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May 29, 2022



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six Steps to Save America 4.150CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/05/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

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It is time for Americans to wake up to what is happening today!

The present threat feels like WW-II all over again when Hitler was racing across Europe. Initially, America was asleep and sitting on the sidelines. We had education failures, we had mass political correctness, a compromised media, and failed politicians. This is all happening again today, but this time with a socialist/Marxist ideology inside America.

Your briefing this week will be broken into seven short video segments with the hopes you capture the key takeaways and action steps shared by Kevin Freeman and Dr. Carson. Highlights for this briefing are part of a special live conference recently held in the Economic War Room®. Dr. Carson joined us to sound an alarm on what America needs to do now and the importance of standing together for liberty.

“We are being told repeatedly to leave it to the professionals. Forget that! It is time for the men and women of America to make a difference!” –Kevin Freeman

We must fight back against modern day forces that infringe on our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our previous briefings have often referred to the Battle of Dunkirk. In the Battle of Dunkirk, it was the small ships (the citizens) made the difference, and the miracles happened as the people and the country prayed.

It is time for a new Operation Dynamo (the Battle Plan that saved Britain) in America today.

Your Mission: To engage in a new Operation Dynamo. Consider taking these SIX steps:

1. Pray First!2. Follow Economic War Room®, stay up to date an educated on what is really going on.3. Have Your Financial Advisor Join the NSIC.4. Weaponize Your Money around your values. As it relates to spending, look to Patriot

Mobile as an option for your phone service.5. Re-evaluate Your Giving - Support the American Cornerstone Institute in getting the

real message about America back in the public mindset.6. Expect a Miracle.


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Ep. 4-150 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This briefing includes thoughts and comments with Dr. Ben Carson and Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room.

Dr. Carson. Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr. is an American retired neurosurgeon, author, and politician who served as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 to 2021. He was a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 Republican primaries. He is considered a pioneer in the field of neurosurgery.[3][4][5]

Carson has received numerous honors for his neurosurgery work, including more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees and numerous national merit citations.[17] In 2001, he was named by CNN and TIME magazine as one of the nation’s 20 foremost physicians and scientists, and was selected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 “Living Legends” on its 200th anniversary.[10] In 2008, Carson was bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.[18] In 2010, he was elected into the National Academy of Medicine.[19] He was the subject of the 2009 TV film Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, where he was portrayed by Cuba Gooding Jr.*


1. The Economic War we are facing today and what to do now! Kevin Freeman Shares:

“America is in trouble, forget thinking about how the professionals can fix it! You are sufficient to change the world! It is Operation Dynamo and each of you have a part in this Economic War.”

2. Today, (sadly) America’s treasure is in its 401k’s and in our economy.

The bottom-line is we think about money an awful lot in America.

Luke 16:11 says, “If you can’t be faithful with unrighteous mammon, who will ever trust you with true riches?”

It starts with money and it kind of ends with money, too, because “the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil.” I Timothy 6:10


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Americans have observed this. We see the above going on all the time.There is an ask for money and votes and nothing changes. Many organizations really do not want real change, just the money to fight for the cause. The cause becomes their livelihood with limited to no results.

“Look at what the conservatives do on our side? They say, ‘hey, send me your money and we’ll take care of it. Send us your money.’ They seem to only want our money and our votes. They never seem to want us?” –Kevin Freeman

Case Study – Remember when you were called to “keep spending” after 9/11?

Remember what President George W. Bush said after 9/11, and what we were challenged to do? What was our part?

The Republican party said, go to the shopping mall and spend money. You remember that?

That doesn’t sound like World War II, where they were saving up scrap metal and they were worried about preserving gas or sending things to the troops. Instead, it was, “See if you can’t spend some money and keep the economy going.”

Then there is China which we love as a nation and see potential market opportunity, but many appear to ignore the CCP threat to America.

We’ve recently seen the dark side of the Communist Party. Kevin Freeman has been warning about the China threat since 1999 but we often still think of China as our banker and our vendor.

