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Unit 12/13 Abnormal Psychology & Treatments Lecture Notes AKA Psychological Disorders A “harmful dysfunction” in which behavior is judged to be atypical, disturbing, maladaptive and unjustifiable.” Early Theories Abnormal behavior was ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Trephining was often used Psychological School/Perspective Cause of the Disorder Internal, unconscious drives Failure to strive to one’s potential or being out of touch with one’s feelings. Reinforcement history, the environment. Irrational, dysfunctional thoughts or ways of thinking. Dysfunctional Society Organic problems, biochemical imbalances, genetic predispositions.
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Mar 24, 2020



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Unit 12/13 Abnormal Psychology & Treatments Lecture Notes

AKA Psychological Disorders

A “harmful dysfunction” in which behavior is judged to be atypical, disturbing, maladaptive and unjustifiable.”

Early Theories

Abnormal behavior was ________________________________________________________________________

Trephining was often used

Psychological School/Perspective Cause of the Disorder

Internal, unconscious drives

Failure to strive to one’s potential or being out of touch with one’s feelings.

Reinforcement history, the environment.

Irrational, dysfunctional thoughts or ways of thinking.

Dysfunctional Society

Organic problems, biochemical imbalances, genetic predispositions.

Perspectives and Disorders

Criteria for Mental Illness

List them below:

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Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: _____________________________________

DSM will ________________________ disorders and ________________________ the symptoms.

DSM will NOT explain the causes or possible cures.

Two Major Classifications in DSM

Neurotic Disorders

Psychotic Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

A group of conditions where the primary symptoms are anxiety or defenses against anxiety.

The patient fears something awful will happen to them. They are in a state of intense apprehension,


_______% are females Most common mental illness

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Phobias A person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread. Must be

___________________________________________________________________ Phobia List

Generalized Anxiety Disorders GAD

An anxiety disorder in which a person is continuously tense, apprehensive and in a state of

________________________________________________________________________ The patient is constantly tense and worried, feels inadequate, is oversensitive, can’t

concentrate and suffers from insomnia.

Panic Disorder

An anxiety disorder marked by a _________________________________________ in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking and other frightening sensations.

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

___________________________________________ (obsessions) cause someone to feel the need (compulsion) to engage in a particular action.

Obsession about dirt and germs may lead to compulsive hand washing.

OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

• Patient knows its illogical

• Very debilitating/consumes life

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

• _____________________________

Hoarding Disorder

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

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– Imagined ugliness

– Head specifically: Hair/Nose/Lips/Eyes

– Patient may have had/demanded multiple corrective surgeries!

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder a.k.a PTSD


Natural disasters Car accidents Rape Combat

Symptoms of PTSD• ________________________________• Nightmares• ________________________________• Depressed mood• Irritable/Angry • Hypervigilant/Increased startle• _________________________________• _________________________________

PBS “A Soldier’s Heart”In 2015 1.7 soldiers and veterans died everyday of suicide

This is a very touching clip from a documentary. Please take notes as you watch.

Somatoform Disorders



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Has frequent physical complaints for which medical doctors are unable to locate the cause.

They usually believe that the _________________________________ (headache, upset stomach) are indicative are __________________________________________________.

Conversion Disorders

Report the existence of severe physical problems with no biological reason. _____________________________________________________ Like blindness or paralysis. _______________________________________________________________________

Dissociative Disorders


Caused by intense and repeated stress

Psychogenic (Dissociative) Amnesia

A person will forget parts of their past following a stressful event. Localized:

__________________________________________________________________ Generalized:

___________________________________________________________________ Continuous:


Dissociative Fugue

People with psychogenic amnesia that find themselves in an _______________________

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Used to be known as ____________________________________________________________

Person will present with 2 or more clearly distinct personas! (______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________)

Caused by:

o Women are _______ more likely to have this disorder!! Severe and repeated sexual abuse as a child. ___________________________________________

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o May appear in childhood! Usually as a teen or early adult! “Missing time”


Shift is a physical and emotional experience

Shift will last minutes… to WEEKS!

Personas are fragmented of the host… specific memories and feelings from the past

Alter personas

o Host- out the most! ______________________________________________

o Child- Most common. _____________________________

o Protector- Helper the Host. _________________________________________

o Opposite gender- __________________________________

o Persecutory- _________________________________

Persona relations:

o Isolating: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Co-Conscious: Alters know of the Host and the other Alters! Will talk to each other inside the Hosts mind. Alters are always aware of the environmental context.


o Goal is to __________________________________ Host with all of its Alters! Talk therapy… Journaling!

Mood Disorders


– Affect more women then men– __________________________________________________– Does seem to run in families

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– Drop in ________________________ for sure! Other chemicals suspected

Major Depression

A.K.A. __________________________________________________________ Unhappy for at least two weeks with no apparent cause. Depression is the __________________________________________________ of

psychological disorders.

