Miracles,” she describes

her year of long hours losing count of how many e-mails she responded to on a daily basis, balancing spreadsheets in the “hundreds of millions of dollars,” long hours in front of the computer, meetings. While these tasks, she said, earned her a “respectable paycheck” every two weeks, she wondered if there was more to life than that.

She was, in a way, forced to take these random musings more seriously when her life started changing, causing her to endure

much pain, physically, mentally and emo-tionally. The five distinct chapters of her book narrates her struggles and triumphs, from leaving London to move back with her parents in America where she can be better taken care of; to her search for mean-ing and serenity in India; to witnessing love in Italy; to visiting her dream destination in Bhutan; to rekindling her spirituality in the Holy Land, all while the threat of pain and complications of her illness, even sudden death, looming over her head.

“The worse bout of pain and lowest points came after the third set of surgery. A laser burned the inside of my veins to remove the mass, and the pain was surreal. I also had a very swollen face for quite some time after the surgery and it was not clear if I might remain that way forever. At this point, I had also accumulated a lot of fatigue, It entered my mind that maybe I had been repeatedly escaping death and that it might be OK just to leave already,” she described. “But I knew the book was coming out and I thought that would be a rather morbid ending and I would miss out on experiencing the fulfillment of this work.”

Jones devoted a total of 5 years and 8 months to writing the book, working on it “in spurts,” starting in April 2009 and finishing in Dec 2014.

The product is an engaging and easy read. I started during take off from Los An-geles International Airport (LAX) en route to John F. Kennedy Airport, immersed in it for 4 hours, throughout the duration of the flight. And even as we deplaned in New York, I couldn’t put the book down. I was reading it while standing by the conveyor belt, waiting for my suitcase. It kept me wanting to keep turning the pages, to see how Jones’ story ends. And I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who felt this way.

“One night, at a book reading, a woman approached me after my talk. She had bought the book a few days previous and she said that it literally just jumped out at her. She had brought her copy of the book with her and had highlighted a lot of pas-sages and took notes. That made me feel really good, that someone was really con-necting to the material in a positive way,” Jones shared.

Read all through my Uber ride, and by the time I got to my hotel, I had reached the final chapter of the book, which also happens to be Jones’ favorite: “The final dreamscape brings it all together and puts the question back onto the reader,” she said. “It asks them: hasn’t anything miraculous ever happened to you before? How was that possible? Was it God?”

Jones said her motivation for writing the book was “definitely a Higher Power.” One of the earlier chapters is entitled “Jesus, I Trust in You.” Even though she recalled that at that time, she wasn’t really prac-ticing any religion. What she practiced, however, was yoga, kundalini, to be exact.

“I do believe in God, a life force that beats the heart and vibrates life into any or-

ganic material on the planet. I also believe in Jesus as a teacher and a miracle worker. This does not conflict with Buddhism as they believe that many advanced teach-ers have come to the planet to Enlighten the social systems here,” she said, as she compared Christianity with Buddhism, which is the discipline behind the practice of yoga. “I will say that Buddhists have a much deeper understanding of the nature of the Universe, energy, dream work, and the telepathic field that is absent in modern Catholicism, but that can be found in the diaries of Catholic saints.”

These are just some of the points Jones raises in her book. Reading it I found my-self thinking, questioning, absorbing, un-derstanding some of her thoughts, all while laughing with her, feeling bad with her and feeling hopeful for her. What I didn’t feel, however, is acridity. Her narratives are open and honest. Readers will be able to determine frustration, anguish, confusion; but not harshness. In fact, that’s what Jones considers to be her greatest achievement in life so far: “not being bitter” in spite of what she’s had to go through.

Although she admits to having a soft spot: “Until very recently, it has been my unique specialty to excel at wallowing in regret. It took me a long time to learn how to move forward.

“In his book “The Power of Intention” Wayne Dyer reminds us that absolute Spirit is above all a Creator of the new. To say I can’t create life anymore because it hasn’t worked in the past is the opposite of how God functions. One needs to get aligned with God, and say not what do I regret, but rather: What do I intend to manifest? From that point of view, I have no regrets, only valuable lessons that help me formulate the answer to: What do I intend to manifest?”

So, for this season of the resurrection of Christ and rebirth for us, I encourage you to get a copy of “Heart of Miracles.” (Available at Ask yourselves the same questions, and share the goodness moving forward. [END]

Connect to JANNELLE SO on Face-book – ; Twitter – and Instagram – ; or email her at [email protected].

A journey back to life“What would you do if God gave you a second chance?”This is the question Filipina-American author Karen Henson

Jones posts in her book, “Heart of Miracles,” chronicling her near-death experience and the struggles she had to face as she journeyed back to life.

“Would you change your old life? Would you love the same things you used to love, want the same things you used to want? Would you believe in the same things you never believed in before?”

March 26, 2015 was one magical night at Barrio Fiesta Glendale Function Room with Kim Chiu, Xian Lim, Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla and friends to the delight of Barrio Fiesta patrons and the Filipino-American community, including Alexa Yutadco, daughter of Barrio Fiesta proprietors, especially for the kindness shown by the lovely Kim Chu and the rest of the Filipino celebrities who came straight to Barrio Fiesta Glendale from the airport. The celebrities came to Los Angeles for the real “One Magical Night” concert held at Alex Theater last March 27.

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9Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 LOS ANGELES

riage is the acquiring spouse’s separate property, as is property obtained during marriage that can be traced to a premarital acquisition. Family.Code. § 770(a). Rents, issues and profits” of separate property are separate property. All property acquired during marriage and before separation, other than by gift or inheritance, is pre-sumptively community property. Family Code §§ 760, 771(a), 772; Marriage of Bonds (2000) 24 C4th 1, 12, 99 CR2d 252, 258; Marriage of Lehman (1998) 18 C4th 169, 177, 74 CR2d 825, 828.

Pursuant to Family.Code. § 760, com-munity personal or real property is con-sistently defined no matter where situated. Family Code §760 defines “Community

property” as “Except as otherwise provid-ed by statute, all property, real or personal, wherever situated, acquired by a married person during the marriage while domi-ciled in this state is community property.” As such, out-of-state community property is community property for all purposes, including intraspousal management and control fiduciary obligations. It does not matter if the property is located in another state or another country.

For the same reason, the parties to a divorce case is required to disclose all property, separate and community, in-cluding those outside the state. During the marriage, the parties’ fiduciary duties

require full and accurate disclosure of true and full information affecting community property transactions. FamilyCode. §§ 721(b), 1100(e). In addition,

disclosure duties arise upon separa-tion in anticipation of dissolution, nullity or legal separation. The post-separation disclosure duties extend to all assets and liabilities in which either party has or may have an interest or obligation, regard-less of community or separate property characterization, and to current earnings, accumulations and expenses. These duties “arise without reference to any wrongdo-ing.” Family.Code. §§ 721(b), 2100(c), 2102(a)(1); Marriage of Feldman (2007) 153 CA4th 1470, 1475–1476, 64 CR3d 29, 33; Marriage of Brewer & Federici (2001) 93 CA4th 1334, 1342–1344, 113 CR2d 849, 854–855. Parties to a divorce case has a duty to provide full and accurate disclosure of all assets and debts including those in other states and other countries. Failure to disclose could result to certain legal consequences to the non-disclosing parties including sanctions and attorney’s fees. If you are contemplating a divorce and you own assets and properties outside the state or country, its best to retain the representation of an experience family

law attorney.Please note that this article is not legal

advice and is not intended as legal advice. The article is intended to provide only general, non-specific legal information. This article is not intended to cover all the issues related to the topic discussed. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. This article does create any attorney client relationship between you and the Law Offices of Kenneth U. Reyes, P.C. This article is not a solicitation.

Attorney Kenneth Ursua Reyes is a Certified Family Law Specialist. He was President of the Philippine American Bar Association. He is a member of both the Family law section and Immigration law section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He is a graduate of South-western University Law School in Los Angeles and California State University, San Bernardino School of Business Admin-istration. He has extensive CPA experience prior to law practice. LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH REYES, P.C. is located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA, 90010. Tel. (213) 388-1611 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit our website at

Disclosure and characterization of overseas assets in divorceIn a divorce proceeding, people sometimes have a miscon-

ception that the only assets or properties that have to disclose assets and properties situated in California. Even worst, sometimes parties even think that since an asset or property is situated in a different country or state, that property is not com-munity property and not subject to division in California family court. One has to understand the general community prop-erty presumption in California. Property acquired before mar-




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Filipino militant leader Abdul Basit Us-man, who escaped.

While the forces were able to kill Zulki-fli during the raid, they were later attacked by Muslim gunmen who killed 44 of them.

“We are glad we can finally erase all doubts about this death. We are now as-

sured that the notorious terrorist has been neutralised,” said Philippine military spokesman Brigadier General Joselito Kakilala.

The government had been left red-faced in 2012 after prematurely declaring Zulkifli dead.

champ was backing either fighter.“Muhammad Ali would like to wish

both Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao well in their upcoming fight on May 2,” the statement said. “Muhammad never offered to anyone his prediction on the fight. Information that was published earlier this week and picked up by other media is either a misquote or someone else’s personal opinion. “The stories saying that Muhammad Ali has chosen a favorite in the fight are false.” Ali, who turned 73 in January and has battled the effects of

Parkinson’s disease for decades, hasn’t at-tended a fight in years. He isn’t expected to be at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on May 2 when Pacquiao and Mayweather meet in a welterweight world title fight. Pacquiao, a two-term con-gressman from Sarangani province in the Philippines, is 57-5 with two drawn and 38 knockouts while Mayweather is 47-0 with 26 knockouts. The fight long wanted by fans around the world has been five years in the making, and is expected to shatter revenue records.

He may even be a little ahead of the game; but his conditioning is fine,” said Justin Fortune, Pacquiao’s strength and condi-tioning coach.

After that, the Filipino boxing champion proceeded to do leg exercises up and down the stadium bleachers, new routine intro-duced for this training camp by Fortune.

“This is different. The place is different. I need more explosion and more move-ment; and the hills don’t give that to me,” he reasoned, referring to the hills in Griffith Park that has been a staple in Pacquiao’s previous training routines. “Plus he’s been doing those hills for 12 years, so his body is stagnant. It’s easy for him. This isn’t. This hurts; but I need the agility. I need the footwork and that’s why I do it.”

Fortune also allayed reports about Pacman’s leg cramps, blaming the media for sensationalizing a rumor: “What leg cramps? You guys really, really need to fact check. Because someone starts a rumor and you run with it. There’s no leg cramps. There’s no shin splints. There’s no $1800 cream. Give me a break, will you?”

After putting the cramps issue to rest, Fortune gave an insight on what he thinks Pacquiao’s advantages are, over undefeated American boxing star Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

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permit based on an LMIA submitted by the employer on or after November 30, 2014 then you CANNOT apply under the live in caregiver class. The LIC class is only for those who entered Canada specifically un-der the LIC class and who submitted their work permit before November 30, 2014. You now must apply under the new Caring

for Children program which has its own criteria. This new program is fast tracked and faster than the LIC class but does require language proficiency. It should be noted that requests for humanitarian and compassionate grounds to overcome the Caring for Children criteria is not available and not permitted.

Q. I’m a Canadian Citizen living in Canada and in a serious relationship with my high school sweetheart. He was married previously but is now living in California. He has no status in USA.

I want to sponsor him as my fiancé or spouse. I am not sure if it is better if he comes to Canada to marry or I should go there. If we marry in USA can the applica-tion be processed in Los Angeles?

