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Weaam el Masry – The Golden Fly

Weaam El Masry | The Golden Fly

Mar 20, 2016




Weaam el Masry’s work explores issues of her native society especially the position of women, relationships and religion, yet is timeless and universal.
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Page 1: Weaam El Masry | The Golden Fly

Weaam el Masry – The Golden Fly

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THE GOLDEN FLY Fatenn Mostafa | Founder | ArtTalks | Egypt  

Weaam el Masry’s work explores issues of her native society especially the position of women, relationships and religion, yet is timeless and universal.  Women in the Middle-East are expected to be good housewives and mothers. Any other ambition becomes secondary, if not frowned upon. This is the dilemma Weaam el Masry seeks to challenge in her new body of work – where women who seek to do more are expected to make compromises in order to fulfil part of their dreams.

Women’s priorities as dictated by the society, the traditional culture, the surrounding relatives, neighbours and friends are set and clear – home and children.  Within that context, the (ambitious) artist, scholar, business executive or politician is faced with many physical but most of all intellectual, social and psychological challenges, imposing on her to make sacrifices. These sacrifices hurt, slow down, and have their toll on the women’s dreams and happiness.  

El Masry seeks to unravel that psychological pain, that longing for total freedom to fulfil the dreams and the ambitions, away from the shackles of a demanding and unforgiving society. While a sense of unease prevails, El Masry reminds us that success is possible and achievable, epitomized by brave Arab female icons she chose to pay tribute to, as they carry respect and awe.  

Influenced by the painting and drawing techniques of Egon Schiele, Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon, ElMasry realizes that bravery and

persistence are required for a woman to achieve her dreams.  

In this new series, The Golden Fly, Weaam el Masry is fearless in tackling the road towards self-fulfilment and liberation in the life of a woman. Faced with the choice to either compromise or to defy the stigma imposed by the society to realize her dreams, the woman in Weaam El Masry’s world is reminiscent of the Golden Fly – an insect that symbolized persistence and bravery in Ancient Egypt. Golden Flies were given as medals of honour to soldiers who fought courageously in battles. Queen Ah-Hotep of the XVIIIth Dynasty is known as the only woman to have ever received a Golden Fly medal as she took up arms to save Egypt from the enemies when her husband and son got killed. 

In Weaam El Masry’s world, there are many contemporary Ah-Hotep’s - women who take control of their life with boldness, courage and determination, rejecting submission, in order to fulfil their ambitions, despite the patriarchal domination and the moral enslavement witnessed within our societies. They, too, deserve The Golden Fly Medal of Honour.  

Universal gender-based issues are all the essence of el Masry’s visual language and the product of her experience as an Egyptian wife, mother, artist - but most of all, a woman.

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الذبابة الذهبية / وئام املصري بقلم فاتن مصطفى | مؤسسة أرت توكس | مصر

تستكشف أعمال وئام املصرى قضايا مجتمعها احمللي وال سيما ما يخص وضع املرأة والعالقات اإلنسانية والدين، تلك القضايا املطروحة في كل زمان ومكان. يتوقع من النساء في الشرق األوسط أن يكن ربات بيوت وأمهات جيدات، ويحتل أي طموح آخر مرتبة ثانوية، بل قد يتم رفضه متاما. تسعى وئام املصري لتحدي هذه املعضلة

في أعمالها اجلديدة – حيث يتوقع من النساء اللواتي يسعني لتحقيق املزيد من اإلجنازات أن يقمن بعمل مساومات ما إلشباع جزء من أحالمهن. يتم حتديد أولويات املرأة وفقا لرؤية ا�تمع والثقافة التقليدية واألقارب واجليران واألصدقاء بشكل واضح على إنها تختص بالبيت واألطفال. وفي هذا السياق تواجه الفنانات

والباحثات وسيدات األعمال و الناشطات السياسيات الكثير من التحديات امللموسة، وهي في الغالب حتديات فكرية واجتماعية ونفسية مما يحتم عليهن تقدمي تضحيات، حيث تتسبب هذه التضحيات بالشعور باأللم وإبطاء قدرة املرأة على اإلجناز كما تثقل على أحالمها وسعادتها.

 تسعى وئام املصري إلى اطالق ذلك األلم النفسي الذي يتوق إلى احلرية الكاملة لتحقيق األحالم والطموحات بعيدا عن األغالل التي يفرضها ا�تمع املتطلب وغير املتسامح. وإذا

ما ساد شعور من عدم االرتياح، تسرع وئام املصري وتذكرنا أن النجاح ممكن حتقيقه متمثال في نساء عربيات شجاعات اتخذتهن ايقونات لتقدمي اعجابها بهن حيث يتمتعن بكل االحترام والتقدير.

