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Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2016 Welcome! Druid Hills Presbyterian Church calls everyone into Christian community to explore God’s purpose for our lives, celebrate God’s work in the world, and serve the needs of our neighbors. We want to know you've worshipped with us! Please sign the blue Fellowship Pad, located in the rack, at the end of each pew, and pass it down the row.

We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...

Jul 06, 2018



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...

Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2016


Druid Hills Presbyterian Church calls everyone into Christian community to

explore God’s purpose for our lives, celebrate God’s work in the world,

and serve the needs of our neighbors.

We want to know you've worshipped with us! Please sign the blue Fellowship Pad, located in the rack, at the end of each pew, and pass it down the row.

Page 2: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...


Ann Weems I keep reaching for rainbows. Thinking one God's morning I will wake up with rainbow ribbons in my hair, With hurts painted over in hues that only angel wings could brush, Black obliterated, chaos hurled beyond the rainbow and my vision, The world created in a myriad of colors: The hungry fed, The dying held, The maimed walking, The angry stroked, The violent calmed, The oppressors changed, And every tear wiped away. I keep reaching for rainbows, But instead of colors in our storm, Gray and black infiltrate, dirtying the sky, And I hear human voices wailing in the darkness, The never-ending darkness.... Just the same I know the promise of the rainbow. I keep thinking I'll turn a corner one day And find a litany of rainbow Flung across the sky. Hosannaing back and forth Through all the ages and Out into eternity forever amen! Every tear wiped away-- It's a promise-- When we become rainbows to each other.

Page 3: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...

GOD GATHERS US AROUND THE WORD † You are invited to stand when you see this symbol.

PRELUDE Watchman, Tell Us of The Night James Mansfield WELCOME


Leader: We light the second Advent candle in expectation of the reorientation of the universe to God’s dreams.

We gather in praise and preparation, trusting the words of the Psalmist who says:

People: Happy are those whose hope is in the Lord their God,

who made heaven and earth, who keeps faith forever who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the strangers; God upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked is destroyed.

Until that day, we cry, “Come, thou long expected Jesus!” Come, let us worship God!

† HYMN# 82 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Hyfrydol


Every notion we have about power, success, wealth, and achievement, God takes and tosses out the window. More importantly, God comes to us, to upset our notion that we have to save ourselves. In Jesus, God comes to us, removing our sin, our failures, our expectations, so we might have new life. Let us turn to the one who saves, who forgives, who makes us whole.

Page 4: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...


We confess we are not the people you hope us to be, Advent God. The very ones you favor, we too often ignore or ridicule. The ones you knock off their pedestals, we admire and emulate. We are so focused on having more and more, we risk being sent away empty. Forgive us, Mighty God, and look with grace upon us. We would live secure in your love; we would be the ones of peace for our world, we would seek to do your will, as did Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, in whose name we pray. (time for silent reflection) Even now—yes, even in this very moment, God comes to us, bringing hope, bringing forgiveness, bringing grace as freely offered gifts to us. May we open our hearts to the God who is with us, and receive the gifts which have been offered to us. Thanks be to God. Amen.


† AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from Brief Statement of Faith

We trust in Jesus Christ, Fully human, fully God. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God: preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives, teaching by word and deed and blessing the children, healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted, eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel.

Page 5: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...


(Please greet your neighbors with signs and words of peace and reconciliation.)




SCRIPTURE LESSON Luke 1:46-55 pg 57 NT

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Gray Expectations: Missized Dreams” Rev. Shelli Latham

† HYMN #772 Live into Hope Truro

Page 6: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...


INVITATION TO THE OFFERING ANTHEM Magnificat in C Charles Villiers Stanford

Chancel Choir

My soul doth magnify the Lord: and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He hath regarded the lowliness of His handmaiden.

For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He that is mighty hath magnified me: and holy is His name.

And His mercy is on them that fear Him: throughout all generations. He hath shewed strength with his arm: He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble and meek.

He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away.

He remembering His mercy hath holpen His servant Israel: as He promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed, for ever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the

beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel

Page 7: We l c o me [] · † DOXOLOGY Advent Doxology Veni Emmanuel ... (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire ... friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy ...


The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

...Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

WORDS OF INSTITUTION COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE All communion bread is gluten free. COMMUNION MUSIC What Feast of Love Greensleeves

What feast of love is offered here, what banquet come from heaven? | What food of everlasting life, what gracious gift is given? | This, this is Christ the king, the bread come

down from heaven. | Oh, taste and see and sing! How sweet the manna given!

