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Ambivalent By Lily Weatherford-Brown Characters Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering manner, and she is often very materialistic. Russel Tillman, 25 years old, unsigned musician in Pittsburgh. He’s easily overwhelmed and easily manipulated as his own mind is very conflicted. He’s gotten wrapped up in the idea that he owes the world some debt. Nora Abel, 23 years old, Russ’s girlfriend, works in sales. She’s nosy and bossy, but only because she cares. Shut out of Social Media and other pop-culture trends, simply because they’re not her taste. Jet Quinby, Reporter, Journalist, and Paparazzi photographer for several “Questionable news sources.” Talk Show Host, (offstage) Setting: A small local bar—Lou’s Bar—in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The lights are dimmed, there are a few small tables, one specific table close to the bar is Russel and Nora’s usual spot to hang out and drink. In center stage behind the tables is a mic on a stand, and in front of the mic is a hat laid out for tips. The bar is short, with four or five old stools, in front of which hangs a small chalk board depicting the date and specials which change each scene. 1

€¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

Nov 04, 2019



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Page 1: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

AmbivalentBy Lily Weatherford-Brown


Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering manner, and she is often very materialistic.

Russel Tillman, 25 years old, unsigned musician in Pittsburgh. He’s easily overwhelmed and easily manipulated as his own mind is very conflicted. He’s gotten wrapped up in the idea that he owes the world some debt.

Nora Abel, 23 years old, Russ’s girlfriend, works in sales. She’s nosy and bossy, but only because she cares. Shut out of Social Media and other pop-culture trends, simply because they’re not her taste.

Jet Quinby, Reporter, Journalist, and Paparazzi photographer for several “Questionable news sources.”

Talk Show Host, (offstage)

Setting: A small local bar—Lou’s Bar—in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The lights are dimmed, there are a few small tables, one specific table close to the bar is Russel and Nora’s usual spot to hang out and drink. In center stage behind the tables is a mic on a stand, and in front of the mic is a hat laid out for tips. The bar is short, with four or five old stools, in front of which hangs a small chalk board depicting the date and specials which change each scene.


Page 2: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

SCENE ONEAT RISE: The date on the chalkboard reads 5/3/16. NORA and is seated at a table close to the microphone as RUSSEL finishes up his set, guitar in hand.

RUSSEL(RUSSEL walks to the mic.)

Hey everyone, hey Lou. (RUSSEL waves towards the bar.)

Thanks for listening. For those who are new to Lou’s bar, my name’s Russ Tillman. I’m an amateur at music and life, but I’m still pretending to be professional. You can follow me on just about every social media platform and I’m here every single night. Please feel free to fill my tip hat, I’d greatly appreciate it and have a good night.

(NORA alone claps. RUSSEL walks down stage to sit with her.)Thanks, Nora you’re a doll.

NORAThat was a great set tonight. That second song was real nice, reminded me of your Mother. What was the title again, ‘Moonlight’s Monster?”

RUSSELYeah Moonlight’s Monster. I’m glad you liked that one. I had her in mind when I wrote it.

(He yawns.)God, when did it get so late, I’m almost ready to hit the hay.

(He begins to hum softly, before breaking a little into song, playfully and quietly serenading NORA.)

River Baby, do-n’t ask me for more, moreRiver Baby,don’t ever go-o awa-y.

(NORA laughs and then looks at her flip-phone for the time.)

NORAHey, isn’t your friend supposed to stop by?

RUSSELShoot, yeah you’re right!

NORAMhmm, that old friend of yours, I remember you said you two grew up together.

RUSSELNor, this isn’t just any old friend. This is Brooklyn Jersey. Haven’t you heard about her? She’s a reality TV star.

NORAGod, you know I hate that kind of thing. Celebrity personalities always seem so fake, especially reality TV.


Page 3: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

RUSSELSometimes you’re a real bore, babe.

NORAI’m not boring! I just have finer tastes!

(NORA collects herself.)Anyway, that’s not what we’re focused on, isn’t she supposed to be here by now? I mean she missed your set.

RUSSELI don’t think she meant to miss it.

NORAWell sure it’s just…

RUSSELLook, regardless of her timeliness, I’m sure she’ll show up. Can you believe while I was working three jobs trying to keep my music going and get noticed, she got famous for being braindead on National TV?

NORAWell I think it’s different for you, you’re trying to get famous for art not off of the idiocy of the common American. There’s a difference for sure Hon. Besides, don’t sell yourself short. Your fan base online is steadily growing and you’re doing gigs all over Pittsburgh.

RUSSELIt won’t matter if I can’t get a producer. Besides, I don’t want to do little here and there opening acts like I have been doing. I want to be signed in with Horizon Productions.

NORAYou’ll get there, I know you will. You just have to stay with it and not let yourself get so discouraged. I know you’re a little worried you won’t live up to your parent’s expectations but-

(BROOKLYN enters, with a loud bang, struggling as JET chases her in.)

BROOKLYNGet back, you street rat! You can’t follow me into a bar!

JETFreedom of the press Ms. Jersey! Now smile for the camera!

(BROOKLYN stomps on JET’S foot.)Ow!

BROOKLYNGet away from me! I can’t stand you leeches!

JETLeeches? Now that’s harsh Ms. Jersey. I have a name you know, no matter how blood sucking I am. Name’s Jet Quinby, pleasure’s yours I’m sure. Now won’t you smile


Page 4: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

RUSSEL(RUSSEL crosses the stage to JET and BROOKLYN.)

Get out. Now. Leave her alone for the evening.

JETWhat are you trying to hide so much Ms. Jersey? Think of this headline, “Crooklyn Jersey: What This Reality TV Star is Really Hiding from You!” Can I get a quote from you on that?

(RUSSEL shoves JET offstage.)Wait just a minute now! Here’s my business card! Let your friends know about me! Remember name’s Jet, Jet Quinby!

(JET throws a business card out as he’s shoved offstage.)

BROOKLYNThank you so much, mister…Russ? Is that you!

(BROOKLYN and RUSSEL hug, and NORA picks up the business card and looks at it, then puts it into her pocket.)

God it’s been forever. I’m sorry I didn’t find you earlier, I just had no idea where to look. Besides I’ve been a little busy.

(BROOKLYN and RUSSEL move back with NORA to the table.)

