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P ersonal E xercise P rogram NAME: Tia FORM: T-AFR
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Sep 24, 2020



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P ersonal E xercise P rogram



CHOSEN SPORT: Basketball

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewPersonal Exercise Program . NAME: Tia . FORM: T-AFR. CHOSEN SPORT: Basketball . Contents. Student profile. Current exercise level.

C ontents 1. Student profile2. Current exercise level3. Physical activity readiness questionnaire4. Current fitness level 5. SMART target6. The FITT principle 7. My personal exercise program8. Fitness routine9. Fitness exercise10.Skills11.Warm up/ cool down12.Areas of fitness13.Equipment14.Results15.Wee1 evaluation16.Week 2 evaluation17.Week 3 evaluation18.Week 4 evaluation19.Week 5 evaluation20.Week 6 evaluation21.Conclusion

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S tudent profile

Name: Tia

Gender: Female

Age :

Main sport: Basketball

Date of birth:


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C urrent exercise level

M onday Two (40 minute) walks. (90 minute) basketball training – relatively high level of exercise , focusing on cardiovascular fitness.

T uesday Two ( 40 minute) walks.

W ednesday Two ( 40 minute) walks. One (50 minute) core p.e session – low level exercise , ranging from basketball to rounders, after two (50minute) GCSE p.e session – usually high level of exercise , focusing on specific skills. One ( 60 minute) handball session – high level of exercise.

T hursday Two ( 40 minute) walks. One ( 50 minute) core p.e session with the same regulations as on Wednesday.

F riday Two (40 minute) walks. One ( 90 minute) jogging session.

S aturday One (90 minute) jogging session.

S unday Nil.

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P hysical a ctivity r eadiness Q uestionnaire Par-Q

Being physically active is very safe for most people however some people, should check with their doctors before their current level of activity increases .

Questions Yes No1 has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition?

2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?

3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?

4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?

5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?

6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?

7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?

The heart condition I have is asthma which I have been prescribed inhalers for.

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C urrent fitness level

T est S core Fitness or skill component

Cooper test(12 minute run)-400m track, stopwatch

4 ½ laps Muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Hand grip dynamometer 26 Muscular strength

Illinois agility test-cones, stopwatch

19.06 Agility

Ruler drop test-Metre ruler

15(s) Reaction time

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M y p ersonal e xercise p lan

S mart t arget : S – specificity

M – measurable

A – achievable

R – realistic

T – time bound

T argets :In the following six weeks in will be aiming to improve my level of performance within basketball and other sports, o do this I will be using specific exercise routines. In order to be a good basketball player I will be focusing on my reaction time, cardiovascular fitness, and also agility.

My reaction time will allow me to receive the ball quickly and also react quickly to the movement of the ball up and down the court, to move up and down the court continuously ( my reaction on the ruler drop test is currently 15(s) ) which I will do as a warm up activity, this will also require me to have a high level of cardiovascular fitness.

Cardiovascular fitness can be easily measured through sprinting and jogging- recording the range of time taken to cover a distance with a stopwatch ( my result of the copper test is currently 4 ½ laps). Cardio vascular fitness is extremely important to preform well with the feeling of attrition.

Agility requires a combination of balance, speed, strength and co ordination which all are relevant to basketball. (my current results on the Illinois agility test is 19.06) The time bound of 6 weeks is sufficient enough time to meet these targets

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T he F ITT p rinciples

Frequency How often do you train?

I will train several times every week other a duration of six weeks.

Intensity How hard you train?

I will be training at a high level of intensity

Time- How long you train for?

The time I train is dependent on the week as well as core and GCSE P.E lessons


What kind of training you do?

• Mainly cardiovascular fitness training consisting of jogging and running.

This will be Aerobic training.

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M y p ersonal e xercise p rogram

During the next 6 weeks I will be participating in different training and activities in order help me improve and develop my overall fitness which will improve my performance within basketball.

My exercise plan will consist of:

Time Equipment

5 minutes Warm-up activity- stretching legs and arms (2minuets), medium intensity jog on treadmill (3 minuets).

10 minutes Agility – 3x10 lateral plyometric jumps (repeated)

18 minutes Cardiovascular fitness- rowing machine (6minuets) , treadmill (12minuets)

12 minuets Reaction time- passing drills in basketball (9 minuets)

Cool down- low level intensity treadmill walk ( 3 minuets)

I will do this training in the gym twice a week for 6 week duration

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Fitness routine

Monday Basketball training

Tuesday Gym training

Wednesday Nil

Thursday Rest

Friday Nil

Saturday Gym training

Sunday Evaluate training

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F itness e xercises


Stretching muscle in order to prevent any potential injuries. The short jogging session is to insure the body has warmed up fully and is ready for a higher level of training by gradually increasing my heart rate.