Warning: China is our opponent or adversary, and the Communist Party is our enemy. The Chinese government knows America, and they’ve hit us with economic warfare.

(We love the Chinese people but must recognize the CCP government is malicious.)


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3. In addition, take note, the progressive left wants to use your money to get their power. With power they can control everything.

Kevin Freeman shares a closer look at what you need to do now!

4. The stakes are too high for you not to get involved with your investments, spending, and giving.

“Did you know most of the shares that you own have been hijacked? If you own a mutual fund or an index fund or whatever, somebody is voting on your behalf to tell that corporation how to run. And guess what? They’re not voting in line with your values. They’re voting against your values.” –Kevin Freeman

» Every corporation has adopted a rainbow logo now for Pride Month. Does that reflect your values?

» How does Coca-Cola get away with telling 74-million-plus Trump voters, “we don’t care about you, election integrity isn’t important?” Why does a sugar-water company tell the people they don’t need a voter I.D. in Atlanta?

» At the same time, they refuse to recognize genocide in China and keep proudly doing business there.

ALERT: Pay attention to corporate proxy voting and your shares. We should have the most votes, but we lose almost every proxy election. America needs a solution for that. And we have solution at no cost to you and huge opportunity for a financial advisor that gets the NSIC credential.


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In summary, it is importatnt to stay educated on all that is going in the world and the threats against you, your money and your livelihood. Go to today.

» Sign up for the Economic Battle Plans™ and watch our show 30 minutes a week.

» In 30 minutes, we believe over the long term you will get more and better information than you’ll get watching Fox News 24-hours a day.

Bottomline, your money has been hijacked. The good news? There are practical things you can do now to save America.

5. As you consider giving aligned with your values, Dr. Carson shares what his team at The American Cornerstone Institute is doing to make a positive difference in America. As founder of The American Cornerstone Institute, Dr. Carson is using these same principles to focus on healing America by empowering Americans to act and communicate. He understands the war being waged on America and is working to help point our nation toward common good.

It really is a critical time right now for America.

If America goes the way of socialism and communism, what happens to the world?


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“When you think about what the world was like before America became a superpower, with all these despotic leaders trampling over other people and destroying their lives. If you don’t think it would go back to that, think again. It would!! America is what stands between that kind of a world.

The world we have today is by no means perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, because it’s inhabited by people and people are imperfect. But, in terms of providing freedom and opportunity, this is the destination place for so many people throughout the world.” –Dr. Ben Carson

CASE STUDY- College students in other countries asked about visiting America and declined.

Ben Carson shared the following:

“I was looking at a program a couple of months ago and they were interviewing college students in other countries. And the last question for each of them was, would you like to come to the United States? They all had the same answer, no.

They said, I used to want to go to the United States, but I don’t want to go there anymore, it’s changed.

I think people are noticing, I think people around the world are saying, what in the world is going on with those people? They’ve gone nuts, they’ve lost their minds. This is true for a lot of the prominent people and leadership, but not for the average American.

The average American actually is levelheaded and has common sense. But the average American is also silent. And that’s why a minority is able to control the narrative. And it’s so important to begin to speak out, but you can’t speak out unless you know what you’re talking about, and that was the origin of American Cornerstone Institute.”

Dr. Carson and his team went back and looked at what made America great in the first place and formed the American Cornerstone Institute around faith, liberty, community, and life.


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6. Faith - An American Cornerstone America’s founding- faith transformed America! Dr. Carson shares regarding the importance of standing for what you believe in:

7. Liberty – An American CornerstoneYou are fighting for freedom for your children, your grandchildren and for this nation!

8. Community- An American CornerstoneWhat the breakdown of community and family structure really means. Plus, Black Lessons in History that can change lives!

9. Respect for Life – An American CornerstoneFrom the womb to the tomb! We can destroy ourselves, so it is important to respect and engage others. It is possible to work with the other side, but we’ve got to learn to work together.


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10. Do you have investments in the stock market in one form or another? What you need to know.