What wine of love is offered here, what crimson drink from heaven? What stream of everlasting life, what precious blood is given? This, this is Christ the king, the sweetest

wine of heaven. Oh, taste and see, and sing! The Son of God is given! PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION


† HYMN #100 My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout County Down † CHARGE AND BENEDICTION

POSTLUDE Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers! Lani Smith

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Gray Expectations: Christmas Changes Everything - Sometimes it seems like life would be so much easier if we could slip back into simpler times, to the simpler days of black and white movies, but the stories of Jesus remind us that God is present in the world even in the complicated gray areas. Join us as we prepare to meet Christ anew, exploring the ways that God breaks into the world during complicated times and turns our expectations on their heads. Over the four weeks we’ll explore the way God flip-flops our expectations, when it comes to our family , our world, and our personal lives.

We are grateful to have DHPC’s Sunday School teachers lighting the second Advent candle today. Thank you for your time, energy, and enthusiasm for relaying God’s word: Jennifer Beck (Connections), Tina McCormick (High School), Pete McGuire (Roundtable), Paula Thweatt (Elementary), Renée Weese (Middle School).

At-home Advent Spiritual Practices - Available at the doors of the sanctuary are two items available to help you with your at-home Advent spiritual practices. One offering is the Daily Devotional Guides created by DHPC’s friends Sarah Are and Lisle Gwynn-Garrity and their colleagues at A Sanctified Art. Be sure to pick one up! Also, be sure to grab an empty white box so you can participate in the Reverse Advent Calendar project. This Advent DHPC will embrace the practice of giving. Each day, you are encouraged to place an item for Intown Collaborative Ministries or Mercy Community Church in a box. As the magi brought gifts to Jesus at the manger, you may bring your box on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning to support these vital ministries. Visit the DHPC website for suggestions of what to place in your box. Today’s Prayer of Brokenness was written by Thom Shuman and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.

PRAYERS pray for our dhpc community Lisa Carter; Kathleen Clayton; Nancy Edenfield; Jon Houghton; Bobby Howlett; Ivey Lois Hubert; Charles Knox; Elizabeth Mabry; Bo Mays; Charles Middleton; Dixie Scott; Carl Sweet; Genie Talbott.

pray for our family and friends Billie Ruth Bird, friend of the Beasons and the Edenfields; Don Buffington, good friend of the Hannah family; Barbara and Scott Bushnell and sons Fitz and Sean, Jane Weir’s sister and family; Christina Georgiadou, friend of the Vigilante and Adams families; Tommy Hannah, Rhea’s brother and former member; Jobson Family, Woodside family’s friends; Frannie Kidd, Anne Townsley's daughter; Maureen O’Harra, Katie Vigilante’s mother, Caroline Ohnsman, Helen Woodside’s close friend; Charles Pruitt, father of Chuck Middleton’s longtime friend Phillip; Marilyn Pruitt, mother of Chuck Middleton’s longtime friend Phillip; Michele Rouse, Cynthia

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Middleton's sister; John Ruttman, Vigilante Family’s friend; Ruby Sermeño, Miriam Herrera’s sister; Meredith Shahpazian, friend of Betty and Linda Davis; Nate Shaw, former Journey case manager, Joan Davis Smith, sister of Betty and Linda Davis; Chelsea Walker daughter of Letia Henson; Bryan Wilson, Mary Jane Hannah’s brother.

pray for our world Loving God, as we enter this season of Advent, we are faced with more tragedies. We pray for the

families of those who have been killed and for the injured who are healing from their wounds, as well as those impacted by wildfires in Southeastern states, especially Gatlinburg, TN, and the recent heavy rains and tornadoes.

The death of Fidel Castro has caused emotional confusion for those who live in Cuba and others living in South Florida, having come to the U.S. as refugees. We pray for our Cuban-American brothers and sisters that their lives will begin to improve.

Our own presidential election, which should have been finished early this month, continues to twist and turn, in ways unexpected by all of us. We pray for reason and peace.

We are, once again, facing the massacre at Mother Emanuel Church, a year ago in Charleston, SC. We remember the amazing turn of events as forgiveness was offered to the young man who came to the church pretending to study the Bible and pray with parishioners before killing all nine of them. We pray for all of your family as we continue to learn this powerful lesson of forgiveness.

