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Contents 目錄 Publisher s note 出版說明 v Introduction 前言 vii 1 Chatting to people 與人聊天 1 2 Travelling 旅遊 16 3 Where we live 住所 32 4 Eating with friends 和朋友聚餐 45 1982_英語會話HK_20140423.indd 1 14年4月23日 下午5

ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

May 28, 2020



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Page 1: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

Contents 目錄

Publisher’s note 出版說明 v

Introduction 前言 vii

1 Chatting to people 與人聊天 1

2 Travelling 旅遊 16

3 Where we live 住所 32

4 Eating with friends 和朋友聚餐 45


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Page 2: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

目錄� �5 Going out 外出 60

6 Days out 旅遊 75

7 Shopping 購物 91

8 Service with a smile 微笑服務 107

9 Health 健康 123

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Page 3: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �10 Help 求助 136

11 Telephoning and writing 電話與書寫 150

12 Work 工作 165

13 Studying 學習 181

14 Numbers, dates and time 數字、日期和時間 197

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Page 4: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

目錄� �Summary of all the phrases by function 功能短語總結

A quick reference guide 快速查詢指南 212

Grammar 語法

Irregular verbs 不規則動詞 244

Verb tenses 動詞時態 248

Phrasal verbs 短語動詞 263

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Page 5: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� �Shopping購物

Can I help you 有何需要


Asking for things 索取東西

在商店裏,要東西最簡單的說法是 I’d like... 或 Could I have...?,例如:

I’d like two kilos of potatoes, please.

I’d like a case for my camera.

I’d like a melon that’s nice and ripe, please.

Could I have a packet of envelopes, please?

Could I have a 10 litre pot of white paint?

Could I have a carrier bag, please?

找東西時也可以說 I’m looking for... 或 I need...,例如:

I’m looking for vegetable seeds.

I’m looking for brown rice.

I need mozzarella.

I need some batteries for my alarm clock.

一個不太正式索取東西的說法是 I’m after...,例如:

I’m after a good quality garden table.

I’m after some really juicy apples.

I’m after a bulb to fit this torch.

實用單詞ripe 成熟

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Page 6: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� �詢問商店是否出售你需要的東西時,你可以用 Do you sell...? 或 Have

you got...?,例如:

Do you sell light bulbs?

Do you sell printer paper?

Do you sell plant pots?

Have you got any white shirts?

Have you got a battery that will fit my hearing aid?

Have you got the right colour polish for these shoes?

在由店員取物的商店時,可以問 Can you give me..., please?,例如:

Can you give me five of those oranges, please?

Can you give me ten first-class stamps, please?

Can you give me three metres of this cloth, please?

如果已經決定買東西了,可以說 I’ll have... 或 I’ll take...,例如:

I’ll take the handbag.

I’ll take the big saucepan.

I’ll take two of those pineapples.

I’ll have some bananas.

I’ll have a wholemeal loaf.

I’ll have three dozen red roses.

實用單詞a bulb 電燈泡a hearing aid 助聽器polish 鞋油

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Page 7: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� �Saying what you have to do 談論不得不做的事

買東西時,會用 I have to... 或 I’ve got to...,例如:

I have to buy Richard a birthday card.

I have to stop at the baker’s.

You have to ask the shop assistant if you want to try things on.

We have to buy a new vacuum cleaner.

I’ve got to get a memory stick for my college work.

I’ve got to order the books in time for the course.

I’ve got to buy some food for tonight.

也可以說 I need to...,例如:

I need to get something to wear to Flora’s wedding.

I need to make sure I get receipts for everything.

I need to take back that dress I bought.

購買一些重要的物品時,可以用 I must...,例如:

I must find a birthday present for my sister.

I must buy a suit for the interview.

I must get a new briefcase.

實用單詞a vacuum cleaner 吸塵機

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Page 8: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� �談及自己覺得應該買的東西,就用 I ought to...,例如:

I ought to buy some low-energy light bulbs.

I ought to shop locally more often.

I ought to try that baker’s Fiona recommended.

Talking about your plans 談論你的計劃

告訴某人自己計劃做甚麼時,用 I’m going to... 或 I’ll...,例如:

I’m going to buy a new carpet.

I’m going to wait for the sales and see if I can get it cheaper.

We’re going to go to the new shopping centre.

Are you going to get a better TV?

I’ll get some flowers for Diana.