Kevin Freeman shares the changes on Wall Street and what it means today:

Here’s what’s going on Wall Street. I’ve been investing since 1982 professionally even before I graduated from university. My dad gave me a job at his investment newsletter in 1982. I’ve been doing this for 40 years. And I want to tell you, the industry has changed, and it’s changed for the worse in some ways.

» One of the ways it’s changed for the worse is that individuals no longer pick stocks. They don’t find something to buy. They just buy into the market. And you’re told that’s the best way to do it and it has provided good performance. Unfortunately, it separates the owners from the businesses they own and inserts another “middleman” (or “middle person”).

» The companies that do that are like BlackRock, largest provider of index funds on the planet (now over $9 trillion under management). These funds then lecture you about what you’re investing in the United States regarding ESG (based on a leftist agenda). And then they turn around and take your money and put it in communist China, which is entirely hypocritical.

» Larry Fink is more than happy to lecture you about the type of investments you should have here while he goes and invests money in communist China.

» Chinese controlled investments are not good for the environment, not good for social justice, and certainly not good for governance.

Warning: They just passed laws in China where every corporation must serve the Communist Party. Even foreign companies operating there or domestic companies operating globally. That’s the law of China. When you invest in a Chinese company, you may be literally investing in the demise of the United States because the policy of their Communist Party is to supplant America.

11. Understanding the China Threat with your money. Remember, we must take a stand and fight back now before it is too late.

The Chinese have taken our money and used it against us. It started over 20 years ago.


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In 1999, they published a book called Unrestricted Warfare that outlined how to defeat the United States. That’s the purpose of the book.

» When it was written, the Chinese economy was one-tenth the size of ours, basically the size of Italy. And in 20 years, through intellectual property theft, through sucking up all of our capital, through convincing American businesses to go to China and then stealing the business from them, through lying, cheating and stealing on their offerings of the stock market, they have successfully grown to the point of directly challenging us.

» Trump understood the economic war. The Biden Administration seems to be allowing them to do it again today.

» When it was the Obama/Biden administration, Vice President Biden at that time led an initiative to have a memorandum of understanding that said a Chinese company listed here does not have to conform to our accounting standards. And then when you invest in a Chinese company like Luckin Coffee, you find out that they were lying to us, they were faking their accounting. We have seen other cases of this and it is likely still happening with other Chinese business organizations.

12. The solution to this Economic War.

We have launched The National Security Investment Consultant Institute (NSIC) to help counter economic warfare.

» Most investors don’t have time to vote their shares. You may not even know how to vote your proxies.

» Most don’t have time to determine which companies are supporting communist China and which are not. Or which directors support leftists values and which do not.

» An NSIC financial advisor can help vote or guide you in your proxy votes as well as align your investments around Liberty, Security, and Values (LSV) that strengthen America.

THINK ABOUT THIS:What matters more to you, your money, or your liberty? What do you want to pass to your kids? What good will it be to give them your money if you don’t give them America with the liberty that we have? Will that money have any value?


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“The NSIC equips investment advisers to better understand these threats. We went to the largest online Christian university we could find, Liberty University. And we talked to Dave Brat, the former congressman, the dean of the business school, brilliant economist, and said, ‘hey, Dave, we want to train using the online curriculum at Liberty.’ We’re about to launch that now.” –Kevin Freeman

» If you don’t have an advisor that’s helping you weaponize your money to defend America and not destroy America, you need one.

» You can also ask your existing adviser to participate in the NSIC and we will help equip them with new tools that align your money with your values.

Finally, understand there are a lot of financial advisors that will soon have the NSIC certificate that want clients just like you. Their getting certified won’t cost you a dime. It will benefit you greatly and it may help save America!

ALERT: Go to and nominate your financial advisor for the NSIC now.


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Action Steps:Remember your mission:

1. Pray for our country and that God saves America.

2. Follow Economic War Room, go to and sign up for your free weekly Economic Battle Plans™ and shows.

3. Have your financial advisor, CPA or insurance agent join the NSIC. Nominate your financial advisor at and let them know you think this would be a great opportunity for them.