A. There is no fiancé category any lon-ger. If you are going to marry then it seems the more realistic approach is to marry in USA. I am saying this because it will be very unlikely that he will be granted a tour-ist visa to enter Canada and thus you cannot marry in Canada. Assuming you are both free to marry and all divorces are in place, then a wedding solemnized in the state of California is legal for immigration pur-poses. The place of processing will depend on his prior status in USA coupled with his current USA immigration status. For example, is he under removal proceedings?

You should also take into account the place you want the interview conducted in the event you are convoked for one. All these factors are relevant but once all put into place, it is very indeed possible to sponsor a spouse who is illegal in USA.

Q. I am in Canada with no status. I en-tered as a visitor three years ago and let my status expire because I entered using some-one else’s passport. I am now married to a Canadian immigrant and I am pregnant. My friends tell me that they cannot deport me if I have a child born in Canada but I am still afraid to do anything for fear they will put me in jail and deport me. How do I get out of this mess?

A. Not surprisingly, advice from friends and unqualified persons is the wrong way

New caregiver class cause of confusionQ. I entered Canada in January 2015 as a caregiver for

a family with children. I am living inside their home. I was told that I am not required to be a live-in caregiver and be live out. Since I am a live-in caregiver can I apply under the live in caregiver class? I researched it and found out that this is the easier way to be a permanent resident because it does not require any English test or education.

A. If you obtained a work

On Thursday, March 26, the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Association and support-ers held a dinner at the L.A. Rose Café and announced that the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Endowment reached $91,000, which sup-ports the UCLA Pilipino Alumni / Lovell Sevilla Scholarship Program.

There were also several discussions on how to continually increase the endow-ment, which is key to helping several students receive a world-class education at UCLA. A UCLA Pilipino Alumni (PAA) Fundraising Plan was introduced at the dinner by UCLA PAA Fundraising Director Linda Reyes.

UCLA PAA Scholarship Commit-tee Member Mark Bautista was thanked for his recent efforts to obtain tax-de-ductible donations for the endowment.Bobby T. Rimas, the current UCLA Pili-pino Alumni Scholarship Director stated, “This is a real exciting time for UCLA Pilipino Alumni to have the opportunity to take the endowment to the next level which, in turn, will eventually serve more students. Our goal is to have the endow-ment reach over $100,000 by July.”

The dinner was one of several events of a renewed scholarship campaign to strengthen the UCLA Pilipino Alumni En-dowment and to honor Ms. Lovell Sevilla, who served as the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Scholarship Director from 1995 through 2000 and was instrumental in establishing the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Scholarship Endowment. In 2010, she was awarded the UCLA Chancellor’s Excellence in Service Award for expanding diversity in the UCLA Honors Programs and in 2011, became the UCLA director of counseling.

The UCLA Pilipino Alumni Association Scholarship Program usually culminates in the awarding of both the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Endowment and private scholar-ships at UCLA Pilipino Alumni’s annual scholarship benefit, which is scheduled to take place at the UCLA James West Alumni Center on May 2nd. To date, the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Association has awarded over 100 scholarships.

The UCLA Pilipino Alumni Associa-tion’s mission is to create an environment for current students, alumni, and commu-nity members to network, both socially and professionally, as well as raise mon-ies to support UCLA Pilipino Alumni’s initiatives, which include scholarships for incoming high school, undergraduate, and graduate students at UCLA.

UCLA Pilipino Alumni endowment reaches $91,000

to go. The information given to you is inaccurate once again. Having a child in Canada renders the child a Canadian citizen. The child cannot be deported but the mother certainly can. The good news is that you will not be put in jail unless there is a warrant for your arrest - if so, at worse you will detained but spouse can post a bond. However, all that will not happen if you file the proper documentation and sponsorship. There are two caveats though: you must file the new forms under the new laws for illegal visitors and second you could be found ineligible depending on the circumstances surrounding the fraudulent passport. Obtain professional advice from someone who knows the laws and regula-tions – a lawyer not a consultant.

Attorney Henry Moyal is a certified and licensed immigration lawyer in To-ronto, Ontario. The above article is general advice only and is not intended to act as a legal document. Send questions to Attorney Moyal by email [email protected] or call toll free 1-888-847-2078.

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garden “Gethsemane” to pray.When Maundy Thursday comes, Jesus

celebrated His Last Supper or (Passover to the Jews) where He shared His last meal with his disciples. The following day, Good Friday or the Crucifixion, our family would be gathered in Church by 3 p.m. to listen to Bishop Byrne (our Cathedral’s Archbishop at the time) recite the “Seven Last Words.”

Good Friday to us is the most signifi-cant day of prayer as this was the day we commemorate the death of Jesus who died for us and for this we should all be forever thankful to Him. We would visit, pray and touch the Crucifix is laid down in the middle of the Church which was opened all night, to help us pray, find peace and meaning in our lives.

By tradition, this was also the day we would go and visit seven churches. In our town of Iba, visiting seven churches wasn’t as difficult because we can always go to neighboring towns. But in Manila, due to traffic congestion. I remembered we would all have to ride a van to go to nearby Catholic churdes from Quirino District (St. Joseph’s Church) to Cubao (Immaculate Conception), to Christ the King (Espana Ext.), UP Chapel, Santo Domingo, Quiapo and Santa Cruz Church.

On Good Saturday, we would join the procession early morning, usually at dawn, to celebrate the “Salubong” where the Blessed Virgin Mary meets with her son

Remembering Pinoy traditions in celebrating the Glory of Easter

Pinoys all over the southland observed Palm Sunday this past weekend to commemorate the entrance of Jesus to Je-rusalem, “the King of Kings riding a donkey, symbolizing Peace” rather than a horse which in the olden times meant “power as in overthrowing a nation.” This story has always been repeated to us when we were in high school by our most revered Franciscan nun teachers.We were informed that dur-ing Jesus’ journey, people sang “Hosanna” paving His way by waving palm branches while He was on His way to the olive



From page 1

From page 1

it claims almost in its entirety.Beijing has also been building up its

military reach in recent years, with its first aircraft carrier going into service in 2012.

China announced an ‘Air Defence Iden-tification Zone’ (ADIZ) over the East China Sea in 2013, sparking condemnation from Japan and the United States.

Japanese media have reported that China is considering a similar zone over the South

China Sea, which would be likely to further fan tensions in the region.

China has increased its military bud-get by double digit amounts for several decades, but says the spending is purely defensive and not aimed at other countries.

Several southeast Asian nations as well as Japan have boosted their defense budgets and ties with the US, in moves widely seen as reflecting fears about China.

of the council to review the BBL will be a way for the Aquino administration to convince lawmakers and the public to sup-port the proposed bill which is intended to create a Bangsamoro political entity and replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

“Rather we are a group that would like to provide an avenue for dialogue between independent-minded citizens who believe in the importance of understanding the BBL and to discuss its implications for peace and development in our country at a fair and reasonable manner,” the five convenors said.

In response to the President’s invitation to gather other responsible and respected leaders to spearhead a National Peace Summit and deliberate on and discuss the BBL, they said they have agreed to accept the challenge.

They added they will “look into the provisions with collective views and rec-ommendations, educate ourselves and our

“Christ has died, Christ has Risen!” Christians all over the world celebrate Easter to honor the suffering of Jesus and welcome His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Jesus, usually done on a ceremonial area in town or inside the Church grounds.

Finally, as the saying goes, “Christ has died, Christ has Risen’” we celebrate Eas-ter to honor the suffering of Jesus and wel-come His resurrection. May we celebrate this day of God’s resurrection honoring our family with respect and love. Let’s not get overwhelmed by Easter’s com-mercialization of egg hunts, Easter flowers and turkey feast. Let Easter’s significance prevail in our hearts. May you all have a Blessed Easter.

constituencies in the process.”The five also agreed to expand their

current composition to include other co-convenors who, like them, are pro-peace and pro-dialogue.

The names of the additional convenors will be announced after the Holy Week, they said.

They have also agreed to invite experts and resource persons, as deemed necessary.

“We have no intentions to go beyond our self-imposed task of helping ourselves and our fellow citizens understand the importance of the peace issues at hand,” they said.

The five said to make a more mean-ingful dialogue, they have also agreed to consolidate all the output of their consulta-tions, discussions, learnings, and insights in a report that they will share with the Filipino people, the President, the legisla-ture, and the judiciary, “who we believe are critical stakeholders for peace.”

They also intend to seek the support of the private sector.

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12 Visit Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 BalitaLOS ANGELES

bility. But now, the home prices in most areas are back in the mid 2000’s and a lot of home owners are starting to consider sell-ing their home. I have been getting a good number of calls from current homeowners wanting to sell and buy a bigger, better and newer home. My wish and prediction that if the move up sellers and buyers come back into the market, our Real Estate run

will continue to be steady and strong.The move-up buyers are coming with

larger down payments on new homes as recent improvements in home equity levels have allowed them to move. So, key to sell is to improve on your existing property for first time buyers. First time buyers now a days are typical working class couple, both employed possibly with a couple of

children. Last thing they want to do when they buy a house is to remodel, fix it up, improve or add to it. First time buyers now want a nice property, does not have to be new but completely upgraded and totally move in condition. These types of property priced right will sell very fast.

An important sign of a healthy and sustainable recovery is increased housing turnover driven by trade-up buying, which is more or less discretionary spending. You will continue to see more move up buyers. These buyers are typically more responsive to market conditions and finan-cial incentives.

Rising mortgage rates are driving the higher demand because move-up buy-ers are wanting to take advantage before mortgage rates rise any more, but now is the perfect time before rates actually move or inch up. I personally don’t see 6% rates in the near future but maybe rates will be in the mid 4 to high 4’s by next year end. Currently rates are in the high 3’s and I still consider this cheap money, so you all should try and steal this deal, whether its refinancing your existing home or buying a new home or second home with these rates.

Move up sellers are now becoming move up buyers, which is a great sign in our real estate cycle

As home equity levels improve, the move-up buyer is back on the market. More move-up buyers are selling their current properties to replace them with pricier homes, according to the latest report from FNC, a real estate data firm. Believe it or not, but a lot of homeowners stuck it out thru the tough economic downturn because they can’t sell their home, they can’t refinance and they feel obligated to stay in the home, their conscience out weighted their practicality to let go of their mortgage and responsi-

Plus, more move-up buyers are in a bet-ter position to move. Forty percent of all home owners now have at least 20 percent or more of equity in their homes now, ac-cording to RealtyTrac data. This is the main reason the move up buyers will start to pull the trigger, they have the funds to buy into a bigger home. The equity that was not there before due to the downturn of the real estate market is not very strong and rising.

Also, 8.3 million additional home owners are expected to have at least 20 percent equity within the next 15 months if home prices continue to appreciate at the same pace, says RealtyTrac. Realty Trac comments adds that if 5 percent of these home owners decide to sell their homes, that would amount to an additional 415,000 homes for sale in the coming months. Which mean by summer we will see a very active Real Estate Market as I have predicted.

There you go, that is how optimistic I am about the short term RE market we have here in California. I see signs all over of a good 2015 Real Estate economy.

Thanks for your comments and inquiry, please call Ken Go of 1st Innovative Fi-nance at 562-508-7048. Or write to [email protected].

There is no problem so great that she can't solve. Tells you how to hold your job, when you have failed and how to succeed. Calls your friends and enemies by name without asking a single word. Will tell you about your troubles and what to do about them. Re-unites the separated. Upon reaching womanhood and realizing she had the God-given power to heal. She has devoted her lifetime to this work. Guaranteed to remove evil

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Washington, United States, AFP, Wednesday 4/1/2015 – US construction spend-ing dipped in February, led by a decline in public construction, particularly in power and water supply projects, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.

Total construction spending was at an annual rate of $967.2 billion, down 0.1 percent from January’s revised pace of $967.9 billion.

The trend in construction spending has been moderately upward amid the eco-nomic recovery from the Great Recession. Year-over-year, spending was up 2.1 percent in February and for the first two months of the year increased 2.0 percent.