وتدرك وئام املصري وهي متأثرة بتقنيات ايجون شيل ولوسيان فرويد وفرانسيس بيكون في رسوماتهم ولوحاتهم أن الشجاعة واملثابرة من ضروريات حتقيق املرأة ألحالمها. كما تتحلى في أحدث لوحات لها بالشجاعة وذلك بوضع خطواتها على الطريق الذي يؤدي إلى حتقيق الذات والتحرر في حياة أي امرأة. واجهت خيار إما املساومة او حتدي وصمة العار التي يفرضها ا�تمع على أحالمها بجرأة. تذكرنا املرأة في لوحات وئام املصري بالذبابة الذهبية، وهي حشرة ترمز إلى املثابرة والشجاعة في مصر القدمية. كانت الذبابة الذهبية متنح

كوسام شرف للجنود الذين قاتلوا بشجاعة في املعارك. ولم حتصل امرأة على وسام الذبابة الذهبية سوى امللكة إياح – حتب من األسرة الثامنة عشر، حيث تقلدت السالح وحاربت األعداء إلنقاذ مصر بعد مقتل زوجها وأبنها.

جند الكثيرات في عالم وئام املصري مثل أياح – حتب، سيدات معاصرات، ميسكن بزمام األمور في حياتهن بإقدام وشجاعة وعزمية رافضات اخلنوع، ويعملن على حتقيق طموحاتهن برغم الهيمنة األبوية والسيطرة الصورية لألخالق التي تشهدها مجتمعاتنا. هن أيضا يستحققن الذبابة الذهبية، يستحققن وسام شرف.

متثل القضايا العاملية اخلاصة بنوع اجلنس حجر الزاوية في اللغة البصرية لوئام املصري ونتاج جتربتها الذاتية كزوجة وأم وفنانة مصرية ، واألهم من كل ذلك، إنها امرأة.

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Let it be me, 2013 Pen and Chinese ink on paper. Dimensions: 35 x 35cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-301


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I am the Sacred fly, 2013   Pen on Paper. Dimensions: 35 x 35cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-302


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Fairy Tale Beauty Load, 2013   Pen and Chinese ink on paper Dimensions: 35 x 35 cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-303


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Won’t you stand by me? 2013   Pen on Paper Dimensions: 35 x 35cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-304


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I will be taught how to fly, 2013   Mixed media on paper Dimensions: 35 x 35cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-305


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For there are so many silences to be broken, 2013   Mixed media on paper Dimensions: 35 x 35 cm unframed Price: LE 5,000 WEM-307


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Solace, 2013   Pen, Chinese ink, corrector on paper. Dimensions: 66 x 98 cm unframed Price: LE 12,000 WEM-308 SOLD


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Performer of the Sacrifice, 2013   Pen and glass colors on transparent paper. Dimensions: 81 x 109 cm unframed Price: LE 16,000 WEM-309


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Unchain My Soul, 2012   Pen and collage on Chinese paper Dimensions: 63 x 40 cm unframed Price: LE 7,000 WEM-310


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Don't be late, I am waiting for you, 2013   Pen and Chinese ink on hard paper Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm Price: LE 15,000 WEM-311


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Yes I can be. Tender, if you want me to be, 2013 Homage to Marie Curie, first woman to win a Nobel Prize Pen and glass colors on hard paper Framed in Plexiglass Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm Price: LE 16,000 WEM-312 SOLD


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I will not die an unlived life, 2013   Pen and Chinese ink on Chinese paper. Dimensions: 150 x 35 cm unframed Price: LE 13,000 WEM-313 15

“My freedom is being who they do not want me to be.” Mahmoud Darwish

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I am a woman, 2013 Homage to Om Kolthoum  Pen, corrector and glass colors on hard paper Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm unframed Framed in Plexiglass Price: LE 16,000 WEM-314


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We can be heroes, just for one day, 2013 Homage to Huda Shaarawi, Egyptian feminist leader Pen, Chinese ink and acrylic on hard paper Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm unframed Framed in Plexiglass Price: LE 16,000 WEM-315


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Can you hear me? I am visible, 2013   Acrylic and Chinese ink on hard paper. Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm unframed Price: LE 15,000 WEM-316


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Irma, 2012 60x42cm Glass colors on Paper LE 7,000 WEM-125 19

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To follow without halt, one aim, 2013   Pen, Chinese ink and acrylic on hard paper. Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm Price: LE 15,000 WEM-317


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Love me a little. I adore you, 2013 Homage to Frida Kahlo, Mexican Painter  Pen, acrylic and glass colors on hard paper Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm unframed Framed in Plexiglass Price: LE 16,000 WEM-318


