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Webchutney works with leading companies in India by developing award winning and memorable experiences for brands to connect, engage with and build sustained relationships with their consumers online. Our clients include Unilever, P&G, HP, Airtel and Microsoft among others. We work with them in areas of online advertising, website design, mobile marketing and social media. Ranked as India’s Number 1 Digital Agency two years in a row (Brand Equity Agency Reckoner, The Economic Times, 2008 & 2009), Webchutney is committed to leading the interactive marketing industry. We are a team of over 150 digital marketing professionals across New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Visit us at for more information. Follow us on Join us on Delhi 7, Keher Singh Estate, Ground Floor, Westend Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib, New Delhi - 110030 Phone +91 11 32572301 - 04 Fax +91 11 29534136 Mumbai Abhishek 'G', 2nd Floor, Juhu Versova Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400053 Phone +91 22 26365364, 26365380, 26365391 Fax +91 22 26364068 Bangalore NewBridge Business Center, 777/D, 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560038 Phone +91 9845096692 Fax +91 80 25211515 ©2010 Webchutney Studio Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010

Apr 08, 2015




A definitive guide to understanding the influence of Online in driving consumers' durable goods' purchase decisions in India
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Page 1: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010

Webchutney works with leading companies in India by developing

award winning and memorable experiences for brands to connect,

engage with and build sustained relationships with their

consumers online.

Our clients include Unilever, P&G, HP, Airtel and Microsoft among

others. We work with them in areas of online advertising, website

design, mobile marketing and social media.

Ranked as India’s Number 1 Digital Agency two years in a row

(Brand Equity Agency Reckoner, The Economic Times, 2008 &

2009), Webchutney is committed to leading the interactive

marketing industry.

We are a team of over 150 digital marketing professionals across

New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

Visit us at for more information.

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Delhi 7, Keher Singh Estate, Ground Floor, Westend Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib, New Delhi - 110030Phone +91 11 32572301 - 04 Fax +91 11 29534136

Mumbai Abhishek 'G', 2nd Floor, Juhu Versova Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400053 Phone +91 22 26365364, 26365380, 26365391 Fax +91 22 26364068

Bangalore NewBridge Business Center, 777/D, 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560038Phone +91 9845096692 Fax +91 80 25211515

©2010 Webchutney Studio Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010


Introduction ............................................................................................. 2

Executive Summary ................................................................................... 4

THE ‘CONNECTED’ INDIAN DURABLE OWNER .......................................... 6

Substantial Chunk of Online Indian Households own Durables................... 7

Internet is the Key Medium for Online Durable Owners.............................. 9

Experience and Prolonged Usage have made them Adept Online............. 10

PURCHASE INTENT OF ONLINE DURABLE OWNERS.................................. 12

Online Durable Owners Harbor High Purchase Intent............................... 13

Intention to Purchase a Durable Good within 6 Months is High ............... 15

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Television within 12 months ....................... 17

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Fridge within 12 months ............................ 18

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Personal Computer within 12 months......... 19

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Washing Machine within 12 months .......... 20

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Air Conditioner within 12 months .............. 21


Internet is the Preferred Medium for Durables Related Search .................. 23

Relevance of Various Information Sources for Purchase Related Research on Durables ................................................... 24

Product Features, Price and Visual Appeal are Searched most Online........ 26

Online Social Spectrum is Buzzing with Consumer Views, Thoughts and Experiences....................................................................... 27

BUILDING BRAND VALUE AND DRIVING CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT ONLINE........................................... 30

Online Buying is Slowly Catching Pace with Online Product Search........... 31

Online Engagement Enables Brand Differentiation .................................. 33

Methodology.......................................................................................... 34

About the Authors.................................................................................. 35

Page 3: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010



Despite sluggish consumer buying trends witnessed during global recession, the Indian consumer durables industry grew at a phenomenal rate of 32%

1in March 2010. Pegged at Rs 35,000 crores in 2008-09, the industry was 2earlier dominated by a few players. Since the end of 'license raj' and advent

of liberalization, this market has been flooded with a host of domestic and international players. It is not surprising to note the peaking levels of awareness about brand image, prices and features of products among discerning Indian consumers who have become more demanding and cautious with exposure to a variety of options. With change in status of durable goods from ‘luxury’ items to ‘utility’ goods, which have become necessary to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, the lines between ‘consuming’ and ‘aspiring’ classes are increasingly getting blurred.