RUSSELJuney, this is Nora, Nora this is June.

BROOKLYNAh-ah Russ, I go by “Brooklyn Jersey, Star of Hollywood’s Star’s Cars” now.

RUSSELWhat? Do you really want us to call you that?


BROOKLYNNo, I’m just kidding. Hi Nora, I’m June, nice to meet you!

NORAPleasure’s mine! I can’t believe one of Russ’s childhood friends has gotten so high up so quickly! You must enjoy such a glamorous lifestyle.

BROOKLYNI do enjoy a bit of the fame, but these paparazzi are insufferable. I can’t go anywhere without a swarm of them at my feet. Can’t I go out for a drink with old friends without having to wade through busy body journalists? Plus, the directors on set of Star’s Cars suck, they won’t let me eat real food, I just choke down these chia kale shakes.

NORAForgive me for saying this, but I’d never even heard of Star’s Cars…or you for that matter, until Russ figured out you were one of his friends from back home.

BROOKLYNWhat? Do you not watch TV?


Page 5: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

NORAI watch the Discovery Channel. And sometimes the news but usually that’s a little depressing.

BROOKLYNDear Lord, woman, what century are you from?

RUSSELJuney, she doesn’t have any social media accounts either, not even Facebook?

BROOKLYNGod how do you communicate! Email? Myspace? Instant Messenger?

NORAYeah Actua—

BROOKLYNDon’t answer that. I might actually lose years off my life. My, what are you even wearing what year is this even from?

NORAWell it’s just stuff I saw at Target-

BROOKLYNCome on now, get with the trends girl.


I’m really not that into trends.


Russ, what about you? How are you holding up, how’s your music?

RUSSELNot very well. Now Nora here would cut in to tell you that’s a lie but it isn’t. I’ve come a long way from when we were kids Juney but I’m still an unsigned, solely local, struggling musician.

BROOKLYNWell are you at least as far along as you wanted to be?

RUSSELI’m nowhere near where I wanted to be, and definitely not as far as I know my parents expected. I’ve got a tiny fan base, just here around Pittsburgh, and I can’t get a solo gig anywhere except for a few local bars like this one. I’ve done a few opening acts here and there but it’s not enough national exposure to get noticed by a producing company. I’m just so tired of having to struggle to make a living, and I’m frustrated at how little progress I’ve made.



Page 6: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

So, you’re trying to do what now? Expand your fan base, appeal to a wider pool of people? You need a plan, because frankly this sounds like a whole lot of work for no payback.

(Beat.)I have an idea! You could feature me on your social media sites and I’ll do the same, then my fans will go check you out and other people will be interested just because you’ve featured a celebrity.

RUSSELPfft, celebrity.

NORANow Russ, be nice.

RUSSELNo don’t get me wrong it’s not a bad idea. It could work actually. That’s a pretty big break. Now if only weaseling into Horizon’s production room was that easy. Imagine one day: Horizon Productions, brings you Russ Tillman. God, could you imagine?

BROOKLYNHey, Horizon huh. I swear I’ve heard the name of that company before…

RUSSELWell you should they’re only the best of the best in music production, I bet—

BROOKLYNOh! Yeah I remember those guys! They’re one of my benefactors actually, well loosely so. I did an advertising gig with them. Hey, I could put in a good word for you, slip them your songs or something.

RUSSELGod, really? That would be great thanks! I wish I could repay you with something, but I’m seriously at the end of my rope, financially and otherwise.

BROOKLYNI really haven’t done much yet. It’s not that big of a deal sweetie.

(BROOKLYN reaches out to RUSSEL affectionately, NORA shows disapproval and RUSSEL delicately pushes BROOKLYN away.)

Plus, there’s plenty more that you could do. Start with that wardrobe, you need to stand out from the crowd darling.

RUSSELWhat’s wrong with jeans.

BROOKLYNEverything! Can’t you present yourself?

(RUSSEL shakes his head laughing.)Besides what kind of a name is Russel Tillman; you need a stage name darling.

RUSSELSure, I’ll take a page out of your book, go by Chicago Philly.


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BROOKLYN (Sarcastically.)

Ha ha, very funny.(BROOKLYN starts to get up to leave, but RUSSEL stops her.)


RUSSELCome on you just got here. Can’t you stay for one more drink?

BROOKLYNGod I’d love too but I was only going to be here for the end of this week and it’s Sunday now. I have to fly all the way to New York for a production meeting and then I’ll be back here for a few more days. I’m actually late for my flight right now. Just figured I’d stop back at my hometown, say hi to my folks and yours, Russ. Say hi to you.

(BROOKLYN gets up from the table and moves across the stage. RUSSEL follows her. They share a tender moment before NORA walks over. The tension quickly builds.)

RUSSELLet us know as soon as you come back to town, we’ll meet up and we’ll talk more about this, and about life.

BROOKLYNTa-ta, I’m off now!

(BROOKLYN kisses RUSSEL on the cheek, much to NORA’S disdain, then exits back through stage left as cameras flash wildly.)

RUSSELI hope this will take off, these feature ideas. I hope people will actually be interested in me.

NORAWell as long as you have other good content to keep fans there after the whole feature thing blows over. You’re not expecting to just use this popularity to coast, right? This is still about the music?

RUSSELOf course, it is! I just need a little help to get started.

(RUSSEL goes to the bar, Beat. NORA visibly shows her disapproval.)

(Lights fade out.)

SCENE TWOAT RISE: It is the same bar, roughly one month later as seen on the chalkboard above the bar, 6/8/16. The tables are shuffled slightly and objects in different places, showing use. BROOKLYN and RUSS are sitting at a table covered in papers and laptops, they are discussing the ins and outs of their collaboration. NORA is at the bar, drinking.



Page 8: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

See from the data trends in the hits I got off of Instagram and YouTube, what we’ve been doing really is working. I’ve gained 20,000 more followers and my views have been dramatically increasing. It’s a great step forward.

BROOKLYNWell I know you’ve been talking with your manager about a collaboration of sorts, music is a little off of my resume but maybe we could hop on the trend train and make some videos where I try to teach you how to be a reality TV star and you try to teach me how to play a guitar. We could draw it out, make a series.

RUSSELYeah, sounds great. Is there anything else your managers have been telling you?