4. Weaponize your money around your values. Regarding spending, look at Patriot Mobile as an option for your phone service. [Note: Kevin Freeman recently joined Patriot Mobile as a Director.]

5. Re-evaluate your Giving - Consider supporting the American Cornerstone Institute and restoring America’s values back in the public mindset.

6. Expect a Miracle!



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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√ At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to BlazeTV or LiftableTV for our complete weekly shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial.

√ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and Rumble and make sure. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.]

√ Check out XOTV (, a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this Economic Battle Plan™ and our short video segments with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.


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Shareable Quote:

“There is much more that brings us together than tears us apart.”

– Dr. Ben Carson, Former Secretary of HUD

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.


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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access LinksAbout Dr. Ben CarsonOn PoliticsSuccess at HUDFinding Solutions and Making a DifferenceLessons from HistoryAmerican Cornerstone InstituteThe Miracle of DunkirkAll We Want are Your Money and Your VotesThe Communist China ThreatThe Rise of Index InvestingThe ESG Threat and HypocrisyPatriot Mobile and Weaponizing Your SpendingAbout the NSIC and the Need for Patriotic Investors

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

On BlazeTV LiftableTV Channel (download the app on the iTunes or Andriod Store) follow us @EconomicWarRoomFacebook page page page page page page follow us @economicwarroomLink to all Economic Battle Plans™


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Episodes and Economic Battle Plans™ from Prior Shows with Application to this Topic:[ ] 09/29/21, EP149, America’s Spiritual & Cultural Darkness, Dr. Everett Piper Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/22/21, EP148, Save the West, Ken Abramowitz, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/15/21, EP147, Lessons from BREXIT, Nigel Farage, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/24/21, EP144, IMPORTANT! All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/10/21, EP142, Power of Opportunity Zones, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/27/21, EP140, The Resilience Factor, Gen. Bob Dees, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/20/21, EP139, Using Your 2nd Vote, Dan Grant, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/29/21, EP136, Formula for Healing America, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/15/21, EP134, Using Salt and Light to Weaponize Money, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/08/21, EP133, The Threat of Stakeholder Capitalism, Dr. Erik Davidson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/25/21, EP131, Death of Shareholder Capitalism, Justin Danhof, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/18/21, EP130, Word for Warriors, Sam Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/11/21, EP129, Woke Capital, Stephen Soukup, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/28/21, EP123, China Special Part 3, China Rx & China Threat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/21/21, EP122, China Special Part 2, Dave Brat, Eric Bolling, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/07/21, EP120, China Special Part 1, Gordon Chang & Rod Martin, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/23/20, EP119, China Hustle 2.0, Joel Caplan, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/12/20, EP113, Dave Brat and Ryan Helfenbein, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/08/20, EP108, Investor Values Poll, John McLaughlin, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 09/17/20, EP105, IMPORTANT! China’s Unrestricted Warfare, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/20/20, EP101, End of Shareholder Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/13/20, EP100, Patriotic Investing, Gen. Steven Kwast, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/06/20, EP99, Follow the Money - BLM, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/30/20, EP98, Racial Socialism, E.W. Jackson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/23/20, EP97, China’s Stealth War, Gen. Spalding, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/09/20, EP95, LSV Investing, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/02/20, EP94, China RX UPDATE, Rosemary Gibson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/11/20, EP91, China Threat, Steve Bannon, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/04/20, EP90, Enemies Within, Trevor Loudon, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/28/20, EP89, Reversing the CCP Curse, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/07/20, EP86 Arguing with Socialists, Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/23/20, EP84 Solutions to the China Threat, General Steven Kwast, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/26/20, EP80 The $40 Trillion Monster - ESG, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/05/20, EP77 Committee on the Present Danger: China, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/27/20, EP75 Free Markets are Good for All, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/20/20, EP74 It is Expensive to be Poor, Download Economic Battle Plan™