Private construction spending was up 0.2 percent in February, despite a decline in residential construction.

Public construction spending fell 0.8 percent, reflecting in part a 16.0 percent dive in power construction and a 9.0 percent drop in water projects.

Meanwhile, The dollar gained further ground against the euro Tuesday as trad-ers weighed an upbeat report on American consumer confidence and tense Greek bailout talks.

US construction spending dips in February

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Filipino-American Felix B. Lopez, divi-sion chief of the South East Asia Region of International Affairs Directorate of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCG AUX) has been awarded the prestigious title of Honorary Commodore of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) last De-cember 1 at the PCG Headquarters, Port Area, Manila, Philippines.

The PCG/PCGA applauded Lopez for helping organize the 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Maritime Safety and En-vironmental Concerns. That event was attended by the representatives from the US, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Lopez was recognized as an individual

who has been vitally important in support-ing close relations between the US and the Philippines. He proudly wears the should boards given to him by VADM Rodolfo Isorena, PCG Commandant and VADM Joseph Dy, PCGA National Director.

Lopez was also awarded the PCG/PCGA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award in 2010. Lopez also has the distinc-tion of being in the company of Manny Pacquiao, the only eight-division world professional boxing champion, who was awarded a week later.

Division 6, District 11SR of the USCG AUX are in unison in expressing their sincere congratulations to their very own shipmate.

Filipino-American Felix B. Lopez, division chief of the South East Asia Region of International Affairs Directorate of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (center) also now carries the title Honorary Commodore of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Sydney, Australia, AFP, Wednesday 4/1/2015 – The bodies of six soldiers, believed to be Japanese troops who fought in World War II, have been found in a re-opened cave in the Pacific nation of Palau, a report said Wednesday.

The tiny outpost was the scene of fierce battles in 1944 between Japanese and American forces which resulted in steep casualties. Japan is estimated to have lost 10,000 soldiers during the fighting and the remains of 2,600 of them were never recovered, with many thought to be in a network of fortified caves that were used as a mode of defense.

Many of the caves, littered with the explosive remnants of war, were deemed dangerous and sealed after the conflict.

The Australian Broadcasting Corpora-tion said one of them was recently opened for the first time in nearly 70 years ahead of a visit this month by Japanese Emperor

Akihito and Empress Michiko.“The cave itself is in an area known as

the promontory which is the defining point on the west coast of the island of Pelileu,” said Steve Ballinger, operations director with non-government organization Cleared Ground Demining.

“At that location was an anti-tank gun in a heavily fortified concrete bunker and it took a number of days actually to capture this fortified position.

“It’s my understanding that those (bod-ies) were the crew, perhaps the officer and his men that were manning that gun... a number of US soldiers died in that vicin-ity as well.”

Ballinger, whose team has been operat-ing in Palau to clear remnants of WWII ordnance for six years, added to the broad-caster that the bodies would be repatriated.

The cave has since been resealed but more may be opened.

Washington, United States, AFP, Tuesday 3/31/2015 – A parade of vintage warplanes will fly over Washington on May 8 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the allied victory in Europe near the end of World War II, event organizers said Tuesday.

Nearly 70 WWII aircraft will fly over the monument-studded National Mall “in historically sequenced warbird formations representing the war’s major battles, from Pearl Harbor to D-Day,” said Pete Bunce, head of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, one of the organizers.

It will conclude with aircraft in a “missing man” formation passing over-head to the strains of “Taps,” the haunting piece that buglers play at military funer-

als. Dubbed “The Arsenal of Democracy: World War II Victory Capitol Flyover,” the event is expected to draw between 3,000 and 4,000 veterans.

Among the organizers is the National Air and Space Museum, whose director John Dailey said the flyover was aimed at passing on “the heritage of our aircrafts” to younger generations.

“It allows us to help bring to life the sights and sounds of the historic machines that were critical to our success in WWII,” he said.

About 20 of the aircraft will be on pub-lic display the day after the flyover at the museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.

Dailey said the Federal Aviation Ad-ministration and the Secret Service were both involved in event preparations.

Fil-Am conferred with commodore rank by PCG

Bodies of Japan WWII soldiers found in Palau cave

Flyover in Washington to commemorate WWII victory

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14 Visit Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 Balita LOS ANGELES

OPINIONManila, Philippines, AFP, Wednesday 4/1/2015 – Presi-

dent Benigno Aquino Wednesday hailed renovations to the Philippines’ main international airport, expressing opti-mism it would soon shake off its ranking on one website as the world’s worst airport.

Almost a year after he personally apologized for the failure of air-conditioning at Terminal 1 of Manila’s in-ternational airport, Aquino said the facility appeared to be completely different.

“It is like I have entered a completely different airport,” he told reporters as he inspected the 34-year-old terminal.

Asked by reporters if the terminal would no longer be called the world’s worst, Aquino told reporters: “That’s up to you, but they even raised the ceiling.”

Ninoy Aquino International Airport – named after the president’s father, who was assassinated there in 1983 – topped the list of worst airports on the travel website “The Guide to Sleeping in Airports” from 2011-2013.

Travelers have long criticized its “dilapidated facilities”, dishonest airport workers, rude officials and long waiting times, the website said.

However in its 2014 survey at, the Manila terminal improved its standing – to only the fourth worst in the world, after Islamabad, Jeddah and Kathmandu airports.

MANILA, Apr 1 (Mabuhay) – Transportation Secre-tary Joseph Emilio Abaya justified on Wednesday the implementation of the “no registration, no travel” policy of the Land Transportation Office (LTO), saying it was in accordance with the law.

LTO is under the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) being headed by Abaya.

“We are merely applying the law. Unregistered vehicles are prohibited from being driven on roads,” he said in a text message, when sought for comment on opposition by some sectors, including the Metropolitan Manila Develop-ment Authority (MMDA), on the policy that took effect Wednesday, April 1.

“If we don’t, LTO may be sued for not enforcing the law. At the end of the law is for vehicle owners and passengers safety,” Abaya added.

And as to the MMDA’s reported refusal to apprehend violators, the transportation chief said: “I’m sure MMDA is a very busy agency. They have other functions to attend to.”

By Rob LeverWashington, United States, AFP, Wednesday

4/1/2015 – Americans love their smartphones and rely on them as a key way to go online, but many find the cost too steep, a survey showed Wednesday.

The Pew Research Center found some 64 percent of American adults owned a smartphone as of the survey last year, almost double the percentage of 2011.

And 15 percent of those surveyed said they had a smartphone and “limited” access to the Internet from other sources. Ten percent in the survey said they had no broadband Internet at home.

In sum, the figures mean around one out of 14 Americans is “smartphone dependent,” with no high-speed Internet at home and little access else-where, Pew said.

A large number of these “smartphone-dependent” users are young adults: some 15 percent of those in the 18-29 age group fit that description, the survey found. Those with lower incomes and lower educa-tional attainment were also more likely to depend on their handsets.

“Compared with smartphone owners who are less reliant on their mobile devices, these smartphone-dependent users are less likely to own some other type of computing device, less likely to have a bank account, less likely to be covered by health insurance and more likely to rent or to live with a friend or family member rather than own their own home,” the Pew report said.

But because these people have lower incomes, many have had trouble paying their smartphone

bills, according to Pew.Around 23 percent of smartphone owners said

they had to cancel or suspend their service for fi-nancial reasons, and 15 percent said they often reach the maximum amount of data allowed on their plan.

“The connections to online resources that smart-phones facilitate are often most tenuous for those users who rely on those connections the most,” said Aaron Smith, a Pew researcher. “A substantial minority of Americans indicate that their phone plays a central role in their ability to access digital services and online content, but for many users, this access may not be available when they need it due to financial stresses or technical constraints.”

Although 93 percent said their smartphone is useful, less than half – 46 percent – claimed they “could live without” their device, and 54 percent said it was “not always needed.”

While smartphone users access the Internet on their handsets for a variety of things, low-income and smartphone-dependent users are especially like-ly to use their phone for work, or to help find a job.

Overall, the study found 62 percent of smart-phone owners have used their phone to look up information about a health condition, and 57 percent for online banking.

More than four in 10 used their phone to look up real estate listings or other information about a place to live, or to find information about a job. And 18 percent used their phone to submit a job application.

More than two thirds of smartphone owners said they used the devices to follow breaking news,

By Jannelle SoWhile blessed with adoring fans and support-

ers who love and respect him, Philippine boxing champion and congressman Manny Pacquiao also has his share of haters who want to see him defeated, especially in his upcoming match against Floyd Mayweather Jr. at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on May 2, 2015.

What’s probably worse is that some of these antagonists keen on bringing him down are people he used to count as friends.

“People are people, I guess. In Australia we call it the tall poppy syndrome. People want to see you get to the top and when you do, they want to see you go down. What is it? Jealousy,” said Pacquiao’s strength and conditioning coach Justin Fortune who was the Filipino boxing hero’s strength and conditioning coach for many years before he parted ways with Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach. He has reunited with the Pacquiao camp since 2013, for the Brandon Rios fight.

During his absence, his position as strength and conditioning coach of the 8-division world cham-pion was taken over by Alex Ariza. The first year was great. But things started to change, according to team Pacquiao observers. The fall out, especially be-tween Ariza and Roach, was irreparable; especially after it ended with Ariza kicking the Parkinson’s-disease-embattled Roach, during a confrontation in Macau, China.

Now with the Mayweather camp, Ariza has reportedly called Angel “Memo” Heredia to ask for tips on how to improve the power punch of the undefeated American boxing star.While trying to move past his drug-tainted past, Heredia helped train Juan Manuel Marquez who eventually KO’d Pacquiao in their fourth match.

“Sinong Memo? Tinawagan?,” Pacquiao’s stunned reply when he first heard the news. “Maghanap sila. Ang Panginoon lang ang maka-kapag-bigay sa atin ng lakas,” he calmly said after. (Memo who? Called? They can look for that. Only God can give us strength.)

Understandably, many in the Pacquiao camp are very disappointed in Ariza, to put it lightly.

“When did Ariza become a boxing coach? What he should do is do his job. Train his fighter and shut the (expletive) up,” said Fortune. “That’s the problem with him. He doesn’t know when to shut the (expletive) up.”

But while that was Fortune’s message for Ariza,

Pacquiao had this message for his team: “Opinyon ko at advice ko sa team, forgive as the Lord forgiveth.” (My opinion and advice to the team is, forgive as the Lord forgiveth.)

According to the People’s Champ, this is how he deals with people who hurt him and disappoint him. And this is the same message for James Dayap, former official photographer of Team Pacquiao who has also moved to the Mayweather Camp. Mayweather has since gifted his Filipino supporter a brand new BMW and has paid for Dayap’s mom’s kidney transplant.

“Yun ‘yung ano nila. Ang sa akin, pinapangaral natin ang mabuting salita, Good News about the Kingdom of God,” he said. “Kaniya-kaniya tayong haharap sa Panginoon sa araw ng paghuhukom. Kaya importante ang relationship natin sa Pangi-noon.” (I’m just sharing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. We will all face Him on Judgment Day. So, what’s important is our relationship with Him.)

Commenting on Filipino boxer Marvin Sonsona’s decision to sign with Mayweather adviser/manager Al Haymon: “Walang problema, kung saan sila masaya. Basta makapagbigay sila ng karangalan sa bansa, mas maganda,” he said. (No problem, Whatever makes them happy. As long as they give glory to the country, that will be good.)

“Pag ang boxer gustong sumikat, humble yourself before God and before man,” Pacquiao’s message to Sonsona. “Kailangan maging humble, masipag, at kailangan ang relationship kay God.” (If a boxer wants to succeed, humble yourself before God and before man. You should be humble, hard-working and relationship with God is needed.)