BROOKLYNWhat I can glean from my press advisors is that it’s not enough to just feature each other anymore. That’s worked well for a while now, you know this past month with the features and photos, but now we need to rely more heavily on the press and paparazzi seeing us together.

RUSSELYeah I don’t think that’s much of an issue. I’ve seen that guy—

(Imitating JET.)“Jet Quinby, tell your friends!” around you just about everywhere you go. I’m sure if anyone’s started picking up our meeting together it’s that guy.

BROOKLYNWell as much of a pain as he is, he’s getting us some great free press. Besides pretty soon other YouTube and celebrity personalities are going to be coming to you asking for a collab. You’re getting out of your local niche now.

RUSSELYeah and I really appreciate everything that you’ve done. I just feel like we’ve pressed on it as much as we can, the exposure I mean.

BROOKLYNYeah, but we need even more exposure if you really want this thing to skyrocket. Here look at this it’s from my people to yours, and well since you don’t really have people…

(BROOKLYN hands RUSS a large packet, and points to a section, they both brood over the text for a beat.)

NORAYou’d think you guys had done enough publicity by now. Shouldn’t you be producing actual content?


RUSSELWhat are you trying to say?



Page 9: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

I thought you guys would be done with this by now. I thought it was just a feature, when did it turn into press exposure and paparazzi sightings.

RUSSELNora, you have no idea how these kinds of things work! In terms of social media and photo-publicity you’re a total shut-in. You have no idea how long these things should take so why are you imposing on us?

NORAI may not know anything about social media but I do know how damn slow this whole process has been. Aren’t you ready to actually make music again?

RUSSELNora, we talked about this—

NORANo, what we talked about was that you promised you wouldn’t let your yearning for popularity influence the quality of your art.

RUSSELWhat part of me promoting myself is detrimental to my art Nora? I know we’ve gone on a little longer than we originally planned but it’s really not that bad.

NORAI just don’t want you to start making a habit of going back on your promises. You told me you wouldn’t let this get out of control.


Yes! And your point is? How is this out of control? Nora, I can’t go anywhere if I don’t sell myself a little. I have to be able to create a buzz about myself. This isn’t a Disney movie. I’m not gonna be noticed by a producer because I’m humming while I walk down the street. Nowadays it’s not just about your skill, it’s about your image.

(Beat. RUSSEL regains his calm and talks softer.)God, I don’t even know why I’m having this conversation with you, there’s no way you’d get it. You’ve never actually used any of this stuff.

(There is a long Beat of awkward silence. BROOKLYN gets up, grabs a drink from the bar, and sits back down.)

I’m sorry Nora, I didn’t mean to yell.

NORANo. It’s fine. You’re right. I just don’t want you to turn into a sellout for fame.

BROOKLYNI was a sellout for fame.

(There is another awkward beat. BROOKLYN takes a drink.)Well come on, do you really think this is what I wanted to be from the beginning.

(Beat.)Once, long ago I wanted to exactly what you’re talking about Nora. But life just doesn’t work out the way you want it to, huh.


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I’m sorry Brooklyn I wasn’t talking about you.

RUSSELWell it worked, didn’t it? The cop-out I mean. Look at you, you’re thriving.

BROOKLYNHah I suppose.

(Beat.)Anyway, take a look at the form. It’s got a few ideas there for ways to get out in the world. Let me know if you need any help.

RUSSELYeah of course.

(RUSS walks BROOKLYN towards the door stage left.)

JET(JET enters hurriedly, practically knocking over BROOKLYN and RUSS.)

Miss Jersey, Miss Jersey!(JET snaps a few photos and dances away from RUSS as he tries to grab him.)

Miss Jersey, if I could just get a quote from you about the rumors that you and a one, Russ Tillman, are in fact in a relationship? Miss Jersey the people need to know! You’ve been snapping photos and meeting with him for the last month, why is that Miss Jersey?

(JET is once again shoved off stage by RUSS.)

NORAGod! They’ve already managed to loop you in on Hollywood drama!

(NORA turns to RUSSEL, the tensions lifting as they speak loudly to each other.)

RUSSELTell me about it. I mean what some people will make up just to grab some views. Can you believe it Juney? June?

(BROOKLYN is staring off into space, hesitant and distant.)

BROOKLYN(She speaks more to herself than to the others.)

Maybe this could work out in our favor.

RUSSELWhat? What are you talking about?

BROOKLYNI’m talking about the next step.

(NORA’s phone rings.)

NORAI’m gonna take this hold on.

(NORA steps of stage right.)


Page 11: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

RUSSELJuney what do you mean the next step?

BROOKLYNWell if people think we’re dating, instead of denying the rumors we could let them hang in the air, maybe even egg it on a little.

RUSSEL (Sarcastically.)

Oh, my God, it’s like I’m in third grade again.(BROOKLYN punches him in the arm.)

BROOKLYNNo, seriously. It would do wonders for your reputation and it would give you valuable connections. Besides if we rehearse a break up and then you drop a breakup single, it’s like a million-dollar idea right here, right now.

RUSSELDon’t get me wrong, I’m on board. But we have one huge issue with this idea of yours.

(He gestures towards NORA.)

BROOKLYNI’m sure if we talked to Nora about it she’d realize that you aren’t throwing away your art for this.

RUSSELIt’s not just that. I think she’s afraid you’re gonna steal me away.

BROOKLYNWell she’s not totally wrong.

(Beat. RUSSEL is dumbfounded.)

RUSSELWhat are you saying June-

BROOKLYNWhat, did you think I was doing this out of the goodness of my heart?

(RUSSEL doesn’t respond.)No that doesn’t sound like me does it. I care about you Russ, I always have, ever since we were kids, but you have to know that I’m a little too selfish for that.

RUSSELJune please don’t now’s not a great time.

BROOKLYNWill there ever be a good time for something like this?

(Beat.)Just because I have ulterior motives doesn’t mean you have to act on them. I’m not pressuring you into a relationship I just want to give you the opportunity.


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RUSSEL(RUSSEL struggles for a while trying to find words.)

I…I love her.(He points sloppily towards were NORA walked out of the room.)

BROOKLYNAnd how do you feel about me?

(RUSSEL moves to her, flustered. They are interrupted by NORA rushing into the room. Thinking fast, RUSSEL starts to pretend to measure their heights, moving to stand back to back with BROOKLYN.)