I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

I’ll find out how much a new printer would cost.

告訴某人自己的計劃時,用 I’m planning to...,例如:

I’m planning to buy a new outfit for the party.

I’m planning to buy him a tennis racket for his birthday.

I’m planning to spend the day shopping in London.

實用單詞a duvet 羽絨被an outfit 外套

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Page 9: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� �談論正考慮購買的東西或購物的地點時,用 I’m thinking of...,例如:

I’m thinking of going to the market tomorrow.

I’m thinking of getting a laptop.

We’re thinking of buying a boat of our own.

對那些打算做但還不確定的事,可以用 I’m hoping to...,例如:

I’m hoping to get some bargains.

I’m hoping to find some boots to go with my dress.

We’re hoping to visit some antique shops.

Expressing opinions 表達意見

選東西時,也許會說到對商品的看法,就用 I think...,例如:

I think this material is beautiful.

I think their cakes are the best in town.

I don’t think she’d like that bracelet.

也可以用 In my opinion...,語氣強烈並略顯正式,例如:

In my opinion the quality of their products has gone down.

In my opinion this lipstick is slightly too dark.

Where’s the best place to buy a bike, in your opinion?

實用單詞an antique 古董a bracelet 手鐲

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Page 10: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� �一個語氣不太強烈的說法是 I’d say...,例如:

I’d say it’s a bit tight.

I’d say that you need something warmer for winter.

I’d say it’s a bargain.

同意別人意見時,可以用 I agree. 或 You’re right.,例如:

‘The assistants here are fantastic.’ ‘I agree. They’re always happy to give


I agree with Helen that the leather chairs are more practical.

‘The lighter jacket is more suitable for summer.’ ‘I agree.’

‘It’s too tight around the waist.’ ‘You’re right. I need a bigger size.’

You’re right about this place — it’s improved a lot since the new

manager took over.

‘It’s not worth buying cheap clothes — they won’t last. ‘You’re right. It’s

better to spend more and buy less.’

不同意別人意見時,可以說 I don’t think so.,也可以說 I disagree.,但


‘These linen trousers would be good for the journey.’ ‘I don’t think

so — they crease too easily.

‘Ella would love this shirt.’ ‘I don’t really think so — she prefers bright


‘The assistants were so rude.’ ‘I didn’t think so — that young man was

very helpful.’

實用單詞practical 實用suitable 合適take something over 掌控crease 褶皺

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Page 11: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� ‘Buying organic food is a waste of money.’ ‘I disagree. It’s good for

you and good for the environment.’

I disagree with what Naeem said about the butcher’s.

‘It’s cheaper to buy larger quantities of food.’ ‘I disagree — if you do

that, you end up throwing away a lot of it.’


What do you think...?,例如:

What do you think of these jeans?

What do you think of their furniture?

What do you think about buying a picnic rug?

Asking for information 詢問資料

詢問一般性的資料時可以用 Could you tell me...?,例如:

Could you tell me if there’s a bookshop here?

Could you tell me where I can get weedkiller?

Could you tell me the best place for children’s clothes?

如果想問一個城鎮是否有某個商店,可以用 Is there...?,例如:

Is there anywhere I can top up my phone?

Is there a florist in this town?

Is there a butcher’s?

實用單詞a picnic rug 野餐氈weedkiller 除草劑

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Page 12: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� 詢問商店地點或商店裏某個商品的位置時,可以說Where can I


Where can I find a hardware shop?

Where can I find underwear?

Where can I find the new Jacqueline Wilson book?

問商店裏有無某商品時,可以用 Is there...? 或 Do you have...?,例如:

Is there a changing room?

Is there anyone who can explain the difference between these washing


Is there a gardening department?

Do you have any dinner plates?

Do you have it in a smaller size?

Do you have any sun hats?

詢問可能會買的東西的資料時,可以用 Is this...? 或 Is it...?,例如:

Is this the best model?

Is this available in any different colours?

Are these in the sale?

Is it genuine leather?

Is it suitable for a child?

Are they still in stock?

實用單詞hardware 五金店genuine 真

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Page 13: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� �詢問店員關於購買東西的建議時,可以使用What would you


What would you recommend for painting iron railings?

I’m looking for some garden furniture that will be OK in the rain. What

would you recommend?

What would you recommend for dry hair?

問價格時,可以說 How much is...?,例如:

How much is the face cream?