Agility training ( lateral plyometric jump)-

This will improve my agility and upper body strength.

Cardiovascular (rowing machine) and ( treadmill) :

working on the rowing machine will work on my muscular strength, the treadmill machine will be a full body work out, increasing my cardiovascular fitness also. This will allow me to increase my ability to run up and down the court within a short space of time. Rowing will increase my arm strength ( helping my with my passing and shooting skills).

Reaction time (passing drills in basketball): these drills will be specific to a game setting, doing these drills constantly will increase my reaction time ( to catching the ball, and passing it also).

Cool down- cooling down is an essential part of my workout, to ensure my muscle relax and my heart rate gradually slows down, but also in the process working on my cardiovascular fitness.

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W arm u p a nd c ool d own

Warm up:

Warming up is an essential part of a workout. Warming up allows our bodies to prepare our muscles for exercise. Warming up can prevent the body feeling unprepared; for example a lack of warm up in a work out routine can result in lactic acids which can cause pain. Warming up also decrease chances of injuries while exercising.

Cool down:

At the duration of a work out routine, a cool down exercise is used to allow the body to relax and reduce your heart rate.

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E xercise C omponent o f f itness

M uscles used

P lace o f e xercise

T readmill Cardiovascularfitness

Quadriceps, deltoid.


P lyometric j umps

Muscular strength, agility and balance.

Abdominal muscles, biceps and triceps.


R owing m achine

Cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength

Biceps and triceps.


T readmill Whole body Upper body, chest,Triceps


P assing d rills Co- ordination and reaction time.

Triceps. Basketball.

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A reas o f f itness

Equipment used to do fitness program-







Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Plyometric 30 30 + 32 32+31 34 34+31+ 33 33 36 36+3 40 40+38

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lateral jumpsAmount of jumps per 10 minuets


28+25/3= 27.6











rowing machine

150m 219m 225m 275m



Treadmill 4 laps 4 ¾ laps

5 laps 5 ½laps

5 laps

5 laps

5 ½ laps

Passing drillsAmount of passes received and passed accurately within 9 minuets

30 p 28r

32 p 29 r 34 p 31 r 37 p 35 r

40 p 37 r 41 p

39 r

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W eek 1 e valuation

My first week of my personal exercise program was an adjustment as physical demand- as expected. I set the results which I hopefully will improve next week. My time on treadmill was equal to the number of laps I achieved during the copper test, overall my scores were on an average range. The plyometric lateral jumps became harder to complete each time, making the amount of jump decrease progressively.

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W eek 2 e valuation

Within the second week of my personal fitness program, all levels on exercise gradually increased, which I was impressed with. The rowing machine is gradually improving my cardiovascular fitness and my muscular strength which will prove to be useful in a game setting when passing the ball, shooting an running, and also in every day life.

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W eek 3 e valuation

This week my plyometric jump scores have begun to increase at higher rate proving that, my agility and upper body strength are improving. Furthermore I have decided to introduce another component of fitness into this exercise by including a partner who will throw me a basketball from different distances whilst I jump , this will improve my co- ordination. Co ordination is a vital aspect of most games including basketball, for example; running (travelling down the court) whilst dribbling and passing the ball whilst running. A lack of co-ordination will effect the performance of an individual in a game setting.

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W eek 4 e valuation

Between week one and week four my scores on the treadmill ( effectively the copper test), have increased from 4laps to 5 ½ laps, not only this but working on my breathing technique whilst running has allowed to improve my aerobic fitness. Aerobic fitness which reflects how much oxygen is in the blood our hearts pump and transport to working muscle. Aerobic fitness is also vital in a game like basketball that requires constant movement, if there is not enough oxygen in our body then we feel more lethargic.

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W eek 5 e valuation

During week 5, I sustained and injury to my foot. This injury effect my score, the depreciation is due to reversibility. This is the quality of performance being reversible in either way. This injury has effected my result in the plyometric jump and treadmill as those are the only two that require me to constantly be using the injured muscle.

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W eek 6 e valuation The final week of my personal exercise program has proven to increase all scores, in my chosen exercises. The last area I have focused on is the accuracy of my passing skills and receiving skills within a given amount of time. This proved to be difficult initially , however it gradually improved. My reaction time and co-ordination were the focus of the exercise. Reaction time is key to being able to react the movement of the ball ( e.g., catch it in time). This was area that I believe my initial results were quite poor in, however now this components of fitness have improved to a more impressively level.

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C onclusion

In conclusion, I’m extremely impressed with my results and their increase throughout the duration of these six weeks. This improve will show through my performance in games and drills not only in my chosen sport but also in others. Although in week five my performance dropped due to an injury I sustained, I rectified that . During my next fitness program I will hopefully achieve higher scores, which I believe I would have, had I not received an injury. I’ve meet my SMART targets. Moreover I am pleased with the outcome of my fitness program.