RUSSEL(Quickly and nervously.)

Hey Nor, who’s taller me or….Hey what’s the matter?(NORA runs up to RUSSEL gushing. She hugs him and then breaks away.)

NORAOh, god. You got an offer from Horizon. They said they saw what you sent in and they want to sign you.

RUSSELNo way! You’re kidding! Brooklyn, did you know about this?

BROOKLYNWell they must get millions of tapes and submissions and videos everyday but if a certain reality TV star slips them one I guess they think, “hey! he’s pretty important!”

RUSSEL(NORA holds her arms out for another hug, but RUSSEL hugs BROOKLYN.)

Ah! This is a dream come true! Thank you so much Juney! Thank you!(NORA scowls, dejected.)

BROOKLYNPlease, you’d be surprised at the wonders a little bit of puppeteering can do. You just give them a nudge, mention money vaguely, hand them the talent and they run wild with it.

RUSSELHah, yeah that’s the way the business goes.

BROOKLYNIf you want to see the actual studio, I can take you out there.

RUSSELReally? Oh, god that’d be great, thank you. When can we do that? Soon?

BROOKLYNSoon, but not now. Ta-ta I’m off!



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Goodbye!(He returns to a fuming NORA. Beat.)



What!? Are you kidding me? This can’t be what you want! (Beat. RUSSEL, taken aback, freezes completely)

RUSSEL(Voice raised.)

This is all I’ve wanted for years. This is all I’ve been fighting for. Nora the situation may not be ideal but Horizon is on my doorstep and I’ve got no right to turn them away!

NORABut first the publicity stuff and now this, they didn’t pick you for your talent Russ they picked you for your popularity by association.

RUSSELNora, you don’t know anything! You can’t come to me without ever owning a smartphone and expect me to take anything you say into consideration!

NORAI’m no idiot Russel!

RUSSELLook, this is just something I need to do!


Why are you so determined to do this!(Beat.)

RUSSEL(Beginning to break down.)

Because Nora, I need to prove to myself and to my family that I’m not wasting my life away! I’ve been at this for ten years and I have gotten nowhere fast. My parents were mad enough that I wasted four years of law school just to make music. I’ve been mooching off your bank account for 2 years, and my parents for even longer. I’ve spent my whole life depending on other people and for once I’d like to give back.

(Beat.)I feel useless. I feel like I’m just a parasite on everyone I know!


Russ…(Beat. NORA moves to RUSSEL and hugs him.)

You’re not a burden on me baby.



Page 14: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

Yes, yes I am. I’ve done nothing but take and take from you and this might be my only opportunity to pay back what I owe you, and everyone else.

NORAI love you, but you are too damn stubborn.

(Beat. They break out of their embrace.)I don’t think this is your only shot, but I can’t make you do anything you’re not willing to do. I may not think you’re right but for now, I can see there’s no changing your mind.

(She cups his cheek sadly.)Promise me you won’t let this get out of hand. No lying, no changing you or your music. You stay the same ole’ Russ okay. You are fine just the way you are and you better stay that way.

(She punches him on the chest.)Promise me. Please. And you can’t break this one okay. You can’t.

(RUSSEL hugs NORA again.)

RUSSELI promise.

(Long beat.)

NORARussel, do you remember our first date. Right here at this very bar.

RUSSELOf course, I do.

NORARemember how you were there having drinks with your friends, I was with you guys for the night, me and a couple of my girlfriends. I’m not sure how exactly the game started but suddenly we were all in an intense match of foosball. Then one of the girls, Molly, she slammed into me and I was mid strike so I teetered into you and you broke your goddamn wrist on that foosball table handle.

(NORA and RUSSEL laugh.)Then I stayed with you at the hospital while you got your little hand brace, and I of course thoroughly made fun of you.

RUSSELThen you tried to act smooth and ask me out to make up for the night we wasted. Yeah, yeah I remember that fumble.

NORAHey I think I handled that situation pretty well.

RUSSELYeah, you always do.

(Lights fade out, NORA and RUSSEL stay, embracing, a moment longer in the beam of a spotlight before also fading out.)

SCENE THREEAT RISE: BROOKLYN and RUSSEL are at the same table from before, still covered in papers. The date on the board reads that it is just two days later, 6/10/16. RUSSEL holds a drink in one hand, a


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large packet in the next, his brow is furrowed and his expression tense. BROOKLYN is kicking back in her chair, seemingly un-bothered.

BROOKLYNWell? Have you reviewed the contract yet?

RUSSEL(RUSSEL leans over pointing at a large paragraph.)

This says they want to change the titles of a few of my songs and albums?


Yeah. Is that a problem?

RUSSELNo, it’s just…Why? What’s wrong with their names? I put a lot of time and thought into each one, did they think it sounded rushed or fake?

BROOKLYNHa, rushed and faked is what sells these days. Mysterious titles, pen names, obscurity and monotone, monochrome. These kinds of things are in style. It’s like the 70’s right, they had psychedelia and trippy loose colors, neons and afros and deep inspirational names and titles, rebellious but aloof musicians were in. You have to fit the mood. It’s why my hair’s platinum and my outfits are solid, color blocking. You have to stay on trend. You have to fit the aesthetic.

RUSSELSo, that’s all what we’re building here, an image?

BROOKYLNYep that’s it.

RUSSELOk, well I get that part, it’s just, well I, why do they want creative control over the sound engineering?

BROOKLYNHere let me read it.

(RUSSEL holds the document towards her as if to hand it to her, instead she just leans over, resting her head on his shoulder. He’s visibly off-put by this.)

Oh, they just want to change the back beats. They like your lyrics it’s just the guy alone on stage thing that’s not selling it. You need thumping back beats and a catchy tune to reel in the consumers.

RUSSELWell again, I can live with that. It’s just this last part that troubles me, the publicity and exposure for the release of the album.


Ah yes, that’s always a tricky subject with you isn’t it. Oh, well, what’s the problem with it this time?


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RUSSELWell there’s just a spot here about staged appearances, what exactly would that entail?

BROOKLYNWhere to begin?

(She takes a deep breath.)Russ, you’re getting into the big-league stuff now. You can’t ride the way goody-two-shoes anymore.