How much are the cherries per kilo?

How much are your pineapples?

問能否做某事時,可以用 Can I...?,例如:

Can I pay by credit card?

Can I have it gift-wrapped?

Can you give me a discount, as it has a scratch on it?

Saying what you like, dislike, prefer 談論好惡及偏愛

購物時,對於喜歡的東西最簡單的說法是 I like...,例如:

I like Italian cheese.

I like this hat very much.

Get it if you like it.

I really like the greengrocer’s near the church.

I don’t like the pattern.

I don’t like these gloves as much.

實用單詞a railing 欄杆

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Page 14: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� � �非常喜歡或討厭某物,可以說 I love... 或 I hate...,例如:

I love these chocolates.

I love shopping with friends.

I love trying on expensive clothes.

I hate having to queue.

I hate dresses like this.

I hate aubergines.


Like、love 或 hate 後跟動詞時,這些動詞通常要用 -ing形式。

說兩者之中更喜歡某物時,可以用 I prefer…,如果想說明不太喜歡的

那樣東西,在它前面加上 to,例如:

I prefer the one with the long sleeves.

We prefer fresh produce to frozen.

I prefer to buy things from independent shops.

想說自己更喜歡做的事時,用 I’d rather..., 如果你想說明不喜歡的那件

事,在它前面加 than, 例如:

I’d rather go for something more glamorous.

I’d rather spend the money on CDs than books.

We’d rather buy local produce.

實用單詞queue 排隊an aubergine 茄子independent 獨立glamorous 光彩奪目

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Page 15: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �Making suggestions 提出建議

說和朋友一起購物,可以用We could... 提出建議,例如:

We could ask them to deliver it.

We could see if they’ll order one for us.

You could ask them for a discount.

如果自己有個主意,就用 How about...?,例如:

How about going shopping this morning?

How about trying that new bookshop?

How about buying it online?


在句型 How about...? 裏,動詞要用 -ing形式。

也可以用Why don’t...? 或 Why not...?,例如:

Why don’t you wait for the sales?

Why don’t you treat yourself to a new suit?

Why don’t we look in another shop?

Why not buy both shirts?

Why not try it on?

Why not ask David to pay for it?


在句型Why not...? 裏,動詞必須省去 to。

實用單詞deliver 運送

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Page 16: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� � �Asking for permission 請求允許

在商店裏詢問自己能否做某事,可以用 Can I...?,例如:

Can I try on these sandals?

Can I keep the hanger?

Can I bring it back if I don’t like it?

Can I use this voucher to pay for it?

Can my daughter try on this jacket?

請求他人應允的禮貌說法是 Do you mind if I...?,例如:

Do you mind if I try the other trousers on again?

Do you mind if I take the wrapper off?

Do you mind if I pay by credit card?

請求應允的一個稍微隨意的說法是 Is it OK...?,例如:

Is it OK if I have a closer look?

Is it OK if I taste one of these cherries?

Is it OK to take the watch out of its box?

實用單詞a sandal 涼鞋a hanger 衣架a wrapper 包裝

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Page 17: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.



Are you being served?

Can I help you?

What size are you?

Do you need a smaller size?

Shall I look for a larger size for you?

What colour would you like?

How much were you thinking of spending?

We don’t have any in stock just now.

We could order one for you, if you like.

We may have one in our other store.

Anything else?

Is it a present for someone?

Shall I gift-wrap it for you?

Would you like to keep the hanger?

It’s cash only, I’m afraid.

I’m afraid we don’t take credit cards.

Could you sign here, please?

How would you like to pay?

That comes to £34.57 altogether.

Can you put your PIN number in, please?

You can take your card now.

We don’t do refunds on sale items.

Do you have your receipt?

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Page 18: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

購物� � �


Katie is shopping for clothes with her friend Jemma.


A I need to get something to wear to Lola’s party on Saturday.


B OK, where do you want to look? 好的,你想去哪裏買 ?

A I really like that shop near the river, but it’s a bit expensive.


B Let’s go there first and have a look. We could go somewhere else afterwards

if you can’t find anything you can afford.


Katie and Jemma are now in the shop. 凱蒂和珍瑪目前在店裏。

A What do you think of this dress? 你覺得這條裙怎麼樣 ?

B It’s nice, but I don’t think it’s suitable for a party — it’s a little dull.


A You’re right. Let’s see if there are any others.