Allegedly, Mayweather camp’s plan is to beat Pacquiao and build up a new Filipino fighter. Son-sona, considered to be a rising boxing star, also from General Santos, Philippines, where Pacquiao is from, is the first Filipino to be promoted by Haymon.

“Basta mabigyan nila (Mayweather Team) nang magandang opporutnity ‘yung bata,” said Buboy Fernandez, long time friend and assistant trainer of Pacquiao.

As for Pacquiao’s thoughts on this plan by the Mayweather camp: “Ang Panginoon lang ang makapagsasabi kung sino ang mananalo. Pero kung yan din ang paraan ng Panginoon, Your will be done.” (Only the Lord can tell who will win. But if that’s the way of the Lord, Your will be done.”

Aquino says ‘worst airport’ now looking much better

LTO ‘no registration, no travel’ policy lawful: Abaya

Pacquiao’s Holy Week message: Forgiveness

Smartphones a lifeline for many Americans: study

See SMARTPHONES, page 15

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15Visit www.Balita.comBalita Weekend, Sat. - Fri., April 4 -10, 2015 LOS ANGELES

The government has spent a huge amount of money to rehabilitate the 34-year old Terminal 1 to ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of arriving and departing passengers.Unlike before, passengers were thrilled and happy about the big changes in the airport – from the air-conditioning system to the spotless bathrooms in the airport. The once yellow-stained and foul-smelling lavatories are reportedly being cleaned from time to time by airport janitors who also make sure that there are toilet papers available at all times.

The balding President BS Aquino was reported to be grinning from ear to ear after he and his yellow-clad t-shirt rah rah boys personally inspected the operations and security set ups at the airport. The balding President was in a joyful mood as he spoke with reporters while touring the newly rehabilitated facility.

This was a far cry from his interview with airport reporters in October of last year wherein NAIA was named as the world’s worst airport by most travel guide websites. Known for being irritable when-ever he gets negative publicity, he told the media that he wants Congress to rename NAIA. He said he does not want the Aquino name to be dragged for anything that is negative and unpopular.

I think he should consider changing his

last name too if that is his line of reasoning. The Aquino name will always be associ-ated with the Luneta massacre where a number of tourists from Hong Kong were killed after being taken hostage by a dis-gruntled Manila policeman. The “Hacienda Luisita” massacre where seven unarmed farmers were killed and the recent Mama-sapano massacre.

From 2011 to 2013, NAIA has consis-tently topped the list of the world’s worst airports on the travel website called “The Guide To Sleeping In Airports.” Tourists and balikbayans have complained for so long about the defective air conditioning system as well as dishonest airport porters and custom officials.

Last year, the country’s international airport standing slightly improved in the travel guide report. NAIA is no longer the world’s worst airport. It is now only the 4th worst airport in the world, next to Islamabad, Jeddah and Katmandu.

With the recent improvement of the country’s international airport, I hope it will now encourage more foreigners to take a serious look on the possibility of spending their next vacation this coming summer season.

In another development, President BS Aquino and his allies must be getting desperate for their inability to have the Bangsamoro bill enacted into law.

There are reports coming out from the lower house that Malacañang has offered “grease money” to members of Congress in exchange for the immediate passage of the controversial Bangsamoro bill.

The Bangsamoro bill has been shelved in the back burner following the brutal slaying of 44 police commandos who took part in an operation that resulted in the killing of a Malaysian terrorist and bomb expert named Zulkipli Bin Hir.

Although President Noynoy’s allies in the lower house are denying ever receiv-ing the “grease money” to ensure the im-mediate approval of the Bangsamoro bill, more and more people are now inclined to believe that Malacañang has “brokered” the deal. “If there’s smoke, there’s a fire.”

This is a typical Malacañang ploy. This is what they did when they successfully impeached former Chief Justice Renato Corona. President Noynoy blamed Corona for the Supreme Court’s decision granting Hacienda Luisita farmers the right to own the land they have been tilling for years.

Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr, chairman of the Senate committee on local govern-ment was right in his decision to order temporarily the suspension of all discus-sions and hearings related to the passage

Ninoy Aquino Int’l Airport stinky no more?Here is something positive, for a change, to say about what

the Aquino administration is doing for the good of the country.Of course, this is not about the Mamasapano massacre or

President Noynoy’s desire to railroad the approval of the now controversial Bangsamoro bill pending in Congress.

This is about the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) now sporting a new look to the delight of hundreds of passengers arriving and departing in Manila on a daily basis.

with 33 percent saying that they do this “frequently.”

And 67 percent said they used their phones at least occasionally as GPS de-vices while driving, with 31 percent using this feature often.

Among younger adults, 91 percent said they used their smartphones for social net-working such as Facebook or Twitter, but the figure was much lower (55 percent) for users over 50 years old.

The report is based on telephone sur-veys conducted in December 2014 among 2,002 adults, with some data from surveys in October and November.

of the Bangsamoro Basic Law. I agree with Senator Marcos that a peace agreement cannot be legislated under a threat of such extreme violence. Marcos was also right in saying that violence has no room in a civilized society.

The MNLF and even President Noynoy are saying that any delay in the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law will only mean more “body bags” or more violence in Mindanao. I think the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is more than capable of diffusing any threat made by the MNLF and other Muslim rebel supporters to resort to more violence or killings.


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Use food color to create custom egg dyes you won’t fi nd in a kit. Visit for seasonal color combinations inspired by the Pantone Spring “Fashion Color Report” as well as simple directions to create an egg-cellent fl oral centerpiece.


Brighten up your Easter feast with unique fl avor twists to refresh traditional dishes like ham and deviled eggs. And don’t forget the decorations — it’s easy to create vibrant centerpieces using eggs dyed in the hottest seasonal shades.

“We’ve developed easy tips to dress up your table, from the ham to the centerpiece,” said Mary Beth Harrington of the McCormick Kitchens. “An orange glaze can bring new fl avor to the classic ham, while food color can be used to make a variety of spring-inspired egg dyes to feature in Easter table décor.”

For more Easter dinner recipes and egg dyeing ideas, check out and visit McCormick Spice on Facebook and Pinterest.

Easy Lemon Daisy CupcakesPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 20 minutesServings: 18 1 package (2-layer size) white cake mix 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Lemon Extract, divided 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, soft ened 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, soft ened 2 tablespoons sour cream 1 package (16 ounces) confectioners’ sugar 10 drops McCormick Yellow Food Color 18 large marshmallows Decorating sugar Jelly beans Green sprinklesPrepare cake mix as directed on package, adding 1 tablespoon of lemon extract. Spoon into 18 paper-lined muffi n cups, fi lling each cup 2/3 full. Bake as directed for cupcakes. Cool cupcakes on wire rack.

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For frosting, beat cream cheese, butter, sour cream and remaining 2 teaspoons lemon extract in large bowl until light and fl uff y. Gradually beat in confectioners’ sugar until smooth. Stir in food color until evenly tinted. Frost cooled cupcakes.

To decorate cupcakes, cut each marshmallow crosswise into 5 slices. Sprinkle 1 side of each marshmallow slice with decorating sugar. Arrange 5 marshmallow petals on top of each cupcake to resemble daisy, pressing marshmallows into frosting. Place jelly beans in center of petals. Garnish with sprinkles.

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&Fil-Am News Lifestyle

Balita.comYour premier source for Fil-Am Lifestyle. Updated daily with local, national and international news.

Smoky Deviled EggsPrep time: 10 minutesServings: 6 6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Mustard, Ground 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Paprika, Smoked 1/4 teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt 2 slices bacon, crisply cooked and crumbledSlice eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks; place in small bowl. Mash yolks with fork or potato masher.

Stir in mayonnaise, mustard, smoked paprika and seasoned salt until smooth and creamy. Spoon or pipe yolk mixture into egg white halves. Sprinkle with crumbled bacon.

Refrigerate 1 hour or until ready to serve.

Tip: Deviled eggs are a snap to customize once you create the base of egg yolks, mayonnaise and ground mustard. Try adding chili powder, red pepper and cumin for a Southwest variation or dill weed and parsley for a Dill Mustard version.

Orange Glazed HamPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: 1 hour 45 minutesServings: 24 1 bone-in spiral-cut ham, about 10 pounds 1 cup orange marmalade 1 teaspoon McCormick Mustard, ground 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Garlic Powder 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Black Pepper, Ground 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Cloves, GroundPreheat oven to 325°F. Place ham on side in roasting pan. Mix marmalade and spices in small bowl until well blended. Brush 1/2 marmalade mixture over ham, gently separating slices so mixture can reach middle of ham. Cover loosely with foil.

Bake 1 hour, basting occasionally with pan drippings. Remove foil. Brush with remaining marmalade mixture. Bake 45 minutes longer. Serve ham with pan drippings.

Tip: Pair spices like ginger or chipotle with fruity jams and preserves to balance out saltiness of ham. Cherry Bourbon, Apricot Pineapple Chipotle or Lemon Ginger are easy fl avor combinations your guests will love, and are all available on

(Relaxnews) – It took a master choco-latier, cocoa from Tanzania and two soli-taire diamonds to create what’s being billed as the world’s most extravagant chocolate Easter bunny, worth $49,000 – or, the price of a high-end car.

The specs are impressive: The bunny statuette measures 38 cm (about a foot tall) and weighs in at 5 kg (11 lbs) – about the weight of an average cat – equal to 548,000 calories.

But what makes this particular edible animal over the top is its eyes, a pair of 1.07-carat solitaire diamonds valued at more than $37,320.

Commissioned by British luxury retail site, the chocolate bunny was carved by pastry chef Martin Chiffers, former Chef Décor of Harrods in London, and took two days to complete.

Diamonds were supplied by 77 Dia-monds in London, which claims to pos-sess the largest selection of diamonds in the world.

It’s the latest outrageous stunt from VeryFirstTo, which has made a name for itself launching extravagant, jaw-dropping products and packages that border on the ridiculous.

Outrageous chocolate Easter bunny costs $49K thanks to diamond eyes

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ENTERTAINMENT Heart admits taking birth control pills

PIOLO Pascual denied the reports, say-ing he has rekindled his relationship with former girlfriend KC Concepcion.

Reports said the actor was seen talk-ing with Concepcion at the backstage of weekend program “ASAP XX” and that he sent flowers to the actress.

“No, Kristina (KC) and I are okay, which is a thorn off my chest. Okay na yun,” he said.

“I had that flower, the rose, pero dala ko siya hanggang umuwi ako. So, I never gave it to anyone. The rose was with me the whole time,” he added.

Pascual said it was hard to say that he is ready to be in a relationship now be-cause his main priority is his son, Iñigo, especially now that the latter is pursuing a career in showbiz.

“Honestly speaking, if I have idle or free time, I devote it to my son because he’s here with me. I told him that whenever he’s free and he wants me around, I’ll drop everything. He’s really my priority.”

Meanwhile, Pascual said he is happy that KC’s mother, megastar Sharon Cuneta returns to ABS-CBN.

During the press conference of Cuneta, she mentioned that she is open to working

with younger actors of the Kapamilya station, including Piolo and KC’s other ex-flame Paulo Avelino.

Like Sharon, Pascual said he is open to working with the megastar.

“Of course, of course. Napakaliit lang naman ng mundo natin sa industriya para pasikipin natin. I’m very welcome, I’m very open for that, siyempre she’s the megastar,” he said. Pascual said he has not seen the megastar yet since her return.

“Hindi pa kami nagkikita. Actually last week when she was here I wanted to greet her pero she was in the other building. When there’s a chance, I’ll visit her,” the actor said.

Pascual is currently filming a movie project with Pop Princess Sarah Geronimo. The film is their first project together.