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[ ] 02/13/20, EP73 Finally, Winning the War on Poverty, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/06/20, EP72 Why Free Always Costs More, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/16/20, EP69 Investing in Our Adversary - Roger Robinson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/26/19, EP67 Values Investing - Art Ally, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/19/19, EP66 War on Wealth - Jeff Deist, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/12/19, EP65 Funding Our Adversaries - Thrift Savings Plan, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/24/19, EP58 Star Parker - Closing the Wealth Gap, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/17/19, EP57 Brig. Gen Robert Spalding (ret), Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/10/19, EP56 Glenn Story - Weaponize Your Cell Phone, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 09/12/19, EP52 Brig. General Robert Spalding-CHINA, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 09/05/19, EP51 LTC Allen West - Domestic and Foreign Threats, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/29/19, EP50 Kyle Bass - China Threat Exposed, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/22/19, EP49 IMPORTANT! Moral Democratic Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/15/19, EP48 Phil Robertson - Unplugged, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/08/19, EP47 Gordon Chang - China’s Plans for Domination, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/01/19, EP46 Red/Green Axis - Frank Gaffney, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/11/19, EP43 Roger W. Robinson - China Investment Threats, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/27/19, EP41 Underwriting Our Adversary, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/11/19, EP43 Roger W. Robinson - China Investment Threats, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/02/19, EP42 Gil Amelio - 5G Threats and Opportunities, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/27/19, EP41 Underwriting Our Adversary, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/18/19, EP31 Economy and more with Herman Cain, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/27/19, EP27 D.C. Threats with Louie Gohmert, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/21/19, EP26 Deep State with Louie Gohmert, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/14/19, EP25 One-On-One with Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/28/19, EP23 China’s Growing Threat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/13/18, EP12 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/06/18, EP11 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 1), Download Economic Battle Plan™

About Dr. Ben Carson

[ ] Academy of Achievement

[ ] Dr. Ben Carson Tells His Life Story



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[ ] The Honorable Benjamin Carson, Sr.

[ ] From Poverty To Purpose: The Ben Carson Story | Timeline

Dr. Ben Carson through the years - Los Angeles Times

HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Trump’s only black cabinet member, said he ‘grew up at a time when there was real systemic racism’

KPD Officer reunites with Dr. Ben Carson years after life-saving brain surgeries

HUD secretary Dr. Ben Carson awarded key to the City of Miami

On Politics

[ ] Ben Carson defends op-ed arguing racial equity is ‘another kind of racism’

Ben Carson: Moving our focus from equality to equity won’t defeat racism. It’s another kind of racism.

Ben Carson warns Americans they need to ‘stand up’

[ ] Ben Carson: ‘We will destroy ourselves as a nation’ if we don’t wake up and unite

Ben Carson Argues Reparations Are ‘Un-American,’ Claims We’ve Abandoned Values of Martin Luther King Jr.

[ ] Ben Carson to Newsmax TV: Left Pushing Race Narrative to Move Us Further Left

Ben Carson: Delta should not have spoken out on Georgia voting law


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Secretary Dr. Ben Carson Visits Goya Foods In Recognition Of The Company’s Commitment To Community

Dr. Ben Carson laments migrant children being ‘used as pawns’ in ‘effort to divide this country’

[ ] Ben Carson: Does Biden know what Jim Crow is?

Ben Carson says MLK ‘would be offended’ after Vermont Gov. Scott defines vaccine eligibility by race

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Talks Juneteenth, Race Relations

[ ] U.S. needs to stop being offended about everything, Ben Carson says

Dr. Ben Carson: Black history is American history – and this is why it’s all worth celebrating

Success at HUD

[ ] New Report Shows Opportunity Zones on Track To Lift One Million Americans Out Of Poverty

Poverty rate to be reduced by 11% in Opportunity Zones through billions in investment and new job opportunities

[ ] HUD Releases 2019 Year In Review Highlighting Accomplishments Under Secretary Carson