(BROOKLYN points out key words in the document as she talks.)What Horizon is advising you to do is to build an increased popularity before the release of the album. They’re suggesting here that you make appearances with other musicians or celebrities previously signed by Horizon, and to engineer, if you could, a friendship or relationship.

(Beat.)I know what you’re thinking, this is probably too much to drop on you all at once, but this is the easiest way to accumulate enough excited people to actually buy your music. You need to promote it any way you can and since you’re a brand-new face you need to make connections.

RUSSELIt just feels so fake. It feels like I’ll become a different person, with fake friends and a fake personality. It makes me sick. God now I sound like Nora.

BROOKLYN That’s why celebrities are called personalities. You’re not being a terrible person you’re just doing what it takes to make it.

(She speaks dangerously, accusingly.)I thought you said you would do whatever it takes to make it.

RUSSELI will. I will, you’re right. I’m assuming you had a particular idea in mind, and after what you said the other day, about a fake relationship. This feels like Déjà vu.

BROOKLYN(BROOKLYN walks to the bar, her back turned towards RUSSEL.)

Yeah, you’re pretty observant huh. (BROOKLYN picks up a drink, her back still turned.)

Think about this idea before you just shoot it down.(Beat.)

Instead of talking to some celebrity you’ve never met before, and pretending to be some friend to a stranger…We could expand on us, you know.

(Beat.)It wouldn’t be purely professional, of course, but wouldn’t it feel so much more natural. And we wouldn’t even have to lie about anything, we could just refuse to deny the claims we’re in a relationship. That would be enough.

(BROOKLYN looks to RUSSEL who looks down not meeting her gaze.)Come on now, won’t you even think about it before you decide you won’t do it—

RUSSELI never said no.

(There is a long period of silence. RUSSEL averts his gaze as BROOKLYN slowly comes back to the table.)


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I’d feel terrible not saying anything to Nora about this idea but I know she’ll just freak out, I know she’d shoot it down before she’d even hear me finish.

(Beat.)I’ll do it, ok. We just have to try to hide it from Nora.

BROOKLYNWhat about when it gets too big to hide?

RUSSELI don’t know, god I don’t know.

BROOKLYN(BROOKLYN touches his arm gently.)

She shouldn’t be causing you this much stress, honey. Maybe it’s time you sat down and really thought about your priorities.

RUSSELI can’t just cut her loose June. I owe her, after all time I’ve spent relying on her.

BROOKLYNRuss, if she’s standing in the way between you and happiness is she really all that worth it.

RUSSELShe’s not trying to keep me from being happy she just doesn’t want me to turn into…into-

BROOKLYNInto someone like me, huh?


RUSSELNo that’s not what I said-

BROOKLYNBut it’s what you meant isn’t it?

(Beat.)Isn’t it?

(Beat.)Look I know she doesn’t like me, but you do and are you really going to let her feelings about me sway your feelings about me?

RUSSELIt’s different…I don’t know it may not be different, but it doesn’t feel that easy.

BROOKLYNHow do you feel about me?

(RUSSEL starts to overthink it, starts to become flustered and busied again.)Just say it! Just tell me you don’t feel the same way so that I can move on.



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(RUSSEL struggles to find the right words to say for a moment before becoming uncharacteristically calm and focused.)

June, I can’t deny that I have feelings for you, but I also have an obligation to Nora.(As he talks, BROOKLYN gapes, completely in awe. She had not been expecting him to reciprocate.)

If you would have come back two years ago when I tried to call then maybe things would have turned out differently, but now…now things are complicated, and messy.

(RUSSEL starts to pick up the papers all over the desk, as if he is leaving. BROOKLYN grabs him by the arm.)

BROOKLYNNo, you can’t just say that! You can’t just leave me on a what might have been!

(BROOKLYN pulls him into a kiss, they stay for a moment until he breaks away, clearly torn. He sloppily grabs at a pile of papers on the desk and hurries off. RUSSEL exits stage left.)

Russel!(BROOKLYN calls after him but doesn’t leave, instead just standing in place, forlorn as the lights fade out.)

SCENE FOURAT RISE: NORA and RUSSEL are watching TV at their usual table, RUSSEL is clearly frustrated with the document in his hand. The chalkboard reads 8/10/16

NORAOh, Babe, on the way to work this morning I heard one of your songs on the radio!


NORARiver Baby, the one about me, right?

(Singing.)River Baby,do-n’t cry no more, moreRiver Baby do-n’t ask me for more, moreRiver Babydon’t ever go-o awa-y.

(She smiles warmly and reaches out to RUSSEL affectionately. He is wrapped up in the document in his hand and does not notice.)

Russel! Hello?(She snaps in his face.)



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Sorry, I’m just looking over a few key details Horizon sent in about revenue.

NORAAre they ripping you off? I’ll march down there right now and—

RUSSELNo Babe, nothing like that. They want me to go on tour.

NORAWhy the long face then? Isn’t this great news?! A tour would be amazing Russ.

RUSSELNo yeah, of course you’re right. I’m just worried I’d be away from you is all.

NORAAre you sure that’s all you’re upset about?

RUSSELSure, I’m sure. Don’t sweat it Nor I’ll be alright.

NORALet me see the papers then, what does this tour entail?


(As NORA leans in to grab the packet, RUSSEL swings it wildly away from her, standing up and backing away as he shoves the paper into his chest.)

I said don’t worry about it Nora!

NORAWell now I’m really worried! Why are you being so defensive? What don’t you want me to see?

RUSSEL(RUSSEL moves to NORA’S side, comforting her.)

Really, I swear, it’s nothing. It’s just some ‘your eye’s only’ information, company stuff they can’t have spread around. Before you say anything, I know you won’t say anything but I’m legally bound to a non-disclosure agreement so…sorry you can’t see this.

(RUSSEL nods as he speaks, as if agreeing with himself.)

NORAWell I guess that sounds pretty legit.

RUSSELYeah, it actually does…


RUSSELWhat’s on TV!


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(They both turn to the TV as an audio plays, “Sighting! Brooklyn Jersey seen with boyfriend and up-and-coming pop musician, Russel Tillman—.” As the TV announcement plays, RUSSEL runs to the bar and frantically grabs the TV remote, trying to turn it off.)

NORARussel Andrew Tillman, what is the meaning of this!