Growth in dual income families leading to higher disposable income, reduction in custom duties and easy access to consumer finance are some of the factors that have facilitated growth of the industry. Cut throat competition amongst players has ensured product availability at lower prices. At the same time, the ensuing battle for product differentiation and price wars has put durable goods’ players in a tight spot.

In such a scenario, the challenge to increase brand consideration and preference among relevant audiences through greater visibility has become intense. Mass media like television and print are unable to garner loyalty and establish sustained marketer-consumer relationships, as their efficacy in selective or contextual targeting is limited. In an age of instant gratification where confidence in traditional, one-way marketing messages sans relevant brand interaction has diminished, a large number of consumers now prefer to research such products and review third party opinions/experiences online from the comfort of their home while making purchase decisions.

The internet has arisen as a major source of information today. Growth of social networking sites among other online channels has created an inimitable opportunity for brands to identify changing consumer behaviour and create custom-made experiences to suit prospective buyers. Brand

names, branded items and brand performance are common topics of discussion on social platforms online. Since consumers are price and brand conscious while looking for functionality, they prefer to independently seek information about the options available. An increasing number of marketers are adopting the online medium to engage this discerning audience through exclusive product launches online and taking robust measures to increase traffic on their websites.

Being an industry that thrives on constant technological innovation and product upgradation, dynamic online interaction which supplements offline marketing strategies becomes a key differentiator for durable brands struggling to capture a significant proportion of the large Indian consumer base. With a 50 million strong online audience, the advantage of internet in engaging 'hopeful' and 'life-long' consumers who display high repeat/re-purchase intention for durables is highlighted in our study. Inside the Mind of the ‘Wired’ Consumer Durables’ Buyer - a study of the Indian durable consumers’ usage, attitude and behaviour towards the online medium takes a close look at the growing influence of Internet in driving purchase intention/decisions among them.

31 Central Statistical Organization (CSO)2 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)

Note: The study focuses on five consumer electronics (durable) namelyTV, AC, Fridge, Washing Machine and Personal Computer

Page 4: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010

Executive Summary

The Indian consumer's confidence and demand for durable goods has been robust as the industry recorded the highest average growth rate of 26.1%

3from April 2009 to March 2010 among all sectors.

43Central Statistical Organization4Source: India Online 2010 Report, JuxtConsult


Comparative Growth Rates of Industrial Production based on Use-based Classification (% figures)

Source: Central Statistical Organization

Concurrent to this is the increase in internet access and usage with as many as 73% online durable owners spending more than one hour online (weekdays), which is the highest across all other mediums. The average number of online activities undertaken is 17, of which, information search and social networking are in the list of top ten most

4popular online activities.

Results from our survey indicate that 76% of existing online durable owners online intend to purchase another durable item, exemplifying a substantial replacement/repurchase demand for durables. Moreover, with

85% online durable intenders referring to the internet as their preferred mode of product search, it is clear that this group is aggressively scouring the net for durables' related research, beating the traditionally popular referral model of influencing purchase decisions by a huge margin of 28%.

The online sphere is constantly abuzz with durable goods' related views, opinions and comments shared by existing as well as prospective durable owners, thereby influencing each other's purchase decisions. In such a scenario, the opportunity for marketers to leverage their online presence is increasing exponentially, particularly with Indians becoming increasingly vocal on social media platforms. It is interesting to note that online durable consumers actively share opinions, views and experiences not only on personal blogs, but circulate them across a variety of online platforms including company websites, consumer review websites, social networks and blogs, causing a ripple-effect across online and offline consumers. Rise in popularity of online forums including social networks has given birth to a new model of promotional content creation, with the consumer donning the role of message creator in place of the marketer.

Inside the Mind of the 'Wired' Consumer Durables Buyer highlights the impact of online media with consumers becoming brand evangelists sharing positive recommendations or stripping brands naked with negative feedback. Today, they have become a ‘currency’ or a threat to durable brands depending on whether durable marketers are actively listening to and participating with their consumers where they flock to the most, or not. Keeping positive conversations and brand image alive is a function of the ‘viral-ability’ of online engagement, its adoption amongst influencers and a sustained effort to spark personalized, one-on-one interaction.

Note: The term 'intender' denotes respondents who are online and intend to purchase a durable good, including existing online durable owners and non-owners.