“Nangangapa pa dahil first day pero hindi naman masyadong mahirap yung mga eksena na ginawa namin. Pero we’re doing a lot of training and immersion,” he said.

“Nakakatuwa kasi I never thought I’ll be working with Sarah kasi nakikita ko lang sa ‘ASAP’ yun, on-stage, nagpe-perform and grabe yung presence niya. Now I’m happy to get to work with her,”

Piolo Pascual denies rekindling romance with KC Concepcion

After five years, singer-actress Nikki Gil has released a brand new album “Love Revisited,” her first for label Universal Records.

“Love Revisited” is Gil’s fourth album since her eponymous debut in 2005. Her last CD, “Somebody to Love,” was re-leased back in 2010 under PolyEast.

In the new album, Gil covers classic OPM hits from the late ‘80s to the early ‘90s, led by her carrier single, “When I Met You,” originally recorded by the APO Hiking Society.

“These are personal selection as well. Madami dito kapag nakita niyo ang likod ng album, ‘oy, alam ko ito,’” Gil said.

“Some of the songs, we retained the gen-eral feel, may kaunting twist lang. Lalo na

‘yung mga we’ve come to know and love. The others, completely different. So I’m hoping that it’s to your liking,” she added.

Nikki Gil performs her version of “When I Met You,” which is included in her newest CD “Love Revisited” under Universal Records.

Gil, who is now engaged to business-man BJ Albert, said her personal favorite in the CD is “Loving You,” originally recorded by Ric Segreto.

“I first heard that song in my house. I come from a musical family at may mga time na jamming kami sa bahay-bahay. Nung una ko siyang nadinig, I fell in love with the song because it’s a combination of complicated chords and simple lyrics,” she said.

Piolo Pascual and KC Concepcion

Heart Evangelista

After 5 years, Nikki Gil launches new album

Actress Heart Evangelista admitted that she is taking birth control pills since she does not want to get pregnant yet.

Evangelista explained that still has to finish all her obligations before she can have a baby.

“If I stop, I’ll get pregnant. My doctor advised me not to stop yet, and then, after months, I’ll stop, and I’ll do… ‘yun. I’ll finish first ‘yung [ob-ligations], then I’ll get pregnant. Ang hirap din kasi ‘yung nagsu-shoot ako for a commercial, tapos buntis ako,” she said.

But the popular actress stressed that she wants to build her own family with husband, Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero.

“If it’s a boy, I might name him Francis, like Chiz. If girl, I might name her Sofia. Exciting talaga. ‘Yung kids naman niya (Chiz), they’re asking kung kailan. Kung prepared na ako? More or less,” she said.

Meanwhile, the actress shared that she enjoys spending time with Escu-dero’s kids with former wife Christine Flores.

“The boy is very easy, nasa stage

siya na nagba-basketball siya. So hindi na siya maka-relate sa scrapbook mode namin ni daughter. He’s on his own na. The girl, she needs more attention, I think,” she said.

“As of now, we’re living separately, but in the same village, so nilalakad lang. Hindi pa naman siya drastic, pero slowly din, which is okay. Like today, it’s summer, nasa bahay sila lagi,” she added.

The senator and the lovely actress tied the knot in a controversial flair last February 15 at the Balesin Island Club. (MNS)

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COMMUNITYBy Rob Woollard

Los Angeles, United States, AFP, Wednesday 4/1/2015 – California an-nounced sweeping statewide water re-strictions for the first time in history Wednesday in order to combat the region’s devastating drought, the worst since re-cords began.

Governor Jerry Brown issued the dec-laration at a press conference in a parched, brown slope of the Sierra Nevada moun-tains that would normally be covered by deep snow.

“Today, we are standing on dry grass where there should be five feet (1.5 me-ters) of snow,” Brown said. “This historic drought demands unprecedented action.”

The executive order issued by Brown would aim to achieve a 25 percent reduc-tion in water usage across cities and towns throughout California by a combination of measures.

“As Californians, we must pull together

and save water in every way possible,” Brown said.

The reductions would be achieved by ramping up enforcement to prevent wasteful water use, while investing in technologies designed to make California more drought-resilient.

The State Water Resources Control Board, which manages California’s water supply, would be tasked with achieving the reduction.

The order also set out new measures to reduce water use, including the replace-ment of 50 million square feet (4.6 million square meters) of lawns with drought-tolerant landscaping.

A statewide consumer rebate program would also be set up to encourage individ-uals to replace old appliances with mod-ern, water and energy efficient models.

The measure orders campuses, golf courses, cemeteries and other large con-sumers of water to significantly cut use.

New homes and developments would also be banned from using potable wa-ter for sprinkler systems unless water-efficient drip irrigation systems are used.

Brown had already declared a state of emergency in California over the crip-pling four-year drought, the most severe on record.

Snowpack crisisThe drought has left swathes of Cali-

fornia’s landscape unrecognizable, with normally brimming lakes and rivers now dry and losses to the state’s agricultural in-dustry estimated at several billion dollars.

The severity of the crisis was under-scored by the venue for Brown’s press conference in the Sierra Nevada mountains in northern California, where levels of the snowpack—a vital source of water is at record lows.

A manual survey conducted Wednesday of the Phillips snow course, where Brown addressed media, found no snow. Histori-

cally, the site has averaged 66.5 inches (1.7 meters) in early April.

California Department of Water Re-sources Director Mark Cowin said the state can expect virtually zero water from the snowpack as it melts in the coming weeks.

“Water conservation must become a way of life,” he said in a statement.

Only four years ago, the measured depth of the snowpack was 124.4 inches.

“Clearly this is a very dismal and dis-maying finding,” said CDWR spokesman Doug Carlson.

“To find no snow at all at an area that has averaged around five-and-a-half feet since 1941 indicates the severity of what we are dealing with,” he told AFP.

“Normally when you’re in the moun-tains, you can see bare ground. But if you look near shaded areas, under trees, you can see patches of snow.

“I was up there this weekend and I didn’t see a single snowflake.”

The lithium-ion storage system in Orange will help bolster reliability on the local distribution grid. Over time, more will find their way to other circuits across the service territory.

Added: March 27, 2015 | By David Song

Tucked away in an undistinguished industrial park in Orange, California is a technological innovation that will never be mistaken for a smartwatch or the 5K television display. However, energy stor-age is no less important than sleek con-sumer electronic devices.

Long talked about in the industry, Southern California Edison (SCE) is transforming concept into reality when it connects its first distribution level en-ergy storage facility in June. The project, coined DESI (Distributed Energy Storage Integration), uses lithium-ion battery tech-nology to help SCE deliver more reliable electricity.

“The battery energy storage system in Orange is SCE’s first pilot system deployed to support its distribution grid,”

said Loic Gaillac, manager of the energy storage group in SCE’s Advanced Tech-nology division. “With the state always leading the way in energy technology, you can say we’re one of the first utilities in the country implementing storage this way.”

It’s a natural progression for a company that last year unveiled one of the largest battery energy storage projects in North America. The Tehachapi Energy Storage Project is a demonstration project on the transmission level of the grid, near one of the largest wind generation hubs in the U.S.

“The battery technology is similar, but with DESI, we’re talking about harness-ing energy storage in a neighborhood near you – on the local distribution circuit,” said Gaillac.

The other difference between the proj-ects is that DESI’s primary purpose is to help with reliability, especially during the hottest months when there is an increased demand for electricity, driven by large in-dustrial and commercial customers or the use of residential air conditioners.

“The system in Orange is capable of supplying 2.5 megawatts of power con-tinuously for about an hour and a half,” said Gaillac. “That’s equivalent to the power required to support between 500 and 750 homes.”

More projects are planned for the future, especially after the California Public Utilities Commission in 2013 man-dated California investor-owned utilities procure 1.3 gigawatts of energy storage – 580 megawatts for SCE – by 2020, which must be installed by 2024. This decision allows SCE to own up to 50 percent of the required amount.

The distributed energy storage systems have other practical benefits.

“If we’re at a point on a given circuit where pockets of it are at or near capacity, and may impact reliability, a project like DESI can help us address reliability issues locally without an immediate upgrade of the circuit,” said Gaillac.

And the battery energy storage systems will be placed strategically in locations on the circuit where it is needed most, packaged in unassuming, custom-made enclosures with a footprint about half the size of a tennis court.

It may not be sleek, but it’ll do the job.

Los Angeles, 31 March 2015 – Hon-eybee Foods Corporation paid a courtesy call on Consul General Leo Herrera-Lim at the Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles on 25 March 2015.

Officials from Honeybee Foods Cor-poration representing the famous Filipino fast-food chains, Jollibee, Red Ribbon and Chowking called on Consul General Leo Herrera-Lim on 25 March 2015. The officials updated the Consul General on the latest developments with their corpora-tion which now has 86 stores around the

United States. The combined presence of Jollibee, Red Ribbon and Chowking in the U.S. provides employment to around 3,500 employees. 75% of these employees work in California.

The Consul General informed the of-ficials that the Consulate is always open to promoting Philippine products, including Filipino-themed food. It is great news that one of the largest corporations in the Philippines is successful in the U.S. and continues to look forward to growing in other areas and other States in the country.

Photo above shows (2nd from left), Honeybee Foods Corporation Offi cials, Chowking Operations Director Donny Reyes, Jollibee Operations Director Mackey Dimaculangan, Jollibee, Red Ribbon & Chowking General Manager Maribeth Dela Cruz, Consul General Leo Herrera-Lim, Jollibee, Red Ribbon & Chowking Marketing Director Carol Rodriguez and Red Ribbon Operations Head Rey Viguilla.

California unveils historic water restrictions over drought crisis

Energy storage delivers electric reliability to a neighborhood near you

Honeybee Foods Corp pays courtesy call on ConGen Herrera-Lim

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20Tb/s capacity to serve bandwidth growth in SE Asia, U.S.

MANILA, Philippines; JAKARTA, Indonesia; TAMUNING, Guam; TOKYO, Japan (March 31, 2015) and HONOLULU, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO (March 30, 2015) – A global consortium of telecommunications companies, formed to build and operate the South-East Asia - United States (SEA-US) submarine cable system, officially announced the start of construction for the landmark project, the first to directly connect Indonesia and the United States. NEC Corporation and NEC Corporation of America are the system sup-pliers for the US $250 million project that is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016.

The SEA-US system will link the five areas and territories of Manado in Indone-sia, Davao in Southern Philippines; Piti in

the territory of Guam; as well as Honolulu (on the island of Oahu), Hawaii; and Los Angeles, California in the continental U.S. The system will be approximately 15,000 kilometers in length, stretched along a unique route and has been designed and en-gineered to bypass earthquake prone areas in East Asia, thereby providing a strategic diversity in the range of connectivity to transpacific networks with ensured stable connectivity.

The cable system will provide an initial 20 terabit per second (Tb/s) capacity, with state-of-the-art 100 Gigabit per second (Gb/s) technology. This capacity will help to meet the exponentially growing demand for bandwidth between Southeast Asia and North America in unparalleled perfor-mance, especially for those two ASEAN countries. With further connectivity using existing and planned submarine cable sys-tems in the region, other countries such as

Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, and Australia can enjoy the benefit of the SEA-US.

The SEA-US consortium consists of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Globe Telecom, RAM Telecom International (RTI), Hawaiian Telcom, Teleguam Holdings (GTA), GTI Corpora-tion (a member of the Globe Telecom group of companies) and Telkom USA.

Syarif Syarial Ahmad, President Direc-tor of Telin stated, “This cable construction is significant as it is one of the biggest milestones for Indonesia’s rapid growth in communications and it demonstrates Telin’s commitment to providing Indone-sia consumers with state of the art global infrastructure development. Our objective is now closer with SEA-US given that it is the first cable system with direct connec-tion from Indonesia to USA, where most of the Internet’s content is sourced.”