(NORA stomps up to RUSSEL, looming over him angrily.)

RUSSELBabe I can explain!

(RUSSEL dances out of NORA’S reach as she tries to hit him with a newspaper.)It’s just a publicity stunt Nora! Just publicity!

NORAPublicity stunt! Publicity stunt! I’ll show you a publicity stunt! I can’t believe-

RUSSELNora! Nora! Please!

(NORA swings again and he grabs her arm.)Please hear me out before you do something stupid!

NORATalk fast.

(NORA glares threateningly and RUSSEL scrambles to find the right words.)Well?!

RUSSELOk, there’s no way I can tell you this that you won’t get mad so I promise I’m going to tell you the truth ok.

NORAOne would expect the truth!

RUSSELOk, ok. So, one of the things Horizon suggested was to hype up the new album by collaborating with or just establishing bonds with other, already famous, personalities.

NORAAnd I’m assuming Miss Brooklyn Jersey appointed herself to this position.

RUSSELWell, yeah, or no, or I mean it was mutual, err I mean I didn’t plan this-

NORAYeah well what did you plan! You can’t let her push you around like this she’s trying to steal you away!



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She’s not going to take me away Nor, I love you and I wouldn’t leave you for her, it’s strictly professional.

NORAI trust you, god I’ll never trust her, but that doesn’t change how completely psychotic this idea is. You are literally rewriting your life for your career Russel it’s nauseating.

RUSSELNora this is a limited thing and we’ve already planned the breakup out-

NORAListen to yourself! You’re planning the breakup. Is this really the type of life you want to live? Is this really the way you want to get famous? When will the lies stop?

RUSSELPlease baby, please I promise to you, I swear it’s not a tip of the iceberg thing. I promise this is the last lie, the last secret ok.

NORAYou promise this, you promise that. I can’t trust you anymore Russel! This isn’t about the goddamn press now it’s about you and me Russ, it’s about how you’re throwing me down for her!

RUSSEL(RUSSEL grabs NORA by the elbows, holding her to him. She is reluctant and furious.)

Please ok, I love you. I’ll always choose you Nor, it’s not a competition with her.

NORAYou want so badly to make it big as a celebrity. To what, what did you say, make it up to me, to make up for how you’ve been relying on me for so long and this is the way you treat me. Russel, I love you but if you want me to keep dragging me along as your walking, talking coin purse you better start treating me better. This is the last straw, no more lies, no more Juney-

RUSSELNora, I can’t cut her out of this! She’s the one who got me all of this, she’s the only reason that I am where I am.

NORAWhy can’t you let her go! Why can’t you let her go, Russel? What is she to you?


She’s just a friend who’s helping me out Nor, nothing more. I pro-(He catches himself. NORA glares at him.)

I swear.

NORAI want the whole schedule. For the planned breakup and every other public display of falsified affection you two have on the docket.


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RUSSELThat’s really the only-

NORAAll of it. No more secrets, I’m tired of it.

RUSSELOk, ok. I’ll ask her about it.

NORAWell this is your last damn chance.

(BROOKLYN bursts through the doorway on stage left, bustling. She is ignorantly happy, ignoring the tension in the room.)

BROOKLYNMy God, you guys won’t believe what just happened!

(NORA and RUSSEL, both momentarily confused stop what they’re doing and go to her. NORA stands far away from the both of them, angry and brewing. RUSSEL is very careful to keep a distance from BROOKLYN, every time she moves closer he pushes away.)

Oh you won’t believe it!

RUSSELWhat? What is it?

(BROOKLYN turns to RUSSEL and just squeals. NORA and RUSSEL exchange a glance. NORA kicks back, leaning against the bar. RUSSEL sits next to BROOKLYN at the table.)

What happened June? June?(Beat)


(RUSSEL and BROOKLYN whip around quickly. None of them had called BROOKLYN by her new name before. There is an obvious edge of contempt between the two women.)

Well, what. You weren’t responding to June.(NORA stares BROOKLYN down.)

BROOKLYN(BROOKLYN talks slowly, ignoring NORA.)

I was contacted by the higher-ups at The Late-Night Show, they asked if you and I would come and be on the show!

RUSSEL(disenchanted and apprehensive.)

Yeah, that sounds good…but what do they want to talk about June?(RUSSEL shoots her a pointed glare, hanging on the word what a little too long. BROOKLYN shrugs.)

What I mean is, is it actually about my music and career?(NORA seems pleased with this revision.)


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BROOKLYNWell who can say, I mean how long is a piece of string you know. I’ve got no clue what they want to talk about specifically they just told me that they wanted to hear from you, about you.

(Beat.)Why? Are you not happy? This is a pretty big honor.

RUSSELNo, of course I’m happy. This is great. It’s national TV.


NORAThat’s not what’s bothering you, is it?


RUSSEL(RUSSEL is clearly stressed, sloppily turning to NORA.)

Can I talk to Juney for a moment…alone?(NORA scowls at him, and opens her mouth wide as if to yell.)

I know, I know I’m sorry. I just need to ask her something.


Fine.(NORA storms off towards the hallway, once ‘out of sight’ she leans over to eavesdrop)

RUSSELYou’re going on the tour with me?!

(BROOKLYN shrugs and smiles innocently.)Cut the crap June I know you’re behind this.

BROOKLYNWhat’s so wrong with it? It’ll be great publicity.

RUSSEL(RUSSEL points towards where NORA left.)

You know exactly what’s wrong with it.

BROOKLYNWell, were you ever going to tell her otherwise?

(Beat.)Gotta’ turn the heat on you or you’ll never man up enough to do anything Russy.

(She pats his cheek condescendingly.)

RUSSELWhy should I tell her?

(Beat. NORA puts a hand over her mouth.)


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BROOKLYNI get that you care about her but I’m not sure how long you expected she would stay dumb. She’s not a dumb girl Russ.

RUSSELI know. It’s eating me up inside. I can’t tell her but I have to. The longer I wait, the worse it’s gonna be.

(BROOKLYN pats him kindly on the back, then hovers for a moment, face leaned close to his, as if trying to get him to kiss her. He backs away, disgusted.)

God, pay attention. (Struggling with herself, NORA coughs a little, then walks back in the room.)(RUSSEL pushes BROOKLYN away with his foot.)