Sector 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 (Mar 2010) (Apr’09 - Mar’10)

Basic Goods 2.6 10.1 7.1

Capital Goods 7.3 27.4 19.2

Intermediate Goods -1.9 12.7 13.6

Consumer Goods 4.7 10.6 7.4

(ii) Consumer Non-Durables 4.8 3.3 1.5

(i) Consumer Durables 4.5 32 26.1

Page 5: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010

The ‘Connected’ Indian Durable


Substantial Chunk of Online IndianHouseholds Own Durables

Ownership of consumer durables, especially white and electronic goods, has permeated rapidly across socio- economic classes of people in India today. They are perceived as necessities for leading a comfortable life among urban and rural consumers alike, and have shed the 'luxury' tag for millions. This becomes evident with a whopping 89% online Indian

5households possessing consumer durables .


5Source: India Online 2010 Report, Juxt Consult

Share of Online Households Owning Durable Goods

Householdswithout durables

Households owning durable



Across various product categories, our survey indicates that 96% online Indian households own a TV, 83% own a personal computer and 82% own a fridge. In the post-liberalization era, durable goods in India have gained technological competence and have become considerably more affordable. A case in point is the cost of personal computers which has dropped by almost half in the last decade, just as an evident spike in purchase of CTVs and LCDs (Flat Screen) is observed with a steady decline in prices. For example, the cost of a 14-inch CTV in 2000 was as high as Rs 14,000 but in 2010 a 29-inch CTV is available for Rs 10,000 approximately.

An impressive 89% of total online Indian households (23.7 million) own durable goods

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Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney

6Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), 2005

Amongst the 21.5 million online households

which own durables, TV ownership is the highest

(96%) across all socio-economic classes

(SEC A 98.5%, SEC B 83.7%, SEC C 97%)

Internet is the Key Medium for Online Durable Owners73% online durable owners spend more than one hour online (weekdays), which is higher than time spent on any other media. Television trails with 60% usage, followed by substantially lower 38% preference for Radio. The nature of engagement and depth of interaction offered online are obvious reasons for the medium to gain an edge over static, one-way communication based media.


Media Usage for more than 1 Hour amongstOnline Durable Owners (Weekdays)

Source: India Online 2010 Report, Juxt Consult

73% online durable owners use internet for more than one hour on weekdays,

higher than any other medium

In comparison, ownership of washing machines (61%) and air-conditioners (merely 35%) is not as high. Low figures for AC ownership could be attributed to high running costs and erratic electricity supply in some parts of the country.

Rural India accounts for nearly 70% of the total number of households, with 2% penetration in case of refrigerators and 0.5% for washing machines, which offers plenty of scope and opportunities for the white goods industry. The urban consumer durable market for products including TV is growing annually by 7 to 10 % whereas the rural market is zooming ahead at around 25 % annually. The rural market is growing faster than urban India as the

6urban market is now becoming a replacement and upgradation market.

With steady increase in disposable incomes, propelled by a buoyant national economy, the opportunity for widespread increase in consumption of durables across online and offline households in India is sizable.

Television PersonalComputer









Current Ownership of Durables Among Online Households

Internet TV Channel Magazine







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Unlike other media forms, online durable owners engage with the internet more often, with 89% of them accessing it daily. Online media offers scope for a vast variety of activities, notable amongst which are job search, service/product/information search and social networking.

Top 10 Activities Pursued by Online Durable Owners on the Net


Experience and Prolonged Usagehave made them Adept Online

70% of online durable owners have been using the medium for more than two years exhibiting expertise at accessing information while searching and curating content online. The type of online activities conducted indicate the extent to which an existing durable owner online is connected, at ease with use of internet and participative towards information access, supply and exchange through the medium.

Experience in Internet Usage of Online Durable Owners

Using for more than 5 years

Using for upto 2 years

Using between2-5 years



Frequency of Internet Usage amongst Online Durable Owners

Over 5 times a day

2-5 timesa day

Once in2-3 days


Oncea week




Once daily

1% 2%

1-3 timesa month

Once inmore thana month

7 out of 10 online durable owners

have been using the medium

for over 2 years

89% online durable

owners access the internet


‘Search’ and ‘Interaction’ feature as prominent online activities. These are

avenues where maximum opportunities for selective targeting exist

Job Search

Instant messaging/chatting

Download music

Check general news

English info search engine

Social networking

Non-Travel Products & Services

Check cricket content/score

Joined online community












Online activities pursued by durable owners are indicative of their preference to procure product related information. These avenues present a great opportunity before marketers to selectively target these audiences. Consumer engagement through unique interactive online executions remains the prerogative of durable marketers.

