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We love pop magazine analysis
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Page 1: We love pop magazine analysis

We love pop magazine analysis

Page 2: We love pop magazine analysis

The masthead is in a shape of a speech icon, or a text icon. Which is a common icon which teenagers will instantly recognise. This helps to identify the audience.

The tagline helps to target the audience “gossip, fashion, boys” these factors are normally associated with girls, mainly young females.

The colour scheme is made up of four:• Pink• White• Black • BlueExcept for black, the colours are very bright colourful and meaningful. Pink is a more girly colour. (pink means love) These colours wouldn’t be associated with males.

The main image is of one direction, a popular pop band young females.The images is covering the logo so the magazine is trying to promote the artist not themselves

Each member are looking straight at the camera so they are engaging with the audience .There facial expressions are happy, and cute (trying to attract females)

The main cover line is in the centre of the main image in light colours which will easily catch the audience’s eye.

The strip lets the audience in on what’s in the magazine,

Smaller images are other articles in the magazine

Popular amongst young females

Puff will attract females! In yellow so it stands out

Barcode and web address in an empty space

Clothing is posh, well dressed. Hair blown back

Front cover

Page 3: We love pop magazine analysis

The colour scheme is the same as the front cover except there is slightly more black is used.The conventions are kept from the front page.

The text is split into columns which is separated by images

Small puff to catch the audience attention

Drop capital shows the start of the paragraph which is also highlighted

Message form the editor describing what is on the cover but not in much detail.Signed by the editor shows interaction with the

audience. Taking up little space, describing with little detail what’s in the magazine.Mix of colours for the text so they are more visible .

There is a strip at the bottom of the page showing what posters are int magazine

“massive poster alert” audience will instantly think its important

Web address for the audience to get more information

The main image is the image from the front cover, which is in the centre of the page.

The magazine logo in a bare space

Not just about music, TV as well but soap drama!

Each picture has the page number in bold. Trying to prompt the reader to go to these pages

Each picture also has a quote / or a line to describe what's happening in the image

The colours used are bright and stand out. Supporting the codes and conventions of the genre

Contents page

Page 4: We love pop magazine analysis

Double page spreadBackground image is of the boys in a class room. This is the mis en scene mixing with the main article Trying the interact with the audience which is young school girls. “lessons in love” imply a school lesson and one direction are the teachers .

The colour scheme is kept the same through the magazine so its not loosing its codes and conventions.• Blue• White• Red

Letting the audience know who this article is about

Red heart, symbol of love (supports genre and target audience)

Mixed facial expressions.• Harry looks

like he is the teacher

• Confused face and gesture like a student

Quotes from each band member giving advice and tips “lessons in love”

Title of story on written on the blackboard supporting the mis en scene

Images of the boys trying to promote themselves

Page number in the bottom corner out of the way

Web address for the magazine is on each page