RUSSELHey, I’m sorry to rush you out of the room like that.

(Beat, RUSSEL looks up as if expecting her to say something. She looks away. Trying to keep face he changes the subject.)

I’ve decided I’ll do the show. It’ll be fun you know.(Long Beat. NORA takes a drink and then looks to RUSSEL.)

NORAWill it be live?

RUSSELMaybe why?

(NORA ignores RUSSEL.)Uh, yes so June tell them I’ll do it.

(NORA stiffly gets up, and heads to the door.)Whoa hey are you ok?

(RUSSEL follows NORA to the door.)Hey…

NORAI’m fine if you’re fine.

RUSSELWhat do you mean?

NORAIs everything ok, Russ? Are you good?


Yeah. Of course, I am.

NORAThen I’m fine too.



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(NORA leaves. RUSSEL turns to look at BROOKLYN and the scene fades to black.)

SCENE FIVEAT RISE: NORA is drinking alone, and empty chair across from her. The chalkboard reads a week later, 8/17/16. BROOKLYN, HOST, and RUSSEL are on TV.

HOSTHello America and welcome to tonight’s live broadcast. We’ve got a special treat for all of you TV and music lovers out there, leading lady of reality show “Star’s Cars” Miss Brooklyn Jersey! Let’s hear it for her everyone!

(Applause. NORA glares daggers.)Ok, ok now we’ve got brand new, debut musician Russel Tillman!

(Smaller applause.)For those who don’t know Russel here, he’s a small-town musician from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania who’s recently made it pretty big up here, haven’t you Russel? Tell us your story.

RUSSELWell, I guess I really have gotten bigger these last few months. I started in Pittsburgh, at a little bar, Lou’s Bar, Hey Lou.

HOST(Clearly dismissive of RUSSEL.)

So, Brooklyn, we understand that you’ve been spending a lot of time with this young man.

BROOKLYNWell sure. We’re childhood friends and I thought I could help him understand society a little as he makes his way up.

HOSTNow Miss Jersey, don’t be coy. We know you’ve been spending much more time with him than what justifies a meager friendship. What’s your official relationship with Russel? You must have heard the rumors, and there’s been here and there confirmations, but here and now will you confirm your relationship?

NORALord this is revolting, I hate television.

RUSSELWell you see that’s a little complicated, I—

BROOKLYNWe’re dating.

(Applause and hollering, on the TV as NORA stands abruptly from her chair, furious.)



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BROOKLYNCome on now honey, don’t be shy.

NORAOh, my god, you harpy get away from him!

RUSSELJuney, seriously.

HOSTDid you hear that ladies and gentlemen; he calls her June. How sweet.

(Laughter.)Ok now Russel, please tell all. We know you were childhood friends but when did the friendship become a relationship.


BROOKLYN(NORA appears to be hanging on the silence, waiting for his words.)(Whispered.)

You have to say something Russ.


Um…Two years ago, at the bar I talked about, Lou’s bar. We were there with a bunch of friends and everyone got sloppy and someone thought it was a good idea…to play foosball.

(RUSSEL pauses and NORA audibly gasps. She is hurt and furious)


RUSSEL(Gaining confidence.)

One of her friends pushed into her, then she pushed into me right as I went to swing and Wham!(Laughter.)

NORANo! Stop! That’s our story!


And then I broke my damn wrist on the handle of that foosball table!(Laughter.)

Juney felt a little bad about it so she went with me to the hospital, and then tried to ask me out for the night we wasted.

(Laughter again, while NORA breaks down.)

HOSTHow sweet! Now Miss Jersey, go ahead and give your man a little kiss for the fans.


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RUSSELUh, no I don’t think that’s necessary-

(RUSSEL is interrupted by BROOKLYN kissing him. He is visibly reluctant and uncomfortable but has to go along with it, he’s on live TV. The crowd claps and cheers wildly.)


NORA(NORA runs to the bar and grabs the remote. She turns off the TV sobbing, the laughter quickly stops. She throws the remote across the room in anger.)

Oh, I hate you Russel!(NORA paces, holding her head in her hands.)

You’re the worst! I hate you! All you’ve done this whole time is lie to me.(NORA walks to the bar.)(She pulls the business card from JET out of her pocket.)

God, I just want to hate him. I can’t believe he’d lie to me. He lied to the world right there! He lied to millions of people!

(Beat.)He told me I didn’t know what I was talking about, he told me that I was stupid for insinuating June might be after him or that he wasn’t telling me the truth. I should have known! I should never have trusted him!

(NORA begins to pace again before freezing and holding up the business card. She takes out her flip-phone and dials.)

Hello? Jet Quinby, right?(Beat.)

Yeah I’ve got a story for you…(Fade to black.)

SCENE SIXAT RISE: the bar is empty. NORA, RUSSEL, and BROOKLYN are yet to enter. The sign reads a couple days later, 8/19/16. Their usual table that’s usually littered with paper and glasses is starkly barren.

(NORA enters, she looks dreary. She walks to the bar, looking at her usual table with soft sad eyes. It is quiet for some time. Then RUSSEL barrels into the bar, clearly fuming. Several cameras flash and voices yell at him as he enters.)

RUSSELWhat the hell Nora! Where have you been for the last two days? I’ve been waiting for you, at our apartment. What did you do?

(NORA ignores him.)You gave Quinby this story Nora?

(He throws a newspaper near her on the bar.)I can’t believe this! You’ve ruined my career, my tour is canceled, my next record’s getting dropped, I might as well throw away my contract right goddamn now, and June too her-



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Do you think you’re the only two people affected by this idiotic lie? I can’t go anywhere without a camera on my back. I’ve been getting phone calls from my friends, from my family members. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is?

(Long beat.)What about your parents, huh? I’m sure they’re just so proud of you right now.

RUSSELLeave them out of this ok, this has nothing to do with them.

NORAThis has everything to do with them. You told me the whole reason why you were doing this was to make up for all your years of tapping into their bank accounts. Well now I guess it turns out you’re just one huge disappointment. To them…to me…to everybody.

RUSSELI am trying my goddamn best Nora.

NORANo, you’re trying what’s best for you.