We pray, most gracious Father and Mother that we will live into Advent, working to enrich our spiritual lives through prayer. These prayers we offer for your thoughtful consideration, in the name of the Baby Jesus, who started his life in a simple stable and grew to be Jesus the Christ. Amen.

WEEKLY UPDATE Sunday, December 4

11:00AM - Advent Worship Service 12:15PM - Finance, and Mission Ministry Team Meetings 4:30PM - Worship Ministry Team Meeting 5:00PM - Advent Celebration and Potluck Supper

Tuesday, December 6 6:30PM - Personnel Team Meeting 7:30PM - Congregational Life Team Meeting

Wednesday, December 7 6:15PM - Handbell Rehearsal 6:15PM - Yoga Prayer 7:30PM - Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, December 11 9:30AM - Bible Roundtable Adult Sunday School Class 9:45AM - Sunday School Classes and Pageant Practice 9:45AM - Handbell Warm Up 10:15AM - Choir Warm-Up 11:00AM - Advent Worship Service 12:30PM - Home Communion 12:30PM - Called Session Meeting

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ALL-CHURCH ADVENT EVENT TONIGHT! Sunday, December 4, 5PM; Sanctuary Come join in on the Advent and decorating fun! The children will decorate a small tree in the back of the sanctuary, make crafts, and hear holiday stories. Adults will decorate the Chrismon Tree and the alcoves. The youth will do some holiday cooking. Please join us for a night of fellowship and preparation. ALL-CHURCH ADVENT POTLUCK SUPPER TONIGHT! Sunday, December 4, 6PM; Parlor All are invited to a potluck dinner following the Advent Event. Email Nancy Merl what dish you will be bringing. Nancy will coordinate the food. The youth group is preparing dessert. And remember, you’re wanted even if you can't bring a dish! This will be a fun and delicious evening. MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Contact Barrett Payne, Youth Director, ([email protected]) for more information about youth events. Sunday, December 4, 5:00PM: Advent Celebration Join us for a super fun night of Advent celebrating! This year youth will make dessert for the potluck and for some of our neighbors. Make sure to join the festivities as we celebrate Advent on this special evening with our church family. Sunday, December 11, 9:45AM: Sunday School and Pageant Practice Continues DHPC children and youth will continue planning the Christmas pageant. CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHRISTMAS PAGEANT Practice Begins Sunday, December 4, 9:45AM All children and youth are invited to participate in the this year’s Christmas pageant. Practices will be held during the Sunday School hour (9:45AM-10:45AM) on December 4, 11, and 18. The pageant will be during worship on Sunday, December 18. ADVENT HOME COMMUNION Sunday, December 11, Following Worship DHPC members and friends are needed to provide a special ministry to our homebound members this Advent season. Teams of two, one of whom will be an elder, will visit the home of one member and lead a short worship service, including communion. (Instructions for worship will be provided.) If you are interested in participating, please contact pastoral intern, Rachel Mathews, ([email protected]). GREY EXPECTATIONS: BLACK AND WHITE MOVIE SERIES Sundays, December 11 and 18; 9:45 AM; Parlor Christmas brings on the nostalgia and longings for the simplicity of days of old. But were they really so simple? During the Sunday School Hour, we’ll enjoy some classic, black and white favorites and look for God’s presence and God’s calling in the gray.

● December 11 – It’s a Wonderful Life We’ll watch clips of the classic movie and discuss where and how we see God in the midst of wonderful and less than wonderful life.

● December 18 – A Christmas Carol/Scrooge (1951) We’ll watch clips of the classic movie and discuss where and how we see God defying expectation.

2016 DHPC DIRECTORY AVAILABLE NOW! Just in time for addressing Christmas cards, the new directory is ready and is being distributed during the reception at the conclusion of worship today. There are enough for one per family. Thank you to Ken Wideman for all his hard work in bringing this project to completion!