The frequent use of high bandwidth internet in Indonesia is ranging from busi-ness, where video conference is highly utilized in many offices, as well as enter-tainment, where video and TV streaming have become part of casual activities of Indonesians.

Gil Genio, Globe Telecom Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer pointed out that, “The SEA-US project will enable Globe to play a major role in providing superior connectivity for con-sumers and businesses in the Philippines to connect to the US. Our link-up with the SEA-US cable system will serve the exponential growth of mobile Internet use in our country, enabling the Filipino digital lifestyle and wonderful experience for our customers and businesses.”

He added that, “this development will also benefit the outsourcing and offshoring industry, including major contact centers, business process outsourcing providers, global financial institutions and a host of other multinationals that require very large bandwidth as the Philippines has become the preferred destination for these companies.”

Russ Matulich, Chief Executive Officer of RTI stated, “SEA-US will enable RTI to meet the diverse needs of telecommunica-tions carriers, large multinational enter-

prises, content providers and government entities looking to connect over 1.5 billion business and consumers in the Southeast Asia region. RTI is proud to work with industry leading partners to build what will be the fastest cable connecting Southeast Asia with the United States. SEA-US’s essential Asia-US route diversity, lower latency and onward connectivity options via Hawaii and Guam will enable RTI to offer unmatched services to transpacific connectivity customers.”

Eric K. Yeaman, Hawaiian Telcom’s president and CEO, said that, “Today’s announcement signals the beginning of a truly vital project that will facilitate economic opportunity and growth for Hawaii’s residents and businesses. Hawaii is no different from the rest of the world in its need and desire for more bandwidth and the SEA-US system will ensure our trans-Pacific capacity needs are met both now and well into the future.”

Robert Haulbook, GTA president and chief executive officer, says “GTA is excited about this consortium. With this system, collectively, we are well positioned to meet the growing demand for increased bandwidth and strengthening our position to enhance overall network redundancy. Guam plays a vital role, and we look for-ward to SEA-US meeting capacity needs of all users in our areas.”

Naoki Yoshida, General Manager of NEC’s Submarine Network Division said that, “As one of the world’s top vendors of submarine cable systems, NEC is honored to begin construction on this new 100G trans-oceanic submarine cable system that will span nearly 15,000 kilometers.

This cable promises to expand connec-tivity and capacity as well as contribute to the economies of Southeast Asia and the U.S. The construction of this advanced system enables NEC to capitalize on more than 40 years of experience, laying over 200,000 kilometers of submarine cable in-frastructure and contributing to worldwide communications.

Through this undertaking, NEC will continue to dedicate its strength to the development of telecommunication in-frastructure in these regions and other countries across the globe.”

Global consortium, NEC begin construction of $250M SEA-US Cable System

Washington, United States, AFP, Friday 4/3/2015 – After a year of pumping up their payrolls, US employers sharply cut back hiring in March, in a fresh sign of a slowdown in the world’s leading economy.

Labor Department data Friday showed the economy generated a disappointing 126,000 net new jobs in March, half of what was expected and the worst month since December 2013.

The department also trimmed 69,000 from the two previous months, dimming the picture for growth after a year that av-eraged 287,000 new hires a month across the country.

While the jobless rate held at 5.5 per-cent, the lowest level since May 2008, and wages showed more strength than in recent months, the March data had other worrisome signs: hours worked fell, unem-ployment among all adult men and among African Americans rose, and the participa-tion rate in the jobs market fell.

Hiring in the huge service sector slowed but still was a firm 142,000 new positions.

But total jobs in government and in the goods-producing industries declined, with a notable net loss of 11,000 jobs in the mining sector as oil industry layoffs mount with the plunge in crude prices.

Economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, for-mer head of the Congressional Budget Office, called the report “awful.”

“The headwinds of cold weather, higher dollar, and low oil prices are all

US jobs machine stalls in Marchgood excuses for a bad month. But once again the economy has failed to shift to an anticipated higher gear – an ominous development,” he said.

The one good sign was in wages, a data point closely eyed by economists and the Federal Reserve for signs of labor market tightening and inflation.

After coming in flat last month, average hourly wages rose by 7 cents to $24.86, a solid gain that put the year-on-year increase to 2.1 percent, still modest but ahead of inflation.

Even so, analysts pointed out, average weekly hours worked fell, pulling down slightly average weekly earnings, a sign of relative weakness in economic growth.

Economists noted a number of factors that could explain some of the weakness in March: harsh weather in some parts of the country, the very strong dollar, China’s economic slowdown, and the continuing effect of the West Coast ports slowdown between November and February.

“A range of factors including the weather and the global economic slow-down have affected economic data for the first quarter,” Jason Furman, chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, said in a statement.

Chris Low of FTN Financial pointed in a different direction. “For our money, it is the collapse of the oil economy, and it likely will continue to weigh on activity” through the second quarter, he said.

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Dr. Jeffrey M. Sage

(Relaxnews) - Diets are no fun, and it’s hard to keep the weight from rolling back on. Yet diets geared towards goals other than weight loss could make you feel bet-ter, look better and enjoy life more. So even if you can eat burgers and fries every day and not gain an ounce, you may want to consider one of these health food kicks to give yourself a boost this spring.

A drug-free solution for insomniaYou may have heard that foods rich in

the amino acid tryptophan such as turkey, milk, bananas and nuts are known to pro-mote sleep. Although health experts often recommend cutting back on sugar for better sleep, those with a sweet tooth might want to try swapping refined sugar for honey, which contains tryptophan. While it may be tempting to fall asleep with a glass of wine, recent research suggests alcohol may not promote sleep, but hinder it. The Bulletproof Diet contains helpful tips on how to diet for better sleep and per-formance:

Never say “I don’t feel like it” againMagnesium helps metabolize nutrients

and turn them into energy, so if you’re feeling tired, checking your magnesium intake is a good place to start. According to WebMD, women need 300 mg and men should get 350 mg on a daily basis. You can find them in nuts, dark leafy greens

like spinach and fish, particularly halibut and mackerel. Don’t skip breakfast; cut out sugar, which steals your pep; and aim for slow-burning carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta and whole grain bread.

Sex and diet: The new “it” coupleWhen Marrena Lindberg wrote “The

Orgasmic Diet” in 2008, she reminded us that dieting our way to ecstasy is entirely possible. A key ingredient in Lindberg’s plan is a heavy dosage of Omega 3s, which have been proven to release dopamine, which studies suggest enhances sexual arousal and response. Alex Freud’s new book “The Libido Diet,” in which he provides increasing evidence suggesting that diet and sexual well-being are closely connected, promises a hormone-balancing, sex bomb on a plate.

Your skin is what you eatProcessed food and refined carbohy-

drates could promote skin aging, accord-ing to the Mayo Clinic. Melons, fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, nuts, beans, berries and leafy green vegetables such as spinach are all known to promote skin health. American dermatologist Dr. Per-ricone’s 3-Day Diet not only claims to reduce puffiness in the eyes and make your skin look radiant, it’s high in protein and energy-generating vegetables. To get the scoop on that and his other diets for great skin:

(Relaxnews) Tuesday March 31 2015 – It’s time to give spring an eyeful! The look for this season is bold and play-ful, with flashes of vibrant color really bringing out your peepers. From chalky pastels to disco-inspired metallics, the key hereis boldness.

A good way to begin is with Guer-lain’s “Ecrin 4 Colors” palette, which includes easier golden and smoky bronzed shades as well as a pastel pink and deep khaki, which can be used at the inner or outer corners of the eye or run across the lids for effect. Chanel, too, has played things relatively safe with its pretty “Les Quatre Ombres” palette ($61) coming in various combinations

of strong gun metals, soft creams and cherry pinks.

An excellent in-between option is Lancome’s Spring Multipalette “My French Palette” ($58), which combines soft pink and beige shades with bolder turquoises and emeralds.

Dior, meanwhile, has embraced the theme wholeheartedly, launching a “Five Couleurs Kingdom Of Colors” especially for the season (€59, approxi-mately $63), with the collection divided into pinks and greens. It is followed by the younger and punkier brand Urban Decay, which has launched its “Moon-dust” eyeshadows ($20 each) in six new iridescent metallic hues.

Beyond weight-loss: Diet for better sleep, energy, sex and great skin

Spring makeup: Eyes go bold

Our busy lifestyle keeps us outdoors for most part of the day and continuously exposes our deli-cate skin to the blazing rays of the sun.

This turns our skin down to a few tones. But you can shield your skin from darkening and help it come back to life thru whitening skin care.

First, it is important to deeply clean off the dead skin cells. Dead skin cells make the skin look dark and dull. And then, apply skin moisturizer as it helps replenish the lost moisture and helps repair the skin.

Also, use Iontophoresis. That is an electrical stimulus to induce the penetration of medications like vitamins into the deeper layer of the skin where they can produce more profound effects. If repeated, the treatment could result to facial radi-ance and softer facial skin. Also, Jane and the rest of our staff can show you many Korean styles of caring of the skin.

We also urge the men to also try facial deep cleaning to clear the pores of blackheads and whiteheads.

At Art of Hair Beauty Lab, we can help you protect your skin. Just give us call at 818-757-0675 or 818-757-0680.

Protecting your skin from blazing sun

Before a visit to Art of Hair Beauty Lab

After a visit to Art of Hair Beauty Lab

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JOB MARKETFor advertising, call (818) 552-4503 402 • Fax (818) 550-7635 • email: [email protected]

Life and Leisure News for

FULL-TIME CAREGIVERBoard & Care looking for live-in caregiver full-time, 5-6 days a week. Experience necessary. Pls call between 10am-6pm. (323)658-7660.

CAREGIVERSLive-in female for Development Disable woman facility. Experi-enced a must. Car preferred. 5 or 6 Days a week. Canoga Park area. Call (818) 426- 9969.

NOW HIRINGIn downtown LA. 1. Offi ce Admin 2.Accounts Receivables 3. Offi ce Assistant/Customer Service 4. Warehouse Worker. Will sponsor 310-430-4000.

SEEKING NANNYFor 15 mo. old boy. Mon to Frid, Live-in. Light cooking & cleaning. Panorama City, CA. Must have experience w/ children / babysit-ting. Pls call/ text 818-398-3139References req’d.

MALE CAREGIVERIn board and care for 6 residents in Torrance. Live-in for 5 days from Mon.-Fri. Finger print/fi rst aid/ CPR / Health screen TB & good English required. Call Melo at 310-753-9543

CAREGIVER NEEDEDSanta Clarita. Live-in. Elderly care residential facilities. Lives-can clearance needed. Looking for long term employment. Con-tact 818-269-2230 [email protected]

CAREGIVERSNeeded for DD facility. 8 Hours per day, 5 days per week. Week-ends available. West Covina Area. Call Dessa 626-354-9876.

LIVE-IN CAREGIVERFull-time live-in caregiver need-ed immediately for a board & care facility for elderly in North-ridge. With experience but not necessary. We will train. Pls call818-742-8045.

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PRAYER FOR SAINT THERESEOh Glorious Saint Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I invite your miraculous intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul, Our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a “Prodigy of Miracles”. Now fervently beseech you to answer my petition: (mention here) and carry out your promise of doing good upon the Earth of letting fall from heaven a shower of roses. Henceforth, Dear Little Flower, I will fulfi ll your plea “to be made known everywhere and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen (Say prayer every day for 9 days. By 4th day, you will see a rose in a magazine, TV picture or receive roses. You can also get strong scent of roses in home even if no roses present. Must promise publication. Thank you Saint Therese. -FINN



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PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRITHoly Spirit Thou who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal, You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank You for everything and confi rm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. A person must pray this for three consecutive days without stating his wish. After the 3rd day the wish will be granted, no matter how diffi cult it may be. Promise to publish this as soon as your favor has been granted. Grateful Thanks -KAT


(Never known to fail)Oh most beautiful fl ower of Mt. Carmel, fruit wine splendor of Heaven.Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea. Help me and show me here you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks. -RINA


BEDSPACER $325Panorama City. Close to WalMart, Island Pacifi c, Food4Less & bus line. Month to month. Call 818-205-8655.