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Q&A: His Vision for Improving Housing in America

Sec. Ben Carson: Under Trump administration, HUD has partnered in Harris County to lift people out of need

[ ] Housing secretary Ben Carson discusses affordable housing in Green Bay


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Ben Carson hopes Biden administration won’t ‘snuff out’ Trump’s ‘successful’ opportunity zones

Ben Carson holds roundtable in Austin on federal response to homelessness

Finding Solutions and Making a Difference

[ ] Ringgold Primary unveils new Ben Carson Reading Room

In Focus: Prestigious Carson Awards recognize 28 Palm Beach County student scholars

Dr. Ben Carson In Birmingham With $2.9M Grant to Find Site for Global Forum

T[ ] wo more Ben Carson Reading Rooms open in Catoosa County Public Schools

HUD Secretary Ben Carson awards over $2.2 million to help families find housing in Colorado

[ ] Dr. Ben Carson’s Prescription to Heal America | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 98

Lessons from History

[ ] Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Current Communist Goals

[ ] 45 Communist goals for America

Khrushchev’s Purge and Our Grandchildren; The Kremlin shake-up reflects Khrushchev’s determination to win the world to communism by pushing soviet production above the United States’. Can he do it?

Nikita Khrushchev’s chilling prediction: ‘We will take America without firing a shot’


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[ ] Masters Of Deceit: The Story Of Communism In America And How To Fight It

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Nikita Khrushchev and “Face the Nation’s biggest scoop”

[ ] The History of Russian Involvement in America’s Race Wars

New Method, Same Strategy: Russia Has Long Exploited U.S. Racial Divisions

Black Communist Leader Exposes the Truth of Racial Divide

[ ] Color, Communism And Common Sense

Color, Communism And Common Sense (Long video version & PDF)

[ ] Manning Johnson: Heritage-History

American Cornerstone Institute

[ ] American Cornerstone Institute

OPINION | Ben Carson: American cornerstone is a much-needed endeavor

[ ] Ben Carson launches conservative think tank

[ ] American Cornerstone

Cornerstone Conversations

[ ] Read the Declaration Challenge


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The Miracle of Dunkirk

[ ] The Miracle of Dunkirk: The True Story of Operation Dynamo

The Trumpet Sounds for Britain

Hitler ‘stopped advancing on British troops at Dunkirk for a PEACE treaty’ author claims

Weather eye: Low cloud and light winds aided Dunkirk evacuation

[ ] Dunkirk Evacuation

[ ] The Miracle of Dunkirk

The Dunkirk evacuation, and why it was a near-miracle for England and Churchill

Germans say fog let British escape from Dunkirk

How a Day of Prayer Saved Britain at Dunkirk

[ ] Operation Dynamo at Dunkirk

Operation Dynamo remains a miraculous episode in the annals of modern military history

All We Want are Your Money and Your Votes


[ ] Democrats used to rail against ‘dark money.’ Now they’re better at it than the GOP.


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[ ] Telling Us to Go Shopping,28804,1872229_1872230_1872236,00.html

The Communist China Threat

[ ] Foreign Companies Must Act at Beijing’s Behest Under New Law in China

Top US General Warns: China Increasing Military at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate’

[ ] Crop Dusted: While America Slept, China Stole the Farm

China Is Stealing Our Technology and Intellectual Property. Congress Must Stop It

[ ] China’s Potemkin Peacekeeping

Leaked Chinese document reveals a sinister plan to ‘unleash’ coronaviruses

Top Chinese mouthpiece suggests country prepare for nuclear war with US as Wuhan lab leak theory gains momentum

Has China Mastered Hybrid Warfare Better

[ ] Biden: Chinese leaders believe they will ‘own America’ in 15 years

Does the US Have Time to Counter Beijing’s Unrestricted Warfare?

[ ] Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents


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‘We’re going to lose fast’: U.S. Air Force held a war game that started with a Chinese biological attack

The world doesn’t realise it’s already at war with China

While Americans Fiddle, China Wages “Unrestricted War” on U.S.