B This one will look nice on you. 你穿這條會好看。

A I don’t like it — it’s too old-fashioned. I’m looking for something more

modern. Oh, look — this one’s lovely!

我不喜歡 —— 太過時了。想找更流行一點的。哦,看,這條不錯 !

B Yeah, I really like the colour. 是的,我喜歡這個顏色 。

A They have the same dress in blue — which do you prefer?


B I like the red one more than the blue one. How much is it?

我喜歡紅多過藍的。多少錢 ?

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Page 19: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �A Oh dear, it’s much more than I want to spend.


B Go on, treat yourself! It’s the kind of dress you’ll wear again and again.


A You’re right. I will. 說得對,那我就買了。


Brett has invited some friends for dinner. He goes to the Italian deli to

buy food and to get some advice about what to cook.



A Hi. I’m cooking dinner for five people tomorrow evening. I need to get

something that’ll be quick so that I have time to prepare it after work. 你好!



B How about pasta? That’s always popular, and we sell delicious fresh pasta.


A That sounds great. Can you give me enough for five people, please? And

what would you recommend for the sauce?


B Why not try something spicy — maybe tomato with chili, garlic and spicy



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Page 20: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �Telephoning and writing 電話與書寫

Getting in touch 保持聯絡





Making a telephone call 打電話

如果想告訴某人需要打電話,用 I need to...,例如:

I need to make a call.

Don’t forget you need to call your mum back tonight.

I need to top up my mobile.

詢問電話號碼時用 Do you have...?,例如:

Do you have his home number, please?

Do you have the number of a taxi firm?

Does she have a mobile number?

也可以用What...? 詢問電話號碼,例如:

What’s her extension number?

What’s the code for the United States?

What do I have to dial to get an outside line?

實用單詞top up 增值

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Page 21: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �When the person you’re calling answers 當對方接電話時

一旦所撥的電話有人接聽,要告訴對方自己的姓名,可以說 Hello,


Hello Mr Hall, it’s Alex Ronaldson here.

Hello, is Stephanie in? It’s Marie.

不論對方認不認識自己,都可以用Hello, my name is...,也可以用 I’m...


Hello, my name is Rosie Green. I’m a colleague of Peter’s.

Hello, my name is Lorna McCall. I’m Tanya Hill’s assistant.

要核實對方是不是自己要找的人,就用 Is that...?,例如:

Is that Rolf?

Is that the doctor’s surgery?

如果自己要找某人接聽,就用 Is...there? 或 Can I speak to...?,例如:

Is Olivier there, please?

Are your parents there?

Can I speak to the manager, please?

Can I speak to whoever’s responsible for road safety?


如果對方不在,接電話的人會說 Sorry, he’s not here. 或 Sorry, she’s

not in. 如果對方在,對方會問Who’s calling, please? 聽到這句後,要


實用單詞a surgery 診所

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Page 22: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �對於認識的人,我們通常從詢問對方健康開始對話,可以說 How are


Hello, Otto. How are you?

Hi, it’s Chuck. How are you?

How is your brother?


我們用 I’m fine, thanks. 或 I’m good, thanks. 回應。如果自己身體不

好,就說 Not great, really. 或 Not too good, actually.。

也可以用其他寬泛的問題開始 How’s...?,例如:

How’s life?

How’s things with you?

How’s your job going?

Saying why you’re calling 說明為何打電話

用 I’m phoning / calling / ringing about... 或 I’m phoning / calling /

ringing to... 告訴對方為何打電話,例如:

I’m phoning about your advert for gardeners.

I’m calling about Dad’s birthday party.

I’m ringing about the ballet classes.

I’m phoning to arrange for our carpets to be cleaned.

I’m calling to find out whether you sell garden furniture.

I’m ringing to invite you and Stephanie over for dinner.

實用單詞an advert 廣告ballet 芭蕾

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Page 23: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �解釋自己所在的公司或機構,用 I’m calling from...,例如:

I’m calling from the hotel.

I’m calling from the tax office.

I’m calling from the charity ‘Help our Horses’.

如果想問自己能否做某事,就說 Can I...?,例如:

Can I charge up my phone here?

Can I use this to phone abroad?

Can I call him at work?

讓某人做某事時,說 Could you...?,例如:

Could you give her a message, please?

Could you put me through to Johanna, please?

Could you ask him to call me back?