Source: India Online 2010 Report, Juxt Consult

Source: India Online 2010 Report, Juxt Consult

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Online High Purchase Intent

Durable Owners Harbor


The fabric of Indian society has undergone a dramatic change, significantly in consumer behavior and in their attitude towards consumption of durable goods. Our survey indicates that a majority of existing online durable owners remain relevant target audiences for marketers with high intention to re-purchase new durables.

Purchase Intention of Online Durable Owners

Source: Digital Consumer Durables' Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base:1995)

Owner Non-Intender

Current Owner plus Intender



76% of current online durable owners exhibit intention to purchase another consumer durable item

With 78% of online durable owners earning upto Rs 25,000 per month, a majority of online Indian durable consumers are well off and have the purchasing power to afford consumer electronics. Moreover, with durable goods being made available on flexible monthly payment options, their link with monthly income of a person has diminished considerably.

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The rise in 'needs' for products and services has been replaced by 'wants' and 'demands' in the Indian consumer durables' landscape as a large number of consumers fall in the 'have money, will buy' segment today. In a cluttered durables market flooded with domestic and international brands, the pressure on marketers to capture the large consumer base through product differentiation and increase brand consideration has become greater than ever before.


Source: Digital Consumer Durables' Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1510)

Monthly Household Income of Online Durable Owners Intending to Purchase

A majority of online durable owners intending to

purchase another one, earn upto Rs 25,000 per

month indicating high purchasing power across

‘classes’ and ‘masses’

Less than Rs 6250

Rs 6250 -Rs 12500

Rs 12500 -Rs 25000

Rs 25000 -Rs 40000

Rs 40000 -Rs 80000

Rs 80000-Rs 100,000

More than 100,000








Intention to Purchase a Durable Good within 6 Months is HighThe replacement period of consumer durables in India is falling at a rapid pace. High rate of repeat/re-purchase has attracted a host of branded and unbranded consumer durables' players to India, inducing cut throat competition in the sector. Increasing affordability of the products, coupled with increase in consumers' disposable incomes has led to greater sales in the category. While longevity of durables is high, the trend of consumerism is fast catching on the imagination of Indian masses. Along with rapid changes and upgradations in technology, a high rate of repeat/re-purchase for durables exists.

Current Durable Ownership vs. Intent to Purchase Another Durable

Currently own

Intend to own

Television PersonalComputer













High purchase demand exists for most durable

products, despite high level of current ownership

Note: Figures indicating intention to purchase represent owners across various product categories.

Source: Digital Consumer Durables' Survey 2010, Webchutney

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16 17

Our survey results exhibit that high replacement demand exists for consumer electronics, even amongst existing owners. Washing machines are voted as the most desired consumer durable, with 84% of respondents intending to buy it within a year. Strong desire for a washing machine could possibly be attributed to the need to save time and energy.

Likelihood of purchase for computers, refrigerators and air conditioners amongst online Indians within a year is fairly high at 79%, 75% and 70% respectively. To cater to this strong demand, the time is ripe for marketers to leverage this undercurrent through creative usage of the online medium to engage audiences and drive sales for their brand/products.

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 642)

Time Period within which TV Purchase is Intended

It is not surprising to witness high repeat/re-purchase demand (75%) for TV in the next 12

months among current online TV owners (97%), as it is a highly penetrable product.

Owner Intender

Within6 months





After24 months

Non-Owner Intender







0% 0%

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Television within 12 months

Break-up of TV Intenders



TV Owner Intender

TV Non-Owner Intender

TV AC Washingmachine

Fridge Computer





36% 37%


















8% After 24 months

18-24 months

12-18 months

6-12 months

Within 6 months

Time Period Within which Durable Purchase is Intended

For 4 out of 5 durables, maximum intention

to purchase is within 6 months

Source: Digital Consumer Durables' Survey 2010, Webchutney

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18 19

High demand among current Personal Computer owners intending to purchase another one (73%) in

next 12 months (71%) is observed

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Personal Computer within 12 months

Break-up of Personal Computer Intenders

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 406)

Time Period within which Fridge purchase is Intended

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Fridge within 12 months

Break-up of Fridge Intenders



Fridge Owner Intender

Fridge Non-Owner Intender

Owner Intender

Within6 months





After24 months

Non-Owner Intender




12% 9%12% 14%

4% 4%

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 431)