The Rise of Index Investing

[ ] How the rise of index funds makes CEOs more powerful

[ ] Index Funds Are the New Kings of Wall Street

The Hidden Dangers of the Great Index Fund Takeover

Massive passive: 50 years of the index fund

[ ] The Coming Problem with Index Funds


Hidden power of the Big Three? Passive index funds, re-concentration of corporate ownership, and new financial risk

Index funds invest trillions but rarely challenge management

[ ] The Hidden Dangers of Passive Investing


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The ESG Threat and Hypocrisy

[ ] Report: Walt Disney Co. Promotes Critical Race Theory to Employees, Telling Them to Reject Equality and Strive for ‘Equity’

[ ] Blackrock in the White House

ESG Investing Pretends to be Noble, But is Fundamentally Flawed – Ken’s Thought of the Week

[ ] Who Really Pays for ESG Investing?

China Pollutes More Than US And All Developed Countries Combined: Report

Buffett’s ESG snub risks alienating Wall Street

[ ] BlackRock Starts to Use Voting Power More Aggressively

What is ESG? The Looming Leftist Economic Threat You NEED To Know About

It Begins: Financial Giant Merrill Lynch Assigns “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) Scores to Rate Customers Just Like the Chinese Communist Party (VIDEO)

Mega-corporations going all in, and out on weak limb, to prove ‘wokeness’

[ ] Doug Casey on the Rise of Woke Companies and ESG Investing

The Great Reset BlackRock Is Fueling A 120-Trillion Transformation


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Patriot Mobile and Weaponizing Your Spending

[ ] Patriot Mobile: Mobilizing Conservatives

[ ] Patriot Mobile: The Mobile Phone Service Company for Conservatives

Patriot Mobile, America’s only Conservative cell phone company

Patriot Mobile: Proudly Conservative In The Digital Age

NRA Endorses Patriot Mobile

[ ] Glenn Story, Co-Founder of Patriot Mobile

[ ] Glenn Beck Discusses Patriot Mobile and Supporting Your Conservative Values

Dana Loesch: Patriot Mobile, America’s Only Conservative Cell Phone Company

A cell phone company for conservatives

Did your favorite company donate to Democratic or Republican campaigns? This startup will tell you.[Note: The website referenced (Progressive Shopper) is attempting to get you to support progressive companies.]

This Graph Shows Which Political Party Corporate America Loves the Most

[ ] Companies donate millions to political causes to have a say in the government — here are 10 that have given the most in 2018

The 30 Fortune 500 companies that have thrown the most money at Republicans and Democrats in the last decade

[ ] 30+ years of progressive partnerships


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This Is What Happens When Activists Launch A Business

CREDO Mobile, Warren Buffett, and the Limits of Progressive Business

Carrier with a Conscience: An Interview with CREDO Mobile’s Ray Morris

Now and always, CREDO stands with Planned Parenthood

Allen West Loss: Progressive Group (CREDO) Credits Outreach To Women Voters For GOP Defeat

[ ] Super PAC Profile: CREDO takes aim at House freshmen

Liberal Super-PAC’s First 2014 Target: Michele Bachmann

Mark Levin calls for economic boycott of ‘woke’ companies, sports, and social media

[ ] MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told Steve Bannon he’s launching ‘MyStore’ — a ‘patriotic’ version of Amazon

About the NSIC and the Need for Patriotic Investors

[ ] Nominate Your Financial Advisor

[ ] National Security Investment Consultant Institute

Pentagon Wary of Adversaries Buying Defense Firms Amid Economic Crisis economic-crisis/

Ellen Lord Warns of Economic Warfare During Pandemic

Pentagon ‘Matchmakers’ aim to keep US small tech firms from taking Chinese $ chinese-money/156944/


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[ ] Pentagon seeking patriotic investors to fund American small drones

To counter China, Pentagon wants to create patriotic investors patriotic-investors/

Financial Enemies Fighting for America’s Economic Collapse

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