Plumbing repair, drain cleaning, copper repipe, bath & kitchen, remodel hydro jetter, toilet, dispos-al, heating water heater, iron works, electrical & carpentry. Free estimate.(818) 730-6571

APT. FOR RENTHollywood. 1 BR $1,200; Single $1,000; Bachelor $850. Brand new hard-wood fl r, intercom entry, a/c, TFC cable ready, gated parking, pool, near Sunset & Wilcox, no pets. Manager speak Tagalog.323-462-3573.


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The Editor

GLENDALE APT.Filipino managed. Town-house style. Single $800/mo. Good location near Galleria, church, school, & park. Must see. Call (818)653-0275.

ROOM FOR RENT$485/mo. Free utilities with internet/cable and TFC. 1 Female for nicely quiet, furnished room. Close to 118 & 405 fwy. no pets / smoking pls. Annie 818-648-1617 cel

ROOM FOR RENT$350/mo. Near Wilshire & Western, Purple Line train, bus 66. Very safe. TFC & wifi available. (213) 251-9536; (213) 736-7354.

ROOM FOR RENTLarge studio room, private entrance, bathroom, kitch-en, cable & free utilities. $700/mo. Pls call 562-427-0843.

2 BEDSPACERSPreferred a lady. $250 bed-spacer. 7800 Woodman Ave. Panorama City. Close to Kaiser Permanente hos-pital. Contact Luz 818-916-5145.

ROOM FOR RENT5 Mnts to Seafood City, Panorama. $500/mo. free utils. 12351 Roscoe Blvd. Sun Valley CA 91352. Call Fernando 323-434-6623.

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MOTORINGIn the late 1930’s businessman/entre-

preneur B. Y. Lam (the father of current DCH Chairman, Shau-wai Lam), estab-lished a trading company in Shanghai which rapidly expanded in Hong Kong naming it the Dan Chong Hong (DCH) Limited company. Eighteen years later, in 1948, Mr. Lam opened their American subsidiary DCH (USA) in New York City. This particular branch specialized in com-modity trading and importation of food and clothing.

However, after almost 29 years in the import food/clothing and commodity trad-ing market, the Lam family decided to shift their business focus on the automotive dealership market. Subsequently, in 1992, the Lam family partnered with the Wing On Group of Hong Kong and jointly, they acquired the American subsidiary, DCH (USA), right after its Hong Kong parent was sold to another company.

Through its tenacity, the DCH Group now has 27 new car and used car dealer-ships in New York, New Jersey and Cali-fornia, where they specialize in offering and marketing “distinguished” automo-bile brands such as: Acura, Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Kia, Honda, Lexus, Nissan, Scion and Toyota.

Currently, the DCH Auto Group is the largest automotive group in New Jersey and is among the top ten auto groups in the

U.S. today, in terms of new vehicle retail sales. They have also received numerous awards inside and outside the auto industry for exceptional sales and service, as well as for contributions to business and the community.

DCH Toyota of Torrance offers special interest rates of 9% for 36 to 60-month terms along with rebates and cashbacks amounting from $500 to $1,500. Their dealership covers the heavily-populated Filipino areas of Southbay such as: Carson, Wilmington, Lomita, Lawndale, Haw-thorne and Long Beach.

At DCH Toyota of Torrance, they offer new and certified pre-owned Toyota and Scion vehicles, as well as other cars such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Ford, Nissan and Honda, all of brands of which are the top choices for the Filipino-American market.

The dealership in Torrance is headed by a seasoned General Manager Chris Hunter, who has quite a lengthy career in the automotive business, and an equally knowledgeable professional Filipino Sales Director in the person Loyd Aler.

And to serve the huge Filipino-Amer-ican population in and around Southbay Aler employs the expertise and support of two kababayans, Sales and Leasing Consultants Philip Rivera and Teddy Villa-fuerte. “It’s not only that we have special-

Filipino Sales Dept (from left) Phillip Rivera, Teddy Villafuerte,General Manager Chris Hunter and Filipino Department Manager Loyd Aler.ized in the business of car sales,” Aler said, “We are seriously very dedicated to help each and every customer. We are commit-ted in making sure that all our customers’ concerns have been addressed and their questions answered. It is our goal that all our customers are more than just satisfied with their car-buying experience.”

Both Chris Hunter and Loyd Aler aim

to introduce not only DCH Toyota of Tor-rance’s topnotched vehicles but also their sales staff’s outstanding and friendly cus-tomer service. Aler said, “Sa DCH Toyota, serbisyong walang pag-aalinlangan, pre-syong mapagkakatiwalaan at makatulong sa kababayan ang aming karangalan. Halika na kaibigan, tawag na (800) 311-0102.” (Myrna Aquitania)

DCH Auto Group rises to prominence and expansion

DCH Toyota of Torrance sales staffFilipino Department Manager and Senior Sales Consultant Loyd Aler

Close end lease for 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5S for $169 per month plus tax for 36 months on above average approved credit. Payment net of $1,550 Nissan Lease Rebate and $600 Nissan College Grad Rebate. College Grad Rebate requires recent college graduation and proof of employment. $1999 cash or trade equity, plus tax, license and registration fees due at lease signing. No security deposit. 12,000 miles per year, 36k total miles with 15 cents per mile thereafter. Subject to availability and charges for excess wear and tear. Not all lessees may qualify, higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Offer expires 04/30/15.

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Offer Expires 4/11/15

Offer Expires 4/11/15

Offer Expires 4/11/15

Offer Expires 4/11/15

Visit Subaru of Glendale to find your dream car at a great price with the help of our friendly, no pressure sales staff.Whether it’s love at first sight or after your test drive, you’ll have a great experience and leave with a grin on your face.

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2015 model noted for its available third row seat and Around View Monitor, among other features

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Kelley Blue Book’s has named the 2015 Nissan Rogue one of the “10 Best All-Wheel-Drive Vehicles Under $25,000.” editors selected the Rogue due to its available third row seat and “attractive feature set,” including the “very helpful” Around View Monitor, heated seats and NissanConnectSM with Navigation and Mobile Apps.

“In what has been a brutal 2014 to 2015 winter for many across the country, the importance of having a reliable all-wheel drive vehicle is as high as ever,” said Dan Mohnke, vice president, Nissan Chief Marketing Manager & Marketing Opera-tions. “Featuring Advanced Ride Control, Active Trace Control* and Active Engine Braking among many other features, with a premium look and feel, Rogue is a solid en-

try in the m a r k e t -place. We a r e e c -static that the Rogue has been r e c o g -n i z e d by Ke l -ley Blue Book.”

Nissan Rogue’s r o b u s t

exterior styling is designed to stand out in its class.

The bold, sharp lines offer a sporty and confident appearance. Exterior highlights include signature LED daytime running lights, muscular front fenders and hood, body-color outside mirrors with standard integrated turn signals and rear spoiler. Also available are LED headlights, fog lights, privacy glass, roof rails, heated out-

side mirrors, power panoramic moonroof and a power rear liftgate.

The premium look and feel continues inside, with the interior designed to make everyday activities a little easier. Rogue’s ample interior roominess offers avail-able seven-passenger seating with the optional stadium-style, flat-fold third-row 50/50-split bench seat.

The reclining 40/20/40-split second-row seat offers second row legroom of 37.9 inches and 9.0 inches of fore/aft adjust-ability with the EZ Flex Seating System.

Rogue also offers the advanced Divide-N-Hide Cargo System providing 18 ad-justable variations between the cargo and occupant areas (two-row models). With the second-row seat folded down, the innova-tive, class-exclusive** Divide-N-Hide Cargo System creates a flat cargo area. When more space is needed for carrying taller or bulkier items, lowering the floor-board creates a deeper cargo well.

Fuel economy is 33 mpg highway and 26 mpg city, with a combined EPA rating of

28 mpg (front-wheel drive models).The 2015 Rogue also features a suite of

confidence-inspiring dynamic technologies – with Active Trace Control, Active Engine Braking and Active Ride Control. A four-wheel independent suspension, Electric Power-assisted Steering and four-wheel disc brakes with Anti-lock Braking System.

To view the complete Kelley Blue Book’s “10 Best All-Wheel-Drive Vehicles Under $25,000” list, please visit

If you have been desiring to own a new Nissan vehicle, come down to Nissan Mis-sion Hills and check out our kababayan Manuel Lava of Nissan Mission Hills. So what are you waiting for? Schedule a Test drive on the vehicle of your choice at Nissan of Mission Hills. Call Manuel at 1-888-588-7635 and test drive a Nissan vehicle today! Nissan of Mission Hills is located at 11000 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345.

Manuel Lava of Nissan of Mission Hills

By Robert MacphersonToms River, United States, AFP,

Wednesday 4/1/2015 – Don Robertson isn’t the type to let a snowstorm on the first day of spring – or his age – stop him from doing his appointed rounds.

“Driving means to keep motivated,” says “Mr. Don” as he set outs in his SUV to pick up a fellow Jersey Shore senior who no longer holds a driver’s license.

“You don’t be still and you don’t get stiff,” adds the sexagenarian New Jersey native who once drove 2-1/2 ton trucks for the US army.

“As long as you keep moving, you can keep going.”

With 20,000 Americans turning 65 every day, seniors behind the wheel – and their ability to keep driving safely into their 70, 80s and 90s – is a hot topic.

Nearly 85 percent held driver’s licenses in 2010, compared to barely half in the early 1970s, according to American Auto-mobile Association (AAA) research.

“We know through research that older drivers are among the safest on the road,” said Jacob Nelson, the AAA’s director of traffic safety advocacy and research.

“They’re most likely to buckle up, least likely to speed and drink-and-drive,” he

told AFP.Yet, with age comes the prospect of ill-

nesses that impact on the ability to safely drive—from macular degeneration and hearing loss to dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

More than 90 percent of older driv-ers are also on some kind of prescription medicine, the AAA’s Foundation for Traf-fic Safety says.

High demand They are “vulnerable road users,” said

Nelson, statistically more likely to be injured or killed in a crash that a younger driver might walk away from.

Robertson is part of a team of senior drivers at Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey who give rides to other seniors who can no longer drive themselves.

Demand is high. In Ocean County – home to 92 retirement communities, and where one in five residents is over 65 – a ride to the doctor or dentist needs to be booked two weeks in advance.

“The need for transportation in our area is just huge,” Lynette Whiteman, Caregiver Volunteers’ executive director, told AFP.

Waiting for Robertson at her tidy bun-galow was Mary Roberts, 88, who sadly remembered the day in June 2006 when she took herself off the road for good.

She was the passenger in a vehicle that crashed on the Garden State Parkway, a major north-south thoroughfare, throwing her head against the windshield.

After a weekend of rest, Roberts thought she was fine—until she attempted the oth-erwise routine drive to a local community services bureau where she helped manage the accounts.

“I found myself going on sidewalks and all over the place. I couldn’t seem to control the car and I didn’t know what to do when I saw a light,” she said.

“Finally I did manage to get to the office and I just cried and cried and cried”—and yet to be told by doctors that she suffered irreversible brain damage.

“Not being able to drive has changed my life in every aspect,” said Roberts from the front passenger’s seat of “Mr Don’s” ride.

She is open to the idea of a robot ve-hicle, like the self-driving car that Google is developing with an eye in part on the ever-growing retiree market.