Time Period within which Personal Computer Purchase is Intended

Owner Intender

Within6 months





After24 months

Non-Owner Intender





4%7% 8%

4% 4%

PC Owner Intender

PC Non-Owner Intender



High demand among current online Fridge owners intending to purchase another one (75%)

in next 12 months (62%) is observed

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20 21

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 787)

Time Period within which AC Purchase is Intended

Owner Intender

Within6 months





After24 months

Non-Owner Intender






3%9%6% 6%

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Air Conditioner within 12 months

Break-up of AC Intenders



AC Owner Intender

AC Non-Owner Intender

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 486)

Time Period within which Washing Machine Purchase Is Intended

High demand among non-owners intending to purchase a Washing Machine (55%) in next

12 months (73%) is observed

Owner Intender

Within6 months





After24 months

Non-Owner Intender39%39%




7% 4%4% 2%

Snapshot: Purchase Intent of Washing Machine within 12 months

Break-up of Washing Machine Intenders


Washing Machine Owner Intender

Washing Machine Non-Owner Intender

High demand among non-owners intending to purchase an Air Conditioner (67%) in next

12 months (68%) is observed

Page 13: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010

Driving Purchase Decisions From

The Living Room

Searching for product information and cross-product comparison on the net has become predominant among online consumers intending to purchase a durable item. The clear advantage of in-depth research offering third party views as well as ease of accessing and collaborating information from multiple sources at one place free of cost is evident with 85% online durable intenders opting Internet as a reliable and convenient source to help them determine the best choice.

In comparison, traditional media and surprisingly, even the conventionally trusted dealer/salesman lag far behind. This suggests a change or disruption in the traditional purchase model where the buyer has greater control in selecting the best brand/product suited to personal need.

Internet is the Preferred Medium for Durables Related Search


Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1510)

Online Durable Intenders Prefer Internet for Product Research

8 out of 10 durable intenders online prefer the internet to search for durable goods, beating the traditionally popular ‘friends & family’ as the most preferred information source

Internet Friends &Family





48% 45%



Driving Purchase Decisions From

The Living Room

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The strength of an information source is based not just on the magnitude of information it provides but also on the convenience it offers and the credibility that is attached with it. Our survey shows that consumers find company websites and social networking websites as 'more effective' sources of information. While company websites provide detailed information on product specifications/features, price and design, social networks are used for obtaining friends and relatives' opinions on various attributes of durable goods.

Relevance of Various Information Sources for Purchase Related Research on Durables

Reliance on consumer review websites could be attributed to unbiased endorsements by a third party. Websites such as have become popular portals offering facilities to view, compare, buy, review and sell consumer electronics. In a world of choices, the facility to compare and read product reviews can help address customers' information needs. Trust in social networking sites stems from faith in peers, friends and relatives for their views, feedback and personal experiences. The same trusted circle of friends and family is now online, making it convenient to take their opinion with a single message posted on the screen.


Company Websites and Online Catalotues

Consumer GoodsMagazines & TV Shows
















-1.0 -.8 -.4 -.2 .2 .6

Social Networking Websites

Online Consumer Review Websites

Equally Effective

More Effective

Less Effective

Salesman at the Dealer’s Outlet





Online channels are considered ‘more effective’ in researching product information for durable goods

Note: The closer a resource is to a particular degree of effectiveness, the stronger it associates with it.

Perception of Effectiveness Medium Type

More Effective Company Websites/Online Catalogues

Online Consumer Review Websites

Social Networking Websites

Equally Effective Friends/Family/Relatives

Less Effective Salesman at Dealer’s Outlet

Consumer Goods Magazines & TV Shows

Online portals (company websites, consumer review websites and social networking websites) are perceived as

more effective in enabling search for durables

Friends and relatives continue to be a 'relevant' source of information as Indians value the opinions of people close to them for most things, including consumer electronics. The decision to buy a particular consumer durable brand is likely to be made before the customer actually visits the showroom/point of purchase, which could lead to the diminishing role of the salesman/dealer in influencing purchase decisions. While magazines and TV shows seem to be losing their steam as popular information sources, they remain effective in building the brand image of the company.

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While friends and family continue to be most popular source for research on ’performance’ of a durable good, the internet adds significant value to purchase decisions with depth of information available from multiple sources.

