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Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Jan 04, 2016



Brent Fletcher
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Page 1: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.
Page 2: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Week Fourteen Agenda• Announcements

Final Exam100 True/False questions, 95 answers

graded.100 Multiple Choice questions, 95

answers graded.12 Essay questions, 10 questions graded.Three (3) hours for taking the exam

• Link of the week• Review week thirteen lab assignment• Next lab assignment• Previous Lab Assignment• Grading answers for final exam• Upcoming deadlines

Page 4: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Review week thirteen lab assignment

The Apache HTTP server must be instructed to locate the CGI scripts.

Two pieces of information are needed to execute your CGI script.

1) A program in that directory to be used as a CGI script.

2) A link in an HTML page to your CGI scrip

Need to provide a URL that points to the CGI script.

Page 5: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Review week thirteen lab assignment

The CGI script itself simply produces output to stdout. The HTTP server captures that output and sends it to the Web browser. The format of the output must be in a form that the Web browser can understand (HTML).

The CGI script creates the HTML page every time it is run.

The data provided to the HTML page can change with each execution of the script.

Page 6: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Next Lab AssignmentCGI Script

Use declaration Format: use CGI <List of methods>

start_html displays the name of the script top left corner of browser

start_form returns a <form>tag with optional method, action, and form encoding that you specify

Submit button sends all of the form information to the CGI program specified by the ACTION attribute. Without the button the form will be useless since it will never reach the CGI script.

Page 7: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Previous Lab AssignmentDemonstrate: /

Page 8: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Previous Lab AssignmentFilter

A filter generally reads input for stdin and manipulates the data and outputs the result to stdout. Most common filters are listed below.

awk cat cut

compress grep head

pr sort split

tail wc tr

Page 9: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Previous Lab Assignment Perl Modules

Reason modules were created.

use syntax

Getopt::Std provides two functions getopt and getopts

Page 10: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Grading answers for final examGetopts:

while getopts "hw:e:u:m:d" optionName;

do case "$optionName" in

h) printHelpAndExit 0;;

d) debug="0";; w) whatTowatch="$OPTARG";;

e) email="$OPTARG";;

u) startAtUid="$OPTARG";;

m) maxCpuUsage="$OPTARG";;

[?]) printErrorHelpAndExit "$badOptionHelp";; esac


Page 11: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Grading answers for final examKernel functions can be categorized into two broad


Spontaneous *

Reactive *



Page 12: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Grading answers for final exam

What files are affected when a new user is added to a Linux system?

/etc/password #

/etc/shadowing #

/etc/group #


All of the above files.

Answers “a”, “b”, and “c”. *

Page 13: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Break Out ProblemscrondcrontaborphanzombieinitrdxinetdinetdTCP Wrapperbackground processforeground processdaemon processesdata structureSELinuxchroot jail

Page 14: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Break Out ProblemsUNIX/Linux Commands :

fgbguname –niddfuniqwho –rchmodls –lps -aux




Page 15: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Upcoming deadlinesProgramming Assignment 3, 14-1 is due

August 7, 2010

Final Exam, 15-1 will be administered August 2 through 7, 2010. If encounter any problems with the testing process, call me at 614.519.5853.

Page 16: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Week Fourteen Conclusion

Your final exam status will be posted on the Announcement page shortly after it is graded.

Final grades must be submitted prior to 12:00 p.m. on August 3, 2010.

Page 17: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.

Week Fourteen ConclusionAre there any lab assignments that need to

be graded?No testing aids and/or material are permitted

during the final exam.Students are recommended to answer all

questions on the final exam.

• Questions• Concerns• Complaints

Page 18: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.
Page 19: Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam 100 True/False questions, 95 answers graded. 100 Multiple Choice questions, 95 answers graded. 12 Essay.