Nissan Rogue named as one ‘10 Best All-Wheel-Drive Vehicles Under $25,000’

Senior drivers strive to stay on the road

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10th-generation, 2016 model year Civic focuses on sporty, fun-to-drive dynamics

Today Honda unveiled its ultra-sporty Civic Concept at the New York Interna-tional Auto Show as the brand prepares to launch its completely reimagined 10 -Generation Civic models beginning this fall. With a sharper focus on spirited performance and class-leading versatility, the new Civic lineup will include Civic Sedan, Coupe and Si models along with the return of the Civic hatchback, followed by the launch of a new Civic Type-R as the performance flagship of the Civic lineup. The new Civic also will be the first U.S. model to apply new VTEC® Turbo engines from the company’s Earth Dreams Tech-nology™ powertrain series.

“The new Civic will be, flat out, the most dynamic, the most technologically advanced and the most refined and stylish Civic we’ve ever made,” said John Men-del, executive vice president, Automobile Division, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. “In every way, this will be an epic Civic.”

The Civic Concept provides a tantaliz-ing glimpse forward to the thrilling design direction for the all-new 10 -generation Civic lineup launching in the U.S. this fall. Featuring a longer wheelbase and lower, wider stance, the new Civic emphasizes its aggressive personality and the engag-ing experience it will provide behind the wheel. Proportionally it boasts a longer hood, a shorter front overhang, a more set-back greenhouse and a shorter rear deck, lending the Civic a more athletic and “in

motion” ap-pearance.

The low and wide propor-tions are under-scored by its more aggres-s ive whee l -to-body rela-tionship and p r o n o u n c e d fender arches. Its sporty and expressive face

is highlighted by bright new LED head-lights flanking the “Flying H” Honda grille which is supported by deeply sculpted lower air intakes.

“Charismatic, connected and athletic, our goal was to create a design that is emotional and sporty yet with a sense of timelessness and simplicity,” said Guy Melville-Brown, Exterior Design Leader of the Civic concept, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. “In this we set out to create a vehicle that goes beyond the superficial and em-braces the very philosophy of what a true Civic should be; it’s a real game changer.”

The 10 -generation Civic is based on a compact platform that targets benchmark levels of efficiency, dynamic performance, safety and manufacturing productivity. Leveraging this new platform in conjunc-tion with new Earth Dreams Technology™ powertrains – including a new 1.5-liter VTEC® Turbo engine with direct injec-tion, a short-shifting 6-speed manual trans-mission, and a new, more sporty and ef-ficient continuously variable transmission

(CVT) – the Civic will target class-leading fuel economy ratings and fun-to-drive per-formance with near-luxury levels of cabin quietness and ride refinement.

The new Civic will also target class-leading levels of safety performance and will offer the Honda Sensing™ suite of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies, including Lane Departure Warning, Forward Collision Warning, Multi-Angle Rearview Camera, Adaptive Cruise Control and Honda LaneWatch™, along with Honda’s next-generation Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure.

The new Civic marks the first time that global development of both the se-dan and coupe models is being led by a North American R&D team, with design led by a team from Honda’s Los Angeles design studio and development centered in the company’s Raymond, Ohio vehicle development center. The North American version of the Civic Sedan will be produced in Greensburg, Indiana, and in Alliston, Ontario. The Civic Coupe and Si models will also be manufactured in Alliston. The VTEC Turbo engine will be produced in Anna, Ohio with engines also produced in Alliston. The CVT will be produced in Russells Point, Ohio. Together, these four Honda plants have invested in new equip-ment, processes and training to prepare for new Civic production, which will use do-mestic and globally sourced parts. Produc-tion of the five-door hatchback will take place at the company’s Swindon, UK plant.

Honda is in the midst of a series of major product launches that began with the

freshened CR-V – 2015 Motor Trend Sport Utility of the Year – and continues with the spring launch of the all-new 2016 Honda HR-V crossover and the summer launch of the redesigned 2016 Honda Pilot SUV. This will be followed by the new Civic release beginning this fall.

About CivicThe current generation Civic has been

the best-selling small car in America with individual retail car buyers every year since its launch as a 2012 model in calendar year 2011, with sales in excess of 300,000 units in each of the past three years. The first-generation Civic debuted in America in 1972, and Civic has played a leading role in advancing fuel efficiency, small-car safety performance, design, technology and fun-to-drive performance over nine generations of development. American car buyers have purchased more than 10 million Civics over the course of 43 years and Civic has been manufactured in North America since 1986, with cumulative production in North America approaching 9 million units.

Approximately 98 percent of Honda brand new car registrations in America in 2014 were to individual retail car buy-ers. Isn’t it about time you yourself get a Honda? Or, better replace your Honda with a newer model. Come and see our kababayan Mac Almerol, one of the most veteran Filipino-American car special-ists in the Southland today, at Honda of Hollywood. You can reach Mac toll free at 1-866-630-0734. Better yet, test drive a new Honda today by coming down to Honda of Hollywood located at 6511 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90038.

Honda debuts sportiest Civic design in brand history with 10th-generation Civic Concept at New York International Auto Show

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Optima and Soul Lead Sales; All-New 2016 Sorento CUV Now in Showrooms   

IRVINE, Calif., April 1, 2015 – Kia Motors America (KMA) today reported record March sales of 58,771 vehicles, up 7.3 percent over the same period last year. Kia’s best-ever first quarter perfor-mance was led by the U.S.-built* Optima midsize sedan, iconic Soul, and the all-new 2016 Sorento with 15,485, 12,731 and 10,842 units sold, respectively, while the all-new Sedona continued its sales momentum.

“Our record-setting performance in March contributed to the company’s best-ever first quarter and despite difficult weather in some parts of the country, sig-nificant consumer traffic and the popularity of key vehicles like the Optima, Soul and

all-new Sorento propelled Kia sales,” said Michael Sprague, executive vice presi-dent, sales & marketing, KMA. “Today at the New York International Auto Show, the company will continue to enhance its product lineup with the global debut of the all-new, passionately designed and obsessively crafted 2016 Optima, which is scheduled to arrive in showrooms later this year.”

Meanwhile, the 2015 Kia Soul EV has been honored as a 2015 Vincentric “Best Value in America” award winner in the Electric/Plug-in Hybrid category. Vincentric is a leading source of cost-of-ownership data and analysis within the automotive industry.

“The Kia brand has always stood for value, and even as we’ve grown and ma-tured, adding ever more refined and diverse models to our lineup, we’ve never strayed

from that commitment to our customers,” said Orth Hedrick, vice president, product planning, Kia Motors America. “The Soul EV, our first all-electric zero-emissions vehicle for the U.S. market continues that commitment.

It offers iconic design, the best range of any vehicle in its class and superbly practical packaging, all at an affordable price. Being honored as a ‘Best Value in America’ by Vincentric is validation of Kia’s winning formula.”

Vincentric measures cost of owner-ship using eight different cost factors: depreciation, fees & taxes, financing, fuel, insurance, maintenance, opportunity cost, and repairs. Utilizing this methodology, Vincentric identifies which vehicles have lower-than-expected ownership costs relative to other comparable offerings. The statistical process evaluates each vehicle

across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.“As a first time winner of the ‘Best

Value in America’ awards, the Kia Soul EV rose above the competition with a total cost of ownership that was more than 9% below expected.

Contributing to its performance were low operating costs, which were powered, in part, by a 5-year, 60,000-mile compre-hensive warranty,” stated David Wurster, President of Vincentric.

If you want to find out why Kia is among the leading car brands of today, drop by Car Pros Kia of Carson at 21243 S Avalon Blvd, Carson, CA 90745 (tele-phone # 310-221-9131), or at Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach at 18835 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714-613-1119) and last but won’t be the last, at Car Pros Kia Glendale at 400 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 745-1400.

Kia Motors America announces record March sales

Tokyo, Japan, AFP, Wednesday 4/1/2015 – First it was books, then household products; now you can buy an electric car from online shopping giant Amazon.

The Japanese unit of German auto giant BMW on Wednesday started selling its i3 electric models on

The high-end automaker’s small electric vehicle has been popular in European and North American markets, but BMW Japan wants to find more customers through the online retailer, a spokesman said in Tokyo.

“We have 46 dealers (which sell the electric model) in Japan, but we hope this e-selling will cover the entire market more thoroughly,” the spokesman said.

“This will widen the sales channel and improve convenience for customers,” he said.

“So many people are using the website. We would like to research potential customer groups who may be interested in our products.”

Two i3 models are available on, a regular BMW i3 with a range of 229 kilometers (142 miles) and i3 Range Extender that runs up to 300 kilometers on one battery charge, the company said.

Customers accustomed to completing their purchases in one click might, how-ever, be disappointed.

After loading the car into their virtual shopping cart, potential buyers will have to wait for a phone call from BMW requesting documents proving they have a parking space and a place to charge the vehicle.

New York, United States, AFP, Wednes-day 4/1/2015 – US auto sales growth slowed in March, with Ford and GM reporting declines, as consumers stayed cautious through the end of a harsh winter, industry data showed Wednesday.

Sales of cars and trucks rose a bare 0.6 percent from a year ago to 1.55 million units, according to figures compiled by Autodata Corp.

The pickup truck and sport-utility ve-hicle sector still carried all the weight with a 5.3 percent rise in sales, while passenger cars dropped 4.3 percent.

And while the two largest automakers sagged, Toyota and Hyundai bucked the trend with strong year-on-year increases.

General Motors, the largest automaker, said its US sales fell 2.4 percent from a year ago to 249,875 cars and trucks, with strength in sales to commercial fleets out-weighed by sagging retail purchases.

Ford sales slumped 3.4 percent to 235,929 vehicles.

Third-ranked Fiat Chrysler unit FCA US meanwhile eked out a small gain from March 2014, up 1.7 percent to 197,261 units.

“March was a tough month, yet we were able to extend our year-over-year sales streak to an even 60 consecutive months,” said Reid Bigland, head of US sales for FCA.

Toyota sales added 4.9 percent to nearly 226,000, and Hyundai, the seventh-largest seller in the US market, gained 12 percent to just over 75,000 units.

For the industry generally, pickup trucks and SUVs and crossovers remained essen-tial growth areas, though FCA recorded a fall in sales of its Ram pickups.

“As the economy gained steam through-out 2014, we knew 2015 would be a strong year for trucks,” said Kurt McNeil, GM’s vice president for US sales.

“Higher demand dovetailed perfectly with the launches of our new full-size pickups and large SUVs.”

GM said its retail sales were down about five percent, while fleet sales gained five percent.

At Ford, the trend was the opposite: the number-two automaker said it had its best March retail sales in nine years, while fleet sales sagged.

“Ford continues prioritizing retail sales to meet strong consumer demand, result-ing in lower fleet and overall sales for the month,” the company said.

GM and Ford both said they were ex-panding production of pickup trucks and SUVs to meet the demand, with Ford say-ing it could not meet demand for its new aluminum-bodied F-150 pickup.

Toyota reported similar challenges.“We’re having a hard time keeping

up with the demand for luxury utility vehicles,” said Jeff Bracken, Lexus group vice president.

The industry’s slowdown last month reflects the overall weaker growth in consumer spending, despite a surge in job creation and lower gasoline prices that economists said should add to households’ disposable incomes.

Autodata said the March sales came in at an annual pace of 17.15 million units,

better than February’s 16.23 million unit level.

But analysts also said that harsh weather could have stalled buying, and give way to a surge in the coming months.

“There’s pent-up demand from the first quarter due to harsher than normal weather conditions, so the second quarter looks to be even more favorable,” said Eric Ly-man, vice president of industry insights for TrueCar.

US auto sales disappoint in March

Amazon Japan starts selling electric cars

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