Product Features, Price and Visual Appeal are Searched most Online

Owing to the vast variety available in durable goods, particularly with the rise of multi brand retailers selling consumer electronics such as ezone, Croma and Next among others, product literature as well as salesmen facilitate search for the desired goods only to a limited extent. Vast improvements in technology and consequent innovations in products have brought most durable players at the same level in terms of brand image. The differentiating factor is product functionality, which can be highlighted to a prospective consumer through brand websites. The USP for registering a successful online presence for marketers is to stay ahead of consumer expectations and expand the scale of their online executions to create a unique 'Wow' experience while promoting awareness and recall.

The web is emerging as a powerful medium that invites participation from consumers and keeps them interested, engrossed and engaged. The online space is increasingly becoming a popular medium for consumers to express and share their experiences about products and brands. Overall 55% durable owners shared a durable related experience online and a majority shared positive experience(s). Consumer review websites have become the most popular platform for this exchange.

Sharing pre and post purchase experiences is common on the net. Survey results show that positive durables' related experiences are more widely shared online as compared to negative brand experiences. Also, owning certain durable models is a matter of pride and such news put as status messages helps generate buzz across social platforms resulting in instant publicity across a cross section of potential consumers.

Online Social Spectrum is Buzzing with Consumer Views, Thoughts and Experiences

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1995)

Type of Experience Shared Pre-Purchase


Not shared an experience51%




Product Price, Features and Visual Appeal Researched most Online

TV shows & ads Dealer Friends & Relatives

Consumer Magazines Internet Newspapers

Item features Price Brand Image Performance Visual Appeal






























Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1510)

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28 29

Findings from our survey indicate that post-purchase a majority of 54% consumers shared experiences about brands on the online domain, out of which 48% were positive brand experiences. A presence on the online space translates into tremendous opportunities for marketers to make their brands visible, available and worthy of discussions that go around on social networking sites and other online platforms. What is interesting is that this word of mouth may or may not be initiated by marketers and still reap benefits, as long as the marketer's products are unique and there is sufficient buzz around them on the interactive medium.

Preferred Online Channel toShare Pre-purchase Experience

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1097)


43% 28%


Consumer goodsreview website


Social Platforms

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1995)

Type of Experience Shared Post-Purchase


Not shared an experience48%




Online campaigns for durable brands can create engaging experiences for potential consumers and trigger word-of-mouth publicity of huge proportions. Of late, consumer review websites have emerged as major platforms where consumers share durables-related experiences that influence prospective buyers in making purchase related decisions.

Preferred Online Channel to Share Post-purchase Experiences

Source: Digital Consumer Durables Survey 2010, Webchutney (Base: 1077)


39% 32%



Consumer goodsreview website


Social Platforms

Page 17: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010


Online Buying is Slowly Catching Pace with Online Product Search

79% of online Indians use the internet for product search and 21% online 7Indians purchase products on the net . While penetration of credit/debit

cards in the country is on the rise, typically in urban areas, success of e-commerce depends heavily on product quality assurance and security mechanisms put in place to ensure transaction security.

Online shopping or e-commerce hasn't taken off the way it was expected in India owing to a dichotomy in Indian consumers' online buying behaviour. With more than 3 lakh daily online railways tickets bookings and 78% of

8airline tickets booked online , it is clear that Indians like to avail of travel products/services available online.

Online Search to Buy Ratio of Various Products in Consumer Durables Category

Source: India Online 2010 Report, Juxt Consult

Mobiles phone, PDA & Accessories 73% 27%

Cameras & Optics 67% 33%

CD/VCD/DVDs 56% 44%

Computer Hardware 67% 33%

Kitchen Appliances 62% 38%

Automobiles (booking) 66% 34%

Consumer Electronics 56% 44%

Search BuyProduct Category

7 India Online 2010, Juxt Consult8 International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Building Brand ValueAnd Driving Customer Engagement Online

Page 18: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010


Trust in online purchase of durable goods can be strengthened through enhanced online presence of marketers providing timely information to consumers and maintaining impeccable standards of product delivery. Taking this a step further, building SEO-friendly web commerce sites which enable ease of use and functionality, encourage consumer reviews and exchange of opinions, integrated with advanced features like real life testimonials from customers through online videos, along with the ability to facilitate cross-product comparisons followed up with excellent customer service and security are vital in promoting the medium.