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INTOWN FOOD PANTRY (IFP) NEEDS FOR AREA HUNGRY Urgent needs for the Pantry are listed outside the stairwell to Converse Hall. Please check the list. Thank you for the donations of food that will give our guests the nutrition they need to sustain them during the week. Tuna, Vienna sausage, mac & cheese, peanut butter, and Spam are tasty and good sources of protein. Chef Boyardee cups are good for everyone, housed or not, as is instant oatmeal. Coffee, tea and cocoa mix are high on the list of preferred hot drinks. Thank you for providing all of these! ⬩ Thinking ahead to the distribution on Christmas Eve, the Pantry wants to do something special for the guests. The hope is to collect and distribute $5.00 McDonald’s gift cards for the guests. Our homeless folks can get to the McDonald’s on Ponce. So that all families and guests get the same type of card, please keep it to McDonald’s. The Pantry is going on faith that they will get enough $5.00 cards.


PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Tuesday, December 13, 10:30AM/7:15PM Presbyterian Women meets the second Tuesday of each month. All women of the church are invited to come to either the day or night circle for a time of prayer, Bible study, discussion, and fellowship. The December meeting is a special one for both the morning and evening groups. The morning meeting will have the annual Christmas Communion service and the evening meeting will have a cookie swap. Please contact Helen Woodside with any questions. POPUP CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday, December 15, 7 PM; Pastor Shelli’s House In lieu of the monthly Popup Potluck Pastor Shelli is hosting a Popup Christmas Party. The Young Adult Group will be joining in on the fun! All are welcome to this Christmas Drop-in. Bring a favorite dessert, hors d'oeuvre, or holiday beverage to share. RSVP to Eric Dusenbury so we know how many folks to expect. ADVENT WORSHIP SERVICE WITH LIVE NATIVITY AND SPECIAL MUSIC Sunday, December 18, 11AM Join us for this special worship service during which the Chancel Choir will be enriching worship with Missa Carolae by James Whitbourn. This extended choral masterpiece combines the music of beloved Christmas carols and the traditional liturgical texts used in worship. Carols used include "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice," "Sing We Now of Christmas," "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly," and "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen." Our children and youth will also bring the Christmas story to life for us during this service. Come for what is sure to be a holy time! MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, December 18, 5PM Contact Barrett Payne, Youth Director, ([email protected]) for more information about youth events. Coming soon: DHPC youth Christmas Party! Watch your email for more information to come! Great plans are underway but we don't want to spoil the surprise too soon.

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CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING Sunday, December 18; During Worship As is the tradition at DHPC, the Christmas Joy Offering (CJO) will be received again this year allowing participants to follow in Christ’s example of servant leadership by serving our brothers and sisters in faith. Through the Christmas Joy Offering, we are able to support those in our community and give them the gift of hope. Funds from the CJO help provide critical financial assistance to eligible workers in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and their families and to qualifying retired church workers and their families. The Offering also supports the education and development of our future leaders at Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. By giving to the CJO, we can share in the hope of Christ and celebrate his leadership by providing support to our church workers, racial ethnic young people, and their families. Learn more at CHILDREN ARE WELCOME AT DHPC Children of all ages are welcome in the sanctuary during worship. Being present in worship is how children learn to worship, so we welcome their wiggles and whispers. Children’s worship bags are available at the entrances to the sanctuary. During the Sunday School hour, we offer a supervised nursery for all infants and toddlers. Older small children are welcome in the nursery, Room 115, during worship.

MAKE YOUR OFFERING DONATION FROM YOUR SMARTPHONE Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response code reader, and you’ll be taken to DHPC’s secure giving portal, where you can make a one-time or recurring gift using your credit or debit card or checking or savings account. Payments or gifts for special offerings should be labeled as such in the “Optional Memo” line.


Pastor: Rev. Shelli Latham, [email protected] Director of Music Ministries: Michael Fuchs, [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries: Barrett Payne, [email protected] Seminary Intern: Rachel Mathews, [email protected] Organist: Cliff Frierson, [email protected] Office & Facilities Manager: Danielle Wilson, [email protected] Interim Communications Director: Elizabeth Acton, [email protected] Interim Sexton: Mike Williams, [email protected]

Christian Education: Gigi Muirheid Congregational Life: Karin Dusenbury Finance: Bill Armstrong Mission: David Vigilante Personnel: Renée Weese Property and Administration: Bryan Gartman Worship: Suzette Stewart Clerk of the Session: Kenneth Wideman Treasurer: Linda Davis

Elders Emeriti:

Cecile McRae Hooks, Charles C. Knox, Belle Miller McMaster, Frank Harkins Merl

Druid Hills Presbyterian Church 1026 Ponce de Leon Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30306 | 404.875.7591 |

Music is used by permission and reprinted under #A-710585