RUSSELThis isn’t just about me anymore. I know I messed up, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but June’s career is getting dragged through the mud by this scandal and it’s just not fair for you -

NORANot fair? Not fair? What’s not fair is that you left me in the dark, lied to me, and cheated on me with that bleached-blonde, plastic, idiot!

RUSSELLeave her out of this Nor! This is between you and me, she had nothing to do with what happened this is all my fault.

(RUSSEL tries to grab NORA by the shoulders.)

NORAWhy can’t you open your eyes to this Russel! She’s been manipulating you from the start. She wanted you so she got you, just like everything else in her life has thrown itself down at her feet, now you have too. This is her fault just as much as it yours and I hate her just as much as I hate you!

(NORA emphasizes her last point by shoving RUSSEL away. He is devastated and she takes the opportunity to move towards the exit.)

I’m leaving. I’m going back to Ohio, I’m gonna stay with my parents for a while. The apartment’s yours, it’s not likely that you’ll be able to pay rent for long without me but now that’s not my problem anymore.

RUSSELNo, Nora god no please!

(RUSSEL breaks down, he’s desperate to get her to stay.)I know I messed up but this won’t ever happen again, ever. Please, please Nora.



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I’ve given you more than enough goddamn chances!

RUSSELNo, no you can’t leave me. I love you, please.

(RUSSEL grabs onto her, desperately. She shoves him away.)

NORAGet the hell away from me, you monster!

(She runs out, cameras flash and people yell, it slowly fades out as RUSSEL is left completely alone. For a while he is silent, pensive. He walks back to their old table and sits.)

(BROOKLYN enters, followed by the usual flashing cameras and yelling voices.)

RUSSELJuney, oh thank god. Are you ok?

BROOKLYNOh, I’m perfectly fine!

(BROOKLYN smiles crazily.)The producers of Star’s Cars called. They can’t have a homewrecker as a lead.

RUSSELI’m so, so sorry. I never wanted for any of this to happen, you don’t deserve this…

BROOKLYNHoney, don’t worry. I might not get as big of a paycheck, but I can play the villain. I can be the bad guy now that’s perfectly fine.

RUSSELWhat do you mean?

BROOKLYNOh, you know, they made sure to tell me that I can switch roles. Can you believe that? I already changed my entire personality and look once for them. I was their token stupid, blonde chick. Now they want me to be the bad guy. God, how did I end up like this?

RUSSELHow can they do that to you?

BROOKLYNThat’s the whole business Russel, and if you don’t get that by now then I’m not surprised this whole thing blew up in your face.

RUSSELPlease I can’t hear that from you too.

BROOKLYNSo, I’m guessing you’ve already talked to Nora then.


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RUSSELYeah it…didn’t go to plan to say the least.

BROOKLYNHave you decided then? On what we discussed?

RUSSELGod I’m not trying to choose between you and Nora right now.

BROOKLYNWell then what are you trying to do?

(RUSSEL looks away.)Look I know you’ve already chosen her, just quit leading me on.

RUSSELIt doesn’t matter what I choose it’s a lose-lose situation June.

BROOKLYNWell I hope this is your dream-come-fricken’-true, Russel!

RUSSELThis isn’t what I wanted to happen. This isn’t what I thought would happen.

BROOKLYNYeah, well what did you expect to happen? Did you really think that lying to Nora and stringing me along would end in all three of us holding hands and singing Kumbaya?

RUSSELLook I don’t need a moral lecture from you, of all people!

BROOKLYNWhat the hell is that supposed to mean!

RUSSELJune, you are a homewrecker! You are at the root of this goddamn problem; this is all on you!

BROOKLYNLast time I checked I wasn’t making you cheat on Nora.

RUSSEL(RUSSEL turns uncharacteristically harsh, throwing words at BROOKLYN mercilessly.)

No, I’m sorry you’re right, I was the one taking every opportunity to try and kiss you. I was the one trying to use your ambition as way to steal you away from your longtime partner. I was the one who went and left my best-friend behind to sell my personality and intelligence for a quick moment of fame while you rotted in this dead-end town.

(BROOKLYN’S usual bravado melts away, showing a struggling and broken young woman underneath. She is heartbroken by RUSSEL’S words.)



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Fine, ok fine pass the blame onto me, I’m ok with that. At the end of the day I’m a bigger success than you’ll ever be. Money may not buy happiness but it’s way better to be rich and miserable than poor and miserable, like you.

(BROOKLYN is crying now, spitting out her last words in an attempt to defend herself. RUSSEL stands his ground but clearly feels bad for her.)


BROOKLYNIt’s Brooklyn now.

RUSSELPlease don’t act like this.

BROOKLYN(She reassumes her bold and domineering attitude.)

Goodbye Mr. Tillman. Consider all of our deals and agreements canceled. Good luck with your girlfriend, ooh sorry, ex-girlfriend, right?

RUSSELJune! How am I going to fix all this?

BROOKLYNYou can’t!

(BROOKLYN rushes out, RUSSEL makes a motion as if to follow her but she slams the door.)

(RUSSEL stands alone on stage, completely and utterly beaten by the situation, as the lights fade out.)

SCENE SEVENAT RISE: RUSSEL is at the bar again. Alone. The chalkboard sign reads roughly two years later, 9/20/18. RUSSEL is at his old table, anxiously watching the door and the time in his phone, he is waiting for someone.

RUSSELGod, I don’t think she’ll come.

(He checks the time again.)I wish I could just go back, start over, from the very beginning. How would I even say it…Hey I know I suck, but it’s been two years and please forgive me.

(He takes a drink.)I’m pathetic. I’m here waiting for a girl I don’t deserve to see again, gulping down booze like it’s my last day alive, and now talking to myself! Talking to myself.

(He laughs dryly. There is a moment of silence, before he begins to mournfully sing. As he sings he notices his glass is empty so he goes to the bar, back now turned away from the door.)

River Baby,


Page 32: €¦ · Web viewAmbivalent. By Lily Weatherford-Brown. Characters. Brooklyn Jersey, 25 years old, reality TV star. She is stylish and trendy, she speaks in a bold and domineering

do-n’t cry no more, moreRiver Baby do-n’t ask me for more, moreRiver Babydon’t ever go-o awa-y.

(After a moment, the door opens and NORA walks in. She is silent and listens in the doorway.)


(RUSSEL whips around to see NORA. He merely stands in place as he scene fades out.)