For online buying to work well in India, a real incentive for the consumer has to be attached with the offering and be passed on to the discerning Indian consumer. As internet is the primary source of information for prospective durables goods' buyers, the onus of giving e-commerce the much needed push to become a prevalent trend is critical for marketers more than ever before.

Online ticketing sells like hotcakes, but online shopping still hasn't hit tipping point in India.

Marketers need to build transparent, self-sustained e-commerce 'communities' that empower consumers and induce trust/confidence

Product differentiation in consumer durables is limited to technological innovation and to some extent, style and design. However, the key to building an innovative brand experience lies in targeting the right audiences creatively. Tactful engagement that empowers consumers with more value and choice within their comfort zone through meaningful assets is the first step towards encouraging brand evangelism.

A consumer talking about a brand using social media is far more reliable than a marketer shouting about it from a rooftop. Growing popularity of social media, particularly, social networking, and the exponential rise in consumer discussions on them are expected to displace credibility of marketers’ push-based messaging to a large extent.

Brands across the world monitor consumer conversations about their products in the cyberspace, terming these as positive, negative or neutral conversations using various methodologies. With international brands making a foray into the Indian market space, it is time for similar tactics to be deployed in India as well.

Evidently, in a cluttered marketplace, a marketer should be where customers habituate. A population of 50 million Indians is online, alive and buzzing, scouring for information and engaging in social networking. 19.9

9million Indians on Orkut and 20.9 million on Facebook aren't just figures; they bear testimony to the fact that these young, urban consumers are online and on a constant lookout for information, interaction, entertainment and engagement.

Consequently, with multiple choices existing in the market, the final purchase decision is not based on publicity in traditional media alone, but also on performance-related reviews received from friends and relatives. Participating in such conversations, driving engagement with social currency and amplifying buzz by driving word-of-mouth from influencers is not a choice that marketers may or may not exercise; it is now or never for durable brands to increase sales and profitability and to survive the race to capture a billion strong consumer base in India.

Online Engagement Enables Brand Differentiation

9Comscore, July 2010

Page 19: Webchutney Digital Consumer Durables Report 2010


Inside the Mind of the 'Wired' Consumer Durables' Buyer scopes the usage and attitude of online durable consumers. The primary purpose of our study was to understand and analyze online Indians' durable goods' buying behavior and the impact of internet in influencing and driving their purchase decisions.

To this effect, a sample of 2000 respondents was taken from a panel of consumers belonging to different demographics - age groups, socio-economic classes, locations etc. Primary data was collected by means of a questionnaire. The consumer panel was further classified into current and prospective consumer durable owners and intenders and based on different attributes; their attitude towards the use of internet was mapped. The period of the study was July to September 2010.


Our respondent base was classified into four groups, namely, 19-24 years, 25-35 years, 36-45 years and above 45 years. 86% of the respondents were males and 14% were females.

Gender Wise Break-upof Respondents





Base: 1995

Age19-24 Yrs

Age25-35 Yrs

Age 36-45 Yrs

Above 45 Yrs





Age Wise Break-up


Methodology About the Authors

Sidharth Rao is the Chief Executive Officer and

Co-Founder of Webchutney, India’s leading and

most awarded web services company.

With over 12 years of industry experience,

Sidharth has made a significant contribution in

shaping the interactive marketing industry in

India. Sidharth leads the 150 people strong

organization assisted by an excellent management team across New

Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

He can be reached at [email protected]

Sidharth Rao

Shweta Bhandari leads the research team at Webchutney, which publishes thought provoking reports on the state of online in India.

She carries a diverse business profile including blue-chip companies like American Express and GE. At Webchutney, she has contributed in writing several research publications such as The Digital Vote Bank, Viral Marketing and more recently the Digital Media Outlook 2009. Her passion for discovery and thirst to engage in new challenges lend immense scope and dimension to this field.

She can be reached at [email protected]

Shweta Bhandari

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Ankita Kapoor is a Research Analyst at Webchutney.

She has completed her MBA in Marketing from ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad. Prior to this, she graduated in Journalism from Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University. She has interned with 'HPCL-Mittal Energy' (HMEL) and 'Business Standard' during her post graduation and graduation respectively. Her strong analytical and communication skills and deep interest in the field have lent new perspectives to the report.

She can be reached at [email protected]

Ankita Kapoor

A special thanks to for conceptualisingand executing the report design.

Sushil Kumar