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Djamila ou Le Cri de la Colere, 2013 Homage to Djamila Bouhired, Algerian Independence Freedom Fighter (b. 1935) Pen, acrylic and glass colors on hard paper Dimensions: 120 x 80 cm Framed in Plexiglass Price: LE 16,000 WEM-319


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“Lan Nanssa” Lest We Forget, 2013 Featuring Frida Kahlo, Om Kolthoum, Shahinda , Injy Eflatoun and A Woman (your sister, mother, daughter, wife) Pen, corrector and glass colors on hard paper Framed in Plexiglass Dimensions: 120x162cm Price: LE 35,000 WEM-320


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Amal - Hope, 2012 Homage to Amal Kenawy 35x35cm Glass colors, Pen, Glitter on Paper Price: LE 4,500 WEM-128 SOLD

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Available Works from Older Series 25

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Irma, 2012 Columbia Series 60x42cm Glass colors on Paper Price: LE 7,000 WEM-125


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Irma II, 2012 Columbia Series 60x42cm Glass colors on Paper Price: LE 7,000 WEM-126

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Freedom, 2012 Columbia Series 60x42cm Glass colors, Pen, Glitter on Paper Price: LE 7,000 WEM-127

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Diamonds I & II Diptych, 2012 42x120cm dimensions without frame Pen and Glitter on Paper framed in Glass WEM-129 & WEM-130 Price: LE 14,000

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Mother & Daughter, 2011 Sublimation Series 70x80cm dimensions without frame Pen, Coffee, Acrylic Price: LE 11,000 WEM-101

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Un homme et une femme, 2011 Sublimation Series 120x80cm Dimensions without the frame Pen, Glass Colors on Hard Board framed in Glass WEM-105 Price: LE 15,000

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To give, 2011 Sublimation Series 70x100cm dimensions without the frame Pen, Coffee, Glass Colors on Hard Board framed in Glass WEM-106 Price: LE 15,000

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Who Am I, 2012 120x80cm dimensions without the frame Glass colors on Paper Price: LE 15,000 WEM-131

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I am a Queen, 2012 Sublimation Series 60x40cm dimensions without the frame Pen, acrylic on Paper Price: LE 5,000 WEM-132

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Woman, 2009 Motion Series 30x40cm dimensions without the frame Pen, Coffee and Corrector on Paper Price: LE 5,000 WEM-112

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Mother, 2009 Motion Series 30x40cm dimensions without the frame Pen, Coffee and Corrector on Paper Price: LE 5,000 WEM-113

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Mother, Wife, A Woman, 2004 125x85cm dimensions without frame Pastel and crayon WEM-110 Price: LE 15,000

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I must go on, 2000 50x70cm dimensions Pastel and crayon WEM-139 Price: LE 8,000

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The whirlwind in my mind, 2000 50x70cm dimensions Pastel and crayon WEM-140 Price: LE 8,000

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Weaam El-Masry has won over 17 awards from different institutions in Egypt such as the Youth Salons of the Ministry of Culture, Rateb Sedik Award and Port Said Biennale in Painting, Photography and Video Installations. An achievement difficult to compete with for her young age.

With over 40 exhibitions under her belt in Egypt, Germany, Italy and Spain, El-Masry is carving a distinctive place for herself in the Egyptian contemporary arts scene.

Botero-esque, with a hint of Egon Schiele and Lucian Freud, mixed with a touch of Francis Bacon, El-Masry goes down universal paths examining women and their constant struggles with their body or that utter, almost suffocating bond that motherhood offers. Fearless, risque by all measures, El-Masry’s works are a voyage to the inner self.

Collections: The Egyptian Ministry of Culture; Biblioteca Alexandrina; The Museum of Egyptian Modern Art and private collections in Egypt and Germany.

Weaam El-Masry. Born 1976. Egyptian. PhD 2008.

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ArtTalks is an educational, advisory and exhibition space in Egypt in support of Egyptian Modern and Contemporary Visual Arts. Our two-fold objective is to be a forum for knowledge through providing art educational seminars and a search engine for Egypt’s next generation of contemporary artists. Our commitment, as we struggle to find answers regarding our national identity, is to protect unequivocally the freedom to create, to mentor and exhibit highly talented young artists and to expose art lovers to outstanding contemporary art from the Middle-East. Part of ArtTalks’ income is reinvested into an Art Fund “Hassala” with the objective of supporting talented yet struggling artists and publishing books on selective late and living artists.

Founder Fatenn Mostafa +201003838500 Gallery Director Cherine Chafik +201003838100 Gallery Assistant Aynoor Zeitoun +201004777717 Gallery Administrator Lisa Lounis +201003970141 Facebook Page: Art Talks Egypt