Depression: Low mood plus…

• Sleep (Insomnia/Hyposomnia)

• Interest (_____________________________________)

• Guilt/Very low self-esteem

• Energy (_________________________________)

• Concentration (_______________)

• Appetite (_____________________________)

• Psychomotor (Agitated/Lethargic)

• _______________________________________________


• ____________________________________

• ____________________________________

• Feelings of Euphoria

• Increased self-worth

• ______________________________

• Racing thoughts racing speech

• ______________________________

Bipolar Disorder

• Present with altering states of depression (____________ symptoms) and period of mania (_______________ symptoms)

• Formally manic depression.

– BPI: _______________________________________________

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– BPII: ______________________________________________

– Treat with Lithium

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Experience depression during the ___________________________________________________

Based not on temperature, but on amount of sunlight. Treated with _________________________________________________________

Personality Disorder

• ________________________________________________________________________

• Very controversial

• We share 5 main traits… OCEAN

• Long term stress as a child causes some traits to become mal-adaptive and deviant in their expression.

• They ________________________________ to act this way

• Later they act this way in ALL situations and with ALL people

• There are 3 clusters of Personality disorders

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

Cluster A: Cynical and Irrational

Paranoid Personality Disorder

• Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives.

• They search for ______________________________________ and read hostile intentions into the actions of others.

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• They are quick to challenge the _____________________________________ and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• They genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity.

• They tend to seek jobs that require _______________________________

• Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for ____________________________________

• They are perceived as _____________________________________ and often are termed "loners."

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

• characterized by a need for ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________such as being convinced of having extra sensory abilities.

• Some people believe that schizotypal personality disorder is a mild form of schizophrenia.

Cluster B: Dramatic and Erratic

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Lack of _________________________________________ Little regard for

____________________________________________________________ View the world as hostile and look out for themselves.

Histrionic Personality Disorder Needs to be the

________________________________________________________________ Whether acting silly or dressing provocatively.

Borderline Personality Disorder

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• characterized by __________________________________________________________

• People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger.

• they will take their anger out on themselves, ____________________________________

• _________________________________________________ are not uncommon

• They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.

Narcissistic Personality Disorders

Having an unwarranted sense of__________________________________________ Thinking that you are the ____________________________________________

Cluster C: Tense and Over Controlling

Avoidant Personality Disorder

• characterized by _____________________________________________________________________________________________, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation.

• consider themselves to be socially inept or personally unappealing, and avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed or humiliated.

Dependent Personality Disorder


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Overly concerned with certain thoughts and performing certain behaviors. Not as extreme as ____________________________________________

Schizophrenic Disorders

• A group of disorders in which the patients experience a profound break from reality. (___________________________________________________)

• About 1 in every 100 people are diagnosed with schizophrenia.

• Onset is in the late teens to early 30’s!

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• Disease is chronic! ________________________________________________________


• Genes: _________________________________________________________________

• Stress: _______________________________________________!! Research is sketchy!

• Dopamine Hypothesis: People with Schizophrenia have higher levels in their brains; L-DOPA does cause symptoms similar to Schizophrenia in people who take it for prolonged period!

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Disorganized Thinking

The thinking of a person with Schizophrenia is ________________________________________ and distorted with false beliefs.

Disorganized thinking comes from a breakdown in selective attention.- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Delusions (false beliefs)

Delusions of _____________________________________________ Delusions of _____________________________________________

Disturbed Perceptions

______________________________________- sensory experiences without sensory stimulation.

Inappropriate emotions and actions

_______________________________________ at inappropriate times. Flat Effect Senseless, compulsive acts. _________________________________- motionless Waxy Flexibility

Positive vs Negative Symptoms

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Positive Symptoms

Negative Symptoms

Other Disorders

Paraphilias (pedophilia, zoophilia, hybristophilia) Fetishism sadist, masochist ______________________________________________ Substance use disorders ______________________________________________

The Rosenhan Study

Rosenhan’s associates were Malingering symptoms of hearing voices. They were _____________________________________ for schizophrenia. None were exposed as imposters. They all left diagnosed with schizophrenia in remission.


It used to be that if someone exhibited abnormal behavior, they were _________________________________________

Because of new drugs and better therapy, the U.S. went to a policy of ____________________________________________

Psychoanalytic Therapy Psychoanalysis (manifest and latent content through…. hypnosis free association, dream,

interpretation). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Other therapies will result in symptom substitution.

Humanistic Therapy

Client-Centered Therapy by _________________________ These are ____________________________________________ and use active listening. Self-actualization, free-will and unconditional positive regard. Gestalt Therapy _____________________________________ encourage clients to

get in touch with whole self.

Behavioral Therapies


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Classical Conditioning1. Aversive Conditioning2. Systematic desensitization3. Flooding

Operant Conditioning1. Token Economy

Cognitive Therapy

Change the way we view the world (____________________________________________)

_________________________________________ Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Therapy

Somatic Therapies


__________________________________________________ (thorazine, haldol) _________________________________________________ (valium, barbiturates,

Xanax) ___________________________________________________ (serotonin reuptake

inhibitors) _______________________________________________ (lithium)

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)- for depression.

Psychosurgury1. Prefontal lobotomy

Group Therapy

• Also called __________________________________________________________

• Helps with interpersonal relationships

• Can be used for substance abuse, anger management, etc.