Giving information 提供資料

打電話時,也許對方會問自己的電話號碼,這時說My (phone) number


My home phone number is...

...and my mobile number is...

My number at the university is...


在英語裏,我們分開說號碼,不說 twenty five / forty three 等。如果

兩個相同數字連在一起,我們說 double。數字 0通常說成字母O,數

字 0223說成O double two three.。

實用單詞a charity 慈善機構charge something up 充電put someone through 接通

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Page 24: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �要詳細告訴對方自己的聯繫方式,用 You can contact me on...,例如:

You can contact me on 0998 02 46 23.

You can contact me on my mobile.

You can contact me on my sister’s number.

Answering the telephone 回應電話


打電話時,我們一般會說 Hello? 在辦公室裏,人們有時會回答自己的姓


如果對方想通話的人正好是自己,就說 Speaking.,例如:

‘Can I speak to Lily, please?’ ‘Speaking.’

‘Is Ms Rathbone there, please?’ ‘Yes, speaking.’

詢問對方想要做甚麼,說Would you like...?,例如:

Would you like to leave a message?

Would you like me to ask him to call you back?

She’s on another call at the moment. Would you like to hold?

如果想讓對方做某事,用Would you mind...?,例如:

Would you mind saying that again, please? I can’t hear you very well.

Would you mind spelling your name, please?

Would you mind calling me back tomorrow?

實用單詞hold 別收線spell 拼寫

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Page 25: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �Ending a telephone call 結束電話

結束電話時,說 Goodbye. 和離開某人時告別一樣。通常縮略成 Bye.。

Thanks for your help. Goodbye.

OK then, goodbye.

Right, bye Svetlana! Talk to you later!

Bye, darling. See you soon.

祝願對方今後好運,我們說 Have a good...!,例如:

Have a good day!

Have a good weekend!

Have a good holiday!

道別時,也許還想表達對其他人的祝願,在非正式場合就說 Say hello

to...,在略微正式的場合裏,說 best wishes.,例如:

Say hello to your family.

Say hello to your sister for me.

Give your father my best wishes.

Give Laura my best wishes.


時,用 I don’t have...,例如:

I don’t have much charge left.

I don’t have any credit on my phone.

實用單詞charge 電量credit 通話費

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Page 26: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �USEFUL PATTERNS 實用句型


Who’s calling, please?

Who shall I say is calling?

Please hold the line.

Hang on a minute, I’ll get him.

You’ve got the wrong number.

Do you have the extension number?

His line is engaged. I’ll put you through.

Please leave a message after the tone.

This call will cost 1 euro per minute.

All our operators are busy, please call back later.

Please call back later.

You’re breaking up.

Thanks for calling.

Writing letters and e-mails 寫書信及電子郵件


Dear Paul,...

Hi Marta!

實用單詞hold the line 別收線engaged 佔線put someone through 接通break up 電話線出了問題

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Page 27: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � Love, Naïma.

Lots of love, Charlotte.

All the best, Amandeep.

Cheers, Lucien.

Regards, Clive.

Kind regards, Bella.

Yours, Sujata.

To: [email protected]


Subject: party for Stefan

Hi Dora!

Just a quick note to ask if you have any ideas about what to do for

Stefan’s party? I was thinking of having it in my flat, but I’m a bit worried

about what the neighbours will think. Do you think we should hire a room


Let me know what you think!

lots of love,

Miriam, x


讀電子郵件的地址時, 用 at 代替 @, 用 dot 代替 .。例如:miriam at

ntlworld dot com。

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Page 28: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� �



63 Mill St



14th February, 2010

Dear Dan

Thanks for the birthday card, and for your letter

— your description of your brother falling in the

sea made me cry with laughter!

I’m glad things are working out so well for you in

Turkey. And that’s one of the reasons I’m writing

— I have two weeks holiday coming up, and I

was thinking of coming to visit — what do you


If it’s not convenient, you must say, but it would

be so great to see you and get to know your

new friends.

Let me know soon!



PS Is there anything you want me to bring from


用PS 引出信末想增加的內容

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Page 29: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �Mr Andrew Kennedy

37 Church Rd


G64 3PH



Dear Mr Surplice,...

Dear Prof Amies,...

Dear Sir or Madam,...


