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Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

Feb 20, 2018



Sophia passos
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  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12




  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12


    Day 1 Day 2 Day 7 Day30






    T$e %&'e o( Foge!!"ng

    Ada)!ed (o* !$e +n"'e"!y o( -a!eloo %o&nell"ngSe'".e$!! //wwwad*&wa!eloo.a/"n(o./!&d /.&'e$!*l

    On Day 1, a! !$e eg"nn"ng o( !$e le.!&e, yo&

    go "n now"ng no!$"ng, o 0# A! !$e end o( !$ele.!&e yo& now 100# o( w$a! yo& now,$owe'e well yo& now "!

    y Day 2, "( yo& $a'e done no!$"ng w"!$!$e "n(o*a!"on yo& leaned "n !$a!

    le.!&e, d"dn4! !$"n ao&! "! aga"n, ead"! aga"n, e!. yo& w"ll $a'e lo! 50#60# o( w$a! yo& leaned

    y Day 7, we e*e*ee'en le, and y Day 30,we e!a"n ao&! 2#63#

    o( !$e o"g"nal $o&8

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12


    Day 1 Day 2 Day 7 Day30


    2 6 9*"n&!e







    T$e %&'e o( Foge!!"ng

    Ada)!ed (o* !$e +n"'e"!y o( -a!eloo %o&nell"ngSe'".e$!! //wwwad*&wa!eloo.a/"n(o./!&d /.&'e$!*l

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12


    ~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    3-Step Learning Strategy

    Preview a quick look efore class

    !iew active listening " note taking #inclass$

    %eview a few &inutes 'aily

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12


    ~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    Step () Preview

    Scan te*took an'+or poste' sli'esefore lecture

    %ea' for ig picture only not for 'etail Pictures, 'iagra&s, captions

    heck key wor's

    %ea' intro'uctory paragraph an' .rst

    line of so&e paragraphs /ou0ll get &uch &ore out of lecture if

    you have previewe' &aterial rie1y

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12


    ~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    Step 2) !iew-n-class

    4et there an' settle' efore classegins

    Listen actively for i&portant points

    Take goo' notes ut 'ont try to writeeverything

    5sk questions 'uring or after class if


  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    7/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    Step 3) %eview

    %eview soon after class sa&e 'ay ifpossile co&plete your notes

    The urve of 6orgetting 'escries how

    we retain or get ri' of infor&ation thatwe take in7 t8s ase' on a one-hourlecture7

    h i h l'

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    8/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    9ow &uch ti&e shoul' review:

    ;epen's on your course loa' an' su

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    9/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~





    !ark Learning Preferences

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    10/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    5re you a !isual Learner:

    @or's eco&e pictures or visual scenes

    &portant to learn to convert to wor's for written tests

    9an'writing is preferre' to printe' te*t 6ew professors share your &o'e

    There is no 'ictionary of i&ages A i&ages are very personal

    So&eti&es visual learners have photographic &e&oryC

    ;oo'ling is co&&on A 'oo'les &ay change 'epen'ing ontype of infor&ation

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    11/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    5re you an 5u'itory Learner:

    5ssociate soun' with pictures an' wor's !oices are signi.cant, linke' to the infor&ation


    Eften take poor notes ecause focus is on

    listening %ecor' lectures #with per&ission$

    %ecor' personal notes an' su&&aries

    Like to 'iscuss an' e*plain i'eas

    Fasily 'istracte' y noise Eften rea' alou' or for& wor's with lips as


    9elps to recall professors voice 'uring tests

    Eften talks to self

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    12/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    5re you a %ea'+@rite Learner:

    @rite+re-write , %ea'+re-rea'Gse wor' processorHust learn to re'uce writingProfessors are usually strong %ea'+@ritelearners the&selves;istinguish &eaning etween wor's well6ollow written instructions wellLike &ultiple choice testsLike te*tooks an' like to keep the&

    Like using &ne&onics an' wor'y &in'&apsIot into group 'iscussion A can confusevs7 e*pan' un'erstan'ing

  • 7/24/2019 Week 2 - Learning Styles 1HW12

    13/13~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

    5re you a Kinesthetic Learner:

    Backgroun' noise is often preferre'Like to stu'y with colour

    Like to walk when stu'ying9an's-on learningGse of sensesLike e*peri&ents an' practical activitiesLearn y 'oingC