現在說 Dear Sir 顯得很過時,除非自己不知道對方是先生還是女士,

此外,這個說法可能引起反感。根據寫信的原因,可以用 Dear Sir or

Madam、Dear Neighbours 或 Dear Parents。


Yours faithfully, Anton Smit

Yours sincerely, Ali Sharpe


如果在信件開頭已寫清楚對方的名字,在書信結尾處我們用 Yours

sincerely;如果在信件開頭沒有提對方的名字,而是用 Dear Sir /

Madam,我們用 Yours faithfully。



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Page 30: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �書信和電子郵件中更友好的結尾:

Best wishes, Valentina Clark

Kind regards, Tony Bishop

17 King St


LP29 6AG

Mrs A Hughes

Staffords Accountancy

Unit 13

Hopetown Business Park


2 June 2010

Dear Mrs Hughes,

I am writing to apply for the job of part-time

receptionist with your company. I saw your advert in the

Hopetown Times.

I am currently working as a receptionist for

a legal firm in Grisham, but I would like to find

a job closer to home.

I enclose my CV and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Miller

Karen Miller






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Page 31: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �Texting 短訊

用郵件交流既普遍又快捷, 我們在行文中經常使用一些特殊的縮略語,


@ at cul see you later syl see you later

2 to or two gr8 great tx / thx thanks

2day today ic I see u you

2moro tomorrow l8 late w8 wait

4 for l8r later wan2 want to

aml all my love lo hello wk week

b4 before m8 mate wrk work

btw by the way pls please xlnt excellent

c see r are y why

cm call me some1 someone

cu see you soz / sry sorry

1982_英語會話HK_20140423.indd 161 14年4月23日 下午5:08

Page 32: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

電話與書寫� � �


Katie is trying to phone her friend Saskia, but Saskia’s father answers

the phone. 凱蒂想找朋友薩思其亞,但薩思其亞的爸爸接了電話。

A Hello? 你好。

B Oh... Hello, Mr. Greene. It’s Katie here. Can I speak to Saskia, please?


A She’s not here at the moment. 她現在不在。

B Oh... I’m ringing about the play we’re going to tomorrow everning.


A Would you like to call back later? 你能晚點再打嗎?

B That’s a bit difficult because I’m going out now. Could you give her a

message, please? 應該不行,我要外出,可以留言嗎?

A Sure. 當然。

B Could you tell her to meet me at the theatre at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.

If she can’t, she should leave a message on my mobile or text me. 請告訴她

明晚 7點在戲院見,如果不行,就給我的手提留言或發短訊。

A Fine, Katie, I’ll tell her. 好的,凱蒂,我會告訴她。

B Thanks, Mr. Greene. 多謝,格林先生。

A That’s OK. Nice to hear from you. 不用客氣,很高興你打電話來。

Rudi has seen an advert for a job he is interested in. He phones the

number. 魯迪看到了一則招聘廣告,很有興趣,於是打了電話。

A Hello, could I speak to Mr Jenkins, please? 你好,可以找詹肯先生嗎?

B Speaking. 我就是。

A My name is Rudi Thorne, and I’m ringing about the job in your café.


B Oh yes? Have you worked in a café before?


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Page 33: ContentsWe’re going to go to the new shopping centre. Are you going to get a better TV? I’ll get some flowers for Diana. I’ll try to find a duvet cover that matches the curtains.

� � �A Yes, my uncle has a café in Perth and I’ve worked for him in the holidays. 我


B That’s good. Would you be able to come in for an interview?


A Yes, when shall I come? 能,我應該甚麼時間到?

B I’m not sure yet because my colleague Doug Young wants to be at the

interviews too. Can I call you back later?


A Of course, I’ll give you my number. 當然可以,我留下電話號碼給你。


Jim is trying to phone the finance manager of a large company.


A Good morning. Fletcher and Smith Finance. How can I help you?


B Could I speak to Ava Watts, please? 我能跟艾娃.沃茨講話嗎?

A Certainly. Who shall I say is calling? 當然可以!我能知道您的姓名嗎?

B My name is Jim Allsop. I’m ringing from Hector’s Ltd. to discuss our

credit arrangements.我是占.奧爾索普,我在赫克托有限公司給你們


A Thank you. I’ll put you through. Oh, I’m sorry — she’s on another line at the

moment. Do you mind if I put you on hold? 謝謝你!我為您接通。哦,抱


B I’m rather busy, actually. Could you ask her to call me back later?


A No problem. Can you give me your number?沒問題。能給我您的號碼嗎?

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